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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1889)
fl THE OMAHA DAHiY BEE : WEDNESDAY MAY 15. 1889. DAILY BEE , it dOtrNCJxTBLTTFFS. NO 12 PHAHIj STREET. C llvcreaby currier In Any Fnrt ot ho City a fa only Cent * i'er Week. II. W. TIMON. MANAOKll. TEM'.I'IlONHSl Itt'MNKPfl OFFICE No. 43. NIGHT I'.DITOII , No.-J. M1N Pit MBNTION. N. Y.Plumblng Co. A CABO of scarlet fcvor Is reported nt the residence of M. Hulls , 018 Hluft street , The Omnlm Hcpublicnn typos nnd the printers of this city nro bookca for n game of , ball In the near fuluro. Three drunks nnd ono peace disturber wore hauled In lattt evening ns a starter for this morning's grist. _ * The new Bcroan Baptist church , corner of Sovontcenlh street mid Third avenue , will bo formally opened nnd dedicated next Sunday. The case ngnlnst Thomas Sloan , charged with wlfo beating , has been dismissed , his wife rdfuslng at the last moment to prose cute. cute.This afternoon the Omaha and Council Bluffs gun club will hold u shoot at their now grounds , corner of Thirty-fourth nnd Avcnuo A. Lewis C. Boom nnd Miss Leonora Boll niche , both of this city , wcro mnrriod by Hov , D. H. Cooley nt his residence Monday evening last. > , A pint of Oaltdcld addition , a tract of land lying near the Union Pacillo transfer , lias been filed for record at Iho olllco of Iho county recorder. John Watson was yesterday bound over to the grand Jury by Justice HendrleKs for the larceny of a cout from n house nt the C- , corner of Fourth and Woith strcels , and bent to jail In default of ball. ' * Persons having torches will confer n favor i. on the Chatatuiun managers by leaving word with E. E. Hart , nnd' the articles will bo j called for. It Is desired to use thctn in lightIng - Ing the Chnutuumin grounds. rt * h In a recent contest nt Harvard university , 4V J. L. Dodge , son of N. P. Uodgo , of this * city , won a half mlle rnco In 2:09. : This is only n another Instance where n Council UlufTs boy bus well sustained the reputation of his city abroad. , n Attorney Walter I. Smith , of the estate of B. U. Fralnoy , has obtained a judgment for i .J2.485 ngalnst J. J. Fralnoy , the latter having failed to turn over that amount In eonipli- < nnco with an order of the court Issued some , time ngo.t Work was commenced yesterday morning i ton the foundation for J. .I. Malownoy's new bath houses on the north beach at Mnnnwa. Piles , upon which the south end of the , building1 will rest , will bo driven to-day , and oil will-bo completed In about two weeks , i I. Crossloy and F. Howard took In the town Monday night. Thov also 'took on . album and a corset from Hottlo Holmes , a 1 colored woman living on lower Broadway. if , flChey wcro taken before "Squire " Schurz yes terday afternoon , and cinched $5 and costs i each. , The German Catholic Indies of St. Peter's * "v church announce that they will not hoW kO .thoir annual fair until Soptomber. Although the time is far ahead , the preparations will ' Boon begin , as it Is intended to make the v affair the most successful one yet given by " ' 'them. i By mistake the funeral of Mrs. Susan 13. MoNnlly was announced for yesterday after noon. The services will bo hold at 3:30 : 1 o'clock this afternoon rrom the family resi dence , corner of Fifth avenue nnd Sixth street. Kov. Dr. Phelps , of the Presbyterian church , ofllclutlng. 1 Only fifteen sweet raorsols of humanity rolled out of the sweat-box yesterday morn- Jog to receive their judicial doses. They were mostly vags , and were llred out of the city. The drunks received the regulation fine , and scavengers paid the license pre scribed by ordinance. D Superintendent Reynolds , of the electric ( tifmotor line , proposes to enforce .tho.prohib , ition law , so far as it applies to his employes whlle.on duty. A drunken Conductor and mqtormnn wore ruthlessly'"Qred"'from the 1 service of the' company nnd the "traveling public will take grateful knowledge of the fact. fact.The Union'Pacific overland passenger , duo at the transfer at 9 o'clock Monday evening , did not arrive until 2:50 : yesterday morning. The Northwestern flyer had to wait , and did pull out until after B o'clock. Taat is the * train that uiukos the run to Chicago in four teen hours , but it is safe to say that on this occasion It was behind time. Mrs. Moollcr will hold the tlrst rehearsal 'at , A11 Saints' chanol , corner Eighteenth street and Third avenue , this evening to practice church music. Mrs. Campbell has been engaged asj > rganlst. A general invita tion is cxtcndou to all the young people to attend. Ihcsr rehearsals will be continued every Wednesday evening here'aftor. Ono of the largest sheds of the Chicago Lumber company , cornorof Main ana Eighth avenue , collapsed yesterday , destroying several hundred dollars worth of finished lumber. The underpinning , which was com posed of posts , gave way , and the structure fell four or live feet. The building was badly twisted , und torn nnart in several places. Frank Kaspar , aldorinau of the second ward of Omaha , yesterday took out building permits fortho erection of ten now cottages in SacKott'B addition to Council Bluffs. The buildings will cost $1,000 each , and will front en-Avenues A and B. Mr. Kaspar will errct twenty other houses in the city this season. He evidently has faith in the future of the Bluffs , and backs his belief with cold cash. The case of William Elliott" Pottawut- tarato county was not finished when the su perior court adjourned , last evening , and it will bo resumed to-day. The suit is brought i to enforce the payment of $ S7.50 , alleged to bo duo the plaintiff for work douo by him at the Compton residence after the smallpox cases there had been cared for. The county repudiates the bill. " . , Owing to the fact that the grounds at - . Palrvlow base ball park will not bo com- 'i Dieted until Saturday nit-lit , the game to 1 have been played there'Saturday atteruoon with the Missouri Valley club has been de clared off. The Odell Bros , team will tackle the Union Pacltlcs on Sunday , and play the first game on the now grounds. * It will bo a rattling game , and will doubtless draw well. In another week the changes in the steam er "M. F , Kohror , " at Luke Manawu , will have been completed. The boat will then measure twenty-six und one-half feet beam and will Carry 800 passengers. She Is .being supplied with two new ten-horse power llico & \vhlitakor oscillating engines , and a now thirty-horse power bailer will bo put In , making the boat one of the fastest on the I lake. f At n meeting of the trustees of the FairView - View Cemetery association , hold yesterday i afternoon , J. J. Stewart was elected trustee r , to fill the vacancy caused oy the resignation ( > l of Mr. Samuel Jacobs , of Hamburg , Mr. Jo-jobs has been u trustee of the association n for over twenty years , and by his energy - . the cemetery was originally surveyed and j plotted. Ho always manifested a great lu ff torcst In the beautifying of the grounds , and 'r ' the association parls with him with regret. Secretary Temploton , of the Firemen's ' as- ' sociatlon , U busy securing quarters for the f. racing learns which intend coming to the ' tournament. The Creston team will bo qunr- , tored nt the Crcbton house , the sumo place at . * which they stopped In ItSSJ , and UieClmpIn f team , of Union , the champion hose team of W , the state , will hold forth at the Esox house. The Washington team and a number of i others hayo written for rates. The secretary ays ; "First come , first served. " but will ut- tend to all as quiouly as possible. * % Council Bluffs Lodpo No. 270 ( Loyal ) i1 A. O. U. W. , moots in G. A. R. hall very Friday ovenlnp at 8 o'clock. . 3 B. \VndB\vorth \ & Co. Ipan money. K' ' Money loaned wt L. U.'Uruft's & Co.'s F loan ollloo on furniture , pianos , horses , I WOCOIIB , personal property of ull kinds , r jjAtiu 11 Qthoriirtiolfls of vtilun. without tsyomoval , All business strictly conll- p ' " "iontinU V' ' f Checks Lost. I Lost , thrco checks , ono signed by F Harry Birkinbino , for $10.25 ; another f slffiiod by Bracltott & Gavin , for$11 ; and rr nu"Uier Binned by R. P. Olllcor , for I jl7.60j all three payable to H.V. . Til- r ton , jr DAII.Y liKK. Finder will please t < return to UitJ uRlco. Puymont on f checki is ( topped. DEATH OF A NOTED COLT , The Phenomenal "Ozar , " Vnluod at Moro Than $15,000. ALL ANXIOUS FOR A CITY HALL. Trcpri'ntlonH ' for Memorial Iny A. UlnnRrrctncnt In the Ilnni Cnsu An Ilclr to Millions. Dcntli of Cznr. "Oar , " the plicnomcnnl thrco-ycar-old winner of the California Dnrby , died Mon day , nt Union Driving park , In thin ult.V. The liorso belonged to the stnblo of Tlreo- lore Winters , which stopped hero Friday , to rest , while en route to SU Lntil , Chicago and the cast. Ho contracted 11 severe cold soon fiftcr leaving San Francisco , and wns very sick whoa ho readied here. His con dition Saturday was mlicti Improved , and Mr. McCornilck , who lias clmrgo of the stable , thouct.t ho was on the high road to recovery , but ho dlod of pneumonia. Ho was valued at Sil-COO , and the owner had ro- fuscd nil offer of $ ir > , OUO. Ho wnt ono of the most promising colts In the country , and jrcat things wcro expected of him , J. G. Tipton , real cstnto , 627 B'dwny Must llnvo n City Ilnll. "Keep nounaliiK nwny about a now city mil , " said Alderman ICnophcr to Tin : HEX , yesterday morning , "and It will not bo IOIIK until the matter will settle Itself. Got the dca properly before the people , let thorn un derstand the situation thoroughly , and they will sec that n now bulletin ) ; Is an absolute lecessity. Agitate the question and got the citizens to discussing It among themselves. A special election can bo called whenever w nru ready , and the matter can bo settled very quickly , when once wo Rot to work In earnest. " \Vo don'i want to spring the question before - fore the public Is ready for It , but us soon as nn opportunity has been given for the case to be xvoll and thoroughly canvassed , wo will undoubtedly call an election. The council , as a body , favors the Idea , and nearly every alderman is really anxious to sco work com menced on a now structure. The question of a silo Is a secondary consideration , and can como up after it is decided to erect the building , but agitation is what wo want now , my boy , and the louder Tuuliuu buzzes about It the bettor. " Wanted , $0,500 worth of unimproved Council BlutTti city property. Those having bargtiins.for cash address H. C. , BIE olllco , Council Bluffs. For memorial Day. The following committees have boon ap pointed to attend to the arrangements for Memorial day , the first named in ouch to act as chairman : Invitation J. If. Cooper , Theo Giuttar , U. C. Hubbaril , William Soars. Music Dr. F. S. Thomas , I. M. Treynor , Harry Havwnrd. Ueceptlon L. C. Cousins , E. J. Abbott , John Lindt , William Campbell , F. A. Sack- ctt , A. Folontreter. Cemetery Wall McFaddon , William Uo- per , J. 13. Heft , Perry ICniglit. Platform E. P. Urooks , C. M. Burgess , C. O. Brown , Henry Gcnshelmer , Peter Heft , L. Jnssophs. Floral and Decorations John Fox , J. W. Ivilgoro , W. G. Nnson , James Jacoby , C. S" Hubbard , Woman's Uoliof Corps. Carriages Theo Bray , T. J. Cady , Wil liam Lewis. Fred Davis , D. J3. Clark. Ice and Water H. J. Ward , John Dunn , Gilbert Bros. , H. J. Mullholland , Joseph Crouicr , Emll Schur/ . Finance J. C. DnHavcn , George Met calf. Colonel W. F. Japp , Colonel D. B. Dallcy , Hon. D. C. Bloomer , Charles B. Hannnn , E , H. Odell , John Lindt , J. J. Stoadtnan , E. F. Holmes , Thomas Ofllcer , U. L. Williams. treasurer of general committee. Printing J. J. Stoadman , H. W. Tilton , D. A. Fnrroll , U. B.AVescott , O. H. Barrett , M. Thresher. Speakers William Camnboll , L. B. Cous- Ibs , C. A. Williams , Mrs. C. O. Brown. Wil liam Sears , John Lindt , J. J , Steadman , Hon. Gcorgo Carson. A Dlflncrceuulc Jury. "Well , we had a tough old fight and did the best wo could , but wo couldn't possibly win and had to give it up , " was the remark made yesterday by ono of the jurors who sat on the Foreshoimor-Stowart case in the dis trict court last week. "What seemed to bo the trouble ! " asked the Inquisitive reporter , who sniffed an item that might bo of interest. "A man sees lots of things in the jury room , and ho can't hclu but notice which way the wind blows. Those follows would agree to do almost anything , but when It came to the scratch they Invariably backed out. You know about that telegram tliat wns introduced in evidence ! Well , they agreed to vote for the defendant if that was ruled out , but they failed to keep their promise when the tnno cauio. We stayed with "em for fifty-three hours , but wo saw that It was no use , and gave it up. Wo might have tried it a while longer , but these other follows wore determined to 'hang' the jury , and I candidly bellovo that If we could have waited BO long , the resurrection day would have found us still 'hanging. ' Wo didn't want to put the case through the courts again , but there was no help for It. " Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; ( air and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , olllce cor. Broadway and Maiu , over American express. A. llonvy Inheritance. William Dachtlcr , a German , who keeps a stroll grocery store on Upper Broadway , is congratulating himself on a prospective million or more of good , hard dollars. Ho has just received official notice 'from ' the au thorities of Wurtemburg , Germany , to apply us an heir of the late Rapp , who was the founder of the colony called Zoar , sixteen miles west of Pittsburg , on the Chicago & Ft. Wayne railroad. It seems that Happ was u brother Dnchtlor'R grandmother , and came to Pittsburg In 1804 , where ho obtained possession , with forty others , of a largo tract of land , which was converted Into an carthlv paradise. The laws of the colony forbade marriage and no women were tolerated. The colony , deprived of natural increase , could not exist and Uapp , the loader of ' thorn all. died some time ago. The value of the property Is some thing over JSO.OOO.OOO , but several millions were donated by the colony to the state of Pennsylvania. Ttio remainder goes to rel atives of the founders , and Dachtler expects to couio In for a goodly share. Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , culls and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. t'ny The following self-explanatory resolution * were adopted at the last meeting of the Hu- tail Merchants association : Resolved , liy the retail merchants of the city of Council Bluffs , and members of the Couucll Bluffs branch of the Hiitail Mer chants' association , of Iowa , that the manu facturers of this city , and others employing liolp , bo requested to aid the retail merchants of Council Bluffs , by Insisting that their em ployes pay their honest debts contracted while In their employ , unless prevented by such circumstances as relieve such employes of responsibility for their neglect , and that a willful neglect to pay such honest debts , stiall be good cause for discharge from the employ of such manufacturers , Hesolvcd , Thut the newspapers of the city bo requested to glvo this resolution of the retail merchants a placa In their columns in the interest of the members of our organiza tion. Dr. C. O. Hiv/en , dentist , Opera house block. Dollar for Dollar. The city tins at last effected a settlement with the ex-city clerk. After the regular meeting of ' the council had adjourned Monilny evening , u'accret sebtlouviu held , the objccl of which was to effect n final disposition of this matter. Ex-City Clerk Burke was not present , but ho sent the Council a cotmnunl- nation transferring to the city the title to his house and lot on Washington avenue , be tween Sixth and Seventh streets , In full pay ment of nil mortagcs resulting from the pec ulations of his deputy. The shortage , as reported by the commit tee appointed by the council to examine the books , was I2.UOO , hut the friends of the ox- ofllclal claim that the actual amount missing was loss than half this sum. The repara tion has been fully made , and the city Is none the loser , but It is a matter of deep regret that the venerable gentleman who 1ms occu pied a responsible position In the city gov ernment for over twenty years should bo obliged , after reaching the ape of seventy- live years , to glvo uphis homestead , It is hoped that all ejty ofllclals will manlfrst an equal readiness to stoy out of olllco with the books as .evenly balanced. \VrcntlliiK fif llutci. Messrs. Gcorgo F. Wright , P. Lacy and D. A. Fnrroll nro in DCS Molncs , whore they went to confer with the railway com missioners rcg.irdlng rates for the tourna ment. Superintendent Brown , of the Iowa lines of the "Q , " made a proposition to carry all companies of volunteer firemen along their lines frco of charge to the tournament and return , and n single faro for the round trip for all other visitors , provided the rail way commissioners could allow It without hampering them In the future on account of It. It was to ascertain the feeling of the board regarding this that the committee wont to Dos Moincs. A favorable answer la hoped for , In wlilch case the rates for the tournament will bo the most favorable over given , and will Insure the largest gathering over seen In the city. It Is expected that a telegram will bo received from Des Moincs this morning , announcing the result of the labors of the committee. For $125.00 The N. Y. Plumbing Co. will put a load service pipe and hydrant in your yard ; also 60 foot extra hoso. Call at once at 114 Main street. A Quiet At 8 o'clock , last evening , Mr. Edward W. Hart and Miss Mary C. Haas were united In marriage at the residence of the bride's par ents , Mr. and Mrs Samuel Hnus , on South Sixth street , in the presence of the immedi ate relatives only. The ceremony was performed - formed by Rev. T. H. Clelnnd , of Spring field , Mo. , a former pastor of the bride. The newly wedded couple loft Immediately for the cast , and will spend a couple of weeks visiting the relatives of the groom at New Bedford , Mass. , after which they will return to Council BlutTs and commence hoiisokeco- Ing In the cozily furnished homo awaiting them at the corner of Seventh street and Sixth avenue. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundrv Co. Personal l'urn < ; rxpli < . Miss Ndllio Hatcher left last evening for her homo In Chicago. Attorney Galbrntth , of Omaha , was in the city yesterday on legal business. E. W. Haincs , of the Pacific house , was reported ycsteraay ns on the flick list. F. M. Gault , manager of the Oinahn & St. Louis railway , loft yesterday for a brief Chicago trip. Rev. John Whiting , of Canton , 111. , has been In tno city several days , the guest of Rev. Dr. Cooley. Mrs. Macrae , Lacey and Thomas are at tending the annual meeting of the state med ical society at Kcokuk. Ernest Brock , who now travels for a Chicago cage house , was yesterday greeting the friends of his old homo here. T. O. Carlisle , postmaster at Missouri Valley , and General Baggagcinastcr Whlt- tlesey , of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad , wore In the city yesterday. Attorney Paul Seabrook loft yesterday afternoon for New York City and vicinity , and it is reported that ho is going on busi ness that is quite important to Himself. Those who profess to know a thing or two say that he will return as one , but that ono will bo a double ono. IN THE JAWS OF A WHALE. Remarkable Experience of An Amer ican Sailor In the North Pacific. George Leonard , an acting master in the United Slates navy during the civil war , and stationed on the gunboat Katahdin. West Gulf blockading squad ron , in 180I ! , told a story of noromism and exhibited marks on his body that corroborated his words , says a letter in the Philadelphia Press. The year 1850 found Leonard as ono of the crow of the shi Enterprise , a whaler , in the North Pacilic. Ono day ho was stationed in the bow of a , whale-boat u long distance from the ship with a bravo crow , who had sighted a whale and made for the monster with all possible dispatch. When within proper distance- Leonard throw his harpoon , striking the fish hard and deep. In some manner the line , as it was running out , caught the body of ono of the mon in such a way as to throw him overboard. The man suddenly sank , whereupon Leonard transferred his line to a boatmnto and sprang into the ocean in aid of the drowning sailor. The whale , now maddened by his fast- flowing blood , made a rush for the boat. Remarkable and horrible to relate , Leonard's friend had managed to re gain the boat , while ho himself was caught by the whale between its jaws , his position being inside the monster's mouth , with nothing .protruding but ono of his arms. In this manner the man was in reality within the jaws of death itself. The whale instantly plunged down into the deep , andin the words of Leonard himself , "tho fish seemed to bo going down , down into eternity itself. " The imprisoned man , after all of this , had not lost his presence of mind. Ho mustered his entire bodily strength and ho was a powo'rlul man actually bracing himself in such a position as to compel the tlsh to spread its jaws ; at the same time , with hin arm that was frco , ho grubbed the sheath-knife out of its socket , cutting right and loft. No sooner was there a sulllciont opening made than Leonard forced his body out- sido. sido.Up to the surface ho swam , when , most strange to say , ho found himself within an arm's length of his boat. Ho was saved. The marks of the whale's violence and the dents of its teeth wore very plainly visible on Leonard's arms , and ho was always pointed out by his brother naval olllcers as "Tho Second Jonah. " Dakota's Eloquence. Ex-Governor Pierce , of Dakota , tolls of a member of the legislature of that territory who takes an interest in pub- lie alTairti , and when ho makes a speech talks right out in mooting. Not many months ago Governor Cliuroh , who has boon at iv dead-lock with the legislature all winter , bent in the nomination of a one-legged man for a prominent ofllco , and it became the duty of the legisla ture to conbider whether to con linn it or nT > t. The statesman to whom Colonel Plorco alludes took the lloor and made a brief but effective speech. "Gontlemcn of the legislature , " said ho , "let us look at the situation care fully in the face and BOO if wo can stand this hort of a nincompoop in the ofllco to which he has been nominated. Ho trades mostly , I am told , gentlemen , on his Umber log ; butdon'l be fooled on that. Did ho lose his moat and bono leg in the war , gen tlemen ? No , sir ; ho did not lese it in the war. Did ho lese it in the harvest Hold ? No , sir ho did not lese it in the harvest Hold. Then , how did ho lese it ? you ask. And you have a right to ask it. pentlomon. It is your right to ask all the question.- ! you are u mind to about the way thin duller lost his log , uiid I can answer thorn. I will toll vnu DISEASE ( PBOniA. BIS ) firpt broke out on my left check , upreadlng doctors ir.y HOBO , nml almost coy. ytrlng my fncc. It ran Into my /cjcs / , nnU Iho phjslclan was nfrnld I would lota my eyesight .nltogctlicr. It ppread oil oxer my hcnd , mul my hair oil fell fout , until I wns entirely Imlil. I headed ; It then broke out on my nrms nntl nhonldcrp , until my arms werojupl one pore. ltto\crcdmy entire boily , my face , head , and boulders being tlio worst. The white scabs fell constantly from my heart , shoulders , end nrms ; the skin would thicken nnd be red ixnJ very Itchy , end would crack end blce.d If scratched. After spending many hundreds of dollars , I wa pronounced Incuriible. 1 heard of the CUTicunA IlEMEmEg , nnd after using two bottles CUTICWIA KKSOUENT , I could Peon change ; nnd nftcr I had laktn four bottles , I wns ntmost cured ; nnd when I had need plx bottles of CuTicunx INSOLVENT nnd ono box of CUTicunA , nnd ono cnko of CuricunA BOAP , I wns cured of tlio dreadful dlscato from which I had sultercd for fl\o years. I thought tlio dlseane would lenxo nery deep scar , but tlio CUTICUHA URMEDIER cured It without any tears. I cannot cxpreps with n pen what I flittered before using tlio CUTicunA UKMKUIES. They pn\ed my life , nad I feel It my dirty to rceommcnd them. My hair Is restored ne good as c\cr , nnd § o U my eyesight. I know of n number of different portooa who have u ed the CUTicunA ItEBKlir.9nndiill ha\o recched great bcncllt from their u e. Mns. KOSA KELLY , Ilockwcll City , Calhoun Co. , Iowa. I cannot pay enough In pralne of the CtmcunA KEMEDIES. My boy , when ono year of nge , wns po bad with eczcmn that ho lost nil of his hair. Ills Bcnlp wns co\crcd with eruptions , which the doctor paid was pcald headand that his hair would nc cr grow again. Despairing of n euro from physicians , I began the use of the Ci'TlcunA UEJIEPIE ? , nnd , I am happy to say , w lib the most perfect success. Ills hair Is now splendid , and there Is not n pimple on him. I recommend the CuricunA KKMEDIEB to' mothers ns the mo t speedy , economical , nnd mro euro for all skin diseases of Infante and children , and feel that e\cry mother will thank mo for so doing. Mns. M. K. WOOD3UM , Norway , Me. .Remedies For cleansing , purifying , and beautifying the skin end scalp and curing every * peclei of agonizing , humiliating , Itching , burning , scaly , nad pimply diseases of the SKIN , BCAI.V , AND Jitoon , nnd humor * , blotches , eruptions , sorca , pcalee , crusts , liberations , swellings , nbucesscs , tumors , nntl lots of hair , whether simple , scrofulous , or contagious , the CuTicuiiA KEMEDIES nro simply Infallible. CUTICUBA , the great skin cure , Instantly alloys the most agonizing Itching nnd Inflammation , clear * the akin nnd scalp of t > cry trace of disease , heals ulcer * and sores , remove * crust * nnd scales , and restores the Iwlr. CuriCDilA SoAr , the greatest of kln bcautlflcrs , Is Indispensable In treating kln diseases nnd baby humors. It produces Iho w Idlest , clearest skin nnd softest hands , free from pimple , spot , or blemish. CtmctmA UESOLVENT , the new blood purlllcr , cleanses the blood 5f all Impurities and poisonous elements , nnd thus remcnca the CATJBE. Ifencotho CoTlconA ItEUEDlEB ore the only Infallible curatives for every form of skin and blood disease , from pimples to scrofula. Frlco : CUTICOIU , 60 cents per box ; CimciniA BOAP , 25 cents ; CUTICUIU RESOLVENT , $1.00 per bottlo. Prepared by the I'oTTEit Dnua AND CncuicAL ConronATioN , I3oston , Mats. 03- Send for " How to Cure Bkln Diseases , " 04 pages , 60 Illustrations , 100 testimonials. _ TLKB , black-heads , red , rough , chapped , and UAUDC1 Boft , white , and frco from chaps and lt | oily * kln prc\cntcd by CuricunA HuAr. llnllUO redness , by using CUTICUHA SOAP. F. J. BREZEE .Taxidermist . and Naturalist. iPermnnently located nt No. 14 North Sixth Street , opposite post- ofllco , on motor llao , Council llliiirs , Iowa , Tllrils nnd animals mounted naturally and In the best method of Jthenrt. Warranted to preserve for years. Foreign birds supplied n short notice. Ulchest price paid for owls and hawks of all kinds. Persons sending orders Bsured of perfect satlstact lo p. Tur dressing a specialty. Write for particulars. how ho lost his lop. Ho Was riding , gentlemen , over the prairies ol this great and growing Territory , turning out of their humble cottstKc.4 the widows and orphans of poor soldiers , who were not able to pay rent , in'the ' dead midst of winter , when the good nnjl wise Cre ator , who shelters nnd fcciln the spar rows , and never allows vthe children of the righteous to boboggirig.oread , froze his .shins off. " * " * > < ' SPECIAL NOTICES. FOIl HKNT Furnished or unfurnished largo ten-room house , bath room , Has furnace , etc. . at 015 Willow are. Kniiulre at prcmlses.or G. II. Still man , Hrown block. _ "I MILCH cows for sale on time to party J.V/ renting my dairy farm of 14(1 ( acres.uithln H mile of Council lIlulfH. Horace Kvoreit. GMlESIf milk cows for sale or trade for fat i ? cows. Sunn's Mock yards , Upper Llroatl- way. Frank S\viui. TJ10II SALE Or Trade Piano No. 1 , ( new ) JO organ , harnexs. HOW Inc machine , liorso and wagon. Address No. 63 ! Ilroaclvray , room 1. A NY one wanting One chance to manufacture JrYcan tecuro building , power , etc. , at a bargain by addressing Main street Meat Market. rCE COO tons for sale. Lnnzcndorfer it JL Strohhehu , Mam street Meat Murkot. _ "OKAL Estate bought and sola. None but JLX bargains accepted. Houses for sale on monthly payments- Warranty aoed given. By C. H. Judd , ( XX ) liroaduay. Council F OR SALE My residence. Inquire John O. Woodward , 012 Fourth avenue. FOK HKNT Largo double ollico over Frank Levin's cigar store , 502 Broadway. Inquire of Frank Levin. G B & , , JACQliEMIN GO , Railroad Watch Inspectors For Union Pacific , Chicago & Northwestern , Chicago , Itocic Island & 1'aclflc , Chicago , llnr- llngton&Quincy. Kansas City Ac St. Joe rail roads. No. 27 Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. LADIES OF OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS AHK INVITED TO CALL AT Mrs , G , L , GILLETT'S . . . r * - > line of Hair UoodH. 'FINEST IIAIH OUNAMENTO In the city. WlffH. lletirds. etc. , for Hunt orSnlo. rr " Gluth andJCoylo and Myers Urease 1'umtH. Hair _ DrtiSBipJf. IStc. No. 30 Miilii SI. . Council Bin Order * by mall receive prompt at tcntloa. No. 27 Main'Street , Over JatMiucmlii'i Jewelry Store D.H. McOANELO & CO. , Hidesjallow , Pelfs , Woo ! & Furs , Hlgho t market pricea. I'ronint ruturn * . No. 8J = and U Mala t. , Couucll Jllutls , Jawit , Feerles Dyes Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro tectors , Etc , Agents wanted. C. B. JUI > D , Council Blurt's la , Tuos. OFFICER. w. n. M. PUS KT OFFICER & PDSEY. BANKERS. Corner Main and Tlroadway , COUNUtti BLiUFFS , IOWA. Dealers In foreign t.nd domestic exchange. Collections made und interest paid on tlmo de posits. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. ireHouieJWciatRe t3ir7 ) ifforTv8hinij4 MS 8ft fen.pwr5 < "r * Q - r j j om . . My ow/i Dress in OLD Fashioned . - Tel. - = - = - 'J ' English .TIBBE1TTS Kitchen G-ROC ERIES. Mpnarch8Cur iceBrosBrands FlnoOaudlos . Oaudlos , ofcatedGroo 345Broaairay. Froah Made Pea I Estate & Loan Agents . Every Day. 5osi6t.Ave.Bef.Mam & pearf , Dempsey & Butler , 36Poarl-st FINEST AND LARGEST DISPLAY OF EVERETT , FISCHER , AND HARDMAN PIANOS ! Our exhibit bulug over wo now offer our scleo ted stock at n discount of 10 per cent from our regular prices , for the next CO days. MUELLER MUSIC COMPANY , No. 33 Main St. , : : Council Bluffs a. , I'juL-BJ SIZES FROM 25 TO 300 LIGHTING. HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE BpecillcotlonH and estimates furiiUned for complete steam p'ants. Hcjcnlatlon , Durability Quar auteed. Can show letters from users whore Kuel Kconomv IH eiiml | with Corliss Non-Coiideiialnif E. C. HARRIS'Agent , Send for Catalog ae. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Blu 'f i HAVING BOUGHT THE STOCK OF * BOOTS AND SHOES O ; the late J. M. Phillips at a GREAT SACRIFICE I am determined to glvo the public thuboneQt of my i > urchuse , I rjuoto the following prices ; BIJIIT & ItlCAKS' Men' * Flue KliocH , 85 , former price , 8 * . J. N. TUK.NKIt'S nicn'M Haml.Scivud Sliocn , 85 , forincr nrlfc , S7.5O. K. C. UUHT'S fmillc * ' French Ki l , turned , at $5 , lormer price , 87. K , JIUKT'S Our Kid nt g : , forinur price , 85 , uiid all other gondN at iiiHiiiiracturerH' ordcrK. Mull order * promptly at tended to. I. PILES , 413 Broadway. * Council ninth. Iowa. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. HRI RK I N Rl N F"Fdli . uU,0lU'd ( . S"nlturi' , K" I"oor7 Plurw , Estimate * Specifications. Supervision of Public Work Brown. Building , Council IJlulTH , owii. lTusllco ° ' lho 1)cilcoCjMc ° over American Exprosa , No. 41 N ' . Broadway , Council BltillB , Town. ' Rj t-Taw. ; PruoUco Jn the Stuto itnd Federal - ( X oral Courts. Hoorns 7 and 8 Shucnrt-Deno Bloclr Council Bluffs , Iowa. ' BURKE & TINLEY CASCADE LAUNDRY COMPANY. GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. NO. 330 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 26O