8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , MAY 21 188ft THRCITY. _ The Omaha Guards , headed by tholr band and drum corps , will maUo their flrHtdrostj parade on the 30lh. Mciy Glftflt , a valuable mnroownod by Dlck'Wildo , wns stolen yesterday. The nniuml is a sorrel in color , fifteen hands hiph. A pookotbook wns plckod up nt the ontrv' td IJoyd's onora house Saturday and. is now in the possession of the chief of poltco. On Thursday evening the Lndies Ro- llof corps gives a reception to Mrs. Emma Mini cheater , at the residence of Capt. J. S. Wood. Complaints have boon made against Ed Mauror and Dr. Cornish for soiling" linuor on Sunday. Warrants arc to bo issued for thcarrodl of both. Ohiof Seavoy has ordered a number of warrants to be issued for bawdy house residents of the now burnt district who have boon ordered to vacate but have failed to do BO. The command at Fort Omaha , joined by these at the Bullovuo rillo range , is rejoicing ever Soigoant Heading's suc cess at Chicago. Seine of the men are heavy winners. Frank D. Kent , a snloonkoopor at Cut-oil islnnd , has sworn out warrants for the arrest of a number of persons whom ho claims have been fishing with a seine in the hiko. There la n pond at the corner of Thir ty-fifth and Gnus streets which is not only stagnant , but which has become the dumping place of manuro'and other objectionable fillings. The board of public works yesterday granted a permit to the Omaha Struct Kail way company to lay tracks on Twenty-fourth street from Mamlorson Btrcet to the ] ? ult line. Adam Snyder has been honored by the olTor of a place on the committee on n\\nrd of the Texas Spring Palace , an exposition to bo hold from May SJO to Juno 20 , at the capital of the Lone Star state. A tctini of horses belonging to Martin llailcy , a teninstcr for the Woodman Oil works , was killed at the crossing of Twentieth ana Nichols streets by a wild car on the Bolt line spur ycbterday afternoon. Oniccr Fleming turned ever to Chief Seavoy a counterfoil sihor dollar hand ed to him by a gentleman on whom it had boon passed. It was a clumsily ex ecuted job and could not deceive any one who examined it. However it bore evidences of considerable use. I'crhonnl I'urasrnnhs. P. H. Ilouton , of Lincoln , is in the city. DM. K. Hoiiowcll , of Tolcumali , U in the city. W. U. Uuckus , of Guiioii , is nt the Mllluril. T. F ; Gnutt , of North Plutto , is in the city. J. E. Applcgato , of Cincinnati , is in the city. city.C. C. T. Brewer , of McCoolc , is nt the Mil- lunl. lunl.L. L. D. Watson , of Carter , Wyo. , is nt the Arcade. W. P. Bartlett , of Dos Molnes , is nt the Arcade. J. Mc3rido ] , of O'Neill , was in the city yes- teiday. J. W. Chandler , of 13rokon Bow , is a guest nt the Arcndo. W. P. Wnmsloy , of WulK. Walla , W. T. , is nt the Millard. E. Li. Clayton , of Crete , wns an Omaha visitor ycstorduy. John Bcnnisonof Bcnnison Bros. ' Crcston , la. , store , is ia the city. Dr. Hosowater has recovered from his recent - cent Illness and resumed practice. Emll Brandols. of Braoduls & Sons , re- turneil ' from Now York city yesterday. > 'it Blink , ' of Fronchtowu , Nob. , is in the city looking over his ical cstato intoicsts.'jjg John B. Shua , assistant county attotnoy , ' has returned fiom his three weeks'visit in Boston , Mass. ' . Phil McCarthy loft for the west last ovcn- iiiR for n few days' visit to his brother , J. P. McCarthy nt Laratnlo City. * .General H. G. Thomas , formerly of the ptlv 'department , United States army , and Colonel Stone , of the Twonty-llrst infantry , were visitors at Port Omaha Sunday , and guests of Colonel Fletcher. The Mhsos Abbott and Miss E. Terry , of Wilton , Iowa , arrived m the city on Thurs day morning last , and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Torr.v , 2T27 Chailes. Mr. J. D. Farquhor , general agent of the Capitol Loan and Investment company , of Lincoln , passed through this city en lonte for DCS Molues , Jowa , which ho contemplates making his luturo home. Water Notes. Yesterday the waterworks company com menced to lay a water main oil Eighteenth south of Vlnton , also on Mercer avenue four blocks west from Lowe avenue. The water main on Lca\en worth reaching to the Bolt line will bo llulshcd on Wednesday. Disappeared. Mr. Michel , who lives on Jones street , near Fourteenth , reports at police headquarters that Ills twolvo-yoar-old daughter has mys teriously disappeared. IIo cannot account for the disappearance and is greatly con cerned. She has black hair and blue eves and wore a blue hat. Additional Paving. The city council has given property own ers along the following sheets thlity days to select the matci ial wltti which they do- Biro their thoroughfares paved : On Daven port from Thirtieth to Hillside addition ; Chicago from Thlitiothto Illllsido addition ; Thirty-first from Cass to Davonpoit ; Bristol from Twenty-fourth to Thirtieth ; Thlitieth from Bristol to Spauldlng. Conling Stations. The St. Paul & Omaha will move its Cov- Ington coal shed to Herman , and its Oakland coal shed to Bancroft. Us coaling stations are to bo : Omaha , Herman , Bancroft , Emci son anil Sioux City. As the coal la hauled Irom the mines north via Omaha , the ideals to avoid hauling farther noith than absolutely necessary as much of it is used by southbound engines. AVnnt Aloro Trains. There is a considerable feeling among people ple living along the Bolt line about the lack of suburban train service after night. The last tnWn out from the Webster street Jepot leaves at 0:20 : p. m. , and the latest one to ar rive reaches hero at 8 p. m. This does not allow the people living In the suburbs nn.v cliqnca to enjoy the benefits of the thcatois , cr other evening entertainments , or to at tend to any business down town after night. A Girl's Kliclir. Looln Dcniso , a pretty brunette of seven teen years and only four foot four inches in height , has run away from her homo at Mis souri Valley and it is thought has coma to Omaha. No reason is known for her depar ture. She were a blue tmtiiio dress when she loft. An unelo named Mr. Youll , is 'In the city looking for her. Ijiuvlcr's Victims. Three rowdies , named James Watson , E. S , Owens and M. Morrison , while drunk Sunday evening , attempted to run the Eden Musco. They used the vilest of language in the presence of n number of ladies and in otler | wpyn acted most outrageously. Wat son , who struck Mr. Lawler , was lined $0.50 , Whllo hlu two associates got off with $5.50 each. Civil Service ISxnmlnatlnn. Aclvil , service examination for clerkship * . in the government oftlccs at Washington will ' lie bold In this city next Thursday , The ex- runmcrs are J. E. Waters , roulstry clerk 'of the postoflk'o , president ; Matthew FItzpat- rickriouoy | order clerk , secretary , and F , W. Perkins , tlwj chief clerk. Ono member of the Government board is expected to bo rOSTOFKICB AND Dlsoiiflfioilnt TiCttgth l > y CotiRrcasninn Council JiiBt Returned. Hon. W. J. Connell returned homo from Washington yesterday morning. In answer to inquiries regarding the gov ernment building matter , ho said * that It would doubtless bo settled within the next few days , though in nit the conferences hold either with Secretary Windom or SiipDrvis- Inp Archltect-Wlndrim , no intimations weio given from which nnvono could determine what looatlon would bo soloctcd. "Delay Is canned , " said Mr. Council , "by the special committee composed of Super vising Architect Windrim and assistant sec retaries Bachelor nnd 1 Ichnor , who hnvo n force of clerks nt work completing nn abstract of all the points nmdo in letters , telegrams nnd petitions , favorable and other wise , to bitn the Faraam stiect and the Planters' house silo. "With all the delay wo nro as far along as Milwaukee , Duluth and other places which are to have now tiostofllccs. Nothing has been ilonoas yet townuls limiting plans for any of them. The chief clerk told mo that Mr. Wlndom's time has been so occupied seeing callers nnd getting thodcpaitmcnt ro- 'organl/cd that ho has not been in the draughting room but once slnco taking charge of the ofllco. I expect wo will have a decision some time thin week. " Hoforrlng to other affairs , especially ap pointments , Mr. Connell said ho had nothing to give out not already known. "Hogaidlng the Omaha postofllce , I don't bcllcvo any change will bo nnulo , at least not for several months. In course of time wo may expect removals , probably in the dis trict attorney's ana revenue collcctoi's ofllecs. " "Mr. Pilohott has been threatening to re sign. Has his icslgnation reached Washing ton11 ? "No , I think not. Probably It got lost in the mails. " "IIo says ho has become weary of the ofllco and wants to get out of III" "I hardly nnaglno that Mr. Prltchott will mvo occasion to resign. " "Judge Groff's ' chances for appointment on the Inter state commerce commission , " de clared Mr. Connell , "aro bettor than these of any western man seeking a high olllco. It s generally conceded at Washington that Attorney Guneial Miller will bo made tno successor of the late Stanley Matthews , on the supreme court bench. "Yes , I i-.iUod at the whlto house and had ntcrvlows with President Hartlson half n lozcn times while there. The administra : tlon Is fast growing into popularity vlth the pcoplo. Somu complaint Is heard 'rom seekers after place and tholr friends jecauso of the slowness in matting ofllcial changes , but that is to bo expected. The ircsident is not inclined to bo hasty In the natter of removals , except for cause , while among the heads of departments different opinions prevail , Clarkson , for instance , urges changes In his department of fourth- class postolUcct as rapidly as possible , and told mo that ho had made an argument for this in n meeting of the cabinet. Ho holds that the people , by n decided vote , asked lor a change of administration , i'ho masses are not convinced -tnat the change has come until their postmaster has been removed and a now man put in his ( ilacc. "Senator Manderson will bo homo in a few days. " Air. Connell said that at a meeting hold last week , in Washington , all the delegation for Nebraska , except Senator Mandorson , Imd endoiscd W. F. Gurloy as assistant dis trict attorney'and rccpinniondedhis appoint ment. _ Always Keep the Upper Hand ol Dis ease. Chances of temperature are apt to cause dangerous sickness ; in the full-blooded apoplexy plexy is to bo feared. When you havoa pain in the head , feel dizzy , feverish , rheumatic or sick at the stomach , take at once three to ten of ISitAMJitr.Tii's Ptu.s. Such slight al- fcctlons are only the harbingers of disease or sudden piostration , and the thing to do is to master the trouble ut once. Never let a lit tle sickness cot the better of you. Drive it out of doors iiDmedlatcly. Let thcro bo no compromise , always have with you n box of BiiANi > iiETH's PHLS , and you are prepared to fight the \ \ orst form of sickness in its in cipicncy. miSMOIUtVLi J > AY. The Committee. Complain * of Scarcity of IAimn. ! The committee on invitations for the ob servance of Memorial day , May 30 , has sent written invitations to all societies in tno city known to it , to take part in the parade and exercises. It also extends cordial invitation to every society , both civil and military , which lias thus far not been invited , to Join with the G. A. R. on that occasion. All societies desiring to take part in the parade should report to Major Clarkeson , marshal of the day , and get positions assigned them bo- forotheSUth inst. The financial committee appointed , by the G. A.1J. posts , to collect funds to defray the expenses of the services resumes its t-isk to morrow. Thus far , It has not been so suc cessful as it was thought it would be. A very inteicsting programme has been ai ranged , including an addicss at the high school grounds by Kov. Dr. Molt , of Dubuque - buquo , la. , recommended by Dr. Duryea as being n very eloquent man. The occasion will bring to Omaha many thous vnds of visi tors , so that from business motives , If from no other , it is claimed the citizens should contribute freely to defray tbo expense in curred. Strictly Business. What Is the Swift Specific Company ? Who compose the organization i Is it n clap trap patent medicine humbug , gotten up to de ceive and inako money out of the people } These ijuc'tlons wo think are nnsworcd by the officials and citizens of our city and state. . AiiMjm , Ga. , Nov. 10 , 18b8. Wo know the gentlemen composing the Swift Specific Company. They are promin ent citizens of our state , men of means and of high character and btandinc. W. A. IlKMi'im.i , , Pros , Capital City Bank- J. II. Pourun , Pros. Merchants' Bank. PAUL KoMAiii : , Vice-Pros. Atlanta Nat Bank. L. J. HIM , , Pres , Gate City Nat. Bank. JOHN B. Gun DON , Governor of Georgia. AI.FHKD H. CofquiTT , U. S. Senator. J. T. Cool-tit , Ma\or of Atlanta. II. W. GiiAiiy , Editor Atlanta Constitution. ' 1 ho Host In ttio World. I think S vlft'B Specific is the best blood lumedy In the \\orld , I have known it to make some wonderful cures of patients who were considered Incuiablo. ' D. M. tin it BOX. Crowvillo , La. Treatise ou Blood and Skia Diseases .nulled fioe. THE Uttirr Si'ccii'ic Co , , Drawers , Atlanta , Go. A Htntt ) Development Convention. Tim state development committee of the board of tin Jo met in the ofllco of Secretary Nason ut 350 : ! o'clock , yesterday afternoon , which resulted in offectlnir an organisation. Hugh G. Glark was chairman , nnd W. W. Nason , secretary. After- discussing various mcasuies , it was decided to write the vauous boards of trade and otbcrorgunlzatlons of the state nnd ascertain their vlows as to the pro priety of calling n state convention for the purvoso of considering the subject , nnd devising vising ways and means for carrying out the objects of the committee , which Is in the in terest of the development of the stato. It Is proposed to hold the convention about the middle of June. ' ' N 10thOmaha Taxidormlstcatal'g'o,815 , , AN AKOIUIKOI'S EI3I3S. Wliy Dnrrow Did Not Hullil the Now llrowncll Hall. The suit of Henry A. Dnrrow ngalnst the trustees of Brownoll hall , Is on trial be fore Judge Groff. Mr. Dnrrow prepared plans for the now hall , which were accepted but for which ho clilms to have received no compensation. Ho sues accordingly for W.OOO. County Attorney Mnhonoy has filed amended petitions to the demurrer in the cases of Douglas county against Stuht , lias- call , Donovan , Clark. Gibson , Boicho , Alt- man , Christlanson nnu Goddurd for payments on lots purchased by thum two yo.usagoln the poor farm. Sullivan airnlnst Van Kttcti Is on trial bo- for Judge Judge Wnkoloy. The county attorney filed thrco Informa tloim , the first being against Alvla Fletcher , charged with stealing n gold wnleh fiom Mattlo Kced , valued at $ l-'o ; the second , ngnlnst Frank Stone for burglary in South Omaha , nnd the third against Will N. King , for forging the nonio ot Leo Hartley & Co. to n ? G cheek on McCaguu Bros. ' bank. 'Ihomas W. Robinson has instituted suit against F. N. Jones and H. E. Hust , to foreclose - close u mortgage for the payment of n prom issory note debt amounting to $1,100.07. 1 ho criminal cases sot for ti Ial this week before Judge Hopowoll aio : Scott Gillmnn nnd Efllo Smith , larceny from person ; Frank Stone , buiglary ; Will N. Klnir , forccry ; Edward C. Marsh , embezzlement from the Adams Express company ; Barnard Me- Dermit , assault and battery ; Charles Cum- mlngs , embezzlement ; Joiry Howard , as sault and battery. Next Monday : Walter Edwards , assault with Intent to kill ; Frntil : Fuller , larceny from poison ; Mary Havliek , assault nnd battery ; Klchard Cieolo , assault with intent to wound , and Alva Cook , em bezzlement from the Mlssouii Pacific. In the case of P.iynter against Jonnson the Jury rendered a veidlct for SJ1.14 for the plolutlff. The arguments wore concluded yestciday afternoon In the SJ5)00 ( ) dainago case of Hansen - sen against Omaha , and the case wi.s given to n Jury for deliberation. The plaintttr In the case of David Scldcn ngalnst Emma L. Van LOtton was given a verdict for S'J.ltO. ' The suit was brought to recover that amount on Justice court fees. In the case oC Dewey & Stone against Iroy the plaintiffs recovered a Judgment for $11-1. United StiurH Court. The case of Michael O'Brlon against the Union Pacific Railroad company for S20.COO damages wns injprogress before Judge Dundy. O'Brien was thrown off a switch engine nt South Omaha on the 1st of August last , and had OIKI ol his logs crushed to such an extent that ho had to have it amputated. W. J. Sheep , of Lincoln , is in attendance at the court. County Court. Silas Cobb , a democratic stenographer , has brought suit against the democratic legisla tive delegation , Mcssis. William Novo , Wil- limn Gardner , Adam Snydcr , JohnMcMillen , S. B. Fcnno and Frank K.Morrissey , as well as Timothy J. Mahoney , for ? 320. In his complaint he states that lie did stenographic work for thorn thrco times in the contested election cases of George M. O'Brien against John McMillcn nnd others , to the amount nnd value of ? 400 ; that Mahoney is hold liable as guarantor for this sum with the exception of 5SO , nnd Is therefore made ono of the defend ants. In behalf of MeMillen , Gardner , Nevo and Snyder ho guaranteed to pay Cobb for taking depositions , ? 320 , within twenty d.ys , but it has not been paid yet. Pears' soap secures a beautiful com plexion. H ' ' ' ' ' ' „ " ' ' ii f ' < Ijlcciifictl to Wed. The following list of marriage licenses were issued yesterday in the county court : Name and Residence. Ago I John Cahill , Omaha 25 1 Bessie McCarthy , Omaha 'M j Howard R. Weber , Omaha 20 1 Willetta Scott , Omaha . " . . . . A. . .20 JGustav Koessnor , Elkhorn , Nclf. . . * 37 | Annie Parackning , Elknorn , Neb 29 ( Henry J. Martin , Omaha 25 ( Lizzie M. Schuior , Omaha 22 A TRAIN DITCHED. An Accident Occasioned by Attention to an Injured Boy. CJ About 1:30 : p. m. , Sunday , a boy of fifteen , named Lewis , while attempting to got on a Missouri Pacific train near Locust street was joikcd violently against the stops of the rear and broke his ICB. A number of Missouri Pacific employes near by carried him to a house near by and sent for n physician who set the fractured limb. Among the men who attended to the boy's Avonts was the switchman at that point. Ho forgot that ho had left his switcli open , and in a few moments a passenger train came in and the engine , tender , baggage car and two coaches were ditched. Nobody was injured , although many were scared. In the course of a few houts the train was replaced ou the track. Mihnlovitch's Hungarian blackberry juice is unformcntcd. The Itlckotts- Woods Cnso. Judge Bcrka yesterday heard the case of Dr. M. O. Iliukotts against John Woods , nn nctlon on the equal rights act. Evidence was produced to show that WooJs lial refused to ' sell Dr.'Rlckctts beer unless ho paid 51 n glass for it. I'ho defcnso was made that Woods has a right to fix any prjco lie wants upon his wares Judge Berica took the mat ter under advisement until to-morrow. Sam Small'H liccturo. More than five hundred pcoplo crowded the First Baptist church last night to hear Som Small's lecture , entitled , "From Bar room to Pulpit. " Mr. Small , according to his own statement , was n patron of "bar-rooms for Bovontccn years , and has only been four years In the pulpit. IIo consumed the greater portion of his time In tolling how awfully bad ho used to bo when he. was starring as the worst drunkard in Atlnnta , and closed by contrasting his former degraded condition with his present life , IIo attributed the change entirely to the overwhelming power of Diviuo Grace , ana asscitcd that no man .who has fallen asl ow as lie once was has will power enough to recover his position without accepting religious aid. A New CiirpcnterH' Union , The carpenters of North Omaha met , last ' night , in their union liouUauart'ers , nt Twen ty-fourth and Cumlng streets , andorganized n now union , which will bo known nn the Biotheihood of Caipentcrs' aim Joiners' ' union , No. 71. It is u branch of No. CS KEPL For Bll'oui and Nervoui Oliorderi , tuchafi Wind and Pain In the Stomach , Sick Headache , Glddlneit , Ful- neit. and Swelling alter Ueali , Dlizineii and Urowilncit , Cold Chilli , Fluihlngt t Heat Lou of Appetlts , Shorlneit of Breath. Cottlveneit , Scurry , Blotchei on the Skin. Disturbed Sleep , Frightful Dreamt , and all Nervoui and Trembling Sensations. &e. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY .MINUTES , llilala noilctlou. LveryaurforerU earnestly Invited to try ono Uos of tbesa i'llla , aud tUoywill be ocknowledged to bo a l\'on \ < lcrful StnlMnr. UCEOHAM'd VlUB , Ukou us directed , will quickly restore female * to complete health. For a WEAK STOMACH ; IMPAIRED DIGESTION ; DISORDERED LIVER ; they ACT LIKE MAGIC : < > fete tlotrt 17111 work wonders upon the Vital Organs ; Strengthening tlio mutculur Sitem ; reatorlne lone-lost Complexion : brlneliiK btvtk the keen edge ol appetite , aud arousing vrlih the ROSEBUD OF HEALTH tbo utiotetiliyitcal entraifot the human fruino. These nro "fuels'1 admitted by thousands , In all classes of society i and ono of the best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated la that BEECHAM'S PILLS HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PATENT MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. 1'ull dlrectloaj wltUeachBoi. Vrcpnrccl only by TII08. IIKECIIAM. St. Helena. Ijmca hre ! , England. AiM lii Uniwlit * ocnerulla , B. F. ALLEN 4 CO. . 36B and 367 Canal St. , New York , bolo Agvnta for tlio UulteO Btatoa , u/io ( It'iair Urufflat does not keep Ihein. ) WILL MAIL DEECHAW'S PILLS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE 25.CENTS A BOX. ' nils powder no vor varies. Amiuvolof purity HtroiiRtli \\holQsoincne3s. . Morn uconoinlcal than the ordinary Klu it , nnd cannot l > o sold In competition with the inultltiiiles of low cost , BhorlwolKlitnluinor iihosimnto powaois. Sola only In cam. Uoyal linking 1'owder Co1 J Wallstroot Now irort RfiAKVELOUS DISCOVERY , Onlr ficntilno System of Memory Tmlnin * . rour Honk * I.cnrncil In ouo rcuiUuK. niliiil nnmlrrltiR cured. Bvpry clillil nitrt nilult nrcatly licneflltcd. Great Inducements to Correspondence ] Clntccs. rroMioeus. with opinions of Pr.AVm. A. Ilntn- muiiil/tho worl 1 h nrl bwel | ilit In Mlwt I ) | UCPF. ' . MiiiiirlCJrprnlpnlTliiiimikon.tlioBrcntlVM'ioI. nilit I fll lliiBltlPV , O.I > . .cditorof the ( Vip ( i < m Sfiiimfr V. V1 . I Iplmrrt l'l orlor , tlio hoWlst. ' Aslt Your Ke taller for tfao JAMES MEANS OU THE According1 to Your Needs. .TAMES MEANS 84 STTOE flu light and stjUsh. Itnti llknn Jfitocklnp. nil RKQDIKKS k NO " KEAKINCriN"be- lag perfectly pajy the n-tt time It worn. It will taUsfy the irost lotH. JAMUS MflANS hllOi ; la nosolutcly tno only E-IOO of Its prlco > v Men i 1m \erbCCT placed cx- f-tcnslvelyon Urn nmkct * " ' Inwhlc'i durabllltr la considered bcluro : mcra out ward AsJcfbr the James " - HcancfS Shoe fornoya J. BIEANB & CO. , Uoetdn. Pull liuus of IboT.bovo nliocs for sale by Morris & 'WiIcox and G o.S. Miller _ DRS. BETTSTBETIS 1103 FAIINAM STHEET , OMAHA , NEB. ( Opposite Pnxton Hotel. ) Ofllco liour.s , 0 a. m. to a p. m. Buudaj a , 10 . m. to 1 p m. Specialists In Chronic , Nervous , Skin and Blooil Diseases. Ca7 C < mBiiltutIon nt olllco or by mall free. Medicines sent by mail or express , socuroljr paclceil. free I rom obnerv atloru Guarantees to cure quickly. Mifoly and Durm.inentlv. UDTmfUTC ! Tl'DDIITT1VSPerllllltorrhpa ( , semi- nbllVUUo IJbDlLllI nul I.o 5oi.NlghtKmls. ilona 1'liyblciil liecjiy , nrlslnt ; from Indiscre tion , Kxcesj or Indulgence , producing blflep- lessness , Despondency , 1'linples on the face , aversion to society , easily discouraged , luck ot conlldeuce , dull , unfit for btudy or buslnos'i.Bnil ' ( lutla Ufa a burden. paTuly , permanently and prl\utely cured. Commit DIN. Uutta It lietts , 403 1 aumiii ht. , Omaha , Neb. Blood and Skin Dise results , completely eradicated without the aid of Mnrcurv. Scrofula , Kijslpolns , 1'ever Bores , Illotches , Ulcers , I'alns In the Head and Uonoa , ByphllltlcSoroTliroat. Mouth nnd Tongue. Co- tuirh , &c. permanently cured where others tfirlnnn ifniliauff and Bladder Complaints , KH111GY , Uriliary I'amtul. Uim lilt , too fro- iiuent HurnliiK or Illoody Urine. Urine hlgn col ored or nlth milky sodlmont on standing , Weak Hack , OonnorrlHi-a , Gleet , Cystitis , &c. , Promptly andbatcly Cured , Churpes Keasona- STRICTURE ! moval complete , trlthout cuttlnK , cmu\lc or dilatation. CurtKCtrectid at homo bv patient without a moments lulu or unuovunco. iu Yonic Meusanft Men , SURET3URE effects' of early A Vlechlch orlnga organic weakness , destroying both mind and bodv , wlta nil Itti dreaded lllivnarmiui ntlycuiel. HDQ CTTT ! Amreis \\nonaralrnpalred UiltJi DuilU thomiclvix by Improper Indul * pencea and solitary 1mb 11 , which ruin both body and mind. unCitliu them for business , atudy or marriage. . M AitniRD MK.V or. tlio" ciiterlns on that Imp- Py life , aware -plo's'ml ' dublllty , quickly M oum SUCCKSS IB based upon fJuAn , First 1'raetleal _ Exp - cat-c , tlius airectlnspnre.s without Injury. W freud U ceutK jjcntaKe for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous uuil Delloate Dlgeasea. ThouanndH cured. | 3tf A friendly letter or call may sava > ou futuio HulTerltii ; and hame , and add golden jeais to Hf . ( STNo letters an- cwered unless accompanied by 4 cents In atainps. . uirrrs & BETTS. 11W tara&m Srtnot. Omaha , Nib. WEAKI IjiuiTrilnff from lh rf. Tfl jfocta ofjouthrul rr I U _ Jlorn.farlj du > .lotit jnaiiUood , t . I win rriiini v lual le llfflllno ( Maltdj rpnUlnliifr.rull ( dutkulari for bom cure , frtu of ' FOWLER. Moodua. Conn. L/inUCVandullurlnurr troubles easily , quick M U N t T lyaailflaf fll V cured bvIMJOTl/lt AC * p sale * . Hoverftl cases cured iuaeVend&ra , Sold ( l Uperboz. ulldrujgUts , or by unit from Do uraMfct'o. IU WliUe st , N.V. rull UlrctUons SUPERIOR VALUES , "We will offer this week extraordinary bargains iu our Furnishing Department. 200 dozen imlaundriod shirts , made of Now York mills muslin , throe ply fine linen bosom , full reinforced front and baolc , oxcollootly made , at 50o each. Wo call the attention of all ladies to this unusual bargain , as it is something they will not got often. The same quality of shirts is usually sold at $1.00. Fine laundriod white shirts at G5o , 90c and $1 25 , for which other housaj charge $1.00 , $1.50 and § 2.00 , FANCY FLANNEL SHIRTS. 0 Wo have just purchased at our own figures an immense lot of line fancy flannel shirts which wo offer at marvolonsly low prices . A lot of Very fine fancy flannel shirts in beautiful checks and stripe ? , silk f stitched , at $1.10 and $1.25 , either lot worth $2.00. A lot of imported French flannels , elegant goods , at $1.65 , worth $2.50 , Extra fine French flannel shirts with broad silk stripes , beautiful combinations and the choicest of styles , at $2.60 , $2.75 and $3.00. These goods are sold elsewhere from $4.50 to ? 5.00. Another case of those fine knit Otis tennis shirts in beautiful stripes at $1.00. This is a splendid shirt to wear just at this time of the year. The first lot was all sold out in two days and after this case we will have no more this season. Over 50 different styles of medium and light-weight underwear from 16c up ward. We guarantee our priced on underwear to bo from 25 to 50 per cent lower than these of any other house in the city. Not a house iii tlio country soils neckwear at the prices wo do elegant silk and satin scarfs in now and handsome patterns , silk lined , at 15.o , which other houses sell as high as 50c. Very fine Tecks , Four-in Hands and Windsor scarfs , latest shapes and combina tions , at 25o and 35o , positively worth from 50c to $1.00. MEN'S SHOES. The unexpected biom with wh'chour shoe department opened , had made con siderable inroads in our stock , but we have receive I this week several largo in voices , and are now showing a bigger line than before. Honest and well.mado shoes were never off red at fie prices ours are inarke 1 , and the guarantee' which we give with every pa"r of shoe ? we sell above $2.50 , is sufficient proof of the qual ity and make of shoes we are handling. If you have reason to be dissat isfied with the wear of these shoes , or if the least thing is wren ( ? about them after you wear them , WE GIVE YOU A NEW PAIR FREE. I 3K 3 Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha. THE TRAVELER , "Now , John , yo 1'ro surn 1II Imvo time to mnko my liur. luiHuiuiil fLl 1) i k to my train ? I mu t hu\o a ll lit overcoat for thesu cool e\cn * tuts unil sjiiii ! tiirnlKhlnu KOJ < ! < < As 1 nni n Ktrmuor. I m t tmst you to Hike mu to a rclln- I < liplH(0" "All rUlit sir ; 1 knnn win rotlinlls , 1JI1 rnrniim ; u mini < 11 Hint evervllilnu' 1)0 ncetla In the \vaj of clothes or lurnlsl IUKS. ' ' PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1302 PAUNAM STREET. Maryland Club Pure Old Eye Whiskey. The wldo popularity of tills superb brnnd tins t mpto < l otlur ilaleni to place HI on the market Inferior WliUke > , lllulcr a tlmllar nnino , Inti'lided todcctlvothnpulillc. Tlio.Nc York Court of An- imlH Imj ilccliin-il uiirtrand , tlio niAUYIjANJI ( JI.IIII , totion tnde mark aitllkil tit the iinmn- tlqa nf Ihfl Uw "ce drtlalon In Culm , Ilelt & Co t . Juuob OottEclinllc , Fi-lj. li , ISaji/uiiil wo now K'IU ' uollce'tlmt > ve shall Iniianlly prntrciite any peraon ( irhrjn. In any part lit the Uiitlnl Ht it , who shall b guilty ot any InfrluKdnr nt of this trade mark. CAHN , BELT & CO. , SOLE rnoruiETORB ox run DRINK HIRES' ' ROOT BEER Itie 1'urufit and Jievt Drink i.i tlio AVorlil. AppolizliiKi Delicious , Sparlcllnc. A I'ackuuo ( Ilquiai&o. lunkcs tire uulloni. EVKUY JloriJ K GUAKA.NXISKU. hClTIIOUUI.I' , EAHII.V IAI > r. No liolllnir or trulnlnir. Dlrccllnnt uluiple , and If nmde accordlnxlr thermnn toiiq mUlako , . \ k juur DiUKiilit nt lire ( tr for It uml luke no other. rTee that jou gel Illlthn. Trj It and jou\VillXotbe \ Without It _ _ _ TIII : oxTv IMJIM ; : Bold by C. U. lUUliS , I'UIL A PKJl'Ul A.l i&ejp * IfWjapi FINE WATCH REPAIRING1 > BECDVCS PRCMPT ATTENTION. Tlio rublle ore not tfencnlly awnro that by no present mctlio In of cooUliiK Hilly ono lialf of lie colfee ttiut H . _ tlinnvil uwiiy in tliucr. Jinil wiuttil. Chemists uniiL"-H > .l with this cnmp uiir liuvoBUCinciloil In snvln , ; this wiisto co Hint the com pany um furnish ( unco mil luof Ihn tlnost .liivn , put up In small portutila JIIIH uml uAiimsri.i ) I'l Itrioi- IV I'Uini nnd KiuvriuiU'cl t'l bo only about ONK- I1AI.P 'Ilin ( Obi1 to the cnimumariircommon col- leu Only bolllnc wittorls nuc In 1 whim -rop irlns It for the tutile Crown J liiilil Colfee Coiiipnnr. ' ' Vptir Orfioor.f.or. MtCOUD , JJKADY ct CO. , Wholcbulo Grocora. - - Onmlia , Neb IMKEN SPRING.VEHIOLES Try Ono < _ , CrentlImnrovatl with swinsrln * nharkl"i on ono Bide En ! oBtrldlnp ; < 1''W'- ' ' rii pniiKilorittb. | en and BUJrton ncconllnf ; to tlio weight put on tlium. AdapUul oiiuallr well to rouKl < country IT fine flty arlvoa will nitorow host mitlafiictlon. t r w ormm & t Honmrknblo for powerful Lone , jiliablo uutiou and ibsoluto | dura bility 80 yonra' record the host guurnii- tcoof tho' excellence ot thcbo instru inouts. T. E. CSS.PIK ! , INSURANCE BROKER , Auotu OS Traders' Dulldlng , CHiGACSO. D REXEL & MAUL , . ( SucresaorJ to Jultu C. Jixtolu. ) Undertakers anclEmbalmers Uli'b-raim gallcltuil uiul promptly nttundvd. tlcplionn to No. ' . ' . % > iWTt 'NESS Cl > rtEDkVrtei'arat. ' I Mm * K& P1 iMieinuTUIUUIIEAH CUSHIOKS tt9 Md ( f B HH.pt" kt > r4 il.lli.cllj. OouloruUe. 777.(7l.ITnillMtlueJica r.n. . . . * M J N.W.COR. I3rn& OODOE Sis. , OMAHA. NEB. 1 Oil Till ! TKEATilEM OF All. APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES.- * Bert Futilities , AppanxtujfindnrineiHeBforGiicctJiful Treatment of every form of D'c'ana ' requiring MEDICAL or EUROIOAL TREATMENT. NINETY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. ! Eoardft Attendance. Best Accommodation ! in Wett. OTWR1TB FOR CIROUT.ARS on Deformities and Braces , Trutsei , Club Feet , Curvatures of Spme.Filei , DISEASES OF WOMEN mi mi RMTFI.V Aiinni n i.\isa HOinm.itiMiurnniK.vr. ( ST CUT PSIVATf. ) Only Reliable Medical Inttituto tnn ng a Specialty o < PRIVATE DISEASES All llloo 1 Dlifmio. nueceiiruUjr trotc.l. HTI lilllllo 1'oliod ctuoTfd rromtlifliriiptn nltliout merenrr. Set * t < nt < ir flva Trcalmrut f ir / . . of ( 1 1 IL 1 OH ( II. TarllM Ul , bl to Tllll miuijrl > elrcalClat hompliy forrrffonlrnre. Allfunimunleo , . tlon.conCtlenlUI. MedlclneiiorJiiiilruiiiinta > fnlIiuBllorex. tiroEfieeurclr | > aekotuoiuarki .oDllculorontfnl ) ori D < l < r. One pcriOQaflDlcrvkvr rrefttrrtd. t nil itnil coniult ui or BTOV" bliturrbf roiir enae. nad MB will ecail la rlalu wraprer , our tinny TO MCU FREE : Uncn rrhule. Kicclalor UUUrIU l tt , Nc7v.r. > II.V.ea.IoiotrncIHch. | 1 > I < ; dlcct an I \ tlcorcle. llh oiicllloli lilt. Artdrti. OilAMA MEDIOAI , & SUROIOAL INBTITUXH , 13th and Dodge BtrecU , OKHA , HEIi. Dr. J. E , McGREW ONI , OP lilt. MUSI HUdlMIIUI , SPECIALISTS am III tlio Treatment of All Chronic , Xmoiis miJ Private Dlwasi-K. Siicrraiiloriliiiu , Im.iotency and KiilllnirMniihood nlijoliiltlir euro I A euro liimratitccU In nil forin of I'rlvulelli.ui o , Mrkturo . ( ilcut , AC. Lutnriti , 'Hirout. l.tiiiK * . and lluirt Dlnunm 4 , Kliounintlim , Hplnul nnil I . ' 1111110 Dltonioi , llloocl HnUHIflliJlsuuiie < trtiiteil iiiiremully. l.iiillos1 unit KPiitliiiuen's wiiltlnK rooiui loinrato uiul cnllrcly pnvalo Coiisultnllon fruo. Hand for bo k > . " 1'ho Dirk K < rot ut Mnn , > iilxi VVunmii anil Hut DliuaieJ. " Itlo eaili (111111109) ( ) . Treatment by toriusponJencel mil 'tuinp fur ruuly , ( il'I'ICK : 1CTJI AM ) DOUOliAH OMAHA , N1JII. " * ? * v"'n1i" " " ' " " " " c \ > > ' 3 5llZ Jl OUttBtJltk'liNa rMI | > KOVtB SMow K ' ' 'SSWttll1' ; . ? C53E iVL'i'TVJIV1 ' S'T" ' lBlt.e ROSE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE , TERRE HAUTE , IND.-A JCHOOl OF IKOINUBINtl !