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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1889)
ra THE OMAHA DAILY BEE .WEDNESDAY. MAY 15. 1839 3 I ! . IDE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Chicago Bulla Making a Great Strike < for a Rllso. . CONDEMNING THE NEXT CROP. Bnlca on 'ChnnEO Uniting Corn and O.its Ijlkoivlnc Dnl | In Trndlnjf The Outlo Market Follows tlio I'rodticc. CHICAGO rilODUOK MARKET. CniCAnoMnyH. [ Spoclnl'J'ologr'nmtoTHR HKK.I Cnptaln Pliltllps hnd n sample of wheat , on 'change , from southern Illinois. Evcr.vboJy went Jiito raptures over It and It was finally shown to Mr. Hutchlnson , who cxnmlnod It critically nnd then rcmnntcd , "too much straw ; too rank growth to make Rood wljcnt. " Tlio other agriculturists In the wheat pit discovered that the stnllts were dlsproportlonatoly largo for the size ot ttio head. About this tlma Stcovcr showed a lottcr from n town In central Kansas to tliu effect that the farmers in that section were offering to soil tholr crops of wheat for fl per acre. The weather of the past ten days Is represented to have done consider able damage to ICansai crops. This Is in har mony with u letter from Hutchlnson , re ceived yesterday , and with udvlucs received by Uucll and others tlurltig the past few days. , The general Impression scorns to bo , liovvover , that the Kansas crop Is going to bo phcnomlnally InrRO. The local market was very dull nud veiy narrow , Avhat tendency \vus developed was In the direction of lower prices. The small shrinkage In values was mostly the result of n slight decline. The openlnR prlco was % c oft for July and Sep tember , and a smaller fraction for May acd Juno. Hcmoto futures were heavy and dragging all day. It was found didlcult to execute selling orders in them , except at concessions and oucntlons In July , the most active month on Ilia list , wcro on a restricted scalc , though occasional periods of activity wore noticeable' . Toward the close business livened up somewhat and the market hard ened. This was on the reported working of cloven boat loads in Now York , and local sales of f > 0,000 buihols of cash New York failed to report any clearances this morning , u circumstance- which dampened the ardor of a good many would-be bulls early in the day , and helped to stimulate short selling on the part of tlio scalpers. The public IB following the example of the heavy . professionals and "waiting , " apparently. lilg bears arc getting very cautious. They seem to feel thut the un raised crop has been sold down to as low figure ns it is safe to go for at present , though they might bo tempted to put out good lines on any Important rally. July wheat opened nt 78 o , sold down to 78c , and during the whole session failed to go beyond the limits of 785 c low and 71)c ) high. The favorite otopplng point was 7Sc. Ilutchinson was u buyer of wheat ot TiS & 'iS i. ; and u seller at TS ( @ 78Kc. 1'urdridgo bought in the 1)00- ) 000 he sold Linn jestorilny , and Cottrell sold about us much more. 'Ihcso wore the only notable transactions of the session , nnd they wcro only worthy of mention because of the monotonous dullness. The close was 78i'73 ; e. May wheat ranged at S'JJjf ® 8.TJ e , and closed at 8io. ) There was more or less gossip iiHoat toward the end of the sea- nion about a good-sUed trade In cash wheat nnd vessel room was taken for 03,000 hush- uls. A portion of this room was for 25,000 bushels of lu > rdwhcat sold for shipment yes terday for IMIc. To-day another 20,000 bushels of similar wheat went at Oo fe , and some where between liO.OOO and 50,001) ) bushels of "regular May wheat" was bought for ship ment on a basis of S4c. The receipts of corn were heavy , as noted above , and a largo proportion being graded No. 2 was , at flrst glance , a most discour aging circumstance to the bulls. A heavy proportion of No. 2 means , however , a coricsponding scarcity of grades which huvo been chiefly In demand by local shippers for account of eastern consumers. Stocks hero tire light , 1,21(1,002 ( bushels having been the entire ouantity of contract grade at the close of business on Saturday lost. Vessels find 'considerable dlfllculty In getting loads with out having to take on at threeor four different elevators. There was coed buying of Juno and July deliveries by u prominent operator at nround 84J c for the former and S5c for the latter. The market maintained the advance near the opening and closed ilrm. Iho principal feature of the day's business was a scarcity of cash corn , the bulk of to-day's recoiots having been delivered , in fulllllmcnt of premium contracts for May. The advance over yesterday's closing quota tions , established in the end , was % u in May delivery , $4c $ In May and June , and } fo each August and September. Outs were not active , though firm , with BPino trading atc , advance. Receipts were less than anticipated , and the market In directly shared the strength In corn. The firmness was also helped because of Inquiries for largo lines of cush oats for shipment. Trading was chiofty in Juno and July , with the latter touching % c , while , for September - . tembor , 23 } < 32iVc : was bid. May sold mod erately ut ' ifa'23eand \ No. 2 cash oats were around - ' ) c. . Provision traders were treated to a much weaker market than they oxoootcd. The receipts of hogs bora and at other points haying - _ ing again exceeded the estimates , the bulls found It convenient to withdraw , and trade ns practically handed over to the bears , von Cudahy and Armour showed a dispo sition to sell property openly , and from the start tbo movement had but ono direction and that was in favor of a lower range. Declines followed declines In a monotonous manner , nnd the day's business rested either at in- sldo prices or tigurcs approximately the name. In pork n brealc was nude red , based on ycstorduy'n closings , amounting to 27 } c ; in lard to TJfo and In short ribs to I0@12&c. CHICAGO L.1V15 til'OUR MA11K.E1' . CHICAGO , May 14. [ Special Telegram to U'IIK HBK.I CATII.K. Prices , today , were About steady on desirable light cattle. Good to choice "little" cattla sold fully as well , but the market for all other grades was gen erally lower than It was yesterday. Kids wcro lower and salesmen found it very hard work to sell poor to fair heavy cattle , The quality was poor and common , rough and thin cattle- sold badly at prices n shade lower. A freer movement of Toxau cattle suggests , ho Idea thut It may. bo an easy matter to tvorsupply the demand for light native cat tle. Choice beeves , l.20 ( < i4.30 ; medium to lood stoora , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. , * 3.60 ( 1.15 ; 1200 to 185010s. , f3.COQ3.00i 030 to 1200 Ibs. , K3.4WiM.00 ; stackers and feeders Ji80@3.S5 ; tows , bulls and mixed , f 1.0003.40 ; bulk , 12.50 H2.BO ; Toias cattle , f2.20@3.25. IIoos Tlio market opened ursettled and barely steady at yesterday's decline , specu lators being the best buyers for an hour or 10 , while the packers did but little else than lit cu the fonco. Eastern ardors proved light and from 0:110 : to 11 o'clock hardly any trading was dune , for the reason that the buyers Insisted upon Iflc decline from yester day's llgurcH on heavy , and lOo off on light , a demand which the sellers generally re fused. Eatcr , however , the situation , bo- cama BO desperate that they finally acccodcd to the concessions asked and sold tliolr best heavy hogs ut M.50 ; good packing grades at ti,45 ; rough packers , (4.40 : sorted light at f4S7) @ 4.tX ) : and good mixed droves from t4.47.Hf to M.hS. Kariy In the morning prlmo heavy hogs sold up to ff.OO , and choice soiled light at M.05QI.70i .but such sales were scarce , FINANClAIi. " * f NEW YOIIK , May U. [ Special Telecrrani to THS HBK.I STOCKS Following the vori fair advances mudo and sustained on Mon day , the stock market opened with quiet strength this morning , and with the pi Ices of active shares from X topper cent higher. This was followed by a pretty general buyIng - Ing , which caused a uniform advance of ) ( to M per cout iu many stocks. The interest con llnuos In grangers , wltti St. Paul the inos active , and Hock Island , Burlington mu Atcltlson showing the best strength , wltb galus in tlio flrst hour of } ( per cent cacl over la tilfht. Norlbwetlcru , Lcultvillo .V Nashville , Missouri Pacific , and others fol lowed , with similar fractional pains. Union Pacific lost if per cent. Chicago Gas , West ern Union and LacUawnnna moved up % per cent each. Hlchmona and West Point pre ferred made an unusual spurt and wont from 82 # to 02 } { , with the common stork but little - tlo disturbed. During the hour to 2 o'clocK there was little marketable dealings. Uur llngton went ft llttlo higher to W % whllo the other grangers showed llttlo strength. Oinithn preferred moved up a point from the opening. Tno prices were close to the top nt noon , with the maruct firm and quiet. The good bull feeling noticeable in stocks up to noon , did not continue. Western buyers , who did most to bring about a bulge in gran gers , appeared to have tilled , and foreigners were sellers , The realizing sales which fol- 1 wed caused n general weakening , and moat of the advances of the morning wcro lost Hurllngton retained Its strength best , nnd , after touching C0 , closed at 1)9 ) , or X bettor than yesterday. Atchlson nnd Hock Island closed about steady nt 44 } ami D5i , < , respec tively. Northwestern closed * { per cent higher , nt 103V , and Missouri Pacific per cent lower , nt OO f. The total sales for the day wore 201,42J , shares. The following wcro the closing quotations : II. S. 4 regular. 121S Northern I'nclOo. , 2 > " > ? i U. H. Is coupons . . .12tj ? doprefctred "I'i IT. S. 4KaroRiilar.IOR C. &N. W 108' ' , II. 8.44i coupons. .1W ; < do preferred HiH Pacltlciisof 'iij..KIM N.Y.l'entral 107'i Control 1'arlllc. . . 35V4 I'.U.Ii Sift Chicago &Aiton..iar , Hock Island IlMi Chicago , llurllngton ( J..M. &BU' ffi'i Syulnry 1)9 ) tlopreferrod 1IO' P. , 1.K\V. 138 { St. J'auKt Omaha . ; I4 Illinois Central , lUi ! ilopreferrcd. . . . . . W.J I. . 11. * W H ITrtlon 1'acino CO' * KansasitTexas . .111 V/.SI. L. lev H'i l.aku Shore KM1 tlopreforred . . . . S"i'i Michigan Central. Western Union tOi ? Missouri Pacific. . . . 71i Moxr.r Easy at 2@9J per cent. PIIIUE MKIICAXTILH PAI-BH 3 35 } per cent. RTBIIUXO ExciUNor. Dull , but steady ; sixty-day bills , ft.87 ; demand , M.88- PltOllUOK MAIIKETS. CHICAGO , May U. 1:15 : p. m. close Whe.xt steady ; cash , SMc ; Juno 8'lc ; July , 7813-lflc. Corn-Firm ; cash , S4u ; June , July , 35''c. , Oats Steady ; cash , 23 e ; Juno , July , lUJJl'c. Rye mc- JJnrlov Nothing doing. Prime Tlmothy--l.U3. Flax Sl.RI. Whisky-$1.03. Pork Steady ; cash and June , $11. < J5 ; July , $11.75. Lard Steady ; cash and June , tO.Soj July , $0.00. Flour Fcollng better nnd prlco steady. Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , f5.a5@r .50 ; short clear , W.25@0.87) : short ribs , Jo.OO ® 5.03. 5.03.Uuttor Uuttor Lower ; creamery , 10@15c ; dairy , 8@13c. Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars , f'KC' 70 ; flats , 7@7 o ; Young Americas , 7) ) { EIIS Firm ; fresh , 12@12Kc. Hides Unchanged ; heavy and light green salted , fifo ) ; halted dull , 4 > fc ; green salted calf , Oc ; dry Hint , 7c ; dry salted , 7c ; dry calf , TffiSc ; deacons , 25c each. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4o ; No. 2 , Sjfc ; cuke , 4 } c. Kccolpts. Shipments. Flour 12,000 0,000 Wheat 1H.OOO 10,000 Corn 2S4.000 81,000 Data 128.000 105,000 Now York , May 14. Wheat Receipts. 0.000 ; exports , none ; spot weak and low- 2r ; No. 2 rod , 8334o in store ; 85@83o afloat ; 84K@SO t. o. b. ; No. 3 red , 78 > @Slc ! ; options dull and lower ; May , 84c. Corn Receipts , 423,000 ; exports , 23,000 ; uot unsettled and lower ; No. 2 , 43 > < f@44c : n elevator ; 4l ( < ? 4"c nllodt ; No. 3 , nominal ungraded mixed 41@45e ; options firm ; May , " ! ? c ; Outs Receipts , 78,000 ; exports , 195 ; spot lull , but steady ; options dull , lower and steady ; May , 20c : Juno SSJfo ; July , 29 ; spot , No. 2 , white , 80o ; mixed western , 30 @ 34c. CofToo Ontions steady 5 to 10 points up ; sales , 21.250 bags ; May , $10.53@10.0a ; Juno , $10.CO@10.70 ; July , $10.75 ; spot Rio , strong ; "air cargoes. 18.75. Petroleum Steady ; United closed at KICKS Quiet , but shade firmer ; western , Pork Steady. Lard Lower nnd quiet ; western steam , r.22J ; May , $7.80. Butter 'Weak ; western , 0@10J c. Cheese Srcady at 7 @ 'Jc. MlnncnpnliH , May 14. Sample wheat irmer : receipts. 00 cars ; shipments , 57 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard. May , 09c ; July , ou track , $1.00 ; No. 1 northern , May , 02)-fc ; July , 01 } c : on track , 02@D5o No. 2 northern , May , 81c ; July , S2c ; on trade , SOSS2c. ( St. Ijouifl , May 14. Wheat Irregular ; cash , 78)79c ) ; Alay , 73J < @ 74c. Corn Higher ; cash , 31 > g@32o ; May,31 c. Oats Higher ; cash , 23c ; May , 23 > c. I'ork Quiet nt $12.00. Lard Nominal at SO 03. Whisky Steady at $1.02. llutter Dull nnd weak ; creamery , 13 ® 14o ; dairy , 12@13c. Cluolnnatl , May 14. Wheat In light demand ; No. 2 rod , 83c. Corn Dull and easier ; No. 2 mixed , Oats Firm and quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 27 # . Whisky-Steady nt $1.03. Milwaukee , May 14. Wheat- Quiet ; cash , 7SKc ; July. 78c. Corn Firm ; No. 3 , 115c , Oats Firm ; No , 2 , white , 2So. Rye Firm ; No. l,4aK@40J < c. Barley Dull ; No. 2. 5Uij51c. Provisions Easy ; pork , $11.75. Kansas City , May 14. Wheat Quiet ; No. red , cash , 71c ; July tales at Gio ; Au gust , ( > 'c asked ; No. 2 , soft , cash , 77 ; Au gust , OIJ c bid. Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , SOo ; July , 27Ko astted ; No. 3 white , cash , 29 > c. Oats No. 2 , cash , 20c. lilVK STUUIC Kansas Olty , May 14. Cattle Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , 1,100 ; medium and heavy weight , beef steers slow , weak nnd lower : yearlings , butchers' steers and heifers , firm ; good to cholco corn-fed , $3.b5@l.lO ; com mon to medium , $3.25@3.75 ; stockers and feeding steers quiet to steady at $3.25@3.CO ; cows , $1.7503.00. Hogs Receipts , 18,803 , ; 'shipments , 700 ; market 10@15o lower ard wcaic ; common to choice , $4.15 ( < ? ! 4.87K. Nation ul Hlook V'arcl ) , Kast St. liouls , May 14. Cattle Receipts , 2,200 ; shipments100 ; market stronger ; choice heavy native steers , $3.yo@4.45 ; fair to coed , $3.10 ( 4.00 ; stackers and feeders , $2.10 ( 3.10 ; rangers , corn-fed , $ J.75@a.CO ; grass-fed , $ l.UO Hog's Receipts. 8,800 ; shipments , 400 ; market steady ; 'cnolco heavy and butchers' selections , 4.40@4.50 ; packing , $4.8004.45 ; light grades , $4.40@4.55. CliloaKi ) , ' May 14. The Drovers' Journal rex | > rU as follows : Cattle Receipts , 0,500 ; market slow and steady ; beeves , $4.20 ( 4.30 ; steers , $3.40 < ( i4.15 ; stockers and feeders , $ J.bO@ 3.S5 ; cows , bulls and mixed , 1.00a3.W ( ( ; Texas cattle , $3.20(33.15. ( Hogs Receipts , 24,000 ; market slow 5 @ 10o lower ; mixed , $4.40@4.07K ; hoavy$4.40 < < j4.u5 ; light , $ I.50S4.1)0 ( ) ; skips , $3.40@4.40. Sheep HccelptH , 3,00. ) ; market firm ; na tives , $ ; westerns , $3.4034.10 * ; Texansi $3.00@3.05 ; lambs , t4.73Qi5.10. Sioux City , May 14. Cattle Recefpts , 110 ; shipments , 85 ; market sloauy : fat steers , $3.00j3.bO ( ; stockers , $ j.35@2,85 ; fenders , tJ.40 ( < iU.M ; c.uiners and bulls , $1.00 ( $1.75 ; veal calves , I2.00C44.00. Hogs Receipts , 2,700 ; market lower light and mixed , $4.80@4.32 > , ; heavy , OMAHA IriVR HTOOtt. Cuttle. Tuesday , May 14 , 1639. The receipts of cattle were the heaviest for over 6 month , and the yards were full ol doslrablo beef and shipping steers. The early advices from other markets indicated large receipts , and with the heavy run hero the market opened S@10o lower , many call ing it fully lOo lower. The trade lagged a little at first , but as it warmed up. was quite active , und the cattle wcro rushed over the scales at qulto u lively rate. Both packers and shippers wore liberal buyer * , and by mid-day n big hole bad been made in the supply , Toward the dose the market firiuut up somewhat nnd closed with n stronger 'eollng. The beef nnd shfpplnir stccr.i sold nt a range of W.3.y < ? 3.83. but principally nt $3 G0$3.7u. An has been the rule of late , It Ivan the light , handy llttlo cattle that void best , the heaviest decline being on the heavy cattle , nnd the heavier and coarser the cattle the moro the decline. There v/as qulto n sprinkling of butchers' stock , but none too much to supply the demand. Desirable cows and heifers sold readily at about steady [ trices , nnd there were some on snlo good snough to bring ( .1.25. The bulk of the cow brought $2.0533.00. The few bulls hero sold nt ? 2.15@3.00. , llOJR. The rcccmts of hogs were the heaviest of any day In five months , but none too heavy Tor the demand. The market was C@10o lower , In sympathy with the decline nt other irolnts , nnd fairly nct.ivo nt the decline. The market hero opened with the best light nnd light mixed hogs and the prlmo heavy sell ing nt $4 27 0 J.30. with some ns high ns $1.32 } $ . About half of the hogs , nnd thobcst half , sold early In the morning , but the packers - ors wanted the mixed nnd heavy hogs nt M.25 , which was lo than salesmen wcro willing to accept. For nwlnlo the trade was slow , salesmen holding on for more money. A clearance was effected before noon , ana the buyers did not succeed in getting many hogs below $4.27J . Sticop. The receipts of sheep might bo called heavy to what they Imvo boon for the past few weeks , there being nbout COO Nobras- knns , besides n load of westerns and n double deck , which was consigrcd to n packer. The demand was peed and the buyers early placed bids on them , but the owners were holding them at a very high llguro , and for that reason the trade was n llttlo slow , but n bunch of 69-lD Nebraskas gold nt $4.25. Prices continue firm at former quotations. . Receipts. Cattle 3,100 Hog * 7,100 Sheep 000 I'ruvnlllnjc 1'rloos. The folio win ? U atiblo of prlcas palJ In this tutrkot for the gr.idoj ot 9to3k men- tloncdi Prnnosteers , 1300 to 1503 Ibs.$3.70 ( H3.00 Good steers , 1230 to 1450 Ibs. . . 8.70 ( } 3.b5 Good steers. 1050 to UJOO Ibs. . . 3.50 @ 3.75 Ordinary to fair cowa 2.0) ( yJ.40 ) Fair to good cow.s 2.40 Q 4 CO Good to choice cows 2.00 ( V03.00 Cholco to fanuv cows , heifers. . 3.00 M3.23 Fair to good bulls 2.00 ( S2.50 Good to choice bulls 2.50 ( $3.00 Light stockers and feeders. . . . 2.70 ( $3.00 Good feeders , 050 to 1109 Ibs. . 3.00 ( < < > 3.33 Fair to choice light hogs 4.27KC § 4.32'4 Fair to choice heavy hogs 4.27' < j'i4.:12 ( ? : > $ Fair to choice mixed hogs 4.25 ( < J4.30 Fair to medium native sheep. . 3.50 ( M4.25 Good to choice native sheep. . . 4.03 ( $4.50 Fair to choice western sheep. . 3.25 @ 4.CO Shorn sheep 3.00 (84.00 ( Ruprcsontattvo Sales. STEGHC. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 1030 $3.23 28 1148 $3. 02 18 903 335 23 1130 35 1004 3.45 42 1090 2H 9 1111 3.45 18 1317 3.02 } 18 . 1155 8.50 14 l.'UO 3.05 19 . 1198 3.50 17 1149 8.05 12 1003 8.50 12 1208 a05 87 1220 8.50 39 1277 3.05 100 1200 8.50 7 14bO 3.05 20 1150 8.55 20 1318 3.03 19 1534 3.53 41 13CO 3.05 21 11SK ) 3.55 20 1231 8.03 18 1128 U.55 20 1292 3.63 19 . 1090 3.55 88 1307 3.C5 18 . 1009 3.53 50 1310 3.03 42 . 1183 3.57K KM5 8.65 1081 3.57K 20 1223 3.70 1003 3.57 50 1319 3.70 1172 3.57 21 1333 8.70 1364 3.60 30 984 3.70 1153 3.60 27 1240 3.70 12S3 360 II ! 1210 3.70 1302 3.60 85 1195 3.70 1204 8.CO 57 1100 8.72 Ilia S.60 19 1200 8.75 1050 3.60 18 1253 3.75 150J 3.60 10 1511 8.75 1108 8.60 34 1440 3.75 1153 8.60 11 14b5 119.3 8.60 40 1345 8.85 1233 8.60 34 1568 8.85 1195 8.62J4cows - 1244 8.02 1 840 2.00 11 1197 2.85 2 1020 2.53 1205 2.93 11 70S 2.02 } 1440 3.00 2 053 2.65 1875 3.00 4 1200 275 2 1200 8.03 1 960 2.80 10 1100 8.00 12 878 2.83 11 1153 3.10 3 1107 2.85 1 1030 3.25 BULLS. 1 1500 2.15 1 1170 2.75 1 1S70 2.40 1 1400 3.03 1 1500 2.40 1 1570 3.00 1 1630 2.50 2.508TOCKF.U3. 8TOCKF.U3. 575 3.00 19 856 3.15 BTBCHS ANI1 HE1FEKS , YEA1ILINO. 18 . 677 2.80 24 . 673 2.90 578 2.05 2.05CALVES. CALVES. 220 4.50 4.50JAN.NEH9. ( JAN.NEH9. 2. .1110 1.75 2 915 1.75 COWS AND HUIFCHS. 45. .1C03 3.23 OXEN. .1045 3.25 MIXED. .1200 3.40 noas. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 68. . . .231 ICO $4.25 73. . . .224 40 $4.30 74. " . .243 40 4.25 68. . . . 255 200 4.30 57. . . .271 40 4.23 132. . . .274 200 4.30 57. . . . 202 200 4.25 72. . . . 203 120 4.80 63. . . .aw 120 4.25 52. . . .309 40 4.80 OS. . . .5i7 60 4.25 81 . . .218 80 4.110 08. . . .218 40 4.23. Og..240 280 4.80 87. . . .242 120 4.27 65. . . .207 80 4.30 r > o. . . .255 160. 4.27X C8..230 200 4.30 02. . . .272 160 4.27 C3..206 200 4.80 09. . . . 235 SO 4.27K 53. . . .217 80 4.30 05. . . .203 160 4.27K 01. . . .220 40 4.30 07. . . . 250 80 4.27 67. . . 250 120 430 07. . . .2J2 120 4.27i 62. . . 275 40 4.80 81. . . . 229 80 4.27K 54. . . 259 4.80 09. . . .203 120 4.27K 05. . .237 80 4.80 50. . . .283 160 4.27 07. . .260 40 4.80 03. . . . 290 40 4.27K B1. . .830 80 4.30 01. . . . 260 ICO 4.27 68. . .236 120 4.80 01. . . .273 120 4.27 } 03. . .240 200 4.80 57. . . . 265 120 4.27 tf 07. . . 258 160 480 07. . . .251 80 4.27J * 54. . .274 80 4.80 00. . . . 250 60 4.37 } 63. . . 258 120 4.80 58. . . . 257 200 4.27 53. . . 299 80 4.80 70. . . . 273 40 4.27 . } < 153. .230 120 4.80 05 . " .259 80 4.80 60. . .260 40 430 BO. . .223 ICO 4.80 07. . . . 287 120 4.27 > 5 71. . 231 40 4.80 48. . . .317 80 4.27 78. .227 40 4.80 01. . . .204 HJ 4.27 71. . 247 4.80 127. . .273 200 4.27 70. .198 40 4.80 03. . . . 2(50 ( 100 4.27M 77. . . . 247 60 4.30 01. . 273 80 4.37 Co. . . .268 60 4.80 03. . . .274 200 4,27' 78. . . .240 100 4.80 57. . . .M95 -40 4.27 } ? 01. . . .245 4.30 09. . . .207 120 4.37 > 58. . . . 293 4.80 50. . 240 80 ' " 70. . . . 295 240 4.30 OU. . ! ! 3o7 200 64 , . . . 203 100 4.80 00. , . .204 120 71. . . .281 100 4.30 00. . . .20t 4.27J * 63.27o 40 4.30 51. . . .200 40 4.27K CO..278 120 4.80 54. . . .283 80 4.27 ; 07. . . . 193 200 4,82 05. . . .284 120 4.27 > ? 53..270 80 4. 2' O'J. . . .270 1004.27K 07..235 80 73. . . .345 100 4.27H BI1EEP. No. Av. Pr. 403 Nebraskas CO $4.25 I-ilvo Stock Notes. W. tf. Diller , Dlllur , was In wltb hogs. A. O. Stowoll , Cedar Rapids , had cattle hero. hero.M. M. A. Shcdd , Plckroll , marketed a load of cattle. Charles P. Rice , of Eudlcott , marketed cattle und hogs. J. M. Williams , Waterloo , was In with seven cars of cattlo. William Hohnbaum , of Waco , was on the market with hogs and cattle , G. H. llabbltt represented Ashland. Ho brought in two cars of cattle. Ellas Jeffreys , came in from Scotia with a load o'f rattle and ono of hogs. Tobias was represented by R , Uldrich , who bad In two loads of good hogs. O. O. Ragan was among the arrivals with cattlo. Ho shipped from Utlco. H. C. Newman and G. Elston , of Colum- "hus , brought in two cars of cattle each. H. O , Benedict , who represented Culbert- son , Neb. , brought In two cars of cattle. Joe Pnchard was m from Falls City will hogi , und A. Ooolusb.y brought in cattlo. J. W. Mclutoih , of tbo firm of Mclutoab & Button , Chapman , wHTJTwlth three of J. J. Dowlcr , Elwoafc was In with n car of of cattle , Including somjo Very choice heifers. C. E. Perslng nntVc" ! K. Urown , each brought in n load W < tfattlo from Central City. U-J P. II , .Tusscn , president of the Fr t Nn- lonnl bank , of Fall * City , was n visitor at .ho yards. ' ' Thomas Coin wns'nmbhg ' the Iowa cnttlo shippers hero. Ho haafHhrco cars In from Silver City. " c Messrs , J , M. and J. VSv Boyd , cnmo over from Motlatc , la. , Wnn'i&rco loads of Rodon & Zohner's cattle. \ , John Darker , who " fa , feeding qulto ex tensively In the ticlc-h"borliood of Julian , was n visitor nt the yard ? . Another hog buyer arrived , to-day. It was Tl-nmy Grant , of Pltlsburg. who bought a good many hogs hero last summer. The receipts of hogs were the heaviest of nny day slnco the 12th of last December , when 7,313 wore reported In the yards. The nearest approach to to-day's receipts was on February 12 nnd 13 ; when a llttlo less than 0,100 were received , nnd again on February 27 , when the count was 0,182. OMAHA \VHOl7tiSAIJE MAUIU2TS. Produce , Fruits , Etc. Market well supplied. Largo receipts of spring vegetables nnd California fruits nro looked for this week , Demand very good and orders should bo scut In ns early In the week as possible. Hides nro dull mid likely to continue so. Table dairy , 18@lCc ; packers' stock , 8@9c. Creamery Prints , fancy , 20(4 22c ; choice. ISQDlSo ; solid packed , 14@15c. Ecios Strictly fresh , lO llu. CiiKRsn Young 'America ' , full cream , Oc ; twin flats , Oo ; off grades , 4QJOC ; Van Ros- scm Edam , $11.50 per dozen ; sap sago , Hlc ; brick , 15c ; llmburger , 12c ; domestic Swiss. 14c : skims , 2@lc ; cbccso safes , bronze nictlnl , No. 8 , $ i 5. Poui.Titv Live hens per dozen , $4.00 ® 4.25 ; roosters , $3.75@4.00 ; turkeys , l10c ) per lb. Sin vwiimtmr.s Per case , 24 qts , $2.00 ® 2.85 ; soft , $1.00@2.00 CiicititlEs Cnl. , $2.00@2.50per 10 lb box. OIUNOKS Fancy Washington nnvcls5.00 @ " > 25 ; Riverside , $3.00@3..15 ; ; fancy paper rind St. Michaels , $3.75 14.25 ; fancy Duarte Mcdltcrranlan sweets , $2.75@325 ; fancy bright mountains. $2.23612.75 ; Los Angeles ( choice ) , $2.25@2.50. LEMONS Choice , $3.50@4.00 ; fancy , $4.25@ 4.75. 4.75.COCOAJJUTS COCOAJJUTS Choice Runtans , per 100 , $1.50 ; less than 100 , ftooach. BANANAS According to slzo of bunch , $1.75@2.50. EAHI/V ViOETAiu.ns Lettuce , per dozen heads , 20@25c ; radishes , per dozen bunches , 10@I5c ; green onions , 12@15c ; parsley. 25@ 3Ucsoup ; bunches , 20@'J5c ; beets , 45@50c ; carrots , 50@55o ; turnips , 50@55c ; oyster plant , 80@35c ; celery , 85@$1.00 ; caulinower , $1.00 ( < S2.25 ; cucumbers , 50@ ! > 0c ; green dor , 30$45c ( ; pieplant , per Ib , Ig2c ( ; uow potatoes , per Ib , 2'iJ'8c : cabbage , 2X3c. FIIESH FISH White fish , per ID , 7rtSX ( ° ? herrings , frozen , per Ib , 5c ; trout , fresh caught , per Ib , Oc ; white perch , fresh caught , per Ib , 7c ; oufTulo , fresh caught , per Ib. 7c ; lilckerol , fresh caucht , per Ib , Oc ; black bass , fresh caught , per Ib. 11 c. 13EANS Choice hand picked navy , $2.20 ; choice hand picked medium. $1.75 ; choice hand picked country ; $ l.C5f § 1.76 ; clean country , $1.20@1.25. POTATOES Choice , nncked , per bu , 25@30c. VEIL Choice , medium size , 7@8c ; choice , heavy , 4@0. | f. HIDEPKI.TS , , TAU.OW , Etc- Green salted hides , 4C45cVdri ) s'altcd hides , Cc ; dry flint hides , 7c ; calrhides , B@5 c ; damaged hides , 2c less ; shcpp pelts , green , each , 25c@ $1.10 ; sheep polls , dry perlb , 9 ( )12c ) ; wool , aveiapc , 14 ( 180 : tnllo\x , No. 1 , 3K@4c ; tal low , No. 2 , 2 @Sc : grease , white , 3@4c ; grease , yellow , 2rl12 } c ? Ari-LE BUTTEH 7c. t CIDEU Hbls , Sochf | bfels , $3. BUTTKKINB 14@iiC per Ib. MAI-LI : S-mui W QlSo per Ib. HONE v UiOjl 7ti j > ci ; Ib. Pnr.sEiivEs flj QlOc per Ib. JELLIES 3K@4c-i cr ib. BEESWAX No- Groceries , American A , scamles , $17.25 ; Union Square paper , discount , 33 per cent. CANNED FISH Brook trout , 3 lb , $2.50 ; salmon trout , 2 lb , $2.85 ; clams , 1 lb , $1.25 ; clams , 2 lb , $2.00 ; clam chowder , 3 lb , $3.25 ; devilled crabs , 1 lb , S3.2B ; devilled crabs. 2 lb , $3.50 ; codfish balls , 2 lb , $1.75 ; caviar , K lb , $2.25.ecls ; , 1 lb. $3 23 ; lol > sU > rs , 1 lb , $2.00 ; lobsters , 1 lb , $1.90 ; lobsters , devilled , } lb , $2.25 ; mackerel , 1 lb , $1.00 : mackerel mus tard sauce , 3 lb , $2.00 ; mackerel tomato sauce , 8 lb , $3.40 ; oysters , 1 lb. S3c ; oysters , 2 lb , $1.50 ; salmon , C. R. , 1 lb , $2.10 ; salmon , C. R. , 2 lb , ? 3.10 , salmon. Alaska , 1 lb , ? 1.S5 ; salmon , Alaska , 2 lb , $2.90 ; shrimps , I lb , $2.05. C \NOI.ES Star , 8s , 10 oz , per lb , 9c ; Star , 8s , 14 oz , per lb , 9o ; Stearlo , wax , 10 oz , Os , ner Ib , lie ; Stcarle , wax , 14 oz , 4s ! , per lb , lie ; half boxes. } jc extra. CANIIV 9J > frai2 ( c per lb. CHOCOIATK AND COCOA 2s@39c per lb ; German chlckory red , 8c. COKFECS Green Fancy old gpldnn Rio , 24c ; fancy old peaberry , 23c ; Rio , choice to fancy , 22o ; Rio , prime , 21c ; Rio. good , 20c ; Mocha.So ; Java , fanny Mandchllng , 27c ; Java , good interior , 24c. COEFKES Roasted Arbuckle , 24io : Me- Laughlin XXXX , 24c ; German , 24 0 ; Dilhvorth , 24Jfc ; Alaromn , 24J c. CUACKEllS AND CAKE8 0 > @ 18C per lb. DitiRD FKDITS Per lb , apricots , 14@17c. Apyles , Mich. . 4 0 ; stars , Co ; nldcns , ( i % @ 8c. Peaches , Gal. Y. . peeled , 17@SOc ; fancy unpoclcd , ll@13o ; sun dried , O'c ; Salt Lake , Oc. Prunes , Cal. R C , 710Xc. Currants , 5@7c ; Turkish prunes , 4J c. Cit ron peel , 23c. Lemon peel , 14c. Fard dates , lOc. Figs. 9@10c. Raisins , Malaga bunch , dchesas. $5.00 per box ; Vnlenclas , per lb , Tc ; Col. G & S. , $2.40 per box. Dried grapes , 5c. Blackberries , 5J c. Pitted cherries , 17o Pitted plums , ! ) @llc. Raspberries , 21c Nectarines , 18@14c. GiNOKii Jamaica , % PtsM00 per doz. FAIIINACEOUS GOODS Barley , 3 ? 3J c ; far ina , 4K ° ; peas , 3c ; oatmeal , 4 f@5c ; maca roni , llj c ; vermiceli , HKci rice , 47c ; sairo and tapioca , 0@7c. FISH Salt Dried codfish , 0 @ 8J ; hali but , 12c ; scaled herring , 25u per box ; hfll. herring , dom , 50o ; Hamburg spiced herrinjr , $1.00@1.10 : imp. hoi. herring , 90c@LOO ; mackerel , hlf bbls , No. 1 , $13.50 ; largo fami ly , $12.50 per 100 Ibs ; whitcflsh , No. 1 , $7.25 : family , $3 50 ; trout , $5.25 ; salmon , $8.50 ; an- chovis , 10-lb palls , 60c. LYK $1.75@4.50. NuTsv-Almonds , 10@18o ; Brazils , Oc ; fil berts , 12c ; pecans , 13e ; walnuts , 13c ; peanut cocks , 80 ; roasted , lOc. Oii.8-Kcroseno P W , lOc ; W W , 12o ; headlight , 13 , 0 ; salad oil , $2.85@7.00 per dozen. PICKLES Medium , per bbl , $3.00 ; small , $0.00 ; gherkins. $7.00iu WitAiTiNo PArEiit-Straw , per Ib , ZUo ; rag. SV c ; marilla'B ' , Oc , No 1 , Oc. SALT Dairy , H0v.2-lb pkgs , $2.70 ; do 100 8-lbnkgs , 2.XdoOQ5-lbpkg8 ( ) ; , $2.50 ; do 28 10 lb pkgs , $ > .40 ; Ashton , bu bags , 50-lb , 85c ; do4-bubags,2 : UOdoM ; 8 A , 50-lb bugs , 55o ; per bbl' $ Li3. ! SEEDS Bird , 4) ) < ; ( u.Co. SALSODA lC4 H < t per lb. STAIICH 5)f@7o ) oer lb. STOVB Poumi-tiiOOi5.87 per gross. SriCKS Whole , pec lo-Allspice , 12a ; Cas sia China , 10or ; cloves , Zanzibar , 25u ; nut megs , No. 1 , 70oJIop er , 20c. SuoAiis Granulated , 0 > c ; confectioners A , 8X9 < - ' ; standard , extra C , 8 0 ; yellow C , 7J @ 7c ; powdered , OKS c ; cut loaf , 10J1 ( ujlOKc ; cubes , OJic. TKAH GunjKiwilcn 20@00o ; Japan , 12 ® 40c ; Y. Hyson , 26@f.9o ; Oolong , 22@50o. VINEOAU Per gulp 13@20o. liry , .Goods. BATTS Standard. 805 Gem , lOc ; Beauty , 12Wo ; Boone , He ; U , cased , * 0.50. COTTON FiASsniH 10 per cent trade dls LL , unbleached , c ; CC , OJ o1 , SS , 7J/i C"Aiii-F.T WAUP Bibb White , 19o ; col ored , 22c. CUABII Stevens' B , 5tfo ; Stevens' A , 7c ; bleached , 80 ; Slovens' P , 7u ; bleached , 8 jo ; Steven * ' N. 8 > oj bleached , OUo ; Stevens' SRT. HKc. CAMIUUCH Slater , 5o ; Woods , 6c ; Standard , Go : Peacock , Da Coiispr JI : . MJ Uoston , 7 0 ; Androscog- gin , 75 < ; Koarsargo , 7Jfof Rockport ; OJ o ; Conestoia. OVa. Ducft West Point , 59 in , 3 ox. OKo ; do. 20 In , 10 oz , 12'tfc ' ; do , 2 < J in , 10 oz , 15Kc ; do , 41 in , U oz , lOc. DBNI IS Amoskcap , Qor , lOHo ; Everett , 7 oz , l.To ; York , 7 07 , Ktc ; Haymaker , 8Kc ; Jnffroy . -kit. ll ie ; JafTrey XXX , WKcj .leaver Creek AA , 12c ; Benvcr Creek BB , lie ; Ucnvor Creek CC , lOo. FI.ANXEM White , U. H. No. 2 , } ( , * 22)fc ) ; G. H. No. 1 , K , SO'fc ; B. H. No. 3 , Bike ; B. H. No. 1 , r,30c : Quecheo No. 1. ? / , 4'5c ; Quechco . No. . . . . B / , . / , 87 > o ; Qucchco . . _ No. 3 , } ( , n > ll < .MI * - * nt f 32kc ; Annwnn , lUUc ; Windsor , . iavNNKLs-Rcd , 0. Ut-lnch , l ! fo ; E < 24 nch , 2IXo ; G O , 24-inch. 20e : H A F , Ji , 23cs J R F , } { . 27o ; O , / , 25c. ' FIANNCI.S Plaid , Raftsman , 20c ; Goshen , )2ko ) ; Clear Lnko , 80c ; Iron Mountain , SniiiTiNos Caledonia X , OJ c : Cnlcndla XX , lOKc ; Economy , PC ; Otis , Do ; Grnnlto , 0)fc ; Crawford Checks , ' 8c : Haw River Plaids , 5tfc. ! GISOUVM Plunkctt checks , 0"fos " ! Whlt- tcnton , OJ d ; York , 7Kc' Normnndl dress , 7 > o ; Calcutta dress. "Jtfc ; Whlttenton dress , Tt/n. : lnnfrntu dress , vLiMMl i KENTUCKY JIIAXS Memorial , 15o ; Stand- ) oint , 18o ; Durham , 2 ? c ; Hercules , ISo ; Leamington , Z Glcnwood \ , 20o ; Melville , " 5c ; Bang-up , UT c , PHINTS Dress Charter Oak , B 'c ; Ramap 4o ; Lodl , 5'/o ; Allen , Co ; Rlc-hmond , ( to : Windsor , OJ < c ; Eddystono. O&c ; Pacific , (1) ( ) 0. PIUNTS , INDKIO BLUE St , Ledger. fi ) o ; Wnshinplon , Oj < fc ; American , CJ c ; Arnold. OJ o ; Arnohr Century , Oo ; Windsor Gold Tk't , lifo ( ) ( ; Arnolg B , lOJ o ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , lO o ; Yellow Seal , lOJ c PKINIS , SOLID Cm.oits Atlantic , Uo ; Slater , Oo ; Berlin Oil , O o ; Garner Oil , 0 7c. I'KINTS , PINK AKI > ROUES Richmond. tfc ; Allen , Cc ; Riverpolnt , 5' c ; Steel River , 6 0 ; Richmond 0 > c ; Pacific , 7c. Tlio Knullsli Mctnl Alnrkct. The Now York Metal Market of May 11 l > rints the following cablegrams : LONDON. TIN At last there has been a turn upward , albeit on n comparatively quiet narkct , and speculators for a rlso who invested a week neo , have hnd im opportunity to realize profits. The opening on Monday was only steady at n slight ad vance from the preceding business day , nnd trices reacted again to JUM ) 17s Od spot , i'OO [ Os forward at the close , cash tin losing 10s nero the next day ; but values began to re cover Wednesday afternoon , galning5s for the day , nnd yesterday were quite strong nt mi advance of 103@17.Cd on each 'change ; the closing figures being JL'lll nnd X91 15s. Tills nornlng there was another rise of 10315s , jut spot reacted on late 'change to 91 ( < $ 9L is , forward prompts holding comparatively steady nt i'OJ. Corrmi So much uncertainty clouds the situation that operators have been very re luctant to enter upon fresh engagements. After a rumor had spread that all the Pails negotiations had como to naught , It was given out with much show of authority that the various parties to the conference had actually signed an agreement , under which American producers arc to limit their ox- lortations to Europe , all other mines-to re- itrict their product nnd existing stocks to bo withheld from immediate pressure on the market. This report has been generally dis credited ; yet prices of bars have boon slowly creeping upward since Tuesday , when n loss of 5s on thut , nnd 10@ 15s on the previous day had reduced ctho value to 35 5s. Tno next forenoon A'38 10s was current , forward prompts improving 5s moro ut late 'change , and yesterday were bid up 10s nt each ses sion without finding sellers , until the closing quotation reached 89 15s. A reaction of 5s was noted at to-day's carlv 'change , and the closing was still easier at 89. ANTIMONV Is again 1 higher this week , Hallett'B being now quoted at 50. i Si'GLTKit Declined 10s moro in the week to 17 7s Od for Sileslan. ENCILISH Pie IKON Improved on Monday to 39s , which price has uluce been main tained. BESSEMBU Pie Remains unaltered , and quoted 5Us 6d nt West Coast ports. STKEI , RAILS Continue active , but arc offered more freely and not quotable ut over 4 12s Od for heavy sections. OLD RAILS Quiet nnd without change in nrice from last quotations of 62s Odu07s ( Cd , for T's 70s@75s , D. H. c. 1. f. , N. Y. SCIIAP IIION Rather easier in tone at 45s , f. o. b. GLASGOW. SCOTCH WAIIHANTS Fluctuated during the ivcck within narrow limits , but Is steadier n tone than last reported. Prices stood un changed at 44s on Monday , gaining 34d the next forenoon , but reacting to 44s Id at the closo. Values wcro held up in the early dealings on Wednesday , but closing figures again lower , this time at 43s lOd , which lat er quotation was ruling again at the first joard yesterday , nnd improved to 44 \ in the afternoon. Still higher prices were current .his morning , but the market closed at a slight reaction to 44s Id. Makers' quotations are : For Coltncss , alongside , Glasgow , 55s Cd ; Gurtshcrric , alongside , Glasgow , 52s 3d ; Summcricc , alongside , Glasgow , 54s 3d ; Langloan , along side , Glasgow , 5 Is M ; Carnbroo , alongside , jlasgow16s ; Glenparnock , alongside , Ar- Irossan , 5-Js 3d ; Eglinton , alongiido , Ar- drossan , 4 Is fid ; Dalmcllingtoti , alongside , Ardroasan , 45s 9d ; lighterage , Ardrossan to jlasgow , Is ton. LIVEIIPOOL. TIN PLATES Market dull and quiet. Char coal tin phitcs , Mclyn grade , 17s8Q@17s ; charcoal tin plates. Allttway grade , 15s @ 1533d ; charcoal Tcrno plates , Dean grade , 11-20 , 133@13s 3dj charcoal Terno rtates , Dean grade , 20-28 , 2s ( ! 2-J 3d ; coke tin plates , B. V. grade , 13s@13s ! > < d. BINOArOIIE. TIN Firm at 94 10s , cost nnd freight to New York. SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Base len First National Bank , 5OS SouthItflli Struct , - Oinaliu WANTED BONDS Issued liy Cities , Counties , School District , Water Com panies , &c. We ore In tlic market for tlie pnrclmse of round amounts of such bonds. Correspondence solicited. N , W. HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers , 113-117 Monroe Street , CHICAGO. 00 Devonshire Street , BOSTON. ISSUED DYSTATES , BONDS I COUNTIES , CITIES , 1 SCHOOL DISTRICTS , ETC. , I BOUGHT AND SOLD. Wo deal In T.itudViirnint * and Hcrlp. Appllcablo to ( Invcrnnu'iit Land , and Transact a Itcifiiliir Ilunfclnir Iludnesa. Correfpondcnco KolUltcd. S. A. KEAN SCO. , BANKERS , 100 WASHINGTON STREET , CHICAGO , III , IIB BROaDWAY. NCW YORK. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK U. S. DEPOSITOEY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital 8-100,00 } Surplus Jan. 1st , 1889 62,000 OFKICBUS AND niRBOTOltSl HENUV W. YATia , President. LEWIS 8. UKI51) , Vice 1'rcsiaont , A. K.TOUZAUtf , W. V. M0118K. , . . JOHN H. COI'MNB , ju&oiJBiiixa. J.N. H. PA'fttlCK. W. H. S. HUailKS , C shl r THE IRON BANK , Corner 12th and 1'arnam tit * . A General Dunking UuulneHsTransactaJ. ' ARrlctilturnl Implomonto. C1W1W111LL 1'AltKKlt , + Dealer ! ] Agricnltoral Implements , Wagons urgle * . Joncn Mrrct , between ptu nJ 10tliOmi > ha..Ncbr k . , t MKTCALF CO. , Agricnlt1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages WhotcfRlo. Oraohn. NebrMka. 1'AHLIX , OltKNDOHF A MAHT1X UO. Wholesale , Dcnlcn In AgTicnltnralImplomentsWagoas&Bnigics , f01tttll < lanilH.r7 Jonc fltcct , OnmhK. MOLIXE , Mir.UUHXA S1ODDAIW CO. , Manufacturers nnd Jobbcrt In Wagons , Bnggies , Rales , flow Etc , Cor.Wh and Paclllo ntrcotf , Omnlia. Artists' Mntorlnla. A. llOSl'K , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , Omnlm , Acbrnskn. Doots nnd Shoos. ir. V. MORSE A CO. , Jotters of Boots end Snoes , 1101,1101,11116 Dnuslan direct , Omnha. Manntactorr , t-iiraraor utrcct , Ilmlon. Conl , Coke nnd LI mo. OMAHA COAL , COKE A LIME CO. , Jokers of Hard and Son Coal , 109 South fitli Blrcot , Oumba , Nebraska. XEllltASKA FUEL CO. , SbippesofCoaladCok 211 Hoiltli 1.1th SUOmnba , Neb. CornmlBBjpn nnd Storago. ItJDDKLL A KWDELL , Storage and Coinmi sioii Merchants , Spcclaltlci 11 u tier , cpun , rliro < p , iiniiltrj. faint. lll.'llunnnl ttroct Dnmlm. Nob. Dry Coeds nnd Notlons. . E. SMITH A CO. , Dry Goofls , Fomlsning Goods and Notions 1103 and 1101 Douitltu , cor. 11th ( tract , Ornnlin , Neb. K1LPATRWK-KOCH DltY GOODS CO. , Importers and Jolliers in Dry GoodsNotions , Oent > ' furnishing iiood * . Comer llth and llarney itrcett , Omaha , Nubraska. HEL1N , 'niOMl'SOX A CO. , * Iniportom nnd Jobber * of Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , SIT Eouth 15th itrooU Furniture. rur A STOXE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture Fnrnam etreot , Omaim. Nebrnika. CHARLES SIIIVERWK , Furniture , Cmnhn Nobrnika. Grooorlos. PAXTOX , GALLAGHER A CO. Wholesale Groceries and Provisions. 70S , TUT , 703 nnd Til South 10th it , , Omaha , Neb. ) , DRAVY A CO. , Wholesale Grocers' 13th and ix > aTennorth streets , Omaha , Nebraska. Hardware W. J. UROATCH. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , wagon stock , hardware , lumber , eto. and 1211 Ilarner street , Omnha. LEE , CLARKE , ANDHEESEN HARD WARE COMPANY. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Uetals. sheet Iron. ate. Scents for Howe scales. Miami powder nnd I.ymnu barbed wlro , HIMEHAVGH A TAYLOR. Build rs' ' Hatware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' tools and Dumuo Kcilc , . 1(05 Douglai stroct , Omaha. Neb. _ Lumbor. JOHKA. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lnmhep , Etc , ort d.BBd Amerloan Portland cememt. Btats ) miooomeati lime. CHAS R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood carpets and parquet flooring , llth and Douglas streets. Omaha , rseb. OMAHA LUMUER CO. , AllKindsofBaildingMaterial at Wholesale , ISth Street and Union iacllloTrackOmah , LOO IS BRADFORD , Dealer in Ltnnher , LUth , Lime , Sash , Doors. Ktc. Yards-Cornet 7th nnd Douglas. Corner lUtb and DoutElas ; FRED W. GRAY. Lumber , Limn Cement , Etc , , Etc , Corner Cth and DoiiKlas Sts , Omaha. C. X. DIKTZ. Dealer in All Kinds of Lumher , 13th and California Streets , Omaha , Nebraska / . OIIERFELDER & co. , Importers & Jobhers in Millinery & Notions ' SU8.S1U and 212 Booth llth street Notlona. J. T. ROniNSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goofc , ittt and 406 Boitb 1Mb street , Umtlia. Toya. " " ' H. HARDY A CO. , Jobbers of Toyi , Dolls , Alhums , Fancy Good ! , - ' * O\\B \ \ , CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , ' Wbolesale'ReOued and Lubricating Oili , A l grease , etc , Omaha. A. II. lllshop. Manager Paper. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nlc slock of printing , wrapping and writing paper. Bpsoiil attenllorrclTeu to car load order * . VIGOR , d , ' ; ; r. pcrftcllrrcalnrd t > 7 On utv pealpn-DupreRernedle Bind ( in iiiir n w liruit li < rl rr > cele cured without r ln or operitlon. beslon-Dupre Cllnlque , if. Turnout st , eaalljr.j lulei. Hererulcftses cured In s'nvea daYI , Bold ll.COperbox. all druggUtii , or bv mull from Do uraMfk'Co. J12 White ut. N.V. 1'nll dlrfictlona 1A lA/FAK ll"iVI" T'rt' ' . f I II "I-"r MIN'"t > nfyomhful cr I U ' ill i Q if rnrf. > rlr 'Icor. o t &jArhoo | < 1 , rte. 1 will M-IIUM mhutla IrrntlH * Ipraltd ) ciintalulnt ; full lAitlrulsra tvr Lorn * cure , frtfi or Pn'OF. F/cl'FCWLER , Moodu * . Conn. Tumors cuitKD : lMj"rK"uu. ( ] . Bain nub no , , lVi Wauatuiiv. . cuiciuo , ILL. Tltrtia AHi : uyva : K1RK&NDALL , JONES A CO. , Hots to He > l , Jones A Co. Wholesale Mannfactorer 3 , Agent * for HuMon Kubber Bboa Co , 11W. 110 and UN Ilarner Straet , Omaha , Nebraika. Brovvora. S1VHZ A Lager Beer Brewers , 1B1 Kotth KlRhtreath lUctt , Omaha , r/ * . Carnloo. EAOLE COUNICE' Hannfactnrers of Galvanized Iron Cornlco Window-top * mid uiplnlloiikrl'itriti. Jotm Krouctor , proprietor , llhnnd llU mth ICnii itrool. Office Fixtures. ' MA K UFA UT uiuxo coi Mnmifacturcrdof Bant , Ofllcc and Saloon Flxtes , tlc . fOdeboanli. Hook CA C , Dmp Klxturf , Warl rn M ; .rnrtltlonii. HiMIIiiBn , Comitpr * . llccrnnd Win * Ccxi orj , Mtmn. Kljt'uclorj nnd otllco , 1KW nnd HM Buuth l.Uh St. , Omaha. Trlrpbone 112i. Pnpor Boxes. JOHX L. W1LKIE , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory/ No § . 131 * add 1319 Uouglai ttroel , Omba < , Nob. Snsfi , Doors , Eto. Jlf. A. DlSttltOW A CO. , Whol nle tnanufnrlurcn ot Sasn , Boors , Blinds and Monldings , Branch vt'Jcc , lth nnd l rd Mrcot Omnlia.Neb. CO. , Manufacturers of Sasli , Doors , Blinds , ' " -Hiding" , Mnlr-nork nnd Interior hftrd wood finish. N. K. corner 6lli ami li < im < u\kfrih strict * . Onutlin , Npb. Stonm Fittings , Pumps , Eto. ' ' . Pnraps , Pipes and Engines , et am , water , rnllwr.T nnd mining Mippllea , et < L tW , US nnd W4 I nrnniu ttrvut , Omalio. 17. S. II'/A'D EKOlXi : A 1'UMl * CO. , Steam and Wato1 Supplies , wind mills. D13 nnd IS ) Jones BUOmnh , (1. K. HUBS , actliiK Amnnier. ; A ( JO , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , IlicoHron work , tcam putnpr , law rallli. 1219-1111 1/v.tveiivrorlh ittcut , Omaha. Iron Works. Works.fOHKS } , \ frnn , Vrop's. Manufacturer * of nil klndi eainBoilon. Tanks aid SliGGt Iron Worlc Work Soutli .lull ami 11. .V H. crossing. Tol. 1US PAXTOffA IKON Wrought and Cast Iron Bnidins Work , Inglnen , brnis work , gantra ! foiindrjr , machine and blaiKMalth work , onico nnd works , U. 1' . Itj. nnd litb street , Ouiaba. OMAHA WIRE A IKON WORKS , Mannfactnrers of Wire and Iron Railings Desk rnlls. window Runrdt , Mower § lninl" . wlro ittn , etc. 1 1 North IbtliEtnct , Umaha. OMAHA SAFE A IRON WORKS , Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ; Vault * , ] nll work. Iron shultora and tire U. Amlrocn , prop'r. Cor. llth and Jackson fits. SOUTE OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha , Limilel , Joliti K. llujril , Hiipcrlctcndcnt. -THK- CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THK Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y. The Best Route from Omnlia and Council lllnlTs to THE EAST : TWO TIlAfNd DAILY 1IETWKKN OMAUA AN COUNCIL DI.UVi-3 Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Fun ) , Minneapolis , Cedar Ilnplrfg , Kock Islauil , Freeport , Itockford , Clinton , Diiliiiquc , Dnvcnyort , Klgln , Madison , Jnncs > lllo , Itelolt , Wlnona , La Crosse , And all other Important points Cast , Northeast an * hOJthonst. Kor through tickets , call on the ticket accnt at ISlt rurnain street , lu Uurkur IJIooi , or nt Union 1'uclUo PcpuU I'nllnian Kleepors and the llnoH Dining Tars In th world are run cm the main line of the Chlc.afo , Mil' waukco & St. I'uul Itnllway. nnd every uttootlon 1 * paid to passi'iiKora bjr courteous omplojes of tk uimpanr. U. MM.I.KII. ( lonerul Mnnauer. J. K. TUCKlift , AnUtanlOenurnlMnniiaer. A. V. It. UAIU'KNTKK , General 1'assencor an ! Ticket Aitent. ( JEO. K. MKAKKOUD , Assistant Generalt'usenctr and Ticket Acent. T. J.Cl.Alllf , CJfnorui BupcrlotendenU NK11VOUB , fillllONIO nnd I'UIVATB DIHKA8K3 Of MKN uml WOMEN succcssfullr trcatoJ. YOUNG MEN HuflerlnK from the vrrccts of routliful follies orlndl * crutlonx , or are troubled with Wenknura , Nervous Detillltjr , lxi j of Mrmorr , Deipundenujr , A version to Pocletr , Kldnur Troubles or any dlseatu 0 ( the ( lent' to-Urlnarr OrKitnH. can here rind n s.ifo nnd speedy cure. ClmrtieK rvasonnblo , c < peclnlly to Ilia poor. MIDDLE-AGED M.EN TbcroHro lunnj troubled with too frequent ovaoua llonnut thu liladitcr , oflon nccomii'inlua br u slight inmrllnK or burnhiK sennutlon , nnd wcnkonliiK of tha sTstern in a munncr the patient cannot uccount for. OnoinminliiK the urinary deposits ropy nudlmant will ofUin be found , und sometime * imrtk'Ion of albu en will appear nr the color bo of a thln.inllklsU ue , a.ialii-clianj.Mnii Ion dark or torpid nppnnrance. 'llieru aru inanv ini'ii who din of this dltllculty , Ixnor * jl the causu. which is Ilio necoiij ulaxu of umt < nal weakness. Tlie doctor will Kiiarunloo u porfcoc euro In all such cu'es , nnJ u liuultlir ruslorntlnnol UieRpnito-urlnfirr nrnnns Coimultallcm fru . H nd 2-c nt Hump for "VnuuK Man's brlcndor Ouldut Wocllmk , " Iroo In all. AiMrcil DR. SPINNEY & CO. Main nnd 12th St. .Kansas City , Mo. HT-ilcntlun tUls paper. Health is Wealth ! Oii.G.O. Wnsr'B NEIIVK AND IlnxiN TIIRAC , HUNT , ugiiarimteai aiieclnc fur flysteila , JJIzii * ness. Oonvnlalons , flt . Nervous Nouralffts , lleailaclic , Norfnua l'rostratl u cuuscj by ihf uio of alcohol or tobacco < Uofulno s , MuBtal DeprMSnloii , Boft nlnu ottlio Jlrntu , rMiiltlngln Iniuiilly ami Imicllnn to miner. ' , decay and tteutn. I'leiAatiiru Old AK , llarreniuMH. Jx 8 of I'ower In either gex , Involuntary Io > S4 * and Kponnat- orhaiu.cau.iccl bv uvor-eiortlon of tha bruin , ol . alnine or over'rululgence. Kach box contain * one month' * treatment. II 00 a box , 01 six boxei for.l/ > , eent by mull ii-etalcl ] on receipt otpro ! . WB aUABANTJ3B SIX BOXES To cure any ct a. With each order roc.olVed br us for six boxen , nccompnnted with W.W , wo will nend the purrhax-'r our written Kuniuutoa to re * fund the money If tlio treatment < \o'.t not etfaet a cure. Uuaranteoi fgsiiad only by OooJma DruifCo. . Driifc'tdsts , Sole Azenu , UtO Farnanj street. Omaha Neb. - BITPTUKE fuilllitlrrurrd l PUdn > sl > Un Mornc' llrclru-M : KU U 1111 . u unlyimolii tl i Mnrrttlni , Hclfnllni'rowf/i.llur bl , , * aait Krlrtthr. A wli IrauUs. fit T ( oUif jflftbiw > ! ' * * u-i i.iici4 Ov r t > , Oi i cirtil. Hind ttlaripforpanM ifft AI. Ki.p < r jiu itKi/r * roit J IHJASI-H. ; } \t 01. HORHf , SrUOVID TO 180 WABAIK AVf. , "