Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1889, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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Dully iMoriilnir IMItlon ) Including SUNDAT
UKK-Unn Year . . . HOW
For Fix Months . . . J J *
For Three Months . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CO
TIIK OMAHA 8ri i > Ar UKK , mailed to any
luUtrciM , One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
WKKKI.Y IIKP. , Ono Vcnr
uAiiArKicBo8.i (
CincAno OFFICE , f.o : Kootcimr Uim.niNd.
NKW TOIIK orncr. , KoouAli AKII 15 TIHUUNB
JtuiMitmi. WAHIIIHHTOJI OrwoE , No. 613
. - .
All cotnmnnlcntions relnting to n ws nnd oai *
Jorlal mnttir should uo addressed to Iho Hurron
All business letters ami remittances should be
addressed to TUB llr.B Pum.tRinmi COMPANT.
OMAHA. Draft * , checks and postolllc * orders to
be made payable to the order of the company.
tte Bcc PabliSuiiigCipy , Proprietors ,
E. ROSEWATBU , Editor.
XI 1 13 UEK.
Sworn Btntoincnt of Circulation.
Btfiteot Nebrnska , I. .
County of Douglas , f " "
ncorcell.Tzsrliuck , secretary of The Moo Pub.
llshliiaComnn ny. doui solemnly swear tUnt iho
actuat circulation of TIIK UAILV HKK for the
veck cndltur May 18. 1B8 . was as follows :
fundnr. Mny IS
Mommv. Mny l.'l
Tnriulnv. Mny It 18.WU
Wednesday. Maylfi .
t 1J.JB }
TJiuwrtnv. '
Friday. Mny 17
Saturday. Jlay 18
Average 1H. 01 : t
Eviorn tolwforo mo nnd subscribed to In my
presence this 18th dav of Muy. A. I ) . 1839.
Benl. N. I' . FK1U Notary Public.
Elate of Nebraska , I
County of Douglas. f83 *
tiuorue H. Tzs-clmck , bolus duly nworn , de-
posts and snys that ho Is secretary or the Ileo
1'nbllnhliiR cotnpnny , that the actual nverneo
dnllv circulation or TIIK DAir.v HER for the
month of April. 18W ( , 1K.7II copies : for May. 1K8S.
JH.1K1 copies ; for .lime , 1SSH , 11V-M1 copies ; for
July , 1SW , Uvrej copies ; for Aiif-un , 18t. 1C.1H3
roplcs ; for September. IHSH. coploi ; for
October. 1883. 18UI copies ; for November , JHSH.
1 ,9tn copici ; for December , 1HSM. IR.SJI copies ;
for January , 18M , 18,571 copies : for February ,
1 89 , IP.WO copies : for Mnrch. lt , 1".hi4 copies.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my
presence tills llith day of April , A. 1) . . 1 ra.
N. P. Kislu Notary Public
Tins resolution of the now park com
missioners to beautify Hnnscom parlc
nnd JolTorson Squnro at once will moot
the hourly approval of our citizens.
WITH harilly employment enough to
pro 1mlf round , this is not the season for
ill-ndvisod walk-outs in which thcro is
no thine : to gain und everything to loso.
WOUKINOMHN should inako no mis
take in fomenting strikes und wixlk-outs
whore they huvo no grievance. Such a
course is sure to brinp disaster to the
cause of labor.
Wim/is the school bond election drew
but a very lipht vote , the result affords
proof that the frantic appeals to tax
payers to turn out on masse and vote
down the bonds were unheeded.
TIIK intor-stato commerce commis
sion has evidently mapped out a wider
field for its usefulness than settling
quarrels between railroads and arbi
trating grievances. The circular ad
dressed to the labor organizations of
the country , soliciting information
upon the question of federal regulation *
of safety appliances on railroads is a
stop forward of great signilicanco. The
Inquiry will undoubtouly result in layIng -
Ing before the commission sulliciont in
formation to warrant that body in
recommending legislation that will
compel railroads to provide devices for
the protection of both their patrons
and employes.
SOM K fifty public and private schools
in the United States have established a
system of savings banks , intended to in
culcate lessons of thrift. The success
' of the experiment is beyond , expecta
tions. The savings banks system among
the schools is common in Europe. The
school children of Franco alone huvo
on deposit nearly two million dollars.
Would it not bo well to introduce this
system in the schools of Omaha ? It
would certainly do no harm to oncour-
UKQ the saying of money in the banks ,
und would bo beneficial in teaching
boys nnd girls business rules and
TUB retirement of Miss Kato Drexel ,
daughter of the late banker Drexel , of
Philadelphia , to n convent , has created
a sensation in rolifrious nnd social
circles. Possessing millions in her own
right , the ontro of the best society ,
beautiful and accomplished , her doci-
fiion to forsake the allurements of the
World and devote her works to charity ,
Is a rare oxnmplo of self sacriilco and
religious fortitude. But she will not bo
lost to the world. To those who know
Miss Drexel it is an open secret that
the Is entering upon her ohorlshod life
work to found an order of nuns for the
education and elevation of the negro
mill Indian. Such a noble purpose is
certainly commendable :
TIIK care for the widow and orphans
of a brother Mason is one of the most
sacred obligations of the Masonic ordor.
The widows' and orphans' homo which
is about to bo established by the Free
Masons of Nebraska is destined to rank
among the most extensive benevolent
institutions. The location of the homo
will bo definitely decided within two or
throe weeks. The appeal made to the
fraternity in Omaha nnd citizens gen
erally should evoke more than u passIng -
Ing interest. Other cities of the state
are milking tempting offers while
Omaha apparently is wholly indllToront.
Why this should bo so is inexplicable
An institution such as is contemplated
would bo an ornament nnd u source of
pride to Otnalm.
Mmtisor loan attention hatt boon di
rected to the recent growth and exten
sion of Giiicago by the annexation of
her suburbs. It U estimated that nt
least seventy-live thousand will be
added to the population of the city by
this moana , und that Chicago is likely
to proas Philadelphia closely in 1600 as
the second city of the country. What
ever advantages Chicago may obtain by
this annexation , the towns that are
drawn within her limits are by far the
greater gainers. They are relieved
from the extravagant potty municipal
governments trying to keep apace with
the high pressure machinery of a great
city. The history of Chicago is simply
a repetition of the growth of Philadel
phia , Boston and Cincinnati , by annex
ation. It must sooner or later take
in Omaha.
It in rather surprising to the sapor-
Iclnl observer to note the stiffness
nnnifcstcd by holders of eligible rosl-
oncc nnd business property in Omaha
ivhon approached by buyers nnd agents.
Thcro is an abundance of realty for
inlo , but fair to choice locations , either
n the city or in near proximity , are
not pressed upon buyers , nnd U is
, n indisputable fact that values of Hrst-
iluss real estate in this city nro fully us
stable as during the active years of
880-7. The bulk of the realty of Omaha
in strong hands , hold by men who
enow that n largo profit is certain to
omo to those able to hold.
There has been no bank failure in
Omaha's history ; thcro have been no
: omincrcinl failures hero worthy of
note , except where the result l& trucou-
) lo to u lack of integrity. Few cities
n the country can show so good n
Shrewd , lovol-hoadcd men , who have
watched the growth of the cities of the
United States for the past twenty years ,
co in Otniilm fho prototype of Chicago ,
. 'crimps our progress will not bo so
phenomenally rapid , our geographical
filiation is perhaps not as good ,
but wo art ; just within the
ate of u great empire containing
HI ml reds of thousands of square miles
if fertile land. This city sits nt the ro-
icipt of customs of this empire. Who
ihall gainsay that an enormous enhance
ment of-tho value of realty must attend
upon the growth of u city so favorably
limited ?
Wo find evidence of what the future
s to bring in viewing the outlook to-day.
On all sides buildings for residence and
tore purposes nro being erected of n
jlass far superior in cost and style to
my heretofore thought necessary. Ar-
hitccts und builders uro busy with
plans for structures varying in cost from
five tho'usand to ono hundred thousand
dollars. Capital is coming in from the
fur east nnd from near by , trackage
property is very scarce and in demand ,
ihowing that heavy industries are soolc-
ng locations. Inquiries are abundant
'or good property , prices are strong and
loldors show no disposition to so.ll ex
cept at good round figures.
The money kings of tno country , in-
.orested . in the products of our sur
rounding territory , have certified that
Omaha has u certain and assured future
commercial supremacy by investing
millions of dollars hero in plants for
the packing of moats and lard. In plain
English , a struck jury of the brains of
the country has said by its actioas , that
Omaha is destined to outstrip its neigh
bors and take its place as ono of the
greatest commercial centers of the
United States und in time of the world ,
nnd bunco investors in real estate hero
are sure of profitable returns in their
cuity investments.
The name of Johns Hopkins is ren
dered imporifahable by the great uni
versity which he founded in Baltimore ,
but his fame as u wise and most gener
ous philanthropist will acquire added
lustre from the nowbospital constructed
in pursuance of bis bequest , and which
has recently been opened. This insti
tution is ono of the largest and most
complete hospitals in the world , and its
possibilities for good nro simply bound
less. It is intended to provide practi
cal work for the students of Johns Hop
kins university , and it is hardly neces
sary to say that it is provided
with every modern appliance necessary
to a complete institution of this kind.
Ercctoa at a cost of over two million
dollars , the great philanthropist made
ample provision for its maintenance by
an endowment of nearly three and a
half million dollars.
In founding ono of the finest univer
sities in this country , and ono of the"
most extensive und best appointed hos
pitals in the world , Johns Hopkins sot an
oxnmplo of judicious and munificent be
neficence that has rarely boon equalled
in any country , and which , ought
to commend itself to the emulation
of the many wealthy men of our land.
Ho did not make these grand bequests
from a desire for fame. Johns Hopkins
was ono of the very few men who have
acquired grout wealth who regarded
their possessions as given to thorn for
the bonolit of their fellowmen. Ho ,
himself , said of his wealth , that ho
looked upon its possession as a steward
ship , and that the duty of disposing of
it with reference to the largest possible
benefit of humanity was over before
him. Born poor , and winning
his way to great fortune by the
exorcise of exceptional ability
and energy , the acquirement of
wealth did not dull his interest in
the welfare of his followmcn , but rather
broadened and intensified it. With the
growth of riches the sense of his duty
to employ what ho believed had boon
simply given to him for the purpose of
boncAtting humanity grow stronger ,
How well ho discharged this duty , the
institutions that bear his narau witness ,
nnd for ages they will stand among the
most hoiHirablo nnd useful examples of
u wisely-directed philanthropy in this
or any other country.
The decision of the United States su
preme court in the famous suit of Mrs.
Myra Clark Gatnoi aguinut the city ol
New OrloniiH , closes the Just chapter in
a loffiil contest that continued for two
gene ratio us.
Fifty-three years ago Mrs. Myra
Guinea , then Mrs. Whitney , entered
suit in the United States circuit court
of Louisiana against the city of New
Orleans for the use and value of land
belonging to the estate of Daniel Clark ,
her father. Clark was a nntlvo ol
Ireland , u man of large fortune , active
and thrifty. He made his homo in
New Orleans , and died thcro in 1811 ! .
It was not generally known that he WUH
married , consequently the will miulobj
him in 1811 , leaving all his property to
Ills mother , was admitted to probate. In
1821 the executors , under thiu will , soli
the real estate , situated in the heart of
New Orleans , to the city for four thou
sand seven hundred und
tlfty-nino del
Myra Clark was born In 1800. Her
mother was Zullino Carrioro. She was
raised in the family'of Colonel S. B
Davis , at the instance aud request o
Daniel Clark , nnd was Ignorant of her
, rue nnmo and parentage until her marriage -
riago In 1832. Two years later she dls-
levered that her father made a second
will In 18T2 , acknowledging nor as his
child and making her solo heir to his
The litigation which ensued has no
mrnllol In the history of the country ,
beginning In 1834 , Myra fouglit through
the entire range of the courts to vindi
cate not' birthright. Six times the case
came up In the supreme court in vari
ous forms , and forty yours passed before
, ho bravo Httlo woman hud the satls-
actlon of proving that she was the
rightful holr of Dnnlol Clark. That
vus the beginning of the end. Then
allowed suits for ejectment , and for the
Balance of rants , unimproved land , etc. ,
aggregating nearly two million dollars.
The decision rendered last Monday
irnetlcally exhausts all the resources
of the law , und is rogurdcd as a final
settlement. The court allows $570,708 ,
jut rejects the balance of the claim on
, ho ground that it is unreliable , and
that the possessor is not bound to
change the state of the land.
The amount of the judgment will
.cave little or nothing to the holrs.
After half u century of indefatigable
effort mid the expenditure of the for
tunes of two husbands , death claimed
the plaintilT. Her surviving heirs uro
daughter-in-law und two grandchll-
Ircn. The costs of the case have been
enormous. The printing of the last record
alone cost ton thousand dollars , and two
strong men were required to carry it
into the supreme court.
Few cases in our jurisprudence
possess such thrilling nnd romantic
interest. The offspring of a secret mar-
rlago , kept in ignorance of her parent
age , dispossessed of her rights , she
displayed indomitable will and per
severance In battling against prejudice
nnd calumny , in overcoming legal and
Inancinl obstacles , which few men ,
nuch less a woman , would dare to face ,
and left her hoira an unsullied name
nnd a moderate fortune ; And * ono can
lot help regretting that death claimed
Mrs. Gaines on the threshold of u great
.ogul triumph.
In the discussion of means for attain
ing an equitable distribution of wealth ,
u greater economy in production , and
ndustrial poacQ , profit sharing has
received some consideration. But the
principle is not generally understood ,
aud for this reason the plan has made
comparatively little progress. Such as
it has made , however , has boon , notably
successful. A valuable contribution to
popular instruction regarding profit
sharing is u book recently issued , in
which the principle is fully explained
ind the results of experience in its
application sot forth. '
Profit sharing contemplates the di
vision of productive forces in'o three
agents capital , manugonic. . ! . and
labor and the division among them of
the profits of the business. Capital re
ceives the current rate of into rest , man
agement the prevailing salaries , 'and
labor the prevailing wages. All above
the amount required for the satisfaction
of these demands is divided among
laborers and managers , according to the
worth of ouch as measured by wages
and salaries , less a certain sum to be sot
aside for a repair nnd risk fund. As
generally practiced , the laborer is as-
sureii of his regular wages , whether the
business pays or not. When times are
goad , ho participates in the profits ,
while in bad times ho suffers no loss
beyond that of the possible and variable
This simple plan , it is claimed , and
experience has demonstrated , dulls the
sharp edges of competition , identi
fies the employe with the busi
ness , making him to all pur
poses a partner with none of the risks
of partnership , increases the quantity
and improves the quality of the pro
duct , promotes care and economy in the
use of implements and materials , di
minishes labor dllllcultios und lessens
the cost of superintendence. The suc
cessful application of this plan has in
dubitably established thcso results.
Profit-sharing was first introduced in
Franco nearly half n century ago , and
it is at present moro generally on trial
in that country than elsewhere , and it
has also boon most successful there.
There are notable instances of. profit-
sharing having been of the greatest
possible bonolit to both employes and
employers. Some of the wealthiest es
tablishments in Franco duto the beginning -
ginning of their progress from the
adoption of profit-sharing. Yet
notwithstanding the well-attested
benefits of the system , in the
nonrly half a century since it received
its first trial there uro , only ono hun
dred and HO von ty-throo. cases recorded ,
thirty-two of which are in the United
States , There huvo boon ono hundred
nnd thirty-seven successes and thirty-
six failures , one-fourth of the failures
being due to causes having no relation
to the principle of profit-sharing. Cer
tainly a system that shown more than
four successes for every failure , oven
with the limited trial this plan has re
ceived , commends itself as worthy of
attention and serious consideration.
That it would prove in general practice
to bo a complete solution of the labor
problem is rot to bo supposed , but there
is every reason to believe that its ex
tensive adoption would huvo a decided
tendency to promote industrial poaco.
Horace Grooloy , the founder of the
Now York Tribune , has boon dead
nearly seventeen your * ) . There uro
few Americans who bettor deserve to
have their memory perpetuated in
granite and marble than the great edi
tor who did more than any other to
niuko American journalism illustrious ,
and whose services to his country and
to humanity were unsurpassed by any
man of his time. Shortly after the
death of Mr. Greoley a largo und Influ
ential committee was formed In New
York for the collection money to
erect n monument to his mnniory. An
appeal made by this committee for con
tributions brought responses to the
amount of several thousand dollars , but
public intercut in the matter wan al
lowed to die out , and the fund was put
on Investment. Subsequently tftfttypo
graphical union of Now York city nnd
iho Grund A rmyjJ the lie public post
that boars the nnmirof the dead odltor
organized a special movement to raise
lutuls for a lilting statute. Recently
the two funds have boon consolidated ,
amounting to ten thousand dollars , nnd
iho woll-known sculptor , Alexander
Doyle , awarded the contract for the
proposed inemorlulwhlch it is intended
: o erect In the city hull square In Now
York. {
But the sum In hand is insufficient
for carrying out the plan of the pro
posed statue , nndtah'orgunlzod effort is
io bo made to Increase It to twonty-llvo
ihousaml dollars. For this purpose un
unpcal will be made to the printers and
editorial fraternity of the United States ,
Ln order that the monument may huyo
morn the character of a national than a
ocal tribute. Such an appeal ought to
moot with an Immediate and general
response. Every member of the edito
rial fraternity in the United States
should fool it to bo a proud privilege
nnd a grateful duty to contribute to n
memorial to the foremost of American
editors. Among all the great men who
contributed to make the press of the
United States a potential and respected
force Horace Grooloy is universally con
ceded to huvo hold the first place , nnd
the great work ho did was not less valu
able than that accomplished by the sol
dier or the statesman. American jour
nalism owes him u grout debt of grati
tude and honor , nnd it can in no other
wuy so well attest its sense of the obliga
tion us in gonernlly contributing to the
erection of a memorial that will bo
worthy of tlio most distinguished of
American editors.
TIIK Iowa roads are the principal of
fenders in discriminating against
Omaha. They make it a rule to treat
Omaha shippers seeking the Omaha
market with contempt. The object is
plainly to discourage the shipment of
stock to the Missouri river , in order to
profit by the long haul to Chicago.
This is a grave abuse , which is working
to the detriment of both the farmers of
Towu and the cattle interests at Omaha.
It is not so much un issue of rates , but
one of speedy connections and proper
freight facilities. The time is there
fore at hand when the question must bo
squarely mot whether or not shippers
shall bo given equal accommodations in
a short as well as along haul. The Iowa
railroads are practicing u species of dis
crimination out of harmony with the
principles of thoj iijttr-slnto law. The
attention of the iintovt-stuto commission
should bo dire to'ijto the aggravating
evil , and the souifo'r'tho ' abuses uro cor
rected the bettor it will bo for the pork
and beef industries , not alone of Omaha
but of every packing center in Ne
braska and Iowa inaJro or loss depend
ent u pen local territory for a supply.
Mil. WiNDKiM supervising architect
of the treasuryk.i credited with the
commendable pufenpsM } of introducing a
reform in the rcJjUocturo of the federal -
oral buildings. Ho'is 'said to have ex
pressed a desire tp give the buildings
erected under hi nAmuilstrnllon a dis
tinguished characteristic of solidity
and simplicity , so that they may bo
easily recognized as federal buildings ,
and not bo mistaken for school houses ,
churches or railway stations. For the
past few years the aim has boon , as
shown by the last report of the super
vising architect , to make the govern
ment buildings as showy as possible ,
and all styles of architecture have boon
employed. There is great opportunity
for national reform In this matter , and
Mr. Windrim will accomplish an excel
lent work if ho shall effect it.
SENATOR MANDKUSON'S threat to defeat -
feat the confirmation of ox-Senator
Saunders in case Secretary Windom
sees fit to disobey the i in no rial mandate
of the "Juke" of Omaha in locating the
new postofflco , is applauded heartily by
homo organs that supported Grover
Cleveland in the last campaign.
Heretofore the senator has always
boon shocked at the ropub'icuns '
who lopkod to democratic und mugwump
papers for incense nnd praise. But times
have changed.
SiiCKKTAKY TUACY has demonstrated
his ability as a careful business man at
the head of the money department in
more ways than one. Ho has just
effected a saving of two millions and a
half in the purchase of supplies for the
different bureaus. This is a , specimen
of practical reform which commends
itself to other departments of the gov
THE business men of Omaha have
acted promptly upon the paternal ad
vice of Mr. Hitchcock to advertise in
Tnu BICE now , rather than wait for its
impending decline. They have crowded
nearly eighty columns of advertise
ments in this edition , and a number of
our patrons were turned away disap
pointed because wo could not accommo
date them with snaco.
COMrUMUNTS'ptiTHK , BUK to its
patrons , with sovontyloight columns of
paid ndvortisomo'n'ts.und ninety columns
of cable letters , /orpign und domestic
correspondencelo.cuj news and n sym
posium of'i entertaining and
instructive mutton far Sunday reading.
TUB grave closed ever the
remains o ! Alien U'horndllco Rico , and
already candiduUftrfop the Russian mis
sion are harassing Secretary Blaine
and the presidpiit 'with ' their rival
claims. I J
THIS bondholdu rj f the Chicago &
Atlantic have applied to Jud o
Gresham for u receiver. It is quite ap
parent that other rn 11 roads than the
Wabash , need the water 'squeezed out
of them. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TIIK journeyman phunbora and
master plumbcra should adjust their
differences by arbitration , The contest
they are engaged in it * ruinous not only
to those imiuudlutoly concerned , butte
to the whole city ,
IT is now quite evident to the board
of education that the voters of Omaha
are decidedly oupojod to the erection of
aiy | addition to the high school during
the present year.
Observing Arbor Day.
Nobrnsltn Man "How many trees did you
sot out on .Arbor dny , nolRhborl"
'Isot out flft.v good ones. I'm a great bo *
Hover in Arbor dny myself , "
"So am I. Up our , wny we've traveled ns
fnr ns three miles with a horse thief to llud a
tree.1 _
To Kscnpo tlie 1'ollcc ,
KtnMtfi Democrat.
Tlio city council of Oinnha now holds Its
sessions behind closed doors. This Is done
to prevent ttio police from running the coun-
cilmcn In for "drunk und disorderly. "
Settllnjc tlin Knslilon fihL'ahncc. .
Clitcaao Attr * .
Buffalo Bill Is now In Paris. Probably It
will not bo long before the sombrero will
find Its way Into fashionable circles as the
latest Parisian novelty.
Tlio HtrlkiiiK IM umbers.
Oifcfltfo Inter-Oftan ,
The Omnha plumbers nro on n strike
rather a reckless proceeding considering
that the frost Is out of the ground.
Always Interesting.
Kcarneii Knterprtie ,
Omaha Is always Interesting. Her at
tractions cover a wide range nnd nro fre
quently startling or unique , but never dull.
The little misunderstanding between prom
inent citizens In the First national bunk
Tucsdiiy , ended la an arrest for highway
robbery. This is Oinnha.
A DomcHtlo Iilyl.
t'h ( ratio ZY/m ( / > i < r.
Horton Bullcy , of Omaha Is suing for
ilivoice , nnd ono of his allegations Is that his
wlfo once hit him on the head with n picture
frame In which was the motto : "God Uloss
Our Homo. "
Tlio Ijuclil Missouri.
Ktarneu JM > .
S omo of tbo Omaha coclctnil drinkers are
objecting to the use of Ice cut from a point
in the Missouri river below the sewer nnd
garbage dumps. The waste matter of sev
eral larga cities above Omaha nro mixed
with the waters before they reach that city ,
nnd a person who objected to the use of Mis
souri river Ice In his drinks nltoguthor ought
not to bo considered overly nice.
Elhi U'lieclcr Wllcor.
The bold young Autumn came riding along
Ono day where an elm tree grow.
"You nro f nlr , " ho said , ns she bonds her head ,
"Too fiiir for your robe's dull hue.
You uro far too young for n garb so old ;
Your beauty needs color nnd sheen.
O , 1 would clotlio you in scnrlotnnd gold ,
Befitting thy grace of n imcon.
"For one little kiss on your lips , sweet Elm ,
For just ono Kiss no more.
I will give you I swear n robe more fair
Thau over a princess woro.
One little kiss on those lips , my pot ,
And lo ! you shall stand , I say ,
Queen of the forest , nnd better yet ,
Queen of niy heart nlwuy. "
She tossed her head , but ho took the kiss
( 'TIs the way of lovers bold ) ,
And a gorgeous dross for that sweet caress
Ho gave ere the morn was old.
For a week and n day she ruled a queen
In beauty and splendid attire ;
For a week and n duy she was loved , I ween ,
Witn tholovo that is born of desire.
Then bold-eyed Autumn went on his way ,
In quest of a tree moro fair ,
And mob winds tattered her garments and
1. 1 Heiiflnory and there.
Poor and faded , nnd ragged nnd cold ,
Sbo rocked and moaned in distress ,
And loused for the dull green gown she had
For a lover's iloklc caress.
And the days went by , and the winter came ,
And his tyrannous tempests boat
On the shivering tree whoso robes of shaino
Ho had trarnplod under his foot.
I saw her roach to tlio mocKing skies
Her poor arms bare and thin.
Ah , woll-n-day , It Is ever the way
With a woman who trades with Sin.
Omaha is willing to concede that there Is
some truth in the statement that Chicago is
something of an art center. It impresses
every stranger entering the city. In every
direction tbo eye can feast on a lavish dis
play of pictorial art. from a flaming circus
poster to a vast aggregation of fotna'.o lovo-
UnesB in Siamese costumes. So great is the
mania for variety and blending of color that
Chicago creek has caught the in/octlon and
presents on a sunny day n panorama In oil
and ultra innrino mud tints of rare strength
and vigor. "
But Omaha is not far behind the big city
by the la ices in nil that charms the eyes and
soothes the aesthetic tasto. Wo liavo moro
patrons and professors of art to the square
yard in Omaha than any city on the conti
nent. A few samples will aufilcu to convince
doubters of the truth of the claim.
if j
First of all comes the manly art.Vo have
sluggers to the right of us , and sluggers who
get loft , but towering ubovo victor anil van
quished stands Prof. Anderson. His recent
solo-stirring exhibition was awarded the
prize by the distinguished Judge Ucrkn. Mr.
Anderson's prowess , however , is fur ubovo
the sordid motives of groundlings. With
characteristic generosity ho 'donated the
prize money to the schools , so that tbo rising
generation might cmulato his love of art.
* *
Prof. Inaaa S. II nscall Is another distin
guished patron of the nrts In Omaha. As an
artful dodger ho takes the palm of any man
with a job In sight. In architectural art ho
fairly ruvols. Ho Is right at homo among
battlements , recesses , buttresses and varie
gated walls. Castellated stairs nnd frown
ing casemates are his hobby. Nowhere in
the city can paving material bo seen In all its
wealth of unadorned beauty and color than
in Isaac's turrrotcd fortress.
* *
Chief Scavoy is not only a connoisseur of
art , but an artist with Jlguros. With a cul
tivated palatonnd a natural taste for tno
good things of life , ho takes the bum every
time. Ills grip is a poem in collars , n sum
mer idyll In shackles. Woo to the artist who
attcmptd to crimson the community und wax
enthusiastic over the job. Such u dolestablo
proceeding rouses the chief's wrath und re
sults in a costly rebuke. Notwithstanding
his austerity , the possession of a brilliant
nose Is a passport to his atollor.
Chief Scavcy'a watchful care and fatherly
vigilance enables him to produce a combina
tion of llguroii In which the skill of a master
hand Is displayed. They demonstrate a re.
marknblo transition In the town painting art.
When , ton weeks ago , Sunday classes were
discontinued , grave fqara were felt
in many quarter * that serious re-
suits would follow , Happily the re
turns dissipate the fears , The Saturday
night and Monday marriing classes have ma
terially in created. Instead of a decline In
the t. p. art , there has boon a registered in
crease of twenty-two novices and veterans
over the previous system in nlno wcoUs.
Thene figures reflect the growth of native
art in Interior decoration ; and measure
the titsto aud capacity of the people to absorb
serb raflned Influences.
Another conspicuous monument to art iu
Omnhn In the octagonal pagoda on Jefferson
Bqimro. It Attracts n r-1 ropclft nt the narno
time. IU wealth o nkyllno ntul pictorial
ombelll aliments chnrm the eye , while the
vigor nnd strength of thp interior decora *
lions takes one's breath awny. Various
nrtlsts have exhausted valuable paste *
pots In giving tone nnd color to
the exterior. Hero Is n melancholy womnn
In dccollotto dress cut on train , bonding
wearily ever n wnshboard , and muttering to
tho. multitude , While there's llfo there' *
sonp use Scrubcm's. " Near bylanilnlnty
bit of nursery onthoa nn infant clasp *
ing its griping stomach with ono hand ,
the other stretching out painfully for n pill.
In the purple clouds in the back-ground IB n
shadowy form nf death gleefully chuckling ,
"Tako holr , talco holrl" There nro other
touching sketches of semi-nude art In cheer
ful tones , and ono gruesome study in autumn
tints an ngod rounder , wildly clutching his
left liver ntul anxiously groping for a bottlo.
The now fountains now being placed In
position In the city murk a now cm m the
tsculptor's nrt. That nt the corner of Plf-
couth and Fnrnnm atroots ls > nn outlines
sketch of "Pat Ford Uojccttng Water. "
The notion is admirable and pcrfoctly
natural , n combination which dlstlu-
'guishes the true artist with a chisel.
ThoDodgo street fountain outlines n wealth
of flowing whiskers nnd n fnco In repose ,
which can bo readily recognized ns n crude
sketch of another city legislator. The Water
Works company deserves credit for preserv
ing In granite the physiognomies of promi
nent city officials.
* *
A specimen of the lost nrts can bo scon on
n window on Douglas street. It Is not
labelled , but the color and action Indicates
"A District Messenger In n Sweat. " In the
early Jays such activity was necessary in the
business , but wisdom comes with years , and
the messenger of to-day cannot honestly bo
nccuscd of running. Ho Is the embodiment
of luxurious case , n protest against haste.
The artist should bo nrrcsted for llbol.
Tlio Poor Old Town Pump.
Winter KcmMfcmi.
William Tippoy und George Grant opened
their saloons In Do Witt last Saturday.
Some ono seemed to fool sorry for the old
town pump which had surprised many an old
toper's stomach during the long "dry season'
nnd appropriately draped it in mourning. It
will not bo burled , however , as its friends
hope to resurrect It to its former usefulness.
Another Soul Mndo Hnppy ,
Elba ( lazcttc.
At last the heart of the poor hungroy edi
tor is made glad. As wo were about to leave
the ofllco yesterday noon to prepare our
usual meal , Mr. Kd Tolnn came in and In
vited us to toke dinner with him. Of course
wo executed. Wo thinlt wo nto almost
cnouch to last us until our bettor two-thirds
returns. Thanks Ed como again.
Right 011 tltu Tureen's Edge.
Uliixse * Herald.
Wo can't afford to run a paper on wind any
longer. Wo cau't stand off our paper bills
nnd our house rent forever , although xvo re-
pret to say wo have been compelled to do it
of late. Wo
want everybody owing us on
subscription and there's lots of you to call
and whack up without further delay. Wo
moan business. Wo must either bnvo what
Is coining to us or tto Herald will be "in the
soup. "
Plattsmnuth Not the Holy Land.
Wcculnu Il'iifcr Kdf/le.
Some men talk about honor at election
times ; is thoro.nnyntPluttsmouth when the
truth is so close at hand , that Dagos and
doirs were used to further their ends at the
last election. "Judas" 1ms the reputation of
being the meanest man that over lived , but
if Christ had lived nt Plnttsmouth Instead of
in the Holy land , Judas would have hud to
take a back scat , for there are men there
that would have sold out their Master for
half the money Judas got thcro were no
editors in those days.
V Chaiicu Tor Itcvonjjo.
1'uik Tlincf.
An exchange asks , "is money dangerous ! "
Of course it is. Everybody ought to know
thus. The best posted men will never have
any of ii around them on any consideration.
Twenty cents have been known to knock a
man down und choke him until ho was black
In the /ace , nnd a half dollar will often get
up In the night nnd murder an entire family.
So notorious has this bororno that everybody
is running away from money llko children
from school , and some are going crazy for
fear they will make n dollar some day before
they know It. If you nro down on the Times
aud want revenge como hi and leave the dollars
lars on our table , when wo are out.
Not. u iMcnloI Policeman.
Crete ( Jliilie.
The men ivho Imvo ofllciutod ns night-
watch nro men who usually sco double und
whoso duplicity of vision increases Inversely
as the square root of the contents of their
whisky bottlo. In soma rcapccts this class
of citizens is very useful , but when it comes
to watching the lives nnd property of 8,000
pcoplo they uro out of their sphere.
An ISinlnont Oltizou Gone.
Omul Kntcnirltc.
* * Ills leaving will bo a terrible
blow to Perkins county , whosostifo existence
without him U a matter of grave apprehen
sion. When ho U gene thcro will bo no
check ujton outlawry and thugism. The
Woolmans. the Finks , the Smiths , the Clarka
nnd the Dovinno.yH are already becoming
bold , arrogant and Insulting , They may bo
expected to kick and pull the boards of over >
man whom they Jlml unarmed nnd agahmt
whom their displeasure may bo dintutcd.
When ho Is gene tlio bulwark of moral recti
tude is utterly dcutroycd , the levee of our
local security is demolished , and the waves
of corruption , infamy , outrage aud ruin will
sweep over aud engulf us all. But If ho
must go wo bid him farewell with us much
llrnnicss as it is possible for im to command
under such heartrending eircumstanco.s. As
a touching memento of his departed glory
let him take with him the plnnuula of fume
upon which ho last pcruhcd.
No Sunday Hall l < \ uHim. .
Sciitta Itetmtillctin ,
Wo are not over-pious oursclf , but some
how or another our conscience Is always
stricken ( and wo un badly bruised ; , when
wo play bull on Sunday. Wo nuvcr huvo
played moro than two or throe games of
ball on Sunday , and wo have always been
severely punished for it. Once In particular ,
we remember of playing principal behind
the bat us back xtop , The bull hud no mercy
on us , for it came poll uell , twiatlug und
squirming , while wo wore trying trying to
persuade ouraelf that it would bo no wrong
to stop u bull even If U was the Lord's tluy.
Giving up the idea that it was wrong wo
spread o'arsolf llko uu eagle preparing to
sail in the blue azure aky , and wo tried to
imitate some of the celebrated athletes ,
whan all ut once something hjppcncd und
the bull stopped after playing ttrouiid our
proguostlgutors until our tongue was
trimmed all uround with a beautiful rod
fringe. _
Ttio Beatrice Democrat thinks Schwcln *
furtli , the Illinois pretender who claims to
bo Jesus Christ , is not tivuu a religious
crank , but a "plum , old-fashioned fraud for
reronue only. " anil advises , as crucifixion is
now out of ntylo , that ha bo treated to a coat
Of tar and feather * .
Not ono recent Invention bids fair to mlij
moro to our comfort than the use of lmlla
rubber for pnvlng , says the St. Ixutln ( Ilobo.
Democrat. It is nn cnormotm strldo from
cobble-stones to asphalt , but from Hint to
rubber Is a greater. It was first used In 1SS7
by llorr Dusae , of Linden , Priwin , tor pav
ing n bridge ot something ever 10,000 squnro
feet. It proved so satisfactory that It wo4
tried on n given nrcn of cnrrlngo-wny In linn- ,
ovor. Horlln then tried the snmo material ,
and with favornblo results. The now | > uvo *
mentis snld to Imvo the resistance of gran.
Ito , and the elasticity peculiar to Itsolf. It It
ufTcctcd by neither heat nor cold , and travel
ever it is perfectly noiseless. The nuostloa
of expense Ifl now to bo considered.
The ovlls of minor Insurance nro constantly
being emphasized in 'England , where the
practice of taking out policies on the lives of
children prevails , snys the Snn Francisco
Chronicle , The most recent illustration of
the dangers ot the system comes from Dopt-
ford , where n woman who has Insured the
lives of twenty-seven relatives is accused ot
poisoning flvo of thorn to secure the insur.
unco. The latest victim Is n boy cloven
years of ago , whoso body on exhumation
Bliowod strong signs of arsenical poisoning.
As n reward for the fiendish deed the woman
received JC20 , the nmount for which the life
of the boy was Insured.
The movement ninong worklngmcu to
make eight hours a legal day's work is inora
widespread now than at any previous time.
The Federation of Labor Is ngltntlug the
subject through trades unions In all parts ot
the country , nnd it Is proposed to keep this
up until May of next year , when it Is to
culminate In a general demand for the short
day. If tbls Is not acceded to the plan is to
Innugurato n general strike. It is very
doubtful , however , if oven the Federation
will think It wise n year hence to carry out
this plan. A disastrous failure would delay
nnd damage the causa to n vary great extent ,
and unless the conditions uro materially
changed tuoro will bo n poor prospect for
success , says the Philadelphia Press. The
movement has much to commend It , nnd la
entitled to the sympathy of every right ,
thinking man. Hut it can not bo made to
succeed as the result of arbitrary action on
the part of cither workmen or law-makers.
If the farmers of this country should Insist
on getting $ J.CO per bushel for their wheat ,
with an over-supply at homo and
abroad , docs any ono suppose that
they could succccdl Speculators put
up the price of wheat last December ,
and ns a result , notwithstanding tha
short crop , there will bo an enormous sur
plus carried over to another year. If there
was n prohibitory tariff on wheat , and the
farmers could afford to hold It and stop pro
duction , they might succeed In such a movo.
nient. But those nro not the conditions. In
the snmo way the workmen can not afford to
remain Idle , ovcu If employers could afford
to pay the same wages for eight hours' work
oa for ton ; while the temporary success of
such a movement would increase Immigra
tion to the extent of untold millions. As
long as the doors are open for all Europe to
como hero , and as much is paid here for eight
hours' work as Is paid there for sixteen , an
eight-hour movement may not succeed in this
country. One necessary stop toward the suc
cess of the movement would bo a law re
stricting immigration. Many thousands of
Italians , for instances , now como to this
country and work for miserably low wngoa
through the summer and return homo to re *
main idle during the winter. Antluug that
will increase the demand for foreign labor
will bring imtuonso droves of those pcoplo to.
this country.
Collector Wobster.of the Dubuqno district ,
which is made up of fortyninecounties of
northern Iowa , has written a letter in which
ho assorts that Governor Larruboo was
much too sanguine when ho nssortcd that
prohibition was enforced in eighty counties
in Iowa. So far as regards his own district ,
the collector says there is not u county in it ,
"nor a town of three hundred inhabitants
or ever , for whieh retail liquor dealers'
licenses have not been Issued , und in ovcry
county the number of licenses issued , whoa
taken together with the number of 'boot *
loggers' people who sell without licenses ,
convicted , Indicates an increase in the num
ber of dealers as compared with the numboo
in existence before the prohibitory law took
effect. " In other words , says the Now York
Commercial-Advertiser , prohibition In Iowa ,
actually increases the ovll it was Intended to
abolish , and Is a demoralizing measure , which
Pennsylvania would do .veil to take account
of , now that her prohibitionists are about to
try to put prohibition into the state constitu
tion ,
A humiliating spectacle was witnessed la
Now Castle , Del. , last Saturday humiliat
ing not only to the nominal victims , but ovou
moro so to the solf-rospcct und dignity ot
the state by whoso laws it was sanctioned.
Five negroes and seven whlto men , who hud
been found guilty of the crimes of larceny ,
highway robbery aud homo stealing , worn
publicly whipped nnd pilloried , and the re
volting scene was witnessedand presumably
enjoyed , by some hundred and fifty BDCU *
tutors. It would bo interesting to ponotratu
the minds of thcso twelve criminals , saya
the Now York Times , and road the effect
which this barbarous mode of punishment
really had as a reformatory agent. If human
nature m tbo criminal classes is tbo same us
in the respectable elements of tlio commun
ity , it Is safe to assume that being publicly
lushed und pilloried does dot predispose the
victim to regard the community which Inflicts
the brutal punishment with anything Ilka
friendly feelings. Ho may , aud probably
will , avoid it in the future , but ho. will go
elsewhere to his criminal practices
the enormity of which neither the lash nee
the pillory is calculated to impress upoa
him. The public lashing of men and aub *
jccllng them to the punishment of the pillory
must of necessity brutalize the people who
partiulputi ) In the work as spectators. Our
own Htuto has abolished the practice of pub.
liu executions on this very ground , that they
were demoralizing , und year by yoai the best
newspapers of the land uro restricting tha
space given to dostriptlons of hangings aud
other rovoltlni ; criminal penalties ,
There is a strong and very noticeable tea *
clcncy in this age , or in u portion of it , to re
turn on routes once traveled by mankind
when humanity was less civilized , less da *
cent , less chaste , says the Chicago Herald
There are In history cycles around which the
masses moved , Inspired by varying motives ,
among which concupiscence has taken a
prominent part ,
The famous Grecian courtesanshlp , with
Its splendid allurements , Is ono of the uiost
conspicuous of these debased phases of hu.
man action ; the voluptuousness of periods in
the existence of the Assyrians j brilliant ami
Intellectual licentiousness of the eighteenth ,
century in France ; and that form of laxity
in the morals of men and women that pre
vailed in England during the seventeenth
cctitury-nro all cycles , recurring at Inter
vals In which the nations have moved ,
Just at present there Is nnother ono ol
these peculiar formations that Is being de
veloped In society , moro especially In uon-
neutlon with the stage. Tlioro Is existing a
condition that U In no sense less reprehensi
ble than the uuuharte Uabylonlan
orgies , of
time in honor of , ho Cyprian Vcuus. Open
and flugraut vIolMlons of the seventh cow-
mundment nre constantly occurring and
, a
coiislderubit- clement of thepubllo regard * It
without condemnation' "ml to wrae extent
leads Itself by ita p-irtloiuatlou to the cauta-w ,
' the awtudal.