Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 TJBLB OMAHA DAILY ! ; MONDAY , MAY 20. 1889.
The Now. Westminster and Ply
mouth Oburohos Dodloatod.
Eloquent KlYorts In Favor of tlio
Kxcmpllctulon oCClirlHtlnii Prin
ciples Ity lloth of Those Kcliol-
ni'ty Gentlemen. ,
Westminster Dedicated.
Four yearn ago , forty mmnbors of tlio First
Presbyterian church withdrew from thnt
body and organized the Westminster church
and began to worship in n Imll on Lcavon-
worth street. Hov. John Gordon wns chosen
pastor and lias served most acceptably In
thnt position since. The congregation
flourished and now numbers 150.
For the past two years , the congregation
has been rcnlouMy at work In a effort to pro
vide a suitable house ol worship and their
labors were crowned , yesterday , by the ded
ication of one of the handsomest churches In
the city.
The building Is n pretty piece of architec
tural work and Is finely furnished through
out. It was completed at n cost of O.OJU.
It was formally dedicated in the afternoon ,
when the following programme wns
carried out : Organ voluntary ; anthem ,
"Pray for the Poucoof Jerusalem ; " invoca
tion , by Hov. J. Palm ; reading of scriptures ,
by Kov. Q M. Lodge ; prayer , by Kov. J.
Mllllgan : hymn , by Hov. J. O. Schalblo ;
dedicatory sermon , by Hov.V. . J. Hnrsha ;
dedicatory Ecrvlco by pastor and congrega
tion ; prayer , by the pastor ; offertory , "How
Hciuitlful Upon the Mountains , " hymn , com
munion of the Lord's supper , distribution by
Hov. D. 11. Kerraml Elders Pcslnc , SkinnOr ,
Mllroy , Fleming , Switzlcr , Chapman , Van
Court , McEachron , Hair , Hcndrix , McClel
land and KantlaH and Hev. J. M. Wilson ;
prayer and benediction , by Hev. W. J.
The dedicatory sermon by Hov. W. J.
llnrslm was an eloquent effort upon "Tho
Dinicnlties and Dispositions of tlio Church. "
and is iwielly outlined us follows : "Spirit
ual thoughts are lu your minds , and 1 may
speak of the church spiritualized and not
composed of more tangible materials. In
ternal dinlenltics nro the first
and most formidable with which the
church lias to contend. What wo need under
the foundation of the world , to-day , is not
Utopian dymnnito.but the quiet influences of
the Christian life. The Internal difllculty of
the lowliness of Its members and the fewness
of the wise and noble and wealthy who join
its ranks is only an apparent dllllculty to the
church. Hcally , it becomes its power when
the word Is faithfully preached from her pul
pits and lived from her pews. A church Is
never to repine because her members nro
lowly and without social place and powor.
Pier real internal danger Is lu coldness and
apathy and the same is true of an individual.
I have no disposition to underrate the power
of conscientious sorvico. I would to God wo
had moro of it. Then there are objcctivo
difficulties with which the church has to con
tend. A man can not be placed in circum
stances so disadvantageous as to put it out of
his power to bo religious. Divlao grace is
BUfllcient for any emergency , and while that
is freely offered to all men no ono can Justly
claim that ho is denied the chance of
being religious. There are special difficul
ties In the history of each church , which 1
will call circumstantial diflleultics. Every
church has its peculiar foe , Its special snare ,
its own individual trouble and opposition.
Wo In the pulpit , and you In the pews , arc
constantly compelled to face the drift of pur
youth towards n belief that the highest suc
cess is not conditional upon morality and re
ligion. Wo must use our consecrated lives
to show thnt Jesus , and not Mammon , is to
do worshiped. The only way to bring to
the ground the mighty fabric of worldllncss
rising above us In this city is , Paul-like , to
sot an cxntnplo of faith and chccrlulucss un
der Its walls.
"Turning from the difficulties of the church ,
lot us look to its dispositions. The first men
tioned Is faithfulness. God generally visits
people with his grace while they nro prose
cuting faithfully their dally engagements.
God does not require a man to writhe
in a monastery to show his faithful
ness. Wherever no is , divine grace can
reach htm and the faithfulness ho has been
exercising as a servant or a merchant , may
be continued as a Christian. Fellowship Is
another disposition of the church , and is extended -
tended to all believers. It is founded upon
something deeper and richer than cltucnship
In an earthly empire.
"As you dedicate this church to the living
God , to-day , with frco voice of hearty prayer
dedicate also yourselves to Him. Uo saints
that you may exercise faithfulness where
God has placed you , and that you may feel
loving luilowsliip with the naints. This is a
day of good tidings , shall wo hold our peace !
This is the day our fathers strained their
eyes to see , shall wo be slow to improve It to
the utmost ( In city ovungcliz.uion , in home
mission , in foreign mission may God make of
every drop of our blood a world to burn with
the love of dilvary and a planet to sing His
praise. "
Dedication of Plymouth.
Plymouth Congregational church , in
Kountzo place , was dedicated yesterday
The attendance at Uio services was largo.
The pulpit was appropriately decorated with
After the usual invocation , scriptural read
ing , and selections by the choir , Her. 0r ,
Durycn , of the First Congregational church ,
delivered a sermon on the text , "I have
surely built thee a house to dwell in , a
settled place for thee to abide In forcvor. "
"Tho building in which religious services
nro hold , " said the speaker , "is not the
church. The church Is the people who build
It. Of course , in these days , they assemble
In a building known as n church , but it is
Utey who made it such. When the church
was Jlrst established its services wore held
In tlio open air. Since then Christianity has
spread over the clvili/ed world ; neverthe
less , Christianity existed before tuore was
either wealth or line church structures. "
Dr. Uurycs described the various kind of
churches , and said a great many mistakes
had boon made In erecting them ,
Christian people , ho said were the reapers ,
the human hearts were the grain to bo gar
ncrcd , mid the church was the grancry or
storehouse. *
The speaker then criticised some of the
methods of careless Christians and implored
true manhood and noble womanhood to
pause for the purity and blessedness of
their daughters. There was not more than
ono in every ton society youtns who stalked
into parlors of good families who was lit to
bo allowed to take u pure uiuldcn to the
matrimonial altar.
, The speaker concluded his address by lay
ing stress on true manhood and womanhood.
The Itev. Wlllard Scott , pastor
of St. . Mary's Avoimo Congregational
church , delivered an elaborate ] address
on the subject of the dedication of churches ,
lie. said that every goneratlon should build
Us own churches. Ho detailed the cost of
constructing Plymouth church , which wns
f 17,000 , of this amount $7OJO from the old
churuh had been transferred to the present
lund. A lot upon which the new church
Btands , valued at 3,590 , had boon donated.
The floating debt was (5,500. This was ttio
only Indebtedness , and the roveroncd gentle ,
man asked for pledges In that sum. Ho
stilted that the subscribers to the fund
would bo given sovcntcim months In which
to pay their pledges.
" \Yhllo I was raising funds once for a
church , " > atil the speaker , "thoro was a
lady wno pot up and declared Unit she would
give $100 if ten other ladles would each make
the eaiiio pledge. Tim result of tlio chal
lenge was that thirteen ladles gave $100
each. Now , 1 want to nee if some lady hero
this afternoon will offer such a challenge.
Tlicro uro times when husbands think they
can not afford to make such a donation on
account Of their wives. Then , in such cases ,
ladies can subscrlbo. They have a very suc
cessful way of making money at times , and
their husbands know bow they make It ,
They are not barred ou this
occasion. I know it Is getting late , but I
think you are moro contented luno than you
would bo if you wcro out gathering wild
t'.owors. Tlio doors are not locked ami If you
m't ' wft t to renmlu you need not sit
iviUKn Uio service. "
Nearly the full amount of the church's In
debtedness was raited , but before tlio pledges
wore all made , over one-half of the congre
gation had loft the church.
' exercises were couductea
by Hev. Dr. Thaln , pastor of the church. It
was almost 0 o'clock : when ho mode his nd
dress. After hla prayer , the congregation
was dismissed ,
Flno Muslo nt Kountzo Momnrlnl ,
The services nt the Kountzo Memorial
Lutheran church wore rendered oven more
attractive than usual yesterday by the per
formance of Prof. G. C. Knopfol on the
Prof. Knopfol Is n master of this instru
ment , having made It a study for years. Ho
has held positions as organist In many of the
leading churches In the United States , and
now has accepted n permanent position nt
the Kountzo Memorial. Ho rendered four
organ solos at the morning service and In them
brought forth all the beauties , power and
volume of the pipe organ. Ho plays as though
the instrument was a p.trt of himself and
that It could feel his inspiration. The first
solo was an offertory in E minor , by Uatlsto ,
a most difficult and finished production.
. This was beautifully rendered , and so , In
fact , were the solos that Kucroudod it. The
latter were n baeenrolo by Mover , the tri
umphal march from Costn's "Naomal" and
n wedding march by IClnr.
Prof. Knnpfcl also ofllciutml nt the organ
nt the evening service ,
Under his direction , the oholr of Konntzn
Memorial church promises some excellent
work , and there is little doubt before many
months it will have reached a piano of east-
era ability and success ,
Tlio Nntioiml CniMi1nlnt. |
Thomas J. Hiloy , 521 West Sixty- first
street , N. Y. , wltes :
1 had very severe attacks of dyspepsia , ac
companied with wind and pains in the side
and stomacji. Everything I ate disagreed
with me , and I lost llesh daily. Internal
medicine only afforded mo temporary relief.
I commenced iipplying AI.LCOCK'.S Ponotis
PiiAMKits , one ( on the pilot the stomach and
ono below , Just above the navnl. In u few
hours my pains very much abated , in two
days my food appeared to ngrcc with me. At
the end of n week I wns nearly well , but
continued wearing the Plasteis as u precau
tion. I have used altogether six Plasters ,
and must soy they tire the cheapest and best
medicine over Invented ,
Monday Elks' ' benefit , grand minstrel per
Friday 1h c Smugulcra of Scnovt'tn.
Saturday afternoon The Sinuuulers of
Saturday night The timufflllcrs oj i'cuou-
Every afternoon and night Uncle Tom's
Cabin , with n number of curiosities in ourio
It is certainly gratifying to travelers
to know that out- druggists Itcop such a
rolinblc preparation UB Cluunborluin's
Colic , Cholera and DioiThuun Remedy
is known to bo for bowel complaints. It
is pleasant and safe to take , and can til -
ways bo depended upon even the most
severe and dangerous cases. It is put
up in 25 and 60-cout bottles. No one
can afford to travel without It.
Combining liiisincNH With i'lensuiv.
W. E. Haverly , James Corey , Omaha ; E.
E. Fox , Sandusky , O. ; A. A. Hichardson ,
Lincoln , and It J. Coles. York , loft yester
day morning on the Fremont , Elkhorn &
Missouri Valley for the oil lloklb and hunting
grounds of Wyoming. They expected to be
joined at Casper by M. P. Kenney and. L. A.
Hess , of Now York ; J. 13. Ur.ulley , 13oston ,
and E. C. Burtlctt , Oiuahu. All those gen
tlemen own interests in the Wyoming oil in
dustry , and co llioro to make prospects with
n view of increasing developments. While
out they expect to indulge more or less in
hunting and fishing.
Ucechnm's Pills act like magic on a weak
8u ! < * < ; oa While
A man named John Anderson Was found
lying on Cuminir , near Twenty-eighth stroat ,
yesterday morning , in an unconscious condi
tion and covered with blood. His head was
badly cut and bruised and a long g.isu was
on his nccic. He was found to bo somewhat
Intoxicated , and acknowledged that at the
time ho was assaulted ho was so drunk that
ho had but little remembrance of the squab-
bio. Ho could give no description of his
assailants. Ho s.iid ho had been aa dance
on Caldwell street the preceding evening ,
but docs not know at what tinio ho loft. Ho
was very weak from loss of blood , but his
injuries are not serious. Ho was taken to
the police station and uioporly cared for.
Ladies take Angostura , Hitters generally -
ally when they feel low spirited. It
brightens them up. Di : Sicgort & Sons ,
solo manufacturers. At all druggists.
The AVt Exhibit.
A most excellent oppirtunity was afforded
to examine the pictures at tlio art exhibit
yesterday. The attendance during the day-
was very small , and the people who visited
the exhibit wore lovers of art , who enjoy
pictures and love to silently study them.
The gallery was hushed , the few visitors
passing silently from picture to picture , The
light was excellent , and for n study of the
works it was undoubtedly tbo bust ituy of
tlio exhibition , The attcndanco in the even-
ine was somewhat larger than during the
Advice to .Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al
ways be used for children teething. It soothes
the child , softens the gums , allays all pain ,
cures wind colic , and Is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. 25con ts a bottle.
Emll Gauz , secretary of the Young Men's
Hebrew association , was married , at fi p. m.
yesterday , to Miss Morrison , of Fremont.
The wedding ocuurroj at ( il'J North Nineteen -
teen Hi street , and was witnessed by about
ono hundred and fifty guests , ttio ceremony
being presided over by Unbbl liciibon. The
bride was prettily uttired in n cream satin
dross with point lace and diamonds. A recep
tion and supper followed. The young couple
will make there future homo at Fremont , 111.
A Former Omnium Suicides.
Information has boon received from Snn
Diego , Cnl , , that Henry Hrammer , nt onetime
time proprietor of the saloon now owned by
Iluns Wiggur , on Fittcentli street , committed
sulcido by shooting himself at that place a
few days ago.
Absolutely Pure0
ThU powder never varies. A marvpl of purity
iftli and \ \ holeaomeneas. Mora economical
than the ordinary Kinds , and cannot be sold la
competition with the multitudes of low coat.
( Uofntelglitalumor.phospnata powder * . Sold
only In cms. Koral juxing 1'owUer 0 - U
Xock ,
We will offer this week extruordin ny bargains in our Furnishing Department.
200 dozen unlaundriod shirts , madocof Now uYork mills muslin , three ply fine
linen bosom , full reinforced front andlbaok , excellently made , at 50c each. Wo
call the attention of all ladioa to thisjunustial bargain , as it * is something they
will not got often. The same qualityodf shirts is usually sold at $1.00.
Fine laundried white shirts at G5o , OOc and $125 ( , for which other house 4 charge
$1.00 , $1.50 and $2.00 ,
We have just purchased at our own figures an immense lot of line fancy flannel
shirts which wo offer at marvelbusly low prices .
A lot of very fine fancy flannel shirta in beautiful chocks and stripes , silk
stitched , at SI. 10 and $1.25 , either lot worth $2.00.
A lot of imported French flannels , elegant goods , at $1.65 , worth $2.50 , Extra
fine French fla'ftnel shirts with broad silk stripes , beautiful combinations and the
choicest of styles , at $2.50 , $2.75 and $8.00. Those goods are sold elsewhere from
$4.50 to $5.00.
Another case of those fine knit Otis tennis shirts in beautiful stripes at $1.00.
This is a splendid shirt to wear just at this time of the year. The first lot-was
all sold out in two days and after this case we'will have no more this season.
- Over 50 different styles of medium and light-weight underwear from 15c up
ward. We guarantee our prices on underwear to be irom 25 to 50 per cent lower
than those of any other house in the city.
Not a house in the country soils neckwear at the prices wo do elegant silk
and satin scarf sin new and handsome patterns , s'lk lined , at 15.o , which other
houses sell as high as 50c.
Very fine Tecks , Four-in Hands and Windsor scarfs , latest shapes and combina
tions , at 25c and 35c , positively worth from 50c to $1.00.
The unexpected biom with wh'ch our shoe department opened , had made con
siderable inroads in our stock , but we have receivel this week several large in
voices , and are now showing a bigger line than bafore. Honest and well-made
shoes were never off red at t'ie prices ourd are marko 1 , and the guarantee which
we give with every par of Fhoe < we sell above $2.50 , is jjufficimt proof of the qual
ity and make of shoes we are handling. If you have reason to be dissat
isfied with the wear of these shoes , or if the least thing is wrong
about them after you wear them , WE GIVE YOU A NEW PAIR
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
( "Opposite VasU'a HoteU )
Offlco houra , U a. in. to Hp. m. Sundays , 10 a.
m. to 1 p. m.
.Specialists In Chronic , Nervous , Skin and
Blood Diseases.
lsr Con8iiltation at olllco or by mall fro .
Medicines aont by mull or express , securely
packed , free from observation. Guarantees to
cure quickly , pufolv and Permanently.
slom. Physical liecay , nrlslng from Indiscre
tion , Exces ? or Indulgence , producing Sleep
lessness , Despondency , Pimples on tlio face ,
aversion to society , easily cllfccouritged , Inclc of
conlldence , dull , unlit for btuily or buslnem.nnd
finds Hfo a. burden , safely , permanently und
privately cured. Consult IKS. lictts & uetts ,
MS 1'ainam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Bload anil Skin DiscaiB V bffls :
results , completely eradicated without the aid
of Mnrcurr. Scrofula , Kryslpolas , Fever Sores.
lllotchea. Ulcers , Pains In thu Head und Hones ,
Syphilitic Sore Throat. .Mouth and Tongue. Co-
tiirrli.c. . , permanently cured whcro others
hnvo failed.
IfiHtinir TTnhiQWT nni' ' Bladder Complaint * ,
KlQllCY , UFlliary ponum. uimcmt , too fro-
qucnt llurnlng or nioody Urine , Urlno hlrn ( col
oreil or with milky Hodlmant ou fctamling ,
Weak lluck , ( JminorrlKca , Glcot , Cystitis. &c. ,
I'romptly andSafely Cured , Charges Iloasona-
| ) ] H.
, nSWe.p
movul complete , without cutting , cau&lo or
dilatation. Cures effected lit hnmu bv patient
without a moments nalu or unnovimce.
To Young Mmi and Miuille-AgCu Men ,
A QIIDD flllDP The awful eirocts * ofarly
11 oUnD uUltiJ Vice. v-hich whips organic
weakness , destroying both mind und bodr , with
all Its ill ended Ilia , permanently cured.
DDO DCTPtJ Adress tlioao wno uayo Impaired
UflUi DmlU themselves by Improper Indul
gences and solitary liablUI , which ruin both
body and mind , unfitting them for business ,
study or marrliiKe. ,
MAIIHIKD Mu.v. or those entering on that Imp-
Py life , aware of physical debility , quickly as
Is based upon facts. First Practical Expe
rience. Second Uvery case Is especially studied ,
thus martini : aright. Thlid Medicines are pre
pared In our laboratory exactly to suit each
caKe , thus aHectingcurealtliout Injury.
IST'Sond U cents postage for colebruted works
on Chronic , Ncrtou * and Di'lloate Diseases.
Thousands cured , tA friendly letter or cull
may save you futui e Hullerlntr and ghanio , and
edit golden yearn to life. t& No letters an
swered unless accompanied by 4 cents In stamps.
1108 Varuaui Srtapt. ( Jmalm , K b.
.3 . CiCS.
Tor In o years I liad
It ultabkd me for work
oud ror.flncd me to my
bid for a uholo jcor ,
during \\Ulch tlmo I
could notcunraUcmy
hands to my heed , and
for U months could not
mo > o inelf In hcd.w as
rcductd lu ilceli from
JilWtoMlbs , Wastrfnt-
* cd by beet physicians ,
only to grow IVOIBO ,
Finally I took Bnirt'a HpoclOc , and coon began to
iaipro\e. Aftrr \vlillo wno at my work , and for the
Iiatt ( he months h.ivu hccn an u ell at I cur voi all
rom the effects of tinUt'n Kpcclflc.
J a.8 , 3D. '
Books on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free.
" LI. * . , ! . Wirr Brrcirio Co. , t
cund vritnout rolt .
n orotxrmtlOD. Adareu i
slon-Owpru ci * nlqucj iiiTt'tacai _ St. , UaUjL.
20to60 DAYS.
This is u disease which has heretofore
Baflled all Medical Science.
When Morcurv , Todlde of Pota ijium , Sarsapa
rllla or Hot Pprluaa fall , we ( jtiarantepa euro.
Wo have a Remedy , untnowu to anyons In the
World , outside of our Company , andonu th.ithas
to cure the most obstinate cases. Ton days In
recent cases doe J tliowork. It U the old chronic
deep seated casts that wo solicit. Wo hvvo
cured hundreds who have been abandoned by
Physicians , nnd pronounced Incurable , and wo
challenge the world to bring 113 u case that \YO
will not euro In leni than sixty dayH.
Since the history of mecilcluo a true specific
for Syphilis has boon sought for but never
touna until our
was discovered , and we are Justltlnd In saying
It Is the only llomeay m the World tnat will pos
itively cure , bncauso the latest Medical Works.
pubUslied by the bust known authorities. Buy
there was no verat rue specific boforo. Our rem
edy will cure V/IIPU everything else his failed.
Why waste your tlnjo and money with patent
medicines that never had virtue , or doctor with
physicians that cannot euro you , you that have
tried everything else should coma to us now and
K t permanent relief , you never can get It elso-
where. Mark what wo say. In the oud you
must take our remedy or NUVI3U recover and
you that have been nnilctnd but a short time
should by all mean : ) como to us now , not ono In
ten of ninv cases over get permanently cured.
Many uetholp and think they are true from the
disease , but In one , two or tliren years after It
appears Again In a more horrible form.
This is n blood Purifier and will Ouro
any Skin or Blood Disease when
Everything Else Fails.
Rooms 18 and 19. Paxton Bloci
Always Drink with Ice Water
LEMONADES , SHERBETS and all Cold Drinks ,
It IVIll Correct tlio I > iimnflnf * Iiilliieiico
of Ice oil tlio Stomach.
An Efficient Itemed } ' for IHnnh'trn.C'lioli'ru 3Inr-
bus , J > yf > i'iitcryanil all Disorder * of the Jloni'l .
NABitvu.i.i : , TKSCN. , Junel/tli / , 1SS7.
JIliShllN. I.OVF.STIIAI , IlltOS ,
llpnr Blrx : I liatu tried the Huncnrlnn Illuck-
herry Jnlei' you si > kindly cent me , It Istlie no
jilu.s iillrn or hiiinnier ilrlnkx. It In freu from
ulcoholnlluyn tUInt , tones the digestive iiruans ,
hns a DHL * aromatic lhtor , und la just the ililiii ;
fur illnrrhd-iil tronlile.i In the hulled term , A
TAiii.iisrouNrui. IN A ( II.ASS or jc
UT.'A. . ATUII IHON , M. I ) .
Iinnorlod and liott1rd MIIIAT.OVITCII ,
KIl .t CO. . Cliielnnall.O. ror sale bjl
, J.liiurtl | > fuler3 und Uroceru.
The I'uhllo are oat t'enernlly itirara that by Jia
prevent uieihoita ot evoking Hilly uiio-half of ho
tolieo that l > used 1 * thrown nwur m tha Krou.idi
arul wasted. C'houlatH epniiuotej with till * company
huvuhuoieeilod In nnrliiK this wuitu mi thnt tha com-
Miny c n t urnlali coffee niuilo of thu llnost Juvu.put
up In iinitll purtnble Jara mill WAIIIIANTKII rKUKHrr-
I.V I'ltiiK nnd Kiinninteo.l to ho onlr about ONK-
I1A1.FTI1U COaT to the coniumcr of common tof
fee , Only bolllnu watorl s nemln I when preimruu It
Jor the tublo. Crown Liquid Coffao Co'iipiiiiy.
WholestUo Grocers , - - Oinuhu , Neb
Mvamtr Chains , Hup' , toixltin Money , LtittsrH uf Cnxllt ,
l'a . | rU , ( luldo Ilobka , ) Uu , Cable , ivlui , Uottl Cuu-
IHJIUI , Etc. Bmtl/orclrcutaii.
Geu'l Wot'n > iftucy , U3U Kg. Cinrl. hi. . CHICAGO.
Peerles Dyes ARK THE DKST
"Now , John , you're uro I'll Imvo time to
make ray purclntsoundent liick to mytruln ? I
must Imvo n Hutu overcoat for thosu cool even-
IIIKK , and Bimo fiirnMiluu Kooils. As 1 nm n
Mrarucr , 1 rauiit ( rust you t tiika mu to n relir.-
M | il'iu. " "All rlirlittlr ; 1 know whoruthnt 13.
1J11 I'nr.iura ; n niun run llnd cvorythlnu ho
needs In tbo wny ol clothes '
Hoyor-Establlshel 185S-Adolph Meyer
General Agents for
and JAS , W , STARR
Story & Clark anil Slionter-Bell Or Jans ,
CWrlte for C talogun.
Sleek Piano
Konnirktiblo for powerful .sympathetic
tone , pliublo action nnd iibsoluto duni-
bility ; 80 3'cixrs1 record tlio host gunran-
tcoof tlio excellence of thcbo instru
C.1 Hie Maunr liable. 1'onlilrplj Cured
br Admlnliterlna Dr. llaluea'
lioldvn Mpecinc.
oltcaube elveuma cup of coiroo or
lev ot food , without thu knowledge of ttio pa-
lent ; it Is abxoluiely harmless , and will ef-
feet u permanent und speedy cure , whether tUe
patient Is a moderate drinker or u alcohol
wreck. 11' NKVKH J-'All.H. Dver IOO.OQO
drunkards have been made temperate men who
have taken Uolden Speclllo In their colfeo with *
out their knowledge , and today believe they
quit drinking of ttula own uncord. 4) ) page
book of particulars frt-e. Kuhn & Co , agent *
15th and Douglas ts. mh end Cumln t treats ,
Omaha , Neb. : Council Jll utls , lowu ; Acent , A.
N. W. Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb. '
Chronic and Surgical Diseases and Diseases of tha Eye and Ear ,
rji fe fe
® SKttS 3 > &i niefS& ,
J. W. McMEHAMY , M. IX , President ,
And Consulting Physician and Surgeon.
Organized with a 11 siaff of Skilled Physicians , Snrpns and Trained Irsef
This establishment la a normuncnt medical institution , conducted by thoroughly
educated physicians and surgeons of acknowledged skill and experience. The
Institute bindings , situated on the noilhwesL corner of Thirteenth and Dodgq
streets , is composed of two largo three-story brick bindings of over ninety roorns
containing our Medical , Surgical and Consultation Roomo , Drugstore , Laboratory ,
Offices , Manufactory of Surgical Appliances and braces , and the Boarding Doparty
ment for Patients , in charge of competent persons , constituting tlio largest and
the most thoroughly equipped Medical and Surgical Establishment in the West , one/
of Uio three largest in tlio United States , and second to none.
Wo have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , performing
surgical operations , boarding and nursing patients , which , combined with omf
acknowledged ability , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute tlio first choice.
You can come direct to the Institute , day or night , as we have hotel accommo
dations as good and as cheap as any in the city. , , . , , , .
Wo make this explanation for the benefit of persons who may feel inclined to
go fmthor cast for medical or surgical'treatment and do not appreciate tlio fact
that Omaha possesses the largest and most complete Medical and Surgical Insti'
tulo west of New York , with a capital of over $100,000.
[ Q
Best Facilities , Apparatus and Remedies for Successful Treatment ot
every form -Disease requiring MEDICAL , or SUJUGICAL ,
In tins department wo are especially successful. Our claims of superiority over
all others are based upon the fact that this is the only medical establishment man
ufacturing surgical braces and Appliances for each individual case. Wo have
three skilled instrument makers in our employ , with improved machinery , and
have all the latest inventions , as well as our own patents and improvements ,
the result of twenty years' expoiienco.
The treatment of diseases by electricity has undergone great changes within the
past few years , and electricity is now acknowledged by all schools of niedicinoastho
great remedy in all chronic , special and nerve diseases , for nervous debility , par
alysis , rheumatism , diseases of women , etc. , and in many eye and car diseases it
is the most valuable of all remedies.
In order to obtain its full virtues , it is absolutely necessary to have tlio proper
apparatus. Wo have lately purchased three of tlio largest and most complete
batteries manufactured , so constructed as to give tlio most gentle as well as the '
most powerful current. Persons treated at this Institute by electricity iccognisio
at once the difference between our expensive and complete electrical apparatus
and the common , cheap batteries , in use by many physicians. Over 3,000 dollura-r
invested in electrical apparatus.
Wo claim to be the only reliable , responsible establishment in the west making
a specialty of this class of diseases. Dr , McMonamy was ono of the first thorough
ly educated physicians to make a special study of this class of diseases , and nia
methods and inventions have been adopted by specialists in Europe and America.
He is the inventor of tlio Clamp Compicss Suspensory , acknowledged tlio best in
uso. All others are copied alter his invention , liy means of a simple opeiation ,
painless and safe , lecontly brought into use , wo euro many cases that havn boon
given up as incurable by medical treatment. ( Head our book to men , sent free to any
address. )
Wo have had wonderful success in this department in the
nast year , and have made many improvements in our facili
ties for treatment , operations , attillcial eyes , etc.
Wo have greatly improved our facilities and methods of
treating cases by coiicspondenco , and are having bettor
success in this depai tment than over before.
We are fully up to tlio times in all tlio latest inventions in medical and surgical
operations , 'appliances and instruments. Our institution is open for investiga
tion to any persons , put fonts or physicians. AVe invite nil to correspond with or
visit us before taking treatment elsewhere , believing that a visit or consultation
will convince any intelligent person Unit it is to their advantage to place them
selves under our earn.
Since this advcrlixemcnt Jlrst nnpcurcd , muny boasting pretenders und frauds have
come and ( /one and muny more will come and yo , remembered onby / / their unfortunate
and foolish victims.
"A wine man investigates Jlrst and decides afterwards ,
A fool decidex Jlrst , then inrettiyates , "
The Omaha Mrdical und Sitr < icul ! Institute in indorsed by the people and the press ,
Mure wpitul invested , more skilled jthysiciana employed , more modern appliances , fiisfne-
nioifs and aiipttratta in me , morn cases treated and cured , wore "succcssfid surgical.
operations perjormed , than in all o'her medical establishments in the West combined ,
144 PAGE BOOK ' ( lilnstratod )
Vnrt Flmt-Hlitory , Success and Ailvnntiiirat ot the Omulia Medical iincl Burslcil Inttllnto.
I'art Second CIIHONK : DlbKAKKH of Ilin Luiijjs. Ktoiiwuh , J.lvur , Kltluovn. bkln , I'llcs , Ciinter ,
Cutunli , Knllopsy , UliuinnMUm. Inhalation , Tupu Worm , Ulcclrlclty , Now Uyiiicillns. c-lo.
l art Third- liurouuiTiM'urvuttiroof ( tlio H | > luo , Club 1't-ut , IIlii iMscasos , i'urnlyBU. Wry
Neck , How Loirs. Hum Jlp. Hur OpniMtloim. '
1'nrt Mxih DiflUAHGH OK MB.V , ivivuto. and Nurroun Diseases , Spcrmalorrlio-.i ( Scmilmil
Weakness ) , Impotcmuy , Vuilcocolo , Stricture , UK'Ot , Syphilis , uud nil dltfcagon ol ( hodunltu
Urlnnry Ursanu. i. , . . . , . , . . . ! . .1. , , . . . . . . . . . . .
WORfllFEV ! A BrioiAiTir. : Wr. lUvn MTCi.r
vv ) * * f IU * E Bu Ainir.u CoNPiKKHUNr. ( Klrlctly I'rlvuto ) .
Only Itcllublo Medical Institute Making u Specialty of
Alllllood Disposes successfully treated , Byiilillltlo I'otKiii removed from tlio rystriu without
mercury. Nuw Kestoratlvo Trciitmuut for I.osa of Vlml Power. 1'iitluiiu unable tolslt us ruuy
l.o trotted nt liomp liy corrcspoudoiieo. All c-oiuimnilcatloii * coiilliluntliil. Mullclmw or luotrii'
v' ' 13 U nu l Uodce UtrcuUt Omaliu , Nvbt