Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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Dr.tly ( Morning Kdttlon ) Including BUNDAT
llnr , Une Ymir. . . . . . . . . . . .JlO 00
VnrPlx Monlhrt. . . . GOO
KorThroe Months . . . . . . 2W
TUP. OMAHA SIINDAT IIKK , mailed to any
nrtdrcai , Ono Ycnr . 200
WKEKLV UIK : , Ono Year . 300
liuii.niNd. WAKiiinaxoN Orrice , No. GU )
AH communications relating to n ws nna cal
dorlRl mnttcr should be addressed to the UuiTOtt
All business lettcrsnndremlttnnces should b
addressed to TIIH Hun I'inu.isiiiMi COMI-ANY ,
OMAHA. Drafts , checks anil poilolHc * orders to
be in ado pnyablo to the order of the company.
fteBec PublishiiigTSw , Proprietors ,
E. ROSBWATEIl , Editor.
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
Ctttto of Nebraska , I , .
County of Douglas , f
ClcorKoH-Tzschuck , secretary otTho nee Pub-
lIsliliiKOoiunany , deus solemnly swnar thnt the
actual circulation of TIIK DAILY HER for the
veck ending May IP. 1KK . was as follows !
Fundnv. May 12
llondnv. Mnyl.'J
TuoMlav. May 14
Wednesday. Mnyir. . 18.051
TliurKdnr. Mnv 10 . 1H.WJI
Friday. May 17 . 18.0 K
Saturday. May 18 . 18.fi05
Average . 1 8. o I : i
Bworn to before mo subscribed to lu my
presence this 18th day of .May. A. 1) . 18M.
Seal. N. I' . FKIL , Notary I'ubllo.
Etntoof Nebraska , I
County of Douglas , ( BS-
Ueorgo It. Tzacmick , holng Unly sworn , de
pones and nays that ha Is secretary of the Iloo
Publishing company , that tlio actual avoraifo
dally circulation of THE DAILY Hut : for the
month of April. IBS * , 18.7U copies ; for May , 1833.
18.18 : ) coplfs ; for .luno , 1888 , in.atl copies : for
July. IKsA , 18)03 ( ) copies ; for Aucim , V&i , 18.183
copieH ; for September , 1KSS. 18.151 copies ; for
October , 1F88. lfiW4 ( copies ; for November. I8S8 ,
18fn ( copies ; for December , 1B83. lR.nri copies ;
for January , IBM ) , 1H.74 copies ; for February ,
IfKN 18.ff.fl copies ; for March. IKWt. nftti copies.
( JKOliaU 11. T7.SU1IUOK.
Bworn to before mo and subscribed In my
presence this ICth day of April , A. I ) . . 1881.
N. 1' . FBlfi. Notary I'ubllc.
IF the prohibitionists imiicrlno they accomplish soninl reform by falsify
ing fuels , they will soon learn their
TIIK railroads houtline : toward Omaha
should ho encouraged. The cold shoul
der is us discouraging to corporations
as to individuals.
NKW gold fields have boon discovered
in Utah , but it is doubtful whether the
placers nro sulllciontly rich to warrant
a stampede to that territory.
CIIIKF SKAVHYhas earned the ever
lasting gratitude of every Indy in the
city by ordering policemen to clear the
prominent street corners of idlers and
RAi'in transit in Omaha is an early
certainty. The decision of the consoli
dated company to substitute electricity
for horseflesh will bo mi agreeable sur
prise to its patrons , and a great benefit
to the city.
AFTKH a season of profound silence
Abe Hewitt expresses his disappoint
ment at the foreign appointments of
the administration. Hewitt is n back
number. Ho has not sense enough to
realize that ho is dead.
TIIK report that the Omaha street
railway company has lot the contract to
the Sprague electric motor company of
Now York city , for n full plant of power
machinery and motors is an indication
that the days of the horse car are num
ASSESSORS who put valuable property
on the assessors' rolls at four thousand
when it should bo forty thousand , may
have committed clerical errors , but the
truth is" there are too many such slips of
the pen in favor of the tax shirkers of
this city.
TIIK two per cent sharks will liavo n
rocky road to travel in Kansas after the
25th hist. A now usury law goes into
effect on that day. The contract rate
of interest is limited to ten par cent ,
and the lognl rate six per cent. The
penalty for usury is double the excess
of interest taken.
CLKVKLAND is making himself gen
erally useful in private life. Ho has
boon added to the committee to solicit
funds for the Centennial arch in Now
York. Lot him bo nlacod on a con-
epicuous corner , where people can
"drop n nickel in the slot and see the
ex-president smllo. "
COLORADO has gone into the manufacture -
facturo of common glass bottles. This
is an enterprise for which the silica
deposits of that state nro well adapted.
The failure heretofore of the glass in
dustry InMJolorndo has largely boon duo
to the unsuccessful attempt to make
window and plato glass.
VlOK-PUKSIDBMT SVK153 , of the
Northwestern , denies that his railroad
prouosos to push its Noltraska exten
sions to Donvor. The Northwestern ,
I apparently , is content to develop the
inlloago now under its control. This
will bo u Bore disappointment to Den
ver , which was bunking heavily on the
TIIH i'0-appoliitmont of James \v.
Buvago as n government director of the
Union Pacific keeps up the unbroken
record of giving Omaha and Nebraska
u representation on the commission.
Judge Savage lias a great opportunity
before him to soouro for this city and
Btute proper consideration at the hands
of the Union Pacific directory. '
TIIK street bogging nuisance .has bo-
coino Intolerable. Omaha should follow
the exumplo of other cities by oxclud-
log this form of vagrancy. Tramps
abound in herds , und have captured all
outlying streets. They are bold and im
pudent to ladles who refuse them moat
and drink. Ollloors should scour the
residence streets daily and run the
vagabonds out of the city.
TIIK evils und inaccuracies of assess
ments complained of by the county coili-
inUslonora are not so great that they
cannot bo remedied without conflicting
with Judge Wakcloy's ruling. Clerical
competency is the IIrat necessity. Every
assessor should bo required td make er
rorless returns und maka valuations
conform without regard to ward bound
aries. The romudy is in the hands of
the commissioners.
ThO'followlnp extract from h loiter
from a prominent citizen of Michigan
explains Itself :
Uio lupins , Mich. , May 18. To the Editor
of Tun DF.K ! A well-known tcmporanco ftgl-
tater , Mary A. Lnthrop , of Jackson , Mlcli. ,
In a speech to n largo nudlonco In this city ,
last night , made tlio statement that there
wore four thousand prostitutes in the city of
Omaha , making their headquarters in the sa
loons of your city , and that tlioy paid n 11-
ccnso mto'tlio city treasury to the amount of
$42,000 annually , and were licensed and pro
tected In consideration thereof , and tlmt the
schools of Omnhu wcro built up and sup
ported , to n grout extent , by tLo tnx paid bv
prostitutes , Omaha Is a nlco town to move
uway rom , with Hint state of fuels existing.
If tho'statomcnts nro not true , they do your
city no Rood , and your people should It now
Hint they arc In circulation In ordur to refute
This is a fair sample of the falsehoods
coined by the champions of prohibition.
It is especially reprehensible when wo
consider the sourco. A woman who will
publicly insult and slander her sex IB
unworthy of the name.
There is not a city in this country of
equal population whore the social evil
is held so completely within bounds as
in Omaha. It docs not make its head
quarters In the saloons , and instead of
four thousand prostitutes , as assorted
by Mrs. Lalhrop , there are only two
hundred and thirty-eight. They arc
not licensed nor protected by the city ,
but are frequently arrested by the po
lice and fined in the police court.
The manifest purpose of this braxon
slander is to discredit high license and
bolster up tlio waning cause of prohibi
tion. A cause requiring falsehood and
calumny for props is very weak , The
freedom and frequency with which
those untruths are uttered shows n la
mentable lack of morality and integrity.
The logic of facts and experience are
against prohibition. Its advocates can
not overcome the stubborn truth that
high license and regulation ns enforced
in Omaha and Nebraska are conducive
to law and order. Compared with pro
hibition in Iowa or Kansas , it is an evil
restrained against an evil rampant.
The growth of interest in the cul
tivation of the sugar beet in this coun
try , and the promise that within a few
years the boot sugar industry will huvo
become ono of very considerable impor
tance hero , render interesting all facts
pertaining to this industry in other
countries. The May number of the
Popular Stiiencs Monthly contains an ex
haustive article on this subject by Mr.
A. EC. Almy , which so far as the facts
presented are concerned , is exceeding
ly instructive. The problem of success
fully cultivating the sugar beet and ex
tracting its saccharine principle , en
gaged the attention of the governments
and people of European countries dur
ing the early part of the present cen
tury , with no satisfactory results , until
about twenty years ago , when Germany ,
after many experiments and the pay
ment of u vast sum in bounties , solved the
problem. As soon as the desired result
was attained there followed an immense
increase of sugar production , and the
Gorman farmers found in this industry a
source of profit and prosperity that they
could hardly have dreamed of as possi
ble. The value of their farms increased
enormously , there was an added demand
for labor which gave employment
to thousands , and every department of
trade and cvory channel of transporta
tion speedily experienced the benefits
of the new industry. The load taken by
Germany in the production of boot sugar
slio has maintained , increasing her
product from twenty-live hundred tons
in 1876 to a million three hundred
thousand tons in 1883. The other Euro
pean countries which produce beet
sugar are Prance , Austria-Hungary ,
Russia and Poland , Belgium and Hol
land , and the total European product
in 1885 was two million ilvo hundred and
forty-six thousand tons. This is somo-
wliat greater than the product of the
cane-sugar countries. The value of the
boot sugar industry to Germany is esti
mated at so von ty-fivo million dollars a
year for the sugar alone. The statistics
of the cost of manufacture , under the
simple and inexpensive methods adopt
ed in the Gorman factories , show the in
dustry to bo highly profitable , the prime
cost for conversion being but one cent
per pound of sugar , leaving out the cost
of tlio boot root. The production of boot
sugar in continental Europe has doubled
in the last decade , with the effect of re
ducing the price of sugar in the markets
of the world more than fifty per cent.
With regard to the introduction of
the industry in this country , the most
successful experiment thus far has boon
in California , but Mr. Almy is of tlio
opinion that Various suctions north of
Mason find Dixon's line , where the rain
fall is regular HUe eastern Pennsyl
vania and Now Jersey * with their long
Indian summers , present all the condi
tions to produce thu sugar boot to nor-
fection. The regions thus designated
as especially favorable to this industry
are doifbtloss Ho bettor than the sec
tions of Nebraska whore thn sugar boot
hasbeonj.0 . some extent cultivated with
the , most t > atinfaotory results. So far as
climatic conditions arc concerned , the
portion of Nebraska whore It Is pro
posed to try the cultivation of tlio sugar
boot on u largo acalo , is unquoutionably
as well favored as eastern Pennsylvania
and Now Jersey.
All the facts ) regarding the develop
ment of the sugar buot Industry nro of a
character to oncourngo Us introduction
in this country. The growing of beets
is not only prolltablo in ilsolf , having
averaged the farmers of California , un-
gugod In it , over eighty dollars per
aero , but it is a good tiling for the soil.
The boot root , says Mr , Almy , as n
biennial plant , outers readily into rota
tion with annual plants , and with tlioso
plants k'luwn to exhaust the soil. It
precedes barley , \vheat , rye and oats ,
and prepares the soil in a marvelous
manner for cereals , the subsequent for-
tllizution of which prepares the soil for
the boot.
The recent vigorous exhibitions of
race antagonism in several sections of
the south have to seine extent renewed
public Interest in tlio we issue , and
both republicans und deiiuiorAts have
cotisldqrud the poisiblu otVuct they
might have in shup'ng ' thu puUcy of the
administration in the soulh. Although
merely local ebullitions , they are recog
nized even by southern democrats as
having a significance , and seine of the
more conservative of thoao have de
plored the occurrences as tending to
defeat the hope of the wiser and bolter
element among southern democrats for
a policy of non-interference on the part
of the nullonnl administration with po
litical affairs In that section. Of course
there is not much that the admin
istration coula do , in any event ,
beyond vindicating the right of
the colored man to political considera
tion by appointing him to federal olllco
in the south , but congress may do a
great deal , and the loss reckless of the
southern democrats do not desire to
provoke legislation whicli if it should
not fully protect the colored citizens of
the south in the oxorclso of their po
litical rights , would deprive these who
deny them their rights of any advan
tage from such denial ,
The misfortune Is tlmt the num
ber of such democrats is not much larger
and that they nro not , mord influential.
There Is unquestionably a wide field
for the missionary work of conservative
nion , and while It may bo believed that
the Hold is gradually narrowing , a
gt cat deal of labor will yet bo neces
sary before the obstinate prejudices ol
the majority shall bo overcome. Whun
ono reads that a man can not bo a re
publican in the city of New Orleans
without inviting social ostracism , his
faith is necessarily shaken in the pro
fessions that are made in behalf of the
"now south , " and ho is compelled to
regard with distrust the patriotic assu
rances convoyed by southern orators
when they como However ,
there are conditions at work in the
south which promise in time to effect a
radical change in the sentiment of at
least a largo part of that section. Much
of the prevailing1 prejudice , political
and social , must inevitably give way
before the march of industrial progress
and material prosperity. And perhaps
the true policy is to leave the solution
of the "southern question" to the op
eration of the new conditions that arc
at work thoro.
In double-loaded brevier the Sunday
Herald makes proclamation to all the
world :
The verdict of. the voters Is in , and It over
whelms the ndvoontos and supporters of the
cxtrnva attt demands of tin extravagant
school board. There Is recorded a decisive
majority not only against the schema to enlarge -
largo the high school building , but also
against the scheme of 52-23,000 for real estate ,
etc. When it is remembered that to have
carried the bonds required a two-thirds vote
of all the ballots cast , and that not even 1mlf
of the total was cast In the aftlrmativo , It will
be scon how thoroughly in earnest the public
This is enough to make a horse laugh.
"Overwhelming Defeat. " "Decisive
Majority. " What bombastic rot ! That
editorial must have been written over
at Maurer's big turtle restaurant. Over
whelming defeat with a bare majority of
eighty. A decisive and emphatic
popular verdict with nineteen thousand
voters staying at home and loss than
nineteen hundred Voting on tho'issuo.
A change of forty votes would have
carried the two hundred and twenty-
live thousand dollar bonds , despite the
opposition of the combine. It only re
quires a majority to authorize the issue
of school bonds.
TIIK Chicago Tribune has taken the
pains to refute the charges universally
made that the price of dressed beef to
consumers has not declined during the
past live ypars by giving the following
prices per pound at which the carcass
was sold at wholesale to retail butchers
in eastern markets :
Year. Price rango.
1834 8 (310 ( cents
18S5 7K ® 9 cents
1880 Oi C'5 8 cents
1887 fl @ 7tfconts }
1SS3 C'f@ ' 0 } cents
1889 to date 4 % @ 0 cents
This statement clearly indicates a
gradual falling in the price of moat
amounting to at least forty per cent for
the period covered by the table. The
decline , iiovvovei' , is so gradual that the
consumers hardly can bo expected to
note the differences. It stands to rea
son , ho waver , that prices must rule
lower now than they did some time ago.
The price of cattle has fallen , freight
rates are lower , and the claim is made
by the dressed hoof men and local
butchers that they are making less
profits than five years ago. The truth
is the cheapening process has affected
the dressed beef industry as much as
any other branch of manufacture , and
the consumer in the long run reaps the
TIIK sonata committee appointed to
mnlco investigations on irrigation ill the
western territories will presently take
up its work in connection with tlio geological
logical survey. Its object will bo to ox-
amlno and report whether it bo feasablo
to reclaim for agricultural purposes tlio
immense arid tract comprising an area
equal to ono hundred and fifty thousand
square miles and stretching from the
head waters of the Missouri to the
boundaries of Now Mexico. It is well
to'understand that the government
does not propose to irrigate this land
for the people , but' to determine
whether or not private capital can bo
profitably employed in this enterprise.
Congress , in other words , stops in as
the scientific export in behalf of the
people to settle a boiontlllo question.
The actual work of reclaiming these
lands devolves upon the states and ter
ritories within whoso boundaries the
arid bolt Is located. If at all practicable
private capital no doubt will bo drawh
into the enterprise und the task will
necessarily consume many years as well
as i\ vast outlay.
TIIK president is not expected to ap
point a successor to the lute Justice
Matthews , of the supreme court , before
September , and conjecture is rife as to
who may be selected to fill the vacancy ,
the most common belief being that the
chances of Attorney-General Miller are
the best. It is intimated that this may
not ho the only vacancy the president
will be culled upon to fill before the close
of the year. Justice Miller , who is eligi
ble for retirement , is said to seriousl/
contemplate taking advantage of this
privilege curly in December. Ho wu < j
appointed resident Lincoln In 1802 ,
and is now Is seventy-third year , bo
that he nil Imvo retired three years
ngo , the la 'ovidlng ' that justices of
the supron .18 , who Imvo served ton
years may rouro on full pay at the ngo
of seventy. Justice Miller's faculties
are unimpaired , but itlsnatural tlmt ho
should dcsiro , after twonty-sovon years
of service on the bench , lo pass the re
maining years of Ills lifo frco from the
cares and obligations of judicial duties.
TIIK charge of six dollars for every
car load of stock shipped from Iowa
across the , .Union Pnciflo bridge to
South Omaha , a distance of not over six
miles , is a gross injustice and Imposi
tion. The very fact that the road
agreed to make a rate of four dollars a
car for the service is evidence that the
Union Pacific acUnowlogdcslho charges
to bo exorbitant. The plea is inado
that a six dollar rate is necessary to pay
for the switching and making up of
stock trains. But oven with the most
liberal allowance for that expense ,
these charges are out of all proportion
to the service.
A FLOOD of light is being thrown
uK | n'tlio abuses existing at the Cook
county , Illinois , insane asylum hy the
investigation conducted in the county
court. If ono naif of the testimony bo
true , the treatment of patients is not
only inhuman , but fiendish. The mis
management is attributed to the inter
ference of politics and favoritism with
the affairs of the institution. There
can bo no question that tlio evils which
exist in nine out of ton public asylums ,
hmpilals , poor houses and prisons
through the country can bo traced
directly to the spoils of politics.
A DKA.TJ is reported to have boon ef
fected in Now York city between rep
resentatives of the American meat
company and the American cattle trust
whereby the former will handle the
entire product of the latter. This is
jin ambitious scheme fathered by
Stephen S. Dorsoy in behalf of the cattle
industry of Now Mexico on ono hand ,
and Now York capitalists on the other ,
who are to erect largo packing house.1'
in convenient packing centers. It re
mains to bo seen how much of a ( Iguro the
now company will cut in the dressed
beef business of the country.
MANY of our German citizens will
feel somewhat surprised at the an-
nounccmqntjhat L. W. Hoborcom has
boon appointed fifth auditor of the
treasury. Mr. Hoborcom will bo re
membered by ujany of our citizens as a
former resident of Omaha , who edited
a defunct Gorman paper , dabbled freely
in local politics , and was a liberal
patron of resorts that keep lager on
draught. Now that ho has become the
head of a division in the United States
treasury , he will liavo abundant means
to make good all his outstanding
plodgesand wipe old scores off thcslato.
TIIK upshot of the investigation of
the interior department in the alleged
irregularities connected with the open
ing of the Oklahoma lands has boon
the dismissal 'of Marshal .Tones. ' The
president and attorney-general decided
not to allow Jones to resign , but to rc-
inovo him at once. This fact strongly
indicates that there has boon gross mis
conduct on the part of olllcials in Okla
homa. Tlio disgrace of Marshal Jones
will bo a wholesome lesson to those men
who may bo charged with the opening
of the Sioux reservation.
EMi'KitOH WiMjlAii realizes that the
best way to humble a monopoly is to
strike its pocket. Ho lias warned the
mine owners who have ground their
workmen to the limit of endurance that
they must relent or suffer the abroga
tion of royal favors and profitable rail
road tariffs. This will soon put an end
to the strike. If similar remedies could
be applied to the grasping corporations
of this country , there would bo loss
disposition to force strides and fewer
conflicts between capital and labor.
TIIK unusual large shipment of corn
to Europe within tlio past few weeks
haa increased the complaint of export
ers that they have not sufllcient stock
on hand nor tonnage immediately avail
able to move it. It is doubtful , how-
ovoi , whether the improved tone in the
foreign market will benefit the farmer
in obtaining for him moro than an'ne-
tlvo market for his surplus. Ocean
freights are higher this year and absorb
serb a part of the higher price for that
cereal obtained abroad.
TIIK difficulty of separating the mica
in the tin ores of the Black Hills has
been a stumbling block to tlio develop
ment of the rich deposits said to exist
in the vicinity of Ilarnoy's Peak. The
problem , however , is now being solved
by tin experts. If the ores call bo re
duced effectively and cheaply , a great
future is opening for Dakota , in the
production und manufacture of tin
plato. , .
IT tickles tha. native pride to know
that Miss Sybl ) , anaorson , of San Fran
cisco , scored a jjuuslcal triumph in anew
now opera in I'arJs. Correspondents
report that "lior Ellfol-towur notes con
stituted an ajxtah in the history of
music. " Thls SjtjO bo regretted. Their
height places ( tiQin | beyond the reach Of
people of moderate fortune , Comh
down , Sybil , c.othe down.
The Wymoro 'fiilqn ' notes the inorkod In-
crcasu In the stu s population , shown by
the annual school' census , and predicts that
"during tlio next dauado Nebraska will leave
behind in the race many of hcrslstorstutcs. "
Commenting on the fact that uic prohibi
tion pauers now admit that the day Is past
when they can secure prohibition by con
stitutional amendment , the Sidney Telegraph
remarks that "before long they will bo com
pelled to admit that their Held uf labor Is en
tirely euno. The result in Massachusetts
guvo their enthusiasm a black oyn. "
The Howolls Journal is amused to ECU tlio
number of papers that are coming to the de
fense of the twine trust , and remarks : "It
Is ajiablt with some papers to defend any
kind of u monopoly , and they do not HCOIII
able to make any exception of the twlnu
trust. Tlio paper that comns out und do-
funds thu twine trust and advises thu furui-
era not to brjjaluize for their own protection
not receive" very co'rdlal support from
the farmers of the country , nnd our own
state Is no exception. Lot the farmers ,
while they are opposing the trust , also sit
down upon this kind of papers. "
The Kearney Enterprises expresses ml mi ra
tion of the ntlmtmblo foresight of the gentle
men who wcro willing to rovlvo the Hast
ings Gnzetto-Journnl. "Thoy only suggest , "
says the Enterprise , "that the great strut
ting turkey of sitcccs ? , nil stuffed ntul basted ,
shall bo served up to them on u silver pliUler.
They leave no further triumphs for their
own cnonry and brnlns to nchlovo. They
would win thorn all iu advance at ouo foil
swoop. See here , wo would llko to outer
this race. For the sum of 550,000 a year , a
furnished house , a coupe , a Victoria and a
snblo coachman in livery , wo will go down
to Hastings nnd run the best daily news
paper in the whooping west. "
Ncln-aslcix .JottlniiH.
The village of liancroft is out of debt nnd
has $277.U ! to loan.
Hcd Cloud is very proud of her excellent
waterworks nr , < l ufllutent lire department.
The Anhouscr-Uusuh brewing company is
to erect a largo storage warehouse ut Crete ,
to cost $3,000.
The coming session of the 1 Joono county
district court will try sixty civil and two
criminal cases.
Guininp county corn was planted two weeks
earlier than usual this year and a much
larger acreage \vus put in.
The court at Madison has pnmtoil n change
of vcnuo In the case against Lrs. ) Kelly nnd
Ilnsson to Wayne county.
Robert Harbor , n farmer near Exeter , was
bitten by u mail dog last wcolc , but no bail
ofTccW have yet appeared.
In the six months Hurt enmity has
sent an average of ono Insane person per
month to thu state hospital ; .
The machinery for the Ewltic crcamory Is
ready to be placed in position , and will bo
started up as soon as possible.
A fatal runaway occurred at Stella , last
Thursday , Mrs , W. T. Vouch being the
victim. Her husband was also severely In
Oxford suffered from a hull storm last
week , the stones , as usual , being "as hir u
sis goose eggs and lions' eggs. " Hut little
damage was done.
During n storm at Osccola , last week , the
creek rose two feet in forty minutes , and
two horses In the barn of D. H. Hnkls wcro
killed by lightning.
Ono of the best ranges in tbo state is that
of Atkinson & Murray , eight miles south of
Uralnard , on which there are now 1DUO head
uf cattle feeding.
M. .1. Fcnn Is In Jail at Auburn because ho
left town while Justice of the pcaco before
resigning his olllco and accounting for
moneys collected.
Dr. G.V. . Johnson nnd John Harsby , well
known citizens of Fairmont , have sailed for
Liverpool on nil extended , trip through
England , Ireland and the continent.
A Gorman farmer natnod Miller , living
near David City , was kicked by a two-weeks-
old colt fourteen days ago , inflicting injuries
from which he died last Thursday.
II. W. Potter , A. A' . Martin and Znoh
Lcftwich , of St. Paul , have purchased the
Fullci'ton flouring mill and liavo removed to
the latter place with their families.
Central City will have saloons , Councilman
Hays , who at first defeated a saloon ordi
nance , having changed his mind and voted
for it at the last meeting of the city council.
Nebraska City's chief of police has run
down und captured George Mnpes and Jim
Honey , who have for a long time lived on
the proceeds of raids made on the chicken
coops of that place.
The Eagle says that a Dakota City man
keeps his children out of school because ho
thinks the world is coming to an end , and
for that reason it is not advisable to spend
money to educate thorn.
A man named Hndley , living on Suako
Creole , In Scotts UlulTs county , had a big
chunk taken out of his arm nnd a hole put
through his breast by the accidental dis
charge of both barrels of a shot gun , but at
last accounts ho was doiut ; well.
A blacksmith at Hortrand dropped a red
hot plow lay on his foot the other day , the
point cutting and burning its way through to
the floor , severing un artery and Inflicting a
wound which \vich will disable the unfor
tunate man for lifo.
A. li. Vennum , nn Exeter citizon.'ehot the
dog of a neighbor named Ford the other day ,
believing it to Do suffering from hydrophobia.
The owner of the canine became very mad ,
ana threatened to shoot Voniium , when the
latter drew a revolver. The town marshal ,
however , arrived just In time to prevent
bloodshed , and ran In Mr. Ford.
A streak of lightning played u queer freak
at Schuylcr recently. Kdw.xrd Zulony was
sitting on the porch on the east side of his
house when tlio Hash came , which tore a
splinter two feet long from the bottom of
the Hcrccu door , chiiipod a piece from thu
elding over the door , and split the ceiling
over the porch. A cottonwood tree standing
on tl'o north sldo of the house was badly
shattered from the ground up , and a small
Sprout In the next yard had thn loaves
scorched on top whllo the bottom was un
touched. Mr. Colony was not over four foot
from the door when the shock came , and
while ho says it seemed to him that uvcry-
thldg was afire for u time , ho was not in
Iowa Itoirs.
Davenport savings banks carry deposits
aggregating about $5,000,009.
Uoono county's auditor has paid out $1,000
for gopher scalps this spring.
Tlio Brush Eluctriu Light company Is put
ting in both are nud incandescent lights at
A Washington boy shot an eagle last week ,
which measured six feet and six inches from
tip to tip.
Howe & Hinogardnor , at Toledo , have a
curiosity in the slmpo or a liimb , which has
six legs , and Its tail projects from ono of Its
The cows of Fort Dodge will have to scoic
new grazing grounds liurcaftur , the oity
council having rutusud them paHturago on
tlio streets.
Thu mayorof Cruston has ordered nil tbo
resiliences und business housus In thu city
numbered , and a man has buou appointed to
do the business nt " > cents u number.
Arthur Wintlnor , of Corning , is but
eighteen yours of ago , but ho has been
preaching for over two years. He now has
charge of a Haptist church In Madison
Rev , James Nlvcr , of Clinton , died last
weuk , ut thu ago of ninety-three. Ho came
to Iowa In 1S5. > und preached the llrst sermon -
mon ever delivered at Elvira , Clinton
Calhoun county has undertaken the drainage -
ago of DO.OJO acres of worthless lake and
marsh , heretofore used only by geese nnd
duck hunters. The estimated cost of the
work is $35,000.
Thn Grrnt Northwest.
Tlio Laramie , Wyo. , import * now unnounco
the arrival of faro outfits In thu city.
Counterfeit $10 greenbacks of the Issun of
1ST. ) nro in circulation In Holoiiu , Mont.
Calmin silver lodges have been dhuoverod
near Souttlo , Wash. T. , and Imvo created
coiibiilcrablo excitement ,
1 ho district attorney of Carson , Nuv , , Is
proceeding against drupirlsts who dispense
rod-uyo without u licensu.
Governor Algur , of Michigan , propose * to
urect the largest saw mill on the I'ucillu
coast ut Tocoiiin , Wash T.
The first pardon extended by Governor
Warren , of Wyoming , was to Jack Walker , a
Johnson county horau thief.
Ono-half moro acreage Is planted In Wash-
InBton territory than last year , anil thu crop
prospects were never better.
Tivo highwaymen held up the lionton
staso near Uartorvlllo , Mont. , nnd pnptuiud
the treasure box , but did not sui-uro any
property of vuluo.
L. F. Cornwoll , a Balldu. Col. , Jeweler ,
was robbed of $ yOUO worth of utock by Hurry
Strauss , Whom ho liul : loft In charge during
n temporary abaonco.
Harrv Roach , tlio wholesale uorsethlef of
Landur , Wyo , . has bcuu bound over to the
district court for trial. Ho cot away with
Bovi'nty-ono animals.
The widow of W. Un'ndalo , a minor killed
about two years aye wlnlu ascniidlng the
Con , Virginia kliaft on n cu o freighted with
tlmbtir , HUVB thu Canton Appeal , tins rooolvod
a check for SIDOO from the Con. ( Jal , & Va. ,
Mining : company , Tim uheuk was given the
widow at the ug Mtlon of Joins W. ftluckuy.
4- * * * t
Architecture , Politics and Soola
Ethlcu in Now Orleans.
The Day of 1'olKlonl Vplionvltift la
Dawning The Possibility or tlio
ritnto of Louisiana Going
Solid Ilatiubllcan.
Gond-Byo to thn Shotgun Rule.
Nnw Onr.K.VNs , Ln. , May 10. ( SpecialCor
rcspondenco of TUB Hun. ] Wo nro in a
transitory condition in ls'ow Orleans archi
tecturally , socially and politically. Many of
the old rookorlos that have for so long dis
graced this otherwise beautiful city , arc dis
appearing ; old bases are falling In , nnd
properties are being divided up , and put on
the market. On all sides It Is noticed that
building Is being rapidly pushed , Indicating
very clearly that the Pelicans are not qultu
Insensible to thu necessities of tbo occasion.
Eight stories Is the highest elevation yet at
tempted In Now Orleans building. The
reasons for that limit I cannot exactly say ,
but possibly the lack of suitable foundation
may explain tbo peculiarity. There nrn no
cellars to any buildings noru. After the ex
cavator gets down two foot below the street
level mud is mot with , anil it foot deeper
brings him to water. So all our houses and
public buildings , generally speaking , are
IIUII.T ON t'li.ns ,
in lieu uf the usual bi'ick or atone founda
tions. Of course it will take a long
tlmo before Now Orleans Is freed
from the old ' 'rattle trap" stores that now
disfigure our finest streets. Camp , St.
Charles and Cnrondolct , with Canal nnd
Rumpart , all magnincout thorouehfnrcs , pos
sess all thcsn anomalies In construction. It
will take them another half century to wipe
them away.
Socially , I bollovo that the old barriers are
being broken down. That hard foollnp
against the "Yankee" received its death
blow. Of course lor many years business
relations between northern nnd southern
people have boon uninterrupted , and of the
most profitable character , but the
prejudices of anti-bulluin days have been
cherished oven to this day In the drawing and
club room. In Now Orleans the only possi
bility of ontrco a man from tbo north can
hope for. Is to declaru himself a democrat.
Under these circumstances you may receive
n sort of qualified recognition , but should you
avow yourself a republican then
follows to the bitter end. This Is no over
drawn picture. I am fortified In my opinions
by the information given to mo by the very
best republicans in New Orleans , nnd in
formation I may bo permitted to give later
on will confirm nil 1 have now asserted. Yet ,
despite the discouraging aspect of affairs , I
adhere to my original statement , that wo are
In a state of transition ; because I opluo that
before many years will bo witnessed a revo
lution In change.of sentiment. The old "moss
backs" are dying out ; tlio daughters and
sons of the old-times are bcginninc now to
reign lu their stead , and the plate-glass doors
of the defunct brigadiers nro opening to re
ceive the sometime detested northerner.
If wo are on the eve of n "changoof front. "
architecturally and socially , so can it , with
equal confidence , bo stated that wo arc
about to see
In both tlio ranks of republicanism and dem
ocracy. Tins UKB keeps its readers too well
informed about southern affairs for matters
of detail to bo given now by your correspond
ent , but no ono could form the faintest con
ception as to the chaotic conditioner political
mutters in New Orleans without being
actually on the ground. If this city is , ns it
has been described to bo , the "heart" of the
state of Louisiana , tlmt bents rcsponslvcly to
her actions , then It argues well for republi
canism In the future. Now Orleans' senti
ments can bo accounted as the correct rclicx
of the state's opinions. Now , I havono hesi
tation in saying that if BOUIO elucidation to
tbo "color" dlQIculty can bo devised between
now and tlio next presidential campaign
Louisiana will go
and the same can bu said truthfully of the
greater part of the ctrtlro southern country ,
such us Alabama , Mississippi and Tennessee.
The whole fabric of southern democracy Is
honeycombed with republicanism. The other
night I spoke with a thoroughly represen
tative guutloman ( State Senator Barrows )
of Huyou Sara , nil old ex-confederate sol
dier , and now a plnntur , and In the course of
a vury delightful conversation I elicited the
Information that "If Harrison will only keep
the 'niggers' in such n condition Unit the
whites may bo convinced that they will not
bo subjected teA
and other indignities of n like nature. Old
Tipnocanoo can count on the solid south sup
porting him next time. " Senator Harrows'
pronunciation has been duplicated a dozen
times to the writer. It may bo said , however -
over , that these opinions nro simply those of
country delegates. Admitting that , I would
in continuation sny that precisely thu same
Ideas have boon communicated to your cor
respondent by prominent democrats In this
city , Thu reasons nro not hard to discern.
Respectable democracy Is thoroughly tired
of being ruled by "bum" clement , nnd
parenthetically I would say right hero tlmt
this community Is as full of "bums , " "ward
heelers , " and
as any city I ever struck , not oven excepting
Gotham. Proportionalloy to its population
there are moru respectably dressed "toughs"
congregated In Now Orleans than nuywhoro
I have ever been. Municipal coriuntloii stalk
abroad unchecked. The people have tried
various forms of government. First they
hud tlio "Ring" denomination , thu square
toed democratic rulo. Becoming dissatisfied
they fired them out nnd substituted n sort of
compromise local government , bettor known
as the Young Men's Democratic association
Y. M. D. A. This executive is a regular
ruling power , Their ticket was elected by
force of arms. This Is no mutophor , for the
records show that there were all the way
from 8,000 to 10,000 men under arms on elec
tion duy dtntribiitcd about the polls. Little
womlur they are on top to-day. Tlio
men who catim to vote the old ballot looked
down the shining Uarrol of a Smith & Wes
son 89 , received a chill , and "reckoned they
wouldn't ' vote that tlnlo. "
Tills government has had the bridle reins
for a year , and now ovorv ono Is howling for
their removal. The old democrats , I understand -
stand , did fairly well in power , but they kept
the good things of olllco ' 'too oloso , " BO their policy wax attacked , und u sort of
formed by the Noruhe.ldn in the democratic
party , the Colcman faction of the republican
party and the negro voters. Combined , this
aggregation downed the at democrats
with the result as I said before , that every
one who formed tills precious combine , mivo
thu bosses uf thu Y. M. D. A. , uru Kicking
tlioinsclvcH for having effected the change ,
I predict a return to power of the old line
democrats. Huforo I oloso I would like to
say a word about
What do tbo readers of TIIK ! : : , ulth Its
20.0UO dully circulation , think of the ropru-
Buutatlvc iletnocnUli ; organs of thu south
"swulllugout" on thu strength of a bare
1,000 per day I I urn credibly Informed that
tliut Is the "high wntcr" murk of the Times-
Democrat's circulation. A11 thu dailies are
democratic. Two , the Times-Democrat
( morning ) nnd Item ( evening ) , area woj bit
Inclined to "Hop over" to republicanism , but
tbo brightest , by long odds , of the entiru
city , press , lu my opinion , is u llttlo sheet
that I HoinetlnieH read , culled thu Daily
News. It Is matured by a gentleman named
MclCcnmi , and , tlio'Jili ; unswerving In Ita
political faith on national IBSUUU , in all us
things lively ull round for thosu who fall
from grace ut the city hall and elhewlicro.
IT Wll.l , 111 ! INTlillliBTINO.
Ill my next letter J will liava Homotlilnc to
say ubout tliu condition of Uiu republican
party , ballot-box stillllng nud vote suppress
ing. I htlve been favored by ConHrosiinuil
Colctlmn , Major Hi > ro and ether prominent
republican leaders with Intorvluws , nnd I
met ox-Uovurnor Wurmoutn thu other day at
the Bt. Charles hotel. The lottery question
U also likely to be ouo of thp great bonco of
contention in our next legislature , us Is thu
nuesllon of Mid lira In ago of Now Orleans.
The weather at lirosunt Is delightful , nnd thn
turn out of fashionably dressed womim every
( lay it one of the slyhts In this city. The
'T " i 1 Mil. Ml UHMH
Louisiana \vomon I muit doscrlbo , ( n all
honesty , ns being decidedly homely , They
possess eood figures nnd dress In ex
cellent tnsto , but their sallow com *
ploxlons , undemonstrative bonrlug nnd very
ordinary features can not fall to bo noticed
by nny ono who liai bocu accustomed to the
gparlcllng oycs , rosy checks nnd "snao" that
Is met with up In the northwest. You see
on Fnrnam street , in your oity. In ono day
than you will notlco In Now Orleans In a
wool : . Yet withal the people hero nro ao
llghtful to moot. Tha.vnro pollto to a dpgrco ,
and If somewhat bored In manner , nsthoUL'h
sulToring from unnul , why I suppose tbo ell *
matlo surroundings Is the cause.
A. Town of Moiloru Improvements
Hid A'xvny In n Cunon.
iDuioSrniNOsi , Col. , May 10. [ Special to
Tun Ur.K.J It a man would fcol dtmlnuliva
lot him got aboard of a train nt Denver on
route to Qruyinont , Col. As soon ns tha
foothills of the Rocky mountains , If ho had
never before scon them , arc reached , ho
fools the Impression of sublimity , which
presently changes to awe ns the canon la
farther pierced , nud Iris eyes discern the
piles of rook that nature has upheaved. Ifi3 *
suddenly perceives there Is something far
Inrgor than no Is , and his self-conceit , for tha
present , subsides. There is probably nut to
bu found olsuwhuro on the continent us ninny
miles , continuously , of majestic nud wonder-
Inspiring scenory. Whoever conceived the
project of building u railway up Clear crook
canon must Imvo been a courageous en-
plnoor. Hardly less adventurous worn the
Intrepid miners who sought out the way to
Idaho Springs and Georgetown before tha
railroad was contemplated. Wlicro there
had seoiucil to bo room only for the sinuous
crook between tbo rocky walls of the
mountains , the pioneer minors mndo a wagon
road. Afterwards the mountains had to
give way to make room for the locomotive to
traverse the gulch.
Idaho Springs Is now the clitnf in In in g
center of this region. The ofllecs nnd Ina-
chluo shops are lioro. Thu machinery of thu
stamp mills Is repaired nt this place , nnd any
ether machinery used in tlio mining and re
duction works.
Uulldfcig lumber Is cut only a few mllot
south , from the native pine , nud n lumber
yard is maintained. Dimension stuff , shoot
ing ami lloorlng uuufo of the plno nro used
for building purposes In this vicinity. The
species of wood is unlike any that Is to bo
found lu tha Omaha market hauler than
ttio northern wlilto piniyuml not as hard as
southern yellow plno , but full of small hard
The town has Its waterworks , electrio
light plant mid a lire engine house. The
ditch for conducting the water to the rosor-
volr extends away up the mountain side to
the snow line , nud the water is us pure , clear
nnd soft ns that from u Virginia spring.
Water mains nro laid in the streets and pipes
to the dwellings Just as in Omaha. Flru
hydrants nro placed at street corners and
sprinkling hydrants in the dooryards. Tliu
reservoir Is ut such nltltudo as to make the
pressure sufllciont to meet all required
wants , nnd bunco a force-pump is needless.
The tourist would scarcely expect to find
such modern improvements so remote from
nny considerable city , away up a mountain
canon , hid away from thu vision of ull out
siders. Tbo town Is built upon n plu'.uau
containing about twenty-four acres of level
land , and has four churches , a largo briuk
school house , n stamping mill and buth
liouso. The last is provldud with tlio mmum
of bathing lu the hot soda watur just as it
conies from the spring u little distance above ,
and is a resort , for Invalids who como hero
scekincr health.
The mines hereabouts , giving employment
to n great force of men , furnish thu sustoii-
tation of the town , and U the mines fall , so
likewise will the town.
lie Hunts For nn 1 1 1 tor , But Is Gnrc-
1'ul Not to Kind Hint.
NEW Youit , May 19. [ Special Telegram
to TIIK BEI ; . ] ICyrlo Uollow was looking
yesterday , for tbo editor of Truth every
where except at that gentleman's office , una
repeatedly swore , "upon his honor , " that hu
would kill him if ho could catch him. Ha
says : "Truth assorts that I make the dear
girls pay for my laundry bills , and warns
them not to have anything to do with BO expensive -
pensive a lover. I must have satisfaction for
tills. I must. "
Editor Dalzoll says : "I don't care a snap
for his revolvers. Ucforo hu makes a motion
to draw I will have knocked him into ills
own cocked bat. "
Eleven or Them Como AHliora at
li'Ioronco , Ore.
POHTLAND , Oro. , May 10. News has Just
been received that cloven oC the crew of thu
foundered steamer Ahisitan have como
nsiioro at Florence , near the mouth of the
Sulslaw river. On account of the hugo
breakers , they were unable to land their
boat , and had to swim to the shoro. All
were successful except one poor follow ,
who , after enduring the horrible sufTuriug
of two nights and three days on the opou
ocean , lobt Ills life. During the tluio they
wcro out , all they had to oat was six cans of
peaches. Four of the survivors are quite ill
from the elTocts of drinking salt wator. They
were only stopped from drinking unlimited
quantities by force.
All Kxnfjijoraioil Itnrinrt.
Nn\v HAVK.V , Conn. , May 19. ( Special. .
Telegram to Tin : HuB.l Tlio pcoplo poisoned
by ice cronm at the Glustonbury fes.
tival are all doing well , nnd It Is not ex
pected now that any of thorn will dio. Tlio
first reports sent out were much exagger
ated , as usual. Tlio chemist Investigating
tha matter Is yet undetermined whether the
poison came from the flavoring uxtract or
from unclean fruczcrs.
The German Strllcn.
I.IN , May 19. Delegates of "tho Rochum
strikers have decided to resume work Tues
day. The strike continues nt Wurton , the
owners refusing to concede the demands of
the minors. The mine owners of Hewicka
at u meeting to-day opposed tbo eight hour
shift , but expressed their willfngnuHs to
negotiate on a different bnsia , A magisterial
warning against Intimidation has boon Uaticd.
filnrrllid a Jliiron ,
SAN FUANCISUO , May 1 ! ) . Baron von
Wredo , of Germany , nud Jjllu Morgan Hovo-
of ox-Oovcrnor Uovo-
ridge , daughter-in-law - -
Hdgo , of Illinois , were married huro this
evening. Her former husband , Phllo llcve-
ridge , of Chicago , was granted a dlvorco a
fnw days ago at Austin , Ni-v. , on tbo ground
of desertion ,
Sneezing * Catarrh.
TJiedlst reusing biioc/i'Miioezvhnco/.i' , the acrid
watery dUcliarKOM from the oyus and nose , the
painful Inlluiuimlllon cxtomlliif ; to thu throat ,
tlio swelling of IhumucoilH lining , causing chok
ing si-iiKutlonx , cnutjh , ilnglug noises In the luoul
nnd xpllltliiK lioitilnclii'B , how famllar thfxu
symptoms uro to thousands who nullnr periodi
cally from livail coliU or inlluunza , mid who livn
In l nornnco oft hu fuel that a Hlnglo iippllciitlnu
\\lll utford ( Miildiildiiemn ir.lttf.
lint tills tnnitinent la cases or Hlniple C'atarth
lilvux but u faint liloi of ulml thlx rumudy will
do In tliecluoiilc forms , where thn hriMlhlnK U
obstructed by chokliiK. putrid mucoiw nucuiau-
lutlunH. tha lipurlnt ; iiueutud , Hindi and uitto
uoiiK , tliioal ulcerated und harking coutdi mud-
iially timtunltiK HhcK upon thu dominated ny -
teni. Tlien it U that tliu marvelous curatlvo pnw-
frof BANFoitit'ri IlAiiiUAi , { 'IIIIK inuniriittx. Its-
bu\t \ In Initntititnuous uml imitotul rolliif. I'm"
beL-lnsfrom thu Unit Hpiiftntlloii. It U rapid ,
riiclloul , permnnvnti economical , cafu.
BANroiu/Blutiiou.puitK consist * of ono bnt
lie of the flADiuAl , nniK , ilH box O.lTAllilllAf ,
HOLVBNT mid un iMniovnn INIIAI.KU ; price , ( I.
Chest 1'fllnn , HoroilDHS , Weakness
tt < ; kiii uuiifih. Asthma , 1'Imirlsy
Jiillumnmtloa \ IIKMKVEII is ii"t
iHINU.IK and attainted lo a hneody r 'n
> tlio VirrlcviU ' J'MHTfclV '
\ y ANTI-I'AIN A i .
limUntuniimiR mid inrulllbiu unUdoto to puni ,
iiillumiiiailon and ivouknujs of thu Cliu > a una
VV"K- ' * . ' " Uit utt only paln-kJIllnK pUMor.
AIMfUBKUt * , 3c : Uvi ! for * .UOi orimaiiu : trr ,
OT1BII UltUO ANb CliKill04l. COI Hm .TluN ,