Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1889, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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liEY , BTlGEn * CO.
Good * , 'Drcsfl Good * .
Wo nro now showing the largest
variety of dress fabrics * over exhibited
Try us , comprising all the latest novel-
tics in wool goods side bands , panels ,
broclie borders , otc. No two pattern
suits alike. Mnny of these nro our own
exclusive designs nnd cannot bo dupli
cated. A largo nssortmont ol pure mo
hairs in colors nnd blnck. French
challios. French sateens , Scotch glng-
Jinms , French glnghnms , mnrlanto-
nottcsnnd a largo variety of wash
Our stock of Scotch ginghams con
tains moro novelties than hns over been
exhibited west of Now York city.
Wo will open nnd place on spoclnl
ealo Monday , and the balance of the
week , an elegant nssortmont of Chnn-
tllly flouncing and draping nets , at
prices that cannot bo benton oven by
the closest cutting Now York houses.
Ladles thnt hnvo been waiting for
these goods should cnll early Monday ,
ns the low prices wo nro offering them
nt will make thcjn sell fast.
00-inch black chantilly llounctngs ( nil
silk ) in empire nnd dlroctoiro affects.
42-inch blnck chnnlilly ilounc-
Ings ( all silk ) , twenty-live of the very
latest designs , including empire and
dircctolro effects tosoloct from , at $1.38 ,
81.60 , 81.05 , $1.75 , $2.00 , nnU up to $7.00
Thcio hnvo to bo soon to got n cor
rect idcn of their ronl valuo.
42 nnd 48-inch black
All silk ; 20 olcgnnt designs to select
from , including the Ln Tosc'a , Russian ,
figured , dotted and striped clTocts , from
$1.00 , ei.i(5 ( , $1.45 , $1.05 , up to $5.60 n
Fine quality thread finish blnck chan
tilly laces nnd nets , in all widths , com
plete sots. Thoflo nro very extensively
used for trimming hatu and bonnets ;
also for neckwear.
45-inch hoinHtilchcd nnd tucked em
broidered Swiss skirting ( very latest
designs ) , at 81.00 , 81.15 , $1.25 , 81.50 , up
to $5.00 nynrd.
22 } nnd 27-inch hemstitched Swiss
embroidered llouncings dainty , novel
designs for children's dresses from 55c
up to $2.00 u yard.
Don't buy anything in embroider
ies until you hnvo looked through our
100 dozen hom-stitchcd , printed bor
der , sheer , luwn handkerchiefs ( latest
designs ) , 7c , worth lc ( ) to 12Jc.
4 special bargains in line embroidered
handkerchiefs ( latest novelties ) : 25c ,
worth Me ; 30c , worth 45c ; COe , worth
65c and 76o ; 76o. worth $1 00.
Just opened , the latest novelties in
hnnd-paintod nnd spangled gauze.
Hnnd-pnintcd nnd tinpcd satin novelties
in quill nnd ostrich feather. Novelties
in folding Jananese.
Parasols and sun umbrellas , La Tosca
nnd Diroctorlo handles , in silver , gold
nnd high art effects nt lowest prices.
Wo carry the boat line of "stainless"
blnck hosiery in the city ( every pair
warranted not to crock or smut the
clothing ) .
ladies' "stain-
200 do/on absolutely -
loss" blnck hose , full , regular , made nil
sizes , at 25c , they are good value for
42 } c.
75 dozen Indies' "wnrrnnted stainless"
black hose , full , regular , made with
high spliced heels , at 45c ; they nro
worth ooc.
1 cnso Indies' Jersey fitting ribbed
vests , crenms nnd whites , all sizsa , 8
for 50c , worth 25e each.
Cor. Dodge nnd 15th sts.
Air. George H. Moore ,
Well-known to the furniture buyers of
Omaha , desires to inform his friends
and customers that ho is now connected
with the Nebraska Furniture nnd Car
pet Co. , 000 and COS N. 10th.
Auction ol' Kcstnnrnnt ,
Monday nt 10 n. in. wo will sell on the
promises , No. 110 North IBth st. , the
'entire contents of the Ideal Restau
rant. Omaha Auction & Storage Co.
Via Omaha anil Council Bluffs.
Short line to Chicago and the east.
Finest dining cars in the world.
Through sleeping cars to Chicago.
The route of the first "Golden Onto
.Special. . "
Everything first-class.
First-class people patronizefirstclass
lines. *
Ticket agents everywhere in the west
Boll tickets over the Chicago , Mllrau-
keo & St. Paul railway.
Ticket olllco 1601 Farnam st. F. A.
.Nash , General Agent.
Dorward , Dentist , 1517 Douglas st. ,
has all the now inventions for painless
extraction and filling of tooth. Cure
taken to preserve the natural tooth by
ffllling and crown work.
Auction , Auction.
Monday , May 20 , at 10 n. m. , nt No.
J210 N. 17th Bt. All the furniture of a
wcll-Iurnlshed Hat , dining room and
kitchen furniture , parlor nnd chamber
suits , carpels and draperies , must bo
sold without reserve. Parties leaving1
the city. A. M. COWAN. Auctioneer.
J717 North 10th st.
E. nioUnrliiry ,
The Ellto Cloak and Suit Co. ,
1510 Douglas st.
Ladies' suits , costumes , tea gowns ,
wrappers , etc.
Jackets , wraps and lace garments.
1510 Douglns st.
lliiptil Transit.
On nnd after Sunday , May 12th , the
"only" Chicago & Northweslorn will
put on n through train , Omaha to Chicago
cage , that discounts any train over run
between the two cities. Just listen to
this : Leave Omaha nt 8:45 : p. m.
through cars , no change at Council
fTs ) , arrive at Chicago 12 o'clock the
next noon. Running time , fourteen and
( one-half hours. The equipment of this
train is as line tis Iho time is fast.
Don't think the afternoon vestibule
> train is to bo discontinued on account
of the axtru Jlyer , for it isn't. Tills fast
and popular train , with its vestibule
Bloopersdiners and free reclining chair
cars will leave solid from the Union
J'uolfiu depot , Omaha , at 2:45 : n. m.
ally , nnd nrrlvo at Chicago 7 o'clock
ext morning. The 0:15 : morning train
n the now fichodulo will remain un
hanged. W. N. IIAIHJOUK ,
General WesternAgent. .
Ticket olllco , 1401 Farnam street.
Dry sawdusx. . for salo. Fred W. Gray ,
Oth und Douglas st.
For Sale Tfnml mudo brick in any
quantity. Henry Rittor nnd Hondorf
Co. , muuufucturcra , ollico 618 N. 20th bt.
Ladles' Muolln Underwear Dross-
Infants' Long Embroidered Kobcs
and Children * ) Embroidered
DrcsscB Special Sato
Our extremely low prices for strictly
first class and perfect fitting gurmots
luivo built up tin onortnoUs trade for us
in this department.
Special reductions for Monday and
the balance of the week. Don't fall to
attend this pale.
Flno India lawn , tucked fronts , neck ,
sleeves and skirt trimmed In Valen
ciennes lace , embroidery and insertion ,
81 , $1.85 , $1.40 , 82 , $2.23 , $3.25.
Fine India lawn , tucked with belt ,
embroidered vest , cults and collars ,
$1.15 , 81.40. $1.00 , $2.25. $2.00.
in fine muslin and cambric. Latest and
most approved styles , plain , also
trimmed in embroidery , torchon , Med
ici , Smyrna and Valenciennes laces ,
perfect material , perfect workmanship ,
perfect lilting , at 18c , 2oc , GOc , 75c , 31
and up to $ ! { ouch.
in fine muslin and cambric , latest styles ,
trimmed in embroidery , torchon ,
Modict , and Valenciennes laces , perfect
workmanship , perfect lilting , 25c , 89c ,
67c , 75c , 85c , $1 , $1.23 and up.
in fine muslin and cambric , latest
styles , trimmed with embroidery ,
torchon , Mcdlcl , Smyrna and Valen
ciennes laces , perfect workmanship ,
perfect fitting , 25c , 45c , 50c , 0-5e , 76c , $1 ,
$1.23 , $1.50 , up to $2.50.
Flno mualin and cambric in latest and
approved styles , trimmed in embroid
ery , torchon , Medici , Smyrna and Val
enciennes laces. Perfect workmanship ,
perfect fitting , 25o10c , COc , 75e , 81 ,
$1.25 , $1.50 , up to $8.
Fine muslin and cambric , plain
tucked , also trimmed in embroidery ,
torchon , Medici , Smyrna , and Valon-
cinnos laces , perfect workmanship and
perfect fitting , 40c , 60c , 75o , $1 , $1.25 ,
$1.50 , up to $5.
In fine cnbric and lawn , elegantly
trimmed in line , delicate embroidery ,
tucked , etc. , latest effects , 50cl , $1.25 ,
$1.60 , $1.75 , $2 , up to $0.
in fine cambric and lawn , trimmed in
delicate , dainty embroideries , tucked ,
etc. , ( latest styles ) , 75c , $1,00 , $1.15 ,
$1.25 , $1.50 , $2.00 , up to $4.50.
Good muslin , perfect lilting and per
fect workmanship , from 15c upwards.
Good muslin , perfect lining and per
fect workmanship , from 55c upwards.
Corner Dodge and Fifteenth sis.
Dinlnir CarH to" Donvor.
The unrivalled dining car service of
the Burlington Route has now been
extended to Denver , and Vestibule Ex
press No. 1 , leaving Omaha daily at
10:05 : a.m. , includes in its equipment
one of the company's superb dinhg )
cars , serving all meals on route. Remember -
member the Burlington is the only line
from Omaha to Denver that runs both
its own dining cars and free reclin
ing chair cars between those cities.
City Ticket Ofllco : 1223 Pnrnnm st.
Telephone 250.
Canon City coal. $7 per ton.
Nebraska frucl Co . 214 South 13th St
Fast time and always on time. "Tho
Chicago & Northwestern Ry. "
Positively Going Out or Business
Kvcrytliintr Must Oo.
Feathers , flowers , hats and bonnets
will bo told regardless of cost. This is
not an advertising scheme. Wo arc
going out of business , and if you wish
anything in our line you have a chance
to got new and seasonable millinery at
less than half what others ask. Our
stock was selected for the finest trade in
Omaha and is first class in every partic
ular. No bankrupt stock or job lot.
Come and see us Monday morning. May
20 , and bo convinced that we are lolling
the trulh. M. E. IIAWLEY ,
Douglas street.
T\vo FAST TKAINS daily via C. & N.
W. Ry. _
Improved Train Borvicn to Chicago.
The fasl mail now carries passengers
Dining jCurs between Omahu and
On and after Sunday , May 12 , the fol
lowing important changes will bo in
olloct on the Burlington route :
Train No. 2 , fust vestibule express to
Chicago , will leave Omaha daily at 3:15 :
p.m. , instead of 4 p. m. . arriving at
Chicago at 7 the following morning , In
advance of all competitors and In time
to connect with all morning trains out
of Chicago for the cast.
The fast mail to Chicago , which has
not heretofore carried passengers , will
have attached to It a Pullman sleeping
car and a free reclining chair car , and
will run inconncctlon with the Union Pa
cific overland train from the west
Passengers will leave the Burlington
Depol , Omaha for Chicago via Council
BlulTs dally at O.p.m. leave Council
BlulTs at 9.25 p.m. and arrive in Chicago
cage 12 noon the following day , making
the fastest tipie over made between the
Missouri river and Chicago , on a regu
lar schedule. Sleeping car reserva
tions for the fast mail may be secured
at the Omaha city ticket , ofllce of the
Burlington route.
Train No. 1 , fast vestibule express ,
leaving Omaha for Denver daily at
10:05 : 11. in , , and the corresponding train
from Iho west will huvo extended to
them the famous dining car service of
the Burlington routo. Free reclining
chair cars on all through trains. City
ticket olllco , 1223 Farnam st. ; telephone ,
Ilnrd Wood.
Twelve and slxtcon-inch hard wood.
MOUNT & GniPFix , 213 S , 14th st.
Only 47 Hours to Now York Via the
With corresponding fast time to all
points east and south , An elegant train
with reclining chair cars and Pullman
hutTot bleeping car leaves Omaha daily
at 4:15 : p. m. One way and round trip
tickets are now on sale to Liverpool ,
London , Paris and all parts of Europe
via all lines at lowest ratos. For further
information or tickets call at the Wabash -
bash ticket olllco , 1502 Furnanr street ,
Omaha ,
Special liuliiccnipiitN In Ocutin Ticket *
Special excursions to Paris , Franco ,
Balling from Nosv York on May 1 , Juno
6 , and July 10. For further informatlo n
inquire at C. M , & Bt. P. llokot cilice ,
1601 Furiiuui St. , Barker block.
Grand Bargain Bnle Silica And Dress
Good * .
3 grades sublime silks OOc , 81.10 and
81.2o , all at 5oo to close ; 2 grades satin
Hhndamas $1.07 and $1.2.5 , all at 55o to
close ; 2 grades Surnh silks In all shades
05o and 8oc , nil nt S7lo to close ; odds
and ends , plain and fancy silks $1 and
$2 , all nt J o to closo. The finest China
silks in all shades to closo. A broken
line of sating at 25o n yard. Wear re
sisting colored gros grain silks 75c ,
worth 81.25 ; superb qualities black
gros grain silks , 76c , 85o
and 05c , usual price $1.25 and $1.75.
Silk plush , nil shades , 35c. worth 75o
to ! Wc.
Fine 3-1 black goods 12c } , worth 25c ;
G-4 caslunoro 20c , worth 40c ; line French
cashmere nt 40c , worth 75o ; silk finish
caslunoro nt 03o , worth 81.25 ; fine Hen
riettas at 8c , worth 31.50 ; finest silk
warp Henriettas , 85c and $1.25 , sold
everywhere at $1.75. Fancy black dross
goods of every description. Incredible
bargains in fine French dross robes $13 ;
robot ) for $7.75 and $10 ; robes at $9 and
S25 ; robes at $12.50. Those are excep
tional bargains In fine robes and dress
20 pieces now styles chantilly llounc-
ings , $1.60 , worth $2.25. $2 Spanish
llouncings at $1 yard. Valenciennes
flouncing : ) at 49c. worth 75c. 2-1 styles
Oriental flouncing Sfic , worth 05. 12c
yards Torchon lace for 5c. Real linen
laces Sc , lOo and 12c yd. Chantilly
laces in now stvlos 25c yd' , worth 33o to
50c. Spanish faces and fichus in every
slylo and lowest prices. This is bar
gain week for embroideries , ribbons ,
veilings , ruchlngs , notions and trim
mings , toilet soaps , combs , odors and
Florida waters.
The most exquisite styles and lowest
prices in plain and gilt , wall paper.
Wo will lot down the prices on shoes
Ibis week. Never before have shoes
been sold at such prices in Omaha.
Men's nice dress lace shoes only $1.00.
Men's fine calf shoos. $2.00 , worth $3.00 ;
they are splendid. Boys. ' shoos , $1.00
and $1.23.
Ladies , $1.00 for $3.00. A few put.
tips loft , at $2.25. Ladies' slippers at
prices that will surprise you. Children's
fine pebble and straight goat shoes , 8 to
11. only $1.25 ; all solid ; you will pay
$1.75 for them anywhere. Our school
shoos , lit $1.00 , are the best value In Iho
city. See our mountain shoes ; they are
beauties ; at half price. Wo arc li cad-
quarters for anything in the shoo lino.
Dry Goods and Shoes.
HAYUEN 111103.
House FtirniHlilntf t ; noils Sale.
The strife is now on and prices lalk.
2-hoop pails lOe , worth 20o ; 3-hoop pails
13c , worth 2oc ; washtubs 45c , worth 7oc ;
medium size 55c ; worth $1 ; largest size
washlub 05c ; worth 81.25 ; bread boards
25c , worth 50c ; lemon squeezers ,
5c , worth 15c : scrub brushes
.Mouse traps , Ic each , worth lOc ; dairy
pans , Ic each , worth lOc ; paper p.'iils ,
20c ; wash bowls , 5c , worth 15c ; chopping
bowls , 5c , worth 15o ; chopping knives ,
5c , worth 15c ; rolling pins. 6c : ice tongs ,
lOc , worth 25c ; dripping pans , 5c ; eggbeaters
boaters , 5e ; coffee canisters , 5c , worth
15o , china mugs , 5c ; boquot holders , 3c ;
engraved goblets , 5c , worth 25c ; soap
dishes , 3e ; six handle cups and saucers- ,
89c ; milk crocks , 5c : colored glass
mugs , 3c ; top butler dishes , 5c ; choice ice
cream sol , 45c ; saucers , 2c each : sauce
dishes 3c. Monday morning wo place
on sale GO sots newest styles tlaveland's
best French China at less than half
regular prices. Wo carry the most
celebrated and best known makes Eng
lish decorated and white btono China
in greater variety than any other house
and will guarantee asaving of fully one-
half. It will pay to keep posted on our
low prices for standard goods.
The most exquisite designs in all
styles wall paper at half regular prices.
Dry Goods atTd Carpets.
A Carriage Repository , ? "Why , 1'cs.
On account of the widespread and
seemingly general misconception of
and misunderstanding prevailing concerning -
corning our business , I desire to say to
our friends , and the public generally ,
that wo never rent or hire out a hoi-bo ;
wo over renl or hire out a harness.
Wo never rent or hire out a vehicle
of any description.
Wo thus state , because of the recent
enormous increase of such demand.
The city directory quotes us as a livery
stable , but this is wholly imaginative
on the part of the publisher , without au
thority from us , or in fact. Wo do not
exchange horses. Wo sell horsey , har
ness and vehicles. Wo do not buy secondhand
ond-hand vehicles. Wo take them at
fair allowance In part pay for now ve
hicles. Wo do not receive from maker
or user any vehicles for sale on commis
sion. W. T. SICAMAN ,
East side 10th st. , north of Nicholas st. ,
Largest variety of wagons and car
Fast tha Kast.
The Burlington No. 2 , fast vestibule
express , leaves Omaha daily at315p. ;
in. and arrives at Chicago at 7:00 the
next morning , In tune to connect with
all morning trains out of Chicago for
the oast. The famous fast mail , now
carrying passengers , loaves Omaha
( Burlington route depot ) daily at 0:00 : p.
in. and Council BlulTs at 0:25 : PVUM llt < "
riving at Chicago at 12:00 : noon the fol
lowing day , the fastest time ever made
between the Missouri river and Chicago
cage on a regular schedule. Pullman
palace sleeping cars and free reclining
chair cars on all through trains.
Sumptuous dining cars on vestibule ex
press trains , both to Chicago and Den
ver. City ticket olllco , 1223 Farnam St.
Telephone 250.
Marriage Ijlcnnscs.
Folio wing are the marriage liconsuj Issuoil
yesterday in the county eoart :
Name and KosUloncc. ARC.
( Victor Anderson , Omalia . 22
I Mary Anderson , Omaha . 'J3
I EtnllGanz , Omaha . 07
( Jennie Morris , Omaha . : W
( Isidore Slmno , Omaha . 20
lUcrtha Fcilor , Omaha . S3
j Nolls J. Lund , Omaha . U7
I Kimrm Stonmiulst , Omulm . 21
I Ed. Juol , Auburn , Neb . SIS
1 Cora Leo Graham , South Omaha . -is
i Kielmrd P. O'Urien , Oinalm . W
1 Murfarot A. L.uby , Silver Uity , la . iM
j Alexander Ueeso. Ogalalla , Neb . 41
I Mary 1C. Hyuri , Omulm . ; U
I John MeXuIty. Otnnha . 31
1 Susan O. Harlln , Omaha . , . , . - "
j S. MuiuloUou , Omaliu , . . . . .L'J
J L. Goldstein , St. Paul , . 18
Special meeting of Nuhrapkjc lojlgo ,
No.l , at their hull in Barker block , cor.
15th and Kunmm , Tuesday evening , Mav
21. Visiting brclhron welcomed , Won :
in M , M. degree.
L1JE Murgnrct , beloved wlfo of John O.
1-ec , March 18 , 1SSU , at UsW a. m. ' A god 70
j'earfl , 1 month , 4 days ,
Funeral Monday , May " 0 , at 9 a. in. , from
the resilience ol Hon. John A. McStiuno ,
[ Twenty-sixth uuJ Furnata strcuU ,
HAYDEN nnos.
Sp clnl 8 lo of Wn8h IFC8H Goods.
Wo have the largest Bbldfltlon of wash
dross goods In Omaha. iOur assortment
of sateens never was BO Iffrwo as nt pres
ent. Every now and Jdesrablo style
you will find on our oountora. Extra
bargains in sateens ntOlOc , 12jc , 15c ,
19o and 25c yard. Ourestock of ging
hams contains all thoi novelties in
French and Gorman : glnghams nt
85o , 80o , 45o and 49d ; yard : also
30-Inch Scotch zephyrs axt J5c ! ; 82-luoh
at 20c , etc. , while our stock of American
ginghams , Zanzlbars , Toile do Nerds
Josephine , Mltmordlno. anfl Engadlno
seersucker , stripes , chocks , plain colors
or plaids , is larger than i was over car
ried by any house west of 'Chicago , and
our price on Monday will range from
60 a yard up to lOc. Now styles of
challios nt 8c ; good challios at
Gc , Oc and 7e yd. Batiste , 7jc , lOo
mid 12Jo yd. On Monday you can
have your choice of eighteen different
styles of white dross goods at lOc a
yard , also very good dross goods in
chocks or .plain white at 5c , OJc and 8c ,
Flno white goods of every description.
Our sale of table linen Is still going on.
Many were the bargains that loft our
stores last week , still plenty more for
you this wook. vVo are overstocked on
linens and are therefore giving those
bargains in towels tit lOc , 12c. } ISc , lOo ,
and 25c ; our table linens at 35c and 47c
a yard , arc cheap and arc sell
ing freely , while our white nap-
Jclns and white bed spreads at $1
are extra ynluo. On Monday wo place
all our double width sheetings , pillow
case muslins and yard wide muslin at
not cost , freight not included. Hero is
a golden opportunity for you to buy
double width sheetings and pillow case
muslins. Wall paper you will find on
fourth lloor. HAYDEN BROS. ,
Dry Goods and Carpets.
Only 141 hours to Chicago via. Chicago
cage to Northwestern Ry.
Opinions As to the Most Desirable
locations The llenlty Market.
Every real estate agent In the city has the
only plot of ground especially adapted by
location and nature , for pirlt purposes , and
he Is already at work urging his claims be
fore the park commission. This body was
organized on Thursday and has boon from
the moment of its birth the object of a ircat
deal of attention froai property owners and
dealers. Everybody has an ophtlon as to
just what should bo done In the way of park
improvements. The commissioners are
going at their work la a buslnoss-llko man
ner , however , anil proaiise to take no hasty
action. A number of prominent
citizens have become especially
interested in the matter and will hold a
meeting in a few days to consider the ques
tion of parks and make suggestions and offers
of aid to the commissioners.
Said Hon. William Paxton , yesterday :
"There is nothing small about mo but my
feet. I'm ' in for parks , big ones and lots of
them. First , wo want to improve the parks
wo huvo , then get a pnrk between Omaha
and South Omaha , oao la the western partof
the city , and ono out north , and a lot , or little
fellows wherever wo can llhd a vacant lot. "
Mr. Max Meyer said : " 1 am in favor of n
lot of small parks , breathing plntes scattered
through the business part of the city like
they have In all cities in the old country.
Savannah , Ga. , is the best supplied city
in this respect Mn America. There
you find a small park a block square or less
every few blocks. They are preferable to
largo parks away out In the suburbs. "
Hou. G.V. . Liniiiger , a member of the
board of park commissioners , has made
many observations In the course of his ex
tensive Journoyings of the p.vrk systems in
various cities in America auu in Europe , and
has plans of many of thorn , from which ho
expects to furnish valuable -information for
the commission , fn conversation with a HUE
reporter ynsterday ho said :
"I am hi favor of spending the 6t,000 ) at
the disposal of the commission this year in
at once improving Hansuom and Jeffer
son parks. The work must bo done
properly. Wo will probably get a
competent landscape gardener hero to make
plans for the improvement of theio parks ,
and then go to work according to the plans.
Then , with money to bo voted by bonds , wo
can look out for locations for other parks. I
am in favor of a double bolt of parks , com
mencing at South Omaha and extending
north , ono of tncin including Hauscom park ,
another near Wiilnut Hill , und ono north of
that. The second belt should bo a couple of
miles west of this line , where the parka
could bo lareer on account of cheaper prop
erty. Then g'vo ' us as large n number ns
possible of ono block parks , as near the busi
ness portion of the city as possible. It is too
late to think of many of them cast of Six
teenth street , but we will have no trouble in
scouring them south of the tracks and in the
western imrt of the city. I want to see all
real estate speculation kept out of our
work. "
The park commission held a mcctlnc , yes
terday afternoon , and closed arrangements
to establish headquarters In room .f)19 , Paxton
block. They propose to get right down to
bed rock business nt once and go In for mak
ing just as many ami extensive Improve
ments as possible in the parks already
established. Attention will doubtless bo
given first to the small parks on Capitol
nvenuo between Eighteenth ami Twentieth
streets. _
The Itcalty Record.
The real estate market continues fairly
active with prices very ilrui. A number of
largo transfers were made during the week.
G. H. Leslie Invested ? 18,000 In South Omaha
lots , while E. S , flood put a similar amount
in West Omaha lots. A largo number of
deals in outside lots ranging from $1,000 to
(10,000. were made. The record lor the week
is us follows :
Monday . $58,020
Tuesday . 132,6'JS
Wednesday . a2,8iW
Thursday . a > ,171
Friday . 40,073
Saturday . 28,015
The linililinj ; Ilecord.
The records of building penults for the
past week shows a decided fulling oft from
previous weeks. A number of plans arc
rcadv ami penults will bo taken out as soon
as the pending labor troubles are settled ,
The week's record Is as follows :
Monday . $8.140
Tuesday . r . 11,603
Wednesday . U.WX )
Thursday . 0-luO
Fridaj . 4,82(5 (
Saturday . 8,950
Total . . . . . . . . . . I51.8TO
nuiliiiK I'orniiM.
The following psrmlti swore Uauod by
Building Inspector \VluUock yesterday :
Ucorgu I'ritchctt , addition to dwelling ,
Tweiity-sefoml and Ciit-s . i 6,030
J. It. Muclronzlu , twonioiybrlok dwel
ling , Nelson , neur Ilomuvarcl . U.fiUO
J , KudowHkey , one-atory tranw store
room. r.4 bouth Twentieth . 7fO
Two minor permits , . TOO
Five permlU , aggregating . * H , ( < 50
"Ostriches , like catlla , uro liable to
htampodo , " said a Capo Town man at
the Palace hotel , San Francisco , "hut
the funniest thing thoydo as to waltz. "
"How , pi-ay , Is that done ? "
"Tho leader of the herd , generally an
old male ostrich , evidently thiiiku that
his followers bhould have BOIIIO diver
sion on tholong march from ono pasture
to another , uo ho begins by slowly but
gracefully turning round and round. In
tivo minutes the whole Hock la doing
tlie biuno. and it is quite a bight their
long plumes waving in the wind until
they conclude to quit and go on Ihoir
way. Mosle , of course , has nothing to
do'with their dancing. " *
Amended articles of the Oinalm Gas Man
ufacturing company , were filed yesterday
afternoon with the county clerk. The
amount of capital stock as amended IB
$1,500,000 , divided Into shares of (10J each.
The articles uro Hlgned by Trunk Murphy ,
[ president , und George E. UarUcr , secretary ,
llnydon Bros.
Monday morninp , May 20 , wo will
start a special sale on our fourth floor.
Wo have received n great m.ny now
goods during this past week on this
floor , which will all bo on sale Monday
Straw matting at lOc , 12Jc and 15c
yard. Jolntloss matting nt 25o yard.
Embroidered straw matting at'50c. .
Those arc bargains and will sell quick.
Manilla matting nt 76e yard.
Napier matting 85o and 60c. English
hemp carpets in great variety , also
coco door malts at 50c and 75o each.
Stair carpets tit 18c , 80o , 85c , and /50c
yard. Ingrain carpets at ISc , 2-3c , 40c ,
45c , 50o , 55c , COc , Ooo and 76c yard. Wo
are showing all now styles and designs
In carpets. Nothing carried over in
this lino. This is our first season that
wo hnndlo carpets in Omaha and wo
are making low prices to build up a
trade In this lino. Yard wide floor oil
cloth 2oc , ; i5c , 40c and 50c yd. Smyrna
rugs ntOltc , OSc , 05c$1.50. $2$2.60$2.GO ,
83.60 and $4.50 each. Furniture and
rug fringe at lOc , 12Jc , 15c , lOc ana 2oc
n yard Wo have just received another
invoice of Ihoso elegant window shades
0. 7 and 8 foot long , on sale Monday at
COo , OOo mill 76c. Pongee , Madras ,
China and Beatrice drapery in all
colors , ranging in price from lOc to lOo
a yard. Lace curtain not 7c , 80 lOc ,
12Jc , 15o , 17o and 2oc a yard. Another
lot of those cheap lace curtains Monday ,
only le ! ) each , 2"c and ! 15c each. It will
also pay you to examine the bargains
in Nottingham lace curtains at 81.25 ,
SI.60 , $1.75 , $2 , $2.50 , $3 , $3.60 ,
$4.00 , 54.60 and $5.00 a pair , with each
will furnish you a polo and brass trim
mings free on Monday. Compare our
prices on baby carriages and you will
have money by buying them at Ilaydon's.
Look over our bargains in our curiosily
shop. You will find lots of them. Take
olovalor lo 4th lloor. Hero is whore
you also find our wall paper doparlmonl.
Dry Goods and Carpele.
Why Is It Tlint People Insist On Going
Kant To Milcn Purchases ?
Ono of the men connevtod with Iho
advertising department of THK BKK
called at the establishment of Messrs.
Purlin , Orondorff , & Martin Co. , yes
terday , and asked Mr. Euclid Martin if
ho wouldn't like to have a half page ad
vertisement in SUNDAY'S BKH.
Mr. Martin said : "Well , I've just
been figuring on some way to got
the fact before the people that we have
on hand a largo assortment of buggies
and carriages that wo are going to dis
pose of this spring at anything above
"You see many Omaha bankers and
men generally who want * to buy line
carriages boom to prefer going east and
payincr from 25 to 60 per conl moro for
the same grade of goods. Why this is ,
I don't know , but wo have concluded to
quit car'-ying anything but such work
as the jobbing trade demands. We will
clean out all our fine stock at oueo. and
shall , as I said before , take any price
above the cost , in order to dispose of
them at onco.
"If you will call later in the day I'll
have a half-page advertisement ready
and wo will see if we can't close out our
buggies , carriages , etc. "
Why go oasl and pay higher prices
than the same grade of goods can bo
bought lor right in Omaha ?
Why not go direct to Parlin , Oron-
dorlT & Martin company , corner Oth and
Jones sts. and inspect Ihoir fine bug
gies , carriages , olc. , thatthoyare olTor-
ing at almosl any price ?
A Few Minor Cntics Commenced yes
terday Judgments entered.
Francis M. Wright filed a bill yesterday In
the district court to foreclose a mechanic's
lien on a house and lot in Orchard Hill. The
indebtedness is f 125 , and the defendants to
the suit are John and Anna Fatonscr and
Lawrence Mvers & Co. , of New York ,
commenced suit against Peter E. Connolly
and Edward Culligan to recover $1,531 , al
legcd to bo duo for liquors sold and de
taivaufmnn Bros. & Bendy sued John A.
Froyhan for fOM on two promissory notes.
W. M. Shuster & Co. sued lone G. Daniels
for $253 on a bill of merchandise.
County Court.
Judge Shields disposed of the following
cases yesterday , in the county court : MichiJ
gan Mutual Life Insurance company vs
Horstoy , Judgment for plaintiff , $102 ; Wako-
field vs Omaha Carriage and Sleigh com
pany , judgment for $315 ; Crlglor vs Connolly
nelly , judgment for $ S23 ; Paxton & Vierling
Iron works vs Brush , judgment for $201.
Kudolph II. Gratto sued F. II. Uuck ou
notes. 0. M. Oshorno & Co. , also sued John
Mlliulskl on notes.
A Pension Perjury Cane.
Christian Mudsen , of Norfolk , who has
boon before the United States grand jury on
the charge of perjury in the pension case of
James Creamer , /vas dismissed from prose
cution yesterday.
Creamer i also n resident of Norfolk. Ho
was discharged from the army on a surgeon's
cortlnVuto for varicose veins , which existed
prior to his enlistment In the army. Some
time ago Creamer applied for n pon-
ion. The pension department asked
for proof of Creamer's soundness before
entering the army. Mndson made an affidavit
assiirting that ho know Creamer four years
before the war , und claimed that ho HUW him
dally , and on several occasions went In buttle
with him. An investigation was made , ami
Madson then admitted that ho never saw
Creamur until 1870 , and that prior to the war
ho lived in Canada.
Although the falsity of the aflldnvlt up-
pcars to have been clearly established , it is-
supposed that the grand jury concluded that
Mudsen was induced to sign it through ig
norance , and not with fraudulent intent , and
hence dismissed the caso.
FrMny mid Saturday , Muv 24 Hi anil 2rli | ,
and Siiluriliiy Milince.
A Now Light Oporn by HKM.A HOIIINSO.V.
llltlUIlT SI'AJlkl.TNO MUSIC !
WIIISTUNO I'oucA , n y oiionus oi'anu.s !
Given by a company of 70 jicopla In new and
ulfguut cml nines < > r ti ) KlKhternth Cen
tury , ull under thodlre llmioriho
yonni' lady composer.
SOLOISTS llerllia ilulUp. SonninaAima.Mcr ;
kel I'.vain. Contralto ; I. M. Treynor , 'J'en"or.
Seals go on tale Tu : ' duy moinln , Heynlar
prices. _ _
Week of May a ) . Iho Jilt' . HperlaciilHr Uncle
Tom'H Cabin Co. , Introducing in its enllicty the
great moraldr.unn ,
Thefumoin Topsoy. The comical n centric
luwyvr. Tu > Iir tlr en'H troiipo of Alabama
Inbfieo hliiKcre. Tmililn ? lloatliiif ice hctme.
ilza iMiiTmsuroMtiit ( ! iihlo Hhur.
IIl-8HK'SiN. : the Chlneia Cmdcivjla , nna
her two iilmond-eji-d bablef-i'nlu , viiumng lit-
tieColeiiUiiU111 liBbei-u in curio hall , ll |
imr.u.Ui > n * in ullpaitJOt tUe Louse , Ono dlmo
udmiU to ull.
N. n.
On Momltxr Morning.
\Vo commence n ( front clearing snlo
of muslin underwear. At this Benson
wo find our stock very honvy nnd will
mnko Bomo unusually low prices
next week to reduce it. They
nro nil bountiful now goods
nnd made by the best manufacturer.
Wo hnvo arranged thorn in lots to mnko
it moro convenient for our customers
to mnko n selection. > Vo would cnll
spoclnl attention to our 60c table.
Tlioro is displayed n beautiful nssort-
montot corset covers , drawers , chemise
and gowns ; ull nicely trimmed nnd oqunl
to anything in the market nt 75c.
The snmo assortment will bo found on
our Too , 81.00. $1.2-5 nnd Ul.GO tnblo ? .
Wo .will nlso olTor some splendid
vnlucs in children's drosses. Our stock
was never so complete nnd the prices
never so low. Our COo dresses are as
good value ns anything shown nt
76e. Wo have n full as
sortment up to SS.OO , und
over n dozen different stylos.
Wo hnvo just opened n line of child
ren's Inco caps. They will also bo
plncod on unlo to-morrow morning. The
price runs from SJf > o up nnd nro iJS per
cent loWer than anything1 yet offered.
In our lace department many bargains
will bo offered in black chttntllly lace
llouncings from $1.25 up.
In our cloak department nn elegant
line of girl's gingham nnd porcnlo
dresses will bo ollorcd nt extremely low
25 pieces 22 in. plain China silks in
nil Iho new similes to-morrow nt 4'Jc ,
worth 85o. N. B. FALCONER.
The new Quick Meal gasoline stove ,
with its numerous improvements , and
the reputation it has established in the
last eovon years , is simply Hooding
Omaha this spring. So far the demand
is double to any other season nnd last
season 2:25 : wore sold in Omaha.
1G21 Howard st.
For Sale Imported Shetland nnd High
land ponies from E. C. Miller , ot Morcl'os-
ton rnncno , Nnnco county , Neb. Apply
Mr. ShorwooiVs palace stables.
- !
a "Clothes do not mafco the mau perhaps ,
i "lint If ho is poor In dress
Y "The world is bound to notice it
J "Andsomehow love him Icsi. "
f NICOLL'S $20 to $45
made to order suits puts
f good clothes within the
reach of all ,
t | Gome and see the
| All-wool Gassimeres for $201
4 Serges and Cheviots for $204
{ scotches and Thebets for $25 J
JWMc ani Narrow Diagonal ? for $25 j
4 Silk-mixed Worsteds' for $304
{ Soft as Silk Worsteds |
4. $35 and $40 $ 4
J Trousers $5 to $10
1409 Douglas Street , Omaha
or TUB
At Omaha , In the State of Nebraska , nt the
close of business May 13th , 1880.
Loans and discounts. . . . 12,273,073 M
Overdrafts 10,164 15
U. S. llomls to secure clr-
illation ipnr value ) . . . . 60,00000
U. S. llomis to secure do-
. . . . . . . . . 376,000 00
Other Rtocka bonds ixad
2,131 S3
Ihto from niijtrovoil ro-
dervo njicntn. . I 440,33521
Duo from other Natloiml
llnnlm . , . . . . . lfO,7U 74
Duo from StiUolltmks ana
.JlUnkcrfj. . . . 275,120 62niWOO 47
Hanking Honso
Current Kxpenscs and
Taxes I'ald 145 n
Premiums 1'altl 33.1C1 w
Checks and other wh
Item * , 1P.O 81
Exchanges for clearing
homo ; 101.509 10
llllls ot other National
Hanks 10,00000
fractional paper curren
cy , nlckols anil emits. . . 2,035 10
Specie gold anil silver
coin nsn.wx ) co "
l > Kal tender notes 213,500 PO733,793 IT
Redemption fnnil with \t.
8. Treasurer (5 ( per cent
of circulation ) CIO 00
Total lM.a21,139 i)3 )
Capital stock palil In. . . . t r.00,000 00
Hurpius fund NHUXW 00
Undivided iirollts 4M ! 1 !
National flank notes
Indlvlilnal deposit Bllb-
Joot to checK $1,120 , M 03
Dnmnnil certificates of
deposit 47opr > 77
Tlmu certificates of de-
Cut tilled checks . 11,271 m
Cashier's chocks . or. ! Kt
United St'itos dope-Mils. , h2r,7U 4'J
Ucpn lts ot U. S. dls-
bur.slniJ oniroi-s . 103,09247
Duo to oth > r National
Hanks . n22IJ0537
Due to State- Hanks mid
bankers . 763.714 153,031,016 13
Total . SVKI.13 ! ) 88
STATK OF NnmiASKA , Countvof Dmmlas-BS. : '
T , F. II. Davis , cashier of the abovo-tiamod
bank , do solemnly swear that the nliovo state
ment Is true to the best of my knowledge nnd
belief. V. H. iuvm. Cnsliicr.
Subset Iheil anil sworn to before mo this 18th
ilny of May , IFW.
O II. Situi'i'Aiti ) , Notary Public.
t'oitUKOT Attest :
It. KotiNT/n , I
SEAIJ. . M. \ , ii , JDlrcctora ,
llKNIlVl'UNUT , )
1 I t ft i
"jiluuiAi n a
At Omaha , In the. State of Nebraska , at the close
of business May Win ISi'J.
Loans ami discounts ? I,21P,182 30
Ovcrdrnft8Bccurcd and un
secured "l > ,00597
U. S. Honds to secure clr- J.
dilation 60,00000
U. 8. Hands to secure da-
poults 200,00000
Otlier stocks , bonds and *
inortKARca 11,000 Od
Duo from Approved He-
servo Atrents $180,110 87
Due from other National
banks 20,90310
Duo from Statu bunks und
bunkers 0,025 60 210,078 69
Heal cstatv , fmnliurn and
tlxtnros 11,02311
Current expenses and taxes
paid fi.l-OO 09
Premiums paid 28,00000
Chucks and other cash
Items .13,810 39
nxchangcs for clearing
house 30,07 ; ) 18
Hills of other bants 19,1120 00
Fractional paper currency ,
nlckelsuml cents 1,148 Wl
Specie 222,875 10
l.CK'il ' tender notes 1W.600 00 340,942 Cl
Itodemptlon fund with U.
8. Treasurer ( fi per emit
of circulation ) 2,2i > 0 10
Total t2iU4,7S9 : CO
Capital stock paid In t 500,00000
SurplUH fund 100,00000
Undivided profits 20,270 70
National bank notes out
standing 46,00000
Individual deposits subject
to chock tf > 88.100 78
Domund curtlflcates of de
posit 0,61465
Tfmo certlllcates of de
posit 231.057 04
Certified checks 8,113 GO
Cashier's checks outstand
ing' 2.01)4111,191,20068 )
United States deposits 200,100 00
Duo to other national
bunks. . . . 138.84074
Due to Htatu banks and
bankers 100,471 45'
Totnl { 2,304.789 60
CotT.STV Ot'DOlIfll.AH. f
1 , lion H. Wood , cashier of the above named
bank , do solemnly swnar that the iibovo state
ment Is true to the best of my knoH Icdgo and
belief. UKN II. WOOD , Cnsliler ! ' ,
Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this 18th
ilny of May , IBbfl. E. 13. IJAini ,
[ HIAI..J : Notary Public.
Correct Attest :
KIIANK Mtnirnr , I
OFO. W. DOANK , VDIroctorB.
IvUTlHMl DltAKB , )
$5. $ A FULL SET OF TEETH $5. $
, , , , ,
Paxton Block , 16th and Farnam Streets.
We wish to announce to the pcoplo of Omahiv and vicinity that from
this date on wo propose to maUo a FULL SOT OP TEETH on rubber for
$5 , gu iv ran teed to bo as well made as platen sent out from any Dontiil of
fice in this city , and for which you would have to pay TIIUEE TIMES AS
This oflor is not made by us simply to got you into our ollico nnd charge
you more for a sot of tooth than wo ndvertlsol „
Do not allow others to prejudice you before makfng us n call and exam
ining specimens of our skill.
Besides , rubber plates wo make tenth on the following bnbos : GOLD ,
Teeth without plates , Uridfjc-work , Gold and Porcelain faced crowns , etc.
The best method in the city for extracting tooth without pain aud with
out the use of Chloroform , Ether , Gas or Electricity , the patient remain-
inf , ' perfectly conscious , but fooling no pain.
All work warranted nnd registered.
DU. E. W. ELLIS , of St. Louis , who is now associated with this olllco , is
an export in all branches of the profession , having no superiors und few
equals Take elevator on-Sixteenth street.
Cut this out. Mention this papor.
ail South 10th st Omuliu Neb ,
Terra Cotta worK and Tire 1'rotlng. I'ocor.i Mo-tjr colors , ( ll HliudBwe ! ) iiyriiVUuinu W l r ,
HardWoo.t l'uio'i . Vwiwtlnn nnd Mldlnj ; iiii'iioi lillmlj. Contractor * un4 UulUlgr'n eufipUM *
Cull and svo buuiplw , utid tot i.iicw , torren ouucuii ; iulklud ,