Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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tbtf head locenn pt
Hne for tno Drat Uuertlon.7 cent * for each sub-
eqnont Insertion , * nd ma per Una p r month.
IJ o advertisement taken for loxi thnn 26 cent *
the first In rtlon. Seven word * will be counted
otbe.llne ; thfy must run consecutively and
IBtut be V ld in AllYANOK. Alt adVertts-
neatsmnitbthande'lm before 12 :30 : o'clock p.
so , , nnd under no clrcumatnncoa will tbey b
taken or dlscontmned by teluihftno.
rftrtl8sr dvertlsln ! { In these columns and hav
tcu UiMr answers addressed In core ot TUB lien
will please iwk for a chock to enable them to Ret
their Uttervnn none will be delivered except on
presentation err chock. All answers to aurer >
Usomonts should lie enclotenUn envelopes ,
.All advertisements in these columns nro pnb-
Msh d In Ifoth mornlntr find evening editions of
THE Jlr.K , the circulation of which aggregates
were than 1OW papers dally , ana e\rea the ad
vertisers the benefit. not only ot the city circu
lation of TIIK MKK , but also of Council muffs.
Lincoln and other cities and town * throughout
Mill section ot the country.
Advertising for these columns will bo tnken
0h the above condition ! * , at the following bnsl-
Mesa houses , who nro at thorlzed agents forTiiB
DIE fpoclal notices , and will quote the saint
rates as can bo had at the main olllcs.
"Bouth Tenth
CHASE & BODY. Stationer ! and Printers , 113
South 10th H treat.
SH. FAHtfaWOUTH. Pharm list,2118 Cum-
w J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , 024 North ICth
i Street
G BO. W. PAIIR , Pharmacist , 1800 Bt.
TJ081TION wanted ns coaohinutTliy n young
JL ( Icrnint ) , one Avho hus the
Drngoon Guardin Hos o Dnrmstadt from 18S4
until IBS7. Address 181J St. Mary's arc. Omaha ,
Neb. 411 2U
ANTEO-Sltuatlon In wholesale or rat nil
grocery ; good salesman ; 4 years' exper
ience , Direct A , W..oulluar , 190 * rartmmat. ,
Omaha. 433 22 *
1TUAT1ON wanted by younfflniin as doiiv *
. . cry clerk , with 4 years' experience : refer
ences Rlvon. Address uas. Hoe. 4I5-2U
WANTI5D A young man who speaks Oer-
inan aim desires to learn the dry goods
trado. Address II 2 < 1. Hop olllcn. 4-1 2. !
WANTED A Rimtlcinau with n go nernl bu si-
ness experience wishes to represent one
or more firms In Now York and vlclnltv as
ngcnt or buyer. Host of references for ability
aud Integrity , Address Chas. Logan , 72'lhomas
_ Bt. , Neu ark. N. J. 331-21 *
l > " \FJ AN'J'K 1) An experienced lady stenograph-
L TT or now with leading wholesale house ,
wishes to change position ; satisfactory ronsona
for changing ; besiof rolerences. Address II 111
WANTED A position In a ijrocery store or
wholesale grocery. Dittoby a young man
lately arrived In this country , six years' ex
perience ! coed reference from last employer.
Address , P. F. , 1813813th at. Omaha.
370-20 *
WANTKD U\r competent uomnn. Homo
rooms or ollicca to clean. Address II II , Hen
iCi > 20J
S Wantcd-A first class bread and
cnko baker. Address A Kt Hoe. Til 20J
TSTANTEII A smart young follow as hotel
Tt clerk w ho can keep a sot of books , double
entry : nlso.ngood yardman for hotel , J25. fare
paid. Mrs , llroga. JJUh S ir.tli. 4452 * ) '
ANNTKD At once , two young men for
> light work , ut 'Mr n week ; steady work all
miner. Hoom 17,220 N. 10th. 422 22j
WANTKD Good saleftmen for Kansas , Ne
braska , Minnesota and Wisconsin to sell
lubalcatlng oils and grrancs on conimlHslon :
largo piolltH guaranteed ; famples free ; will
give exclusive territory. Address Chicago Oil
Co. , Ill Milwaukee ave. . Chicago. 441) ) 2ut
WANTBI ) Good baker a ? second hand , im
mediately. Iflth and Dorcas sts. 113 2lr
WANTKD Vive traveling S'Hos molt ; salary
ami 'expenses ; no experience nocesary. .
Address , wfth Rtump , 11. II. I-inn & Co. La
Crosgo , Wls. riit-2. ! ' ) '
DHUG Clerk Wanted Ono who understands
Gorman preferred. Address , with refer
cnce. P. fVboxJM. 303 2J
$ 23 WEEMA" Representative wanted In
every community. Goods staple and sell on
light. Absolutev ! now ; household necessity.
"l > > < .anvnssltig. Elite Mfg. Co. , Pullman bulld-
4nr. f'itt/ti > t < L ill rni
"fK/ANTKIJ Agents I'uxzle watcn charm ;
f T most taking novelty out ; exact Imitation
of "Pl u In Clover. " size of nickel , gold plated.
Bnmplo 15c. two 2c. / . doz. tl ; stamps taken.
etaynur J ; Co. . I'rovldonco. It. 1. 754 jit
BOA'S Am. Uist. Tel.Co. , 13iM Douglas.
\\7ANTED-ABents ; maglo cigar llgliter ;
T T every smoker buys ; lights In wind or rain ;
lasts a.llfvtlme ; sample 15c , two for26c , dozen
II , byuiull ; Btamps taken. Btayuor & Co. ,
Providence 11.1. 179-m22 *
SALUSMKN Wo n tail a few men to s nil our
goods by sample to wholesale and retail
trude. Largest munut'rs in our lino. Unclose
B-cent stami > . Wuges $ J per day , 1'ermanont
position. No pontals ansvrerod. Money ad
vunced for wages , advertising , etc. Centennial
Jlant'g Co. , Cincinnati , O. BH
\V'ANT1tiD-Two first-class German gills foi
T T cooks and so-ond work. 1814 Ijodge st.
ANTED Dlnlngroom girl forColorado.$20
ooks for boardlns house , $5 to J7 : girl for
oflicer's family , 3 laundresses , 4 dining roon
girls , < t dlxhwashc . 2 pantry girls. 31 for gen
eral housework ; best places lu the city vau al
ways bo had at Mis. Ilrega's , 3UJ5 S. 15th.
\7trANTED Girl for general housework. ApT -
T T ply at 25Ti Cumlng street. 4JSK1J
ANTED 1 dining room and 1 kitchen girl ;
wages M.50 and it. 101.11luniey. 421'
VATANTED-Glrl for general housework. 2014
V Sowurdat. Jlrs. Wright. 420-2 : *
WANTED-A good iiurao girl. Inquire at2211
D venort at , 370-21F
' ANTED A girl tor general house worklii
family of two. None but n good cook ueud
apply , Iteference required. Call at 2. 1 Capitol
avc. after n o'clock p. m. 3S3 20
W "ANTED Ooo'd cook niiai laundress ; reier-
ence required ; best wages paid. Apply to
& 52 B. 37tll st. 329-20 *
ANTED-Walst and skirt llmshors. 1519
Howard , M. A Wallace. 3.W 2
I AD 1 agents average over Jl1) ) a weeit with
Jniycrnnd new rubber undergarment. Ad-
dress. Mrs. II. F. Llttlo. Clilc go. HI. : 'SI 21t
WANTED A girl for general housework ,
ills 8. 17th st. 171 _
WANTED At onco.sood cook and laundress
> lr < i. F. W. Gray , ' . .021 Dougias.B m
WAN'H.O A competent girl for general
housework , one w ho can cook , wash and
Iron where second girl and man nro kept ; good
wages paid. Apply at US4 South 2-Jth Bt. 1151
ENGAGEMENTS to do rirosiinielmc i n fnm
lliea tioltcltod.MlKs Sturdy,2Q17 Lcaveuworth
201 111 ft ! *
_ _
li-H M. Slims MshloimDlo ilresHiuuking ,
moderuto prices ; cutting and fitting alao
done. HI7 N. 10th. 500 31 *
B"OlUlT5li5n\anoiV at' the "Cgzzcns liotcroE
reduced rates : thu most pleasant location
In thu city , M J Franc * , prop. H7U
" "
TV/I / ONETVanteil ri-aii place from live to
111 tw eiity thousand dollar * on good loalu&tulo
curlty. If you have tuouey to louu call uml
sou mo. George N. lllckx. Heal Entata and In
vestment Aeont , lluom 40 , Uarkar block.372J1.
WAM'KD Contractor who will tuke clear
lot a part payment for building. Addresy ,
11. IB. care llea olllcu. 8UU- '
\\T ANTKD-A purchaser for a 1120 mortgage
> T on Kan aaUnds ; aUo ) ( eectlon Colorado
nchool land. K. II , Gessolt. WXJ SQ. Uth bt. . ; id
Omaha. US-M *
lloor. _ -
. : material for lota , „
uud nub. W. J. Paul luJ Farnam st.
l 4-room homo or 3 or 4 ua-
furuUded rnomu in good location , within
ja lUckn of court IIOIIHD , small family , no
children. Address Frank Crodaniuu. 17UI Bt.
Hary'a . 20t
. _ j wauted by gentleman
JL' aud wife , 6 or 8 rooms. Address { 127 , Hoe ,
ANTED to rent by family of two , an im-
furuUhod cottngo lu uooU condition cou-
| * | nluu Q or 7 rooms ; munt nava term * an J lo
cution tp T c lvu any attention. Addraa ll 5\
WANT3D Uemliieton type writer No. e
MidlandUuarantet > &Trust Co. , 1M Far
najunu 1T74 IB
1X7ANTED To r ut for term of years 8-room
TT bou&o , with yard and barn , between Far
nam uud tit. Mury'a uve. Would watt ( crone to
" U 17 , IteooQic * . WA'tJ
HKNT-Two or three elegant nonsex In
- splendid nolRhborhotxl , all modern con
veniences and modc te rental. Inquire of
George N. Illck , Darker block _ a7l-33
HENT-Nlco , comfortable home , Ilrst-
cla nelKhbqrho < Ml , all modern conven
iences , close to carllno , moderate rent. Inquire
of O'iO. N. Hicks , llawr block. r 874-23
TTioIl UKNT With furnlturo for sale , two 0-
Jj room flats ; flnejt location In the city ; part
cah , balance monthly baytnintn. Will tin sold
at a sacrifice. Farmers' I .nnd Co. , rooms 3J and
21. Harker blocK. _ _ 406 2J
g-HOOM house. 811 So. 2Uh at.
T710H HENT A hpnso of six rooms. Inquire
JJ 40" . N. litllBf. Thos. Swift , 323 KH
TTIOH UENT-'Now house , 0 rooms , 2 closets , 2
JL' pantries , hard and soft water , brick cellar.
703 N. 14th 8t.
ELEVKN-room IIOUSP , now full of flrst-dnss ,
paying Iwardors , first-class location , rent
&H furnlturo ) , or part at Invoice less 10
per cent ; li cash. bal. easy. Alfto 14-room brick.
No. l in every rnftpect , now making 1125 clear a
month ; fuijilturo for sale , J2.Mi ) , / > cash , bal.
monthly. Co-OperUlve Land aud Lot Co. , 205
N.lilthSt 437 22
FOH HUNT A brick hbii e , 7 rooms , city
water / > nd sower. 717 S. loth. 330 20 $
HENT 8-room house on cor. IMh nnd
JU Leavonwottli. Apply DrMattlco,1003 Dodgo.
WANTED--A family , to rent 4 unfurnished
rooms and board man , wlfo nnd child ;
liberal offer M right party. 701 N I7thst. _
"TjlOH HUNT 12-room honso nnd birn. nice
JL'yard , very desirable ; splendid location for
roomers : on cable. J , II. Parrotto rontnl
agency , I6th and Dodge. 2JS-2U
.7IOU HENT To family without children.
JL' nicely furnished devon-room house , from
"tine 1st to Sept , 1st , 2020 St. Mary's avenue.
TJ OH ItENr 9-room modem Improved nouso
JL' Milmblo for llrst-class phyalclnu , none
n neighborhood. Apply M , blgutter , I11U S.
Othst , 2JJ 21
llOIt HENT A nlco nix-room house , 3 doors
- west ofN nlnut I11H school , for ii' > to April
next. Or would tiko.horsoln ; trade. Also , need
: oed young for sale cheap. E. G , Merrill ,
lamllton uud Eureka St. , Walnut Hill.
185 2Jf
FOU HENT Furnished brick residence , 10
large rooms , barn and cistern , modern
"mprovemouts largo yard , will bo absent from
.he city traveling for some tlmo 1110 S , llth.
271 21 *
1011 HENT 8 room housacontrally located :
modern improvements. J. F. llarton , 2010
Japltol avo. 818-2J *
NINi ; room house on Dod o st. , cable passes
the door ; hot and cold water , batn rooms
ixnrt furnace : rent ! IO per month. Fredllorth -
wick , 213 S. llth st. HI
T7KH ItKNT Newbrickhoiiscs. 11 roomswith
JL1 every modern convoniunco ; on cable lliu > ;
inly $10 per month. C. T. Taylor , cor. Hth and
jotigloi. U25
POH HUNT Cottogns , G rooms,2723 Charles
st.nnd 1'A'tS 13th st. Inquire at room 212 ,
Bheely block. 47" )
rOH KKNT-A Hat In the Her building : 7
rooms , steam heat , gas and bath. Apply
o A. C. Itaymer , Hardware , Jutli and Jackson.
Q NICK7-room cottages : good cellars , rlsterns.
well , good barn ; convenient to school and
churcnt30 per month for the summer. Apply
at one. C. F , Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bank.
FOH HUNT Neat house cor 2tth !
and Wool worth ave. Inquire of 0. 11.
Tzsclmc } : , Iteo olllce. Mi
FOR HGN'T One ton-room and ona eight-
room house , all modern conveniences , licst
part of city and within n inlnntes walk of post-
olllcn. Nathan Shelton , 1505 Farnaui st. uu
IT1OH RKNJ ? Beautiful 8-room nouso with
X1 modern Improvements , splendid location.
Apply at once , C. P. Harrison , .Mer. Nat. U'k.SOJ
FOH HENT-Oood IIOUBPS at JM. tlOf.KJ'i.t3J ) ,
undflJ nor month. If you wish torent call and
; ee me. I ) . V. faholea , 210 1st Nttt'l Hank. 7M )
T71OH HUNT U room brick dwelling , all eon-
JU vonienccs , 21U N. 11th st. -jQ7
oit HENT From June 1st. sulto of rooms ,
with board , at 172.5 Dodge st. 43' ' ) J10
T710H HEIJ1Viiegiintly'furnlshcd : rooms or
-L room and board , $ ) per week. 001 S IDthst.
pwo rtiinlshoil rooms , light housekeeping ,
L202U St. Mary's ave. 431 2i ;
R UOMS & llrst-class home Uoord , 1718 Dodge. -
KOH HENT Large , w ell-furnUhed front
parlor , modern conveniences , suitable for 2 ,
$16 u mouth , board If desired , 2103 Furuamst.
. v / ! io220J
FURNISHED front room for rent : gentle
men only ; terms moderate. 24i > Dodgo.
FiOH HUNT Hooms with board ; best loca-
tloplnclty i , 201 8.25th ave. J H'jl '
JIiEASANT newly turnlshod rooms , single or
en suite , can be hua at 2104 Cass t > t. 3oS 2lt
"I71OU HUNT Elegant furnished loom suitable
JL ! for two gentlemen , on bathroom lloor. with
board , lull Douglna st , 070 21 *
1J1OK HKNT Front room with Ilrat class board.
J3 510 S. 22d Bt. 3JI20t
T71UHNISHED rooms for rent. 1717 Masnn.
JL ; : iio s
JOVELY south front room , every coin on-
lenceI block from street cat2lUj Douglas.
It KENT Furnished rooms , 222 N nth.
815 23 *
nUHLY furnished room suitable for 2 gen >
Jtlemen or man and wife , IttiS Farnam.ai20
NKWLV furnished front rooms suitable for
gentlemen or ladles employed during the
day ; all conveniences ; board if dcMred. 2203
Fariiara. 2 > l-23 (
T7IHONT and back parlor , suitable for man
JU and wife , or 1 gentlemen. O)7 ) W. 18tlu
COS 2it
NICKLY furnished rooms for lent , with o
without board ; 1721 Davenport st. 2C3-22t
JLGASANT front room , 507 S. 2jth nve.
3W 29J
POH IlKNT 2 furnlfchod rooms , with nil
modern Improvement * . Gentlemen only.
202jBt. Miiry'H ave. .right In the city. Hofiir-
cnce rcnulrcd. Apply to Mrs. J. Uenson , nt
store. 41H20
"I71UHN1SHI1D rooms with modern con-
JO voalcnce. " , on paved atruot and car llnu , 222)
Louvouwortn , VJ720J
FOU UBNT A nicely furulshed largo front
room , nil modem conveniences ; for furtnor
partleulam cull nt 2JI5 Dodge st. VK
T7\OH \ HUNT. Nicely fnrnUbed front loom
\vlthboardaUcouv < jnlenceslUOCupltol ! ave.
POIl HUNT Furnished rooms with or with
out boaru for fuuiUlcs and single men at
reduced price for the iiiimniar mouths at the
Coizims Lotel. M J Francs , prop. bSO
MTHNlbllKD ( rout rooms 131H Dodge
FOll HUNT A plcruaut room , only 0 minutes
walk from business comer , all modern con
veniences , cor St. Mary'H avo. uud 2uth or ( U ) H.
20th , brick residence. uot
ltONT rooms , * l upwurds , on car line ; 1J10
M Ibtll. 418
I7IUUNI8HF.D or unfurnished rooms for rant
JL1 | u park Terrace , odpoalte lUnscom park ;
all ciodcrn convenient-en. Inquire Lee &
Ntchol , ; th and Leuvvnworth. 4TJ
TTlUHNISIIlil ) rooms by day , we K. or month.
X1 Bt.CI lrJKit l.oor . Mtli and Ilody. 4T8
17GO.M with or without board. 19U Dodge ,
XV 835
OUlTof S furnished rooms , modern con veil-
Ounces , a blocks from P.O. ; private family.
A.lospe. Jr. , 15U Douglaa. 413
L A KG U front room with bed-room adjoining ,
handsoiuQly fmnldhml. gas nnd heaUd by
steam , with use of bath room , In one of the
handsomest residences In the city , without
board. Inciulie n. w , cor , lUth and Leavenworth ,
PUHNISIIUI ) ruomi , nlimlo or en culle. bath
and steatu ; for guntt only , 13111 Howard.
) NICE BOiitirfroift rooms with every couvuii-
' leiictij telephone In houw. 19JJ Capitol ar ,
TjlUUNHTliEb roam5ril3 3.20111. near Dodge !
J ; 237JU *
fiVJU 11EN.T FuruUhed ruouis , 23 ItodceT"
FOU HUNT Hurnlahud rooms ilrlalo or en
nulte. VOt Douglqy. 713
_ . . llkliT 4 unfnruuiu-aruoiiij , | ; m 1
ster , lultaUU tor Uouseseeulug ; prlco
T7Xn HUNT Pleasant unfurnished rooms
JU over 1001 Howard st. Tor onices purposea
Y Oll IlKNT Sulto of 4 rooms unfurnished ,
JUnth all modern Improvements , bath room ,
closet , etc. . hot and fold water , gas fixture * , to
fumlly without children. Kcforenco required ,
Tot north 17th t. ITleo S . jcos
4O iF \ihfuftiishca roomS for housekocptns
for man and wife. BID N 17th U 7t 211
TjlIHST-class location for "barber shop. 2fltU
JL1 andniondoMfl. _ _ 3i3Sa
TpOH HEST-Front olllce , { ffouna lloor , 310
JLJ 8 1'itli , 2/7 ! /
IIIOH HKNT-aieap-Now store , SKxfl ) , brlcR
J basement , on peed paved st , , nuitablo for ro
tallBrocory. Inquire O. Ilartinan , N.AV. cor.
27th and Decatursta. 2iq
FOH IlUNT lwo stores with flat
above , corner 16th and Mason RW. Inriulre ,
Mrs Lftngo , Bl'J S. 13th st. 1 7
IJIOU IlKNT 2 Moors 2-'xW each , In brick build.
J Inj ? , with elevator , close to express otltc ,
rlicap rout , just the thine for wholesaling , good
locatlonApply toGco. Heyn , 1103 1'arnam st.
OR KUNT-Storo 22x00 ; 1118 Jackson st.
inn.ulru : lilt Jackson. < H1. _ . .
iriOlt IinNT Store nnd living rooms on Cum-
JU Ing street ; also house on C'nss st. Ilnrild 1L ,
K. .V l. . Co. . Itoom 411 1st Nat , bank. BU
T710II UENT-Tlio I story brick building vrMi
JJ or without power , now occupied by The Uco
Publishing Co. . OH ! Farnam st. The building
has n 111 e proof cemented basement , cotnploto
steam heating tlxtmos water on all the lloors ,
gns. etc. Apply at the oIllcootTne lloo. Ol'i
STOItH407wltn basement , lloraga bldg. In-
nulro 1'rank J. Itaingo. o
Trrdusnl nd furnls"heTrooms7l33rNr2lRt.
T710K HI'N'T Wlion you wish to runt a hnttsi ,
JU store or office call on us. II. K. Cole , room ,
Continental blk , 471
; P"YOU wanttfi rent your house call on Har-
rls , ' ( . K. J ; L. Co. , room HI , 1st Nat'l. brink.
GT.O. J. PAUL , 1OJ ( Farnam St. , nouses ,
stores , etc. . . fur lent. 48. " >
IF YOU want to bu"y , soil , rent or exchange ,
call on or address G..1. StornsdorlT , rooms
317 nnd 31- < . First National bank building. 481
\\J K give Bpcclal attention to renting and
VV collectlu ? rents ; list with us. II. K. Cole ,
room 0 , Continental block. 4 ? "
TTOHSKS. mules and wogoiis , 13J1 N. 2Ut.
TTMHUKLLAS nnd parasols covered nnd ro-
U paired , 217 Sirth , lloyd's opera house block ,
1n rubber store. H. llalor. 281 RI
SECOND-HAND clothlntr , carpets , furniture ,
etc. . bought. Address Mr. or Mrs. Savage ,
201,1 , Cumlng nt. 204 "Ot
fTMN rooting , spouting , gutters , valleys aud
JL sheet Iron work done well and cheap. K.
Savage , 2011 Cumlng st. _ 205 20 ?
K banjo taught as an art by Goo V. Gel-
luubecg. Apply at lloo olllce. TO )
HSONNENSCHKIN has moved to 417 S 13th ,
liny and sell second hand furnlturo and
stoves ; bottle J bought nnd sold. Iifl-m21 [
LOST Hucksklu pony , dark jnano nnd tall ,
branded left hind leg. right hlud hoof largo ,
Iteward return to 2U01 N. 27th and G rant. S.
Kopald. 427-21 ?
LOST , strayed or stolen Hay pony , white
spot in forehead , holds her head low. Ho-
urn to L. D , Harris , 2-Jrd aud Izard st. , and got
row ard. 425-2U7
"OIJWAIIU Asultable re vard will ns paid tor
XVthe return of one black Newfoundland dog ,
answers to name of "Cld. " weight about Bo Ibs ,
age 8 months , l white feet and w hlte tip ou
tall ; had ou slip collar with two shell ring" ;
disappeared from 4'll Convent st May 17. 811.
lloturn to same address or room 41 , U , S. Nat'l
bank nnd receive reward. 431
TIAK1IN UP One sorrel mare , 3 ycurs old
silt In right ear , four miles w esc nt Florene ,
by J. H. L Williams. n-'M-m 0-11-21-'J7
nitS cleaned and curled ; hats pressed
and bleached , at F. M , Schadoll. 218 N. 18th.
STORAGE and forwarding. Wo collect and
deliver goods of all descriptions , merchan
dise , furnlturo and baggage , at cheapest-rates-
for storage for any lengtli of time. Vans nnd
wagons to to had at shortest notice , with care
ful men for moving. Packing and snipping
from our own warehouse done on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. Office 217 S.Uth
St. ; telopliono 114. How ell A : Co. 314
iTOHAGU at low rates nt 1121 Farnam st ;
Omaha Auction and Storage. 433
milACKAGE. storage , lowest rates. iW. M.
JL Uushman l.lllLeavonworth. ' 48'J
tll.VNCH a : CO. , storage , 1211 Howard. " "
> 400
MADAMR UK SAN tells past , present and fu
ture events of your Ufa , gives advlco on dl
vorce , contested wills , etc. The maritime has
wonderful glt of Heconasight , has the power
of any two mediums you ever mot. P.irlor8.
1312 Dodge St. SOU 30ttr3
MDMI5. VK1NE , clairvoyant , business and
detective merilum. Room2 418 N. J th st.
T\lt. NANNIE V. WA11HEN , chilrvoyantmed-
JL/lcal and business medium. Female diseases
a specialty. HON. 10th St. . rooms 2 and 3. 4U1
TAUDAHD shorthand school , Paxton block ,
( successor to Valentlno'fl shorthand insti
tute ) , the largest , best equipped shorthand
scnool in the west ; is under tno personal super
vision of Joseph P. Megeutb , AH ox-olllclal re
porter and state agent of the Itemlugton Stand-
in tl tj-po writer , assisted by experienced ver
batim reporters. Mechanical construction of
machine taught by factory expert. Particular
attention paid to typewriting. Stenographers'
supplies for sale. Circulars free. 108
rilHK Omaha Short-Hand Institute , Itamge
-L blockOmaha , ouenod Monday. May
under the management of u thorough and prac
tical stenographer. Pleaxanlost and best ven
tilated Kdiool room In the west. Positions
found for graduates. Call or write for particu
lars Terms , $10 per month In advance , 'i'ypo-
writing fri-e. IBS J 10
SHOUTII AND nnd typo writing. Omaha bus
iness college cor. Capitol avo. & ICtli. Stan
dard methods taught byO C. EwlngofSan
IVanclsco , the best teacher on the Pacflc loa-H.
Jlunsou's revised of'M a specialty ; now plan ;
hluctcDonrd lllnatr.UIon : day and evening
classes ; call or write for terms. C 7
W III'H'LF.SIJV'S snorthand school , 31 Ilar-
ker block , 3 tnoutu's course ,
\\7ANTii-lU : ) lots Insldo of licit line , to
Y > build on W. H. E. A : M. K. , room II , Cham
ber of Commerce. 43U
ANTIQUARIAN Hook Store , 1413 Farnam st.
Casn paid for 2nd-haud I'ooks , magazines.
3b'J-J18t :
"IXTANTED To buy good commercial paper.
VV It. O. Patterson , 318 S. 15th st. 402
\XJ ANTED Furnlturo , carpets , stoves una
TT household goods of all kliuls. onuiha
Auction & Storage Co. , 11JI Farnam. 4ifl
FOU SALS Largo ulco young bay horse ,
suitable for two-seated family convoyonco.
Inquire or aadiess W. M. Dalley , 112J South
'Ihtrtleth avenue. 448-23 ;
FOU SALIC Sound , gentle home , 7 years old ,
weighs I.W * > pounils. Good driver , duoble
nnd sttiglo. Chu-ip , lluckeyu Ilaru. Nineteenth
aud llainey at. 4-.U-it
SPOT cash for furniture , stoves , books and
household goods. New goods exchanged for
2dhand. 417 N. 16th. Fruuk OrtT & Co. 42U2U
T OirSMTlfChean-AliouTlKU head of.liu-
X1 proved Texan horses , consisting of gold-
lugs , mares and colts , stallions uud mixed : Will
sell part or all. Apply J I * llnluert , Corslraim
Texas. _ 4I4-JI8J
AF1HST clam phaeton at the low price ot
176 ; apply at once. G. J. Bterusdorlf ,
Rooms .117 and IIIK , First National Hank build-
Ing. 'Jelephono 4U > . it-'l 24
TJMiEVEN-rooni house ou N , 18th et. . furnl-
lUture for bale , ull Improvements. Orlf If Co ,
117 N 10th. 2U7 22 ?
iriOH SALE A full leather top carriage , large
X1 and roomy. In Unit-class order , lost UOJ one
year so ; will sell 1C for 8173. Apply ai22lt
Webster st. 784
FOH BALE 1 work team , wagon aqd har.
nets complete , vary chnau for cash , 519
Paxtou blk.- 8'J
" 1 jlO'lt SALE Cheap , a three ton Dlobold bang
X' safe , latest Improved time lock , complain
la every particular. Addreaj , H. Chumwr-
lln. Wood Itiver. Neb. [ all
MIDLAND Guarantee .V Trust Co. . I5W Far-
num. Complete abstract * fnruUned & titles
to real estate examined , p rtected & uaruntoed.
"JMAIIA Abstract Convrnny , 1510 Farnamst
vy Most complete and farofully prepared set of
Abstract books and plats of Ml real property In
ho city ot Omaha and DtMittai county. 4 < * 9
A lls"TUACTa Llnahan AnMahoney , roonrfiO ?
-tA-paxton block. inn 433
MONEV ready for furniture nnd stoves ,
household goods ftrttl books bought , sold
nnd exchanged. 117 Notfh < loth st , Frank Orff
A-Co. ' * / ' 378-21
T .OANS on Improved -nnd unimproved pro
XJerty at low rates. Ode-Hiiro ? & Co. , 3128lb
' n- S.K.-
lHB Cltv Loan Co. Ims plenty of money to
loan on horses , wagoiWtirnlturo nnd pianos.
Phelr rates are roasonnttM wnd business Is done
fairly and quietly. If yomvant money or want
our present loan oxtenUAI , try them nnd save
nonoy. Their olllce Is nt 118 8. Uth st , dlroctlr
opposite the Mlllard hotel. _ an ?
LOANS wanted on Omaha roul estate , three
and live years time , optional payments , fa
vorable term and ratoi ; applications and titles
ms. ed upon by us and loana closed promptly.
Clmb.ill. champ * B. United States
4at. bank building. 120J Farnam street ,
M ONEV to loan at low rates by Excolllor
Land Co. , 310 South 15th street , Omalm.
MONEY to loan ou real estate security , at
lowest rates. Heforo negotiating loins sea
Vallaco , Crelghton blg 15th and Dauglas. 8M
IsYSTONK Mortgaso Co , ; loans ot IWto
$1,000 ; get our rates before borrowing nnd
savomoncy ; loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought : for now loan , renewal of old and low
est rates call H 20aShccloy blk lljth & Howard st
MONEY to loan on short time. Secured paper
bought. 1R Alexander , I'M Faruam st.
H41 J W
a P. HAKU1SON loans money , lowest rates.
( hero to loan on ilrst mortgage. O , U. Thomp-
ipson. 212 Shooloy block. 70J
$ 1,500 special money : apply at ouco. C. F.
Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bunk. 3C3
MONEY to loan. 0.1' . Davis Co. real estate
and loan agents , 1V , > 5 Farnam st. CC !
MJILDING loans. 1) . V. Sholos , 210 Tlrst Na-
Hloiialbauk. r > 13
MON1IV to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J.
W. Squire , 131U Farnam ct. , first National
bane building. K3
MuNUYl inonoyl money ! to loan on horses ,
wagons , mules , houshold goods , pianos , or-
gnus , diamonds , etc. , at lowest rates.
The Ilrst organized loan olllco In the city.
Will make loaus tor thirty to three hundred
and sixty-live dnyH. which can bo paid tu pare
or whole , at any time , thus lowering the prin
cipal aud interest. Call and HOO us when you
want money , and ne can assist you promptly
and to your advantage without removal of
property or publicity.
Money always on nand and no delay In mak
ing loans. C. V. Hood XTo , niu South lath st. .
over lllnghaiu & Sons commission house.
SU 11131
LOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bought. Lewis S. Iteed & Co. . II 13 Ilourd of
Trade. MU
" \fONRV to Loan Wo nre ready for appllca-
JlJLtlons for loans In amounts from S3JO to $10 , .
OuO on Improved Omaha or Douglas county real
estate. Full Information as to ratc't. ' Loans
promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased
uyus. Cull upon us or write. The SlcCagno
Investment Co. fJ-M
TTVON'T borrow money on furniture , horses ,
JL/wagous , etc. , or collaterals until you see
C. 1) ) . Jacobs , 110 First National bank bulliUng.
/lASTEUN trust funds to loan on improved
-Hreal estate In Omaha'largo loans preferred.
E. S. lilsbeo , First building.
" > * ' . "
T.i : Pholea , room 310 , First Nat'l bank , before
O mnKlng your loans , \ 1 fil I
OM "ONEYto Loan Lbvrestratos. Loans closed
promptly. H. E. CoW , 11.0Continental block.
WANTED First-class lUsldo Joins. Lowest
rates. Call and Mutual Invest
ment Co. , R. 1. Darner blk.l > tht Farnam , 525
T3 U. COLE , loan ag < jnt. [
BUILDING loans a specialty. W. M. Harris ,
Uoom20. Fronzor Ulock. opposlde P. O.
* * 501
NEDHASKA Mortg. MflnCo. ) will make you a
loan on household goods ,
horses , . .wagons ,
< 5 land contracts ,
line Jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , ivtSreasouablo rates.
Room Itowloy I1100V South Unmha.
Ifceoni-JOlS-Oia. I'axton BMcKOinaha , Nob. ;
TVfON KV loanedJor 39 , 6M or 90 days on any
Jkind ot chattel reasonable
- - - security ; Inter
est ; business coulldcntlul. J. J.Wilkinson , ] 117
Farnam st. 601
DO YOU"want money ? If so. don't borrow
before getting my rates , which are the low
est pnany sum from $10 up to J 10.00J.
1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , wagons , warehouse ro-
celprt , houses , leases , etcIn any amount , at the
lowest possible rates , without publicity or removAl -
movAl of property.
Jxjans can be made for one to six months and
you can pay a part at any time , reducing both
principal and Interest. If you owe a balance
on your furniture or horses , or have a loan on
them , 1 will take it up and carry It for you as
long as you desire.
If you need money you will flnd It to your ad
vantage to see me before borrowing.
H. F. Masters , room 4 , WUhnell building , 15th
and Haruoy. CPU
I CAN make a few loans on first-class chattel
securities at reasonable rates. W. K. I'otter ,
room 10 , Darker blk. 607
OPEIl CENT money to loan Cash on hand.
W. M. Harris , 1120 , Frenzer block , opp. P. O.
H. COLE , loan agent.
$ J 81 To loan on farms and city property.
$ Ueo. J. Paul. 1000 Farnam st. 609
$500,00) to loan at 0 per cent. Llnahan & Ma-
honey , Room 600. Paxton block. 51C
MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with
out delay , and purchase goods , commercial
paper aud mortgage notes. S. A. Sicilian , cor.
lu'tn and Farnam. Oil
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur
nish cheap eastern money tu borrowers ;
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
at their western ollico. George W. P. Coates ,
room 7 , Hoard ot Trade. 621
BUILDING loans. Llnahan & Mahoney.
"IVfONKY to loan on furniture , norses , wagons ,
ITJ-etc. , or on any approved security. J. W.
Kobblus , It. 200 , Shocly blk , 15th and Howard.
TVrONEi' to loan on improved property at Ilrst
J.U. hands. No application sent away for ap
proval. Security and titles examined free of
charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment
Company , 300 S. Uth st. 510
PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange The falrost ,
quietest and most liberal money exchange
In the city ; money loaned without delay or
publicity. In any amount , large or small , at tno
lowest rates or Interest , on any available se
curity ; loans may be paid at any time or renewed
nt original rates. O. llouscaren , Mgr. , room
67 , Uarker block. 15th and "amp * . . ojl
TTNIMPHOVED I I _ and . . Improved _ _ property . ;
I ?
* t * V
lJ loans made promptly ; money on hanu. F.
M. Itlchardson , a w cor llth and Douglas.
GOOD notes , short or long time , unsecured
or with mortgage , bought any wnero In Neb.
or la. Quick loaus , city op , farm. Call or write
W. L. Selby , H. 13. B'd. Xpo. 80J
O1 AH A Chattel LoaiHCo. , room 42 , Uarker
\J block. j-j 3M-m25
OF. HAHHISON loans money , lowest rates.
[ r >
pr'OPLE'B Financial Uxchunge-Large and
X small loans for long and short tlmo , at low
est rates ot interest , on''real ' estate mortgage
notes , chattels of all Kinds , diamonds , watches
and jew elry. Don't fall { to call if you want fair
nnd cheat ) accommodations , o. llouscaren ,
Mgr. , room 57 , liarker blk , 16th and Farnam ,
, . 611
FIRST mortgage loan's lit low ratoa and no
delay. D. V. Sliolea , 210 Firat National bank.
- 513
BUILDING LOAN8-l4-o7perc mt. no ad
ditional charges forircoBunUJlom or tutor-
neys' fees. W. IJ , Melkfo/Jttrst. Nat. bank bldg.
M ONBY to loan. Harris K. E. & Loan Co. ,
room 4U , First National bank. 815
V\7ANTED Man with gome inoneyTirtake
T T half Interest In comedy company now ou t ho
road , W have xpeclal car , CloH st Invubti-
gallon solicited. Addrem W. W. IJlttner , ics
South Third street , Oinana. 4212o |
WE IIAYKseveral stocks ot coeds far sale
or trade ; alto two good paying rostuu-
runts. It you want a bargain call and Investi
gate. Farmers' Laud Co. , rooms 2) ) and 21 ,
lUrker block. 4W 201
A GENTLEMAN mvaulne buslnest. wltn
i..OO ) . can secure eiaihuilnekd , oueelalty
and monopoly , paying tl'j.'JXl yearly net earn
Inga without rlak. Address. A. Hi lloe. jJlfl-2u
\\7ANTKD-A n w furnlturo store at Frtemj
TT Neb. gtim23t
Triple SALE Meat market coaiplets ; can bo
J-1 hunUlod for llttla cuali. Call at room 4 ,
WHhuell blk. BiU
WANTED Live young man as partner In
real estate , loan and renting business ,
imnll capital required. Address H * , lire.
PA.1ITNKH wanted for good bakery : small
X cspltal required : good chanro for flvo busi
ness inan. Call at bikory , inth nnd Dorcas sts.
41.122 *
OH HF.NT lllacksmlth shop dolnu a good
business , center of city , nms 4 flr ! does
shoeing and carriage work. Poor health Is the
reason. Address , llox 211 , Sioux City. la.
_ 30020 *
71011 SALE A nice , clean slock of general
. ' hardware , stoves , tinware , etc. , in DOS
Molncs lowaj invoice $5,000 ? part cash , bal.
line. Address H , A. Darner , Cozad , Nel ) . , box
1.TOTEU South Omaha , to rent , furnished.
J JL wit hall modern Improvements ; heated by
steam. EH-rbomed house , have Si boarders ; rea
sons for renting , other business In Omnhn ;
rent reasonable. Apply 1201 Douglas street.
204-2 it
"T > ELIA111,13 men having ? V ) capital can se-
L cure easy olllco situations , out of town ,
laying over 910) monthly. . No canvassing.
A'psley , I'M Capital ave. 317-20 * .
FOR SAljK-fR.003 stock general merchan
dise , fresh nnd new , to trade for honso and
ot In city , J. H. P&rrotto , 10th and Dodge
| 7/tOIl / SALE First-class restaurant aud bar
L' Long lease. Address II 10 , Heo office.
iriOlfSATrE ff&xFl ) per cent
X1 mortgages , duo 1 aud 2 yoirs.
1 J ) J 10 per cent 2nd mortgage , duo \ year.
Will discount far 3 aud 6 per cent. Address
A 03 Ueo. 1(11 (
TJ1011 SALE , or rent virst-class hotel near
JL' parking houses , South Omaha ; 27 rooms ,
\lln good barroom ; well located aud good
iroporty. W. A. Hponccr , room 3 , iiusnman
jlock. _ _ UJ8
$ 2,0 > 1 buys tine hotel and livery , Hljrln , Nob. ;
property free from Incumbraiiro : money to
bumado amltliAs IMudook , Hlirln , Nob. U7DJIOf
TilOlt SALE A llrst-clas' ' moat market In
JL' omahn , has pee 1 paying trade , requires
SI/iOO rash , or will trade for property. Aadrcsi
A 43 , Heo olllce. HB
ITOTEIj for sale : now , good location , doing
-JL good business , for sale at n bargain , pay
ment not necessary. Present proptlctor in
tends changing business ou account of 111 health
of his wlfo. Address , lloo olllce , Lincoln , Nob.
ADHUGGlSTwlth cash looking for a good
location , will do well to nddrosj K. B.
app9. Uulbertsou , Nob. , or Hurst A Co. , llast-
ngs. Nob. 247in 2.11 :
[ C3,000 to 1S.OO ! ) wanted to put Into a good bust-
P ness ; nrst class security and good rate of
ntorest paid for short or Ion ? tlmo. Or will
: ako partner. For particulars address U 4.1 ,
lloo olflce. 142
SALOON for sale In ono of the best business
centers lnOiuaiacheai ) > . lloason for selling ,
1 must leave the city. Address V Id Doe.
4U.VJ7 *
A FINE ranch , 1 section , with privilege of 1M
more , to exchange for Omiha property ;
l > ulldlngs and all necessary appertaiices. This
Is the tlnost body of hay land In the state , W.
H. E. Hi M , E. , room It , Chamber of Commerce.
TIO EXCHANGE For mdse. or clty proportv ,
some choice farms In Frontier , Lincoln nnd
Hed Willow counties. Addre&s H. A llarton ,
Curtis , Neb. 394-25
rPO THADE $500 cash nnd a good farm In
X western Neb. torn building lot. $2,500 worth
of uueucumDorod timber land as Ilrst payment
on house and lot In Kount7o place. 2 South
Omaha lots for farm laud. 400 acres unen
cumbered , tine land , neir O.nalm , for business
property. Full lot and house on Leavenworth
st. near 3Mh , unencumbered , for building lot.
Some clear town lots for Omaha property and
assnme encumbrance. A nlco lot m good loca
tion for Orchard Hill lots. Mxiu on Capitol
ave. for building lot and some cash. Clear lot , ) and Lake , for linprovi-d property. 0-room
house , on Hamilton , tor smaller place. 20 lots
In North Omnlia add. for other property. Va
cant lot for horses or horse and buggy. House
nnd lot nn South 20th st , for other piopoity. 2
lots on U. 1" . trackage for farm or city prop
erty. 4Q acres in Jowa and Si.OJfl cash for 1m-
iroveil property. Farms , and property In all
rartsof the city to trade. Also 2J acres on
_ > odg6 st. south of. Dundee place for farm or
city property. If you have anything to trade
give me : i rail. Grover Stevens , 51U and 517
Paxtou Ulock Tel. 1123. 401-23
o EXCIINGE Three fine tree Claims In Col-
orado. two and one-half miles from the tow n
of Kcota. What have you to offer ? II. M.
Claroy , Wallace , Neb. r.97-24 *
T AHGIVfcrUikbloftk'ln alive Nebraska town
JLJof 4.0DO population ; property clear of Incum-
branco : has runted for & per inoiitl ) . Price
? IG.OJO. Will trade for good Omaha property ,
and will assume a light Incumbranro , or clear
farm land , if good. Cooperative Land & Lot
Co. . 20J N. 10th st. 31420
WE CAN oiler for n few days a stock ot
general merchandise. In exchange for
second mortgage paper. W. H. E. & M. E. ,
Hoom H , Chamber of Commerce. 322
WANTED To trade city lots fora $1.000 to
l.M3st6ck of drugs. Address O. II. Wlrth ,
druggist , city. 203 20i
"VTEW 2-sealoil flne carriage or top ouggy for
JL.1 mortgage city or county warrants , or any
good unsecured notes.W.L.SolbyH IJ U'd Trade
WANTED To trade for house and lot In
good location ; will assume light lucum-
brance. Address A 2 Hoe olllce. 22
FOH EXCHANGE- Eighty acres of the llnest
timber land in Wisconsin , clear ot encum
brance. What have you to olfer ? G. .1 Sterus-
dorlT , rooms 317 and J18 , Flrat National bank.
TT1OH EXCHANGE Dakota. Hand county
JU What have you to oiro.- for n good farm
here , ulltrlitly encumbered ? Dakota lands are
rising in value , and 1U daitlny cannot bo dis
puted. Will take vacant lots or Improved pro-
and asaumo some encumbrance. G. J.
Serty . rooms 317 and 318 First National
bank building. KM
I Oil EXCHANGE For desirable residence
iroperty In Omaha , any or all of following ;
40 choice Inside residence lots in Hastings.
100 lots In Lincoln.
( HO acren flue farming land , Lancaster county.
Fine residence property , Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family residence , corner. Los Angolep.
A neat residence property In Hanscom place.
Also , some good mortgage notos.
Address , giving location and prlcn of prop
erty , o. E , IJ. , care Utum Iron Co. , 1217 Leaven-
woith. Ml
/CHOICE farm for sale , 1114 acres , li mile out
\Jol IHalr , 1,40J fruit trees , 1 acre grapes ,
small fruits , one rroom house , ono 2-room
IIOUBO , good barn , living water ; immediate pos
session given. H. W. McHrlde. 447 29
JJIOH BALE On easy terms 2 line 7-room
JO houses , with barn and other out-bulldlug .
Fine location. Great bargain for u few days
only. Farmers' Land Co. , rooms 2J and 21 ,
Burkor block. 4 > l SOT
niHE opportunity of a life tlmo. For Sale
JL lots 1 , 2. 3 , 4 , 5 , 0. 7 , H , U , 11 , 12 , 15 and 16.
men's sub division otK 'A blk r > , llotison'tt second
end addition to Council lilnils , la. Address
Hen 8. Clarke , Ashland , Neb. 41220 *
BUST bargain In business property. 33x1)2 ) ,
house renting for I'.O ) per year , 'iheprico
wo can oiler this at for n tow days cannot bo
duplicated In Omaha. M. A , Upton Co. . ICth
and Farnam , 2tC > 21
rplll1 ! factories within easy reach of Collier
X place will employ a largo force of men. Se
cure a homo ami enjoy life. Prlco of lots liSOO
to 41,20. ' . one-tenth cash. Send fur plat. Mc
Cague. opp. P. O. 1)73 )
SNAP1 3good Orchard Hill lots , ono and two
blocks from Hamilton street , JfOJ each ; 1X1
to J4 JO cash , balance live years at H per cent.
Fine 8-room house , modern conveniences ,
newly papered and painted , on N. 17th at. ,
lot&xt&ito alley ; $1,0 0 , eaay payments. M. A.
Upton Co. , Iflth and rainain. \m
T71OH SALE A splendid home , now house ,
X' uncompleted , irood neighborhood , healthy
location , possession given at once. A bargain
if taken quick. George N. Hicks , Itoom 40 ,
Darker block. 371-31
TTIOII SALE HI acres , corner Thlrteontn and
X1 North streets. Desirable for platting. C.
Good , Good block , Dos Molnes. la. 21 < hnJ )
of your attention. Now belnj
completed ou aithst. . uorth'of Leaven ,
worth at. two housoa convei tut to business ,
very roomy , grute , mantel , furnace , gas. bath ,
toilet , 2 water closets , stationary wayh tubs ,
hot and cold water , live ludrooms , 10 closets ;
only * ' .MJ on terms to suit. Telvpnonu 227 or
\V. T. Soamun , Omiha'a largen t variety of wag
ons , carriages , etc. , east sldo loth st , north ot
Nicholas st , Ul
" 171OK SALE On Ions time nnd easy payments ,
JL' handsome , new. well nullt liouaes of 8 , U and
10 rooms. All conveniences ; goad neighborhood ;
paved htrefU ; street rain , and within walking
distance of P. o. Nuthun Shelton,1505 Farnam.
US J 0
"TJ10U SALE or oxchango-lmprovfd utock
JL1 farm of BUD acres In eastern Nubraaka , near
market ; also now U-room houfu with ull cou-
venlvncea lu desirable residence portion nf Onm
lm. Andrew lluvlns , attorney , .42 ! and 4il Pax-
tou blocK. Omaha , Neb. 6JO
- . acres , tec. ft. tp , 13. r.
OWM Hamilton county , Neb. HouJf , stabln ,
auit re fenced , UvUiu water. I'rlcu tajDJO. F ,
K. atklns , otmnr , Itallroad bldg , Denver. Col
F I Oil : BALK W large aud small houses on
monthly payments ; small payment down
Also ugood lut of property for exchange. Goo.
J. Fax , room I , Continental blk , 184-JU
Tjion S A r.R Pretty homes on easy monthly
X1 payments , two shares loft la the JlrnliV Hill
miming association. For particulars Inqnlre
ofNethorton Hall , sce'r , room 421 First Nat'l
wnk building. r 8 S3
[ neil SALE-4WX78 on N. E. corner P. and 2Mh
X' sts S. Om ha , sultnblo for store bmldlng
ocelvlnirtho bonetltot tlio g street vlamict
list being built ; proonrty clear , but III health
compels owner to sell , Price 3.7iXl , O. F ,
[ arricnn. Merchant's National bank. UVI
rpOll iJATTlS-Jf he tTnest reslderic8 sitoTn"West
X1 Omaha ; just south of Farnam onillth street )
n corner iVixtsr with I 7 feet frontagn on
mvod street and joining the lmmlom rosl-
lonco ot Klrkondnll on the cast , and Hrady ,
{ asson nnd M.irtlu on the south ; h perfect gem
and card en spot for nn elegant homo ,
llnrntwand 21st street * , lilxlfl * . on pavement
ylthln tnren blocks ot the court houpot roomer
or seven line himscs that wot.ld rent as rapid-
y as completed. A splendid permanent Invest ,
mont ,
Fnniam and SSd streets. SOxlK , with new
Uiroo-story brick Rtorobulldlntr , rentei' to good
permanent tenants. Itoutnl rocolDts 4 , ' W per
Sixteenth street near Nicholas , froutngo 01
font to alloy ; good business property.
Farnam street , betweenSMtii ami 3Jth , frontage -
ago 4iorWxiutoallpy ; , south front , i block
rom pavement and stroat cars.
Park avenue , opposite HaiiacouiDfirk , WxlMl ,
irlco W.aX ) ; easy lurms.
Paddock place , trnekago , MxI12 , J2,000 ; easy
ICth street south of Vlntonst , lot for sale or
rade fornulso. or good farm land.
B. A. loman. iJOf gurninu st. &S7.
I HE motor line Is'bullt to Collier place. The
X Helt line runs near Collier pl.ico. The F. E.
k M. V. H , It. stop nil passenger trains at Col-
lor place. The horse car line will noon reach
'oilier placo. Host addition In the city. Prlco
* ) to 41,200 per lot , one-tenth rash , balance
ono to IIvo years. McCague , opp. P. O. 073 ;
AifOATNS-Hargalii3T sr\V. cor. lotTTancf
California sts. , wltl',3 houses , very cheap ,
Ncat7-room house snd-half lot on Daren-
> ort st. , near lilgli school , $ " > ,00) ) ; easy terms.
Good lot ou Hiirncy st. , ol 21th st. , n
> argaln.
Elegant residence lot , 20th ave near St.Mary'fl
ave. very cheap.
( I room housu and half lot , S. 12th st. , cheapen
on monthly payments.
Good ro lclcucu lot oii2)th ) ave , bet. Douglas
and DodKO. S.l.r.00.
3 lots ou 3.13th st. , very cheap.
150 lots In Carthage , Omaha's best suburb , ou
en years' tlmo to parties who will build
louses , llf'nnim &Co. , Room U , Chamber of
Money to loan In all parts ot tno city.
AND3 lands very cheap and on very easy
terms. We sell lands lu nearly every state
of the union west of Chicago , trade for cltv
cell atid exchAugu lands for Omaha
nnd Council Illuirs property , loan money aud
rent houses , soil all Kinds of property nnd a
; enoral Insurance business. Do not make your
oans and list your property for sale , or make
your insurance before you sco us. Excelsior
Uaudand Real Estate Co. , 310 S. Ifith at..Omaha.
JTJ7 18
TTIOH SA'LE-LoriixllO In the very heart o
JL ; Omal.n , with 5 room house tor fy,80J. C. F
ilarrlson. Merchants Nat , bank. P50
iJEK hero Got some South Omaha Inside
Oproporty befoie motor lines are there : 60 per
cent , can bo made In next n months by pnrchas-
UK now. M. A. Upton Company , Kith i Farnam.
I7IOII bargains In South Oinana property see
JL ? Oeo. N. Hicks. HarKor blocK. 117,1 19
Uoautlful residence Sites.
I Inost lu the city.
Wo nro now ready to show and otror foruiile
tno choicest rosldeuco sites In the city of
Dinaha. located In "Hemls Park,1' comprising
the sixty acres bounded by JKd st. , on the east ,
18th or Pleasant st. ou thu west , Hamilton st.
on thu north , and Cuinlug st. on the Houth ,
This park lias boon planned , and Is being laid
out by Mr. Alfred II. Kgerton lone of the best
anclscapo artists of Now York ) , into ' . , M. M
and acre lots , nnd several acres nro laid out into
small parks , ornamental grounds , and lakes fed
ay natural springs. The plans Include u per
fect system of grading , paving , seweragewatur
electric lighting , etc. , nnd an expenditure of at
least * lni.i ( ) ( > 0 for such Improvements
This choice property is located within the ! ! - {
miles radius ( a llttlo north by west ) from the
postolllco. It lies east of the reservoir and ot the
ulogant residences of Dr. Mercer and K. W ,
Nash , and a little north ot east of proposed res
idence of Guy C. Harton and of Bishop O'Con
nor's residence and Academy of Sacred Heart.
Reasonable prices and terms will bo given to
these who will build residences costing ? 'i,000
nnd upwards. For further particulars npplv
at ofllco of The Ilcmls Park Co. , rooms 15 and
10 Continental block , 15th and Douglas sts. _
REAL HAHGAINS-Doslrablo Orchard Hill
lots at JTIIJ. J.IV ) to $ "iJ cash. Must bo bold.
Jas. Stockdaln , Hoom HI , Arlington block. 2iO
TIHK llnost drive in the city Is to Collier
Place. McCague. J ' U7J
TRIO It BALK Nino-room nouso. barn aud lot
X ! in Ilanscom place ; also2houses aud lots m
Sunny Side. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat'l bank.
| KM
EXCELLENT lots for $300. one-tench casli ,
bal. tlvo annual payments ; In best of loca
tions ; good transportation facilities. Other bar
gains to good to advertise. Como and seel
Tel. 487. Neb. Settling & Supply Co , . llooin ,
Hoard of Trade JUld. 312 24
( l UKAT bargains in buying lots in Camp-
Jbell's addition. 2ltli and Castellar sts. Will
be reached by street cars this season. Less
than Hi miles from P. O. Small cash payments ,
balance to Hiiit. llest chance In thu city. Sold
by Nels A. Uonstrom , Koom P , board of trade.
IcO 20 ?
SOUTH OMAHA I have a number ot gold
. lots In various additions that must bo Hold
nt once and can bo bought at prices that will
sultjou. ( i. .f. Sternsdorir , rooms 317 und3IS
First National hankJjulhlUvg. _ KM
I710H SALB Flno lot covered with trees , 0
J- ' room cottage , newer , wutar and gas on the
street , /4 block from 3 Bt. oar Hues. Very choice
east rront lot ; $ > , DOJ : easy terms. Can discount
n llttlo for cash. C. F. Harrison , Merchants
Nakbank. _ ' . )5U )
TjlO'll SALE Flno housu of ! rooms , furuaco.
-L bath , hot and cold water , gas , newer , paved
street , motor line one block , cable two mocks ,
horse cars by door , barn for li horses , etc , etc.
limit by owner for home and now occupied by
him , td.'OOO ; gl , IV ) cash. 92,000 In real estate , bal
ance at 0 and 8 per cent.
Flno largo lot on S. 15th st. . G ixl57 , good 6-room
h ouso , fruit trees , etc. ; north of Martha st. ,
, .
Kor sale , the llnest corner , east front , on fi.
For choice property worth ttio money see M.
A. Upton Company. 16th to Faraam. _ 817
flONTINUOUB sidewalk to Collier place. Got
v.-'prkes ' and terms. McCaguo. 073
FOU SALE Or exchange for Omaha proper
ty , 80 acres , suitable for platting : will
make 400 lots.all clear ; big money In It for some
one who can push this : located just outside the
city limits o : Council IIIulTs. Inquire George J.
Kternsdorir. rooms 317 and 318 , Flr National
bank building. ftJU
SKND for plat of uolllur place , and when
driving for recreation follow the motor Hue
poles on Itith tit. , uud Ames' avu. , and xee the
wonderful improvements that have taken
place Just around tno barracks , mid lemember
that Collier place la the key 10 the altuutlon.
lluy a lot now for the low price nnd nt the easy
terms thoyara being offered , ana wo are satis-
Moil. One-tenth casii , balance oaoJo flvo years.
McCague. opp. P. O. 673
. . .JJ cosiest home In Omaha , 8 rooms , larga
Xclosets , city water , gas anil newer , both
cable and horsu cars. Price Zf , IOJ. Terms iWO
to J100 cash , bulaucu very easy. H , H. Colu ,
headquarters for bargjliiii and t'Ujy terma ,
Itoom 6 , Continental lilock , iljO
] , William J. llroatcli , mayor of the city of
Omaha , do hereby give notice that an iiuuuul
election vi 111 be held In the city of Omaha on the
3rd day ot.lline. Ibbl ) ( S.iid date being the IliHt
Monday In June , 18-tM to elect lire ( ! i ) members
of the board of education for the city of Omaha
to gervu for a term of three yean * .
That the rexpoctivo polling places for Buld
election shall bo as follows ;
Flrtt Ward I'acltic school building , Pacific
street , near Tenth street.
Second Ward Ilartinan nchool hillldlng. Six
teenth street near WlllIUIllB.
Third Ward Dodge school building , coruor
Dodge and Eleventh streets.
Fourth Ward High Hchool building.
Fifth Waid I.ako school building , corner
Lake and Nineteenth streetB.
r > ltth Wunl Omaha View school building ,
corner Tnlrty second and Corby atroBts.
Seventh Ward Puikuchool building , corner
Twenty-ninth street mid Womwortli avenue.
Eighth Ward Izuril nchool building , on Izard
Htreot betweonNlnoteeilth iindTw cntletb Btroots.
Ninth Wurd-Fornam school biilluiug , at
Tnenty-nlntli and rurnum utrcetB ,
" "
"tMf7"1UDl W. J I.UOATCH . , Mayor
Attest , J. II. BOUTHAKU , City Clerk.
Notion ,
rpIIK. unnuul meeting of Hie utockhoMcr.s ol
J. the Ht. Joseph Sc Orand Island Itallroad
Company , for the choice of directors for the i-n-
suing year and tlio transaction of any other
biiHlnetsUilch may legally rome befoio the
moot Ins , " 111 bo Held at the office of Bald com-
piny lu Rlnood. Kansas , en Tucsdaj , the llth
clov of June next , at in o'clock a.m.
1'ne stork transfer books will bo closed for
thU ptirptme on the llth day of May and ro-
openad after tbe annual meeting.
Ai.ux. Mi i.i. A u , Secretary ,
Iloston , May 8 , 183) . ml3-20-27JJ *
Notice I hereby given that M. A. Dillon did
upon the llth day of May. A. D. 1W. tile his
application to the Hoard oCFIre and Police Com
intiwlcmers of Omaha , for permit to Bell mult
nplrtuou and vtnoua liquors KB a druggist
for medicinal mechaulcul and coemlcal wuu
pose * only , at No , IMS iJike teet , tltth prdr
Onmutt.Nebrmilca. from the first day of Junu
ary. 1K'J. ' to thu llrat day uf January. IHUO ,
if thrro bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest tiled within two week * from I6th of May
A.D. 18ty , the said permit will bo granted.
M. A. UU4.0H , AppUcaaU
1NaTlUT.MK.VTS . on rooorJ during
OH Gorilon to Q Stewart , Jots 0 and 10 ,
lluckoyo Place , w d . . . .7. . , V 000
0 A jopiin and wife loXmeTo'rii , lot
bl ft. Fayette Park , w d , . .7. wo
r Swift to r Rasper , lot 7 , blk S57 , Omabn. ," 1 . , ! . . * nl * * 'f ' ° ' ° ' J * 8Vacin'a. ' 'lo't V ! 87
„ ' I f,2'7 , Omaha , q c d , . . . . . . 1
P 0 HlmolmiiKli * t al. trustee , to O Chrli-
tenjcn , lot a ! , bU in , Omaha Heights ,
tJ,1'lxx.thnlHen to w Hnxthau9 n\ot2 \ ,
blk.t , ( Irmiiuicrcy Park , wd . . . . 65
00 Hobble nud wlfo to J A Lyons , lot IS ,
blk , Smith Kjchange Place , w A..T 451
N Will f and wife to XT lull lot 4 * nhtVoH
. . "f Jotblk 6 , llogga It Hill's add. n q d 0,001
HO Patterson and wife to Tl. Coble , lot
. . . * , llJt ) ' Armour Place , w n . . 45t
U I.lMloand wife to J Viet Iota 17 and
1M , Usolo's sub , w d . , , i.40a
M ,1 llachr nnd w Ifo to .1 P Flntoy , lot SO ,
blklU.IlilRgsPlaci..wd . . . , . . , . .
I'll llaulinounnd wlfoto J W Uceco. lot
12 , Smith Park , w d . , , . . , . , . . , .7. . . . .
T K Sutton to W O and o Helm , lots S to
12. blk ( i. A 8 Patrick's add , deed T , .B
M lluchannn and wife to O .M Van
Kverd. jot 13 , blk2. Miicoln Plftfo , w d. . 800
A nnd II Kountzoto L A Long , lot 10 , blk
10 , Plain view , wd , . . . . . , . . . . . . . BT > 0
11 lleed and wife to M Martin , lot I , blk
Ifl , ( ) mnhawd . . . , 10,000
0 U IVUtor.ton and husband to 1 ! K yim-
merman , lot K , blk 2 , West Hide add No
a , w ' d . V . K5
A O'Uoiiahoo ot nl to r E Cutter ot nl. lots
a nnd 4. Union Sq , rnlllo . B.OOO
P II Johnson toil A Wilson. wBO ft of n
' { lotT. blk2. Orchard Hill , wd . l.SiO
G A .IppUn and w Ifo to (1 ( Stevens , lot 12 ,
blk 16 , Omaha Vlow , w d . l.WW
Twenty transfers. . . . , . H,10l
iK I'crniitH.
The folknvliitc parmlU vvoro JssUoA by
Uulldlng Inspector Wlutloolt yostordnyi
J. T. Comstock , throe story frame ware
house. I3J2 Nicholas . t 3r.W
Charles Swaiisoti , nnc-ntory frame cottage -
tago , llurdotto. near Thirtieth . COO
M. htowart , tuo-siory frame residence ,
Nluotocnth , near Cuinlug . . , .
W. 11 llayden , two-story frame ro l-
deuce , Cttpltol avenue , near forty-
sixth . . . . . I . . ,600
U. P. Hamilton , one-story frame cottauo ,
Thlrty-tlrat , near Mason . 1,000
T. Bomorard , one-story frame cottage ,
Williams , tu-ar Sixteenth . fiOO
Three permits . , . 465
Nine permits , aggregating
burouiresi } chOBBO , | n,8t ,
The Regular Old-Established
It ttlll Treating with the Greatest
Clironic , Ncryoas anfl Private Diseases ,
7-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lott Manhood ,
Filllnc Memory , Exhausting Craloa , Terrlbla
Dreama , Head and Back Acfie and Ml the cITectl
Icadlna to early dectty and | wihap < Coniurnptloo 01
Ineanlty , treated d ntlicilly ! by new method * wllh
never-fAuina kuccrss.
* -f SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and SklnDla-
casts permBaently cured.
B-KIDNEY and URINARY complalnte.Qleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varlcocele and all dbeuei
of the Oenlto-Urinary Organs cured ptomptly without
Injury to Slomach , Kidneys or oilier Organs.
ayNo experiments. Age and experltnce lm
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
A3-Send 4 cents poatace for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervouc vnil Delicate Disuses.
IWThosr contemplallng Mmrlsiie send lor Dr.
Clarke's celebrated RuMc Male and Female , each
15 cents , both 35 cents ( jumps ) Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call nuy saverutiiresuffer.
inx and shame , and add golden yean to life. JK9Uool (
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " soccnts ( itampi ) . Medicin
nnd writings tent everywhere , secure from cxpoeurc.
Hours , Dm 8. Sundays9 to tj. Adilrett
F. D. CLARKE , M. D.f .
186 Go. Clark St , . CHICAGO. ILU
nUHoliitlon Nntioc.
The undersigned , doing a Orocorvand Saloon
business ou suuth inth street , under the firm ,
inunu of Jno. Audi-It A : Co. . has dissolved by
mutual consent. The bucluees w llllm contlnuod
at the sameiilucH by Jno. Audrit. who will pay
all debts and collect all outstanding accoilnts.
JOHN AuiitiiT.
Omaha. May is , 18Sfl. FHANK HUMrcnT.
m-lB-d-3-t *
Notice Is hereby rrivcn that Renled bldb will bo
received by the Clerk of Ad nun County Neb.
raskii , at Ins ofllcc. Hastings , Nebraska , nntll
twol\o o'clock noon on Juno llth , 1VU , for fur
nishing ull matorlul and all thu labor for tlio
construction , and to construct a County Court
Hoiiho and County Jail , at the city tit IluaUiigH
Mjbranka , according to certain plans and fipecl-
llcatlonsand drawings to bo on flln at the ollk-o
of the paid County Clerk on anil after May 23th
The pnrtv or parties with whom the said
County of Adams may cimtr.ict for the furilbh-
Ingsjld niiitciliil and labor and construction of
sal'l ' County Com 1 110110 and Jail , ni-o to outer
into a good iindsulllclont bond to bo approved
by building committee ccndltlonod according
to law.
Hlghts rosprvert to reject liny and ull bids ,
Also ; during the smno tlino and the pamu plapti
the Mild Clt-rk 111 lecslvoccaloil bids for fur-
nlslilng and putting In cells In the proposed )
County Jail , to bo erected in the tlty of Hast
ings Adams County Nobraskii , mild bids : to cnn
tain wpnrato offer * on the t\\o kinds oC colH
\lt : Itevolving Cylinder , Stutlomuy cellH , am ]
nix straight Biiuaio cells , \\lth corridor of any
inamifactnio that the Hoard of Supervisor * ! ot
unid County may adopt.
HiRl-t n-ferved to rt-Jt'Ct any and all bids. Ily
order of Board of Supovvlsois , Jlny . , ISs'J.
JOHN A. CASIO. L. II. PAiitmaK ,
Co. Att'y. County Clerk.
Not I no.
Notice In hereby given that sealed bids will b
received by the clerk of AdaniH County Neb
raska , at his olllre HastlugH. Nebraska , on ol
bLforutwulveo'cIodcnooiiofJulyOth , 188S ) , foi
the purchase of seventy flvo bonds of the do-
nomlniitlon of onotlou : and dollars onch to bt
issued livtde County of Adams In the State ol
Nebraska , to be dated July 1st , IK ) . and to b
paynblo at the nscal Agency of the State ot
Nebraska , City of Now Yort , State of Now
Vorktwenty years alter the date thereof re
deemable at any time on or nfter ton yearn from
the date thuieot' at the option of Ham county of
Adams mul t > bear IntiTi'Ht at thu rate of flvo
per cent pur unniiin p.iynblo annually on the
llrat day of July in each year , for which Interest
coupons Hlmll be iittuched payable at the Uscix !
agen'.y ' aforesaid.
ItlglitH icservrd to reject any and all bldrt.
Hy older oftho Hoard of HupervlsorH , JlayOth.
188 ! ) . I' . II. I AKTUIWIK.
[ SKAT , . ! County Clerk.
JOHN A. CABTO , County Attorney. in2ldtojyl
Tlio MiiMicnl Sound Mndo by It And
How tlio Strokes Were Counted.
In his book "On the Souses , Instincts
mid Intelligence of Animals , " Sir John
Lubbodr ruconls aotno of Ins later ob-
sorvutluiiB , among which arc these :
Tlio slow Hupping of abuttorlly's wing
produces no sound , bul when the rnovo-
montti are rapid a noise is uroducod ,
which iiicrounoB in siirillnoss jvitli the
number of vibrations. Thus the house
fly , which produces the bound I'1 , vi
bratos its win as 21,120 times n minute ,
or . ' ! ' > 5 times in a second ; aud the boo ,
which trmkos a sound of A , as many 01
U10U times , or 440 times in a eocond. '
On the contrary , a tired boo hums on J ,
and therefore , nccordiiiff to theory , vi
bratos its wings only H30 times In a
Marcy hus succeeded in confirming
thcso numbers graphically. Ho fixed
Hy so that the tip of the wing jusl
touched a cylinder , which was moved
by clockwork. Each stroke of the wing
caused n mark , of course very slight ,
but btlll quite perceptible , and lie tliui
showed that there wore actually 33(1 (
strokes in a second , agreeing almost ex fl
actly with the number inferred from 4
the note produced.
It is certainly gratifying to traveler !
to know that our druggists keep such i
reliable preparation us Clmmborlaln'i
Cello , Cholera and Dlorrhaja Itemed ]
is known to bo for bowel complaints. L
is pleasant and safe to take , and can al
ways bo depended upon oven the moil
severe and dangerous cases. It is pa
up in 25 and 60-cent bottles. No oui
can afford to travel without It.
Jewelers'Weekly : Nobody butu bow
ball player is made angry by ofTerlal
him a rough diamond ,