THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE , SUNDAY MAY 19 , 1889.-TWENTY-FOUR [ SIRING THEIR OWN El I The undersigned will Build You a House , with all ] the Modern Improvements , on Easy Payments , 4 posite the Palatial Residence of Dr , Mercer , in Walnut Hill , Lots are 50x150 feet in size with a 16-foot alley in the rear. Positively no residence built to cost less than $1,500.00 , This is the finest reel * \ dence portion of Omaha and now is the accepted time. Mp > r OAr < * . nu nvestment Company -O.B- 1' ' i 1 = 1 LLIJ - 5 c > iTNA.K'lTCHEN I " A3X/A /SX//A" I 0 " Pf\tirf\y ; ) d"wi | I , m . -I B ] { ICE x I cr'x D PALLOR Mtx6 D ft I fa I. E = I _ _ i SPAT For Particulars , call on M , H , Sloman , Rooms 216 first National Bank Building or J , G. Salisbury , Room . . , . . 610Paxton , - Building. - - „ " - .O i3 l' ! N' - r rr.v LINCOLN'S ' FUNERAL CAR , Where it Originated and Where its Solemn Duties Ended. ITS FIRST PLEASURE JOURNEY. Xlio Ignoble Uses to Which the Mar tyr's Imposing Coach Has Been 1'ut in These Ilojfciinrato Ways Etc. , Etc. A Funeral Conoti. Car 0-1 , which is now used for out fitting purposes by the Union Pacific , has a remarkable record. It was once the property of the Pennsylvania rail road. At the lime , the people through out the world wore shocked because the news was Hashed along Iho wires , Ihut Abraham Lincoln , then President of the United Stateshad boon assassinated by John Wilkes Boolh. A few days lalor , preparations wore made for thu removal of the remains of the martyr from Washington to Spring- Hold , Illinois. This coach , 04 , was selected as Iho funeral car. Aflor the remains had been laid to rest ut Iho early homo of thu honored dead , the Union Pacific company pur chased Iho car as a memento of the lamented chief. It was brought to this citydecoraled with the funeral drapery which distinguished il during its sol emn journey to the grave. It was care fully stored away in a little building constructed for its shelter in the lower yards at this placo. There it was one of Iho principal features noted by tourists who visited this oity. Though it remained there several years , old-time residents stale lhat not u day passed without bringing some curiosity-seeker lo see the great mo menta. But the advance of lime is marked with many changes in railway as well us in other circles. One day a party of [ , - otllcial tourists desired lo make a trip , f- - nnd there being no available coach on the Union Pacific for Iho purpose , Iho Lincoln car was pressed into service. The drapery was laid aside , and the wheels , which had remained motionless - loss and silent so long , moved again. Another trip was taken later , then another , and finally the car dropped into usage in common with all the others. The shod was then torn down , and the fact of thu existence ot Iho memorial coach lived in Iho memory of these who loved Iho past. At prosonl Iho car which , as has boon , referred lo , waa converted to outfitting purposes , is on thu western section' of the Union Pacific , where it recalls only to those who uro well posted , the hal lowed memories which cluster about its walls. * Within the past fortnight over u score of conductors on the Union Pa- olllo have been ushered before tha ofllclnls of thai road. It is not a secret that the boys avoid coming in contact wllh their superiors us much as possi ble , but when they uro confronted with "Your presence is desired by , " they Involuntarily bocoino Iho guests of the author. Juut at present Ihu knights of the punch are experiencing Iho ro- lull of export accounting. As yet , none of Ihom liavo boon released , but i mall discrepancies Lave boon found in Iho cosh balance in the accounts ol lomo of thorn , which may result In their being Turloughod1 for an Indefi nite time , Iu one case a shortage of lit cents was found by the man with the nicroscopio eye. This waa in the case of the dismissal of an old-time , con ductor whoso face is very familiar on the stroo of Omaha. His reporls voro subjected to the closest scrutiny , and with the above result. After a ongthy consideration , the deficit was classified us a "matter of circum stance , " and the conductor was allowed , o resume his run , after the horrors of ; ho penitentiary and living in Canada rmd boon pictured to him in graphic terms. * * * "Restore my name to good standing , nnd wine it from the black list or I'll blow out your brains. " This was the command that escaped the lips of a young man as he addressed u Union Pacific ofliciul in the latlor's room in the Paxton hotel not many years ago. Owing to the present standing of both parties no names are mentioned. Neither have they appeared in the pa pers up lo Ihis lime. A few years ago a gentleman , well-know in Omaha , at one time holding an ofliciul position with the Union Pacific and now asso ciated olllcinlly with the Missouri Pa cific , caused the discharge of a young man , who , at that time , was one of the clue ! clerks of the former road. Ho charged the young man with being too intimate with his spouse , who , at that time , was prominent in society circles hero. The olllclul was not 'satisfied with ousting the young clerk from his position , but also had his immo en grossed upon Iho black list a book in which all the names upon which final judgment has boon pronounced , is written. Once , the name written in this book , no employment or favors will bo shown the owner , and , if foundln a position with any other company , in serious cases , will warrant the handing over of the record to the latest employer. To bo blacklisted , therefore , means u boy cott on ono's Her vices. The young man vacated his.chair and contonled himself with the hopes of soon finding as good , if not a more do- sirablu position. Ho had about made arrangomenltj or u position with the Burlington , und was requested lo "cull again in a few days"after having given references as lo his former Hold of labor. The "few days" rolled by and Iho young man put in an appearance only lo bo in formed that Iho Burlington did not make a practice of furnishing employ ment to blacklisted men. This aroused the labor seeker's nngor and made him desperate. lie waa firm in his belief that , had his name not boon on the black-list of tno Union Pacific , ho would have been given the position. Ho resolved to re move the stigma and , that night , ra- pulrod to the apartments of the ollloial , and upon entering , drew his revolver and ullurod Iho words above quoted. The olllclul , say Iho olllcers , promised lo withdraw his charges , but on the black-list ledger of tiio Union Pacific lo-dny stand Iho words : ' * . Discharged for good causa. " The facls have never boon made pub lic , although Iho more mention of the names would set gossip into a lively whirl. Thu voung man may occasionally bo soon in Omaha , but has no longer here nn abiding placo. 13UUOAT10NAIJ. A. J. Oroxel , the banker , Is about to fount ! nn Industrial collefro for women at Wayuo , 1'a. , at u cost of $1,500,000. Losoll Suroluary , Auburntlalo , Mas * . , will endow a pow In the American church la Ilorlin , Germany , at a cost of $1,000. That ox-Mlul ter Phelps will roaunio bis duties as professor of the law. school at Yale is conflrinod by the appoarauco of Ills uutuo in tlrit relation in a prospectus issued within a day or two. Mrs. Mary Lowe Dickinson is employed in th6 university of Dunror , Col. , at a. salary ot S.SOO. ! The authorities do riot fool that she should have less money beeaUKO she is a woman. The ladies of Colorado arc raising nu endowment fund of $10,000 for a chair to bo alwoy filled by a woman. The importance ot the study of hygleno Is becoming recognized each year moro uud more. One gentleman -has otTureJ to give $ ir > ,000 toward the endowment of u chair of hygiene in the University of Pennsylvania on condition that a llko sum bo raised to com plete the sum of S50.000. The endowment of Wesleyan university has just received two substantial additions. Daniel Ayroi. M. D. , LL. D. , has fjivon S2d,000 to the chair of biology , nud iO,000 comes to the general fund of the college from the Hollis estate. It is rumored that at this year's commencement several largo gifts will bo announced. Senator Leland Stanford' is expected to visit Cornell this term for the purpose of studying thu methods und equipment of the university , nnd perhaps , as the Era inti mates , with the object of securing several of the Cornell professors for the faculty of the now Stanford university in California. The now president of the Michigan agri cultural college , vice Edwin Wlllotts , as sistant commissioner of agriculture , will ho Cluto of California , who has been teacher , editor and minister. He is forty- oiglit yuars old , and u graduate of the insti tution over which ho Is called to preside. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Turnbull.of Iliutl- moro , have endowed with the sum of $20,000 a memorial lectureship of poetry in the John Hopkins university. The trustees have de termined to invlto Prof. James Kussull Lowell to he the first lecturer on this founda tion. They have also elected Prof. Grlfiin , of Williams college , professor of the history of philosophy and dean. President Oilman of Hopkins has an nounced that an emergency fund of $100,000 for the benefit of the university has been contributed by a number of persons , so that during the next three years the university will go forward without contraction. Ho also announces that a citiznn of Baltimore , Mr. Eugoao Lovoringr , has offered the sum of $20,000 for the construction of u much- needed building. There nro peoulo who pray so hurd that they bavo no breath loft for uctlvu well- doing. A western religious sect locates heaven nour Hockford , 111. This is a blow between the eyes for Chicago. If the serpent la the Garden of Eden had boon umouso , the human race might yet bo iu u state of primeval happiness , An Ohio church deacon exclaimed : "Oa- sarn It all to Texas 1" aud the verdict of the church investigation was : "Not guilty , but In bad tusto. " "Tho weigh of the transgressor Is light. " Is the way Johnny's mother put It when no came back from the butcher's with an ul- logod two pounds of meat. Massachusetts must bo a highly religious state. "A prominent civil miKluoer" has been able to Und only thirteen dams in tno state which are lloblo to break loojo. At the Chiuoso Mission : Teacher And now , Hong I'oy. can you tell mo the moanIng - Ing of the words ' -Go to , " so freouenlly found in the holy scnpluresl Hong Poy Yesso , ma'uml Him ullco snmley "Corno off. " A aueor world is this , lha Camdcn min isters ros\vlth horror at the prospect of running turutroet curs In that city on Sun day. aud yet most of thorn will assist in nul lifying the Pennsylvania marriage license law and accept wedding fees on the Sabbath without ever stopping to asK If they are helping f.eoplo to become bigamist * . Somcouo asked a plain brother about a crying preacher , and inquired ; "Why Is It that ho cries and tbo congregation does not cry ) How Is It that ho does ull the cryingl" The old man replied t "If you had to stand them where ho stands , and bad to tulit as long us ho has to , and yet had us little to say as bo has , you would cry , too , Ladles tuko Angostura Bitters gener ally when Ihoy fool low spirited. It brightens them up. Dr. Slogort ft Sons , solo manufacturers. At ull druggists. REVOLVER SHOTS IN TEXAS Still Resounding in the Bars of a Traveling Manager. THE BRUTAL MURDER OF PORTER A lively Fusilmlo In the Dnrlc at the Untimely lending of a'reriKrliuU- ii\K Musician's Entertain ment lite. Etc. In tliq Tjopo Star State. For twenty .years W. J. McKintioy has been ou the road aa ugont und man ager of theatrical attractions. Ho is well known and greatly admired all over the country. Everywhere ho goes warm friends meet ana greet him. He has a retentive memory , strong powers of 'observation , tind is an interesting talker. His mind is a perfect store house of breezy reminiscences , and ho takes grout delight , when requested &o to do , in detailing them. While in the city one day last week , on route to San Francisco , Mr. McKinney was solicited by a reporter for TJIK BKB to chat , and very willingly devoted un hour weav ing stories about some of the more exciting - citing events in his career. "I think , " ho began , after lighting a "Sweet Caporal. " ' 'that there are not five men of my profession who can pay they have witnessed as many thrilling episodes as your obedient servant. I am not an old man yet you see my hair is white. Once I chanced to stop at Calvort , a tough little town in Texas , run bv bowboys , and during my sojourn I got into a scrape and came very near being murdered. "Robert MoWodo was playing the town nnd his treasurer , Walter Berry , asked mo to watch the door a few mo ments , which I readily consented , and took my station. Directly a great , bigdlrtyoxlromply , hard-looking indi vidual unproaobqd and was going to walk right in. I demanded his ticket. " " 'Haven't gcjt anjy ticket , ' nnd ho growled it out ; ,111 , the most approved prize-ring style , , , , „ " 'Can't hero without ' go Jjj one , said I. , , ft , ' "Oh 1 ' I'm ' in. ' , y-a-s , tyinan' goin' " 'What claims ) have you that entitle you to pusango..jjWtypout something to show for itV , } ' . , „ " ' 1 know the BJIOW , people. ' ' 'Guess ' you'jjp , tuot very well ac quainted with Ihfo company , or sotno of them would have , given you a pass. . ' ' "Well , I'm g"olh' in an' ace this show , or there'll , f > o trouble. ' "Tho follow nut jhis hand back and was going to pi ) ! ! , a gun. I looked around , but couli ) 'aco nobody , and , de siring that the performance should not bo disturbed , and thinking , also , that my life was worth mure than a dollar. I told him it was- all right , and lie could go ahead. "A few moments later I looked in and the brute waa perched on the back of a bench smoking an old black pipe. Just then the town marshal walked over to whore 1 was and inquired whether there had boon any trouble. I told him about the bully. The marshal walked in , took that fellow by the coat collar , und throw him bodily , with an accom panying kick , out of the house. The tough gave mo a very black look when going down the Blairs. "After the performance , MoWado , Berry uud I were standing at the hotel bar , when this same follow came in car rying a long knife and undertook to as sault me. As I turned around facing him ho made a slash and cut my hat rim in two. The point of the knife just nicked the end of my no e. I jumped back quick enough to save being badly wounded , The men with mo caught and hold him until I could make my es cape. That was the closest call I over had. had.Only a short time previously , B. C. Porter , the actor , was deliberately shot by another cowboy , just such a specimen as this villain of mine , consequently you can bet there was not the least dis position in mo to fight. And , by the way , lot me say to you that the true animus with which Tom Curry was prompted to kill Porter has , to my knowledge , novnr been written. It was at Marshall that the murder occurred. Curry posed there as a bully and had every man , woman and child in the town with the exception of Ed Jackson afraid of him. Jackson was a gambling house keeper , who , in size and general appearance , was a perfect match for .Taclc Haverly. At one time when Jack son was away , Curry wont into his place , destroyed everything ho could and cut a wide swath. On returning homo , and being informed of Curry's conduct , Jackson culled the desperado down mm gave him to understand time , if ho over repeated the net , his friends would bo called on to bury him the next day , and you will not die in your stock ing fool.oithor , ' was the little gambler's significant warning. Curry was big enough to oat Jackson , but ho didn't do it. "Tho night ho shot Porter , Curry heard that Ed had gone out of town , and , thinking the time appropriate to got oven , ho again visitodtho gambling shops , determined to riddle it. I think ho had kicked over a tablewhen Jackson opened a side-door and stood in front of him with a cocked revolver drawn. " 'I will give you two minutes to lea.vo here , ' said the owner , 'and if you don't , your dead body will bo carried out. ' "Curry know that Jackson meant it and didn't linger to argue the question , but got out in a hurry. After reaching the street , where ho hoard people talk ing how a little runt of a follow had made him run , Curry bociuno enraged and was in a frame of mind to do anything desper ate. Ho walked over to the depot curs ing everybody that came in IUH way. Porter , Maurice Barrj more and Ellen Cummings were at the lunch counter eating. Curry wont up to Ellen and commenced calling her all kinds of vile namns. Porter and Barrymoro intor- foruu , whereupon Carry whipped out Ills revolver and commenced tiring. The IIrdt bullet struck Porter in the Bto'mach , the second caught Barryrnoro's loft arm and a third grazed Miws Cum- mlng's head. Curry was arrested , tried and acquitted , but it cost his brother , a woaltoy New Orleans banker $200.000. Ho afterwards emigrated to Arizona where a cowboy put an end to his exist ence. "J remember a very funny incident , " continued McKinney , "that occurred a few years ago at Columbus. Barlow , Primrose & West's minstrels wore tour ing through Texas and had Eddie Fox , the popular little red- haired violinist with 'them as loader of their orchestra. After the performance ho wont into a saloon car rying his violin and called for some thing to drink. A strapping hig ranger inquired what ho had 'in that baby collln'and being informed invited Ed- dlo to open it. " , . ' "No , not hero , ' " replied the leader. " 'Yes , you will , ' quietly observed the ranger , and an ho spoke a largo navy uix-bhooter dropped on the rounlor. " "Eddie's teeth bogau to chatter , and he opened the box to let his now found friend see what was in it. " ' 'Give us a tune'commanded Mr. Texas. " " 'I can't ' do that , ' protested Fox , 'my contract witn the managers says I shan't ' play outside of the theater. ' ' ' " 'Give us a tune , " repeated the other , and he made his demand more forcible by cocking his 'navy. ' "Eddio played , and as a result the gang kept him playing until 4 o'clock the next morning. I don't think ho has over been in Texas since that trip. "I was going one time from San An tonio to Houston , and on account of an accident to the engine our train was detained several hours at Magnolia , a small station. It was dark when wo stopped. I saw a brightly lighted school house near the depot and went over to sec what waa going on. The attraction proved to bo a sleight-of-hand perform ance given by some fakir and his wife. The audience was composed entirely of noisy cowboys , half of them partly drunk. They were simply raising old Harry , and the magicians were so frightened they could do nothing. It was not long until one of the boys drew his revolver and shot a light out. That seemed to bo the signal , and they all commenced shooting. I sneaked , made a wide detour to keep out of the range of bullets , and got back to the train. " McKinney assumes thu managemoi'i of Elllo Ellslor's company at Portland , to-morrow. Ho has managed "Siun'l of Poson , " M'llo TUiea , Richard MMIB- llold , Rose Coghlan , Roland Ro\id , Clara Morris and others. Ho is t'io ' only man who over succeeded in getting Miss Morris to go through her season without losing a performance. THE WESTERN IRON TRADE. Exceedingly Quita tlilu Yonr Wlmt Mny Happen in the Future. For several years the month of April has not boon oliaractori/.ed by an active condition of business in the west , says the Iron Ago. But each year there wore peculiar circumstances alTocling the consuming interests and interfering with trade prospects which wore thought exceptional in their nature. For instance , in 1880 the eight hour agitation was a prominent factor in un- boltling business enterprises , in 1877 the railroads precipitated a condition of chaos by their rearrangement of freight rules in order to com ply wilh the provisions of the inter-stale commerce act , and in 1888 the railroads were again charged with causing an unsatisfactory state of trade by their controversies with their employes. In each CIIKO the opinion was generally entertained that if the apodal disturbance bad not oc curred there would have been a fair volume of business and prices would not have dropped. This year , however , the exceeding quietness of trade can not bu ascribed to any such specific cnuso , yet the dullness is much more profound and far-reaching limn during thu pe riods previously cited. There are no strikes in progress which alToctany con siderable number of workingmon. Of course the dullness must be accounted for in some other way , and the railroads afford a convenient"bcappgoat. . They are purchasing very sparingly , and as long us ihoy are so economical business must perforce bo dull. Assuming that this view of the case la thoroughly bound , especially as ll iu BO well fortified by corroboratory cir cumstances , il aim ply puts April of thib year in line with April of last year and the year before , and w on. No mutter what thn cause may ho , April Boeina predestined to be a dull mouthwhether one thing or another must happen to make it such. Wo ignore the fact that February and March wore months of reasonable activity in iron circles , oven though the railroads wore buying aa sparingly then as in April. With the quietness of previous corresponding periods intensified this year , the month of April has soon lower prices fop most iron and stool products thap wore over before known in the wost. Competition between sellers haa boon very bitter , notwithstandong the comparative insignificance of the prizes contended for in the shape of small orders. At the present writing there is less business transacting in heavy material than at any time of the year for several years , and prospects are not bright for a speedy improvement. But what of the future ? It is on Just such a condition of affairs aa now ob * tains that the foundation for a { rapid appreciation of values are laid. Manm facturors got discouraged and withdraw from a business in which they are merely wasting their substance instead of increasing their accumulations. A movement of this kind has already begun , and the voluntary withdrawals are accompanied by others , whoso retirement has boon hastened by legal process. A continuance of tills depres sion throughout May and Juno would' result in such a decided restriction of production that the supply would bo found unequal to the demand , and tha usual aftor-harrost activity in all branches of business would send prices * upward with a bound. Considering the excellent financial condition of thu country , the abuu * danc"o of unemployed capital , tha absence of disturbing influences gen erally , and the progressive nature of our people , it is impossible that trada should continue to go from bad to worse until wo roach a finality of universal ivorsal ruin. The downward course will bo cheeked , and probably ha chocked very suddenly , as is the casa with all reactions. Then there would bo danger of a "boom , " which is to bo feared , and , if possible , avoided. The boom of 1870-1880 , with ita wild excesses and extravagant transac tions , was a serious blow to legitimate ) business , whoso otTeols wore felt foe years. Wo desire and need prosperity , but not of such a violent character. . Yob with all the dullness existing at present this prospect looms up in the future. If the railroads are really as bare of neces .1 : sary supplies as Ihoy are represented to bo , and are in aa great need of track materials nnd roiling stock as is re ported , they will all bo in the market about the bamo time , and their pur chases will enormously stimulate trado. It is a time for caution and conserva tism by manufacturers , particularly In making conlracts for long-time deliv eries. Materials of all kinds are low , wugofl in western mills are not likely to undurg'o any change of consequence , and it appears altogether Incrudlblu that six months from to-day the prices now prevailing will seem high. Attacked liy jfVo Hnakes. William Kwarlz , of Boalo , was out buying cows for the eastern market , Bajs the Philadelphia Enquirer. When ho arrived at a certain place In the road ho was attacked by llvo huge black snakes of the racer Bpocios. Thov at tacked by ( lank , front and rear. "Ono mounted the shaft * and made desperate olTorls lo secure their victim. Mr. SwarU had no oilier weapon than a Btnall stick , with which ho succeeded la killing three of them. The Baptist donoinmallon has 183 char lorud Institutions of lonrnliiK whoso property and uiidowinonts amount to 110,076.1170 , TJicy have 1.08'J professors , and 17,653 ntudunw , ii'Sr/fvi'.041 lt 1J > wu university , with its $3b75.XK ( ) , ana the poorest Is-woll , wo dot cliuu to uurnu it.