Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    3 OMAHA BATTiY BEE' iTHTTRRDAY , MAY 16. 1889.
No ndrerllsomentH will bo tnkcn for
tlirnn coliininn nftfir 12:110 : p. m.
Terms Cnnli In lulTiuicc.
Aaverte | mpnt * under this heafl 10 cents pet
line for tne first insertion. 7 cent * for each sulx
geqttent Insertion , and tlM per 11ns per month.
Ho advertlaemenvtnken for less than 25 cent *
th ilrst Insertion. Seven word * will b counted
to the line ; they must run consecutively nnd
tnu t bo paid In ADVANCE. Alt advertl-
tnont * must b bandc'l in before 1 J.TO : o'clock p.
tn. , and under no circumstances will they b
taken or discontinued by telephone.
1'artlei advertising In these columns and havIng -
Ing tbotr answers addressed In care of Tuc HIM
trfll please ink for ft cllock to enable them to Ret
heir letters. n nnne will be dallvered except on
presentation of chock. All answer * to nuter-
Ilsementft abould be encloseoiln envelopes.
All advertisements In those columns nra pub
lished In both morning and criming editions of
TIIK Ilrr. , the circulation of which aggregates
Worn tban 18,000 pnporn dally , onfl gives the nd-
rertlsorx the benefit , " not only of the city circu
lation of TIIK llr.n , but also of Council Bluffs ,
Lincoln HDC ! other cities nnd towns throughout
bis section of tlie-conntry.
Advertising for these columns will be taken
m tlie above conditions , at the following bnsl >
MCBB houses , who nre ai thorlzed agents forTtta
JIKK eperlM notices , and will quote tbe sam
rates DS can be had at the main olllco.
South Tenth
" ii A8B & nODT. Stationers nnd Printers , 113
Bouth 10th Street.
Sn. FAIINSWOHTH , Phnrmt/lst 2115 Cum-
ing Street
WJ. HUOIIKS , Pharmacist , Ml North ICth
' Ito7w. PAlilt , Pharmacist 1809 Bt
WANTED A situation by n Ilrst-class bread
Midcaku baker ; Binall town profontd.
Addrosa . A. lUrtncM. ifiui Websterst. 227 lot
WANTED A situation ns l > ookkeoper by a
young man having experience , mid who Is
wining to l > eglu IIH assistant to start with. Address -
dross , H ( S , lleo. '
" \TOIJNtl man with Rood experience la gen-
J. crul dry good * , socks ongngnment In Ne
braska or ono ot the western Mates , now living
In Unit claRH store In Chlrngo. Address Hhyn-
land , 706 W. Indlina St. , Chicago , lit ! M I to
AflBHMAN florist , speaks English , wishes a
place In prlvato family na Hoilst. Address ,
! lor 1st , Atlantic Hotel , OU7.GOU and Oil 8. lothst.
2U 17t
WANTED Situation as housoktepoo or work
In a small family , by a mlddlo-agod lady ,
competent nnd capable. Address A 71. Hoo.
207 15 *
WANTED Situation by a Gorman lirnnd
and cake baker , country town preferred ,
good roferonci'S given. Address John Kiomser
care Walauzohotel.UlSLoavomrorth st.Untaha
15S ! OJ
NTKO An elderly , reliable man to take
care of a l.imu gentleman. Apply at 1JJ
Dodge St. 2r > 15t
WANTEO-dood Intelligent boy to dlstrlb-
ute handbills. 219 8. l.'th st. 238 1ST
\\rANTED-aood ll\o energetic solicitors ;
T ? largo roiniinorntlon. Apply rooni2lfl First
National bunk building , city. 2i
"W7ANTRO A boy or young man to cairy a
T > route on Dally Uvuiilng lloo. Call at Hoe
olllco. 4 p.m. i31 !
\\ANTKD llrst-class shoomakorn , sowed
work. 418 S. 10th. 101 15 *
AGENTS WANTIJD-For the boM ; solllni ;
J * book , "Tho Christina's Legacy. " Send for
circulars. Jl.OCO in cash prizes altered , i : . J. .
Ilollana. 40 Dearborn st. , CUlcago. 177-lit
AUKNT8antcd to sell Harrison nnd Morton
running the world , or the great political
donkey imz7lc. S nd 1contfl for sample In
Ktamps. Address ItobcrtChampncy , tttl 1'uxtou
block , Oinalia , Neb. UI-J12t-
WANTI'.D At once , r-vo yountj men for
light work ut Jir , a eoe ; sieady work all
eunimer. Kooni 17 , X ) N. Hith. 15. " > 15J
\\7"ANTKD Good salesman to sell udvortlu-
T Ingcaidsandnoveltlus on commission ill-
rett from uianufuctiirer. You can nuixoJ.V ) per
voek. Adili-' Advertising fcDPclalty Co. .
UuITalo , N Y. Vfl in
"V7 ANTBD 'Kxperlenced brick vard men can
T Y > llnd Bteady rtmplovmeut by applying. Win.
lladfonl. Hlver Kulln , Wl . Uis-l(1J (
" \ \ / ANTUD A good lithographing solicitor
TT hohas an OhtabllHhod trade luthis sec-1
tlon to work Omaha trade. Straight salary and
permanent place. Address A 4U lieu olllco. HU
$5 > WKEKFjY Heprosentatlve wanted in
every community. Goods staple and sell on
IghU Absolutely new ; household necessity.
Mo canvassing , tlite Mfg. Co. , Pullman build-
Ing' Chicago. 111. 761 *
WANTED Agents I'uzzlo watcti charm ;
most taking novelty out ; exuct imitation
of "I'lgaln Clover. " slzo of nickel , gold platod.
Buniplo JBc , two Sac. Aaz. 41 ; stumps taken.
Btayncr & Co. , I'rovldoncB. 11.1. '
BOVB-Arn. Uist. Tol.Co. . 130i Douglas.
A O EN ' 18 n-nntecl on salary , $75 per niontn ,
and oxponsBS paid , any nctlvo man or wo
rn im to sell our goods by samplu and llvo at
homo , ynlury paid promptly and otponges In
advance , Full particulars and sample caao
free. Wo mean just wbatwp s.iy. Address
Standard Silverware Co. , Itoaton , Jlnas.
"V17ANTI.J ) Agents ; maglo cigar llgDtor ;
T > every nmokur buys ; lights In wind or rain :
Huts a lifetime ; sample 15c , two for 2oc , dozen
Tl , by mull ; stamps taken. Staviior Jc Co. ,
I'rovlilonco It. I. ! -m3J'
AIjKSMBN We wish a few men to fill our
goods by sample to wholusaln and retail
tradu. I.argc&t muniit'rs In our lino. Enclose.
g-cent stamp. Wng s $ J per day. Permanent
position. No postals answered. Money ad
vanced for WBCOH , advertising , etc. Centennial
JlauTg Co. , Cincinnati , 0. CM
WANTED Men to solicit ; must deposit
nnd give security for money collected.
Pnlnry tin to SICK ) per mont h. Call on or ad
dress Qea 3. Cllnc , Oil 1'lrat National bank. 170
G PHtli for goueral housework , small family ,
uoloacoraor boarders. 200J Uallfouila'st.
2U 11J
WANTED ( ieriann second girl , il cuoks Jiri-
T.uo family * 5 ; 2 for boaidlug house $3 :
laundry gill lion ntuichnd uothoi , ) day : U
vaitiossoi f\ \ weeK ; 'I nU.inibeniialds , 2ulsh-
\vasnerH , Intenographcr t-'U ; : ) gills g iieral
vorlf. Oinulia limp , lluioaii. 11'.I ' N. Hltlr.6H ! " '
\ , \ ANTKD-A geol clrl for genera.1 house-
V' work In a small family. Inquire at 2415
C ANTED Uhl to do general housework In
> Hoimnn family , MlS 1.1th. a 17 *
ADV ngciita average over < ID a week with
myi'rniidnow rubber uudorgunnent. Ad
ohH , Mn. II. F. l.lltie. Chicago. Ill , ni Sit
WANTED A competent houbouiitln with
good ruferoncas , by Mrs. II. ICoimtze ,
Foroat Hill , 8 Ultli st , S4TlSt
WANl'lTD'FTrst clnss girl for gnnoran
work ; small fnmily ; small hoiuu. .110 N.
Vt Ilutton-hoU mak rs. Far-
W ANTKD A girl for general housework ,
0188. 17th-St. 171
\\T ANTBU Two stylish educatedoxpeilvnccd
TV millinery calos ladles. No other , or women
that h& > o been in buslnuu * insmall towns nee J
apply. J.J. linns. 16l4Pouglaa t. 174 ID *
\ ITANTKU .Uouco.u'ooil conkaud laundreaj
VV MM. y. w. oray. aai Dou8ias.8 ta
rl. ! j Fai uam ,
W ANTBU VimiiK lady copyist ; mint writ *
uo'.l and state salary expected. Addreim
A iO life. .W 17f
WANTED A competent girl for general
housework , on * who can oook , wash ami
Iron whore second girl and man are kept : good
tyacw P'Ud. Apply ut UU South 20th St. Ml
MMNTKD-Flmtclusa wolvt Jhilshor. " " lri7
TT Au on , 801 Fourth are. , Council Ululfa.
lf,1 NTED-Shlrt makers. 1113 Farnam.
INUAUKMKNTd to dodresimsKlug in fain
E llle solicited. IUs Uturdy'J)17 ) I av nirorili
M. Bhmo fasblonaolu diessmaklug ,
moderateprlcAs ; cuttlu and dttlug alsu
done. 317 N. l tu. 660 Jt
. -Imneitlntcly. a loaaot 1200 on
uoo.1 outili'.e is.iltr , lout ; time. Address
SU 13 *
tsr ANTED A v'jrchaser for a Hit ) mortgar
Tl ou K O3isluiJ3 : | also K section Colorado
acbool land. li. If. ( jvtuell , 000 Bo. Uth t. Jd
floor , Onuha. _ ll
ANT KU-Any one atlllot d wit'u any
W vato or clironlo blood illseaso to tnl
tboNntion-U liuiuedy Co. , 1414 | ) oac t. andlu
teiil nt * iliur truatuisct ( or priralo dUonltn
TOOM ami board cheap for two in PrlvnU
LV family , gJl Hurt st. 100-18 ?
O A II DRIIS wanted ftt the Cozzem hotel nt
reduced rates : tbe most pleasant location
n the city. M J Franck. prop. 879
HOU8B WMitortImnt to rent n good house
of 8 or 7 rooms at onro In good condition.
Musi haVe yard nnrf city water nnd other con
veniences If possible. Would prefer location
oulh ot Dodge nt. House must bo also well
ccntea for health and hare no basement. Fred
{ . tfntiTuorn , 170. ) 31. Mary's avo. S 17
rANTKD-Hoiuo , either furnished or nn-
- . furnished , where family can bo boarded
or rent ; best of references can b plven. ( live
address and 1 Will call. Address 0. F..City P.O.
TANTED Gentleman nnd wife engaged
- . during the day dnilro furnished flist Hoer
rent room : prefer private home with yard and
hade. Address A & 0 lice. 90J 17 *
w ANTED to rent by family of two , nn un
furnished cottage In good condition con-
-fttnhift 0 or 7 rooms : must have terms and lo *
catlou to receive any attention. Address U 53 ,
Ice. 29
Foil IlKNT To family without children ,
nicely fnrnlihed ( oven-mom house , from
Juno iBt to Sept , 1st. ZiCO BU Mary's avenue.
IT'OH ' HKNlMroom modern Improved house
-U suitable for tlrat-claii physician , none
neighborhood. Apply M , Klgttttcr , 1IU 8.
Oth su 2.B 21
FOll ItKNT-U-room cottn'go. nice ynril. rlty
anil cUtcrn wnter.on pavement oiul car lino.
Southeast corner of 1 nil anil Arbor W. SH 17
TTIOIl III5NT Klovcn-rooin house with seven
-I ; room H furnlstiuil If aculrcil : or foiirtosli
rooms , ilrst Hoer , tinrunilshcil , BOJ Ilowanl.
THOU HKNT Several good houses In good
JL1 locations. O. F. Davis Co. , 1600 rnrnnin st.
U3 18
T\0ll \ KlINT A nice nix-room house. 3 doors
- -1 west \Vnlmit Illll Hchool , for $ S5 to Apill
next. Or would tnko horto In trade. Also , a
Tooa young one or me ceftj ) . . . e
Hamilton nnd Kuroka st. , Walnut Illll. ,
TjlOR HKNT S room house ; centrally located ;
X1 modern improvements. J. V. liarton. 2fil
Capltol nvo. 818-20 *
oil Kent-Three room house nroar of lot.
131T COBS st. 1KII5JCJ
NINE room homo on Dodge st , cable passes
the door : hot and cold wntcr , bathrooms
and furnace : rent $10 per month. 1'iedUortli -
wick , 2133. Uth st. H.l
5NT Tile lower story of house No..M7
s. 21th ; 4-rooms. 3 closeM nnd a largo
kitchen : hot. cold nnd cistern water : sewer ,
cm and ste&m heat ; bath room , collar nnd
large y/ird / , JJu per month. Inquire on prem
ises. 070
FOlt KKNT Nlce. comfortable home , nrst-
class neighborhood , nil modern convon-
Ichrca , cloio to car line , moderate rout. Inimlia
ofOeo.N. Hicks , llniker block. 0"i lii
T710II HINT : Klecant losldonco In llanscom
-U Place. Inquire Uoo. N. Hicks , Uarker block.
Uai 13
TjlOH KRNT Now brick houses. II roumswith
JP every modern conNonti'iico ; on cable line ;
only 940 per month. C. T. Taylor , cor. 14th and
Douglns. Via
POH HUNT An eleven-room house. ZSM Cali
fornia Ht. 'f-
FOll KKNT rottng s , 5 rooms , S72 < J Charles
st. nnd 15U4 S 15th st. Inquire ftt room 'U ,
Shcoly block. 473
FOll KKNT-A Hat In the Her building ; 7
roomx. steam heat , gas nnd bath. Apply
to A. C. lluyintjr , hardware , loth and Jackson.
O Nicr.7-room cottagesgood ; collars , cisterns.
j-t nell , good barn ; convenient to school und
church ; W ) per month for the anmmer. Apply
nt ono , 0. F. Harrison , Jlcrclmnta' Nal'l ,
T7\OU \ lUINT-Ncat house cor Sflth
JC and Woolworth ave. Inrjuiro of 0. U.
Tzichuck. lleo olllco. M'J
" | I > OH HKNT Ono ten-room and ono elght-
-l ; room house , nil modern conveniences , llest
part of city nnd within C mlnntes walk of post-
olllrn. Nnthan Shelton , 1501 Karnam st. UU
rilOH linKT-lloautlful B-room nousoith
JL modern Improvements , eplcndld loiatlon.
Apply at once , C. P. Harrison , Mcr. Nat. U'k.
* " but !
"T710H RENT Rood houses nt.V > . JIO.t , , W > . $ JJI
-L1 midiU per mouth. If you wish to rent call nud
see mo. I ) . V. Bholes , 210 Isl Nnfl Hank. 7K )
TJ10II UBNT 14 room brick dwelling , all con-
JC veulencca , 21BN. 19th st. 907
FOH HKNT A newly furnished room , gas ,
bath , ere. , price moderate. Call at 1715
bcavonworth - 241 10J
T71OH HENT Furnished sleeping rooms , 807.
J-1 03 Howard ; pleasant , shady ; $1.71 to S2.JO
week. S40 18j
"plUHNISHED rooms , 113 5.20th , neaj Dddgo ,
F I OK HUNT Furnished rooms , 23JQ Dodge. -
PUHNIHHED front bed room and sitting
room In private family. 424 North 17th st.
245 19t
FOH HKNT In private family , two furnished
rooms on parlor Hoor. gus and bath , da-
ulrablo location. Inquire Oil ftorth 18th st.
220 10 ?
rooms with modern conveniences
veniences , on pa > cd street and car line , 2220
Leavcuwortn. 187 20 *
TmOH HENT 1'iirnlnhed room with board ,
J ? only JI per week. Uil N.sutli st. 19M3t
Foil HUNT A nicely furnished largo front
room , nil modern conveniences ; for further
particulars call nt 2215 Dodge Bt. 195
/1I1OIOB rooms with board m private family ;
v nlcely situated ; loCoronces ex. JJ1JO Hnrnuy.
"VTICELY" furnished front room for two n-gd
JL > tlemeiu rent. $7 per month. Hear 151U Ho war
170-1U ?
F UHNISHKD room to runt , 1818 Chicago.
A LAUGH noulh front roam , every convnn.
lonce , 0 blocks from 1' . O..2J1U Douglas st.
I AHQE trout roQui wllh largo cloaet , 1713
OJ5 lUt
FOll HENT Nicely furnished front room
with board.nll couvenluuces,1910 Capltol avo.
FOll Ill.NT Furnished rooms with or with
out board for families and single men at
reduced price for the summer months at the
Cor. cna hotel , MI 1'rancK , prop. KtO
171UHNISHEI ) front rooms 1810 Dodge.
B77J8 *
" 171011 HKNT Two newly furnished rooms for
J ; gents ; best table board. 1U15 Capltol ave.
"IIHW HEN'T Nicely furulshod front bed room
-L1 in cottago. M per month , 40 < ) William street.
NK'F.LY furnished south front room , Hvery
cenvenluce. 2210 Douglas st 077
FOH HENX A pleasant room , only 6 minutes
Walk from "business ( .enter , all modern con *
venleuces , cor Ut. Mary's avo. and 2Uth or G20 S.
20th , brick residence. CO I
iiONT rooms , ti upwards , ou car line : 1J19
N18th. ih
TJIUHNlBIir.I ) or imfurnlahod rooms for rent
J-1 in Park Terrace , odposlte Hanscoiu park ;
all modem couveuleucus. Inquire IAO He
Nichol , I'bth nnd Lea\enworth ,
* * *
C1U UNISTIKD rooms Dy day. week , or month .
J hotel cor lUn ! and Dodge. 4 8
* | iUU UUNT-Frout rooms at 1821 Farnam.
JJ 477
O NICK south front rooms with every convou-
t-t leuce ; telephone In houso. 1908 Capltol ar ,
. . .
OOM with or without board. ItlU Dodgd ,
OUlTof S furnished rooms , modern convon
Oleuce.f,3blocks from P.O. ; piivat * family ,
A. Hospe , jr. , 15U DouglHS. 4.T5
VTICKlhr furnished rooms > rlth board. Hof.
-i-N oroaces txchangoO , iiW St Mary's ave.
IJiOR UKMT Itooui 1CEU Howard.
T AllQ K front room with bed-room adjoining ,
J - handsomely f urnlih d , gas und heated by
steam , with use of bala room , lu one of the
handsomest reslduuuM In the city , without
board. Inquire a. w. cor. IVtU aud Leaveuworth.
1J1OH UKNT EIejAut furul Uod room suitable
Jj for two centlemeii. cu bathroom Moor , with
board. WlV Douglas it. V7U I5t
FU1INISUKD rooms , slngla or an suite , bath
and steam i for cents ouTy , 1513 Howard.
'C\0ll \ HKNT-J furnished rooms with g s ,
K steam heat anil bath room ou sain * floor. IK
per tnojitU eocJi. S078. SilUti. 34
FOR IHJNT Furnished rooms slngla or en
suite. ICOT L-ouglM. 713
A OH 5 unfurnished rooms" oThous e keeping
Jtformanand wlfa. fllBNlithst - 347171
O CNrnilNlSlIKDrooms , nlcclj located , with
Onil modern conveniences near ntrect car line ,
to small family without children. 13V ) Sher
man nvcnue. . 11HJ15 *
FOH UlENT Pleasant unfumlshoa rooms
overinoi Howard st. For onices or lodging.
Lcdw ich & Shaw. 2. > l
"TilOH HENT f-rooms with all modern Improv-
J3 menu , & 8 22d st , 243 1
1/10H * HENT-I unfurnished rooms. 1701 Web-
l stor st , suitable for housekeeping ; prlre $15.
TTOH HENT Two nice unfurnished rooms.
L1 oible and two lines of cars. Warner , 2Ulh
nnd Cuming. -231 lii ;
TjlOH HKNT Suite of 4 rooms unfurnished ,
JU with nil modern Improvements , bath room ,
closet , etc- hot and cold wntor. gas fixtures , to
'amity without children. Hoferonco required ,
704 north 17th st. ITlce tX 098
FOUH rooms , H ) . I < il3 3. 15th , near Dorcas ,
FOll HENT Two stores with lint
above , corner iBth and Mason sts. Inquire ,
Mr.s , Lunge. HU H. nth st 187
T1OH HENT 2 lloors Wx80 each , In brick build-
Ing. with elevator , cloie to express olllco.
chi-Hp rent. Just the thing for wholesaling , good
location. Apply to Ueo. Heyn , 1108 Farunm Ht.
TOH HUNT Store 22x60 ; 1118 Jackson st.
JL1 linaulrellU Jacknon. 431
17IO11 HKNT Store nnd living rooms on Cum-
JL1 ing street : also house on Cass st Harris H.
K. A. l. . Co. . Hoora 111 1st Nnt. bank. Bit
Tlion'HK NT The 4 story lirick Imlldittg with
JJ or without power , MOW occupied by'lho lloo
rubllshlng Co. . IIHi Farnam Rt. The building
has a Hie proof cemantod baicmout , complete
Hteam Itoatlng Uxtnros water on nil the Moors ,
gas , etc. Apply nt the olllco of Tno Roe. 1)1,1 )
s 1OHK407 ; with casement , Hamgo bldg. In-
iiulro 1'rank J. llamgo. ttiiU
"ITIOH HENT Whc-n you wish to rent a house ,
J store or odlco call on us. 11.15. Cole , room 0 ,
Continental blk , t . 471
r YOU want to rent your house call on Hnr-
rls , H. K. & It. Co. . room ill , 1st Nut'l. bank.
EO. J. 1'AUU 1COJ Farnam st , houses ,
T stores , etc. . for rout. 485
TF YOU \\ant to buy , sell , rent or exchange ,
J-c llon or address O..1. Stern dorlT , rooms
317 and 3U , First National bank building. 431
\\J K give apoclnl attention to renting nnd
collecting rents ; list with us. II. K.Colo ,
room 0 , Continental block. 4bO
SKCOND-IIANDclothlmr. carpotn. furnituro.
etc. . bought. Address Mr. or Sirs. Savage ,
SOUCumlngst. "Ml 20 *
FTMN roollng , spouting , gutters , valleys nnd
JL .shoot Iron work done well und chonp. U.
Savnge , ! W1J Cumlng st. Wi S0 $
A UCTION SALB-By order of the district
-tVcourt lots 20 , 21 , 2J , bin 14 , llanscom place ,
on corner 1'oppleton ave nud Sthsroot. with
the linpi ovements. will bo sold nt public auction
ut tno north door of the court house baturday ,
MnyId , nt 10 o'clock. Terms qf sale H mill
balance In 1,2,3 years. J. J. Curtis , guardian.
THE banjo taught as an art by ( Jeo V. Gel-
lonbecK. Apply at lloo olllco. 0"iO
YOU that are suirorlnc from private dlsor-
dorswlll tlnd the National Hemedy t 14H
Dodfco Ht. , whore you can got aclontlllo treat
ment and a cure guiirantooJ. 211
HSONNINSCHKIN has moved to 417 s i
Huy nnd sell Second hand furniture aud
stoves ; boltlos bought and sold.
* ako horses to pasture at Ollmoio.
1'rlce J'Jpermo , D. A.Voung.Olluiore.Neb.
LOST Bunch of toys fastened with rubber
knot. Hcturn to J. T. Hammond. It. 311 ,
1'axton bldg. E 10 *
JTMAYKD 1 bay pony with white star In
"foil-head , urandoif < J. 1 * . on loft hip. 1 dun
iwny In company faundnafternoon. . Howard
foi return to Qraliaiu 1'ark , 2J10 Loavcuworth.
T OST Monday afternoon , pair gold framed
JLJspectnclcH , on Eighteenth street between
St. Jlnry'snvn. and Douglas. Hcturn to Jlra.
Cramer , 1U101'arnara nnd receive reward.lJ13t
IP ngreeablo to the young blonde lady with
dark eyes that drove through Tort Umaha
and Floience with gent last Sunday p. m. the
} oung gent that met her at both pluces w 1th the
gent driving speedy roiui liorso in open buggy ,
would bo pleased to form her nc iunlntauce ,
Heforences irlven. Address. 11 4 , llee Olllcu.
210 I' *
"CIINK cnrpot Ilttlng and In } Ing ; now method
JL' of cleaning ; uamplo fieo. Muundcr. No. IIS )
N. 10th st. . ' 10 IBT
AN YONH knowing the whereabout * of Qumcy
A. ( jllmnro can learn Homothlng to their
advantage by addressing S. S. Prlco jr. , room
411 , First National bank. 121
T"\1VOIICKS speedily , quickly If you desire a
JL'dlvorco for nny Lauio , state particulars ; advice -
vice free , confidential. Uobort White , attorney ,
145 Hroadw iiy. Now Yoi k. ICT-15J
F EATHEHS cleaned and curled : hots pressed
and blenched , at F. M , bchadoll. 218 N. lllth.
42 > m27
S1 ; TOHAGE nt low rates at 1121 Farnam st ;
Omaha Auction and Storage. 188
rpHACICAGE , storage , lowest rates. W. M.
JL Iltishman IJHLoavonworth. 489
HIANCH CO. , storage , 1211 Howard.
> 490
DH. NANNIKVAHHEN , clalrvoyant.mod-
leal and buslnoss medium. 1'umale dlnuases
uspeclnlty. 119 N. Ibthst. , rooms2 aud 3.11)1
rplli : Omaha Short-Hand Institute , Hamgo
JL block , Omaha , opening Monday , .May llth.Is
under the management of a thorough and prac
tical stenographer. I'loasautost and beat ven
tilated bUiool room In the west Positions
found for graduates. Call or write for particulars
lars- Terms , S1U per mouth in advance. Typewriting -
writing free. UW J 10
( JHOHTHANDand typo writing. Omaha bus-
Olnesa college , cor. Cupltol ave. & lutli. Stan
dard methods taught by C. C. Ewlug of San
l-Yanclsco , tbe bust teachar on the 1'ftctle coast.
Munson'H revised of'su a specialty ; now plan ;
blackboard illustration ; day uud evonlng
classeu ; call or write tor terms. < wr
n HE Standard Shorthand School , having pur-
JLiiiaiod Valentino's Shorthand Irutltutc.l'ux-
ton block , Is now the largest , best equipped ,
exclusive shorthand nchoul In the west. 123
graduates lu good situations. The school Is.In
chargaot Mr. U. A. Smith , a vorbitlm report
er und teacher of many years practical expe
rience , assisted by u corps of edlclent teachers.
UBO Heinlngtou typewriters. Shorthand sup
plies for sale. Send for circulars. 70S
WHITTLKSBY'S snorthand school. 21 Bar-
leer block. 3 month's course , tM. '
r WILL pay cash for u good lot of household
Lfurnlturo. Address A 57 , llee , 1CU 17
W ANTBD To buy good commercial paper.
H. C. Patterson. 318 S. 15th st. 492
WANTED Furniture , carpets , stovea ana
household goods of all klndu. Umaha
Auction & Storage Co. , 1121 Farnam. i'jCl
fJlOHSALK-Cheap. Small ire chest and .1-
-L1 burner gasoline stove and 1 small COOK
stove. Inquire Ulobe hotel. 1W lat
"IjiOH BALE Cheap , a three-ton Dlebold batiK
X1 safu. latest improved time lock , complete
In every particular. Address , H. Chamber-
lln. Wood Hirer , Neb. 211
WH 8ALB or trade for good lint mortg K"
paper , one bay ifine. can trot lu harneu * ,
single-foot In saddle ; new Bnyuer make side
bar buggy ; ona set good harness. Apply room
210 First National Hank building. 1M7
FOH BALK 1 work team , wagon and har
ness complete , vary ( .heap for cash , & 19
1'sxtoublk. Slu
TIGHT weight Hnyder top buggy , been. , run
J-iabout six inouius , Carmluo running gear ;
perfect condition. B. P. Horse. Wl 11
GXJH BALE A 6-y ar old mare : single
Jr footed under the saddle and square trotter
la harness ; 3 ruluuUj. Inquire2001 i'lorcn st
23110 >
FOH BALU-Ooodrellablo family how. v-
erynoly knawi ) blui. us the Alex PolacK
Lerstf , XI2 t . IUU it , W ) lot
FOR 8AI.K-2.600 ton tflco. Adam ttodar
lllalr Neb.p , KB
ACONHIGNMKNT Ofn tmportad lllchUncl
nnd Shetland ponU.i from B. 0. Millar of
of Morchlston r nch . N itco Co. , Neb , will bo
lor sale at Mr. ShernrobO's Pnlaco stables on
nnd after Thursday thqjlffh Inst. 26 18t
AFINB Cabinet QrnU/l roiowooil ease up-
rlcut piano for JlW.WHcon when now $10 1 ;
only used one year : mutt ba sold at once ; will
give time on Dart of it If .Ooalrod. Address V
W. care Omaha Bee. eel
TTIOll SALK A full leather tori carriage , largo
-I ? nnd roomy , lu Ilrst-ctMs order , cost MOU ono
year ago ; will soil U fdrM175. Apply nt 2215
Webster st. , no 'M
MIDLAND GtmrantoJiI St Trust Co. , 15 < VS Tar-
nnm. Complete abstracts furnished & titles
to roalostato oxamlnod , perfected & guaranteed.
f"\.M AH A Abstract Company. 1519 Farnam st
V/ Most complete nnd carefully prepared sot of
abstract book : ) and plats of all real property In
the city of Omaha and Douglas county. 4W
A HSTKACTd Llnahan A Mahoney , room IVM
-ii-1'axton blocir 493
T OAN9 wanted on Omaha real citato , three
JLJand llvo years time , optional payments , fa-
vohiblo term nud rntei ; applications nud titles
passed upon by us nnd loans closed promptly ,
khnbnll. Chnmn A Itynn HoomC. United Stntos
Nat , bank building , 1203 Fnrnam street. 9(17)10 (
MONEY to lonn nt low rates by Krcolslor
Land Co. , 310 South 15th struct , Omaha.
MONRY to loan on real estate security , nt
lowest rates. Heforo negotiating loans see
Wallace , Crolghton blr , 15th and Douglas. 800
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. ; loans of JUte
$1,000 ; got our rates Ueforo borrowing and
savomouey ; lonn on hrtrsoi , furniture or nny
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought : for now loan , renown ! of old nnd low
est rates call H 208Shccloy blk 16th & Howard st
MONEY to loan on short time. Secured paper
bought. 1K. . Alexander , 1509 Farnam xt
Ml } Vt
G F. 1IAHRISON' loans money , lowest rates.
, 61T
M IONEY ( loaned on unimproved inside Omaha
real estate , a. W. 1'cck , It. 4,1'ronxor block.
$000 to loan on Ilrst mortgage. O. K. Thomp
son , 212 Sheoloy block. TOO
, ! > 00 special money ; apply at once. O.F.
$1 305O.F.
Harrison , Merchants' Nut'l bank. 305
MONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , 1505 Farnam st. K3
MJlUHNa loans. D. V. Sholos , 210 First Na-
'tlonal bank. 513
SUB Sholcs , room 310. First Not'luank. before
making your loans. 6IJ
MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J.
W. Squire. 1U10 Karnam ot. . First National
bane building. G23
M 'ONBY ! to loan In large sums at the lowest
rates ; no dolay. H. C. Patterson , 318 8. loth.
M ONKY I money ] money ! to loan on horses ,
wagons , mules , houshold goods , pianos , or
gans , diamonds , etc. , nt lowest rates.
Ilio Ilrst organized loan olllco In the city.
Will make loans for thirty to three hundred
and sixty-live days , which can 1)e paid In part
or whole , at nny time , thus lowering the prin
cipal and interest. Call . aud see us when J ou
want money , and wo can , n-s lst yon promptly
and to jour advantage without removal ot
property or publicity.
Money alwavs on nand nnd no delay In mak
Ingloans. C. } ' . Heed & -Co . 319 South 13th St. ,
over Ulugham < V Sons commission house.
T.OANBmadoon ronl'dstato ana mortgages
JUbought Lewis 3. Heed & Co. , U 13 Hoard of
Trade. ' G1V
MONEY to LonnVo 'ttro ready for applica
tions for loans In atnbnnts from $3)0 ) to $10.-
( XX ) on Improved Omaha orDouglas | county leal
estate , lull to rates. Loans
promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased
by us. Call upon us cA write. The McCaguo
Investment Co. 6J )
DON'T borrow money' < ) n furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , or collaternls until you see
C. U. Jacobs. 410 First National bank building.
,1 521
EASTEHN trust funds to loan on improved
real estate In Omnhurlargo loans preferred.
K. 8. Bisbee , First National bans bulldlmr.
M 'ONEY to Loan Jxjwest rates. Loans cloaJd
promptly. H. K. Cole , H.fl , Continental block.
" \717ANT15D First-class Inaldo loans. Lowest
TV rates. Call and see us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. . H. 1. Marker hlk..nth & Farnam. o2 , " >
H.U. . COLE , loan agent. 600
B DILDING loans n spnclalty. W. M. Harris ,
Itoom 20. Frenzor lilock. opposldo P. O.
"VTEBUASKA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you *
JL > l loan on household goods ,
horses , wagon * ,
land contracts ,
fine Jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publlcitv , at reasonable rated.
Iloom 7 , Howloy lllook , South Omaha ,
llcoms 518-510. Paxtou lilock. Omaha , Nob.
MONEY loaned for 30 , 00 or 90 days on any
kind of chattel sosurltv ; reasonable Intor-
CBt ; business confidential. J. J. WllkmsoiiU17
Faiiiam st 601
DO YOU want money ? If so , don't borrow-
before getting my rates , which are the low
est on any sum from ill ) up to $10.00. ) . *
1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horSBH , mules , wagons , warehouse re
ceipts , houses , leases , etcIn auy amountat the
lowest possible rates , without publicity or re-
moral of property.
Loans can bo made for ono to six months and
you can pay a part nt auy time , reducing both
principal and Interest , if you owe a balance
ou your furniture or horsoj , or have a loan on
thorn , 1 will take It up nud carry it for you as
long as you desire.
It you need money you will find It to your advantage -
vantage to Bee me before borrowing.
H. F. Masters , room 4 , WlthnoU building. l ! > th
and Haraoy. 600
T CAN make a few loans on flrst-class chattel
-Lsecurltles at reasonable rates. W. 1C Potter ,
room 10 , Barker blk. 507
\fi AM'ED Application a for loans on unim-
T > proved lots well located. Odell llros. &
Co.yi28o. Ibthut. 880
GAV. PECK , loans money < m Omaha real estate
Building loans u specialty. U 4 , Frenzerb Ik
fJ PKK CENT money to loan Cash on hand.
LW. M. Harris , 1120,1'ronzer block , opp. I' . O.
H. , COLE , loan agent ,
* t $ * To loan on farms and city property.
$ Ueo. J. 1'aul. 1B09 1'arnam st , Utl
$590,00 } to loan at 0 per cent. Llnahan & Ma-
honey , Iloom M\ \ . Paxton blocic. 610
MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with
out delay , aud purchase goods , commercial
paper aud mortgage notes. S. A. Slomau , cor.
13ln and 1'aniain. fill
"OFOl'LE'S Fin uncial Exchange Largo and
-L small loans for lopg nud short time , at low
est rates of interest , onhcoal estate mortgage
notes , chattels ot all klmn , diamonds , watches
and jew olry. Don't fall tn call it you want fair
nnd cheat ) accommodations. O. Ilouscaren ,
Mgr. , room 57 , Barker v\K \ , 15th and Farnam ,
IIU 611
\/TONBY / i loan on furniture , horn .s , wagons ,
-lJ-1-otc. , or on nny npprpj-ed security. J. W.
llobblus. H.20U , Sheoly blk , 16th and Howard.
MONEY to loan on Improved property at first
hands. No application sent away for ap
proval. Security and titles examined free of
charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment
Company , 809 S , I3th st. 4 } 610
BUILD1NU LOANH-WKwlll buy lot or Day
incumbranceonyourwit ana build for you ;
small cash payment , baluue In easy monthly
payments ; In case of death vre cancel the en
tire indebtedness , M , Kfl ; T. Trust Co. , First
National bank building. BW-ml5
1,000 TO f5.000 on Improved city property :
canlwimld in monttflr lustallmonts ; debt
cancelled m case of doatlifwlll loan 50 to CO ] > er
cent of cosh valuation. M. 1C 4 T. Trust Co. ,
First Natlonn Ibauk bulldlai ? . IS3-inU
IDLOPLK'S Financial Kxchange-The fairest ,
L quietest and most liberal money exchange
In the city ; money loaned without delay or
publicity. In any amount , large or small , at tn
lowest rates of interest , on any available se
curity ; loans may be paid at any time or renewed
at original rates , o. JWuscaron. llgr. , room
67 , Barker block , 16th and Farnam. 511
LJI'-hCiAL fund uf Jlu.uOj to loan at reduced
KJrates on furniture , horses and w agons. City
Ix > an Co , , US H IJtti st 613
UNIMPROVED and Improved property ;
loans made promptly ; money on liana , r ,
M , Hlchardjou , it w cor utlt and Douglas.
/IJ.OOD notes , short or Ions time , unsecured
VJ orwltUmortfiago , bought anywnere lu Nab.
or la. Quick loans ; city or farm. Call or write
W. L. B lby , It Alfd. Trade. 608
* *
UlfjADKLPHlA Morteage k Trust Co. fifr
nlah cheap eastern money to borrowers ;
purchase securities , perfect title * , accept loans
at their western office. Ueorga W. P , Coats * .
room 1 , Uoard of Trail * . K *
> UILDlNa loans. Llnftlmn A Mahoney.Slfl
> Slfl
MAHA Chattel Loan Co. , room 43 , Barker
\J block.
K. If AUlUSON lonna money , lo.wost rates.
F111ST mort ftgo loan ? at low rates and no
delay. 1 > . V. Sholeo , 210 tint National bank.
BlTlt.DINO r.OAN8-At7 per cent not , no ad-
dttlonal charges for commission * or attor
neys' teas. W. 1) . Molklo , I'trat Nat. bank bids.
ONKY to loan. Harris R. 15. * Loan Co. ,
room ill , First National bank. 515
WANTKI > A partner III a splendid bnst
ness ; itmall capltol required , with good
refernecoAildross lock box fi , Greonwood.Neb.-
5.V1 ll\i
TTOU SALE or trade Hero Is a chance to buy
- 1a good hotel containing 77 bed rooms , din
ing room anil parlor , furnished completely ; n
good omnibus , nearly new ; a good black team
and harness. The leading hotel lu the town of
Albion , Neb. 1'rlca for entire outflt K.OOO.
Terms. H cash nd balance , on time , or will
trade for good property. This Is a snap. Call
quickly. Western Laud and Loan Kxchnngr ,
m H. ictii it. sit n
THOU 8AU'-nilllard hall at 1814 St. JIary'g
J ave. Also top buggy. I' . H , Green. 21718
I71OU SAIiK-lHlllard halt , or will trade tor
JL1 grocery utoro. Audress , 113 , Ilee. 8t)01i ) ) >
WANTKD-A good caterer to rent kitchen
and restaurant In hotel ; good business for
right man. Inquire Globe hotel. W3 lot
WANTRD-l'artnur with H.SlW or 1.M)0. ) In ft
strictly cash business ; profits large ; a
rare chauco. Address A 70 , lloo. UUS 161
T710H BALK A nhyslclan with nn ostnbllihcd
J- ' business lu one ot the best locations lutlio
city will sell his olllco lease and furniture to a
[ ) hyslclau. An excellent opening for n wldo
awake man. Address A GO , Itoo. 181-13 *
AOKNTLEMAN moaning business , with
* -,00) ) , can secure cash business , specialty
and monopoly , paying * lo,000 yearly net earn
ings without risk. Address , A. , 07 Boo. [ 17H-10 *
IT'OH SAMJ Very cheap , photograph gallery ,
J- reason for soiling , leaving ton. . Address
A Cl Hoc , . 14MOJ
IjiOHSALK SJfiOOli ) per cent gilt edge 2nd
J- mortgages , duo I and S years.
1 S.soo 10 per cent 2nd mortgage , duo 1 year.
Will discount for 3 and 5 per cent. Address
A DO Uee. mi
POH BALE , or rent Vlrst-class hotel near
packing houtcs , South Omaha ; 27 rooms ,
wltn good barroom ; well located and good
property. W. A. Spencer , room 3 , liustimaa
block. OJ3
$2,000buys line hotel and livery , Rlgln , Nab. ;
property free from tncumbrancet money to
uo made Hmlth & I'aadoek. Blgln. Nob. 070J1OT
WANTED A now furniture store at Friend
T7IOH SALE Moat market complete ; can bo
JL1 handled tor little cash. Call at room 4 ,
Wlthnell blk. 850
TjlOll SATjn A nrst-class moat market In
J-A Onmlm , has cool paying trade , roiiuiros
81,500 casli , or will trade for property. Address
A 43 , lloo olllco. bfti
HOTEL for silo ; now. good location , doing
good business , for sale at a bargain , pay
ment not nocossary. Present proprietor In
tends changing business on account of 111 health
of hlsulfo. Address , lloo olllco , Lincoln. Neb.
AOnUOQISTwlth cash looking for a goo.l
location , will dool \ to address H. E.
Capps. t'ulbortson , Nob. , or Uurst & Co. , Hast
ings , Nob. a47mat
( 3,000 to ) VOOD wanted to put into a good bust-
P ness ; Ilrst class security and good rate ot
interest paid for short or long time. Or will
take partner. For particulars address U43 ,
lleo ollica. 1U
QALOON for sale In ono ot the best business
kjcuntors in Omaha.choap. Reason for sailing ,
I must leave the city. Address V It ) Deo.
43S-JT t
FOR EXCHANGE-Wlmt have you to ex
change for n good brick hotel , furnished
complete and doing a good business in a town
of-li > ji ) population on the II & M. railroad In
Nebraska ? Address James Tummon , Arcade
hotel , Omaha , Nob. 2U 1UJ
WANTED To trade n. W. Ilaymond watch.
1 gtad-lloss tilled cast1 , and nice diamond
ling for good young liorso. Address A 7liee. .
200 1K (
TJ XCHANQE 'Wlmt have you to trade for a
JH house and lot , 1101 th part of the city ? Ad
dress A C8 , IJeo. JJ ICt
W'ANTED-To trade city lots fora 81.000 to
Cl.noa stock of drugs. Address O. If. Wlrth.
Unigglht , city. 203 20 *
/ 1LEAH lots In South Omaha and some second
v mortgages to trade for Morses and mer
chandise. If. K. Cole.'H. 0 , Continental. IDS 18
FOll iXCHANOK-a,000 : acres of choice lands
In Chayenno county , Kan. , for cash or stocks
of general merchandise. Address KerncK Uros. ,
Ulrd City. Kan. 1000 1st
rrillKICK stocks of merchandise , two of dry
JL goods and notions , and one of rlotMng , tetra
tra lo for laud or city property. One-third cash ,
balance "III bo tuuon In good ru.xl cstuto. Wos-
toiu Itoal Estate & Mercantile Et , room 14 ,
Chamber of Commorco. 13.1
HOUSE and lots Itf miles from postottlce to
oxrhangu for lot in Dundee place. Address
API , lieu olllcf. U81 17J
ACLEAU lot in South Omaha for good , largo
driving horse and carrlngo , or horse , and
take the dlirerunco baclc on lot , 11. B. Cole , II.
o. Continental. lad la
\J"K\Vv2-soatod Qno carriage or op _ Duggy for
-1M mortgage city or county warrants , or any
good uusecurod notes.W.USolby , 11 1J U'd Trade
WANTED To trade for bouso and lot In
good location ; will assume light luciiiu-
bronco. Address A 2 Iteo olllco. V22
FOH EXCHANGE-Eighty acres of the llnost
timber land In Wisconsin , clear of encum
brance. What have you to oirerG. . J Utorns-
dorir , rooms HI" and J19. First National bank.
T71OH EXOHANOE-Dakota , Hand county
-L1 What have you to oiror for a good farm
here , slightly encumbered/ Dakota lands are
rising inniuo. . audits dostlnv cannot bo din-
putud. Wllltuko vacant lots or Improved pro
perty and ussugio some encumbrance. G. J.
Btenndorir. rooms 317 andUllj I'lrst National
bank building. 628
FOH EXCHANGE-For desirable residence
property lu Omaha , any or all of following ;
luchoko inside tusldonco lots in Hastings.
100 lots lu Lincoln.
iilOacies llnu tanning land , Lancaster county ,
1'lne reslilonco property. Lincoln.
Good leutnl property , Lincoln.
Choice family residence , corner. Lei Angelo ? .
A ncatrosldBiicepiopjrty In llanscom place.
Also , seine good mortgage notes.
Address , giving location and price of prop
erty , a , E. II. , euro I3um Iron Co. , 1J17 Leaven-
worth. Ml
LOOK IIEllE-This Is hard to beat. One lot In
Lowe's add.'ilots In Hertford Placea lots at
Jerumu Park , : l lots in Hitchcock's add. , 3 line
residences In block 1 , fowler 1'laco , Bouth
Omaha ; 10-room house aua7-room house , new ,
with modern improvements , in Moore's add. ,
and a tow extra lots ; tine residence on North
I'JtH ' and Ittirnotto sts ; this is a few of our extra
bargains. We have also a large selection of
farms for ale or trade in nearly all BtutOB west
of Chicago. We have larger and better selec
tions of muds at bargains than any other ( Inn
in Omaha ; we sell land * from Chicago to the
Puclllc coast. Call and see for yoursolr on Ex
celsior Land and Iteal Estate Co. , U10 South 15th
at , Omaha. 2U
IjlOH SALE On reasonable terms , B house
-I ? - and lot , anil blacksmith shop , tools ami
Block. \vllcox , Kearney county , Nob. C. O.
IXrnuni. 100-lbt
T710H SALE Lots 10 minutes walk fromshopi
J or 1' . O. , on terms to suit purchaser ,
monthly , quarterly or annual payments.
00 ft , on lass near nd , a bargain.
tin It. cor. on Davenport , at grade , X blocks
from cable. J5.IJ01) .
Corner 20th and Dodge , a bargain.
f > . 10 and 2J ncro tracks suitable for lubdlvld-
Good city and farm property for trade.
A uoat 6-room cottage will bo built on east
front Huunders Ht. , ana sold at very low terras.
J. II. Evans. Uarker lllocc.
Til IK llnost drive m the city Is to Collier
Place. MiCaguu. UTJ
FOlt BALE Thu llnest residence alto In West
Omahalust south of 1'arnamonUJth street ;
a corner ItUxlSI with 1B7 feet frontage on
paved street and joining the handsome rent-
deuce of Klrkendull on the cast , and llrady ,
Kassonund Martin on tbe Bouth ; t * perfect gem
and garden spot for an elegant home.
1larneyand2Ut streets. 111x107 , on pavement
within three block * of the court bouso ; loom
for H van tine houses that would rant as rapid
ly us completed. A splendid permanent invest
ment ,
Farnatn and M streets. Mxl33 , with new
three-story brick store building , renter1 , to good
permanent tenants. Itenta ! rocolpU Ht)0 ! ) per
blxtoonth street near Nicholas , frontage Cl
feet to alloy ; good business property.
Furnuin utrtet , between Until and ifJth. front
age 41 or U&xtu to alley , south front , 1 block
from pavement and street car * .
Park avenue , oppojlte Hauscota p rk , WxlM ,
prlca * J,000 ; easy terms.
Paddock place , trMkag * . 60x112 , 12,009 ; easy
terms , .
16th street south of Vinton st , lot for sale or
trud * for indue , or good farmland ,
8. A. Slotnan , U i tfornam ct. 637.
A D6u las County Abslnvcts
1W7 1'arnant Street.
Thosa who want to buy a lot for a horn * at
low prices and rasy terras should
Come and See
the now addition just ready for sale by us.
Krery lot Wlllmase a
Delightful Homo
ns the ground Is high , dry nad beautifully nltu-
Ono Hundred Houses
are already built and being built around this
addition , whlcn is Inside city limits. Is not In a
swamp , but as handsome a location ns there Is
In Omaha. A payment ot
Fifteen Dollars
down , balance (10 a month , l all required , and
on those easy lormn vo have just sold out ono
addition , and have just began on a now ono.
mteon Dollars ,
down and easy monthly payments for such lota
as those , is the chance
Of a Lifetime !
The sooner yon can got ono of those lots the
better for you and w lion you see the ground
Will llo Surprised
that such lots , at such prices nnd terms , sur
rounded by houses and located aa they are cau
b bought tor
Fifteen Dollars
down and balance on easy terms. Come and
* ec tar yourself what wo tiller you. Wo are not
ATrMti to show this property ! wo know no
nu * else can oiler you Its oiiual at our prices and
aln ays on hand to show those lots. Don t bo
afraid to try and got a homo.
Start Klght
by coming to see this propurtr and it * advant
ages , la all \\njs , jiio o ovlilont that you will
y. .
Amos ,
1(07 Faruaiu St.
054 BO
T710H BALK or exchange Improved start
J3 farm of ax ) acres In eastern Nebraska , near
market ; also new U-room house with nil con
veniences In desirable rasldonco portion ot Oma-
hi , Andrew llevlns , attorney , < and 42J Paxton -
ton WooMJ mob a Neb. & .U )
17HU SALE Lot 2'iXllO 111 the viiry heart o ;
JJ Omaha. 1th ii room house for 1J.SOO. O. F
Harrison. Merchants Nat , bank. WO *
EOHHALK-M1.70 ncres. seo. fi , tp , 12 , r.
0 w. , Hamilton county , Neb. HOUSIstabln ,
3 < W acres fenced , living water. Price K1.0JO. K.
K. Atkins , OHnar , Itallroad bldg , Denver. Col ,
1J1OU"8ALl large and small houses on
Si monthly payments ; small payment dou n.
Also n good list ot property for oxchifhee. Goo.
J. Fox , room 1. Continental blk. 181-JI3
TCIOH SALE Nino-room nouso. barn nnd lot
J ? In llanscom place ; also a houses and lots in
Bunny Side. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat 1 bank.
SOUTH Omaha Those elegant COxlW foot
lots.ouly 2Vi miles from Omaha postolllco are
best purchase In real estate to-day ; they Will
double In value In uoxt U mouths , boo M. A ,
Upton Company , 10th and Fnrnam. 225-1B
FOIl SALE 23d and Cass sts. , corner , to ex
change for warehouse property , worth $3,000
tollO.UOO. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat. bank.
218 IB
FOll SALE Elegant 8-room house with all
the modern Improvements , Including splen
did turnacu , near Hunscom park ; also , school ,
church , store and throe lines of street cars near
by ; most pleasant , neighborhood in the city ;
Ki.UiW. Address , C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat.
bank. 218 10
rrHlHw cosiest home In Omaha , 0 rooms , largo
jLilosots. city water , gas and sewer , both
cable and horse cars. Price $1,400. Terms I.U )
to $500 cash , balance very easy. H. E.Colo ,
headquarters for birgalns and oaay terms ,
Itoom 0. Continental lllock. 3iU
GHEAT bargains In buying lots lu Camp-
. bell's addition , 21th and Castollnr sts , Wfll
bo reached by street cars this season. Loss
than HJ miles from 1' . O. Small cash payments ,
balance to .suit. Host chance lu the city. Sold
by Nols A. Kenstrom , Hooiu V , board or trade.
1UO SO ?
OVEU Jo.000.000 Invested lu South Omaha 1
What does tnat indicate ? Call on us and
select a bargain from our extensive list. M. A.
Upton Company , 16th and Fainain. _ 22'i-ia
IpOll SALE Fine lot covered with trees , 0
-L1 room cottago. newer , water and gas on the
street , J block ftom 3 st. cm-lines. A'ery choice
east front lot ; $ > ,50J : easy terms. Can discount
a llttlo for cash. C. F. Harrison , Merchants
Nat. bAUte. * 'K )
TJlOIt SALE Fine dousu of u rooms , riirnico.
jC b.ah , hot and cold w.itor , gas , t > ewer , paved
street , motor line ono blork , cable two blocks ,
horse cars by door , barn for n horses , etc. , etc.
limit by owner for home and now occupied by
him , HOOO ; 71,150 cash. H.'M in real estate , bal
ance at it and 8 per cont.
rino large lot on S. 15th st. . 01x157 , good 6-room
house- , fruit trees , etc. ; north ot Martha st , ,
Tor sale , the finest corner , east front , on S.
10th s. . lCJxl44.
for choice propeitv worth the money see M.
A. Upton Company. Hith& rornam. _ 817
/CONTINUOUS sidewalk to Collier place. Get
Vpticos and terms. MtCague. U73Get
FOH SALE Or exchange for Omaha proper
ty , SO acres , suitable for platting : will
make 400 lots.ull clear ; big money In It for some
one who can push this : located just outside the
city limits of Council Bluffs. Inquire ( ioorge J.
BternsdorfT , rooms J17 and 31H , First National
bank building. 5JU
TJIOH SALE ill acres , corner Thirteenth nnd
-D North Ntroots. Desirable for platting. C.
Good. Good block. Des Molnes. la. 24(3mil (
FOH SALE-flbx78 on N. B. coiner P. and 25th
sis S. Omaha , suitable for stoio building
receiving the benefit of the Q street viaduct
just being built ; prooerty clear , but 111 health
compels owner to sail. Price H.700 , O. F.
Harrison , Merchant'H National bank. P59
SNAP M good Orchard Hill lots , ono and tw o
blocks from Hamilton street , $70J each : MOO
to i40d cash , balance live years at S per cont.
Fine t-roora ) house , modern conveniences ,
newly papered and painted , on N. 17th it. ,
lot JOxls ) to alloy ; $1.010 , easy payments. M. A.
UplouCo. . ICth mid Fainam. 00. )
UEE hero Got nome South Omaha inside
kJpioperty befoio motor lines are there ; GO nor
cent , can be made In next 0 monthn by puichas-
lug now. M. A. Upton Company , 10th i , Farnam.
BAUrtAINS-UargalnsI S. W. cor. 13th and
California sts. , with : i houses , very choup.
Nent7-room house and half lot on Daven
port St. , near high school , $ " > , UJ ) ; easy terms.
Good lot on Hartley at. , east ot 24th at. , a
bargain , .
Elegant residence lot , Zdth ave near St.Mury's
avo. very cheap.
0-room house and half lot , 8. 12th St. , cheapen
on monthly paymontn.
Good re-ildence lot on 29th ave , bet. Douglas
and Dodge , M.50U.
3 lotx on 3. Uth st. . very cheap
150 lots in Carthage , Omulia's best suburb , on
ten years' time to parties who will build
bouses , lircnuun & Co. , Koom J , Chamber of
Money to lonu In all parts of th city.
WORTHY of your attention. Now being
completed on KJth st. , north of Leavon-
worth lit. two houses convei tnt to business ,
veiy roomy , grate , mantel , furiiico , gas. bath ,
tollnt. 2 w.itor closets , stationary wash tubs ,
hot and cold water , llvo budrooms. 10 closets ;
only fi.'i1) ) on terms to suit. Telephone 227 or
W. T. Seaman , Omah I's largest variety of wag
ons , carriages , etc. , east side IDtb Ht , uorth of
Nicholasjit. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ f > J *
SOUTlf Omaha baigaln-Klthor "o f iota a.
lilock UO , 11 mid 15 , blnlc Ul. lor MIA each ,
1 hose prices for fnw ilixjs only , M. A. Upton
Company , llitli ami Fanmin. jiffl-llt
S END" for plat or uolllor place , ana when
driving for roroitlon follow the motor line
poles on loth St. , and Amos' UNe , . and see the
wondotfm ImpiovomunU have taken
place just around tno barracks , and lemamber
that Collier place in the key u > the situation.
Huy a lot now for the low price and al the cany
terms they aru bolng offered , und wo urn flatla-
lied. Ono-tnuth tasu. balance one to 0\e ynurs.
McCngue opp. P. o. n ; . )
rpHE motor Una U built to Collier place. The
JL llelt line runs Colllnr place. Tl o K. K.
& M. V. It. It. stop all piiEHonnor trains at Col
lier place. The horse car Hue will noon reach
Comer place. Host addition In the city. Prlco
t # to JI.3JO per lot. one-tenth cash , balance
oaa to llvo yearn. Mi Cagao. opp. 1 * . O. U7J
COUTH OMAHA I have n number of good
CDlotsln various nddlttonj that must bo sold
at once aud can bo bought at prices that will
sultjou. O. J. iHornsilorir , rooms 1117 and 318
rirat-Natlonal bank building. Kid
"Tj"iOH HALE On long time nnd easy payments.
handsome , now , well oullt houses of 8 , Uand
10 rooms. All conveniences ; goa 1 : ioighborhood ;
paved streets ; street cars , unit within walking
distance of P. O. NathanShclton.liOj Faruaiu.
\Ki \ J U
rpHH factories within ensyroacii of Colllor
J- place will employ a largo force ot men. So-
cuioa home and enjoy life. 1'rlco of lotshOJ
to < ! , : ) . one-tenth cash , bend for plat. Mc-
Cauuo. opp. P.O. flu
Uuautlful realdenca Hit s.
Hnaut in the city.
We are now ready to show and offer foranla
the choicest resldnnco sites In the city of
Omaha , local oil in "llomls Part , " comnrlalns
the sixty acrc-ii bounded by 3A1 St. , on the east !
U th or Pleasant st. on the west , Hamilton .it.
on the north. umlOumlnest. on ths south ,
This parlc has been planned , and Is bolnu laid
out by Mr. Alfred It , Kgerton tone of the best
landscape artlaU of New Vork ) , into 4 , X , 14
and acre lot * , and several aero * are laid out Into
small parks , ornamental ground * , and lakes fed
by natural springs. The plan * Include ft per
fect Hjstom of grading , paring , seweragewater
electric lighting , etc. , and an expenditure ot at
least lino.UJO for such improvements
This choice property I * located within the 111
miles radius ( a little north by west ) from the
postoince- Met eait of the rtftorrulr and of the.
Ie aut residences ot Dr. Merc r uid U. W.
Noah , ando little north ot east of proposed res-
Idonccof OuyC. liarton and uf Illshop O'Con-
nor'arosldenraand Academy of Hacrd Heart.
Iteasonable prices and term * will be given to
those who will build residences costing 15,000
and upward * , For further particulars apply
at ofHce of Tha Ilerals Park 0 . . room * 15 and
It Continent * ! block. iJth ami l > ) utliu ( it * .
INSTUUMKNTd placed on reoonl dutlnd
L B Irvln and wife to L C Houllston. w 10
ft lot ill , and o Vi lot ft ) , Hlctory place ,
wd . . . , . , . . . . . . . } . . . | 3,000
JW WelchtoNAHordman. loto , bU 2 ,
Park Forest , wd. . . , , . , , , . . . . , , , l.SOO
11 Itafronspaueer to F U Miller , und S lots
3 ami 4 , blk 11. Omaha , nod . . . 1,000
1' Anderson and \\lta to American Neft-
line A Natural Poap Co. , lot 7 , blk 4.K
Grandvlow.wd . . , . . 1
M .Morrison to N J Iliuism . pt lot 3blk
IB , Improvement AKiiadd , wd . . . 490
J K Flack lo J K Molono , lot 1 , Flack'n
nilil , w (1 . 3,600
8 Hit Clark , trustee , ( to H M Itoekbiul ,
lotf ) U and 10 , blk f , Sv st Side add , w dj. 000
H E Cnry to S A llimtoon , lots 17 , 18 and
IP. tilk 7 , Howling Green , wd . , . 700
It KCarytnUH Huutoon , lot 4 , blk 4 ,
Mrkwood , nil . , . , , . > . . . . . . . . , . 8,000
J A Ls ons and huslmnd to I ) II Lyons , lot
Kblkl. South Exchange Place , wd . . BOO
S S t-Uohn and M Ifo to H W 1'cnuook , lots
I nnd A , Tnlwr Place , loU 3 to 0. blk I ,
Potter A Cohb's Slid ad , and 7 lota In
llodfordl'Iace , wd . 12,000
SonncnschiMn \ Valentino to J 0 Craw
ford , lot a , blk l.Grammorcy Park , wd . l.OJO
W \Uso t al to J JI Patterson , lot 4 and
( i , block n , and tot 2 aud 12 , block ( , Wise.
nnd Pemeloos' add , wd , . . . . . . . 3.0M
J U Dickey to L G Hnnsbrnugh , lot 1ft.
blockSI. Walnut Hill , no d..r. . . . 100
F G lliiusbrough to J H Mackenzie , name
nsaboro , wd . , . 1,000
J M Taylor to J K Mackenzie , same as
nboxe.qoU . , . 1
Onto City Lund Lo. to Win Hrutiow , lota
11,1 1 mm 15. block B , How llutf Uronn , wd 500
J8 Matthews and \\lfo to h O Knnpp ,
lot ' . ' 0 , block 111 , Dundee placi , w d. . . . ! ,
18 transfers . " " " . 3S 8M
The following ponnlts were Issued by
llulhllng Inspector Wlntlock yostordoy :
L. G. Smith , two story frame ilw elllu ,
SnvaKoimd Military road . fl.OOO
J..1 Giilltgnn , two story rusldouco , 'Iwen-
ty-olghth and one halt Howard . 0,000
Valentino Nock , one story frame cot-
tagi1. Twenty-second near Lea vim worth 1,000
K. Gllmnru. one and one-halt ntory frame
cottage , Twout-ulntUncd Sahler. . . . . . l.Wfl
Four permits , aggregating , . , , , . . 30,50
An Old 'Mnn Drnwnrd While Throw-
Inc Stones to Cure GonRtiinptlon.
Strnngo rxn \\-oirtl incitlonts led up to
nnd surrounded the denth of Julius
EnglohtiriU , nn old limit who waa
drowned In the rlvor nbovo the dtuu
yoatordtiyixftornoon , anys n Milwnukoo
spooiul to the Chicago Novva. KnRlo-
hnrdt WIIB n Oonnnn pioneer of Milwau
kee , a uuin of moiiiis and well known
sovortil yonra tigo. Away back In 1880
Ktifjlohnrdt's wlfo was stricken
with rheumatism and dootora
were consulted In vain. In 1831
nfter many patio nt trials of all
the regular schools of medicine , Knglo-
hart bold a largo block of property ta
the UcBt Browing- company and sttirtod
in to investigate Christian sclonco ,
faith cures and all nninnor of luttoi--
day healing witchcraft. He spent many
months und many dollars journeying
over the country trying to llnd sotno-
thing that would couro his wife. After
a vain search ho returned to Milwiui-
koo , where ho has been for the last
oar.Last November Englohardt himsoU
was taken down with lung trouble , aud
after doctoring all winter ho was given
up as a hopeless case doomed to an early
death from consumption. In this emergency -
goncy a regular convention of buliovora
in witchcraft and charms was hold. It
wns there decided that nothing would
save the old man hut n charm. The
charm was to go to the banks of n run
ning stream , there to cast pebbles m
the water and recite an incantation.
The old man was very weak , but Satur
day afternoon lie was carried out to a
carriage by his son Gustav and a friend
of the family. The trio were then driven
out to the river , Which above the dam
is a clear and running stream. Once
out there the weak old man was carried
down the embankment and propped up
near the shallow water. It wns speci
fied that the charm would bo useless if
any ono were uroscnt while ho worked
it , so the son and the friend loft him.
After a wait "of ilftcon minutes they re
turned. The old man was no whore in
sight. While looking up and down the
shore ono of thorn discovorod'somo tiling
in the water. They looked closer and
saw it was the sick old man. They
hastily jumped in , for the water was
hardly throe foot deep , and dragged
him out. It was too late ; the charm
had worked and Englohardt was cured.
Ho was stoiio dead. The son and the
friend carried their dripping burden
back and put it in the carriage. Then
they drove back homo through the city ,
the dead man sitting between the two
live ones.
Wounded In the Army.
I was wounded in the log at the battle
of Stone Rivor. Doc. 31st , 18U2. My
blood was poisoned from the q ( Toots of
the wound , and the leg swelled to double
its natural si'/o , and remained so for
many years. The poison extended to
my whole system , ana I suffered a thou
sand deaths. Nothing did mo any good
until I took Swift's Specific , which took
the poison out of my blood , and enabled
mo lo fcol myself a man again. S. S. S.
is the remedy for blood poison.
Catarrh in Children.
Our little boy stokes , now eleven
years old , had catarrh from the time ho
was throe until he was seven years of
ago. Sometimes his breathing wag
heavy , and a constant discharge from
the noso. Ho had more or loss treat
ment for four years , but without nny
bonollt. Wo gave him Swift's Specific ,
and it teen cured him aound and vvoil.
This was four yoard ago , and there haa
been no return of the disease. -
Mus. W. P. KKNNON , Salem , Ala.
Smartest Tlnby on Hecord.
Tlicro is in Fort Valley , Oa. , in tha
person of little Delllo Harris , aged blx-
tenn months , the greatest prodigy of
the pros'jiit day. She not only talk a
nnd articulates well , but knows tha in"
( tint catechism by heart ; also , the
county HIO waa oorn in ( Crawford ) , the
town stio llvtia in , the county site , the
names of the president and vico-profll-
dent , the governor and the mayor ot
Fort Valley ; can count up to fifty , and
says the alphabet with great rapidity.
Uesidos all this , ah'o is bright in many
other things which anyone would doubt
did they not see and hear her tallc. v
Catnrrh Cured.
A clergyman , after years of Bufiicrlng
from that loathsome disease , Catarrh ,
and vainly trying every known remedy , ,
at last found a recipe which completely
cured and saved him from death. Any
sulToror from this dreadful disease send
ing self-addressed stamped envelope to
Prof. J. A. Lawrence , 88 Warren St. ,
Now Yorlc cty , will receive the rcclpo
free of charge. _
Noodcd No Sympathy.
Chicago Tribune : "lam truly sorry ,
Johnny , " aaid the friend of the family ,
meeting the llttlo boy on the street ,
"to laarn that your father's house was
burnt down yesterday , Was nothing
' " '
saved'/ /
"Don't you waste no grief on me , "
replied Johnny. . "All of pa's old clothes
was burnt up In that fire , and ma can't
make any of 'em ever for me this tlm
Tum-tiddlo-luiu-tum , whoop-dodoodl >
Pears1 eoap is the most elegant toilet
adjunct. _
Danger In a KUi.
A New Englander , after returning
home from ftUundlne * " > qfteHnf
with vnrlolft , KlespiJ in ! children pud tea
a short time eyory onnof U > c youotr > tir
WM down with tU * dUnaaa , ' ,