TO-MORROW'S SPRING. WE APS SPECIAL SALE IN DRES'S GOODS 502 , 504 : , 5O6 , 508 and 51O South 13th Street. Every Wrap in the House Are Really Wonderful I Marked Down. n t TMmiii itirabg New Improved Basement ! To-morrow Bargains Prices quoted here for To-morrow are AllOver n Wonders for Prudent and Economical Buyers , 502 , 504 , 506 , 508 , 51O South 13th St. Over , where. 5O2 , 504 ; , BOS , SOS , 51O South 13tll St. ' 11 1 NIGHT GOWNS Tucked yoke , cnmbric ruffle , also fklrts , wldo embroidery , north TOc : our price 4'Jc. FOR MONDAY Our I'rlfc , 1 lot Kinurnldercd niul Hemstitched APRONS Late Trimmed Drawers and Skirls With wide rullle , worth tip to6"c , Our price .Monday 18c. During This Sale. Ulpli'ce ? iUMnch Wool Suitings. llnlilt Cloth. Tricot mid Summer Vlnnnel. SoM nil over the city ntiiCc. _ I TOMI < ( Mnch Henriettas , boit quality. In Old Hose , Apple nrecu. Sapphire. Olive. .Mahogany , llronze. Ueer. Ox liloud. Hust , Navy , Myrtle and Uroy ; regular price auc. aalu ate , ro pieces Albatross , nil wool. 4) inches wide , very flno quality , nil now snmmor shades ; regu lar We quality , bale price Si'Jo. ' French Screes. lica-os 42-luch French Serges. summer weight , all nice colors , worth 'Sc , n.tlu 6''c. French Sideband Suitings , atffic , 2000 Pieces SHOUT I English Sateens , All lengths contain dress pattern- * , all now designs , very llnu quality , for Mon day only , roj real value , lOc. Only one dioss pattern to u customer. ISO I'lcces American Sateens , As sold by our com petitors nt 18o ; our price 12Kc , 120 Pieces English ' Sateens , ' Sold elsewhere at & " > c ; * our price forMonday , 15c SO Pieces Genuine Imported French Sateens , A surer ! ) lot of choice novelties Just opened. Hare designs not to bo found elsewhere ; real value SOe. Take the new entrance through Shoe Deportment , elegant 10 foot wide promenade , only 7 steps. Gooi Bleatliel MUSLIN Ynnl wlilc. mi pell ynnl or \ | Krgnliir DC ( : Extra GooJ ; Unbleached Muslin , Sc ( | iinliy. ( Auroii CliccX All colors anil nil si/.c cheek. Itcgnlur Se ijimlHr , of Wide Sheetin 5 Bales All Colon MosquitoNetting Netting Or 24c per bolt Shade Rollars , MO best quality Win- donHolland.1 ynrdH Ion : } , Kooil hprlng i oi ler , nil colors , com plete. "c. Lace Scrim , 100 jlores , very \\Me \ , assorted j. . Robes Linen Lap llolus , Assorted colors , INDIA LINON. Yard wide very gooil quality , sold clsewhoio nt IDc : Monday's juleo lc. ! Wo oiler Clicckctl niul ? t. Ipwl Nntnsouk , regu lar 2c quality. Monday's price , nt 'Hie 1'ulr , ' ' . IS l--'c. SATIN PLAIDS. Wo oiror fancy Sat'n ' I'lalds , Sflc poods for Monday's sale Tic1. Tic1.'c \\'c \ Offer riiilu India Linon. Extra linn quality , regular ' 17 l-.c goods , for Monday'JOc. OPEN WORK LACE EFFECTS , Wo otrer very line imported open work Inco elVccts. real value Me. for Monday ' , c. Spring Wraps. WITHOUT EXCEPTION MARKED WAY DOWN ! A Black In nil sixes , marked down from $ : t.50fo- A Illni'k niul rolnrrd BEADED WHAP , upon worked Hleoves , Hilit lined , reduced from fo.iO to M.M. A lIcnutifHl BEADED WRAP , AH silk llni'd with laco/opeu I | worked H ! coves , reduced " train J8.50 to K. Iteduced from Ifl r > 0 to $7.50. Finn Open Work Crochet Silk Wrap All beaded. Can bo worn all mnnmcr. EVERYTHING WE ADVERTISE TO-DAY IS ' . 'a , / , , wonderful - . - . , . exhibition - of a "bargain that can only be bought at "THE 502 , 5O4 , 5O6 , 508 , 51O South 13th Street , Corner Howard. FAIR. " Nq others dare make such prices or give as good value for the money. THE LOCAL FIELD OF SPORTS * Resume of the Base Ball Situation and Prospects. THE DEATH OF A FAMOUS FLYER. The WJicolors nnd Their Wheels Tournaments nnd Runiorfl of Tuiirnninenta Challenges and Counter Challenges. Results of the Pour-nail Rule. rMionoincmxl pitchers this season are a rar- /ty , Indeed. They uro all getting it in the ncek right along , from the incomparable Keofo and Clarkson , down to the most obscure - scuro twlrlcr In thu minor leagues and asso ciation. The lilts are averaging ubout ten a game nil through the base ball belt , aud it Is seldom that any pitcher holds the opposing team down to a number of hits under eight. 'Thin ' must all bo attributed to the four-ball rule , as there is nothing else that could have brought about such a condition of things. It would bo absurd to claim that there has been such an improvement in the batting ability of the profession , for that Is an impossibility. AH that is o bo acquired In that line tins been acquired long since. It Is not the siced ; , or the drops , or in nnd out shoots that is proving the pitch ers strength to-day , but cool judgment , a knowledge of butters and the delivery of n ball that suits them least. A twlrlcr that docs not loose his head , but nt all times re tains the oven tenor of his way , is the man In the box to pile up the victories. While the four bull rule has undoubtedly increased tbo batting , u long erled-for Improvement , it has nUo brotiaht about moro bases on bull * . In thn eighteen games so far played in the Western association , .17:3 : men huvo been given their basns on balls , nnd n goodly number of these at the hunus of Omaha's pitchers nt that. Notwithstanding this latter drawback , the base ball publto is Immensely pleased , for the more men who get on buses the more inspiriting , the more exciting nnd Interesting the game. U is quito probable , however , at the next nnnuiil meetIngs - Ings of the two leading associations , the American and the National league , which malco nil the rules nnd regulations ot the great game , that something or some way will bo devised und adopted to' relieve the pitcher of the burden of the handicap ho now Buffers. Pitchers all over the country are kicking hard , and many first-class authori ties aver that many of them are pitching wild ball purposely , so us to render the four-bull rule unpopular. However , it will slick , and twllers , If there are any of this kind , uro but culling off their proboscises to spite their lovely countenances. 1)1 HI ) AT THE llIiUWS. 'Ono of the CJrcatent Runntni ; Iloi-seif ol' the AKC , The Cznr , the phenomenal three-ycnr-old colt , that died at the Union stock yards , Council Bluffs , Monday , of pneumonia , be longed to Theodore Winter , of California , and was valued at $ 'Cii , > X > . On the slope the Cznr was considered the finest nud inpst promising three yenr-ofd In the world , Ho was a beautiful chestnut , with -8UinU star and four white stockings. Ho Etood fifteen hands und three inches high , nnd pulled down the scales at 1,11X1 pound * . Although of u liner coat und different color , ho bore a utrlKiug resemblance to his famous brother , Emperor of Norfolk , nnd many connoisseurs of fust horso-fldsh con sidered him several seconds luster thau the latter. As a two-year-old ho throw out a couple of curbs which interfered much with his training , anil ho was started only twice , but won on both occasion * . Ills llrst start wus for the I'alo Alto stakes , a handicap of a milo f5r Uvo-yoar-olcls. In that event ho curried 110 pounds , and ran the distance In IM1 , bcatuiK WildOuU , Shannon Hose and three others. At San Francisco , November 13 , ho carried 115 pounds ana won the Equity stakes , thrco-quurtors of a milo , after running a dead heat with the SVun- dorer , Kiss-Me-Quicic gelding. The time wns 1:15 : 1:15 ; Flood Tide , 115 pounds ; Jac.k Pot , 107 ; Gnngmedc , 115 ; nnd Calient , 1.0 pounds , also started. His two staVts this spring made htm u formidable candidate for the American Derby. April 2) , at the Bay District track , San Francisco , ho won the Tidal stakes , ono mile and u quarter , In 2:10' . His stable companion , Don Jose , was only a head behind and a neck i if advance of God frey. Lorronto was un indifferent fuurth , nnd Flood Tide. Joe Hedge , Louis R nnd Wild Oats as named. The performance which established him us n leading candidate for the American Derby was his victory in the Pucilic Derby , ono mile und a-half , run April -'J. In this race he defeat eel Lorrcnto , Wild Oats , Joe Courtney und Godfrey , and ran the Derby distance In 2:30 , which was the best record for an event of the kind until Spokane's 2U4) : ) < j was hung out ut Louisville , a week UKO last Thursday. His death tukes from the ' . oming American Derby ono of its chief elcmonts of interest. Thn Czar was engaged at St. Louis In the St. Louis Fair Derby , the Chicago Horseman's Grand Challenge Foal stakes and Charles Green stakes. At Chicago , In the American Derby , the Sncridan stakes nud the Drcxcl stakes. Mr. Winter still has Don .Toso und Burham in the American Derby , nnd many Cnlifor- nians believe Don Jose ovcry bit us good us the C/ar has shown himself , but this is highly doubtful. The C/ar was by Norfolk , dam Marianand , a full brother to Emperor of Norfolk , the winner of the American Derby in 1SSS. His breeding on both sides was llrst-clnss.hls sire being by Lexington nnd his dam by Malcolm out of Maggie Mitchell , by Imported York shire. Among the Am Hour.Wheelmen. The runs called for the Uth , 12th and 1Mb insts. have nil been postponed on account of ligh ) winds , rain , or rougli roads. It is to bo hoped that the two rucH of the 10th will be held under the most favorable circumstances. In the morning , at tHO ) , the club goes to Flor ence , nnd during the afternoon , at 8 u in , , to Bcllovuo. The first lot of now uniforms bus arrived , und are mucli admired by all. This ono question wo have all hoard so much in the vi"U'horo do from ! " country , vi/ , you come it is hoped will bo minutely answered by the word "Omaha" on the cap. Of course , there are many times when you will bo asked what O. W. C. stands for , but Uion you can turn up the luppelof your eo.xt whenever you see a country cousin In sight , nud so avoid that. Guy Mend has taken up safety riding , nnd claims ho can do n well , if not better , ou it than on the ordinary , Tho' following runs nro culled for the months may and June : Muy 10 J " In-i Florence. 19b > . m. ! BollRViio. May S3 Council Bluffs. * Muy SO Missouri Vnlioy. Muy ; iO ] > . M. , Mnnawn. Juno ' . ! Ono hundred mile run , Juno II Glrnwood. June M Moonlight run to Manawa. June 10 Springlicld. " ' " " " ' - ' . , 1 ° jp. m. , Manuwti. . June -KIoronco. . Juno ! 10 Fremont. Tbo O. W. C. rouJ officers Intend to drill their men on every run ; last Sunday there was some very pretty drilling done on. the Council Bluffs Iridfre road ana admired by all wl'O siiw it. Too bad the Omaha racing men could not attend the Chicago tourney. It Is thought by those who kuow that they would have carried away all first prizes of the opeu events. Young Pixloy , the only starter from OmtUia , Is doing remarkably well. The lad 1.1 not , quito sixteen and promises well for thy future. The early closing movement this season Is to bo inmost universal , hardly a wholesale house of uay standing remaining open Satur day afternoon. To uld in furthering this movement thn Popa Manufacturing company of Boston , have Issued n hand&onio litho graphic ni > noMncijmcit : card which gives thu hours of closing , nnd can conveniently bo hung In the window or door. These cnrds nro sent free upon application. W. S. Doano , who passed 'through Omaha last full on his bike , is hoard from in Bos ton , doing some wonderful hill-climbing on Corey Hill. Mav 30th the great Pullman road rnco will take place at Chicago. The en tries hnvo already reached the number of sixty. The prize list is made up of bicycles and valuable gold mcdals'donated by the different manufacturers. Croakers read tho. following and ask no more : "What is the L. A. W good for. " H. S. Bridge , a cyclist of Cincinnati , was run down by a roud hog. The local L. A. W. consul at once brought suit in tbo sum of ? , 'tOUO , damages. This prompt action on the part of the coun sel brought the road hog to his senses and ho compromised by paying all expenses aud a good sum for damages to Mr. Bridge. Homes Aeatnnt Wheels. The great six-days' race bicycllonncs against equestriennes opens up at the Coliseum ono week from to-morrow after noon. Work on the turf track in the big building commences to-morrow , and oy Fri day evening everything will bo in readiness. Marvo Beardsloy , who will manage the horsewomen , expects them hero by Tuosaay , and will keep them training continuously until Sunday evening. These riders are Miss Lbzio Williams nnd Miss May White , of Los Angeles , Cul. , nnd nre both well nnd favorably known. Miss Williams recently won n splendid live-milo match race for $ .500 a side from Miss Myrtle Peck , the champion lady rider of America , ut Los Angeles. Time , 0:97. : She is a great rider nnd coniiduntly expects to bent the fnir wheelers easy. Muy Whlto is also quite a celebrated long dlstnnca equestrienne , nnd has run some notable races. They will have twenty thoroughbred runners hero from the Crystal Lake , Knu. , stock farm , and expi-ct to given , grand exhibition of their wonderful ability as champion riders. The bicyclers nro Beauty Baldwin , Kittio Brown , Jussu Wood und Jcsso Oakes , who will return here from Now York about Thursday. This quartette is riding In splendid form nnd assert that they can easily bent out the Cullforiiinns. The race is for 31,000 a side- and the gate receipts , and will bo mi event well worth witnessing. The Autumn Ilacos. The llfth annual fair of the Omaha Fair and Exposition association will bo hold at the fair grounds , this city , September 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 and 0. This'is the great annual agricultural exposi tion of thi ) state , and in whlcu every busi ness man ana uvtory farmer should taka a lively interest. It is also the greatest live stock show held west of the Missouri river , and as such is bccomlnir f vnous all through the western states. The racing programme this full is confidently expected to eclipse that of any previous year , as the list of en tries will bo three-fold luiger than over before. All the well-known hortes In the western country will bo hero , und there will bo some very interesting sp'eclal events. Thu management hnvo also determined to add many now features to tbo list of attrac tions , aud will spare neither pains nor ex pense to nmko the occasion commensurate with the importance of our great and grow ing stato. Church HOWD'H Hordes. At the sale at Cleveland lost Tuesday , Church Howe < & Son , of jVuburu , this state , purchased thu following lino" horse flesh : Bwanson , blk. f. , by ProphetWilkcs , dam by Belden's Humblctonlan.for 350 ; FuimioBel- den , blk. m. , byllelden's Hatnblotputqn , dam by General Harris , flOO ; Pearl , br.'t. , by Middleton Cnlef. ctatn Gcnna , ijJVO ; Dyna mite , b , til , , by Hylas , dam a Morgan mare , J-CO ; Gcraldluo , b. m. , by Jay Gould , dam Nancy Claggct , $190. In addition to thcso , they also bought a couple of yearlings. The nnyinonU Cjitn Club , A lot of ambitious young shooters met ut tbcofllco of It , Blughnm & Sons , corner ot Thirteenth and Harnoy streets , Friday g' , und organized the Kayrnoud Guu club. There are ten charter members , ' in cluding Charles Bogar'dijs , W. W. Biughatn ; Mark Perkins , H. AyVca'Fred Monttnorency , Frank Chandler anil * Hugh McCaffrey. Charles Bognrdus wa , etected president ; W. W. Bingham. vice-president , and Mark Per kins , secretary and treas'urcr. The weekly shoots will bo hold eVery Saturday after- noou , on the now grounds back of the county hospital. C. S. Raymond , after whom the club was named , tins' counted a handsome gold mcanl for the tirst prize for the best in dividual average made during the season. On thoOsnkiB. Messrs. W. G. Albright , Jeff. W. Bedford , ' George Ames , J. 's. ( McCormlck , Marsh Kennard , C. W. Uudd.'JS. T. Duke nnd W. J. Hnhn nro oncamn'od on Lake Osakis , which lies about ono hundred and llfty miles north of Minneapolis , Minn. It is a lUlilng party nnd they expect to bo absent until Jtho first week in Juno. Lake Osakis is a beautiful sheet of water , embedded Hue a silvery gem 'in the heart of an emerald forest , and is fairly alive- with the choicest varieties of the ichthyolo- gical family black , "rpuk nnd yellow bass , pickerel , muskalounpe , croppies and trout , all abounu hero in great numbers , and fur nish the most exhilarating and exciting of sport , The woods , to6 , round-about are full of deer and grouse dud smaller fame , but ns this is the close shooting season not much of anything will bo done in this line , but the whole time devoted tojtho flnny tribe. tiorono Shows Up Woll. Marvo Beardsloy drove Charlie McCor- mlch's black mare , iLorenc , on the fair ground track ono dajr last week a milo in 2:21 : , and ono-quarter of a milo in S3 seconds , n 2:12 clip. The milo was the best that has been shown this spring , und Ucardsloy says that Lorono is as fasti if not faster than she over was. McCormlck's horses are all show ing up magnificently under Beardslov thorough care , and. during the coming sum mer campaign more Uian one of them will ba heard from , _ _ State Bnortflnion's Toiirnny. The fifteenth annual tournament of the Nebraska State Sportsmen's association will bo hold ut Norfolk , oominoiiclng next Tuns- day and "ontinulug1 until Friday , inclusive. 'It is to bo held under the auspices of the Norfolk gun club. The grand championship medal shoot takes' place Wednesday , This medal , whiclt long to the association , was won by the u coln .eom in 18SI ! ; by the To- kamah team m 1834. and by the Omaha team in 18S5 , 18SH nnd 1883. Purmoleo and Budd also shoot a 100 bird niatcti for St" > 0 a sldo on this day. The Platiswouth silver cup will bo shot for Saturday. * This trophy is now held by the Omaha team ; The Senator , on His Km : CIIICAOO , May i7. Tp'Uio Snorting Editor of THE BKU-Sir ; In jjour Sunday's issue 1 , noticed a largo paragrapii to the effect that Miss Williams the ; Omiha so-called bicycle "wonder" would shortly' eiigago in a match with Miss Lotto , Stanley -who Is now in the east in the Now York /BOO and bids fair to bo beaten , 100 miles.j Do Miss Williams and her backers and numerous managers wish a soft mark for a/match I It seems so In soliciting Miss Sanloy ( for a race. I take exceptions to the title Miss Williams arrogates to herself as "champion of Amer ica. " . The' cnampUm of ; America ( and thn world ) is Miss Jeislo Oakes , of London , who won the Chicago race , would have won the Omaha race , but for her fall , as everybody knows , nnd is now winning and beating all records in the Now York raco. Miss Oakes has swept all before her , und can sweep all female Americana on wheels oil her track , and this claim by ( bo soumlnely infatuated and blind admirers of MUa wjlllauib , whom J glvo credit for hpr great speed will , result in a rude awakening whepever the little Britisher meet&xthe American girl. To be sure Miss \VUllams IE speedy , and why ghouldn'tsbo bql Trained dally on the same coed tracK , while Miss Oakes i winning championships against untold quantities on strange tracks' , , with a change ot diet , differ ent climates , etc. , which uiy experienced trainer nnd athlete knows to bo injurious. If Miss Onkcs had these ad vantages , a comparison of speed in the Indies would be like comparing Spok- nno ( winner of the Kentucky Derbyto ) n fat roadster so far would the Omaha " 'wonder" bo loft behind. Miss Williams' backers need not look to Now York fern match as I shall be in Omaha in a week's time prepared to put up cash for Miss Oakes to contest any kind of a race against all so-called "won ders. " Yours in the race , "SKNATOH" W. J. MOIIOAJJ. Exposition Building , Chicago , May 17. Lottie Stanley Coming- Lottie Stanley , who holds the title of female bicycle champion of the world , will arrive in this city ubout Thursday , together with the Tom Eck combination. It is quito probable she will have a race or two on her hands bcforo sbo gets away from Omaha. From the Diamond. Denver will release Healy. Cleveland still has his eye on the ball. ( Hl'o-day's game will be called at 'J o'clock. Omaha plays at Sioux City May 23 , 29 and 'M. Kansas City Is turning out great ball crowds. Dalrymplo is doing about all of Denver's heavy batting. Like Joe Quest- Davy Force is proving a failure ns an umpire. St. Pnul says that Omaha is her only rival for thu pennant. Willis and Naglo will bo Omaha's battery this ntternoon , Tbo O malms have good utility'players in Mcssitt nnd Coonoy. Big George Wilson , of last year's Oninhas , is catching for the Jersey Citys. Thu Omatins wcro u trlllo weak In their stick work on their recent trip. If Willis had u little bettor control of th ball ho would bo as affective as the best o them. Andrews is playing an unusually fine game ut first , but ho does not seem to bo hitting the ball. "Jocko" Fiynn , who was with the Omah.i last season , has Joined a sonu-profcssiona team nt Halifax. Norfolk hus signed the Lciutvlllu battery , Edgiugton und Wilson , with whom they hope to knock out Grand Island. Milwaukee has released Klusmnn. und Denver bus signed him , and he Is playing n line game for the Mountain City team. Thu four ball rule has hit the null on the head. Tills is proving ono of the greatest batting years in thu history of the gamo. Minneapolis will probably got Bill-click yet , but wlfnt she wants with him , is the question puzzling Omaha base ball connoisseurs. Next Wednesday will bo ladies' day nt the bull park , and u great crowd of the fair sex nro confidently expected to bo on hand. Kirby , released by the Philndolphlna , has signed with the Mllwuukocs. Ho will prove a power for the unfortunate hour jerkers. Cleveland has settled down to splendid work. His playing in the last few games has been brilliant. Ho Is the most reliable batter on the team. Tbo Sioux Cltys say that Canavan Is play ing the best game of any outfielder in the Western association. Ho is not Holding very well , but batting hard Bad luck still pursues thu Mllwaultccs. but it Is dollars to doughnuts that they will yet gather thumsolvos togotbor and hustle the leaders In the raco. Walsh Is doing yoomun Rorv'co ' at short , but as yet nns not cot his optics squarely on the ball , When ho deut look out lor three- baggers and home runs , The Corn Huskera again this afternoon and Monauy. Then come the St. Joes , Tues day , Wednesday and Thursday , and Denver Friday , Saturday und Sunday , Kid Nichols has his tlrst game yet to lese for the Omnhas. He has been hit pretty bard at times , but is using excellent Judg ment at critical times. Hence his success. IfcDes Molncs says she will positively vote against any Increase of the salary limit- that her cxpenscb now uro us much as she can stand. Still they are desirous of improv ing their dub team , but how is It to bo donnl The western association race is becoming very interesting. Some people seem to think St. Paul has n walk-over , but this is not n fact. Omaha is playing great ball , despite hur reverses , and it is very probable that In the eourso of another fortnight she will over take the Apostles. Grand Island is mopping up the ground with everything that dares tackle her. The players uro ns follows : Hourke , pitcher and short ; Snyder , catcher ; Heady , first ; Hughes , pitcher ; Pond , second ; Camp , third ; nnd IIIcKenbergor , Hayes aud Qninn , the outfield. Jnck Crooks is making an excellent captain for the Omaha club. His work is already utmarcnt. Aside from being an enthusiastic player , ho watches nil the points of the gumo very closcfy , and seldom fails to nmko the proper piny. Another good fo.ituro about his work is that ho encourngos the pitchers and inspires them with c-onlidonco. Old Buffalo is plnving a remarkable third b.iso for the Omaha team. He is admirably suited for the position. Ho Is n magnificent thrower , and us quick ns u cat In "handling ground balls. Since the opening of the season ho has made plnvs that would even cause the { matchless Jerry Denny to turn green with envy. Omaha is fortunate- having n man who Is so capable of playing the position , which Is conceded to bo the most difficult to 111 ! of any on thu diamond. Canavan Is Droving thy phenomenal fielder of the Western association. Some of his run ning catches hnvo been of the miraculous order , nnd there is no ball comes to his terri tory but what ho is likely to cut , no matter how far or how hard ho has to run. So fur ho heads thu association In fielding nnd ranks way up among the battora. Ho Is belce'a most valuable find. When the conttnct of pitcher C. A. Nich ols , late of the Kansas City Western club , with Omaha wns announced , thu St. Joseph club entered a protest because he , nlong with Ralph Johnson and the other Kansas City players , wns transferred with the fran- chlso of that club to St. Joseph but refused to Blgn with St. Josoph. Secretary Sam Morton appealed to nnd decided that Nichols was disqualified from playing with Omnlm. An nppeal to the board of arbitra tion was then imido nnd Chnlrmmi Young overruled Morton nnd decided that thu sign ing of Nichols by Omnlm is not an infringe- tmmt of any of the regulations of the base ball law , but , inasmuch ns the board of di rectors had voted to itllow St. Joe to pur- chnso Kansai City's franchise nnd team it is n breach of courtesy , MiHcellunooiiH SnortN. Jim McHsoneor , the wrestler , loft for Denver vor last night. Iio spout u couple of weeks here endeavoring to get on a go with some local knight of the mattress , but they wore all either broke or afraid of him , It Is quito probable that William Muldoon and Torn Cannon will wrestle , mixed styles , for a purse , nt the Coliseum Home tlmo In Juno , The LoFovro gun club will hold their next weekly shoot on Tuesday afternoon , on the Omaha gun club grounds across the river. One week from Wednesday next nt Nor folk , and during the fifteenth annual state shooting tournament , Frank Parmulou of this city , and Charlie Ilndd of DCS Molncs , the champion trap shot of the world , will shoot their 100 live bird shont forfJJO a side , I'ho Chicago Inter Ocean of yesterday con tains a lifu-like portrait ot "Senator" Mor gan , the English champion rider , a well as un extended notice of his career as both amateur and professional. It is very com plimentary to thu genial Senator , but not fulsomely or , undeservedly so. Joe Strauss inudo four clean hits out of live times at the bat off of ICnoll down nt Si. Joe , Thursday , His timely hitting did much toward winning the game , Hard-working Jack Crooks mudo Omaha's only two errors Thursday , but if every man takes the chances in a game that Croo Ic docs , nothing on earth unuld bat tho-a ou of | hu pennant. T o Omuhas mudo 0 hits , 5 runs and 2 o r- rorafThunday , to St. Joe's 11 hits , 4 runs und u errors. Omulm won both garnet btrictly on their merits. Over In Chicago they have dubbed Will Pixlo.v , Omaha's plucKy little bicycle rider , the "Omaha Wonder. " The Williams-Stanley race IP stilHn stntf quo. It is hardly probn ble now. however nftcr the poor showing in the Now YorK race , that Stnnlov will hnvo sufficient temerity to run Ufa local champion. ' Misses Llzzla Williams nnd May White , the Los Angeles. Col. , horsewomen who ara to ride next weak against the Indy wheelers , will arrive to-morrow night. : Miss Lily Williams is quite anxious to.neet Jesse Oalcos in n match race to come off at the Coliseum after the hoiso-bleycle chase ot next week. "Life With the Trotters , " a valuable vol ume on thoroughbred trotting Block , being canvassed for In this city by J. C. Holcomb. is meeting with un extensive sale. It would bo a 'difficult matter to enumerate all the ! good features of the boolc , nnd without unV dcrtnkimj any extended criticism , it can ba safely recommended to all professional followers - < lowers of trotting , for it is both instructive * ' : and entertaining. ; ' There Is considerable unlawful netting * being carried on at Cut-off lake , and if thcraj ) Is such a functionary ns a fish and gatnm warden in this city , ho will find much vvorly for himself by n visit to those waters any off1 , these pleasant afternoon. Nebraska hast low enough fish as it is , nnd without nrotec-i lion it will not require n very long time to ] deplete her streams and lakes. , Questions null Answers. Whnt do you think of Boston's chances td ) take the league ( lag j How many times havrtt * the bean caters won the champlonshipl ! ' When was the National lunguo organl/odJ Ans. Good ; they lead nt present. Thrcoi times. In 187 < i. / A botn B that Omaha will beat St. Joe 2 to ; * 1 ; the game results Omaha 1 , St. Joe < M Who wins * Smnrty Hunter , city. Ans , A wins. Ono to nothing is a bettor ' , score thnn two to one. Jim , John , Jnko and Jack nro playing , poker. Jim deals and John opens ujack-poUj : Jnko picks up hh liaud nud finds ho has only' four cards. Is Juke's baud knocked out , orj can he cull for a now deal ! Fort Omaha. Ana. It is n misdeal , Jim loses his deaW and John must proceed to dcul the car dm over again. Jake , of coin-so , docs not IOHO i his hand It was no Jnult of his that Jim did * > not giva him five curds , Who hud the greatest per contago of games won of the Western , association pitchers last season ! What has become of Sum Moflltb und CiiHslun ? B. P. I' . . Omaha. Ans. Lovott. Moflltt is mining In Wyom ing and Is wild to he getting rich. ( Jusslan is _ , ' , playing with the Jamaica Plains team , near Boston. ; Which do you consider the best ball paper , ' ; the Sporting Life or Sporting Nowst . ; Header. 4 Ann. The Sporting Life , tun thousand times over. Will you please inform me who nt the pros. * < ont time holds the record for six days go-as- A yoii-pleuso nice , and what it Isi Amateur. Beatrice. V Liltlowoot ] , 023Jf. j\ \ To decide a bat will you ploaio stito in % Sunday's sporting columns whether tliurg , ' < hus over been u ball knocked over the Omaha center field lenco during u game of ball ) Where was Jack Dcmpaoy born. In this „ country or Ktirflund C. H. JohiiHon , city. ; . Ans. No , Nultnor , ho was born in Iro- b laud. laud.What What Is Lottlo Stanley's eight-hour six- * ' day record , and her ono huiidruj mile rec- , ord. Han the match been mudo between her * and Williams } Byker , Omaha , ! AIM. Don't know. No , but probably will T bo. , , . * ' Hammer Lime Send on your challuneo " accoinpaniud by u respectable forfeit ; that' * ' the only way to show that you moan busi ness. Don't know anything about Jlmmlo Lin J say ut present , whether ho la In training for a fight or not. Will you please give mo the whereabouts of Hartor nnd O'Lcary , Omaha's slur 16S7 battery ! -Arllo Athcrlon , Oniutm. , Ana. Harter is m Qulfioy , III. , playing ball. O'Lcary U In thu soup.