Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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In Anv rnj-l of hoCHrjv
" * frwintyCeutTTer'V'CJlc.
\t \
N. V.Plumblns Co.
.The city council mctti this evening.
Kvery bench In liayllss park was occupied
jo torday.
Officer Thomas goc * on day and Ofllccr
Cusick on night duty at noon to day ,
Several of the 13 hi IT a citizens visited Omaha
yesterday afternoon to see the art exhibit.
Fnlrmount park hod its full share of visi
tors jestcrdny , among them many Omahans ,
The Congrcgatlonnllats have a social at
the residence of W. W. Wulluco next Friday
evening. ,
Yesterday's ball game nt Manawa resulted
In a victory for the Snowllnkos , who de
feated the IJcocons by n score of 7 to 8.
The electric mqtor trains were well pat-
ronl/ed jcstcrday by Omahans. who desired
to visit the lako. Ono train of coaches was
crowded to its fullcu capacity.
During the past thrco weeks City Treas
urer Spohnan has paid out about f 100,000 in
city funds. Of this amount f ij.oou was for
general fund wai rants.
L. Christian wns towed in , last evening ,
for threatening to annihilate his family , who
rcslilo nt the corner of Thirteenth stieot and
Sixteenth avenue.
Tlio first ball pamo played at Falrvlow
park , vcstcrday afternoon , between the
Odell Hros.1 team and the Union 1'acillcH ,
was won by tlio former to the tune of 17 to 3.
The attendance was not largo.
Tlio thrco-ycar-old son of Ed Baldwin , nn
employe of the Union 1'aclllo at tlio transfer ,
fell vestcrday nnd sustained a broken arm ,
The fracture was reduced and the little fol
low was testing ns easily as could bo ex
pected last evening.
The case of Hcnjamln \ s Shea will ho tried
In district court to day. The plaintiff brings
suit to recover $000 from defendant , because
of nn erinr made bv him , as county clerk , in
transcrlhinw an iiistiumcnt , by which crier
the plaintiff lost the amount named.
The funeral of Uuvid McUreary took place
at 2 o'clock jcstoi day afternoon fiom the
residence of D. W. Foster , No. 770 Madison
street , 'ilio veteran Tippecanoe club , of
which tbo deceased was a mombci , attended
In a body. The funeral was vciy largely at
The local committee having the Ilagan
course of lectures in charge cleared only
about $00. Considering the merit of these
entertainments they were not so well pat
ronised as they should have been. The ex
penses were necessarily ( juito heavy , and the
weather wns not propitious.
AllmcmbciB nml these who li.ivo been
members of local assemblies IMiS. 0505 or
1300 , also any visiting knights , are invited to
attend the regular mooting of local assem
bly KIOO. 1C. ol L , . , in G. A. H. hall , Thurs
day evening , May 2J Mr. Hichtird Trevel-
lick will be present and will deliver u lec
Two moro parties have given legal notice
that the > have fullv decided that marriage is
n failure , and seek rcdiuss in < ourt. J. W.
ilrown asks for n divoico fiom his wito ,
Laura , on the ground of udultory , and Ahco
.T. Anderson also prnj s for Ic .il separation
from KdxvmV Andoisoi' on account of his
cruelty and drunkenness. The cases will
come up for a hcnring next tei m.
It is now assured that the Uayliss park
fountain will bo in position bofoic the mid
dle of next month. The park commissioners
have pel footed their plans , nml the fountain
will bo ordered at onco. The fountain will
bo thirty feet in bolpht , nnd will be of metal ,
with a coping of Colorado brownstone. Seven
llgurcb will surmount the stiuctuio in pyra
midal form , and will add greatly to tlio
beauty of the fountain. Sovciul private sub
scriptions have been received to assist in de
fraying the total cost , which slightly exceeds
The Grand Army veterans are making
very extensive preparations for the exer
cises to bo hold on Memorial day. 'Ihe day
will bo appropriately observed. William
Campbell , commander of Abe Lincoln post.
has been chosen picsidcnt of tlio day , and
Major Holmes , chief marshal. Captain J.
S. Lathrup , of Sioux City , will deliver the ;
oration. A meeting of the chairmen of the
various committees will bo held Wednesday
evening at the oftice of li. J. Williams , on
Noith Mam street , to perfect fuither ar
Council Bluffs Lodge No. 270 ( Loyal )
A. O. U. W. , moots in G. A. 11. hall
every Friday evening nt S o'clock.
Money loaned nt L. B. Craft's & Co. 'a
loun olllco on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of nil kinds ,
mid all other m tides of value , without
removal. All business strictly confi
Gala Ony nt Slnrmwn. „
Yesterday was a KI eat day at Manawa , in
fact , the busiest that tlio present season has
witnessed. During the afternoon and early
part of the evening every motor train to the
lake wns crowded , and the guests faiily
Jllled the parlors nnd verandas of the Hotel
do Manawa long before 0 o'clock. Landlord
Tumisiea wns kept busy until n Into Hour ,
and every little restaurant and ice cream
stand auout the Inko grounds was awarded u
most llhnral patronage.
The steamers began to make regular trips
at noon , and can led several bundled pas
sengers across the lake , to view the exten
sive improvements that had been made on
the south side. The members of the yacht
clubs were also on hand , and dining the
latter part of the afternoon attention wns
divided between watching the sailing craft
on the lake and the hall game at the park
between the Snowllakos and the licjcons.
Jt wns the first day that tlio resort has ro-
colved liberal patronage , and gave piomiso
of what is to bo when hot weather strikes
the twin cities in full forco.
Satui day evening , the overhauling of the
Btcamer Nellie Keller , of the Lake Manawa
licet , was completed , and the captain and
owner , Vlo Keller , invited a company of
about twentylivefriends to take a trip
around the lako. The changes made were
quite extensive , and the speed shown by the
trim little steamer , was u surprise to the
pasHOiigors. A circuit of the Inko wns made ,
and n ben the Keller returned to her docit
no wus ready for business for ISS'J. 'Uio
members of tha company dcslro to thank
Captain Kollcr for the couitcsies extended.
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lars , culls and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
Dr. C. C. Ilazcn , dentist , Opcru house
If you want a tasty and convenient
fence or railing nbout your residence
or lawn , use C. J. Bookman's patent
locking bracket , as any panel can ho
readily taken out und firmly replaced.
Address U. J. Bockinun , 7-8 Seventh
Judge Carson , who is holding coutt ut
lltirliin , spent Sunday with his family in
this city.
.ludgo Deomer went to lied OdU Saturday
nvonlng to spend Sunday with his family.
Charles Molilmn , of Atlantic , visited the
flio bovs of the city yesterday. Ho was
milking arrangements for the accommodation
of the Atlantic lira department during tlio
Major J , II , Marshall loft last evening for
Spirit Lulto , where ho cxpoctn to remain for
bovcral months.
U. A. WiuUbam has returned from Ilur-
HiiKton , uhoio hosccurod for Wlckham ft
Co. the contract for nutting in 15,000 jurds
of grnnito paving the present season , work
will bo commenced very shortly.
1) . M , Carr , formerly editor of the 1lo-
( lector , loaves to day for Montana , \\hcro ho
hones to tccuro woultU nud a govoinmeiit
Have our wagon call for your tolled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
Br \Vadsvvorth \ & Co , loan money.
Walter Mandorjon Shot Down By
Peter Hanson In a Row.
The Moro I'louq Hvonts of tlio Oftj
Two Olinptils Doillcntctl Host-
Srckors nt Mnnnwn Bits
of Uluffrt News.
The Dnnco of Dentil.
The third tmmlor thnt has startled and
shocked the citl/ens of Council Hlufls in the
past thrco months wna perpetrated between
18 and 1 o'clockcitordny morning , at the
corner of Seventh street mid Sixteenth nv-
enuo. in the southern part of the city. The
victim waa a joung man named Walter
Mandorson , need aoout twonty-ono years ,
mid the murderer was I'eter Haiibon , n
Scandinavian , aped twenty-four.
The murdcicd mini attempted to train ad
mission to a dnnco Riven nt Smith's hall , to
which onlv Scandinavians woru ndinltted ,
and wns rufiiscd by tlio doorkeeper. In the
mcleo that ensued tlio newcomer thrown
down stairt , and the altercation wasiencwed
on the sidewalk. Mamleison pulled a knife ,
and proceeded to curve unlit and luft , when
Hanson shot at him. Ho sUrted to tun , mid
Hanson ( lied fireo shots at liim as ho lied ,
ono nf them taking effect in tlio small Of his
hack , a little to the left of his spine. Ho
loll to tlio ground , and expired in about ten
minutes after belli ) , ' removed to the resi
dence of nU parents , coiner of Fourteenth
street and Fourteenth avenue.
Hanson was taken in chamo by the police ,
and locked up In the police station , \\hmc no
passed the night , unit was then removed to
the county Jail , \\licio ho was scon during
the afternoon bv a JlLi : representative. He
occupied .1 cell in the lower tier , and when
the lepoitor called was lying in the upper
bunk , about half asleep. His face showed
the marks of three or four recent knife cuts
and Mis head was cmnfully bandaged , aphy
sleian having been called in a short tlino be
fore to dress the wounds. His cell mate
roused him , and ho cllnlbcd slo\slv down to
the heavy giatlng to face his Intel viewer.
Ho exincssud a willingness to tell his side of
tlio story , anu in von broken English told
the following story of the tuifredy :
"I was down to the dnnco last night , and
about 1 i ! o'clock a lot ol fellows eatno along
nnd wanted to come in. Peter Gustoffeison
was tlio dooi keeper , nnd ho wouldn't let
them in. They liad n row at the top ol Uio
stahs , and a lot of those in the hall went out
to see what was the matter. I was standing
on the Inside , near the door , and after sev-
eial of the othcis had gone out , I followed
them. Wo all helped to ciowd the fellows
down the stalls. After wo got them down I
called for Air. Smith several tunes to tele
phone for the patrol wagon , but ho didn't
como out and I said I would go for n police
man. Ono of the policemen was there about
ten minutes before , anil I thought I would
linu him at tiio foot of Main street I went
up stairs ngnin , nnd got my luvolvor out of
my oveico l that was hanging in the coiner
and started out , to got n policeman to comedown
down and arrest tlio fellows , for I know they
hadn't gene veiy far and would make us
sumo moie trouble.
"Just as I got to the corner of Sixteenth
avenue and bcvcnth hticet , I saw n gang of
them standing there , nnd ono of thorn said :
Let's put a hn.ul on him.1 Then they came
at mo , mid i had it pretty livelj for a time. 1
grabbed one follow , and was going to take
him back to the hall and hold him until the
police could bo called , when another caino up
and began to cut mo with a Knife. Ho slashed
me heie , and hero I showing the places ) , nnd
then he made a dash nnd cut a Jong gash
along my scalp unuor this bandage. I
grabbed for him with my right hand ; and
got Hold of the tail of his coat. Ho jciked
away , and as my hand slipped off his coat ,
the revolver , which was in my hand , was
fired. I did not intend to lire It at the time ,
but it was discharged. He ran , nnd I fired
three times then on purpose. Yes , I tried to
hit him , but f didn't mean to kill him. He
had cut , open mv head , and I wanted to shoot
him to pav for it. I uon't.know which shot
hit him , but ho foil near the corner.
"All of his panp ran awav and left him ,
nnd four of my friends , who came up when
tliev heard the snooting , stayed with him ,
while I went back and called for the patrol
wagon. 1 don't know who ho was or any
thing about him. 1 think they all intended
to como into the hall nnd rob us , for they
had done it before. They steal nil they can
find , and I carry a revolver because I have
money sometimes , and they would knock a
man down to get it. Thev break into our
houses , smash our locks , and get all they
can. 1 had to get the gun to protect my
property. They would have pounded mo in
awful shape if 1 had not scared them away
with the revolver. I didn't mean to kill any
body , but I had to hurt some of them. "
The murdered man bcais a rather hard
name , and was ai rested aomo time ago for
assisting a party In stopping the fast mail on
the "Q" in the yards south of the city. His
case was pending , with that of the otheis ,
until the next tcim of the federal court.
The eoionei's inquest was to have boon
held , yestoiday moining , at the Man-
derson residence , but owing to a dlfllculty In
secuiingtho necessaiy witnesses was con
tinued until 10 o'clock to day.
'iho piisonor was foimcrly the propiietor
of the Ueumark house , but , has been recently
in the employ of the gas compiny. Ho will
not have his piollminary examination for
several days.
The alTalr excited a great deal of feeling
In the southein pait Of the city where all of
the panic's connected arc well Known.
For SU5.0U The N. Y. Plumbinc Co.
will put a load service pipe mid hydrant
in vourjard ; ulso 50 foot extra hoso.
Cull at once at 111 Main .street.
Social Intliionues.
"Ho thnt walkoth with wise men shall bo
wise ; but a companion of fools shall bo de
stroyed. "
Such was tlio text upon which Uov. O. W.
Crofts based Ills yesterday morning's ser
mon at the Congicgatlonal chinch. In open
ing up the subject , ho spoke of the necessity
for occasional solitude. There were times
when ono felt a strong desire to bo alono.
Christ , Himself had thus otc islonully drawn
npart from oven His disciples. Still , It was a
great mistake for man to think the llfo of a
hermit or recluse to bo the most conduclvo
to development. Sometimes a man was in
worse company when alone than when ming
ling with others. Thcrowcio many bonoflts
to ho gained by society. It bioadenod and
developed a man. Uncli person was really a
volume of human experiences , ana thus , in
society wo were suiiounded by n gieat
libiary of human wisdom. Ono of the wisest
of men had said the gientcst study
of mankind was 'man. Where tould
ono so successfully study man as by coining
In personal contact with others ) Uy thus
studying others wo loam of ourselves , and
gained that power of seeing ourselves as
othcis sec us.
It was unfortunate for ono to become n
society dyspeptic n misanthrope seeing no
good and having no faith in others. Thcro
was much talk about the soltluhiiuss of the
woild , and jot there was moro sympathy and
chaiity then appeared on the surface. 'I hero
was also moro honesty und candor. It was
nccossary , though , to touch the right spring ,
to use the right key to open the door of a
human heait , and BOO ita real wealth.
The influence of society is groat. It is
llko the mould of a bullet. The homo Ufa
Is peculiarly so. The child often icllettod
the imago and peculiarities of the parent.
This was seen even In adopted children. The
dally associations Had u powerful effect for
better or worso. Much depended upon the
bringing up ° f chlldion. Uringini ; up ,
though , did not commit in merely telling
children what to do and what not to do. Kx-
uniplo uiurt go with precept. Otherwise it
was a moro "talking up'1 und not a real
' bringing up , "
Gtoat euro should bo taken in choosing as
sociates. The purest and best should bo
tulcon. Wo should seek the rich , but no less
tlio poor. Vf& should st'ho for companion
ship with the learned , so-called , but should
not forget that many who know llttlo of
books are i cully wise on the result of other
educational inlluenrcs.
Nor should one book merely association
with those of nbout his own ago. Youth
should sltut the feet of oht ago , and gam the
wisdom which como from long years of
varied human oxporlonccs. The aged should
gather about the child act in their midst by
tlio Great Teacher , and leant the lessons
which pure simplicity utters In ita sweet
prattling * .
In the formation of InMmnto friendships
still greater cans should bo taken. The bo-
trnjfil bv ono In whom you Imvo trusted nil
often destroys faith In humanity. Such loss
of confldcneo in man Is provo to loss of faith
In God. AH the influence of n friend is
jtjj honed by the jrpwth pf in\jtn.t\L'i\ \ }
Is the impui tiYnco 61 selecting such ns will
influence for good , nnd not for evil.
J. 0. Triton , real estate , 627 BVhvny
< ' ' '
New Cliiitclioi.
An Important event In the ecclesiastical his
tory of the city was consummated yesterday
afternoon , by the final completion of the or *
gnu 1 zillion 3 nnd dedication of two additional
churches , both outgrowths cf the parent or
ganisations in Co uncil Bluffs.
The Harmony mission , on Harmony strrot ,
an independent mission stalled by the ladles
of the vicinity , was recently turned over to
the Presbyterians nnd formally accepted by
the prosb.N tcry mid organized ns the Second
Presbyterian church , of Council Bluffs. The
church was put under the charge of the Hev.
Mr. Wllllatr.s , nnd his earnest ministry has
so larccly Increased the attendance thnt nn
addition to the building is dcnnndcd. n fact
that was amply demonstrated ycstculny
aftcinoon , nt ! i o'clock , when tlio dedicatory
exercises took place. The dedication sermon
wns preached by the Hov. Steven * Phelps ,
pastor of the First Presbyterian church
The llttlo building was far too
small to hold the people who came
to hear it. The ncccsairy means
for enlarging it Into nearly doable Its pies-
cut slo was pledged , and the work will bo
commenced In a few days.
At the same hour the Hercan Hhptlst
chinch , corner of 1 hira avenue nnd Seven
teenth street , uns dedicated by the pastor ,
the Kov T. F. Thlokstun , the founder nnd
lirst pastor of the First Baptist church , now
ono of the strongest chinches In the city.
The now church has been built in answer to
the demand eroitcd by the phenomenal
growth of the western pal t of the city. It
is n handsome llttlo stiuctuio , seating 10J
people , nnd costing f 1,500. It is the thiul
liiptlst church in the city , and will bo
another lasting monument to Its popular and
beloved founder. After the sermon licit ly
$ JOO was raised by voluntary subscription ,
which still lea\cs a dabt of neatly ? JOJ upon
the young 01 ( 'animation.
For Kent Dining > oem and lunch counter
ti L.iko Mnuawu , opposite Mannwn hotel.
.Address nt once lock box No. 103 , Council
Money loaned on Juinituro , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value nt low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable 1101111112.
A. A. Clark & Co. , olflce cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
A. 1'ccp nt tlio 1/iid ion nt the Turkish
Among tlio most striking features of
Constantinople are the minarets , of
which some of the mosques have four ,
or oven six , s.iys a coriesuoiulont of the
Now York Morning Journal. Near the
summit is n little gallery , from which
five times each day the muezzin calls
the "believers" to prayer.
However , by the aid of nn imperial
firnmn , I bccurcd photographs of throe
ladies of the harem. Ono of these
dames is , I was informed , ti charming
woman , pietty anil graceful , but not at
all intellectual. The other two are
fair , and probably would bo fickle if
they had the opportunity.
1 did not visit the seraglio , or see the
inside of any of tlio sultan's palaces ,
but even their superb exteriors were a
treat to look nt.
The bn/iuirs are very interesting nnd
numerous ; but the grand ba/aar , called
Bo csleeu , is certainly best worth see
ing. It consists of long avenues cov
ered over with lolty arenas , lighted by
apaiturcs in the roof , atui branching olT
in every direction. There you can get
everything you want ; but , except you
are with a. native , do not under anv cir
cumstances , give moro than half the
price the merchant asks.
Constantinople ib well supplied with
tramways , and possesses oven an under
ground railroad , which runs from Pera
to Galatn , and which , I think , belongs
to an English company.
There are plenty of Turkish ladies to
be scon in * ho streets and in the ba-
? aars , but 113 they are shrouded from
head to foot in cnftalis or mantles , and ,
as over their heads is thrown tlio yash
mak a thin and gau/y veil which
only shows the nose and mouth , thcip is
very little chance of studying Turkish
beauty. Some of thorn dress in great
stvlc , their caftans being of velvet or
silk , in the most gaudy colors , and
many sport very neat Persian boots ,
which , by the everlasting mud in the
streets of Constantinople , they have am
ple opportunity of showing. Many of
the richer class travel in Sedan chairs.
There arc numerous Persian women
here , who arc oven more closely veiled
than their Turkish sisters. There is no
opening in the "ruh-band" of the Per
sian lady , and in.steud of gaii7C it is
made of white calico or cambric , and
how these poor creatures can sue or
breathe is m.oro than I can understand.
Apropos of Persia. I mot the other
day an Austrian doctor who had just re
turned from that country , and who cer-
tainly.gavo us no very glorious accounts
of it. The Shah , ho said , is n beast in
every sense of the word ; nis olllcials
follow the example of their master , nnd
ns long as the government is in such a
rotten condition the country could not
nnd would not bo open to civili/ation.
The Austrian doctor gave us very
graphic descriptions of the adventures
lie nnd , especially in the interior , where
on one or two occasions lie was nearly
starved , ns not uvon forgold would some
of the noasants give the "Christian
dog" food. Some of the Persian cus
tom ivhlch tno savant described to us
are very strange , and clearly show how
much the people are still behind us.
There is ono thing which displeases
mo hero , and that is the servile tone of
the press. Tf anything happens which
the government does not wish to bo
known , word is senf round , 1 under
stand , to the press nnd they do not men
tion a syllable of it , otherwise the re
spective paper censes to exist , it may bo
for months , it mny bo forever. You can
easily imagine how it stands with the
law in a country whore the press is so
much handicapped. Ho only can ob
tain justice hero , many think , who is
willing and able to pay for it , and not
oven from tlio international tribunal ,
before which disputes are brought in
which ono or both parties are foreign
ers , can you expect n just and satisfac
tory judgment , for the judges are Turks
and the assessors only are foreigners.
So you see in what a miserable condi
tion is justice in Turkey. Nearly every
branch of the administration is in a
similar state , ns every ollicial , from the
most insignificant cleric to the highest
dignitary , can , I believe , bo bribed. It
is therefore not astonishing that tlio
Christian population of this country lias
only ono wish , and this is , "May the
Turks soon bo driven out of Europe. "
"Whon n Turk enters a room ho bo-
hnvos very differently from us ; ho
takes olT Ills hoots and keeps on his hater
or "fo/ ; " and just as ho in this instance
docs the reverse from what wo do , so
does ho mismanage everything else.
I cannot conclude without expressing
my horror of the word "baksheesh , " or
"tip. " It has haunted mo in my dreams
nt night and has hung like the uword
of Dutnoclua over my head during the
day ; it has emptied my puree and made
mo consider every olllcinl , waiter , porter
ter in fact nearly everybody my
Travelers in this country must make
up their minds to give "baksheesh"
freely , as it indeed , the "opon Bcsamo"
to the hearts of the inhabitants.
An Editor Vocpp.tho ! Wlshoo of the
Now South.
The Contractions of National Hani ;
Circulation Causing Alarm Sec-
rotnry TrncyR'K\coiiil\o | Ability
I'rtmiotlniiHGo by Favor.
How to IJronk the Solid South.
WASHINGTON , May 13. [ Correspondence
of Tun Uru.j There is great deal of talk
around Wnshlngton Jnst now nbout President
Harrison's southern policy , nnd every promi
nent citizen In the south takes u hand In the
discussion when ho comes to the national
capital. In every quarter the fact that old-
time lire eaters are heartily endorsing the
supposed policy of the president , to appoint
very few colored men In the south , Is re
garded suspiciously. Undoubtedly the old-
tlmo borbons would llko to sco the president
commit some grave error In connect Ion with
his recognition of colored men in tno dis
tribution of federal olllces. But there nro
many strong southerners of t'uo democratic
t\po who are honest In their cxpiesslons.
Among them is Hon. Hlchnrd Wclghtmnn
who Is ono of the brightest editors south of
Mason nnd Dlxon's line. Ho is located nt
Montgomery , Ala. , mid has the southern
question ever nt his tongue's end. Mr.
Woightman said to your correspondent
to-day :
"I have always been a democrat and
\oicA the ticket straight. This would not ,
however , pi event mo from earnestly desir
ing the disruption of what is known as the
'solid south.1 ' 1 hings hn\e gone ono way too
long , nnd the tlmo Is now ripe for a change.
When you consider whnt the condition of
affairs was after the war jouwill see that
the supremacy of the white man wns only
the natural 'result. The negro has never
ruled tlio white man either notth or south ;
ho never will. At , inlrcquent intervals the
negro has gotten the upper hand for a shoi t
time , but the natural result of the supremacy
of tlio white man cnmo about again. After
the war closed the southein people returned
to their homes , most of them in a truly pit
iable condition. What little they had loft
was about to go into the bauds of their former
slaves or the unscrupulous white man , who
used the nctjio foi his own sclllsh ends. It
was poverty and the insecurity of life and
something worse that stared them in the
fuco. They did what you would do , and took
matters into their own hands. As a result
deeds of lawlessness were committed , and
many moro weio avoided. The south then
began to hunger for prospeiitv. The men
who had controlled political affairs found
that they were getting tired of the old meth
ods of mling the Dlacks. and to-duy they in
vite and are earnestly urging noitnern cap
ital into their midst ; .
"It is useless to Uisguiso the lact. " contin
ued Mr. Wcightmnn , "that openly voting the
icpublican ticket in tbo south me ins social
ostiaeism. The whil nm-i who votes with
the negio is bound to bo avoided. Aside
fiom the sectional question thcio are
thousands of emlnoiitiand icspcctablo whiles
men in the south to-day in si mpathy with
the republican partj. The fueling towards
the attitude of the democratic party in tno
war , for instance in my own state nnd among
the white men , is very intense , nnd if they
had the chance they would veto for protec
tion. The old-timo wjilg sentiment in the
south is bv no means extinct. It is for pio-
tection , and if you can fuinibh the method
by which this whig and the now protection
sentiment can get into the rcpuollcan puity
without being couipollu.1 to openly associate
with the ncgioes , then just so soon will jou
manage to brcalc up the solid south and no
Bjoner. The adoption of the Austiahan sys
tem of voting will suppress the negro vote of
the south ; but then on the other hand it will
do the same lor the ? ignorant vote of the
noith. The result will bo a vn'tory for the
intelligence of the countiy , and therefore a
condition to bo hcailily piuyed for. "
Thcro is ono thing thnt tlio new adminis
tration ought to do if nothing else that is
really in the line of stoning new depirtures ,
is done. For many years there has existed
in the departments rinca winch have con
trolled promotions. In all candor und frank
ness republicans uro compelled to acknowl
edge that , these rings existed under adminis
trations piior to March 4 , Ibb5. It wus hoped
that ttio last admimstiutioii would break
thrin up , and deseiving men and women in placet * would got promotions when
ever their turns camo.
In the oillces of the commissioners of
patents und land these rings have long ex
isted. Uuiing tlio lust two years one man
has been ceitilled to the commissioners of
patents a doon times for promotion , and ho
never rccen ed it much to Ins surprise and
that of his friends. Congressmen und bona-
tors besieged Commissioner Hall to grant
the clerk u promotion , nnd the commissioner
repeatedly ceriilied him to the assistant
secretary of the mtciior. The latter oillcor
was always unable to understand why the
piomotion was not made. The leason of it
was that tills man wns not inside the ring ,
was unublo to got the ear of the linal promoting
meting power , and ho was alw.iyx loft out
when employes were pushed up , and ho wus
never able to ascertain why it was.
'Iheio are evidences in the intoilor depart
ment of activity on the pait of members of
those rings , and it is their put nose to control
promotions under the present ndmlnistration
unless they uro shut off. The trouble rests
largely with these who nro employed around
the commissioners , and the secretary and his
assistants. It will only bo necessary for
these oftlcors to understand the situation to
have the grossest wiong righted.
Preparations nro being mudo at the treasury
ury department for the redemption of United
States bonds and the decrease of the surplus
by cf.lllng in bonds which ore In voiy many
instances hold by National banks to secure
circulation , without any view to the effect
these redemptions will nave upon the general
circulation of currency. The redemptions of
bonds during the past year amounted , In
round numbers , to probably tr 0,000UOOund It ,
is probable that the redemptions during this
year will ngcrcgato on equal sum. Very
many of the bonds deposited with the treas
urer to secure national bank circulation are
4 } per cents , which full duo In about three
icars. The rapid redemption of bonds , the
Increase in their YAlno , and the lack of any
kind of cnlculation'bti the part of congress
for relief for tlio banks , are creating a
great deal of uneasiness , which is daily
showing Itself at. tlio treasury department.
If nothing is done ut the ilrst session of the
Fifty-lirst congress i toward providing for anew
now basis for national bank circulation , the
Prospects uro that thp circulation will bo al
most obliterated. A. majority of the banks
have already decreased their circulation to
the minimum , and the balance of them are
preparing to follow the example. Thciois
no money in National bank circulation , and
it is safe to predict that if there wus a law ,
as has been proposed , providing that banks
could deposit a ndmihal sum to secure a nom
inal circulation Binipjy to meat the require
ments of the constitution , which would en
able the ledoral laWB > to bo extended over
their management that they would accept
it , and that where National banks now have
SliOO.OOO or 5300,000 circulation they would
have but f 1,000 ,
Tnis question is ono of the most seilous
that will confront the Fifty-first congress.
The lust congress would have piovided n
now busts for National bank circulation bad
it not boon for such demagogues as Wcacr ,
of Iowa , and Ulund , of Missouri , who think
that by lighting the circulating medium over
the shoulders of National banks they will
gain favor with the Ignorant people who be-
llovo that any legislation providing for cir
culation through the National banks is legis
lation In favor of the monopolists. The in.
tulllgent reader understands that the gov
ernment has no.othcr way of cnoulutlng Na
tional bank currency except through Na
tional banks , and that whenever tills cur
rency is decreased In volume , the volume
which reaches the citizens is proportionately
decreased , and that there is no way by which
the circulating medium can bo moro icadily
and directly than through National bunk
There are Indications of an organized
movement on tbo part of national bankers to
compel congress to tnko early action In this
question. If It Is delayed till n latcday on
the session there will bo no legislation what *
over. The question Is not ouo of politics. It
is ono of supplying the people with n circu
lating medium , money.
Theronro few men fn\Vnshlngton who nro
ns busy ns Secretary Tracy. In his ofllco to-
uujT no 0l > l sl < c clerks nu Vwo m < ; ssciiKors
hustling nbout to wait upon twenty men nnd
women who were In to see him upon ofllclnl
business. Ho will tnlk aside to one of his
subordinates nnd nt the same tlmo listen to
whnt n visitor has to say. The visitor may
bo n httlo put out nt lirst , ImUwhon ho gets
through ho will bo atimzcd to Ibid out that
the secretary tins heard nil , nnd his' answer
Is rc.ul.v. Sometimes while n visitor Is giv
ing the details of a long story the secretary
is making up his mind nnd issuing Instruc
tions upon the Information ho has received ,
so that when the story is done oIMclal action
has already boon taken. Secretary Chandler
bus much of the snmo faculty. Ho Is very
popular , and Secretary Trney will nlso bo
popular In oftlchil as well ns private circles.
Massachusetts has captured tlio head of
the commission which will continue the pub
lication of the "Hccords of the War of the
Ilebolllon. " Major Gcorgo U. Davis is n
Yankee. When n mere lad ho enlisted , nnd
served with distinction during the Into war.
At the close of the rebellion ho entered West
Point , graduated , nnd wns assigned to the
Fifth enmity. For several years ho was
profesior of law nt West Point , and was the
author of n text book now In use. After 10-
tinning to his command In the west , Presi
dent Cleveland appointed him in the corps of
Judge advocates , and ho is ono of the ablest
of them all. Ho Is one of the handsomest
men in the army.
Warm weather In Washington nlwnys
brings nbout a gcneial lovlval among the
coloied people , and their chinches are
thronucd. In the matter of baptism they
nro Haptists in faith , nlwajs demanding
immersion. The pastors at the coloied
churchc" hcroaio very proud of the number
of their rnco they lead down wcclcly Into
tlio Potomac nnd Koclt cicck nnd administer
the bnntismnl rites to. Sometimes one pastor
will baptize ItOO converts m a day. Words
cannot describe the scenes which mo presented
sented on the banks of the river while the
baptism Is taking plncc. The singing is
nngollc. Ono of the colored ministers was
RO proud of hjs success in this line that ho
inserted In the Uvonlng Star the other day
nn advcitiBcmont which read as follows :
"Tho reliable baptist minister , the Hov.
Sandy Alexander , bapti/ed twenty-two con-
\erts In Kock crook last Sunday , May 5 ,
nmldst thousands of bpectntois , und there
was piofound respect shown to the adminis
trator by both whlto nnd colored. "
On next Sunday there is to bo n now lease
of the revival season , and great times uro ex
pected. _ _
The Lirss of tlio i'licklng House.
It has not been decided , or at least not an
nounced nuthoi datively , whether the Stew
art packinghouse , iccently buincd , will bo
rebuilt or not. There are varied rumors
afloat , oiio of which is that it will bo re
moved to South Omaha , but \hero seems no
authority for such a report. For a long
time there has been a conceded objection to
the packing honso being located in that part
of the citv. Whether just or not , there has
been n feeling that it greatly depreciated
the value and comfort of the residences in
thnt vicinity. With the burning of the pack
ing house nnd the possibility of its not being
icbullt upon the same site , there is a strong
move to raise valuations of property there.
The speculative feollm : is being diicctcd to
the piopeity in that vicinity , and lot owners
mo stiffening prices.
FOR HALE 7 room coita o , corner Tnhd
avenue nnd Utli st. Vnay terms.V. . C.
Jumes , 10 I'earist.
TTIO U KENT 1'asy terms two new tlvo-ioom
.A ? houses , lutli a\e. between lllcn and Third
sts. t-ell clienp If taken tins vrcok. Inquire
owner. J. Dickey , 740 It. Way.
T71OK SALU Old cstabllsSed general mcr-
Jchniullsii business , atocK , fixtures , wagons ,
etc. Good loom and low rent , Address , J ,
IJickoy , 7IU1J. Way.
FOR UKNT rurnlshed or unfurnished large
ten-room honso , bath room , KIS , fnrnnco ,
etc , at (111 Willow ave. Inquire at premlses.or
O. II. Stlllman. Ilro\ui block.
WANTED Girl for general Jiousowork-
( ! oed pay , steady \\orK. None but llrst-
clnss noea apply. 7131'lrst uvenuo.
MIWII cows for solo on time to party
J U rentliiK my dairy farm of 141 acresvTltlilh
' , , niilo of Council HluirH. llornco Eeiect. .
ITUtKSir milk cows for s le or trade for fnt
JL'cow i Swan's stock yards. Upper llroad-
v ay. frank Sw un.
FOK SALE Or Tiaile 1'iano No. 1 , ( new )
organ , harness , bowluft machine , liorso and
\\nt'on. Addiess No. CJ1 Ilroadway , room 1.
A NY one minting flnochanco to manufacture
-ti-can bccino bullilltiK , pow er. etc. , at a bargain
by addie'isiiiK Main street Meat Market.
JCK MX ) tons for sale. Lanyendorfer Cc
Strohlicb.ii. Main street Meat .Market.
"TiliAl , I'stito lioiiK'lit and sola. None but
_ LXi baipilim accepted. Ilousjs for Hale on
monthly payments- Warranty deed given. By
C. II. Judd , MJ Uioadway , Council BlulM.
FOIt SALE Sly leatdonco. Inquire John G.
Woodward , flli 1'ourth avenue.
T710H KENT Lnrpo double olllco over Frank
JL ! Levin's cigar store , ttti Ilroadway. Inquire
of Frank .
M'lint Is Needed Is a ( Joort
Jnst received nnd on exhibition nt the gas com
pany's ofllco. Unocniellod for convenience.
Absolute B.ifoty , No odor , nnd above all , eco
nomical If properly niad Cull find examine
thorn whether you Intend purchasing or not ,
A now Clothing Store has been opened In
Council limits. No old sto"k or old
styles. Kverjtliinif ntilctly tlrst
class , Como und bn convinced ,
1'osltlvoly one price mm cash ,
C , B , JACQUEM & CO , ,
Railroad Watch Inspectors
For Union 1'nciflo , Chicago & Northwestern ,
Chicago , Hoot Island & , 1'nclllo , ( Jhlcngo , Hur
lingtonA-Qmncy. Kansas City A. bt. Joe rail-
No. 27 Main St. ,
Council muff * . j | In.
Tiio-J. OWCEIU W. II. M. i'us tv
Corner JUtn nnd Ilroadwoy ,
Healers la foreign tml domestic exchtmco.
Collections made uud lutarost paia on tlmod .
D.H , , ,
HidesJalowPellsfal ] , , & Furs ,
Highest market prices. 1'ionuit returns. No.KS
ma waMain St. , Council Bluttu , loan.
Crayon Portrait Given
Commencing Monday , May 2011.
A Genuine Crnyon Portrait given FRnn to every nurchnsos of $21.00 It is not
necossnry that the purchase ho made at ono tl'iic , hut at ilillurcnt
limes aggregating thnt amount.
What could ho nicer than a portrait of n lost friend or some dear relative , or
o\en \ourtioir. . . Samples of the portraits are now on exhibition at the
We have also made arrangements with a largo frame manufacturer to mount
anil frame these portraits for our patrons in the best style at ono'fourlh the
ubiial cost of such frames.
You aio not obliged to purchase the frame at all , you can purchase it at sonio
other store. We give you a portrait and boll you a frame at one-fourth of tha *
Lenders and Promoters of LOW PRICES.
4O1 Broadway , Ccnmcil Bliiffs , Iowa.
* * * > 1
Council BiuffiT
Of the Into J. M. Phillips at a
I nm determined to give the nubile the benollt of my imithnsc. I quote the following
prices :
KIT COT1 & IWBJAKV Men1 * riiic MIOCM , 85 , former nrlcr , 8s * .
J. S. T8J8t.\5u'S Men's MiUHl-iiUtt'ccI hlioet , § 5 , former
price , g.7.50.
K. C. KUll'I"S JLujHet' i'rciicli KI < I , turned , sit .5 , former
'S Cur KM at * , former price , 85 , and ul ! oilier
at iiuiuiiIactiireiV pi ice * , or ICSN. Mail orders
" "C'1C" ' "
I. PItBS , 413 Broadway.
Council Illutru , lov.n.
Especially Adapted fof
25 TO 300 : i LICiiriNC ,
HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators
Riioclltn.t ! ons and estimate * ( urnuned for crunploto Mourn p'nnti. llrenlntlon , Durability Unir
antei'dVan Uow lolU-rs from osers w horn l"iicl Croumiiy IH > in il with Corliss Non-Ujiiaansins
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catalog ae. No , BIO Pearl Street , Council Blu 'ti
BlRKINBlNE sS-riii"Hu-mids lltnry-lii ? in.u-or- .
H -
. . - . SupcniHion of 1'itbllo Work. Urowii
Building , Council JJIulIs , Iowa.
LJ I I D7 Justice of the I'onoo. Olllco ever Ainurlcnn JJxiiross , No. 11
NOP li U n/L IJro.uUuiy , Council JUulfn , Iowa.
CTHfMC 8 , QIIWIC AUonioyn-iit-Liiw. I'r.ictico in the Stnlo mill Foil-
O I UINH Qi OIIYIO oral Com Is. Hootnn 7 and 8 Shujrart-Uouo Ulocli ,
Council JilnllH , Iowa ,
. Itoom 10 , 8huiart JJloolc