Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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An Intoroatluff Gaino Promised at
the Ball Park To-day.
JMInncnjiolIn Pounds Oca Molncs
Star Twlrlor for Six Homo
HIIIIH Turf nntl Ilia- -
in o ml Notes.
Standing or the Clulifl.
Following Is the standing of the Western
Aisodatlon clubs up to nnd Including yes-
Icrday'a games t
tPlayed. . Won. Lost. Per Ct.
BUPaul IB 15 3 .883
Sioux City 18 U 7 .011
Omaha 20 12 8 .000
Denver.,17 0 8 .520
Minneapolis. . . 20 D 11 .460
Bt. Joseph .17 7 IU .413
Bcs Molncs. . . . 17 0 11 . ! 3
Milwaukee 20 4 10 .800
Minneapolis 12 , DCS IMolticn : j.
MtxxnArous , May 31. Emtnorko wns
batted at will , to-day , the homo team mak
ing fifteen hits and scoring seven homo runs
for n total of thlrty-flvo bases. Scores
Runs earned Dos Molncs 1 , Minneapolis
13.U'wobaso hits West , Turner , Patton.
Homo runs Miller 8. Hanrahnn , Turner ,
Mlnnohan , Morrison , Maskroy.
Rases stolen Bv Hanrahnn 3 , Hondo.
Double plays Morrison , Jnntzcn to Miller ,
Hcnglo to Mlnnotnui 3 , Whltoloy to Konyon.
Bases on balls By Morrison 5 , Emmclto 8.
Hit by pitcher Patton 3 , Mnculltir.
Struck out By Morrison 0 , by Emmorko 8.
Passed balls Jaiitzou 1 , Kenyan 3.
\Vlld Pitches Morrison 1 , Kininarko 1.
Loft on bases DCS Molucs 0 , Minneap
olis 3.
Tlmo 3 hours and 10 minutes.
Umpires Hurloy and Kcllcy.
Nn Guino at'Ullwnukrr.
MILWAOKF.B , Mav 31. There was no game
hero to-aay , owing to rain.
St. Joe This Afternoon.
The St. Joos and Omatias will meet on the
local grounds , for the first time , this after
noon , and a line contest is assured. The St.
Joes are putting up a great game and will
Iry to oven up with Omaha for the two de
feats sustained at tholr hands last wccic.
Thoaso two teams , it will bo remembered ,
flayed the great tlo gario ot fourteen in-
JBiogs at St. Joe on Thursday last. Follow-
jowing will bo found the positions of the two
teams :
lioo Strauss . Right . Fryo
Cleveland . Third . Whitney
Crooks . Second . Ardncr
Mossitt . First . Curtr-Ignt
Coonoy . Middle . Krlog
Canuvan . Loft . Curtis
-Walsn . Short . Smith
Naclo . Catch . Shcllhasso
Nichols . . . .Pitch . Crowoll
The National Lmnsuo.
NKW YOIIK , Muy 31. Result of to-day's
pnruo :
Mow York . 3 10010000 5
Plttsburg . 1 03000100 4
Basohits Now York 0 , PittsbuntS. Er
rors New York 5 , Pittsburg 4. Pitchers
"Welch und Staloy. Umpire McQuaid.
, May 21. The Phlludclphla-
jTndlanaiiolls game was postponed on account
of rain. _
WASHINGTON- , May 18. Result of to-day's
came :
Washington . 3 0443000 0 13
Chicago . 3 00010300 0
Base hits Washington 13 , Chicago 11. Er
rors Washington 4. Chicago 10. Pitchers
ITcarson nnd Hutchinson. Umpires Fes-
pendon and Curry.
American Association.
LOUISVILLK , May 21. Result of to-day's
came :
{ Baltimore . 0 00000130 4
Mjulsvlllo . 1 8
ST. Louis , Mny 31. Result of to day's
came :
St. Louis . 0 11000000 3
Athletics . 0 3
KANSAS Cm- , May 31. Result of to-day's
iramo :
duiusas City. . . .2 0033000 5 13
Brooklyn . * 14
COI.UMIIUS. May 31. Result of to-day's
Banio :
Columbus . 1 0030033 2 10
Clucluuall . 3 0013071 * 13
Tlio lllti > r-Stiltn IjnaKiio.
DAVENI-OUT , May 31. Result of to-day's
came :
pavonport . 2 0100UOOO 3
fcvuilHvillu . 0 0000000 0 0
) . May 21. Result of to-day's
pnino ;
bpringuold . 0 10000000 1
Quincy . 0 00000000 0
BUIIUXQTON , Mny 21. Result of today's
JUirlmgton . 0 4 15
Jl'oorlu . 0 010 00030 4
St. Joe has signed Campanua.
To-day Is ladles' duy nt the ball park , on
svnlcli occasion no udmUslon will bo charged
the fair puca ,
The Onuihas plav In Sioux next Tuesday.
ahoy will leave hero Monday evening , after
the lust gumo with Donvur. They will bo
gone until the IGUi of Juno.
Dave Rowo's Rocky Mountaineers play
Jioro Saturday , Sunday and Monday. They
% vero in the city a counlo of hours yesterday
hnd made their hoadquartora ut Albert
Calm's furnishing goods sloro.
The recently organized" American Water
works nine , of Florence , played their open
ing game with Calhouu yesterday. It ro-
{ suited In u score of U to 3 In favor ot the
waterworks moti. The battery work of
Tusboy and Smith was good , ttiey holding
thu Culhouns down to two safe hits uud striK-
| ag out clftht inuu.
THIi B 13 niNQ.
CINCINNATI , May 21 , At Latonla to-day
the weather was cool und the attendance
good. Summary :
Three-year-old * and upwards , sovcn furlongs -
longs McAuloy wou , Kodurkahn second.
Z.audlady third. Timo-l:3l.
Ttirco-yiMr-olds , llvo-uiu'litiis of n mile
Avondnlo won , Lord Peyton second , Zullcku
third. Tlino-l:04. :
Throo-yoar-olds uud upwards , thrco-
fourthsof iijullu May O won , Obelisk sec
ond. Nova C third. Tnuo l:10f.
Thrco-your-olds nud upwards , ono ratio
Trust won , Prince Fortunatus third , Mol-
) ie Last third. Tnuo Is43tf .
U > vo-your-old llllloa , ilvo-otguthit of a mile
Flynwftv won , Daisy F second , Dllomma
third. Tlmo-l:03J : .
( rnvoictul Hncc * .
Nr.w YOUK , Mny fll. AtGravownd to-day
the mud wa * fetlock deep , but tbo wcntbor
fair. Summary :
Fivc-olghtlm of a mlle Ucmlo Juno won
In 1:05 , Kovollcr second , Britannia third.
Ono nlul one plxtoautli miles Joe Lee
won In Ii51 , Tonny second , Flt7roy third.
Five eighths of n mile-Fannlo J. Rcclaro
won In l:012f : , Homeopathy second , Lcda
Ono and ono-stxtccnth mllta Now or
Never won In 1:53jf. : Swift second , Dun-
boyne third.
Five-eighths of n mlle Chaos won in 1:03 ,
Civil Service second , Pndlshah third ,
Three-fourths of n mile-Battcrsby won In
1:10 : , Umplro Hucond , Goljou Real third ,
lUlrnln nnll Mllolioll Coming.
LONDON , Mny St. Ki'lrnln nnd Mltcholl
will sail for Now York on Wednesday. They
nro In need Rltlrlts ana confident that Kllraln
will whip Sullivan.
The ComluctlH-'n Homo to l > o Uullt In
Thnt Tlirlvliiir Town.
DnNvnit , May 21. At the session of the
conductor's convention to-day , the question
of selecting a place for the location of the
headquarters of the order wan settled , Sioux
City , la. , being decided upon as the plnco.
Tlio citizens of Sioux City gave tbo order
$75,000 In caab. The order Is to erect a
$200,000 building upon which the citizens
guarantee the order S per cent net Income ,
and nt the expiration of ton years , If the or
der no deslrcH , the citirons will tnko the
property off their hands nt the original cost
price , with 10 per cent added.
A DlfToronco in Frolchts.
CHICAGO , May 21. [ Special Telegram to
Titr. Bun. ] What bids fair to cause n rupture -
turo between the Central Truffle and Wes
tern Freight associations , was embodied In
tbo report of n committee to the Central
Trafllo association at the recent meeting.
The report showed that the AVcstorn associ
ation had made proportional rates materially
less to the lake nnd rail hues than to the all
rail linos. For Instance , the llrst class pro
portional rate from Chicago to St. Paul Is 50
cents from thn all rail lino. From the lake
and rail lines the western roads nccept n pro-
iwrtlonal rate of 38 cents. The difference in
the rates of the live other classes is as
marked , amounting to 20 per cent less from
the Inko and rail lines. Ono result of these
rates Is that freight from St. Joseph , Mich. ,
is tnkcti through Chicago and to St. Paul 8
cents cheaper than the same freight could
bo taken from Chicago , cither as local or
through all rail freight. aTho committee re
ferred the settlement to Chairman Blanch-
ard. with u request to adjust the rates if
possible. _
.Railroad ConHollclntlon.
ST. Louis , May 21. At a meeting of the
stockholders of the Bellovlllo , Central and
Eastern Illinois and St. Louis railways , hold
In Belleville , 111. , to day , the consolidation of
those lines wltu the Muorfay system , which
comprises the Louisville , Evansville & St.
Louis , the Evansvl'le & Terre Haute and the
Peorla , Decatur & Evansvlllo , wns ratified.
The Belleville. Contrnlla & Eastern will
now complete arrangements for the con
struction of u line from Belleville to Mt.
Vernon , which will complete the link with
the Maclcny system into St. Louis. The Illi
nois & St. Louis is a coal railroad , recently
acquired by the Mackay system to complete
ita line to St. Louis.
Dropping Unntlny Business.
CHICAGO , May 31. Commencing Sunday ,
Juno 2 , all of the railroads having "city
ticket ofllces" m Chicago , that is ticket of
fices In the city outside of the depots , will
discontinue the present practice of keeping
such places open for business from 10 a. m.
till noon Sundays. Tbo depot ofllcus will be
open as usual in ample tlmo .before outgoing
trains to accommodate Sunday trufllc. An
Important stop toward Sunday observance is
involved In the change , on the effect will bo
the closing of twcnty-llvo offlcoa , relieving
, 150 men entirely from Sunday duly.
Arrival of Arthur Redmond a Pris
oner nt Pierre.
Dak. , May 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnn Bnn.l Marshal Harris arrived
from the Bluck Hills , this evening , with Ar
thur Redmond , arrested for the murder of
W. G. Duncan. The prisoner bos been
close-mouthed since ho was arrested , refus
ing to any u word or bo interviewed , and will
not "nave an attorney. Ho is identified as the
party who stele a horse from Sturgis ,
Black hills , three months ngo , while other
evidence of this nature is accumulating
ugmnst him.
Tha ollioers say ho has shown the greatest
nerve over since arrested , never intimating
by word or sign that ho was troubled.
C. H. Duncan , a brother of the murdered
man , is on his way to Pierre from Baker
City , Ore , , to piosecuto Redmond.
Tbe Standing Rook Sioux.
PiuiiiiE , Dak. , May 31. [ Special Tole-
gramto Tun Bns.J Apropos to a late Stand.
ing Rock dispatch.clalmlng that the Sioux In
dians were opposed to the Sioux , treaty ut thnt
agency , * Agent Soraau , well-known iu torrl-
torrlal politics , has Just returned from Bis
marck , where ho recently had a personal In
terview with the pnst-trader nnd Agent Mc-
Laugblin , of Standing Rock , in which they
stated that no opposition whatever hud de
veloped among the Indians around the
agency to the present Sioux bill , and thnt it
would easily bo rattlled upon the coming of
the commission. Further the Indians had
never claimed or asked remuneration for tbo
ponies taken after the Custor raid , and no
such dissatisfaction existed. Ho regards the
Standing Rock dispatch as HOtitnitlotml , and
believes that no stock should bo taken in
such reports.
Dakota Kuriuors' AHIiuioa.
HimoN , Dak. , May 21. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BBK. | The South Dakota Farmers'
alliance will hold a special meeting here on
Juno 18 , continuing three days. The Knights
of Labor will have representations at the
mooting. The object is to devise plans for
protect Ing tholr Interests in tbo now state or-
Formrr Oinnliu Man
HUIION , Dm : . , May 21. [ Special Telegram
to THU Bun. | Charles Sucll , a clairvoyant
aud medium , has been missing slnco Satur
day. Ho was about thlrty-flvo years old.
with black hulr and mustache , well drossoa
uud probably six foot tall. Ho bad plenty of
money. Foul play Is feared , or that ho lias
wandered away while intoxicated. Ho came
here from Omaha two weeks age.
Air. Hoerotary Mcldruiu.
CHKTUNNH , Wyo. , May 31. | Special Tele
gram to THU BKE.J Johu W. Meldrum , who
was to-day appointed secretary of the terri
tory , is a brother of ox-Survoyor-Gonoral
Mela run ) , of Colorado. Ho bns lived at
Laramie City for many years , though re
cently located In California. Ho was county
clerk of Albany county for Hoverul terms ,
nnd was defeated in ISbJ as a Candida ? for
delegate to congress , and subsequently
served a term as surveyor-general for Wvo-
tiling. Hi * is admirably quulUled to UU the
ofllco of secretary ,
A Coiigro Biii.ui Klooted.
TornKA , Kan. , May 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BBK. ] A special election was
bold to-day la the Fourtu congressional dis
trict to elect a successor to Hon. Thomas
Ryun , who was recently appointed minister
to Mexico. General Harrison Kelly , the re
publican nominee , who U u farmer , was
elected without opposition , there being uo
other candidate.
Wyoming Statnhood ,
CUKYBNNE , Wi'o. , May 21 , 1 Special Tele
gram to TUB B KB. ] Statehood is beginning
to stir the people to the center. The subject
lias so far boon publicly canvassed iu three
counties , and these have enthusiastically
proclaimed for statehood. A rousing meet
ing was hold ut Buffalo last night , ut which
strong resolutions wore adopted.
Au Aoltloy Man Dollbaratoly Stran-
Rlos Hlmsolf to Doath.
The AVInoiia & Southwestern nnd
Mnsoii City & Vort DotlRO IlofUlS
to bo Consolidated A. Conn-
tPiToltor Arrested.
Strnnjjloa Hlmsolf to Dentil.
WATEIU.OO , In. , Mny 91. [ Special to Tnn
UEE. ] A carpenter nnmcd Quntlior , living
at Aclcloy , committed sulcldo Sundny In n
most deliberate fashion. Ho tied a noose
nround his neck and drew the end ot the
rouo over n nnll until ho strangled himself.
When the body was found the end of the
rope was still wound nround his linnds. Ho
wns sixty yonrs old , mid grief eVer the rec6nt
dcnth of his wife caused him to commit
suicide. _
Tlio Supreme Court.
DBS MOINES , la. , May 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BiK. | The supreme court
filed the following decisions hero to-tiny :
UushnollA. Ylglowvs K. T. WlUon , op-
polnnt ; Polk district ; reversed ,
Enio Lyons , appellant , vs L. D. Van
Gnrdncr ; Alamnkeo district ; afilrmod.
Isalnh Stanhope , appellant , va C. G. and
L. G. SwufTord ; Uuclmunn district ; re
John Doyle vs Chicago , St. Pnul & Kansas
City Railway company , appellant ; Marshall
district ; aQlriucd.
George Whiten vs Fuller & Wapnor , op-
Delimits ; Marshall district ; dismissed.
Gnnr , Scott & Co. v I. N. Hnrt et al , , ap
pellants ; Jasper district ; ntttrmod.
Xt\o Itonils to Consolidate.
Pour Dooan , In. , Mny 31. fSpocinl Tele
gram to Tun BKK.I Socrotury Simpson , of
the Wlnoiia & Southwestern railway , is In
tbo city to attend a mooting of the board of
directors of the Mason City & Fort Dodqo
railroad to bo hold hero to-morrow to nr-
range for a consolidation of the roads. Simp
son snya the Wlnonn Si Southwestern will
build to Muson City this season , there con
necting with the Mason City road , which Is
now constructing ono hundred miles in a
direct line from Wlnona , Miuu. , to Omaha.
Arri'st of a Counterfeiter.
Dr.s MOIHRS , la. , May 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : UKB. ] United States Deputy
Marshal Etherldgo brought hero from Cedar
county , to-day , a young man named Charles
Corey , who is charged with passing counter
feit uonoy. Ho purchased a horse in that
county for $10 nnd paid for it with eighty
counterfeit half dollars. When arrested ho
had eighty moro of the eumo spurious coin
uixm his person.
Penitentiary Notes.
ANAMOSI. la. , May 31.Spoclal [ to Tne
UBK. | There nro now twenty-one women m
the penitentiary. Heretofore the number
hus run from twelve to flfteon- the average
number being about fifteen until this your.
The increase is owing to the now law against
prostitution , making It a penitentiary n ( Ton so.
On July 7 , 18&3 , Wurden Barr discharged
Frank Ulvcrs , who had Jlnlshcd u term of
four years for burglary committed in Mu-
haska county , nnd ou Monday of last week
he was returned to the warden's care again
by Sheriff Hudson , of Clinton county , as
Frank Connors , of Clinton , under a sentence
of nine months for larceny. This is the fol
low who played the dummy act on the prison
guards in 18 0. He placed a dummy in hjs
cell and hid himself In tbo prison yard at the
evening hour for ringing in , and when the
regular count of noses was made the dummy
in the cell wns counted for Rivers and he
succeeded in getting nwny , but was captured
at Marteilo the next night ; " ' ' " ' " ' * '
Wayward Ulrls.
DBS MOIXES , In. , May 21. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB HUE. ] Sadie Howard and Cora
Handysholl , two young girls who were sent
to the reform school at Mitchollville some
time ago , escaped tno other day and were ar
rested yesterday in this city. At the trial
to-duy it developed that they had stolen some
jewelry and clothing from the school , and
the charge of larceny brought against
them. They were under the charge of Jailor
and Mra. Spellman last night , it being
thouRht best bv the ofllcers not to confine
them in jnil. The Hunrtyholl girl was , at
the request of her mother , released , as the
testimony showed that she wns not impli
cated to as great an extent ns her-companion.
Sadie Howard was brought before Judge
Bishop , who decided that It was best that
she be sent back to the reform school.
SiiHnootert of Being a Reporter.
WATBUI.OO , In. , Mny 21. [ Special Tele
gram to THE ilnu. ] Some time ago a slight
sensation was created by the charges an es
caped patient made against the insane hos
pital at Independence. It is now thought at
the hospital that 13. J. Carter , who was
found at Iowa Fulls in an-insensible condi
tion , and taken to Independence , is sham
ming insanity for the purpose of investigat
ing the institution , and ho is susuoctcd of
being n ropoi tor. He spends his time read
ing novels , end will not talk except to an
swer questions as briotly as possible. Ho
shows u knowledge of many of the promi
nent Iowa newspaper men und omo in Kaa-
SUB City , but no one is able to recognize him ,
The Foil oral Court.
DKS MOIXHS , la. , May SI. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB linn. ] In the federal court to
day , before Judga Love , the following de
cisions were mndu :
United States vs W , T. Cunningham , or.
rest was waived ; ball $200 and ease con
Holdcrbaum vs H. O. Chcstlor , specific
performance ; leave to tile cross bill in place
of ono lost. !
Shoppird vs Chicago & Northwestern rail
way company-damages ; motion to lomiuid
" \VnutH to Hlinra With po tor.
WASHINGTON' , May 21. [ Special Telegram
to Tun HUB. ] Among the odd requests con
tained in the mall of Mr. Robert P. I'ortor ,
the now superintendent ot the census was
ono , to-day , that eclipses anything yet re
ceived. It simply asked Mr. Porter to share
equally the salary of his oftlco with the
writer , who said that tbo president had evi
dently Intended to appoint him to thp place ,
his name being the same as that of the now
superintendent , In support of his vlowof
'the casa tbe writer volunteers the informa
tion that ho comes front Indiana , that lie
served m the Sixty-ninth Indiana regiment ,
and that , therefore , there cnn bo DO mistake
ns to his being the Robert P. Porter desig
nated as superintendent of the census by the
president. Ho is willing to walvo the honor
of the oftlco , however , if given half of its-
oinoluuumts. Superintendent Porter re
plied to his corrcsixmdout in a solro-comic
vein. A well known export , ho wrote , bad
stated that the superintendent would bo
compelled to do $20,000 worth of work for
$9,000. His Indiana namesake would , there
fore , BOO how great a sacrifice the division of
the salary would be , cvon with ono who
bears the same name.
Denied tlio Application.
CUICAQO , Mny 31. The attorney-general
of Illinois sometime ago filed an information
to show by what right the Gas trust existed ,
claiming it bad exceeded its corporate limits.
Judge Uaker to-day delivered an opinion de
nying the application to dissolve tup corpora
tion , and deciding that tbo trust had a right ,
under the special powora conferred by the
legislature , to buy , toll and control the
stocks of fca companies it had embraced ,
and therefore its action was legal.
Uie Board of Trade ;
CUICAPO , May 31. The fight between the
bucket shops and the board of trade has
boon renewed. Balloy , Mils & -Co. , who
have an oOloo outalde of tbo board , < xaU who
bavo beoa securing quotations ifrou * a
"ticker , " begun notion against the board of
trade , the weitorn Union Telegraph company -
pany and the Goljrnnd Stock Telegraph com *
pany , alleging tb < it the board of trade's
claim of exclusive jurisdiction over its quota-
tlons h untenable , i and therefore n contract
with tolegrnph companies which recognize
such ft right la mot vnlt < J. Judge Tuloy
grnntod n toinporarjj injunction restraining
the telegraph conjflaqy from removing the
* v/if
Tlio FlratCnoo On Record.
CLEVELAND , Mnyfll. [ Special Telegram
to THB BKE.I HOT ) Mrs. Ellen Rlnklo , the
regularly ordnlnud-Jwlnlstor of the United
Brethren church of Worcester , O. , la proba
bly the first womafrdver authorized to per
form ninrrlngo .ceremonies. Rev. Mrs.
Rlnklo made np\fudntloti \ to the probate Judge
of Wnyno county a short tlmo ngo for a ll
cense to perform marriages. The Judge ref -
f used to grant It until ho hnd consulted the
nttornoy-gonornl of the state. That ofllclal
refused to give nn opinion , nnd the judge
being unable to find any law prohibiting the
issuing of a license , proceeded to grnnt ono.
Mrs. Rlnklo will tlo her first nuptial knot
within a few days.
Killed While StcAlIng n HI Jo.
SALT LAKH Crrv , Utah , Mny 31. [ Spoclnl
Tologrnm to TUB BEE. } A slxtoon-yoar-
old lad named George P. Connors , who ran
nwny from his homo in San Francisco , wns
brought into Ogden yesterday with his legs
cut off by n freight trntn. Tbo boy wns n
printer , nnd rnn nway from homo , bcntlng
his wny townrd Ogdon. Arriving nt Blue
Creak , ho attempted to board the trnin , but
his foot slipped and ho fell under the car
with the nbovo result. Ho was picked up
nnd brought to Ogden , where ho died soon
nf tor his arrival. The coroner's Jury held nn
inquest yesterday afternoon.
Hnytl'H Treaty With Franco.
NEW YORK , May 21. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Unit. ] The Times publishes u Hoytl
letter giving the tcsttronty said to hnvo boon
concluded between Lc ltlmo nnd Franco.
Under the treaty Hnytl cedes tlio island of
Gonnlvo to Franco und a alto for n conl sta
tion nt St. Nicholas and grants other con
cessions to vessels nnd merchants. Franco ,
In roturn. ngrccs to aid Haytl to suppress
the rebellion nnd accords her a subsidy of
five nnd n hnlf million of francs , with two
war vessels of the first class nnd nn equip
ment. It is believed in Washington that no
such treaty hns been mado.
Sovoii Colored Unites.
CuLrciTLH COUUT IIousi ; , Vn. , Mny 21.
Near Richnrdsvlllo , this county , Saturday
night , seven negroes-went to the residence
of ono of tholr race , bound him hand and
foot , nnd assaulted' his wife nnd daugh
ter. They were afterwards arrested und
taken to the county jail. Au nttenipt wns
made Saturday night to tnko them out nnd
lynch them , but tno guards frightened the
mob off. It Is expected another attempt will
bo mudo to force the Jail , aud the rnlUtta
have been asked for.
Count Knltiolcy's I'ollto Hint.
VmxNA , May 21. [ Special Cablegram to
THE Bun. j Count Kalnoky , the Austrian
prime minister , hns delicately warned Prince
Nicholas of Montenegro , against maintain
ing a pnssivo attitude toward the scheme to
place Prince Kuragcorgonics on the Servian
throne. A MocWiuu ! paper says thnt Em
peror William hns accepted the invitation to
attend the nutuimrcJnuncuvcrs of the Aus
trian nrmy in Moravia nnd Bohemia.
vy * ' . I V
Moro I'rrfilJiMi'riAl Appointment ? .
WASHINGTON' , , M > y.21. Among the nppotnt-
merits inndo by the president to-day wore the
following : John Vf. Meldrum , of Laramie ,
Wyo. . secretary" ' o'f * Wyoming ; OrrinV
Btntr , of Dakota , recpjver of public moneys
nt Huron , Dak. ; Malachi Krebs , of Peters
burg , Ind. , spooUiUagciit to mnko allotments
of land in severally toltho'Indlans under the
provisions of the not ibf congress approved
February 8. 18b7.
German Imbor Troubles. '
BKULIS' , May iljl , < hJB coal minors who
weru ou n strike ill the Durtmund , Bochum
and Essen districts have returned to work.
Later Tlio coal minors of the Dortmund
region have ngnin entered uuon a general
strike. Tlio iiiners ) state that the managers
did not fulllll their promises. At Zwickon
the minors , with the exception of those em
ployed in the Arn I m collieries , have gone on
u titrlke. _
Dl-H at Hit ; U ilcN Fuuornl.
EnuAiiETif , N. J. , Mnv21. ( Specinl Tele
gram to THE BEE.J Arabroso Vautassel ,
aged thirty-five , dropped dead at the funeral
of his wife this afternoon.
Saturday Mrs. Vnntussol was taken 111 and
died on Sunday , lowing five small children.
Vantnssol's grief was intense , and while the
funeral service was li ; progress ho uttered a
cry and fell forward , dying almost immedi
ately. _
An Kxolianeo of I'oreonulities Enliv
ens the ProooBiliiiRs.
Congressman Connell was a visitor nt the
council meeting last night and was the ob
ject of almost as much attention us wag
Councilman Van Oauip , who was present
during n part of the session , his first appear
ance for u number of weeks Councllmcn
Bedford , Bullpy , Uoyd and Chaffeo weio
A largo amount of routlno business was
Tlio recommendations of Mayor Broatch ,
thnt appraisers bo appointed to value tlio
property of the Omaha Horse Railway com
pany on April 1 , was approved ,
Appruisors were appointed to assess the
dunmgu by reason of tlio grading of a large
number of streets ordered graded by tlio
The city comptroller reported that ho had
received but one bid for furnishing the city
with Ice , thnt of the Gate City Ice company ,
at sixty cents per hundred. As thlx is moro
than tUa regular price of ice , the bid was re
jected nud the comptroller authorized to
mnko n contract nt the lowest terms obtain
The claim of H. Urobo for $70 , a refund of
pound fees , was reported upon adversely by
tlio city attorney ,
Tlio city attorney was authorized to com
promise the buit pf Mrs. A , J5. Campooll
agatoat the city , n claim of { .JUOO for duiu-
ages by the change of giudo ou Twentieth
street. Tao claim can Uo settled for f ( > ( V >
The request of the residents of Vintou
street for the paving of that street with
cedar blocks ou sand aud plank , was re
ferred to the cgmm//4cq / / op paying , curbing
and guttering. , 11 j
The request of { * " > presidents of Decatur
street , for the extension of a water main to
Tlurty-lirst to the com
mittce on fire und wutor.
Fowler &'en } glvon possession
of the city hull plunsio t enable them to pro-
pure the specifications required by the city
attorney before hojnrejwrus a building bond.
A petition usklivg fort the opening of Oak
street from TwoUt3JJMrth to Thirtieth , was
referred to the couiiuittoo ou grades uud
Petition * for the ( trading of Eminott and
Spuuldiug etreeta wluird [ referred to the ci5ui-
mittoo pn grades anwtiiadlng ,
The Utlca Cement company presented n
protest against tbp httiou of the board of
nubllo works in excluding the use of the
Utlca cement in thtt l > ubllo , > works in Omaha.
The matter was referred to the committee on
paving , curbing and"KUttoriug and the city
engineer. * f
The bond of W , It. Johnson us master
plumber , was approved.
The following resolutions wore offered :
By Wheeler Ordering the sweeping of St.
Mary's avenue , trpm Twentieth to Twonty-
seventh street , once in two weeks. Adopted.
By Counsuian Olrootlng the city clerk to
ascertain front ox-City Attorney Council
when the ordinances celug compiled by him
will be ready for delivery to ttiq city.
By Snyder Authorizing the sewer In-
upoetor to hire a noise and wagon. Adopted.
By Davis That tbo city comptroller bo
Instructed to advertise in ono Chicago dully
paper und TUB OM UIA UKK for ono week for
blda for 8ti-oetllehtiiir ( for the city of Omaha ,
for u term of 11 vo ycara , by electricity , gas ,
b'U'olinc or coul off. C *
Councilman Lowry's Sixth street grading
ordinance was brought uu again by u report
of the committee on grades nnd grading ,
recommending the passage of the ordinance.
Mr. Wheeler opposed the adoption of the
report , "Thoro nron't funds enough to do
the vr6rk , " ho explained ,
This brought Mr. Lowry to hi * foot
wlUi fan array of figures , by which ho
showed thnt thcro M still available for grnd *
Ing purposes over $14,000. "Tho contlomnn
from the Fourth hns expressed himself In
favor of the ordlnnnco , except thnt ho
didn't Want 'that Irishman1 to got the
credit for it. "
"I never snlil li That's untrue , " retorted
Mr. Whoolor. "I always thought you wcro
n Frenchman. Your name Indicates it , "
Mn Wheeler then wont on to show by nn
other array of figures thnt there is only
W.OOO available for grading.
Alter half nn hour's discussion It was dis
covered thnt the cost of the proposed grading
wns Included In the city engineer's cstlmnto
of $34,000 for the city's shnro of the grading
proposed for the coming year. The matter
was finally referred for ono week , nnd the
city comptroller requested to furnish a state
ment of the mnount of funds available for
The following ordinances woreopnssod :
Providing for the collection of foes by the
Plumbing inspector ; opening Twenty-second
street from Charles street to St. I'aul street ;
establishing the grndo of Grnnt street from
Twenty-first to Twenty-second , Twenty-first
from Burdotto to Grnnt , nnd Madison ave
nue from Fourteenth to Sherman avenue ;
establishing the grade of Twenty-fourth
street from the Dolt Line to the south line
of section i ; changing the grndo of Chicago
street from Twentieth to Twenty-third ; es
tablishing the grade of Thirty-second street
from Paoiflo to Woolworth ; ordering the
grading of Jones from Fourteenth to Six
teenth , and Fifteenth from Jnckson to ronv-
ouworth ; fixing the snlnry nud defining the
duties of the clerk of the police court.
The Members or the Bonrtl of Kduca-
tloii Hnmltcnppcd.
Since the school bond proposition for the
Issuance of (300,000 for the erection of now
school buildings , nnd fortho purchase of now
school sites , has boon defeated by a vote of
the electors , nothing will bo done at present
by the board of education townrd Increasing
the accommodation , turthor than renting
buildings , nshas been done heretofore.
Many of the members of the board nro dis
gusted with the defeat of the bonds. They
claim thnt the defeat was duo to the inalffor-
cnco of people who nro not fully nllvo to the
needs of the city , aud also to the present
plumbers' striuo.
Some think thnt if the $75,000 proposition
for tbo addition to the high school hnd not
been submitted , the gcneinl proposition
would have carried , nnd then the board
would hnvo secured the other necessary new
buildings the coming season. As it is now ,
public educational facilities are inadequate ,
nnd the members of the board mnko this
statement without hesitancy.
Sneaking to a reporter for TIIK Ben , last
night , Sheriff Coburn , who is one of the
members of the board , stated that the bond
Issue would bo dropped for awhile , at least ,
Ho doesn't think the High school addition
proposition had anything to do with
the defeat of the bonds. After the elapse of
u few months , it is thought that the question
will bo taken up nguln , for the reason that
more school room U needed and must bo had.
About all the money the board bns ou
hand is $18,000 , which is the balance in the
slto nnd building fund. This amount Mr.
Sholes wants to appropriate to the erection
of a temporary building nt the Paul school
site , to relieve the overcrowded condi
tion of the Long school. Ho offered u
resolution to thnt effect at Monday night's
meeting of the board , but action was ro-
torred fqr two weeks.
The members of the board say that the
people will bo anxious for bettor nnd more
adcquato facilities betore the proposition is
put to them again to vote upon.
'llio Jlotall GrncoM.
The monthly meeting of the retail grocers
Was to have boon held last night in thu
Young Men's Christian association building
to consider the credit system. At 0 o'clock
, lie , quorum had Qncrogat < ) d , and the few
that had assembled went home.
7,000,000 CANDLE POWER.
The Ijl htat St. Catherine's Point the
Alou Brilliant In the World.
A correspondent of the London Times
Dalle attention to the light now shown
from St. Catherine' : ; point lighthouse
in the Isle of Wiffht. Prior to Mny 1
of Inatyear ; the light oxhihitod nt this
btiition was described in the admiralty
list of lights as.iixed , Dioptric , of the
lirst order. That is , it was u steady
light produced hy means of a six-wick
concentric oil burner and refrnctiiiir
lenses , tno intensity of the naiced
Iliuno being equal to about 730
candles. At the present mo
ment ( in electric light IB being shown
at St. Catherine's , the full power inten
sity of which was recently stated by
Ciptain , Snyder Webb , the deputy muster -
tor of the Trinity house , to bo equal in
illuminating power to rather more than
seven million candles for the light
now rovolvcb a mighty Hash of live
seconds'1 duration sweeps around the
wen and is visible at distances that seem
incredible , To elTcct this improve
ment a cammpdious engine-room has
been added to the establishment , con
taining three steam engines of twelve-
horse po\\orenoh andtwomiigneto-olec-
tric machines of the Do Mcritons
typo. Two of the engines are
intended to work for lighting
purposes , the third being meant
to work the fog signal , As a precau
tion agninsL broiik-down. everything is
in duplicate at least , with an oil
light in reserve as well. The only
other lighthouses on the coast of Eng
land nt which the light is produced by
means of electricity are Soutor point ,
on the coast of Durham , botwoeu tbo
mouths of the Tyne and the Wear ; the
South Foreland , and at the Lizard , on
the Cornish coast. But the St. Cathe
rine's ' light is ton times more powerful
than the best of thorn the ono on
Soutor point , It is , in fact , one of , if
not , as is believed , actually the most
intensely brilliant' light in existence ,
and one which the country , us a mari
time nation , may certainly feel proud
to sue on its shores.
Tlio Komurkiible Find of Two Vomit ;
Men in Missouri ,
On Saturday , April 27 , James Mc-
Cnlun , a young nmn residlug on Wal
nut crook , near Index , Mo. , was squir
rel huntin/r. /
Noticing his dog barking furiously ,
ho wont forward. Tlio object of the
dogs attention was an enormous black-
sniiko , which , when killed , measured
fourteen feet und nine inches.
The reptile stood perfectly erect for
about four feet of its lengthuud seemed
unable to move the middle part of its
body at all.
Although somewhat abashed by the
formidable appearance of the reptile ,
snys the St. Louts Republic , Jim way
not slow to observe that it could not
raovo from the spot where its body
soojiicd bound to tlio earth , so Jio picked
up u btout club and striking the monbtor
several blows upon its head , which it
WUB weaving ubout in the uir , soon dlB-
nutchod it.
Ho waa again astonished wlion , ut-
tomptlng'to raise the monster up on hia
stick , he wus unnblo to lift it from the
About that tlmo ho eaw a neighbor on
the road , Culling upon him for assist
ance , they out ho snake open ut tlio
nlaco where the immense weight was
They took from its body an old bootleg -
log thonged together at each end , and
containing something 6 ° cavy they
cquld scarcely lift it. Great was their
aurpriiso and joy when , upon cutting
open the boot log , it was found to bo
flllod with gold coins frorU $1 up to 320.
The only plausible explanation ia
this : It is well known by parties living
here that during the Into war n , party
of bushwhackers burled n bootleg full
of gold somewhere on Walnut Crook.
The monslor was found near a. small
rnvlno , where It is supposed the gold
waa washed out of Us hiding place mid
found hy the snnlco. Besides , not being
able to imagine how lie managed to
swallow It , wo can't concolvo why ho
attempted it unless to his race belongs
the greed for gold which Is a prominent
trait in human nature , since man
yielded to his ancestral tomptor.
At any rate the snake got It , then
Jim , who IH now the hnppo possessor of
$3,810 in gold. Wo Jiopo ho will Ulvldo
with Ed and prosper. The snake that
swallowed the canoe and nine Indiana
was a much larger ono than this , but
for actual value this ono takes the cake ,
Tlio American Girl.
The American girl is gradually In
vading every department of operatic
representation , and always with success ,
says the St. James's Ga/.ctto. For years
past more loading nritno-donno have
boon produced by tno United States
than by any European country. Madame
Pattl is almost nn American ; Madame
Albanl Is a Canadian : Madame Vallorla.
Madame Nordlca , Madame Nevada and
Miss Van Zandt , with many moro whoso
names will at once sugaost themselves ,
are all from the United States. Miss
Geraldine Ulniar , an American , is ono
of the most attractive members of the
Savoy company ; and Miss lluntington ,
another American , reigns supreme at
the prince of Wales' . Wo now hoar
of a now American Juliet , Miss Eamcs ,
who , coming nftor Madame Patti at the
Paris opera house , has almost equalled
Madame .Patti's success ; of an American
dancer , Mademoiselle Flint , who has
made her mark in the grand bullets of
Milan and of Rome. Stendhal was cer
tainly mistaken when , rather moro than
fifty years ago , ho wrote that America
was the freest country in the world , but
ono to which Italian music could never
appeal. _
U'lint llo
Shoo and Leather Dealer : Cashier
Bogus ( in Toronto ) Hello , what's the
matter ; you're all broken up ; remorse ,
oh ?
Cashier Joggs Not much : but I've
just road in the papers that old Divi
dend , the president of our hunk , bald if
I had waited a week longer I could have
stolen twice the amount.
Wanted to Motir Iliinsi-lf. .
"Can't you road to yoursolfr" ' asked n
man of an old darkey , who was mutter
ing over a newspaper.
"Don't koor for dat sorter read In' ,
nohow. When I reads I wants tor hear
what I'so ' roadin'-about. "
On tlio HR | Board. '
Chicago Herald : "Three years ago I
wont onto the board with $1550,000. and
in lots than two years I retired. "
"With an independent fortune ? "
"No ; until I could raise u little money
to go into something else. "
A Good Appotlto Is essential to i'ooA
health : but at this Reason the blood may bo 1m- tired fi'olln-j predominant , ami the
apputito lost. Hood's Sainnparllla la a von-
durfiil moillUnu. for creating an nppetlto. ton-
IHK tlicdlt'ustlon , Htm giving suengtli to the
nerves nnd henlth to tlio whole syKtojn.
Bo sufeto got Hood's SurBUparilla. Hold
by all drtiKKlsts. Prepared only by 0.1. Hood A ,
Co. , Apothecaries , lu\\ell , .Mass.
Paris Universal Exposition
Is now open , I * H riles deMrlnn irood uccnmmoliittoiM
ua the now lurno uxpragg uttmniura of ( liu 1 a mom *
Which nro notril for tholr regularity , < i ] ul In rill-
null IriliiH , In ninkliiKlhu trip lu JIjVlL'-runt III emu
nuuk , iiromlvUol to
Mnbo Early AnnllruUon for IJiT
Tlilt I * also ju'ccsiiiry on iircount of the ho ivy
truvt'lilurlliHlhu | > rhiituml nuimm-r uioiilU * .
McC AGUE BROS. , 105 Soutb 15tb St. ,
HAHRY E. MOORES , 1G02 FariiuniSt. ,
II. L. HALL , 1221 ! Fnrimm St. ,
J. II. GREEN , 161)1 ) Fnrntun St. ,
AmsnU , Oiuulia , Neb.
Qcn'l Wuatoni AKt. Itll WnnliliiKlyn M , Chlca o.
W , BAKEir& CO.'S
IB li'tiitutilH jnne unit
it In nuliililc.
No Chemicals
rro uud In ill preparation. It liii mart
tlion tJtrtt tfniti Ilit ttrtitytk fit Co < ua
inlucl vltli Klanli , Arruurovt oriiuKar ,
anil Ii thmfuro ftt more uungmlcil ,
rotting tttt ( Aon 0ru etnt a tvp , 11 ! <
lit Hcloui , nourblillig , itfciigtlicninit , Kl-
MY Plol T > .noJiJ Jmlr Lly a | Jcil
for Invalid ! villai iicriom la lunlth.
Bold If ( irocem
W , BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass.
Hno tnnanioii | > u lMi > al Havnurlnit block furUouiu
Maita DUlies und &HUCCI. A Hour Ton , ' lui liivulua
tlo tonic. " Annual alu 8.UW.UOJ JUM ,
Ronulno onlr Hllbfnc ilrulloof Juslui Ton IJob
eltnaturo In blue ucrois Inliel.
Bold lir tHorokooiieri , Orpcr < nd DruEnliU.
UKBlQ'a KXTUACT 1 > V ilKAT CO , J/M , I/Ddon )
Bold If HUij r < l ou Draa Co. uud UUka.Bruco & Uo
Peerles Dyes
We can offer for the next few
days the
Ever offered in this city.
Come early as it wont remain
unsold very long.
The finest improved farm In the west
comprising acres , every aero sufl
ccptlblo of cultivation.
This farm Is situated in Cumlup
County , and the celebrated Elk Horn
Ginning County is queen of the corn
bolt , nnd this is the finest farm in the
Only four miles from West Point the
county seat , and throe miles from the
town of Beemer.
! 1.15 acres in growing crops , corn ,
wheat , oats and barley.
100 acres in pasture , containing living
water the entire year , the on tire pas- *
lure is under fence.
Largo elegant 7 room hoilso , 2ixl8 ! ,
two stories high. The rooms are largo
and the house is well furnished. Largo
brick collar.
12 ACRES IN ORCHARD of hearing
The farm is well supplied with the
necessary out buildings , as follows :
Horse Barn \ \ ith carriage shod attached i
G0.\40 feet.
Cow Barn , i0.\iO ! ; , two stories.
Hog Burn with hog pasture of 20 acre *
20.\32 feet.
Corn Cribs. 20xH2 foot.
Granory , 28xi2 ; feet.
Chicken House , 12x10 foot.
All the buildings are now and in gooa . i
condition. /1
Four wells of line water , ono at the
house , and one each at the horse , cow
and hog barns.
The following stock is now on tha
place and will bo sold withitJ :
20 head graded milch cows. ,
80 young heifers and steers.
7 j oung work hoi'303. '
1 colt.
1 pony.
1 mnro , with. foal. -
120 hogs , many of them nearly ready for
the market.
The farm is well cquiped with qll
necessary machinery , such as wagons ,
cultivators , facedors , mowers , hay rakes
This is a grand opportunity to secure
one of the llnest farms in the west.
Remember it is
Ready for occupancy , well slocked and
with growing crops.
Wo will oiler it for the next few days ,
at a price , and on torjns that will insure
Us immediate sale.
Tlio ftwnor Will exchange it for im
proved uniiicuinborod Otuuhn property
or well located
Suitable for platting.
Remember tills form is clear from all
incumbranco , and wo jnust receive good
uninmbercd property in exchange.
For full particulars apply to
Real Estate
Telephone 1440 ,
Managers ,
Omaha ,