THE OMAHA i DAILY BEE ? EIGHTEENTH YEAR OMAHA , SATURDAY MOANING MAY 18 , 1889. [ NUMBER 337 BATTLE OF BIG PURSES , Tbo Florcoot Fight Ever Soon In Wall Stroot. \HENRY VILLARD IS THE VICTOR. Elijah Smith Heads a Powerful Party to Wrctit the Orcnoii.Transoon- tincntnl Corporation From IllH Grn p. "I Have Won" Vlllnnl. NEW YOHK. May 17. The last hour of bus /ness on the Now York stock exchange today marked n climax of one ot the most exciting chapters In Wall street history , and closed the ilerccst fight that was over known on the floor of the exchange. The prize for which the battle was lought was the control of the Oregon Transcontinental corporation , with n capital of M0,000,000 , and holding the control of ono of the most Important rail roads In the Pacific northwest. The control of the company Is now hold by Henry Vll- lard , and associated with him are the mag nates of the Standard Oil company , Baron Dlolchroder , Hlsmarck's ' financial agent , Ed ward Tnbbot , John Trevor , W. L. Colby , and Borne of the largest bunkers In the city. This IB the aggregation of capital the enemies of Villnrd worked against. The opposition includes all the bl ? insiders In the Union Pacific road Charles Francis Adams , Sidney Dillon , Fred Ames , Elijah Smith , and others equally as prominent. Elijah Smith bud charge of the campaign to oust Vlllard , and .proposed to tnko his place , as ho did once be fore when Villard went down In the crash following the drivlni ? of the golden spike on the Northern Pacific , for n long time both nldcs wore active In quietly accumu lating stock , but it was not till to-day , the last day on which to register stock to vote nt the election , that supreme efforts wore made. In the exchange all reg ular sales made are not deliverable until Monday , but sales made of cash stock has to bo delivered before 2:15 : p. in. Out of SoO.OOU shares of stock traded in to-day U9,000 shares were cash stock , and the price moved up from $ ,11 per share to $01 nor share before the exchange closed. From 40 to 4 $ the stock moved up 1 per cent at n time. Then it jumped 5 per cent on a single transaction , and after moving up 1 per cent more , made n jump of U per cent to 00. It soon sold at 01V , the highest price reached In six years. All the time the trading was marked by intense excitement , and the day will never bo forgot ten by those who took part In the dealings. After the registry book was closed , Vlllard mot Elijah Smith , and said : "I have won. 1 huvo 201,000 shares locked up in my boxes. " As the capital stock of the company is 400,000 shares , this would give the Villard party 1,000 shares majority , but Smith would not admit he was defeated , although ho did not claim u victory. Another Victory for Vlllnril. New YOIIK , May 17. Arguments on the Injunction suit of Elijah Smith and Edward R. Hell' , brought to restrain Henry Villard and others from issuing 10,000,000 , , Oregon Transcontinental company stock ana from pledging $12,000,000 Oregon Railway and Navigation company slock , as security for dividends therein , wus continued before Judge Barrett , m the supreme court , this afternoon. The counsel for the defendants read Villard's answer on the main question. Vlllard's answer was very voluminous , and wont into details In the mutter of the ante cedents of the present litigation. After this tbo lawyers in the case talked Informally with each other and to the court. An urgec- ment was fluallyjarrlved at and an order for Vlllard's examination was vacated , and the injunction was virtually disposed of in the name way , upon the stipulation that Villara and his associates should not try to Issue any Block before the election. Intcr-Stnto Commerce Circular. WASHINGTON , May 17. The Intor-stato commerce commission has issued a circular letter addressed to the labor organizations of the country , soliciting Information and dis cussion upon the question of federal regula tion of safety appliances on railroads. In opening , the letter reads us follows : "Tho largo number of accidents to em ployes and passengers occurring on the rail roads of this country , and the public belief tout a great part of these mlirht bo avoided oy the use of proper appliances , have led many states to make the mechanical features of railroad working the subject of statutory regulation. It Is well known , however , that In respect to some nt least of these features the condition us such that regulation , if at tempted , can neither secure adequate benefit to the public nor bo just to the railroads themselves unless it bo uniform over the whole country. " In vlow of this fact the Intor-stato com merce commission desires to call out as full information mid discussion as possible upon the question of federal regulation of safety appliances on the railroads. An Kloctrlo Froluht Scheme. Nmv YOIIK , May 17. [ Special Telegram to THE HEB. | A new scheme of transportation Is to bo introduced between Now York and Boston , whereby , it is said , large packages can bo whlshcd from ono place to the other , n distance of li30 miles , In loss than an hour. This would bo equal to n speed of four miles per minute. An experiment with the now machine was bold , yesterday , in Boston , in the presence of many scientists , Including Prof. A. E. Dolbear , of Tufts college , who announced that ho was thoroughly satisfied of the success of the system. The Inventor , John G. Williams , is u resident of this city. His machine consists of a niugnot car , hang ing from n single rail , where it follows n atrcak of electricity. With one horse power , it is said , ono ton can bo thus transported n distance of 1,440 miles u day , at a coat , of only 80 cents. A utiiglo track is to bo carried on tripods some distance nbovo the ground , and the cur will pass through cells of insulated wire at intervals. Tlio "Q" Retrenchment Policy. CKRHTON , la. , May 17. [ Special to THE HUB. ] With the change of time last Sunday on the "Q" passenger trains , Nos. 01 and 03 , on the Crcston and Hopkins branch , were discontinued : also freight trains Nos. 07 and 68. In consequence ) there Is some vigorous kicking done by the residents of every town along the lino. It ls learned from very re liable sources that the "Q" is diverting freight from its lowti lines , Superintendent Hrown'B contradiction to the contrary not withstanding. It Is hinted that a reduction in passenger fares will bo next in order if things do not assume u more favorable as pect. Wnlmsh Finances For April. CHICAGO , May 17. ( Special Telegram to THK HBK.J The Wubash railway report for April dhows receipts of t707'J61.1J , and ills- bumomcnts of $71)1,485.10. ) Of the latter amount $11)7,300,03 ) were for tuxes. Since January 1 , the receipt * have been Ml.OTO , . 000.59 , and expenditures $ il,474l : . > 7l > .53. The balance on baud April SO , was (11)0,411.00. ) Hceelvcr MoNulta said , to-day , that ho thought the ofllcors would be removed to St. Louis about the middle of July. Stockholders Apply For a Receiver , CUICACIO , May 17 , Arguments were heard before Judge Grcsham , in the United Staica circuit court , to-day , on the application of certain bondholders for a receiver for the Chicago & Atlantic railroad. Judge G rcshatn aid no would not do anything In the cose ai present , Tbo appointment of a receiver wsu on extreme remedy and should not bo re- to ualtM absolutely neccmury. H suggested that the lawyers consult together nnd to-morrow hand in names of some men whom they would llko for receivers , In case the appointment of ono should bo decided upon. _ Deoreaflcd Union Pacific lOnrninijs. BOSTON , May 17. The gross earnings of the Union Pacific railway's entire system for March were $3,751,000 , a decrease from the same month last year of $542,000 ! not earn ings , J02I.OOO ; a decrease offoOI.OOO. For three months to March 31 , the not earnings voro $1,1)70,000 ) , n decrease from the sumo luio last year of (010,000. I1I2AVV 11AIN STOIIMS. Much Damage to llallroadr. Three Men Drowned. SAUNA , Kas. , May 17. This section of the ouiitry has just been visited by n perfect oluco of rain. It has boon highly bcnoQclal 'M ' the crops , but disastrous to the railroads. Tbo Kock Island and Santa Fo tracks at Sand Springs have been washed out. The ilissouri Pacific had two washouts a few miles out and west of lore. On tbo south branch cast f Mnrquotto thrco trestles were displaced. The McPherson branch of the Union Pacific nlso had fifty feet of track carried awny. All ' .ho creeks are full , nnd , In many cases , over- lowing. No damage Is reported except on railroads. From Abilene and McPherson also coma reports of heavy storms and wash outs on the railroads. KANSAS CmMo. . , May 17. A heavy rain atorm passed over this section , to-day , doing a great deal of damage in tins city und in ansas City , Kan. , where several streets were badly washed out. The railroads arc considerably demoralized , and not a road sent In a train exactly on time , to-night. Most of tno roads are from one to thrco hours late , but the western Hues are In worse shape , and the Denver express on the Union Pacific , duo at 7 a. m. , did not got in until 4 o'clock this afternoon. A largo jiortion of the bluff facing tbo Missouri river was washed down over the Chicago & Alton road , and that road was compelled to use the Wubush tracks to-night. To-night's reports regarding to-day's storm ndicato it was more severe than wus at first thought. The railroads are the chief suf fcrors. Two spans of the Hush Creek bridge on the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul read near Liberty , Mo. , were washed away and trains between Kansas City and Chll- "Icotho have been abandoned. The Kansas 3ity , St. Joe nnd Council Bluffs tracks are submerged twelve inches for a distance near Parkcvilla. The Hannibal tracks are nlso under water near Liberty. All eust- bound Hock Island trains go from Kansas City via St. Joseph to Cameron , The Union Pacific Is badly damaged near Manhattan , ICnn. , where the ICaw river Is thirteen feet above low water mark. The Missouri Pa cific Is badly demoralized in all directions , and its trains are from two to four hours lute. Several bad washouts are reported between hero and Llttlo Blue. In this city the Eighteenth street cable line was stopped six hours on account of the flood , and the power house of the Tenth street line was so badly flooded that water had to bo pumped out of the boiler rooms for several hours to keep the machinery in operation. The Twelfth street line was stopped for over an hour , on account of the water Hooding the conduits in the loon at the eastern city limits. Be tween Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets , for a distance of two blocks in the eastern part of city , the entire surface is under water. The floors of nearly all the dwellings In that ter ritory are submerged , causing great incon venience. At Kansas City , Kas. , $23,000 worth of damage bus been done. In Armondalo a number of cottaires were Hooded , while on Split Log creek there is nn area ot ten acres that in now a lalco from five to twenty feet deep. The house of M. Hlsler was flooded to the ceiling and the family rescued with diffi culty. nCotiNcii , Guovn , May 17. Heavy rains fell hero all lust night und to-day. The Nco- she river Is higher than for years , and fam ilies living on low ground have been forccu to a busty flight. The stream is still rising. MiMVAUKiin , May 17. During a terrific ruin storm to-night a temporary dam nt , the end of the Island nvonuo tunnel was swept away nnd flvo workmen engaged inside were caught by the receding waters. Two of them succeeded in getting out , but the other three were drowned. The bodies have not been recovered. THE rUKSBYTKUIAN ASSEMBLY. More Money and Moro MlnlstcrH Needed. NKW YORK , May 17. At the second day's session of the Presbyterian general assem bly the ola rules for the government of the assembly were adopted. The moderator announced the standing committees for the session. Invitations to visit the Princeton and Union Theological seminaries were ac cepted. The report of the committee on extinct churches , declaring that a "church prouerty committo" should bo appointed , to which ull cases of defunct churches should bo referred , was adoptsJ. Tlio report of the educational committee showed that ut pres ent there were more than live hundred churches with a membership of from ono to tweutv-llvo without pastors , because of the lack of funds. The rate of dissolution last year was 'M per cent , tbo largest in the his tory of the Presbyterian church , which was attributed to the need of money principally. The chairman said that worlc among the colored population needed attention. The constant diminution of the ministerial force by reason of old ago also required attention. In conclusion ho said the church must have paid and ordained ministers to meet this growing demand for ministerial aid to church interests. It was vital to church Interests and required prompt actiou. Colonel Elliott F. Shepard , In reading the report of the committee on Sabbath observ ance , found several subjects for congratula tion , ntuong them the closing of the saloons In Cincinnati aud the decrease In circulation of Sunday newspapers. The committee hud nlso In vlow the stoppage of the transporta tion of the malls on Sunday and the decrease of Interstate trulllc. Colonel Shepard rec ommended the plan of the American Sabbath union for carrying out these thlmrs. A motion wni made and carried to the effect that the report bo printed , when Dr. Allison , of Allegheny , Pa. , called attention to the statement made to him by u Cincinnati minister , who was not u' commis sioner , und , therefore , was not allowed to talk for himself , The statement was that at tbo last election in Cincinnati , Mr. Mosey said bo would not enforce the law closing the saloons oa Sundays , ana ho was elected mayor on that Issue , so that the saloons there were open every day. Colonel Shepard said ho was unaware of that , and agreed to strike out the reference to Sabbath observance in Cincin nati in his report. The report of the special committee on mis sions rcc'jiumcndod that the boaru of mis. slons for frccflmcn , ns now constituted und located , be continued , and that it should con trol the entire work among the freed men. Fire nt Nolilrfcvlllc , Ind. INDIANAVOMS , May 17. At 10:80 : to-night a telegram was received nt Noblesvllle , twenty uillcs north , stating the towu was entire tire and In danger of destruction , aud re questing that aid bo sent. Two flro compa nlCH wnre sent. No further information lias yet been received. A later report from Noblcsvillo says the flro has now been extinguished and tbo en glues are returning. No estimate of the losses cr Insurance can bo given to-night. An Anarchist ConsjilrAoy. MADIUP , May 17 , An anarchist-republican conspiracy has been discovered at Succa near Valencia. The conspirators , ull peas tints , planned to take , to-day , and suck tin IIOUROS of the wealthy > The Dollco and tin soldiers arrested many persons. Flro nt Now Orleans. NKW Oiti.EA > 8 , May 17. At 1 o'clock thli morntni ; lire broke out at the corner o Hochcblunc and Perdldo streets. Atl.SOi general alarm had been turned m and i iwrloiu tire threatened. FLOATING CABINET GOSSIP , Interesting Specimens of the Noble Art or Guoaslnpf. THE MATTHEWS SUCCESSORSHIP Attorney-General Sillier Mentioned to Fill the Vacancy on the Supreme premo Bench General Angus TnlKcU of for Russia. WASHINGTON Bunr.xu , THEOMAHA HH.I 513 FoUHTCEXTllSTnKKT , WASHINGTON , D. C. , May'l7.1 The air Is filled with all sorts of rumors about cabinet changes , most of which are wild , very wild , nnd unreliable , but some of .hem nro Interesting. Your correspondent ivlll glvo some of the interesting gossip afloat , but nothing is said upon the subject Jivolvcd by administration men. It is gen erally believed that Attorney General Miller will bo appointed a justice ot the supreme court of the United States to till the vacancy created by the death of Justice Matthews , and that his preferment will take place In September or the early part of October. It may bo that Secretary Tracy , of the navy department , will succeed Mr. Miller ns at torney general , nnd First Assistant Post master General Clarkson will become sccro- ary of thn navy. General Tracy would pre fer the legal portfolio to that of tbo navy. Mr. Clarkson went into the postonico department believing that ho would finally become secretary of the in terior or postmaster general by the transfer of Noble on the retirement of Mr. Wanumaker , but the natural tastes and training of Gonqral Tracy , nnd the fact that Mr. Noble is becoming popular as secretary of the interior , Incline those connected most closely wltti the administration to bollovo that Mr. Clarkson is more likely to bo secre tary of the navy than secretary of the Inter ior. This evening's Star says : "In Judicial and political circles It is confidentially stated that the president will soon have to fill not ono , but two vacancies on the supreme bench of the United States , the second ono being caused by the retirement of Justice Miller. Who who 1111 the present empty chair , Is still a matter for conjecture with nil the probabili ties In favor of Attorney General Miller , but ns to the place occupied by Justice Miller , no name has as yet been suggested to the presi dent save that of ex-Secretary of War George B. McCrcary , and his sponsor was the justice himself. t present the Justice believes ho will rctiro early In December nnd ho is really most anxious that his friend , McCrcary , should succeed him. Thirty years ago , when Judge Miller was practicing law in Kcokuk , la. , ho took Mc Crcary Into bis oftlco and there laid the founautlon for the broad legal knowledge which McCreary is now credited with hav ing in his possession. Mr. McCrcary is now general counsel to the Atcbisou , Topeka & Santa Fo railroad. AyOINTMENT DATS. At the first or second business meeting of President Harrison's cabinet it was determ ined that Tuesdays mid Fridays should bo days in ouch weolc when general appoint ments would bo made. Exceptions to this rule were made In isolated Instances , although it was very closely adhered to. and the great bulk of appointments have been announced or agreed upon for those days. A now schedule has Just been ar ranged , whlcn will undoubtedly bo more sat isfactory to the office-seeking masses , as It gives ono more day In the week to them. Appointments for the department will bo agreed upon or made ns follows : Mondays , interior departmen ; Tuesdays , postoftlco ; Wednesdays , treasury. There nro to bo few appointments made for the other flvo de partments and they have not been put on tbo schedule for the filling of emergencies. This schedule will , of course , bo deviated from. In some of tbo departments complaints are heard that the failure to make changes in the principal positions is having the effect of clogging business , as the officers who daily expect to bo relieved take no interest in the business , and in many instances refuse to take action. CI.AHK30N EXn.AINS. Assistant Postmaster-General Clarkson explained to-day how it was that chances in fourth-class postmastersnips were not taking place more rapidly at this time. It was de termined some weeks a o that the appoint ments should bo confined to places filled by the late administration during 1SS5 , as long ns there were changes to make , except ( n instances where changes were a necessity. As there are altogether 55,000 fourth-class postmasters it will bo seen that several weeks , probably several months would bo required to turn out the rabid democrats who uro Inefficient , nnd put in capable republi cans in this class , as It will bo remembered that Colonel Stovcnson , the late llrst assis tant postmaster-general , wielded the axe very recklessly during the first year he was at the helm. It will bo midsummer before the democrats appointed since 18S5 will betaken taken up seriatim. This will explain the delay in making changes In. fourth-class postmastorshlps demanded by prominent re publicans througtiout the country. HUSK'S IIUMOH. Secretary Kusk bids fair to prove ono of the most popular members ot the adminis tration. His good scnso nnd sturdy honesty of purpose are supplemented by a keen sense of humor that make him u most entertain ing companion , and ho receives more invita tions than any other public man in Washing ton. The other day a visitor at the agncul- ' tural department cazing over the ample grounds in which the buildings uro located turned to the secretary and remarked : "You've got the prettiest place in the city. " "Of course , why notl" was the prompt re joinder. "You know the secretary of agri culture Is the tail end of the cabinet and the tail Is almost altogether ornamental. As its principal use , " the secretary continued , with a merry twinkle in his eye , "is to keep the flies off the other members of the cabi net. " FOn M1NISTEU TO 1IUSSIA. In administration circles to-day the name of General Felix Agnus , proprietor of the Baltimore American , the loading southern republican newspaper , was freely discussed in connection with tbo Russian mission , to succeed the late Allen Thorndyko nice. General Ag'tus was a great soldier. Is an eminent editor and a natural diplomat. Maryland republicans have received no rec ognition for places outside the state so far under this administration , nnd the appoint mout of General Agnus would bo very grat ifying to them. General Agnus is a native of Franco uud a warm personal friend of General Bouluugcr's. The red and white wines which wore used at the Agnus banquet near Baltimore , on Wednesday last , were sent as u compliment by General Bou- langcr , who Is now an exile in London. The Chabhs came from General Boulungor's private vault. Piiuir : S. HEATH. Secretary Traoy Economizing. WASHINGTON , May 17. Secretary Tracy lias turned his attention to the matter of purchasing supplies for tbo navy aud lias already made an order Inaugurating consid erable economic reformIt appears the practice of the department has been to pur chase supplies for tbo navy by advertising ut tbe beginning of each official year , making the list of purchases extensive enough to cover the probable needs of tbo different bureaus during the entire year. Upon in quiry the secretary learned that In mak ing these purchases no regard wus hud for the amount of stores on hand. This Ind to the accumulation of stores , which in many cases rapidly do- tcrorlatcd , and caused loss to the govern ment. Secretary Tracy has , therefore. Jusl procured n statement that the amount of stores now oil bund is valued (2,000,800 , and as advertisements for supplies for the next llscal year will soon bo issued , bo Intends this amount shall bo deducted from the value of the stock to bo purchased nexi mouth. At tbo rate of expenditure iudulget In , 'nrlnp the last quarter , enoutrh nupplles o last flvo years would hnvo been nccuniu- atcd if maintained during the next fiscal year. _ ; Judge Savage Itenppolntcd. WASHINOTON , May 17t-Among the ap > wlntmcnts made by tha president to-day , vcro the following : John W. Whltchor , of Nevada , United States attorney for Nevada j John Murphy , of Dakota , attorney for the orrltory of Dakota ; James W. Savage , of " ) maho , Nob. , government director of the Jnlou Pacific railroad ; John K. Lynch , ot Mississippi , fourth auditor ot the treasury , and L. W. Haborcom , of the District of Col- imbla , fifth auditor of the treasury ; Amos Smith , jr. , of Ohio-surveyor of customs for Cincinnati. , . Cndots Appointed. WASHINGTON , May 17. The following per sons have been appointed cadets nt the mili tary academy : Howard It. Perry , of Mc- Henry , Fifth Illinois district ; O. G. Cowoll , Kingston , Fifth Illinois district , and D. W. vihnirn , of Chicago. Second Illinois district. Jlmrles Kossor , of Wisconsin , has been up- > eluted lithographer of the posioffico depart ment , vice David Enrlght , removed. Bnynrd'n Engagement. \VASHINOTON , May 17. The Every Even- ; ng , to-day , confirms the rumored engage ment of ex-Secretary Bayard to Miss Cly- : nor , a daughter of Dr. Clymer , of the United States navy. The wedding will occur early in the summer. THE GARTER CASE. Lawyer Dynes liugjns the Final Speech For the Plaintiff. CHICAGO , May 17. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ! Lawyer Walker closed for the defense in the Carter case , to-day , and Mr. Eiynes began tbo final speech for Mrs. Car- r. It was u powerful plea in her behalf. Ho scored Carter in a vigorous manner , and charged that the ovldonco against the wlfo was bought and paid for. Ho called the lury's attention to the fact that tbo plaintiff stood before them without n slnglo male rela tive to champion her cause , while on the other side Is the Carter family , that has lived In Chicago for ypars ; is powerful , wealthy and strongly entrenched behind a social barricade. A family whoso great In- llucnco reaches out on every side to a largo iocloty following , Interested in the vindico- : ion ot the Carters. CoUrt adjourned before Mr , Hyncs had finished. He will resume Monday , and the case will probably go to tbo jury that evening. LEGISLATORS PLAY BALL. The Exhausted Scorer Relieved By DarknOHfl. Si-niNariELD , 111. , Mayi17. ; A game of base ball to-day between plakod nines from the republican and democratic members of tbo ewer house of the general assembly drew a largo crowd of hilarious partisans. Early in the game Kent , who wus'pitching for the re publicans , ran into a foal tip and had his nose broken. Ford succeeded him , but finally the republicans were compelled tote to biro n small boy to occupy this dangerous position. The features of the game were the homo runs by Wiley , Jones and Wilk , tbo latter making the circuit of , the bugs on three strikes , nnd the superb third base playing of Wnrron. Brown , of La Sallo , was the scorer , and the odds : vero offered by the sporting fraternity that if two more innings were played and Brown held out , the demo cratic score would rcachj an oven hundred. At tbo cud of the f&urth inning the game stood : ' , ' Democrats , 37 ; republicans , 7. Darkness was closing In and the long suf fering spectators cried , 'Enough. " RIOTING ITALIANS. Five Seriously Wounded and. Several Badly flattered. WHEELING , W. Va. , May 17. A telegram from Beverly , Randolph county , says a terri ble riot occurred tbero , yesterday , between tbo Italian laborers on the extension of the West Virginia Central railroad. About fifty men were engaged in the trouble , which was of u most serious nature , and was only quelled with great difficulty. Thrco men were shot and badly wounded. Two others were seri ously stabbed , and others were beaten , struck with stones , etc. No names are given , and there are no indications of ar rests. . ' Strikers Killed by Troops. BEIILIN , May 17. The Frelsinnigo Zeltung says that the negotiations between tbo mine owners and the striking miners looking to a settlement of their dispute has been suspend ed owing to Krablo , a mlno owner , declining to entertain the demands of the strikers. The other mlno owners were prepared to consider them. A conflict occurred near Breslau , during which' troops fired on the strikers , killing a numberof , them. , . Later Although the negotiations between the mlno owners nnd . .strikers so far have been a failure , it is hoped that the masters at their meeting at Bochun , to-morrow , will accept the terms of the minors. The miner delegates to-day reported to the strikers at Portmund the result of their visit to Berlin. Over 5,000 strikers approved the proposed compromise und their intention to accede to nothing beyond that. A large proportion of the miners have resumed work , relying upon the emperor's active Influence with tbo em ployers. Murderer Redmond Captured. WHITCWOOD. Dak. , May 17. [ Special Tol- cgram to THE BEE. ] Deputy United States Marshal G. W. Harris and Gcorgo D. Mathie- son , of Pierre , arrived from the west yester day in search of Arthur Redmond , who is charged with murdering W. J. Duncan , near Pierre , some time ago. Early In the day a report was circulated that a man was seen about twonty-flvo mllss from hero driving a stallion , and Harris started for that country. The man was captured while making a sale of the horse to a farmer nnd brought to this place to-day , Redmond bud on his person about < XX ) in money , some cnecks made pay able to the murdered man , nnd letters. Ho is qulto cool and unconcerned about the mut ter , though uncommunicative. The party will leave on the train ; to-day for Kapld City , where they will go overland to Pierre. Distinguished Visitors to Huron. HURON , Dak. , May if. [ Special Telegram to Tim Bpn. ] General-Superintendent San- born , Assistant-Superintendent Hallenbeuk , Land-Commissioner feunmons , and other Chicago and Northwestern railway officials , with Attorney-General Hunt , of Illinois , and Hon. J. L. Cavin , of Philadelphia , are hero to-duy. It is thought their visit has some connection with the extension of the road from Gettysburg and Forest'City. Mayor Ulco has received n positive assurance from S. S. Cox that ho wiU.'be hero to deliver the oration on July 4. Governor Mollctto , Dele gate Matthews and Judge Moody will also be bore. Tbo citizens are arranging for the grandest demonstration in tbo history of Da- Uota. Capitalist ! ) In Pierre. PiEitiiE , Dak , , May 17. ( Special Telegram to THE BKE.J Ycstqrday omo thirty capi talists from Dos Molnes were in Pierre , the guests of the board of trade. Lust night a public meeting was participated In by the capitalists aud citizens generally , and to-day they have beau/ making Investments largely over the cliy ; ono syndicate of four , alone , having bought 173 lots. The W < Mitlii-r Indications. For Nebraska ! Generally fair weather , slightly wuruier , variable winds. Forlowp : Fair in western portion , rain in eastern portion , slight risoinUiin | > eruture , variable winds. For Dakota ; Fair , warmer , westerly winds. SHOT IN TUE SCHOOLROOM , A WnahhiBton Toaohor Killed by Her Worthless Husband. HE THEN TAKES HIS OWN LIFE. W Her Little Girl Pupils Horrified Wit- nrHicB oT the Murder nnd t Snlcldo She Refused to .Support Him. Died Where They Poll. WASHINGTON , May 17 , Llttlo girls attend ing the third grade In the Jefferson public school building in tbo southern section of this city were standing in the aisles of the school room this afternoon about to bid the school good bye until to-morrow , when thotr teacher , Mrs. Sarah E. Allen , was fatally shot in their presence by her worthless hus band , who then killed himself. Allen has been supported by tbo earnings of his wife as n school teacher until some time ago she loft him on account of his dissipated habits and frequent abuse nnd violence. Ho has annoyed and threatened her several times since she rolusod to have anything more to do with him nnd she has been warned recently to beware of bun. The children were first to see him when ho entered the school room , and when they showed how startled they were at his appearance bo called on them not to make any noise or ho would shoot. Mrs. Alien bad tried to escape , but her hus band by this time was upon her , and saying : "Now I've got you where I want you , " no 11 red at close range , the ball taking effect near thu right oar and passing through her head. Ho then turned the pistol on himself and Indicted a fatal wound. The murdered wlfo and suicldo fell together on the schoolroom floor , his arm about bor neck and the revolver laying on her cheek. The startled , terror-stricken children almost created a panic , but some of tbo more col lected of them ran for the other teachers , who succeeded in restoring order. Police and physicians were summoned , who did everything possible to make Mrs. Allen's last moments free from pain. She lingered semi-conscious for some time and then passed away. Her husband expired a few minutes after the arrival of the police. Murdcr'nml Suicide. NEWAHIC , N. J. , May 17. John Hongle , a brewer , forced his way into Mrs. Schorzor's apartments this afternoon and probably fa tally stabbed her , and then cut his own throat. Jealousy is supposed to be the mo tive , as Honglcr and Mrs. Scberzor had lived together up to tbo lattcr's marriage with Scncrzer. THE ILiLi-FATED AL.ASKAN. No Ttdlujts Itccclvcd To-Day of Her Mlbslnjj Crow. POUTI.AND , Oro. , May 17. No tidings were received to-day of the crow of the Ill-fated steamer Alaskan , who , it is supposed , ore this has reached land or has gene to the bottom of the sea. The Oregon Hallway and Navigation company has wired to all points along tbo coast to bo on the lookout , and if the men uro found it will not bo long before the . company's of ficials hero are notified. Effort also will be made to get word to the lighthouse tender Manznnata , which is cruising along the Oregon coast. Tno steamer Columbia sighted Manzanata Wednesday , and the light bouse tender Is supposed to bo at this time somewhere off Cape Blanco. When tbo boats containing the men put out from the sinking ship they headed for land. They may have escaped the i aging billows only to bo dashed to pieces against the rocky cliffs , as they were oightcen miles off shore and the storm had not abated up to the time that the rescued ones were picked up. The chances are rather against them , but all hope Is not abandoned. It is not known to a certainty bow many men were on tbo ship. The crew numbered forty-four , and after the vessel put to sea three stowaways were found. The two stowaways ore among the rescued. Olio of them said , to-day , that ho knew there were flvo stowaways , which makes the total number aboard forty-nine. Of this number , ten have been rescued , six have died , uud thirty-three are missing. A SCENE. In the General Assembly of the HouthJ crn Presbyterian Churches. CUATTANOOQA , Tonn. , May 17. In the general assembly of the southern Presbytor- lan churches , to-day , at Chattanooga , Tenn. . a joint committee representing the northern and southern assemblies recom mended that tbo relations of the colored race in the two sections of the church remain in statu quo. A man named Hlckoy , afterwards , during the discussion of the question , created a com meting by shouting : "Men and brethren , you are slaves stuplflod by the opiate of worldlincss. " Ho was hustled out scattering tracts us bo went. Chief Mays nnd the Commission. ST. Louis , May 17. The latest informa tion from the Cherokee nation is to the effect that Chief Mays has taken no action yet in the matter of furnishing facilities for the transaction of business by tbo Cherokee commission which is expected there the liOth inst. , to ncgotinto the purchase of Indian lands. Ho still declines to call a national council in special session to consider the matter , but says ho will submit to that body at its regular session , In November next , any proposition the commission may make. Ho proposed a short time ago to call the people together to consult with the commissioners , but now it is Ban' ho will not even do that unless the council will appropriate enough money to cover the expenses. . . Contract Imhorord Detained. NEW Youic , May 17. Ton contract labor ers , who arrived hero from Ilottcrdam last night on the steamer Obdain , were detained at Castle Gardoa to-day. The Immigrants said they came Hero at the instigation of the Prisoners' Aid society , of London , with the understanding that they were to place thotr services at the disposal of Samuel Nolla , a so-called emigration agent at Sequane , Tux. The Castle Garden authorities say they have evidence to prove that the Prisoners' Aid society , of London , has been shipping Eng lish convicts to Nolla at the rate of ono or two a week for many months past. Itaptlst Home Missionary Society , BOSTON , May 17. The fifty-seventh annual meeting of the American Baptist Homo Mis sionary society was begun to-day. Nelson Blake , of Chicago , delivered the opening ad dress. A resolution declaring that crcut religious destitution prevails among tbo army of the United States , and that an effort should bo made to enlarge and improve the chaplaincy so that every post may bo pro vided with a vigorous minister of the gospel was adopted. Ono Thousand Men Strike. NEW YOIIK , May 17. Over ono thousand store- men working along the water front in Brooklyn , uro out on u strike. They demand 25 cents an hour in lieu of 20 cents , which for the last ten months has been the rate ut which they have boon paid , The stores where the strike occurred are closed , and guarded by policemen. The strike is expected to ex tend und include ull the storemcn along the water front. Cut hello KnluhlN of America. CIIATTAXOOOA , May 17. At a mooting of the Catholic Knights of American to-day It was decided to hold the next meeting of the supreme council In Philadelphia on the second end Tuesday In May , IbUl. Officers were then chosen for tbe next year und the couu cil adjourned. BENNETT'S Ij.VTEST FHKA1C Ho Blurts Tor Klinrtoum on it tcrlouo Errnnd. NBW Yonic , May 17. It Is stated to-nlfiht that Now York nowspnpcnlom nnd the clubs nro greatly excited over a report from Eu rope that James Gordon Bennett , proprietor of the Now York Herald , has gene to Khar- touui , the capital of the Mahdl's territory. Mr. Bennett loft Purls throe weeks ago , went to Marseilles , tlioneo to Alex nndrla , and this week bo Is In Cairo. Two stories have boon cabled over In explanation of this singular journey. * One Is that at n Parisian club ono night n discussion arose , during which nn English army ofllcor said it was impossible for any foreigner to outer Khartoum and depart nllvo. Bennett declared that anyone possessing sufllciont brains aud money could visit the Mnbdl nnd re turn unscathed. Ho offered n heavy wager that ho himself would do It within n i > orlod of six months. The bet was prompt ly accepted , and Bennett , accompanied by nn Intimate friend , started forthwith upon the hazardous journey. The other story Is more startling. It Is to the effect that on the evening in question nt the club , Bonnet received n dispatch from the correspondent at Cairo , stating that ho had advices that General Gordon was still alive nnd kept a close prisoner , and that the Mahdl , by reason of his reverses during the | iast year , was willing to have Gordon ran somed for 1,000,000 franco. Within the next few days Bennett made all arrange ments for the trip nnd the payment of the ransom , and sot out for Egypt. But little can bo learned in Now York in confirmation of tno story. Onoof 'tho editors of the Herald says they have received n cablegram from Mr. Bennett at Cairo , but nothing is known about bis prospective movements. CYCLONIC IJlLjIj. Ho Is Ono of the the llobbcrs of Pny- innstcr Wham. TUCSON , Ariz. , May 17. Advices received from Fort Thomas say thatCyclonoHIll , who was arrested at Clifton , is undoubtedly one of tbo gang that robbed Paymaster Wham. Ho answers the description of the lama man. Ho cannot explain his whereabouts during the hours previous to nnd after the robbery. Four others of tbo gang are known and will bo arrested to-day. Later. Assistant Adjutant-General Vol- mar , department of Arizona , received a dis patch from Captain Lobo , Fort Thomas. Ariz. , that "Cyclone Hill , " who was arrested at Clifton for the robbery of Paymaster Wahui , was brought In last evening , und that W. F. Neunnlugliam , ot Fort Tnomas , had been arrested. Both men nnd the woman , Frankie Struttou , have been identified as being among the party who robbed Wabm. KEMMIjEU'S DEATH WARRANT. The Man Who U to be Exccutod by Klnctrlclty. BUFFALO , N. Y. , May 17. The death war rant of William Kommlor , the first man convicted under the electrical execution law , has been signed , and ho will bo taken to the Auburn state prison in a few days. The warrant is directed to the warden of the Auburn prison , and provides that tbo sen tence bo executed some day within the week , commencing Monday , tbo 24th of Juno , In the year of our Lord 1889 , and In the yards of the Auburn state prison , or within the yard of the enclosure adjoining thereto , by then and there causing to p.iss through tbo body of him , the said William Kemmlor , a current of electricity of sufficient quantity to cause death , and that the application of such current of electricity bo continued un til said William Kemmlor is dead. " A NOVEL EVENT. An American Wedding to bo Cele brated In the London Chapel Royal. [ Copyrtulit 18S3 by Jamei Gordon JlcnncU. ] LONDON , May 17. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun BKE.J The engage ment is announced between Colonel B. K. Jameson , the well known American banker , who has been staying in this city for the last Ave or six months , aud Miss Jean Wlllard , of Washington. The wedding is to bo cele brated at Chapel Iloyal , Savoy , on tbo 23d Inst. , nnd it Is a peculiar fact that n genuine American wedding , in which both contracting parties are citizens , so to speak , of the great republic , is to bo celebrated in the London Chapel Hoyal. Miss Willard is a typical American belle , and like her fiancee , a great favorite in society. The ceremony will bo performed by Kov. Henry White , chaplain to the queen. A Wyoming Editor Assaulted. LAKAMIEVyo. . , May 17. [ Special Tele gram to THE HER. ] Information was re ceived , to-day , of a lively scene in the office of the Independent , at Rock Springs , yester day. It grew out of Tuesday's municipal election , in which the low license ticket wus defeated. The Independent favored Increas ing the license , incurring the bitter ill-will of the saloon men , Ono of the latter , Dick Kccnan , wont to the Independent oftlco aud showed a disposition to confiscate this week's issue of the paper. Editor N. B. Dresser objected , ana in the altercation which ensued revolvers were drawn. Neither fired , but Kconan struck Dresser over tho' head , felling him to the floor , and injuring him severely. This Is the second time Kconan has assaulted Dresser. Tlio Hnmoan Conference , BBIIUN , May 17. The members of the Sainoan conference were closeted two hours to-day. The Post's Berlin corresnondont , referring to the Sainoan conference , says : Tlio com mittee reports on the land and government nuestlons wore presented to the conference to-day. The report on government was ap proved with the exception of a few details , which were left for the next incotimr. Judg ing from the unanmlty shown to-day u linal agreement will be arrived at. An Aborigine In Quad. CIIAMIIEIIHIN , Dak. , May 17. [ Special Telegram to Tun BIIK.J Sheriff Van Horn , to-day , arrested Buck Antelope , a Sioux In dian , for stealing clothing. Tills Is ono of Ute worst Indians on the reservation and the authorities have bsen after him for u time. A Chicago Illazo. CHICAGO , May 17. At 1 o'clock this morn ing twelve small cottages located at Avenue 1C and Ono Hundred uud Sixth street , South Chicago , are In flumes , but the lire is proba bly under control. The loss will reach $15,000. A Town Nonrly Destroyed. lNniANAi' , May 17. The business portion tion of Hunllngburg , Duboib county , was burned this morning by an incendiary fire. The losses aggregate 175OUO , , with little in- surance. Htcamtitilp Arrivals. At Bromerhavcn The Latin , from Now York. At New \ ork The Bothnia , from Liverpool - pool ; the Saalo , from Hremor , Turku MiiHsaerelnu Christians. LONDON , May 17. It Is stated nt Cottlnjo , the capital of Montenegro , that ClirUtiane are being massacred by Turks on the Monte ncgren fruntlcr. A $4nOOO I'M re. CHICAGO , May 17 , A number of stores In Cummlngft , a rolling mill suburb , WJrudo stroyed by lire to-day ; lots , M5,000. PATRICK EGAN ON'CRONIN , The President ofthoLonguoDooon't Think Him Dead. TREASURER O'REILLY SCORNFUL. It Is NOIIRCURO to Suppose Tlmt the IMlHsIni ; Man \VaH Tut Out of the Way Ills Odd 9 tO.OOO Subscription. t " Tlio Minister to Glilll Feasted. CHICAGO , May 17- [ Special Telegram to TUB Hii.J : 1'atrlclc Egnti , the now minister o Chill , nnil ox-prcsldcnt of the Irlsti Na .lonttl League , was tendered a reception by the Irish-American club , of this city , this evening. In the afternoon , at the hotel with Dr. O'Kollly , the treasurer ot the League , Air. nii talked of the missing Dr. Cronln. Ho vas inked : "What do you think ot the for- nation of the commlttoo of Irishmen to lu- vostlgato Cronln's disappearance ! " "So farjis I know , " ho .said , "thoro Is not an atom of founilatiou upon which to rent the lullof ttiut Cronln was removed by enemies of the Irish cause. If those Irishmen , In this city , who arc Interesting themselves In the aoarcli for him bollovo there has boon foul ilny , I Know nothing of their reasons for BO believing , and before many mere decided statements are made , It occurs to ir.o that It would bo proper to give the public soiuo facts. "Personally , " said Mr. Egan , "I did not mow Cronln , other tlmn as n person I had mot casually several times. I remember ho was a member of the celebrated 'Palmer louse committee , ' tit 1SSO , that tried to getup up a counter-movement to the convention that year and fulled. "That ho was removed , because of a knowledge of crookedness in Dr. O'Kollly's ' account with the Purnoll fund. Is hardly ( irobablo , and might well bo considered pro- [ lostcrous. Tim Chicago funds , which , It la said , were misappropriated , did not go through Dr. O'Uoilly's hands at nil. 1 know nothing about the case , but QUO thing sug gests Itself to mo , mid that Is u good many Irishmen are talking rashly. To assuma that ho was murdered appears to mo to bo going too far. The committee of ton In this city ougnt either to dhow bi'ttor reasons foe pronouncing the cuso ono of that sort , or do less talking. " Dr. O'Hoilly said it was absurd to connect the disappearance of Croulu with the busi ness of his olllco. "I don't ' know Cronln personally , " said ho , but I remember him as ttic person who , three years ago , subscribed $40.000 to the Purncll fuml. It wus at the Pulmor IIouso convention , mid In the excitement of the time ho came up and put his name down for that amount. It was n question with me , at once , whether or not ho would bo able to pay it and as soon as I had talked with n few people about him I concluded tt didn't nuiuuni to anything. " BISHOP'S DHATII. Drs. Irwln , Nanco and Fnrgnqon Hold Under Bonds. NEW YOUK , May 17. [ Special Telegram to Tun HKI.I Mrs. E. S. Bishop , mother of the dead mlml-reador , has written this letter to ttio president of the board of cor oners : ' I am of the belief , from my knowledge of previous attacks that my sou has suffered , that the autopsy , performed by Drs. ' Irwin and Ferguson , was not warranted. I therefore - fore demiina that a further examination bo mado. " The funeral , which was to have taken place to-morrow , has been postponed , and an autopsy will oo had to-morrow. Coroner Levy to-day hold Inquiry In the matter of the death of Washington Irving Bishop , the mind reader. As a result Drs. Iru'in , Nanco and Ferguson were held in bonds of SJiCb ! each , to await the Inquest ; which will bo held unxt week. THIS COOK COUNTS' ASYLUM. Dlugraucd By Incompetent ) * With a "Pull. " CHICAGO , May 17. In the Investigation Into the condition of the insane asylum , to day , ono of the attendants admitted that un der a former administration ono of the pa tients was beaten to death by another con fined in the same room. Dr. Noble , a mem ber of the medical ataff , test ! lied that nearly three hundred patients were conlldod to Ills euro , and that u large proportion of his worlc was the treatingof wounds received in fights between the patients. Another witness testified that the attend ants were appointed on recommendation by the county commissioners , and Unit their ap pointments wore not based on their Illness for the work , but because they had a "polit ical pull , " and the consequence was that many of the attendants were wholly Incom petent. _ _ NohrnNkaand town Ponsioip. WASHINGTON , May 17. [ Special Telegram to THE Bun. ] Pensions granted Nebras- kuns : Original Invalid Ferdinand Hubo , William Garland , Nathan Gordon , Abram D , Skidgol , sr. Increase Jacob H. Gllmoro. HelsBUO Henry Schmltz. Pensions for lowans : Daniel Pomeroy , Samuel J. Taylor , Deles Budlong , Edward A. Moore , Conrad Snnfer , Jesse K. 1'Ippoy , .John A 1 bars , David Myers. Restoration and' increase Alexander Nicholas. Increase Jesse Thuyer , Fulton J. Smith , James A. Pace , Greenville Halo , Aaron M , ilnrter , Joseph II. M. Edwards. Kelssue Sumuul H. Hrightwoll , Hobort L. Lilli bridge , Mur- tm H. Lowory. Original widows , oto. Martha , widow of Mlchaol Langun ; Nuncy , mother of Sylvester E. Allen. Tim Indians Willlnto Sign. PiKititu , Dak , , May 17. Special Telegram to Tin ; Bui : . ] The Indians nt Choycnna agency , at a recent big council , decided on the manner of treating with the Sioux com mission. Tney have appointed out of the different tribes a council of Jlfty , and twelve were elected Judges. The council dccldca upon a plan of action for ttio entire trlbd , who uro bound by their action. At the meet ing uf the council this week many spocchca were made on the Sioux bill , and a large ma jority , from what Is learned , favored accept ing its provisions ut once upon the coming of the commission , only u very few being uu- decided. ! I A Hig Room In Yankloii. YANKTON , So. Dak. , May -Special [ Telegram to Tun Uii.l : Things are boom * Ing here. The pontoon bridge company Is hero locating the bridge. Work is to com- mcnco ut once on the now , f 100,000 hotel , and two other large business blocks. Lots uro Belling rapidly In the now und popular addi tion of Dushwood , Investors from all parti of the country are hero necking investments In Yunkton real estate. YunlUon is desirous of getting u railroad direct to Omaha. Sid ney Bmlth , arciiitcct , of Omaha , Is bora making plans for the proposed now build- Ink's. An Indian Trcsox , A. T. , Muv 17. Firmlno Apepago , an Indian , wus hanged to-day Tor the mur der of Patrick Ford , n prospector. This la the first execution of an Indian in Arizona under the recent decision of the United States cupreme court , which gives the ter ritorial courts Jurisdiction of nil Indian criminals. _ Gold Cor Hlilpmonr , NKW yoitu , May 17. The total gold eu | gaged for shipment to-day wait | 1TW,000.