Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Aa > erteemcnta | trader thu bend 10 c nt per
fcai for tne Brst insertion , 7 cent * for each sub-
peqoont Insertion , and 11//0 par lion per month.
If o advertisement taken for iexi than 25 cents
the first Insertion. Seven worn * will be counted
to the line ; they must run consecutively and
Bust bo paid In ADVANCK. All advtrtl e-
ents must be banded in before 12'M : o'clock p.
M. , and Under no circumstances vrfll they b
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Partle * advertising in theo column * and bar-
fng tholr anwers addressed In care of TUB III *
mil peao ! nk for a chock to ennbla them to get
their letter * , ni nnno will bo delivered except on
reentatlon of check. All answers to ailrer-
flsements should bo enclosealln envelope * ,
All advertisements In theo comma ! ) nro pnb-
ftlid In both morning and evening editions ot
Tim linn , the circulation of which aggregates
snore tban IfMl papers dally , nna give * tbn ad
vertiser * tne ooneflt. not only of the city circu
lation of Tun HUE , but also ot Council llluffn.
Lincoln Hnd other cities ami towns tnroughout
frlila section ot the country
Advertising for columns will bo taken
n the above conditions , at the following busl-
BOSH houses , who nro at thorUed agents fur Tim
r K Rpeclal notice * , and will quota ttie Haul *
rates as can be had at the main odlco.
JOHN W. IJKLL , Pharmacist , KB South Tenth
yf .J - _ -
C ; ItASE & nODV. Blatloncn anrt 1'rlntors , 113
South ICthStreet ,
6 TT VAHNSWOHTH7l'narm llst.2115 Cum-
, ing Street.
WJ. IIUQIIKS. I'D armacist. KM North 15th
" "
noTw. I'AUR , Pharmacist. 1809 Bt.
S ITllATION anted A llrst-class dressmaker -
maker would ilkn n few more customers ;
rntlsfactlon piiiiruntced ; prices reasonable.
Address It a. lieu olllco. _ 27JI 17t
" 1VANTKD , Situation by a young man ns
' drug clerk. Strictly temperate , Hefer-
cncos'nml bond as to honesty. Over four years
practlcnloxp'Tlonco. Wish to go before the
board in a few months. Address , " 111" Uoo
I1TUATION Wanted A first class bread and
cake linker. Address AM Ileo. 151 'JOJ
TKLIUUlAPHKHand stenographer wants sit
uation whore both arts am essential. Host
references. U us Hcmlngton machine. Address
jl 7. lion olllce. Siil-17 *
AOM1UMAN llorlst , speaks Kngllsh , wishes a
place In private family as Hot 1st. Aadross ,
1'lorlst , Atluntlc Hotel , W)7CO ) ! ) and 01 Ki. Hithst.
WANTKD Traveling salesman by steve
mfg house. Statnngo.expirlunco , acquaint
ance , terms , etc. Address W.ll W. , Ul A tun tor
Illdy. . Cleveland. O. 3HI 171-
J2.M par day nnd expenses paid any
T > reliable person to Buperlntend pontlng up
nilvertlHciiicuts of our goods. No talking re
quired. Address , enclosing S cent stamp for
particulars. Universal Supply Co. , HO Van
lliiicn Bt . Chicago. 111. _ Sltt lb *
WANTEIl An experienced driver , good city
rofoaences , for grocery. Call 131S. . 13th.
SOO 17 *
_ _
WANTED A man to devote one-half tlmo
to soliciting nnd ono-lmlf to employing nnd
drilling men : talnry 1T5 per three
months , thereafter 8100 ; must como well rec
ommended , bn of good address , and deposit
HIM. Call at room 511 , FlratNut. Hank llldg.
ANTKD Tailor , 2300 Cumlng st.
280 19'
W ANTKD At once , two young men for
light wofk nt $15 a vtceK : steady work all
Bummer. Itooin 17'JO N. llith. _ Ifr'i 17 _
AGENTS WAhTED-For the best Belling
Dock , "The Christian's Legacy. " Send for
circulars. Jl.OCO In cash pmes ottered. K. B.
Ilollfimi.-lO Dearborn St. . Chicago. _ 177-lltt
A UKNTS wanted to sell Harnaon nnd Morton
XX running the world , or the great political
donkey rnuzlo. Soiid'12 cents for sample in
stamps. Address Hobert Champnoy , 620 Pnxtou
block. Omaha , Neb. _ lll-J12t-
W ANTKD Good salesman to sell advortls-
Ing cards and novelties on commission dl-
rcit from mitnufactuier. You can make KQ per
\vpok. Address Advertising Specialty Co. ,
Bulfnlo.N Y. _ UJ7 13 .
< [ ! - " > WKEKLY Hopresentatlvo wanted In
< P every community. Goods staple ande llon
. igbU Absolutely new ; ' household necessity.
Ko canvassing Elite Mfg.Co. : , Pullman build *
ll. , . . 750
WANTED Agents Puzzle watch charm ;
most taking novelty out ; exact imitation
of "Pigs In Clover. " Blzo of nickel , gold plated.
Sample 15c. two IMc. doz , * 1 : stamps taken.
Btayner & Co. . Providunce. H. I. 7M J4t
BQl'S Am. IlBt. ) Tel. Co. . 130 * Douglas.
OKNTS wanted on salary , $75 per moutn ,
nnd expenses paid , any active man or wo
man to sell our goods by namplo and live nt
home. Balnry na't promptly uud expenses In
advance. Full particulars and sample case
free. Wo mean Just what we say. Address
Standard Silverware Co. , Boston , Mass.
tttO iii-l'J *
_ _ _
\\7ANTED-ABohts ; raaglo cigar llgntor ;
T T every smoker buys ; lights In wind or rain ;
lasts n llletline ; sample ISc , two for 'ic , dozen
ei , by mull ; stamps taken. Stayner & Co. ,
I'rovldence It. 1. _ 170-m2J
OAIiESMEN We wish a few men to s oil our
k ) goods by sample to wholesale nnd retail
tnulo. Large&t inanut'rs In our line. Enclose
2-ceut stamp. Wages W per day , Permnunnt
position. No pOftuU nnsvrcreiL Money ad
vanced for wages , advertising , etc. Centennial
Mnu'f'g Co. . Cincinnati , O. 614
WANTED A good girl for general houso-
work. Call at 1-JU7 N. 17th. 3-.W 17
\Af AN'lED-Aglrl about It , yours old to ns-
VHist with HgGt , hotuowork , 812 S 21th uvo.
cor lA'avenworUi st. _ J104 17J
nlX/'ANTED A young girl for general house
11 \ \ ork. No 2J3 H 24tn st. 305 17J
WANTED A lady of good nddi es.s , good
wnrdrobo , good references nnd ts to call
onTilias Dora McCarty , room fill , First National
bank : salary tti , ' > per month. _ " 01 10 ?
"TArANTED A strong neat girl for general
Tl housework. Family of throe. Apply
8121 Chicago street. _ 2 t-7j
\VANTKD f-ady for olllco work ; Ut-elnsa
T > dressmukur for prlvnto famlllos ; 3 girls for
ofllccrs' families , J2o ; llttlo girls to assistlin ;
ing room flrls , luimdrcHsos , cooks ttnd 50 girls
tor general housework. Mrs. llrugn , 314 8 lr > th.
r ANTKD A good cook. Mrs. Mor o , nortn-
cast corneC'-'Oth und Davenport st. STft 17 *
WANTBD-Good girl , In private family ; 823
HQlltn 22nd Bt. _ 2il'J-17
\ , \ ANTI5D A good girl for general house-
V > \\ork In a Mtimll family. Inqulr * at 2413 5
Jones hi. , _ -2JSI-17
" \XT ANTBU Girl to do general housework in
T > Herman family , 1DI2 S lilth. 2S2 17 *
IAD V agents average over * 10 a week with
Jmyurandnow rubber undergurmei't. Ad-
droaa. Mrs. H. F.Lltile. Chicago. 111. ; 'JI > lt
WANTED A' competent housemaid with
good rofercncas , by Mrs. H. . Kountzo ,
Forest I Ul SlUili at. 217 18t
V LrANTKD Iluttou-holo makers ,
\\rANTMU-A glrf for K'n ( > r l housework ,
V > aiajH iTthst. _ _ _ _ _ 171
\\T A N'i'KU At once.cood cook and luuudruss"
TT Mra.F. W. Gray.atit Doumns.B ft ! _
" \\7ANTKD-A competent filrl for general
V > hoiifuworic. one who can cook , wash uud
Iron where eucoud girl nud man are kupt ; good
w ages paid. Apply at Oi4 Boutli ltli at. 931
WAN'J'KU blilrt liuiJters. Ilia Farnam.
NGAGKMENTd to do driMUiniKlnz I n fam
lltos nollclted.Mlss Hturdy,2017 Leavenworta
soi m a.
_ _
Its M. Blimo fashlomiDlo dressmaking ,
moderatt ) prices ; cutting und fitting also
done. 317 N. 10th. 500 31 *
and board cheap for two In private
BOOM _ . ai8 Hurt gt. _ IP8
BOAHDH118 vtuntod at the Cozzona hotefaT
reduced rates ; the most pleasant ] location
in the city. M J Frunck. prop , HID
APATnTY'lrnvWiTlIoTtiOO worth of cnattola
\tluh08 to borrow M.IW ) on the sama. Will
pay s percent Interest pel annum S years time.
Aildreas. 11 12. llou olllce. _ 311 H )
ANTED A purchaser for a 112.1 mortgage
on Kan&uHlands ; alno K section Colorado
school land. K. H , ( lossoll. ix 60. Uth ut. . 3d
tlour. Omaha. HS yj *
tirANTHD-Anrono allllctnl witn any prl-
TT vate or chronic blood disease to call on
the National Iteinedy Co. , 1414 IKxltest. and In-
teiUtfjito th ur truattuect for private duordors.
WANTUUtnruul by family o two. un un
furnished cottage In wood condition con.-
taluluifOorTroom * ; must have ttrmsandlo-
c tlou to tecclvu anr atteutloa. Addruu U t\
HOU&K wanted I want to rant ft good house
ot 4 or 7 rooms at enc In good condition.
Must have yard and city water and other con
veniences If possible. Wonld prefer location
Boni hot Dodge nt. House must be also well
Iccatea for health and have no basement. Fred
K. Panborn , 17U3 St. Mary's aye.SM 17
WANTKD-Gontlemnn and wife . .
during the day desire rurnlsncd first lloor
front room ; prefer private home with yard and
shade. Address AH ) llco. W 17 * _
IIK.NT 8-room houo on cor. 15lh and
JU Lcavonworth. Apply Ur.Mnttloe,1003 Uodgo.
" \ . \ MNTED--A family to rent 4 unfurnished
V ? room * and board man , wlfo nnd child !
liberal otrar to right party. 701 N 17th st.
"IjlOH HP.NT 12-room homo and barn , nlco
J yard , very deslrablo : splendid locitlon for
roomers ; on cnbk < . J. II , rarrotto rental
nircncy.lfith and Dodge. 23H-2.I
Tflim llont-Thn-oroom house lu row of lot. 1
j. Enn.ulrn 1317 CnsM. 1KI IDJ
TTWll HUNT To family without children ,
JL' nicely furnished seven-room house , from
Juno 1st to Sept. 1st. 2020 St. Mary's avonuo.
-(0 (
HHNf-l-room modnrn Improved house
mtltnble for llrst class physician , none
In neighborhood. Apply M , Klguttor. 1112 H.
lOtnst. 2J < J 21
Foil linNT n-room cottngo. ntcs yard , city
and cistern wator.on pavomcnv and cnr line ,
Boutlienst corner of Uth nnd Arbor sts. 8 l 17
TjlOIl HUNT Kloven-room house with suven
-L rooms furnished If aoslrcd : or four to six
rooms , llrst lloor , unfurnished , KM Howard
_ _
"B10U KENT Several good houo * In good
Jt ! locutions. O , F. Davis Co. , lj < tf Farnnm St.
8JS 18
IjMIt HKNT A nlco six-room house , 3 doors
JU west of Walnut Hill school , for $33 to April
next. Or would take horse In trndc. Also , a
good young horse for sale cheap. 12. O. Merrill ,
Hamilton nml lUtroka St. , Walnut Hill.
TT1OR UKNT 8room housocentrally ; located ;
JL modern improvements. J. r. Uarton. " 010
Capitol nvo. 818-20 *
"VTINUroom houioon Dodtrost. . cable paiies
J-N the door ; liot and cold water , batn rooms
and furmcu ; runt $10 per month , FredUorth -
wick , 213 S. Itthnt. HI
TTIOU HKNT Tlio lower story of homo No. SOI
JL H. 21th ; ( rooms , 3 closets and a largo
kitchen ; hot. cold and cistern water ; sewer ,
pas and steam heat ; bath room , collar and
Inrgoynrd. S2 , > per montn. Itimilro un prem-
Inea. V70
FOR KI5NT New brick houses. 11 roorcs.wlth
every modern couvnnluiico ; on cable line ;
only tie per mouth. C. T. Taylor , cor. 14th and
Douglas , O.S
Oil HUNT An olovon-room houo. 221' Call.
forulu st. 71M8J
JIOlt HENT Cottngns , 6 rooms , 2S8 Charles
O st , und 152i S 15th st. lunuiro at room 212 ,
Shccly block. '
T710U 11ENT-A flat In Jho llor building ; 7
JL ? rooms , steam heat , gns and bath. Apply
to A. C. llnymur , hardware , luth nnd Jackson.
RENT S-rootn house with all modern
JP Improvmonts , Bt ! S 22d st. 248 iw
O NlCK7-room cottngosgood ; cellars.cisterns.
' well , good batn : convenient to school and
churclifcO ; per inonth for the summoj- . Apply
at oue. 0. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nnt'l bank ,
T710II UHNT Nnnt house cor 20th
JU and \Vool\vorth ave. Inquire ot O. U
Tzschuck , Ueo olllce. fit !
TTIOH KENT Ono ton-room and ono eight-
JL1 room house , all modern conveniences , ( test
part of city nnd within fi mluntu * walk of post-
olllcfl. Nnthan Shelton , 1501 Farnnm st. 91 }
I710U .HENr-Heaiitlful 8-room noue with
JO modern Improvements , splendid location.
Apply ntoncn , C. F. Harrison , Mer. Nat. Il'k.SCfl
TTIOK IlKNT Oood houses nt9.V ) . $40J,10ri5.$20.
JL1 uudS12 per month. If you wish to rent call nnd
see mo. D. V. Eholos , 2101st Nnt'l Hank. 7N
"IJ1OH KENT H room brick dwelling , all con-
Jl venlonces. 218 N. 19th st. --07
F ltENTFurnlsuod rooms. 22 N llth. )
315 23 *
"I710U RUNT Clean furnished rooms , cheap
J ? Also furnished front room , 007 S. Ifctn st.
- . SKMTt
XTICEIiY furnished room suitable for 2 gen
-L > tlenten or man and wlfe.iaa Karnam.noiao
NE\VLV furnished front rooms suitable for
gentlemen or ladles employed during the
day ; all conveniences ; board If desired. 2J05
Farnam. . ! i8-23 ?
" 171011 HUNT Furnished brick residence , 10
-C largo rooms , barn and cistern. 1-10 & llth
S71 21 *
K OOM for two with board , 1010 Dodge.X2
X2 18
FRONT and back parlor * sultnDle for man
nud wife , or 4 gontlomon. 007 tV. 18th.
203 S3t
furnished rooms for rent , with or
a.- * without board ; 1721 Davenport st. 2CJ-22t
"CIOII URNT Klegnut furnished oem sultablo
JD for two gentlemen , on bathroom lloor , with
board. 1UH Douglas St. U70 21 *
FOH HKNT A newly furnished room , gas ,
bath , etc. , prlco moderate. Call at 1716
Lcavonworth. 211 11)J )
T7IOR HICNT Furnished fclooplng room * . 807.
J3 KW Howard ; pleasant , shady ; * 1.7ii to ? 2.M
Aepk. . 240 13j
plUHNISHKD rooms , 113 8.20th , near _ Dodge.
TOOK UUNT-FurnUhed rooms , 22J9 Dodgo.
T7HJHNISHKD front bed room nnd sitting
-L room In private family. 424 North 17th st.
24'i 19 F
TOUltNISHED rooms with modern con-
JL1 venlences , on paved street and car lino. Z22J
L avenwortn. 197 2Ut
J1OH HhNT-i''urnlshed ' room with board ,
? only l per Week. l. 5 N.itth st. 10J-18t
TTOll 11ENT A nicely furnished large front
JL ropm , nil modern conveniences j for further
particulars call nt226 ! Dodge st. Itfij
A LAUO E south front room , ovury convon-
ciico. U blocks from 1 > . O. , 10 Douglas st.
THOU HEXT Nicely furnished front room
J with boiud.oll convenlonces.rjio Capitol nvo.
TJ10H UiNT-Furnl3hed : rooms vith or wlth-
JL1 out board for families and single men at
. tlca for the numtner mouths at the
" " " '
Co7xens TiotuVlM J l'Talicic ' , pro p" two'
TjlintNlSHKD front rooms 1810 Dodgo.
-I ? H77JS *
131OU UKNT Nicely furnli'hod front bed room
JL ? in cottage , IW per month 4Ut ) William utieot.
NICKLY furnished soutn i rent room. Every
conveuliico. It ) Douglas Bt. 077
POlt HKNT A pleasant room , only 0 minutes
vrulk from business coiilor , all modern con
veniences , cor Bt. Mary' * uvo. and 2uth or tU ) B.
> 0th. brick resldenco. 001
FKONT rooms , II upwards , on car line ; 1J10
MIHh. 44a
T71U11NI81IKD or unfurnUhed rooms for rent
JL' in Park Terrace , oilposlto Hanscom park ;
all raodern conveniences. Inquire Lee &
Mcliol , 28th and Leaveaworth , 4TJ
" "
IpOlt HKNT 2 fiu-nTshed""rooiil8 with gas ;
JU steam hent nnd bath room on game tloor. ill )
per month each. 2078.24th Bt. 076
TTUIUNIHHUD rooms by day. week'or month.
JO Bt.C'lalr hotel cor I'Jth and Dodge. 478
ROOM with or without board. 1BU Dodue ,
QUIT of 3 furnished rooms , modem conven
iences , 3 blocks from P.O. ; prlvato family.
A. Iloape. jr. , ISM Douglas. tn
TIOKLV furntabea rooms with board. Hot-
I croncoa exchanged. iVW St , Mary's aye.
1021 Hon-afdT'
LAIIOE front room with bed-room adjoining ,
handsomely fuinUhud. gas uud heated by
gtuiiHiltli ttsn ot bath room , In one of tne
handsomest residences In the city , without
board. Icunlro ti. w. cor , l&th and Leavouworth.
IilUltNlBHIU ) riionu , slncle or en suite , bath
1 and steam ; for conti only , IJI'J Howard.
) NICK south front rooms with every tonven-
t-J lence ; telephone lu house. IMS Capitol av ,
FOR HUNT Furnlah d room * slngl * or ea
ult . 1UW Dpuyla- . 7U
TiMU MENTult of 4 rooms unfurnUhedi
X1 with all modern Improvements , bath room ,
clonet , etc _ tiot and roll ] WAter , gat Uxtur s. to
furully without children. lUferenco required ,
W uorUi ITtU st. 1'rlco I2J. tit
TT10II RRNT Pleasant unfurnished rooms
JL'overlCOl Howard st. For ofllces or lo < 1glng.
4 Oil 6 unfurnished rooms for home seeping
for man and wife. 8in N 17th st. zUT ! 171
iron HRNT-t unfurnished rooms. KOI Wcb-
JL1 ster , sultablA for housciooplng ; price HteQ
Oil HENT-Frbnt oaicc , gJ'oUtid lloor , 310
S ISth. 2U7
ir < ( ) lt.HI5NT-CliOflp-New store , 2 x00 , brick
JL-1 basement , on good paved sU.miitnblo fur re-
tall grocery. Inquire O. Hnrtmau , N , W. cor ,
2itli and Dccnturats. 2KI
FOU IlKNTTwostorn * with flat
abovo. corner IBth and Mason fits. Inquire.
Mrs. Lnneo. tU ! S. ] 3th Bt. 17
IllOlt KKNT 2 tloors 2:2x9) : each , In brick btilld-
X1 ing. with elevator , cloio tn express olllco ,
clii-ap reut , just the thine ; for wholesaling , good
location. Apply to Ueo. lloyn , 1103 Farnam st.
I poll HUNT Store 2JxCO ; 1118 Jackson st.
' Enquire 1114 Jackson. 441
TTOll HUNT Store and livins rooms on Cum-
JL1 Ing street ; also homo on Cos * st. Harris It ,
K. A I. . Co..lloom ll 1st Nat , bank. U
TTIOU itKNT-The 4 story brick building with
JL : or without power , now oosuplod by Tlin Uoo
Publishing Co. . OIK Farnam st. The building
has a lire proof cemented baspmftut , complete
steam heating fixtures water on nil the Moors ,
gns. etc. Apply at the olllco"of Tno lloo. U1A
S iTOlll ; 407 with basement , llainga bldg. In-
qnlro Frank J. Ilnmgo. OM )
T7HH HKNT When you wish to rout a hotisn ,
-L' store or office call on us. H , K. Cole , room 0 ,
Continental blk , 474
fl' YOU want to rent your house call on liar-
L rls , H. K. \ L. Co. , room 411 , 1st Nat'l. bank.
GIF KO. J. PAUL , 1(03 ( Fiirnntu st. , > housox ,
stores , etc. . for rent. 4M
IF VOU want to buy , sell , rent or exchange ,
c Ilon or address H.,1. Stornsdorir , rooms
317 and 31 ? . First National bank building. 484
YV7 R glvo special attention to routing nnd
collecting rents ; list wltn us. H. K.Colo ,
room 6 , Continental block. 4EO
TTM11HKLLA8 and parasols covered nnd re-
U paired , -17 S llith , lloyd's opera house block ,
In rubber Hture. II. llulor81SOT
SKCOND-HANDclothlnir. carpets , furniture ,
etc. , bought. Address Mr. or Mrs. Savage ,
a 3 CumliiB st. SO * EOJ
HUN roollng. spouting , gutters , valleys and
X sheet lion work done well and cheap. K.
SavageJWH jCumlng st. iX)5 ) 1XK
A \iCTION SALK-By order of the district
court lots 20. SI , 83 , blK 14 , Hanscom place ,
on corner 1'oppleton ave and UoUi street , \vltu
the Improvements , will behold at public auction
t the north door of the court nouso Saturday ,
May is , nt 10 o'clock. Tenns ot sale } j cash
balance in 1 , S , 3 years. J. J. Curtis , guardian.
rPHE banjo taught as an art by Oco F. Gel-
-L lonbecK. Apply nt Ileo olllco. 050
" \7"OU that arc suirorlnz from privnio dlsor-
X ( lerau111 llnd the National Hemedy at 1414
Dodge St. , where you can got sclentlllo treat-
incut and a euro guaranteed. 211
HSONNI5N80HKIN has moved to 417 S13th.
lluy and sell tecond ham ! turnlturo and
stoves ; bottles bought and sold. lM-m"l
H'T' tllko horses to pasture nt Ollmoro.
Prico$2pormo. D. A.Voung.ailmore.Nob.
I OST On Wednesday night , an envelope con-
JLJtalntnc money. Finder plcaso return to R.
G. Dun & Co. flJI 17t
I OST White horse , with harness mark. He-
JJturn to blucksmlth shop. Ctlr > nnd Jones and
receive reward. 287-18T
PEHSONAL Yonng gentlQinnu. stranger In
city , desires the acquaintance of a young
lady , ns companion in driving , and to the
theatre. Will be hero ono ween. AH answers
will bo considered confidential. Address It 11 ,
Dally Ileo. ag-17j
ANYON13knowing the whereabout" of Qumcy
A. ( Jllmorn can learn something to their
ndvautago by addressing S. S. Price jr. , room
411 , First National bant. 121
TpRATHKHS cleaned and curled ; hats pressed
J ? and bleached , at F. M , Schadoll. yiS N.UOtht
' jon.m'rr
STOHAGC and forwarding. We collect and
deliver goods ot all descriptions , merchan
dise , furniture nnd baggage , at cheapest rates
for btorago for any length of time. Vans and
wngons to to hal at shortest ? notice , with care
ful men for moving. Packing nnd shipping
from our own warehouse douo on moderate
chargo. Merchandise loaded and unloaded.
Warenouso on our own tracks. Olllco ! i7 S.Uth
St. ; telepnono 114. Hovtoll&Cn. 311
S' TOHAOK at low rates at 1121 Farnam st ;
' Omaha Auction and Storage. ' 4 i
rpIlACIvAOK , storage , lowest rates. W. M.
JLllushman IJllLoavenworth. ISU
B HANCH CO. , storage , 1211 Howard.
M ADA MR JK SAN tells past , presontnnd future
turo events of yourllfo , gives ndvlco on dl
vorco. contested wills , etc. The madame has
wonderful gift of second sight , has the power
of any two mediums you over mot , Parlor *
1312 Dodge St. SOU 'Ml CC
Dll. NANNIEVAHHEN. . clalrvoyaut.mod
leal and business medium. Female diseases
o specialty. HON. loth St. . rooms 2 nnd U. 4U1
THE Omaha Short-Hand Institute , Itamge
blockOmaha , ouuned Monday. May 13thU
under the management of a Thorough and prac
tical stenographer. 1'leasantost und best ven
tilated school room in the west. Positions
found for graduates. Call or write for parties
lar.s- Terms , (10 per month In advance. Typo'
writing free. O'J3 3 1J
tJHOUTHANDand type writing. Omahabuv
* Jliiess college , cnr. Capitol ave. & lOtli. Stan-
datd methods taught byC. 0. Kwlug or San
Francisco , the b t teacher on the I'.vclic coast
Munson's revised of'89 a specialty ; now plan ,
blactcuourd Iliuatratlou ; day and evening
classes ; call or > vrlto for terms. OJ7
niHEStnndard Bliortimnd Bchool , having pur-
JLmased Valentino's Shorthand I institute. l'ux <
ton block. Is now the largest , best equipped ,
exclusive shorthand schuul In the west. 12c.
graduates In good situations. The echool Is In
charge of Mr. H. A. Smith , a verbatim report
er und teacher ot many years practical expe
rience , asslxted by a corps of etllclont teachers.
Use Itomington typewriters. Shorthand supplies -
plies for sale. Send for circulars. TOS
W HITTLESKy'S snorthund BCliool , 21 Har
der block. U month's course , $ -11.
WANTED-Reuiliigtou type writer No. 2.
Midland Quarantoo & Trust Co , , 1505 Far
nani st. 271 IH
[ W ILL pay cash for a good lot ot honseholi
furniture. Address A 67. Ueo. 1113 17
W ANTED To buy good commercial paper ,
It. U. 1'attorson , 018 S. 16th st. lit :
ANTED Furniture , carpets , stores ana
. . household goods of all kinds. Omaha
Auction & Storage Co. , 1131 Farnnm. 4V3
BICYCLE Now 61-Inch American Champion
lull roadster , cheap ; will trade for good
horse , giving money dltfcrcnce , It any. Ad
1) H. Ueo olllce. 27J 18 *
ELEVEN-room house on N. Uth it. , furn.
turo for eale , all Improvoinontu. OrlT & Co ,
117 N mil. 207 22 *
FOR 8ALK-2.U0 tons Ice. Adam itoder
lllalr Neb. VJ3
ACONHIGNMBNT of imported Hlehlan
and Shetland punlos from K , C. Millar o
ot MercUIston raucho , Nanca Co. , Neb. , will b
tor sale at Mr. Bnorwood'u Palace stablrs o
and after Thursday the Hth lust. 25i 1ST
IjiOH SALE Cheap , a throe-ton Dlobold buu
Jsafii , latest linprovod time lock , complet.
In every particular. Address , II. Chamber
lln , Wood Klver , Neb. 211
T/lOU SALE or trade for good tlrst mortgage
A' paper , ono bay hone , can trot In harness ,
( Ingle-foot In saddle ; new Sr.yaer rouke side
bar buggy ; ono sot good harness. Apply room
210 llrst , National Hank building. lbO-17
Foil 8ALB 1 work team , wagon nnd liar-
neisa complete , vary cheap for cash , 619
I'axtonblk. _ _ _ til'J
T , HHIT weight Stiyder top buggy , ueen run
JJabout lx monihs , Curmlna running uvar ;
portect conJIIlon. P. F. Murse. m 17
iINB Cablnet QranU r cue wool oas up-
.cVrlght piano for dtf..W ; coit whoa new HO ) :
only uieO ont year ; mu t ba old at onca ; will
b'lTntlaieon partot It If dBjiraO. Adilrajj y
cu , ciuw Outaha B * . WOta U
MIDLAND Guarantee & Trust Co. , 1605 Far-
num. Complete nbi acts fnrnlaited A tltlos
toroalestnto examined , IIMcctod & guaranteed.
, _ , , . . , *
i f lf i i i mm i
OMAHA Abstract Oomijkny , l.-i yamam st.
Most complete and etrilniii' prepared sot of
abstract books iilplattAi nil real property in
the city of Omaha nndfHKla.s _ county. 4 M
iraTHACTS-Klnalinn Manoirey7 room MO
Vl'axton block. JH. 493
_ jjj (
City Lonn Co. hni plenty of money to
JL loan on liorscs.waKoflmliiniHiiro nnd pianos.
Their rates nro rcnsonntllMand business Istlono
fairly and quietly. If yoji wnnt money or want
your present loan oxterAtsd , try them and save
money. Tholr olllce 1 * t J18 S. luth st , directly
oppolto the Mlllnrd liottl. gjfl
LOANS wanted on Omaha real estate , three
and Uvo years tlmo , optional payments , fn-
vorablo term nud rates ; applications and titles
passed upon by ti * and loan * closed promptly.
Klmbnll , Champ It. llvan.lloom o , United States
MM. bank building , 1205 Fnrnam street. PU7jlO
M ONHV to loan nt low rates by Kxcolslor
Land Co. , 310 South llth street , Omaha.
MON'KY to loan on real estate security , at
lowest rotes. lU'foro negotiating loans ceo
" , CrolujUton blc. . 15tli and Douglas. 8GO
KKYSTONH MortKARO Co. ; loam of 110 to
11OIK ) ; got our rates before borrowlnn nnd
lava money ; loan on horsoa , furniture or any
ipprovod security , without publicity ; notes
.romthltfornow loan , renewal of old nnd low-
ist rates call Il 03Shocloyblk Kl\\fc \ Howard st
MONnvtoloan on short time. Secured paper
bought , r. K. Alexander , 1D09 Ftirnam BU
041 J
UP. HAIUUSUN loana money , lowest rates.
TV ONHV loaned on unlmprovod inside Umnha
11L real ostato. 0. W. I'ock.K. 4 Fi-enzer block.
$ (100 ( to loan on llrat mortgage. 0. i : . Tlmmp-
son. aia BUeeloy block. 700
l.YX ) special money ; apply at once. O.K.
Harrison , Merchants' Nut'l bank. 'M'i
MONT.Y to loan. O. P. Davis Co , real estate
nnd loan agenU , 1 Wo Farimm at. Vi2
( UII.DINO loans. I ) . V. Sholos , 210 First Na-
'tlonalbank. r.13
SRI ! Sholcs , room ' ' 10 , First Nat'l bank , before
making your loans , 61J
MONKV to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J.
W. Squire , 1311) ) Farnam ct. . First National
bauic building. B3
MONEY to loan In larpo sums at the lowest
rates ; no delay. It. C , Patterson , 318 S. loth.
MUNKV1 money ! money ! to loan on horses ,
wagons , niulo.s , honshold goods , pianos , or
gans , diamonds , etc. , at lowest rates.
The llrst organized loan olllco In the city.
Will make loans for thirty to tUroa hundred
and Hlxty-llvo days , which can be pale. ' in part
or whole , at uny time , thus lowering ti" < 6 prin
cipal and Interest , Call and see us wli'iu ' you
want money , and wo can assist yon promptly
and to your advantage without removal of
property or publicity.
Money always on nand nnd no delay in mate
-ng loans. C. F. Hoed & Co , 319 South 13th St. ,
over lllngham & Sons commission houso.
T O.VNS made On real estate nua mortgages
JUbought. Lewis S. Keod * Co. . H 13 Hoard ot
Trade. 51U
MONEY to Loan Wo arc ready for applica
tions for loans in amounts from $ -JO ) to J10.-
( XX ) on improvud Omaha or Douglas county real
estate. Full InformatltW us to rates. Loans
promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased
by us. Call upon us or-wrlto. The McCaguo
Investment Co. 63J
DON'T borrow money , on furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , or colt.itorals until you see
C. 11. Jacobs , 410 First National bank building.
PfS 021
EASTEHN trust funds fa loan on improved
real estate In OinalnfTiargo loans preferred.
K. 8. IJisbeo , First National bauK building.
* # 215-III21J
M 2Y to I oan Lo\yest rates. Loans closed
promptly. H. E. Col l .fl.Contluentulbloclt.
WANTED First-class fiialdo loans. Lowest
rate * . Call and HOC us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , It. 1. UarKor blk.J > th & Faruam. 625
H K. COLK , loan agent.
, noj 600
BUILDING loans a specialty. AV % M. Harris ,
ItoomAI. Fiotizur lllock. opposldo I > . O.
\TEBKA3liA : MortK. Loan Co. will malco youa
1 loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
flno Jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , at reasonable rates.
Hoom 7 , llowloy Block , South Omaha.
Hooms MS-Ol'J , Paxtou HlocK , Omaha , Nob.HU
MONI3Y loaned for 30 , fiO or 00 days on any
kind of chattel security ; reasonable Inter
est ; business conlldentlal. J. J. Wilkinson , 1417
Farnam st. G01
DO YOU want money ? If so , don't borrow
before getting my rates , which nro thu low
est on any sum from ill ) up to glO.OOJ.
1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or-
urt , horses , mules , wagons , warehouse re
ceipts , houses , leases , etcIn any the
lowest possible rates , without publicity or re
moval of property.
Loans can b made for ono to six months and
yon can pay a part ut any tlmo , reducing both
principal and interest. If you owe a balance
on your furniture or horses , or have a loan on
them , 1 will take It up and carry it for you as
long as you desire.
If you need money you will find It to your ad
vantage to see me before borrowing.
11. K. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnoll building. 15th
nnd Harnoy. 600
T CAN make a few loans on first-class chattel
JLsecurltles at reasonable rates. W. K. 1'otter ,
room 10 , Darker blk. 607
\TC , AI TED Applications for loans on unnn-
r > proved lots well located. Odoll Ilros. &
Co. , BIS So. 16th St. 885
G W. 1'KCK loans monev on O maha real estate
Building loans a specialty. H 4 , Frenzerb Ik
CPEIt CENT money to loan Cash on hand.
W. M. Harris , HIW.Fronzer block , opp. P. O.
. 608
H.K , COLE , loan agent. 600
$ $ $ $ To loan on farms and city property ,
$ Ueo. J. Paul. IQU'J Fnrnam st. foj
[ 510.00J to loan at n per cent. Ltnaho' * &
honey , Hoom 60 , Paxton biocK. 610
TVTONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with-
J-'iout delay , and purchase goods , commorclal
paper and mortgage notos. 8. A. Sloman. cor.
13th and Faruain. 6H
TDHILADELPHlA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur
JL iilsh cheap eastern money to borrowers
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
at their western olllco. George W.I' . Coates ,
room 7 , Hoard of Trade. Ml
B UILD1NG loans. Llnahan & Muhoney. Bid
MONKV to lonn on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. J. W.
Itobblns , U. UOO , Shooly ulk , l&th and Howard ,
MONKV to loan on Improved property at first
hands. No application sent away for ap-
proral. Security und titles examined free of
charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment
Company , J9 S. 13th st. , _ 610
PEOPLE'S 'Financial Exchange- fairest ,
quietest and most llboral money exchange
In cho city ; money loaned without delay or
publicity. In any amount , Jargo or small , at tne
lowest rates or Intortttroa any available HO-
curlty ; lounsmay bepaljKt any time or rene wet )
at original ratei. O. { pauscaren , Mgr. , room
67. Marker bloclc. Dithjaid ifftrna.u. oil
TTNJHPllOVKI ) ani Wmproved property ;
U loans mad * prompt ! * ) * money on liana. F ,
M. Klchardiou , s w corlUUi and Douglai.
_ _ _ _ 690
/ i 001) notes , short orOTfing time , unsecured
VJ or with murtgage , tAutjhtRnywnore luNob.
or lu. Quick , loaus , cUjlta : farm. Cull or wrlto
W. L.Solby. It. 0. U'd-Ultt-de. 86
MAHA Chattel LoaiK fco. , room 43 , Darker
block. JtM-mia
_ _
F. HAIUtlBON loaai1 money , loivoat rates.
_ _ _ CI7
Pn > l'Ll'9 Financial Bxchungs-Larga and
Hiuall loaus for long and short time , at low
est rates of Interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , cbatteU of all kinds , diamonds , watches
and jewelry. Don't fall to call If you want fair
uud cheao accommodations. O. Houscaren ,
Mgr. , room 67 , Ilarker ulc , Uth and Furnam ,
F mortgage loans at low rates and no
delay , I > . V , Sholes , m FlNt National bank.
BUILDING LOA.N8-At7 per cant net , no ad
ditional charges for commissions or attor
ney * ' feoa. W. 11. Melkle , Flrit Nat. bank bldg.
M PONEV : to loan. Hariii U. B. & Loon Co ,
room 411 , Flrnt National bank. 615
OTKU Soulh Omaha , tn ront. furnUhed ,
with all modern Improvements ; heated by
st am. 23-roomed house , have Bi"boarder * ; rea
sons for renting , other business in Omaha ;
rant reasonable. Apply 1201 Potiglaa street.
AflOOD restaurant , centrally located. Price ,
ttff ) , $150 cash. bal. east- payment * ; rent , t' > o
per mo , Also , 3 good hotel * , Co-operative I And
nnd Lot Co. . &H N loth st. 313 10
inONFKCTIONRRY store , Ice cream parlor
vJandsoda fountain. Invoicing about II. > VM ;
.tore and 8rooms up-stalrs rortt * fortU ; coed
brick bullalng ; clears about ft.KODa year. Par
ty has to leave the city , nud will refuse no rea
sonable offer , Cooperatlro Land and Lot Co. ,
2U3 N ICth St- 313 Iff
RBLIAI1LP. men hnrlrip J-W capital ran se
cure easy olllco situations , out ot town ,
pnvlncr over , fcTO monthly. No canva * lng.
Wesley , 1505 Capital gyp. UU--'O * .
OKNTLKMAfT mcnuln ? business , wltn
K.OKJ , cnu secure caU business , specialty
nnd monopoly , paying } 1 ,000 yearly not earn
ings without risk. Address , A. , 07 Ueo. 1310-20 *
FOR SALK.r.tJC stock general merchan
dise , fresh nnd now , to trade for house and
lot lu city. .T. II , I'Arrottc , 10th nnd Dodge.
2SS-2 ; )
TT\OK \ SAL15 Flrst-clnss roitaurnnt and bar
Ju1 Long lease. Address It 10 , lieolllco. .
A GOOD opening for nmnn who wnnts to In
vest iti a livery stock , Will tnKo seine
trade. Co-oporatl\o Land and Lot Co , 3V5 N 10th.
277 18
SEVBNTV-SIX room hotel In city , nil modern
convenience * , peed locution , nud everything
first-clans ; rent J.1.WO per year. Price * 7r > 0ii !
M.UOO cnsh. 1ml. JIUOpermo. Would take name
trade. Co-oporatlvo Land nnd Lot Co , 20i N intti.
277 18
" 111011 SALK or trade Hero 1 * a chance to buy
JU n good hotel containing 27 bed looms , din
ing room and parlor , furnished completely ; a
good omnibus , nearly now ; n good black team
nndlmriia * * . The loading hotel lu the town of
Albion , Neb. Price for entire outfit M.OOO.
Terms , K cash nnd balance on time , or will
trade for good property. This Is a snap. Call
quickly , western Land aiid Loan Kvchnnge ,
; II2S. ICth St. 231 17
FOH SALR-llllllard hall nt 1814 St. Mary's
nvo. Also top buggy. P. H. Groon. ' 'if 18
ITHMtSAI.K- U per cant gilt edge 2nd
J > - mortgages , duo I nnd 2 years ,
1 fMM ID per cent 2nd mortgage , duo 1 year.
Will discount for 3 and a per cent. Address
A C5 Ileo. 101
FOH SALK , or rent First-class hotel near
packing houses. South Omaha ; 27 rooms ,
wltn good barroom ; well located and good
j > ropory.V. . A. Spencer , room 3 , llusmnan
block. ! U
, line hotel and livery , Klglu , Nob. ;
property free from Incumbranco ; money to
uo mado. Smith.i PnudoCk , Uicln , Nob. 1)71) ) ) JlOt
W ANTKD A now furniture store at Friend
Nob. 8ain23t
FOH HALE Meat market complete ; can bo
handled for little cash. Call at room 4 ,
Withnell blk. 8M
T7IOH BALK A llrst-clas1" meat market In
JU Omaha , has good paying trade , requires
ll.GOOcash , or will trade for property. Address
A 4.1 , Ileo ofllco. bVJ
HOTKL for sale ; now. good location , doing
good business , for sale nt n bargain , pay
ment not necessary. Present proprietor In
tends changing business on account of ill health
of his wife. Address , liee ollico. Lincoln. Nob.
ADBUGGMTwlth cash lookmc for a good
location , will do well to address K. K.
Capps. Culbortsou , Nob. , or Hurst & Co. , Hast
ings , Nob. SI7m K
$3,000 to tVOOCi wanted to put into a good busi
ness ; llrst class security and good rate of
interest paid fur short or long time. Or will
take partner. For particulars address U4J ,
Hoe office. 142
SALOON for sale in one ot the bosi business
centers In Omnha.choap. Hoason for selling ,
1 must leave the city. Address V18 Ileo.
4'.r.-37 t
fjlUHEXCHANGE-Clenr farms in the Mis-
J. sousl Vnlley , In Houtheatern Dakota , partly
improved , and where country is rapidly being
settled , for good Improved Omaha property ,
t'lther business or residence. Address , Lock
Drawer M. lllalr , Nob. 312 19 *
FOK EXCHANGlI-What hnvo you to ex
change for a good brick hotel , furnUhod
complete and doing n good uuslnoss in a town
of4uOO population on thu H. & M. railroad In
Nebraska ? Address Jiuues Tumuion , Arcade
hotel , Omaha , Nob. 244 1 J
TVTANTED-To trade city lots fora $1.000 to
> Jl.OTJ stock of drugs. Address 0. II. Wirth ,
druggist , city. 203 2
'VI/'ANTICD To exchange some llrst-class clear
T T farm land , slightly improved , for Omaha
residence property , and will assume some In-
cum'orance. Address , Lock Dra\rer , 19 , Ulalr ,
Neb. 311 18 * a
/1LKAH lots in South Omaha and some second
v mortgnges to trade for horses nnd mer
chandise. H. E.Colo. H. 0 , Continental. 188 18
TJ1OH EXCHANGE . ' 1,000 acres of choice lands
X ! hi cheyenne county , Kun. . for cash or Blocks
of general merchandise. Address Kerndt Ilros. ,
lllrd City , Kan. 1000 1st
T IVBHY stock und barn located in Omaha ,
-LJcornorot 10th nnd Cass sts , to exchange for
house and lot ; or stock of harness goods or
stock of furniture , and one-half cnsh.or for one-
half cash and b&U two years tlmo for good secured -
cured paper at 10 per cent. No land proposi
tions accepted. Co-operative Land and Lot Co ,
203 N 16th St. 277 18
HOUSK and lots \yt miles from postodlce to
exchange for lot in Dundee place. Address
A 51. Ileo olllce. U31 17J
ACLI.AK lot In South Omaha for good , largo
driving horse and carriage , or horse , and
take the difference back on lot. ILK. Colo. H.
u , Continental. 188 18
" \TEW 2-soaled flno carriage or top Diiggy for
X > mortgage city or county warrants , or any
good unsecured notes.W.L.SolbyH U U'd Trade
W ANTKD To trade for house nnd lot in
good location ; will assume light inciim-
brance. Address A 2 Hoe olllce. C22
FOH EXCIIANGK- Eighty acres of the finest
timber land In Wisconsin , clear of encum
brance. What have you to oirer ? G.J-Sterna-
doru" , rooms 317 and J13 , Flrdt National bank ,
T7IOR. KXCHANGK-Dakota , Hand county
X ? What have you to olfor for a good farm
here , slightly encumbered/ Dakota lands are
rising in value , audits destiny cannot bo din-
putou. Will take vacant lots or Improved pro-
assume nome oncumbruncci. G. J.
gertynnd . rooms 317 and318 First National
bank building. B20
T710H KXCHANGK For desirable residence
JD property iifOinaha , any or all of following ;
) choice inslda residence lots m Hastings.
100 lots In Lincoln.
40 acres line farming land. Lancaster county ,
Fine resldenco property , Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family residence , corner. Los Angole ! .
A neat residence property In Hanscom place.
Also , some good mortgage notos.
Address , giving location and price of prop
erty , j. E. U. , care lluum Iron Co. , 1217 Loavon-
worth. Ml
BEST bargain in business property , 33x132 ,
lioiibo routing for fCOJ per year. The price
wo can oiror tlila at for a fuw days cannot be
duplicated in Omaha. U. A , Upton Co. . llith
und Farnam. 285 21
R SALK The llnest residence site in West
Omaha ; just south of Farnam onftlth street ;
a corner 185x181 with 187 feet frontage on
paved stront and joining the hundsomo res ] ,
doncoof Klrkendall on the cast , and Ilrady
KASSOU nnd Martin on the south : E > perfect gen
nnd ccardon spot for an elegant homo.
Hurney and 21st street * . 141x107 , on pavement
within three blocks of the court house : loom
for seven line houses that would rent ns rapid
Iv as completed. A aplondld permanent invest
juont ,
Faruam and i M streets , I51x't2 | , with new
three-story brick store bulldlmj , rented to gooi
permanent tenants. Iteutal receipts $1,2)0 ) per
Sixteenth street near Nicholasu frontage fi
feet to alley ; good business property.
Fnrnam street , between Until and 3Dth. frontage -
ago 4-t or 1)5x132 ) to alloy , south front , 1 block
from pavement and street cars ,
Park avenue , opposite Hanscom park , 60x160
prloa 2,000 ; easy lorms.
Paddock place , trackage , COxII2 , (2,000 ; easy
Ibtli street south otVlntonst , lot for ante or
trade formUoo , or good farm land.
B. A. Sloman. 13U1 Farnuni at , 527.
rpll U cosiest lioinu in Omaha , 0 rooms , largo
JLUoiots , city water , gas and sewer , both
cable and horsa cars. Price II.40J. Terms * TJO
to JVX ) cash , balance very easy. H , K. Cole ,
headquarters for bargains und easy terms ,
Room 0. Continental mock. ttiO
I7UR SALK On long time nnd easy payments ,
J- handsome , new. wull oullt houses at 8. U and
10 rooms. All conveniences ; good neighborhood ;
paved btreots ; street cms , and within walking
distance of P , O. NathanShelton.lSOS Farnam.
KB j I )
rplir. factories within easy reach of Collier
JL place will employ a lurg forca of men. Se
cure a home and enjoy life. Price of tots UOO
to l.2ai. ono-tenth cash. Bend for plat. Mo
Cague. opj ) . P. O. 07J
171011 BALK Ou reainnabla term * , a liousa
JL' and lot. and blacksmith xnon , tools and
stock. , In Wllcox , Kearney county , Neb. O. ( ; .
FOH 8ALU-U1 acres , corner Thirteenth and
Nortn streets. Desirable for platting. < J.
G oed , Oood block , Daa ilolnm. la. tllmi )
S NAl'-i ! ; good Orchard Hill lots , one and two
blocks from Hamilton street , < ; ou each ; J.JUU
to KWcttiU , balance live yean at B p r cent ,
Klne B-room house , modern conveniences ,
newly papered and painted , on N. 17th t. ,
lot a/xlftj to alley ; II.OJU , easy payment * , M. A.
Upton Co. , 16th ana fataum. wj
BAROAtNS-DftrKnlnsl 8. W. cor. I9th and
California sin. , wlttKl tiotwotTry ohoap ,
NoatT-room house ami hfilf lot on Daven
port it , , near talgn sohool , t\Wit easy termi.
( lofwl lot on Harnoy st. , east ot Slth st. , a
bargain ,
Kiagant resluenro lot , Wth ave near St.Mary's
nve. very cheap.
0-rooni homo and half lot , S. 12th Bt. , cheap
on monthly payment * .
( iood residence lot on 23th ave , bet. Douglas
nnd Dodge , ! .iVX ) .
3 loM on 3. Uth st. , very cheap.
IM lots in Carthage , Omaha's best suburb , on
ten yenrs' tlmo to parties who will build
bouso * . Hrennan Ac Co. , Koom U , Chamber ot
Money to loan In nil parts ot the city.
SOUTH OMAHA-1 have a number of good
lots In vnrlou * addition * th.u must bo sold
nt once nnd can ba bought nt prices that will
suit ) on. U. J. Sternsuorit , rooms UI7 nnd31S
Hrst National bank bulldlmr. 633
SKK here ( lot some South Omaha Instdo
property before motor lines nro there : 5U t ) r
cent , can bo inndo lu nnxttl monthby purchasIng -
Ing now. M. A , Upton Company , ICth Ararnnm ,
A M11S *
Douglas County Abstract * ,
1507 Pnrnain Strost ,
Tliosn who want to buy n lot for n homo nt
low prices and oay turin * should
Come nnd See
the now addition just ready for sale by us.
livery lot w III make n
Delightful Home.
a * the ground Is high , dry nad beautifully situ
ated *
One Hundred Houe *
ara already built nud being built around this
addition , whim Is InsUlo city limits , is not lu n
swnmp , but ns handsome a location us there Is
In Omaha. A payment of
rittoen Dollars
down , balance 310 n month , Is nil required , nud
on those easy terms wo have Just sold ont one
addition , and hnvo just begun ou a now ono ,
1'lfteen Dollars
down and oay monthly payments for such lots
as these , Is the clmiico
Of n Lifetime !
The sooner yon can get one ot those lots the
bettor for you and when you see the ground
Will Ue Surprised
that such lots , at such puces and terms , sur
rounded by houses nud located ns they are con
bo bought tor
riftoon Dollars
down and balance on easy terms. Como nnd
BOH for yourself \ \ lint we oHor you. We are not
afraid to show this property t we know no
one else can offer you Its oiiuixl ntour prices and
always on hand to show thcso lots. Don t bo
afraid to try nnd get n homo.
Start lllght
by coining to see this property ami Its advant
ages , in nil ways , are ao ovlcUut that you will
Amos ,
1507 Farnnm St.
030 SO
RKAL UAHOAlNS-DoslrablQ.Orchard Hill
loti nt $700 , KT ! > 0 to $5)0 cash. Must Do sold.
Jas. Stockdalo , Room 19 , Arlington blook. 370
IjlOU HALK Hoyd's add. , lot east front , a
JO dandy , only $75) . Meyers , lllcliards .V
Tlldon's add. lot for MOO. A beautiful south
front In Orchard Hill $1110. Klogant onit front
In Hanicom I'laco 1\.W. \ These are banralns
nnd no mistake. The owners have got to hnvo
money and will sacrlllco their lots.
6 twenty-four foot business lots on Satin-
ders street , corner of Mnplo street , for $ fl , " > 00.
fill foot on 10th st. , Just elf St. Mary's nvo. , ror
i'uli lot In block C. Kllby Place , for 81.400.
1'or Sale Splendid 10-room losldouce with
all modem Improvomouts , In Kouutzo place.
It will pay you to call and got price and terms
on it.
For sale on monthly payments 6-room cot
tages on motor car lino. Those are .llulshed in
hard wood uud aioboautlos.
Two south front , 8-room houses on cable line ,
on monthly payments
JM acres on military road , within 4 mile limit ,
12.500. -
Also 5 acres southwest of city and only 2
mlles from Exchange building , youth Omahii ,
for * IMl. for gardening , suburban residence ,
or dairy purposes. Tliese can't be boat.
13.UOO cash and two well-improved fanni of
210 acres nacn , within 7" > mlles of Omiiliu , to exchange -
change for improved business or residence
property In Omaha. Don't fall to Investigate
Uiiiaha lots or Nebraska landH. either wild or
Improved , to exchange for young cattle , horses
or cows.V. \ . U. Homan , room 0 , Fronzer block ,
opp. VO. . SB-IU
TTIOK SALU or exchange Improved stock
Jj farm of SOOncrps luuastorn Nobrnskn. near
market ; also now U-room house with nil con
veniences in doslrablo residence portion of Oma
ha. Andrew lievlus , attorney , 1-3 and 4-1 1'ax-
ton block , Omaha. Nub. 6JO
T710H SAL13 Clear farms , nome of thorn 1m
JU proved , good land , and bargains : or , vrllleX'
rhango for Omaha property. Address , Lock
Drawer 19 , lllalr. Neb. 310
FOK SALE M3.70 acres , see. B , tp , 12 , r.
0 w. . Hamilton county. Neb. Houso. stablo.
300 acres feucod , living water. Prlco M.OJU. F.
1C. Atkins , owner , llallroad bldg , Denver. Col.
T01OH SALE 60 large and small house * on
JE monthly payments : small payment down.
Alsongood list of property for exchange. Ooo.
J. Fox. room 1. Continental blk. 18I-J13
Foil 8ALK Nino-room nouso , barn and lot
In Hanscom place ; also houses and lots m
Sunny Side. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat'l bank.
QOUTH Omatia Those elegant 00x160 foot
kJlots.only "Yt miles from Omaha postolllco are
best purchase in real estate to-day ; they will
double In value in next 12 months. See M. A.
Upton Company , ICth nnd Furnam. 223-19
GHKAT bargains in buying lots in Camp-
. 'boll's addition , 21th und Castellar sts. Will
bo reached by street cars this season. Less
tlmn l'J ' tulles from I > . O. Small cash payments ,
balance to suit. Host chance in the city. Sold
by flols A. Henstrom , Itooin , board of trade ,
11)0 ) 20 ?
OVEH $ V 0.000 invested in South Omaha I
What does tnat Indicate ? Call on ui and
select a bargain from our extensive list. M. A.
Upton Company , luth and Fnrnam. BM-lfl
I710K SALE Flno lot covered with trees. 0
JL1 room cottage , sewer , water and gas on the
Etroot , V block from list , car linos. Very choice
vast rront lot ; $ " > ,60J : easy terms. Cun discount
u little for caslu C. F. Harrison , Merchants
Nat. bank. l > 'jO
TC1OU BALK Fine houio of rooms , furnace ,
bath , hot and cold water , gus , sewer , tiavod
Btreot , motor line ono block , cable two blocks ,
horse cars by door , barn tor 3 horsus , eta , etc.
limit by owner ror homo and now occupied by
him , $ il,030 ; Jl.lMcash. Ji.MX ) In real estate , bal
ance at it nud b par cent.
Flno large lot onS. 13th St. , 0-1x157 , good 6-room
hoiiho , fruit trees , etc. ; north ot Martha it. ,
$4.000 ,
For Hulo , the llnost corner , cast front , on S.
10th St. . 132x141.
For choice proportv worth the money see M.
A. Upton Company. l tli& Farnnm. HI7
TTIOK SALII-Ileat this. If you can : 101 front
JL' by 120 ground , with good nouso , large barn
and fruit trot-3 , well llxed lu lloyd's wdd , close
to motor and It U tor $ ,100 : by Kxcclslor Land
& Heal Kstate Co. UIO S 15th Ht , Omabit. 30U 19
/10NTINUOU8 Bldowalk to Colllor place , Got i
v prlces nud terms , McCagne. 073Got
POll 8ALK Or exchange for Omaha proper
ty , KO acres , suitable for platting : will
make 400 lotsall clear ; big money lu It for some
OHO who can push tills ; located just outside thu
city limits of Council Illulfs. Inquire George J ,
Bternsdortr , rooms 317 and a IK , Llrst National
bank building. 62a
SOUTH Omaha bargain Rltlter of lots 0 ,
block \'f \ ) , 11 and 15 , block 1"1. for $ OU. ' each.
These prices for few days only. M. A. Upton
Company. Itith and Farnam. Wi-Vi
SEND for plat ot ( Jollier place , and when
driving for recreation follow the motor line
pole * on 10th Bt. , and Amos' ave. , nnd see the
wonderful Improvement * that nave taken
PlaceJut around tno barracks , and remember
that Colllor place Is the key to the situation ,
lluy n lot now for the low price and at tne easy
terms they arn doing offered , ana wo are sntls <
fled. One-tenth cash , balance one to flvo rears
McCague. opp. I' . O. U73
WOIlTlir of your attention. Now being
completed on 2tti St. , north of Leaven-
worth st. two houses convei tut to business ,
very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gas. bath ,
toilet , 2 water closets , stationary wash tubs
hot. and cold water , llva bedrooms , 10 closets
only J.V60J oaKirnuto suit. Telephone 227 or
W. T. Seaman. Omaha's largest variety of wag
ons. carriages , etc. , east side luth. st , north o
Nicholas at , Ml
FOIt SALE Pretty homes on easy monthly
payments , two snares left In the Druid Hill
Ilulldlng association. For particulars Imiulre
of Notherton Hall , seu'y , room 42U Flr t Nat' *
bunk build Ing. 00823
1'lnent lu the city
We arc nonr ready to show and olfer tor unit
- tne choicest resilience sites In the city o
Omana , located In "llerals Park , ' ' comprising
thu sixty acres bounded by : t2U st. , on the east
38th or Pleasant st. on the west , Hamilton et
on the north , and Cnmlnif st. on the south ,
This park has been planned , and IH being lad
out by Mr. Alfred It. Kirerton ( one of the bes
landscape artUts of New York ) , into' ' < , H.t
und ucie lot * , and several acres are laid outlnti
small parks , ornamental grounds , and lakes fe <
by natural springs. The plant include a per
tect system of grading , paving , iewemgewater
electric lighting , etc. , and an expenditure of a
leant IKD.uuo for such Improvements
Tills choice property Is located within the lv
miles radius ( u little north by went ! from the
postomce. It lies eait of the reservoir and of the
elegant residences ot Dr. Mercur and K. W ,
Naah. and a little north of east of proposed res-
idenoof ( luy C. Harton and ut Illshop O'Con
nor's residence and Academy ot Sacr d Heart.
Reasonable prices and terms will bo given to
tliosuwho will build residences costing 15,000
and upwards. For further particular apply
at olllca of Th Ilemli Park Co. , rootni U and
18 Continental block , Ittti ana Douglas st .
riOtl 3ALK Tx > t SlxtlO In th very heart o
- Omaha , with A room house for lisX ) . O. V
nrrtsotvMerchants ; Nat. bank. I'M
" _ _
FOR SAI.K-Ax78on ) N. K. corner" ! ' , nndauii
* t * S. Orantia , sultnblo for store butldlnil
ecolvlug the b tietltof the Q Mroot viaduct
list bolnc built ; pronerty clear , but lit hpaita
omppl * owner to sell Price J,7iu o. V ,
Inrrluon. Merchant's Nntldnal bank. WJ
llnostOrire in the city Is To Collier
Place , Mcl'ague. _ 1173
pllK motor line Is built to Collier plneo. rii
L Hell line runs near Collier plica. Tno F , K.
. M. V. It. H. stop nil pAsontor ; trains nt Cot-
ler plnee. The hofse car line will soon roaoh
'oilier mace. llMt addition In the city. Prlca
Xito $ | , SM per lor , oiio-tnnth casti , bnlanca
mo to lire year. * . McCnKUo , opp. P. O. .l.
NSTIIUMKNTd plncdl oa rasjrd during
llnrrliigtou to Dnnd J Harrington , lot
14 , bloclc 11 , Hertford plnco , w d 1,000
P Day nnd wife to Simmon Hardware
oompany.O lots in Nurth Omaha , a u ( I. t
J H ( .oilman nnd wlf to J W Tnylor. lot
21. block a , lot 8 , block N lotn , block 3 ,
ana lots 4 and 5 , block 1 , MoumoutU
purk.wd 13,000
\V Tnylor to The Public , "Tnylor'a Pnr-
namstreet ndd , " plat. , .
V S Pntrluk to A J Simpson , lot 1 , block *
2 , A S Patrick's ndd , w d . . . 1,001
s F Ringer nud wife to William Hoirmnn ,
lot i ) . block 4 , Portland placp , w d 8,000
F Stevens to The Public , part lot Si , In d . . . J
. M Kitchen el nl , to H J Pruyn , lota 13
to 24. block 12. lota I , S nud II , block 10 ,
Howling ( Iroon , w d 4,00t
mnlia Real Kstutn ntv.l Transfer com
pany to H. T. Dal toy. loU 1 and 2. blk U ,
Sftumlors A ; Hlmeuaugh Highland Park ,
wd 300
outh Omaha Land company to R. T.
Mnxnoll , lot 10 , blk 14 , South Omaha ,
d 83
V UJeffrlcinnd wife lo J A 1'ry.sU ' of
wj of nw i. in. 10. wd l.eix
i. Kountze , ot al , to H A lllley , lota 2 and
0. blkl' ' , llruia illll ndd. wd t.171
'and TO JalTries to.l llenumont , lot I * .
blk.'l. Hill ) ot blk 2An > rlghl'8 Choice , wd 351
1 Dahl to K 0 Calkins , lot 2(1 ( , blk 0 , Al-
brluht's nnox. wd 131
Olto Lobeck nnd wlfu to U A I.obcck , lots
1 , 2nnd3 , blkl , and lot * 7 to U nnd HI ,
to 22. blk4 , Lobock'ssub.A 2,001
O lltnu'lmuun and wlfu to A W nml J W
Phelps , lot U , blk C , Sauuder V lllmo-
baugh's add , w d 335
' . II Tlinyor nnd husbniul to J II Cotlln ,
o > i lot II. blk l"t , Omalia. 11 c d 1
J M lluclinuuu and wlto to ( j F Itleylu , lot
12 , blfc 2 , Uncoln Plnco , w d SW
il A Upton and hUKband .to Win Frtckoo ,
pt lot 5. blk 73. South Omaha , w d. . . . . . . 1.700
1 W Duumlro to R R Golbrnlih. w K lots
13 and 14 , blk 17 , llodford Pluco , WU cod
lroda llro * to T M Franco , lot 3d , blk 4 ;
llrhrgs Plncu , deed , COD
A Horbnck nnd wife to U Marrow , Vi
lot7 , oik8 , IIorbacli's-M add , wd 1,501
F Hammond and wlto to O N Kuuisey.
o 6i ) ft of w HO ft lot 10 , llnrtlett's add ,
wd 6,601
Twonty-thren transfers . . . . $10,00.1
Chicago , Ills. 1 ClarkOt ,
Ibe Regular Old-Established
It itlil Treating with the Greatnt
Clironic , Neryons and Private Diseases ,
-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loit Manhood ,
FaUInc Memory , Exhausting Drains , Torriblt
Dreamt , Head and Back Ache and all the effect !
leading to early decuy and peihipi Consumption 01
Insanity , treated tclumlficilly by new methods with
never-failincr tuccrsi.
SYPHILISand all bad Blood and Skin Dls-
ensea permanently cured.
* --KIDNEYund URINARY complaints , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Slrictu re , Varlcocele and all dUeuci
of the Qenlto-Unnaty Organs cured promptly without
Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
OSNo experimrnta. Age and experience Ira.
portant. Consultation free and ancred.
aS-Send 4 cents postige for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
49Those contemplating MnitiaEe send lor Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
i ; cents , both i cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or callmay laveruUiresuITtr.
ina and shame , and add golden years to life.OtrUoolc
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50ctntsstamps ) . Medlcln *
and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
HoursBio 8. Sundays9 to la. Address
P. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark SU CHICAGO. ILL *
Over 14 Millions Sold in this
Country alone.
The Best Fitting and Best
Wearing Corset Ever Made.
. , .
I'n'i'nu. K2 I * * l fc * 2 * "
ALBUM Si > injie ot cholc * eem from
jn , , . . , u iloitkauottt. ffl""tt lf'l , Litta.
WiKlftr. iMtit/r. Willton. nd fyinJUr , BTAND-
poimlar ainco muido end mo relies. BTANl ARD
CEMS.-lll.P ) lie or -
workn n ( ucli compoMn a * < ' nix'i . . : . : . " . ! ' . ! and KjtrulF TITLt PAECI BWUTIFULLY
IlLUITilAICD In Colon. Wee of each book 50O. ,
preyiid. State & Monroa 8ti. Clilougo.
Xlio liaznnm of Tunis.
The bazaars of Tunis arc moro intrl-
onto than tlioflo of all otlior North Afri
can towns. Here was really the east ,
writes u correspondent of the Now Yorlc
Commercial Advertiser. Thora is an
old Spanish flavor , also , at Tunis' , tha
bazaars being built round a mosque ,
once a church of Cliarlcs V. Tha
crooked streets arc covered with awn
ings or archways , with funny llttlo
shops like boxes , in which the proprie
tor sits up on his counter oross-lcppod ,
surrounded by shelves , holding all manner -
nor of gandouras , hulUs and bnrnous.
All Tunis swarms by , flno ladies deeply
veiled with broad scarfs lilco Mexican
robo/.os , which they hold ont bo fora
them by their two extended arms , Jew >
C8S03 moro bold , roroaling half an eye
from folds of white fuUUifr from pointed
caps , and tall brown mau in stately bur
nous of all possible delicate shades.
The color at Tunis wra wonderful. Soft
robin's egg , delicate lilac or lavender ,
vioux rosopilo amber. Such are the
colors of soft stttS ihut wrapped grava
and reverent eignorv yaclug tha siroota
in turbans.
Cftt * rrii Cured.
A clergyman , after years of BUfncrlng
from that loathsome disease , Catarrh ,
and vainly tryina : every Unown remedy ,
at last found recipe which completely
cured and saved him from death. Any
sufferer fromtbii dreadful disease send
ing salt-addressed stamped envelope to
Prof. J. A. Lawr nce , 88 Warren St. ,
Now Yorlc cty , will receive the reclpf
free of chafrT >