Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1889, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY 15 , 1889 ; THE CITY. car loads of crockery wore ro- cciycd nt tlio cuBtom hcniBo yestordny fa ? Perkins , Galch ft Lnntnnn. Justice Dunn wnsurmblo to prcstilo In bis court yesterday on account of sick ness. All cnsos for hearing wore con tinued until the Ijfth , Hugh Fulton , of Nebraska City , has been npDOlntcd mall clerk on the Omaha und McCord run of tlio B. & M. . and P. W. Younp on the Omaha and Ogden run of the Union Pacific. H. W. W. Boll of Crete , Is in the city , Mr. Boll Is interested in the manufac ture and sale of Patterson's' patent weather strip for doors. It is a good thing and ho is confident of a profitable eale. Ho is now tolling territory rights and leaves forSnrpy county to-day. Leave of absence for ono month , to take effect between the 1st and the 15th of Juno , 188i ) , has boon grunted First Lieutenant Jefferson 11. , assist ant surgeon , U. S. A. , Fort RoblnBon , Neb. , with permission to apply for an extension of fifteen days. " " Personal I'nrnjjrniilis. Mr § . A. L. StranR Is dnnRorously 111. Mr. A. Cornish , of Lincoln , Is in the city. C. M. PattonburK , ChlcaRO , is at the Mil- lard. lard.H. H. O. Hallott , Cincinnati , Is registered at the Millard. Dr. 'VVcrtr , who has been absent from the city , has returned , Bonntor Paddock , of Beatrice , is stopping At the Murray. . Miss Anna Tlbbltts , of Lincoln , Is visiting friends In the city. , Lewis S. Hurkc , Baltimore , Md. , Is stop ping at the Mlllord. Robert Tunica has lately been made agent for the 13. St. M. railroad. J. D , Her has returned from Kansas City and Is registered at the Murray. L. E. Heed , proprietor of the Croighton , has gone cast for an extended trip. Mr. Lylc S. Caldwell , bookkeeper for A. D. Morse , has returned from a short trip to Kansas City. A party consisting of W. G. Albrlcht , Jeff W. Bedford. Marsh Kcnnard , Dick McCor- ffllc , .Uiiclo Ames , Charles Hood aifd William FHoli , leave Omnlm , to-duy , to enjoy a fishing trip around the lakes near St. Paul , Minn. At the Paxton J. M. Marsh , Grand Island ! F. H. TifTiiny , Albion ; G. W. Galesburg - burg and wife : E. A. Klco , Now York ; S. M. Osgood , Ucs Molncs ; A. O. Bcutly. Brook lyn ; Mrs. S. A. Hcudcc , Bushnoll , 111. At the Murray P. H. Holmes , Milwaukee ; J. T. Colhoun , Minneapolis ; Henry Pritsch , St. Louis ; M. Horton , Chicago ; A. U. Stowoll , Ccdtir Kmmls , Nob. ; E. P. Grcsh , Philadelphia ; W. H. Hubbard , Chicago ; W. H , Moon , Camdcn , N. J. ; W. K. Hohlnson , Lincoln. J. T. Armstrong , Beatrice ; E. E. Lyllo , Tyrone , Pa. ; J. D. Parr , Sioux City ; John M. Hohan , Chicago ; J. D. M. Lobdcll , Now York ; J13. Cessna , Hastings ; L. D. Youue , Philadelphia ; Hcv. M. P. Carey , Nebraska Cltf ; Oliver J. Borch , Broken Bow , Neb. ; Henry P. Lohr , Oukdnlo ; I. L. Baker , West Point ; H. S. Tompkms , Hochestcr , N. Y. ; C. J. Plielps , Schuyler , are guests at the Mil- lard. ness * A Now Din-lit District. * The chief of police has notified members of the dcml-inoiulo residing nt and near ' .Twelfth nnd Davenport streets , that they must vacate by May 22. Didn't Go Under. E. D. Lloyd , from Hamburg ; Iowa , boarded ft grip car , .yesterday , at Fifteenth and Harnoy streets , for u moment , nnd in getting off fell on his head , bruising himself pain fully though not seriously. JPIne Ilidao Poht-Trmler. J. A. Flnley , post-trader at Pine Hldgo agency , 1 * in the city , making arrangements for the insurance of his stores. Ho is the first trader appointed under the present ad ministration. His former home was In Kansas City , where ho served as councilman for ten years. Ed Miller is Acquitted. Ed Miller was arraigned in the police court on the charge of attempting to murder Charley Clark on last Saturday night. Tlio colored man who so narrowly escaped death did not seem' Inclined to want to testify gainst him and the case was dismissed. Stole u Somn thief stole Dr. Lanyon's horse and fcuggy whllo.standlng south of Whltohouse's drug store on North Sixteenth street. The Animal is a dark bay with black mane and tail , IB seven or eight years old and blind In the right eye. In the bridle was a large srmlTlo bit. Sheriff Coburn has offered 550 reward for the capture of the thief and Dr. Lanyon pliers ? 10 to the person giving Information that will load to the capture of the thief. Pears' soap secures a beautiful com plexion. MnrrlnKe Licenses. Following arc the marriage licenses issued yesterday in the county court : Nome and Residence. Ago. Wm. W. Ha/o. Omaha . 47 Mrs. Eliza M. llolten , Omaha . 41 Augustus Dawson , Omaha . . 27 Eliza Mullan , Omaha . 20 Joseph A. , Omaha . 2S Josephine McClau , Omaha . 25 Henry Tyler , Omaha . SO Susan Scott , Omalm . 21 Edward H. Hchuuhart , Omaha . 28 Lone Webster , Omaha . 2S Albert T. Llndqucst , Oumhn . 23 Kcgiiin Carlson , Omaha . 23 I II. J. C. Brunhur , Omaha . 29 ( Wiluelma QuinenchniiRtcd. Omaha . 23 Ilnsoi'toii Ills AVIl'o. Mrs. Robert Wallace Is a woman In dis tress. She came to Omaha three or four days ago , with her husband and two small ons. They cumo liuro from Canada and stopped with Mrs. Byrnes , who lives at Thirtieth nnd Lcnvonworth streets. Mrs. Wallace is a sister to Mrs. Byrnes. She hud 1300 in money , nnd her husband was the possessor of f 100. They wore en route to California. Yesterday morning , Wallace naked his wife for her money , tcllini ; her that ho would buy the tickets to the coast. She gave it to him , and ho has not been seen since. She claims that tliuy have never hud any domestic troubles , and can not account for his waywardness. The police say that Wullaoo wont to Chicago. Will Practice Inw. After eighteen years of active ministerial duties , Habhl N.l. Benson , minister of the Congregation of Israel m tills city , has de termined to carry out a hope cherished for years , t. o , , the study and practice of law. Bomo time ago ho sent In a communication to the board of trustees of his congregation notifying them of his future intentions and expressing no desire to serve after the expi ration o/ his present term. Rabbi Benson uamo hare from Owonsbunr , Ky. , about four yours ago and found huro a comparatively small congregation to the one lit present. Possessing active executive and constructive ability It win not long bnforo the membership doubled , necessary repairs Wore inndo , nuvonil benevolent institutions woru onr > tiilzcdtuo funds being mostly raised by ( ilii ) for the purpose of beautifying thu cemetery at Pleasant hill , in whicli his activ ity > yu greatly manifested , Dr. Benson In | is ngw career tabes with him the pooil lYlstiL' * of hundreds of f Honda wioni | he hai IBiudo in thin coinramiUy. His popularity will certainly uid him nmtorUlly in tlio pro- lcaUm pf his cholup. Until enabled to pruo- licottowill exert srimo cIToiUto unite the pmaller pongrcgutinns In ono body and or- jranliop roiiglouN school for the children of | ho o parents whoso views arc not iu bar- ( Bouy wilh those of reform Jews. people habitually endure a fool * nppf Jiissitudo houiutio they think tlioy If tlioy would tufco Dr. J , H. Sirfaupu-ilhi ; this fonlini : of woultl glvo plico ; to vigor yltullty. BRNATOK PADDOCK. HI * Views on tlio Oninlin tcrslilp nnl Other Mntters. Senator A. S. Paudocit reached the city yesterday direct from Washington , and is at the Murray. Ho will remain hero three or four days looking after his business Interests before going homo to Beatrice. "Regarding the posloOlco controversy , " said bo , "I have no more Information than the people of Omaha. I have kept entirely out of the matter , believing that It was not my business to take any p.irt In it , but if the supervising architect has submitted his find ings to Secretary Wlndom , I see no reason why n decision should not bo reached soon. I had n brinf talk with the architect last Wednesday , and ho told mo then that ho was compiling a statement from the mass of petitions , letters nnd telegram * in his posses sion , and would bo ready to lay it before the secretary by Saturday. Mandcrson nnd CoMicll are looking' after the affair , nnd will not leave Washington until it has been set tled. " "In what condition is Urn Omaha postiuas- tershipl Is a change likely to bo made soon ! " "No , I think not. The president Is very slow about making removals except for cause , which means extreme offensive parti sanship , dereliction of Untv or crookedness in ofllco. Senator Mnndcrson has entire con trol of the appointment , but 1 don't believe ho has recommended anyone for the place. If ho has I have no knowledge of It. "Yes , there will bo changes In the ofllcea of district attorney nnd revenue collector. * When the time comes Georpo S. Baker , of Fairmont , and John Peters , of Albion , will succeed the prrscnt incumbents. The dele- Ration has agreed on them , nnd their selec tion was favorably received by the adminis tration. " Senator Paddock declares that the number of applications for ofllce Is no greater now , inpropoition to the population : than ai any previous time. "Tho disappointments are numerous , of course , " ho said , "but the new administration , 1 am satlstiod , is strong and popular. " The senator left his wife nnd daughter , Miss Fanny , at Atlantic City , N. J. , where they expect to spend ttio summer. Ho will return to Now York shortly , on business , go to Washington for n few days , and then come home to remain until congress meets again. THE EPISCOPAL CONFEIlliNGE. Meetings or tlio Woman' * ) Auxiliary nnd St. AndruUK' Brotherhood. The Woman's auxiliary of the Episcopal diocese of Nebraska met In annual session at Trinity cathedral , yostcrdny afternoon , Bishop WorthlnRton , president ex-ofllcio , presiding. There was a large attendance from the city parishes , and n number of delegates f ron nbroad were also present. The treasurer's ropoit was road. It showed a total disbursement by the auxiliary during the year of nearly $1,500 , which is nn improvement upon any previous year In the history of the organization. The report was accepted and ordered placed on file. The re port of the secretary was also and ac cepted. It showed a gratifying increase in interest In the various parochial branches. The president of the organization , Mrs. J. M. Woolworth. in a few remarks , welcomed the delegates from abroad to Omaha , and thanked them and the society generally for the work accomplished durinf * the year. She called the attention of those present to the necessity for doing missionary work among the Indians , and , iu this connection , read a letter fromnn Indian girl in St. John's .school , in Dakota. The letter would have done credit to any American t > ov or girl. After the different parish delegates had renewed their pledges for the ensuing year , the following ofllccrs were appointed by the bishop and confirmed by the conference : Mrs. James M. Woolworth , of Omaha , president ; Mrs. J. P. Barnard , Lin coln ; Mrs. J. E. Smith , Beatrice ; Mrs. M. Oliver , Hastings ; Mrs. S. S. Pails , Ashland ; Mrs. Arthur Putnam. Chudron , and Mrs. T. J. Foley , North Plattc , vice presidents ; Mrs. Robert Rlngwalt , secre tary nnd treisurer ; Mrs. L. H. Collins , as sistant secretary , and Mrs. Louis Ucall , librarian. The bishop thanked the ladles very ear nestly lor the work they have accomplished during the past. A vote of thanks wns extended to the ladles of the Omaha parishes by the visitors , for the hospitality extended to them , and by the entire organization to the dean and vestry of the cathedral , for the use of that cdlllcc , and a rising- vote te Dr. Osborne. for the two eloquent addresses ho delivered before the society. The auxiliary then adjourned , sine die. In Iho evening the Brotherhood of St. Andrew hold its semi-annual meeting , which was attended by nearly all the Omaha mem bers , nnd a good many from outside parhhos. The following papers were road and dis cussed : "Tho Work ; What Is It ? For Young Men or by Young Men ? " Rev. O. T. Brady , Trinity cliuptcr , Omaha. "Tho True Test of the Success of a Chapter. " Milton Darling , St. Barnabas chapter , Omaha. "Spreading Christ's Kingdom. Are \Vo Obeying Its Laws ! " Clayton Barber , St. LuKo's chap ter , Plnttsmouth. "Of What Benefit is a Chapter to a Parish ? " J. B. Croffruth , Holy Trinity chapter , Lincoln. "How to Reach and Influence Young Mein. 'Am I My Brother's Keeper ? ' " R. H. Rlngwalt , All Saints' chapter , Omaha. ' * All of these papers were very able , and wore listened to with manifest interest. The meeting closed with an address by the bishop , In which ho complimented the young men of the brotherhood upon the work they are doing. OUOAXmijQ LAUOIt. Open Consideration of Important Problems to Worlclneincn. The open meeting of the trades unions at Gate City hull last night was well attended. G. W. Willardwas made chairman , and after making a brief address introduced J. A. Giles , president of Carpenter's union , No. 112 , of North Omaha , who said : "This is the day and date for the concen tration of labor. The greatest enterprises 1m vi ) been orouelit forward by the organiza tion of brain , muscle nnd capital. It isu well- known fact that if labor is remunerated pro perly it will bo more freely exercised , and the work much bettor performed. The contractor - tractor should base .his contract upon the ao- niand of labor , and not enter into a contract at a low flfiine , and then com plain because tradesmen demand that they bo paid fair wages. In this light , then , we , when organized , pan name n Judicious remuneration for our labor , nnd this can bo itgurcd in , in connection with actual expenditures in the fulllllinont of a contract. " William McGroggor was next called and said : "Wo should organize , and if orc.xniza- lion is essential , so is co-operation. You can not separata Inseparable elements. I would say that co operation iu our trades 1-1 mater ial. In this direction we have undertaken the establishment of u co-operative grocery store. Already wo luivo disposed of 22S shares , nnd the pi ojcot is oi\o that should , and Is , meeting with favor among the work ing classes. If wo can arrange this so that wo can purchase our goods at a reduced price , it is the saino as an advance in wages. In the detail * for our store wo have placed the capital stock nt f3M)0 ) , and limited Indebted ness at $500. The charter extends over a period of twenty- vo years , and the business will bi > looked after by bonded mid honest trustees or officials. There is no rent on why wo should not make a success of thlb under taking. U has been tried ut various points and has proved successful. " W. B. Musser succeeded Mr. Mi-Orcgnor on thu iloor , uud dilated to u considerable extent on thu needs of the tradesmen to join labor nrp.uilzatioiis. Ho stated to. the car penters that all tluvt had bocn accomplished In Omaha in the interests of that craft was donu by I'inloii No , SS. Ho also , stated that No , ll'J , just o'lfranlzed Iu Nprth Omaha , contained members ! . At the conciusioti of ills speech numerous of the non-union carpenters ( landed In their names and bocamu member * , und several others announced that they would join in the nrav future. Thu nieotliitr lust night was 1m- pnrtant throughout , ntid iu which the single tax matter was considered. H was de cided to held an oixm session in Schroedor's hall , Twcuty-tlrjBt and Cumluir tttreets/Sa- ; urday ulpht , at tvhicha nbw unipijKo. 71 , will bo founded and organized. A HiarllcMR Mutliur. The wpinuuvLo so cruelly tent out her boy from the Union Pacific depot to lice nud In his absence loft on the next train , hns been traced to Wymorc , nnd U said to bo workIng - Ing In the Tonsland hotel. The boy ts being taken care of nt the Clarkson Memorial hospital , that bcln ] ; the only Institution in the city that wDUld receive him. ITS FINAL TttlP. The Golden Onto Arrives on Its Imst Tour In Onmhn , ' The Golden Gate special completed IU final trip on the Union Pacific upon its nr- rival ia Omaha from San Francisco yesterday , The coaches will bo turned over to the Pull man company nnd placed ut the disposal of the Pennsylvania company to b o put in the service on that ( pad in the cast. The Union Pacillc put this train on ns nn experiment 'and the officers claim that they have no rea son to regret the undertaking. H demon strated that good service nnd ntnplo accommo dations nro appreciated acid the demand re quired a dally instead of a weekly through train. The Golden Gate was about three months In the service. Its Income aggre gated $100,000 while the actual cost of ope ration reached about $148,000. Notes. Assistant C ! on oral Manager Dickinson nnd Superintendent Rcssiqulo of the Union Pa cific , nnd Superintendent Jaqucs of the St. Paul & Omaha , will make a special trip to-day to Norfolk and Sioux City to prepare for the now Union Pacific trains which are to commence te run between those peints over the St. Paul & Omnha line on May 10. General Purchasing Agent McKibbcn , of the Union Pacific , Is Iu Wusnlngton. I'nlu In the Hack nnd Hips. Kale McBuracy , 173 Pifth' street Detroit , Mich. , says : I was taken with severe pain In my back nnd hips. It continued to grow worse until I hod o keep my bed. I tried several remedies hot were recommended , without doing mo any good. I then put on two AM.COCK'S Poiiors PiAsrnus. They took the pain away so quick that I was able to bo up In less than twenty-four hours , nnd in a week was entirely recovered. 1 was also cured of n chronic cough by the use of ALLCOCK'S PLAB- TEUS. EVEHY Rin RUOKEN. Edward Koddeii Crushed to Death In an Elevator. About 1 o'clock accident yesterday nn hap pened In the Consolldatcd'Coffee company's house nt Fourteenth and Harnoy street , that cost Edward Hodden , nn employe of the firm , his life. Ho hold n position of helper in the rousting department , and , desirintr to go after something in a top story , undertook to get on the freight elevator while it was inovlnc unwurd , but missed his footing and hold on to the edge until ho was caught and crushed between the floor above and the platform of the elevator. The latter continued to ascend until all of the unfortunate man's ribs were broken nnd the flesh in many places torn from his body. His cries attracted atten tion and half u dozen men in the building rushed to his assistance. He was released from the deadly vise and placed on the floor. Three doctors were summoned but they could do nothing to save the poor lellow. Ho died within twenty minutes. Coroner Drexel took charge of his body. The deceased was twenty-two years old- nnd unmarried. His parents nnd three sis ters live nt Crete. 'They have been notified by telegraph of the accident. Ho made his homo with a brother-in-law , John Peterson , ut 210S Lake street. Previously to entering the employment of the Consolidated Coffee company , about one month ago , ho had run the liurnry elevator in the Paxton block. The jury returned n verdict that Kodden had conic to his death throughputs own carelessness. Should you or any of your friends bo troubled with nporsibtunt cough or cold , do not bo alarmed , ns it cnn bo easily and speedily cured. A fair trial of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will soon satisfy you of the fact. No cold , how ever so severe , can long withstand its effect. It ( roes not dry up a cold , but loosens and relieves it. It loaves the system in a natural and healthy condi tion. For sale by nil druggists. A Hey OisnppoarH , A boy , named Albert Spaustai , aged seven years , whose parents reside at Third and Dorcas streets , disappeared yesterday. Ho was last seen with a stranger who asked him to show him where certain people lived in the vicinity. The hid wore gray pants and a torn straw hat , uud had a cut across the back of three of his lingers. Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength umUvliolesonioness. Moro economical than the ordinary tclihlH , and c.innot bo Kohl in competition with the multitude ! ) of low cost , ( hortwelfhtalumor pliospnato powders. Sold only in cans , lloyal itaklng 1'owder Co120 Wullstreet New _ 1 art Always Drink with Ice Water LEMONADES , SHERBETS and all Co'.d Drinks , HUNGARIAN BLACKBERRY JUICE It Will Carre at tlio Uainaijlnii Inllu- onoo i > r Ice on tlm Stomach. An Kniclont Itenintr for D.urrhva. Cholnrn Morbm Iijruontory.anil ull DlborJern aftUu llunclt , NASiivil.t.E.TEN.V. , Juno tltlt , 1337. SlrSSIIS. r.OVKMIIAI. IIUOS , I > farSUIlmvotried : tlio Ilunptrlitn lllnckbcrrr Jultu > ou to ilnJIy > uul me. It H tlio no plus ultra nrnumnier drink * . It U Iroo from nlcoliul , allara thlr < ttuno < iho illifomhu oriiHni , hn < iinttu itromuuo " tlntor , anil l juit ttie tUlnit tor iiurr.mvjl iroublosln tlta heutcU term. ATAIIli : > l'O.S ( > 'UI , l.V A GLASS Of 1015VATKH OUrNKOTAItBNKCTAII. ' Ilctpectfullr , T.A. ATC'ltlSON , M. I ) . Impartril unit bottloil bV MlllA/VlVCir. ( KI.K ( 'lihil A ( 'ii. , Cliiilnnntl , O. For ule ujr DMKUU J.lquur Dealt'i an4 Urocn , " " " COMPANY'S EXTEACT of MEAT. Kln ilariaciieupe < tMvat Hu\rourln Muck forMoupi Mmlo ll : if nuil rnii..o. Ai lleuf 104 , "mi liiTitlua OCrtulticnnti Klllifac tlmllejl Juttui ron Mob lie nature In blur ncron Uuol. bold lif t-lor ikcceriiroc | nni ] Dru.'ultti. I.I KIIIS KVI'llAC-f OK MKAT t"- . 1/W. Ixjni ! bold 117 ItnlmnUon Jirua t ; < i. . nud lilako.Urui [ "jltOUCKS-A. OOOUHIOII , ATTOItNer.AT-iiAW JLJ i : < I > arboru SL , Ulnngai ndtlca tram 11 rewt DRS. BETTSffi BETTS NM. Omco hours , 9 a. tn. to Up. m. Buiidayi. 10 * m. to 1 p. in. dpocUllsts In Chronic , Nervons , Skin and Blood Discuses. Hr-Consultatlon at oillco or uy mall froe. Medicines sent by mull or express , uecurnly packed , free from observation. Guarantees to cure milckly. gafolv anil permanently. uuDuniTQ TyDDiT Ti'VPpormatorrmca. MMI- NhnYUUD UhDlLlll millosBe , NlKhtKmls. tlona , 1'liysical Decay , arising from Indiscre tion , Kxcesi or Indulgence , producing Sleep lessness , Deopondency , 1'lmplen , on the face , aversion to sorlety. easily dlxcaiirtiRed , lack at confidence , dull. unfit for Htudy or buslness.and finds life a burden , safely , permanently and privately cured. Consult Iirg. Belts It licit * , 4(13 Karnain St. , Omalyi , Net ) . - Bloail and Skin Di results , completely eradicated without the aid of Mercurv/ Scrofula , Erysipelas , Fever Sores , Hlotchei. U leers , 1'alns in the Head and Hones , Syphilitic Sore Throat , Mouth and Tongue. Ca tarrh.c. . , permanently cured where others Kiev' ' Urinary & . , rSTESll8s. iiucut Burning or Bloody Urine , Urine hlgn col ored or with milky sedlmont on standing , Weak Rack , Gnnuorrhfoa , Ulcot , Cystitis , &c. , Promptly nndSafoly Cured , Charges Reasona ble. C2rfl'K > Tr < nrlTTT3TPI Guaranteed per- AJtvJLV/ UJKlJal munont Cine , re moval complete , without cutting. cuntxtc or dilatation. Cures effected at homo bv patient without a moments onln or tumovance. To Tonne Men and Mifldle-Agc Men , A QIIDD PlIDD The awful effects of early II OUfiD UUllD Vice. which m-inss organic weakness , ilc troylmtuoth mind and bodv , with all Its di ended Ills permanently cui cd. HD J PUTTv ! Actress tnooo no najro Impaired LIllO. DIillu thumnelvt's by Improper Indul- polices and solitary habit ) , which ruin both body and mind , unfitting them for business , study or marriage. MAitniKD MEN. or those entering on that hap py life , aware of physical debility , quickly as il8tea < OUR SUCCESS Is based upon facts , first Practical Expe rience. Second Every case is especially studied , thus stiu ting nrlclit. Third Medicines are pre pared In our laboratory exactly to suit each case , thus affecting cures without Injury. Cr Send 0 cents postage for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases. Thousands cured. { XT' A friendly latter or call may save you futuie BUlTcrinir and shame , and add colden > ears to life. taS No letters an ew ered unless accompanied by 4 cents In stamps. S * BETT8 , 1103 Farnnin Srtnit. Uinahu. Nab. My little boy. B ycar&old , was flclc with a disease for v.hlch doctors had no name. Tha nails cirac off his fing ers , and tlio fingers eerie eft to tlio middle joint , l-'or 3 } can he Buffered drcadfum ; Is now getting well , uml I om fatisilcd Swift's Specific Is the chief cause of hi. Improvement. ' Joan Demi , , . Jan. J2,1689. P < TU , Ind. .POISONED B ( A.CAI.F-r-My little boyliroko oufwUlutorcsTird _ _ ulcers , tl'.o result of tlio ealh a of a calf cominglii con tact with a cut finger..Tl > o nlccra \ \ cro deep and pain ful and ehottcdr.o inclination to heal. Iga olilm S if I'd Specific , and ho Is io\v \ \ til. Feb. 15 , ' 89. JOHN HEAKD , Auburn , Ala. Send for books on Blood Pol ons & SMn Diseases free. SH irrSraeina Co. . Atlanta , Ga. AST ALL PBEOBDENT. OVER TWO MILLIONS DISTRIBUT3D. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated by the legislature In lW ! , fur IMucntionul and Charitable purposes , and its fianchlsa made a part of tha present State Con- sytution , in 1879 , by an overwhelming popular Its'oitANDKXTUAOKDlNAHVDHAWINGS take pluco Boml-Annually ( .lime and December ) and Its GRAND BINC1LK NUMUKIt DUAW- INGS take place In each nf the other ten months of thu year , und ate all diawn in public , at the Academy of .Music , New Orleans , Lu. "We do hereby certify that wo snperviso the arrangements for all the Monthly ana Suml-An- nual biaulims of the Loul-ilami titntu Lottery Company , and In perxon maungii and control the Drawings thum ulves , and that the same are conducted with honesty , fairness , and In rood faith toward all parties , anil we authorize the company to use this certlllcate , with fac- BlmllcH of our signatures attached , in Its adror- : isements. " COMMISSIONERS. We , the undersigned Hankh ami Hankers will pavall 1'rlzes draun In the Louisiana State Lotteries which may bo presented at our coun ters : U. M. WAMISUSV. 1'rcs. Louisiana Nat.Bank I'lKHKH l.ANAUX. I'res. State Nat. Hank. A. IIALOW1N , I'res New Orleans Nat. llank CAUL KOIIN , Pros Union National Dank. At the Academy of Music , Now Or leans , Tuesday , Juno 18 , 1880. CAPITAL PRIZE , $600,000 100,000 Tickets at $40 ; Halves $20 ; Quar ters $10 ; Eighths ; Twentieths $2 ; Fortieths $1. LIST OF I'lUKtB. i I'lti/.i : ov jK.o.Kn ( is * onp , < ioo i riti/.n OK liio.ooiis . . . . , , . . , 'M > .tm " OK 100,000 IH ] 00 , U QK M ) , < joois . W,003 ) ii VM7MH OK ai.lKJO ore 'J,00 ' , ) 5 I'ltlKKS OK lO.COJare , 10 I'HIZK ? OK 5,0,0 are M 14JIZKS OK iW lnro 60.0UO 100 PJU/.KH OK MXlare . MO VM7.KS OK enoaro . 1S0.003 MX ) I'ltlKRS OK 400 are. . . liou.OOO Al'l'IIOXlMATIOKJ' tjyKS. 1001'rUesof Jl.OWiare . , . 1100,000 1(0 ( Prizes of SOOare . . . . . , , . NW ( ) lOOl'menof 4maro . 40,000 Tivo NUMIIKH TKUMIM u.s. 1.W3 Prizes otaJ are . , .K ? .030 3,1-11 Prizes , amounting to. . . , , , . . .K' ' , 100,000 AGENTS WArVflI31 ! > . t5y l''on Ci.un llATKS.or any further informa- Ion desired , write leelbly ia < the undersigned clearly Htatliur your rehldt aiH > < with Htate.Cmm ty , Htrect and Numuer. iloce rapid return mull delivery will be assured by your enclosing an envelope be.irlm ; your full address. " IMPORTANT. Address a. A. DAUPHIN. NewOileans , U. orM. A. DAUPHIN , Washington , D. C. Dyordliiaryletterconta'.nlnB Money Order Issued by all Kxpreis Companies , New York lixUmtme , Draft or Pottat Note. Address Begls ered Letter ; Containing Cur- reny to NKW OHLKAN8 NATIONAL II AN 1C , New Orleans , la. _ REMEMBER ur Knnit NATIOVAI. HANKR of NewOrJeunaund the tickets are signed by the [ 'resident of un institution whose chartered i iBhts are reco nlzi-d In highest courts ! there- fort- , beware of all Imitations or anonymous tchaiiiM. " , . , ONK DOLLAU ls the price of the smallest part or fraction of ticket isaufil ) MV U8ln any drawing. Anything In our naiin o If ered for less than ouo dollar U a tin iud ! * , OUR REPUTATION As spot cash buyers is known , to all wooloa mills and manufacturers. Wo are receiving daily samples from importers and manufacturers offering for ready cash large quantities of goods far below the market value rather than sell them on customary terms 4 months or longer. Spot cash will work miracles and wo have closed out several large lots at prices incredibly low and are able to offer extraordinary values. 'The most of the late purchases are very choice goods from some of the best manufacturers in the country ; we do not mention names of the woolens or the manufacturers. How easy it is for a house to give things a name and call this a Fitch burg , that a Sawyer , etc , etc. Wo use no deception ; don't tell you any 'stories , * but simply offer you FIRST CLASS GOODS , THOROUGHLY WELLMADE , AT PRICESLOWE.RTHAN ANYOTHER HOUSE DARES TO NAME. And we back up the quality of all goods wo are offer ing by our iron clad guarantee : IF GOODS ARE NOT AS REPRESEN TED YOUR MONEY IS REFUNDED , If you have not yet traded with us and don't .know us ask your neighbors or your friends about us. You will find among them many that have traded with us. Ask them how we are selling goods ; ask them if our goods did not always give entire satisfaction in overparticular , and above all ask them about our way of doing business. Among the new bargains wo have just opened are the following : A large lot of excellent Business Suits , in neat shades of checked and striped cheviot , well gotten up , and suits for which other houses would charge at least $12.00. We have marked the entire lot , $7.90 per suit. * A lot of very line blue serge suits , warranted fast colors , with excellent lining and elegantly made , at $9SO. The same quality of suit is sold everywhere at about $15.OO. This makes a splendid summer suit. The above two lots are only in Sacks , sizes from 35 to 42 ; Those elegant silk faced Cheviot Suits we are offering at $1O.5O are exciting the admiration of all customers. They have not yet been duplicated by any house. In Men's Furnishings we offer this week special drives in light weight Under wear and fine fancy Flannel Shirts. Wo have an immense variety ut prices which no other house will make. Samples of goods and rules for measuring sent on application , and mail orders promptly attended to. PLAIN FIGURES AND ONE PRICE ONLY. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha. Hue Mojer-EstabHshai 1856-Adolph llojar Max Meyer " & Bro. , SIXTEENTH - AND - FARNAM - STREETS General Agents for STEINWAY , CHICKERING , KNABE , VOSE & SONS , BEHR BROS , , and JAS , W , STARR PIANOS ! Story & CM and Shoninger-Bell On , SPECIAL THICKS AND TEUMS , Write for Catalogue. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1802 FARNAM STREET. COFFEE TUo I'tilillo nro not iiencrnlly nwnro tliBt br ne pruicnt luetlioili of 'Cooklim fullonulmlf of lie cotfua that li imeil Is tlirowii nwiir in tliu and v.attcd , riiemlstH oonnuctej wltli tnls cnmpimr Imvo Buocueilod In eavlni : thlt wimtu no Hint tne coin- pany titn f urnlsli toneo insilo o ( tbu HiientJavii , put up In ( inall portnble Jura unit WAlliiANTEi ) I'tiitrcr- IiY J'lTlin n < l KcmruntoHd to lie only about ONC- 1IALK TIIK COaT in the COIIIUIIHT i common cof- ico. Only holllML-wntorli nocilcd when propitrlnu It for the table. Crow n I.lqnM CnlTuo Coinpiinr. MuCOKl ) , 11L1ADY it CO. , Wholesulo Grocoi-8 , - - Oinului , Neb Steck Piano Itoiimrlcnblo for powerful tiymiitliotio | tone , pllivblo action nd nbsoluto dura bility. 80 yoara' record the boat guarantee - . too of tho' excellence of thcbo Instruments monts , WOODBRIDGEBROS. State Line. To Clus ow , Ui'lfusl , Diiljllininil I From New YorJt Every Tuesday , Cabin pasxaKo H to VU , ai-cordiny to location of btatt ) room. Kxfiirulon vn to f M. Steerage to and from Kmope at l.o ei > t Hates. AUffflN HAI.DW1N A : ( O. . ( len'l Aient . ' 6) ) l.ioailway. New VorC. JOHN IILKQKN , Oen'l WcsfrnSi , liU llundulph Si. , Chlcaso. 1IAHI1V K. MOOHiy. Acunt. Umuha. Reduced Cabin Hutou to Ul t-j.'o v \ - hibitiou. .You Do Not Mean to Tell us that isn't custom made : Whv it's ai line aflttlng ult as any man need have. I will gothoreatonco and see what they can defer for me. N.W.COR , ! 3rH& DODGE Sis. , OMAHA. NEB. FOB TI1E TREATMENT OP 4U. 333FL-A.OE5S& , APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. BeitFacilitie8ApparatuiananeriedleiforSuc iifu' Treatment of every form of D'eeaia ' requirim ; MEDICAL or SURGICAL TREATMENT. NINETY ROONIS FOR PATIENTS. Board&Attendance , Best Accommodation ! In Weak CD'WHITE JOR ? CIRCULARS on Dcformltlei and Brace > , Trueici , Cluli Feet , CurratuTci of Sjin . 1'llei , Tuniorl. Otnccr , CaUrrh , Broncbitli , Znlinlatlon. ElectricUy. Parily.ji , .Epflepir. Kionfy , Bladder Eye , Lar , BkinanJ Blood and all Surgical OperaUOM ! DISEASES OF WOMEN WK iiiVK I.AIH r Jimm A I.TIM ITUIKX UIIIIMKCmlM'XI'M' . ( STRICIU PRIVATE. ) Only HelliUa Medical Inititute makin ; a Bnecialty of PRIVATE DISEASES M Uloo < l nilttiei iur > tfullr UrilM. WTJ lillllla 1'clioo remove 1 froidlLt ivtum without mtrcorr. KVn IIr l r llt Trialwrit tor Lou ut Iflt , MMUII. l-.ltlei ui ll to t I.It uim rl.lrc tr tlomel.j ttrrri.cnflcnt | . jlllcviiimuiild. tlooicouC.J utl l. Umtlelneicrlnilruutntiitclliitiiillorti. tmiiicuitljriJftc'ed.iioiuarki > olu < tlral eoiilc&uorirDdrr. Ooo p.rioatUQlerf lew preferred. Cftll * nd eoniult ui or tend fclitcrr or jour ttie. nd vo lll lead ID Pliln ri | i er , ur BflOK TO MFU FREE : upon iWie. H , M * , BUUIV IU men I f.cnouilHieiiei.l/ujioleuci.hjiili. Illi ; Ultctimliilcuecle , ulth queilloa Ilit. Xddrcn OilAlIA MKDIOAI , te BUJtOIOAI. J NBTITUTZ , 13th and Dodjo BtrccU , OM-IIA , MED. PKHNYUOTAljVAVKRH Are iccuufully Ukod monthly by avtr 10,000 adle . AnSoft , KfftctaalaniU'tcatant l vrboxIryinall.ur ut clruRcbta. firulul artculanST * > ttaEattml > * - Adrtrert TUK tuoxjui Caiiiiau. Co. , UunioiT , Mien. und by mall by Goodman Dru Company , Omalm. Peerles Dyes AKKTIIK IIEHT 20to60 DAYS. This IB u disease which lias heretofore Bafllod all Medical Scienco. When Mercury , locllilo of 1'otHeslum , Sarsftpk rlllu or Hot Springs fall , we guaranteed cure ; Wo have a Hamcdy , unknown to anyone In toe ) World outside of our Company , nnd ouo that ha ( NEVEIt FA2MUU to cure tlio most oustlnato cajes. Ton days In recant canes docs the work. It U the old chronla deep soatca cubes that wo solicit. Wo hayo cured hundreds who 1m ve been abandoned By Physicians , and pronounced Incurable , and yr * cbuHcumi the world to biltitr ns a caae that Vri will not cure In leas than sixty days. Hlno the history of monlclno n true ppeciflp for Syphilis has been Bought for but nove founa until our was discovered , and wo nro Justified in saying it is thu only Itomcay in the World tnat will ppft Itlvely euro , bucause the latest Medieval \Vof . published by the bent known authorities , oy tnero was never a true specific before. Our rum- edy will euro whnn everything else h is failed. Why waste your time and money with patent medicines that never had virtue , or doctor wlttl physicians that cannot euro you , you that liar * tried everything else should come to us no wand K1 permanent lellef , you never can get It ello- where. Mark what wo say. In the end yotl must take our rome'ly or NIJVKIl recover and you that have been allllcted hut a Hlioit tlma nhould ty nil means come to us now , not one la ten of ntiw cases ever KM permanently cured. Many icetlioln and think they are free from th disease , but in one , two or three years after II appears galn In a more horrlblo form. This is u. blood Purilier and will Cura any Skin or Blood Disease when Evorythinp Klso Fails. THE COnX REMEDY Rooms 18 and 19 , Faxlon Block , IT NEVER FAILS A quicicnnd _ pormaiiont iiro L'tiaran- teccd to these nfilictcd with Syphilis. Mercury and Potash Never Cure. Wo clmllongo tlio production of acnso of Syphiltd in tiny of its stupes that will fall to euro. Consultation and Cor- ruspundonco FRUIO. call on or address TIIK NATIO.VAT , RK.MKOY Co. 141 < U1odo { st - - - - Omahif , Neb. AU Gonlto-Urnlary diBoascs treated. DiONKENNESS C.1 Iho Manor Habit , I'anlilTelr Cured l r AJiiitnliterliic llr. Halites' . Uoldcn Hpcclflc. Itcanbt ulvcn na cup of cotfeo or inartl. * ; lnt.0uf ( SwlVl ut , the kiiotvlertBe of the pi. ; HljKoliuely hnrmlcaa and will if. HHinVii"11'1"1 ' ' "PwtlVf ure. whether tuo m ° 'iiU1 or an alcohol . . , . -.0 In tlielr cojrce with- niiit iii-TnvVm ; , AV .n'1 ' todttv I'ullovo they uiiii ; luuiKiiiK or them own accord , 44 natia Fthkm i'nrf ' cillar ? fr''eKulm & i'o , aJinlS l.itli iinl noUBlftB Bt , IHth and CiiinlnB atroots. iillKiI"tifclii cr'ulwU "luird-Jowtt ! Atents- * FOR MEN ONLYT ffAT SHpSpd ? . " . ' P" or foimr. it ii rt 7x0 North St. , PhlJadciphia , Pa ,