Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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There are nt prospnt clffhty-ono tnon
en the Metropolitan police force of
A little blnzo in n restaurant saloon
nt Fifteenth and \Vobstcr did about 820
vorth of damngo ycstortlay.
' Mrs. Jjydin S. Honry. mother of Mrs.
James E.'Uoyd , of this city , died nt San
Jose , Cal. , last Thursday.
All ladies doBlrinff to join the physical
culture class of Miss .Icnness , nro requested -
quested to moot at the First Proabyto-
rinn church , Tuesday , nt 4 p. m.
Ffty-thrco persons wcro nrrnicncd in
the police court yesterday , ton on
the chnrpo of drunkenness. Many of
these had boon arrested Saturday night.
The article in TllK SUNDAY BKIcon-
corning the development of the north
eastern part of the city along the bottoms
toms , resulted In an unusual In'flux-of
visitors to that part of the city.
The shoe-shaped advertising wagon
of the Chicngo Bargain Shoo company ,
was run Into yesterday by a street
car nt the corner of Thirteoonth nnd
tipped over. No particular damage
vran done.
There is some talk of having hy
drant * placed in the neighborhood of
Florence , as n protection against rc.
There is great need of such provisions.
The nearest water mains are now about
u mile distant.
There will bo n mooting of the Sixth
Ward Non-Partisan club and all other
voters interested in the school bond
question , at the Franklin school , Thirty-
fifth and Franklin streets , this even
ing at 70 : ! ! o'clock.
.1. W. Carr , osq. , Dr. S. R. Patton ,
Willlnm Turner , George R. Butler ,
Henry Croighton , J. Crnmor , N. W.
Charles , George "VVbbor and P. II.
Johnson , of this city , nnd A. Jaskilik ,
of South Omnha , loft last night to at
tend the biennial session of the grand
lodge ot United Workmen.
Personal 1'nrnRrniilis.
E. W. Nash and wife Imvo returned from
the cast.
Col. John S. Hoover , n prominent banker
nt UluoHill , IB at the Arciido.
John U. Mnrldey , receiver in the land office -
fico at O'Neill , Is at the Arcade.
E. Cook. John Fisher , C. iC. Taylor , nnd
D. "W. Irwln , ot Akron , Colo. , nro in the city
Dr. Charles Hosowatcr , who has for more
than n week been dangerously ill with cry-
Blnclas , IB slowly recovering nnd It is ex
pected that within a week ho will bo fully
restored to health. .
C. H.Norton , the conductor on the Fre
mont , Elkliorn & Missouri Valley railroaa
who met with a serious accident a short time
ago. is recovering slowlv , but is not yet nblo
to attend to his'business.
Kills' I'lan.
F. M. Ellis , the architect , who designed
the plans for the city hall styled "Vcritas , "
enys that ho did not have a fair show in the
exhibit of the same , as some of tbo drawings
were loft by the committee in the city coun
cil chamber for some time niter their re
moval to the court house.
Tlmt Decrease.
In the bank clearings of last week there
was u decrease of 2.7 from the clearings of
the corresponding week last week. Mr.
William Hughes , secretary of the clearing
Hpuso asEociation , ascribes this to the fact
that for the corresponding week last year ,
unusual events made the showing extraordi
narily high , while this year circumstances of
mere clmuco umilo them low. The clearings
bnvo averaged much higher this year than
Another Financial Institution.
Another evidence of the fact that eastern
capital is sdoktni ? investment in Nebraska is
found in the fact that another financial insti
tution , the Rochester Loan & Building asso
clatiotjiis'about to locate in this city. The
homq oftjco is in Rochester , N. II. The asso
ciation was primarily intended for building
purposes , but it accumulated so largo n sur
plus that it is desirous of loaning It on good
security. The capital of the concern is
1700,000. The onico will bo located in ttio
Brown building , Sixteenth uud Douglas
street. <
New Corporations.
The Lights of Gonovn regiment filed
nrticlcs of incorporation with the county
clork. It is an organization Intended to
unite tbo fraternal bond of ttio Italian pojiu
latlon of Nebraska and educate thorn in their
nath o language ; also to advance the mom
bcrs in moral and material respects
to hold lectures , cultivate char
ity aud assist each other in
eickncss and distress. The officers aud di
rectors are J. B. Curio , president ; Niccoia
Saracano , secretary ; Louis Curio , treasurer :
D. S. Morll and John Capolurlco , trustees.
Tbo place of business shall ho in Omaha.
Win. K. Smith , Paul D. Boutoll , DcMott
Smith and Gcorgo II. Moore have Hied arti
cles of incorporation as the Nebraska Fur
niture company , with a capital stock placed
ntfO.OOO. _
Doesn't AViint Damages.
Some time ago suit was commenced in the
district court by ono Emma Huborly , a do
mestic , against Charles 15 au inly , an aged nnd
qulto wealthy citizen for 810,000 , for broach
of promise. The affair created considerable
excitement among Mr. Baumly's friends ,
who pronounced the case ono of blackmail ,
because they claimed ho had not been ac
quainted with Miss Uuberly long enough
to form an alliance with her. Tbis view is
bornoout in proceedings hod very Quietly
ono day last week In the district court , when
the lady voluntarily withdraw her suit.
Miss Hubcrly is described as a plump , nt
tractive young woman of the pronounced
blonde typo , and in many ways qulto accom
Transient TonniHtorH.
The article In TIIK BEB , several days ago ,
with reference to licensing transient team-
Rtcrs , has found favor with many drivers In
Omaha who have established permanent
I !
homes hero. They substantiate the fact that
tlioso Itinerants , In the past three years , have
taken in a great deal of money which they
earned in grading , without offering anything
llko a return to the city. They live in touts
pay no taxes , and. us soon as public improve
incuts are over , fold * the sauio and silently
steal away. This has the effect of throwing
out of employment a number of tcamstori
who have purchased rigs , established homos
nuO pav taxes. In deference to the wishes
of tbls class of people it is'expoctcd that , to
morrow night , an ordinance will bo Intro
duced In tlio council compelling all non-res !
dent teamsters to take out licenses with tlio
hope that in this way there will bo an equal !
ration of the benefits ,
Now Innurnnco haw.
Mr. A. M. Weir , formerly secretary of tbo
board of underwriters of this city , has boot
succeeded by Jacob Goycr. who retains tbo
former onico In the Ilamgo building.
Speaking on tha subject of the value policy
law which was enacted by tha last leglsla
ture , ho sajs It will have tbo effect of forcim
the appointment of agents by the sovera
companies , who will bo dlsx | > sed to bo moro
careful in writing policies upon property do
nlrcd to bo insured.
"Under the old law , " said Mr. Qoyer , "a
man wus mild what his property xvus cstl
mated to bo worth in the event of dostruo
tlon. Under the now law , however , In the
event of destruction the fuco value of the
policy will bo paid. "
In BO mo respects , Mr. Goycr considers the
Jaw as an Incentive to incendiarism. In the
atato of Wisconsin , where a similar law has
been In effect for tbo last nine yearn , the
companies have paid about two million del
Inrs over and above what they would hayo
been compelled to pay under the old regime
Most complexion powders have n vul
; nr glurobut Pozzoni's is n true beuutl
"or , whoSe'oirecU'aro
t DlficiiBflcfl ttio 1'roi nnil Cons oftlio
Union Depot 1'rqjcct.
The kitchen cabinet had n very exciting
CBslon yesterday afternoon. Onljr throe
members were present , but they Indulged In
enough vociferous talk for n dozen , "It In
n settled fact , " said one , "that the Union
'aclflo nnd Uurllngton companies nro going
to build n hnlf million dollar depot. "
"Don't you bollovo It , " replied n member
of the board of public works.
"But they have signed the agreement and
mada an appropriation. "
"Samo old story that wo have been hcar-
ng for fifteen years. "
"There nro too many 'lf ' In that asrco-
merit , " interposed an ex-member of the same
"Only ono , " suggested the reporter , "ana
that provides for n viaduct on Tenth street
to bo built by the city. "
"A very careful provision , " observed the
first speaker. "They know that under our
ircicnt law wo can't ralso money to build a
viaduct. "
"Lot mo Inform you , " shouted the second
speaker , as ho dropped his clenuhcd fist
vchcmcncntly upon n cloth covered desk ,
"those Union Pndtlc fellows don't Intend to
build n depot. I know that they nro gutting
ready to turn their old road over to the gov
ernment unless tha next congress grants
.hem that extension of tltno on their debt. "
With thcso declarations let loose , the two
veterans sailed Into n red hot revival of
reminiscences , nnd reviewed the history of
Dnmlm's deals with the Unlou Pnclllc ml-
nlnlstratloni for twenty years oast. As
: hcy talked their spirits grow pugilistic , ana
.hey walked the door llko caged lions.
Should you or nny of your friends bo
troubled withaporsititnntcough or cold ,
do not bo alarmed , sis it can bo easily
nnd speedily 'cured. A fair trial of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will soon
satisfy you of the fact. No cold , how
ever so severe , can long withstand its
jIToct. It docs not dry up n , cold , but
.oosons and relieves it. It loaves the
system ijj a natural and healthy condi
tion. For sale by all druggists.
A Former Union 1'rclflc Clerk Now a
Fucitlvc From Justice.
M. J. Ferrer , who , two years ago , hold a
clerkship in the Union Paclflo headquarters
In this city , is now known it Is alleged as a
forger. IIo Is wanted in St. Louis for signIng -
Ing the name of n prominent merchant of
tlmtpluco to a check without loavo. The
forgery wns committed on the flrst of the
present month and so cleverly executed that
it was readily accepted at the bank whcro it
was presented. . Ferrer received &i,000 on
the check. Ho then disappeared. A reward
of S > 0 is offered for his arrest.
Ferrer is thirty-two years old , but looks
younger. IIo is flvo feet two or three inches
high , weighs about one huudiod nnd twenty
pounds , lui.s dark complexion , black hair and
mustacha and Iiuzcl eyes. He is of Spanish
descent , speaks his tongue like n
native Castilian , and is of quick and nervous
disposition. Ho has a scar on the right side
of bis mouth nnd a diuiplo in his chin. He Is
n splendid pcuman. His wife , wtio is with
him , is twenty-live years old. live feet six ,
slender and sickly-looking nnd has brown
hair. The crime committed by him is a sur
prise to his friends hero. His portrait is now
m the rogues' gallery at the police station.
Coal tar for sale by the single barrel
or in car load lots. Address
Sioux CITV GAS Linur Co. ,
Sioux City , la.
Still I Jo PS of the Mails.
"Have you received any notice as yet to
vacate ? " was the inquiry put to Postmaster
Gallagher , and in reply cauiu the answer :
"No , though as I understand It. my suc
cessor will not bo selected until Wednesday.
Probably Thursday morning's papers will
convny to mo the information that my serv
ices are no longer required. "
Mr. Gallagher is not , however , displaying
any perceptible uneasiness. His assistant
offered to wager thrco cigars that no appoint
ment would bo made , whereupon the post
master laughed heartily and intimated that
further postponement nt Washington would
pivo him encouragement to servo out his
term. _
Have you rheumatism ?
Have you diabetes ?
Have you Bright's disease ?
Have you any kidney trouble ?
Have you gravel ?
llavo you any bladder difllculty ?
Have you dropsy ?
Have you dyspepsia ?
Have you any skin or blood disease ?
Are you n victim of alcoholism ?
Are you weak and debilitated ?
If so , the Almighty has provided in
the waters of Excelsior Springs , Mo. , a
pure free remedy , that as a diuroticand
tonic , will more nearly prove infallible
for your case than any other agency
you can find on earth.
"Tho Elms , ' ' at Excelsior Springs , is
nowhere surpassed among llrst-clas ,
hotels. All charges very reasonable.
Every comfort and convenience. Sur
roundings attractive. Climate delight
ful and healthful. Twenty-six miles
fromKansas City , Mo. , on the C. , M. &
St. P. railroad'
Pnrlc CommlsRinncrs.
Anxiety on the question of park commis
sioners will probably bo relieved to-day.
It was expected by many that the Judges
would announce the names of the parties
selected yesterday , but Into in the afternoon
Information leaked out to the effect that the
judges had not yet agreed upon them.
Judges Wakeley nnd Doano wcro in close
consultation for an hour or moru after the
morning session of court , but so far
as can bo learned they failed to reach a
conclusions as to several of the applicants.
The list , however , they say will bo flled
with Frank Moorcs to-day. It is pretty
generally bollevrd that Or.Qcorgo L. Miller ,
Judge J. W. Savaco and G. W. Llningor
have been ngi ccd as members of the board.
Clerk Nccdham has been mentioned as a
possible fourth.
JIorsford'H AoUl I'liosplmto
Makes Delicious Lemonade.
A teaspoonful added to a glass of hot 01
cold water , and sweetened to the -tusto , will
bo found refreshing and Invigorating.
\ -
nicinontooM of tlio Trip.
Charles Caesar , the photographer who ac
companied the board of trade on Its trip to
the Black Hills , has finished nineteen views
which ho took on that memorable excursion.
They arc worked up in a high style of the
art , show good likenesses of nearly all the
members of the board and are highly appro-
elated by the gentlemen who stooa as sub
jects. Mr. Caesar Is now visiting the oxcur
slonlsts and finding no difficulty in disposing
of his excellent work.
Cntnrrh Cured.
A clergyman , after years of sufllcring
from that loathsome disease , Catarrh ,
and vainly trying every known romodv
at lust found a recipe which completely
cured and saved him from death. Any
sulToror from this dreadful disease bond
ing self-addressed stamped envelope to
Prof. J. A. L.awronce , b8 Warren St.
Now York cty , will receive the recipe
free of charge.
Too Much Muscle.
John Dlllau , who lives at Eighth and
Gruco , has sworn out a warrant for the ar
rest of John Chest , a powerful man o :
thirty , whom the complainant alleges , picket
up Dillon's eleven-year-old daughter am
throw her violently to the ground , knocking
out a number of the litllo girl's ' teeth besides
bruising her ami injuring her Internally.
Pears' is the purest and best soap
over made.
Goes to Jail.
L. E. Pamberton , the B , & M. engineer
who robbed L. O. Jones' store of two pair o
pants Saturday , has beenscnttuced to twelve
days lu the couuty jail ,
Something of Interest to Close Buyers. Look in our Show Windows and
see the Samples. Special Bargain'Sale of Men's Cheviot and
Cassimere Suits.
We will offer on Tuesday , May 7th , 500 suits of Men's Cheviot and Cassimere Suits at the astonishing low price of $10.00. These are suits which
have been manufactured to sell for $15 and $18 , but we are overstocked on them and have decided to make a grand clearance sale of several styles in
cluding such well known makes as the Sawyer goods that are sold by Jobbers for more money than we retail them for. As to quality of goods
and character of trimmings and making , we can only say that they are in harmony with all goods that arc sold at at the Continental. In all sizes , 34 to
44. Samples of the cloth or sample suits sent to any address free of charge.
The public cannot attach too much importance to these two facts. A large stock is always necessary to a large business and a large business
. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 j-k t * 1-irt l" t * 1 t11 fi - \ r\ I < \ \ t - \ fftf + r-\ l nmn / " \ r < * nr * t 1. .1 * -1 * - * - n. lri nt-n T - un iri f * -v f t-l- % ( * r * < - ott * * r * i * 4n * I 1 f-i 1 * n * * 4 It n I J * % * * * 1 1 / - \ - i * - - * -i \ # - 4-1 t r
buyers will do well to make an early selection.
We will offer 50 suits of the above style in ti choice mixed Cassimere goods ( always sold in our stock for $9 and $ ioat the extraordinary low
price of $7.00 , coat , vest and knee pant.
We carry a full line of Three Piece Suits and will offer this special line at $7.00 , knowing that it is one of the best values we have ever offered.
Sizes 10 to 1 6 years.
We will send packages containing suits of clothing , furnishing- goods , cloths and woolens of all kinds kept in our establishment , to nny address in Nebraska , Iowa ,
Kansas , Dakota , Colorado or Wyoming , C. O. D. , giving buyers the privilege of examining goods before pay ! ng for them. By this arrangement people living in distant
towns cnn obtain every advantage of seeing any article of merchandise In our&tock at their own towns , examining the same before payfng for them , and idiot perfect
ly satisfactory , returning goods to us at o.ur expense. Money for all amounts exceeding iflO may he returned nt our expense.
Try this arrangement. For years we have sent goods all over the United States in this manner by
express with the most satisfactory results. You take no risks. Examine the goods , and return them
at our expense if they do not please you.
& co.
Corner and Douglas Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Largest Clothing House West of the Mississippi River , IZZJ
A. Syndicate in New York Contajii-
plntiiitfltH LMircIins-v , -
A syndicate has boon formed ln"tlio oust
for the purchase nf the beautiful tract of
land known as Seymour Park , situatsd
southwest of the city.
On Saturday last , careful inquiries were
made from nearly all the bankers and lead
ing real estate men as to
the % 'aluo of the property and
the showing was in keeping with tno
figure at which tbo eastern people Had them
selves appraised it. The intention is to es
tablish the park as one of the leading resi
dence districts in the city , whore men of
wealth may erect elaborate and permanent
homes. It is understood that several of qur
leading merchants have already decided to
purchase nnd luy out beautiful grounds
witti this end in view. The park now con
tains about ono hundred thousand trees. A
motor line will bo extended to the place , the
place divided into lots nnd blocks nnd sold
with the end in view as above indicated.
On tlio Sca .
Agent Cooper , of the Niculo Plato , reports
that the shipment of cattle from Kearney to
Glasgow , the first of the kind made , and
which passed through Omaha several days
ago , has left Now York for its European
destination in the Allan steamship , Siberia ,
and it is expected will reach its destination
within the next eight days.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity
Btront'th anil wholosomenoss. More economical
than tlio ordinary ulacis , ami cannot bo sold In
competition with the multitude * of low cost ,
Bhorlwelgtitalumor phospnate powders. Bold
only In cans. Uoyal Unking Powder CoJ20
Wallstreet New York.
Anls Tour Retailer for the
$3 SHOE.
According to Your Needs.
Bit ught and etylliu. U flu like *
> NO "lT/tI \KlNdriN"te- )
Ins perfectly eaiy the not tlm It
. 1 worn. It will eaUifjr the moit
S3 BHOli | i uUoluUly Uia
, only dioo of lu price which
hat ercr been pUced cx-
kteailTel/oo lie market
Jit which durability
' coaHilercJUfuro
MEANS A : CO. , Iloatoo.
Pull linen of Ilio above abuci for sale br
and Geo.S , Miller
SS2' * & ?
Only Genuine Ryotcm of Mcirory Training.
Four JSonlis Jjcninri ! in one reading.
mind MiindnlnB curcil.
Every child nnd mlult Rrrnt'y Cicm-fitted.
Great Inducc-rcsts to Correspondence Cbsscj.
Prospcctas , vllh opinioni nf Dr. Win. A. IInin-
mcillrt , tlio wuil J faiiicil MK.CI ilut In Alird IJiteaic * . .
iinlrl ISri-iMili-nl Tlinniii nn , tborreit I'whof.
M , J. ar. lliu Ulill.l > . .cilitnroi the 7.n tinn
ttocptf. . \ . r. Klclinrd I'rnrtor , tlio fc " > tist.
2.W HOI. AVO.-.N. v.
Epps's Cocoa.
"lly n thnrmiuli isnowlaUo or tlio iivim ! laws
wlituiU'Hini tll'jo.iLT.ulD-n o ( ili.-jitloi nil niltri
tlun , unit by n tare il 11.1,1 Ijitu i < if t'i ' i II 10 p" > , r
Hi B ol won so'e.neiK'ucji ' , Mr. ! H.H'I n puKlitoloiir
Imukfutt taii'uiultli itnollcit ! ly ll'woru I Imvc'r.iiu
xvliltlimny ituvu iiiiiaur n ivvilo u > r ' b'lli. Itli
b > thu ju Utlmis UHU ot such iirtlcloHof Ulot tliat n
cuiiHtitutlou limy bo xru Ititlly ti'illt up mull Mrontf
onnuitU tu resist uvcry to.utcMicf to itMuttu. Hiiii-
dru < l < nf Biibtlu in ilutnvi n ru tlnatlni ! 11 round ii rumly
to iittnck wlierjrsi thorois n cu < uulut. Wumijr
cicaiio ninny H fntnl uluift by koupl IR onrHulvot well
fuitilluil wllli ( lurubloil an 1 a proerl > nourlsliai
Irnmo" Civil trvlci UiuoiK' .
. . . .
Miiloslninly with bulll lu w.u-jror milk. Sold only
In liHirpiiun 1 1 1 in by Croci-re la'iclua tun. !
T A If DO UDDfl 9. PR Ilomieoptttiiio Clioinlst
A quicic nntl pcrmsviiont euro pruiiriin-
tcood to those ulUii'ted with
Mercury and Potash
Never Cure.
Wo challenge tlio production of a ruse of
Syphilis in tiny of its stacros that
will fail to euro. Conmiltution and Cor-
rospondnnco PRUR.
call on or address
1414 DodKo st - - - - Onu'.ha , Nob.
All Genito-Urniory diseases treated.
The Tiirost nnilVBosi Drink in tlio
Worlil. Appearing , Delloloiii ,
A I'nckBKO ( llquhlMo. ) iuuko < flvo gallon * .
No bolllnu or ttnilnlnK. Ilrecli < Mis Mmplo , mid If
tniulu uciordlnvlr tlwrman Uu no unmake.
Ask your liugl ) ( t ( irroi' ( ! < ! rforlt. nmltuko no other.
Try it nnd you Will Not be Williqut It.
Steck Piano
Koinnrknble for powerful i. .
tone , pliable action and absolute dura
bility ; 80 years' record the host guaran
tee of the excellence ol thcso instru
KXAMINATIO.Nd for artmiMlon to VABdAll O3
I.r.UEnilllM ) held In llil" cltjr Uurlnu the Ur t week
ct Juno. Applicant ! for exaralaatlou bould uolli
so I'nidvDt liclor MAY WUj.
PTTTTO nr in/Tni
f libULL 0
K L , UK.
j Itl.AC'K. 1HEAU. GICAY. i
CKEA.1I. j
' of prctly Troiidcrlngs
to onfor 85.OO.
Fine W rnleilti Tor flnu dre * * A
.ia it giao. 4
t m Hf nf
i 1409 Douglas Slrosl , OraaHa J
( Successors to JoljU G. Jacobs. )
Undertakers andEmbalmers
At tlieoldstand 1101 Karnam St. Orilera by
ttletnrapn bollclted , anil promptly attended ,
elepbono to No. KJ. / > .
VinUCVandallurlnarTtroublM easllr. nulclc
K UNtllyand safely cured byUOC'rt/UACan
nle . BeveralcuBM cured In evendfcYi. Sold
lixorjer box. nllilrut'fc'Uts. or by mull from JJo
lW WWtoBt , N.V. I-ull airections
You Do Not Mean to
Tell us
tlmt isn't custom imulo : Wliv It's as flno
nllttlns suit ns nny mannoed li ivo. I will
go Uiuro at ouco anil Hue what they can defer
for mo.
v. ( * .5feft r 35 . ? , * .L
The rubllo are not nencrHlty nware tlmt t > r no
pruivnt muthoili of rouktnx lullr oiiu-half of lia
colfeu Dial l > u ed l > tbrown uwuy in tlm uroujflt
mid wuBtuil. Clieiulitt toniin tulwlth thl > tomimnr
Imru lucteuded In > * TIIK | UiU wuitu 10 tlmt tbu com-
panrinn furnlili coBee nnulo of Hie Illicit Jura , put
up In iniull iHirlublo Jnr unit WAiiiiANren I'KlifKor-
l.V I'l'HP nnil tHmranU-cil lo bo onlf about ONU-
1IAI.KTI1K COsl' to tlio Loniuiiier ut common cof-
tee. Only bollln ? water Is imuiluit when prupnrtnu K
tortlie tuble. t'riiwn l.lijulil Corruu Coinimnr ,
MiCORU , liUADY & CO. ,
Wliolcbulu Grocers , - - Oiuuhu , Neb
Dr. J. E , McGREW
( INK OF Till : MIIHr
In the Treatment of All Chronic , Nervous
niitl 1'rlvnto Diseases.
Sicrmntorrlian , Imiiotcncy mid riilllntr Mnnhoocl
nb'ohitL'ly turoJ. A euro iiuuruntvctl In nil forms of
1'ilvnto IMtcimus , htrlctiiiun , Olt'ot. Ac. Catarrh ,
Ihruiit , I.UIIK4. nnd llcurt Dlsoasen , Illieumntlam ,
Hplnnl and I cmnlo DlaeaBoi , Illoort nnilHklnlltoaBO )
trimtcil HK-ccssfillly.
I , nd I d ' unit trc-ntlcnioii'o nulling rooms lepnrat *
unit entirely | irlvuto.
Continuation frou. Bond for books.
Secret of Mnn , " also " , "
"Womannnd HIT UIBUUBUB--
1U ! cuili ( > tiimpi ) . Trculmont by correspondence !
ninilMitmpforrcDljr ,
TMILilWEHciS ! ]
Maryland Club
Pure Old. Ryef Whiskey.
The wMo popularity of this lupcrb bmnd hat
tempted iilhiT dtulira to plnte uiwnlho market
Infirlor Whiskey , under a Kliuiiar iiaiii" Inteiidni
to deceive Hie pullle. The NnV York ttlurl of ! "p.
ial lia declared ourtrand.
thu .
( /Mill / , loliou tra < le nmrk intltlcd tnlliH I'rotVo-
tlou in tlie law ( we dwl.loii In Cabn. MtVco :
Jai-ob Oollwlialk , Feb U. IBM ) , mTd'we iiowKlVa
no Icotliui netlml ) lnit uily i fo.Vciile niiy rerMin
iirnriii. Ill uuy part of tbo UufU-U BWeh wWihali
bu KUlliy of any luf rltwf ninu Lfibl. { fndiJinark.
" ? " " 10 KTOM OX TIIK
WMhejr ,