Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1889, Image 1
THE OMAHA i DAILY * ' AI ! EIGHTEENTH YEAR OMAHA , WEDNESDAY ftH NING MAY 15 , 1880. NUMBER 334 DAKOTA ELECTION SETTLED , The Sioux Fnlla Constitution Adopted by a NIno-Tonths Voto. REPUBLICANS IN Ax MAJORITY. Castlnu IJnllotH Amlil Itnln and Bnow A Horrible Murder , tlio Mur- dcrrr Caught , ami Another Murderer Killed. The Result In South Dakota. HUIION , Dak. , May 14. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEB.J He turn's from to-day's elec tion ore very meagre. From what has been received , ft Is safe to estimate that nlno- tcnths of the entire vote Is in favor of the adoption of the Sioux Falls constitution , Fifty thousand will cover the vote In South Dakota. This , Beadle county , Is among the largest , nnd polled less than 2,000 votes , nearly one-half cast In Huron. Scarcely one- half as many votes wore polled in southron Df.kotn as were cast on the same proposition in 1885. The fulling off Is duo to the heavy rains that prevailed throughout the entire state ull day , keeping hundreds in remote localities from the polls. Sioux Falls District. Sioux FALLS , Dak. , May 14. [ Special Tel egram to TIIK HUE. ] William Van Eps , democrat , Carkloy Coats , and E. W. Cold- wcll , republicans , were elected delegates to the constitutional convention. Van Eps nnd Coats organized n still hunt and defeated Wright nnd Tuthlll. The vote on the ratifi cation of the Sioux Falls constitution in the Nineteenth district was : For the constitu tion 1,470 ; against 4. Chnmboflaln Favors the Constitution. CHAMIIEKLAIN , Dak. , May 14. Special Tel egram to THE BEE.J At the constitutional election , to-day , the Slo'ux Falls constitution was carried almost unanimously in this city , thcro being only nine votes nguinst It. For delegates to the convention , A. G. Kellum nild J. W. Willis , the republican candidates , had n good majority. The constitution will curry by a larga.mujority in this district. Fifty KcpnbB , Twenty-live Dcmn. BISMARCK , Dak. , May 14. [ Special Tele- grauitoTnn BEE. ] As a result of to-day's election there uro about twenty-five demo crats and fifty republicans elected to the con stitutional convention , which will convene in this city ou July 4 to frame n constitution for thu stnto of North Dakota. This Is the full realization of the democratic hopes In spired by the Springor-Crabllng act. In this suction of the territory the vote was light ou account of the heavy snow which fell during the entire day. Ijleht Vote In Dondwnod. Dr.Anwooi ) , Dak. , May 14. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] The election for del egates to the constitutional convention , to day , was a very nulet , affair , nnd only a light vote was brought out , a majority of which Is In favnr ot rcudoptlng the Sioux Fulls constitution , framed in 18b5. A TREACHEROUS MURDER. Wllllii'ii G. Duncan , of Oregon , Killed By His Drover. PIEIIIIE , Dnk. , May 11. ( Special Telegram to TUB BBC. ] The Sioux reservation yes terday brought to light the result of n horrible rible tragedy. An Indian found a man , since identified us W. G. Duncan , of Jack sonville , Ore. , partially burled in a washout up a , gulch , seven miles down the Missouri river from Fort Bcnnnttwith two bullet holes throuch his head , and the skull uiashcd to pulp , us though pounded with an ax. IIo was wrapped In an old horse blanket , nnd the cayotos had made a feast on the body. The facts are nearly as follows : Duncan , with a partner named Arthur Redmond ; started some time ago from Butte , Mont. , overland , with a considerable herdnf horses , for Plurre , arriving nt Fort Smith two weeks ago , where a part of the drove were field , and the Journey continued down the river to Pierre. About ten days ago Redmond came to Fort Pierre alone , dis posed of the remainder of.the herd and stayed around Pierre several days , going from hero , no ono know whore. Duncan , it Is'lci'.rncd , was a well-known cattleman of Oregon nnd Montana , while Redmond was only n cowboy and in His employ , and un doubtedly killed him for his 'money and what was made from the sale of the herd , us Duncan had several thousand dollars about him while nt Bennett. A dispatch was had fiom Unpld City , this evening , that the sheriff had found nnd wus holding Uedmond , waiting for the authority of arrest , from the officers nt P'crro and United Strtcs Marshal George Harris has started across the reservation to get thu man and bring him back to Pierre. Ho Is do-- \ ecribcd us very youthful appearing , scarcely twenty-one years old , live feet eight inches high , slim , and prepossessing lu appearance. t Snow Storms In Dakota. MINNEAPOLIS , May 14. The Join-mil's pedal from Hope , Dnk. , says snow fell to a i \epth \ of two Inches to-day. It Is considered / $ cnollciul to grain. " DICKINSON , Dak. , May 14. Three inches of _ BIIOW fell hero to-duy. , ST. PAH. , Muy 14. Specials from various points in Minnesota and Dakota , j'lvo accounts - counts of u heavy rain and snowfall to-day. At Wmlcmi It first rained , and then turned t V into u heavy snow storm. Brhincid BII.VS snow foil this afternoon for several hours , but finally ended In rain. The Ki'oundtt were parched und the streets und roads were like ashes and the crops have suffered , but ' the present rainfall will save the rropn. At OnUku , Dak. , about four Inches of now full during tlio morning and it ruined I the rest of the day. Water is standing In pools nil over the fields. Wuturtown , DaK. , reports the heaviest rninluH of thu season. At Millbank , Duk. . it has been raining Jmrd for thu past twelve hours und Is still at It. It.BiHMAHn BiHMAHn * , Dak , , May 14. Snow has boon fulling hero all day. The storm seems to bo concrul nit over Dakota. At U o'clock six inches of snow luy on the ground , It Is of great value to the crops. to Hnvu Keen Murdered PIEIIKB , Dak. , May 14. The body of W. Q ( Duncan , who left the Choycnno agoucy two weeks no In company with Arthur Red mend , en route for Fort Pierre with a herd of horses , was found by some Indians near the Cheyenne agency to-duy. From the murks on the body It is suspected that Duncan was murdered. Ha had a largo sum of money on his person when ho loft Jho Bltciicy , Uedmond cumo to Fort Pierre with stoclt , which ho sold. IIo said Duncan had received bud news from his homo in Oregon. and hail started for there. A largo reward 1 . offered fnr Redmond's ' arrest. Duncan was unknown here. lit Huron. HUKOX , Dak. , May 14. [ Special Telegram to TIIU UEB.J A party of thirty capitalists arrived horo-from DCS Molnos this evening looking fur Investments. They are being thown every attention by the Huron people. , . i . , A Municipal CowCcrtncv. YANKTON , So , Dak. , May 14. [ Specla Telegram to TUB lite. ] The Co mine re I u club of Sioux Falls has invjted the officials of YanUton and Duluth to meet with them at Btoux Fulls name tlmo In Juno for a confer tnc.0 in regard ( o the interests of the three cities , and cspeiUally for the puruoto of ex cU'u lgu of the Muuiioba road rein Sioux Falls to Ynnkton and southward , ilnyor Wynn has accepted the Invitation for ilmself and the city council of Ynnkton. and ho day will bo fixed as soon ns Duluih Is heard from. The event will bo an important onu to the three cities named. A Mttrdomr Shot Dead. DIJAWYOOI ) , Dak. , Mnv 14. [ Special Tele"- cram to Tun BEE. ] Deputy Sheriff Fisher , of Crook county , Wyoming , and E. B. Arm strong attempted to nrrcst Bob Minor , alias Juck Han by , ut 0 o'clock this morning , on OH Creek , forty miles west of here. Minor was wanted In Grceloy county , Kansas , for nurder. nnd a reward was offered for his. jody. Ho won ordered to surrender , but In stead of doing so mode n gun play and was shot and Instantly killed by Deputy Fisher. Yankton'fl Coming Tournament. YANKTON , So. Dak. , May 14. ( Special Telegram to TUB BBE. ) Robert Dtxon , who s distributing bills and personally ndvcr- Islng the Ynnkton firemen's tournament In iclghborlng towns , reports to Chief Kings- jury great interest everywhere , and pre dicts that the largest crowd over scon in Yunkton will bo hero Juno 18 to 20. Moan- line all arrangements are being perfected for the tournament. Dakota's Supreme Court. YANKTON , So. Dak. , May 14. [ Special Telegram to TUB BBK.J The supreme court of the territory mot hero to-day , there being ircsent Chief Justice Trlpp , Associate Jus- .Ices Spencer , Hose , Tomploton nnd Crofoot. Thomas , Alkcn nnd McConncll nro expected xj-morrow. The dny being a legal holiday , 10 business was transacted. There are now Ifty-slx cases on the docket and the term will likely bo a long ono. Cattle Stealing Near Chnmhcrlatn. CIIAMIIEIILAIN , Dak. , May 14. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] John R. Lowe , re- tiding near Bijou Hills , had thirty-seven icad of three-year-old steers stolen from his msturo. As yet ho has found no trace of .horn. A liberal reward is offered. NOT O.N THE BILLS. . A Jersey City Audience Treated to a Real Flro Scene. JEIISEY CITY , May 14. The nudlenco at the Academy of music showed marvelous pluck to-night. The woodwork underneath the gullory took fire through a leaky gas pipe during the performance of "Tho Still Alarm , " and the people sat and watched the real lire scene unmoved. The flro truck was called Immediately , and a squad of policemen , headed by Chief Murphy , were In the thea ter In un incredibly snort space of time after the discovery of the blaze. When the fire men entered the building u few persons showed a disposition to rush out , but Fire man Colcman dealt ono man a powerful b'ow ' with his fist. This had the desired ef fect of stopping the rush which might have resulted in a panic. The police did good service In allaying the fears of nervous women. The nudlenco watched the firemen intently ns they battled with and subdued the flames. The orchestra played with com mendable vigor , which imparted confidence during the excitement. A SURPRISING SHOWING. Only About One-fifth of Oklahoma's Ijaiuls Filed On. WASHINGTON , May 15. The clcrku who were detailed from the general land office to go to Oklahoma to assist the land officials there , returned to Washington to-dny. They state that at Kingfisher about eight hundred entries had boon made up to last Friday , and nt Guthrie about one thousand had been made. The total.number of quarter sections In tbo territory open to settlement is 10,000 , hence less than n fifth of the whole has been Hied upon. ORONIN'M FRIENDS. They Propose to Drcdso luako Mlch- cnn For II In Body. CHICAGO , May 15. The friends of Dr. Cro- nln who believe he has been murdered have decided to dredge Lake Michigan for his re mains. The work is to extend over n dis tance of six miles along the shore , and a dis tance of a mile and a half in the lake. Dl- vera will accompany the dredgers. Nebraska anil lowit Patents. WASHINGTON , May 14. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. | E. H. Goislcr , Neb. , and M. Simpson , Minden , Kan. , calf weaner. Iowa : John H. Arch , Jackson , la. , motor ; Albert E , Beason , Audubon , In. , end gate for wagons ; Martha Denis , Burlington , la. , clothes line attachment ; John C. Ford , liov- crly , la. , assignor to W. Keeso & Co. , Kco- kuk , la. , form cylinder forprlntlngmachino ; John L. Harkmson , Mason City , la. , hay ele vator ; UobortE. Hurley , Des Moines , Iu. , conveyor ; Norman C. Moffett , Clinton , la. , pillow sham holder ; William E. Plumcr , Sioux City , la. , draft equalbor ; Truman M. Samson , Burlington , la. , barbed wire fence gate ; Archibald Stewart. Kcota , Iu. , grain meter ; Osborno , E. Sully , Spencer , la. , rib bon holder ; Charles M. Young and P. L. Gibbs , Clinton , Ii. : , oil burning stove or fur nace. The flautist Convention Adjourns , MEMPHIS , May 14. The Southern Baptist convention concluded Its labors and ad journed sine die this afternoon. Fort Worth , Tex. , was selected as the place for holding the convention , and the Friday before the second Sunday In May , 1S90 , us the tlmo. Dr. Hatcher , of Heorgia , Introduced the following resolution , which , utter debate , was adopted : "Ucsolved , That wo fully sympathize with the American Sabbath Union In laborIng - Ing to secure national legislation , us well us to allow to all employes of thu national gov ernment ono day In seven as a day of rest , nnd request our brethren to promote Its work so fur as may bo practicable. " Valuable Horses for Nebraska , Ci.r.VKHNi ) , May 14 At the here sale hero , to-duy , Church . Howe & Son , of Nebraska , bought the following : Fajinio Bclden , blk. in. , by Holden's Hamblctonlun , dam by General - oral Harris , MOO ; Swanson , blk. f. , by Prophet Wilkcs , duui by Heldun's Humble- Ionian , $350 ; Pearl , br. f. . by Mlddloton Chief , dutn Gonna , f.120 ; Dynamite , b. ra. , by Hylas , dam a Morean inure , $200 ; Geraldine - dine , b. * m. , by Jny Gould , dam Nancy Clag- get , f 100. Tha United Brethren DlanKrccinont. YOIIK , Pa. , May 14 , At to-duy's ' session a majority of the convention of the United Brethren church unanimously agreed that the "bolters" bo declared no longer minis- tcrs or members of the church of the United Brethren of Christ. The minority conven tion was nddrcssod by Hov. G. W. Htonny , of Illinois , who said : "Hum nnd secret societies ' ties go together. " Catholic ICnlKhti' Supreme Council. CIUTTANOOOA , Tcnn. , Muy 14. The su. promo council of the Catholic Knights ol America met In this city to-duy , every state and territory In which the order exists being represented , except Montana. The day was spent in receiving nnd auditing thu reports of ofTUxirs , and In a general discussion of mat tcrs to come before the council. Iluslnf ss Trouble * . BOSTON , May 14.John R. Langley , doing 'business uirJor tbo ntimo of Lanplcy A Smith , has assigned for the benefit ef hit creditors. Ills indebtedness is probably less than $100,000 , and It Is said his assets are sufficient to pny n largo dividend. Intnd Slldo In Switzerland. BKIIXB. Switzerland , May 14.An ennr. tnous land slide has 'occurred ut Spoissbarb , destroying villmfes , torcsU uud cuUU. Ho Does Not Mnko Bamovala With out Onuso. LOVE'S LABOR VICTORIOUS. A Persistent YOUIIJJ Apollo doti nn Ofllco BccaiiHo Ho la Engaged Ex-Govornor Sounders 3 Appointed. WASHINGTON BnnHAtf , TUB OMAHA. BUB , 1 WASHINGTON , b. C. , May 14.1 "Every appointment I make and every dis charge I make Is for reason , " said Pension Commissioner Tanner , to-day. IIo was talkIng - Ing about the charges that ho was a political spoilsman nnd was sacrificing good men In the service that partisan republicans might bo given places. The commissioner con tinued : " -Heavens and earth I I can almost count on the fingers of ono hand the discharges I have made on account of the change of ad ministration. For these fifty special exami ners discharged I have not nppolntcd n single soul to tnko tholr places. I simply out down the force to get within the appropriation. There Is lots of work to do If wo only had the money to pay them. I suppose a great many changes will bo made In the medical boards throughout the country. The boys want it done nnd have a right to have it done. That Is to bo expected. Changes are being made and will bo made more or loss everywhere , but there is nothing unusual about that. It is always to bo expected , but ns to the changes in the office , you see , I can't do anything. All the clerks have to come from the civil service commis sion. I can't appoint any ono , except those who pass the examination , to a clerkship. You have three or four names sent you to select from , I know , but I don't know any thing about nny of them. I have the ap pointment of twelve chiefs of divisions and some medical exports , and a lot of messen gers nnd boys , nnd to these positions I can appoint whoever 1 choose , but they don't amount to much , yet they go right on abus ing mo Just the same. "Now , when I cntno hero I found three old soldiers who were democrats at the head of divisions. Instead of putting them out en tirely. I went to Secretary Noble and got him to have u special examination for these three men , ns ho has a right to , nnd I gave them , positions subordinate positions , of course but better than nothing. They couldu't expect to retain their places as chiefs , and 1 gave them these nositions for no other reason In the world than because they were old soldiers , but for these dis charged they abused mo nil over the coun try. " LOVE'S r.Anon WINS. Although this was cabinet day , nnd there are not many visitors in Washington , Presi dent Harrison's private room was almost crowded full nt noon. They begun to pour In shortly after 10 o'clock , and kept up the Inflow until the doorkeeper announced that the president could no more than get through with these already 'In before the cabinet would assemble. During the time thu presi dent was taking bis visitors by rotation , receiving their verbal and written state ments and sending them away more or less happy , he observed a bright-eyed , fair-haired young man who kept moving nervously about in tbo crowd and pushing himself to the front. Ho over nnd nnon looked with great eagerness ut the president , and was trying to cateh his eye. Almost an hour elapsed after the president first discovered this young m&n , and his nervousness and eager ness to get an audience began to wear unon the president's nerves. Finally the visitor boldly walked out from the crowd. When the president was released ho presented his card and begun to address himself to the chief executive. Ho said : "Sometime ago I made application for nn appointment. I want It awfully bad. I don't cnro for it myself , but the fact is , Mr. President , " and hero the young man blushed to the tips of his hair , " 1 am engaged to bo married , and unless I get this appointment the engagement wont stand. There you have it , and now you know why I am so anxious. " The president was taken aback , and although amused for the instant , the statement went to his heart. Ho at first was a little out of patience , but the evident palnfulness of the situation elicited his sym pathy , and the card with the name of the office desired was laid in a prominent posi tion on the desk. COMl'I.AIXTS AGMNST AGENT WAIINEII. Complaints are filed with Secretary Noble against the alleged arbitrary action of Agent Warner , , of the Winnebago nnd Omaha tribes , toward the white men , leasing lands of the Indians on that reservation , und nn investigation Is likely to follow. Thu lands embraced in the strip ceded to Nebraska in 18S2 by the government , north of and on the Nlobrura river , are rich nnd much coveted , but if the Nebraska legislature has accepted the cession , thu president's proclamation must issue ere these lands can bo thrown open , und the Indians have the first right to select lauds In severally. TUllN OVEIt THE AltCHIVES. The abolition of the office of surveyor- general of Nebraska and Iowa , during the last congress , gave the commissioner of the general land onico power under the revised statutes , to control the surveys , cts. , of the public domain m these states , subject to the power of the legislatures of those states to puss an act turning over the maps , plats , etc. , to such state o Ulcers as the legislatures might designate , whereupon the power of the commissioner classed under the law. 1 ho Nebraska legislature passed an act last winter turning over the aforesaid archives to the commissioner of public lands , and. Sena tor Maudcrson has asked Commissioner Stockslager to Issue the necessary order. rUESlDKNTIAL AITOINTMKN-19. The president made the following appoint ments to-day : John F. Plummer , of Now York ; George E. Lclghton , of St. Louis ; Jesse Spaldlng , of Chicago , and Hufus B. Bullock , of Atlanta , Gu , , government directors of the Union Pa- citie Hallway company. Alvln Suundcrs , of Nebraska , member of the board of icgletratlon and election in Utah. Utah.William William H. Lyon , of Now York , member of the board of Indian commissioners. Bennett Glllcsplo , of Nebraska , register of the land onico at O'Neill , Neb. Samuels. Wright , of Nevada , superintend ent of the United States mint at Carson City , Nov. WAV NOW CLEAII. It In conceded , to-night , that the appoint ment of ex-Senator baundors , on the Utah commission , clears the way of thu curly up- polnttncfit of Peters , of Albion , for internal revenue collector. Ho was recommended several weeks ago by the Nebraska dcletja- . tion , for that office. Penny S. HEATH.i % * A Wyomlnir Failur . LAHIMIE , Wyo. , Muy 14. [ Soslal | Telegram - gram to TUB UBE. ] Wallaca Sf Alky , deal ers In furniture , made a voluntary assign- went to George W. Fox , this , .offerupo.n , For thy benefit of their creditors. They place -their assets at fO.OOO und Nubilities at f , JO The falluro-was duo to poor business uitd. consequent inability to meet obligations. Another Illjr Br\vpry Bale. New YOIIK , May 14. An.afternoon paper reports the rale to un English syndicate of the brewery of Hlngler & Co. , In tills city , for f.i.500,000. Georuo Hlngler Is to remain us diroctur of the establishment at u salary of f 10,000 per annum , 'Jlio Montana Kleotlon. Hi LENA , Mont. , May II , Advices from many parts of Montana Indicate a close elec tion for tbo constitutional convcutfog. Neither party has a majority of more thun five. Helena elects live republicans uud four democrats , FIVE Terrible Accidental flTtecntnn , Canned hy a Wlmt filbrni. TACOMA , W. T. , May 14'rADout 0 o'clock last evening a wlnd-stormfatruck a building which was being erected for a "hotel. The structure collapsed , burying about twenty workmen In the debris. Hundreds of citi zens nnd laborers Just returning from their day's work , were soon nt work endeavoring to rescue tha imprisoned men. In a few mlnntcs debris enough to enable the removal of ono body was.taken out. The body was that of Walter Bates , who was building the hotel. A workman named McConnell nnd the bodies of throe other men , unknown , wore taken out dead , and W. H. Snell , city attorney , xvho received fatal Injuries , was also removed. Several of the workmen rescued wore severely Injured , ns was HOT. W. A Mackcy , who had taken shelter In the building from the storm. At last accounts the debris was still being re moved und occasionally mem hoard stifled groans proceeding from underneath. The storm passed through between the houses to the street , whore It struck n new store being erected botwbon Eleventh and Thirteenth streets , nnd severely injured the workmen there. Another building in the southern portion of the city-was also demor alized. All over Puget Sound the storm was very severe. No other casualties , however , on land or among the shipping have been're ported ns yet. The Gold In the Big Horn Mountain * . BUFFALO , Wyo. , May-14. | Special to THB BEE.J The interest In mining affairs hero has been greatly Intensified by tbo discovery of rich gold-bearing qudrtz in the Big Horn mountains , twcnty-Uvo miles west of town. The fortunate prospector , R. Koays , has staked off a claim whore ! the gold was found , and great activity at that point Is expected to ensue. Sixteen prospectors have Just ar rived hero from the Black Hills , en route to the promising mineral districts of the Big Horn range. NoMoroQuotntlotiH Furnished. CHICAGO. May 15. The directors of the board trade voted discontinue Chicago of to-day to continue furnishing quotations to all persons except members of the 'board. ' This action was taken , the directors say , because the Illinois supreme court has decided that if the board furnished quotations to outsiders at ull thcro must bo no discrimination. The bucket shopmen have already begun applying to the courts to prevent the proposed discontinu ance. Refused to Arbitrate. BRAZIL , Ind. , May 14. ' To-day's ' confer ence between tbo coal operators , the state executive board und the miuorss' dolcgaitBn ended by the refusal of the operators to sub mit tbo scale difference , to arbitration. The operators dcmaud'a reduction from 00 to TO cents on block and 78 to GO cents on bitu minous , ono of the largest cats ever made in the west. As the case stands now , there seems to bo no alternative for the minors but to accept the reduction or remain idle. Twins In Two Colors. HOPKINSVILLE , Ky May 14. [ Special Telegram to THEBEB. ! MurgretJHondricki a colored woman residing in the Garretts- burg precinct ofthis ; county , gave birth yesterday to twins , 4 both of them girls , , nnd ono white v and ono colored. The VJiite ono Is perfectly white and the othcFcin .African of the deepest dye. The wovj'on .herself Is a full- blooded ncgror and tUtjso twins are ono of the most wonderful freaks of nature on record. i j < . t A Shortage of $35. WASHINGTON , May l4. The recent count of the money at the Now York sub-treasury revealed a discrepancy of 535 out of a total of $184,000,000. The shortage resulted from the acceptance of a few counterfeit notes in the hurry of business and by the loss of n few pieces of silver , The loss was promptly made good nnd a receipt in full given to ex- Treasurer Hyatt , who was responslblounder his bond , for the entire amount. - A AVrlt Against Lord Salisbury. LONI > ON. May 15. William O'Brien , M. P. , has obtained a writ against Lord Salis bury ou the charge of libel. In a speech at Watford the premier accused O'Brien of ad vocating murder and robbery , ' nnd of taking farms from which tenants had been evicted. It is for this speech that the action is brought. Lord Salisbury's solicitors have accepted the libel writ , and the trial will take place at Liverpool. * Examining Board fur Oklahoma. WASHINGTON , May 11. The pension ofllco has decided to establish a board of examin ing surgeons at Guthrlo , Oklahoma , it hav- Ine been represented by Congressman Per kins , of Kansas , that a medical board to ex amine pensioners was necessary there. It in said there are 500 old soldiers in the city of Guthrio. Tn Die by Electricity. BUFFALO , N. Y. , Molir,14. William Kcmm- ler , convicted of the murder of his mistress , Lilllo Xicglor , was to-day sentenced to die by the application of electricity within the week commencing Monday , Juno 24. This is the first death sentence under the now law. The Hotel Mon'ri CIIKHGO , May 15. The Hotel Men's Na tional Benefit association held their annual meeting hero to-day. The following officers were elected : President , M. S. Gibson , Portland , Ore. : flrs.t vice president , W. A. Jackucs , Now York { secretary nnd treas urer , \V. \ C. Snow , Chicago. Dr. Cron Ill's Whorrabnntfl. CHICAGO , May 14. The chief of police to day received a dispatch 'from Toronto , signed by the chief constable , saying the man who saw Dr. Crania states that the latter has been there slnco Friday last , but that he had not seen him since 11 o'clock Sunday morn- The Ijand Reclamation Committee. WASHINGTON , May 14.j The committee ap pointed at the lost BCtelQa of the Homito to Investigate the questlon'of irrigation and re clamation of arid lands , prill commence work on the 1st of Augufet , next , and will spend three weeks In the fleldjj Thn O.inndian RclailoiiM Committee. Lo.s ANOEI.OS , Gal. , Muy 14. The senate commission , on trade rotations with Canada , arrived hero this "afternoon. Senator Hule hud his right leg badly injured in a collision near San Jose , yesterday. At New York-s/riiai City of Hichmoml , from Liverpool , aa'd thqiWerra , from Bremen A men/- > menAt Copenhagun-i Th < ? Tlilngvjlla , Irom New Yorifi , * ; / - . , V n hut bio Upi > c8 Burned. Four DODOB , Iu.iilay | 4. [ Special Tel egram to THE BKB KJaines Nelson's larijo funcy block barn , north of- this city , wan totally destroyed by flro th'U morning , and four valuable stallions roasted. The loss was $10,000 ; insurance- about OM , Lord > . | ) nlniH In JU nt real. MusTUCAiJ Mui ; 15 , Lord Lonsdulo nr- nved hero to-day / Ho still , adheres to his statement thaVhO was witb'lu thn Arctic cir cle , und says liQ.VIll provtTit when lie gets to London. * T . Rull way. Conductor * Dr.NVKit , Max.14. Tboivventy-fir&t u nual convention of the railway .cuiuludois here to-day , YESTERDAY IN NEBRASKA , Continuation of tbo Kelley Shooting Trial at Madison. AN ACCIDENT AT PLATTSMOUTH' Willis on Trial at Wnhoo Tor the Killing or Grovor-iTho Ancient Order of United Workmen Crops anil Crimes. Tlio Kclloy Shootltifj Trial. MADISON , Nob. , May 14. [ Special Tele gram to Tni : Bnn.j Interest In the Soulior and Born trial continues with unabated earnestness. An was anticipated , the state rested without * putting Kelley on thu stand. The evidence of the state was all hi by about 11 o'clock this morning. The defense nro making a strong showing by the evidence that the defendants are not the parties who did the shooting. About six or eight wit nesses have already testified us to the de fendants being In the city of Norfolk at the tlmo of the alleged shooting of Kcllcy. One witness swears positively that ho was pres ent at tbo timeof the assault upon ICclloy , saw the parties who did the shooting , nnd do clnros that the defendants nro not the men. His evidence remained unshaken , though subjected to n rigid cross-examination. Another witness testifies to having seen a team answering to the description of the team driven by the parties who assaulted Dr. Kollcy , nnd men answering the description of the men who did the shooting driving rapidly past his place a short time after the crlmn was com ? mittcd , and driving rapidly In an eastern direction. The defense have finally suc ceeded In placing before the Jury the death of the sister of Soulior , one of the defend ants , through a so-called surgical operation. Tills evidence was Introduced in connection with throats made ngdlnst the Ufa of Dr. IColloy by some of the people of Norfolk who wore present at the time of the Inquest held over the body of Caroline Soulier. A strong effort was made by the stnto to oxciudo this evidence , but the court held It to bo rele vant , as tending to show that- there were persons , other than the defendants , who had threatened violence against Kclloy. It is believed that the case will go to the Jury some time to-morrow afternoon. Ouo of the most important witnesses examined to-day was Gcorgo Oliver , the colored cook formerly employed nt the asylum. Tho. excitement increases as the trial continues. The Willis Murder Trial. WAUOO , Neb , , May 14. [ Special Telegram toTiiEBun.l At the convening of the dis trict court this morning the case of the State vs Isaac Willis , indicted for murder in first degree was called , nnd a ripple of ex- citcment ensued when It was found that the defendant was not In court. In about an hour he put in an appearance and explained that a break-down on the way had occasioned the delay. The tedious work of selecting a Jury took up the tlmo till noon , when eleven men had been empanelled , and the twelfth was secured about 3 o'clock. The opening statements to the Jury were made by the at torneys , and the examination of witnesses began. Tbo second witness was on the stand when court adjourned. The testimony so'far has bcon'vory 'damaging to the de- fondant. The crime for which Willis is on trial is the shooting of Jake Grovcr , near Valparaiso , last October. Grover nnd Willis wore having trouble on account of Willis1 cattle trespassing on Grovor's lands. Uof- erccs had been selected and a tlmo sot for fixing the damage duo Grover. At that time Grover and Willis and the referees mot to settle the difllculty , und Grover and Willis , who were both untied , began quarreling nn d words grow into a war , res-ultiug in Willis shooting Grover , who dlod in four or llvo days. The defense will bo that of self-do- fense , Willis claiming that Grover pulled his revolver first. The state is represented by County Attorney Simpson , Hon. J. It. Gil- kison and Hon. Gootgo I. Wright , while L. C. Burr , of Lincoln , ex-Senntor Vandemark and S. II. Sornborger conduct the defense. The case will probably occupy the court's time all this week. The A. O. U. W. in SesHlon. HASTINGS , Nob. , May 14. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. | The third session of the Grand Lodge of Nebraska A . O. U. W. con vened in Hastings this morning , with nearly 200 delegates. Grand Master Workman J. G. Tate presided. Other grand lodge ofilcors present were S. U. Patton , P. G. ; M. E. Highland , G. F. ; L. H. M. Waring , grand recorder ; W..H. McAllister , grand rccoivor ; S. Kaufmau , G. W. ; K. W. Laflin , G. O. The report of the credentials committee showed but five lodges in the state unrepre sented at the meeting. The past master workman's degree was conferred on those who hud not provlo'usly received it. Much of the time was taken up to-dov by reports of the grand officers. Several changes in the constitution nnd by-luws were adopted , the nature of which was not given to the press. Grand Muster Workman Tuto stated In his report that ho had traveled 25,000 miles during the year , and a largo addition had been made to the membership. Grand Uccording Secretary Waring stated that over 5120,000 had boon collected and paid to beneficiaries. Hastings Lodge No. l-and ) ! ! Select Knights Legion No. 10 cntortuincd the visitors ut the opera house to-nlcht nnd a fine audience assembled. Mu.vor Yocum gave an address of welcome , which was re sponded to by Grand Master Tato. A line programme of vocal and instrumental muslu was carried out und thu evening's ' entertain ment was one of great pleasure. The lodge will reconvene at 0 o'clock to-morrow morning. "They Do t nan Money. " WACO , Nob. , May 11. To the Editor of Tun BEE : "Becoming Money Loanors.U in yesterday's DEI : , attracted my attention. Please say for mo fo the Hon. Van that ho can easily , if ho wishes , have the names and * residences of numbers of York county homesteaders who do loan money not a few hundred , but from 11,000 to $3,000. 1 have in mind now , and near us , three , In par ticular , who have each loaned $ 'JUOO to other poor but hard working men to buy them farms ; others to feed caltlo , or to go In business. Yes , it Is no fublo. I have lived hero slnco the organization of this county , nnd , whllo I tynow of many eastern Jjirm loans at 7 per cent , 1 know of none fore closed , and do know of many farmers who loan money. THOMAS MAY. Killed lly u Cavo-In. PLATTBJIOUTII , Nob. , May 14. | Special to TIIK Bee , ] A fatal accident occurred this afternoon in this city. A lurgo gang of men were nt work excavating on the situ of thu newKlloy hotel , pri'p.iratory to the removal of the Presbyterian brick church , The earth on the east side became loosu and slid out , which caused the wail on that side , to gether with the roof , to full with n crush without u moment's warning , burying sev eral men. They were rescued ut once , and ull OKiMUod with it few bruise exceptJosoph Povsal or Pulson , whoso body was coin- pletely crushed uii'l his scalp dci-plv gushed : . Thu victim was abut titty ycar of u < ? e , und had no faintly. The coroner's Jury brought n a verdict of accidental death. N < hra kn-5cMitl .ts1 Convention. WAHCO , Neb. , May 14 , [ Special to Tun KEF..I The Nebraska State Dental society' will meet in this place on Tuesday , May ! 2l- ami continue in session until Friday morn ing , May 24. Drs. L. O. Haskcll , U. N. John- EOU , and G. S. Solomon , of Chicupo , nnd Dr. F. .M. WmlrRO and F. W. Hill , of Imvu. will bo iu utleuduucf , each giving special clinics , The programme is well filled with essays and clinics by Nebraska dentists , nnd this promises to bo the largest and most Interest ing mooting In the history of the society. The citizens of Wahoo have subscribed n lib eral fund for the purpose of entertaining these In attendance. During ono evening of tholr stay n banquet will bo provided for 200. A largo attendance of dentists Is expected. Tho'sloux llcRarvnilon Itoom. O'NEILL , Nob. , May 14. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB HnB. | Owing to the bright prospects for n speedy opening of the Sioux rosorva'lon a largo number of homesteaders have already taken up their nbodo nt this point , the United States land office being hero , nnd this being the nearest town ou the south sldo of the reservation. Extensive preparations are being mndo to accommodate the largo crowds which will undoubtedly gather nt this point , awaiting the president's proclamation. Indian Village Uiirncd. KEVA PAIIA , May 14. [ Special to Tun BRE.Word ] has been received hero that the prairie on the reservation near tlrt mouth of the Koyn Palm river caught flro and destroyed everything In the Indian vil lage near there. Chief "Yellow Horso" had two children burned to death. The whole 'population took refuge In the river until thu fire had passo.d over. Crops In Holt County. O'NniLL , Nob. , May 14. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE.J It has been raining heavily hero to-day. The farmers nro Jubi lant , ns the rain was nil that was necessary to assuru Holt county of ono of the largest crops over raised in the state of Nebraska. The acreage sown is largo , far beyond that of former years , and a rich harvest will bo reaped. . . i . . . . . Welcome to a Townsman. MAUVILLB , Nob. , May 14. | Special to Tun BEE. ] The return of Mr. J. A. Shorter to his homo was made the occasion of a hearty welcome and enthusiastic reception on the part of his fellow townsmen. Ltonfircs were built. In the streets and at an Improvised meeting in Shaffer's hall several speeches were made , to which Mr. ShofTor responded feelingly. A supnor and social hop fol lowed. A Tcachor 1'roinotcd. COI.UMIIUS , Neb. , May 14. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] H. D. Shalt , principal of the First ward school , at this place , has been tendered n position us teacher in the Kearney Reform school , which ho will probably accept. Mr. Snuff is n native of Pennsylvania , and has resided in Columbus and vicinity for the past six years. RAIkW/vY NEWS. Thn Watmsh fiqnnbblo. CHICAGO , May 14. [ Special Telegram to TUG BKE. | Messrs. Koppor , Johnson , Purdy and Parsons , Attorney Patterson nnd Gov ernor Chamberlain , representing the minor ity bondholders of the Wubash railway , are hero to bid on the property at the sale to morrow. Said Mr. Popper : "Wo are hereto to uphold the principle that a mortgage should dictate and not bo dictated to. The Wabash Western people want us to accept 5 per cent bonds , dollar for dollar , for our present 7 per cents. Wo don't propose to ac cept It nnd arc In position to dictate terms. Under the receivership of Gen. McNulta , the road has been earning 14 par cent and has shown Itself to be an exceedingly valuable properly , We have plenty of money back of us and will bid nUnwo-.think the road is Worth. The Wabash Western syndicate will have the advantage- us in bidding ns they represent the majority of the bondholders , but wo can guarantee the road will sell for what it is worth. " _ Arrangln I 1'or JOvcurslonn. CHICAGO , May 14. [ Special Telegram to THE BII : . ] Excursion rates have been nuthori/ed to the following events : United States Brewing association , Niagara Falls , Juno 4 to 0AmcrIcan ; Seed Trade association , Washington , D. C. , Juno 11 to 15 ; National Christian Science association , Cleveland , Juno 12 to 14 ; International Hutinamucniul association , Toronto , Juno 18 to 20 ; National Association of Deaf Mutes , Washington , D. C. , June 20 to 23. Now Kast-Uouud ! < > ol ht llatci. CHICAGO , May 14. [ Spccal Telegram to Tun BEE.J The Central Traffic association to-day allowed the Grand Trunk a 45-ccnt dressed bcof rate to Now York , nnd then all the roads gave notice they would meet the rate. This Is a reduction of 5 cents a hun dred , the rates now in effect being on a 50- cent basis , and goes into effect May 18. The request of the Baltimore & Ohio to put in u 20-eent through rate on corn was refused. The Western Freight association agreed to day that their lines would demand that their regular proportions bo applied on nil through business. The recent removal of the basing line to east nf the Missouri river has caused different proportions to bo allowed by thu trunk line roads. An Association Smash-Up. CHICAGO , May 14. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] The Northern Pacific has given notice , that It will withdraw from the Trans continental association , July 21. The notice is the result of the Puget Sound ticketing difficulty with the Union Pacific. It is the L-cncral opinion ttiat the withdrawal of the Northern Pacific xvill break up the Trans continental association. It was said , to-'ay ( , that , Chairman Leeds' resignation and ac ceptance of the olllce nf freight trufiic man- liper , of the Missouri Pacific , was owing to an Intimation of what the Northern Pacific would do. _ _ The Storm Case. NEW YOIIK , May 14 , Geoi-go M. Starrs , son of the late Kmnry Storrs , of Chicago , who yesterday was arrested nnd locked up on n charge of blackmail preferred by his wife , Eileen , WHS to-duy released on his own rccognUuuco. Ho was immediately rearrested - arrested on the strength of his wife's dlvorco proceedings , Thu district attorney regards the question , whether : i man can hlackmall Ills wife , as u very line point of law. The Weal tier IndiantloiiH. For Nebraska ana Iowa : Increasing cloudiness nnd rain , colder , with severe local storms , variable winds , For Dakota : Threatening ivoatnor and ruin or snow , colder In extreme southern portion , slightly wuriunr in central and northern portions , northerly winds , becom ing variable. Special Prediction Probabilities are that thu cold weather which now extends over Minnesota ami Dakota will extend south ward over the ventral valleys by Thursday.atJ tended by threatening rain and severe local storms lu Missouri und adjoining stales. A p pot n tod. WASHINGTON , May II. Among the post masters appointed by the president , today , were the following ! Goortro H. U'Htlor , Galena , 111. ; Henry C ) . Hoblnson , Grand Crossing , 111. ; 0olts Hull , Oak Park , III. ; John MoOuillln , JV.iportu City la. ; John A. Klggcn , What Cliecr , la. ; Albert U. Botch- kiss , Ado ) , Iu. ; Honbcn Heffelfliigor , Dcnl- son , In. ; Henry Klbcrt , Dr.miport , IB. Chnrcrcl Wlili Corruption. MiXSr.AroMP , May H. A Winnlpog tpo- olal says the Free I'reM repeats Its charges q"C corruption against Premier Green wuy. It now accuses hi MI with ri-ceiving money from the in-rt motors of thu Manitoba ( k'ntral rull- w y iuiterin-iso. Orocnwiiy will probably procurO .an appointment of the royal com mission JQ Investigate tln ; charf < j , Thi > \Vr.hfm'H Unitarian Cnnforencp , Ciucvao , ti\ny \ II , The Woman's Western I'nlturiun conference was hold hero to-day , Mrs. Victoria jttlchurdson , nf Princeton , 111 , , was dueled jircfeldenl for lug ensuing year. N7I MARSHAL JONES EXPLAINS. II Some Deputies Slnuod , But ThoU Sina Were VoultU. BUT HE NEVER WAVERED , NOT HE , And Came Through the Tempting Ordeal Unpolluted and Unallot ted A Complete Vindica tion or Himself. The ncport Unsatisfactory. WASHINGTON , May 14. Attorney-General Miller 'has received a report from United States Marshal Jones , of Kansas , In regard to the conduct of lumsolf and doputtei upon the opening of Oklahoma. Marshal Jones says : "I ordered , from ray old experienced deputies , four lo Guthrla together with throe now appointees , to proj tcct honicscokcrs against lawlessness. The full number of deputy marshals In Oklahoma appointed by mo Is nineteen , besides eight appointed at the request of the railroad com pany. I believe that a few of my deputies attempted to file on ns many sections of land In the territory , but I know many of thorn have not , and while 1 Instructed them not to do so , when they saw themselves surrounded by from five hundred to seven hundred persons at Guthrlo nnd nt least end half that number at Oklahoma waiting for the hour of 12 to come , I do not wonder that some of the deputies who wore serving with out pay and who were only there in the Interests of good order , took the fever and attempted to got a homo. As to' mviolf. I never attempted to homestead n foot of land , nithor In Oklahoma or uuy other territory OP state. " In a postscript , Marshal Jones says : "Tho country Is absolutely quiet. I am astonished nt the false reports of bloodshed circulated by the papers. Thcro has not been a single person killed by violence la that territory since April 22. " The report Is dated May l > . It Is under stood the nttornoy-Kcneral Is not satisfied with It And will call upon the marshal for a supplemental report , giving the name ot each ollicor who filed a claim and the de scription of the land secured by him , to gether with nn account of the attending cir cumstances. GREAT TELEPHONE SCHEME. All the Hell CoinpanlcH in the West to Consolidate. MILWAUKEE , Wis. , May 14. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE.J If negotiations which nro now In progress nro consummated , the republicans of Wisconsin will IORO tholr grculcst lender nnd campaign manager , Henry C. Payne , chairman of the republican stnto central committee , who will , m nil probability , become a resident of Chicago and retire from politics. The inducements which are offered to him to leave the state whore ho has such n strong following are a salary of $12,000 a year and n position which will put him nt the head of one of the great est enterprises In the country. Payne left to-day for Boston , where ho will consult with the corporation which wishes to engage his services , and finally decide whether to accept tlio liberal offers made or not. The corpora tion that wishes to put Mr. Pay no at tha head.of ono of Its latest and most gigantic enterprises ' Is the Boll Telephone" company , nnd tho'posluon offered is'that of prgsidont of the western consolidated companies of the Bell company with headquarters lu Chicago. The enterprise marks a departure In tele phoning and will consist of n long distance system connecting Chicago , St. Louis , Cin cinnati , Indianapolis , Omaha. Kansas City , St. Paul. Minneapolis nnd Milwaukee. The center of this system will bo Chicago , and through that station Now York. Philadel phia , Uoslnn and Washington will bo con nected with all other points. The Boll com panies embraced in this great consolidation will bo these of Illinois , loxvn , Michigan , Indiana , Minnesota , Ohio nnd MUsouri. . Wisconsin alone will not bo In the consolida tion , as the Bell company docs not control it. Henry C. Payne is now president of the Wisconsin company and wuiild resign that position in case ho took the presidency of the consolidated companies. THE GERMAN STllIItUUS. They Have an Interview With the Emperor. BEKMN , May 14. At Bohun to-day the strikers who drove off the minors who wished to return to work at the Prince He- gent colliery , yesterday , were overawed by the troops. Lurgo qua ntitlcs of English and and Belgian coal are arriving nt Essen. The strikers' interview with the emperor , to-day , lasted llftCKn minutes. The emperor listened gravely to the grievances of the strikers nnd occasionally asked questions. In reply to their complaints ho said ho took n personal Interest in the welfare of his subjects iu Westphalia , ns ho did the w el faro of all his subjects , IIo had care fully followed thu struggle , und ho had made thorough inquiry into the fuels. He warned the delegation against thu plot- tings of political , and especially of socialist agitators. Ho grlovod that thuro had been rioting , und suid.thut it was impossible to tolerate such conduct. "Toll .vour follow workmen , " ho added , "that the emperor himself , if necessary , will order the troops to batter nnd shoot rioters , while if they are nulet , the emperor will protect them , " Ho honed the disputants would settle their dif ferences without government meddling. UKIHI.AI > , May 14. Three thousand miners In thu Hermlndorf district Imvu struck. ' * A New Floutint ; Doslrover. WASHINGTON , Muy 14. The nuviil board ot design has completed the plans for n 2COJton gun boat , which will soon bo published , and Is now hard at work upon the details of thu construction of Thomas' tilnp. This vessel will murk a ilcparttiro In naval design. Her general plun was originated out. sldo of thn navy department by UuprcKcntutlvo Thomas , n mombeof the naval committee of the last house of repre sentatives. Much work yet remains to be done upon the plans by the department. The vessel is to bo of a modified monitor type , and her peculiarities will bu In her heavy ordnance , great defense power and nullity to make lung cruises , her ample coal capacity differing in this lust respect from tb.e old Monitor typo. Titkcn fur , Wyo. , Muy 14. Special to Tin BEE , ] Sheriff Angus has just arrested an uid-tunu cowboy , Billy Carroll , at Ouster , Mont. Carroll will bu called upon at this place to explain his connection with Certain mldnlyht transactions in horseflesh which bereft u Powder Kivor stock grower of BIJV * oral vnluublu animals. This arrest Is be. Moved to bo the beginning of u whnlctula roundup of horse nnd cattle rustlers \vliq have been operating In this uccliun , Two Thousand lo Hi ) Kvlo'od. ST. PAUL , May 14. A detennlncn effort Ute to bo made In u few days to evict the Polish and Bcihomlnn ttqunt'tcrs on what aru known us the "upper flats. " The papers are now being prepared , und 2,000 people will ha evlctrd , This will sweep the Huts of squat- , , and they will then bu used for manu facturing nnd warehouse purposes , for willed uses they nro very valuable. Homo of the BqnaUers have assorted squatters' rlghti , which gives them u title after twenty yean of residence , and It IH probable there will ba trouble If nn attempt It made to evict them , Alurphlno Killed Him. jACKbOSVH.1,1 : , Fla. , May 11. Last nlghl W , W. Brown , a bunker of Wurerly , wa found suffering from the effects of morphine , in u hotel hero , and died wltUln Ha hoar.