Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1889, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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When we cla nti that we sell our goods just as we advertise them. We never fail you. You know
that you can always rely on our bargains as being strictly genuine and by calling at
To-morrow , Monday , you will find the greatest sale on that day that has ever yet been held in
Omaha. We are fully alive to the needs of the people , and you will find our store from the basement
to the top floor chock full of marvelous bargains. Come early Monday.
Tondaye wilt offer 100 pieces 75c dress
laUnto 42 luciies wide , your choice. IWc
Thousands of bargains iu our bnsomont.
Ono more day , Monday , your choice of 25
pieces summer check surahs , all dark colors.
Worth "Scynrd , on sale Monday , , ' Kc yard
We will show you Monday the best thing over
Offered In all linen crash at tic yard , worth UJ
Thousands of bargains iu our basement.
Jnst arrived , 1 case fine whlto bed f > preada.
large size , would bo cheap at 11.60. our prlco
Monday , life each.
Bennison Bros
Salliupf Under An Assumed Name
in Lincoln.
Ho Worked In a Butcher Shop , and
Uttered Forged Checks on the bide
Ills Mother's Anxious
LINCOLN UUIIEAU or Tnn O.\ Ban , )
1029 P STKBST , }
LiNcoMf. May 13. I
Men of the noble lineage .sometimes go
Wrong , us well as the common mortals of
earth. This Is * true at least In the case of
Charles Thomas , the young man recently
r found guilty In the district court of having
uttered forged paper to the amount of $07 ,
and who nov/ awaits sentence for his crime.
.It has just been learned that ho 1ms been liv
ing under an assumed name , but why will
probably never bu known. The young man
came to Lincoln nearly two years ago , und
shortly afterward engaged with Hubbnrd
Bros. , of this city , und wont to work at the
butchers' trade. From the first , however ,
it scorns that ho had a penchant
{ or evil doing , for ho had worked
for the firm but u short tltno until ho got into
trouble und had to bu helped out to escape the
penalty of tbo law. This the firm did uuder
promise of a bettor life. But , it seems , ho
soon forgot nin pledge , and Ills employers
wore compelled to sot him adrift , or run the
chance of base betrayal at bis hands. Headers
Of THU Beit are acquainted with the episode
at ( bo Capital National hank , whom he at
tempted to pass a forged chuck for f'J7 , and
his subsequent arrest by Officer Pound at
Sterling. For thin crime ho was tried and
convicted , and must soon suffer thu sentence
of tli court. Thu following translated let
ter. addressed to Hubbnrd Bros. , will ex
plain something of the antecedent * of the
wayward young man :
"HnicNWAUUiN , IIBI POI.OKIK , Pommorn ,
Germany , April 13 , Ibb'J. Honored Sirs
You will kindly pardon mo my request , and
[ V as well fulfill it. So give uio an account of
r wy eon , Werner bun Muntonfui , known to
lj ; you by the nauio of Charles Thomas employed -
1 ployed by you as u butcher. My sou wrote
the last time to mo on thu iidth of lust Sep
tember alter having been badly hurt on the
6th by u beet falling on his right arm. But
then ho was' nearly recovered and hoped
eon to bo able to take up his work again.
Each month since , till February , I wrote
long loiters to him , requesting his answers.
In my growing anguiah because ot his lust
ing Bilunco , I wrote to him that if the month
of March elapsed without a sign of Ufa on
bis part , I should write to you , sir , as hli
master , nnd entreat of you to lot inn know
what hud become of him. Now I foul obllued
to keep ray word. My afflicted and sorrow
ful heart ( n asking you , sir , to bo so
kind us to toll mo thu whole truth about my
son , nnd God man t that not a greater amount
of hard alltictlon may fall upon us through
my unhappy , yet still bnlovod son. Truly
onu mo word soon. Respectfully yours ,
During the day TDK BEK representative
took occasion to investigate this matter care
fully , and the assurance Is con elusive that
Charles Thomas , so called , is a son of Gov
ernor Von Mantuufful , deceased , of thu pro
vince of Alsace Lorraine , and a grandson of
General Von Mautouffel , who became so
famous iu the Franco-German war. If the
oldMt non , he la pretty entitled to wear the
name ot count , whllo bis mother U the
Countotts of Lorraine.
A Ntiw VltrlliiitTbrloU Plant.
play 60th 1s the day f.xed upon by the
Beatrice Paving and llulldlnu Brick com
pany to commence business , and it continues
thereafter fifty years. The object and pur4
paaa of the corporation it to manufacture
had Mil paving and builQIng brick and any
KUtf all other article s pertaining to the bun-
I. Article 4 fixes the capital stock at
.000 , which U divided late 1,000 bare of
J r v U of 1100 outb , The article * of
Monday only , CO pieces line check naliHooks ,
worth Klc yard , on sale one day only , Tcyard.
.Ono day , Monday , SB pieces fine white India
llnons , only DC j ard.
See our other luilf-pago advortiso-
inont on HIIRO 17.
The great bargains of the season. No ono
can match them. They are wortn up to We
each ; wo nro closing them at It-c. firing the
children along so as to get the right size , as we
cannot exchange any of this lot. Only 18c each.
Thousands of bargains in our basement.
Drapery Scarfs ,
BO di apery scnrts. In fancy strlpos , fringed at
both ends , just half price Monday , Hoc each.
Bennison Bros
incorporation were filed in the office ot the
secretary of state to-day. Beatrice is dis
tinguished ns the principal place for the
transaction of business. Incorporutors : W.
H. Duflll , David Nice , Charles L. Schell , H.
J. Chamber : ) nnd P. J. Robinson.
ContrnotN Awarded.
The board of public lands and buildings
hold an adjourned mooting , to-day , and
awarded the contracts for putting up the
lire escapes at various state institutions and
for the erection of the boiler house ut the
Hustings insuno asylum. Gustavo Audorson
of Omaha , secured the contract for putting
up fire escapes at the insane asylums at Nor
folk and Hastings , the blind asylum at Ne
braska City and the Institute tor the fccblo
minded at Beatrice. The aggregate sum
that he will receive for his work Is $10,000.
The contract for the erection of the boiler
house was lot subject to conditions , but it is
understood that Mr. Stewart was tele
graphed and that ho acceded to thorn. Ho is
to receive 311,700 for the work. This in
cludes the boiler house , suiokc U k and
tunnel. _
A Now Court Digest.
Guy A. Brown , clerk of the supreme
court , is preparing an index for the state re
ports from volume 1 to volume 35. It will
doubtless bo of rcat aid to the lawyers of
the state In brleilng their oases ana making
citations. The work Is already in the hands
of the printers and will be Issued in the near
future. It is said that its arrangement is
perfect in Its way , and u little more elabor
ate than the ordinary digest.
By the way , Mr. Brown reached Lincoln
to day after an absence of several months.
The copy for his now digest was prepared at
his mountain retreat near Colorado
Springs , Col. , whore ho was hoping to re
gain his health. The late news of his dis
tressing condition is verified by his return.
His health Is anything but good or as
suring. .
City Nowa und Notes.
John Majors , of MoCook , Is still said to bo
a possibility for register of the McCook land
office. Ho was in the city , to-day , and stated ,
with some assurance , that Senator Lindsay
had everything but u walk-away. Mr. Ma
jors will not yield the fight until an adverse
appointment Is officially made.
The district court , in both the first and second
end rooms , put In thu forenoon hearing mo
tions and minor routine work In docket doc-
toriug , Trials will bo pushed throughout
next week , und a sturdy effort will bo made
to knock nut cases that have boon hanging
on from time immemorial.
Judge JntTurHon H. Broady , of Beatrice ,
and xvlfo weru in Lincoln , to-day. The judge ,
us usual , was hero on legal business.
Chief Nuwbury and Councilman Dean are
In Chicago inspecting improved Uro appa
ratus , preparatory to purchasing the sup
plies for the year. The visit Is made to aid
the council In the Intelligent discharge of
this important duty.
A liooturo on llreHS
Miss Mnbel Jennoss lectured before about
two hundred ladies In the Grand opera bouse
yesterday afternoon on the subject of
"Physical Culture. " Miss .leanest u carry
ing on the work commenced by tier sister ,
Mrs. Jonncss Miller , who spoke on "Drossr
Reform" Iu this city two weeks ago. Her
lecture was'nn interesting ono , and was an
earnest appeal for higher physical develop
ment for women , and a dissertation upon
the host moans for attaining such dnvolop-
tnont. During the lecture the following
points were taken up nnd discussed : Exor
cise In general ; UlJtereut kinds of exorcise ,
and their relative values : the carriage and
bearing of the body , in standing , sitting ,
walking , and In going up and down stairs ;
grace essential to the highest development
and greatest strength ; the value of correct
breathing iu physical development ; the cor
rect use of the voice as a help toward phy
sical development , and the cultivation of
health ,
Continuing Mrs. Miller's work on dress
reform , Ml Jounoss exhibited during the
tcoluro a dross modeled on the Greek , a
carriage costume , a traveling costume , a
troet droM , loca gown for summer wear ,
tWo lea gowns , a morningbouse dross , an
evening Ureas and a wrap , all made accord
ing tn'tho reform plan , whlca abolishes the
obao-lou * buitlo and health-destroy/lng
co net steal.
Swiss Flouncings ,
Did yon set aw hlto dross pattern last week ?
No ? Well , this la your last cliunce , get ono this
uaek , is-lnch embroidery Uouuclug , oulv fcTc
} ard , worth Jl CO.
Hem Stitch Flouncings
\Ve are showing an olcgnnt 43-incb embroid
ery flouncing hem stitched oottotn , only $1.03
worth (1.CO.
Ladies' Balbriggan Vests ,
A line grade ladlea bnlbrlggan vests , low
neck , ribbed arm , worth 6Uc , we want to close
thorn out , only -f > c unclu
Sco our other half-pugo advarliso-
mont on pugo 17.
Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests.
A hlnh grade of fine Jersey ribbed vests , lisle
finish , nmdu In block patterns , only 4'Jc each ,
cheap at 7fic.
Bennison Bros
Mr. Mahoncy'8 Keport on the Records
of the Various Official ? .
According to instructions from the board
of county commissioners , County Attorney
Mahoney submitted u lengthy report to the
board at .yesterday afternoon's mooting in
regard to quarterly reports of county officials.
Tbo attorney stated that all officers of the
county had made reports for the quarter end
ing April 1 , 1889 , except the sheriff. All the
reports , In the opinion of the county's legal
advisor , were in accordance with law except
that of the county clerk and the registdr of
deeds. In these reports , while the amounts
received for fees were regularly set down and
daily accounted for , they hod simply been
charged to tbo number of instruments and
names ot the parties pay lug them omitted
from the records. The county attorney says
this had been the custom of the officials in
keeping the records as far back as ho went.
He Had n consultation with both the county
clerk and the register of deeds , and both as
sured him that in the future the records
would bo kept so as to show by whom foes
were paid , and that thoy-would comply with
the Btatutory provisions in making out their
reports. The jail records had been examined
and found correct.
Relative to the resolution of Mr. Anderson
in regard to charging SI for filing certain in
struments , and giving the county credit for
J5 cents thereof , the attorney said he had
boon unable to find uny cause upon which to
haso nn action , either criminal or civil. The
report of the clerk showed on the dates men
tioned in the finance committee's report that
the clerical woru performed for outsldo par
ties was paid for by the clerk. Affidavits by
Mr. Roetie and Miss Mornn , who did the
work , accompanied the communication. They
wore ordered filed , as was ulso the opinion.
S. J. Pope & Co. presented a bill , accompa
nied by the third estimate in the plumbing
contract for the county hospital , asking for
$3,570.03. It was approved.
Sheriff Coburn submitted a bill for (1,704.75
for fees during the February term of court.
It was roforrod. Several small bills were
The county attorney made propositions for
settlement of the question as to the lots on
which the present poor house is located ,
which were purchased by Judge Haseall.
The first proposition provides for the county
executing u deed for the premises to him ac
cording to the contract of the sulo of the
property , rcsorvlncr the right to remove the
buildings from the lots ut any time before a
specified day. Thn second provides for the
county securing time sufficient to remove tbo
buildings , nnd thu third is for tbo county
leasing the buildings of Hascall , but names
no figures as rental. The propositions were
referred to the finunco committee.
Clerk Webb was instructed to notify the
workmen on the now county hospital to stop
work until the changes ordered are ap
proved. _
Erwlu Batdorf , a UKB carrier , residing at
037 North Twenty-sixth street , sustained a
fracture of his shouldar yesterday afternoon
by falling under his horse.
Thomas Martin , a guest at the Millard ,
found u gold watch on Farautn street yester
day afternoon ,
Louis Wills , u young lad five years of ago ,
was found on Tenth and Dodge streets last
night and taken to the police station , tils
parents live ut Twenty-sixth und Soward.
Iron Hall Convention.
A supreme sitting of the Iron Hull CoOperative -
Operative Insurance association will be held
iu this city oa the .iStli of this montri , and
Mxty delegates from all parts of the United
Sta tes will bo present. The association will
at this time organize a branch in this state.
This will bo the first convention of this asso
ciation over held In the west. The head
quarters will be at the Mlllard. Mr. George
Brush , of this city , was ono of the first mem
bers of this organization.
A Constable. Missing.
P. II. Horan , a constable of the Eighth
ward , and an old citizen of this city , has boon
m < sslnp from homo since last Monday. The
last heard of him was Monday morning ,
when ho came Into Justice Shaw's ' office and
went out to serve touio paper * . Since then
ho has not been heard from. Nu reason can
bo given by his friends for hia disappearance.
Foul play Is suspected. *
14c ,
bargain over offered
in Onm.ia ,
Ladies' Brilliant Lisle Hose ,
A very fine grode.ladlos' brilliant llslo hoso.
Wo have too many ; they are worth Jl.OO ; In
blacks , tans , brbwnM. anodes and greys , also a
line of fancies goes in same lot. Your cnolco
Monday , GUceach.
Ladies""Fast Bl'k Hose ,
We have a full line , all sizes , warranted to be
absolutely fast bUclr ,
Journeymen Plumbers Anticipate
the Bosses' Action.
The Carpenters' Co-opcrativo Store
About Assured Printers Hln
Contracts Other lml > or
Duncan and the Plumbers.
The Journeymen plumbers are after the
scalp of Plumbing Inspector Duncan , und in-
* tcnd to lo.ivo no stone unturned to secure his
removal from office. They claim that Dun
can has done everything ho can to bring
about their defeat in tbo struggle between
thorn and tbo master plumbers , and that ho
has used his official position to accomplish
this end. They assert that his recent bil-
ligercnt attitude toward W. H. Spclman Is
duo alone to the fact that Spelman has boon
with them and .refused to stand by the mas-
tors' association In Its intention to order a
lockout , and that In passing his opinion upon
work done by "scabs" ho has made such
opinion favorable in order to injure them.
And so thn journeymen plumbers' union
desires the official decapitation of Mr. Dun
can.Tho matter was laid before the central
labor union nt a meeting hold
In Green's hall last nisrtit , by a
committee from the plumbers' union ,
and as a result a > committee was appointed
to take such action as it shall deem neces
sary to accomplish the desired .end. Reso
lutions were adopted , addressed to the
mayor and council , setting forth those
charges against Duncan , and asking that ho
bo rouioved from office and a more suitable
man appointed. Those resolutions will be
laid before the mayor on Monday , with the
request that ho present them to the council
at the mooting to no hold Tuesday night.
Duncan says ho is perfectly neutral as far
as tbo two organizations are concerned , but
after further conversation , acknowledged
that bis sympathies really loaned
towards tbo masters' association , as ho bad
pnco been a muster plumber himself.
In the matter.Q.tiQ ) men from other unions
than the plumbers'"leaving work ouTiir. BUR
building , the Convrtil union has telegraphed
to national headquarters for instructions.
Wnrrlnu IMumbur I.
The Journeymen plumbers' walkout dur
ing the past week Gas affected , to some or
ient , every building trades union in the city.
The walkout is'duel to the declaration made
by the master plumbers , at a meeting hola
Saturday night ; tiiat they would order a
lockout the following Wednesday. The
Journeymen did , wt wait for this , but
walked out { ot ( their own accord ,
Monday morning , , , without parley , In
throe shops 'only have they remained at
work. These are gtrang & Clark's , W. H.
Spelnmn's and WoISban & McBwan's. The
men are still ouVa'AVtnero Is nothing to indi
cate a speedy adjustment of tbo differences
between masters and Journeymen. The
whole trouble arose from tno refusal of tbo
Muster's association to recognize the union ,
Tbo principal light has been made
upon the Hussey & Day company ,
under contract to do the plumblne In the
now BKB buildlnir. This Jinn has boon un
able to secure Journeymen since the walk
out , hut instead secured the services of live
or six members of the master's association
and pcrsuuaed thorn to don overalls and go
to soldering. This precipitated moro trouble ,
The Journeymen declared that uuless thcso
men , "scabs" as they called them , were sent
off the work they would induce all the painters -
ors , carpenters , tile layers , and iu fact all
tbo workmen on , the building , to leave it.
The plasterers 'wore Induced to lay down
their trowels and quit early in the week.
All of the various unions affected met In
special 8e tou Friday , and determined to
stick to the plumbers to the end und to leavd
Ladies' Silk Mitts ,
Now ones. Just arrived fresh from the mills
r 0 dozen blacks and color * , loot at thorn tniro ,
Monday only 15c pair.
Ladies' Silk Mitts ,
A full line of lace nnd jersey Hill : uiltts , blacks
and colors at > c , worth 4'c.
Just arrived , on sale Monday , 1 ca o Tlilstlo
snmmor corsets , worth II.Uo , at 7 , " > c pair.
Persian Shawls ,
Monday wo will lot out just JOS Persian shawls
at only II. worth 13.60.
Beaded Wraps ,
ladles beaded wraps with solid beaded net
blccnos , Monday only , W , worth $10.
work upon their request. Under this
decision twenty carpenters walked out ,
yesterday , and the others say they will fol
low if an amicable udjustmont of the dlfll-
cultios is not made by next Tuesday.
Among the Printers.
The contracts existing for two years past
between the members of Typographical
union , No. 100 , and the newspaper ofllces ,
expired on the 10th of this month. They
were all renewed on Friday , the scale being
the sumo as In the past.
Secretary ICImmcl has issued a neat card
giving the status of the various printing
offices in the city with thu union , They are
as follows :
Newspapers Fair : American Press Asso
ciation , Tnn Ben , the Dispatch , the Herald ,
the Inter-State Democrat , the Kopubliuau ,
the World , the Excelsior , the Mercury , the
Western Horseman.
Job Ofllces Chase & Eddy , Cotter , Dis
patch , Franklin Printing Co. , Finlavson &
Douglass , Government print shop , Klopp &
Burtlott , Kramer & Green , McBride &
Ilyan , Hccs , Republican , Kodflcld , Western
Printing company.
Shops that uro open to union men Acker-
man Bros. & Helntzo , Fostnor , Manger , llall-
.way News Hoporter , Sylvester , Swnrtz.
Shops unfair to union men Hcchtold
Bros. , Gibson , Miller & Kichardsou , H.
Johnstone , Stonccypher.
Kogular meeting of the union next Sunday.
A Noted Tjubor Ijcoturor.
KIchard Trovollick , the noted labor lec
turer , will address the laboring men of
Omaha next Friday evening upon the eight-
hour question. Mr. Trcvolllck bognn his
career as a labor agitator in 1S53 , nnd has
been engaged in the work over since.
Ho has held many prominent positions
in labor organizations in the United States
nnd'othcr countries. Ho was prominent In
the organization of the greenback party , and
was president of the National Labor union
in 1871-73. On Saturday evening Ho will deliver -
liver a lecture on tbo Knights of Labor past
and present.
Miss Berry , the organizer of the Wonting-
women's union , will bo hero somathno this
week and will address the workwomen of
The master plumbers hold a secret meet
ing at the Paxton last night and discussed
the strike. They refused to divulge their
plans further than to declare their Intention
of winning the fight.
Knlitht or Haw nnd Chlflel.
William McGregor , in whoso hands are all
the papers and a goodly portion of thu work
incidental to establishing the Carpenters'
Co-Operntivo store , is pushing tlio enterprise
rapidly towards a successful consummation ,
and if the same success attends the efforts of
himself and others who are taking such lively
interest in tbo enterprise in the future as
has in tbo pan ) , the store will soon uo an ac
complished fact. Over two hundred und
fifty shares of stock at $3.50 a share Imvo
already been subscribed , giving about $1,500
as a starter. Five hundred shares must be
disposed of before the store will bo opened.
Tbo preliminary work has been done with
much care , and the rules adopted make un-
fnirnoss Impossible. Only heads of fumiliee
can hold stock und no onu man can hold more
than two shares , making It impossible far
anyone to obtain a controlling interest and
run the store for profit. The merchandise to
be carried in stock will bo general In its na
ture , but principally provisions.
"If by the establishment of the
store , " said Mr. McGregor yester
day , "wo can save ourselves a few
dollars a month In the cost of provisions , it
is equivalent to an incrcaso In wages , and
whv shouldn't wo do it if wo can. 1 think it
will bo a great thing for the carpenters , and
I hope tbo Hchemo won't lull through. "
The now Carpenters' union has not yet re
ceived HH charter , the secretary of the na
tional union having written that before such
u document was issued that those among the
applicants who formerly belonged to Union
No. &y must llriit uiako their standing good
In that organization , by tbo liquidation of
their duos before u charter could bu granted
them. This difficulty will bo overcome.
Unions 53 and 11- held u mooting Tuesday
nlirht and discussed orgjiiUatioU and r.o-
Union No.'US report * a steadily increasing
membership. _ _ _ _ _
"Scabs" Not Wanted.
At the meeting of tbo city council , lust
Beaded Wraps ,
r.nrtloa'beaded wraps Monday at H , sold all
Kcason nt ? l ) .
Baby Cloaks
Monday. Infants' short ra'hmoro cloaks , silk
pmbioldcrcd collar , in tans and creams at only
Thousands of bargains in our basement.
Beaded Wraps ,
Indies' bonded wraps Monday at M.CO , re
duced from W.
See out- other half-page advertise
ment on page 17.
Batiste Cloth ,
1 case now 30-lni-li batlsto cloth nt lOc yard.
Bennison Bros
Tuesday evening , the following resolution
was received from the Central Labor union :
Whereas , The city council is about to
award the contract for the building of a city
hull ; therefore , bolt
Hesolvod , That wo , the Central Labor
union , demand of the council the awarding
of such contract some contractor who em
ploys union labor , when the bid of such con
tractor is as low as any offered.
Resolved , That a copy of this resolution bo
sent to the council and the board of public
The communication was placed on filo.
In accordance with its submission , Mr.
Hascall introduced the following resolution :
Whereas , The labor unions of Omaha have
potitlonea tno council to have the city hall
constructed by union laborers and mechan
ics , and
Where as , Such labor Is beniflclal to the
nubile on ucoount of the superior work per
formed ; therefore , bo it
Hesolvod , That the prayer of the petition
ers bo granted.
Mr. Hascall's resolution was referred too
commlttoo and finally adopted ut u subso-
qent meeting , hold Thursday night.
A Mow Cnrpcntora' Union.
Since the carpenters have Joined the
plu mbers In the present strike and aban
doned work , a secret meeting was held last
night at the corner of Twenty-fourth nud
Cuming streets to consider the situation , and
also to organize a now union. It will bo the
North Omaha Carpontors' and Joiners'
brotherhood , No. 71 , scceders from No. 53 ,
which is now u down-town union ,
M. T. Blnoir , Ktato organizer ,
acted as seciutary of the meeting.
The attendance was large , but no officers
were elected. The union will bo on the co
operative plan nnd to-morrow night u mootIng -
Ing will bu hold at the sumo place , when the
uow union will bo formally organized and
officers elected. There are now about ono
hundred nnd twenty-five charter members of
the United Brotherhood who will become
members of the branch.
Ijalior NotoR.
It was rumored during the week that the
pi ustcrurs contemplated malting a demand
for increased wnces. This Is untrue , as they
uro well HiUlslled with the existing scale und
have no complaints to muko of uny kind.
The painters' union continues to hold its
regular mooting at the hull over Schroder's
f-uloon , at the corner of Twenty-fourth and
Cuming streets , every Tuesday evening.
Everything Is serene In the union , uud the
organization is upon the firmest basis. There
is no prospect of any trouble as fur as tin )
painters uro concerned , us they Imvo no
griovunccu of any kind ,
Horscshoors' Union No. 10 now has a mem
bership roll of forty-live , und It is expected
that this will bo materially increased
within the next few weeks. Stephen Can-
nody , u prominent mumoor of tlio organiza
tion , loft O in uh a Friday for St. Paul , Minn. ,
where ho will represent the union In the con
vention of horsoshoors , which will open In
that city to-morrow.
The water work j company engaged a non
union plumber to do souio work at Florence ,
whuroUK | > n the ntcam-filtcrs uud plasterers
decluruu thi'lr intention of quitting. They
were pncilit'd , however , uud trouble averted.
The contractors who were awarded con
tracts for Joint ; gradlng.for the city have
given uiuny idle men employment ,
MUNKI at llount/.o Memorial ,
The following selections will bo rendered
to-day :
"Sonctus" Cherubim
"Hoar Us , O Father I" Kuopfcl
"How Hnautiful are Thy Dwellings" , .Loach
"Lo , the Day of Hest Dcclineth"Flotow
Offertoiro , in K minor E. Batiste
liurcarols C. Meyer
Triumphal march , from "Nnnman"Costa
Wedding March King
Diiatli nffilri. < f , O. fjoo ,
Mrs. John G. Lee , mother of tbo 1 ate Mrs ,
John A. MoShano , died yesterday mor.ilng
at 3 o'clock , after an Illness of about four
weeks. The funeral will take olaco Monday
ut 'J o'clock from the residence of ox-Con-
grutuman Mcttbuno , UOltt Faraam street , to
bt. Poter'8 church , thence to Holy Sepul
chre cemetery.
1 case sateens at 15o yard , they nro very ntoo.
Zephyr Ginghams ,
I cnso inoio of pintn zephyr glnghnmft , In
brown , lilito niul grey , ut 7 0 > nrd. These
Roods cannot bo duplicated for loss than 15o
Lonsdnlo and Fruit o' the Loom inu > '
Hn , 80 yard.
Standard Dress Girgtiams ,
1 cai.0 standard dress ginghams In dark col
ors , at Co yard.
For a No. 3 lurijo sixo
For a No. iJ mud him
For a No. 1 snmll
J Kf For nil sixes of
J.cJlPerforated Chixlr Dottoma.
CommlsHloncrH Gilbert nnd Smith
Konppolntcd By thn Governor.
Governor Thoyor has renppolntod Messrs.
Gilbert and Smith , of the lira and police
commission , for n term of four years. The
commission hold a meeting , last night , and
transacted a largo amount of routine busi
The commissioners decided to Join ttio O.
A. U. committees in observing decoration
day , und will allow the nro and police depart
ments to take part in the parade.
Officers Benson nnd Savage , of the polioo
force , and Captain John Anderson , of the
lira department , were granted a Un days
leave of absence.
Theodore Grebe's resignation as captain
of hose company No. 2 was accepted , and M.
Carter , of the Hamu company , appointed to
succeed him. Joseph Lixux was appointed to
the vacancy caused by Carter's ' promotion.
Chief Soavoy requested the bourd to make
now rules regulating the police force , and to
designate localities to bo used as cab stands ,
and that the police may bo authorized to ex
clude cabmen nnd huckmcn from Thir
teenth , Fourteenth und Fifteenth streets , between -
tween Harney and Capitol nvonuo. The mat
ters wont over for ono week.
B. F.Vcld , of fat. Joseph , is in the city.
J. F. Stubbs , of Lincoln , is nt the Mlllard.
A. C. Pearson , of Denver , is at the Mur
ray.H. . B. Kosslor. of Atchlson , is at the Mur
ray.H. . C. Stuart , of Dos Moinca , is at ttio Mll
II. Klultor , of Granvllloa. ' . , is at the Mll
J. F. Iddlngs. of North Platto. is in the
Q. H. McCauliff , of Chicago , Is at the Mil-
Miss Maggie Sloan , of Bolt Lake , Is at the
W. F. Bartlctt , of Dos Moines , is at the
Edmond Maltctt , of Washington , Is at the
Charles Bethel , of Stonohaui , Mass. , is at
the Pnxton.
Charles C. Jcnks , of Jaukson , Mich. , U at
the Mm ray ,
H. K. Purslow , of Sioux City , will Sunday
Iu the metropolis.
Hon. W. J. Council Is expected to return
from Washington this morning.
Ilrllllant 1'roipootH.
CMAMIIIIIU.UN , So. Dak , , May 18 , 1 Special
to Tiir BKK. | 1'ooplo nro boglnnlnifto ap- j
predate the value of Chamberlain .dirt. It's
in big demand thcsu days. Kvory train
brings in a crowd of goutluuion with moaus
who are gathering in real estate. Every vis
itor sjmaks confidently of thu future of our
city , und is favorably impressed with our * '
naturally Important position and attractive
surroundings. Ono gratifying feature is
that the purchasers are largely persons from
oustoru HtuU's ' , which proves that the reser
vation is attracting general attention. The
question of sinking nn urtenluu well In
Chamberlain U being agitated ,
jiihfics Or ft r. od Illin.
Kan , , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Till ! Bee , ] Frederick Ortinau , who
was ono of thu founder * of Topeka and who
was ut ono tiino ono of the wealthiest and
most successful business men of the city ,
V/UK found by u Jury In the probate court to
bo Insane. Uo built several of the best busi
ness houaoi in the city. About five years
ago Ortmun began to loto his grip. Ho com
menced to driuu ana trrudually became aa
habitual drunkard , Tliuu It U said he took
to gambling , his property rapidly dluppourep
and suddenly Ortmun found himself without
a dollar. His misfortunes drove him Insane
Victorious ,
, Nob. , May 18. [ Special Telograai
to Til K BIK : , ] A line game of ball wua played
hero to day between the Plum Creek uluo nd
thu Bueiuor club , and resulted iu a score of
to 4 In favor of Ucemw ,