Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1889, Part II, Page 13, Image 13

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CHlton's ' Aprons ,
Low neck , no sleeves.
Children's ' Aprons ,
Low neck , no sleeves ,
Children's ' Aprons ,
Low neck , no sleeves.
Children's Aprons ,
Low neck , no sleeves.
Children's Aprons ' , \\n\M \ \ | \
Children's '
In muslin and cambric , all sizes
and styles.
Former ' price , $2.25. .
Price , $2.50. NOW ,
price , $4. NOW ,
Former price , $4.50.
IKZici C3-lo-ves ,
In all shades , at half price to o'.oeo
Lisle Thread Gloves ,
From 16o up.
Our entire stock of LADIES' CLOTH SUITS FOR
BRAY , Etc. , Sizes 2 to 12 years.
A very large portion of our BEADED WRAPS
of the choicest quality ; also about 500 STREET
JACKETS for Ladies and Children.
They Cost Elsewhere.
Swiss Embroidery
45 INCHES. I'lll/ /
Swiss Embroidery
Swiss Embroidery
Swiss Embroidery
III I J5.90
A full line of 22 and 27-inch
In Swiss and Hamburg- , from
. .
35c up to $1.50.
45 ; INCHES iibr I'U ' 15c
' ' '
uuiimu'g I'JM'OHlCrj
Itatai1 ! ! Emkoidei ]
Children's ' Muslin Caps
35c , worth 500 , J
650 , worth 51.00.
85c , worth $1.35.
AND UP TO $ H.5 f
We shall open two cases each of
These are not to bo confounded with cheap goods.
Scotch Zephyr ;
At 25e Yard
' , Strange Old Colored -Character of
Nebraska City.
Silo Came lilkn tlio Sibyl of Old , but
\n \ Hlvnl ilooaoo Finally Killed
Her The i'ioknninny's
The Black Wizard.
CITY , No"b. , May 18.
[ Spciial to THE BEU. ] The arrest of
thOi 'ld colored man , Ben Knight , a few
days ago , for committing a murderous
assiuill on a prominent citizen , has
brou ltto light an interesting state of
affaifyuunong some of the colored people
ple city who regard Knight in
the lignt of a wizard or hoodoo. Many
of them look upon the old man with
fear and awe , and believe him capable
of accomplishing many wonderful and
unnatural things. Ho claims those un
earthly powers and pretends to exorcise
them. Colored superstition credits him
with power to destroy lifo by a few
consisting mostly of boiling herbs
and Baying maglo words. Knight
has for ton years lived in
a hovel , the inside of which has never
boon seen by any other person , and ho
guards it with a jealous care. Colored
people givu bib habitation a wide berth ,
nud would just as soon think of dying
a horrible death as to enter his un
canny hut.
Ono of his great feats , accredited by
the colored people and claimed by
himself , is his ability to converse with
nnd understand the language of ani
mals. The old man could bo soon sit
ting by the side of an old dog or cut.and
talking with them for hours at n tuna ,
and occasionally laughing at a funny
reply from his companion. Ho would
oven translate
sometimes for the benefit of some white
friend in whom ho had confidence. His
recent troublogrew out of this torso bilk.
Ho approached a horse belonging to
another man and opened a conversation
with tlio antnml , and the latter ex
pressed a wish to go with Knight ,
whom ho wanted to adopt as a "daddy , "
according to Knight's translation.
When the latter tried to coax the horbO
along the owner objected and a mur
derous assault was the result.
It is said of Knight that some twenty
years ago ho took it into his head to got
a wife , or rather a female companion ,
and his methods of bringing it about
conllrnied.tho superstitious belief in his
uncanny arts. He shut himself up in
his house and burned roots and boiled
herbs and became mysterious. The
nshes of the former ho scattered to the
south winds and bathed himself iu the
liquid of the latter , while at night ho
chanted unearthly songs. After the
seventh day there arrived at his hut ft
strange young colored woman , footsore
nnd tlrod , having traveled
all thu' way from bomo
southern pointin answer to Ills
call , and ho took her as his wife. Thov
lived together a number of yoara and
accumulated some property , when she
bu < ldeny | died , Knight still claims
that she was
vho was the colored pni tor of a church
in this city , and who was after her pro
perty. This rival hoouoo seemed to begetting
getting the bettor of Knight , for in a
very short time tlio latter had lost everything -
orything , and ho even buffered for
boniething to eat. Ho , however , got in
his work again , according to the col
ored belief , some time later when the
church above referred to became divid
ed against itself , and ono of tlio factions
one night and carted it away to another
part of town. About the same time
there was an alarming increase in the
death rate among the colored people ,
and Knight's dark influence was
blamed' * for all of it. Several
colored citizens oven went BO far as to
consult a justice as to the advisability
of having
Several years ago , at a colored festi
val a number of people became violently
lently ill , and several of them died.
Physicians said it was the result of
poisonous flavors in the ice cream , but
majority of the colored people know
Ben Knight was responsible , as he had
been passing the place during the oven-
ing. Black mothers
to sloop by reference to the hoodooand
every ill and misfortune among the
race is traced directly to him. As ho
"s now in jail , and likely to bo bent to
the insane asylum , Jiis people are un
doubtedly resting easy , believing that
his power is broken.
Although Knightcan neither road nor
write , ho is bomothlng of a lightning
calculator , and can compute interest
with remarkable rapidity , and can add
amounts in a way that is astonishing.
Ho is u genius in his waybut this qual
ity has gotten him into trouble.
"Ermlnio" hns reached Its 2,000th perform ,
once in Kngland.
Rose K.vtlnp is playing Mother Frochard
In "Tho Two Orphans. "
Seven of the London theatres tire no\i
occupied by musical productions of one kini
or another.
"Charlotte Corday" Is to ho revived nt the
Odcon In I'aris , with Mmo. Sogoud- Weber us
the heroine.
Grace Hawthoruo will bsgln an engage
ment In the Union square theatre on the 17th
of November ,
Daly's company will net in Boston next
week , ut the Hollis Street theater , nnd the
demand for seats is very active.
Minnie Palmer seems to ho pleasing the
public with "My brother's Sister" at the
Filth Avenue theulor , Now York.
Possart , the German tragedian , will return
hero next season , under the manugoment of
Herr Gustavo Amborij , of course.
"Macbeth" has passed its ono hundredth
night at the London Lyceum , and will sur
vive , doubtless , for another century or two.
A new piny by Cecil Ualoigh , frofrssedly
nf tha typo of "Jim the Penman , ' * will bo
tried In l udon at the Comedy theater next
Mr. William Gillette has completed a now
play founded upon real or fictitious Incidents
of thu civil war , which will bo produced iioxc
A statistician remarks thai "tho population
of I uropo Is greatly added to by tha invasion
of American girls who are determined to bo
priino donuo. "
"Captain Swift" was a failure In Sydney ,
although Charles Warner plnyod thu title
part , and Haddon Chambers , the author , is a
resident of the town.
Six of the children of Henry Compton , the
famous coraodiau of the old Lonuon Hay.
market tboatru la the palmy .Uuckstono days ,
re now upon the stage.
Gounod has been officially intrusted with
the composition of the cantata by M , Vlcalro ,
"Quutrovlngt-nouf , " for the colouration ol
the centenary of the rerolutkm.
The German emperor has , it is said , stgnl-
flo J bis intention to bo present at two of the
On or about May 25th ,
Miss Alice Isaacs , of New York City ,
Formerly with Stern Bros. , will open an
In our store , in consequence of which we have decided
to sell all our
They are wortjjrfrom 4Oc to 75c per yard.
forthcoming Ua.vreuth performances of Wug
ncr's operas , to bcsin on Julv 21 next.
Yet another dramatic version of "An In a
Looking-glass" will be soon. Thu nutlior is
VIr. Luwrenuo Marston , and the adventuress
will bo played by Miss Lillian Lowii.
Aubrey Uoucicault , son of Dion , has boon
ploying Modus in London t'o the Ilolun of
Miss Uosa Koniiey , whosu f.ithur a jour
nalist well known in the rlual world.
In thn contract between Helen Dauvray
and H. Clay Miner is a clause which provides
that In the event of her breaking the con
tract she is to pay Mr. Minor a certain sum.
Mmu. Sombrich will shortly visit Paris ,
after which she will go to London to fullill
an engagement at St. Juntos' Hull , at some
orchestral concert to bo given by Hcrr Emil
Geraldlno Ulmar will como over from Lon
don next month and she may stay here , al
though Gilbert and Sullivan and D'Oyloy
Carlo want her to sins in the Savoy theater
for another year.
Sara llernhurdt hus got rid of her lion's
whelps. So soon as they became dangerous
she showed that her eccentricity not so
strong as the common instinct of sclf-
"Edltha's Burglar" has been expanded
into u four-act play by the author , Mr.
Thomas. Tlio original sketch is the third
act of thq now piny. The piece will bj tried
in Boston in Juac.
Koso Coghlmi will pass her summer vaca
tion in southern California , partly because
she no longer has it country homo and partly
because her next tour Is to begin ut San
Francisco in August.
It is said that Mr. ManMlold hns decided
tn cut all the Cibboriun and other interpola
tions out , of his "RicunrJ III. , " therein- -
lowinc the wholesome example of Henry
Irving. Bettor late than novor.
It cost Mr. Irving a pretty penny to act
before the qnoon at Samlringhnin , In the
first place , ho lost the receipts of tno Ly
ceum theater for that evening , and the ox-
louses of the preliminary preparations at
Sandrlnghum were very heavy.
A party of Norwegian singers , a hundred
in number , are announced to visit Paris dur
ing the exposition. Tliiy have boon selected
from the most famous rhorul boelct'os , nnd
will give two concerts at the Trocadcru ,
under the direction of M. O. Gronduhl.
IIopo regarding Uoito'8 "Moronc" may
well be given up. The opera makes no pio-
gruas ; not that tto : librettist couipOHor is
lu/y , hut that ho suffers from nn Invinulblo
self-distrust. Ho writes ana destroys , and
destroys as much as ho writes.
Stuart Kobson and 'William II. Crane gave
their last performance as partners in the
Now York Star theniur in "Tho Henrietta , "
and both made speeches. They were both
huppy in their talk , nnd especially Mr. Crane ,
who took occasion to express his belief In
American plays.
fiINCUL < AniTlES.
John Wheel , a Dawson , Go. , boy eats flies.
Jotiah Anderson , the giant of Marlon
county , Kan. , was klllod by lightning. Ho
is sill foot and seven inches high.
A curious fact'in natural hlstoiy coraos
from Fnlrlio , Scotland. A hou , after hatch
ing several chickens , died ; thereupon u cat
took charge of the brood , and has slnon re
mained their jealous puiirdlun.
The American liner British Princess , in
port nt Now York , reports sighting a sou
serpent. Captain Smith , her first officer ,
hitherto a thorough disbeliever in the many
tales of the monster , says ho now has no
doubt of iu existence , fo > - ho saw plainly the
mystery of the ocean.
T. C. Mitchell , of Thomasvllle , Go. , caught
a mother fox and three llttlo foxes a few
mornings ngo whllo out hunting. Mr.
Mitchell carried one of the foxes homo and
placed him among a litter of newly born
pups. The mother of tha pups gives him
the same attention that she gives her own
offspring , and the llttlo stranger bids fair to
be raised by its foster mother.
One of the most curious of all Australia
animals is the ornlthor hynchus paradoxtu.
It Is paradoxical , being half bird and half
mammal. U lives chiefly in tha water and
seeks its food by means of Its bill , in the
mud , like ducks. This unlinal bos had great
Bttentlon called to It by the Darwinians , who
use it us an Illustration of A connecting link
between species.
Careless Methods of Handling
Ohooks nnd Drafts.
Trials of the TcKcr mill Oasnlor an
Illustrated In ilie liinkine Houses
ol' the iliiiT ( < Travels of
a Check.
A nankpf's Pcrploxitlo * .
It's easy enough to get money into a
bank and still easier to get it out , at
leiiht it Heeii'H so , if one has only the
capital with which to try the experi
ment. There arc very few , however ,
who realize the annoyances which are
caused the clerks behind the counter ,
who necessarily take pirt : in this opera
tion. These annoyances arise from the
great variety of methods and the fre
quent ignoring of any metnoil.
"Bothered ? " romnrkcd ono of the
Council Bluffs cashiers , ' 'you ought to
bo in my place a little while to got a
really true Idea of the situation in this
city. "
The scribe suggested that such a
change of occupations would bo agree
able at least to the Interviewer , but the
interviewed quickly chilled all nego
tiations of this sort and proceeded :
"You would be .surprised to see how
few men know how to deposit money , or
to draw a check. I've been thinking of
Innintr a little pamphlet printed giv
ing information for those doing busi
ness with banks. I don't know as it
would do any good , but something
ought to bo done to onlightun the dear
public. For instance , there is ono cus
tom quite prevalent hero In the Bluffs ,
which is not allowable in any city
that is. overdrafts. Why , our custom
ers do not MJQIII to think but what it is
all right any time to check out more
than Ofay' hnvo in the bank. They
overdraw to suit their own convenience ,
and seem to think it is all right if they
make a deposit and bring their account
into sha'po ftitliln the next two or three
days after they thus give a check. Now ,
in the oast.rt don't make any dilToronco
how gooU' ' ifmnn may bo , if ho over
draws hls"account , his chock is thrown
out. Sometimes our overdrafts amount
to two orv tlfreo thousand dollars , and
all in HAloTimounts , "
"Whv > clont ' | you adopt the methods of
other cUi'eir'iuid throw the chocks out
heroV" ' „ ?
"I thinkMvo shall adopt that rule , but
the busincs men hero have been al
lowed to do'hs ' they please so long that
it is a little risky. I suppose they would
got hot and take > their business to homo
other bank. If any of our customers
want to overdraw they should come to
the bank and make a loan , and give
their noto. It's hard work to get thorn
into any Buch businoss-liko way of doing
though , "
"What else can a banker find to grumble -
blo about ? "
"There's plenty. It'sstrango how doM -
] M > sitors tumble tholrmonoy Intoa bank.
They often wait until they reach the
bank before fixing their deposit. They
then stand at one of the counters and
begin emptying their pockets , making
out a ticket while their money and
chocks lie around whore anyone could
grab them , and where everyone can see
just what they are doing. Customers
should make up their deposits before
they leave their olllce , and thus save all
this confusion. Then the tables and
counters would bo free for the use of
transients. They were intended for
such uso.and not for regular depositors
to occupy by the half hour doing
what they ought to have done in their
ollicos before they come to the bank.
Then there are so many annoying ways
f making a deposit. Somo'shovo in
the silvei-j bills , chocks and all in a
heap , leaving the teller to sort it out as
best ho can. Why. there are .some who
bring in nickles , dimes , silver dollars
and all in a great pile. Of course they
ought to have the nickle , or dimes ,
rolled into packages marked with the
amount ana the name of the depositor.
Then there is no need of delay on the
part of the toller. Ho can afterwards
correct any errors there may bo in any
of these packages. Sometimes deposi
tors just pass in their money and chocks
and have the teller inakco'ut the ticket
and do the work they ought to have
done themselves , and if ho objects thev
got hot right oil' . "
The manner of drawing chocks seems
to bather the Blulfs bankers a good deal
also. There is probably no city of its
size Avhero so many peculiarities of
methods are shown. It is nothing un
common to see checks given for amounts
oven loss than a dollar. Often these
checks are so carelessly drawn that any
crook could easily raise the amount , anil
several Instances hayo occurred hero
whore such crookedness has boon in-
dulged'fn. Some oven use a load pen
cil in drawing chocks , and often tlio
endorsement is made with a load pencil.
"Ono of the peculiar bits of careless
ness among the business men of the
Blufl's , " remarked ono of the more care
ful ones , "is the way in which chocks
pass from ono to another without being
endorsed by the one who handles It.
Ono case recently came to light which
indicates clearly the result of such
carelessness. In ono of the largest
offices in the Blull's several checks had
boon properly made out and signed.
Instead of being duly delivered to the
parties to whoso order they were made
they fell into the hands of a dishonest
follow , who iorgcd the names on the
back of tlio ehecfsand got them cashed
nt stores whore ho made purchases.
Two of these checks passed through
several hands , without being any
further endorsed , ana in time were deposited -
posited , and nt last reached the mana
ger who had drawn the checks. lie
discovered the forgeries of the endorse
ment , and then a hunt began. It was
very dillloult to trace back the course
of these two checks. Of course the per
sons who deposited thorn in the bank
were found , for tlioir endorsement was
required by the bank , but they could
not remember from whom they recaivod
those checks , and there was no endorse
ment to indicate. They had to pay the
ohooks , and learned a lesson. No ono
should receive a cheek without having
the person who prdsonts it endorse it ,
no matter how many olhor endorse
ments there may bo on the cheek. "
Ono of the tellers In speaking of en
dorsements , remarked ; "I never saw a
city where there was such a diversity
of endorsements on chocks. Some en
dorse across one end , others the ether
end of the check. Some endorse in the
middle , and some lengthwlsa. They
endorse in all sorts of ways , and often
when there are several endorsements
it takes several minutes to puzzle them
out. They make a queer combination.
It seems as if faomo folks oven tried to
see how they could endorse a chock BO
as to make it as awkward as possible for
the tellers. Of course , the proper way
to endorse a check Is so that when it is
turned ever the endorsement appears at
the end nearest the loft hand. Then
the next ondorument should follow this
Have Kou Ever Tried Our Positively Fast Black. < \
SET O / :
IN 35c 40c
Cotton , , , ,
Lisle Thread
And Silk , 60c , 75c , Etc.
We solicit comparison.
They are superior goods ,
closely. There are not more than half
the checks which arc thus endorsed. "
The Council Bluffs bankers nro n
good-natured set of men , and they are
eager to get and hold business. 'ABU
result of their fear of offending custo
mers , there has grown up a careless ,
bhiftiess manner of doing business in
many details. The hank clerks are
called upon to do a great many little
duties which the customers ought to
perform , and to accommodate them
selves to a great many little annoyances
which might as well bo done away
/.Thoughtlessness and _ competition have
aided in maintaining numerous such
littla ways of carelessness on the part of
even good business men. The growth
of the city and consequent increase of
business are fast necessitating a reform.
Tilko n Gigantic Tnrnntnla anil Fcoda
on nirds.
Mr. John II. Botlermau , an American
and whilom resident of Chihuahua ,
Mexico , writes as follows to the St.
Louis Globe-Democrat about a singular
discovery which ho recently made :
I have taken much interest in the
study of botany during my sojourn in
this country , the flora of which presents
ono of the richest Holds for the scien
tist in the world , and have wandered
some distance from town on several oc
casions in my search for specimens.
On ono of these expeditions I noticed
a dark object on ono of the outlying
spurs of she Siorrc Madre mountains ,
which object oxcitea my curiosity so
much that I examined it carefully
through my field-glass. This revealed
that the object was a tree or shrub of
such nn unusual appearance that I re
solved to visit the spot.
1 rode to the mountain , the sides of
which sloped Hulllciontly for mo to imiko
my way on horseback to within a few
rodb of the summit. But hero I was
stopped by an abrupt rise BO stoop that ,
I doBpuirod of reaching it even on foot.
I went around it several times seek
ing for some way to climb up , but the
jugged , buotling rocks afforded not the
slightest foothold. On the top of this
knob stands the tree I had seen.
From the spot on which I now stood I
could sco that it somewhat resembled in
form the weeping willow , but the long ,
drooping whip-like limbs were ol a dark
and apparently slimy appearance , and
seemed possessed of a horrible lifu-liko
power of coiling and uncoiling. Occa
sionally the whole tree would seem a
writhing , squirming muss.
My dcsiro to investigate this strange
vegetable product in ore used on ouch'of
the many expeditions I made to the
spot , and ut last I saw a sight ono ( lay
which made mo believe I had certainly
discovered an uiihoard-of tiling.
A bird , which I had watched circling
about for some time , finally settled on
the top of the tree , whim the branches
began to awaken , as it were , and curl
They twined and twisted like snakes
about thabird , which began to scream ,
and drew it down in their fearful em
brace until 1 lost sight of it.
Iforror stricken , 1 stozod the nearest
rock in an attempt to climb the knob.
J had BO often tried in vain to do this
that I was not surprised wnen I fell
back , but the rock was loosened and full
It narrowly missed mo , but I sprang
up unhurt , and saw that the fallen rock
had left a considerable cavity. I put
my face to it and looked In.
Something like a cavern , the floor of
which had an upward tendency , met my
sight , and I felt a current of fresh air
blowing on mo , with a dry earthy smell.
Evidently there was another opening
somewhere , undoubtedly at the summit.
Using my trowel , which I always car
ried on my botanizing expeditions , I
enlarged the hole , and then pushed my
way up through the passage.
When I had nearly reached the top I
looked out cautiously to see if I should.
emerge within reach of that diabolical
troo. But 1 found it nowhere near the
aperture , so I sprung out.
I was just in time to sec the flattened.
carcass of the bird drop to the ground ,
which was covered with bones uqd.
feathers. I approached as closely as.
dared and examined the true.
It was low in sixo , not more than
twenty feet high , but covering- grout
aroa. Its trunk was of prodigious thick
ness , knotted and scaly.
From the top of this trunk , a few fpqt
from the ground , its slimy brunojjqp
curved upward and downward , nearly
touching the ground with their tapering -
ing tips.
Ifs appcaranco was thai , of a glgantlo
tarantula awaiting its prey ,
On my venturing to lightly touch ono
of the limbs , it closed upon my hand
with such force that when I toro it
loose the skin came with it. I de
scended then and closing the pueaago
returned. I went back next day carry
ing half a do/on chickens with which to
Iced the tree.
The moment I tossed in the fowls n
violent agitation shook ita branchus ,
which swayed to and fro with a Mlnuoutj ,
snaky motion.
After devouring the fowls , thoau
branches fully gorged , drooped to thojr
former position , and , the tree giving no
sign of animation , I dared approach it
and take the limbs In my hand.
They were covered with suckers , re
sembling the tentacles of an octopus.
Thu blood of the fowls had boon ab
sorbed by these suckers , leaving
crimson stains on the dark surface.
There was no foil ago , of courseof any
kind. Without speaking of my din-
covory to any ono about , 1 wrote an ac
count of it to the world-famous botanist ,
Prof. Wordonhaupt , of the university
of Heidelberg.
His reply states that my tree is tha
Arbor Dlaboli , only two specimens of
which have ever boon known one on u
peak of the Himalayas and the other on
the island of Sumatra. Mine is tha
Prof. Wordonhaupt says that the
Arbor Dlaboli and the plant known aa
Venus lly-trap are the. only known
specimens , growing on land , of these
forms of lifo which partake of the na
ture of both the animal and the vege
table kingdoms , although there are in
stances too numerous to mention found
of this class in the sea.
The Portugese man-of-war may bu
mentioned , however , as ono , aim tlio
Hpongo as the best known specimen o !
tills class.
The career of "Itobcrt Elunioro" ended
inglorlou&ly , at the Union Square theater ,
There Is jiootio justice in Us iunouilnloua
failure , and no unu concerned In the repro-
sentution is entitled to the least couimlneni-
tlun , except the luckless uctora who wuro
culled upon to act In It.
A now oporu , "Don Manuel , " by Uloliard
HcnberKur , has Just been performed wUh
much success at thu Lelpslo Hiadt theater.
The comuosor Is a thoroul'licoiiig disclio | ! Q {
Richard ( Vaguer , and his present work 1
said to ho constructed musically sotnuwhttt
on the lines of ' 'Tristan nnd lsode. ) "
Persons advanced in yoara feal
younger and stronger , as well aa ( roof ,
from the infirmities of ago , by t
Dr. J. II. MoLuan't ) Sareaparllm.
Putin TlilM Bomuwii try on Xnur
The most unconscionable , thlof is , ho
who steals u busy mini's tiino , aaya tluj
Boston Times for , minute * atglun oat )
never be reclaimed.