iBi l < J8 > IM5Wi J > It * . 14 TOTE OMAHA DAILY BEE.- SUNDAY MAY , 10. 188k TWENTY-FOUR PAGES ; SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA ifemcutu nnflw thu bead 10 cants p r Baa for too drat Insertion , 7 conU for each flub * oqnont insertion , and H.W per Una per month. Ho advertisement taken for Icm than 25 cents tt first insertion. Seven woriu will becnunted to tba line ; tlirj must run consecutively and must be paid lo ADX'ANOK. All adv rtl e- nentfl mu t ] > h ndc'lin before iztqo'clockp. : : [ K. , and under no circumstances will they ! > taken or discontinued by Mltnhona. I" S TartU * advertising In then * columns and hav ing their answers nddresscd In cnr of TIIK lien will pleiue ask. for a check to enable them to get tbelr letters , as nnno will b delivered except on presentation of chock. All answers to aurer- Uaomenln should be cnrluKeain ; envelopes. All adrertUeiuentH In these columns nro pub lished In both morning nnd ev nlng editions ot TilKllKF. , the circulation of which aggregates worn than IH.OOO papern dalljr. nlid gives the ad vertisers the benefit , not only of the city circu lation of Tin : HRK , but also of Council HlntT . Lincoln und other cltloi unit town * throughout Uila icctlon of the couutry4 BRANCH OFFICES. jjavcrtlBlng for those colamns will be taken n tne above conditions , at the following bu l- BC&O houses , who nro a ) tuorized agents for TUB IlBHUpcrlnl notices , and will quote the stun * fates as can bo had at the main otllco. _ Phnriiiacl8tr i20 Bouth Tenth Btront. _ H ABB ARDDY. . Btniloneri and Printers , 113 South ICth HtroaU _ _ nTl'AIlNSXVOHTH , I'haruiJ Ist , Z11B Cunv ingtjtreot. J. lUJOIIHa Pharmacist. 024 North 16Ui . Struct. _ ' ib.'w. I'AItrt , rhnrmaclat , 1809 Bt. Mary1 * Avenua. srruATior/3 WANT E D. _ WANTKIl A gentleman with a general busi ness experience wishes to represent ono or moro urms in Now Vork and vicinity us agent or buyur. Host of references for ability and integrity. Address Chas. Ix > gan , ,2'niomin / t. . 'em > rk. N.J. 1'J1-2U TIJO An experienced Inrty ctenograph- cr now \\ith lentllng wholrsnlo liousc. wishes tochnniio position ; satisfactory reasons for changing ; best of references. Address I ) 1 J llcoolllco. : i.2-20t WANTKIl Advertising mjents. llest entor- prlso extnnt. Only men of I'dilrcss and ability need apply. XV. LiBlIc , Jilllard hotel. 41ii lilt . ) A position 111 a grocery store or T"T wholesale grocery. Ditto , by a young man m lately in rived in this countiy , six years' ex perience ; good reference from last employer. Address , P. F. , 1813S 1.1th st. Omaha. 370-20' ANTED Hv competent woman , some rooms or olllces to clean. Address II 14 , lleo _ 325 20J WANTED Situation by n young man ns drug clerk. Strictly temperate. Refer ences nml bond us to honesty. Over tour yours practical experience. XVIsh to go before the board in n few months. Address , "Hi ! " Ueo ciflico. 318-lUt SITUATION XVnnted A first clnss bread nhd Jcnke linker. Address A fl.1 llee. 151 aij WANTED MALE HELP. WVNTED ITvo trniellng sales mon ; snlnry md expenses ; no experience necessnry. Aildress , with stamp , II. II. Linn it Co. La Crossc , XVls. R'j2-2' ) WANTED Good barber ; married mnn pre ferred ; outllt now ; best location. Terms , DO per month rent In advance nnd H receipts each day until outllt Is pnid lor. Gns and wnter furnished. 1'or further particulars ad- tlressH. C. 1'ilce. Oration. Neb. 4Wt ID * STATE Agent Wanted 1 wnut nn energetic und thoroughly reliable young mnn to tnko the suite agency for the snlo of the Abbott Automatic chock perforator : headquarter ? . Omuhn ; no bonu : . for territory ; urlte for terms of cmroKoment. XV'm. C. Shnvt , gen'l ng nt , Hoom IUH Hoyal Insurance liulhtliiir , CJiic.igo. 111. 3U7-1W WANTEli Two boys to carry liorso routes on Dally Evening Heo. Apply at lleo oillce. 420 WANTED Young man forstendy vnsition ; J25 security and reference requited. Pnlnry * t76 per mouth. Hoom 540 , Uamge building , city. "ITtTANTED Two traveling salesmen ; nut-it TT deposit W > for samples. Good salary , llest 'roferroncos ' required. Hoom Hlli Hamge block , Omaha. 4 2 lu ; W'ANTED Ily a large anil reliable cigar fac tory , several traveling salesmen through Missouri nnd Nebraska to carry our special brantl , "Commander-ln-Chlet XVm.Vnrnor. . " Havana 3c cigar , with privilege of carrying our full line on commission. Only those controlling trndo among grocers. druegiMs und general stores need iipply. A 1 references required. I. Goldsmith & iiros. , 11 nnd 13 Dcniborn ft. , Chi- cngo. 111. 3'Jo-lU * DHUG Clerk XVnnted One who understands ( iorman preferred. Address , with refer ence , I' , 0. box 454. 305 2J WANTED First-clnss nll-nround baker. HO room nud bonid ; nlso hotel clerk for the country , t.'l ) . Mrs. Ilicgn. 314 , S. Ilith. 30.113J W ANTED Tailor , S.TX ) Cumlngfet. 280 19 * AGENTS \\ANTED-ror the best selling book , 'The Christian's Legnev. " Send lor circulars. fl.OCO in cash prizes ollered. E. E. . Holland , 40 Dearborn st. . Chicago. 177-lil ? "VVTANTED Good salesman to sell ndvortls- TT Ingcnidsnnd novelties on commission ill- rcct from mnuufactuior. X'ou can make } 50 par week. Address Advertising Specialty Co. , JlulTalo. N V. U.J7 1 ! ) ( C25 WEEKLY Hcpresontntlvo wanted in P every community. Goods t > t < iplo and soil on night. Absolutely new ; household necessity. Mo canvassing. Elite Mfg , Co. , 1'ullman build- in ) ? , Chicago. 111. 760 "IXTANTED Agents Puzzle watch charm ; T.T , most taking novelty out ; exactImitation of "Pigs in Clover. " size of nickel , gold plated. Sample 15c. two 25c. doz. tl : stamps taken. Btaynor & Co. . Providence. H. I. 754 J4r BOYB Am. Dist. Tel.Co. , 1304 Douglas. 471 AGENTS wnntod on salary , t75 per montn , and expenses pnld , any active man or wo man to sell our goods by sample nud live ut home. Salary nald promptly und expenses In advance. Full particulars and sample case free. XVo mean Just what we say. Address Standard Silverware Co. , llostou , Mass. UiO m-l'J' SALESMEN XVe wlnh n few men to s nil our goods by sample to wholesale nnd rctnll trade. Large&t mnuut'rs fn our lino. Enclose 2-cent stamp. XVages W i er day , Permanent position. No postals answered. Money ad vanced for wages , advertising , etc. Centennial MimTg Co. , Cincinnati , O. 514 WANTED--FEMALE HELP. " \\TANTED-A good all round womnnns cook , T must be good bread linker. Apply Quarry Hoarding lloiioe , XVeeplnit XVnter. 4l3-lij ! I WISH to employ n few young ladles on salary to tnke charge of our business at their home. No talking required. Permanent pojl- tlon. XV'ngea $18 per week. Money advanced for wages , oto. Vflll jmy good wages If only pan ot the tlmo can be employed. I ran refer to the best people In Louisville. Address with stamp , Mrs , Marlon Walker , 4th and ChuHtnul Bts. , Louisville , Ky. No attention paid to postal iiardK. 3b * llt ) WANTED A flrst-rlaKs stenogrnpher nm typewriter. Must do No. 1 work nud wrlto coed iiund , State salary. Address li a , lice. ! W < M WANTED A good uurao lrl. Inquire at221 Davenport st. 37U-21J WANTED A girl for general house woTkTn family of la. . None but a good cook new apply. Heference required. Call nt 2. > 2l ; Caplio ave. utter fi o'clock p. m , 383 10 ANTED-CooVs for private families Cooks for hotels und boarding houses Becoud gills , rhambermaldi , waltresso.s , dlxli v as horn , dress makers , stenographers , nurse ulns. girls for the country , laundry girls , plils for genernl work. Omaha Empluymi'Ut Hureau 111) N ICth bt. JIM-W ANTED-XVomau rook , I4U ; 0 dining-room girls , fir , to 22 : COOKS for boarding houses Rtrla for Council llluirs ; U llttlu glrli to mini babies ; 60 for general housework. Mr * . Jlrogv 814(4 ( B , Uth , uoi nij W ANTED A woman cook at the Crown Dining Hall , 603 e. 13th st. li'U M W ANTED A good girl to'cook and ilo gen nral housework ; Gorman pruferrod. 40fi N. ' - WANTED Good cook ana laundress ; refer ence required ; bent wugcs paid. Apply to Eg a U7tn st. aa aV AX'ANTED Girl for general housework : must TT bo good cook ; small family. Mm. Coots , 1I3 < S. Uth ft. U27 1 J \irANTHD-A plrl for general housework in TT family of three ; German preferred. Sin * Grant st. 335 lot "M/ANTHD-XVlxUt and skirt numbers. 1619 fV Howard , H , A. Wallace. J3U TK/AN'lUD-Cool : nml chambermaid for TT country hotel Addrv , -\lSi rcferenien , Vlonuvi > t , Nob. 4W-M WANIED-Mlddleagsd woman forhous * keeper ; nlco family In Dedham , In. En quire Great XVestcrn Employment bureau , N. E. cor. Dcuglas nnd ICth , I loom K ) , .IW-U'J W * ANTED-Good gFrl , in private fnmliy ! 821 South 22ud 8U 200-ltf \\7 A NTH I ) A lady of good nil ill ess , good T T wanlrobp , good references and 115 to call on Miss DoraMcCarty , room 611 , First National bnuk ; salary W per month. sol 19 * ADV ngcnts average over tvt n week wild Jmy grand new rubber undergarment. Ad- Ijcss Mrs. r'.Mttle. Chicago , 111. ? 5I 21t VfTANTED Hutton-hole ninkers. 1I1Z Far- > > nam. . 182-lOt _ _ WANTED-A girl for general housework , rtis S. 17th st. _ _ 'II- ' - " 1STANTED Atonce.good cooYaudTaunilres ? VV Mrs , F. XV. Gray , aei DouRins.8 _ Ki VXTANTED A competent girl for general TT houseworkono who cnn cook , wash und iron where second girl nnd mnu nro kept ; good wngt-spjUiLApiHJr at 1) ) i4 Satltl 2.1th st. IVil WANTED- ShUt mnKers. 11L ! Furnim. - iKi-nit- DUUSSMAKUUSnndladlesara Invited to visit my school whcro the Adams-Taylor system otdress cuttlug.maktnitandilrnulnuuro taught , nstructlon glvon day or evening. M. L. .ynch , 1515 Douglas st. , room VI. iRiH.ll ] * HKMKNTS to do dreaimiltlnii l n fain solicited Miss Sturdy,2017 Ia onwortn an m re * M IfcS M. Shinu fashlonnolo diossmalclng. modcrato prices ; cutting iind llttlug also lone , 1117 N. 10th. r.CO . ) ! BOARDING. "IJO ntlJEllS vrnnto V at tlio Cozz5ns fiotel nt J'reduced rates ; the most plensaut location In the city. M J Franck. prop. H7U JVMSCELLANEO lliTWANTS. 3 WANTii-llulhllng : mnterlnl of nil kinds for mortgnges , cash , etc. Address II 21 , Ice olllco. ! IS5 1U MONIIV Wanted 1 cnn place from live to twenty thousand dollars on good real estate security. If you hnvo money to loan call and see me. ( Seorgo N. Illckw. Heal Kstato and In vestment Agent , Hoom to , llurker block. 372-31. WAMTHD Contractor who will tnko clcnr lot a pait payment for building. Address , I. If. cnio llceonice. 3W-2u * I'AUTi' having JtOOX ) worth of cn.ittels wishes to borrow if i.wlJ on thu snme. Will pay p"rcimt Interest pernunum J-'yents tlmo. Addrc-s.JjJll. . ilnc-plllce. mi : 1 WANTKD A purchaser for n SI'JJ moitgago on KnnsnHlnuds ; also ! i section Colorado school land. U. II. Gessell. ( AW Bo. Uth St. . 3d loor. Omaha. 11S-ljVL. \v 7ANTBD IluliainR mnterinl tor lots , lands nnd cash. W. J. I'nul ll/O ) Kainam st. JMI WANTED Any ono allllcted with any pri- vnte or chtonlc blood disc iso to ( all on tlinNational Remedy Co. , 1414 Dodge st. nnd in vestigate their tre.itmoit for private disorders. WAN7ED-TO RENT. WANTED to rent by famllv of two , an un- fuiulshed cottaso in gojd condition con taining 0 or 7 rooms ; must have terms and lo cation to receive nny attention. Address U 5. > , Ilee. _ 22) ) " \\TANTED-lloom nnT bonrit by young Inily TT in privnto family ; references. Address U 10 , Hoe. . ! ! M ) I'J' WANTED To rout for term of years 8-room house , with yard and barn , between Far- naiu und St. Mary's nve. Would w nit for one to be built. It 17. Heo olllce. : ! 3 27 FOR RENT-HOUSES , 7"OH HEXT Two or three elegant nouses. In - splendid nolghboihood , nil moilorn con veniences and modesnto rentnl. liujulro of ncorgo N. lMck& , llntker block J 1-2.1 M TTIOH UfiNT Nice , comfortable home , first- t ? class neighborhood , all modern coin en- lenees , close tocnrllne , moderate rent. Inquire ot G o. N. lllcks , llarter block. 374-2J FOH KENT XV'th ' furnltnro for sale , two 0- room Hats ; llnest location In the city ; pnrt cnjli , balance monthly payments. XV111 be sold nt a hacrltlce. Fnrmerb Laud Co. , rooms : i ) nnd 21. llarker block 40.5 2 - 5-UOOM house. 811 So. ' . ' 4th st. 417 25 I71OH KENT Upper htoryof house for light I housekeoplng jor family without chlldion , $18 per month. Call or address 2il ) ! ) Fnriiam. 3MJ-1U' O HENT House of ton looms , nicely fur- JL uished nnd conveniently located to business. Going east to sncnil thu summor. XMI1 lent to right party without children nnd good refer ence KO per month. Location S XV Cor. 2Jd anil Ilust st. S. L. Andrews. 400-19 ft OITBE ot 11 rooms. 17th nenr Dnveuuoit St. , ? 50. Geo. Paul. ITO'J Putnam. 888-ia DiOlfiuJNT Near Corning St. . Holt Line , new -E 5-room house , n largo burn , a < re ot garden ing ground. * 1U per mo. liuiuU-e nt Christ JlnU- sen , 'd and Poppletou ave , 301 lot } -HOO.M cottnge. 830 S. 21st st. 343 1HJ IT10H KENT A house of six rooms. Incvulro 1 : 4WN. ( lithst. Thos Swift. 32l ; 20S F 10H HENT Now house. 0 rooms. 2 closets , 2 pnntrlos. hard and sort wnter , brick cellar. 701) ) N. 1 ith st. 30-2Ut : FOH HhNT A brick house. 7 rooms , city water and sewer. 717 S. Ktu. 333 20 ? . . HENT 8-room house on cor. 11th nnd FL ? Lenvenworth. Apply Dr.Mattlce.lCO.1 Dodge. 2U'I WANTED family to rent 4 unfurnished rooms und board man. wife nnd child ; liberal olfer to right paity. 701 N 17th st. 307 "Ij HH HENT 12-room house and barn , nice JU yard , very doslrablo ; splendid location for roomers ; on cable. J. II , Panotte rental agency , Iflth and Dodgo. 28S-23 "fjlOH HENT To family without children. JL' nicely furnished seven-room house , from June 1st to Sept. 1st. 2020 St. Mary's avenue. EOH HEN1' 9-room modern improved house suitable for first class physician , none In neighborhood. Apply M , Elgutter , 1112 S. 10th ? . 2. 21 FOH HENT A nlco six-room house. 3 doors west of Walnut. Hill school , for ftt to April next. Or would tnko hor.se in trade. Also , n food young horse for sale cheap. E. G. Merrill , Hamilton mid Kuroka St. , XVnlnut Hill. 1N520I F [ UKNT rurnlsheil brick residence , 10 3 lurgo rooms , barn and cistern , modern Improvements largo yard , will bo absent from the city traveling for borne time 1-10 S. llth , 271 2I FOH HENT Broom house ; centrally located : modem improvements. J , r. llarton , 201U Capitol uvn Blb-2J * NINE room house on Dodge St. , cable passes the door ; hot and cold wnter , biitn looms nml furnace ; rent $10 per month. Fred. Uorth- \\JcU , 213 S. 14th Kt. 143 TJVH 11ENT--Now brick houses. 11 roomswith JL' every modern convenience ; on cable line ; only IMO per month. C , T , Taylor , cor , 14th and Douglas ; . U2S TnOlt HENT Cottngns , C rooms , 2728 Charles JL' st. nnd 1524 S Uth st. Inquire at room 212 , bheely block. _ 471 OH HENT-A flat In the Her building ; 7 rooms , Kteam heat , gas nnd bath. Apply to A. V. Haymcr , hardware , luth und Jackson. 511 O NICE7-room cottagesgood cellars , cisterns. -J well , good barn ; convenient to school and churcn ; fco per month for the summer. Apply at one , U. F , HariUou , Merchants' Nat'l bank , ; > TJKH HKNT Neat T.room house cor 26th X' and Woolwoith ave. Inquire of G. H. Tzschuck , llee olllce. 642 'TTWilt HUNT One ton-room and one elcht- JL' room house , ull modern conveniences , llest part of rlty nnd within 5 mlnnteu walk of post- olllcn. Nathan Shaltou , 1503 Faruam Ht. ill * " | TIOir HUNr-lleautIful 8-room noiise with J' modern Improvements , epleiulld location. Apply at oncn , C , F , Harrison , Mer. Nat. H'k. " 171011 HENT-Good houses ntJ.'A M0.t30.r2. ' > . (20 , .L' and(12por month. If youwlsn torentcalland see mo. D. V. Sholes. 2IU la Nat'l Hank. 7K ) TTIOUHENT 14 room brick dwelling , all ron- JL1 veiitencca. 21tt N. luth bt. n07 FOR RE'NT ROONIS-FURNI'SHEP- KOOMB li JlrsUclais home board. 1711) ) IJodaoT 382-25 * FOH IIEKT Ijvrge. well-furnished front parlor , modern conveniences , tmltnblo for 2 , tlOu monthboard it desired , 2106 Puniam at. 17HIHN1SHKD front room for rent : gentle- JL' men only ; terms moderate , 24'5 ! Dodge. TI10H UfcNT HooniB with board ; b it loco- JL' ttoi > in city , 2J1 S. 2Sth ave. Uli ; 24J IDLE AS A NT newly furnished rooms , single or J. un unite , cart bo hua ut 2 < U | Ca j ut. 35b 24t , . . . . HENT Kletrant furnished ioousuitable : JL1 for two cuutlemun. ou bat'uoom Moor , with board , loll Douglas vt , VQ 2 rOHIUJNT-Krontroom w Ith first class bonrd , 510 3. 2Jd Bt , 331 SOt _ TJ1UHNISIIED rooms for rent. 1717 Mnson. JU ; )40 ) OVEIjY Kouth front room , every Jb ! ience , ' 4 block from street cat. FOIt KENT-Furnished rooms. 222 N lath. 315 ! B VTK'ELX' furnished room suitable for 2 gen- JL > tlemen or man nndlfo.lW3 1'arnnm. NEV LX'furnlshod front roomi suitable for gentlemen or ladles employed during the lay ; all conveniences ; board If desired. 2203 Farnnin. 2M-23 FHONT and bnck parlor , HUltnOlu for mnn nnd wife , or 4 gentlemen : 007 .V. 18th. EON t Y furnlslied rooms for rout , with or w Ithout board ; 1721 Davenport st. 2KW2t JEX' EHA li nlco rooms to rent nt from $1 to 5 10 per month. 1201 N. Ifcth st. 41G-1OT NICELY furnlihvd front bcdioom in nlco cottngo , } } per month. 4UO Willlnm st. > IUASANT front room , W)7 ) 8.85th nvo , - FOH HENT A newly furnished room , gns , hath , etc , , price moderate. Cnll at 1715 Lca\oirworth. 211 Ilij TjlOH ltrNT--J furnished rooms , with nil J- ' modern Improvements. Oentlomen only. tti St. Mnry'H nvo. , rltht In the rlty. Hufcr- iico resulted. Apply to Mrs. J. Ilensou. nt store. 418 ! S ) 171(711 iTlJNlP-ln private fnmliy , n furnlsttcd JL1 room. 23)1 ) Knrnnm st. 375 lot iVill HUNT Furnished rooms ; modern con- I venlenccs. 02114 s. Ulth. 3M-10 TTUJltNlHIllD front boil room nnd NlttnB JL1 room in privnto faintly. 424 North 17th st. 24" , 191 ITWItNISHKI ) rooms with modern con- - 1vontenco / > , on paved street nnd car lino. 2liJJ I.enveuwortn. Ill" 201 IfOH HUNT A nicely furnished larpo front room , nil modern conveniences ; for further particulars cnll nt2215 Dodge st. \V Foil HKNT Nicely furnished front room with boardall conveniences , 1'JIO ' Capitol nve. 893 T10H HUNT Kurnlihoil rooms with orvlth - out board for families nnd slnslo mon at reduced nilce for the summer months at the Cozzclts liotul. M J I'rancK , prop. 8iO front rooms 1810 Dodgo.b77 b77 J8 $ POH KKNT Nicely furnished front bed room In cottaRo , $ < : per month , 400 William Htrcet. "T710H III'NT A plensnnt room , only 6 minutes JL'valfc from busiuosi uuntor , nil modern con veniences , cor St. Mary's avo. nnd 2uth or GSJ S. 0tli , brick resldonco. COl FHONT rooms , II upwards , on cnr line ; 1J10 M Ibth. 448 T11UUN1SHEI ) or uiifurnUhcd rooms for rent -L' in Park Terrace , odposlto Ilanscom park ; nil modern conveulencos. Imiulra J.oo & Nichol , Xbth and J < cnvenworth. 472 TTIUUNISHKO rooms by day , weeK , or month. JL' st.Clalr liotel cor 13tn nnd Up.lge. 47B T > OOM with or without board. Ifcl2 Oed e , t O U1T of 2 furnished rooms , modern convon- Olctices , 3 blocks from I' . O. ; prlvntu fnmliy. A. llospe , jr. , 151.1 Douulas. 475 jHfiflTKNT Hoom 1021 Howanl. t 1 K95 LA1IOK front room with bed-room adjoining , lianilsomcly furulslicd. gas and licntod by stonni , with use of bath room , in ono of the handsomest residences in the city , without boartt. Inquire n. w. cor. 1'Jth anil Lcavcnworth. 225 | 7UJHNISIIED rooms , single or on suite , bath amis team ; for gents only. 1613 Howard. * 1 NiCl ! so\ith \ front rooms with every conven- -J lenco ; telephone In houdu. 1908 Capitol av. - _ _ _ _ FDRNISHKOrooDis , 1138.20th. near flodge. a-ju * F I OH KENT FnrnlahBil rooms , 28Ja Dodge. 2.-.721' F OH HENT Furnished rooms single or en suite. 1COU Dougla . 713 FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED TJIOH HENT Suite of 4 rooms unfurnished , Ju with all modern Improvements , bath room , i loxet , etc. . hot and < old water , gas fixtures , to family without children. Heferouco required , 704 north 17th wt. Price J25. t.US . FOK HENT Pleasant unfurnished rooms o\erlC01 Howard it. For olllces purposes 2.i3 4 OH 5 unfurnished rooms for housekeeping for mnn and wife. 31U N lUh st. 7t 241 - > OH HENT 4 unfurnished rooms. i04 ; XVeb- ster , suitable for housekeeping ; price J- 200 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FlHST-class location for barber shop. 20th und Illondo tts. 34 ! ) 20 * I OH HENT Front oflice , ground floor , 310 S15th. 2U7 "ITIOIt HENT Chonp New store , 'xfll , brick JL' basement , on good paved St. , bintable for 10- tall grocery. Inquire O. llurtmnn , N. XV. cor. 27th and Decntursta. 203 FOH HENT Two stores with ton.room flat above , corner jOth nnd Mason sts. Inquire , Mrs Lnnge. 012 B. 13th bt. 1H7 -ITIOH HENT 2 Hoots 2.'x 0 each , in bricS build- JL1 Ing , with elevator , cloJO to express oflice. cheap rent , Jtibt the thing for wholesaling , good location. Apply to Geo. Hoyn , 1103 1'arnam st. 4M ) TOK HENT Store 22xCO ; 1118 Jackson st. JT Enquire 1114 Jackson. 481 TTKJH HENT Store nnd living rooms on Cum- JL' Ing street ; also house on Cass st. Harris H. E. & i , . Co. . Hoora 411 1st Nat. bank. BU T71OH KENT The 4 btory brick building with JL' or without power , now occupied by The Heo Publishing Co. . Olii , Farnam st. The building has a Hie proof comontoJ basement , complete fctoam heating fixtures water on all the floors , gas. etc. Apply at the oillce of Tno lleo. U15 STOKE 407 with basement , Hamgo bldg. In quire Frank J , Hamgo. C5'J RENTAL AGENCIES- H OL'SES nnd furnished rooms. 1T31 N. 21st. 854 24 * T7IOH HENT XVhen you wish to rent a house , Jhtore or olllco call on us. H. E. Cole , room 0 , Continental blk , 474 rF YOU want to rent your house cnll 03 Har- L ris , U. K. & L. Co. , room 411 , 1st Nat'l. bank. is ; G EO. J. PAUL , 1C03 rarnnm St. , houses , stores , etc. . for rent. 4K5 TF YOU \\ant to buy , soil , rent or exchange , JL call on or address ( J. ,1 , tJternFdonf , rooms 817 and 3li * . First National bank building. 481 IS ; R give special nttentlon to renting nnd TT collecting rents ; Hat with us. H , K.Colo , room 0 , Continental block. 4PU _ _ _ LOTS , houses , etc. , tor lands , farms , etc. Paul , ItXW Furnam. iWMfl MISCELLANEOUS. CASH nnd lands for inside property that can bo Improved. Will assume. Address II20. lleo olllce. u'NJ 10 L2 FINE lots nt second mortgage building terms. Paul , 100'J Furnam st , 3GH-1U $10.00 reward will bo pnld for the return , to 3uK North 22d bt. , of n black G ordoil setter dog , three months old ; lost two weeks ago. T MAKE n specialty of smoked and dried JLments , at retail , a trifle over wholesale prices. Headquarters for smoked meats. UU Baundersst. Fred HOPS , prop. 3il I ! ) * TTOH8ES. mules and wagons , l.'JJI N. iilst. csx 24 ; UMHHELLASand parniols covered and re paired , 217 S 15th. HoyU'a opera house block. In rubber store. H , llator , I'mjau ECONIHIAND rlotlilnir. carpetn. furniture , eta , , bought. Address Mr , or Mrs. Savage , 20)3 ) Cumlllg St. 201 2(8 TIN rooting , spouting , gutters , valleys aud sheet Iron work done well and cheap. E. Suvnge , 2013 Cumlng st. 205 20 * TlHE banjo taught as an art by flee F. Gel- lenbacn. Apply ut llee olllce. 1150 YOU that nro suffering from private dlior- dars will find the National Heinedy at 1414 Dodge bt. , whoie you can get sclentlllo treat- inent and a cure guaranteed. all HBONNEN'SCHEIN has moved to 417 8 13th , Huy und sell second hand furniture and stoves ; boltlos bought and sold. 15fl-m21 " " ' PERSONAL. bunds ma u srlr-udilreaied stamped envel ope , ot something I made which entirely cured my face of blarkheadu , pimples and freckle * ; it gites a lovely complexion. Miss Flora Jones , Boulh lleud , lud. 3iy WIMi Franco Prldham nr-ilpttla Knight pieniie address her sIstMWf 477 Congress street , Chicago. cr l T3EIISON AIj t'se of Knnbo piano for rent ono JL hour or more per day , by the month ; locn- tlonnnd room strictly first classic Terms very reasonable. Address X40 , llecToljlce. 3(3-11) ( ) < jfj PEATHEHSclpnned and cufled ? hatsprossod and blenched , at F. M. Schndoll. 218 N. IflHi. STORAGE. STOHAGE nnd forwarding. XVe collect ami deliver goods of nil description * , merchan dise , furniture and baggage , at cheapest fates for storage for any length of'Iliho. Vnns nnd wagons tole ha-1 nt shortest notloa. with cnre- ful men for moving. Packing mill snipping from our own wnrehouso ilono on moderato charge. Mcrchnndlse loaded nnd unloaded. XVnreltouse on our own tracks. Onice 217 S.14th St. ; tulcpnono 114. Howcll.VCo. 314 S1YHIAOI5 at low rntos iTt ll'ilT'arnam st ; Omaha Auction and Storage , 4 i rnilAClCAj"E ; storage , lowest rates. JL llushmnn 1311 Loavenworth , "OHANCH * CO. , slorngo. 1211 Howard. 490 CLAIRVOYANT TlfADAMK DE SAN tolls past , present nml fu- J-'Mura events of your life , gives ndvlco on dl vorcc , contested wills , etc. The mndnmo hnx wonderful gift of second sight , hnj the power of nuy two mediums you over met. Parlors. 1.112 Dodge St. 30'J 30 C3 _ " MlJsTnT" VELNE. clnlrvoynnt , business nnd detective medium. Hoom 2 418 N. inth st. 408-20t DH. NANNIE . XVAHHEN. clnlrvoynntmed- Icnl nnd buslnoss medium. I'emnle diseases n specialty. HON. 18thst. . rooms 2 and 3. 4 ill SHORTHAND AND . , STANDAHD shorthnnd school , PnxtonTilock ; ( successor to Vnlontlno'H shorthand insti tute ) , the largest , best equipped shorthand school in the west ; is under the personal super vision of Joseph P. Mogenth , an ex-jlllclal re porter und state agent of the Hcmlngton Stand ard typewriter , assisted by experienced ver batim reporters. Mechanical construction of machine taught by factory expert. Pnrtlciilnr nttentlon paid to typewriting. Stenogrniihers * supplies for salo. Circulars frco. 708 rplir. Omaha Short-Hand Institute , Hamgo JL block , Omaha , onenod Monday. May l.lth.ls under the mnungoinont of u thorough and prac tical stenographer. Plonsantest nnd best ven tilated school room lu the won. Positions found for grnduntes , Cnll or write for particu lars' Terms , $10 per month in advance. Type writing free. DyJ j 10 SHOHTHANDnnd typo wrlllng. Omnhnbus- Iness college cor. Capitol ave. & 16th. Stan dard methods taught by C. C. Ewlmr ot San I'niuclsco , the best teacher oil the Paclic coast. Munson's revlsoil of'MI n specialty ; now plan ; blackboard illustration ; tiny nnd evening classes ; cnll orwilto for terms. CU7 W TlTm-ESEV'S snortlmud school , 2lllnr- kor block. 3 month's course , t l.423m27 423-m27 * WANTED TO BU\ . A NTIQUAH1AN Ilook Storo7l413 larnam ftt. Casn pnld for i'nd-hand books , mngazmes. ' - W ANTED Inside property ( vncnnt pro- . f err ( Ml ) for cnsh nnd homo fine fntms und lamia. XVill assume. Can give special figures on lauds. Address U ll > , Itee olllco. 385 lu " \X7ANTED-To buy good commercial paper. H. C. Patterson , 318 i H 15th st. 4V2 TkS7 ANTED rurnlturo , cnrpeta , stoves mm it household goods of aliikinds. Omaha Auclion ic Storage Co. , 1131 l'aiiiam ; , 4 ! FOR SALE MISCELLAN . OUS. Tj Olt SALE Cheap About 350 head ot 1m- JL' proved Texas horses , consisting of geldIngs - Ings , mares und colts , stallions and mixed. Will soil part or all. Apply J. I * . Hnlbert , Coralennn Texas. , , 414-J18J FINE horse , phaeton and harness , bncs- bonrds , lots , houses , lands , nmV Homo cash for brick , lumber , band and building material of nil kind. Puiil , 1UU Ftirnnuj. 35l FOK SALE Smnll sand oven , bread tins.etc. hiiltoblo for bakery. j.XV.Toiey , 2814 Davon. poit street. 32H-2J ? ICE chest and side board ppuihlned. dining table , with chairs , No. 7 COOK steve with res ervoir , dingle walnut suit , couch , 1 i\nln ut bed , mattress nnd springs , heating stovi' . 1UJ1 Spencer st. i < 1'68-1U ' * A I'lllST class phaeton a * ha.low . price of Xx5 ; apply at once. Gr. . J. Sternsdorll , Hooms 317 nnd 318. First National Hank build- Ing. Telephone 4 4. 321 24 ELEVEN-room house on N. 18th St. . furni ture for bale , nil Improvements. Orlf k Co. , 117 N ICtli. 2U7 221 : FOH nAIiE A full leather ton cnrrlnge , largo nnd roomy. In first-class order , cost MOJ ono will sell R for $175. 12215 year ago ; Apply a ) febsterst. - 7iv4 _ _ FOH SALE 1 MorJc team , wagon ami har ness complete , very chenp for cash , 610 Paxtoublk. 841) ) "IjiOH SA LI' Cheap , n three-ton DieboldbanK JL1 eafc , latc-t improved time lock , complete In oveiy "particular. Addrosj. II. ChamDer- lln , XVooil Hlver. Neb. 211 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee & Trust Co. , I.TO.I Pnr- imm. Complete abstracts furnished Ac titles to leal estate examined , perfected & guaranteed. 407 /"VMAH.X Abstract Company , Til1) ) Farnam st. V-/MoBt complete nnd curorully prepared sot of abstract books and plats of all real property in the city of Omaha and Douglas county. 4M AHSTHACTri Llnahan Ic Mahouey , room 50(1 ( Paxton bloct. . 408 MONEY TO LOAN. MONEV rondy for furniture and stoves , household goods nnd books bought , sold nnd exchanged. 117 North 10th St. , Frank Orir A : Co. 37S-24 LOANS on improved nnd unimproved prop - orty at low rates. Odell Ilro3 .t Co. , 312 SlUh. B.V ) Olty Loan Co. has plenty of money to loan on horses , wagons.fiiruitme and pianos. Their rates are reasonable and business Is done fairly and quietly. If you want money or want your present loan extended , try them nnd s.ivo money. 'Jholr ollice Is at 118 S. Uth Bt , iliroctly opposite the Mlllaul hotel. 21K1 T.OAN8 wnntod on Omiha roil estate , three -LJand five yearn time , optional payments , fa vorable term and rates ; applications and titles passed upon by us and loans closed promptly. Klmball , Champ & Hvan.lt.ooui 0. United States Nat. bank building , 1JU5 Farnam htrcijt. lU710 ) MONEY to lo.m at Jew rates by Excelsior Land Co. , 310 South 15th htreet , Omaha. 071 MONEV to loan on real est.uo security , at lowest rates. Heforo negotiating loans see XVallace , Cro'hton ! blc , nth and Douglas. HOT KEYSTONE Mortgiso Co. ; loans of 810 to II.OOJ ; get our rates before boirowlng and e > avnmoney ; loan on horsus , furniture or any approved security , without publicity ; notes bought ; for now loan , renewal of old and low est rates call H 208Shccley blk 15th & Howard st MX ) M ONUX'to loan on short time. Sccurod pupor bought. F. E. Alexander , 150U Fiirimm st. ( ! 4l J W 0.F , IIAHHISON loans monby , lowest rates. . . 617 $ Oi/O i to loan on first mortgaged .O. E , Thomp- i 212 Sheoluy block. , , 70J 1,500 special money ; apply at'once. C. F. $ Harrison , Merchants' Nut'l bunk. 'M' > MONEV to loan. O. F. Davfe Cf. real estate and loan agents , 15J5 Farnam st. VU JU1LDING loans. D. V. Bholes. r 210 First Na- > tlonnl bank. BU TlfONEY to lonn ; cush on baud ; no delay , J. IT ! w. Squire , mu I'arnam ell llFst National bans building. " & 3 MoNEV'I money ! money ! to loan on horses , wagons , mules , houshold goods , pianos , or gans , diamonds , etc. , at lowestrates. , The llrst organized lonn olllce in the city. Will make loans for thirty to tnred hundred and sixty-live days , which can he'paid in pare or whole , at any time , thus lowonnij the prin cipal nnd Interest. Cull nnd aoatis when jou want monoy. and we can nsijint you promptly and to your advantage without removal ot property or publicity. . . . , . Money always on hand and no delay in mak ing loans. C. IV Hoed & To , 31V South 13th st. . over Hint-ham tc Sons commission house. ' 324 m3i IOANB made on real estate and mortgages Jbought. I ewls 8. Heed & Co. , H Id Hoard of Trade , M MONEV to Loan-xvo are ready for applica tions for loans lu amounts from t3JO to ( lu. . 000 on improved Omaha or Douglas county real estate. Full Information as to rates. Ix > ami promptly closed. Good notes will be purchased by us. Call upon us or write. The McCague 1 u vestment Co. KM DON'T borrow money on furniture , horues , wagons , etc. , or collateral * until you BOO C , II , Jacobs , 410 First National bank building. (21 EASTEHN trust funds to loan on improved real estate In Omaha ; large loans preferred. E. & IlUbce , Fir&t National buuic building. - SEE Sholes , room. 510 , First Nnt'l bMik. bnforo making your loans. 611 M ONHY to Ixian lowest rate1 ? , lonns closed promptly. It. B. Col , H.OContinental block. 600 _ _ _ WANTED First-class Insldo loins. IxiwoU niton. Call nnd scons. Mutual Invest ment Co. , 1U1. Harder blk.l' th A Farnam. fcH H. IX COLE , loan agent , 600 JB t'l 1,1)1 NO loans n specialty. W. M. Ilnrrln , Uoomax Krenr.er lllock , opposldo I' . ( ) . Ml "XTKUUA3KA Mortu. Loan Co. will mnko'youn -Li loan on household goods , hones , wagons , . land contracts , line Jewelry , or socurltl * * ot any kind , without publlcitv , nt reasonable rates , llooni 7 , llowlev lllock. South Omalia. sMWiUi. 1'axton llloct , Omnha , Nob. MONKYlunned for.10 , ( Xor ) 90 dnys on nny klndot chattel security ; rcnsoiinblo inter est ; businessconildontlnl. J. J.\Vllklnson.Hl7 Fnmnm st. Ml "T\0 VO1T want money ? If sn. don't borrow JL/boforogottlnit my rates , which nra the low est onuuy sum from il ) up to tlO.OJl. 1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or- gnns , llor es , nuilus , wagons , warehouse ro- colptH. houses , loiscs , etcin auyamount.at the lottcstposslblorntes , without publicity or remoVAl - moVAl of property. I/oans can b in ido for ono to six months nnd you tan pay a pnrt nt nuy time , reducing both principal nnd interest. If you nwo n balnnco on j-our f urnlturo or Horses , or have n loan on them , 1 will take it tip nml carry It for you ns long as you desire. If you need money you will ilml it to your nd- vnntiiKo to see nm before borrowing. II. K. Masters , iooiii4 , Wlthncll building , 15th and Hnrney. dOO I CAN make a few lonns on first-class chattel securities at reasonable rntvs.V. . 1C. 1'otter , room 10 , tlnrkur blk. 5U7 ! I'KIl CUNT money to loan Cash on hand. MV. .M. Ilnrrls , It 2(1 , rronzor block , ojp. ) I' . O. H.K , COLG , loan ngont. 600 5 $ 111 To loan on farms and city property. Ueo. J. 1'aul. IQtm 1'arnam st. to 15TOfl ) to loan at < l percent. Ltnahnn & Ma- honev , Hoom nwi , 1'nxton block510 M ONKV Loans negotiated at low rates with out delay , nnd purchase goods , commeiclal imner nnd mortgage notes. P. A. Sloniau , cor. 13th and Parnnm. 5H PIlILADELl'HlA.Moitg.xgo .tTrustCo. fur nish cheap eastern money to borrowers ; purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans ntthelr western olllce. Qeorgo XV. P. Co ites , room 7 , Hoard of Trade. 5Jt B UILD1NQ loans. Llnahan & Mnhoney. 610 MONEX'to loan on furniture , homes , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. J. XV. Hobbins. H.201 ! . Shccly blk. 15th mid Howard. 61S MONIiV to lonti on Improved property nt llist hands. No appllcnttou sent away for ap proval. Security anil titles examined free of charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment Company , 30'J ' S. Uth sU fill ! PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange The. fairest , quietest ami most liberal money exchange in the city ; money loaned without delay or publicity , in any amount , large or small , nt tne lowest rates of Intoiest. on nny available se curity ; loans may bo paid at any tlmo or renewed nt original rates. O. Houscnrou , Mgr. , room 67 , llarker block , Ifi'.h nnd Vamam. nil TTNIMI'HOVED nnd improved property ; U loans made promptly ; money on hand. V. M. Hlchurdson , s w cor luth nnd Douglas. _ _ M /7J.OOD notes , short or long tune , unsecured VT or with mortgnge , bought nny wnoro in Neb. fir In. Quick loans , city or farm. Cnll or wilto XV. L. Solby , It. ill , ll'd. Trnao. WJ OMAHA Chattel Loan Co. , room 42 , llnrkor block. 3.m2j Or. HAHHISON lonns money , lowest rates. V 517 _ _ PFOPLE'S Financial Exchungo Largo aud small loans for long and short time , nt low est rates of interest , on ie.il estate mortgage notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches and Jewelry. Don't full to cull If you want fair nnd cheat ) accommodations. O. llouscnfcn , Mgr. , room 57 , Harker olic , loth anil Furnam. 611 _ _ FIRST mortgage loans nt low rules nnd no delay. D. \ Sholes , 210 First National bank. H.-.I. > > - . . Bla BUILDING LOANS At ? per cent net , no ad- dltlonal chaiKcs for commissions or attor neys' fees. XV. 11. Molkle , First Nnt. bauKbldff. ONEV to loan. Hnrrls It. E. & Loan Co. , room 411. Fust National bunk. 515 BU SINESS CHANCES IIAVK several stocks ot goods for sale or trade ; ulio two good paying restau rants. If jou want a bargain inn and investi gate. Fartneis' Land Co. , rooms 21 nnd 21 , llarker block. 40 J 20t WANTED A cnsh oircr on a clean block of clothing , gents' furnishing goods and boots nnd shoes ; nil stock , no fixtures. What hn\o you to exchange. Address II 24 , thlsollico. 410-1'J' ' 1 WANT a cnsh ollnr on a complete plant for manufacturing jellies , jams , etc. Address H 2. . . lleo olllce. Ill-li ) ' _ WANTED Live young man as partner in real estate , loan nnd renting business , small capital required. , Addiess H 22 , Hee. .177-211 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOH HENT IHackKinlth shop doing a good business , center of city , runs 4 fires ; does shoeing nud carriage work. Poor health is the reason. Address , ilex 211 , Sioux City. la. 300 SO * _ 171011 SALE A nice , clean stock of general J- hardware , stoves , tinware , etc. , fn Des MoiucH Iowa ; invoice $5OJO ; pnrt cnsh , bal. Imo. Address H , A. Dai nor , Cozad , Neb. , box 28. 331 24 _ HOTEL , South Oranha , to rent , furnished , with all modern improvements ; heated by steam. 2 * roomed house , huvo2i boarders ; rea sons for renting , other business in Omaha ; rent reasonable. Apply 1201 Douglas street. _ _ 2114-2 it _ A GOOD restaurant , centrally located. I'rlco , IHX > , JI50 cash. bal. easy payments ; rent , f V ) per mo. Also , 3 good hotels. Cooperative Land and Lot Co. , 2J5 N lllth Ht. 31:1 : 10 CONFKCTIONEHY store , ice cream pallor and soda fountain , invoicing about $1,50J ; htoro and II rooms up-staliH rents for $ Ti ; good brick bullnlng ; clears about II.5JU a year. Par ty has to leave tno city , and will refuse no roa- honablo oiler. Co-operative Land und Lot Co. , 20 > N Itlth st- 313 1' ) RKLIAI1LE men having J.V ) capital can se cure easy olllco situations , out of town , paying over ifr.'OJ monthly. No cunva Hlng. Wesley , 1505 Capital nvo. : il7-20 . _ AGENTLE.xiAN meaning bu lnes9 , with { . ' ,00) ) , can secure casu business , specialty and monopoly , paying S1U.ODJ yearly not earning - ing without risk. AUdresa , A , 07 llee. [ 310-20 * roll SALE (5,000 ( stock general merchan dise. fiesh and naw , to trade for house and lot in city. .1. H. I'urrotte , IGth and Dodge. 288-23 ' TTHH SALE First-class restaurant and bar X1 Long lease. Address II 10 , llee onice. 2 % 2J _ | J10H8ALE-2f Xan ) per cent gllt edge 2nd JL1 martguges , duo 1 nnd 2 years. 1 * NI ) It ) per cent 2nd mortgnge , duo 1 year , XVill discount for 3 nnd 5 per cent. Address A a" , llee. 104 _ _ | jWH SALE , or rentFirstclass hotel near -L : packing houses , South Omaha ; 27 rooms , with good barroom ; well located and good . XV. A Kpencer , room 3 , Husnman Cropony. lock. _ _ ; _ OJ'J , , buys line hotel and livery , Elgin , Nob. ; $ property free from Incumbraiice ; money tone no made 6mllh& I'aiidoclc , Elgin. Neb. i)7U ) JlOt W ANTED A now furniture store at Friend Neb. HC.'m23r 1J10H SALE Meat market complete ; can bo JU handled for little cash. Call at room 4 , XVlthnell blk. _ 50 _ THOU BALE A llrst-cluss meat market In JL' Omaha , has good paying trade , reiiuires JIH Jcasi ) , or will trade for property. Addreaj A 4' ) , lleo olllco. MB _ HOTEL for sale ; new , good location , doing good bnalneua , for xalu at a bargain , pay ment nut necessary. Present proprietor In tends changing business on account of III health of bis wife. Address , llee olllce , Lincoln , Neb. 78.1 AOKUOOISrwUh cash looklntr for a good location , will do well to address K. I ! . Capps. culbortson , Neb. , or Hurat Ic. Co. , llnst- fflt _ _ _ cb.TOO ) to ( VOX ) wanted to nut Into a good uuai- P neas ; first class aocurlty and gooa rate of intermt paid for short or Ions time. Or will take partner. For particular * addroat U 43 , Uee office. 143 _ A LOON for gala In on of the best business centers In Omaha.cheap. Iteaion for nailing , 1 mu t leave tha cltjr. Address V Id Ilea. "FOR EXCHAMOE. . EXCHANGE Cush and l.WO acres clear TO DaKotu land for Omaha property. K. 0. Onrvlii , 208 Sheeley blocic. . ID _ _ IXrANTKD-To exchange llvencren , ono block V V from city limits , for good Initlilo property. Cull 12J6 N. 20th st. " * rpo RXCI1 ANGR-Kor mdse. or city propsrtv. JL some choice farms in Frontier , Lincoln and lied Willow counties. Address H. A llnrtoii , Curtis , Nob. IRI4-2.X rPO THADU-IVtO cash and a good fnrm In JL western Neb. for n bulldtmt lot. fcMiO ! worth of tinenctimnercd timber land ns first pnjment on house and lot in Kountro plncr. 2 South Omaha lots for farm land , 4 0 acres unen cumbered , line land , near O.nnhn , for business property. Full lot and house on Lcavcuworth st. near fifth , unencumbered , for building lot. Some clonr town lots for Omnhn property nnd nssuiuw enctimbrnuro. A nlco lot lu good loca tion for Orchard Hill lots. iKx re on Capitol nvp. lor building lot and some cash , Clenr lot , 2 th and Lnkc , for Improved property. It-room house , on Hamilton , tor smaller plneo."Jlots In North Omaha ndd. for ether property. X'n- cnnt lot for horses or horse and buggy. House nnd lot on South .Xti ! st. for other piopcrty. 2 lots on I' , p. trncknge for fnrm or city prop erty. 4 0 acres In Iowa aud M.'KII cash for lin- proied property , rnrms. utid property in all puitsof the clly to trade. Also 2 mores on Dodge su south of Dundee plnca for farm or city propel ty. If you ha\o anything to trade pne mo rx civil , Grover Stevens , iil anil 617 Paxton lllock Tel. 112i. 40-23 ? f10 EXCIINGil-'fiTfoTllno tree claims fn Col- JL or.ulo. two nnd one-half miles from the town of Keola. XVhnt have you to oiler ? II. M. Clnroj , Wnllucf , Neb. 307-2I * T.A1IQI2 brlek block lu nllv Ncbrnski lowu Jot 4'KH ' ) populntton ; property clenr of Iticum- brnnco ; has rented for } -lli per month , Ptlco ifia.tljii. will tra > Io for good Omnha propertv. nml will nssttmc n light Incumbranre , or clour farm hind. If good Co Opciatlx o Laud , < c Lot Co. . 20XN. lOth st. 31420 O Nnccountofpoor hoiltli. It Is fortrado , In . central Nebraska , asoll cstnbllHhcil leal estate business , with city lots nnd Improved farms , ( ioodolllciioutllt. Whole iiir.ouirilng to $ ; ttiO > lorMiOt. Will trade for western land Address , | | IB , cmo Omnha llo , :15'J : lltt WlCANolTor ! for n few dnys n stock ( it geuernl merchandise In exchange for second mortgage paper. XV. It. K. V M J : . , Koom H , Chamber of Commetco. ! t | ultK.\'CIIANIH r farms In the Mis- J. ' sous ! X'nlley , In southo.itorn Dakota , p.trtly Improved , nnd where country Is rnpldly being settled , for goo.l improved Omaha property , cither business or resilience. Addles * , i.oclc lin\\or Hi. Hlalr , Nob. : t2 | 1U1- FOH liXCHANon-XVhnt hnvo yon to o\- tluingo for a good brlek hotel. furnUhed complete and doing n uood business In n town ofJ.tKM pDpulntlon on the II ( V M. rullro.nl in Nobriiskni1 Addictji .lames Tnmmon , Arcmlu hotel , Onmhn , Nob. 211 llij \ \ rANT12D To trndo cltv ' lots fora * 1.IKH ) to ll.'tD stock of ili-UBS. A'ddressO. II. XViith , , city 20.1 NT.W 2-sented tlno cnrrlana or top buggv for mortgngo city or county wnrrnuf. or nny good unsecured notes.XX'.USelbyIt U ll'd Trndo 487 W"ANTiJB To trade for housennd lot In good loc-xtlon ; r.-lll assunio light incinn- brnnce. Address A 2 Ilooolllco. 022 Foil KXrilANOKHlghtv ncres'of the lluest tlmburl.ind in Wlscninln , clear of encum brance. XX'lint have you to oifer ? O. ,1'Storns- dorll , looms 317 and .HB , Tirat National bank. 52,1 CXCIIANGK-Dakotx. H.md routity- XVhnt have you to offer for n good farm here , slightly encumbered / Dakota lands nro rising in value , nnd its dqstlnv raiiuot bo dis puted. XX'lIl take vacant lots or Improved pro- petty and assume some encumbrance. (1. .1. Stprnsdortr. rooms 317 and Jia First National bank building. KM T7\OIt \ EXCIIANGE-Kor Ue.slrablo ip-sldenco -t ? piopeny in Omnha , any or all of following ; 4(1 ( choice inside residence lots m Hastings. 1UO lots in Lincoln , tilOacre.s tlno tarmlng land , Lancaster county. Kino resilience property , Lincoln. Hood rentnl uroperty , Lincoln. Choice family roshlonce , corner , Los Angole" . A neat residence propoity in Ilanscom place. Also , some good mortgage notes. Address , giving location anil price of prop erty , j. K. 11. , uire Ilium Iron Co. , 1217 Lemon- woith. Ml FOR SALE---5EAL ESTATE FOIl 8ALI3 On easy terms 2 line 7 room houses , with barn nnd other out-buildings. Kino location. Great bargain for n few days only , runners' Land Co. , rooms 20 and 21 , llarker block. . 4)1 ) 20t THIEoppoituntty of n life tlmo. Tor Sale- lots 1. 2. . ! , 4 , 5 , 0. 7. " , . 11 , 12 , 15 nnd 111. Fitch's sub division ot N H blk r . Ilcuson's bee end addition to Council Itlnils , In , Addie s lion a. Clarke , Ashland , Nob. 422U' ! F I Oil bargains In ncro property see Geo. N. lllcks , Darner block. 37310 ACHE PltOPnHTV Head our list. Five acres , West Onmhn , f i,5i.O. Ten acres , house , barn , nlcs shndo trees In nice stnto of cnltivntlon , * 7 , K ) . Thirty acres. Just outbide city limits. tSlflXt. Five ncro tract uenr llelt line. Ji.WO. Ten ncres close to Junction of llelt Line Hy. nud F. E. &M. V. H. It. , West Omnha , S7.500. Tenucre trait near fetation on Holt Line Hy. , llnest land around city , $5,100. Finest ton acre tract around Omaha. XVorth $7,500 ; will sell ami taKe good reslnencn prop erty In part payment. Xvell located nere property is the safest and surest Investment of any property on the mnr- het. I have the agency tor some of the llnest nml cheapest ncro property around the city , and It you want an investment thut will double jour money within throe years or a homo or fruit and vegetable gardens it will pay you to enll and let mo show you the ncio property 1 olfor for salo. George N. Hicks , Hooin 40 , Hnrker Illqck. 3H-19 A IIAIti ; CHANCE -Tho beautiful groxonnd Jri grounds on Park stieet , Just outside the rlty limits , in XVest Omnha , and ne.irlv opposite HUSCI'H hotel will be ollered for sale this week. This propoity Is undoubtedly the best situated for Hummer garden and picnic purposes of any mound the city , nnd it piopeny handled , cnn be made the great summer resort around Onmhn , nnd n live , enterprising mnu can make a fortune outot it. This valuable propel ty will bo ottered for nalo by Hicks , the real estate ngoiit , room 40 , Duiker block , nnd If you wnut to get hold of one of the biggest chances for making money overollorod , wo advise you to call and see him at once , 3,3.10 , FOH SALE Ono of the best places In or around the city to btart a small coal and lumber yard and general grocery business. Sit uated at the Junction of the ilolt Line H'y and two main streets leading out of thuflty In West Omaha , U.VJ feet trackage and over CO. ) feet fiontngo on main tneroughfaro used by nil the fanners living south and west of the city. This la a splendid chance for a man with u moderate amount ot money. Geo. N. Hicks , room 40. llar ker block. 37i-10 : TJIOH bargains In business property see Geo. JT N. Hicks. Darker block. 373 11) ) SPECIAL Notice Sealed proposals will be re ceived at thu olllce of the undemlgced until July 31 , Ihtf ) , at 12 o'clock noon , for the purchase of the following sections of land in Howard county , NebniHkn ; Sections one , thirteen nud twenty-live In township sixteen , ntngo eleven west , and section twenty-live In township six teen , range nlno west. This land has good , rich soil and is close to two lines of raliouiH , the U. 1' , and II. .V M. Bids may be presented on the basis of all cash , or one-third caMi , balance one. two or three pears nt 7 per cent per annum. The owner reserves the rluht to reject nny or nil bids. George N. Hicks , HarKor blk , Onmhn , Neb. : ii3-HJ HUTCHINSON ie XVcnd , 1524 Douglas St. , have : Full lot In block "A. " Iledford , J10 , full lot In Orchard Hill , $70' ' ! . Full lot with house , llaimcom place , J..MW. Full lot , 33d , near Lenveuworth ( cast front ) , Houses built ondrsirnblo lots near Ilanscom park and sold on monthly payments , ; iiu IU BEST bargain in business pioporty , 3.1x131 , hoilbo renting for * UJ ) per year , 'ilia price wo can oiler thin nt for a fmv days cannot he duplicated In Omuha. M. A , I'pton Co , , 10th and Fnrnam 2ftt 21 rPHE factories within easy roach of Collier JL place will employ a largo foicu of men. Se cure u homo and enjoy lite. Price of lots SVK ) to JI.2CM. one-tenth cash. Send fur plat. Mc- Cague. opp. P. O. mi mill ! finest drive m the city Is to Coier | | JL 1'face. Mcl'agug. U73 SNAP ! 3 good Orchard Hill lots , one und two blocks fiom Hamilton street. KW each : * KW to f too cash , balance live years at 8 per cent , Flno t-room house , modern conveniences , newly papered an 1 painted , on N 17th it. , lot 3'xlSi ) to alloy ; li.ax ) , easy payments. M. A. Upton Co. , IBthnud I'arnam. Ml I7UH bargains in beautiful residence lots see JJ ( Jeo. N. Hicks , llarker block. 37 ! ! li ) "IT1OH SALE A splendid home , new house , JL' JiiKt roinpleted , uood notghborhood , healthy locution , possession given at once , A bargain If taken quick. Geurgo N. Hicks , Hoom 40 , HarKcr block. , ' 1713 | 17UJII SALE At a bargain , Several sections JU of gooa furin land in Howard county , this Htuto , good rich soil and close to the Union Pacific Ily. and II. & M. railroad , will divide to suit puiclmscr and Mill on small cush payment ! ) nnd long tlmo. Address. George N. Hlrkx , Hurker block. ! ) -J-l FH BALE .11 fibres , corner Thirteentn anil North Btioetfi. Desirable for platting. C. Good , Good blocK , Des Moln s. la.l'lini.1 POll 8AI.E Prelty homes on easy monthly payinentH. two Hliuros left In the Druid Hill Humling usiorlntlon. For particulars Iminlru of Netherton Hull , koa'y , room 4HI Firm Nat'l bunk build Ing. U)9 ) Ki FOH"BA7E-fiOx7bon NTH. corner P , uii'l ' at It sts 8. Omaha , oultablo for Btoie building receiving the benefit of the Q street vlminct just befnc built : prooerty clear , but 111 health c.onipola owner to ll , Pncu tS.VM , C F , Hurrlkou , Morchaut'a National bmk , U60 BAUHAINS-HargnlnsI 8. W , cor. Hrth and California nU. , with 3 houses , \tty cheap. Nent'-room house nnd half lot on Daven port St. , near high school , f % OOI | easy termi. Good lot on Hartley St. , east 01 2Uh st. , ti bargain. Elegant resldeneo lot , 26th ave nenr St.Mary's ave , very chorip , 0-room house nnd half lot , S. 13th at. , cheap on monthly payments. Good roMdenco lot on 2Jth av bet. Douglas nnd Dodge , f I..VU 3 lots on S. 13th st. , very cheap. 150 lots in Cnrthnge , OnmliH's best suburb , on ten yoirs * tlmo to parties who will tnilia houses. Hrennan .V. Co. , Hoom : t , Chamber ot Commerce , Money to loan lu nil parts of tha city. JANDSmnds very chenp nnd on veryrasy Jfcrms. We soil Innds in nearly every gtato of the union west of Chicago , trndo for cltv propntty , sell nnd oxplmiigo lands for Omaha nndComull Illuirs property , lonu money ntul rent housctt , sell nil Kinds of property and n general Insurance buMnosa. Do not make your loans nnd Hat your piopetty for sale , or maka your Insurance before you see us. Excelsior Land nnd Heal Estate Co. , 310 B. 11th St. , Omaha , KI71 ! ) _ _ _ _ ' r/VH SA-Li-I.ot2-.xl40 : 111 the vory'ho.irt o Jc ? Oimvl.a. ultlii" , room house for * J , ( < OJ. O , V Harrison , .Merchants Nat. baiifc. _ I'M ) SKI : here ( lot Rome Houth * Omaha InsTiio proportv lieforn motor lines are there ; 50 tier cent , ran bo made In next n mouths by purchas ing now. M. A , I'pton Company , loth & 1'nrnam , 22'-lU Geo.bargains Tn bouth omnun iiroper y sso Geo. N. lllcks. llnrKor block. ! 17.l 10 B I.MIS 1'AHK. , , llenutlful residence Sites. riiiost In the city. XVo nro now rondy to show and olfor fori > nla tliu choicest roslilonco sites lu the city oC Omaha , located In "ItomU I'urk.1 comprising the sixty acres bounded liyi IC.M st. , on the east , roth or Pleasant st. on the west. Hamilton st. on the naitli , nmlCumtngxt. on tha south , This park has been planned , nml is being laid out by Mr. Alfred It. lieerton ( one of the best landscape artists of Now York ) , Into > i , > J , i nnd acre lots , and neveial acres nro laid out into smnll parks , ornamental grounds , and lakes fed by natural xprlngs. The plans include n per * lect system ot guiding , paving , cowerngn , water olcctrm lighting , etc. . and an expenditure of at least fnvinini for such Improvement ! * This clioleo property IN located within the 1 ! miles r.ullus ( u little north by west ) from thu postolllcu It lies east of the reservoir and of the ulegnnt residences of Dr. Mercer and E. XV , Nash , and n little north of east of propos d ii'H- ideiicootiluy ( . ' . Ilnitou and of lllshop D'Con- iior'a residence ) niul Aradomy of Sncreil Henrt. Heiuonable prices and terms will bu given to those who will build residence * costing $3,000 nnd upwards Kor further unrtleulnrs apply nt olllco of The llemls Park Co. . rooms 1" ) an j It' Continental block , I8h | nnd Douglnssls. .H7 _ _ _ ICOIl bnrgnlns in residence property see Gooi J-1 N. Hicks. HarKoi blocU. 37.1 IU 1 : .VIi IIAiruAINd-Doslrublo Orclniril "llTu JL1 lots ut J7J I. * IV ) to $ ' > ) ) cash. Must bo sold. Jns.Sto _ kitali ) , Hoom UVfVrllngton block. 270 nEHEwo are nga7n"CiuTyotrbuat this. X'ery llneiesliloiiee anil lot. N. Illthnnd Hiirdetti- , $7,5 0 ; 2 new losldences In Moes add. , with Mivernl vacant lots beAldes , for sale very cheap ) 3 lots lu I ted ford place Insldo the Holt line , at bottom figures , where the largest factory lu Omaha is under building ; verv line ic.lilcucea and lots in South Omaha Thin istheplaco to im est your money. XX'o havoHome line lota in Hat kcr s place , .leromo park nnd other places' nt n bnrg.iln. Ily Excelsior Land and Henl Es tate Co. . 310 S. 15th st. , Omnhn. 1117 111 " 1T1OH SALE lloyd's ndil. . lot : insTroift , a JL1 dandy , only J75) ) . Moyors , Hlclmrd.t A ; Tlldeu'snild. lot for WOO. A bo.uiUful aoutlx front In Orehnrd Hill .1050. Klegnut east front in Ilamcoin I'lnc'o JI.tHK These nro bantnlns and no mistake. The owners have got to have money nnd will sacrifice their lots. 6 twenty-four foot business lots on Sauu- ders street , coiner of Mapln street , for ( I,5UO. M ) foot on luth St. , Just oil Ht. Mary's rt o. , for ยง 1.200. Kull lot In block 2. Kilby 1'laie. for JI.41M. Tor Sale Splendid lil-room resldoncu with nil modern ImprovementH , In ICountze place. It will pay you to call and get price nud terms on It. Tor snlo on monthly payments 0-ioom eot- tnges on motor ear line. 'J hoio nro llnlsheil in hard wood and are beauties. Also Two south front , R-ioom houses on cable line , on monthly payments ' . " ; acres on military road , within 4 mile limit , S.WO. Also 5 ncies southwest of clly nud only 3 miles from E < cchnuge building. Ninth Oinahn , lor gl.lU ) , for gardening , suburban i evidence , or dairy purposes. Tneeo can't bo bo it. M.dOOeash and U\o well-lmprovod farms ot 210 n-ies each , within 75 iilllos of Omaha , to ex change for improved business or residence property In Omaha. Don't fall to Inveitlgnto this. this.Omaha Omaha lots or Nebraska lands , cither wild or improved , to exchange for young eat tie. horn en or cows. XV. II. Iloinnu , roomfl , Fronzer block , opp. P. O. ittVl'J ' TJ10H SALE or exchange- Improved stock JH farm of NW acres In eastern Nebraska , near market ; also new U-rooni hoiisij with all con venience ! ) In desirable residence portfolio ! Oma ha. Andrew Itovlns , attorney , 42J and \i\ Paxton - ton block , Omnhn , Neb , _ 5)0 ) _ Foil HALE 11:1.71 : ! acres , sec. n. tp , 12 , r. tl w. , Hamilton county. Neb , House , stable , aiMacrea fenced , living water. I'rlee WOU. F. 1C. Atkins , owner , Hnllroail bldg , Donver. Col. _ _ _ _ _ iViU [ 710H SALT : 5D laigo und smnri Tiousos enL -L monthly payments ; hinall puyment down. Alsongood li"t of property for exchange. Goo. J. Fox , room ] , _ Contlneiit.iI llk. ) _ _ _ IHI-J13 FOH 8ALI1 Nine-room House , barn nmlToF In Ilanscom place ; also 2 houses nnd lots in Bunny Hide. Hnirls , room 411 , 1st Nut'l baulr. Kid _ FOH bnrgnlns in choice Nebraska farm l.tnds ECO Geo. N. IIIckK , llarker block. 37.1 11) ) _ EXCELLENT lots for $ Hi ) ) . one-tenth cnsh , bal. live annual payments ; in bust of loca tions ; good transportation fai illtioH. Other bar gains to good to advertise. Come and HOO ) Tel. 487. Neb. Settling .V Supply Co , . Hoom V. Hoard of Trade Hid. 31224 _ SOI'TH Omaha These elegant ( XxlW ) ) foot lots.only 2Vi miles from Omaha postolllco nnj best purchase m real estate to-day ; they will double in vnlua in next 1-i months , Son M. A , IJpton fomjmnyllith _ and Farnam. _ 2i : > lU GHEAT bargains in buying lots in Camp ? .bell's addition. 21th nnd Castullnr Hts. Will bo reached by street cars this season. Less than 1'j ' miles from P. O. Small cash payments , balance to suit. Host chance In the cltv. Sold byols A. Henstrom , Itoom , board of trade. 110 20r SOUTH OMAJIA-I hive a numbor""of good lots lu various additions time must 1)J ) sold t once and c.m bo bought at pi Ices that will Hiiltjon. G..I. Hterns lorlf , rooms 317nnd31tl 1'Mrst National bank building. _ 5'i.l OX' UK * vTflO.Wfl ( invested In South Omnhn I What ( iocs tnat Indicate ? Call on us and select n bargain fro. 11 our extensive list. M. A. I'pton Company. " 10th and I'arnam. _ " > -lJi I71OH SALE "Kino lot covered , with trees , U JL' room cottage , hower. watjr and gas on tlio strout , ! , block from J st. rnr lines , very < holco east front lot ; 4" ) , Ml ; e.iHy Inrnn. Can illsconnt n little for cash. C. K Harrison , Merchants Nat. bank. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! ' ' ! } _ TjXOHbai gains In cheap lots roe Geo. N. Hicks , JJ Darker block. _ _ _ 37 ! 1U _ _ FOIl BALE I'lnomuse / of ! ) rooms , furnace. buth , hot and cold wntor , gas , newer , p.ived street , motor line ono block , cable two blockH , horne i nrs bv door , barn for : i horsin. etc , oto. limit by owner for home nnd now occupied by him , f.l.UM . ; ll-lcuHh | ( , K..VU In real estate , bal ance nt ii mid H pur rout. Fine largo lot onS. nth St. , Hlxl'i ? , good 5-room house , fruit tices , etc ; north ot Martha st , , JI.UW. For sale , the finest corner , east front , on B. 10th st. , 1.12x141. I'or choice property woith the money POO M , A. Upton Company. 10th t Fnrnam H17 I ? OH HALE Heat this , if you cnn : KH front JL by 120 ground , with good House , large barn nnd fruit trees , well fixed In lloyd'M ii'lil ' , lese to motor und It H tor t..KMJ : by ExcelHlor Land A Heal Hutate Co. 310 8 Uth ht. ( Jniulm. 3UU IU /"lONTINUOUB cldownlk to ( > 7lfler plai-o. Get v prlcesand terms , McCngue. _ 1)73 " | 7UH ) HAliK Or exchnngu for Omaha proper- JL ty , Hi ) acres , miltablu for platting ; will make 100 lotH.all clear ; big money In It for Homo one who c.in iiiibh this ; locate. ! just outside thu city llmltH of Council Illuirs. liuiulro Georga J. Hternsdorlf , rooms 317 and 31H , Fl t National bank building. UJ _ SOUTH Omnha liargaln-Klther ot lota l ? I/lock 1,1 1 , 11 and 15 , block 131 , for ! ( K' . each. These prices for few days only , M , A. Upton Company , lulh und I'aniatn , _ _ 22.vrj QKN" for plat of Collier pliico , and when \ > j driving for recreation follow the motor line polo ) on luth Ht. . nud Amos' nve. . und hoe the wonderful Improvements that liuv taken place Just around the bnrrucks , and lemomber that Collier place la the key 10 the Hltiiatlon , Huy a lot now for the low price nnd at the easy terms tlioy ore being offered , and wo nrnHiitls- fled. One-tenth rasTi. bnlunca ono to fit e veura. Mr'aguo , opji. P. 0. 1173 I71OH bargains In HniiNcom I'laco : oa Ueo" N ? J-1 IlkkH , llarker block. U7l la _ " WOKTIIV o"f your aUentton. Now boTiig" complou-d on nh t. , north of Lvaren- vrorth m. two houses couvvi Int to business , very roomy , gMt . mantel , futmico , gas. bath. toilet. 2 water closets , stationary wash tubs , hot. and cold water , tlvo bedrooms , 10 closoti ; onlyfi.WJ on terms w milt. T < ilnpionu-"J7 ) or XV. T. Keaman Omsha'ii , InrirAst variety of w a- onn. carriages , etc. , oait nldu luih t , 1101 Hi of McholauDt. ru rpllE coslebt home in Omaha , 0 rooms , J. lionets , city water , gas ami newer , both cable and hors cars. I'rlco J ) , IOJ. Terms $ ! K ) to tvv canh. bManco very easy. H. it. Cole. heailquailum for bargain * and eay terina. Hoain (1. Continental lilocK. _ _ sea 'I oil HAI.K On louir tlmo and easy paymeiiti ! -L1 handbuaic. nuw. wi-ll oullt liouucn of H. Hand 10 rooms. All conveniences ; good uululiborhood I pnved htroeU ; street rain , and within wulklnz dUtnnce or. 1 * . ' O. Nwtlian WiBlton,15U5I''uiuuui ' !