HE OMAHA SUNDAY E 1GHTEENTH. YEAJR. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING. MAY. jU ) , 189.-TWENTY-FOUR PAGE& . NUMBER 338 ] DISRAELI'S ' DEBUT. His First Appearance In the Polit ical Arena , SOME SENSATIONAL SPEECHES. The Preliminary Stops Ho Took to Make HlmsoH Famous. NOVEL WAY TO GAIN NOTORIETY HlB Aotlnff Rolled Upon as Much as His Oratory- PERSECUTED BY THE PRESS. A Successor to the Celebrixtcil KI K- llHliinnn Makes Ills How In the Person of ix Near Itclntlvo. Probably n. CoinlnR Premier. tCopj/rlo'it ' 188) by Jama Gordon JJemieii.1 LONDON , May 18. fNow York Herald Cable Special to Tun Bnn.J When Mr. Disraeli first appealed In the political nrcnn ho mndo up Ills mlna that the preliminary Btop to success was to create a sensation , liciico his wild radical speeches , his challenge to O'ConncIl ' , his outbursts on the platform nnd olsewhorc. which inado linn the butt of nil the wags In London. It may , Indeed , bo stated with truth that ho never ceased to bo on object of ridicule with n largo part of the press and his own party till just before his donth , when ' -Jew , the adventurer , " "Tho mountebank , " these wore about the mildest oplthots which wcro flung nt him. Whether ho cared for them or not , must remain a matter - tor of conjecture. Some of his friends have tola mo that ho was Indifferent nllko to pralso or bliuno. I have known many men of whom that has been said , but never ono ol whom it could bo said with truth. Disraeli , no doubt , had the usual human feelings , although ho was much moro skillful in disguising them than nine men out of every ton. I always regarded him as the most accomplished actor on ary stage , and very few persons over saw him without a Btago make-up. This may be said without nuy disparagement of his great penetration , foresight and courngo as n statesman. Still , everything ho did was done with an eye to effect. Before ho was sure of receiving public attention In a legitimate way ho beat the drum to attract their notice. His vplvot coats , his gorgeous vests , his rings on every linger , his gloves , his wondrous watch chain , his alarming cravats , wcro as much part , of tlig theatrical business as his bold attacks on individuals , or his dashing statements , which wore not Intended to bear a ttrlct examination when his position was secure. " These accessories wore discarded. Ho always retained his partiality for gar- Ishncss and llaery. but when ho throw away tno rings ho began to weigh his words. The sensational part of the performance had done its duty and the actor remembered that the English ere essentially a bum-drum race and that they always distrust a man who is { oo clover. One thinks of thcso things In noticing that ' another Disraeli lm appeared on the po litical stage and that ho has begun by making a general ntfack on various public men somewhat in the style of his distinguished relation. Con- ingsby Disraeli is a portentous name to bear. How in the world is a man to live up to that ? Was there over such a combination seen in real flesh and blood as that which thcso two t names would imply I Coningsby was the fa- tt vorlto creation of Disraeli , the novelist , nnd , t no doubt , It was for that reason that the son of Ualph Disraeli was named after him , but was it not enough to bo called upon to carry the nnmo of Disraeli with credit through the world ! Why pllo pollen upon ossn by ad ding Coningsby to the Disraeli of Ralph Disraeli ) No ono has over expected anything of him , because , during his brother's life , ho was eclipsed , and ho lias always been a bit of a recluso. Some years ngo ho obtained a very comfortable post in the houfeo of lords as an assistant clerk with n salury of 2,100 n year. You will not BCD his fuco If you go into the house of lords , for ho sits with his back to the door , opposite the lord chancellor. It you did see It , you would (1ml ( llttlo or no i-cscmblaiico to his fa mous brother. His features are much more strongly Hebraic than those of Benjamin were oven in his latter days , when decidedly great statesmen suffered much in personal appearance from the ravages of time. As for Halph , ho has always carried the broadest marks of his race in hilt countenance. It Is Ralph's son , ns I hnvo intimated , who has now inude his debut at Bath , the old city associated with Bean , Nush , Slioridau and Mr. Pickwick. Coningsby Disraeli Informed his audience that the Irish question was very engrossing , but he never has been able to understand It. A good many older and wiser men are In the tame position , if they only had the courage to confess It. Ho also declared that the ron- rcscmtntives of Ireland in parliament Inul no Bcnsu of honor or shame and no thought for the welfare of their country. The veri name of patriot shrank in connection vvitl Mr. Parnoll. Wall crowed , young bantam. Perhups a wan smllo crossed the weary facu of Mr. I'aniell as ho read thcso words. It Is something to huvo one's speech reported , however briefly , at the ago of twenty-one. It Is a bo ginning. Whether the now Dlwraoll wil como to anythlnir or not remains to bo scon At any rate , ho will have an easier start than his uncle. There will bo no luak of helping hands stretched out to him. Of cour.se ho will desire to enter parliament , uml the waj will bo smoothed for him. When Benjamin Disraeli tried to get into the house every body was opposed to him , including his own relations , ono of whom condemned it as the maddest of ull mad acts. As Disraeli wrote and told his sister ut the tlino : "It is not very often , perhaps , that help or encour agement comes from one's own rola tious when it Is most needed. " Disraeli's sister believed In hlui , hut we huvo no record of tbo opinions of his father or brother. Ho ' got Into parliament In spite of all obbtaclcs'and on his first day lie took ut Ins seat immediately behind Sir Hobcr Peel , on , the second bench , the place which Is usually occupied by some old and well-tried friend of the party if uot a minister. "Tou jours audaco" was the motto of Benjamin Disraeli. People laughed nt first , but thej soon began to see that they bad a formldabli power to reckon with , "Next to unttoubtec success , " wrote Disraeli to Ills sister , "the best thing is to make a irrcat noise , am many articles that are dally written to an Bounce my failure only proved that I have not fall * ! , " It uiny U ) that Cou ngsby Dlsraclln bears this In mind. Ho is determined to make a great noise. Well , ho will have every opportunity , although the appearance even of genius vould not now make n stir. Are there , hen , so many geniuses among us ! Scarcely his , hilt the level of mediocrity is higher han it. was , nnd people are contented with t nnd sometimes mistake It for run. Sacrco , who would not laugh nt "Vivian Gray" If it vero produced now. Novels far cleverer than most of Disraeli's are published all the year round nnd scarcely obtain passing rccognl- ion. Young Coningsby musl not expect to nko the world by storm. That world s moro cynical nnd blnso than it was when his uncle rose above the horizon , tluch speaking nnd writing have deadened ts perceptions moro. The people arc getting ust n llttlo weary of parliament Itself. There remains but ono paper m London which even professes to report IU procccd- ngs , and not u dozen men can make sure of icing fully reported. Everything ; is changed. Success In any career' is more difficult to attain , nnd the crowd becomes inoro unman ageable every day. It. is not ono or two clover speeches or looks that will make a man's rep utation In thcso days. A long sustained effort and the concurrence of ninny Jfa.vorn- i\o \ opportunities are requisite to bring that result to pass. Thcso are truths which wilt come homo souio day to our young debutant if ho docs not realize them now. Meanwhile everybody will wish him good luck and watch his progress with friendly Interest. A MUMUEH oi' PAHUAMIIXT. PAIUS1AN POINTS. A Plan on Foot to Ilcopcn the Expo sition Next Spring. by Jamu Oonloii IJemisU.l PAUIS , May 18. [ Now York Herald Coblo Succml to TUB hen. ] The weather Is de cidedly playing us false this year so far , nnd nothing but leaden skies , storms and throats of storm , which , when they combine to cool the nlr nnd leave us with n muggy , heavy at mosphere , without a ray of sunshlno to en liven the crowded streets , dispute this un fortunate circumstance. Paris is visibly fill ing , nnd the wonder Is whore the crowds of foreign and provincial visitors will find n place to lay their hcaus. Every thoroughfare is so crammed with carriages that the tusk of crossing roads Is moro risky oven than usual , and it is a common thing in n street like the Hue Palx to have to wait ton minutes before ono dares to chance a rush with one's jifo In ono's hand through a continual procession of cabs , coaches and private carriages. An idea was started this week , In con sequence of the unfinished state of the ex hibition , that after closing during the winter months it should re-open next spring , th o government Inviting the monarchlal nations who declined this year to take part. The suggestion , started by the Herald , has been warmly taken up by u portion of the press , and it may become u reality , thus affording many foreigners prevented this year the opportunity of seeing the great show. So far as outside attractions are con cerned , the managers of theaters and other places of amusement hold to their determi nation not to offer too many novelties to foreign invaders. Esclarmondo is a notable exception , and , barring this , nothing is worthy of.notlco so far'savo "Trap Aiuio , " a three-act comodi bouffo produced at the Cluny theater. There is nothing strikingly novel in the plot , the main idea having been mndo use of by playwrights Innumerable. The hero is u genial old bachelor , who de cides to become a benedict , and devotes his attentions to a young holrcss. She is willing , but the ladies who possessed the previous affections of the suitor are nwaro of being ousted from their place in his heart. Ho is obliged to dcvolo most of his time to thwarting their designs , and consequently netrlects his promised brido. Meanwhile a youth comes along , who , finding the coast clear about the heiress , steers his bark into those waters and induces her to cancel her previous engagement. Judging from what has been allowed to leak out concerning the evidence collected by the high court of commons , the case against General Boulanger is far Irom being a stronir one. The other day a Journalist was examined in roforeuco to an Interview ho had with M. Laguerre , in which the latter hinted that In the event of the next chamber being Boul- angcrlsl and meeting with any resistance from the senate and president , a coup do force was possible , declared that the words attributed to M. t-aguerro were authentic , but that Boulanger , whom ho questioned on the subject , refused to give any opinion on what his supporter hail said. SUNDAY VIOLATORS GO FKBE. Seven Hundred CIIHCB Dismissed Against Saloon Mon. CINCINNATI , May IS. Judge Ermstcn , of the pollco court , to-day dismissed 700 cases of arrests made hist year for the violation of the Owen ( Sunday closing ) law. but said ho would not have done so If ho had not reliable Information that prominent citizens would cause arrests to-morrow in cuso there were violations. The mayor upon being notified of the action of the Judge , expressed surprise and spoke of it us n icllectlon on his oftlcers. Ho declared ho would not now order his police to made arrests , and added that if the citizens asked to have arrests made , they would have to accompany the pollco Into the Miloon nnd also go to the court and make the charges. The mayor has received a written notice from the attorney of the law and order leuguo that that body will expect him to en force the law. Thorn in likely to bo a con flict in cuso arrests are made on the quebtlon of the right of the prisoners to release on bail on Sunday. 1'IIK WUOXG MAN , Shot Fatally by un Exalted Pollaomnn In Jollct , III. JOUET , III. , May 18. A man named Barry Koehlorwhile crazy with drink , ran amuck through the streets of thi * city last night. In his courbo ho shot and seriously wounded a young lady , Miss Delia Hart. A crowd gathered and began to search for him among soina freight cars. Just then a freight train moved past , and at the open door of ono of the cars the man was seen , The crowd called out that It was Koehlcr and an ex cited iwllcoman fired ut him , Inllictlnga fatal wound in the head. Then It was discovered tlmtthu ueunded man watt not Kochlor , but William Hanson , of Chicago , on his way to Oklahoma. Koehlcr was captured this morning. The Kaiibiitt Umiry Law. Toj'KKt , Kau. , May 18. [ Special Telegram to THE 131 E.I The governor has designated May 25 as the day when the uew interest and usury law of Kansat , enacted by the leg islature In February last , Is to go into effect. According to the provisions of the new Ian tbo contract rate Is limited to 10 per cent , instead of 13 per cent , ab heretofore , and the legal rate to O.por cent. The penalty for usury Is a fortelturo of double the excess of Interest tauon. The new law , It Is said , Is not very satisfactory to the eastern capital ists , who httvn hciMi Investing largo sums ol money lu rcul cstuto morlgayca in thb itate. HOW NOT TO DO IT. The Problem the Government Laid Awake to Solve. WHAT PEOPLE DIDN'T WANT. Was Very Gratefully nnd Gra ciously Given to Them. A PERVERSE ADMINISTRATION. Abram Hewitt's Non-Partlsan Un biased Opinion. AN INTERVIEW WITH PALMER. Ho U DnllKhtca With Ills JAppolnt- men 'iil In liovo With IloJ mnntlo Spain How Uo Regards Hewitt Unbosoms Himself. fCopi/rfuM JSSJ/jj / ; James Gordon UcnnM. } Loxnox , May 18. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THE Br.n. ] Ex-Mayor Hewitt leaves London this morning to Join his family In Pnrls. In speaking or the death of Allen Thorndlko Ilico , ho said : "Mr. Uico was cm inontly fitted to bo n foreign representative of the United States , and his death is a loss not only to his friends but to his country. Ho did not want the appoint ment of minister to Hussla I know , nnd It Is rather surprising that ho accepted it Ho would have lilted to bo ap pointed to England , but no ono scorns to ' hnvo got what ho wanted. Held 'did not want to go to Paris , Grant did not want Austria , Lincoln did not wont England. The administration scnms to have laid uwako nights trying to find out what people did not want , so that it could give it to them. Murat Ilalstead did want Germany , 1 bcliavo , but the administra tion said that ho couldn't ' get it , for the sen ate objected. " Ex-Senator Thomas M. Pal mer , of Michigan , the newly chosen United States minister to Spain , said to the Herald reporter : "Wo remain in London for a week yet , probably , nnd then go to Paris and stay there about the sumo length of time. I think that wo shall reach Madrid In she first week in June. " In using the word , wo , Mr. Palmer included besides himself Captain B. F. Hamilton * of the United States army , who holds an appoint ment from the United States ns military at tache to the legation nt Madrid. When asked concerning his family , Minister Palmer said : "I did not bring my family with mo , neither did Captain Hamilton bring his. Wo want to make some preparation for them in Madrid first. We expect they will Join us in July , possibly in Juno ; that will depend somewhat on their ability to secure passage over. The steamers will all bo so crowded that the matter may bo attended with some difficulty. " "Aro there any questions now disturbing the relations between th'o United States and Spain ! " he was asked. "Nono at all , I think the corrosporfdonco is all in regard to commercial matters , and is entirely pacific. " "Was it not publisnod that you hosllato about accepting your uppolntmontl" ' I should not bo surprised. I had assur ances that I could bo elected to another term in the senate , but I did not want to go back for six years. When I was n senator I could Und no time ontsldo of my duties. I had no leisure at all. I made up my minii that I would retire , and have some leisure. My appointment to Spain came unexpectedly and In a way so flattering that I couk' ' hardly refuse it , so I accented. I can say truly that there is no foreign appointment I would prefer to the ono I havo. When I was a boy six boys of us went to Spam and spent several months there making excursions. No little senti ment entered Into my willingness to take the oftlco I have received. " "How have President Harrison's foreign appointments been received in America ? " "With the exception of mine ( this with a modest smile ) all are universally approved. " "They then have been very good ? " "I think sentiment prompted tbo appoint ment of Lincoln largely. Ho had no idea that ho would bo selected , and was not con sulted before the appointment was mado. I understand people are well pleased with his selection. They feel that too much can't bo done for a son nf Abraham Lincoln , who is regarded with wonderful affection by the American people. Mr. Lincoln has been tried and has not been found wanting , People rejoice to see him honored , I am cer tain ho will bo a very good representative hero. The appointment of Colonel Fred Grant is legardect in much the same way. " "Dou you think ho will bo president some day ! " "It Is the unexpected that happens , it Is said , and it may be no. Ho has shown no desire for office , and if ho keeps on in that way and exhibits no wish to bo president , the people nro quite likely to insist that ho shall bo president. " "Tha appointment of Mr. Epan to Chili Is severely criticized by ox-Mayor Hewitt. " "I understand that Mr , Egan is un able man , and the administration is not supposed to know anything about him , except as an American citizen. There mlcht hnvo been objection'made properly , perhaps , had he been appointed to England , nut mem bers of the national league sit in parliament I believe. Why should his belonging to the national league make him aa unfit repre sentative minister ! " Palmer expressed great regret nt the sudden death of Allen Thorndlkc liico. Ynnklon'fl Board of Trade. YAXKTOX , Dak. , May 18 , [ Special Tele gram to THE BKK.J The Yankton board of trade was reorganized to-night , The following - ing officers wcro elected : George It. Scoupnl , president ; John P. Crennan , vice president , and F , J. ICahn , secretary. L. M. Purdy , J. I. M. Pierce , Frederick Schraubcr , E. P. Wllcox , William Powers , F. J. Kuho , New ton Edmunds , J , M. Fogcrby and It. J. Gam ble , directors , The board is composed of some sixty members. The officers are among Iho most active business men of the city and good work may bo expected. Bull UOJH l ? r Tramps. LIMA , O. , May 18. [ Special Telegram to TUB HUE. ] It Is understood hero that the Standard Oil company has placed un order In Pbiuulclphia for 200 bull dogs , which will bo used to guard Standard tanks in tbo Ohio fields against tramps. Numerous fires have bcci , caused by fire from the pipes ol tramps , ami It U thought bull dogs will keep them uv.ty. BKCUETAS'S fiACIUKCR Ills Valuable Art Collection to Bo Sold nt Auction. ICopyrtoM itfattv JamaiVonlnn Ttcnnttt.t PAUIS , May 13. fNow York Herald Cable Special to Tun BBE. l-U ; Is now certain that the celebrated Socrolnn collectionwhich has been so much spoken ol during the last few weeks , will be disposed of by public auc tion. Upon the failure ot this enterprise , In which ho was personally responsible , Socro- tan placed in the hands of his credit ors all his private property , his gal lery of pictures included. The ludlclnl liquidator has determined to rcallzo everything as speedily as possible , On Juno 11 his splendid hotel in the Hue Moncoy will bo put up at public auction , while the sale of paintings and objects of art lias been entrusted by the liquidators to txvo of the most important .firms of art dealers Boussod , Valvlon & 0,0. nnd Charles Scdcl- moyer. Tlio sale will take place the first week of July. About two hundred modern and ancient canvassers figure In the catalogue , the feature of which will bo n largo number of works by great French colorlsts. The gallery comprises also many unique col lections of works by Mossiouior , conslstlngof twenty-four oil and seven water colors. The paintings of old masters are also well repre sented on the list , bolng the names of Joshua Hcynolds , Hembrant , Rulsdaol , Kobonn Vnndormeer , Do Delft , Paul Potter , Tenters Torburg , Ostado Motsade , Pretor do HOOK , Gorad Dow , Guyp , Greuzo , Patcc Drouatas Frogohnrd , Claude Lorraln and others , 'rho estimated total value of the collection is from 8,000,000 , , to 10,000,000 francs , the most valuable collection that has over been put up lu Europe. The dealers in whoso hands the sale Is will publish the cat alogue In French and English , in which will figure the most important paintings of the collection. DRESSED BEI2P Tholr Abolishment Explnttiod By Ono on the InRldn. CHICAGO , May 18. | Special Telegram to THIS Bni : . ] A railroad , man , who Is on the Inside , explains the abolishment of dressed bcof differentials as follows : "When the DO-cont ( basing rate was made , the Erie , in connection with the Chicago & Atlantic , made a 4tf-cent ! ) ! rate. This rate was also made by the Wabash. Not long ngo , when the rates were again under consid eration , the Erie agreed to raise its rate to 45 cents , but demanded a 45-cout rate over the Niagara frontier line of the Grand Trunk. Presldonf'ICing ' , of Iho Erie , un doubtedly did this to , divert traffic from the Chicago & Atlantic. .Such action had its le gitimate end in the Chicago & Atlantic fall ing into the hands of 'a 'receiver. The other roads tumbled to the plan , as did ' Chairman Blanchard. They all know King would not demand n' ' differ ential from tbo > Chicago & Atlantic , bccausp it would then carry a good share of the traffic. A coed many , hints were given King that ho could got a Chicago & Atlantic differential , but ho wouldn't ask tor it. If ho could have precipitated a rate war , as ho did last year , ho would have done so , but the other road saw his "plan , and wouldn't have budged n peg from the 45 rato. Thenyou see , the Chicago & , VAlanUo would have gobbled the buslnesV&nd faa receiver would have been appointed. " Judge Volney T. 'Mnlotto ' was to-day ap pointed rccoiver of the Chicago & Atlantic road by Judge Grosham. Receiver Malotto immediately qualified In bonds of $30,000. Ho was formerly president of the Indiana , Peru & Chicago road , which was bought out by the Lake Erie & Western. Ho is now president of the Indiana National bank , of Indianapolis , and vice president and general manager of the Union 'Railway company , of the same placo. COOU COUNT ! ASX'ljUBl SCANDAL , . The Spectators Shudder as Mrs. Dr. Alexander Testifies. CHICAGO , May 18. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. | The investigation into the condi tion of the Cook county insane asylum was continued in the county court this afternoon. Mrs. Dr. Alexandria , of the asylum medical staff , was the chief witness. She testified ns to the evils whfch political influence wrought in the Institution nnd to the advisa bility of having it and the poor house con tiguous. In answer to the question as to what sbo thought would bo thn boat thing the court could do with a woman declared Insane , if there was no other institution where she could be sent , Dr. Alexander re plied that she thought her friends should bo advised to care for her. "If she was homicidal or suicidal ! " "Nevertheless , I should say the same. If she should commit suicide she would bo hot ter off than to go thero. " A shudder went around thn court room as these sensational words wcro uttered. The doctor said there wcro fully 300 women at the asylum who ought to bo removed from the Institution , but there was not QUO in that entire number she would take the responsi bility of setting at liberty. After some further tes mony , In whlcn nothing now was developed , the court adjourned till Mon day. A DUUTAlT MUltDian. A Itlo Grnndo Kncineur Brained With n Coupling I'ln. PUUIU.O , Colo. , May 18. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ! Henry Bahrcnburg , ono of the oldest engineers pn the Hlo Grande road , was killed this morning at 4 o'clock , after coming In off the west run. The deed was committed with a coupling pin in the hands of some unknown party. He was struck In the bacK of the head Just as ho stepped from the roundhouse door.and fell forward on his face , striking a rail. Jle lived but a few hours. J. F , Frazlep the night fireman , has been arrested for the dbcd. About a week ago Bahrenburg and Frazler had a fight , in which tbo latter uf88. "badly worsted , and there is seine other cii oumstantial evidence that points to Fruzler's guilt. Bahrenburg was a largo and power ill man , thirty-four years of ago , and was donfiorous in u quarrel. A DK.VIj CONHUMMATIOD. Tlio American Bleat Company and the Cattle TruBt-Comhlnc. New YOIIK , May ItL-rTho adjourned moot ing of the representatives of the American Meat company aud the directors of the Amer ican Cuttle trust met to-day , and tno deal be tween them wa'i finally consummated. A contract for a term of years was drawn up and signed by the controlling powers of the two organizations by which the meat com pany will handle the entire product of the cattle trust. Senator Dorscy , ono of the moving spirits of iho meat company , said they hud effected a traltlo agreement which practically makes the American Meat com. pany the agent of tba cattle ti-u t. A I-'atuI Street Fight. LITTI.K HOCK , 'May 18. A telegram Just received from Forest City , Ark. , says D , M. Wilson , sherjfiof St. Francis county , Frank Folbro , city marshal , und Thomas Purhain , were killed m u ttrcct light yesterday. A HOWL IN BERLIN. The American Commissioners Get ting What They Want. EUROPEAN PAPERS COMPLAIN. They Accuse the Germans of Fool ish Generosity. DRAWING TO AN EARLY CLOSE. With the Exception ofDottvUp , Matters - tors Are About Settled. PROGRESS OF THE MINE STRIKE. The Government AViirnH Kmploycrs Tlmt They Must Grant Just Do- mnmln or Certain Privileges Enjoyed Will Uo Cut Off. The Snmnan ConDurcnan. tCopi/rfo/it / I8S9 7)j/ New York Atmcttitctl Prwu.l BBUUX , May 18. The fourth session of the Satnoan conference was hold yesterday. The meeting was called to order shortly after 2 o'clock by Herbert Bismarck , who presides at all the meeting , in accordance with the established custom that the highest representative of the government of the country in which n conforcuco Is held shall preside. The proceedings were almost en tirely formal. They consisted chtcily in lis tening to the reports of the various subcommittees mittees which hnvo been holding dally ses sions ever slnco the conference ) mot. At those meetings the real work of the confcr- cuco has bean transacted , and as nearly ns can bo learned the American commissioners have succeeded in carrying every important point they set out to obtain. Indeed , so pre valent is this feeling in Berlin that the Ber lin press and other influential papers lu Ger many complain of the success of the Ameri cans. cans.While While the greatest secresy in regard to the proceedings Is maintained , and hereto fore nothing much bayond the fact that the meetings have been hold was known , it can now bo stated that excepting the question of indemnity for the Gorman sailors killed and beheaded by the S.uuoans and ono or two other minor point ? , the work of the commission is over. It Is thought the res toration of ] Mallctoa to powbr Is assured , and that the plan for a trl-partlto govern ment in Samoa , for which the American commissioners contended against the Ger man plan for ono representative selected by the three powers , will surclv bo put into effect. It Is also moro than likely that the commission has decided In favor of the ab solute Independence of Samoa as soon as the people there demonstrate tholr ability to go alone. The indemnity question IB yet to como up. It may. proloug , tha..ucotlnga , egiue weeks , buj ; this is'believed to bo the only point on which there ( s likely to bo a serious contest. The question of Klein's connection with tno affair in which the German sailors wcro killed , has never como up , nor is there- any likelihood of its doing so. Neither will the commission hear testimony of any kind , During the greater part of the meeting of the conference and the committees the only points of difference have been between tbo Gorman and Amoilcan commissioners , the attltudo of the English members being neu tral. TUolr influence generally has been cast with n yiow to settling the question as expo- dltlously as possible. They have , however , been strongly m favor of having a protcstant in power in Samoa , which Is thought to indi cate tholr preference Mallotoa , who was trained in an English protestant college. It Is rumored the plan agreed upon is that America , Germany and England shall cacti appoint representatives , and that three moro members of the board of control shall bo chosen by the rate payers. No liquors shall bo sold to the natives , although foreigners ran have svch stores as thov chose lu their private houses. Flro arms are only to bo sold to the government , nnd then only under cer tain restrictions , which prevent their use except for keeping peace. A plan for giving thoSamoans a revenue has also been dovlscd , which provides for the re-establishment of their right to Impose- import and export du ties , which right is taken from them by the existing Sainoan treaty. It is understood the representatives of the tliroo governments have expressed confidence of being able to obtain from their government this concession to help the Samoaiib. To a representative of the Associated press , who called oa him to-day , Mr. Phelps said : "J'ho proceedings of the confcrenco I can not disclose , but I may say through you to America that nothing is interfering with the successful conclusion of our labors but the cry of the European press that Germany Is giving up everything. This charge is per sistently made , and is naturally irritating our co-laborers. Moreover , it is not true that mutual concessions are not made. Still , Germany is moro willing than America to yield anything that would insure Samoan independence and glvo the natives a better chanco. This is the prime Impulse of the German as well ns of the American dele gation. The best indication that the conference i s nearing a successful close Is found in the fact that the emperor has Invited all the members to a reception at the Schloss on Monday , Only a few days ago the delegates were informed that an audlonco could riot bo given earlier than the 27th inst. The proceedings at yesterday's sitting showed such progress toward an assured settlement on every point that Prince Bismarck decided to expedite the reception , The emperor , impatient at the delay in bringing about peace between the miners and tholr employers , has directed the presi dent of the province ot Westphalia to convoy to the mining companies his emphatic desire to accelerate a compromises. It is reported that the president bus resigned , tbo em peror blaming him for allowing af fairs to drift and also for send ing out false alarms as to encounters between the strikers and tbo military. Dr. Hintzpcter , who is now , by command of the emperor , making a tour of the strike dis tricts , In order to hear both sides , is charged to warn mine owners that the government will resent their action If they refuse to grant the essential claims of the men. The power of the government to muko the nm- ployors feel the weight nt its displeasure lies at hand. The mine owners have obtained durincr recent years many favors. They have secured special turliTA throughout Ger many , and have bcc.n granted low freight rates to Hamburg , Bremen , Belgium , and Holland , In order to enable them to compete with English coal , These privileges are readily assailable if the compuulgs arc con tumacious. Whllo the state of the mines is most prosperous , the condition of the men is yearly moro wretched. The bourse quotations show an enormous advance in shares. For Instance , the Dort mund union mine shares hnvo risen M per cent within two years , nnd meanwhile some of the men at Dortmund hnvo earned n beg garly 12s 01 weekly. Ileccntly the owners have withdrawn some allowances hitherto granted to the men , nnd hnvo Increased the severity of the Hues Imposed upon the min ors. For instance , there is the prnctlco called nullon , by which nothing Is allowed a minor for nuy carload of coal which lacks full weight. The owners sell this coal , but the man working under ground , often naked In a temperature upwards of twenty degrees Hoaumor , which is common to the deep Westphalia pits , gets nothing if tho. car Is notqulto full. Criticisms on the alleged violent phrase of the emperor to the workmen's delegates , that If they resisted the troops ho would have nil of them shot iLasso cr nllcs uobcr don liaufcn schlcsscn ) led to a seml-ofllclal denial that the emperor made lisa of n pliraso which bane fair to become n historic Illustration of his despotic disregard of the loaf of the masses. The ofllclal version of the sten ographer pivscnl docs not contain the words. The delegates sav that the emperor , striking the pommel of his swonf , warned them that ho could make them feel his power If they resisted the authorities. His subse quent assurances of sympathy softened the severity of the warning. Hcrrcn Llebknocht and Bobol invited the delegates to confer with the socialist mem bers of therolchstac , but they declined , having noted the emperor's remarks : "Don't associate your movement with the social ists.11 The building trades strike In Berlin is ex tending. Many of tlio workmen have given their masters until Monday to answer their demands. The climax of the movement will probably bo reached In June , several of the largest workmen's associations having post poned the general strike until then. Publlo feeling Is becoming moro nnd more pronounced in favor of the men. The puraly- RS ! of the iron nnd steel industries consequent quent upon the lack of a sufficient supply of coal , intensifies the fooling of discontent ex isting outside of the coal district. In the event of the failure of a speedy settlement of the trouble the government will convene n conference of employers of workmen , under a neutral president , which shall bo em powered to arbitrate on the differences. In the reichstag , to-day , when the aged workmen's insurance bill cumo up for a third reading , Prince Blsir.arck made an acrid speech. Ho said he was not surprised that the socialists , the frcislnnlgc party and the Poles opposed the bill , but ho had not expected the conservatives would assume nn costilo attltudo toward proposals affecting the innermost depth of the whole empire. In concluding , ho said : "I wish the bill to bo disposed of before the next election , for no ono knows whether wo shall have as much leisure next year as now. I beg the conservatives , imperialists and nationalists to frco themselves from the socialists , Polish , Guolph , French and frclsinlpo parties. " After a reply from Herr Bamborger the house adjourned. . Prince Bismarck's Sp'peaPls lilic'ly to in duce the government groups to glvo warmer support to the measure. The opposing na tionals and ultra-conservatives will - again re frain from voting , leaving Prince Bismarck to rely upon the former majority. Prince Bismarck will entertain n largo number of members of the reichstag at a fruhschoppcn on Monday morning. Tlio bundcsrath has approved , without al teration , article four of the penal code , em bodying m the common law provisions hitherto specially applicable to the socialists. The government will not venture to test the rctchstag on the code during the present ses sion. sion.A A hurricane , on Thursday , swept over Saxony , Lesso and ThurlngI , accompanied by torrents of rain. A number of bridges were destroyed and some lives were lost. A SBNSATIONAh OHAStGE. A Nlcco of Jeff DavK Accused ol'I'ois- onlni ; Her IliiHbnncI. LONDON , May 18. Mrs. Mnybrich , u nlocc of Jefferson Davis , and a French Canadian aristocrat by birth , has been arrested at Liverpool on tlic chargeof poisoning her husband. Maybrich's brother Michael , known as Stephen Adams , musical composer , and other relatives hesitated to act on the reports circulated ns to the cause of her husband's death. To-day a county magis trate , Colonel Blddoll , accompanied by the chief of pollco , wont to Muybrlch's resi dence , They wcro told that the lady was ill Ir. bed. Medical men ware summoned and after an examination they pronounced her fit to hear the charge- . Her sister demanded to know the nature of the evidence. The chief of pollco responded that lie had grave evidence that the woman had given arsenic to her husband from time to time. The ofllclals wont to the bed room where the wo man lay , haggard , but composed. Tho.mug- istrato directed 'that she bo removed to Klrkdalo Jail , where she Is now ationded by doctors and u nurso. The cuso hnti caused a great sensation. The American * Dined , PAIIIS , May 18. [ Special Cablegram to TUB BEE.J Premier Tirard and ull the min isters and several foreign diplomatic repre sentatives , attended the banquet given in honor of the cabinet this evening by the del egates of the American republics taking part In the exhibition. Mr. McLane , the retiring United States minister , who presided , said that the exhibition would stimulate tbo In dustrial activity of the world , and tightep the bonds of friendship between the Ameri can ropuqlio and Franco. M. Tirard , in the course of his reply , expressed regret at los ing Mr. McLane. M. Spullor and the Argon. tine and Mexican ministers also spolco. Ron thorn I'rcRltytorliin Asnomlly ) , CIUTTANOOOA , May 18 , The Southern Presbyterian general assembly to day had un animated discussion on the question of what disposition to make of the report of the committee appointed to qonfor with the committee from the northern assembly in regard to the union of tlio two churches , Finally the report was loforred to a committee , which will report ( Tuesday. HtcaniHliip Arrival * . At New * ork The Celtic , from Liver pool , At Quconstown The Umbrla , from Now York. At Uotterdam The Vccndam , from Wtiw York. At London Tlio Missouri , from Balti more. Arrowt of a ATLANTIC , IB. , May 18.--I Special Telegram toTiiBjiBc. ] Sheriff Jones and A. Block , returned from Dnvonport thlauvpplng , where they identified und brought back one Frank Hall , who passed a forged check on Block & Heyuian ten days a o , Hull la jii iho coiituy J.iil , ALONGDRAWN GROWL The French Exhibition TJnlvorsalo Is Neb Perfect. VERY HARD TO WORK A PASS. American Exhibitors Complain of Scant Courtesy Shown. THINGS IN A STATE CHAOTIO. The Exposition Will Not Bo Run ning Smoothly for Some Tlmo. FRANCE'S FINE ART EXHIBIT. Her Display , ns Expected , n Credit to Her Genius nnd Chnrnctorls- Uo American Work linok- lii In Originality. A Discordant Note. [ CotwtoM tsto liu Ktw Vmh .liuocfiital t'rtM.1 PAIIIS , May 18. Americans coming to the exposition need not make excessive hoato. Although President Carnet ceremoniously opened the exposition on the appointed day. It is , up to this writing , fragmentary. Tha great bolts in the machinery pnlaco have1 not yet stirred a lathe , The movable railway which was laid in flexible routes nil through the grounds wan taken up on the eve of the opening to clear theofllclal path , It has , , not been put down aenln. Not ono section of the flno art oxhlblj tion Is complete. Only two catalogues nro out the French decennial and the Brit- Ish. Neither Is satisfactory so far as pres ent Information justifies an opinion. There is no good reason why American visitors should buy any catalogue except the Amer ican , unless they have n special reason for doing so. Various causes are assigned for the delay in ull the departments. The American commission alleges , so far as It is concerned , that on ono hand the 1'Toiica authorities have not furmshod the labor indispensable , either In the preparation of the show cases or the equipments of the rooms , nnd on the other that many Americans who applied for space , and a considerable number who shipped goods have not ap peared. If the averments of dibcourtesy and injustice nnd of disregard of reasonable comity on the part of the French direction , toward the American commission , ns related , to a representative of the Associated press by ofllclals , were frankly disclosed , an Inter national episode might bo created not want ing In the elements of grotcsquonesB. This word of warning should bo heeded by tha correspondents nnd the specialists of tha professions coming hero expecting the equita ble treatment common in our own country * Thcro nro no complimentary admissions. It Is said that this rule applies unoxccptlonally to all persons , native and foreign writers , uo matter how well known In their own coun * try. Even if their personal credit be nbova suspicion they cannqt ' procure any nlfqii loa unless they bring du'iy authenticated creden tials in writing. If his written credentials bo complete the applicant must wait several weeks for an acknowledgment of the fact tnat his right to special recognition is admitted. Then ho must hnvo two photographs taken , ono to be put In a private gallery of direction , mid the other to consti tute , with his name and function printed on it , his ticket of admission. After a fair trial of this circuitous and expensive road to tha assumed universal courtesy of the expos ! * lion , the Individual desirous of studying iti departments generally resolves to pay his 20 cents admlosiou dally and dispense with politeness decorated with red tape. Fine art Is a snlendld fonturo of the expo sition. The French exhibit , ns might bo ex pected , is brilliant and grandiose. The entire - tire exhibition , with the exception of curtain distinct qualities in the art of Holland , la evidence of the homugo of the supremacy ul Franco. The American exhibit , It must bo admitted , is entirely creditable to our national prldn 11 taken comparatively nnd only from the iuv lists' wuy of examining canvas. But with a country of unsurpassed scen ery , with a moral history deep enough to afford that ideal perspective cv- scntlal to art , and with Incidents to Insplro n legitimate scenic ambition , the American architect may bo said to bo devoid of na tional solf-rcspect , .Every other country proclaims to the asBomblagcs who gallics hero from all Quarters of the glebe tliat it ban n national story , u national luudncapq nnd a moral elevation. BCAUBD Till ; BIOAU8. A Hiso all Alone tliu Ijino in the Block MiirJcct. Nnw YOKK , May 18. On the stock ex change to-day the corner in Oregon Trans continental was mill in force and In the first hour stock moved up 20 per cent'to 55. Thcro was a Hood of stock offered at that llgnro , and the prlco dropped 5 per cant at a time , to 40. It later Bold at 89 , hut there was a demand for many thousand shares at that llguro and Itqulckly moved back to 411 , and at the close Hold at 42. The unlocked for discovery of u big short interest in Transcontinental made the brokers anxious about their short accounts In other stocks , and fears were ovary where expressed that the entire market was heavily oversold. The feeling was Increased by the course of St. Paul , which advanced five per cent oa an attempt to cover some short stock. Tlip buying fever extended to Atchlson and or ders to cover shorts in that stock caused it to advance sharply. Burlington moved up two per cent and Hock Island followed. The entlro bear contingent loft the Btrcot anxious about the future and they wait for Monday's opening with fear and trembling. Vlllard'a secretary i\ld that tlio fight for the control of the utock ut the election Is over , and that Vlllunl has 201,700 shurt'H out of a total of 400,000. , Ho added thnni will bo nothing now In the affairs of the company until the election at Portland , Ore. , in June , The other party , to which belong Elijah. Smith , Sidney Dillon , Kiodurlctt I ( . Ames ami other well known men , claim they hold the majority of tno sbuok nnd that Yillurd nunnot possibly vote 201,700 share * unices ha has issued fcomo of the remaining $10,1100,000 , of troesury Mock , In spite uf the injunction tlmt was Issued restraining such a proceed ing , The opponitlon issued u call for proxies this morning , and stated their policy to ho m favor of an amicable arrangement with the Northern Pacific , Ht. I'uul , Minneapolis & M.inltoba and Union I'aclllu , Including itu i-ounectlng line , the Oregon Railway & Navigation company. The call for the proxies is signed by Frederick L. Ames , Sidney Dillon , Klijah Bmlth , John A. Hair' ' and Samuel