Ji&OMaBK ' * 20 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , MAY 19. 18SO.--TWENTy-FOUR PAGES. i Begins Tomorrow , A. M. , and continues all Week. I ± you want first class Spring and Summer Dry Goods for very little money , you'll find them at Barr's GE , S. S * I E THIRD GRAND OPENING , EARLY SUMMEyjj SACRIFICE SALE OF TEA GOWNS , LACE WRAPS , WHITE SUITS. B BA Barr's Millinery Manager is just returned from a third Wash. .Dress Goods. Grand Special Opening of Ladies' Summer Suits and A Bn visit this season to the leading- markets of the world with Wraps. All the latest novelties , Imported Sateens in the B , K , the choicest high novelties in Millinery the world pro 25 pieces NEW FAYAL BATISTE , satin striped , with fast colored de new Empire styles , Empire Tea Gowns , with silk-fringed Fu signs , 32 inches wide , A STARTLING OFFER , Mantles and duces. sleeves and Sashes ; exquisite new Lace , At lOc yard. duces.Third . Short Wraps with Russian sleeves , elaborate White and 32-INCH FINE ZEPHYR GINGHAMS , In small pltvid * and chocks , Third Grand Opening beautiful for children's wear , Lace Gowns. All are invited to this special clisphiy on f At25cyard. Monday and Tuesday. Of this season Monday and Tuesday. MUlinery Parlors A larpo now assortment , latest designs and colors , in SATEENS , very line , will be handsomely decorated with blooming plants. At 25c yard. Dress Go oils. Calicos. ] You are cordially invited. FANCY ( IMPORTED ) CEYLON MULLS. Uayo you scon them ? 151 pliiro' chnlt o styles bmt American Clint Us nt ir.c per yard , ' Special till * wjok. WHITE GOODS SPECIAL. W pieces ilMncli nil wool nnest Wo nch ChalH * . Percales liic worth Wrench Cheviot * i nd , ynrd , made , nt iVc , . Into-it designs nml host cloth per . Silks. Black Goods. yard. SOc. nxtraordlnary value this week. Bilk PAH- Another largo invoice just received of those- handsome SATIN PLAID 4' ' ) piece * 10-lurh nil wool Pronch Albatross llcmnrinU sateens , s tolJynnls In ploco , lOu line of nUMlk and silk nnd JUCS nt price IlKMMV cost. wool Just ( ironadlnoH opened , n new In new designs. See cur nov MULLS , 3O AND 32 INCHES WIDE , which wo will close cloth nt. , Wn per , ynrd. lilno. Colors iiluk , , lavender oroiini. , white Mle , , yard , worth Jc. in pieces light weight tires do lloyal , 61k : yard , elties In black Nuns' Voltlmt and Claliottns , tun unvy , mnlio sage sky nud drab. Ilesl Cotton Challls , 5c yard , worth 7c. regular prlcu TOc. with sat'.n and hum stitched borders. The At lOc yard. grcon ony Afowpleccsof our Heal China Bilk , S3 inches handsomest gnods shown In Omaha , vrldo , t1.1O nnd $1 > quality , ? 5u yard. Cliolco line of llgnred India Silks nt OOc yara , A full line ot summer weights in Tamoso Notions. regular value BSc. lirlHInntlno. Mohair llrllliantlne uud Sicilian Hosiery. . Fancy Notions. Illack Silks In order to rciluco our black silk llrllliautliic. Itoman I'onrl lluttons , card ot 3 dozen , nil Cmicura. White rose ( llycerlne , i'enrs Scented , Sashnsl anil lUi-luch Ill.ick Moire , tl.01 ; ( U4 Btock. vo otlcr ttpeclal values this week. Yon Ladles' pxtra flno Cotton Hose. "Raven" now shades , special price I0i card. niesosoapsaro the best made ; our price. Ho Inch Illack UKHdraln , sitln edge , * I.n. : extra silk for 7" extra Complete line of silk warp ! \ml all wool bor- rlbbod quality. can buy u good pure > c : quality , black , warranted -fast , with protection ' OJo. All KrniU > B of Ulack Silks at W > per cent below - doi ed Nun Veilings Cor mourmi ; veils nt Hnrr'a op , 40c npnlr. Full Hall 1'earl " Huttons , self shanks , . card of n 0-lneli Moire , satin edge , in colors , nt Jl.Si. low regular value. mourning dc ) > urtmcnt. dozen worth 7" > c card , special pricei ! > c.cnrd. Impoited White Castile soap 0 Ib bars ) , our Armuro.satlnediti1 , No. IS , IlDcporyard. Children's hose , Harr's "Kmprcss" black , will Kerns' IIoso Supporters , children's , misses price , ! i > c bar. not crock Sizes ft,5J4 undo , U > c ! Otf nnd 7 , 'Mo ; and ladles' size , worth from 40c to 75c pair , linl Kir UrotdiMtn. satin oAge , in all shadus , No , J , " . am Soap and Pillow , worth 2.c , our ir c , No. li , 'JJc per yard. 71i , 8. nnd BVS , 3)C. special price > c pair. prlcolOc. Mourning Mixed Pins. ( .TOO in box ) worth 13o Children's lllbbcd Cotton IIoso , double knoes. box , special price Ccbox. IJcst Hay Hum , pint size , worth .Tic bottle , our "Empress" fast blnck , seal nud navy , stainless ! price I3c. Art Needlework. wllluotfndo. Sizes 0 nnd ( IV ! , iWcj 7 and VM , n-lnch Pocketbooks , fancy clasp , worth 60c , ' . " " Lubln's perfumes in all odors bet Parasols. re ; 8nnd8Vi,3uo ; nnd K,3 : > c. special Side combs price In > c. amber , black nnd shell , silver tle , our price 53 ? bottli1. , wortli'VSc Ladles wishing to Und bargains In art goods umbrellas ln"Glorla" nnd all silk These bargains In hose wo guarantee absolute nnd oxydlzcd trimmings , worth $1 pair , special Host Standard Kloriila Water , pint size , worth cull at once nml eo " ) our hamlsoma low prices Silk on Chair thu I'll- Cot ' " ly fast , nud can bo depended onvhen wo so , . Me bottle for lowing iirtlelusi : > long and short handles , ftoml.-"p to the lluost , say price Wo pair. , Sle bottle. lows worth $1.5) , nt Tic. Jt will toseo them. pay you ' 41 dozen Stamped Tldlts. Be each. 0 do/en ladles' , and / cream parasols plain with borders , ntl,00 euch. fl ) dozen Stamped Splashers , Wo each. Children's parasols at "Me , ; tOc , 50c , 91.0) and ' I/es'ons In all nrt wrV Hlveu. upwards. BARR'S FASHION CHAT. Btamplug denote order. Fashion has turned her back square on the severe lingltsh gown nnd hat , and adopted the de Laces. lightfully becoming French styles , with all their llountes and llnmmerlcs. Talk about the severe form ot dress being sensible- . yes. It's sensible enough , no doubt. ' Sjieciiil sulo on Marie Ineei nnd Dr.xpory net Gloves. Gents' Furiiishiiigs. this week. 43-Inch Spanish Gulp I.aco Flouncing nt 75o 40dozon HIack Silk Mitts at Me per pair. Iiiziens. It always pavs to make your selection at yard - , worth 1.35 CO dozen Illack Silk Gloves nt 7uc per pair. . Barr's Dents Furnishing department , ns the Chantlllv t.acc Flouncing , 11 Inch , nt I.W , well 75 dozen first quality Carol * dix-ssod 8-outton 1 Monday we olTer 10012-1 extra heavy Mar- cnarm Is a grace of nianuor , expression nna movement ? A beauty that's felt rather tlmu seen. stock IH always fresh. large and varied , and the worth fS.Sl. Mousquetalre nt ja. J per pair. 1 } sellles pattern Had Spreads at 1 each , This Rhl Is never boisterous , 'ihoro's the whirlwind girl , nlwuya la n rush , talks nml lun liM prices the lowest , This week wo show many Not anil 1'lsh Nets lu ' Scotch Flannel shirts nnd splun- Mouantltno of Drapery ' In a loudly , and fellow Inn . now styles keeps n constant wonder as to wliat she's goliiR to do next. And there's Wo carry only the best makes ot Kid Gloves. 2 J 100 1JM Marseilles wlilto Hod Spreads at the KiBRlInt ? , gushing girl , who glgles at everything and nothing , Aud then by way of blessed iled now assortment of gouts' neckwear with all dots ami flgunu , fiom * 1 00 to J2.CO pur yaul. Gloves tlttcd to the hand. I fl.To encli. contrast comi'.s the < pjler , oven-mnnnered ulrl , wlioso sweet , dlcnlded lepote of manner gives a the different grades nnd textures of under wear , * received 12 new patterns In man a sense of rest and wins n place In his regard for which the boisterous phi might High forever. and nn emllets variety of gents socks , Note the 1W Inch S-uUn Table Damask nua placothem Somebody. 1 believe Ilustin , sa.VH , "Keep absolutely calm of temper , girls , under all clrcum- following : Han dker chiefs. son nalo Mondny inoruing nt Sl.r.O , Don t Rtnnces , If you want men to admire you. " Ana somebody else fays a man always ajmtros a v ell- 00 dozen gontJ genuine Halorlggan Shirts and I fail to see them as tlio value Is cxtraor- ureihed woman , nnd there's no excuse for any woman not being well dressed. drawers at 5Uc each , the cheapest In America. Don't fall to visit Bair'.s HnndUorchlof department Everybody's Interested in warm weather gowns Just now , and everybody can wear the very 75dozon gents'strlpad Urltlsh Socks , ( J pair this week , ns Hpoclnl imlncemeiitv Corsets. comfortable , c. > ol , Fotiblbln and beautiful Emplrn stvlos , or some modlUrntlon or the Umpire fash- ( or ) 1.00 partment will be offered. Wo have Just procured a Inrnt Ions. The straight , full Skirt and oked.or Hlirpllced waist , with big -leeve. , Is worn by old j ' ! or : J1 dozen gents' white corded P. 1C. Four In lot of manufacturers seconds , comprising 7iiS At summer prices young , young women adding tno broad f 'ML Sateens , zophjrs , lawns nnd ch allies are beautifully Hand Ties , -Oc each. dozen , which we oiler nt n little over halt prlpo. - Thompson's Ventilating Summer Corsets , mudo In this style ; and light woolen drosswf , with a border of live or six rows of watered ribbon Those goods will bo ariangod In lots from which worth 1.S3 , at JI.OO. von can have your choice , lu ladles nt fie , luc , French Woven Corsets , . extra length , usual U'W. 15c. 'JOc. In gentlemen's nt 10o , ir > c , ac ) price JI.W. at 11.00. AB this Is the best value lu handkerchiefs Freilch Corset , "a la Helno , " 3.25 for J1.50. Don't miss this special summer opening , It It's posslblo for you to bo there is the advice of ever oOored In Ouinuu , we advise oil early so- VIRGINIA. lection. Country orders for goods or samples will receive Great'Central Dry Goods Store , fronting on prompt attention if addressed to the Wm. Barr 16th and Douglas Streets , in the retail and Dry Goods Co. , I6th and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Neb. street railroad centre of Omaha. TO BE THE BRIDE OF CflRlST Miss Kato Drexol's Prospective Re nunciation of the World. BADE HER FRIENDS FAREWELL. She Has Tnkon the Preliminary Stops anil Kntorcd Upon Ilor Proba ; tluii Seven millions For the Catholic Olmrcli. Her Life For God. Miss Kate Drexel has suddenly become - como an object of unusual Interest. Rumor has It that she Is about to outer a convent and relinquish her rights tea a vast fortune and a fetation in lifo which would render the world enjoyable to almost any ono , says the Now York cor respondent of the Chicago Herald. The Evening Telegram of this city gives an interesting account of the lady's chari ties , and also explains the provisions of the will by which her father disposed of his many millions. Among the passon- pors for Kuropo who sailed this morning on thu North Gorman stoatnor Lahn , says the Telegram , was Mr. A. J. Drexel , the wealthy Philadelphia banker , and his nieces , Miss Lizzie Drcxel and her sister , Sirs. E. Do V. Morroll , daughters of the Into DA. . Droxol. They go to Carlsbad together to spend the summer , nnd Mr. Morroll is ono of the party. Doforo leaving their homo yesterday they bade an earthly iarowoll to Miss Kato Drexel , their remaining sister , who has startled society by resigning the world and all her millions of money to become a pos tulate or ' 'oarnest-sedkor" in the Order of the Sisters ot Morcy. On Monday morning Miss Drexel at tended mass In St. John's churuh in Philadelphia , and chose that sacred place to tulco farewell ofhor relatives , oxcoutinir such as were to accompany her and ono or two very inlimato friends. She was attired all in black , and , according to custom , knelt in front of the altar dedicated to the Dlessod Virgin Mary , The mass ever , her dis tant relatives and ono or two others and her old governess and her maid and ono or two faithful servants crossed from the other aisle and bade her farowoll. She kibHod thorn all. Although ovl- doiitly deeply nnd greatly ull'uutoa , she did not shed tears , and in this very severe - voro ordeal showed remarkable llrmnods and fortltudo. All the necessary itr- rangomonts had previously boon mudo , and with her two sisters and Mr. Mor roll she drove direct to the station and took the train for Pittsburg , arrivlngat the convent Monday night. Miss Kato Drexel is tlio second daugh ter , and is about thirty yours o ( ago. In appearance she is the most attractive of the three sisters , though not bo tall ns the ether two. She has n good com plexion , a sweet expression and was noted for her umilo. Ilor eyes are blue or blue-gray , and ono of her greatest charms is a wealth of uncommonly boau- titul brown hair , much moro than ordi nary. It is said to roach far below her waist. One of the sad thoughts in con nection with her withdrawal to FOIIIU of her relatives was that aho should aucri- flco this part of her personality und "woman's glory , " but , according to usage , she will have to saorltlco her hair until she takes her final vows. Tlio vows she will take should she cnntiiuuo in her determination will bo three , "povorty , chastity and oboui- onca. " In taking thorn she will haye to assort , as she did in her profession , tnnt she does It "of her own free will and accord. " The vows of obligation are very solemn , and are mndo before the altar , crucifix in hand , and a part of the ceremony in this order consists of the novice appcarlnR in a complete wedding outfit and having a ring put upon her flngor , and made a "brido of Christ. " This is before she assumes the black habit and veil , which involves a funeral service. In some of the orders of sisterhood the novice prostrates her self at the entrance and allows the mom- jors of the order to stop ever her body in tolton of humility. Miss Droxcl appeared with the other members of the order in the chapel of the mother house , mndo her professions and wont through the customary devo tional exorcises. During the coming six months she will be required to con form to the routine and discipline of the order , but her attire will bo largely optional. She will bo put to manv "tests"however , to prove her faithful ness , and the conventual lifo will bo very different from that which she hns been loading. The habit of the Sistora of Mercy is the most picturesque and dignified of all the orders of the Cath- olio sisterhood and religious ladies. They wear trains nnd a deep collar that entirely covers the breast , and small , closc-lllting caps that come under the chin. Miss Drexel is the young lady who has bhown so much interest in Indian missions. With Bishop O'Connor , of Nebraska , aho traveled through the Indian country and gave $150,000 for the work of Catholic missions among the Indians of the northwost. She is of a very amiable and beautiful disposition , nnd her mind has always had a religious turn. Unless at the end of the proba tionary period of six months she con cludes to change her mind and renounce - nounco her intention and profession , tvhlch is within her power to do , Miss Drexel , HO well known as the most at tractive of the sisters of her branch of tho. family , and ono of the groatcst hoiressos'in America , will henceforth bo "dead to the world , " and iho circles of Walnut street , where she iias been so familiar , will know her no moro. No incident of the sort since the bountiful Miba MoTnvish , of 13altimoro. ontorcd a convent , will cause so great a social sen sation , as it was utterly unoxnoctcd , and , until now , has boon absolutely unKnown - Known outBido of thA'family. Miss Kato Drcxol is ono of three sisters - tors wiio inherited from their father the enormous fortune , now estimated , of $21,000,000. This is invobtod not only in real estate all over Philadel phia and in securities and bonds of va rious organizations and industries in und out of Philadelphia , but in the great banking house of whloh her father was a member. The way in which it was loft also has an important bearing. In case either of the three daughters should marry and have an heir , the heir inherits the whole for tune after the daughters1 , deaths. If neither should leave an heir , tha entire fortune goes to the Cntholio church. The youngest daughter , now Mrs. E. Do V. Morroll , married a few months ago. Miss Kate Drexel , who entered the convent , has quito u largo fortune , independently inherited from her mother , who died before her fatherhut should she remain in the order her in come from her interest in her father's estate , nnd probably her ahuro of the principal , amounting to $0,000,000 or & 7,000.000 , will be relinquished to the church. Miss Lizzie Drexel had not contom- Sluted going to Europe , but upon the etorininutlon of Miss Kato Droxul be coming known , the sister determined to go , not desiring to ho loft alone at Ean Michael , near Torrssda'o. ' the ox- tonsivo country place whore all three of the sisters hnvo spent most of their lives , where their father and mother are interred in a grand sarcophagus , over which a memorial church itdjoin- ing the Convent of the Sacred Heart has boon erected. GOULD ON PLUTOCRACY. Ho Considers the Cnncriitrntlon of Wealth a Good Thliiir. Jay Gould has boon asked for his views rogardine Bishop Potter's re marks about the rise of the money power. After seine preliminary con versation , the reporter asked the load ing question : "You do not , then , Mr. Gould , accept the belief that America is becoming a nation of plutocrats , and that men of vast wealth are a source of danger to the perpetuity of constitu tional government ? " "Indeed I do not , " and the brown eyes opened widely. "I have made What money I possess by hard work. While it may not bo the general im pression , I owe all my success to unre mitting labor entirely. Work is the only thing that will succeed in America. In some of the monarchies of Kuropo , wealth , ancestry 'blood , ' if you like will make a man nnd put him in a posi tion of the greatest prominence ; but in this country industry alone can bring men to positions of trust and financial supremacy can make them great or rich. Besides , remember that neither blood nor inherited wealth creates statesmen hero. " "You do not regard the accumulation of wealth itself as dnngerous'i1" "On the contrary , BO long us the money is kept in this country I regard its concentration in certain localities erin in the hands of individuals ns of the greatest benefit to the nation. Where man accuinmulato fortunes and take the money out of the country it la a serious injury , but a corporation which creates capital that is to remain hero nnd keep in motion as a circulating medium is a benefit to the whole country. " Continuing his comments on Bishop Potter's address , Mr. Gould said : "Has man , as ho has developed under our splendid , our glorious civilization , grown Uess solf-rcspooting , loss pure , moro vonaiy Would Bishop Potter toll us that men in public lifo nro mostly careless , snnll , potty , penurious , pur chasable croaturesV Ah , ho takes the pulpit into the job lot , too , as special pleaders for bribery and vote-vending. I am glad I cannot agree with Dr. Pot- tor. I don't think so badly of my fellowmen low-men , and I'm not called an Abou Bon Adhom. " Ilbyines for the Times. Uoston Caiinrr. I. Tlie Cathont In Overhauled. Sweet May Is hero The Bides are clear ; Through uzuro suas the cloudlet floats , And men litid cheer In drinking beer And getting rcuuy sailing boats. n. Then Go Together. Sxvcot are tbo hours ; The acontod flowers Are all awakening from their slumbers ; The sun ridea high And the housewives buy Jamaica ginger and cucumbers. in , d 31orntno Cry. In meadows green The lambkin's soon , Whore blooms tha golden buttercup , Ana peddlers hhout The utreeU about , ' fresh strawberries gld ape gid up I" a The city of Rome consumes an aver age sf 300 tons of coal a day crossing the ocean at top upocd. THE CHRIST OF THE LEPERS A Priest's Noble Work on the Island of Molokal. HIS HEROlSlVI WAS SUBLIME. How Father Daniicn in the Flnnh or Youth nnd Hope Kxilcd Himself Forever at Knlnwao's lrlnoii- Hospital. A Modern Nnzarino. The story of Ilov. Father Damien , the leper priest of Molokal , who died at Hawaii on AprIM , is ono of the most impressive of ' any time or ago , says the Now York Sun. In 1873. when ho was but thirty-thrco years old , In full possession of health and fortune , n man of education and rcllncmcnt , "n prlnco coming to his kingdom , " Dumlcn deliberately oilcreil himself us missionary to the outcnst lepers of the Sandwich Islands , knowing full well that ho In time would become - como a Ippcr too. In 1SS4 the lirst symiitoins of the horrible disease manifested them selves In Dnmion. and since Unit time the heroic Driest hus boon dying the most LIXOEHINO AMI I'luomrui , DUATII known to inun the death to which ho will ingly condemned himself. His decease hns been daily expected for months past. Dmnicn's story has been often told to the world , but never before as the Bun tells It to-tmy. The Sun prints Dam leu's own story of his life oinoiiK the lepers us ho wrote it , with unthinking heroism In a cold report to the Hnwalin government. Tins is the flrst nnd only account ever given by Father Dninien of his life nt Molokal. Tlio story of Dnmlcn , ns told by himself , is , of course , the record winch history will preserve of his noble life : while the modesty , humility , the nontlo and kindly spirit of the man , utterly forgetting iteclf In love and care for others in u word Ditmicn's absolutely ideal her oism , Is hero fully though unconsciously dis played. Mololtnl , which is generally spoken of as the lc | > er Bettloment , Is nn island of the Ha waiian group , 11 mr Kaliuvno , a village on the Islam ] , is tlio'lepers' home. As Is well known , the gcttitjipcnt is simply9 prison hos pital , none of tiip , people llvinir there being permitted to depart. A prison In name , ICui- nwao is n prison In reality. So far us Isola tion istconctrned. . ' no bolter pluuo for the k'per Bcttloinui liould have been imagined. Kulawno Is slinpjv a tongue of land , washed on three Hides byftho ocean , and thrust out there frora ft Unit of cllfts 4,000 foot blffb. No one hag over cit ped from Kulawao. The little ponlnsula ? three mile1) long and u milo wide. It ii | treeless , uiid oxposad , niilcod , to the full forco'prtlio northeast trade wind. During the wutbf | months the cllnmto of Knlawao Is bleak ) cold nnd rainy. In the summer time UI QSUII beats down fiercely , The inountnins'iiutiff dvortho little ponlnsulu like giants. " The lepers wordlirought heroHn 18(15. ( For decades before 1600 leprosy had prevailed in the Hawaiian Islands , but not extensively. In 1800 the disease became a scourge , and a few years later the leper colony was estab lished , and nil the lepers on the Sandwich islands wore ordered to bo removed tttonco. Parents were separated from their children , husbands from their ulvea , and brothers and sisters from eaoli other. The friends and relatives of those. Infected with the disease in many instances secreted the sufTerora , and the ofilcors charged with enforcing the "law of segregation" often bad to capture their victims By stealth In the dead of night. In nearly every case the onicors had to use force. In April of last year there were 7-4'J lepers there. , oitoiua or DESI-AIII , The lepers Ilrst taken to ICalawao were In a condition llttlo better than that of the bap- leas soumun who had been "mummied , " or put aslioro by their comrades upon desert islands. They had no houses but flimsy huts , no decent clothing , no medical attendance worthy of the nauio , nnd but the poorest kind of food. The oldest of the miserable creatures sank into a kind of npathy and laid down and died. Among the youngest after the flrst few years had ItillOil hope in their hearts , began what uitiy only bo termed the orgies of despair. They abandoned thcmsolvos to excesses. They mndo nntivo alcohol nnd kiroot.boor. . . The outrageous hula dances were matters of continual occur rence. The Hawaiian government paid no attention to them. In the opening sentences of his story Father D.imien has told what ho found there. It Is doubtful if there was upon the face of the wide earth at the time of Dam ion's coming In 1S7 ! ) such a scone of mad ness , wretchedness and despair as at the settlement at Kalnwao. Father Dnmien arrived at Honolulu nt the time of the beginning of the scgration of thu lepers , in ISlil. Ho wont out to join the Catholic missionaries in Hawaii. Ho was twenty-four years old , a native of Belgium , nnd n member of the Society of Picpus. Ho bad labored for some time in England. Ho was looucd upon ns a young man of ability , and his superiors predicted for him u great future. Nine years nftor going to Honolulu ho ono day hoard his bishop wish that seine priest would volunteer to go out among the lepers nt Molokai. Damlon pondered over the matter for n week , during which tune it was clearly brought to his attention that if ho went to Molokal ho must not only stay there forever , but must. In ull human proba bility , die n lepor's death. HC ornntnn Hi.MsiiM' FOHTUK rnon , nnd his offer was accepted. In a few days ho was landed nt Kalnwao. Ho had no money or no means of providing for himself. Ho had to trust entirely to the Iclnd'beurtcd ones nmong the lepers. The horrible scenes ho met witli ut Ilrst nupallcd him. There were so many people in the last agonies , mid'Dauiion spontso much time with thorn , that for u time bo was not able to build him self n hut , and ho had to sleep nt night under a tree. The Hawaiian government treated him with sternness. Dnmien was not permitted . to go out to any of the Islands .ncnr by to moot n brother priest for confession , nnd the sheriff at Mo- lokni bud orders to put the priest In Jail if ho stirred off the gloomy peninsula on which the lepers were. Damlcn became nt ICalawao. ns ho wrote himself , "physician of the soul nnd body , magistrate , school teacher , car penter , Joiner , painter , gnrdonur. house keeper , cool : , and often undertaker and grave-digger. " The poor leper * cnmo to look upon him as their friend and assistant in every possible way. Ho moved umong them and lived with them as ono of them , solve ? , His influence became unbounded. Ho wus the arbiter of nil disputes , the final resource in every trouble. Finally the Hawaiian government came to look upon Dainion kindly. They put hltn on the same footing ns tlio medical inspector who at times visited the colony , nud allowed him every prlvilgo. JIumlon did not leave the island , but , remained constantly laboring among the lepers. In Uamlon's story which follows , there Is a constant comparison butwoon the leper set tlement , aa ho found It , and the loner sottlo- raent n dozen years later. Now there are at Ifnlawuo nnd the nulolnlng villages good frumo houses , built of lumber , which was , of course , brought llioro from remote parts of the Island ; several hospitals for both males and females , nttended by an cftlclent corps 'of physlcluns ; generous supplies of food and clothing , given by the government ; good schools for the children , and an increase ot comfort In every way. Hut moro surprising than this , there is n strange change in the llfo and habits of the lepers. The licentious dances are no more hoard of. Comparatively llttlo of the native alcohol U distilled. The livoa of the people nrn moro moral , and the lepers have taken to cultivating garden spots nround their homes. ICalawao Is a peaceful nnd AVI'AIIKNTI.V A JIAPl'V COMJIUSIXr. With characteristic modesty , Dainlon merely states these wonderful changes with out accounting for them. Hut that they were duo almost entirely to himself mono is the instant verdict of all who bavo buon conversant with his llfo and work nt ICala wao. Uauilen speedily aw when ho wont among the lepurs that ho could do llttlo for their spiritual welfnro until they were better off tumiwrally. In their iniserublo , hopeless condition tnev Jeered at God and man nnd rioted in a frenzied attempt to drown the thoughts of tbcir und. Dauilon unincdlatoly began to write letters to the government do- tailing the horrible stnto of affairs on Molo- kni. lie sent letter nttor letter unceasingly. Finally committees of the board of health nnd of the Hawaiian legislature- appeared on Molokni. The devoted priest , his eyes lilled with tears , pointed out to the oOlcials what was needed. Medical men in Hawaii began to pay a great deal of attention to the study of lourosy , and the leper settlement nt Molokal wus much discussed. Ono by ono the bad things nt MoloUni were measurably remedied. lie did not relax with little bene fits given the settlement , but pushed ahead zealously , continually demanding govern mental uld. Ho finally had the pleasure of seeing the most hurtful of tlio evils entirely removed. And when this was done ho found , too , that the leper settlement had become comeIn a great degree , n God fearing and Christian community , looiclng to him as its bead. All this was the work of years. It came slowly , Inch by inch , as the result of a man's self-devotion and indomitable will. When Queen Kapiolunl visited the ponlnsum In July , 1SS4 , her officers showed her the neat white cottages standing among tlio cultivated fields , the barns lilled with produce , the or derly streets the community showing every where the hand of industry und religion nnd than pointing to Danilen , who stood humbly at n distance , said : "Ho is the father of it nil. " Later the queen visited the school for incurable leper buys and girls , personally founded by Damien , nnd heard the children Dinging. D.imien was with the leper , of course , dnlly and hourly. Ho was In contact with lepers of all grades , Including the most severe - vero cases. Ho hud some knowledge of med icine and before the advent of the physicians was medical advisor to half the settlement. Until 1831 ho felt fairly well. In that year I'AISS IN TUB I.UrT FOOT troubled him. These continued to get worse nnd in the absence of any other signs were attributed to rheumatism. Toward the close of 1831 Dr. Amltig , n physician at ICalawno , diagnosed Damien's trouble ns leprosy. In May , 18S3 , the doctors , uftor a careful exam ination , found no signs Unit the disease wus spreading lu Damlon ; but In August of that year leprous tubercles plainly manifested themselves In his luce , nnd poor D.iinfen know ( hat his doom was scaled. Hut the heroic priest did not relinquish his work. Ho still walked and talked with the lepers , min istering to the sick , teaching the cnlldrnn , living the same old life of poverty nnd hard ship , and Uitnlcmg only of alleviating the lot of the lepers und caring for their souls. His only reward was In seeing that lie had bone- lilted both thu souls mid oodles of his charges in abundant measure. r UUINO TO DAMIKN'S All ) , In the spring of 18SO arrived nn assistant to Father Damlon , Father Conrnrdy , n nn- tlvo of Oregon , nnd a young man In full health. Futhor Conrardy , like Damlcn , volunteered to go among the lepers , nnd has- tuned bin departure when ho learned that Dilution had been stricken with leprosy. Father Damien willingly received Conrardy , knowing Unit bo himself would soon bo too nick to work , und that lie must have n sno- coisor. In a few months thnre aluo arrived seven Sisters of thu Franciscan Older to serve as nurses In thu leper hospitals. Two of the sisters Cyriliu and Irene cauio from Syracuse , in this state. That Conrardy Is n hero of the sumo stuff as Damlon may he Been from this extract from a letter which ho wrote in 1S8 < > to Archbishop Cioss : "It Is trim no f.ir. that no curu for leprosy has been found , but , after ull , wo have to dlo , und to uie it is a mallur of small Import ance whether I ilia a leper or not. 1 will tmy , llkn holy Job , if 1 over takeIt , 'my only am bition Is to live nnd die,1 In the service of the lepers of Molokal : my only regret would bo thut I came liero so Into ; but I may live some twunty years among too lepers. My prnyor has buon hoard und I got what 1 prayed for , a place which few only cared for on account of the disease Itself. Time will provu lliu sincerity of the hope nnd will ; I came horu to live nnd dio. I hopu with God's help to bo nblo to stand to the last. Will I ever neo my friends again ) This U very doubtfulalthough poor Father Uauiimi , who , A few woolen ago , seemed to go down very faul , bos taken n new grasp on life. ICvury day ono might BCQ him \vorklng in the now church wltb u blouse , Ilka n common laborer. lln says sometimes that my health und strength compared to his are nothing ; by that you BUO how well ho Is , ex- coDI for the leprosy , which U eating him up slowly. Father Dumlun and I uro living under thu same roof , but I hope next iprlng to liavo a houa built for myself In thu vim. tor of the graveyard. They say that it is not healthy to have n house thorc , ns man. poor Inpors Imvo boon burled not very deep , but it is the best location near the church. My little house will bo standing ever a numbe'r of graves. We have been thinking sovor.il times to stop burying so elose to us , but the habit is stronger tliiin talk. Thrco sisters ol St. Francis have arrived and Father Womlo- lin with them. They are located nt Kolau- papa , two mlles and n half from ua , at the other end of the leper bottlomeht. I Imvo to stop writing for a funeral service. 1 hear thu big drum. A poor lad of twenty to bury. " By this time the world was ringing with Damlon's ' fuuio. The icing of Hawaii mudo him u Knight commander of the Order of ICnlnkaua I. , but the priest never were tlio glitturing decoration of the order. Ho said that it would SU.VMB HIS WOIIK ANI > 1'ATCIIKl ) CAijfOCIC. In England Henry Lnbouchoro started a subscription for Dumlon lu his tmpor , which came to fl.fiOO. This amount was forwarded to Dnmlcn by Cardinal Manning. Shortly afterward the Iov. Hugh H. Chupinan , a clergyman of the Protestant Episcopal church , the vicar of St. Luke's Cnmborwoll , London , forwnrdedtfto Father Damien u draft for fii.OiX ) , the contribution of himself and some of his parishioners. Shortly after this , Mr. Edward Clifford , treasurer of the church army , nn ICngllBh Episcopal Institu tion , visited Damien , bringing money nud presents , nnd wrote of bis visit to the Cliuryli ? Army Gazette. Dnmlcn Is Just what you would ex pact him to be , a simple , sturdy , hard-workingdevout man. No Job wus too menial for him , build ing , carpentering , tending the nlelf , washing the dead , and many other such things form a part ot Ills dully work , Ho Is always cheerful , often playful , and ono of the most truly humble men I ever saw. The leprosy has disfigured him a good deal , hut I never felt it anything but n pluusuro to nlook at him ; nnd already the gun'tin oil which 1 brought Is making n manifest difference in his face and hands , nna in his power of sleeping. How fur the cure will reach it Is of course Impossible to say. Ho is such u busy man that 1 sometimes four ho will not find time to do tlio modicum full jus tice. The English nffoctlon nnd sympathy touch him very muchindeed. Pmy for him , for there must bo many limes when bit Is tempted to bo discouraged and over-sad nt nil thu tcrriblu eases bodius mid souls nro'und him. 1 was very glad to ba hero nt Christ mas , You would Imvo enjoyed the bearty way In which the lepers s.ing , "Oh , como.ull ye faithful. " Tliuro Is one final picture of Damlon , I hat Is disclosed lu n letter written by Father Con rnrdy to friends in this country u. fuw months ago ; " 1 am going to glvn you a few lines about the iloaiFuthor IJumiei v/lio will soon bo no more , ns ho is fulling n victim to his clmrity. In ICiiglnnd nml America they call him tlio hero martyr. It is my privilege to DO nour him , to live with him. Leprosy has done its work In bl.'i cars , his e.res. nosu throat , his hands und his lungs , The poor futlmr bus suffered drundfully. Hu Is completely ills- figured. Ills voice is a.most extinct. If you could only ECO him UK he lies In bis bed of suffering tears would coma to your oyoi ut the sight of that man who had dona so inuuh for thousands of lopcru.now himself reduced to HO terrible a condition , with so little thut cun bo done for him " Klio Immlcil Him. "You watchco mo Jcotoliutn , " suid a Pinto squaw tit the union ilonot yonter- day nftoriiixHi. Shu hud jubt lundod from the Utnh & Northern train , and hful pilud ulxmt two hundred pouniln of luKiruKo on her broad ahouldors , suyH the Ogden Commercial , A crowd of travolurs , who wero. waiting for out.- jfoinn traiiifl. hud 'miHiumd about the Booubo of a. noble rod man , interested in her performance , and auger to ana how she would muiiajfo to put the iituipoo-so on top of the load. Tlio wordn quoted wurundilroHsed to tlio spectators. Aa 8bo Bpoko BIO caught the innocent ( juiolcly. mid , with a movement very much like a base hull player Btrikintf at u high ball , Hung the choruh on top of the load. The future bravo'u fa o broadened into u btnllo aud Huckod iu dirty tlrumb , while the old woman waddled off with her load , amid the choora of the by-alundora.