Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1889, Part III, Page 18, Image 18

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"When Inventor JSdloon Was Freeh
From the Country.
Tom WnH Very Komi of Trnserty nncl
VRCI ! to Ilrclto From Illchnril
111. A Hustle Ijtul
Wns Ho.
TwentyfourYcnrn Aeo.
In 1BC5 young Tom lidlson ciuno lo
Cincinnati mul took n situation auop-
orntor In the Western Union telegraph
olllcc , then nt Uio corner of Fourth mid
\Vtilnut streets , bnya n writer in the
Enquirer. Ills fixco was us bland and
Hourly ns round as the full moon ; his
hair , of no particular color , but strug
gling toward chestnut , was abundant
and rebellious of restraint. Ho had
oven then nstudont-llko stoop of the
shoulders , though I think ho had stud
ied nothing slnco his rudimentary
schooling except a few bound volumes
of the North American Review , which
ho kept cnrafully in his trunk. They
wore the gift of his father.
lie was plainly clad. His manner
was a mixture of diilldonco and solf-
possosslon , the latter the underlying
though loss prominent quality. In
speech ho was slow to start and bashful
at beginning , but talked with vigor and
confidence , oncwunder way. Among
the Binart , drossy young gentlemen of
the ollico ho cut no great figure. IIo
did not expect to , of cotirso , for the boy
in his teens , who had como from a coun
try station for the first time into a city
office to associate with persons who had
reached the ( to him ) goal of human am
bition Dilly this , the great "sender , "
"who dees nearly fifty words a minute
right along , and Jim that , the "re
ceiver , " who takes press reports for
hours without " ' the
"breaking1' newcomer -
comer in this exalted circle is naturally
abashed. Ho fools like a county com
missioner suddenly elevated to the
house of lords. Hdibon , among those
glib exports with their jaunty talk
nbout city topics that were new to him ,
was shy. It was only the cherubic
sniilo that always hovered about his
lips , and the merry twinkle In his eyes
denoting n rich and unfailing coed
humor that saved him from being
laughed at for his crudencss. Ho was
quiet , but his eyes were always in sym
pathy with any fan that was going , and
that smile was capable of wide expres
sion. It was n discriminating smile ,
however , and failed to respond to the
parrotv reiterations of slang and the
ooarbo sallies that often pasbod for wit ,
but was over alert for anything brighter
or amusing. His dress did not im
prove ; its governing princiulo seemed
lo bo frugality. He took little interest
in the amusements of the other opera
tors , which were generally of the free-
and-easy kind. Economy was not large
ly cultivated there , and , though no
body could dislike Edison , ho was not
classed among the smart men of the
oflico. Only 0110 thing templed him to
extravagance ; that was tragedies at
the theater.
A llery ambition to bo a tragedian
possessed his soul. Ho .vas deeply im
pressed bv Edwin Adams' Richard III.
at Wood's theater. Hq , studied the
part of Richard , and many a day the
clicking of the "sounders" on No. 7
wire ( the Kentucky Contraband No. 4.
"West ( the Indianapolis wire ) , which ho
worked , formed an accompaniment to
Richard's soliloquy.
"Now is the winter of our discontent
Mtulo glorious summer by tlio Son of York.
And nil tlio clouds that lowered upon our
In the deep bosom of tlio buried , "
"Which Edison rendered with his boom
ing moon of a face eclipsed in gloom ,
mm his shoulders humped up as high
and his voice dumped down as low as ho
could possibly got it. Ed Gilllland ,
alnco associated with Mr. Edison as a'n
electrician , was an operator in the Cin
cinnati oflico then and had the entree
to the regions behind the scenes at
Wood's theater. Through him Edison
gained access to the stage and saw the
Inner workings of the drama. Perhaps
that dissipated the glamour with which
the stngo had duv./lea his oyes. At any
rate , dramatic instinct waned within
him , and it was not long until his active
mind turned to another subject.
Ho began investigating electricity.
Ho gathered up all available odd bits of
apparatus that were derelict about the
ollico , to experiment with. Ho had a
few friends in the ollico who liked him
and admired him because ho was HO
good-natured and honest , and was so
little influenced by the criticism
or ridicule of the sharp and dashing
spirits that led public opinion there ,
and ho had such a quiet way of doing
ns ho plrtisod and pleasing to do very
sensibly , and occasionally in a sleepy
way ho made a joke or a keen remark
that grow funnier or keener the longer
you considered It. Ho occupied a cheap
room in the top story of a big business
building on Third street , and ate at the
most inexpensive restaurants. Ho
Kept rather to himself in the matter of
Ills room and eating , as , indeed , ho did
in many ways , and though never rude
nor repellent , ho soon had a few friends
and the rest of the force was inclined
to consider him a common-plnco , uiiiii-
torofatiiif , * chap from the country. Ho
was not long in gutting to the front
as an operator. His "copy" was beauti
ful small , round , erect letters as plain
as print and much prottior. The only
"copy" In the ollico to compare with It
was tlmt of George ICunnan ( now the
writer and traveler ) , who was then the
assistant chief operator in that ollico.
Edison took his work easily , but kept
up with the rushing "bonders" Ho was
not nbovo the ambition of the ordinary
operator to avoid "breaking. " oven at
the risk of u slight inaccuracy. Oncu
when ho was receiving the Associated
press report I was standing bv talking
with him as ho worked , and this led to
him mlbsing n uaino of bomo man who
figured In an important wnv in the
Itotn. "Did you got that nathoV" said
Tom , as its flying stylus stooped its
awift course over the "manifold"shoots.
I shook my head. "All right ; we'll
hand him down to posterity as John
Smith , " was the quick reply , ana it
was so written. There was no time to
hoaUiilc ; the sounder was rattling ou *
over forty words a minute , and the re
port proceeded without any Interrup
tion from Cincinnati , Wh'ile at Cin
cinnati Edibon wus experimenting upon
the duplex system , which ho afterward
made practical , so that notv , with sub
sequent improvements , four messages
go simultaneously on one wlro two
ouch way.
A few years ago I met him in Cin
cinnati the flrfct time since wo had de
claimed Richard III. together in juvenile
nileduya of telegraphy. There wax no
climbing to a lonely loft to find him in
n dingy dun this timo. The elevator
) udo n short flight and I was conducted
to the best private v-.rlor of the most
expensive hotel in town , Bnrrlnt ; Rome
doufnoss and an Ineffectual effort of hia
hair lo acquire a definite color by turnIng -
Ing gray , the chnngo in him was re
markably slight. The eaino Inno
cently nulzzical smile w/m on his
lips held in check by the etuno
knowing twinkle of his eyes. The same
no. It was not the s.-uno. but a very
similar null of clothes , Indicated recent
patronngo of a tailor with whom style
was no object ( although the great'In
ventor had boon marrlqd tlio day before -
fore ) and the same determination to
BmoKo a cigar as long ( or aa short ? ) as
it could bo hold without cooking his
fingers waa ( qnmront , but there was
probably i0 ! confsdifference in the price
of cigars of yore and now. It was no
formal call upon the now famous Inven
tor , ns I somewhat anticipated.
It was a jolly chat over the old times
of IbOo , ami Edison's interest in former
comrade ? , his recollection of their for
mer traits , and amusing Incidents of his
association with them was lomarkablo.
I asked If ho still had the old volumes
of the North American Review. "Ah ,
yes , " ho replied , "and 1 have about
twenty thousand volumes besides in my
library now.
Hit fnmo and fortune had increased
In still greater ratio , but his manner
was as unaisuuilng , his smile as free as
twenty years before. It would require
a moro powerful environment than
fame and fortune can provide to affect
the boyisn simuHcltytho quaint huijjor
so ploi\-antly ( joined In Thomas Alva
Edison's character with shrewdness ,
Btrongth and wonderful insight into na-
turo'fa secrets.
A Catoolljinilc Pcrl'oriiinncoVhlch
hns Uiiitppvnl St , I. onls Society.
Tno Alvary kibs has passed into his
tory , says the St. Louis Republican.
It is now a mutter of tangible record
and rnuat bo accepted as an historic fact
along with Washington's cherry tree
and Willy Wally Pholpa' central bang.
It has como to stay.
It may bo banished from memory , but
like the lamblot Mary had it will still
linger near.
It will crop up like the Ancient Mar
iner at the most unlikely moment.
You can't efface the memory of it it
will stick to you through life.
No one who was present at the per
formance of " "
"Siegfried" Wednesday
night can forget the tremendous bonsa-
tio'n tlio Alvary kiss mado.
It was as unexpected as a diamond
ring in a bowl of consommo.
It came in like a zephyr and wont out
like a c > clone.
In a moment Emma Abbott , Amelio
Rives and Ella Whoolor-Wilcox were
The sleeping goddess was to bo awakened -
onod by the electric kibs of a hero.
Siegfried approached the slumbering
maiden timidly , respectfully , after hav
ing waved his arifis moro or less tumultuously -
tuously in tlio utmosphoro.
Ho loaned over the vestal virgin un
til his hot , withering , airocco-Hko , 115-
in-tho-shndo-L'Vhroiilioit made
her eye-lushes curl and her alabaster
brow bhrivol and crack.
The orchestra glided into a tremulous ,
half-frightened movement , full of re
strained anguish and compressed
"melos , " ready for use and guaranteed
to stanp in any clime.
Nearer and nearer.
"Time ! "
A minute elapsed.
A long , perilous minute full of seconds
and burdened with a world of happen
At that moment an emotional tidal
wave swept over the vast concourse.
An incandescent globe was hoard to
burst under the tremendous strain.
Was the world about to ondV
A second minute.
Fully as long as the first , but of a more
intense , llame-swept character.
Siegfried did not stir.
Brunnhildo was still entombed in her
hypnotic spell.
The crowd moved un easily and
Hark ! what was tbatr1
The great bull in the adjoining tower
sounded the hour.
The orchestra was clearly becoming
frenzied. The violinists' wore wildly
sawing the oir with lightning strokes.
The piccolo was Hying up and down
the register with very daring reckless
ness.Tho low thrum of the braes strings
became painfully conspicuous.
A cataclysm was impending.
Throe minutes.
Was ho glued UioroV
Had ho lost nil track of time and
eternity , or was his Waterbury at his
Uncle Tafnor's ?
Who could toll what wild , delirious ,
lurid memories surged athwart Sieg
fried's brain ?
Had ho become translated , or had ho
a cramp In his neck ?
The veil of impenetrable mystery
hung ovnr these vital questions. Noouo
was there to answer them ; Berry
Mitchell was invisible.
The electric current circulating
around the hall had made fourteen
laps by this time and passed the quar
to r-milo post.
Someone stirred.
It was only adudo reaching for a gum
But the spell was broken.
Ono straw has often fractured the
camel's buck.
The deed was done.
None too soon.
The concentrated energy of the whole
assemblage was escaping through the
gum drop dude ,
Just as the earth-throb heat finds
vent through a two foot goysor.
The circus was over.
Brunnhllde was allvo.
There was a deafening burst of Wng-
nerlan music to celebrate the successful
There was a wild clamor of the popu
lace for an oncoro.
But the heavens fall but once.
The rest of the play was tame and
Such was the Alvary kiss which sot
society talking.
In tlio Dark.
Anthur Steven * in Chicago IMcr-Octan.
Wlion I ki god her that night io tlio hallway ,
'Twns BO darlc tlmt nothing was plain ;
Hut not being suit ) but I'd missed her
Why 'twill ri lit I should kiss her again.
Thcro was darlcncus on ovorythlnp round us ,
1 was reaching in vulu for the door ,
And ttio wlillo 1 was seeking an exit
It BO happened that I kissed her some more ,
And I wasn't quite HUTQ lu I loft her ,
As to whether she liked it or not ;
Hut I know tUut /Igliuti to bo back there
' 1 ho farther away that I got.
And the next thnothnt 1 called , It so happened
Tlmt wo stood in that hallway once mom ;
And the gaslight fell over aud around us ,
As I quietly moved to the door ,
Hut her rod checks BO roguishly dhnnlcd ,
Aud her eyes shone so wickedlv bright1
Tbut I guessed where her thoughts were
( utrav
And I reached up and turned out the light.
A Mitigated Vcuctnrian.
Toxos Sidings : Brown I thought
you wore a vegetarian , but I hoar you
oat mutton.
Robliifaon I am not n bigoted VORO-
tnrian , 1 only oat the moat of such
anlntule as live on vegetable food ,
Full Programme of This Year's Es-
orolsos at Orotc.
A Itaro Kcnm 1'ropnrod Air Tlioto
AYlioMsli to KnJoy tlio
phur's Woody Itctrunl on.
the Illnc.
The Crcto Chnutnuqiin.
The Greta Chnutauiiun assembly promises
to bo moro attractive this year than ever bo-
foro. It commences on the 27th day of Juno
and continues until the evening of July 0
and President Foss has a grand programme
for the cntlro assembly. Among these Who
take part on different days and conduct
classes and lecture are : Dr. A. E. Dunning ,
of Hoston ; Hon. George W. Bain , the great
tcmperauco orator ; Prof. IlomorlJ. SpraKUO ,
of the University of Dakota ; Dr. J. T. IJitr-
yca , Hev. Charles P. Thwing , of Minneapo
lis ; Frank Ucard , the well-known artist ; the
Chicago Imperial Quartette , Ucv. I * . Hayes ,
fl. D. , of Kansas City ; cx-Govornor Will
Cuuibiick , of Indiana ; Prof. U. L. . Ounnock ,
of Illinois ; Prof. J. T. McFnrland , of Iowa ;
Hon. J. W. Donovan , of Detralt , Mich. ;
Alex McKcnrto , D. D. , of Harvard college ;
Prof. H , S. Jucoby , of Pennsylvania ; Mrs.
M. Q. Kennedy , of Philadelphia.
In the musical department Prof. II. R.
Palmer , of Chicago , will bo In charge , as
sisted by Miss Anna A. Parks , of Hoston ,
Madam Abblo Currlngtoti , solo soprano ,
Prof. W. F. Gates nnd Mis. Amelia Loulso
Powell. Other musicians of prominence in
the state will assist In this department. Fol
lowing is the complete progr.xnmio of work
for the session :
Following Is the programme :
TlmrBilay , Juno 157 OpuninR l > ny.
7:80 : p. ra. OpenhiRBorvlco.
0:00 : Concert by the Imperial Quartctto of
FrUlny , dune 18 CollORO ana Temperance -
peranco Dny.
8:00 : a. m. Prayer Service , led by Uov. J.
D. Stewart.
0:00 : Normal Class , Prof. H. S. Jaeoby.
9:11 Drawing Class , Prof. FraTik Heard.
10:00-Ulblo Students' Class , Dr. J. T.
10:00 Temperance School of Methods W.
C. T. U. of Nebraska. Sabbnth Ob
servance Mrs. 1C. L. Wortring. Sab
bath School Work Mrs. Lizzie Fer
11:00 : Meeting of Giaduatcs of Colleges and
Collegiate Institutions. Address by
Hov. Charles P. Thwin , D. D.
2:00 : p. in. Lecture Gcorgo W. Bain
The Progress of the Temperance
4:00 : Drawing Class for Children Prof.
Frank Uc.ird.
4:00 : Normal Chiss Prof. Jaeoby.
5:00 : Conference Advantages of a Liberal
8:00 : Concert Imperial Quartette.
Snttiriltiy , Juno O.
C:30 : a. in. Prajor Service.
8:00 : Children's Class Mrs. M. G. Ken
8:00 : Chorus Dr. H. R. Palmer.
9:00 : Harmony Class Dr. II. H. Palmer.
9:00 : Normal Class Prof. H. S. Jaeoby.
9:00 Palestine Class Mrs. M. G. Kouno
9:11 Drawing Class.
10:00 : Uiblo Students' Cliss Dr. J. T.
10OC : Temperance Class Juvenile Work
Mrs. C. A. Blair. *
Kindergarten Mrs. Alice J. Mears.
11:00 : Lecture President Homer U.
Sprague , L. L. D. Shakespeare's
2:00 p. m. Lecture George P. Hays , D.
D. Character and Manners.
4:00 Normal Class.
4:00 : Drawing Class for Children.
4:00-Cuorus. :
5:00 : C. L. fa. C. Round Table Rev. A. E.
Dunning , D. D. History of the Clmu-
tuuqua Movement.
8:00 : Lecture Gconro W. Ham The
Golden Gatp , or the Age and Lund
In Which Wo Live.
Sunday , Juno 30.
8.00 a. in. Prayer service.
10.30 Public service Sermon by George P.
Hayes , D. D.
2500 p. m Hlblo Class and Sunday School.
3:30 : Temperance Mooting Hov. Fiuncls
Townsley Evangelistic Work.
5:00 Chuutauqua Vesi > er Servico.
5:00 Ladies' .Missionary Conference Miss
Nuomia Knight A Missionary lildlo
7:30 : Evening Song.
8:00 : Pa.vcr Service Sermon by J. T.
Durvea , D. D.
Monday , July 1.
0:30 : a. m. Prayer Servico.
8:00-Chtldren'sClass. :
8:00 : Chorus.
9:00 : Harmony Class.
0:00 : Normal Class.
9:00 Palestine Class.
9:11 : Drawing Class.
10.00 Bible Students' Class Dr. J. T.
10:00 : Temperance Class.
11:00 Lecture Homer 13. Sprague , L. L.
D. Shakespeare's Sword.
2:00 : p. ai. Heading Prof. IL L. Cum-
4:00 : Primary Teachers' Class Mrs. M. G.
4 : CO Normal Class.
4:00 : Drawing Class for Children.
4:00 : Chorus.
5:00 : Ladies' Missionary Conference Miss
Matilda Watson ,
8:00 : Lecture , George P. Hays , D. D.
Every Day Reasoning.
Tuesday , July 11 Touchers' Day.
0:30 : a. m. Pravor Sorvlco.
8:00 : Children's Class.
It :00--Huruiony : Class.
9:00 : Palestine Class.
0:11 Drawing Class.
10.00 Uiblo Studeats' Class Dr. J. T. Dur-
10:00 : Tomjieranco Class.
11:00 Pronunciation Match Prof , H. L.
2.00 p. m. Meeting of Teacher * of Ne
braska ; Principal , Edward Healey.
Presiding Address by Prof. J. T. Mc-
Farland , of Wcsloyan University , Mt. , lu.
1.00 Primary Teachers' Class.
4 . ( X ) Normal Class.
4:00 : Drawing class for children.
0:00 : Conference of teachers , led by Prof.
Edwnrd Ilealy Morali in the Public
5:00 : Y. P. S. C. R confoionco Hoy. Wil-
lard Scott.
8:00 : Headings Prof. R , L. Cumnock.
Wednesday , July ! i Lawyers' and
KdltnrB' Day.
0:80 : a. in. Prayer Service.
B:00 : Children's Class.
8:00-Chorus. :
0:00 : Harmony Class.
9:00 Normal Class.
0OJ : Palestine Class.
9:11 : Drawing Class.
10DO Hlble Students' Class Dr. J. T. Dur-
1000 ; Temperance Class.
11:00-Lecture Homer U , Jpraguo , L. L. D
Shukcspeaio as an Author.
2:00 : ji. in Address Hon. J. W , Don'avon
Subject : Th Art of the Advocate.
4:00 : Primary Teachers' Class.
4:00 Normal Class.
4.00 Drawing Class for Children.
4:01 Choi us.
5.00 Conference H.v both Lawyers and
Editors In their respective buildings.
5,00 Hu&lness Meeting Nebraska Chuu-
tuuiiiu ) Association.
5 00 Ladien' Missionary Conference ,
9:00 : Lecture by II. M. Hushnoll , president
Nebraska Press Association ; subject ,
"In the City of Mexico. "
TliurMdnj , July 4. National Day.
6:30 : a , m , Prayer Servico.
B:00-CbUaren'sCti8s ! ,
8:00 : Chorug ,
0X ; ( ) Harmony Class.
10:00 : Hlblo Students' Closs-Dr. J. T. Dur-
10 :
HiOO LectureTWUh Craven Illustrations
Prof. Frank Heard.
2:00 : p. m. Platform Mooting Oration by
ox-GovcTiior Will Cutnbaek of Indl-
ana Snlijcct , * 'Tho American Clti-
roil , " I
7:150 : War Softgs and Addre o .
9:00 : Grand Djsu ayof Fireworks.
l-'Hdiy , July -Heeomiltlou Day.
flBO : n. in. Prnver Service.
SiOJ-Childrcn's ( Mass.
8K-ChorU9. : ( ) ' =
8.0J Haruioify Class.
9:00 : Normal Class. .
t:00-Palcstlno ) : Cfcivi.
9:11 : DrawlnwGliss.
10:00 Hlblo Students' Clnss-Dr. J. T.
10:00 Temperance Class.
11:00 : Loo.turo-r.Hijtncr H. Sprague , L. L. D.
ShnUo'JpiJ.iVo as a Man.
1:30 : D. in. Procession and Recognition
Service of the Class of 18SI ) , C. L. S.
CX Address by Alexander McKluzle ,
D. D.
ti:00-Class : Reunions.
5:1)0 : ) undies' Missionary Conference Mrs.
Moies Smith Woman's Work In
Foreign Missions.
8:00-Concort : Ur. H , H. Palmer , Director.
9UOGhosts. : .
Saturday , July 5 Children's Day.
0:30 : n. m. PraVor Service.
6OU-Chlldren'a : Class.
8:00-Cliorus. :
9:00 : Harmonv Class.
9:00 : Normal Class.
9.0i > Palestine Class.
1:11 Drawing Class.
10:00-Hiblu : btudents' Class-Dr. J. T. Dur-
10 01 Temperance Class.
10,00-Platlorm Children's Mooting , led by
Mrs. M. G. Kennedy.
2'00 p. m. Procession nnd Children's
Hour , under direction of Fred Heard.
4:00 : Normal Class.
4,110 Choi ns.
5.00-C. L. b. C.-Round Table The Fu
ture Chautauqua.
8,00-Lccturo-Alcx MrKinzlc , D. D.
Words and Their Uses.
Sunday , July 7.
8.00 n. m. Prayer Service.
10:30 : Public Service Sermon by Alex Me-
Klnzio , D.D. ,
2fO-p. : m. Hlblo CInssand Sunday School.
4:00 : Ladies' Missionary Conference Mrs.
Moses Smith Condition of Heathen
5:00 : Chautauqiia Vesper Service.
7JO : ! Evening Song.
8:1)0 : ) Public Service.
Monday , July 8.
(5:80 p. in. Pravor Servico.
8:00 : Children's Class.
8:00-Chorus. :
9:00 : Harmony Clnss.
9:00 : Normal Class.
0.00-Palcstino Class.
9.11 Drawing Class.
10:00 : Temperance Class.
10:00 : Address to Sunday School Teachers
n. E. Dunning , D. D , Christ's
Method as n Teacher.
11.00 Lecture Homer li. Sprague , L. L.
D. John Milton.
2:00 : p. m. Lecture r. T. Duryea , D. D.
4.00 Primary louchcn. ' Class.
4:00 : Normal Class.
4 : ( HDrav. ) . ing Class for Children.
4:00-ChotUH. :
5-OJ-C. L. S. C.-Round Table.
5:00 : L-idies" Missionary Conference Mrs.
M. A. Hitchcock.
S:00-Conccit : Dr. U. R. Palmer , director.
Tuesday , July O .Musical Day.
0:30 : a. m. PiWsi' Servico.
8:00 Chorus. J/T |
9:11 Examinations. i
9:11 : Drawing Class.
10:00 : W. C. T. U.
11:00 : Lecture Hd ncr B. Spraguc , L. L. D.
"Milton's PnVadise Lost. "
2-00 p. in. Grand Concert.
l:0-Chorus. : ( )
5:00 : Meeting of Normal Classes Award
of Certificates and Diplomas.
8:00 : Final Grand Concert ,
The Checkered anil Uomiuitic Kiln of
a French O fllccr.
Austin Zai'SJiiTlSa is seventy-three
years old , buf "fio is still able to con
verse in eight dilTerent languages , so
well have his mental facultioH been pre
served , says a Chicago special lo tlio St.
Louis Post-Dispatch , Although ho is
not now too proud to wear a common
watchman's b.ulgo , his \\onkciietl arm
is able to do little more than carry his
old cane. Tlioro was a time when Na
poleon fcarod his might and had him
banished from France.- Born in llol-
Inno in 1810 , lie grow up to boa man im
bued with all the .patriotism that the
natives of that doomed territory are
known to possebs. IIo went to the i-'rus-
faian military school at Uorlin , then
conducted under the care of Frederick
III. When ho loft college ho could
speak Russian , Bohemian. Italian , Ger
man , French and Polish. lie was a
lieutenant in the Prussian army at that
timo. hut there was no war inhich to
exorcise his untamed spirit and display
his military attainments.
"What waa I to do ? " said ho in re
lating his history. "I felt that I wanted
to got into war , to bo a ooldier , and
some day become , perhaps , a great gen
eral. I severed my connection with the
Gorman army and joined the French ,
who were then at war in Africa. I wont
to Algiers and fought without a scar ,
picking up while there tlio Arabian
language. I berved in the French army
until 1818 , and returned to Paris. I
then hold a high position , and my ad
vice was carefully listened to. I was
opposed to Napoleon's jxjlioy , and it
soon reached his ears. IIo wanted to
know what this Alpiors fighter liiul to
say about him , and I Was brought before -
fore u court-martial. Tlio result was
that T was exiled. I communicated with
the governor of Switzerland , who mot
mo at the border with a carrringo and
took mo from the French boldiors to
Geneva. The Swiss wanted me to re
main there and take n position like Unit
of the bccrotary of war hero , but I
wanted to go to London. Accordingly
I was escorted back throuirh Franco ,
through the heart of Paris , uniior pro
tection of Swiss soldiers. In London I
became the payniiiator of the Polish
refugees , but I grow tired of that and
came to America in 1854. When the re
bellion broke out I organized the Polish
guards hero In Chicago and was at once
commissioned captain of Company G ,
Second regiment , volutoer militia. I
served through the war without n
scratch. " > ,
Captain Zaroinu/ijis now head marshal
of the Poles in Chicago.
CloiiUV Slcic-H.
if. C. ( Jllltnjtm fii iromju'd ll'urld.
SHIv showers , how fast you full
U'o keep my loyp at homo I *
I heard her say but yesterday
She meant to gather. Howard this way ,
But now ahohiriU not come.
Stupid sheep , how alow you tnovo
Through grusi 8ho dom not tread I
The wind turns chiljf'yo sltylark's still
What boots a soligAvhat moans a trill ,
Whoa sklus ilrufbluou o'orhoadi
Cowslips toll , your piuoa bolls
May rock and.rjug in vain I
On you I vent m ? , ; imcontont ,
The dull world hyilW so different
Through wunn'g > uy drops of rain.
* - > \F- *
TiMtbeiUACtoitwitlioutpalnor dan ar bjr anew
Ot Id and Allor fllllnea at loweit rttui
Bound root * iar .l br crowiiluu ,
All nillnv * reul U'r'ii ( ur futnro roferoaco.
raxtou lilnrk , lab and raruaui
Ollico op oil from 7 to 8 ovculags.
ESTABLISHED 1851 < 180 So.
Chicago , Ills , ( ClarkQt ,
The Regular Old-Established
1 $ ttlll Treating with thsGrwtett
JajX li- - _
Chronic , teens and Private .Diseases ,
, -NERVOU3 DEBILITY , LoU Manhood ,
Palling Memory , ExhouatlnR Dralna , Terrible
Dream * , Head and Drck Ache and aJllheeflccu
Icidina to early decuy nndpcihaps Consumption 01
Insanity , treated clenlllically by new methods with
liercr-riilmir tuccru.
? SYPHILIS and ell bad Stood and SklnDls-
ea > ea pennanently cured.
V rKIDNEYnnJ URINARYcomplalnU.QIeet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Vnrlcocete and iu'1 clljtuej
of ihe Utnlto-Urlmry OrRani cured promptly without
Injury to Stomach , Kidney i or o-herOrRint.
cir No experimenta. Ace and experience lm
portant. Consultation free and aacred ,
< JtSejid 4 cenU pojUqe for Celebrated Work * oa
Chronic , Nervoua end Delicate Diieaso.
/SiVThoSD contcmplithif ; Mairlace send for Dr.
Clavke'a celebrated RiiMc Male and Female , each
15 cenU , both a ; centi ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor , A friendly letter or call may save future suffer-
lmt ndrnamcand add golcicnjean tolife ff-llock
"Llfe'a ( Secret ) Errort , " 5o nts ( > tamD ) Medicine
nndwrlllngg cent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hourj.StoB. Sunday ! 9 In u AdJrcll
F. D. CLARKE , K3. D. ,
130 80. ClorU St , . CHICAGO ,
Room 40 Biirkor Block , cor. 15th and
Fiirniiin Streets.
21 lots have been sold during
the past 3O days , on lOth and llth
streets , near Nicholas street , by
us. This property is especially
adapted for warehouses al
yards , factories , etc. It Is easyjol'
access , three quarters of a mile
from the postoffice ; is reached
from 16th street , by going east on
Union Pacific , Missouri Pacific ,
Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri
Valley , Belt Line , Chicago , St.
Paul , Minneapolis & OmahaChi
cage & Nortwestern , Burlington
& Missouri River , Kansas City ,
St. Joe & Council Blutfs , Chicago ,
Burlington & Qumcy Trackage. "
The Illinois Central and Winona
& Southwestern contemplate
trackage in the immediate vicin
ity very shortly. Nicholas fs now
paved to lOth street , which gives
a continuous line of level p'ave-
ment to any part of the city.Many
warehouses are now in course
of erection in this locality.
1511 Dodge Street.
Ice Cream Freezers ,
Tlio most complete line In the city ,
lid ) Donulai ) Htroet.
111 Oil AltDS. U. 1. LK VtilLLU
Contractors and Builders
Ilcom 25 , Oma ha National Pant Eu'lding ' ,
n , Hererulcnues curortln iYen < lai3. HeM
tlSidperhox. ulldruKb'lata. orbvm lirroiu Do
uru JtfBCo. 1U WIUio BS. N.V. Full Ulriictiona
Ffeocti Cliia ; PERKINS CATCH , & Porcelain Sels ,
SETS , LAUMAN , $15.0O
$25.00 China and
Claoswaro. TO-
$6O.OO NHW TAX-TON nntl.DINO. $30.0O
Engiisli Sets , Hand Decorated , Gold
Trimmed , $14.75.
Brown Ivory Sets , 112 pieces , $8.75.
Brown Ivory and Pearl Gray Sets ,
These are all great bargains.
The ONLY Lawn or Gnrdou IToso MADE winch will stand
Jl Sffil"tf TF Ti ' 11 I R tf "BP 1 1 I fb R B fi"4 E1 tf V
the BEST , It will LAST tie LOHBEST
A hose which will do good work la most cities , will not ulvo HHtUfnctlou In
Oinahi. on nc'ountof the uxtromo lilRli pro-i-mro Whllo dimlers complain ot
other hosa bolnc ruturnwl In largo mwntltlosuecanso It is not s'ronit enough to
BtmuUhi ) prossuru. ffnt Une foot o/.t/ic"FSH / | BRAND" has ever fulled.
1'orbnlo uj all dealers , or _
1O08 Farnam-st. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale or Retail.
Sanitary Plumbing !
Steam and Hot "Water Heating !
Gas and Electric Chandeliers !
Art Metal Work , Stable Fittings , Fountains , Vases , Etc.
make a specialty of repair work on Plumbing , Gas or Ueatincj Appar
atus. Prompt attention. Skillful mechanics. Personal supervision , tin d charp-ow
always reasonable as first-class work will nllow. 3 Twonty-flyo years' practi
cal oxporlonco. Visitors to our showrooms nh\a s welcome.
409-411 South 1 5th Street.
1513 Doilas St , Omaha , Nebraska ,
A magnificent dlaplaj/ofcveruthlnri uicful anil ornamental In the fnnil
turo maker's art at reasonable prices.
Hardware and Cutlery , '
Mecliantca' loots , Fine ttronyo Bullilan' Gooli mi'.l BitJ-ctlo
1405 Douglas St. , Omaha.
8O8-81O N. I6th St.
ItOHKHT tmi.ia , Prop , C. M. 15ATON , Miwagar. Telophonaon.
Repairs 'or all Stoves nnil Itunges tnmlo. llrlllmnt Unaotlnu Btovcs. Btovos tiikon In oxchaugo a
pnrt payment. Utixullno Jlurnora inudu to order and thoroughly lopulrod.
Telephone to us or send card and wo will call and estimate work of uny Icind.
11 < 1 SUIJ'l'fl 15TBI S'B'KEJIVr ,
Has fur exceeded their oxpcctutlont. Tno low prices. toKftnor with Una work nnd porfuct lit , Imrn
convinced their cnstomurn tluit It la tuo dioapcst plucu to Day their guimenU. Tliuy uru con-
Mnntly rccelvliiB UPW Roods for the summer trade ,
UKHT. a KnarautteU Hpoclllo for llynterla , Dlzzl
nets. Convulsions , J Its. Nt-rvous Nournlsla
Ileudacho , Nervous 1'rostnitlon cautoa bytha
iisuotulfjliolr Ulac-o Wiik fillnos , Mi'iitnl
Jopi03Hlon.Soft nlriffof Hio llraln resulting in
Insanity and lendlui ; t" misery , dociy mni
flouth. I'lenmturuOlil Ai0. IliirronnonH , Umof
j'oMer zer , invoinnwry J < O H S and
Spcrmatorrhni\ ! caused by oiPi > ox iUun t\t \
trio Drnin. uaifaOuseor ovur indul enp . } .ucl |
boxcontatim on" month's tic.itinent , * l a lior ,
or six lioxos for W , r.uiit by mull piop-ilil on ra-
rvlpt ot prlcu.
ToLiiiQHuy case. WltH each ordorroouiviirt by
u % for nix boxm , rn/ximpanled wltli r > , o will
fiend the purchaser onr urltteq tnaranltia to ro-
lund Ihaiiiouuy If Ilia tr.iiitniuut doiu nuteif > irt
acnre. ( Jnarantnes U uud only by ( ioodnun
DniBOo. , DnigglsH. Sola AE nt . WO 1 arn-im
Street Omaha ob.
"pROF/F.'al'FOWI.BR , Moeduo , Conn.
WHEN puroha&mg a flno
Shoo it Is natural to GO-
lect that which IB pleasing to
the eye In style and finish ; the
material must bo of the finest
texture , and when on the foot
the shoo must combines beauty
and comfort.
The LudloH Shoe Possesses this Feature ,
You V/lll Wear No Other Moko.T *
Sold or OTor 1W dealers In riilcaRo.and tto bc t
tr l
Heo'l')4UlTUcy.lroHeuinpca"laII J.O1V. "
BCCECOIU * cmlrtlr > treoii ! I , ;'.r4t. U4 TUBIUAR UB eUSMIOHjl
y.lJUIJOX , HCU Vvth
ciu.M null > . itun v IMKHC a MOUM. mr. 1.9 AUIHI