Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Whont Wont Off a Gout Again Yos-
Favorable Crop News Combines to
Down Prices Corn Makes
Slight Advance I'rovlHlons
Strong Cnttln nnil Hoga.
CIUCAOO , May 21. [ Special TclcRrnm to
THE UBK.I Tlio wheat market dragged to
day , and prices went lower , tlio day's shrink-
ngo amounting to J o to 1 cent. Cash and
Juno wheat ncted weaker than long futures ,
though very llttlo animation was shown nt
nny point of tlio lino. Cables were depressed ,
nnd tlio lower sea board markets had noth
ing good to report. Exports Wcro small , nnd
no now business was d6no to amount to any
thing. Hints arc hoard about arrangements
having been made to ship out a largo quan
tity of Inferior wheat that Is appraising the
Now York market , but gossip to that oltect
carries llttlo weight. Another thing that Is
beginning to bo talked about In shipping cir
cles Is the actual suarclty of ocean vessels.
The actual scarcity of foreign buying orders
is probably causing qulta m much anxiety as
the lack of freight , room , Just at this moment ,
but tlio suggestion Is a cruel ono to make. July
wheat opened at 7 < y c , and there was quite n
dcstro for wheat at that figure. The prlco
cot to 77c , when the offerings Increased and
the market slowly yielded. .Thero was good
buying all the way down , but the rallies
were feeble , and the decline had very little
Interruption , though It wns gradual and un
accompanied by any npccinl excitement.
"Hutch" llgurud as u heavy open nellor from
the beginning to the end of tlio Bosslom Ho
scorned bunt on forcing u decline , not by
raiding so much as by n sheer pressure ,
adding to the dead weight , as It wore. His
Belling brought out considerable weakness
in these who hold long wheat , ami encour
aged frco speculative soiling by the boars.
At the same time It was observed that many
of the stronger commission houses wcro
heavy buyers , notably the Hoyils , Schwartz ,
Dupco , Weimis , Jones. Kennolt , Irwln ,
Crcon , and some of the local traders llko J.
13ryant and Tuttlo. The mantel kept set
tling , however , until 70 } < fc was reached ,
from which point there was > o recovery.
The gain was not much and the price worked
down to 70 > c. This seemed to bo about as
low as anybody cared to press the market ,
and a fractional rally ensued. Ttio
close was 70) ) c , The feeling throughout
the session was that of heaviness and weak
ness. Ono of the leading bears expressed
tils view of the situation In this terse phrase :
"Tho market will sell lower but the prlco Is
tro low to sell wheat at. " May wheat , which
closed at 83c , yesterday , opened at 82 } fc ,
scld down to S-o , and closed there. Juno
opened at 80 } < fc , sold oft at 79c and closed
nt SOc. December ranged from 75J @ 75 } c
and closed tit 7. > . } .fe. As compared with yes
terday , the closing shows u shrinkage of Ic
In May and June , > c In July , and ) o In De
cember. The only crop news that were lis
tened to wcro favorable news. A fanner
from southern Wisconsin brought In reports
of chinch bugs , and to fortify his statements
produced u fruit nan full of sections of old
corn stalks In which were to bo seen millions
of Insects in the process of hatching. Ho
said the bugs were already begmlng to work
on wheat and rye. Kansas City contributed
a batch of exports Id the fund of chinch bug
information but as yet nobody Is paying nny
attention to this son of news or warning.
Crop reports , as a rule , arc full of splendid
promise ; everything looks rosy. Thcro
properly everything looks green.
The exports were 42.502 bushels ;
nnd , Including flour reduced to its equivalent
in wheat , it aggregated 8'3. 102 bushels. Thcro
wcro Inspected Into store , slnco the last expert -
port , 23 cars ; of which 5 were No. 2. The
outward inspection was 58,912 bushels of
winter and JJ.llO bushels of spring wheat.
The receipts of corn for the past twenty-
four hours , according to the ofllclal returns ,
wcro 692,370 bushels and the shipments were
115,01)2 ) bushels. The exports from the three
principal seaports were 77,709 bushels. The
lnspcci..on into store since the last report was
1WJ7 earn , of which 1,027 cars were No. 2 j
nnd 277.2JO bushels were inspected out.
'I hero was a fair activity In the corn market
and at remarkably steady prices , in view of
the recent neavy receipts. The closing llg-
ures show a gain since yesterday of j @ # c
iti spot corn , and about the same in futures.
The heavy receipts , predicted yesterday ,
were confirmed by the returns from the in
spection sheets this morning , 1,327 cars being
a phcnomiml [ quantity , The demand from
the shorts maintained thuurico in the face of
such heavy arrivals. llW price showing no
evidence of yielding further , created a feel
ing among the outsiders who had done a
great deal of yesterday's selling , that If the
Li price should not break under such receipts it
might bo expected to advance should they
slack up ; nnd it was on this theory they
considered purchasers ought to go prudent
rather than make further sales. The foreign
markets , ami homo centres as well , were de
pressed by the weight of the arrivals lie re.
Kxport clearances wcro light from the At
lantic ports , but were fair from Now Orleans ,
1JOXX ) bushels having cleared from there
yesterday Uouon.
Oats wcro quiet but Jinn , especially for de
liveries beyond this month , wliicli were of
fered rather sparingly. Although continued
largo receipts Indicated plenty of old outs
flf remaining in the country to come forward.
there is u lack of much disposition to soli
short nt the low prlco now ruling. July , to
day , sold up Xc to 2JKe , with u later qulo-
tudu , while Juno and September were about
% a discount. Offerings of May were in
creased depressing the price barely } $ c. sell
ing at 22) o , and ui 22c , with 22Ko paid for
car lots oi No. 2 to go In store. Tno out In-
f poction was large , aggregating 253,000 bush
els , anjl of 800 cars Inspected in and out , 40
passed into contract grades.
Provisions rather surprised the general
trade In their movements. Notwithstanding
that hogs sold off Bo from yesterday's range
of prices the produce market exhibited an
Increased strength nnd ruled higher. Ad
vices from the stock yards losttholr potency ,
la-traders were t'ovorncd wholly by what
may bo said to bo "pit" influence. Consid
erable property was bought by brokers , said
to bo representatives of leading houses and ,
I as several of the old contingent of boars cov
ered freely , an uneasy feeling was devel
oped. The buying witnessed was believed
to * bo outsldo of the ordinary lines and un
Impression gained ground that plans were
being arranged for a bull turn In the near
future. The long aide , ut all events , was
looked upon with great favor and from the
start a very sensitive condition of affairs ex
isted. Prices were a llttlo weak for a short ,
tune at the opening , but they advanced rap
idly subsequently , and clobcd substantially
higher. In pork the Improvement actually
established was u gain of So to 17J o , In lard
of 2-jO to 5u , and In short rlbi of 5o.
CHICAGO M vis sroon MA incur ,
CM ic.ioo , May 21 , [ Special Telegram to
Tim llKU.1 CATTJ.K. The general market
t r native steers developed but llttlo life to
day , the movement being slow and the do-
maud irregular. Nevertheless holders of
ripe dn io $ of catllo , that did not "tall
down" too badly , secured strong yesterday's
prices , but the bulk of offerings of dressed
boot , shipping and export grades , though
moderate , proved more or less rougliUh and
lacked style , consoauently they were not ut-
tractive to buyers , uud sold drudgingly at
Imyoly steady rules. Natlvj cows were
scarce and tnado excellent figures , particu
larly for heifers and yearlings. Culvoj were
slow of sale. Uulls were In fair supply and
donl.inJ , at former quotations. Tlio Texas
Irnno i of iha market uatualnod about 1,800
head , and us tliu supply of native canning
a > I h i i-liorinij KWidc * was timid , sellers of
ruijgo .attic met with need douuud at aboui
steady quotations , The stackers nnd feed
ers branch early ruled dull , but In the nftor-
noon several Illinois nnd Ohio buyers en
tered the market nnd operated with consid
erable freedom , paying strong prices. Choice
to extra beeves , tt.2. > &b.lO ( ; medium to good
steers , KJ50 to 1500 Tbs , f3. K'l.20 ? 12M to
, UO@.10itM ) ) to 1200 Ibs.f3.fi0@
4.05 ; stockers nnd feeders. ? 2.5f @ 3.80 : cows ,
bulls nnd mixed , * | .WVKJ.505 bulk , $2.50 ®
2.IK1 ; Texas cottlc , t&OJ3.00. (
lions The hog market opened weak nnd
unsettled , this morning , with a few sales of
prlmo qualities , both heavy nnd light , nt
yesterday's figures ; but < | ulekly weakened
B cents and closed dull , Bo nnd lOc lower than
the strongcit period of yesterday or nround
Saturday's quotations. In n general way ,
prlmo heavy or the attractive nvcraircs of
200 to 2SO Ibs. , or thereabouts , sold at * 4.4r > ;
n few sales were made early nt t.30Cl.40.
In the market nt the llnlsh , good packing
grades sold mainly nround1.40 , but (4.85
wan the stttto at the close with $4.00 paid for
coarse , HoO U/400 Ib. lots. TJght hogs sold
slowly but with less variation In prices than
the heavy , the general market ruling nround
t4.M@-l.5S for York sorts , * .57KC < > . < tt for
fancy singeing selections , nnd M. ' < ! 5 ( < $1.50 for
light , according to quality.
NEW YOUR , May 21. [ Special Tclcgrnm
toTiiK UEB.I STOCKS The stock market
was n disappointment to the bulls during the
first hour to-day. Llttlu of the excellent
strcnth shown on Monday remained , and the
losses over night ranged from } to } per
cent , throughout the list with Oregon Trans
continental off % to 88. The list , on the
whole , was dull as well as weak , The ex
ceptions were the features of the morning.
The best strength was In Chicago Gas
Trusts , which moved up nearly 2 per cent to
G4Jf. The only active shares were IJurllng-
ton & Qtnncy , which went off nearly 1 per
cent to 1.01 % . but recovered to 102 } ; Cotton
Oil lost 1 per cent to 158 ; Kock Island lost
% ; Atchlson and St. Paul M each ; Trans
continental slipped ( iff , n point at a time ,
from 1)3 to 35. At 11 o'clock prices were at
nbout iho lowest figures , with the market
barely steady. During the hour to 12 o'clock
Northern Pacific stocks , which bad been
fairly active In the early hours , failed to re
cover the declines , and other stocks came to
the front. Chicago Gas hold strong. Bur-
llngtnn nnd Hock Island recovered the losses
of the morning , and the firmer feeling re
sulted in general advances , which loft prices
at noon better than at the opening. The In
terest in stocks Increased nfter 12 o'clock ,
and some very good advances wcro made ,
while the volume of the trading was unusu
ally largo. Realizing caused a reaction In
Northern Pacific shares , and at the close
there was a loss for the day of % In the com
mon nnd 1 per cent In nroforrcd stock. There
\vns n temporary break In Chicago Gus , from
54 { to 53jj , with the close but % better than
last night , at 5. ! % . Grangers hold strong ,
generally. Burlington closed ut 103 , un ad-
vuiico of % \ Northwestern nt 111 , nn na-
vunce of 1 per cent ; Hock Island at OS , an ad
vance of } f ; Atchison und St. Paul closed nt
last night's figures. Total sales , 359,000
The following were the closing quotations ;
U.S. 4s regular. 12 ! ) ? ; Northern Pacific. . 78'i
U. B. 4s coupons . . .12Jo ? doproferred i4 !
U. S.4'/sroKUlnr..l07iO. A ; N. W Ill
U.H.4'/i coupons. . 1004 do preferred H'-H
I'aciUcllsof M3. . . .l-'li ! N.Y.I 'ontral NT.j ;
Control I'ncltle iKVI'.U.&E 24
Chlcntio&Alton. . .130 Upcklslnna IW
Chicago , Iturllngtun < ; . , M. Ac St.I > C'J'S
AiQulucj- tloprcferreil..114
n. . u.vw no ? ; SU'milAOmaha. . : tl !
Illinois Central lilt do preferred 0714
1. . 11. As W 8 Union I'acltlo. . . . Oil ; ;
Kansas Ac Texas. . . . 11 ? ( W..81. L. itV IB' ;
I.nko Shore 1U4JJ iloproforred 2SSS )
Michigan Central. . B85 ! Western Untou tuj ;
Mlsb-ourU'acltlc . . . " 15 |
MONEY Easy ut 2@2 } . .
PlIIMB MliUCANTlLR P.VHrtll 3 @ 5. ' per
STEULINO EYCIIANOE Dull , and steady ;
sixty-day bills , $1.87 ; demand , S1.S9.
CHICAGO , May 21. 1:15 p. m. close Wheat
weak and lower ; cash. S-c ; June , SOc ; July ,
70 , ' c.
Corn Steady ; cash , S3J c ; June , 33c ;
July , 84 l-10c.
Oats Steady ; cash , and June , 22 c ; July ,
" - ? - ! C.
Hyo 40c.
Harlcy Nothing doing.
Priino Timothy $1.34.
Flax 91.54.
Whisky $1.02.
Pork Steady to firm ; cash and June ,
fll.57K@11.00 ; July , ? 11.07' ' < f@11.70.
Lard Steady ; cash and June , $ (3.75 ( ; July ,
Flour Nominally unchanged ; winter
wheat , ? 2.00@l.75 ; spring wheat , $1.30(35.50 ( ;
rye , $2.452.03.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $5.12 @ri.25 ;
short clear , $0.12 } @ 0.23 ; short ribs , 5.75
@ 5.85.
Uuttor Steady ; creamery , 10@15c ; dairy ,
Chccso Firm ; full cream Cheddars nnd
flats , 7/7 } o ; ; Young Americas , S@8 c.
Eggs bteady ; fresh , ll@12c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy and light green
salted , 5 , ' c ; salted dull , 4Jfe ; green salted
calf , Oc ; dry flint , 7c ; dry salted , 7c ;
dry calf , 7@8o ; deacons , 25c each.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
4o ; No. 2 , 8c ; cake , 4 } c.
Ucceipts. Shipments.
Flour . 10,000 21,000
Wheat . 15,000 34,000
Corn . 502,000 310,000
Oats . 11KJ.OOO 202.000
Cincinnati , May 21. Wheat Nominal :
No. 2 red. 83c.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 85tfc.
Oats Quiet and weaker ; No , 2 mixed , 20
@ 27c.
Whisky-Quiet at $1.02.
Mllwuukiii- , May 21. Wheat Easy ;
cash , 75X"i July , 70 c.
Corn Easy ; No. 3. 83) c.
Oats-Dull ; No. 2. white , 27@27 > { c ,
Bye Quiet : No. l.4'42ic. !
Harley Dull ; No"j , Sic.
Provisions Firm ; pork , $11.55.
St. IjoulH , May 31. Wheat Lower :
cash , 75cJuly ; , 72tf@728'o
DCorn Firm ; cash , % ; > c ; July,31c.
Oats Firm ; cash 2lo ; July,22 ? c.
Pork Steady at $12.80.
Lard Nominally J 50.
Whisky Steady at $1.02.
Butter Firmer ; creamery , 13@15c ; dairy ,
Minneapolis , May 21. Samplq wheat
easier ; receipts , 124 card ; shipments. 84
cars. Closing ; No. 1 hard , May , 07c ; July ,
9'Jo : on track , 9Sc ; No. 1 northern , May ,
80jo ; July , 87o ; on track , 98o ; No. 2 north
ern , May , 77 } o ; July , 78 } o ; on tracit , 73
( ijSOo.
Q7c.Now York , May 21. Wheat Receipts ,
53,000 ; exports , 40,000 ; spot dull and lower ;
No. 2 red , 80Aj m store , 82 @ 82Ko
afloat , 81 f@S3J o f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , 75) ) o ;
ungraded rod , 72@90c ; options moderately
active and lower ; May , 80b. ,
Corn Hecelpts , 252,000 ; exports , B3.000 ;
suet firmer and In good demand ; No. 2 , 42Ko
In elevator ; 42 > ( < ? 4l ! > 5o afloat ; No. 2 white ,
45u ; ungraded mixed , 40 > @ 44c ; options
tlrm and dull.
Oats Receipts , 100,000 ; exports , 700 ; spot
dull mid easy ; options weak and lower ; May ,
28c ; Juno , 27j o ; July , 28).fa ; mixed western ,
27@30c ; spot , No. 2 , white , 34 u ;
CotTeo Options steady nnd quiet ; sales ,
83,500 bags ; Juno , $10.85(310.40 ( ; July , $10.50
© 10.55 ; spot Hlo , quiet ; fair cargoes. $18.0(1.
Petroleum Steady and quiet ; United
closed at 82 > 4C ,
Eggs In moderate demand ; western ,
Pork Quiet ; mess , $13.0013.23.
Lard Stronger ; western steam , $7.05 ;
May , $7.18.
Uutter Firm ; western ,
Choose Quiet ; light skims ,
Kansas City , May 21. Wheat Weaker ;
No. 2 red , cash , 74o asked ; August , G 'c
asked ; No. 2 , soft , cash , 77Ko asked ; Au
gust , OOo bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash sales at27Ko ;
July sales , 20c ; No. 3 white , cash , 27Ko
Oats No. 3 , cash sales at20 } c.
KiiiiNiiii Oily , May 21. Cuttle Receipts ,
4.100 ; shipments , 1.000 ; market fulrly active ;
drc cd beef and shipping steers strung and
lOo higher ; good to cuaku corn-foil , (3.85(3 (
4.10 ; common to medium , $3.23(33.75 ( ; stock.
crs nnd feeding steers firm , $2.25(33.45 ( ; cows
steady , $1.75(38.23 ( ,
Hogs Receipts , O.BOO ; shipments , 1,300 ;
market w < nk ; bulk of sale * nt $4.SJ@I.30.
Sioux city. May 31 T-Caltlo Rccclntt.
700 ; stcaoy and unchanged : /ut steer * . $3.00
( $3.80) ) Btockors , $2.8.va3.80 : fcedorB. $ J.40@
2.90 ; canncrs nnd bulls , $ l.00@1.75 ; veal
calves , $2.00 < ai.OO.
Hogs Receipts. 8,003 ; lower ; light and
mixed , $4.20@4.27if ; heavy , $ .23@4.80.
Nntlonnl Stock Vnril- > , Knit St.
IioHlH , Mny 21. Cattle Receipts , 2,200 ;
shipments , 700 ; market Btron ? ; choice
lioavy native steers , &l.Ki4.40 ! ) ( ; fair to good ,
f3.10Q4.10 ; Btockcrs und feeders , $2.10 ( < M.2t ) ;
rangers , corn-fed , $3.00 ( < J3.50 ; grass- fed , $1.00
@ 2.8T > .
Hogs Receipts , 2,700 ; shipments , 400 ;
market a sluulo higher ; cholco heavy nnd
butchers' selections , $4.45@4.B5 ; packing ,
S4.UO@4.45 ; light grades , f .40g4.50. (
Chloaco , May 21. The Drovers' Journal
re | > ortsns follows !
Cattle Receipts , 0,400 ; market strong ;
beeves , ? 4.2 ( a > 4.40 ; Bteors , $3,004.20 ; stockers -
ers nnd feeders , $ lfiP@3.80 ; cows , bulls
nnd mixed , ? 1.003.50 ; Texas cattle , $2.00
Hogs Receipts , 12,000 ; market slow nnd
Bo lower ; mixed , $4.85@J.55 ; heavy , $4.80@
4.5'J ; light , $1.40 ® .03 ; skips , $3.50@l.25.
Sheep Receipts. 4,50) ) , ' market steady :
shorn natives , $3.504.80 ; westerns , shorn ,
$ . 1.00 4.15 ; Texans shorn , $2.l)0@3.70 ) ; lambs ,
$4.23 ( i { 5.23.
Cat t If.
Tuesday. May 21 , 1880.
There was not such a very grca't chauco
In the cattle market to-day , nnd .vet there
was a weaker feeling. Although the sellers
In some instances thought they received
about steady prices , the majority wcro call
ing It lower. Taking the market ns a whole
It would bo safe to call it n llttlo lower. As
has been the rule lately , It was the tidy little
caltlo which sold the most riadlty , and at thu
best prices proDortionatcly. The heavy cattle
were the least nought after , nnd no one
scorned to want coarse westerns. Thin lit
tie cattle were idso slow sale. The beef and
shipping stecis pold at n range of Mi.'Ctgl.OO ,
but principally at $3.GittU5. ; ! ( Uutchcrs'
stock commanded fully steady prices. One
bunch of grade yearlings and heifers sold at
f'l.IX ) . The cows went ut prices ranging
froin$1.75@U'5 ; but mostly nt $2.2r > ( a3.10.
The few bulls on sale brought ? 1.75i2.lM ( ) .
There were not many feeders and stockers
on sale , but there was considerable inquiry for
good cattle of that description. The buyers ,
however , apparently want the cattle at u llt
tlo less money than they have been paying.
A few odds and ends sold nt $2.IO ! © ( .10. Al
though the receipts of cattle were largo to
day , the yards were pretty well cleared , a
very largo proportion of the offerings being
The receipts of hogs wcro heavy nnd the
market 5@10o lower. The light hogs sold
largely at $4.23 , or about Co lower , but the
puckers wanted to buy heavy hogs 5@10o
lower , and they got the reduction which they
wanted. The julesmcn , however , were slow
to make the concession , and the trade
dragged nil the morning , It being midday before -
fore n clearance was effected.
There was not a load of sheep in the
yards , and nothing to make a market.
Cattle . 3.000
Hogs . . . 4,400
Provnllln ; * Prlcai.
Thofjllowia U atlblj of pricji piU In
this nuritit for the giMJej of sto. ) c mon-
lionet ! :
Good steers , 1230 to 1450 Ibs. . . 3.70 < < HOO
Good steers , 1030 to 1300 Ibs. . . 3.5J ( $3.00
Ordinary to fair cows 2.00
Fair to good cows 2.40
Uood to choice cows 2.CO ( rtfi.OO
Choice to fancy cowsheifers. . 3.00 ( i3.23
Fulrto good bulls 2.0J ( rt > 2.50
Good to choice bulls 3.50 ( WU.OO
Lignt stockers und feeders. . . . 2.70 ( io'J.00
Good feeders , 050 to 1100 Ibs. . 3.00 ( u3.Xi
Fair to choice light hogs 4.20 ( jji.25
Fair to choice heavy hogs 4.15 ( ( gt.20
Fair to choice mixed hogs 4.15 ( VJ4.20 !
l alr to medium native sheep. . 8.5' ) ( V5-1.25
Good to choice native sheou. . . 4.0J ( < { 4uO
Fair to cholco western sheep. . 3.25 @I.CJ
Shorn sheep 3.00 ( otf.OO
IlL-presciifxtlvo Saloa.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
4 823 S3.25 15. . . .1170 $3.70
3 1250 3.25 18. . . .12SO 3.70
2J h71 3.33 10. . . .1117 3.70
10 021 3.35 41. . . .1130 3.70
10 1011 3.40 20. . . .1131 3.70
C Ss > 2 ! ! .4 ( ) 20. . . .142J 3.70
13 001 3.40 ( J. . . .11.97 3.70
10 110S 3.50 53. . . .1234 3.70
20 1102 3.50 10. .KiSO 3.70
0 1027 3.50 20 1174 3.72
22 1023 3.50 35 1201 8.32
17 1017 3.51) ) 30 1411 8.75
U 1141 3.55 1 1240 8.75
2 1040 3.55 14 15.J8 3.75
4 1050 3 5- 40 1212 3.75
23 113'J ' 3.55 15 12i53 3.75
10 KG 3.55 10 1188 3.75
7 11140 3.00 4(1 ( 1310 8.75
ir > 1177 3.UJ 1" 1472 3.75
oo. . . . . . .lies 3.00 4 ! ) 1370 8.75
1(1 ( 1052 3.IJO 14 1333 8.75
47 1107 3.IU ) 23 1125 3.80
,0 1175 34 1400 8.80
1118 3.0. 18 1320 8.bO
1131 8.02K 10 1247 3.80
1107 3.IUJ4 37 1HOO 3.80
1177 3.02Vtf 18 1370 3.80
1112 3.05 ' 41 11153 3.82K
1220 3.05 12 1300 3.S5
. 1131 3.07 33 1387 8.85
5 . 1270 ' 8.70 37 1450 8.85
50 . 1832 3.70 74 1345 3.85
20 . 1327 3.70 1 1300 8.85
28 . 1122 3.70 11 1307 8.00
8(5 ( . 1804 3.70 27 1450 3.00
10 . 12S1 3.70 4 1533 4.00
1 070 1.75 3 . .1120 2.75
a ' .125 1.85 17. . . 008 2.75
1 1240 2.00 o " .1005 2.85
5 U'.I4 2.25 3. .1100 2.85
2 003 2.23 .1070 8.00
2 1000 2.25 .1180 8.00
3 800 2.40 1110 3.10
1 1230 2.CO . 7kO 8.10
5 07(1 ( 2.70 .1100 3.10
4 000 2.75 2 lObO 8.10
5 003 2.75 20 000 8.15
1 12CO 2.75 2 S35 8.25
1 10GO 1.75 1. . .KWO 2.75
1 17WO2.85 1. . 2.73
1 11120 2.35 1. . .1410 2.75
1 1510 2.50 6. . 1031 2.00
1 1410 2.50
2 1305 3.00 3 1CC7 3.23
3 14b3 3.00 3 1400 8.25
20 1237 3.55 20 1300 3.CO
3 400 2.50 1 030 3.10
32 S70 2.00 50 870 8.30
3 . 773 8.10
3 . 1GSO 3.00
0 . 510 2.90
Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
80 $4.15 50. . .2 4 240 $1.20
80 4.15 70. . /J.'sO bO 4.20
4.18 04. . , .253 80 4.20
4.15 70. . , .200 120 4.20
03. . .270 40 4.20
CO. . , .248 80 4.20
60 . , .3,52 80 4.20
00. , , .251 4.20
CO. . , .263 4.20
03. . . .237 40 4,20
CO. . . .313 4.20
CO. , . .278 60 4.20
CO.,275 4.20
CO..248 120 4.20
70..240 40 4.20
CO..270 100 4.20
04..200 49 4.20
64. , ,248 120 420
(54..221 ( 210 4.20
61. . . .805 380 4.20
07..245 80 4.20
73..243 80 4.20
65..253 80 4-20
75..240 40 4 0
( U..23fl 40 4.25
155..240 120 4.E3
61..233 SO 4.25
UU..810 120 4.25
88.172 80 4.25
4U..233 80 i-23
63. . . .310 80 4.ITK * ' < H..331 BO 4.25
07. . . . 341 40 4.17Ji m..203 80 4.25
33. . . . 231 80 4.20 P'OT.t.,213 4.25
04..U.53 4.20 47f..21U 4.25
64. . . . 233 2SO 4.20 t. 71 , , . 250 120 4.25
61. v. . 201 40 4.80 ' 63 a. . 233 40 4.23
, Iilvo MacictNotca.
Heavy cattle receipts. " ' <
Receipts of hogs llbfcraK
Hogs take n big tumble.
No sheep to mnko n-aiarkct.
Hogs sold 7) ) a lowdrtUdu last Tuesday.
Tyru Curtis cnmo Id from Curtis with hogs.
No ono wants coarse , , heavy western
cattlo. i -
Good butchers' stpcit , , commands strong
N. 11. Ucrggrcn , of Wnhoo , was visiting
the yards.
W. T. Rlckloy , of Columbus , had hogs on
the market.
J. M Muoro represented Arapahoe with
two cars of cattle.
Marsh Parker came In to-day to look nftor
business interests.
W. S. Anderson , of Wnkelleld , wns on the
market with cattlo.
Chapman was represented by Mclntosh &
Sutton , with cattlo.
Walton & Casslday were In from Green-
dale , la. , with hogs.
Central City was represented by E. H.
Wlcluim with cattlo.
T. J. Wllourn , of Greenwood , marketed
two car loads of cattle.
Charles Reynolds , of Lincoln , was In' with
two car loads of cattlo.
J. G. Parsons represented Central City nnd
had cattln on the market.
A , Klopping came in from Underwood , In. ,
with two car loads of cattlo.
Heavy , fat hogs sell lower than most nny
thing else In the way of hogs.
A. M. Suoonor. u regular shipper , was in
from Hooper with three cars of cattle.
George E. Fcary was In from
with one car load of hogs nud u car of cattle.
Mr. Anderson , of Anderson .t Johnson ,
came In from Oakland with a load of cattle.
J. M. Bennett , of Schrovo & Dennett ,
came down from Hoag with a nice lot of
K. I. Day , of Weeping Water , was on the
market with two loads of cattle of his own
Messrs. E. W. Hanks and Michael Steven
son wcro in from McPaul , la. , with three car
loads of cattle.
P. Frame , Hazard ; J. 1C. Cooper , An-
solmo , and C. W. Siiclilon , Perclval , la ,
were among the arrivals to-day with cattle.
Charley Lane , live stock agent ol Iho Union
Pacific , sent in a special from Ord , Neb , of
twenty-two cars of stock. They mndo the
run in a little ever eight hours.
Produce , Prill's , Rio.
Uutter dull and weak. Chccso quiet and
dsmand light. Eggs firm. Poultry in light
receipts nnd market steady. Lemons and
oranges advancing.
HfTTnii Tnblo dairy , 12@18c ; packers'
stock , S ( < * 9o. Creamery Prints , fancy , 20 ( < 6
22c ; choice , 15Qill5u ; solid packed , 14W ( > 15c.
Enos Strictly fre h , lOQ llc.
CiiKnsc Young America , full cream , Os ;
twin flats , Ou ; olT grades , 4@ ( > e ; Van Ros-
som Edam , $11.50 per dozen ; sap sago , Hc ) ;
brick , 15o ; linibiirgor , 12c ; domestic Swiss.
14e ; skims , 2Vilc ( ; cheese safes , bronze
medal , No. 8 , Si.s5. ,
POULTRY Live hens per dozen , $1.00(3 !
4.25 ; roosters , ? ; 5.73@4.tX ) ; turkeys , 0@llc
perlb. ' ' >
STiuwiir.uuins P.or case , 24 iits , ? 2.00@
2.85 ; soft , S1.0g20 ! ( , ,
Ciinuitir.s Cat. , S1.75@2.00 per 10 Ib box ;
southern , $ .UH ) ( < $4.0y. perorate.
OU\SIIKS Fancy Washington navels , S3.00
@ 3.25 ; Riverside , i3.xlffi3.'J5 ( ; fancy paper
rind St. Michaels , Si.75vic4.25 ; fancy lJuartu
Mediterranian swpeU , i 83. 75023.25 : fancy
bright mountains. $2.a3 ( 3.7 > i ; Los Angeles
( ohoici' ) , $3.25643 30 , .
Lr..Mo.v Choice , $4.50@5.00 ; fancy , $3.750
0.75. > ' '
COCOAS UTS Choice JUiutans. per 1001.50 ;
less than 103 , 5o each. 3
UIXA.XAS According. ) to size of bunch ,
? 1.752.50. .
A wi.Es Cholco , 43.25@3.50 ; poor , S1.25@
2.00. , f i „ !
EAIILY YincTAnics-rtlottucc , per dozen
heads , 20@25c ; radiah sV per dozen bunches ,
10@15c ; green onions , 12@15c ; parsley. S5jJ (
30e ; soup bunches , 20f < g25a ; beets , 45@r > l9u ;
carrots , 30@35c ; turnijn , 5.Kg35c ; o.Vhtor
plant , 30e33o ; celery , 85 * 1.00 ; cnullilowcr ,
? 1.00ffi2.25 ( ; cucumbers , 5'Jr < > " > Oc ; green
peas , bu boxes , * l.f > 0u ? > 1.75 ; string bcani. per
box , S1.50@l.75 ; wax beans , * 225@ : > .50 ;
tomatoc1) , > < j bu , . $1.75@2.23 ; nsuariiijus , per
doz , 30 ( < ? 45c ; pie plant , per Ib , l(52c ( : tiow
potatoes , per Ib. 2J3. ( ! c ; cabbage , 2' ' .
southern , $ -J.OO@2.73 per crate.
Fitisii FISH Whlto llsh , tier 10 , 7 < ?
herrings , fro/en , jier Ib , 5c ; trout , fresh
caught , per Ib , Oe ; white porch , fresh caught ,
per Ib , 7c ; milTalo , fresh caught , per Ib. 7c ;
| ) iclercl , fresh eaueht , per Ib , Go ; blaclc bass ,
fresh caught , per Ib. 11 c.
HmNs Choice hand picked navy , $2.20 ;
choice hand nicked medium. $1.75 ; choice
hand picked country , 51.03C1.73' ; clean
country , : > 1.20@1.25.
POTVTOKV-Choice , sacked , per bu , 25f ( 30c.
Vnu. Choice , medium size , 7@8c ; choice ,
heavy , 4@0.
salted hides , 4C'f5o ; dry salted hides , lie ; dry
flint Hides , 7u ; call hides , C@5j c ; domaacd
hides , 2c less ; sheep pelts , Rreun. each , 25c@
$1.00 ; sheep pelts , dry , per Ib , 0c$12c ( ; wool ,
averajre , 14ifiI8c ( ; tallow , No. 1 , 3M@lc ; tal
low , No. 2 , 2 > @ 3o : grease , white. 8@4c ;
grease , yellow , 2@2J c.
Al'I'I.U HUTTEIl 70.
CIDKU Hbls , $ . - > ; hf bbis , ? 3.
I3UTTKHINK 14 I5o per Ib.
M.U'LB S-'otit l2X@15c per Ib.
HONKIKlrtSl7c ! per Ib.
PiiEsuiiVKS OJ4@10e perlb.
JII.TIIS 3 } @le per Ib.
BEESWAX No ; 1 , 18@20c.
BLOCK TIN Eng. Ref'd small pig , 28c ;
bar 20c.
Coi'i'Kii Planished boiler sizes , 32e ; cold
rolled , 30c ; sheathing , 30c ; pitta. 30c ; flats ,
GALVANIXKU SIICKT Inox Junlatu , ( H ) per
cent discount.
PATKNT 1'LVNisiinn Inox No , 24 to 27 , A
quality , per Ib , lOJ o , No. 24 to 27 , B quality ,
' "fc. For less than bundle add J o per Ib.
sheets , $13.50.
SIIKIJT lu'oxNo. . 20 , $3.40 ; No. 27 , $3.50.
SuMinit Ho5t Metal Co.'s half nnd half In
1-lb cases , per Ib. Kic ; commercial half and
half , 15o ; No , 1 , in bars , lie.
TIN PI.ATK ( Host Charcoal ) 1C , 10x11 ,
225 sheets. $ il.50 ; IX , 10x14 , 225 sheets , $8.23 ;
1C , 12x12 , 225 sheets , $ ,60 ; IX , 12x12 , 225
sheets , $8.25 ; 1C , 14x20 , 112 shoots , $0.50 ; IX.
14x20 , H2 sheets , $ $ .20 ; 1XX , 14x20. 112
sheets , $10 : IXXX , 14x20 , 112 sheets , 611.75 ;
112 sheets , Jd.OO ; 1C , 10x20 , 125 sheets , iO 50.
NAILS Steel nails , $3.20 ; steel wlro nails ,
$2.05. i n
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First 'National Bank ,
5O5 South 13tli Slrout , - Omuhu
Issued by
Cities , Counties , School District * , Water Com.
panics , &c. We are In the market for the
purchase of round amounts of such bonds.
Correspondence solicited.
N. W , HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers ,
113-117 Monroe Street , CHICAGO.
00 Devonshire Street. BOSTON.
f ) ft II ft O flBBU CD BY STATES ,
J ,
n 11 H 11 tl 1 > CIOOL tis""c" ' nc-
We deal In I.unil IVurruBU und Scrip ,
Applicable to ( loTfriiiuciit Land , awl Transact a
Kefulur IlauklDgr lluilaeJ * .
. . . , ,
Swift & Co.'s AildltloiiB.
Work was commenccil ycstcnlay on the
ndilittons to the packing house of Swift &
Co. A hallcllng for cold storngo In the hog
department , 112x124 feet , brick , and flvo
stories hlsh , wns laid out nnd
will bo completed at onco. .Tnmos
Halo , of Chicago , an experienced builder ,
has been brought hero to taka charge ot the
erection of the bulldlne. Two largo ice ma
chines or arctics , of 100 tons capacity each ( ,
In flnl
the company will have n capacity of 0,000 or
7IXX ) hogs a week. The now ofllco , n two-
story frame building 40x70 foot , Is being
creeled and will bo ready for occupancy as
soon as workmen can complete the job.
Nt. Aiinrn Altar Society Pnlr.
A. O. II. hall was filled Tuesday evening
with friends , who wcro trnatcd to on excel
lent social evening , a fine supper and nnd nn
enjoyable tlmo by the ladles of St. Urldgol's
Altar society. The tmtronngo was ns liberal
ns the preparations were great , and the suc
cess was gratifying. Excellent music wn *
furnished by the Hohemmn cornet band.
Tlio matters of most interest were the drawIngs -
Ings , and resulted In ticket No. 11 , hold by
Charles Cumnilngs , drawing the lot In Corrl-
gun's addition : ticket No. 103 , held by John
Kearney , drawing the Singer sowing ma
chine , und tlcltot No. 55 , hold by John
O'Mally , drawing the horse. The social and
concert was n financial and social success.
llnr unit DIokliiHon Here.
Messrs. Peter Her nnd Edward Dickinson
were ut the Exchange Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Her stated to Tin : UUB representative
that ho was down just to see about the gen
eral business of the yards , and that Mr.
Dickinson was in the city on railroad busi
ness. Mr. Her stated that ho did not know
whether Mr. Dickinson had mailo up his
mind to accept or reject the management of
the stock yards.
The Klcelion ItcBitltH.
Three propositions wcro voted on at the
special election , held Tuesday , all of which
were carried. The votes , by wards , were as
follows :
Tramway railway franchise First ward ,
101 yes , il no ; Second ward , 127 yes. 4:1 : no :
Third ward , 100 yes , 18 no ; Fourth ward , 07
.vcs. 4 no. Total , 403 yes , 141 no.
The § 70,000 , bonds were carried by 510 to
20 , and the new charter adopted by 634 to II.
llrnku ills Arm.
Morrclt Stowe , ivhllo swlncing nt the pic
nic of the schojls , In Syndicate park , Tues
day evening , fell and broku his left arm.
He was taken to a hotel and a surgeon sum
moned , who sat the member. The fracture
is not considered serious.
No'.cs About the City.
A boy , nt Joseph Farro's.
Miss Hcssio Meyers is iuito ill ,
Miss Uarbara Hubble has returned from
Sheriff W. W. Williams , of Clark county ,
was in from Oscuolu Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark , of Hcd Oak , la. , nro
visiting their son , Frank E. Clark , of Al
Misses Jennie Willlnsky and Rosa and
Lena Ucrsonvepp , of Omaha , arothe guests
of Miss Kcbecra Levy.
Dr. E. L. Embont received word yesterday
that his father was at the point of deatti.
Dr. und Mrs. Embont will leave for \Vilcox ,
Pu. , Wednesday morning.
A .young daughter of Mrs. Munehall , of
Albright , is dangerously ill with diphtheria.
South Omaha loitgc , No. 14S , I. O. O. F. ,
and Alpha lodge , No. 41 , D. of It. , have
changed their meeting rooms to the Masonic ,
loJiio rooms. Thn Daughters of Hebckah
will incut in the new rooms Friday evening.
There will bo u special meetiug of the Cen
tral Labor union Wednesday evening in
Knights of Labor hall. All members are
urged to bo present , as business of impor
tance is to bo transacted.
J. C. Wysoug , ono of the leading citizens
and largest slock raisers in that part of the
state , was in the , eity Muesday from Cedar
H-ipUis , the guest of B. Cudilington.
Mrs. D.Jplglor has returned from St.
Joseph , and will spend a month visiting her
daughter and son-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Meyers.
The Hev. Gustav Hccker will start for
Osccola to-day to attend the conference of the
Northern Nebraska district of the German
Methodist Episcopal rhuroh. During his
absence Mra. Becker will visit her parents ,
ut Papilllon.
Citizens wcro most indignant Monday
afternoon over three man , wno crutally beat
a dog to death with clubs.
The Union Pacifies have challenged the
Swift boys fora game ot base ball next Sun
day. The challenge has been accepted and
the game will bu played in the Third ward
park Sunday forenoon at 10 o'cloclc.
James Halo arrived from Chicago Monday
evening to take charge ol the brick work in
building Swift & Co.'s new builillng.
William H. Atkins , the superintendent of
the motor power at .Swift & Co.'s packing
plant , lias resigned to accept the general
supcrlntondcncy of the Sllverhorn 1'acking
company at Sioux City. Mr. Atkins is con
sidered one of the most popular , cflieiont and
reliable men in the business in South Omaha ,
and leaves regretted by all who know him.
Fred Walther , late of Chicago , un experi
enced engineer , and one of Swift & Co.'s old
und trusted employes , will take Mr. Atkins'
place. Mr. Atkins left lor Sioux City
JiditorH Autlcipntiii ! ; til Trip Re
quested to Apply for Circulars.
The annual excursion of the Nebraska
Press association leaves Omaha nbout July
0. Editors desiring to make the trip are re
quested to write immediately for circulars ,
giving complete Information. All applica
tions must bo in not later than June 20 , so
that proper arrangements for each person
canbomudo ; therefore , address the under
signed at onco.
onco.L. . WiibBKL , Jr. , Chairman ,
Lincoln Neb.
The following par. nit ) were IssuaJ by
Building Inspector Whitlock yesterday :
Commercial National bank , tnrco-story
bricK bunk , Sixteenth und Kamam . { Vl/JCO
A. I'aulson , two-Htory fromu duelling ,
NlneteentnandC'liarlcs . jroo
James Ilectiott , ono-amt-oue-Imir-story
frame duelling , 'Iwenty-urth and Cam
eron . a,2JO
0. V. Jtyan , ona-aml-ona-halr story frame
dwelling , lluncroft , near Fourth . J.iWJ
Ocorgu 1 * Dunham , two-story frame resl-
donce , Kinmett. near Twenty-tnlrd . . . 4,000
I'ruKh llros. , ouo-and-onu halt story
frame residence. Collier I'lace . 1,0 0
I'rngh Jiros. , one-and-one-hair-story
frame dwelling , Ames avenue , near
Twenty-ninth . l.OOJ
J.tUuy & itenson , a\x \ one-story cottauvs
Sixteenth and C'astellar . aWO
Ulght permits , aggregating . $79WO
Uiiiutin In Oklahoma.
J. W. Evarts , writing from Kingfisher , I.
T. , says' that ho has secured a half section
townsito for the Omaha colony in the best
part of Oklahoma , Doing midway between
the two Canadian rivers and Itono and Okla
homa City. Ho has named 'tho embryo city
Columbia , and will have it platted and ready
for occupancy by May 20. It stands , ho
says , on a well-watered prominence , over
looking tbo two rivers und In the center of
the richest agricultural region In Indian ter
ritory. There Is no speculation in the deal ,
ho claims , as the proceeds of the sale of lots
will bo applied for the public welfare , the
land being held and sold In trust for the cit
izens to whom the title will bo transmitted
by iho government.
Where Ho Got thn Rum.
It Is claimed that SIcgol Olson , the bar
keeper for M. P , Wlnn , sold liquor at his
homo , 2521 Caldwell street , Sunday morning ,
This Is the place where George Johnson get
so drunk and narrowly escaped being killed.
A warrant has been sworn out for Olson's
Gain of Two for Ooff.
Ciuiti.KSTON , W. Vn. , May 21. The Floin-
Ing-Goff gubernatorial contest committee has
finished the reading of depositions of four
couuU&s and thus fur Goff has a clear gain
of two.
Agricultural Implements.
Dealer h Agricnllnial Implements , Wagons
CarrUgci * nd bn lr < . Jnnc * Urt-pt , between Wli knit
Agricnlt1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages
c. Wliolenalo. UmMin ,
Wholo'dle Dealer * la
Agricultural Implements , Wagons& Bnggies
Mumiracturcn nml Jobbori In
Wagons , Bnggies , Hales , Hews Etc ,
Oor.Cth and I'aclllo itrcot. , Omaha.
Artists' Materials.
A. nOSPB , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1M3 DouRlu itrtcl
Boots and Shoos.
r. V. MORSE ACO. . ,
Jotters of Boots end Shoes ,
1101,1101,1KB I > ounln Urcrt , Omnh * . Manufactory ,
Summer ilrcol , Huston.
Goal , CoUo and Lima.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
09 South IStli street , Omnlia , N'obrntkk.
SliipEGs of Coal a'fl Coke ,
311 South Hth St. . Omaha. Nob.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Speclnltlci lliivtiT. CEBH. clic p , poultry , cam * .
I'Ullnwiml Mroct Onialin. Nnli _
Dry Goods and Notions.
; ir. 7 ; . SMITH A co. ,
Dry Goofls , Fiirnisniiig Goods and Notions
1103 and HIM Iouii1 i , cor. llth Btroet , Utnaha , Neb.
Importers ? nd Jobbers in Dry GooflsNotions ,
OenU' furnishing gnnilii. Corner llth and Ilaruey
etreets , Omaha , NeUraika.
Importer * nnd jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
SIT South 16th atroeL
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture
Knrnara rtreot , Omahn , Kebrnika.
Fnrnitnre ,
Cmabn Nebraika.
Wholesale &rocerios and Provisions.
705 , TOT , TOO iin > l 711 South lUtli U , Omalm , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers'
13th ana ix-nvonworlU Ktr ot. , Omaha , Nebratka.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Sprints , wPKOn tork. lmrd < rnrc , Inrnlicr , cto. 1503
ttnU l.ll ! llnrney Btrcot.Omiibii. _
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
MotaH , slicct Iron. etc. AKCnt < ) for TInwo scales.
Mliunl iiowilcranil I.ytnau birbcd wlro ,
Bflild rs1 Halware aad Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanics' tools nnd HulT'tio Bonles. 1405
Btrcet.OajaUtt. Neb.
WlioKsa'c Lnnler , Etc ,
Inipcrlrcl nrd Auerhni t'ortldntl ccmont * Stuto
UKcnt it r.MI wnukio liMlrnullccotiicnt nnd
1 ii'iuy M lit ci Urn * .
Dealer in Hardwood Lnmber ,
Wood carpets anil pnrquetlloorlnnr. 9th and IXluglai
atruola , Omuba , r\ob.
AHKinds of Bail ing Material at Wholesale ,
18th Btroet nnd Union Pacific Tract , Omaha ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
DOOM , Etc , YnrduOornci 7th nnd Douglas. Corner
20th nud DuiiKluBi
Lnmter , Linn ; Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner Cth and fiouulus SIB. , Oamba.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th and California Struots , Omaha , Nebraska.
_ Millinery arul Notions. _
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
_ at ) . 21U and 212 Eontli 1Kb street. _
_ Not ] on a. _
Wholesale Notions aad Furnishing Goods ,
LKii.i.1' . .u . , .i.ii II / i rd Htit-ritB , Omaliu
Tcy i.
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fane/ / Goods ,
IIousu fiinilshli.L' Koo'ln . , cluldron's carrlngtM
"Irt'i ' nin. Htrrrt ( ) > > in N l (
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle vreaso , etc. , Omaha. A. Jl , Illshop , Manager ,
. . , .
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry H Dice stock of printing , wrupplna nnd writing
paper , bpeolal attention lvcn tu c r load orders.
Capital . 8-100,00 3
Surplus Jan. 1st. 1889 . C2.000
IIENHY W. YATKS , 1'reslilent.
LKWIB 8. 11KKD , VJce 1'rMident.
A. K. TOUZAMrt ,
J. N. H. I'A'l'ltlCK.
W. 11. & IIUUIIES , Cashier
Corner mn and Kitruam Sts.
A Oecernl llankinv UuniueHaTmnsacteit.
Ik'l'.l. . , d TUBULAR utliclofcreoiBtt EAR CUSHIONil Lr
lVltlr > er.roDY rittlfiniiiidMBlcbeard. Coot
. . . . . . . .
rorl UeBtl.lilJi.lliii : > ii4liutt ( .f.l.
wberrkll otlitr rcmtdl , , ri ( HOLD ttnnr > ll
K. JIIBCOX. Htia tlr , * r. r r.l4CUr e
. .
K.W * - - -
Burccsiort to lteelJonc A Co.
Wholesale Hanufactorers of Bootss Sncca
AECDU forlluslon UubbfrPhoe Co , 1IOJ. 1101 and 11M
lUinej Bluet , Omaha. Mtbratka.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1B1 North ttrctt , Omahs. r ? .
Mannractira of Galvanized Iron Corntco
WIndon-rap * and molnllc tkjtlRlils. .lohn Kpenotcr ,
proprietor , lit ) and llutoutli loth street.
_ Offloo Flxturos.
LM , Ofllce and Saloon Hxtnres ,
Uantlrs , HUntioanls. Hook Caim , Driifl Kltlurp * . Wall
ra ej , rnrtltlons. Halllncii , Counter * . lp r mnvin
Coolers , mirrors , KloKnrtiirr nnd onlct' , 1T30 andina
South l.Hn 8L. Omaha , Tulcphono 1H4.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Nos. 1317 add 1.119 IXiuglaa street , Omaha , Nob.
Sosh ,
Wholuale manufacturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds anil MonluiBg ! .
Branch tCle ) . 12th and lianl street Oman * . >
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding * , nlntr-work nnil Interior tianl wood Hulih.
N.K. corner bth and Ix > auiirlh sin-ell ,
Onmha , Nob.
Pumps , Pipes anil Engines ,
Btetm. water , rnllwaT nnd mlnliiR i > uppllei , ct& and i < l-'nrnnm tlreut , Omahn.
Steam and Wate1 Supplies ,
Holiday wind mills. 019 nnd ISIJones tit , Oman * .
U. F. Hots , nrtliiuuauitgor. .
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Bhcel-lrou work , steam pumpr , saw mills. 1213-1211
Jjeareuworlu sttcct. Omntio.
Iron Works.
Carter .V Bon , 1'rop'n. Uniuifncturcr. ' of all kind !
Steam Bflilew , Tanks and Sheet Iron Worlc
Works South VUth und U. .V M. rromluit. Tot. 1413
Wrouglit and Cast Iron Bui ding Wort
Snglncs , brass work , gencrnl founrtry , mnrlilno and
blacksmith work. Ofllru I1 nil norls , U. 1' . llj.
and lith stroel , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Ucskrnlls , xlndoWKiinnls , tlo\7cr stands wlro sign * .
etc. laNurtli H th strtct , Omaha.
OMAHA'SAFE & i7toNvoRKyt \
Maiit'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proif Safes ,
VaultK. jnll work. Iron shutters nnd lira Cfcnpcs.
U. Andrccn. prop'r. Cor. Klh and Jackeou 8u.
" "
Of Omaha , Limited.
John K. UnyilHiiperlBtondcnt.
" " v
Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ,
The Best Route from Omnlm nnd Council
lilulTs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
SI. ran ) , Minneapolis , Cedar Ilnuids *
Hock Ifilnutl , 1'rceport , Kockfonl ,
Clinton , Dnltutjuc , Daveuiiortt
Elgin , Jliulison , Jnncsvlllo ,
lioloit , Winoiui , Ln C'rosc ,
And all other Important points Cast , Northeast anfl
For through tlckcls. call on the tlckot neunt at 1501 -
riirnuiu street. In llnrkur llloc , or at Union I'nclUa
I'ullman Sleepers nnd the tlnost Dlnlnu Cnrs In tin
world are run on the iniln line flf tlio Lhlciitfo , Mil *
wHUkco AM. I'uu I liullwuy , und over/ntcntlna : If
paid to imssunKoM by courteous employes oMhS )
K. Mll.I.KIt. Ocncrnl Mnniik-cr.
J. I1' . TIJCKKK. Asslitanl Uenornl Mannper.
A. V. It. OAlU'KNl'KIt , tienernl 1'assoncer ind
Tlcl > at Ascnt.
CICO. K IinAFTOIUAssistant Cencroiruesenfof
nnd Tlckot Atont.
T. J. CI.AHK , Qenernl Bunnrlntendent ,
MEN and WOMIIN succcssfullr troaujj.
HntTcriiiB from tlio elTertH of youtliful follies or Indli
cretlans , or uro trouble 1 with Wt'uknos , Nervoui
Debility , l/ > " of Memtirr , lcniondcncy ) | , Aversion to
l-oelcty , KlJnuy Tionlili > > or nny dlsuMiio of the liunl-
tollrlnary Ortiimv , cnn hero ilml n safe irul siuoly ;
< ur * . Chnivcs runsunublo , cspeclnlly to thn poor.
'J'hero HFQ innity iroubleil wltli Urn ficfjuunt u/acua
lions ot Uio bhulitrr , ofluii iKCominiutctl by u sllubl
HIIIUI vnu ciiiiso. unicn m inoaoconu tu o ofserul *
nal weakness. 'I'hu tloi'tor will ftiiiiranluun perfect
cureta all such CH CH. atvl A houlttiy rntitonittotiof
tlicijciiUo urinary ormniH , Cou ullutlonryn. . Head
y-cent atiimpfur "Vnunic Miin'H Krlond.or Uulduto
Wedlock , " iruo to nil. Afl'trrss '
& CO.
Main and I2th St. .Kansas City , Mo.
Una imper. .
Graceful Form
Combined In
Skirt Supporting Corset
It Is ono of the moit pnpularln the tnnrUvt audioli
y lending dealers In Oruabn. 1'rlco II.U.
Toy , Harmon k Chaiwlefc , New Haven , OOn
KXAMlNATlONBfor adiuiiilon to VA6HA1I CD
J.KtJH will be held In this tltydurliu tuo r twc i
ct Juno , Applicants for oznuilnutluii nbould uotU
ecl'isitleal Deluiu il.M' UiLfc ,