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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1889)
THE OMAHA ii DAILY BEE. I EIGHTEENTH OMAHA , THURSDAY MORNING MAY 16 , 1889. f NUMBER 335. OLD M FIFTEEN MILLIONS. Jlno Divisions of the Wnbaoh Road Transferred Yesterday. IBURLINGTON'S ANNUAL MEETING | A BomlMhnll Exploded Uy n Report President Ashley , of the Wn- Itnsh , Bays the Hond Owes Over $118,000,000. IT * The minority Scheme Hsnten. CmcAtio , May 15. | Special Telegram to TUB HUB. ] James P. Joy and President Ashley , the Wnbosh Western purchasing committee , this morning bought nine divisions of the Wab.ish railway for $15- , DOO.OOO. Last March , in Springfield , they bought thn Chicago division for 83,000,000. AccordIng - Ing to the terms of the decree rendered by Judges Gresliam and Jackson , the road was Bold llrst by divisions and then as n whole. The sale bringing the most was to bo the legal one. Mastor-ln-fJhancery Uluford Wll- eon conducted the sale. The only bidders were the Popper-Johnson syndicate , repre senting the minority bondholders , and the Wabash Western purchasing committee. The Popper-Johnson syndicate were the suc cessful bidders on the llrst three divisions , us follows : Indlanadivlston$3,050,000 ; Great Western ( Illinois division ) $3,050,000 ; Do- cntur & St. Louis , $1,000,000. The Wabash Western purchasing committee were the successful bidders , cont'ngo-tt on the amount brought by the rends as a unit , lor the other divisions as fouo.vs : Qulnoy & Toledo , $500,000 ; Illinois & Southern Iowa , jaoo.OOO ; Hunhltml & Naples , $500,000 , Ohio division , $2,8-IO,505.8 ( ! ; nwo small branches , $100,000 ; total. 515,510,595.03. The upset price llxed in the decree was $15,335,000. and the sale thus made would have stood had not James U Joy bid $15,550,000 for the road as n unit There was no other bid and the road was knocked down at tha unit price. President Ashley said after the sa\p \ : "Tho amount brought by the sale is to sccuro the llrst and second mortgagee on the Ohio division , and the llrst mortgages on all the rest. Wo have already Issued and sold $34- 000.000 fifty-year 5 per cent bonds on the con solidated system. Of this amount $ ! 1,741,000 will be used to pay off the llrst mortgage bonds of the Wabash Western. Thla leaves 122,259,000 mortgage on the line east of the Mississippi. To this wo will add $14,000.000 second mortgage fifty-year 5 per cent bonds , making n total bonded indebtedness of $3(1- ( 250,000 on the line cast ot the Mississippi. To this should , however , bo added $30,000,000 debenture bonds , depending on the incomu of the road. There are also $5',000,000 ! , In stocks. "Tho minority bondholders made a great mistake In not acceding our fi per cent bonds in place of their 7 per cents , with In terest to November , 1S87. The bonds are now selling at IK per cent premium , and 1 think will go to live and perhaps ten. They arc now worse off than if they had accepted our offer , and it has cost us $100,000 more than it would have otherwise aono. "Wo will consolidate the Wabash railway and Wabash Western Into ono system by August 1 , and will probably call It the Wa bash Railroad Company. The headquarters will bo in St. Louis and the consolidated sys torn will bo under the present Wabash West- i pra management. " Had News For Engineers. CHICAGO , May 15. [ Special Telegram to TUB BBC. ] The locomotive engineers and flromon on ono of the leading western rail roads In particular , and all the roads in general , are dally expecting a piece of information mation that may or may not load to a great strike , but which will , in any event , bo dis astrous to them in a financial way. From time to time for the past month articles have appeared in local papers stating that a cer tain western railroad company was prepar ing to cut the wages of its engineers and firemen , and in anticipation of probable trou ble was hiring all the non-union men It could find to bo ready to co to work when called upon. This information , it was said , was obtained by n brotherhood engineer , who investigated the advertisements being published by the employing agent. It is stated to-day that last week some more members of the brotherhood applied to the nconcy for employment. They were in formed that over live hundred applications had been booked , and that that number was thought sufficient. The addresses of the ap plicants were taken , however , with the un derstanding that they should bo notified in case of need. They were also told that the cut would not bo made as soon as expected , but that it would come. A reporter interviewed several of the most prominent local members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers to-day , on the subject. Tbo opinion of nearly all of thorn is that no strike will result If tha cut is made. Ono said : "Tho outlook Is toe blue for us. The flood of unemployed labor Is too great , and u strike would unques tionably result In a disastrous defeat. " "What road is after you now 1" "There ' ) ono big company at the head ol the move , but there uro three or four others buck of it. It is a move to bust up the brotherhood. " Mr. A. H. Covener. a prominent ofllcml In the brotherhood , and at present In busincsi in this city , was culled upon , but politely dc diced to say anything. The Burlington AnnunlMcctlug. CHICAGO , May 15. [ Special Telegram to , Tim BBK.I At the Burlington annual mootIng - Ing , to-day , 430,000 shares were represented The old board of directors was unanimously ro-olcctcd as follows : John M. Forbes , Hlch- ard Olnoy ( In place of Sidnov Bartlett , deceased ceased ) , Charles J. Paine , John L. Gardner , Frank N. Hunncwoll , Win. Endlcott , Jr. , ul of Boston ; T. Jefferson Coolldgo , Munches tor , Mass. ; John N. A. Griswold , Petoi Geddos , both of Now York ; Wlrt Dexter Chicago , and Charles O , Perkins , Burling ton , Iowa. Levi /i. I.oitcr was present but refused ti allow the use of his numo as a candidate fo the directorate , ho said there was uo fuul to bo found with the present nmiiagemen und that at the next meeting of the director ! In Boston , the present oQlccrs would bo ro elected. Railroad Manipulation of Conl Union CHICAGO , May 15. [ Special Telegram tc Tnu Bun. ] The committee appointed by tin general managers of , the Intor-ituta Com niorco Hallway association , to look into tin coal und coke manipulations exploded i bomb fiholl when they reported to the in eel ing to-day that thcro was conclusive ovl doncoof manipulation against the Nortt western , St. Paul , HOOK Island und Wlscon sin Central roads , The meeting voted t apply the highest penalty of the association which In this case U $100 line und u forfeiture uro of ull money made on the illegal truftit The manipulations amount to thu neighbor hood of f 1,000. The penalty for the inanlpu lation under the amended intor-stato com meico act is two years in the pcnilontlar , and a flno of 15,000. The Fort Wayun Komi. PjTTSiiimo , May 15. At the annual moot Ing of the slock and bondholders of th Plttsburp , Foi t Wuyno & , Chicago railway held hero to-day , the report of the boar ihowed a balance of $3,718,000. , The lesse company paid part of the Fort Wayne com pony's rental of $3,159,000 , leaving a dollcl to the operating company of f 110,000. In Favor o ( Consolidation. Ci.uvci.iND , May 15. The stockholder of the Clovoliind , Columbus , Cincinnati . IndlauttjHilU met to-day to vote upon th proposition to consolidate with the "Bfg Four" system. Of 1M.OOO shares , 122,033 were voted , all being In favor of consoli dation. A similar mooting was hold at Indlanapo * MB to-day of the stockholders of the Cincin nati , Indianapolis , St. Louis fi Chicago and the Indianapolis & St. Louis line , at which n majority of the shares were also voted in favor of consolidation. Dickinson Says Ho Won't Accept. Sioux Cirr , la. , May IB. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE Bin. : ] Assistant Manager Dickinson came in with other Union Padflo officials on a special train , at half past 10 o'clock , to-night , to arrange final details for opening the now Norfolk line , next Sunday. Mr. Dickinson denied emphatically that ho had accepted the management of llio Omaha stock yards. The question was put , "Will you accept ! " "No sir , " ho replied. " 1 shall not. I am In the railroad business and I shall not leave It under any circumstances. " Itfr. Dickin son added that ho had not formally been offered the management of the Omaha stock yards. There hai boon some tal't ' about It , ho sold , but nothing definite or formal , nor was ho considering the matter nt nil. The Union Pacific party leaves hero to-morrow. ThoBf. , 1C. * T. Stockholders Meet. PAIISONS , Kui. , May 15. The annual meet ing of the stockholders of the Missouri , Kansas & Texas Railroad company was hold in this city to-day. Three hundred and thirty-one thousand , six hundred and sixty- two shares of stock were represented. Ilonrlntr a Discrimination Onse. Pa. , May 15. The Inter-state commcrco commission to-day began n lengthy hearing In the case of the Inde pendent OH Koflnory association against the various railroad companies for discrimina tion. A MASHEH.SM < YSIIKI > . Six Months In n HrldewoU for Hinlrklnfr mid Fllrtlnt ; . CHICAGO. May 15. ( Special Telegram to Tin : Bnn. | A young man , with flirting ten dencies , received two scares , to-day , from the effects of which ho will not recover for some time. Ho was walking on Union Park place , and noticed a good-looking lady in a win dow. Ho took out his .handkerchief and waved It at her , but she did not respond. Ho walked buck and forth in front of the win dow , waved his handkerchief many times , throw kisses , and smirked. Still there was no response. Not in the least discouraged , ho continued the performance until , finally the lady was ro-enforced by three others , who joined in watching. Suddenly ono of the young ladies threw open the window , reached out her hand with a revolver and ilred a shot. The bullet whizzed past the "masher's , " oar , and with a wild shriek , ho started down the street on a keen run. An otllcor Intercepted the ruffian , however - over , and ho was taken to the nearest police court whore one of the ladies appeared. She explained the matter to the justice and said it was not thn ilrst appearance of the man in that vicinity. The Justice g.ivo the fellow the limit , six months in the Bridewell , and regretted ho could not make it more. The lady was cautioned against the free use of the revolver , although the justice thought It almost justifiable. . - - - - ! Bentrico Town Council. BBATIUCE , Nun. , May 15. [ Special to THE Bni : . ] The mayor doesn't hitch with the council on the ofllco of wafer commissioner. At last night's mooting E. C. Salisbury was nominated for the ofllco , but the council would not confirm him. Captain Horrou , chief of the Uro department , was then nomi nated , but refused to bo a candidate. G. W. Ilinldo was nominated , but was not con firmed. The mayor then announced that ho would present other names at the next meeting. In the meantime W. A. Wagner holds over. The council , with ono execu tion , wish Mr. Wagner retained , W. S. Bourne was appointed and confirmed ns city clerk. The council voted to employ an ex port engineer to overhaul the water works machinery. If It is found that it is not worlc- intr uroporly the present engineer is to bo discharged. In that event , it is understood Gcorgo Cole , sou of Councilman Cole , and a brotherhood locomotive engineer , will bo a candidate for the position. The council sold to John Dale , of Omaha , paving bonds amounting to about $20,000 at % per ceut above par. Tried Hnrd to Suicide. Dr.s MOISES , la. , May 15. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE Bic. : ] A special from Elkador says that Monday night a Swiss named Godfrlcd Muohljolor , living several miles north on the Turkey river , determined to kill himself , and shot himself in the side near the heart. This failed to kill , and ho put the revolver is his moutn and fired. The ball lodged in the muscles of the nock , and ho still lived. Then ho jumped into the river , but didn't drown , and reached the other sldo oxhausod. Hero ho was found and medical old was summancd. Ho ro- pained consciousness and told his story. To-day bo was alive , with fair prospects of recovery. Mandoroon's Horse Ktiu's Av/ay , WASHINGTON , May 15. [ Special Telegram to THIS BEB. ] The familiar little yellow horse belonging to Senator Manderson , which the senator had loft standing in front of a store on F street , ran away yesterday and collided with It. O. Ilolt/.maa's carriage and a buggy belonging to H. Smyth , badly damaging thorn both. No ono was hurt , but Senator Mundurson's buggy was completely demolished , The Hlnto Dtibt Wiped Out. Dns MOIXES , la. , May 15. ( Special Tele gram to TUB UIK. : | State Treasurer Tworn- blv to-day Issued a call for $05,000 of out standing state warrants , ube redeemed June 25. This call covers the last. dollar ol flouting Indebtedness , and when thesu war rants nru taken up the stuta sf Iowa will nol have u dollar of Interest-bearing debt ; Firt'incn Touriruncnt Jtntox. DBS MOIXKS , la. . May 15. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BKB.I The railroad commis sioners made a decision to-day that , in v\o\\ \ of their services to the public , the railroad ! might , If they uhose , carry all volunteer flro- men to the state tournament free of charge. . They say that no public Interest will suffoi by stretching the law to this extent. Tin : decision will greatly Increase the attendance at that tournament next month. Closed by thoHhcrlir. HED OAK , la. , May 15. [ Special to Tut Bnu. | William Ulcncr , dealer in dry goods , guvo his wife and some ether rolatlvcs u chattel mortgugo on hw stock , yesterday The njortgaiju was closed by the sheriff u1 once , und the stm-o l. < shut up. The raort gugo U for n llttlo over $ ' . ' ,000 ; ussut * un < known. _ Fatal Dynnmlto Kvploulon. Isiiruuixn , Mich. , May 15 , By an oxplo slon of dynumito nt tl.o Osccola mine , to-day four Aust i Ian miners were terribly injured Two nmy dlo. . - - DrusHRd Uoof Kill Hcjeotou. ALIIAXY , N. Y. , May 15. The so-calloi ! hoof bill came up in the assembly this morning for rlnal action , but was reHear Hear Admiral Donnfdson Demi. BALTIMOUL- , May 15. Hear Admiral Ka ward Donaldson , of the United States navy ugcd twenty-eight , died m Baltimore to-day MARSHAL JONES IN DISFAVOR It Is Said His Dismissal Will Soon Bo Ordered. THE GOVERNMENT'S FINANCES. A Statement By the Bcnnto nnd the House Committees Judge Jcnk'n llcslgnntlnn Accepted By the I'ronldcnt. Marshal Jones' Cnsc. WASHIXOTOX , May 15. The Star to-night says : "Tho attorney-general saw the presi dent about half past 2 o'clock. Ho said , on coming out , that uo action had yet boon taken upon Marshal Jones' report. It is under stood , however , that Jones' explanation is far from being satisfactory , and that his dis missal is soon to bo ordered. " The tiDvcriimunt'H Finances. WASHINGTON . May 15. A statement show ing the results of the acts of the second session of the Fiftieth congress upon the finances of the government has been prepared - pared by Thomas P. Cleaves , nnd James P. Courts , clerks respectively of the senate nnd house committees on appropriations. They show that the total amount appropriated by congress was $230,010,400 , whllo the perma nent , specific and indefinite appropriations were estimated by the secretary of the treas ury at ? 103W1,050 ( making the total esti mated expendlturos of the government for 18SO-00 , (803,1)37,1)10. ) The estimated revenues 'or the same time are fJ34 500,053. The acts .trovldo for 850 now offices , the salaries of ivhlch aggregate ? 143 , 00 , while the Increase n the salaries of old offices amount to 1,025,080. Sixty-nlno offices are abolished , ho salaries " 6f which are S127,9rJ , and the alarlcs of thu ether offices uro reduced $700. The postofllco appropriation bill in creases the allowance for the compensation of clerks in the Dostofllcos from $5,075,000 , to -0,550,000 , and that for railway postolllco clerks from $5,2-10,790 to (5,000,000 , with a - 0,000 doflciouuy item. few Iowa I'ontmnfitcrs. " WASHINGTON , May 15. [ Special Telegram o Tun BUB. ] Town postmasters appointed : Ole Oloson , Slvoa , ICossuth county , vice S. Hoglund , removed ; E. L. Newland , Unlonburg , Harrison county , vice II. B. Puckonpaugh , resigned ; John Moycr , Alton , Sioux county , vice H. A. Liob , removed ; jcorgo Hagcr , Baxter , Jasper county , vice J. F. Kliso , removed ; John C. McICco , Blalrsburgh , Hamilton county , vice W. F. Powers removed ; S. D. Selby , Carbon , Adams county , vice B. F. Jones , removed ; N. T. Patterson , Drakcsvillo , Davis countv , vice illichord Gal vert , removed ; Sarah E. Hlckotts , Ewart , Powcshiek county , vice F. D. Ewurt , resigned ; C , F. Lytlo , Foote , Iowa county , vice Edward L. Hall , resigned ; William ( Donsmoro , Fremont , Mahaska county , vice S. H. Canon , removed ; D. M. Perkins , Lewis , Cass county , vice V. M. Conrad , resigned ; D. F. Berry , Noble , Washington county , vice J. E. Whitmore , removed ; George Gallon , Pleasant Prairie , Muscatino county , vice J. E. MoElroy. re signed ; John T. Moore , Sidney , Fremont county , vice M. H. Hoxvcll , resigned ; Wash ington Walker , State Center , Marshall county , vice James Lander , resigned. Nebraska nud Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTON , May 15. [ Special Telegram to Tim BP.K. ] Pensions granted Nebrns- kuns : Original invalid Charles Elling , Christopher Hazclbacher. Increase Edwin D. Pottibono , Alonzo P. Sharp. Pensions for lowans : Original invalid Benjamin T. Dodd , William Brayton , John F. Simmons , John S. Johnson , Sandorson Lyon ( dead ) . Asa Staley , William Walden , John Hissong , James H. Fox , Samuel Beck- wlth , Abel Adamu , William H. Brown , Mur- ccllus G. McClollan , Michael C. Pickcn , Henry Hoofnaglc , John W. Anson , Benjamin F. Scott. Increase Ambrose L. Cobb. Ilo- Issue and increase Albion P. Hardy. Orig inal , widows , etc S.irah A. , widow of San dorson Lyon , Clarissa , widow of William Beaucharnp. G. A. It. Men Call on Harrison. WASHINGTON , May 15. Comrades Joseph W. Kah , Gcorgo W. Brown and David M. Anick called upon President Harrison to-day , as a committee , representing the G. A. R. of Brooklyn. They laid before him a resolu tion adopted by the memorial and executive committees of the order during April last , urging the carrying out of those provisions of the revised statutes looking to the pre ferment of veterans of the late war for office under the government. They asked the president to give full force and effect to all laws now existing or hereafter to bo enacted on this subject. The president replied that ho would consider this question very care fully , and would glvo the resolutions their duo weight. Cnptnin Bourko'H Promotion. WASHINGTON , May 15. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bun. ] A local paper says : "Sena tor Mandorson and Uoprcsontatlvo Council called at the whlto house to-day to present nnd recommend Captain John Bourke for promotion to the adjutant-general's ' corps. Captain Bourke has inado u gallant record as nn Indian flghtor under General Crook. His friends consider that ho has won a posi tion in the adjutant-gonorul's department. Captain Hourko has many opponents for the single vacancy , which will occur upon the retirement of Adjutant-General Drum and the consequent promotion in the corps. Proctor KutiMflcd. WASHINGTON , May 15. Secretary Proctor has returned hero from his western inspec tion trip. Ho is satisfied with the results of his observations. In a few duys the secre tary will visit West Point. Ho savs the sub ject of issuing n proclamation of amnesty to deserters ims not been discussed or consid ered by the ptcsldont and himself. Calling on Secretary WIndoin. WASHINGTON , May 15. A Ijxrgo delegation of minors und smelters from the west ap peared before Secretary Windom and Assist ant Secretary Mlchoner to-day tor a hearing touching the ruling of the treasury depart ment relative to the importation of lead ore from Mexico. Judge Jankti' KeHlmiatlon. WASHINGTON , May 15. The president has accepted the resignation of Judge Junks as solicitor-general of the department of jus tice , to take effect to-day. Judge Jenks will bo rotulned in the service of the government as counsel In telephone cases. Congressman Hnndnll Convalescing , WASHINGTON , May 15. S. J. Handall , who has been confined to the house for several weeks , , is rapidly convalescing and Is ex pected to bo out shortly. Crnpn In Cutiilng County. WKST POINT , Nob. , May 15. [ Special to TUB BEE.I A heavy rain visited this part of the country lus > t evening , Corn is all planted , and this rain will send It right along , Small grain was beginning to suffer from the dry weather , but will bo a bounti ful crop if nothing happens from now on. . . Damaged by the Storm. CHETE , .Neb. , May 15. Special to Tin BEE. ] - A heavy thunder storm visited thu locality last night and considerable damage was dono. Several houses were struck bj lightning , more or less demoralizing them , but fortunately uo ouu was injured. CONSUIj OENISftAti NEW. Ho Tnlccs Formnl Possession of Ills Oflloci Consul NoVv Tnleen Chnrgc. rCopi/rtuM IGSOlu Jaw * Gordon Jtemidt.l LONDON , May 15 , [ Now York Herald Cubic Special to Tn HER. ! Governor Waller said farewell to the staff employed nt the American consulate , on Tuesday night , nnd his successor , General John O. Now , quietly entered up6n his duties , yesterday morning. Thcro was nothing to Indicate that anything unusual had taken ptaco In St. Helen's place , when the Herald corrcspo- dcnt called upon the new consul. "I sco you have got into the harness ngain , General Now , " said the Herald reporter. "Yes , I made a start | to-day. There was no formal ceremony of Installation. Gov ernor Waller Is an old frlond of mlno , nnd ho left last -night in the tisual way'und I dropped in this morning ns I shall every other morning , and got to work , rlghtnway. " D "Tho American consulate in England Is evidently not n sinecure , judging from the mass of work before you. " "Why , no. This is n _ place where work has got to como In nnd bo got rid of. I have to sign over 700 invoices to-day , but , of course , that does not represent ono tithe of the actual work I shall have to undertake. " General Now has been greatly Impressed by the cordial welcome extended to him as bo entered upon his now duties. The Bninonn Delegates Dlnrd. ( Copi/rfuht / 18S/ > i ; Jttm&t Gordon llcnndt , ] BEIIUN , May 1 ! ) . [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB Buis.J No prelimi nary sittings of the Samoan conforcnco took place , to-day , owing to , the unaulmous objec tion of the Gorman delegates to transact business on the Day of Humiliation. Sir Edward and Lady Ermingtrudo Mnlct enter tained the delegates at dinner , this evening , thirty covers being laid. Lady Ermmgtrudo sat between Count Bismarck and Mr. Kas- son , Sir Edward between Countess Born- storff and Madame do Bcnokcndorff. The tvives of the delegates , Colonel and Mrs. lussoll , Count Bismarck's private secretary , lerr Von Bulow , nnd the secretary , of the conference were among the guests. The sub-cointnltteo 'of the conference has decided that the municipal council of Apia shall comprise six members , Germany , Eng- and nnd the United States each to appoint ono member. Tho.other three members shall bo elected by the residents of Apia. This decision displeases the British commis sioners , who call it Pholps' compromise. Phelps , although iot a member of the sub committee , was asked to1 attend its last meet- up. ' Whllclnw Reid Ucccivod. AJAUIS , May 15. Whltclaw Kcid , American minister , was received by the minister of foreign affairs , to-day. President Carnet will receive Hold at the end of the week , The now minister willtpresent his creden tials to the president of the republic early next week. Mr. Gcorgo W. Smalloy , the London correspondent { of the New York Tribune , has taken apartments at the Hotel Mourlco , and is acting searotnry to Minister Reid. Mr. Suinlloy will bo appointed first secretary of legation at-Paris , in place of M. Vignaud. " , o WXJUDEKEO hiMEXICANS. . A Railway Official Shot and > Robbcd of $7OOO. TOI'EKA , Kan.May 13. [ Special Telegram to Tun BHE.J Dispatches were received to night by General Manager Robinson , of the Atchison , Topqka & Santa Fo ( road , giving details of the murder of Superintendent Gedrgo W. Richards at .tho Carthage mines of the Atchison company. The superintend ent was making the monthly payment of wages to employes. While ho was alone two Mexican desperadoes gained access to the office and shot Richards , killing him instant ly. They then captured all the cash In the safe , amounting to over 87,000 , nnd , taking their horses , lied to the mountains. A posse of miners on fleet horses is in pursuit , with good prospects for capturing the desper adoes. General Manager Robinson offers a reward of $1,503 for their capture. i O The AVentlior Indications. Nebraska : Light ruin ; easterly winds , becoming - coming variable ; slightly warmer in south east portion. Iowa : Light showers ; easterly winds , be coming vurmblo ; warmer in northwest portion tion : stationary temperature in southeast portion. Dakota : Light showers : slightly warmer ; easterly winds , becoming variable. The River Imndors. FOIIT DODGE , la. , May 15. [ Special Tnlo- gram to Tnn Biu : , ] Great interest is mani fested here , particularly among hundreds of river landers , in the proceedings of the grand jury in Webster county , which is at present mves titrating the charge of con spiracy preferred by land owners against seventeen settlers who organized to 'work farms from whicb evictions were mado. Hun dreds of witnesses have been subpoenaed. The grand jury has been working on the case for more than a week. Lincoln Sails. NEW YOIIK , May 15. Among the passen gers who sailed on tbo now Inman steamer , City of Paris , this afternoon , were Robert T. Lincoln , United States minister to the court of St. James and his family , The Ijogiui Monument BUI. Si'itixoriELn , III. , May 15. The houso. to-day , passed a bill appropriating (50,000 for a monument to John A. Logan. There was considerable wrangling , and the measure passedby n very small majority. * Steamship ? ArrlvaU. At Philadelphia The Prussia , from Glas gow ; the Gluckauf , frpm Bremen ; the Per sian Prince , from Carthagena. At Bremen The Dresden and Wilkommcn , from Baltimore. ! Third Attempt nt HuiclJc. ST. Joserii , Mo. , May 15. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bun. ] Charles Thornton , son of tbo notorious H'unnah Thornton , at tempted suicidu this ajftcrnoon by hanging , but was cut down luj time to save his life. Doincstlo trouble Wits the causa. This is Thornton's third attempt. i. * The Flro Record. BI.OOHINGTON , 111.'sMay 16. A flro nt Stanford this morning destroyed Henry LIuobargor's elevator , with H,000 bushels of oats , n number of corn.'crlbs , und other prop erty to the value of $10,500 ; Insurance about half. Editor William W. Harding Dead. PIIILAUKU-IIU , May 15. William W. Harding , for many ycurs proprietor and pub lisher of the Philadelphia Enquirer , died at his residence , this morning , from a complica tion of diseases. Alter the Ai'izoiui Uohler . WASHINGTON , May 16. Tbo uttornoy-gon- eral has authorised tbo marshal of Arizona to offer u reward of (500 each for the arrest und conviction of the robbers of Paymaster Whatn. t Baptist MlsiVm rjr Anniversary. BOSTON , Muy , 15.Tho celebration of the seventy-fifth annivc'rinry of the American BuptUt Missionary uulpn was begun to-day , Later Roturus Emphasize the Re port of tin anlmlty , A CONSTITUTION READY MADE. Some loivn Movers to the filonx Res et vntlou Death of a Child From a Rattlesnake Blto School Building ! ) In Plorro. It Will ho Ratified. HunoN , Dak. , May 15. [ Special Telegram to THE Br.K. | There Is rojolclng throughout South Dakota , to-day , over the result of yes terday's election. From the returns received 00 per cent of the entire vote is for the adop tion of the Sioux Fall ! constitution. Noth ing so nearly approaching n unanimous vote has been experienced In the ratification of any fundamental law as that which charac terized the adoption of a constitution1 for the new state nt thu polls yesterday. In some districts 03 per cent of the ontlro vote was for the constitution. The Thirteenth district had 25 , and the Nineteenth 04 votes against the constitution. - . These are two of the prin cipal districts and contain some hard kickers. In ono precinct In the Thirteenth district , which cast 900 votes , only 1 was against the constitution , The Eleventh district had but 10 votes against adoption. The result of the olcction is regarded as n grand victory and n confirmation of what tbo people , for thrco years , have claimed , that they are satisfied with the Sioux Falls constitution for the stnto of South Dakota. The democratic del * cgutcs received n fair proportion of the vote polled , in some districts receiving inoro thnn the entire vote of the party , whllo the prohibitionists laid aside their third party notions nnd joined with the old parties in getting out the vote , which , although light , compared with that of 1S85 , or of last Novem ber , Is sufficient to Indicate the unanimity of sentiment regarding the Stoux Falls consti tution. Messages of congratulation nnd greeting have been received hero nnd sent to various cities In South Dakota. Several were also sent to Congressman Springer , advising him of tha vote , and asking lum if ho now be lieves the ocoplo of South Dakota know what they want. Following nro the delegates chosen by the districts reported : Sixth , Stroupe , Stod- durd and Barrett ; Ninth , Wood , Sterling nnd Leo : Eleventh , Hartley , Huntley and Campbell ; Thirteenth , Halo. Vantnssel nnd Cooper ; Sixteenth , Sherwood , Mclntyro nnd Matoon ; Eighteenth , Williamson , GifTord and Boldopal ; Nineteenth , Co.iles , van Epps and Caldwell ; Twenty-second , Edgerton , Bucchlerand Harris ; Twenty-fourth , Edger ton , Holton nnd Ramsey ; Twenty-fifth , God- durd , Dioffendorf and Murphy. * The Work of the Convention. YANKTON , So. Dak. , May 15. Special Tele gram to THU BEB.J E. C. Edgcrton and Chris Bucchlcr. republicans , are certainly elected to the constitutional convention from this district , nud the result between Sweet and Harris , democrats , is in doubt , with the chances in favor of Harris. The vote of the county is less than onc.half the full vote , but it Is almost solid for the Sioux Falls consti tution. The vote of the county will not ox- cced 700 or 00. The convention Is to meet the-Ub of July. It can alter , change or amend tb constitution only as per mitted by congress. The constitu tion is to be again submitted In October , together with the separata clauses of prohibition , etc. , and if the consti tution , as amended to conform with the act of congress providing for the admission of the state , is adopted and Is found acceptable , the state may bo admitted by proclamation. The July convention will make ordinances nnd frame all the machinery for the sub mission of the constitution and for the vote on the separate clause and the election of the state officers and the legislature In October. So that wnilo the convention will have no constitution to make there will bo a good deal of important work to do. The state will have to bo divided into legislative districts and all the preliminary work for the October election and for putting the now state gov ernment into operation will devolve upon the convention , _ The Black Hills Returns. LEAD CITV , Dak. , May 15. [ Special Tele- cram to THE BEE. ] Complete returns of the election hold yesterday , assure the confir mation of the Sioux Falls constitution in tbo Third district , which comprises the Black Hills , the majority In its favor Is fully.2,500. The delegates elected are ns follows : First district , Sanford Parker , V. T. McGllll- cuddy , republicans ; O. L. Wood , democrat ; Third district , D. Corson , W. S. O'Brien , re publicans , and C. M. Thomas , democrat ; Second district , S. A. Wheeler , republican ; John Scollurd and Thomas Thompson , demo crats. _ HnivkoyoH Tor Dakota. PIEHIIE , Dak. , May ID. .Special Telegram to TUB Bun. ! To-night's train was lillod with excursionists from DCS Moincs , la. , coming to PIcrro to look up the Sioux reservation - vation mutters , in connection with its open ing this summer. They were met at tbo depot by the Capital City band and escorted around the city in buggies by the board of trade. Died From a Rattlesnake Blto. CifAMiiuiu.AiN , Dak. , May 15. [ Special Telegram to Tim BUE. | A flvo-yoar-old child of a fanner , living six miles north of this city , was bitten by u rattlesnake , yesterday afternoon , nnd wau immediately brought to town , but It was too lato. After suffering terribly for twelve hours , ho died , School Houses In Plorro. Piuitni ! , Dak. , Muy 15. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEU.J Ground was , to-day , broken ontho , sites of thrco now brick school houses In Pierre , which together will cost when completed , $35,000. They nro to bo finished this summer. A TERRIFIC EXPLOSION . Eight Hundred Pound ? of Powder Blow Up In a Mine. SALT LAKE Cirr , Utah , May 15.--Spocln | Telegram to TUB BEE. ] Eight hundred pounds of powder exploded at 13 o'clock to day , at the Anchor tuunol , Park City. The surrounding buildings were onttroly demol ished , and the main shaft considerably dam aged. The powder caught from u candle dropped by ona of the shaft bosses. Two men wer o near at the time , but succeeded li escaping , as the powder blazed up a short time before the exulosion took placo. The loss will amount to several thousand dolluu. Fnthur E an Testifies. LONDON , May 15. Father Egan lestlfle ( before the Purnell commlsslop to-day. He said the leading men of Loughrea belongei to the branch of the league in that district No serious crime had been committed from the tlmo of the formation of the Loughrea brunch of tbo league until it was suppressed except the murder of Policeman Lyiilon This murder hud been condemned ut the mooting of the icaguo , and witness hud do nouncud it from his church. A British Whip Wrecked. LONDONMay 15.-Tho British ship Altmore from Sydney , N. S. W. , April 8 , for Sai Franclsco.has been wrecked at Meralisland In the south Pacific. The captain and a portion o the crow buvo landed ut Levnka. Tbo firs officer was drowned nnd the boat containing the remainder ot the crow una passengers i missing. THE CARTER CASE. Lawyer Mills Unmercifully Scores the Plaintiff. CHICAGO , May 15. [ Spnclal TolORrnm to Tnu BSD. ] | Luther Laflln Mills finished his speech for the defense In the Carter case to day , reviewing the charges against Dr. Gil bert nnd ICyrlo Hollow. The court room was jammed and the interest was Intense. The eloquent attorney scored Mrs. Carter In a most merciless manner , ho bolng even more forcible In his characterization of her con duct than yesterday. For two full hours , under the torrlblo flro of the lawyer's words , the fair plaintiff sat , calmly rocKlng In her swinging ohnlr and plying nor fan , her coun tenance never changing. When Mills , had concluded , however , and n recess was taken , she sighed ns she arose , nnd when she turned to go out It was scon that her faoo were nn expression of Intense suffering , the pyos were heavy nnd the mouth drooping. In the afternoon Attorney Walker began his speech for the defense , nnd will finish to-morrow. At the rate the speeches nro progressing the caio can hardly got to the Jury before the last of the week. WESTEHN PACKING INTERESTS. The Movement of Hogs Very Con siderably Enlarged. CINCINNATI , May 15 . [ Special Telegram to TUB BJCR. ] To-movrow's Price Current will soy : The movement of hogs has very considerably enlarged , showing an Impor tant gain for the week ai compared with the previous week nnd n year ngo. Western packing returns aggregate 'J-15,000 hogs for the week , against 100,090 last week and 11)5,000 ) for the corresponding time last year. Place. ' j 18S .j ISM. AGED AFFECTIONS INJURED. A Sevuiitj-Yonr-Old Widow Sues For Breach of Promise. Gur.NA , III , , May 15. [ Socclal Tolo- grum to THE BKE. ] Louisa Lohrmnn , n widow of this city , aged seventy years , brought suit yesterday in the Jo Davlcss county circliit court against Samuel Cun ningham , n wealthy and eccentric old bach elor , also of Galena , to recover damages In the sum of $10,000 for breach of promise of marriage. Cunningham made his money in Lho early days in California , and has reached Uio ago also of thrco score and ten without ever having previously boon entangled oy Cupid's wiles. Mrs. Lehrman alleges that Cunningham , the defendant , bus been mak ing love to her , and finally obtained a premise - iso of marriage from her whllo paying fre quent trips of late to the cemetery near her liouso , whore Uo has n monument in process Qf erection , which is to bo in memory of himself when dead. The best counsel In this city has been retained on both sides. A NAVAIj MARVEL. The Armstrongs liutld a Rcinnrknhlo Cruiser for Italy. WASHINGTON , May 15. With some inter est the naval architects In Washington nro waiting further particulars of the perform ance of the remarkable cruiser built In En gland by the Armstrongs. She is named. Plcmontc , nnd said to have made nineteen and ono-balt knots under natural draft , and over twettty-ono knots with a forced draft. The vessel measures 3,500 tons nnd carries engines of 11,500 horse power , nearly trebio thu proportionate horse power of the now gunboat Yorktown. From informa tion received it appears the hull of ship weighs but 070 tons , and is of the light est possible construction , verging closely on weakness. The elements of safety and con venience , such as complete double bottoms and handy coal bunkers , have boon sacri ficed for the sake of lightness , which ac counts in a largo measure for the wonderful speed said to have been attained. Neverthe less. although the ship was built for the Italian government , the British navul au thorities made strenuous but unsuccessful efforts to purchase her from the builders. National Editorial Association. CINCINNATI , O. , May 15. Tno executive committee of the National Editorial associa tion met in this city to-day , with twenty members present , Including President Belies , of Arkansas , nnd Secretary Fletch er , of Illinois. The next meeting of the association was set for Detroit , from August 27 to (10. ( Eleven papers will bo prepared upon topics of general interest to the news paper profession by delegates from the vari ous states. Montana Doubtful. . HELENA , Mont. , May 15. The returns of yesterday's election are too incomplete to determine the exact membership of the con stitutional convention. The returns , as far as received , indicate a very close contest , with the chances in favor of the democrats by a narrow majority. The labor member from Jefferson county may have tbo casting voto. Cathedral Dedication at Pcorln. PEOUIA , May \5. St. Mary's cathedral , which was completed lately at a cost of $1,100,000 , was dedicated to-day. There were over ono hundred priests present , from all over the state , asldo from Archbishop Fee- ban , of Chicago , nnd Bishop Cosgrovo , of Davenpo'rt. The bishop's residence adjoin ing the cathedral cost ? 10,000. A Voting Woman's Bail Plight , UAIIWAK , N. J. , May 15. A young woman ( of about twenty-four years , apparently u stranger In the city , was found in u dying condition at the lower end of Main street , near the river bank , this morning. She WUB too weak to glvo any Information. She shows evidence of having been violently assaulted. An Insane Murderer und Suicide. INDIANAVOUS , May 15. Ferdinand Si'hroe- dor , n grocery and saloon keeper , this mornIng - Ing cut his wife's throat with a nuor , killing her instantly. Ho then slushed his own throat , dying half un hour later. Ho was in- sano. Hurled Under Tons of Iron , DETHOIT , Mich. , May 15. At the Michi gan car works yesterday afternoon a gang ol laborers was unloading a carload of iron when apart of the brace holding'tho loac broke and several tons of iron fell on the men , killing ono and fatally injuring three others. Grant Presents Ills Credentials. VIKNNA , May 15. The emperor to-day gave an audience to Mr. Lawton , the retir ing United States minister , who presented his letters of recall. Afterward the emperor received Colonel F. D. Grunt , the now minis ter , who presented his credentials , The Missouri Away Down. ST , JOSEPH , Mo. , May 15. ( Special Tele gram to TUB BKE.J The Missouri river nl tills place Is llvo Inches below the lowest water mark , and still falling. This will no ccssitato the fixing of a new law water uiarlc , which has not been done for many years. i Ilnle'fi InjnrlcH Not Hcrlons. Los ANOBI.ES , C'ala , , Muy 15. Tbo doctor * attending Senator Halo state that the In juries ho sustained In the railway collision neur San Jose uro not bcrlouu , but that the sprain was severe. - * , . . . . Womnn fiulfruKO Hill Passes. LiNEiKo , Mich. , May 15. The woman1 ! municipal euffrage bill wo u.ticd ly Oia bouso i < vi' " A FORTMIOD TRANSFORM , Rude AwftkonluR From Dronms ol Good Whisky. j CLEVER SCHEME OF A SWINDLER. ' Distillers l ny Dearly ForR Fabled Drug ; That Would Cltixnuo Cof- iln Varnish into Vine Olil Bourbon. lolln Archibald Comi > 'n Method , CHICAGO , May 15. A schema rivaling in sotno respects the great olcctrlo sugar fraud vns exposed hero to-ilny. TUo perpetrator s a smooth-mannered young iiuin unmetl lolm Archibald Coin ] ) , whoso papers hull- cato ho 1ms been operating In Kuiisns City , St. Louts , Cincinnati uiul other places as well as In Chicago. Ho Is now missing , and t Is said a good many thousand dollars bo- onglng to various distillers mut liquor deal * crs have disappeared with him. Comp , t is stated by the authorities , pretended tended to possess a compound which would chmigo poor whislty into the llncst grade. A gallon sample oi the vilest "forty-rod , " nftor being medicated , would bo placed in a refrigerator , and In tea minutes bo taken out , transformed Into tha Juest llourbon , If objection was inado to the refrigerator , Comp would accompany tha loubtor to my place desired , and then retir ing to u private room , accomplish the snma feat , without a refrigerator. It now turns out. however , that the refrigerator waa really , ns suspected , a clover device by willed a bottle containing good whisky was substituted for the bad. The trick whoa [ lorfonncd elsewhere than at the refrigorn- : or , was done , by moans of u tin brcastpiata or armor worn under Comp's clothing. This armor was double nml was in reality n reser voir which by means of n concealed tuba could bo emptied or tilled at will. Comp was inveigled into taking u detective into partner ship with him , but when the arrest was con ] : omplutcd smelt a mouse and lied , leaving behind the refrigerator , but carrying oil the armor. BISHOP I1UTOHEUED. The Mind Header's Wife Thinks Ho Wnmi't llcntl. Nnw YOIIK , May 15. [ Special Telegram to Tint 13ir : . ] The wife of the deceased mind reader , Washington Irving Bishop , afllrma that tha autopsy was inado whllo the mind reader was in n trance. 'Do ' you mean that ho was alive when the autopsy was held ! " she was asked. \ "I certainly think so. Ho had u cataleptic attack once in Malta that lasted forty-eight nours , and was given up for dead. Ho has told me n hundred times never to lot n knlfo touch him until ho was decomposed. Ho had a horror of being buried alive , and I consider that autopsy to have been a shameless , cruel outrage , to say the least. " ' 'What motive could they have had ! " ' 'They wanted his brain , and seeing him Insensible , wanted to bo the llrst to look at it. It is horrible , horrible 1" SUICIDE OP A PROMINENT MAN. General Anderson , Well Kno\vu la Rnilrond Circle * , Kills Himself. iiiLMJEU'lilA , May IG. Adna Anderson , agca sixty , of Now York , committed suicida by shooting , in his room at the Lafayotta hotel last night. No motivo-for the deed ia known. General Anderson was ono of the best known railroad men in this country. Ho en tered the railway service as a chain man on the Now York , Now Haven & Hartford rail road twenty years ago. Since that time ho has been connected with nearly every road In the country In various capacities , but chiefly us chief engineer and superintendent. In 18(30 ( , ho was chosen ns second vlca-prosi * dent of the Northern Pacific railroad com'- puny , remaining there until January 1 , 18S3 The Disunited lirathrcn. YOIIK , Pa. , May 15. Bishop Weaver pra- nided over the majority conference of the United Brethren church to-day. The ques tion of licensing women to preach was adopted after a long discussion. A motlou was adopted that no minister should bo al lowed to preach more than thrco consecutive years at ono point without the consent of tha conference. The minority conference waa presided over by Bishop Wright. It waa agreed four bishops tliouid bo elected , ona for tno Pacific coast , and three for the oust. It was recommended to cull u congress of tha Christian churches in the fall In some larga city , to urge a war against secret societies. At a meeting ot the visiting ministers and laymen to the United BretUore.ii general con ference , hold m the afternoon , resolutions were adopted expressing hearty approval ot the action of the general conference in ratifying the work of the church commission appointed by the last general conference , thus biinglnir into force the revised confession of faith ami the amended constitution of tha church , and protesting against the use of the church name by the sccedcrs. / Was Loyal to the South. IticiiMONu , Vu. , May 15. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun BEI : . | Ilogor A. Pryor jr. , who arrived hero Wednesday , lias just published in pamphlet form a complete refutation of tha charge of desertion recently made against his father. General Pryor. The proof conl slsts of afllduvlts of ox-witnosses to his cap. turo , the statements of General C. M , Wilcox - cox , Hon. Washington McLean , General Ccorgo H. Sharp , contemporaneous accounts of Ills capture In both southern and northern papers during the war , and the letters of General Pryor to his wife while In conllno- mcnt in Fort Lafayette- and other papers. The proof is regarded ns being absolutely conclusive of the guncrul'a loyalty to tha south. > lloth Wore Fatuity Wounded , DETKOIT , Mich. , May 15 , [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB HUE , ] Sometime ago Mrs. Pctor Hnrtswoli left her homo at ! i87 First street because of alleged cruelty on the part of , hcr husband , an j went to llvo with her father , William Smith , a produce dealer. Hartswoll attempted to pcrsuado his wif to return homo , but her father objected. Thla angered Hartswell and ho threatened ven geance. Ha mut his father-in-law on tha street to-dav and n quarrel ensued. The men fought until they were botli exhausted and then they drew revolvers and begun lr- | ing. Several shots were llred , and when tbo combatants were separated it was found that both were fatally wounded. i Five HrlgnudH Hanged. Soru , May 15. Five brigands wora hanged In the court yard of the prison hero to-day. Thny were led separately to tha scaffold and were hanged in fucccsslon. Each man was enveloped in u b.ig paused over his head and reaching to thu wiilst , Their struggles wore prolonged itovcrul min utes. Thu mob broke through the cordon surrounding the lull and the police had great difllculty in keeping them from the woaffold. 'Jhe ' ! ' coinn Tragedy. TAcdiu , W. T. , May 15. To-doy , another body was recovered from the dcbrla of tha wrecked building , that of George M. Hell , a carpenter. Hell makes the lifth parson who lost his life by the accident. Of the seven wounded , It Is expected that two or tbron cannot recover. I'\iiiKlit ' Tivonty-lliroo Hound * . liurrAi.0 , N , Y. , May 15. A twenty-thres- round prUe light came off In this city last night between Billy Welch , of Buffalo , and Jack Smith , of Toronto , and wiu wo by the toruiur