Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1889, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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    I , . . _ ,
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i3&t&tawm ( 8fea *
" painty Summer Outfits of the Brldos
and Bolloo.
I'nrilcH ntul Jtcoontlons Mnr-
and Ulvlnu in MnrrHnjjc So
ciety DolnRH nt Mncol 11 , Krc-
111 out and Elsewhere.
Tlio Hummer Quid * .
A complete summer outfit for a society
tcllo , with n good fat pocketbook to draw
from , can bo purchased for well , somo-
\vhcro In the neighborhood of (5,000. , There
nro various degrees of completeness for
Which fact the belles nnd brides of Omaha
nro , no doubt , duly thankful A
very considerable Horn Is the under-
Wear. It is nil of the finest
Bilk. The Ilttlo vests which nro to bo worn
under the cornels are of knit silk. They are
of ovcry Imaginable tint , and match the
dross. Some of thorn nro embroidered in a
Wheel design , but most of them nro edged
with real Torchon loco nnd caught with nar
row ribbons.
Corsets nro the shape of the Ilttlo pointed
Swiss bolts that lace In the back ,
trilby nro laced at ono side , after
they nroon , and for slender figures
they are very becoming and cer
tainly much cooler than the regulation stiff
fitays. Many of the girls nro simply wear
ing broad bolts instead of corsets , because
dresses nro not worn tight , and thnro Is no
need of being uncomfortable toe nothing. "
For ball drcsics , petticoats are made of
whlto silk or fine mull , with two soft rufllcs
the entire length , and then for all other oc
casions they nro of fine linen , mudo with a
deep hemstitch and an edging of real laco.
There nro no flounces , because they would
spoil the effect of the plain dress skirts.
Then there Is the dainty hosiery , all of
ellk. of ovcry Imaginable shade , with open
work on the Instep. Two or three dorcii pair
will probably be sufllciont , for of course the
Omaha belle docs not darn. She will wear
n black pair in the morning , for
the afternoon drive or walk n
pair to match her dress and another
pair In the evening to match the dinner or
ball dress.
For evening nt homo she will wear Jos-
Bcphlno gowns. They are all made in the
true Empire fashion , without waists , with
Ilttlo trains and skimpy skirts , nnd each ono
is provided with a sash , which is tied di
rectly in the back.
They uro as vet a Ilttlo to bo advanced for
boll room wear , though wo are Informed that
they , will bo worn next winter. Some of
thorn nro of old-fashioned brocade , copied
from the kinds worn a hundred years ago.
One Is a palo pink , with little wild straw
berries and yellow butterflies ever It , and
this bos turned down rallies of yellow loco
about the low neck and puffed sleeves , and a
sash of yellow silk. Others are of white
mull , of whiteluco , of baby-blue , and migno
nette green.
Ball dresses nro numerous. Most of them
have white tulle skirts with satin bodices of
whlto , blue , pink or yellow , and sashes to
match. Ono odd dress Is of silver tissue made
with plaited suirt and an empire waist with u
bright , cherry sash fringed und fulling at ono
eldo. It will attract attention , which , after
nil , is the chief thing ut u ball.
Thcro Is another of yellow crcpo made with
nn nccordoon skirt and waist , which is ex
tremely pretty , and down ono side is a cas
cade of yellow crunh roses nnd loaves. There
la n princess of whlto faille , fitting closely
and made with a rather high neck and with
out sleeves.
Wbon this young , lady travels she will
have a pearl gray mohair with a finely
jiloatcd sitlrt , and u belted waist , which has
tucks on the puffed arms nnd ull ever the
front.and a graysaso of the same material.
A-Jackot of melton cloth of the same color ,
with a whlto goat cloth coat embroidered In
Bllvor , and a sailor bat of gray straw ,
trimmed with wblto'nud silver , to bo worn
With it.
She \\i\l \ have a vlnagrctto nnd a chato-
lalno of sflver , a gray alligator bund bag , a
gray gauze veil'and little patent leather shoes
to wear ,
Of' ctrurso , this Is only a start. There are
the fans thyy'aro of lace , satin nnd some of
them entirely of wood , with carved sticks.
Her slippers match each gown , and so do her
jiarasols. ' Of course , she has a hnlf-dozon
ginghams , all trimmed with lace and ribbons
bens : and as many figured silk gowns , and
her lingerie includes many of the empire
ruchings to wear with them , and Martha
Washington fichus.
The Cornish llcccption.
Colonel and Mrs. J. N. Cornish , assisted
by their daughters , Mrs. J. II. Hcrtscho , of
Hamburg , and Mrs. J. M. Motcalf , of this
'city , hold a reception at Mr. Cornish's resi
dence last Tuesday evening. Notwithstand
ing the Inclemency of the weather the house
was thronged during the evening with rnp-
rcseoitutivo people of our city. The building
is of brick and stone and is ono of the most
beautiful residences In the city. It has a
choice location at the top of the
Mil on South Tenth street , over
looking tbo rlvor to the east and the city to
the north. The house is splendidly
adapted forentcrtalnlnc. On the north of a
spacious hall Is u largo drawing-room fin
ished In white and gold. On the south , come
in succession a reception room , dining room ,
butler's pantry and kitchen. The second
floor U arranged in suites of rooms , and on
the third Is found a largo billiard room ,
while the prospect from the observatory
nbovo lu lino. The Musical Union orchestra
on the second landing enlivened the occa
sion with delightful music. Cut flowers in
profusion lout their fragrance , nnd smilax
adorned the chandeliers , mantels aud arches.
Waiters from the Oinuha club served the re
frcsnments. ,
Mrs. Cornish was nttlrod in a black satin
en train , with thread lace and diamonds.
Mrs. Hcrtsche , shell pink , Fnincniso Ro
man etripcd front cu train , decolleto , with
Mrs. Motcalf , whlto satin , lace trimmed ,
decollete , diamonds and natural llowors.
Miss Tlbbotts , of Lincoln , white crcpo with
Persian trimming of gold und silver embroid
ery , dccolloto , natural roses.
Mrs. Cotfman , Mm. Dundy , Jr. , the Mlsaos
Dundy , and Mrs. Wheeler ; moved gracefully
through the rooms , entertaining the many
Ex-Congressman Pusoy and wife ,
ir. Piiinoy nnd wlfo , Mrs. S. S.
Stephens , Airs. Phelps , of Council
Bluffs , und Mr. and Jauson , of Lincoln ,
Were among the visiting guests , Some very
bnndsoina toilets were noticed , among
them being ono worn by Mrs. G. W. Lin-
ingor , a Parisian gown of tliroad-laco over
old rose itatln , with diamonds.
Mrs. Russell Harrison looked beautiful In
a combination of black tulle und molro , enliv
ened by the rays from many diamonds , dress
on train and decollete.
Mrs. Fred Nyoworo a handsome black silk
velvet , silver Persian trimming und dia-
Mrs. Dr. Coffman , red crepe du ohono and
Mm. Dr. Mercer , reception toilet of black
and gold.
Mrs. Bachert , cream silk with natural
Mrs. Daniel Wheeler , white molro with
oriental embroldorod-tullo dmucries.
Mrs. Hullcr , cream-wool , natural llowors.
Miss May Duudy , cream faille francalso
laco-trimmed decollete.
Miss Lulu Dundy , croam-tullo ever satin
dccollrto ,
Mrs. S. Dundv , Jr. , dottcd-net ever cream
Ilk , decollete , diamond ornaments.
Mrs. Leluner , green satin , Irrldoscont. pas-
P ) > nnojfrnih Kntct-tnlnnifint.
An amuslnu and Instructive entertainment
I } , , was given on Thursday night nt the Hans-
1 com Park M. E. church by Messrs. Benson
aud Halt , of the Nebraska Phonograph coin-
| : ! pany , Among tha prominent features were
a aolo by Mrs. Frauk A. Phllluo aud an ossiy
ou EJUon by Rav. Brown. The greater part
Q ( thu evening was dovotcd to tbo phonograph -
graph iUolf , und ongi , cornet solos mid
Bpopchcs were umiio by the machine to the
great delight of all present.
Superintendent Juiueu Abroad.
The Cleveland Loader of the 15th ln L con
tains the following : II. M. James , who for
fourteen years was superintendent of the
Cleveland schools , Is sjicudiiiKo , few days ia
the city. On Monday evening ho wn given
.a reception at Outhwnlto school , which was
well attended by teachers nnd others. An
elegant lunch was served , nnd toasts were
responded to by Professor James , Super
visor of Grammar Grades Moulton , Sunerln-
; ondent of Buildings Wright , Mr. Goodhnrt ,
Mr. Esch , Mr. Aborn nnd others. The af
fair was a very pleasant ono.
"Yo DncHtrlut Solmol. "
One of the mostuntquo nnd taking amateur
performances given In O in aim for some time
was uYo Dooslrlct School of Yo Olden Timo"
nt St. Mary'd Avenue Congregational church
on Thursday nnd Friday evenings. The
make up ot alt the characters was excellent ,
n certain amount of exaggeration to mnko
.lioui rldlculousniidlaughaolnbolntr Indulged
n. The rognlar routine of n country school
was carried out , koonlng the niidlcnco In. a
roar. In the recitations , particularly of the
geography class , u great many local hits
were made.
Ono youngster , who outsldo of ' 'doostrlct
school hours" Is n member of the board of
education , declared that America was dis
covered by Brlgham Young , Gcorgo Francis
Train , W. J. Connell and a number of other
enterprising navigators.
A girl , with enormous pantalettesnftortho
)1d fashion , declared that these discoverers
landed ut Bunsconib park. Another adlrmcd
, lnU the population of Nebraska wus largely
males and females.
The inlschovlous pranics of the school
children were also mirth-provoking. The
.anchor , who were a costume marking the
.ransition of tha costumes of 100 years ugo to
, hose of to-day , was Impersonated by Mr.
lobcrt May. The following wcro his schol
ars :
'oily Rerry winkle Miss I. Alexander
tlohctabolButtermilk..Mrs. B. F. Burton
Jollmla Bumpurs Mrs. B. Day
Matilda Bllnkins Mrs. D. II. Goodrich
Sumuntha Honoysucklo..Mrs. G. W. Hull
Cynthia Ann Larkins Miss Nellie Hull
'alienee Jackson I , , . , . | _ . .
Prudunco Jackson f ( twlns )
( Miss N. McCnrty
( MlssE. L. Nlles
Jrldget Ann Smith..Mrs. G. M. Nattlngor
tuthio Jenkins , . . . .Mrs. C. S. Poor
Snmnntha Perkins Misa D. Wllber
Fames G. BlalnoMr. . W. H Alexander
Cyrus Smith ' . . . . .Mr. B. F. Burton
Ethan Allen Mr. B. B. Downs
Tony Pnstor Mr. O. T. Eastman
Wllllo Spoondyko Mr. F. Fosbondor
Jcdedlah SulUkms Mr. G. W. Hull
Vzcrinh Hasktns Mr. H. M. Hnrlbut
Trinidad Boobv Mr. F. J. Huinsworth
Abinilouk Snodgrass..Mr. M.V. . Richardson
lohnny Bllnklus Mr. R. Stobbins
Tim Sbourds Mr. J. Shourds
3rovor Cleveland Mr. D. V. Sholes
Alee Brown Mr. J. A Shields
Ezoitiol Kicker Mr. W. J. Wolshaus
1'om Thumb Mr. George Whitoley
Eldad Post Mr. C. E. Williamson
The afternoon session of the school wus
devoted to the "sneaking of pieces , " and the *
following programme was rendered :
Address of Welcome Matilda Blinkins
Piece Jedediah Sniffkins
[ tccitatlon Althea Knickerbocker
Two Pjirt ? nn < * . . . . j J Bridget Ann Smith
Mellotnbcl nuMorrailk
Composition Samanlha Honeysuckle
Declamation Trinidad Booby
niiinmin J Belinda Bumpurs
Dlalosl10 i WilUo SDooimyko
Singing By School
Declamation „ . . .Grovcr Cleveland
Composition Ablnileck Snodgrnss
Poetical Address Cynthia Ann Larkins
Remarks oy School Board.'Squire Kicker
It was dinicult to decide which of those
exorcises was the moro entertaining , but the
) , im ! should probably bo awarded to the
effort of the shock-headed Trinidad Booby ,
who declaimed "Casabianca. " Ablnileck
Snodgiass' essay on the "Cow" created a
great deal of merriment.
The Stalling llcnontion.
Friday evening a reception was tendered.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Stclltng , who huvo
jcen lately married , by tno brothers and sls-
.crs. of the groom , at their residence , 2504
3t. Mary's avrinue. Mr. Stolliug and his
Drido , neo Palmer , of Council Bluffs , had
lust returned from a wedding trip to Chicago
cage and Mussilon , Ohio , the later city hav
ing been the former home of the groom. The
reception was charmingly Informal , the oc
casion being marked by a good will and
heartiness of concrratulation which , were In
dicative of the high esteem in which the
young couplo'nro hold by their friends and
neighbors. The guests found the evening
only too short , enlivened as it was by musio
nnd animated conversation. The young
hostesses , the Misses Minnie and Nannie
Stalling , cared for their company In a most
charming manner. Light refreshments were
served at 10:30 : , after which the guests de
parted. Thosn present were : Mayor and
Mrs. W. J. Broatch , Rov. nud Mrs. T. s > .
Dctweilor , Mrs. Patterson , Mr. and Mrs. R.
J. Dinning , Mr. und Mrs. Frank Stelling ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. G. D. Thomosou , Mr. and Mrs.
Whitely , Mr. and Mrs. Teturd , Mrs. Palmer ,
and Misses Hattie nnd Annie Palmer ,
mother and sisters of the bride , the Misses
Liziio and Nannie Hardln , Dolllc and Lida
Hurpstcr , Annie Patterson , Georgia and
Maggie Boulter , Emma and Ella Calhoun ,
Miunio und Nunnio Stelling aud Messrs.
John Drexel , Will Ross , Harry Nott ,
Thomas , Mr. Koistor. Mr. Hustings , George
Stelling and Master Robbio StoHing.
An Kveaine of Pleasure.
The Ladies' Sowing society gave a pleas
urable entertainment and ball , on Wednes
day evening nt Washington hall , which was
attended by about tlireo hundred people. A
most interesting programme had been prepared -
pared , which was divided in three parts.
Parts ono und two were by the Clio Dra
matic club , as follows :
1. Overture. . Musical Union Orchestra
2. Address , President of the Clio
Mr. C. S. Elguttor
! ) . Song Miss Ida Newman
4. Reading Mr. L. II. Baor
5. Sonjr Mrs. Martha Cahn
t ! . Reading Miss Clara Schlesinger
7. Banjo Duet Mundolborg Bros.
8. Recitation Herman Black
Part second consisted of the petite comedy
by Shirley Brooks , in one act , , "Anything fern
n Chnnce , " with the following cast :
Paul Honey ball ( very nervous )
Mr. S. Frcodmun
Swopplugton ( his friend )
Mr. G. L. Stonehlll
Jeremiah Cencus Mr. Lou H. Huor
Mrs. Honoyball ( a good wife )
Miss Minnie Rothschild
Murgret ( her sister ) Mrs. G. lleyn
Eliza , a servant ( very neat ) . . . . , . ,
. .Mtss Etta Newman
All the members acquitted themselves in a
most creditable manner , and the stage setting
ting of the corned v was above that usually
scan in amateur performances.
Part throe was given up to dancing , which
lasted until an early hour in the morning.
The society realized quite a snug sum
which will bo utilized lu Improving the Hebrew -
brow cemetery of this city.
A. O. H. Hull.
The annual ball of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians wua hold in Cunningham's hall ,
last Monday ovoning. Ono hundred couples
danced merrily to the splendid music fur ;
nlshcd by the now Hibernian orchestra. It
waa the first appearance in public of this
musical organization nnd ovoryonn had a
word of prulso for It. Thomas McGovorn
acted us master of ceremonies and was as
sisted by the following committees :
Arrangements--Ed Qulnn , J. E. Coffey , B.
Shields , James Connolly. M. McKcnnu.
Floor B. Shields. W. J. Clalr. J. E.
Coffey , Ed Qnlnn , W. J. Silk , Patrick Dalton -
ton , .M. McKonno.
Reception J. Nuuclo , Klllgalkm ,
J , Creighton , Herbert Koch.
Door John Whlto , Jamej Douglas , Mlka
Dollard , Thomas Ryan.
Kulnoow KostlvnL
A very plcasluif entertainment , called "Tho
Rainbow Festival , " was given by the ladies
of tbo First Congregational society in the
parlors of the church ou Thursday ovoning.
Tha booths were arranged in the form of a
rainbow , each representing u color of tha
bow of promise. In each ot these were sold
articles corresponding in color with the dra
pery of the stalls. Thus , In the rod booth
strawberries were dispensed ; In the orange-
colored booth , oragua were on salu ; lemons
and lemonade were to bo had in the yellow
booth , and so on through the seven colors.
The musio was furnUhod by the Mandolin
club and wa most worthy of appreciation.
A Surprise.
Miss Teresa CorltU was tojdored a very
pleasant surprUo party on the 12th lusL , by
w oc
10 * 7/ .
i-n a.
Prices on Furniture , Carpets , Stoves and Household Goods
Our stock is fresh , clean and complete , and comprises everything needed to completely furnish a
house , from kitchen to garret. THIS IS A GENUINE CLOSINGOUTSALE , and every department
bristles with "bargains.
To convince yourselves that we mean business read the following :
Bed Room Suits , from $12 up , Brussels Carpets , yard , 50c up , i )
Folding Beds , from $15 up , Cook Stoves , from $8 up. i'- '
Bureaus , from $5 up. Springs , from $1,50 $ up ,
Extension Tables , from $3 up , Mattresses , from $1,50 $ up , ;
Parlor Suits , from $25 up , Baby Carriages , from $2 $ up ,
Center Tables , from $2 up , . _ , Hanging Lamps , from $2 $ up ,
Bible Stands , from 50c up , Mirrors , from 25c up ,
Everybody is invited to attend this sale , whether they Wish to buy or not. Remember , everything
goes. Prices will be less than half what others ask. This great sale commences
To-morrow , Monday , May 2oth.
. !
± ± ± ± J"- " >
11 .
n' rl
some thirty of her friends at her residence ,
on North faixteentu street. They young folks
completely surprised the lady , and passed a
very enjoyable evening. They had. brought
music with them , ana dancing ivusindulged
In by some , while others enjoyed themselves
with songs , games , etc. Altogether the uf-
falr proved very enjoyable , and will long be
remembered by these fortunate enough to be
May Pnrty at the Lyceum.
The union May party given by the Im
perial and Cherry Hill clubs was the most
pleasant affair ever hold in the Saratoga
Lyceum. Nearly all the ladies wore at-
tlrett in white , and each wore a profusion of
natural flowers. The dancing programmes
were unusually handsome , being in the form
of pansios. Good musio was rendered ana a
delightful evening was passed.
On April 30 , Mr. Ben D. Mayor , of this
city , was married to Miss Helen M. Kenney ,
of Los Angoles. The wedding occurred nt
the homo of the bride ana was witnessed by
a number of her Intimate friends. After a
pleasant wedding tour , the couple returned
to this city. They nro now ut homo at 1301
South Twenty-ninth street.
Mr. Z. Waterman , a prominent lumber
dealer of Crete , and well known in this city ,
was married , Wednesday evening , to Miss
Anna Heed , of the same place. Mr. and
Mrs. Waterman are passing their honey
moon In Chicago.
In' Honor of Jud o Lyon.
On last Saturday evening Judge William
P. Lyon , of the supreme court of Wisconsin ,
was tendered a reception at the residence of
Dr. nnd Mrs. Patten , 1209 South Ihirty-soo-
end street. The evening was pleasantly
Clio's Future.
The success of the Clio Dramatic club's
flr t appearance , elsewhere referred to , has
encouraged that society to attempt some
thing moro ambitious in the dramatic line ,
and , next fall , a number of delightful comedies -
dies are promised.
Society Gossip.
Charles A. Klcino is In St. Louis.
Ur. vVoriz has returned to tbo city once
Mrs. O. M. Hamsno bus returned from
Dave Kauffuian has been In Chicago the
past wcotc.
Mrn. F. M. Phillip * has returned from
E. W. Nash and ] wlfo returned from the
east Monday.
Mrs. H , Li. Seward nnd her son Bradley
are in Battle Creole ,
Mrs. Panny Kollogg-Bachcrt leave * for
Boston to-morrow.
Miss Fanulo Eaton has returned from her
trip south and oast.
Mr. Lyle S. Caldwell has returned from
his trip to Kansas City ,
Colonel Henry and family will remove this
weak to Hellevuo for the summer.
Mrs. Colla demons , formerly of this city ,
but now of Denver , Is visiting old friends
The Imperial club will glvo another party
at the Saratoga lycaum hall on next Friday
evening ,
The Young Folk's literary society glvo an
entertainment and dance Tuesday evening
at Metropolitan hall.
W. S. Hector , accompanied by hla wlfo and
Miss Mlnnlo Ifuwko , left Tuesday evening ,
for Chicago , on u short visit.
M. Jaion H , Conrcld , of Sioux City , spent
the past week In Omaha , the guest of UU
sister , Mrs. R. M. Schwartz.
Miss Anna Tibbets , of Lincoln , who came
up to attend Mrs. I. V , Cornish's reception
on Tuesday evening , returned homo Friday ,
Mr. and Mrs. George- . Eddy have returned -
turned from their wedding tour , aud are
uo\v at their homo , 1IKJ7 North Eighteenth
Mrs. O , M. Walker , of Wichita , Kan. , ana
her daughter , Mrs. H. F , Laud , ofHlcu-
inoml , Ind. , are visiting the family of > Ir. E.
K. Perfect.
Charles J. Ilarbach and wlfo started for
Europe , Wednesday , They will visit all the
chief cities of the old world , particularly
Paris , una bo absent about four months.
A party , consisting of W. Q. Albright. Jeff-
W. Bedford , Marsh Kennard. Dick McCor.
mlok , "Uncle" Amos , ' Charles Rood pud
William Fitch , left Omaha , Wodneiday , for
a tithing trip to the lakes near St. PauU
A pleasant Illtlo luuslcale was jclvoa Moa ?
' i t :
day evening at the hpiup of Mr. F. S. Robbins -
bins , on Parlc uvotfu ? . fAmong the features
were two piano solosby Mrs. D. II. Wheeler ,
Jr. , vocal solo by 'Mrs ' Robbins , two violin
solos by Mr. E. J. LJrott and a musical talk
by Mr. Robm'ns. ' ' to n "
Hnrt Hans.
At 8 o'clock , Tuesday evening , a quiet wed
ding was solemnized at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Haas , No. 134 South Sixth
street , the contracting parties being Mr. Ed
ward Watson Uart and Miss Mary Carson
Haas , both well known and highly respected
members of the society circles of the city.
The ceremony was performed by Kev. T. H.
Cloland , of Springfield , Mo. , formerly pastor
of the Presbyterian church of this city , of
which the bride is a regular attendant. The
affair was very unostontious , only the Imme
diate relatives of the bride and a few of the
most Intlmato friends of the groom witness
ing the ceremony.
The groom is the prosperous local manager
of the Now York Plumbing company and
the Council 131uffs WatcrworKS company ,
and attends to the business of these two cor
porations with much ability. Ilo has been a
resident of this city for the past four years ,
during all of which time ho has bold his
present position , and has always been promi
nently connected with social doings. The
bride is ono of the most charming and accom
plished young ladies of this city , navlng been
for several seasons a reigning society belle ,
and it Is a matter of congratulation among
the four hundred that sno Is not to bo
lost to Council Bluffs social circles
The newly wedded couple left on the even
ing train ever the Rock Island for the cast ,
and will visit for two or three weeks with
the relatives of the groom , at Now Hod ford.
Mass. , and vicinity , after which they will
return to Council Uluflsi and occupy the neat
and attractive cottage Just prepared for
them nt the corner of Seventh street and
Sixth nvenuo. Tun Ilwi : Joins with scores of
friends in wishing the happy couple a most
happy continuation of the life so auspiciously
commenced , with all its attendant blessings.
Tbo laules of the Methodist church enter
tained a sociable Wednesday evening nt the
residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. Cone , No. 1400
Eighth avenue. The affair was very well
attended , nnd a very enjoyable evening
passed. IJofreshmnnts , consisting of straw
berries , cake nnd ice-cream , wore served In
an adjoining buildintr. Among the attend
ants woso Hovs. Alexander ana Campbell.
Mrs. Will Beswiclr entertained the married
ladles sowing hero on Tuesday afternoon.
A most enjoyable social was that enter
tained Thursday evening by the ladles of the
Doroan Baptist church , at their chapel , cor
ner of Third avenue and Seventeenth street.
Ice cream and strawberries were among the
attractions. The attendance was quite largo
und the affair passed off very ploaHuntly.
Charles Koss. a former Council Bluffs boy ,
but now of Minneapolis , Is visiting bis
parents , Hon. and , IVirs. L. W. Koss , on
Willow avenue. ,
Misses Muud ami lumlo Oliver spent
Thursday In Glcnwoodvas the guests of Miss
Anderson. . YH * }
Mrs. Laura Kcrbyls visiting friends In
Sbonaudoah. -
Mrs. Welch , of Omaha , was visiting her
parents , Mr. und Mrs. J , T , Oliver , several
days the past week.
Miss Fannie KeJ'noldn entertained a num
ber of youn ? pcopio Monday evening at the
residence of her uncle , Mr. II. C. Cory , cor
ner of Sixth uvcnua.nud Ninth street , In
honor of her gneit , ' Miss Abbott. Cards ,
dancing aud refrosliiucnts was the order of
the evening. , l'r i
It Is stated that nUovAy wcdddocl couple ,
no won their brUlal'tdilr , will givoa swell re
ception ou their roMjnijUomo , about the 1st
of Juno. Humor ijdya that it will bo the
event of the season , ana' will bo on u very
" * " "
extensive scale.
Miss Elsie Pusoyjmvo a dancing and card
party Thursday evening at her home , corner
of Sixth street und Willow aueuuo , In honor
of her friend , Miss Abbott , of Fremont. Fif
teen couples were present , and enjoyed the
hospitality of their fair entertainer. Ice
cream and cake wore served during the oven-
Inw , and the occasion passed most pleasantly.
Lincoln Snololy ,
The week has been a full one In the social
und of the capital city. 'Monday evening
brought Miss Funka'8 gcrman , Tuesday two
small parties , Wednesday the druggists' ball ,
Thursday the druggist1 banquet and Satur
day the bop of the university students , not
to mention the music festival on Tuesday ,
Wednesday rnd Thursday.
Miiis Funko'a entertainment wa * a ribbon
gerinan , no aauicd from the fact that uiott of
the favors were made from ribbons. It was
given at Funke's opera house on an elaborate
scale , and has boon the chief topic of inter
est in exclusive circles. The foyer of
the theater was ornamented wjth an
improvised fountain together with plants , cut
llowors nnd line furniture. Thcro were sev
eral intermissions in the programme to servo
ices und cakes in this urotty retreut. The
stage was used for dancing and the house
was brilliantly illuminated. The gorman com
prised twelve figures , as follows : Star ana
circle , eccentric column , life orchestra , ang
ling , opposite rounds , column reversed , mili
tary , screen , double column , augmented
windmill , tournament and quadruple quad-
rillo. Properties wore used in the angling ,
screen and tournament figures , and olglit of
them required favors. In two the favors
were trinkets in bent wood. For the other
six nearly four hundred ribbons were
required , each hand painted with the name
of the ? favoring person. The gormnn
was led by Lieutenant T. W. Griftlth , U. S.
A. , military director at the state university ,
assisted bv Miss Holmes , of Kansas City.
Miss B'unko's partner for the evening was
Mr. II. Mansfield , Jr. Following were the
other participants : Hon. Hichard Berlin , of
Omaha , and Mrs. Elmer Dundy , Jr. , of
Omaha ; Mr. J. C. Calhoun , of Omaha , and
Miss Miller , a debutante from Lafayette ,
Ind. ; Mr. Oscar Funko und Miss Homlyn , of
Now York ; Mr. Morcnstccher nnd Miss
Anna Funko , Mr. Frank Hathaway and Miss
Martha Funke , Mr. John Wright nnd Miss
Agoy , Mr. Lomist and Mrs. Lieutenant
Townloy , Mr. Magoon and Miss Latta ,
Mr. William Hardy and Miss Cora
Hardy , Mr. Forcsmun and Miss
Oakley , Mr. Northam and Miss
Lulu Clark , Mr. Storrs und Miss Lulu Latta ,
Mr. Cooper and Mrs. HaydcnMr. . Frank
Burr and Miss Lillibridire. Mr. Ilcnklo and
Miss Moore , Mr. Muir und Miss Ballantlno ,
Mr. Hichtor and Mrs. Bussoy , Mr. William
Claric and Miss Giles , Mr. Hlgcnbothum und
Miss Gruningor , Mr. Nutt and Miss Lemist ,
Mr. Frank Smith aud Miss Hawkins , Mr.
nnd Mrs. Beeson , Mr , nnd Mrs. Lippincott ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Mulr , Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Sheldon , Mr. and Airs. J. A. Buckstaff , Mr.
and Mrs. W. U. Dennis , Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Ogden. Miss Tote MuMurtry presided
at the favor table and about twcnty-llv.o
privileged guests were present in
tha auditorium. Many olcgant toilets
wcro displayed. Miss. Funko was Hlmnly
attired In u whlto muslin , trimmed with
ribbons , and carried u bouquet of La Franco
rosos. Mrs. Dundy was daintily appareled
In a palo blue silk , with draperies of tulle
embroidered in blue , und were u corsage
bouquet ot pink roses. Miss Holmes were a
Grecian costume of canary faille silk , en
tralno , with draperies of tulle embroidered
with gold butterflies.
ivliss Macito Smith , of Crawfordsvllle , Ind. ,
who vlbltud at Mrs. Polk'o , was given u Jolly
farewell surprise party Tuesday evening oy
Mr. Frank Polk. The guests were Messrs.
TomploUm , Maxwell , McArthur , Wheeler ,
Langworthy , Burr , Grlfiltb , Storrs , Marshal ,
Houtz , ICormau , "Wilson , Low , Jansen ,
Andrus aud Funko , Misses Alteon and
Belle Oakley , Martha Funko , Gcrtlo Mur-
gnotlo , , Olive Latta , Hallio Hooper , Anna
Funko , Dolllo nnd Kittle Cowdry , Lulu Bal-
luntluo , Gertio Laws , Clara Agoy , Lotta
Andrus and Mat tie Glllesplc. Miss Smith
left for homo on Wednesday.
Miss Helen , daughter of < ox-Socretary of
State Koggon , entertained u company of
forty you UK people Tuesday evening to cclu-
brato her eleventh birthday.
The eighth annual reception of ' .he Ne
braska Stuto Pharmaceutical association
was held at the capital Wednesday evening.
The representative hull , in winch the- ex
hibits were displayed , was opened us u in
ception room , and later In the iivoning was
much used for promenades and luie-a-tciua ,
The senate chamber was converted into n
dlnlucr room , the caterer using the onicers'
doaks for dishes and supplies , whllo the
guesU ate from the member , : ' daaka.
which Uad been strongly reinforced
by desks from the other hall. The
feature of the evening , which took place In
thu unoccupied library room. A programme
of fourteen numbers kept the merry throng
going till well towardB a o'clock. Nearly
ono hundred couples took part In the danc
ing , and a largo company of spectators
wutohed the guy soone from the gallery.
Many were In full evening dress , and tha re
caption woti u very pleasant and successful
affair. Many of the out-of-town druggUU
wexo accompanied by their wives. Among
the Liacblu society people present wcro
Mossr * . aud Mesdames Thoaios C. Benton ,
Alf Shilling , W. H. Dennis , J' . J. Irahoff ,
Frank Gregg , F. E , Autram , Charles Gott-
helf. C. S. LlpiMJucott. W. B. MoArthur. A ,
B. Chor'rior. George Brown , William Tate ,
B. O. Koski , T. J. Hlckoy , Mosdamci Will-
am A. Preston , C. W. Mo hcr and A. C.
Mastodon ; Messra. J. U. lllg-
Renbottmtn , Frank Polk. C. II. Ulch-
tcr Llouteuant Gnftitu , Sainuol
Lowe , George Holdon , Frank Walton'
W. M. Smith , William Maxwell , Harry
Heffolfinger , Abraham Hess , F. M. Hilton.
Frank McDonald , George MeArthur. Fred
Haltett , Frank Harris. Frank Leister , J. E.
Thompson , Elmer Appleton , E. II. Andrus ,
H. K. Nissioy , Otto Moonstechor , H. Mnns-
llold , Jr. , J. E. Ferris. Misses Mlnnlo and
Ollvo Latta , Clara and Martha Funke , Allccn
and Belle Onkloy , EQlo Looso.'Lulu Grunin-
ger , Nellie Graham , Gortlo Mnrquette , Lena
Loomls , Clara Agoy , Gortio Xlmor , Nana
Lillibndgo' Gertie Laws , Lena Giles , Birdie
and Lillian Ferris , Clurkio Pace , Lottie An
drus , Ethel Marshland , Helen Morrihow ,
Liz/ie Bonnell , Laura Blizzard. , Maggie Eng
lish , Lily Hathaway , Cora Hardy.
Mrs. John Barber , of Omaha , has arrived
to visit her parents.
Miss Anna Hawkins will have a German
for her dancing class next Thursday after
Mrs. E. N. Buckingham has inno to Ohio
to Join a party who will do Europe this sum
Miss Myrtio Lnthrop , of Plattsmouth , has
arrived to spend the Hummer with Mrs. O. M.
Hon. K. E. Moore nnd family have started
for u tour to Europe and will bo absent tlireo
The university boys nnd their lady friends
enjoyed a dancing party ut Tcmplo hall Sat
urday evening.
Miss Lemist , n recent but popular addition
to Lincoln society , has returned to Boston
for a visit.
Mrs. A. W. Junsor. was u guest , Monday
evening , at u reception given by Mrs. Mot-
calf , of Omaha.
T. II. Sylvnnus has returned from Clinton ,
la. , and will bo rejoined soon by nis wife and
ne.v born daughter.
Judge Amusu Cobb had as guests this week
Mrs. D. Patten , of O nuha. und William P.
Lyon , of Madison , WIs.
A. E. Touz.ilin was mot by John It. Clark.
In Colorado , u few days ugo , and was found
to bo improving In health.
Mrs. B. Ostrander has arrived from Wis
consin to spend the summer with her
daughter , Mrs. P. A. G Hoholl.
J. Milton Glover nnd Frank M. Pitingor
have gone to Washington to uatnblish nn
eastern agency for a Lincoln hair prepara
Miss H&mlynwho was an ull-wlntar gueat
of Lieutenant anil Mrs.Townloy , and asociul
fuvorUo , has returned to her Niiw York
Mrs. E. J. Kisser , u prominent Dos
Molnus lady , Is n guest of the Oarouttes , and
will tuko part In an appoach'ng ' amateur en
tertainment ut the openi house.
Mrs. Nat Brlgham , of Omaha , was in the
city Wednesday to assist In the opmiiny concert -
cert nt Cushman'H park , but It was post
poned until next woeIc on account of the
weather ,
Fremont Souicty.
Mrs. C. H. TD.IS. of Lincoln , Is a guest of
her sister , Mrs. Phil Muwror.
Sam Fulinnan , of Douglas , Wyo. , is In the
city on a Visit to his brother. Henry Fuhr-
man.Mr. . nnd Mrs. N , H. Do Lu Mutyr , who
spent the winter in California , have returned
Mrs. Freeman , of Independence , In. , Is In
the city u guest of her brother , W. D. L.
Mr * . H. O , Pulne , of A ins worth. Is in the
city visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. U.
Blackmail ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Eddy entertained
thuir cousin Thomas Uron , of Load City , two
or three duys during the week.
Miss Mirdio Shannon , one of Fremont's
accomplished artists , attended the Western
Art exhibit at Omaha this week.
Congressman und Mi's. Dorsey have en
tertained Mr. und Mrs. Jos so M. Mumti , of
Grand island , during the week.
Mr. und Mrs. Henry Fuhrman art ) prepar
ing to start in a short time on a sumtuer'a
visit to their old homo In Germany.
Mrs. L. F. Uorry was In attendance upon
the mooting of the Lincoln usvociatlon of
Congregational churchoa hold ut Bcatrico.
Mrs. Otle , who has lived hero during the
past year , loft Tuesday for Eyaiuton , where
DUO will make her future homo wth ( her
daughter , Mrs. Fred Tliayor.
Mr. M. E. Jones , ot Fullerton , formerly
president of the Fremont Normal college ,
accompanied by her nlocc , MUs Waugh , ot
Chicago , are In the city ,
Mr. Frank Kotchum , of the Klkhorn road ,
accompanied by Mrs. Ketchmn , has boon In
Denver during the past week in attendance-
upon the annual mooting of the Order of
Hallway Conductors.
Mr. and MM. L. II. Hofrprs are entertain
ing Mr. U. A. UarUund his grand d ujhtcr ,
the Mlssos Mary and Hutu Van Arsunle , of
Castile N. Y.
Mr. aud Mr * . Tueroa NycJ'aad Mr. ami
Mrs. S. B. Colson Wednesday ovanlng gave ,
ono of n series of vnry pleasant tea parties
with which they have recently been enter
taining their friends. It was given ftt
the bpautifui homo of Mr. and Mrs. Nyo-
There were present the Messrs. and Mos.
dames Dr. McDonald . E. Leo , Frank W.
Hayes , E. C. Usher , C. C. Pollard , J. F.
Reynolds , Henry Torpln , W. H. Turner ,
William Fried.
I'lnttHinoiitli Society.
County Attorney Goring was in the me
tropolis on Monday.
John W. Burke , of Lincoln , was in the city
this week.
John Osoukop , of Louisville , has boon ia
the city this week.
Miss Corn Woodrow visited friends in
Malvarn , la. , this week.
J. K. Pollock came down from Lincoln on
u visit to his parents lust Sunday.
Thomas H. Pollock nnd daughter Miss
Lillian were visiting in Omaha Monday.
Robert Miller and Thomas Mullen went up
to the capital on Mondny.
P , P. IColloy , mayor of Glonwood , was
visiting the family of R. B. Wludham this
Captain II. E. Pa'mor ' paid n ( lying visit to
Chicago during the week.
Maltcr Housoworth nnd George Palmer , of
Lincoln , were visiting with their rospoctlva
families hist Sunday.
Judge S. M. Chapman has been holding
court in Lincoln during the week.
Dan O'ltourko. John Wrlg nnd Gus Rydon
went to Malvcrn on Sunday.
Jiidgo Russell has been out to Wocplug
Water to visit his son.
T. J. Foley , of Bralnard , Minnesota , paid
u short visit to his friends , Mr. und Mrs. M.
A. DIxon , of this city.
Messrs. J. H. Hall and J. A. Gontscho ,
representing Lodge No. 8 ; Hon. F. E.
Whlto und F. J. Morgan , Lodge No. 87 , went
to Hastings , Tuesday , to attend the Grand
Lodge of the A. O. U. W. , of Nebraska.
Dr. D. T. Martyn , of Columbus , nccom-
p.uimdby his uouhew , H. B , Mnrtyn , cashier
of the baulc nt Humphrey , Platte county ,
wore In the city on Tuesday.
Mrs. Win. Hcrold and daughter , Dora , nro
now visiting friends In Ohio , und will spend
thu summer In Boston ,
Mrs. C. M. Butler nnd two boys , Claude
and Paul , departed for a visit at Benton
Harbor , Mich. , Monday , to bo gone for six :
Mrs. J. P. Taylor nnd daughter , Nellie , of
Central City , were visiting friends in this
city on Tuesday.
Miss Belle Wendell was an Omaha visitor
on Tuesday.
Mrs. L , A. Newcomer nnd children , de
parted for u visit to Perkins county , Tuci-
day morning. .
O. P. Smith was In Lincoln , in attoutlanco
upon tbo State Pharmaceutical association ,
at Lincoln.
H. C. McMackcn was in Omaha Wednes
day .
Lou Bocdokor , of Louisville , was in the
city Wednesday.
Mrs. II. A. Sharp departed for a visit
among friends in Denver , Wednesday mom-
Hons. J. M. Patterson , W , S. Wlso and O.
M. Streight , wont to Omaha Wednesday.
Miss Real , whelm * been visiting with the
Misses Wcckbacb , returned homo to Graf to u
Hon. William Neville .was in Lincoln
Mrs. Kuto Ilhen , of Kansas , Into superin
tendent of schools of Woodson county , Kan
sas , U visiting bur ulster , Mrs. R. R. Nichols.
of this county ,
Plnttsmouth lodeo No , 8 , A. O. U. W. ,
guvo u ball in Fitzgerald's hull Wednesday
evening. The affair was made a great suc
cess and exceedingly pleasant through the
exertions of tha members. The tempting
supnur arranged by the ladles of St. Luko'a
Guild whs a feature thoroughly appreciated.
Thu music wai excellent.
Rev. K. B. Burgess , Dr. J. H. Emmons. D.
M. Weacl and Clayton Barber attended the
annual council ot the Dioccso of Nebraska lu
Omaha , and the SU Luko'a chapter of the
Brotherhood of St. Andrew sent the follow
ing delegation to attend thusoml-aununl con
ference : G. B. Kompstcr , Henry Uorold , E.
Harwlck and Clayton Barber. Mr. Barber
read an excellent and Interesting paper , uu-
tltloil "Spreading Christ's Kingdom Are
Wo Obeying Its Lawal"
A peculiar attempt to evade both the
customs and quarantine roi'ulutloiib la
reported from Windsor to the customs
department of Cniwdii. A rallvvtiy our ,
contnlnhif' a horse , Bovoral nhoon and
several baloa of hity , wua duly reported
ut customs. Ono of the otUcluls found a
thoroughbred bull wodeod in between
the huy und the reur of the cur.