Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1889, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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"C. and C. " Electric Motors. WESTERN AGENCY.
Thompson-Houston Electric Motors ,
Detroit Motors. Pumpelly Storage Batteries for StreetR'ys. ,
Wing's Disc Ventilating Fans. Incandescent and Arc Lighting ,
" I 'I Operating Sewing Machines
Automatic Heat Regulators. : / OF ,
Sewing Machine Motors. Dental Motors ,
Ventilating Fan Motors. l ALL SIZES Ventilating Fans , Cautery Etc. ,
Dental Motors. . . > - , Phonographs ,
Medical Batteries. Temporary Electric Light Installation for
Cautery Knives and Electrodes. POWER , Receptions.
House Annunciators. ELECTRIC Experimental Apparatus.
Electric Call Bells. HOUSE Telegraph Instruments.
Burglar Alarms of all kinds. Electric and ,
FURNISHING Light Railway Supplies
Electric Gas Lighting. < rU
AND Bare Copper and Insulated Wires.
Hotel Annunciators.
Elevator Annunciators. GEiRAL Applegate Burglar Alarm Matting.
Incandescent of all makes
Electroliers. Lanfps ,
Combination Fixtures. ELECTRIC clear or colored ,
Glass Shades. REP1RING , Lamp Sockets.
A Wblto Man Shot Down By a
Cowardly Negro.
Indignant And Excited CitlzciiH Sur
round the .Jail and Make an Un
successful Attempt to Ijyiich
the Murderer.
Aturdeicd at a Dance.
BCATHICE , Neb. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] At 2:1)0 : ) this morning a
young man named West , whlto , was shot
nnd killed by William Carson , a negro. It
was at a darkyball conducted by Carson.
West was on the floor dancing when Carson
demanded pay for a ticket So cents. It was
paid , in a short time Carson demanded pay
ngaln , West refusing. Carson then began
abusing West nud drew a revolver and shot
Into the Hoor. West turned and ran , when
Carson fired again , the shot taking
effect In West's back. West
ran out and up the street for
half a block , and then fell and expired In
Onlcors Immediately wont to Carson'a
house and arrested him and lodged him In
the county jail , wheio ho now is. The body
of the murdered man was takou to the city
hall , and relatives In Ohio tolouraDhed for.
Later It was removed to the jail , where the
inquest Is In progress West has no , relatives
hero. Ho was a quiet young man , twenty-
threeveins , old , and unmarried. Ho had been
hero three months selling fruit tree. Carson
is a burly negro plasterer , has lived here sev
eral years , nnd has never borne a good romi-
tatlon. Ho has a wife and two children.
When arrested ho sent for a friend , tolling
him ho had killed a man In solf-dofcnso
and ashing him to retain counsel.
Suth Bowlln , a negro harbor who had boon
flourishing a revolver promiscuously In the
ballroom , wan found In Carson'a house , hav
ing a revolver from which two shots had re
cently been flicd. Ho is also In Jail.
This is the llrst murder committed In Bo-
atrlro In years and causes considerable ox-
cltemont. There are at least ten o.yo-wlt-
ncsscs of the shooting. They say West made
no defense nnd was unarmed , His bolug
shot in the back would Indicate that fact.
Carson , it U stated , had beca drinking ? ,
Thn Jail Surrounded By a Mob.
BBATHICE , Nob. , Mav 18. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE BEE.--Fully ] ono thousand
men and boys have the county jail sur
rounded to-night , and demand Carson , the
imndcrcr of West. Sheriff Davis refused
to give htm up. and ordered the crowd to
disperse. At this hour (10 ( o'clock ) the mob
Is still there with a roue. Several tlmos a
rush has boon made to batter down the
doora , but on account of no leader nothing
yet has been done. The crowd Is Increasing
in cumbers and there is great excitement ,
Quito a number from Filloy , whore West
formerly lived , arc in the crowd. The jail Is
strong , and it will take conttldorublc work to
get iu.
Later The jail Is now guarded by tbo
local company of state mllltla. The crowd Is
dispersing , and there Is no probability of u
lynching to-night.
The Hchuylcr Sensation.
SCHUII.KU , Nol > . , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKU.J Later developments In
the recent social scandal in this city put on
nn entirely different light on tbo whole af
fair , and would seem to Indicate that
McPhcraou , the man accu&od of criminal In.
Utuacy with Mm , Artloy , was more smncd
against than sinning. McPhcrson , who is a
traveling man , has always bornu nn enviable
reputation among his associates , and his
friends assert than ho has been made the
victim of a conspiracy. They have been
busily engaged on an Investigation of the
case , and the result is anything but flatter
ing to MuPhorson's accusers.
It is said that Mrs. Artley , whllo residing
, in Chicago , had , for two years previous to
her marriage with Artloy , berne a question
able reputation , and that she has made a
written confession to the effect that she
has sustained Improper relations with
two or three prominent business men
of Schu.vler. In proof of this they point to
the fact that Artley is making arrangements
to institute a suit for $10OOJ damages against
a grocer of Scluiylcr , aad , fearing that the
latter was about to send nn attorney to Chicago
cage for the purpose of Inducing Mrs. Artloy
to retract her written confession , made an
appointment \vitli his wife to meet him In
Clinton , la. The appointment , however , was
not Kept.
Prom appearances It would seeai that
MoPhorson is being made a scapegoat by
both Mr. and Mrs. Artloy to shield other
parties. McPhcrson denies having con
ducted himself toward Mrs. Artley other
than as a gentleman. Being on the most
friendly terms with her husband , his fre
quent visits to the house were but natural ,
but they were never made at unseasonable
hours. The last visit , at which tlnio Artloy
is said to have met him at the door , was not
later than 7'M : In the evening. Ho denies
having sneaked away , as alleged , but notic
ing tliat Artloy'a manner was decidedly
cool , merely exchanged a few words and left.
On his way homo ho met a friend and told
him of the circumstance , something a guilty
man would hardly bo likely to do.
Mr. Phcrsdn has a wife and family In Chicago
cage , and loft for that city last night. Ho
proposes to tight the matter to the end , and
clear his name of the stain brought upon It
by people whom ho had every reason to sup
pose were his friends , and toward whom ho
had uovor , by word or deed , been cnllty of
A Klnklnt : Bulldintr.
KJCAHNEY , Neb. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BEE.I A llttlo before 0 o'clock
this afternoon , the employes of the Mctcalf
cracker factory , which began business hero
early this week , were startled by u loud ,
cracking sound , and at seeing the inlddlo
portion of the floor In the front part of the
building sink , under what was apparently an
ordinary weight. The walls remained linn ,
however , nnd the floor only settled to a
depth o ( about three feet. It was prevented
from going farther by a number of barrels
of syrup In the basement. Investigation
showed that u brick plor supporting this
portion of the building had split. It
had never been properly linlshcd. Mr. Mot-
calf had called the attention of Contractor
Scott to the fault some tune ago , but it had
not boon repaired. The upright timbers In
the building , live In number , were very light
and appartmty msutllelont in strength , Mr.
Scott will repair the damages at once by
Jacking up the floor In proper support. It
will require two or three days to repair and
set the shaftings. The building was not
overweighted If ordinary care had been taken
in the construction. Only about n car load
of Hour had been piled on the llrst floor and
there was no weight to speak of on the
second ,
KEAIINEV , Neb. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE.J At noon to-day Gcorgo
Gibson , a young man who resides In Ken
wood , accidentally shot himself with a 33-
CAllbro rovplvor , which is llablo to prove
fatal. Ho , In company with a friend , was
playing tennis , and when the game was fin
ished proposed shooting at a mark. In a
careless manner the weapon was discharged ,
burying the contents In his loft breast , the
ball passing through his body and lodging
beneath the shoulder blade , The sufferer is
growing weaker and little hope of his re
covery is entertained by the attending sur-
geoni. Ho came hero from Now York city
about a year ago , and U largely interested in
Kearney real estate.
Openlni : nl'thc Pontoon Bridge.
DAKOTA CITIT , Nob. , May 18. [ Special
Teleyram to TUB BUB. J At 1:30 : p , m. , to
day , the poutoou bridge Joining Dakota City
and Sioux City was formally opened amid
the blowing of whistles and firing of can
nons. The procession , consisting of busi
ness men of Sioux City and South Sioux
City , followed by the K. o P. band of Sioux
City and about eight hundred teams , was
formed In Sioux City on Fourth street , and
marched across the bridge nnd returned. The
boats were lined with teams nnd foot na sen-
gers , testing it to its fullest capacity , and
was pronounced a grand success , and all
were well pleased. Fully ten thousand people
ple were present. The bridge is about two
hundred foot long nnd composed of 147 boats
besides the draw , which is about ono hun
dred and forty feet long. The boats are an
chored by rocks sunk in the river and at
tached to the boats by means of wlro cables.
I'liiiiivlow'H Railroad Prospect.
PIAIXVIBW , Neb. , May 18. [ Special to
TUB Bcc.J Grading on the Pacihc Short
Line began at this place to-day. The force
passed through hero yesterday securing the
right of way. The citizens of Plaiuvlow
naturally feel very jubilant ever the bril
liant prospects that the advent of the now
railroad opens up to her. Our little city is
the scene of considerable bustle and activity
and business men arc already locating hereupon
upon the strength of the boom that Is con
sidered a certainty of the near future.
The right of way party of the Sioux City
& Ogdcn Short Line Hallway company ar
rived hero this evening , having bought thn
right of way from Sioux City to this place.
The many graders who have been encamped
In this vicinity for tno past two weeks will
commence work to-morrow. The town lot
company has secured 140 acres of land ad
joining this town , which will bo platted iu
the near future , making a line addition.
Railroad Magnates Visit Cm to.
CHETE , Nob. , May 18. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] A special on the Missouri Pacific
railroad with A. W. Dickinson , general man
ager , C. M. Rathbum , general superintend
ent , and J. D. Philllpi , assistant general
freight agent , on board , arrived at the Mis-
sour ! Pacific depot at 2 o'clock yesterday af
ternoon , the object of the visit being the ex
tension of the Missouri Pacific system from
here west , and looking ever the ground of a
branch of this line to Lincoln. The special
came from Lincoln over tire B. & M. , and
loft for Atchlson via Talmago.
Cattle Shipping From Cortland.
COKTLAJID , Nob. , May 18. [ Special Tele-
cram to THE BEE.I Monday A.V. . Beahm ,
of this place , will load a special train of
twenty stable cars of cattle fed at Cortland.
They are to bo shipped to Chicago via the
Union Pacitlo and Chicago , Rook Island &
Paclllo railroads. Mr. Boahm is an exten
sive shipper , and has made arrangements to
have the train run through to Chicago as an
extra , and will make the best possible time.
The cars.will bo delivered in line shape , ad
vertising Cortland and Gage county as a
grain and stock shipping point.
University Clubs Play Ball.
UIABSES , Neb. , May 18. [ Special Tolo-
grara to TUB BEB.J The second gnmo of
base ball between the Ulysses and Lincoln
university clubs win played hero to-day in
the presence of a largo gathering of people
from miles around. The score resulted in
favor of Ulvssos , being 13 to 0 , fourgooso
eggs being given by both clubs. The bat
teries wore ; For Ulysses , Gallaghan nnd
Bishop , and Goddoll and Fowlo for Lincoln ,
with-W. S. Cooper as umpire. Games are
being arranged with Grand Island and Genoa
In the near future.
Oroto After ( lie Catholic /lospltaL
CIIETB , Nob. , M y 18. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] Bishop Bonacum , of Lincoln , arrived
hero at noon to-day. The intention is to
erect a Catholic hospital somewhere m tbo
direction of Lincoln , and' Bishop Bonaoum
is hero upon the invitation of our iwople
with the view of selecting suitable grounds
for the location of the hospital. Our people
will do all In their power to secure the hos
pital for Crete.
Kcjotolnir at Ponder.
PE.NDEII , Nob. , May 18. [ Special to TUB
BEE.I The recent orders from Secretary
Noble to Indian Agent Warner bus caused
general rejoicing hereabouts among the In
dians as well as the whites. It is now well
known that previous Instructions from the
department to Warner were induced bv his
constant appeals to the authorities at Wash
ington for orders to prohibit the whites using
the Indian lands for either pasturage or tillage -
ago , and not that the Indians were at nil dis
Oinnlia Wins at Plnttsmontli.
PI.ATTSMOITTH , Nob. , May 18. [ Special to
Tin : Bnn.J The ball game , which occurred
this afternoon in this city between the West
Omahas and Plattsmouth , resulted in a vic
tory for the former. The visitors , though
joung , are a very strong team , and the Plaits-
mouth nlno was unusually weak. The score
by innings is as follows :
West Omaha 1 0 3 0 0 S3 3 0 0 0
Plattsmouth 0 0-fi
Batteries Crow and Patterson , for the
visitors ; Tom and Jim Patterson , for the
homo club.
IMndison'H liondi.
MADIBOM , Neb. , May 18. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] It has been two years since the
blunder was made in the court house bonds ,
and It was expected that that expensive
lesson would not bo forgotten when the
waterworks bonds were issued. However ,
if reports and a careful examination uro
wotth anything , a moro Inexcusable mistake
has been made. The works arc almost ready
for the council's acceptance. It is possible
that a now election will have to bo called to
remedy the error. This matter Is causing
considerable discussion.
lioup City to HJIVO n Oniial.
Lour CITV , Nob. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to THIS BEB. I The surveyors who
have , for the past two weeks , been locating
the water power canal completed their work
yesterday , and estimate the cost at $30,000.
The head will bo just below S hupp'a mill at
Arcadia. It will have a fall of two feet per
mile and bo thirteen miles long , ono mile
of which will bo through a tunnol. Capital
ists are hero and ask no bonun except the
right of wav , for miles of which has boon
secured , nnd promise to commence work as
soon as this is done.
Grand Island Defeats Kearney.
GHANII ISLAND , Nob. , May 28. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEE. ] The homo team
won the game with Kearney to-day. The
playing on both sides was poor , but the nt-
tcndanco was good. The score :
Grand Island. . 10020402 1 10
Kearney 00 01001 ! ) 1 0
Batteries Hnghog4and [ Ready , and Os-
berne nnd Moran. Struck out By Hughes
1 , bv Osborno 3. tThveo-baso hits Rourltc ,
MoVey and Moran , 3 ,
Burglars fit Craljr.
CKAIO , Nob. , May 18. LSpecial to THE
BEK.J Last night thieves entered the house
of J , R. Davis , posttn'iister of this place , and
stole what money hg pad In his pocket , about
IS , Ho had about -WOO In the house , but ,
luckily , the thlov'cs fyll not get hold of that.
Mr. Davis heard , some ono enter the bouse ,
but , supposing it to' bo some of the family ,
took no notlco of It. "
A Blaze nt JSorth Dend.
Noam BENII , Not ) . , May 18. [ Special
Telegram to THE . .BEE.1 The resldcnco of
Franu Chlpau , located In the western portion
tion of our city , wns-cntlroly consumed by
flro to-night duringtno absence of the family.
The origin of the flro itt unknown at the
present time. The property was insured for
its full value.
Gilbert and Smith Jtcappolntcd ,
LINCOLN , Neb. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] Governor Thayer has
reappolntcd Gcorgo I , Gilbert and Howard
B. Smith AS members of the board of lire
and police commissioners for the city of
Omaha , each for a term of four year * .
Grunt Wants a Flour Mill.
GIIANT , Neb. , May 18. [ Special Telegram
to THE DUE. ] Preliminary arrangements
were made hero to-day towards securing for
for Grant a ( louring will with a capacity of
from ono hundred to ono hundred nnd Ufty
barrels per day.
Still Plenty of Boom for Ingonlua
Minds to Work.
A New mill More Tliriity Motor Power
is Needed Ho\v Shall Heat
Be Converted Into
Electricity ?
la Inventive Genius Kxhnustcd ?
.A. correspondent has written to ask
us whether the realm of invention is
not exhausted whether there is btill
any chance for one of an inventive
mind to devise improvements on oxiat-
inp devices or machines , says the
Scientific American. The doubt im
plied in the above question scorns very
natural in view of the record of the
patent olFcos of different countries.
Every year sees an incrouso of patents.
Besides those there arc numberless in
ventions that are unregistered and that
do not find a place on the records.
Notwithstanding all this , the field is so
largo , and is so imperfectly cultivated ,
that the work has only commenced.
Man's energies now , after so many
years of waiting , are bent on the sub
jugation of the material world. More
than half a million patents are the
written history of whut has been done ,
but the unwritten portion is the largest.
Yet the conquest is tar from complete.
If wo consider the great inventions
that arc waited for , perhaps the subject
of n prime motor would bo the first oc
curring to the mind.
From every point of view the steam
engine is unsatisfactory. It is ham
pered by the condition of a narrow
range of temperature , so that with
steam of any manageable ilogreo of
heat , not moro than 15 or 20 per
cent of the heat of the fuel can
possibly bo utili/.ed. There is only one
way in a heat engine to avoid this re
striction. It is to ube a very high tem
perature in the motor , If steam is
greatly super-heated , it attacks the
metal of which a machine is built , it
destroys lubricators and packings , and
is quite impracticable. Steam cannot
overcome the ill olTecls of the second
law of thormo-dynamics. In the gas
engine , in which the combustion of gas
is directly used , a higher temperature
is obtained , and an engine far more
economical in the calorific sense is ob
tained. But its fuel is expensive , and
has to bo first manufactured. The
cylinder becomes heated , and , to prevent -
vent this from going too far , water is
caused to circulate around it. This is a
concession to the practical , for theore
tically the use of water in this place iu
wrong. Neither the steam engine
n or gas engine fills the bill.
A prime motor that will convert
eighty or ninety per cent , of Die
heat energy of coal into mechanical
energy has yet to bo invented.
Another conversion of energy should
ho the subject of invention. Mechun-
Ical energy can bo converted into elec
trical energy with little loss ; the prob
lem of a successful conversion of heat
energy into the electric form has yet to
bo bolvod. The ordinary thermoelec
tric battery is exceedingly uneconom
ical , on account of the small dilToronco
of temperatures that it can utilize , and ,
in all of its present forms , must have a
low co-olllcient of restitution. Of all
the heat energy which it absorbs , it
cannot restore as much oven as the
steam engine does. A prime motor and
a direct converter of heat into electric
ity , with ollioioncies of 80 percent or
moro , and using common fuel , have yet
to bo invented , In the ordinary cycle ,
coal is burned under a boiler , and the
bteam thus generated actuates an en
gine , in us turn driving u dynamo. In
the second conversion of mechanical into
electric energy , there is a loss of not
over 10 or 15 per cent. But in the first
stop 85 to 00 per cent of heat energy is
lost. In overcoming this loss , by going
diicotly from to electricity , with
out the wasteful intermediation of
steam , there is ample room for inven
tion. A primary battery that would bo
economically available for heavy work
has yet to by invented. Almost all are
chnrnetori/od by high resistance , c.x-
peiibive depolarizer , or a. negative plate
of high initial cost. In the upward
battery there waa a genuinely now de
parture ; but it has not boon extensively
introduced. The use of zinc for the
positive element is a weak point , owing
to the expense of such fuel. The
storage battery has'mot with success , in
a great measure , on account of its low
resistance. In the approved arrange
ment of primary batteries , one-half the
energy in expended ubclessly in overcom
ing the rcbistanco of the battery itself.
The field of greater achieve
ments could bo gone over and
many other wants suggested. The sun's
radiant heat should bo utili/.ed ; tidal
force and the movements of the wind
should bo hut-nessed and made to do
their part in the labors of the world.
In considering the great advance of
natural science as regards definition
only , remembering how accurately the
extent of achievement is- stated , it is
impossible to resist the conclusion that
the world is on the verge of the rovoal-
mcnt of some of thogreatcst inventions.
To It now just what we have done and
what uro the limits of our power in any
given direction , is half the battle , and
that half has been won. In inventions
of minor or lobs fundamental character
the field is widening rather than nar
rowing. Since the iliivb of Faust and
Gutenberg , all book * have boon set up ,
letter by letter , in the most hiborious
and primitive way. At last a fairly
successful typo moulding machine , that
replaces the compositor , has ap
peared. Hut no one can pretend
to say that it murks the limit
of achievement in this partic
ular art. In the most numerous clnsacb
of inventions , huch as car couplers or
lock nuts , there is evidently ample
region for work , as certainly the per
fect coupler or nut has not yet been in
vented. About 1812 Kobort Fulton is
said to have invented moans for bring
ing the double-ended ferryboats , which
he had designed , to their pontoon dooktt
without a jar. As the ferryboat of the
present day roaches ho pier , the ends
of two cables brought from the dock are
hooked to eyebolts on her dock , and the
cables are then tightened by a Hpeclcd
of windlass so as to hold the boat in
place. The whole operation is executed
by hand , while several hundred people
patiently await its completion , ( n this
exceedingly crude contrivance it would
seem that a relic of Robert Fulton'n in
vention has been preserved. The in
genuity of the constructors of stcmn-
ships and railways ought to bo adequate
to the production of an automatic
coupling that would hold the
boat in place us she touches
the dock. A good instance of n genuine
improvement in u field apjuirontly
barren has been alforded dur'ng ' the
last few monthd. The channel eye \vas
one of the first Improvements in the
needle. By placing the eye near its
point , the sowing machine became a
possibility , Hxcupt for these changes ,
the latter for u upccillc purpose , the
little pointed piece of stool has re
mained the same for many generations ,
and has served as a trial of patience to
many of the weaker-sighted mortals
who have attempted to thread it. It
seemed a hopeless thing to expend in
genuity on. Needle threaders were
invented , but proved of little use , and ,
it IB xvithin a few months only that a
self-threading needle has boon placed ,
1111 the market.Vo think it is evident
thattno hori/.on of the inventor's world
is widening. Kvory great change or
invention opens a now region , and a
fundamental patent is the basis for
numerous improvements.
The Brutal Murdorur of Dunonii Ar-
rentcM in the IJhiolc Hills.
PIKIIHE , Dak. , May 18. [ Special Tqlo-
gram to TUB Bii : . | Word came by wlro
this morning that Deputy United States
Mnrs'ml Harris had ruptured , the evening
before at Wliitowood , In the Uluck Hills ,
Arthur Redmond , the supposed slajor of W.
G. Duncan on the Sioux reservation near
Fort nonnott. Redmond has all the money
taken from Duncan , also his horso. Ho will
bo hi ought across the reservation by Harris
and Gcorgo Mathleson , who offered $100
reward for tils capture , and lodged in the
Pierre ] all to await trial at the next term of
tbo federal court.
Plcrro to Jlnvo n. Now Hotel.
Piiiiini' , Dalt. , May 18. [ Special Telegram
to THE HER. ] The citizens of Pierre have
had an offer made with a written stipulation
by a capitalist of Now York , named Loolfo ,
to construct an fcbO.OOO hotel In the heart of
the city tiprm the payment of a bonus of
? JO,0 < )0. ) To day ? rIOJ ( of the bonus has been
raised in cash , and a meeting of citizens has
been called for this evening , when the bal
ance will bo subseribod. The hotel is almost
a foregone conclusion , and will bo , when
finished , the largest in Dakota , the dimen
sions being 00x105 , flvo stories and basomonti.
Dakota CongregationI\HU. | |
Piniiiiu , Dal : . , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to THIS Hun. ] The two days' session
of the Congregationnl church convention for
Dakota was concluded to-day at the Oaho
Indian mission school , on the river ahovo
I'lerro. Some thirty delegates ware present
from all ovnr the territory , and an Interesting -
ing programmu was carried out.
Government Hiii-voyorx ,
Pir.nitK , Dak. , May 18. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BIB.J : Carl Guiulerson , of
Yankton , who has the contract of the gov
ernment surveying in the Little Missouri
rlvor country in Western Dakota , passed
over the Missouri to-day with his en tire force
on his wny to the Held.
Haloiin Men Convicted.
FOUT DOUGH , la , May 18.ISpcclal Tele
gram to Tun UnK.l--Tho first practical move
that has boon made to enforce the prohibi
tory law In this part of Ioi was attempted
at the present term of the d 1st net court.
.James Hey , .luck Doyle and Nelson Cunning
ham , three saloonkcuporH , were convicted .
and committed to Jnil to-day In default of
$1,000 lines. There were three ottier convic
tions , but Huntences were suspended ,
Tim Milwaukee Storm Vlo lino.
MII.W AUKKH , May 18. The bodies of three
Polish laborers who were drowned by the
Hood during the thunder storm last night ,
while working In a tunnel , were recovered at
noon to duy.
Hound Over ,
GENEVA , Nob. , May 18. [ Special to THH
Bun. ] The preliminary examination of the
Catholic nrlesl on the charge of bastardy
resulted In his being bound ever to the 0la-
trie t court In the sum of $1,000. ,
The Indians Victorious.
GEKOA , Nob. , May 18. [ Special Telegram
to Tint UEK. I The Indian school ball club
bout the Clurlca nine by a scant of ! to V.