' * THE OMAHA DAILY BElSt SUNDAY MAY 19 , J.889.--TWENTY-FOUR PAGES. 15 JTIOtt SAfjK The linen residence slto In West Jc Om ) m ; Jmt south ot Knrnvnonnth ; street : ft corner liljxis ; with 187 feet rronlngt on pared utroct nnd joining the li.inJome re < il > 'Aenceof Klrk ndall on tlio east , and llrndr. KaMon nnd Martin on the south : u perfect gem and aardon spot for nn elegant homo. llnrnj-y an. ! " 1st treet . HlxK,7. on pavement within Inrcn blocks ot too rmirt lieu o : room for seven nno houses that wor.M rent ns rnpld \r \ as coinniotoil. A cplemlld permanent Invent- mcnt. Knnmm nnd Kit streets. MxlTS , with now threc-Mory brtcfc store building , rontoi * to good permanent tenants. Mental receipts ei.300 per Hlx'tcentb street near. Nicholas , frontage Al febt to nlloyt good bnslnoi.i projK'rty. I'arnixm jitrcot. between sstlt nd Mth. front- ORO 44 or Win ; to alley , south front , t block from pavement nnd street can. I'ark nvouue , opposite Itanscom park , COxlM ) , price r..ono : cnsy taunt. _ _ I'nddockplnce. trackage , C0xt)2. ) 12.000 : easy lOtb'ntroot south of Vlntonst , lot for sale or trade forniilio. or good farm land. B. A. Hlonmn , WlfKantam at. 537. rpiUi motor IlnoTs built to Collier place. The JL Holt line runs near Collier placo. The V , K , ft M. V.H.H. stop nil passenger train * nt Col- Her place. Tlio liorao car Una will soonroaoh Collier place. Ilest nmllllon In the city. 1'rlco rs'JOto il , W per lot , ono-tcnlh cnsn , biUnnco ono to llvoyears , McCnguo. opp. P. O. OTIC THE11M "TIElfflLES. OMAHA. T11A.INS. WcHtwnrd. ' * Running between Council muffs and Al- lirlKllt. Inntlilltlon totlio stulons muntloned , trams stop at Twentieth anil Twenty-fourth treots , nnd nt thu Summit In Omalin. Kntitwnril. CH1CAUO , HOOK 1SLAN1I i PACIFIC. Leave. I Arrive. 31 No.3 5:0)pml : ) > Nn. 1 U:15mn O No. (1 ( OiAUumO No. 5 rilfiiii : A No. 4 liliUOnniA No. ! ! . . . . 0 : : lpm A No.ll UMSpui'A ' No.M 7l'iun ' CIIICAUO i : NUHTIIWKBTHllN. No. 0 . . .0:10 : am No. 7 n27 nm TioB . pm No.3 7:15 urn JNo. 4 . U:2i pm Nu , [ i U15 pm All Trains Dally. CIIICAUO , illlAVAUKliK & ST. PAUh A No.3 . ; lUumA No. 1 . 7:3Unm A No , 4 . U : 40pm A Nu. U . 5:45 : pm JCAN3A8 UlTV. rtT. JOSBl'il & COUNCIL llhUI'KS. A No. 2 . 9:2. : " > um < A No. 3 . 0:2iiam : A No. i . U:30pmA : | No. 1 . 8UUpm : BIOUX OlTi" & PACiriC. A No. 10 . 7 : < i5nmA | No. 0 . 8-35 am A No.12 . 7OJpmA : | No. 11 . OiUOpm OMAHA & ST. 1AMJ1S. A No , 8 . lX'i : pm.i | Nu. 7 . 12:00 m A dully : II dally except Saturday ; U except Eumluy ; 1) except Monday ; funt mull. Tha ilinu u-lvini ubuvu Is tor Truuafor , there vvlng t rein nvo to ten mliuitua Uulweon Trans fer nml local depots. Klcucmn Notion. 1. Wllllrim J. Hroatch , mayor of the CUT of Omalm , do hereby ulve uotfca that an uunuiU r-lootlim will bo liuld In the city of : > malm on the rd Any of Jun * . Ito'J ( aulil ate being the tlrt Jlonclnyln June. iss , ) toelrct Mvo (5) ) member * of Uie board of education for the city of Omaha to verve foru term of three year * . That the respective pollfim places for said lection Hhall be AM follows ; Flrnt Wanl-I'Mlno uchool bulldliiff. Pftcltlo treat , nourTenth Btruot , Second Ward-IIarlniau school building. Six- tt'outlintmot neur Willlunu. Third Wur.l- l ) ( > ( lt0 ; uchoa ) building , corner Dodgu und Kloventh Jtreuln. Fourth Ward nigh school untlillng. Fifth Want lAke school building , corner L&lo anil Nineteenth Ktreuts. Blxth Wuril Omaha View school building , corner Toll ty-xecond und IXirby Btruetn. fieventh waril park nvhmil bnlMliiK , corner QVnnty.nlnth street \Vool\vorth uveimo. I'JuUihVardIzard school building , on lurd Btroet UttweenNluetwutli undTvi rntloth fctreeia. Ninth Wara-Karnam vchool builalug. at ( Twenty-ninth anil 1'aruam ttrf els , Datod. May IHn , IN I. lH Ai.l W.J IIHDA'll'll , Mayor , 11. BOUTUAKIV City Clerk , mltidict THE CONDITION OF TRADE , Continuance of the Easy Fooling In the Money Market. A HEAVY SURPLUS IN BANKS. Cicncrnt Trnrto Oooil In Sloflt All tilties of HiiHlncsH A llcnlthy liicrcnso Noted in tlio Amount of The Ijocnl RoHiuno. The money market continues very easy , nd , as the bank statements given below how , tncro Is n heavy surplus In the vaults f the Omaha national banks In excess of the ognl reserve. 1'rlmo mercantile pnpor Is cadlly taken nt 7fi8 per cent per annum. Cxchnngo Is scarce and In demand nt $1 per housand premlnm , Ciuncral trndo ontlnuos good In most lines. Soot nud shou dealers are complaining inoro .ban others. Collections nro very fnir , nnd lie stnto Is evidently getting Into excellent ondltlon Jlnniiciidiy. City trndo bus 1m- irovod inatcrlally during the pn t week , nud is labor llnds employment , retailers will on- oy n.brlsk season undoubtedly. Koal estate > hews Increasing activity , and when the pur- liases , contemplated by the United States government , of sites for the custom louno und postofllco and for ITort Onialia re made , n boom may bo confidently looked 'or. The bank clearings for the week , ns oportcd by Mr. Hughes , manager of the clearing house , were $ li)8IHl.'JJ : , an In- cruaso of (11-10 per cent. .Linlancos were yoi.ooT.na. Money Is moro plentiful In London this ipring than for any corresponding porlod In rears past. Discounts In the open market , hrco months' bills , nro now quoted at the rate of per cent. The conversion of the ld 3 per cents Into the now fi per cent con lols Is said to bo a great success. Them is an offering of 1,000 bags of now crop Hnizll coffee on the Now York mnrkot understood to bo seeking bids ut Kl o cost nnd fralght terms. Tlio prlco of fair to prime coffee of the last crop In the Chicago market , 's about l'J@20c per pound. During the last , en years prices for the snmo ijinllty have ranged from Uo in 1885 to 18o In .637. The irc.sont high prlco is duo to shortness In the Urazllmn crop , which Is expected to bo fully one-half less than the usual supply. The United States consumes about 4.000,000 bags of cofteo every year , which is a little less ban one-half of the world's consumption. Prominent Chicago tea men say that the Amoy Oolong tea spoken of by Consul rownll as the poorest nnd most Injurious , ca shipped from China , is simply n low grade of Oolong , und is used largely for mixing purHsos | , and while It is colored to a certain extent , there Is not suflleietit coloring matter to render It unhealthy. Very llttlo of the Amoy Oolong tea llnds its way to Chicago. Thera is n curious superstition among fishermen that only once in seven years will the mackerel catch bo abundant , and there : ire many who positively assort that as this is an unlucky your , n poor catch will bo In order. Whichever it may bo , one thing is certain , but few signs of mackerel have been seen as yet. Uio coffee continues to rule rnthor llrm , but with u visible supply In and nlloat for our Atlantic ports amounting to 01U.4S7 Oags , comnnred with only a SSS.-il bags a year iigo. buyers nro slow in purchasing except for current requirements. There nro good suuplics on Uio , and Santos holds 3)0,000 ) bags. The Uio News says : "Thoro is n good deal o.f reticence in modifying estimates of the coming crop. " Tito Cafe das Agnas is alluded to , but an out-and-out opinion as to whether 2,000,000 bags Is too much for tlio 1SSD-90 crop Is not obtainable. At the same1 tlmo there Is no reason to doubt that much lower estimates have boon telegraphed to consuming markets. Sugar Is booming under short supplies. If the cane-producing countries in America and India had turned out tholr usual quota , u notable appreciation in the value of the utanlo might , perhaps , have been avoided , but it so chanced that the September cyclone in Cuba curtailed that crop 200,000 tons , that Brazil had u shortage of 00,000 tons , and that thu small West India Islands were backward nnd also produced less. MisNKAi'or.is , Minn. , May 15. The North western Miller in-day says"Although there worn fifteen mills which ran to a greater or less extent last week , the Hour output fell under the 100- 000 mark. The aggregate production for the week was t'4,070 , barrels , averaging 15,078 barrels daily , against 88,220 barrels the previous week , nnd 170,300 barrels for the corresponding time In 18SS. Fifteen mills are in operation again to-day and indications point to quito u gain in the output for the week. Most of the mills got some orders ahead lust week and although the demand la light now they uro grinding stronger to 111 ! thoifl. A very fair call for flour was enjoyed up to Saturday , but local millers at that time became u llttlo firmer in their views , und Jobbers Imviuir tuuiporarily supplied their most pressing needs , there 1ms boon a relax ation again in the demand. There aro-n few linns that report nearly ns good u trade , but the majority any that there has been a ma terial falling off in sales since Monday. "Nearly lltty thousand barrels of Hour , mostly patent , were withdrawn from "store ut Duluth during last week , leaving 150,000 in atoro there Saturday , Considerable hold in store hero is also being shipped. The di rect exports of Hour for the week were : ! 5- , 000 barrels , against -10,5000 barrels the pro ceeding week. Quotations : London c. i. f. 2SO pounds are : Patents , 35@i5s : ; bakers , tMC'j-os ; low grades , li@llis. There were ! Ml i" > ( ) bushels of wheat received for the week ending May 14. The shipmenU were : IVuuat , IS'.OOO bushels ; Hour , 1)4,037 ) barrels ; mlllstuff , 2,885 tons. " UMAIltV 1.1VK STOO1C. Ciltllu. Saturday , May 18 , 1BSO. There were not many cattle hero , and with a pretty fair demand the buyers were not long in clearing the yards. Ilundy tittle cattle tlo , such ns nro wanted by dressed hoof men , sold stronger and perhaps 5@IOc higher. The buyers were quoting the market on that class of cuttle fully Hc ) higher than on Thursday. The market on heavy cattle was not so ac tive , nnd coarse heavy cattle were very slow. The buyers bought them , but , as it were under protest , showing plainly that with n liberal run thu cattle on the roughlsh order would bo neglected , A bunch of the Stand ard Cattle company's cattle sold nt $3 HO , and Homo natives brought the sumo price , but the beef and shipping steers sold mostly ut ) . & > Q.'l.SO. Desirable butchers' stock sold strong. A bunch of cows with four steers sold nt & ) , ! )5 ) , nnd everything In the way of fat cows and heifers brought good prices , the range iKiing eJ.2Ae8.40. A few bulls went at J'J.50 @iS5. There were not stackers and feeders enough onwulo to muko u market. llO' S. The hog market was of very short duration this morning. It opened with ovurytbing helling ut fl.20@l.25 , und closed in a very few minutes with everything sold. The prices wtiro fully lOa higher than yesterday and the market active ut the advance. Thu ad van co was duo , apparently , to the light receipts und the very good demand. .Sev eral buyers who had orders to (111 ( were left without nny hogs. _ _ _ _ _ There was nothing here to mnko n mnrlioL I'rii-os romuiu uomlnully unchanged , itcoulpu. Cattle 1.000 Ilotfit 2,000 ' I'rloo . I'rovnlliiij ; * TbnfollowlnifU ntiblo of prloos puld In this uiirkot for the tfnvloi of stook cioti- tlonod : 1'rimostoors , 1300to 1500Ibs..f3.70 @ 4,00 Good Htwrs , 1UM ) to 1450 Ibs. . . it.OTi OfU.OO Ciood btccrs , 1050 to 1300 Ibs. . . S.AO @ : t.SO Ordinary to fulr co\v 15.00 to2.40 Fnir to ? ooJ COWA 3.40 ( fei.fa < oodto cholefioows 8.V ( ) toll.IX ) Choloo to fancy cows , hoifora 3.00 ( ui.35 ; Fair to K0 d bulls Good to cliolcobulls. . , . Ijignt stoukera and feeders , . Good feeders , l > 50 to 1100 iba Fulr to uholco light hogs Fair toclioica heavy hogs. . , . Fair to choice mlxod IIORB. . . . Fair to medium iiatlvo sheep ( Jood t > > vholue native uhoop. Fair to choice western stioep. . 8.05 Ql.CO of I'riocH. Showing the highest nnd lowest prices paid for beef and shipping steora on the dnys indicated during the past throe yoars. Sales of cattle In less than car load lots not In cluded. A TIIllKE TCAllS' COMt'AUISON' . April TbSa. | April l 8i ) . Note * Doslrablo cattle highorj > . . Hogs advance fully lOc. No sheep to inako a markot. H. Wllklns and Charles Macraid were over from Council Uluffs with cattlo. William Lancaster marketed u load of hogs from Pickroll. D. Wilson , South Bond , was in looking alter the sale of n car of cattlo. Mr. Arnold , of Halo & Arnold , was in from Uattlo Crook looking after the sale of three cars of cattlo. William Johnson brought in ttiroo loads of cattle from Codnr U'.ipids. Patrick Hoyo came In from Wood Ulvor with two cars of cattle. W. Esterdoy , Man toy , was on the market with hoRS and cattlo. Jack L. Stevens , of Barudc , was in looking over the yards. H. Soldham was in with two cars of cattle from NohawKa. .1. D. Hntflold , of Noligh , was among the visitors nt the yards. E. W. Banks came over from McPaul , la. , with cattle. Wavorly was represented by C. D. Jowott , who brought in cattlo. Dave Brady , Logan , la. , was over with a load of cattlo. J. G. Widoo , of Sacott & Widoo , Elba , was in with cattlo. Colonel Slmrpe , secretary of the stock yards company , has returned from the Louisville - villo races. Hand Frar.ior came in with some ciiolco cattle fed on his farm near Wayne. They brought 3.00. Ono year aero the range of prices on hots wasf5.I5@5.fX ) ; two yours ago , $ -1.25 ® 1.55 , uud three years ugo , $ ; i.75 ( 3.t)0. ) Bitcf and sblppiui ; steers sold ono year ngo nt3.75@ .r5 : two years acp at W.CO@4.'J3 , uud Ihruu years ago at $ l.85@5.2. > . THREE BEARS TO ONE MAN. The Voi-y Ijlvoly Exporlencoof a Ilun- cr Wlm Wns Afirr CooriH. Charles Roilloy , a veteran hunter living on the border of Sussex county , yesterday had a desperate encounter with three boars , in which ho came oil' victor , and now has over eight hundred pounds of bear meat , says a Newton , N. J. , special to the Now York Times. Roilloy heurd his dogs barking in what is known as Townsoud swamp on Tues day night , and yesterday morning , thinking ho had treed a coon , ho started out armed only with an axe. Ho cnmo. however , upon n largo black boar with two cubs at nor side , watching the dog. dog.Roilloy at once attempted to retreat , hut the old boar gave chaso. Ho slipped behind a tree when she mudo a rush , but. missed him. The boar then rose on her hind logs nnd atlotnptotl to hug the hunter , but u well directed blow with the axe cut u vein in hur nock and stopped her for a moment. She re turned to the charge , but another blow disabled her. The two cubs them came to the mother's rescue , and attacked Reilley in the roar. They soon bore him to tha ground and were fast over powering him , when thp dogs joined in , the two bears turning to attack their now enemies. . ' Roilley , recovering the axe , gave the two cuba their quletun. Ho was covered with blood -scratches , while two ol his doers were killed. Later on neigh bors helped carry 'tho bourn to the house , The old bear tinged the beam at 412 pounds , while the tWo young ones weighed " 00 pounds each. The Plural of Child. .London Hck-Mo-Up : Teacher. Now , Tommy , what is the plural qf child ? Tommy ( promptly ) . Twins. Preparing iorullruak. London Pick-Mo-TJp : ' "Where are you oft in euoh a duce of a hurry , Fly- fakorV" "To draw all my inonoy out of the bank. " "What , ia the bank going to broulc'i" "No , bull am. " ' ( ( . Sontlmontflnfluonco and Conditions Bearish In Olmraotor. . : jill | ll 'I-M . WHEAT-SUFFERS LITTLE CHANGE. IIenvy llfbolpti of Corn Cfxuso n Wonlc e ponluR Oats Dull mid 1 Wcnfc'Attlo Quiet nnd Steady j -ii > Quotations. iij I1 CHICAGO PRODUCE : MARKETS. CIUCAOO , May 13. [ Special Tologrntn "to TUB UBE. ] Sentiment , Influence and con ditions were bearish to-day , yet the price of wheat suffered very llttlo chniiRO. The mnrkot was ineffectual In the production of sensations of nny description , nnd operators did not scorn to have decided convictions. Outside of a group ot chronic bears , the majority of the middle- wolRht "old staffers" of the wheat pit are "scoring for nn advance. " Every time the mnrkot pauses utter n decline they "nip In , " but on the lirst symptoms of renewed nowod depression they run. They want to have some wheat when the mnrktt starts up , but they do not propose to stand n loss. The Immediate influence of such operations Is therefore bearish. "Scoring for n rise gives nn genuine support to the nmrkct Unless the outside condltloun conspire to force n con tinued advance. When the doubling up pro cess begins , however , the market gains Increasing - creasing momentum. The blackboard re corded n clearing of 101,000 bushels of wheat to-day and 72,000 bushels additional are being loaded out to-dny. The sale of 50,000 bush- Ics besides on a basis of 2o premium over Juno wns reported , mid considerable small business for account of Interior millers wns done. Local stocks will show quito n reduction in tho-wcok , nnd estimates of a decrease - crease In the visible supply range from 1,000,000 to 1,503,000 , bushels. The host nu- thorltlos llon 1,250,000 as nbout the proper figure. Exports for the week from the four principal Atlantic seaports foot up 714,000 bushels of wheat 230OOJ , packages of Hour. This will make a grand total ot about 1,000,000 bushels , or moro than any wock in mnny months. Facts con cerning the movement of and changes in actual property were generally bullish , but us regards the magnificent crop prospects they oxcrtud at the most only u passive resistance - sistanco , which was sufllciont , however , to prevent a further shrinkage in values. Con trary to expectations , the receipt at primary points showed very llttlo Increase this week over last and shipments are nbout the sumo. Arrivals at Minneapolis are large , but only n small proportion represents wheat directly out of farmers' bunds. Drenching ruins throughout the central western country west of the Mississippi are reported and crop ad vices frourtflSfnorthwest arc for the most " part vjcryT" favorable. The Ohio vulloy tiln < J-stand moro moisture , but the needs 4 in that direction are In a fair way .to be satisfied. It continues to rain in California nnd this is not good for wheat nf"itsu present stngo of development. The local range was very narrow to-day. July , tho.fnv , ] { > rite month , opened at 77J c , sold down > to .71 40 , nnd for the most part clung within faa of 77o. Tlio scalpers de scribed It ns A 'stlngy market. " There was nothing I\L \ itJor them. Operations were on n restricted scale. Uutcbiuson was a seller above 77c"nnd a buyer bolow. Now York sent bearish news and sold wheat steadily nnd in " . ftidderato quantities. Export business , totho amount of 13 boatloads Vfus. exported , however. The undertone to Uio local market was "unques tionably llrra. 'On Uio surface things ioolt bearishf'but Iherd hits boon substantial buy ing by commission houses for the past two or three days. The fooling booms to bo changing and wheat is gaining friends among the conservatives , wao feel that the crop prospects have been discounted too liberally. The market took on an appear ance of Increased activity toward the closo. July left off at 77 ] @ 77 > fc , or identically where it did yesterday. May opened at S'J > c nnd closed at 83 > c. Juno started nt 8U f nnd loft off ut 81c , soiling iu the meantime nt 8liJ e. September closed at 74-i o. The whole list rested on the same plane as yes terday. Heavy receipts of corn , ns shown by the inspection returns , caused a weakening , The weakness was nlso helped by thomagnlflcent weather which is now favoring the recently planted grain , und was intensified when the estimated receipts of 073 cars for iMonday "ao- ciimo known. The cables reported dull mar kets abroad , und all the governing domestic markets were in sympathy with the weak ness hero. The business done was con siderably in excess of the recent average , nud there was n good demand for .Inly , and below 84c. The demand wns , however , largely duo to the shorts taking the profits. Investment buying appears to bo light , and Is doubtless discouraged by the recent course of the market , There was a good Inquiry and sales of thirteen boat loads at New York for export. The cash mantel shared in the weakness nnd declined in futures , shippers being ublo to secure concessions of jfaGiKo under the prices current yesterday. Spot corn was J c lower than It closed on Friday , and the futures showed about the sumo de cline. Oats were dull und weak to } { o lower on future account The receipts were again large nnd the wcannoas in corn extended to this market , which derived no support aside from n mill buying for the account of shorts. Posted withdrawals of 282.500 bushels ex erted but little steadying influence , us heavy arrivals are anticipated for next week. May sold down to 22 > fc , with Juno nrouiid 82 > { i'fg ( 22s , while July was conllned within n nnr- row range of 2JX@-Xc. No. 2 oats to go to store sold nt 23J c. The provision trade acted Independently of the hog market. The latter fully lOo higher under unexpectedly light receipts , but It had no effect upon produce. 'On the contrary , pork nnd its companion lines wcro heavy from the start. Short ribs wore bought pretty freely by Jones , Kcnnott & Hoskms , but oven of this artlclo the offerings exceeded the demand. In all departments of the mar ket values were depressed by the sellers outnumbering the buyers , end ns n consequence a doc-lino wus suffered. The receding turn wltnessod. however , oo- c.iaionod no stir and the cluy passed with scarcely moro than moderate trading and no feature of special interest. The business transacted was also largely on local account. For cash delivery lard was sold .it S'J.75 ® 0.77 > , 10-lb croon ham at $3.75 , and dry salt shoulders boxed at $3,00. llased on yesUrduya ) ! tlnal quotations , the closings showed a not decline In pork of lard of Oo aud liort ribs of 7 , ' " " CHICAGO pUlVKSrOOU. MAHK.ET. ifay 81. [ Special Telegram to TUB 13isE.l GX"n.K. The cuttle market to day may bo characterized as quiet but ntcady , us is usuaj Sturdily. Trade , in fact , both the supply find demand , proved small and about so oycnY } balanced that the pens wore generally j ; leu red. Choice to extra beeves , f I.CXUrol.Iiryt-iAiillum to good steers' , 1,350 to 1,500 poi/mK ; | y.SO@J.20 ; 1,800 to 1.350 pounds , &r.70uj4.Il ( ) ; 050 to 1,200 pounds , LOO ( rfl.lO ; BtooUtsrs and feeders , g2.50@U,70 : cows , bulUjnud mixed , tl.SO U.5C : bulk , > y.4.r ( rt8.BO : Tiisas cattle , $2.10@a.CO. IIouu The market ruled active and 15c higher than yesterday , thu bulk of the pack ing ana shipping grades selling around &J.40. The finish , however , was weaic , but most of .tho supply had changed from llrst hands at the advance noted. Sales of big 800 to 400- pound packing hogs were around JI.JJO , while good to cholco puclilng and shipping lots of 240 to 280-pounds , or thereabouts , sold from ft. 35 to $1.45. principally around 11.40 , and In excellent demand at that. Sorted light weights mot with indifferent success uud sold druggingly ut fJ.4SG4.50. FINANCIAL. NEW YOHK , May 18. fSpecIul Telegram to TUB HKK , I STOCKS Following the exciting citing contest of yesterday nvor Transcont ! ueutul Mhareg , thu stock market opened with a moderate volume of business nndwith prices generally higher where changes from the close of lost night wcro notlceM. As ex- icctol , there wa * further excitement In Drcgtm Transcontinental becnusn of the , short interest , nml a squeeze wns the first thln < ? Id order. The utock started } ( per cbnt over the close at OTiJt' , advanced quickly to 37 , them to 40 , n point nt a time. Tno re action wns oven quicker than the ndv nco nnd It fell back to 39 nnd milled again to 411 < . Some activity nnd strength spread to the other western stocks , nnd Now Knglnnd nnd Heading shared In the animation nnd strength. Atchlson , Burlington nnd Union IMclOo moved up M\-Oi \ each. At 11 a. m. there were some reactions , with n drop In Transcontinental , but the list bcld bettor thnn the first llgurcs. During the closing hour to 12 o'clock there was another period of strength. Oregon stock touched 43 nnd reacted. Hurllngton & Qulncy took the load making a not gain of 0 > per cent. Other stocks acted In sympathy , nnd the close was nt nbout the best figures for the day. The following wcro the closing quotation * ! I'RODUC'n MAKIC1STS. CitiCAOO , May IS. 1:15 : p. m. cloao WlioaJ firmer ; cash , 82 } < Jc ; .luno 81c ; July , 778-lOc. Corn About Steady ; cash , IKlKu ; June , 33Xo ; July , 3i ; ; < c. Oats Steady ; cash , 22 > c ; Juno , 22 c ; July , 22 ll-10c. liyo 4 Ic. Darloy Nothing dolnc. Prime Timothy 51.33. Flax-81.54. \Vhl9ky-fl.02. Pork WcnU and lower ; cash nnd Juno , 511.47K ; July , ? 11.55 ( < * lt.57 > . Lard Steady ; cash and Juno , S0.75 ; July , ? O.SO. Flour Quiet ; winter wheat , $2.00 ® 1.75 ; spring wheat , $1.80@5.50 ; rye , ? 2.1552.05. Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , U2JG$5.25 ; short clear , ? 0.12 > @ 0.23 ; short ribs , S5.80 ® 5.00. 5.00.Uutlor Uutlor Quiet ; creamery , 0 © 15c ; dairy , 8@13o. Ohecso Firm ; full cream cheddars , 7J/ @ 7 > < Jc ; Hats , 7'fj47go ( ; Youu Americas , S ( < § Steady ; fresh , ll12c. ( ( Hides Unchanged ; heavy and light sroon salted , 5ic ; salted dull , 4 } c ; green salted calf , Oc ; dry Hint , 7c ; dry salted , 7c ; dry calf , 7ftSo : deacons , 23b each. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4o ; No. 2 , 3e ; cake , 4 > < c. Now York , May 18. Wheat Itccoipts. 25,000 ; exports , 11,003 ; spot weaker nnd quiet ; No. 2 red , 81332c m store ; 83J4 © S3 foulloat ; S24J4C ! f. o. b. ; ungraded rod , si@844'c ; options dull , weak and lower ; May , Sl c. Corn Itcccipts , 1)1,000 ) ; exports , 500 ; soot steadier but quiet ; No. 2 , 43 > e lu ole- voter ; 42 (043e nlloat ; No. 3 , 4'Jc ; ungraded mixed , 41 ( < $ 13i o ; options moderately active nnd lower. Oats Kccoipts , 00,000 ; exports. COO ; spot dull but steady ; options quiet , wenic 'and lower ; May , 28'4c ; July , 2sjAu ! ! sl'otNo. ' . 2 , white. 84a)35e ( ) ; mixed western. 2a@3 'c. Coffee Outions barely steady ut 5 to 10 points down ; sales , 23,500 bags ; May , S10.-I5V ( $ 10.50 ; Juno , S10.45@10.50 ; July , SKi.00@10.C3 ; spotlUo , quiet ; falrcnrgoos. SIS.75. Petroleum Quiet but steady ; United closed at 81Kc. Ews Steady ; western , 13 % < UUc. ) Pork Stcadj ; noxv mess , 18.00313.25. " tardr-Dull and easier ; western steam , $7.15 ; May. 57.11. Butter Firm for cholco ; western , 9@17c. Cheese Unsettled ; light skims , 0 ( < e7c. nkinnnupolix. May 18. Sample wheat weak at yesterday's decline ; receipts , 110 cars ; shipments , 51 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard. 'J7 ' } c ; July , 9'Jc ' : on truck , 93 ; No. 1 northern , May , SOc ; July , S'J. ' c ; on track , 90lc ) ; No. 2 northern , May und July , SOc ; on trade , 82c. niikop , May 18. Whoit Firm ; cash , 70 fc ; July , 77c. Corn Lower ; No. 3 , 8lc. Oats Quiet ; No. 2 , white , 3r@J7 > o. Rye Easy ; No. 1 , 4'tjfe. Uarley Dull ; No. 2 , OOiiJolc. Provlslona Easy ; pork , SU.50. _ St. Louis , May IS. Wheat Firmer ; cash , 782ie ; July , 73e , ' < . Corn Lower ; C4sh , 31Kc ; May,31 u. Oats Lower ; cash , 23c ; May , 23 0 ; June , Pork Dull nt $12.00. Lard Quiet nt S0.59. Whisky ? 1.W. Uuttcr In better demand ; creamery , 12@ 14c ; dairy , Itfl2c. ( Cliiciniinti , May 18. Wheat Dull ; No. red , 84@35c. Corn Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 35 o. Oats Weaker ; No. 2 mixed , 301 < ; @ 27c. Whisky Steady at 81.02. Kaunas Clly. May 18.Vhoat Quiet ; No. 2 rod , cash , 70c asked ; July , 03c ; No. 2 , soft , cash , 70J c asked ; July , OOo bid. Corn WcuKor ; No. 3 , cash , 27 c ; No. 2 wbito , cash , Si. c. Oats No. 2 , cash a-alcs , 20c. ItlVK STUCJK. City , May 18. Cattle Kocoipts , 35 ; shipments , 2S7 ; suptily light and market quiet ; dressed beef end ahlpplng steers 5@10c higher ; good to choice corn-fed , $3.80 ( 1.10 ; common to medium , ? 3.25@3.7G ; stockcrs and feediiiK steers , f'J.25 @ 3.45 ; cows , steady , 8l.75@3.23. Heirs Hccoits | , 3,800 ; shipments , none ; market strong und 10 cents higher ; common to choice , $3.UO@ 4.27 | . National Htoulc Vnrd4 , J2ast St. IJDUIH , May 18. Cattle liccolpts , 503 ; shipments , 200 ; market strong ; choice heavy native steers , $4.00GJt.50 : fair to irood , 83.25(31,00 ( ; stockers and feeders , $2.25 8.15 ; rangoi-H , corn-fed , ? 3.75@3.GO ; grass-foil , 81.00 ® 2.10. Hogs liflcclpts , 1,800 ; Bhipmonls , 1,700 ; market stronger ; choice heavy und butchers' selections , $ l.8. > @ 4.45 ; packing , 4.2 > ; light grades , $4.30 ® 4.40. Olilcnuo , May 18. The Drovors' Journal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 1,500 ; market steady ; boovcB , 84.00@4.35 ; steers , 83.(50@1.20 ( ; stock- crs und feeders , ? J.5t @ : ) . 0 ; cows , bulls and mixed , S1.60ji3.50 ( ; Texas cattle , $2.10 03.00. Hogs Receipts , 8,000 ; marknt strong nnd lOo higher ; mixed , 81.80 4.50 ; heavy. $ l.20@ 4.45 ; light , * l.liOSI.(15 ( ( ; skips , * 3.50@.25. ! Sheep Receipts , l,50J ; market steady : natives , f3.50@4.SO ; westerns , $ : i.80@4.12K ; TcxatiB , shorn , 83.00@3.85 ; lambs , 84.50 ( ( $ G.OO. G.OO.Sioux Sioux City , May 18. Cattle Receipts. 107 ; shipments , 2f > 0 ; market steauy and unchanged : fat steers , $3. 00&J3.80 ; utock- ors. 83a5@3.80feoilerBi ; 10 ( 2.90 ; oannors and bulls , > 1.00G$1.75 ; veal calves , fi,00 ( < 4I.OO. Hogs Receipts , 015 ; inarkotSQOlOo higher ; light and mixed , * l.iy@1.22 > ; Tioavy , 81.20 A SONG OF A SHIRT. Tlio ItnvnKes Muclo by Ijaunilrcsscs Upon Men's Uiuloriveur. These poor , unfortunate Individuals who lilco inytiolf , are reduced to the dire necessity of sanding tholr white tihirts to the laundry I believe some ono called it the "foundry" may have ob served the dilapidated condition in which they generally return , Buys a Writer in the Pittoburg Dispatch. For some tiino 1 was wont to send my shirts to the stoain laundry. They usually came back stiiTor than buckram and ol a lively cerulean tint , strongly sugg tlvo of Prussian. .Had this boon ull I could have endured it. But they also cutno. back as circumstances might do- termlno with the ono ivory button wrenched oft and the cloth to which it was sewed torn along with it , or else ono or both sleeves were dislocated al the shoulder and left hanging by ono or two stitches' or else the bnok of tha shirt wns split , ns a sailor would sny , ' 'from clew to earing' " or else the wrist bands or necks were frayed out lu such a manner thnt the stiff , rough edges cut my hands or nock llko n saw. All this , bo It observed , with shirts now out ot the shop , so much for washing by machinery. Disgusted by the above stnto of affairs , I bethought mo of trying the natives of the Celestial empire. 1 have no prejudice against the Chinese , Fern n considerable time my shirts came buck in a stnto of tolerable preserva tion , nud I began to imagine that my troubles in this direction were nt nn cud. Halnbows ! too bright to last. Like till dreams of hapulness on earth , I found ihls also valu. The Chinese I find nro becoming civilized , that Is to say they have acquired the capacity for looking nftor tholr own Interests to the oxolu- ston of these of the outside "barbar ian. " Civilization to them moans supreme premo solllshiioss. This way of looking iftortholr own interests imvy bo some what short-sighted , out that is of no consequence. After two or three washings I found that my shirts became so louder that they would tear when the slightest strain was put on thorn. They were hko the Irishman's shirt , "tinder as a ohlckon for as Quid's 'tis. " How was this ? Mirabilo dlctu the Chinese were ictunlly bleaching my shirt" with hy- pochlorlto of lime , commonly called chloride of llmol How did I find it outV I soul a while handkerchief strongly marked with silver marking ink. When it rulurnud the mark was obliterated. On examining the spot I found the mark converted Into chloride of tilver , easily removed by an appropriate solv ent. The marks on my shirt had disat- ) pcarcd in a similar way. The chloride > f limo had so weakened the liber that it had no tensile strength. White shirts are usually made of cotton , ex cept the breast and wristband , which ire made of very sleazy linen filled up with starch. The cotton is more easily lislntegrated by chloride of lime than the linen. Hence the cotton goes lirst. Is there no remedy for this sttito of ilTalrs ? Must I wash my own shirts or employ a washerwoman ? Or must I got i wife ? If the latter case , of course I shall have to got a cheap one , since I cannot atTord to purchase an expensive one. Or perhaps there is HOIUO other way out of the dilllcuUy. A REMARKABLE DOG. Mr. Hnrris KellH Him for $ IOOO ) and ItuyH Him llnuk. Mr. S. G. Harris , a horse dealer of Vinconncs , Ind. , is the owner of a won derful dog. It is a Scotch collie , and seems possessed of almost human intelli gence , says the Chicago News : Mr. Harris exhibited him to Charley Soli wart/ and a party of friends iu Mr. Schwartz's private olllce in the board of trade building Wednesday morning. flis performances they seemed to siiow too much intelligence to bo called tricksama.od everybody. Dank bills ind coins of various donoiniimtioiiB were placed on the lloor and the dog was rennested to take his choice , lie immediately picked up a $10 bill , which was the largest in sight. \Vhioh piece would you give mo , UoazV" asked Mr. Harris. Uoa selected a nickel and dropped it into Mr. Harris' hand , Mr. S. A. Kent came in while the dog was performing and said : "Boz , I want you to bring mo live dollars und a half. " Boz picked up a $5 bill and a CO-cout piece , gave Mr. Kent an I'm-onto-you expression , and trotted over to Mr. Harris with the inonoy. ' 'Find Mr. Richardson , " was the next order. Boz trotted up to that gentleman , looked up into his face and wagged his tail. Boz grabbed Mr. Richardson's hand- jorchiof out of his coat pocket and trotted - ted oil with it. "I want 815 , " said Mr. Kent. Boz picked up a $10 and a3 bill. ' Bring mo the rest of it. " Boz barked and growled. His next performances were to bring a hat from the window anil a piece of paper from the waste basket in the corner , and ho also gave an imitation of the way _ tlio clown-dog prayed in the cinus : which Boz and his master visited labt summer. At Mr. Harris' request that ho pray like it good dog , iie got up in a chair , put his paws up on the back , and , after putting his bond down between hispawsrovorontly closed his oyos. "Got down. " said Mr. Harris. Boz did not stir. Mr. Harris tipped the chair over , but Boz tooic up his position again as soon as the chair was righted. "Amen , " said Mr. Harris , and Bo/ jumped down and wagged his tail. Boz showed them how the bad boy winked at the girls in church , played bartender by giving back Mr. Hatris his correct change after the lip- titious purchase of two drinks , and did other equally wonderful tricks. Mr. Schwartz wrote out his check for $ (1,000 ( , which ho gave to Mr. Harris for the dog , and Mr. Schwartz took the an- ninial home with him Wednesday night. Mr. Harris could not sleep , however , and he came down to Mr. Scluvartz'H olllco bright and curly yesterday morn ing and olTored Mr. Schwartz $000 if ho would trade buck. Mr. Schwartz re fused the olTcr , but dually toolc pity on Mr. Harris and sent up tu the house for the dog. Mr. Harris was proudly ex hibiting him in the Grand Pacific hotel yesterday afternoon , and declared that bo woufd Qiievor part with it again. The dog is live years old and has boon Mr. Harris' constant companion ever since it was three months old. THE REALTY MARKET. TN3TKUMKNT3 plaoad on roaorJ ( Uu-inj , ' -Lyfl-itorJav. fjBcroodoranil wife to II 11 Allnn , Ints3 and 4. blk ti , unil lots SI ami in , bile 10 , llrown park , w il ( 750 H Kluule to J Hhurlock , lot H , KUolo's hub Kto South Omalm , w d 7uO J 1' Hnloy to M J llaimr. lot 30 , blk II , Al- hrlKlifii nutiex it u d l.IJOJ W U Hliodus to I M ( ; a wull , lot U bile H , IlaiiBcom place , a c d I , H Hoed ami wile to Hurngren , lot 13 , blk 471 , Grant View , wd ' . . 3'JO ' Omaha Hual Kstato .V Transfer company , to It K Webster , lota M mill 12 , bbc 4 , Haundors & Illnebaugh Highland park , wd 300 C llnrslk nnd wlfo to A Trejbul. lot H , Iiur- kor's Allotment , w iJ 3W A llnmlltnnand wlfo to I < Bolby , lot 3. Co I fax sub , w d WO Mead Investment company to Al A Cur rier , lot U. blk t , lloillcKparJc. wil BIO 0 K Muyno nnd wlro to H K llromu , lot 13 , blkH , orchard lllll , tic d 1 fj 11 Huwltt and hu.itand tu O 11 ami I ! o liallou , lota 1 and : ; , bile r > , livorlttU'lncu , wd 3'JO ' V t , 1'eckham to M T ItlcliiinU. w M n of a iilot II. blk6,1'arlc JMuce. wd l.UOO Vatrlck Land Co to Win Hhannon , lots 1 unda. blk I1B , nnd lotsll anil 4 , bile 111) ) , Dundee 1'lucH , w d G"DO South Onmhn Land Co to J M ( J.inglicy , lota If. and 1 . blc 1.11 , Bouth 'Omaha , wil . 1UO J A Krj- and wife to A U Julfrloa. w H so IMU-ll.wd ' . 3.300 HI' Bv rltt and husband toV ! Cham bers , lot U , llnrrOalc , < | c cl 100 Q V and I J Jlaricor tu A Jenien , w / lot 5 , blklTl , Oraudvlow. wd 110 H KountzotolMVdray , a places MxlZI andDOxiai. In mr HM5-13 , w il C.KEJ A Contentious toj II Maack , lots 1 to 4 , Consontiua mil ) , w il l.HOO A M Ore rynnd htubund to Mutual In * veatmont Co , lot 12 , Hang * ' sub. w d 1UO TUB 1'fttrlcK i.and Co to K il Keith , lots 13 , U , 15 nud 10 , blk 1UJ , Lliindeu 1'Iacu , w < 1 f > ,2j ti K French and wife to It Merman , lot5 , blk 15 , Central I'ark , w d 400 Twenty-thrco transfers. o The chiefs of state labor bureaus from al over the country are to moot In Hartford Conn. , for n four day's convention on Jun 21. It Is expected that the work of the con vention will bo of the highon tinpjrtuuoj. \VEEKLY \ BUSINESS REVIEW , j Flnnnolnl Mnttora Qulot nt the Loading Couloro. A DULL FUTURE PREDICTED. York K.xclinnno KxMblt ? Dull- tic * * PnTorftlito Crop Front nil Sections of the West Produce Cmcuoo , May 13.- [ Special Tclojjrnm to Tun linn. ] Huslucss In nearly oil lines hews Incronslnp disquietude nml no ohnugo ot Importance ran bo looked for In thetonsu- i ninety dnys. The eonaciiuonco ts'ttmt In ho nbaonuo ot employment for funds com- nonaurnte to the supply It Is seokliift invest- nont In cholco paper or collateral lonns.Tho ihnrkot for inonoy Is easy to dosorlbo. Uor- rowers nro accommodated nt 4 ( < $5 per center or largo sums on call to sixty dnys auil 5) ' @ 7 per cent for peed uicrenntllo nud ether mpor. Tlio butlook for bettor riUcs s unfuvornblo until the now < jrop novomont roaches n sufllclont volihno o rnuso n Inrga How of fuiuls from llmuiclnl centers to the Interior to produoo n'sbvoro hrlnkngo In bank reserves. In , brlof , the ndlontlons point to the most nulot sumtnor iionoy market Unit hns been witnessed nmoiiR Chicago banks for yonrs. Advices rein Atlnntlo cities Indlcnto a hko cdndltlon of affairs there , nnd within n week loading mslnuss houses hero hnvu received iotters rein Now York banks ofTorinp money at cry low rates. Capitalists evidently doom t more desirable to place tholr funds or the summer nt the extreme Insldo Igiires , provided tlio security It satisfactory , than to hooping thorn dlo. Money on the street hns boon offered nt ! l per rent on cholco collateral , nnd n n few Instances ns low ns 2 per cent wns iccoptcd. Now York exclmngo wrts dull. J'horo wns plenty of inonoy hero , nnd nl- hough the rates keep close to n shipping basis , there Is no incentive to order' cur rency shipped from the oast. Sales ranged it 50@M cunts premium per $1,000 and closed steady. Foreign exchange remained Blow nt $ l.80@ .8i ( ) for shippers' sixty day documentary bills on London. Thcrp nro few bills making except ngnlust corn nnd provision shipments , and not enough to cnuso my variation In rates. There was' ti fulr activity nti'oiig ' i mercantile houses , bry goods were distributed liberally , and mi increase - crease wns noted In the sales of stupid kro- corius. Iron ruuialncd qulot nnd sternly. This has been n bull week In Wall street and iriccs on about every netlvo stock inoved upward. The chief , feature in trading was the bull movement In "grangers. " Crop reports ' from nearly nil sections of the west were very favorable , indicating u largo businessfor western roads in the future. Chicago oper ators who huvo been on the "short" sldo for 40U1O tlmo past changed their ideas and bought heavily to cover tholr shorts nnd wont . "long. " Foreigners r.lso bought freely , nnd , ns is usually the nnso with spec ulation In Wall street , they untlclpiUod. the future , and a shnrn upward turn in irices jesulteti. Chicago , Burlington & 3unoy ! , Kock Island , Si. Paul and Atchlson wore the favorites. liui-llngton advanced over 4 points , nnd the appreciation- others ranged from a to 3tf } points. The re funding scheme of the St. Paul holpod'that ' property somewhat , but the advance \vas not ns great ns on Hurllngton. There was good reall/.lnir by "professionals" on advances.pud slight recessions resulted , but they were re turned. There was good buying of Oregon Transcontinental und it advanced over 3 points. There Is a sharp tight going'on bo- twoon. the Oregon Navigation nnd the Union Paulllo for the control of the Oregon Transcontinental nt the coining election , nnd It was bought freely , ' , the trading in it bolug larger than in any ether stock on tlio list , but prlcoa closed lower Ihnn the preceding wook. Oregon Naviga tion was sold freely towards tlio close , and it declined 0 points. The ante of the Wabash rend to a committee of bondholders for $15- WiO.OOO brought that property to the front and the trading became riulto heavy In itUnd | prices advanced 'J points. Chicago' Gas trusts woro'bought heavily and advanced 4 points , but the free selling of "long" stock caused n fair reaction. Ho nils were fairly nctwu and Him The aggregate sales on'tho Now York stock exchange for the wook.1 were 1,114,8'3 < ! snares. Considerable Interest was manifested In the produce market during the week .just closed , and the undertone to the market- in dicated an easier fooling. The .prospects' for the growing crops nro now regarded as unu sually favorable , the recent rains and snoiv btorms in most sections of the west and northwest greatly benoltttlng slnull grains. The drouth scnro has disappeared und reports from all quarters nro very en couraging. The movement of gram to Hinullor stations has boon somewhat enlarged , espec ially of corn nnd oats , nnd supplies In/tho country elevators are being gradually re duced. The movement of grain from central western markets has boon ijulto liberal , nnd distributed to seaboard markets , ' 41111 ! throughout the interior. , The export movement was moderately free of corn and provisions and comparatively llgHt , of Hour nnd wheat. The grain markets abroad arc somewhat unsettled , with prices Inclin ing in favor of buyers. Crop prospects abroad nro generally favorable and , .mer chants are not dls | > osod to enlarge tlioir up- plies beyond pro&aiit wantii. Supplies of all kinds of grain nro gradually Ulmlnlslilnirund will probably continue to decline until the new crops begin to move. The furnlers are through with their * spring work and mo inclined to Bell their sur plus grain nnd llvn stock In view of encouraging prospects. Thn move ment of the latter lias boon quite free , es pecially of cattle nnd hogs , and uhlppors wnro compelled to accept lower prices. In provisions the feeling was weak- and prices declined materially on nil speculative articles. The packing of the west shown a further substantial enlargement , and thu nggregato since the opening of the summer season is ube ut U'JO.OOO hogs inoro than were reported last season up to date. AtiHtrnllnn The hushningors of .Australia nro now oxtinct. They were highwayman whom tlio iovo of ndvonturo , quitt ? ita much as thu dosh-o for tfold , allured to the lifo of outliiwu , BnyH the Youth's Companion. A writer in tlio Fort- mtfhtly Kovicw doacrlboH &omo of thorn < IH Kiftod with courage nnd invention worthy of a bettor calllnpr. A Hinn.ll bund of hualmmgors in Vic toria manufactured for themsolvcH , out of HcythoH and plows and old iron , com plete BuitH of armor. Kuch suit was so liuavy Unit Goliath luinsulf might have faintad undur its weight , hut on the herculean fnimo of the bushranger it fiooinud liirht , and it served itBjpurposu. Scvoral of these suitH are in oxintonuo. bonriiig iimrkti of in'oIToclnal pistol shots. Tlio hiishriingora once laid a wliolo town under contribution. They f/iraid shops anil bniiki ) to pay liberally for Jhu privilege of i'onuining business. Some of thoin were na minoratitioiiH us Italian briganda. wlio Icncol before a waynldo cross und ask for much booty nnd llttlo trouble. Once a bush ratigor gave lib victim the usual altcrnativo of his inonoy or hlfl lifo. Wlion tlio vietlm dupliriod to "hand over , " tlio robber Icnolt down and prayed that it might bo put into the trnvolor'n heart totflvo up all that ho had , and BO xpnro the bushranger the noucatflty of ( mooting lilin. _ _ . x Appointed ItccoiVftr. . CINCINNATI , May IS. Kuillo Kahu was to day appointed receiver of the Wuldumer Klcctrio and Magnetic llruku company , Thu stockholder * allu'0 that the company. hiv not mudo 0 per cent on IU stock during tlio , p two yours. The capital Block U ICOO,000.