OTE DMAH4 DAILY PEEr tONDAY , MAY 20. 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA AflTertt emeati tinder thli bend (1nofortbonrtlai nioti.7 centn for each sub. eqacot insertion , ana tl.60 per linn per month. Ho advertisement taken for less than 2 * > conti tlio nrst Ituertlon. Seven words will bo counted loth * line : they must run consecutive- ' ana must bo pftld In ADVANCK. Alt Bdverllse- tnents must be handed in before 12 : 10 o'clock p. . , nnd under no clrcumatanccs will they b taken or discontinued by toltphono. 1'nrtiaii advertising Ih these lolumDs and liar- fciu their answers ndd rested In cnre of Tim DKH - wl please nsk For n clicck to Mlablo them to get their letter * . ni none will be delivered except on taronentntlon of r-hetk. All answers to advsr- ttiomontH should be enclof enjm envelopes. All advertisements In thesa columns nro pnb- { lined In both tnornlncr nnd evening editions ot TIIKDFE. thd circulation of which aj-irrcf-atcri more than IP.OOO p pert daily. nna Riven tlio ad vertisers the benefit , not only of the city circu lation of TIIR IIEK , but Also of Council muffs. Lincoln und other cities nnd towns throughout this section ot the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for theie columns will bo taken en the above conditions , at ih < f following busi ness bouses , who are at thorlted agents for TUB Dec special notices , and will quote the 8ttw rates as cnn bo hdd at the main olllco. 'Bouth Tenth fitreot. / 1HA8K & KDD7. Btntlonen unfl Printers , 113 V7 gouth ICth Htr U Sn. FAHNBWOHTH , Phnrmilist , 2115 Cum- ing Street. .1. HUailES , Pharmacist , 624 North 16th ) Street. G EO. W. I'ARR , Pharmacist , 1800 BU Mnry' Avcnua. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTI1D A frnntlemnn with ncenernl busi ness experience wHhcs to roprnsent ono or more llrmH In Now York nutl vlclultv ns ngcnt or buyer. Host of references ( orability kud integrity. Address Clms. Jx > 8ani3Thoma4 St. , Newark. N.J. 33l-ilf ! WANTKO An experienced lady stonoirrnph- or now with leading uholcsnlo house , vlshes to chanaa position : sntlsfactoiy runsons for clmiiKlng ; best of rofcroiiccs. Aduross IIII ! iioo oiiico. WANTED A position In n grocery Btoro or wholesale grocery. Ditto , by a young man lately urrh fd In thin country , six years' ex perience ; good reference from last employer. . . . . . _ ft r ( 1B138 13tll Bt > OmBUl. TATANTI'U Hv competent wonmn , some TT rooms orolllcca to clean. Addrusj 11 14 , Ileu SITUATION Wnntcd-A nrst class bread nnd Jcnke baker. Address A C.I Iloo. 151 2UJ WANTED MALE HELP. t7f7"ANTnD Pivo tfaTellugsales men ; salary i and expenses ; no experience noccssary. Address , with stamp , H , H. Linn & -CoLa Crosse , Wis. 6W-2i * \\7AOKS I2.W ) par day and expenses paid nny T > reliable person to superintend posting up advertisements of our goods. No talking ro- quired. Address , enclosing 2 cent stamp for particulars. Universal Supply Co. , 140 Ynr. lluroiist , ( jliUogo.lll. 3-i218 * WANTED A man to devote one-half time to sollcltlngnnd one-half to employlngaud drilling men : salary (7i per month llrst throe months , thereafter tlUO ; must come well rec ommended , bn of good address , nnd deposit tioo. Call at room611 , FirstNnt. Unnkllldg. 202 1W WANTED Two boys to cnrry horse routes on Dally Evening Iloo. Apply at I lee olllco. 420 DRUG Clerk Wanted One who understands Gorman preferred. Address , with refer ence , P , O. box 454. 805 2J $25 WEEKLY itopresentativo wanted In every community. Goods stiiple and sell ou light. Absolutely new ; household necessity. No canvassing. Elite Mfg. Co. , Pullman buildIng - Ing , Chicago. 111. 750 WANTED Agents Puzzle watch charm ; most taking novelty out ; exact ImiUtlou of "Pigs in Clover. " size of nickel , gold plated. Bnmplollic , two 25c. doz. $1 ; stumps taken. Etuyner It Co. . Providence. It. 1. 754 J it 13OYS Am. Dlst. Tel.Co. . 1301 Dougins. _ "V\7ANTED Agents ; magic cigar llgnter ; i every smoker buys ; lights in wind or rain ; lasts n lifetime ; sample luo , two for 2jc , dozen tl. by mull ; stamps taken. Stavucr Ic Co. , Urpjldenco It. 1. lJ-ni22 * SALESMEN wish n few men to s oil our goods by sample to wholesale and rctni trudo. Largest manut'rs in our lino. Enclose 3-ccnt stamp. Wugcs W per day , Permanent position. No postals answered. Money ad vunced for wages , advertising , etc. Ceutennla Man'f'g Co. , Cincinnati , O. 514 WANTED--FEMALE HELP. \S7ANTED-A good uurso girl. Inquire at 22 : Yl Davenport st. 370-2U WANTED A girl tor general house work In family of two. None but a good cook need apply. Hoforonce required. Cell ntVJI Capitol BA o. after 5 o'clock p. m. 383 a ) WANTED Good cook mm Inundiess ; rutar- eiicu required ; best wages paid. Apply to 832 S. 37th Bt. 821KW W ANTED Waist nnd skirt Jlnishers. 1519 Howard , M. A Wallace. 330 2f > "YTtrANTGD-OIrl for general housework In a small family , no children , lodgers or bonidors , 210U California st. 341 18J GOOD girl for nousuwork. small family'no washing. N. W. cor. 2fetnand Miami.35J1JS "VAT'ANTED A good girl ; apply at onco. 2123 VV Webster. 321 IB * WANTED A competent housemaid with good references , by Mrs. H. Kountze , I'orfst 11 111. 8 lUth St. 247 16 + 1" ADV itgents average over * li ) a week with myirrundnow rubber undergarment. Ad- flress. Mrs. II. F. Little. Chicago. 111. g5l 21t " \7i-'ANTED A girl for general housework , V > iH88. 17th at. 171 ANTED Atonce.good cook and laundress Mrs. F. W. Gray. 2U2t DouBlas.8 fti " \\7ANTED-A competent girl for general V > housoworE , ono who can cook , wash and Iron where second girl and man are kept ; good wages paid. Apply at UH South 20th st. 1)51 ) DRESS M7TKI en ENGAGEMENTS to do dressmaking i n turn Hies. HOllcltudiMiss Btmdy,20l7 Leavenworth 2U1 in Si' MlhS M. Shmo fashionable drehsmaking. moderate prices ; cutting nnd littlng also < lone. 317 N. 10th. 66031 * BOARUINC7 B OOM and board cheap for two in private faiidlyL221 , Hurt jst. _ foo-IBt BOAHDKHS wanted at the Cozzens hotel at reduced rates ; the most pleasant location In the city. M J Franck , prop. 87D MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. TV ! ONE V Wanted I can place from llvo to J. ' I twenty thousand dolhus on good real estate security. If you have money to loan call and sea mo. George N. Hicks , Heal Estate und In vestment Agent , Hoom 40 , llurker block. 373.31. t _ " \\rANTKD-Contrai-tor who will take cioor T lot a part payment for building , Addiess , 11. 18 , euro Hoe olllce. aw-20 * _ "VST' ANTED A purchaser for a Ii2fl mortgage Y.i on Kunsadlands ; also H aoctiou Colorado Hchool land. E. H. Gosscll , UM Bo , 13th st. , 3d llo.ir. Omahn. _ 148-ai * \S7ANTED-IlulldlnF material for lots , lands T > und cash , AV. 3. Paul 1UB Parnam at. 3bfl ANTED Any one ullllcted witn any prl- vato or chronic blood disease to call ou the National Heinedy Co. , 1414 Dodge st. and lu- \eStlgato their troatmect for private disorders. WANTEP-TORENT. " \\AANTEDtorentby family of two , uu un- T V f urnlDlied cottage in goad condition con taining 0 or 7 rooms : must have terms and lo cution to receive nny attention. Address U 6\ M . -ag _ WANTBD-Hemlngton typo writer No. B Midland tiuarunteeTrust Co. , 16ti5 Par nnui gt. 27418 _ \\TANTED-To rent for term of years S-room > > house , with yard nnd barn , between Far- nnm afid Bt. Mary's avt > , Would wait for one to be built. II 17. lleo olllye. _ ; io2 27 FOR RENT-HOUSES. Tj01t UffN'T a o or three elegant J-1 upletidtd nolguboiluiod , all modern con- veuleucfs and model ate rental. Imiulro of QKorge . lllrki , liarker block. 374-23 HENT-lT-roomhotiio No IsTa FOH , Chicago street , after June - t. Goo. 1. Gilbert , iws Chicago utrout. JI7 18 M1OU Kent-Three room house in rear of lot. Itnqillra 1317 Cusa st. 16318J TfJAOU ULNT-Klevon-Mom house with seven JU rooms f m uUtiud if uealred : or four to alx roetu , tint lloor , uuturnUhcd , HJ ) Howard. U3 It ) T7VOU HE.NT-Sevoral good houses in uood JL1 local iocs O , P. D . .vTCo. . 1 1WC > Puiuam u JXM W TJIOU IlKNT An l von-room houso. KM Call- JJ fornlast. J1 18 * _ _ _ _ 'IjHHt JiKNT-f-rooni homo with alf tnodTrn Jl1 Improvinonts , KU 8 2Jd St. S43 Ibt co , comfortable homo , nrst- class neighborhood , all modern conven iences , close to car line , moderate rent. Jntiilro | ot Goo. N. Hicks , llnrkcr block. 374-23 "iron HENT-WIth furniture for snlo , two 0- JO room lints ; finest location In the cltv ; part cnjli , balance monthly payments. Will bo sold nt n sacrifice. Farmers Laud Co. , rooms * ) and UOOM bouse. 811 Bo. 24th st. 417 Sit 1'TOIl HENT A Imuso of sis rooms. Innulro JJ 401 N. latli st. Thos. Su-lfU. .T-l 20' FOH HUNT New house. 0 rooms , 2 closets. 3 pantries , hard and sott water , brick cellnr. 7OTN.mii at. 32Q.iJt "tT-OU HUNT A brick hou o. 7 rooms , city I1 wnter and sower. 717 8. Uth. 3JJ 20' " flOll KENT S-room house on cor. 11th nnd 1 I/cavonworth. Apply lir.Mattlce.lAUDodgo. ] WANTED--A family to rent 4 unfurnished rooms nnd board man , wife und child ; liberal oiler to right party. TCI N 17th st. 307 "IjlOH HKNT 13-room holiso nnd barn , nice JL'yard , very desirable : splendid location for roomers ; on cnble. ,1. H , Pnrrotto rental agency. 10th nnd Dodgo. 288-2J fi OI' HKNT To family without children , JL ? ulroly furnished seven-room house , from Juno 1st to Sept , 1st. 203) ) St. Mary's avenue. 210 "IjlOH HEN ! ' 'i-rootn modern Improved house JL ? suitable for llrst-clasa physician , none In neighborhood. Apply M , T.lguttor. 1112 S. lOlhst. 2J3 21 "I310II HKNT A nice six-room house. 3 doors JL1 west of W nlnnt Hill school , for S8j to April next. Or would take horse In trade. Also , a good young horde for nlo cheap. E. G. Merrill , "lamlltou and Eureka St. , Walnut Hill. FOH KENT IMrulshcd brick residence , 10 largo rooms , bain nnd cistern , modern mprovoments largo yavd. will bo absent Irom ho city traveling for homo time 1210 S. llth. Foil HENT 8room housecontrnlly ; locnted ; modern improvements. J. F. Itarton , 2010 "iapttoi nvo. . 818-2J * "VTINE room house on Dodge st. , cable passes Jl l the door ; hot and cold water , batn rooms and furinco : rout $10 per month. Piedllorth - wick , 213 S. Uth st 14J "I7IOH KKNT New brick houses. 11 rooms.with JL ; every modern convenience ; on cable line ; inly IO per month. C. T. Taylor , cor. 14th and Jouglas. IWj [ "flOll HUNT Cottages , 6 rooms , 272(1 ( Charles L1 st nnd 1524 B luth st. liuiulio at room 212 , Slicely block. 47 = ) FOH HKNT-A llat In the Her building ; 7 rooms , steam heat , gas and bath. Apply 'o A. C. llaymer , hardware , 18th and Jackson. 511 NICE 7-room cottages ; good cellars , cisterns. well , good barn ; convenient to school nnd churcu8A ; ) per month for th summer. Apply atone. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bank , TJIOIl HUNT Neat 7.room house cor 2flth JO and Woolworth nvo. Iniuro of G , D. Tzschuck , lieoolllce. M' FOH HENT Ono ton-room and ono eight- room house , nil inodorn conveniences. Hest part of rlty and within 5 mlnntes walk of post- olllcn. Nathan Shelton , 1505 Farnam st. un C1OH KENT lloautlfnl 8-room house with JL1 modern .Improvements , splondld location. Apply at oncn , C. P. Harrison , Mer. Nat. IJ'k. TJ10H HENT Good houses ntloO , MO$30.t.V 20I JO andfl- per month. If youwlsh to rent call and mo. D. V. Sholes , 2101st Nat'l Hank. 7b'J TjlOH HENT 14 room brick dwelling , all con- JD veulences , 210 N. Iflth st. o07 FOR RIZNT ROOMS-FURNISHED- BOOMS li ilrst-class homo board , 1718 Dodco. . ' * 3S.-2it FOH HUNT Larjie , wcll-furnlslicd front parlor , modern conveniences , sultablo for 2 , $10 iv mouth , board If doslrod. 2100 Parnam st. 35220J T50OM for two with board , 1910 Dodge. 202 18 TTIOH UF.NT Furnished looping roomsi SCO , JO H Howard ; ploabant , shady ; $1.7. * > toJ7o. week. , . ' 40 16j- TjlOH KENT Furnished room with hoard , JO only ft per week. Ui N. 20th st. - " 171UHNISHED front room for rent ; gentle- JL ; men only ; terms moderate. 2425 Dodge. 35021 * TCIOH KENT Hooms with board ; best loca- J ? tlon In city , 201 B. 25th aye. 357 21J PLEASANT newly furnished rooms , single or on suite , can bo hud at 2401 Cass sf. lieS 2 it Tj"1Oll HI5t * r Elepant furnished oem sultablo JO for two gentlemen , on batnroom tloor , with bpnrd. lull Douglas.Bt. 070 21 * TTIOH HENT Front room w 1th ilrst class board. JO 510 S. 22d St. 331 20r \UHNISHED \ rooms for rent. 1717 Mason. i40 ! 241 : iVKLY south front room , every convon- nco , Vs block from street cat. 2CTO Douglas. 3 > I8 ill HENT Furnished rooms , 222 N Ittth. 315 23- XT1CELY furnished room sultablo for 2 gen- JL > tlcmcn or man and wife , 18 3 Farnam. 3 120 KWLY furnished front rooms suitable for gentlemen or ladles employed during the day : all conveniences ; board if desired. 2205 Faruam. - 0-23 TpHONT and back parlor , suitable for man JO uud wife , or 4 gentlemen. OUT W. 18th. 208 22t N I1CELY furnished roams for rent , with or without Tjourd ; 1721 Davenport st. 2G3-22t "VT1CELY turnluhcdirout bedioom in nice J- > cottage , M per mouth. 400 William st. 415- P front room , 507 S. 25th avo. 31529J TjlOIl KENT 2 furnished rooms with all JP modern Improvements. Gentlemen only. 2025 Bt. Mary'nn\e. , right In the city. Hofer- ence requited. Apply to Mrs. J. Ilenson. at Btoro. 41820 [ "TIUltNISHED rooms with modern con- JO ventencos , on paved street and car line. 222J Lenvenwortn. 1U7 20t FOlt KENT A nicely furnished large front room , nil modern conveniences ; for further particulars call at 2215 Dodge st. 1M FOH KENT Nicely furnished front rooiu with boardall conveniences,1'JIO ' Capitol ave. MIS FOH IlENT Furnished rooms with or with out board for families and slnglo men nt reduced prlco Tor the summer months at the Cozzvns hotel. 'M J 1'runck , prop. 880 front rooms 1310 Dodge. Dodge.877J8t TTOH KENT Nicely furnished front bed room JU1 In cottage , to per month , 40U William street. OK KENT A pleasant room , only 0 minutes walk from business center , all modern con veniences , cor Bt. Mary'a avo. and 2uth or 020 B. 2Uth , brick resilience. Ml F I HOST rooms , tl upwurda , on car line : 1J10 Nlbth. 418 rnUHNISIIEI ) or untnrnl-hedrooms for rent JL' in Purk Terrace , odposito Hanscom park ; all r.ioderu couveuleucm. Inquire Leo A : Nichol , ) . ' 8th and Leavuuworth , 4J PUHNIBHED rooms by day , weeK , or month. Bt.Clalrhoiel _ cor 13th and Dodgo. 478 1OOM with or without board. 1812 Dodge , J.V 035 CSUIT of 2 furnished rooms , modern conven iences , 3 blocks from P. O , ; private family. A. llospe , Jr. , 1513 Douglas. 4T1 5IflFEN"T Hooin 16J1 Hownnl. ' OOi T A HUE front room with hod-room adjoining , -UhaiulBomely furuUhed. gas and heated by rttBum , with use of bath room , in ono ot the liandsomobt 'rosidoncos in the city , without board , luiuilro n. w. cor , luth and Lcuvcuworth. , TII1'D rooms , slugleor on Hulle , bath JL' ' Bud steam ; for gents only , 1511) Howard. O NlCiTiouth front rooms wlifi every conven- -J ifticoj telephone lu house. 1905 Capitol uv , * plUHNIs1iElTrooTn87fiJlS : th , near "Dod'go" 237J14 * F ) Doduo. 2J721 * FOH HUNT Furnluhed rooms unglo or en gulte. IOW Dougla. " . 7U _ " ' t'ORRENT .ROONl8UNKU"rt'NI8HED 4 roomT" with all modern improvements , bath room. rloset , etc. . hot and cold wuter , gns tlxtur a. to family wltuqut culldrou. Hvfvrcuca le.jnlred . , nthst. Price ta. I'Ji FOll HUNT Pleasant nnfurnlshed rooms over 1001 Howard st. Per onices purposes A Olt 5 tinturnlflhcd rooms for housekeeping Tl for man nnd wife . , - N lith St. 7tl'ij T76H P.KNT 4 unfurnished rooms , KOI Web- JO stor , ntiltablo for housekeeping ; price f I6J ) 331) FOR.RENT STORES AND OFFICES. F IHSIVlass locution for barber shop. 20th nna , Illondo sts. 349 20 * F IOIl ! llBNT-rronromcc , groumTiloor , 310 a nth. a > 7 17KMI H15NT-Che-.p-NcV Moro , SixOi. brick JO basement , on good paved St. , Htiitnblc for re tail grocery. Inquire 0. llnrtmnn , N. W. cor. 27th nnd Decafur sts. m FOH HUNT TwoBtoro i with toti.room lint nbovo < corner I6th nnd Mason sts. Inquire , Mrs Lingo , 01JS. 13th Rt. " M 17IOH HIVNT 2 Moors 22x80 enrh. In brick build- JO Ing , with elevator , cloio to expresi olllce , cheap rout , Juit the thine for whole-inlmir , good location. Apply toUco. lloyn , 1103 1'arimm st. FOH nUNT-Htoro KxOOj 1118 Jnckson st. . ; nn.ulrolH4.1nckson. 4S1 TtOIt HUNT Store nnd living rooms on Cum- L1 Ing street ; Mao homo on CUBS st , Hnrrls 1L . V I , . Co. . Itoom 411 1st Nat. bntik. H14 TTIOIt ItKNT-Tho 4 story brick bultdum with Jor without power , now occupied by The Iloo I'ublfahlng Co. . C1U Karnnm st. TJio building ia.i n llt-o proof comontoil baspinq.it , complete tterxin heating llxturorf , wateu on nil the lloors , gns. etc. Apply nt the olllco of Tno Iloo. 015 STOKR 407 with banftmotit , llninso bldg. In- nulro Kmnk J. llnniBO. 059 RENTAL AGENCIES. 7TOUSKS nnd furnished rooms , 1331 351 N.SIst. "T7IOH HKNT Wlion j'ouwlsh to' rout n housn , -L stain or olllco cnll on us. II. K. Cole , room 0 , Continental blk , 474 " ! ' YOU want to rent your house call on Hnr- - rls , U. K. & 11. Co. , room 411 , 1st Nat'l. bans. 43J GKO. J. I'AUf , , in03 Farnam St. , houses , stores , etc. . tor rent. 48 , ' ) IP YOU want to buy , soil , rent or exchange , call on or address (1. ,1. Bternsdorff , rooms 317 and 3H. Klrst National bank building. 484 Wi : give special attention to routing and collectlui ? rents : list wjltn us. 11. K.Colo , room 0 , Continental block. 480 LOST. LOST White horse , with harness mark , lie- turn to blacksmith shop , fith and Jones and rocolvo reward. " 87-18T MISCELLANEOUS. H OI18KS. mules nnd wagons , 13M N. Zlst. 355 2U TTMIIUELLAS and parasols covered and ro- LJ paired , 217 S 15th , lloyd's opera house block , 'n rubber store. R llalor , 284aa SECOND-HAND clothintr , carpets , furniture , etc. . bought. Address Mr. or Mrs. Savage , 2013 Cumlng st. 204 20 ? TIN roofing , spouting , gutters , valleys and sheet iron work done well aud cheap. E. Savage , 2013 Cumlng st. _ 203 W _ banjo taught asnnnrt by Goo P. GoJ- JL lonboce. Apply nt Iloo olllco. 050 "VTOU that nro sutrorluc from private dlsor- JL dors will Und the National Itomedy at 1414 Dodge St. , where you can got scientific treat ment and n cure guaranteed. 211 HSONNENSCIIEIN hns moved to 417 813th. Uuy nnd sell second hnnd furniture nnd stoves ; bottles bought nnd sold. 150-m21 PERSONAL. "IT1EATIIEK8 cleaned and curled ; hats pressed J ? and bleached , at F. M , Schadell. 218 N. 10th. 42J-m27 STORAGE. 8TOHAGK and forwarding. We collect and deliver goods of all descriptions , merchan dise , furniture and baggage , at cheapest rates for storage fpr ally leugtli of time. Vans and w agons to le ha < l nt shortest notice , with care ful men for moving. Packing nud shipping from our own warehouse douo on moderate charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded. Warehouse on our own tracks. Olllco 217 S.I Ith St. ; telopnono 114. HowollAcCo. 314 S' TOHAGP. ' nt low rates at 1121 Farnam st ; ' Omaha Auction and Storage. 483 milACKAOU , storage , lowest rates. W. Jl. JLllusliraun l.tll Leavenwortli , ISO' > HANOI ! * CO. , storage , 1211 Howard. > 400 CLAIRVOYANT MADAME iE SAN tells past , prcsentand fu ture events of your life , gives advice on dl force , contested wills , etc. The madame has wonderful gift of second sight , has the power of any two mediums you over met. Parlors. 1312 Dodge St. SO ! ) 30tCZl TVTDME. VEINE , clairvoyant , busiuess and ITJL detective medium. llooniS 418 N. 16th st. 40S-20T VH. NANNIE . WAHHEN.clairvoyantmod- JL/lcal and business medium. Female diseases a specialty. HUN. lUthst. . rooms2 and 3. 41)1 ) SHORTHAND AND TYPEWR1TIMQ STANDAHD shorthand school , Paxton block , ( successor to Valentino's shorthand Insti tute ) , the largest , best equipped shorthand school In the west ; Is under the personal super vision of J oneph P. II egeath. an ex-olhciul re porter and state agent of the Itemlngton Stand ard typewriter , assisted by experienced \ t-r- Imtlm reporters. .Mechanical construction of machine taught by factory expert. Particular attention paid to typewriting. Stenographers' supplies for salo. Circulars free. 708 rTUIE Omaha Short-Hand Institute , Ilamgo JL block , Omaha , aliened Monday. May UthIs under the management of a thorough and prac tical stenographer. Pleasantest nnd best ven tilated school room in the wost. Positions found for graduates. Call or write for particu lars' Terms , J10 per mouth In advance. Type writing free. 1KB J 10 SHOHTHAN D nnd typo writing. Omaha bus iness college cor. Capitol ave. & 10th. Stan dard methods taught by C. C. Ewlng ot San Francisco , the boot teacher on the Pacllc coast. Munson's revised of'HU a specialty ; now plan ; blackuourd Illustration ; day and evening classes ; call or write for terms. CU7 WHITTLESEY'S snorthand school , 21 liar kor block. 3 month's course , $2d.423m27t 423-m27t WANTED TO BUY. A NTlQUAltrANUcok Sto7e7U13 tiTfnaurst' -ncasn paid for nd-hand books , magazines. 3SU-J18T WANTED To buy good commercial paper. U. O. Patterson , 318 S. 15th st. 402 WANTED Furniture , carpotfl , stoves ana household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auction Ac Storage Co. , 1UI Farnam. 41)3 ) FOR SALE miSGELLANtOUS. TTlOH SALE Clionn About : tJO head of 1m- JL1 proved Texas horses , consisting of .geld ings , mures and colts , stallions und mixed. W1I soil part or all. Apply J , U Huluerl , Corslcana Texus. 414-J18J TjlOil SALE Small sand oven , bread tinsetc. Jt ! sultablo for bakery. J.W. Foloy. 814 Dnou port street. ' 328-2J * T7IOH SALE Small sand oven , bread tins JU etc. ; suitable for bakery , J. W. Foley , 281' ' Davenport street. 32818 * O10YCLE Now 51-inch American Champion Jttill roadster , cheap ; will trade for goo < horse , giving money dlllerenco , if any , Ad TIB. llee olllce. 27218 * POlt SALK-2.W } tons ice. Adam jlodor Illnlr'ob. UiU A CONSIGNMENT of imported Illphlum JA-and Shetland ponies from K. 0. Millar o of Merchlston lanohe , Nauoa Co. , Nob. , will bo tor sale at Mr. Hhurwood's Paluco xtubluu 01 and after Tlmrstlay the luth lust. 2u > 18t "A PINE Cabinet Grand rosewood case up -tVrlght piano for irj..W ; codt when new KIOJ ; only used out ) year ; muat bo sold at once ; will five time ou part of it if desired. Address Y tA. euro Omaha Uea. IfJimlS _ AF1HST class phaeton at the low prlco o t75 ; apply nt once. G. J. Btornsdorff Dooms 317 nnd 818. First National Hank build ing. Telephone 481. 321 24 _ ELUYKN-room house on N , 18th st. . fiirnl turo for nale , ull Improvements. Orlf A ; Co 117 N Ifitll. 2J7 an SALE A full leather ton carriage , largo JO and roomy , in Unit-class order , cost tiou one year axe ; will sell U for (17J , Apply ai225 ! Webster at. 714 _ POlt BALK 1 work team , wagon anil har nosi complete , vary cheap fur cash , 619 Pftxtonblk. _ | ll IjiOH BALK Cheap , a three-ton iflaiiolil bunic JL1 Bate , latest improved time look , complete in every particular. AddresJ. II. Chamber lln. Wood Hiver. Neb. ail _ > BST HA OT 9 OF T I TL c" . HiLAND Uuiirantee & Trtut Co. , J > ki 1'nr num. Complutu abitrncU fnrnhiied Ac titles to ronl o-itate uxutulued , porlucted & guurautucd OMAHA Abotract pomtian1S19 Farnam at. Most complotoUna < t < r < fuliy prepared set of abstract books nnd plavuf all ronl property In the city ot Omaha and Douglas county. 49U ilS L\CTS-Llnaliarf"Mnhon8y , room KM I'Axton block. ny > 403 MdNgYjro UOAN. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MONEY rcndy -fnrnlttiro nnd stoves , household goods nnd books bought , sold nnd exchanged. 117 NortU 10th St. , Frank Orrr & Co. 378-34 M ONI5Y ; loaned on unimproved mslde Omaha real estate. 0. W. Pear.lt. 4 , Prenzcr block. - uio-mtst uii- G W. I'RCiv loans monpvnn Omaha ronl odtnto Ilulldlng loans a snecinlty. H 4 , Fronzarb Ik r in" ! Ollmis ? OANS on Improved -rmd 1lnmpro\ ! prop Jcrtr at low rates. Oilcll Uros Co. , 12 Hjoli. TIIIK Olty Loan Co. hns plenty of tnonoy to loan on horsos\vnKonsf urnltuio and pianos. 'heir rated nro reasonable nnd. business Is done nlrly nnd nulolly. If you want iiionoy or want our present loan extended , try thorn and snvo noncy , Tholr offlce Is nt 118 8. Uth st , directly opposlto the Mlllurd hotel. an ) _ LOANS wnntod onOnmhn ronl estnto , three and llvo yenrs tlnia. optional pnymonts , fn- orablo tcrta and rntea ; applications and titles lasscd upon by us nnd loans closed promptly , vlmball. Champ .VJtyan.Uoom tl. Uultod States < nr , bank building , 1'AXi I'nruam street. WlTjll ) ONUV to loan nt low rntes by Uxoolslor I , nnd Co. , 31U South luth street , Omaha. UT1 _ MONKV to loan on real ostnto socurlty , nt lowest rates. Iloforo noRottatlng loans BOO iVnllaco , Cralihton blc , lath nnd Douglas. 8RO KYS1X5NK MortRago Co. ; loans ot $10 to tl.OtM ; got our rates before borrowlns nml savomoupy ! loan on hnrsoi , furniture or nny > pproved sosurlty , without publicity ! notes boiiKht ; for now loan , renown ! of old and low est rates call 11 03Shccley blk 15th & Howard st HOP _ MONEY to loan on short tlmo. Secured paper bought. ' V. li. Alexander , 15U9 Fiirimm st. 041 J 13 F. HAUItlSON loans money , lowest rntos. $000 to loan on first mortgage. G. E. Thomp- son , iShocloy block. TOO l.r > 00 spoclnl nionoy ; apply nt onco. 0jC. . P. $ Harrison , Merchants' Natl bank. 0j MONKY to loan. O. P. Davis Oo , real ostnto nnd loan agents , I'M Farnam st. Ki > UlUMNa loans. 1) . V. Sholos , 210 rirst Nn- Hlonal bank. 513 MONHY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. 3. W. Soutro , 1219 Parnam ot. , i'irgt Nntlor bane building. K3 MUNKYI monoyl monoyl to loan on horses , wagons , mules , houshold goods , pianos , or gans , diamonds , etc. , nt lowest rates. Tlio llrst orininlzod loiui olllco In the city. Will make loiins for thirty to three hundred , and sixty-live days , which can bo paid In pare or whole , at any time , thus lowering the prin cipal and Interest. Call nnd see us when you want inonsy. and wo can assist you promptly and to your advantage without removal ot property or publicity. Money always on nand and no delay in mak ing loans. C. P. Heed ff Co , SI19 South 13th at. . over lllngham & Sons commission house. If-'i m33 T .OANS made on real estate und mortgages JLJbought. Ixiwls B. Heed & Co. , U 13 Hoard of Trade. 511) ) TlfONKY to Loan Wo nro ready for appllca- JLU-tlons for loans in amounts from ) X ) to $10- OuU ou improved Omaha or Douglas county ronl estate. Full Information as to rates. Loan : ) promptly closed. aooduot ! s will bo purchased by us. Cnll upou us vor. write. The McCaguo Investment Co. " KW DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. . or collaterals until you see C. IJ. Jacobs , 410 First National bank building. u 621 trust funda to loan on improved JLHreul estate InOinnharl&rga loans preferred. K. 8. Ulsbeo , First National battle bulldlucr. Sr.r. Sltolos , room 'JIO , First Nat'l bank , before making your loans. ,1 , nu M ONEY to Loau Ixiwest rntes. Loans closed promptly. H. IX Colalt.O ; , Continental block. ( 600 WANTED Flrst-olasVlriildo loins. Lowest rates. Call and HIJO us. Mtitutl Invest ment Co. , U. 1. Harder ulic.l" > tli St Parnam. 525 HE. COLE , loan agvp.t ( , , , . r 600 BUILDING loans a sponlalty. W. M. Harris , Uqoin20. 1'ronzer ailock , . ppposldo P. O. / ' , * 501 VTEllUASKA Mortg. Loan Co. w ill make you a .N loan on household goods , horses , wagons , land contracts , flno Jewelry , or securities of any kind , without publicity , at reasonable rates. Hoom 7 , llowloy Ulock , South Omaha. Uaom ? 518-518. Pax ton Hlock. Omaha , Neb. 503 MONEY loaned for 80 , CO or 90 days on any kind of chattel security ; reasonable Interest " est ; business conlldentlal. J. J. Wilkinson,1417 Faruam st. 5U4 DO YOU want money ? If so , don't borrow before getting my rates , which are the low est on any sum from ilO up to $10.03) . 1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or gans , horses , mules , wagons , warehouse re ceipts , houses , leases , etcIn nuyamountnt the lowest possible rntos , without publicity or re moval of property. Loans can be made for ono to six months aud you can pay a part at any tlmo , reducing both principal und interest. If you owe n balance on your furniture or horses , or have a loan on thorn , 1 will take It up and carry it for you ns long ns you doslre. If you need money yon w 111 find it to your ad vantage to see mo before borrowing. H. P. Masters , room 4 , WtthnoH building , I5th nnd Harnoy. 500 T CAN make a few loans on ilrst-class chattel JLsecurltlfis at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter , room 10 , Barker blk. 007 6PEH CENT money to loan Cash on hand , W. II. Harris , 1120 , Fronzer block , opp. P. O. H E , COLE , loan agent. , 600 $ S $ 8 To loan on farms and city property. $ Geo. J. Paul. 1009 Faruam st. WM J500.00) to loan nto per cent. Llnauan & Ma- Phoney , Hoom 500 , Pnxton block. 610 "TVf ONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with- JLU-out dolay. aud purchase goods , commercial paper uud mortgage notes. S. A. Sloman , cor. 13th and Farnam. 614 PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur nish cheap eastern money to borrowers ; purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans ut their western olllco. George W. P. Coutes , room 7 , Hoard of Trado. nil BUILD1 NO loans. Llnahan & Mnhoney. 610 MONEY to loan on furniture , norsos , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. J. W. Itobbins , 11.200 , Shooly blk , IDtli and Howard. 518 MONEY to loan on Improved property at llrst hands. No application tout away for ap proval. Security und titles examined free of charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment Company , 30U S. Uth st , CIO "PEOPLE'S Financial Bxchango-TJio fatrost. L quietest and most liberal money exchange in the city ; money loaned without delay or publicity. In any amount , largo or small , at tno lowest rates of interests on nny available se curity ; loans may bo paid nt any tlmo or renewed nt original rates. O.jUpuscareu , 51 gr. , room 67 , liarker block , 15thanil " "araa.u. oil TTN1MPHOVKD nnd / property ; U loans made proiuptlyianonoy on hanu. F. M , Hlchardson , H w cor IZttJi and Douglas. * t ) , , - 830 GOOD notes , short orjleng time , unsecured or with mortgage , bpmjhtanywliore in Nob. or Iu. Quick loans , clty.gr farm. Call or write W. L.Beiby. U. 13. It'd.Trlae. 80J OMAHA Chattel Loan : < K > . , room 42 , Darker block. lit. 1) 3W-1I125 OP , HAUH1SON Ioahp/jionoy / , lowest rates. _ ! LUa c'f ' PFOPLE'B Financial lUxchunge Largo and Hinall loans for longnid ) shurttlme , at low est rates ot interest , ou.aual estate mortgage notes , chattels of nil klmls. diamonds , watches nnd Jewelry. Don't fnll'tli'call if you want fair and chean accomrnodutVMis. u. Ilouscuren , Mgr. , room 67 , liarker fclftiUth and Farnam , gXc 611 T7HH8T mortgage loans at low rates and no JP delay. 1) , V. flliolcs , 210 First National bank. | 613 BUILDING LOA.NB At7 per cunt net , no ad ditional charges for commission * or attor neys' fees. W. 1) , Melklo , I'lm Nut. bunk bldg. ONEY to loan. Harris H , K. & Loan Co. , room 411. First-National bank. filS Blfsf N ESS CHANCES \V AJ TKD Mnu With lomo n O'ley to taki > < hnlr uiteust In < medycompruynowoatho road , Wi have tpeo'al our. t'l H I imest gatio i elicited. AimnihS W. W , Hlttner , rw. BoutliTlilrl street , Omana. _ t21-'f | W 1C HAVr soverul Btouis ot b'JiHla for sali or nude ; alzo two good payini * reatau rants. If you want a Imrj-alu cull nud invosti cata. Farmers' Lund Co. , rooms 2) and 21 liarker Jjlock. 4K1 U _ _ A GOUf > opening .fur u man wro wants to In vent in a IJvory vtork , UIU take borne trade. Co-ouerutUe J.aud and Lot Co , 205 N Ifltli or.VENTY-SIX room hotolln city , all roodfrn Jconvenloiicp' , good location , nnd evorylhtng ; rent H.WO per year. Prlco i7.rOOi 4,000 cash. bal. iflOO v r mo. Would tnko s rado. Co-oporntlvo l xnd nnd Lot Co , 20 Ninth. ( itMiK-rillUard hall nt 1S14 St. Mnry'g avc. Also topjuggy. P.H. . Grocu. Sli 19 ITirANTED Llvo , young man as partner in TT roalpstnto. loan and routing business , mall capital required , Address 11 22 , lice. 377-ait _ _ moiTiu'NT lllacksmlth shop doing a good JIniMncR - , center of city , runs 4 llres ; iloos hovlng nnd carriage work. Poor health Js the oasou. Address , Uox 211 , Sioux City , la. naoan _ [ 71011 SALE A nice , clean stock ot goncrnl U1 hardware , stoves , tinware , etc. . In Dos lolncs lowaj invoice tfi.lMi ) ; part rnslt , bal. Imp. Address H , A , DnrnCr , Cozad , Nob. , box J % | 331 Jl _ _ _ HOTEU Soulh Omnlm , to rent. turnMicd , with all modern Improvements ; heated by team. DS-roomcd house , have 2. * > boarders ; ren- ons for renting , other business In Omaha ; on treasonable. Apply 1201 Douglas street. 2il4-2jt RELIAllLi ; men having KO capital catine- cure easy olllco situations , out of ta u , mylng over SMO monthly. No canvassing. Vosloy , 15W Capital ave , _ 317-20' . A GENTLEMAN meaning business , wltn &J.OO ) , can secure ca di business , specialty nnd monopoly , paying HO.OOO yearly not earn- ngs without risk. Address , A. , 07 Iloo. [ 31Q.20 * FOR SATjU W.OOO stock general merchnn- disc , fresh nnu now , to trade for house and ot in city. J. II. Parrotto , 10th nnd Dodgo. 233-23 TTIOH SALE PlrBt-class rostauraut and bar JL' Long lease. Address H IU , lice olllco. 2SI523 _ _ _ _ _ _ IT'Oirs.rLl' S'JfiOO" ! ) per cent g t edge 2nd JO msrtgagos duo 1 nnd 2 yonis. 1 J.SOJ ID per cent 2nd mortgage , duo I year. Will discount for 3 nud 5 per cent. Address A 05 Dec. l l _ fjioll SALU. or rent First-class hotel near JU packing houses , South Omaha ; 27 rooms , \itn good barroom ; well located aud good n-oporty. W. A. Spencer , room 3 , llusnman ilock. _ o g , * ) buys line hotel and livery , Elgin , Neb. ; $2,0 property free from incutnbranco ; money to uoinndo. Smith "J Paadock. Elgin. Neb. W ANTED A now fttrnlturo store at Friend Neb. 8-tm23T FOH SALE Moat market complete ; can be handled for llttlo cash. Call at room 4 , Wlthuell blk. _ a".0 FOK SALE A first-class meat market In Omaha , has peed paying trade , requires SI,500cash , or will trade for property. Address A 43 , Iloo olllco. MI- HOTEL for sail ) ; now , good location , doing good business , tor .sale at n bargain , pay ment not necessary. Present proprietor In tends changing business on account of HI health of his wife. Address , Iloo olllco , Lincoln , Neb. "Q" ! ! 83 ADIlUGGIS'Pwith cash looking for a good location , will do well to address R. E. 7apps. Culbortsou , Nob. , or Hurst & Co , Hast- ngs , Neb. 247m 2lt _ i 3,000 to $ iXJ ) wanted to put into n good busl- P ness ; llrst class security and good rate ot ntorest paid fur short or long tlmo. Or will take partner. For particulars address U 43 , lleo olllce. 142 _ CJALOON for sale In ono of the best business Ocenters InOmalm.choap. Itoason for selling , 1 must leave the city. Address V 18 Iloo. 495-J7 ? "FOR ETCrTArTCE. or mdso. or city property , some choice farms in Frontier , Lincoln ana Itcd Willow counties. Address H. A llarton , Curtis , Neb. 3'JI-a5 o TKADE JTiOO cash nnd a good fnrm in J. western Neb. for n building lot. JJ.fiOO worth of unencumbered timber land as llrst payment oahoiiso and lot in ICountzo place. tjonth Omaha lots for farm land. 41KJ acres unen cumbered , line land , near O iahn , for business property. Full lot and house on f.uuvenwortli 4t. near : iSth , unoncumbored. for building lot. Some clear town lots for Omaha property nnd assume encumbrance. A nice lot in good loca tion for Orchard Illll lots. UUK132 on Capitol ave. tor building lot and some cash. Clear lot , yth ) ami Lake , for Improved property.room house , on lliunlhon , ror snmllor place. LM lots In North Omaha add. for other property. Va cant lot for horses or uorso and buggy. House nnd lot on South "Cth st , for other pioporty. 2 lots on U. 1' . trackage for farm or city prop erty. 4SO acres In Iowa and W.OOO cash for im proved property. . Farms , and property in all parts of the city to trade. Al'jo2ncres ou Dodge st. south of Dundee placn for farm or city property. If you have anything to trade give mo n call. Orovor Stevens , Glfl and 517 I'axtou niock. Tel. 1123. 40T-23 WANTKO To exchange some first-class clear farm land , slightly improved , for Omaha residence property , and will assume Homo in- cumbrniice. Address , Lock Drawer , 10 , Blair. Neb. 311 18 a /"ILKAH lots in South Omaha and some second v mortgnges to trade for horses nnd mer chandise. H. T. . Cole. U. 0. Continental. 188 18 TT10H iXCIIANGE-3.000 : acres of choice lands JL iu Cheyenne county , Kan. , for cash or stocks of general merchandise , Address Kerndt Ilros. , Ulrd City , Kan. 1UUO 18t T IVEUY stock nnd barn located In Omaha , -LJcornorot 10th and Cass ts , to exchange for house and lot ; or stock of harness goods or stock of furniture , and one-Unit casher for one- half cash and bnl. two years time for good se cured paper nt in per cout. No land proposi tions accepted. Co-operative Land nud Lot Co , Mo N 16th st. 277 18 . ACU'.AH lot in South Omaha for gnod , largo driving hoi so and carriage , or horso. and take the difference back on lot , 11. K. Cole , It. U , Continental. 188 18 rpo UXCIINOK Three flno tree claims in Col- JL orado. two and one-half iiillcB from the tow n of Keota. What have you to oiler ? II. Jl. Claroy , Wallace , Neb. 397-24 * LAHOK brick block In n llvo Nebraska town of 4U < K ) population ; property clear of Incum- branee ; has rented for t23 > per mouth. Price JlB.ftK ) . Will trade for good Omaha property , and will asuumo a light Incumbranco , or clear farm land. If good. Co-Operatlvo Land & Lot Co..gQSN. IBthst. . 344 20 WE CAN offer for n few days n stock ot general merchandise In exchange tor second mortgage paper. W. It. K. Ac M. K. , Hooni U. Chamber of Commerce. iU- WANTED To trade city lots for a Jl.OOO to JI.50J stock of drugs. Address 0. II. Wlrth , druggist , city. aw 2t "VTCW 3-soalod nuo , . . for lk I * 4 H M-9JMIU1 * 11I1U carriage or lop ouggy * .V-i J.T 1 mortgage city or county warrants . , or any good unsecured notosW.L.Solby.H 11 U'd Trade 487 WANTED To trade for house nnd lot In good location ; will assume light Incuni- branccj Address A3 llee olllce. (122 ( FOR KXCHANQK-Klijlity ucrof of the finest tlmbarlnnd In WiBconsm , clear of encum brance. What have you to oirer ? a. .1 Sterns- dorlf , rooms 317 aud Jld , First National bank , T71OU KXCIIANQK Dakota. Hand rounty- JL' What have you to otfor for n good farm here , slightly encumbered/ Dakota lands are rising in vuiuo. audits destiny cannot bo din- pitted. Will take vacant lota or improved pro- and' assuiuo seine oncuinbruuco. ( I. J. Sorty terusdorlf , rooms 317 and318 First National bank building. KU POH KXCHANQK-Por doslrablo i-ftsidcnco property In Omaha , any or all of following ! 40 choice inside residence lots in Hastings. 1UO lots In Lincoln. 040 ncrcs line tarmtug laud , Lancaster county , Fine residence property , Lincoln. Good rental property , Lincoln. Cliolco family residence , corner. Los Angele. " . A neat residence property in llanacom place. Also , some good mortgage notos. Address , giving location aud prlco of prop erty , o. K , U. , care Uaum Iron Co , , 1217 I.eavou- > vorth. Ml FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE 171011 SALE-On easy terms 3 line 7-room JL1 houses , with bum and other out-bulldlugM , ] 'lno location. Ureat bargain for n few days only. Farmers' Land Co. , rooms V > and 21 , Uurkur block. 4M 2Qt nillE opportunity of n life tlmo. For Sale JL lots I. 2. 3. 4 , 5 , U , 7 , 8 , U , II , 18 , In and 10. 1'ltcn's Hill ) division ot N M blk 5 , llonson'H second end addition to Council Illutls , la. Address lieu B. Clarke , Ashland , Neb. 42-20 ! * BUST bargain in business property. 31xii3 : , house routing for 4.0J per yunr. 'Iho prlco we can offer thla at for u few days cannot bo duplicated in Omaha. M. A , Upton Co. . 10th und Parnam , 2d. < i 21 aMIK factories within easy roach of Collier placa will employ n largo force of men. He- cure a homo iind enjoy life. I'rlco of lots isva to } I.20 > . uno-tcnth cash. Bond fur plat. JIc- gague. ojipii' O. _ 0 J finest drive in the city la to Coliior Place. McCaguo. _ UTJ SNlM 'luooa Orchard Hill lota , uno und two blocks from Hamilton street , * IOJ each : J3U to Hll caxli. balance live year at U per cent , I'lno B-rooui house , modern couvenlaacea. newly papernd aud painted , on N. 17th at. , lotuoxltu to alloy ; II.OX ) , easy payitonts. 'M. A. Upton Co. , IBthund Kuiuani. Wl lOlt SALK A splendid home , new house , J-1 JiiKt completed , irnoil neighborhood , hvaltby location , possession gln at once. A barualn if tukou tiulck. George N.- 1 licks. Hooni 40 , Darter block. iff 1-31 _ IjUli ) HALHrrjIJ acres , corner J'hlrtBentn and JL1 North btrootg. JJetiirablo ( or platting. O. Good , Oood block , Dos Molnes. U. Foil SAU5 l rctty hornet on easymbnthly payment ! ) , two ithares left In the Druid Hill llufidlng HMoclntlon. Tor particulars luqulrc ot Ncthorton Unll , co'y , room 423 rirst Nat'l bank building. 303 31 SAI.K-OOX78 on N. K. corner 1' . nnd u h sts S. Omaha , sultablo for store building receiving the benolltof the C ) street viaduct Just bolne bttlltj prooorty clear , but ill health compeU owner to neil I'noo W.70U , O. P. I nrrtson , .Merchant's National bank. fiO 1710 U BALK On reasonable terms , n hottsn JL' nnd lot , nnd blacksmith snop , tools nnd tock. in Wllcox , Kearney county , Nob. ( . ' . 0. irntim. I03-i t _ _ _ TT1OU 8ALI5 Olenr fnrm , some ot them itn- JL' proved , good laud , nnd bargains ; or , will ox- hnugo for Omnlm property. Address , I.6ck Drnwer 19 , Illnlr , Nob. * it 10 18t Kotloc. Thoiindor.slgiipd , doing n Grocery nnd Saloon bu lnessoii south loth stteot. under the ilrm inlnoof Jnp. Audrlt V Co. . hat dissolved by nutiml consent , Tliolmsltiess w 111 bo continued nt the siimo place by Jno. Audtlt , who will pay nil debts and collect nil outstanding accounts. JOHN AuniiiT. Omaha , May 15 , 18SD. KHANK llustri'.UT. m.lil-d-3-t * - - - Hnlo. Notice Is hereby rtlvon that on the 27th day ot May 18811. between the hours of 10 n. m. nnd I p. n. nt the southwest corner of lilth nud Jackson tti. In the city of Omah.i , Douglas CotlUty , Nob- .irnskn thfl following personal property will bo sold nt public auction , to the highest bidder for rash to wit ! Ono bay tnnrp , seven years old , known ns Lady Macbeth. " One bay mate , so\cn yenrs old , known ai Maud ; " two bay uiaro colts , jvnrlluits ; ono Inn mare colt , otio } ear old ; one cream Malllon olt , ono year old ; ono two xeAteil sleigh , Ilab- : ockmaku ; oticsiugloseated.sleijih. Said sale to tnko place by vlitliu ot n chnttlo ilortgauo glvtMi by ( Irahatii ] ' . llrowuo to I. Mi-ck A Sou , on the 8th day of March IBMI , nnd recorded lu the olllro of the Cotmtv Clerk of Douglas Count ) ' , Nebraska , ou the 11th dav of April , IBS ! ' , on which there Is now duo from the said Urnhnm 1" . Hiowuo to I Meek & Sou , the sum of jvW.i'fl. MAUTIN r.nnv , K. W. & Wm. Ht5iin.u : Constable. Alt's for 1 .Miuic : V SON. m-1-ll-IH. IjlOlt BALI' 'Iho llnost r vUtouco site lu est JL1 Omaha : just south of Faruimotilth : ) street ; n corner lavclH * with Ib7 fout frontage on unveil street nnd Joining the linndsoiuo resl- loucoof Klrkondall ou the cast , nud llrndy , Kassoiinud Martlti ou the south ; u perfect gem aid cardou spot for an vlcgaut home. Hartley mid 21st streets , lllxlil" , on pavement within thr < Miblocks of the court house ; loom tor HOVCU line houses that wonld reut as rapid- y ns complntod. A splondld permanent Invest- nont , 1'nrnam nnd SJ.M streets. 60x133. with now tin oo-story btlck s tor o bill Id hip , rcntei * to good permanent tenants. Itenlal receipts } 4,200 per roar. Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage 01 feet to alloy ; good business property. I'arnain street , betweenystli nud Situ , frontage - age 44oriixt121oiilloy ! , south front , 1 block from pavement aud street cars. Park avenue , opposlto Hanscom park , 60x150 , lirlcj HOOO ; easy terms. Vnddockplace , trackage , C0xll2 , t3,000 ; easy lerms , 16th street south of Vlnton st , lot for sale or trade formdse. or good farm land. 8. A. Slomau. 1,101 Farnam st. 527. r IIir. motor line Is built to Collier place. The Ilelt line runs near Collier place. The P. K , t M. Y. H. H. stop nil passenger tralus at Col lier place. The horse car HUB will soou reach "oilier place. Host and It Ion lu the city. I'rlco [ SOU to 41,2'X ' ) par lot , one-tenth cash , balance one to five years , McCaguo. opp. P. O. 073) ) BAHGAINS-UargalusI 8. W. cor. Iflth nnd California sts. , with 3 houses , very clloap. Neat 7-room house and half lot on Daven port st. , near high school , J\UJ ) ; easy termsi Good lot ou Hamoy St. , east oi 21th st. , a bargain. Hlegaut residence lot , " 3th ave near St.Mary's ave. very cheap. C-room liouse and half lot , S. 12th st. , cheapen on monthly payments. Good residence lot on 21th ave , bet. Douglas and Dodgo. WJiOO. 3 lots on S. 13th st. . very cheap. 150 lots in Carthage , Omaha's best suburb , on ten years' tlmo to parties who will build Houses , llronnan & Co. , Itoom 'J , Chamber of Commerce. Jlonoy to loan in nil parts ot the city. _ P ANDS lands very cheap and on very easy JLJterius. Wo sell lands In nearly every state of the union west of Chicago , trade lor cltv [ iropei ty , sell and exchange lands for Omaha anu Council lllulTs property , loan money nnd rent Houses , sell nil Kinds of property nnd u seuoinl insurance business. Do not make 'your loans and list your property for Kale , or make your insurance before you see us. i\coislor : Laud nnd Heal Ustate Co. , 310 S. ICth. St.Omaha. UJ7 19 _ T71OH SA"Ln LoT2.5xliO in the very hoarFo JU Omaha , w 1th 5 room house tor JJ.SOJ. O. .F Harrison , Alorchants Nat , liituk. f50 here ( Jot some South Omaha Inside SKK property before motor Hues are there ; 50 tier cent , onn bo made In next 0 months by purchas ing now. M. A. Upton Company , loth Ac Parnam , U10H bargains in South Omana proper.'y HBO JU Oco. N. Hicks. DargerblocK. TO 10 B'hMIS PA UK. Ueautlful residence Slt9s. finest In. the city. Wo are now ready to show aud offer for&alo tno choicest residence sites in the city of Omaha , located lu "ilemls Park1 comprising the sixty acres bounded by 32d st. , on the east , IlSth or Pleasant at. on the wost. Hamilton st. on the north , and Cumlag nt. on the south. This park has boon planned ; nnd is being laid out by Mr. Alfred H. Kgerton foue of tlio best landscape artists ot New York ) , into ! { , \i \ , ! 4 nnd acre lots , and several acres are laid out Into small palks , ornamental gioumls , and lakes foil by natural springs. Tlio plans Include a per fect system of gtadlng , p.ivlug , sowcrngo , vatdr electric lighting , etc. , and an expenditure ot at least * lHUiUi ( ) for such improvements This choice property is located within the 1J ! miles radius ( a little north by west ) from the postoinco. It lies' east of the reservoir and of the elegant icbldonces ot Dr. Mercer and K.v , Nash , ntid a llttlo north of east of proposed res idence of Guy C. Jlartou und of Illshop O'Con nor's residence und Academy of Sacred Heart. Koasonable prices aud terms will bo given to those who will build losldoncos costing $5,000 and upwards. For further particulars npplv at ofllco of The Hcmls Park Co. . rooms 1 > and 10 Continental block , 15th and Douglas ets.JS7 JS7 REAL JJAllGAINS-Doslrablo Orchard Hill lots at $700. S-UQ to $533 cash. Must bo sold. Jas. Stockdalo , Uoom IU , Arlington block. 270 "IT"OH BALE or oxchaiigo Improved stock JU farm of 800 acres in eastern Nebraska , near market ; nlso now 12-room house with nil con veniences in doslrablo residence portion of Oma ha. Andrew llovlun , attorney , 42- ! and 42J Paxton - ton block , Omaha. Nub. 6JO FOH SALE 1I3.70 acres , sec. 5 , tp , 12 , r. U w. , Hamilton county. Neb. Home , stable , 303 acres fenced , living water. Price W.OJU. F. 1C. Atkins , owner , llallroad bldg , Denver , Col. " ' FOH SALE 50 largo and small houses on monthly payments ; nmall payment down. Also a good list of property for exchange. Goo. J. 1'ox , room 1 , Continental blk. 18I-J13 FOH SALE Nino-room nouse , barn and lot In Hatiscom place ; also 2houses and lots in Sunny Side. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat'l bank , EXCELLENT lots for fW. one-tenth cash , bal. live annual payments ; in best of loca tions ; good transportation facilities. Other bar gains to good to advertise. Couia und fee ! Tel. 487. Neb. Buttling it Supply Co , , Itouin 0 , Hoard of Trade Hid. OU24 " HEAT bargains in buying lots in Camp . .bell's addition , 2ith and Castellar Hts. Will bo reached by street cars this season. Less than 1J ! miles from P. O. Small cash payments , bulunco to suit. Host chance in the city. Bold by Mols A , Hunstrom , Hoom 1) ) , board of trade. SOUTH OMAHA 1 have a number of good lots iu various additions that must bo Hold at once and can bo bought at pilcos that wilt Biiltvou. G. J. .Sternsilorlf , room ! ) 317 and 318 First National bank bulldlm * . 62U "J7IOH SALU Flno lot covered with trees , 0 JU room cottage , power , water aud KUS on the street , y block from 3 Bt , cur linos. Very choice east front lot ; " > , &Q'j easy terms. Can discount n llttlo for cash. C. P. Harrison , Merchants Nat.bank. _ _ lliJI ( "Ij"lOU BALE Fine house of U room * , furnace. -L bath , hot and cold water , g.is , newer , paved street , motor line ono block , cnble two blocks , homo curs by door , barn tor 3 horses , etc. , ate. lluilt by owner for home uu < l now occupied by him , tJ.UW ; tl.lMcftnh , t..WJ In real aatutu , bal ance at 0 nnd 8 per cent. Flno large lot onS. I" > th 4t. , ( xlxl47 , good A-room h onBC , fruit trees , etc. ; north of Martha St. , For sale , thollncst corner , east front , on S , 10th st. . 132x141 , For tuolro property worth the mouoy boo M , A. Upton Company , HitliA : Farnaui. 817 OON'flNUOUdfldewalk to Collier placo. Got prices ona terms. McCague. U73 Tjj"OH SALE Or exchange for Omaha proper- JO ty , W acroH. suitable for platting : wilt make 400 lou.ull clear ; big mouoy in it for someone ono who can push this ; located Just outaldo the city llmltH o : Council Illulfa , Imiulru George J. SUrn lorir , rooms JIT and 318 , First National bank building. _ M < J " END for plut or'ublllar place , and when driving for recreation follow the motor Hue polei on 10th at. , and Arnoi' ave. , and eo the wonderful iinprovom ntii that nave taken place Just around tne barracks , und remember that Colllor place la the key to the sltuutlon. Jluy a lot now for the low price and at tno easy terms they are being offered , and wo am satis fied. One-tenth cash , balance ono to five yearn , McCagueopp. P.O. 873 riiilEcosleat liomt ) in Omaha , 0 rooms , largo JLUo el , city water. Km und cewer , both cable and horse cars. Price f I.4UO. Terms MOO to IWO cush , balance rery euay. H. li. Cole , headctuartera for bargain * and eaiy terms , Jloom 8 , Continental IllocJC , UM \V01lTlir ot your attention. Now b ln | TT completed on ) tlmt. , iionn of Leaver ? worth at , two homes convet tntto bnnnon. very roomy , urato , mantel , futnaco , gas. butlv toilet , 8 water closets , stationary wash tuhi hot and cold water , live bedrooms , 10 closets only tVIVX ) on terms to auit > . Telephone 287 ol W . T. Seam MI. om hn's largest variety of waa oni . carriages , etc. , east sldo 10th st , north o icholai st. KH " 1/iOH SALE On long tlmo nnd easy pu-menti imndsomo , now , ivoll mtllt houses of 8 , o an < 10 rooms. All colivenlonccij good neighborhood , .mvodctroots . ; atroot cni-s , nnd w Itmn vvulkln/ / Hstanio of P. o. Nnlhan ShoHon.lWVi I'nriiam B J o ESTROLISHIO 1351 ( IOO So7 Chicago , Ills , ( ClarkQt. TboRcgalarOld-Establlshcd PHYSICIAII AND SliflCEOH li ill ! ) Trull-g with llio GrMteit " " " and SUCCESS Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases , JWNKRVOU3 DEU1LITV , Loit Manhood , felling Memory , ExhauitlnB Drain * , Terrlbl * Dreams , He d and Hack Ache nnd nil the clTecli biding to early demy And ptih.ir * Coniumptlon ot Inonnlty , treated scientifically by new methods with ll-vcr-fAiline nucctti. JKf SYPHILIS ml all bad Dlood end Skin Dla. cases permanently cured. JWKIDNEYand URINARYoomplalnt-.aieot , Gonorrhoea , Stricture , Vnrlcocclo and nil tliitMet of the Qenlto-Urlnary Organ- cured promptly without injury to Stomach , Kldneyi or other OiKam , "UTNo expert mcnts , ARC and experience lm portant. Consultation free and ancred. USSend 4 cents pottige for Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous and Dellcnte DitetKi. WThotf contemplating Mairlan tend for Dr. Clarke's celebrated pulde Mnlo nnu Female , each 13 centi , Iwth aj cent * ( itamrn ) . Coniult the old Doctor. A friendly letter orcAllm.iy savefuluKsufftr. ina nnd thame , and add golden ) can to Ma. Air-Hock "Life's ( SecretErrors ) , " 50cent-ttampt ( ) . Medlcln * -md writings tent everywhere , secure from exposure. Houn , 8 to 8. Sunday ! 9 to u. Addieit T. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 180 So. Clark 3U CHICAGO. THE RAM TIME TABLES. OMAHA. bUUUUHA > ) TUA1NS. \Vcjit\vnrtl. Ilunnlng between Council Illuffs und Al bright. I n addition to the Htulous mentioned , trains stop at Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourth streets , und at the Summit In Omaha. A dally : II dully except Saturday ; C except Sunday ; 1) except Monday ; fast mall. The lime given above l for Trimeter , thora being from flvu to Un wlnuus betweou Ttan- for and local duugU. '