Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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_ _
Jncob Door was arrested Inst night xt
his homo on Twonty-ilfth street , ( or
abusing Ma wife.
Widow Schultz , who lives in Orchard
FliU , complains that sixty-flvo of her
chickens wore stolon.
John Chest , who throw John Dillon's
tlttlo daughter on the ground , injuring
her badly , was fined $ ll.60.
M. Heal catcher for the Omaha hlph
icliool club , broke a finger while catchIng -
Ing , and will retire from the diamond
lor some time.
Fire destroyed the crraln shed nnd
itorcroom of Sonnonborg'a grocery
itoro at Twentieth and Martha , ycstor-
lay afternoon.
The residents in the vicinity of Thir
teenth and Vinton streets comnliiln of
.ho Impaired condition of the sidewalks
in that vicinity.
Ed Callahan was buried In a sand pit
it Florence , yesterday , by a caving
lank. Ho was taken out unconscious ,
sut soon recovered and was not Borl-
ntsly hurt.
Gertrude McCnffory , Infant daugh
ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. John McCalTery ,
lied yesterday. The remains will
50 interred in St. Mary'a cemetery on
The retaining walls on the north side
jf the Izard school gave way Thursday
burying the Missouri Pacific tracks
jndcr several feet of stone and dirt.
Oliver Anderson was given twenty
flays in the county jail , yesterday , for
the larceny of a watch from hie partner ,
John Martin , with whom ho was on n
In the absence of Justice Dunn , Jus-
ticoO'Connoll hold couit ; yesterday. The
saso of Blazior charged with obtaining
( foods under false pretenses was con tin -
acil to May i > 3.
One of the now granite drinking
fountains was placed in position at the
Jornor of Fifteenth nnd Farnam streets
pcstorday. It is hewn out of a massive
Douldor , and is decided artistic.
Andrew Johnson , who broke his log
rrhllo attempting to Rot on the dummy
it Thirteenth street Thursday night was
taken to his homo at South Omaha yes
terday morning. Ills other injuries wore
The mayor has instructed City Li-
jenso Inspector Turnbull to see how
many of the druggists of the city obey
ho order given in April , to keen a
register of the amount of liquor sold ,
the name of the purchaser and for what
purpose It was sold.
In the Homo for nged women , 2718
Burt street , at present the following are
greatly needed : One liosn , an ice chest ,
wash stands and small tables. In ar
ranging your homes for the summer ,
should you find any of the above or
Dthor pieces of furniture not needed ,
do not forgot this Homo.
I'crMinnl I'nrnirrnuIiH.
r John A. McSlmno has gone east.
Mrs. W. K , Kurtz is In Baltimore.
C. Huttorlleld , of Denver , Is In the city.
F. L. Buell , of St. Paul , is at tbo Murray.
A. P. 13rink , of Ccdur Rapids , is In the
J. D. Carpenter , of St. Louis , is in the
James M. Wood , of Rapid City , la at the
Pax ton.
Herb L. Goodrich , a Fremont merchant , Is
In the city.
L. R. Roscbrook , of Ottutmva , la. , is at
the Murray.
George H. Stoarnc , of Manchester , N. H. ,
Is at the Paxton.
Mrs. Julia A. Burkot , of Burlington , la. ,
Is the guest of nor son , Mr. H. K. Burkct. Manaaor ICimhall and family and
Director J. H. Mlllurd of the Union Pacific ,
have t'ono west.
W. N. Boatty , with S. A. Orchard ,
.loft last evening for , Wis. , for a
few weeks' fishing in the lakes.
Miss Anna Tlbbets , of Lincoln , who came
up to attend Mrs. I. N. Cornish's reception
on Tuesday evening , returned to-day.
John Smith , an old resident of Miles City ,
Montanu , well known to the Omaha people ,
is in town from Helena , M. T. , on his way to
the Sioux reservation.
Stephen Carmody , of this city , delegate to
the national convention of horscshoors' un
ions , which meets in St. Paul next Monday ,
leaves for that city to-night , accompanied by
K. Kennclmn and F. A. Calmbuck , delegates
from Denver and Kansas City , respectively.
i -
A Cominlflslon Company.
The Union Hay and Commission company
llled articles of jncorporatipn with the county
clerk. Silas D. I'llco , Charles H. Fowler and
W. H. Bridges arc the Incorporates. They
place their capital stock at $5,000.
Identifying a Buggy.
Mr. G. H. Comstock , of Harrington , III.
has arrived to identify the horse and buggy
which were stolen by his son and a young
crook named W. B. Crank. Ho proved satis
factorily that the property was his. Young
Comstock claims that Crank sold the horse
mid buggy unknown to him , to Homan &
Terry , the Thirteenth street liverymon.
Stnlo Olllccrs Inspecting.
Hon. L. G. Laws , secretary of state ; Hon.
William Loose , attorney general ; and Mr.
John Stccno , superintendent of public buildings -
ings , the three constituting the board of pub-
lie lands and buildings , came up from Lin
coln yesterday and spent the day making
their semi-annual Inspection of the Nebraska
nstltutu for the deaf and dumb at this place.
The .Tail Ucport.
Auditor Evans has nearly completed his
innuul report of the expenses of the county
( all for last year , but refuses to make It pub
lic until n matter relating to the keeping of
transient prisoners has been adjusted. It
will probably require a decision of the court
to fix the price which shall bo charged for
iccommodatlnfr United States prisoners and
tboso from other counties.
Guaranty Ijtmn.
The local board of the Guaranty Building
ind Loan association mot in rooms one ami
two of the Omaha National bank building
yesterday and elected ofllcors for the ensuing
1' follows : Hon. Gcorgo Holmes , jr. ,
president-O. ; P. Goodman , secretary ; K.
M. Patterson.treasurer ; Richmond & Leggo ,
ktiorucys. The following appraisement
committee was appointed : Gcorgo Loriro.
W. K. Fmdloy. Allison O , Androws. J."W.
Blaln of Minneapolis , treasurer of the nsso ,
elation was present , also A. C. Kynott , gen
eral superintendent of ugonts ,
A Frco Man Oiioo lorc.
H. C. Ferry , who was sentenced July 14 ,
I8SO , to servo a term of seven years in the
tute penitentiary for forgery , was pardoned
out last Thursday and Is now sojourning in
Omaha. The circumstances under which ho
committed the crimenro that while on a
spree with friends ho Rlgnod Ills name to a
check for ? 3o and Induced James Stephen.
eon , under misrepresentation , to cash it. At
that time ho was traveling Dalesman for n
St. Lnuis house , and well known in Omalit. ,
Stephenson lied him arrested and ho was
tried , bcutcnccd and convicted.
The Art Association.
The attendance at lha gallery In the
Drown building , Fifteenth and Douglas
itreets , yesterday was larger , both after
noon and evening , than on any former day.
It la encouraging to notice that the magic
ilip "sold" appears on tnoro than one pic-
tuio , nnd It looks-as though several of the
cnuvasca will have found now owners by
the time of thaclosoof the exhibition. Incandescent -
candescent electric lights have been put In ,
provided with white reflectors , which Is a
decided Improvement over ordinary methods
of lighting. No additions have boon made
to the catalogue , which will probably remain
the same as now until the end.
Pears' U the puroat and bout
Report Thnt Mr. llonetrntcr Bonglit
Bcnl ) Ijnlior Unfounded. , ,
The World Thursday evening printed the
report Ahat Mr.Rowvatcr had got Into trouble
with the union plumbers that were employed
on'TiiR 13KB bulldlngand that In consequence
twenty plasterers had struck and loft the
building. To tills the World adds Unit Mr.
Itosowatcr was after scab plumbers , and
had , telegraphed to Chicago for non-union
plumbers. This is n tlssuo of bane falsa ]
hoods , gotten up for the purpose of foment
ing trouble and creating discord among the
H Is well known that Mr. Uosowatcr hai
had no trouble with the plumbers , the plas
terers or any other mechanics on TUG Bco
The contractors for the plumbing on Tin :
BUR building arc In the Master Plumbers'
association , and in a contract with the
lournoymcn plumbers' union. Mr. Hoso-
A-ntor has no more to do with their plumbers
than ho has with the World printers. The
walk-out of the plasterers was merely to aid
the Journeymen plumbers in maintaining
their union. Instead of fighting the
Journeymen plumbers nnd sending for scabs ,
Mr. liosowater has endeavored , no far as it
lay within his newer , to secure them Justice
nnd fair treatment through arbitration. The
dispatch that ho sent to Chicago rends as fol
lows :
CMtAiu , May 10. Archer & Pancoast Co. ,
2TO Walmsh Ave. , Chicago : Husicy& Day's
men are on strike. Workmen substituted by
them are not competent. Journeymen gas-
fltters who nro out propose to finish your
work nt reasonable figures. Wo can not
afford delay. TUB Br.R BUILIMNO Co. ,
Per E. Hosr.WATr.u.
Archer & Pancoast Co. arc the contractors
For the electric light and gas lectures , nnd
lind sublet the hanging of these fixtures to
Hussoy & Day.
Tlioy Talk ot Contesting Jtitlco
Wakoloy's Opinion on AREtcsnincnti.
Judge Wakeley's decision on equalization
of assessed property valuations has thrown
the board of county commissioners Into con
fusion. The members nro considering the
advisability of taking an anneal to the supreme
premo court , "solely'for the purpose ; " says"
O'Kccffc , "of showing that the present law
Is dofcctlvo and should bo amended. It is
nil right , " he continued , "to talk about our
sitting as n court nnd hearing formal com
plaints In specific cases , but who will you
get to make the complaint. It
the board of equalization paid
no attention to individual assessment1) , the
greatest of injustice would bo done. 1 will
givn you n few instances :
"Last ' house turned
year , Boyd'a opera was
In at $4.000 , when It should have been $40,000.
Wo learned that n clerical error hud been
made by the assessor.
"Mrs. Clarkson's property appeared on the
roll at ? 1,000 , when the assessor intended to
put rtown ? 10,000.
"Tho CrelRbton tloek , Instead ot being
valued nt $1.800. as wo found it , should have
been S18.COO.
"All these were mistakes. Who is em
powered to hold the assessors responsible
sponsiblo for their clerical errors
except the board of equalization !
You will find that it is a very dilllcult mat
ter to induce one noighoor to file complaints
against another. As an illustration , suppose
you nnd I owned lots adjoining. I am as
sessed at 71,000 mm you $ oOO. I might ask
the board to lower my valuation , but would
not make complaint to have them raise
yours. "
Chairman Mount and Commissioner
Turner agreed withO'Keofo that the law
ought to bo so amended that the board would
have the same power in individual
property as it has to equalize values
by wards and precincts. Assessors
are often careless and sometimes
incompetent. Furthermore , the bond they
give of ? 500 amounts to nothing should temp
tation bo offered by heavy property owners'
to keep their value down low. The board
will consult ono or two good lawyers-before
deciding whether or not to appeal these
cases. . _
The Oinatia Street Railway Company
Contracts For the Motor.
Yesterday the Omaha Street Hallway com
pany let to the Sprague Electric Motor nnd
Railway company , of New York , a contract
which calls for nineteen motors and forty
cars , together with all the power machinery
and overhead wires to bo used on the motor
lines of the former in this city. It is
not definitely decided where the power house
will bo located , but it will bo built somewhere
In the district between Sixteenth. Twenty-
fourth , Izard and Grace streets. The road is
to bo in operation inside of ninety days. The
new method of transportation wilt probably
bo first applied in the direction of Hanscom
park , on the Farnam street line and In the
northern part of the city. A quarter of a
million dollars , exclusive of the cost of track ,
will bo expended in the enterprise.
T. GiiANauii STUAIIT , M. D. , F. R. S.
E. , Ordinary Physician to H. M. the
Queen In Scotland , Professor of Prac
tice of Physic in the University of
Edinburgh , writes : "Acute bronchitis
Is common , especially in the advanced
stages of Bright's disease , and tends to
pass into the chronic state , Phthisis
( consumption ) in its various forms is
found occasionally associated with these
renal ( kidney ) affections. It usually
proves fatal , while the renal malady is
yet in its early stago. " It thus becomes -
comes evident that consumption nnd
bronehitisaro Intimately associated with
kidney disease and Warner's Safe Cure
should bo taken early in the disease to
prevent the damaging inllucnco the
klunoy malady exerts upon the respira
tory organs. _
The BcHt Drilled Company.
Captain A. H. ScharfT , of the Omaha
guards , has picked an cfllclcnt drill corps for
the drill which will take place at the
Elks' annual benefit on Monday night next.
The names are as follows : Captain A. H ,
ScharlT , commanding ; sergeant-major , C. W.
Hull ; color scrgoant , L. A. Saunders ; first
sergeant , B.IH. McAllstcr ; second sergeant ,
E. A. Shorrill ; third sergeant , C. II. Wilson ;
fourth sergeant , C. F. Knod ; corporals , H.
E. Gary , F. L. Gregory , G. C. Fubyan , W. J. '
Foyo , F. H. Stone , W. It. Adnir , H. F.
Dally , J. S. Woodburn , M , L. Door and
Private \V. B. Ton Evck.
The guards had the pleasure of a visit
Wednesday night from burgeon General
Stone of tills Atntc. Ho made many com
plimentary remarks about lha company , ono
of which was "that ho had visited the state
and could say that it was the best drilled
corps lai had over noon.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder n ycr wle . A marvel of purity
itrenctu and wholtuomeuess. iloro economical
luan the ordinary ilndg. and cannot be old to
cpuiuetltlon with the multitudes of low cost
ihorlvrthjut alum or phosphate powder * . Sold
wn i > 'wae' <
' ' 1
Something of Interest to Close Buyers. Look * in our Show Windows and
see the Samples. Special Bargain Sale of .Men's Cheviot and
Cassimere Suits.
We will offer on Tuesday , May 7th , 500 suits of Men's Cheviot and Cassimere Suits at the astonishing low price of $10.00. These arc suits which
have been manufactured to sell for $15 and $18 , but we are overstocked on them and have decided to make a grand clearance sale of several styles in
cluding such well known makes as the Sawyer goods that are sold by Jobbers for more money than we retail them for. As to quality of goods
and character of trimmings and making , we can only say that they are in harmony with all goods that arc sold at at the Continental. In all , sixes , 34. to
44. Samples of the cloth or sample suits sent to any address free of charge. .
The public cannot attach too much importance to these two facts. A large stock is always necessary to a large business and a large business
can only be built up on a low price basis. Our success is based on these facts. In proof of this statement , we will show in the Boys' Department this
week , a line of 250 Boys' Short Pant Suits , in two popular shades of mixed cheviots , strictly all wool and the most popular styles we have shown this
season. Thoroughly well made and trimmings unequalled , at the popular price of $4.50 per suit. Ages 4 to 14. The goods cannot be duplicated and
buyers will do well to make an early selection.
We will offer 50 suits of the above style in a choice mixed Cassimerc goods ( always sold in our stock for $9 and $ ioat the extraordinary low
price of $7.00 , coat , vest and knee pant.
We carry a full line of Three Piece Suits and will offer this special line at $7.00 , knowing that it is one of the best values we have ever offered.
Sizes 10 to 16 years.
will send packages containing suits of clothing , furnishinsr goods , cloths and woolens of nil kinds kept in our establishment , to any address in Nebraska , Iowa ,
Kansas , Daicota , Colorado or Wyoming , C. O. D. , giving buyers the privilege of examining goods before paying for them. By this arrangement people living in distant
towns can obtain every advantage of seeing any article of merchandise in ourstock at their own towns , examining the same before paying for them , and if not perfect
ly satisfactory , returning goods to us at our expense. Money for all amounts exceeding ! ? 1O may be returned at our expense.
Try this arrangement. For years we have sent goods all over the United States in this manner by
express with the most satisfactory results. You take no risks. Examine the goods , and return them
at our expense if they do not please you.
& 9
Corner I5th and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Largest Clothing House West of the Mississippi River ,
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated by the loRlslatnro in IHiK for
Educational and Clinrltablo purposes , nnd its
franchise inndo a part of the present Btata Con
stitution , in 187'J , uy an ovonvholmlng popular
take plnco Soml-Annually ( June and December )
JNG8 take plnco in each of the other ten mouths
of the year , and nro all drawn In public , at
the Academy of Music , New Orleans , IM.
"Wo do hereby certify th it wo supervlsa the
arrangements for all the Monthly ana Seinl-An-
nual Ijrawlngsof the Louisiana 8titu Lottery
Company , and lu person manage and control
the Drawings themselves , and that the saino
nro conducted uith honesty , fairness , and in
good faith toward nil parties , and HO authorize
the company to use IhiH certllicato , with fnc-
BlmlU's of our siguutuie.s attached , lu ita adver
tisements. "
We , the undersigned Hanks nnd Hunkers will
pavnll I'rizos drawn in the Louisiana State
Lotteries \\lilcli may be presented at our coun
ters :
It. M. WAfiSISIjUV. Pros. Louisiana Nat. Dank
1'lKUlin I.ANAUX. I'res. State Nat. Hank.
A. HALDWIN , I'res Now Orleans Nat. Hank
OAULKOHN. Pies Union National Hank.
At the Academy of Music , Now Or
leans , Tuesday , Juno 18 ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , $600 000
lOO.OQO Tickets nt 810 ; Hnlvos $20 ; Qum-
tors 310 ; Eighths $5 ; Twentieths J2 ;
Fortieths $1.
intr/n OP IMO.UOJIS }
1 I'lll/.IJ 01 ? KO.UOO 1H JOO.IKK )
1 1'UIX.K OK M(00 ) is . . . , . , . , H1.003
2 VM'/.fA OF liO.OOOnio < U(10i , ( )
0 I'IU7r.S OK lO.HJJare f,0OJ3
10 1'uix.m or r.o.oaro
as I'ur/Bs on1 sw ) nr8 MM O
HO l'KI8 ( ) ! ' MHare fcOX (
300 1MH/.R8 OI * IdOnru 120.0CW
H 1MUZ1J3 OK 400aro WXi.OOO
IflO Prizes of jj.iwi nro J100.000
lOOl'rlzcsof SOOnre fO.003
lOOI'nzesof 400 nro 40,000
Two Nu uiiiiTEitm.vAis. : '
1M8 Prizes ot jaw nro JTO.OOO
sTHl Prizes , amounting to. 82,100,000
l * J''on Ci.un llATES.or any further Informa-
lon desired , writs leclbly to the undersluued
clearly statlnsr your resilience , with HtiUo.Coiiu
ty , btreet and Ninnuer. More rapid return mall
delivery 111 be assured by your enclosing an
envelope beariimyour full address.
Address M. A. DAUPHIN. New Orleans. La.
or M. A. DAUPHIN , Washington , D. 0.
Hy ordinary letter containing Money Order
Issued by nil Express Companies , Now York
Kxchange , Draft or Postal Note.
Address Registered Lcttsn Containing Cur
rency to
New Orleans , La ,
New Orleans and the tickets are turned by the
President of an institution uhoso chartered
rights uie recognized In highest courts ; there-
foie , beware of all Imitations or anonymous
EchemeH. "
ONI ! DULLAIt Is the price of the smallest part
orfractlon of a ticket JSauiiU HV USln any
drawing. Anything In our name oliered for loss
tnau one dollar Is u swludta.
EXAM1NA ' 1'IONS ( or admliilon to VA8DAH CO
I.EOli will be held In tbli ctt durlnu ttie Ont week
f Juoe. ApplloauU for extulnutlou uliould notlf
1'Mldeftl bftore MAY illtk.
.ir % & ? m
A quiclc ami i > orrrmTiont euro piwruu-
tccod to these nfllicted with
Mercury and Potasli
Never Cure.
Wo challenge the production of acuso of
Syphilis in any of its sttigoB that
will full to euro. Consultution and Cor-
roaponuonco FREE ,
cull on ornddrcBB
1414 DodRO st - - - - Omt'.ha , Nob.
All Gcnito-Urninry diseases treated.
( Successors to John C. Jacobs. )
At thoolilstanil UK ( Itanium St. Orders by
telegraph solicited and promiitly atteudeJ.
olepbnnu to No. ii.
O. ' Ibe I.lqunr Habit , 1'otjltlTclCured
br Ailnilnl.lorlno Dr. llalucH *
tioldcu Hprelfle.
Hcunbo | > lvenma cup of colfoa or
cleaot fooil. wltlioutjlie knowledge of the pa-
leut ; It Is ubj.omti'lTi harmless , ana will ot-
feet a permanent unit tlieedy euro , whether the
patient is a inoderato drinker or an alcohol
wreck. IT NKV'J'.tt FAILS , Over IOO.OQO
drunkards Imvo bo-n made temperate meu wlio
liuvo taken ( jolden Hjecillu In their coifoo with'
out tholr kuowluilye , and tuclay believe ttioy
quit drluUnn ot tlia ! own accord. lj PJKO
book of partlcularu fiee. Knlm k Co , agents
Idth anU Dougltis His ; 18Di and Cumlni ; streets ,
Omaha. Neb. ; Council 111 utld. I own : Amenta , A.
You Do Not- Mean to
Tell us
that Isn't custom made : Why It's as flno
nutting suit ns auy man need linvo. I will
gotheieatouco and see what they can defer
for mo.
Dr. J. ,
la ( ho Trcalinciit of All Ciiruuiu , Nervous
a'.iil I'riviilo Diseases.
Bporranlorrhci n , Impulency mid KalllnK Mnnliouit
nb-olutolr cure I. A CMITU Kuiunnti'otl In all fitnus ot
1'rlrutu iJlhcant'.i , Mrkturoa. ( ilect , Itc. Cutnrrli ,
'Jluout , l.unita. niul llfitit Dli-uan'S , Uliouiniitl > iii ,
Bplnitl and l-finalo I ) | ouao , llluucl und bbln | ) | BLUBU <
trt-atuil Buccoujfully.
Jjullui' unil ui'iitloinon'B waiting rooms leimrato
aniliMitlr.ily pnvalo.
( kii ] ultiillMi freu. Boiul for bonlci , "Tlio D.irk
Fecrt't uf Mun , " ulin "Woiiiun ami llcr Dlhcanof , "
Ido I'ucli ( Biuinpo. Triutmont by currunpunilcncui
tunil 'lump for iv lily.
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science Sci
[ Gentlemen's Kelt entifically Made and Practically Applied.
with Susjiensory Klcffric , M&DSEASECUREDWifiiobT ! MEDICINES
' \ff\t I HBTO you Pain. In the Iliicli , Hip. , Unit or 1,1mb. , Nerr-
B \J\J ou. llclillllr. l.iiiiit > niro , Uenenil Ilcbtlllj ,
Kiliitltu. Dlwu.fnof Kl < lne lnal It ] cuH- . Torpid I.lrcr.Uoul , KxhauaUoa.
I iitl > iionH * Avtliniu * ItcRrt , Itnii * Kryfclpcla * . IndlKtAtlon.euknrMf Im *
1 potency. i.'nnirJi. lllc . 11 llrdrocclii Illood ll rne . Droptjr. rtc. then
' { fit Cnn bo applied to any part of tbe body.
steady nerves anil comrartablnalocp at nlaht. llobu'lliilK Milonnau , ino Knst ssthhtrcctNew YuiVptc.
" ' on. uonvc's EUCTRO-HAQ *
KUTIC IIILT pnnlllvily cure !
only ono latlio worMKcnuratlra KU , BIO1KY and riliauitlnK
nrontlnuoua r.ltctrio < t Jf agnrtu chronic dUcajtii of buthsexea.
bclcntlflc.rowcrful. Durably , Contain. 23 to 1 ( Ml rirurrci ot
, Comfortnblo nnd KlIccllTO. Avoid frnudu Klectrlclty ' " " ' * LUAUiMc-lfDtlio
. " " ' tlf1 ( * TMiwprfuLuU *
OverOOOO cared. tn _
AL8 I ELEOTJIIO 111:1718 foil - wTlii'Mals "ileltfc thu
"nnFrnnKCESi Any bnnlc , commercial nnfiicjr
] whoefiRlo ] liiiu u InClilcaf O } wholtB loUruggUUc jmlwtiona : ' > .Lki-ntirriui'esKU ion KLlTlIlUb
0K ) ( > turtd BcedBtampforllliutratcdpamDhlut. (
DR. W. J. HORNE , Inventor , 180 Wabash Avenue , Chicago.
Hardware and Cutlery ,
MecJianlcn' Zoolt , FiiieBronta Bull'.lan' ( tut Bnfnl
1405 Douglas St. , Omaha.
1513 Douglas St Omaha , Nebraska ,
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies.
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.
SucctHHOis to J , J , Hiirdan ,
1OJ S. 13lh St. , Corner Dodge Street , Omaha.
Guns , Ammunition , Fishing Tackle , Lawn Tennis , Base I3all ;
General Athletic and Sporting goods. All kinds or repairs.
Send for Catalogue.
jua Mii rxiMtii ! >
- .ullrcl'il'.l. l.i
ALIiftri , touiernllcim. lur-l. ( .cm
forl&tlciHfir4Ju llitDtll uirr. . b.rrr..rijl
wbertall otter uiutdlei Fl . loiuo t nr _
V. IIIBOOX. Htia llro. ! . , . ( or.l llk.-V . York.
CiLLM IVIlTKIu lU-mrjl BOOK < 4 CHIKJM , M111..M ) iUl T
Tft lA/CAIf ItuiTn-lnrfroiti thy cf
I II "t" ' Ml" N' * ' of youUiful r.
| U ' ilHgilrori'.riirlyilf a > . 't ' t'- . Join NnJ < * ( III * IW | < M tali
lonUlnlni full | nlcuUr. ( or Iiumu cur > , /no u (
' ' '
r'pftOF. F.'HI'FOWLER , Moodus , Conn.
VinUCVandaUurlimrrtruublPa easily. .
M Dll Lily and safely cured bvD'JLrrintACUp '
iiilei. Boreralcasoa cur-id In seven dnys. Sold
UJXloer box , ull UniggUts. or bv mall from Ho
uraMfuCo. lia WliHuiit. N.y. FnlldlrecllonH
1UW MWWHoyixcQMi oii AKTItllC
With BuMMiful Kin rl.r c-for NEW PIOTpHIAL
BAiABMi MOOIC itdJr. . . . .
AT UMU8 , > it ct d
vo57 * " . n K ouiiikTEK i.
_ lhU t | > rflfle purpcl * LUKE 0
-7 Will" , H rtm a , U > ll < iui lorrciU !
" /"Hr H.i"U l..11 k | > tu , ttttif
lall llk < flir < .uiHlrr..lli. Klcclllt
itl .t tl.ror t5.l ) | utuk.
* ' ) Uuiiltlt | ( . u4ui. K'i.rilciiiirit >
. .
n tud harteii icccrdlof tu tto w.lj-kt po
iu llr wrfl to rouvh ooufiity