Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No advertisement/ ! wilt Vo tnkon for
tlicRn collimnfl niter 12:30 : p. m.
Tcrnin Cnnh In ndvnncc.
AflreniiyrmMiU nnflfrr tbb hfafl lOMnt * p t
Itae for tno flnt insertion,7 oenU for each sub.
geqnent Insertion , and IUX ) per Una p r month.
Mo advertlioment taken for l s tbun 2ft cent *
Wi tint insertion. Seven word * will bo counted
to the Una ; th y must run consecutively find
Cult be p ld in ADVA NCI : . All advertise-
ent * must b * banded in before 12TO : o'clock p.
M. , Anil under DO circumstances vrlll they bn
taken or discontinued by tolcpliono.
PartleJ advertlslnc In these columns and hav-
fnreientnllon of chock. All answer ! to adver
tisements should be enclosealln envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns nro pnb-
lliUed In both mornlnff anil evening editions of
Init HKF , the circulation of winch aggregates'
lore thnn 19,000 papers dally , nna gives the ad-
rertl.iern the DcnoDU not only ot the cltyclren-
jatlonof THE HRK , but also of Council muffs. '
Lincoln und other cities and towns throughout
jhls section of the country.
Advertising for these colamns will bo taken
n the above conditions , at the following busl-
M houses , who are ai ihortted agent ! for Tim
BBE porlnl notices , and will quote the sam
rates aa can bo had at the main otllco. _
. DELI * Pharmacist , BM South Tenth
IIASB & KOOY. Stailonon and Printers , 113
Bonth 10th Htrwt.
S.H. . FABNBWOnTHPharm lst,31 Cnm-
. IDR Htroot ,
J. IIUailKS , Pharmacist , 024 North ICth
> Street.
/IJ KO. W. PAIIR , Pharmacist , 1809 8U
WANTEI1 Situation by a German brand
nnd cnko baker , country town preferred ,
good references given. Addros * John Kremser
care Wnlanzo hotel.UISI.envonworth Rt.Omaha
158 < 0j
S Wanted A flrst class bread and
cake baker. Address A C.1 lloo. Ill It'J '
WANTUU To serve apprentlro to n good
cnrpeiitor or bricklayer. Address A 02
"nro of flee oftlco stating where parties cnn bo
cen. 1531 ) j
HOTEL clerk desires a. situation. Can fur
nish good references. Address ) A CO , Hoe.
WANTED Two energetic men for county
managers ; must have good address , deposit -
posit ii't nnd give good reference. Uulary $100
per month , ( .nil or address Unvis & Hlmlmti ,
149 Itamto block , Omaha , Neb , UH-Ht
AGENTS WANTBD-For the best Boiling
book , "Tho Christian's Logacv. " Fend for
rlrculars. § 1OJU In cash prizes otTcred. E. U.
liollanu , 10 Dearborn st , , Chicago. 177-10 ;
A GENTH wanted to sell Harrison and Morton
Cruniilng the world , or thu grout political
donkey puzzle. S'ud 12 conta for sample In
ptamps. Address Robert Champney , ( EM Pnxton
block. Ouinhn , Neb. 114-JUM1 *
W ANXED-A good barber at 413 8.10th st.
W ANTED 2 shoemakers , 8. Kopald , 702
8 , 10th st. Steady jot ) . WMJj
WANTED Goodmtatand pastrycook , out
of city , I.V ) ; also third cook , { 25. Mrs.
Prega. nu'/t ' S. ICth. 151) 13"
WANTED At once , two young men for
light norkattlft a week ; tauady work nil
Bummer. Koom 17,220 N. 16th. 15SJBj _
CORPORAL " 81 Klepg" nnd His Paid. No
Hook Ilka It beats thorn all ; &X ) Illus
trations ; humorous , pathetic , fascinating.
Ono agent made til In4 days ; onotooklOordeis
In 30 minutes In ouo G. A. It. post. Choose ter
ritory now : 21 attractive Illustrations free
with circulars nnd forms N. G. Hamilton
Co , Publishers , 310 Superior St. , Cleveland , O
WANTED Good salesman to sell ndvortU-
Ing cards and novelties on commission di
rect from manufacturer. You cnn make goOper
v-eok. Address Advertising Specialty Co. ,
Buffalo , N y. 937 19
RANTED Experienced brick yard mon can
T T find steady omplovmontby applying. Wm
Badfonl. River Falls. WIs. 9z lOJ
; ANTED A good lithographing Holicttqr
who has an established trndo in this aoo-
tlon to work : Omaha trade. Straight salary and
permanent placo. Address A 40 Bee olllce. M.1
WANTED Salesman familiar with grocer
or drn/t / trndo of this section. Part salary ,
part commission. Address , A 38 , lice olllco.
AGENTS Big money in It. Sells at sight.
Exclusive territory. Hours betw eon 10 and
" , room 10 Arlington block. 147-13 ?
G 25 WEEKLY lleprosontrttlvo wanted in
P every community. Goods staple and sell on
Ight. Absolutely new : household necessity.
No canvassing. Elite Mfg. Co. , Pullman build
Ing , Chicago , 111. 70(1 (
II/'ANTEO Agents Puzzle watch chnrm ;
V > most taking novelty out ; exact Imitation
of "Pliy In Clover. " size ot nickel , gold plated.
Bamplo 15o. two 26c. doz. $1 ; stumps taken.
Btaynor Jc Co. . Provldonco. It. 1. 754 J4t
WANTED Rockuien. tlenmkors.grndcrs and
tracklayers for Washington territory ;
Bteadywars nnd good wagoi. At Albrlght'u
Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam Bt. 054
BOTBA in. Dist. Tol.Co. . 1304 Douglas. 471
W PANTED At once six first-class cornice
makers , John Epenoter , 10U Bo. 12th st.
' '
WANTED At onto n man with stock 01
clothing , or clothing and dry goods. Wll.
take right man lu as partner. Stock must bo
paid for. 1'or particulars address D. W. Els-
worth , 40 > Bo. Howard ST. , Blour City , la.
GENTS wanted on salary. 75 per inontn ,
. expenses paid , nny active man or wo
man to sell our goods by sampln and live nt
homo , gnlury pale ) promptly and expenses In
ndvuuce. .bull particnlnrs nnd sample case
Srco. Wo mean Just what wo say. Address
titaiidard Silverware Co. , Boston , Mass.
* KX ) m-19
ITT ANTED Agents ; maglo rltfar lighter
TT every amoker buys ; lights in wind orraln
lasts a lifetime ; sample 15c , two for Uic , do/en
H , by mull ; stamps taken. Btayner Si Co. ,
Pro\ldonco R. I. 179-m2i
WA NTED rinergotlc mon und woman every ,
where for n genteel , money-making busl
ness , too weekly profit guaranteed easier than
100 monthly otherw Iso. Experience absolutely
TilinecesHar } ' . Permamont position and exclus
ive teiritory assured. J2 samples freo. Write for
particulars. Address with stiimo , Merrill Mf'n ,
To. , B 63 Chtcaeo 711-ml2j
UALI'.SMKN Jewish n few mon to a ell ou
O goods by sample to wholesale and rctal ,
trade. Largest nuinuf'rs in our line. Enclose
K-ceut Htamj ) . Wages $ .1 per day , Permanent
position. No poxtalH answered. Money ad
vanced for wages , advertlamg , etc. Contennla
ttan'f'g Co. , Cincinnati , Q. C14
WANTED Men to solicit ; must deposit (25
and give security for money collect 1
F l ry ; ( Tto 1100 per mouth. Cull on or
Cross Cleo. H. Cllne.Oil First National bank.
WANTED Two ladli-s to solicit ; must bo 01
good address , deposit ( IS for money col
leUod. Halary C.60 per day. Call on Davis r
fiuahau. C49 llamgo building , Omaha , 17&-14 ;
WAN'I ED Immediately , tallorusaosyialsl
nndHKlrtmakert ) , drupurx nud tinlshora ,
for custom work ; alxo experienced ulterutlon
JiaiulH. Apply. The Elite Cloak nud Suit Co. ,
M14 UotlHlui. 101 1J
Jjlljl7 ANTED Good cook and nursoizirl In-
_ T > qulrq 1UI N. Eighteenth at. llid-1 '
MTANTBD-4 girls for olllcorn' families. KO
TT toftiiiKOod Scandinavian girl or woman
as housekeeper In Chejonuo ; S to cook , for ( JO ;
4 laundresses ; 10 dining room girls ; cook nud
eiTonu ulrl In small family ; 4 KlrlH for the coun
try , and CO good ulrls In private families , Mrn.
llrcga. ! ! 14hB. latll. H014
ANTED A girl for general housework ,
018 8. 17th Bt. 171
\\7 ANTKD-Tno stylish educated exporlenccd
V > millinery * ult slmllei , No other , or women
that liaMJbeen In business In4iimll town * need
apply. J. J. lUUs , IMlDoutflKa ht. 174 IK *
\\rANTKD-A good itlrl at 1004 Dodge St. . bn-
T > tv > ecu llth und llth ats. lioardiuu house.
_ 164 iaj
ANTKD At once , an oxperlenccd I'd ul
for the country. In a tainlly of two , easy
work nnd good home for the right person.
Must be able to furnish good reference ; wages
| U per month. Addrem A 60 llee
\jirANTKD-Coiiipotcnt , wllllug girl for gon.
T > erut housework. Must have refareucet
> lr . 1 > O. Jones. 718 N. 81st Bt. UQ5 1J
nrtT-ANTUD Vouna ulrl to care for small
Y > thlld. Inquire liai Cupltol ove. 13ti-llj
WANTED A girl for uuncrnl housework or
good nur girl , 611 B aath at. Ml
TANTKD-AtoncaKood cookaud laundress
Mr * . V. Vf. Gray.aeiDou8las.8 Ki
ilTANTKD A girl for general housework.
VV uaas-vth. m7
VtT ANTEIN urw girl. SSi F riunu
\XTANTKD-MldBlo aced woman of expor.
W Icncatocare for balm and do housework ,
n\ro \ competent cook for family of two. liefer-
* ncos required. Inn.uiro Sunday , May U. after
2 ocloot , room 103 Paxton hotel. 109.12 *
WANTKD-Youns lady copyist ; must wrTfo
well and state salary expected. Address
A 49 life. Ota 17t
WANTP.D A , competent girl for general
housoworJc , ono who can cook , wash and
Iron whore second girl and man are kept ; good
wages paid. Apply nt ( M South iftHhst , Kl
GIHL wantwl for gpncral hottsowork ; must
bo good cook and laundress. CWi Wcbitor.
. - - waMt nnlshor. Mrs.
Anson , 801 Fourth nve. . Council UlufTs.
WANTRD A girl for general housework 143
South Wh. 040
BNGAGKMKNT8 to do drcssm Kln l n f am
llles solicitedMiss 8turdy,2017 Ixiavonwortn
201 in 82 *
MlbS M , Stnno fashionable
moderato prices ; cutting and flttlnsr
lone , 317 N. 10th. SOtJ JI *
T HAV1J a cash customer for a nlco lltlfa
J-tmkery or restaurant iloliift a payinu t'usl-
css. Jfrs. Ilrego , 314 > { So. 16th st. 140-13J
W ANTKD A purchaser for a $124 mortgage
on Kansas lands ; also ' , { section Colorado
cbool land. K. H. Gossoll , ( WO So. Uth St. . ild
leer , Omaha. Hj *
WANTKD-Any 6no nllllctert with nny pri-
vafo or chronic blood iltsoaso to cation
.ho National Uemody Co. , 1411 Dodge st. nnd In-
eatlgnto their treatraor.t for private disorders.
> OOM and board cheap for two in private
t family , 22IS Hurt Bt. luO-18f
A Hi ) with diinlrnblo rooms , furnished or
unfurnished. Apply2414 Cass st. 880133
BOAHDEHS wanted at the Corrons hotel at
reduced rates ; the most pleasant location
n the city. M J Franck , prop. 879
WANTED ( lentloman und wlfo enitagod
during the day dcslro fnrnished first lloor
fiont room : prefer private homo v 1th yard nud
ihndo. Address AM ) Uco. WO 17 *
WANTED to rent by family of two , nn un
furnished cottage In jrood condition con
taining 0 or 7 rooms ; must linvo terms nnd lo
cation to receive any attention. Address U G\
lee. 229
FOIl HKNT House , 4 rooms , 27th av. nnd
Howard st. 172-14J
Foil llont-Thrno room house nrear of lot
Enquire 1317 Cass St. 163 15Je
TjlOIt KENT 3-room cottaao on car line JIO.
JL : Co-orerativo Land i : Lot Co. , 203 N. IBth st ,
NINE room house on Dodge St. , cable passes
the door ; hot nnd cold water , bath rooms
nnd furnace : rent JIO par month. 1'rodllorth -
wick , 213S. llth st. 113
T7\OU \ KENT Nino-room brick house , with or
JL ? without barn. Apply , 2120 Harney stUCfl
UCfl 13 *
TT1OII KENT rurnlahed house , ten rooms ;
JL ? will rent part or nil. Flvo blocks from P.
O. Address A 52 lice olllco. " OcO lit
TpOH KENT Nine room houeo , modern con-
JL ? venlcnces ; furniture for sale ; 2017 Leaven-
worth. SW ) 13
FOU HENT The lower storv of house No. 207
S. 24th ; 4-rooms. 3 closets nnd a Inrgo
kitchen : hot. cold and cistern wnter : sewer ,
gas nnd steam heat ; bath room , cellar and
largo jard. i jper month. Inquire on prom
ises. 070
EOll RENT Nlco , comf ortablo homo , first -
class neighborhood , all modern conven
iences , close to car line , moderate lont. Inquire
of Gco. N. Hlcka , Ilarkorblock. USi 10
residence In Hanscom
TJlOtl HENT-r-Elecant
J ? Place. Inqulio Ooo. N. Hicks , Hark or block.
05"i 15
FOlt IIVNT Houses : 75 , N. 22d. near Chi
cage , U rooms.
teO.iilst. near Poppleton ave. , 10 rooms.
JSO , Capitol avo. , near 24th , 8 rooina.
Sift , N. loth , near Paul , U rooms.
9)5 , Capitol UV9. . nearSflth. 10 rooms.
SOO. N.botli and California , 10 rooms.
All desirable , modern . .bouses.Inquire of
Nethcrton Hull , room 4J3 , First Nat bank bldg.
FOU KENT Nowbrlckhouses. 11 roomswith
every modem conveulonco ; on cable line ;
only 810 per month. 0. T. Taylor , cor. 14th nnd
Douglas. 023
FOU UKNT 8 room house : centrally located :
modern improvements. J. F. Barton , 2010
Capitol nvo. S18-13'
T7 < OR HKNT An eleven-room house. 2215 Coll-
JL ? fornlast. 71S-1K
THOlt KENT Cottages , 5 rooms , 2 fl Charles
JD st. nnd 1624 S 15th st. Inquire at room 21.3 ,
Sheely block. 4 J
FOR HENT-A flat In the Her building ; 7
rooms , steam heat. g 3 and bath. Apply
to A. C. Itaymur , hardware , loth und Jackson.
1NICK 7-rpom cottages ; good collars , cisterns ,
neil , good barn ; convenient to school and
churcnJO ; per month for the summer. Apply
at one. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nnt'l bank ,
"I710K HENT My Farnain st. residence com-
JL ? pletely furnished , w 1th llrst-claai servants ,
If desired , for four or nvo months ; family RO-
int'ivwav. R. C. Patterson. 318 8. lath st. 22J
RENT Neat homo cor 20th
FOR Woolworth avo. Inquire of 0. 1J.
Tzschuck , Ileo odlco. 64-J
"T7)OR RENT One ton-room and ono eight-
X room house , all modern conveniences , liest
part of rlty and within 5 minnte * walk of poit-
olllce. Nathan Shtlton , IM't Farnam st. 'J1- !
rnOK RENT Ileautlful 8-room nouse with
JL ? modern Improvements , splendid location.
Apply at oncn , 0. F. Hurrison , Mcr. Nat. ll'k.SOJ
TJ1OR RENT Good houses ntjO. HO30SJ'i.2X
J ? niidf LJ per month. If you wish to i cnt call and
see me. 1) . V. fcholes , 210 1st Nnt'l Hank. 7W
HENT It room brick dwelling , all con
vcnleiices. 210 N. 1'lth ' st. 07
/1HOIOE rooms with board in private family ;
V/nlcely situated ; tofoionces ox. 21.H ) Ilnrney.
"VTICELY furnished front room for two n-gd
Jtlemen : rent * 7 per month. Hear 1511) ) Howar
"piRONT room to rent , 015 N. Hthut.
089 IL'f
lUHNISIlHO room to rent ,
FOR HENT Furnished room , gas and bath.
810 Bo , 13th Ht. , 1st Hat. l'IS-Ur
LLAUGH Houth front room , every conven
ience. U blocks from P. O. , 2.MO Douglas at.
KOOMS and board , 1312 Chicago.
LAltnK pleasant front room newly fur
nished , at N. W. cor. llth and Howard st.
037 13-
LARGE front room with largo closet , 1718
Dodse. OJ5 lot
J71URN6HED room-21031'arnairfstreet.
900 13 *
IJIOH HBNT Nicely furnished front room
JL ? with board.allcouvonleuces , 1910 Capitol nvo.
FOR HUNT Furnished roams with or with
out board for fum I lies and * single man n1
reduced price for llio uuiumer months at the
Cozrcns liotul. JIJ 1'YaucK , prop. 880
PUHNIbHKD front rooms 1910 Dodge.
877 JW
FOR RENT Two newly furnished rooms for
gents ; best table board. ItUS Capitol ave.
FOR HENT Nicely furnished front bed room
In cottage , $41 per month , 40) William street.
NICF.LV furnished soutn front room. Every
couvenlnce. 2210 Douglas st , 077
T7IOH RENT A pleasant room , only e minutes
JLl walk from business coiner , all modern con
venlencos. cor Ht. Mary's avo. and 2uth or too S
20lh. brick real Jence. CU1
TJMtONT rooma , * 1 upwards , on car lines 1 <
JL ? Mbth. 448
plUHNISHKD or uufurnlahed rooms for reu
Jin Park Terrace , odposlte Hauscom park
all uodern conveniences. Inquire Lee &
K ichol , Sitb nnd Lsacavvorth , 4T >
'ImUHNlHIIKD rooms oy'duy. week. or month
J3 bUCtalr hotel cor 13th and I Dodge , 478
POlt HBNT Front rooms at 1821 Farnam.
O NICE south front rooms with ovary conven
' truce ; telephone la hoiuo. IWd Capitol av
TJOOM with or without board. IblJ ,
CJOTTof 2 furnished rooms , modern conven-
Olenccs,3blocks from P.O. ; private family.
A.nq pe. jr. , 1M3 PpngUn. < ? * >
fjl LEOANTLY furnished ; rooms centtally lo-
JJc ? ted with or without board , prlco reason
able. ( VMS. 13th. 3l7-m2i'
V'OETiY furnished rooms with board. Hat-
A.'erencos uchanged. 3W8st , Mary's * ve.
ROOMS and board , 1610 Webster st.
, 782 rnl4t
F OU llKNTMlootn 1821 Howard.
LA dot ; front room with bod-room adjoining ,
handsomely furnished , gas and Heated by
team , \ > ltlr nso of bath room , In onoof the
Handsomest restdoncos In the city , without
board. Inifulre n. w , cor , 19tU ana Lcavetiworth.
[ 71OH HUNT Elegant furnished teem suitable
JU for two gentlemen , on bathroom lloor , with
oard. 1U1V Douglas st , 97013)
rpUHNlRUr.I ) rooms , slnclo or on suite , bath
I ? and steam ; for gents only. 1519 Howard ,
moil nENT 2 furnished rooms vlth BftS ;
JL : stcnm heat and bath room on same lloor. 110
ior month uach. 07 S , 24th t. 075
TlOll HRNT Purnlshed rooms slbglo or on
J suite. 1COQ lougla > . 713
I71OU niJST Two nlco unfurnished rooms ,
JL ? cable and two lines o cars. Warner , 29th
and CumlnR. t > 84 1'J
4 Olt G unfurnished rooms for housekeeping
ttfor man nnd wife. 31U N 17th st. ! H7 171
T/OIl ItENT Sulteof 4 rooms unfurnished.
I ? with all modern Improvements , bnth room ,
closet , etc. , hot and cold wntcr , g.xs llxtllres. to
family without cnlldron. Hefereuca required ,
0 north 17th at. Price ilj. HIM
T TOUlt rooms. SO. 1113 S. luth , near Oorcai.
FOH IIBNT Nlco store room on Cumtng st. ,
with place to live In the rear. Si. ) per month.
U. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat. llnnK. bdU-11
TTIOIt HKNT 2 lloors S-'xR ) each , In brlct build-
JL ! Ing , with elevator , cloie to express olllco.
cheap rout. Just the thing for wholesaling , good
ocatlon. Apply to Gco. lloyn , 1108 Farnam nt.
FOll RENT Htoro 22x60 ; 1118 Jnckson
Unqutro 1114 Jackson. 481
T7IOH HENT Store nud living rooms oil Cum-
JL ? Ing street ; nlso house on Cnss Ht. Harris H.
E. 4 L. Co , . Room 411 1st Nnt. bank. 8U
TTIOR UKNT The 4 story Urlok bulldiuipt with
JD or without power , now ocsuplod by The lloo
Publishing Co. . 910 Farnntn st. The building
has n lire proof comonto.l baieme'.it , complete
Bteaui heating Uxtures , water on all the lloors ,
gas. etc. Apply at the olllce of Tno Uoo. 915
s 1 TO ; RE 407 with basement , llamge bldg. In-
qillro Frank J. Hamgc. OW
TTIOH HENT Use of ICnaba piano for an hour
Ju or morn per day , by the mouth ; location nud
room strictly Ilrst class. Turms very reasona
ble. Address X Oi , Ileo olllce. 377
TTIOR RENT Wnen jou wUh to rent a housn ,
J ? store or offlcocallonus. H. U , Cole , room u ,
Continental blk , 474
[ "F YOU want to rent jour house call on Hnr-
- rls , R. K. & L. Co. , room 411 , 1st Nnt'l. bank.
G EO. J. PAUL , 1COJ Farnam St. , houses ,
stores , etc. . for rent. 4J5
TF YOU wunt to buy , sell , rent or exchange ,
JL call on or address G. .1. SternsdorlT , rooms
, First National bank building. 481
Y\7 13 give special attention to renting and
* \V collecting rents , Hit with us. II. E. Cole ,
room 0 , Continental block. 4bO
AUCTION SALC-IJy order of the district
court lots 20.21 , 2-VblKH , Hntlbcom place ,
on corner Poppleton nvo and S th s'roet. with
the Improx ements , w 111 be sold at public auction
ut ttio north door of the court nouse Saturday ,
M ay is. nt 10 o'clock. Terms of sale M tabh
balance in 1,2 , J years. J. J. Curtis , guardian.
THE ban jo taught ns an nrt by Gco F. Ool-
lonbecK. Apply at lloo olllco. QuO
> RIVATE course In fencing , boxing or Inncy
1 club swinging. $10. Addrosa rr 14 , ilcoolllca. ,
. 'Si ' iui4vf
YOU that are suffoilnj from private dlsor-
derswlllHnd the National Remedy at 1411
DodtfO st. , whore you can got scientific treat
ment nnd a euro guaranteed. 211
SONNENSOHP.IN has moved to 1178 13th ,
. Uuy and soil second hand furniture and
stoves ; bottles bought and sold. 150-mJl
irlLL take horses to pasture at Gllmore.
V FrlcofcJpormo , D. A.Voung.Gllmore.Nob.
On iho evening of the 10th , a bay
hoiso with snddlo on. Any one tttUug up
same will brt tultably rowarclod by ret.irnmg
to Rock Sjirlug Dairy. . 15214j
T OST Jlondny afternoon , pnir gold framed
JLJ spectacle * , on Eighteenth Btrect between
St. Muiy'Hiivu. nnd Uouijlud. Return to Mrs.
rmmer , 1010 Farnam and receive reward.
OST nunrhof keys , "H. Fehr" on unmo
Jplate. Howard for return to this _ olllce.
A sorrel colt , four years old. If
brouKht to the blue barn , ifith nnd Dodge
ft3. , a handsome rowara will be < lven.
npAICEN UP-Ono sorrel mare , 3 years old
X silt In right oar. four miles west Moreno
by J. H. L Williams. a-'W-m 0 U 2J-27
A. Gllmoro can learn homothing to their
luUnntago by addressing 3. B. Price jr. , loom
411 , First National bunk. lil
DIVORCES speedily. qulckly-If you desire a
dlsorco for any cause , state particulars ; ail-
vice free , confidential. Rouert White , attoinoy ,
115 Jlioadwuy , New York. IW-l'ij
I > 1'.R80NAL use ot Knabe piano for rent one
hour or niors per day , by the month ; loca
tion and room strictly nrst class ' 1 reins very
icasoimblo Adtci nXiii HOJ olllce. 17.
filKATHintS cleaned and culled : hats pressed
JJ and bleached , at F. M , Schadell. 218 N. luth.
JTOliAOE at low rates at 111 Farnam ut ;
° Omuh.1 Auction and Storage. 41S
rPHACICAUK. storage , lowest ratos. W. it.
JL DuBluuun UUl/oavon ortli. 4 % )
JHANCII * CO. , storage , Ull Howard.
> 400
Dll. NANNIE V. WAltHEN. clalrv-oyantined.
leal and uuulnojs mudlum. romule diseases
a spoclalty. 111) ) N. Idth t. , rooms - and y. 4U1
mill ! Omaha Bhort-Iland Institute , Hamga
J.blockOmaha , opening Monday , May
under the management ot a thorough und prac *
tlcai stenographer. 1' nud be t ven
tilated suiool room in the west , Positions
found ( or graduates. Call ur write for particu
lars * Terms , $10 per mouth In advance. Typewriting -
writing free. VJt ! J Ilf
S11OHTII AND and type writing , Omaha bus
iness college , tor. Cupltol ave. & ll > th. tttau.
dard methods taught byC. C. lowing ot H u
Francisco , the beat teacher on the I'actic coast.
Mtitison's revised or' ) a specialty ; new plan :
lilackooard Illustration ; day and evening
Classen ; call or write for terms. 037
nMIK Standard Bhorttmnd School , having pur-
Jrnased Valentine's HUorthand InMtltute.Par-
ton block , li now the largest , best equipped ,
exclusive short band school In the nust. 125
iriudimtes In good filtuatloni , The school li in
charge ot Mr. it. A. Smith , a verbatim report
er mid teacher of many yuars practical expe
rience , asslHted by a corps of efllolent teacherj.
UseItemtngton typewriter * . Shorthand BUD-
plles for sale. Bond for circulars. TOM
WHllTLRSRY'8 snorthand Hchool , 31 liar.
Ker block. 3 woutli's course. % l > i.
IANTUD to buy a uocond-hand bicycle.
Address , A 64 , llee. IK1-1U
TWILL pay cash for a good lot of bouaehold
Xfumlture. Address A 67 , llee. 102 17
WANTED To buy a standing desk not less
Uian H feet long , anil rolling top desk 5 feet
loug.A&ddrett Oinaha Typo Foundry , 41U Kouth
Eleentli st. 111-U
irANTKD To buy good commercial paper ,
> U. tt Pattorsou. aiS H , 15th st. I'ti
WANTBD Furniture , carpats. stove * ana
houiunoia goods of all kinds , Umaha
Auction it btorase Co , llil F ruoin. ii
IHAVRsomft dfslroWy located teal estate
and fifty head of young horses and mares I da-
Mr * to exchange for il'itock ' ot furnlturo J > ,
E. Bayre , York. Neb. * w 137.14
Olt SALH Some nleo furniture , stoves , car-
X1 petfl and hoasoholif gooda cheap. Call at
111 N. 17th St. ip , 1HVI4J
OHIVATK SAI.'K'-Iflps chest and side board
- combined , dining t blo. chairs , cook stove
with reiorvoir , single -Walnut suite , walnut bed.
mattress and sprmgs.'Ji'oatihg ' stove , hoso. Jiwl
Jpeiicorst. Ho 167 13J
F OIl SALH Tlio rtSHnlturo ot 7-roora flat ;
price SlW , ca h ; a big bargain. Flat for
rent. 1323 Capitol nvo j 14914 *
POll 8AI.K-2MO t < MJ Ico. Adam rtodor
Illalr , Nob. Mil VJi mlS-t
YnTci JIT7weight Snydftr top bugcy , boon run
-LJabout six months , Carmlno running gear ;
perfect condition , a P. Morsa. Ml 17
A FINK Cablnot Grand joiowood case upright -
right piano for llai.WJ ; cost when now JIO i ;
only used ono year ; must ha sold at once ; Mill
Clvetlmoon partot It It desired. Address V
16. euro Omaha Ueo. . ttJjtn H
FOU SALK 1 work , team , wuson and har
ness complete , vnry Uioap for cash , 619
Paxton blk. H40
IOH SALU-A 61-inch Vlctof blCTclo. almost
Jas ? peed as new. Addrosi Morgan , I * . O. box
2 7. 145-14t
AHT nnd harness for snlo ; also U yds homc-
V made rag cnrpnt. 1U ( N. 27th. 80I-1U
MIDLAND Guarautoe * Trust Co. , 15O5 Far-
num. Complete abstracts furnished .V tltlos
to i oat estate examined , ported < jd & guaranteed ,
OMAHA Abstract Company. Uin Fnrnam st.
Most complutuand caruftilly proptrod set ot
abstract books nnd plati of ull real property In
the city of Omaha and Douglas county. 4.H
A11BTHACT3 Llnahau He Maholiay , room no > l
Paxton block. 133
T OAN9 wanted on Omaha real estate , thrco
JLJaud llvo years Umo , optional payments , fa-
vornblo term and rntcs ; applications and titles
pasted upon by us and loans closed promptly.
Klmball , Champ .V Hjan.Hoom U , United States
Not. bank building , IJOi Farnam street. M17J10
M IONEYtoloan at low rates by Esrolslor
Land Co. , 310 South 15th btreot , Omaha.
1)71 )
MONRY to loan ou real estate security , at
lowest rates. Hcfnro negotiating loans see
Wallace , Crclghton blK , 15th and Douglas. 8i > 0
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. : loiuis of $10 to
$1,000 ; pet our rates before borrowing nnd
save money ; loin on liorsos , furniture or any
nppioved pocurltr. without publicity ; notes
bought : for now loin , renewal of old nnd low
est rates call H 203Shcelcy blk 15th & Howard st
M IONEY tolonn on short time. Secured paper
bought , r. E. Alexander , 15U9 Ftirnaui t.
0.F , HARRISON loans money , lowest rates.
. 517
M O.N'EY loaned on unimproved msldo Omaha
real estate. 0. W. Pucklt. 4 , lYcnzci block.
T OWEST rate on choice city loans in amnha ,
JJCotiacll IHulTs , or Lincoln. Central Loan
and Tiust Co. 120i Farfram st. 07.M.5
$000 to loan on first mortgage. 0. E. Thomp-
. son. 2U Sheeley blopk. 103
jl.TOO special money ; ! npply at once. C. F.
) Harrison , Merchatua' Nat'l bank. IW >
MONF.V to loan. O.'p. Davis Co. real estate
and loan agents , loCff Farnam st. tfU
BUILDING loans. D. ' V. Sliolos , 210 First Na-
tlonal bank. S1J
SEE Sho'ea.ioom JlOr'Flrst Nat'l bank , before
niuklng > our Ioan3. < .o _ fill
MONEY to loan ; carfi on hand : no delay. J.
W. Squho , 1219 Faraam ct. , First National
oatiK building. ( , & 1
M IONEY to loim in li L'e sums nt the lowest
lates ; no delay. R. C. Patterson , 318 S. 15th.
„ . 5C2
MuNEYI money 1 mBhayl to loan on horses ,
wagon * , mitles , houSuold goods , pianos , or-
gum , diamonds , etc. , pt'lowost rates.
" The organized loin onico in the city ,
' \\lllinata Iduns Toi'1tlrlrtv Wt&ree hundred
njid sixty-live daj.s , which can. be paid In pare
or whole , at uny time , thus lowering the prin
cipal and Interest. Call nnd see us when you
want money , and wo can nsslst you.promptly
and to your ndvnntago without removal cf
property or publicity. . . .
Money always on nand nnd no delay In male
ing loans. C. F. Hoed It Co , 313 South 13th St. .
over blngham & bens commission house.
T OANS made ou real estnte ana mortgages
JLJbought. Lewis S. Heed & Co. , U 13 Board of
Trade. 619
MONEY to Lonn Wo nre ready for applica
tions for loans In amounts from 8JH ) to 310.-
OUJ on Infproved Omaha or Douglas county real
estntp ; Full Information ns to ratoS. Loans
prolnptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased
by us. Cull upon us or write. The McCaguo
Investment Co. 620
T\ON'T borrow money ou furniture , horses ,
J-'wagons , etc. , or collaterals until you BOO
C. 11. Jacobs , 410 First National bani building.
PHILADELPHIA Mortcajjo fcTrustCo. fur-
uUh cheap eastern money tu boirowers ; securities , perfect titled , accept loans
nt their western olllco. George W. P. Coates ,
room 7 , Hoard of Trade. fill
MONEY to Loan Lowest rates. Loans closed
promptly. II. E. Cold , R.OContlnental block.
WANTED First-class Itiaide loins. Lowest
rntu.i. Call and see us. Mutual Invest
ment Co , R. 1. Darker blk.Uth & Farnam , ci-5
* O E. COLE , loan agent.
BUILDING loans a spoclalty. W. M. Horrls ,
Uoom20 , Fronzur Ulock. opposlda P. O.
NEBRASKA Mortg. Loan Co. will makuyoua
loan on houselioul goods ,
horses , wagons ,
laud contract- ) ,
fine Jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , at reasonable rutos.
Room 7 , Rowley llloo'i. South Omaha.
R'.oms 618-519 , Puxton Illock , Omiihn , Nob.
MONEY loaned for 33 , CO or 90 days on any
kind of chattel security ; reasonable interest -
est ; business conlldontlnl. J , J. Wilkinson.HI"
Famnm st. 6UI
BO YOU want money ? If so. don't borrow
before getting my rates , which are ths low
est onnny sum from * | il up to ilo.OJ ) .
I make loan * on household Roods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , wagons , warehouse ro >
colpts , houses , leases , etcin any nmount.nt the
lowest possible rates , > vltho it publicity or re-
inoval of proporty.
Loans can b3 mude for ono to six months nnd
you can nay a part nt any time , reducing both
principal nnd interest. If you ewe n balance
on your furnlturo or horses , or hnvo a loan on
them. 1 will take It up and carry it for you as
long as you desire ,
It you need mono/ you will flnd U to your advantage -
vantage to see ma before borrowing. .
H. K. Master ) , loom.ri Wlthnoll bulldfhg , 16th
and Huruey. )3 600
I OAN make a few loans on first-class chattel
securities at reasonable rates. W , K. Potter ,
loom 10 , Darker blk. ,2 , 607
" \T , ANTED Applications for loans on umm-
T > pro\ed lots wolli ( > catod. Odell Hros. A
Co. , 313 So. lUthst. ; 883
G W.PUCK loansinoneron Omahareal estate
llulldlng loans p a speMalty , It 4 , Frauzerb lie
; PUIl CENT loan Cash on hand.
MV , M. Uurria , 11 BO , renzor block , opp. P. O.
til W8
H.B , COLE , loan agent. MO
99 tt To loan on fntma and city property.
$ Uco , J , Paul , 100-J iCajrnam Bt. Wi
$500,00)10 loan at a prf cent. Ltnalian i Ma.
honey. Itooin 600 , Paxirm block. 610
EASTKUN trust fundsto loan on improved
real estate in Omaliulargo ; loans preferred.
K. & lllibee , Hrtt National bane building.
a > 5-raIJ
M ONHV Loans negotiated at low rates with-
J.TJ-0 Ut uelay. and purchase goods , commercial
pupej and mortgage notes. S. A. Slomau. cor.
latin : and Karnam. 611
BmUHNU IAJANt-Wo } will bny lot , or cay
incuinorouce onyour lot ami build for you ;
small cash payment. Valance in easy monthly
paymenu ; in ca s of death we caucol the en
tire Indebtedness1. M. K. &T. Trust Co. , Klrot
National bank building. J2-ni5 | TO ( iUOO on improved city property :
Vciil > opald in monthly l stallmenti ; deut
cancelled in case of diatlt : will loan 60 teMper
cent of cash valuation , M , K. & T. Trust Co. ,
flret Natlona Ibanic bnildiiap. 3-ml5
PFOPLU'H Klnandal Exchange-Large and
HID all loans for long and short time , at low *
est rates of interest , on real estate mortgage
uotej. chattels of all kludi. diamond * , watches
and jewelry. Don't fall to call If you fair
nnd cbeau accommodations. O. Houscareu ,
Her. , room 67 , Itarktr oil , Uth and Farnain ,
MONEVto loan on furniture , horse * , wagons ,
etc. . or on any approved security. J. W.
Hobblns , U.S900Shoelyblk , 15th and Howard.
MONKY to loan on Improved property at flrst
hands. No application sent away for ap-
proral. Security and titles oxaihtned fret ) of
charge to borrowers , Lombard Inyoitmont
Company , .TOO 3.13th at. 610
PlIOt'TE'S Financial Kxchange-Tho fairest ,
nuieicit and most liberal money exchange
in the city ; money loaned without delay or
publicity , lu any amount , large or small , at tno
lowest rates or Interest , on any available so-
curlty ; loins may bo paid at any tlmo or renewed
a original rates , O. llouscarcn , Jlgr. . room
i7. llarkcr bioc lfth and 1'arnam. fill
SI'KCIATi fund of MO.ttW to loan at reduced
rates on furniture , horses and wagons. City
Loan Co. , US a 13th st , M2
'N1MPHOVKD and Improved property ;
loans made promptly ! money on liana. V.
M. lllchardson , a w cor 15th and Douglas.
GOODnotrv , short or Ionic time , unsecured
or with mortgage , bought any unoro In Nob.
or la. Quick loans , city or farm. Cull or wrlta
W. L. Solby , It ja , IM. Trado. U
BUILDING loans. LlnaUnn k Mnhoney.
O MAH A Chattel Loan Co. , room 42 , Uarkor
block. U-M-mK
c. V. HAHHISON loans money , louost rated.
. fi7
TTllItST mortgage loans at low rates and no
JL1 delay. D. V. Sholcs , 210 First National bank.
Btm.DINO LOANS At7 per cent net , no ad-
dttloiml charges for commissions or HI tor-
no j 3' foes. W. 11. Melklo , First Nat. bank bldff.
roNEY to loan. Harris H. E. * Loan Co. ,
Lroom 411 , First National bank. 615
| 71I.OUlt Will soil cheap or trade for
JL1 { rood farm ; mill located In Washington Co. ,
Nob. Address , IJox 7f > . Ijlnir. Nob. ! U7-l4t
LOKNTI.RMAN meaning business , \ > lth
J-.OOJ , call secure tasli business , specialty
and monopoly , paying f U',000 ' yearly net earn
ings without risk. Address , A. , 87 llee. [ 17H-10 *
per coin gilt edge 2nd
mortgages , duo 1 nud 2 years.
1 JHJ in per cent 2nd mortgage , duo 1 your.
Will discount foi J and 5 per cent. Address
A 3 Ueo. 104
" 171011 SALK Very cheap , photograph gallery ,
JL' reason for selling , leaving toun. Address
AC1 Hoc. . 141-14 ;
fjlOll SALE , or rout First-class hotel near
JL1 packing houses , South Omaha ; 27 rooms ,
\\ltn good barroom ; Well located nnd good
property. W. A. bponcor , room 3 , llusmuan
block , ow
, ; ) ! ) buys fine hotel nnd llvory , Klglu , Neb. ;
property free from Inciimbrauco : money to
uu made bmlthA : Pnudock , Itlgln , Nob. UiUjlOt
OAPAHLG men with g > 0 cnpltitl can secure
easy out of town positions , positively worth
over KOO a month ; no canvassing. Wesley , 1505
Capitol avo. 74 lit
TTOH BALE Half Interest In a well paying
JL ? pnotogrmm gallery , one block from post-
olllce. Address A 47 , lloo. 010-1JJ
W ANTED A now furnlturo store at Friend
Neb. 8fcm2Uf
7IOR SALE Meat market complete ; cnn b6
- handled for llttlo cash. Call at room 4 ,
} Vlthnollblk. _ 30
T71OR SALE On easy pavmonti 12-room lint ,
JL ? nicely furnished , near postoinco ; party
leaving city ; u snap for .someone , inquire J.
J. Wilkinson , 1417 Fnrnum st. 919
TJIOK SALE A Ilrst-class meat market In
JL ? Omaha , has good paying trade , requires
81,600 cash , or will trade for property. Address
A 43 , Ileo odlce. b92
INTENDING to null business in Omaha I of
fer my stock of drugs and fixtures at a bar
gain , would sell either stock or fixtures sepa
rately. Ueo. Roeder , cur. 12th and Hartley.
" 1J1OR SALE Firstclasi icstaurant and bar ,
JL ? loug lease. Address A JI , lice olllce.
8W-13 _ _
fj\ORIlESliotol , 710'S IBth st A good bitslnoss
-L for sale w 1th a small capital. Inquire at the
above hotel. 81113 *
HOTEL for sali1 ; naw , good location , doing
good uuslness , for * ale at n bargain , pay
ment not nocessury. Present pioprletor In
tends changing business ou account of 111 health
of his wife. Address , llco olllco , Lincoln. Neb.
A DRUGGIST with cash looking for n good
location , will do well to address E. E.
Capps. ( julbortson , Nob. , or Hurst k Co , Hast
ings , .Nob. 247m
( 3,000 to 3VOOJ wanted to put Into a good bust-
P ness ; first class security and good rate of
Interest paid for short or ions time. Or will
take partner. For pirtlcuiara address U43 ,
llco olllce. 142
QALOOM for sale In ono of the bosc business
Ocenters in Oinalmcheap. Reason for aelltng ,
1 must leave the city. Address V 18 Hoe.
TjlXCHANGK A contractor wanted that will
IKfurnislimnteilal and build n small house ,
nndtnko n good house nnd lot lot on N. I9th
St. ns pay. Address , C. H.V. . , 1119 Farnam st.
VU 14
FOR EXCHANGE-3,003 acres of choice lands
in Cheyenne county , Kan. , lor cash or stocks
of general merchandise. Address ICerndt llros. ,
Ulrd City , Kan. 1000 18t
blocks of merchandise , two of dry
X goods and notions , and ono of clothing , to
trnlo for Inud or city property. One-third cnsh ,
balance will be taken m good real estate. Wou-
toiu Real Estate & Mercantile Ex , room 14 ,
Chamber of Commerce 135
HOUSE and lots Hi mlles from postofllco to
exchange for lot In Dundee place. Address
A 51. Ueo olllce. U31 17J
EOH EXCHANGE What hnvo you to ex
change for a good brick hotel , furulshud
complete nnd doing n good business In a town
of 4.UOO population on the II. * M. railroad In
Nebraska/ Address James Tummon. Arcade
hotel , Omaha , Nnb. W1M3 *
NEW 2-seated flno carriage or top Dujgy for
mortgage city or county warrants , or any
good unsecured notes.W.L.SolbyH 13 U'd Trade
WANTED To trade for house nnd lot In
good location ; will assume light Incum-
brnncc. A'ldress A 2 Ueo oillce. 622
FOR EXCHANGE- Eighty ncres of the finest
timber land In Wisconsin , clear of oncum-
brnnco. What have you to olferO. . .1 Sterns-
dortf , rooms 317 and J13 , Firat National hank ,
TmoR EXCHANGE Dakota , Hand rounty
JL ? What have you to olfor for a good farm
here , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands nro
rising in vniuo. nnd Us destiny raunot bo din-
pined. Wllltuko vacant lots or Improved pro-
purty and usiumo some onctiinbiuncu. u. J.
Sternsdorir. rooms 317 and J18 First National
bank building. fj.'fi
TmOR EXCHANOE-For deiirable residence
JL ; pioperty In Ociaha , nny or all of following ;
40 choice inside residence lota in Hastings.
100 lots in Lincoln.
MO acres line tarmlnx land. Lancaster county ,
Flno residence proporty. Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family residence , corner , Los Angelo ? .
A neat residence pioperty in Hanscom place.
Also , some good mortgage notes.
Address , giving location and prlco of property
orty , u. K. U. , care Ilium lion Co. , 1217 Leaon -
worth. Ml
FOR BALE-43.70 acres , eeo. fi. tp , 12. r.
0 w. , Hamilton county. Neb. House , stabln ,
303 acres fenced , living water. Price W.OJJ. F.
K. Atkins , ownnr. Railroad bldg , Denver. Col ,
Douglas County Abstracts ,
1607 Furnuin Street.
These who want to buy a lot for a homo at
low prlcoa and easy terms should
Come und Bee
the now addition just ready for ealo by us.
Erery lot will mute u
Delightful Homo ,
as the ground is high , dry aad beautifully nltu-
One Hundred Houses
are already built and bulng built around this
addition , which Is Insldo city limits , is not In H
Hwainp. but as handsome a location us there is
in Omaha. A payment of
Fifteen Dollars
down , balance $10 a month , Is all required , and
on thntte easy terms we have just sold out QUO
addition , und have just bugan on A new ono.
Fifteen Dollar *
down and easy monthly payments for such lots
aa these , Is the chance
Of a Lifetime I
The sooner you can get one of these lots the
better for you and when you sea the ground
. Will Ue Surprised
that such lots , at aucli prices and terms , sur
rounded by houses und located as they are can
b bought ior
Fifteen Dollar *
down and balance on easy terms. Come and
nee for yournelf what we offer you. We are not
afraid to show this propnrty : we know no
one ulso can offer you Iw equal at our prices and
term i.
always on hand to show theau lots. Don't be
afraid to try and get a borne.
Bturt night
by coming to see this property and Its adrant *
ages ' in all wayc , tire * o evldiiit that you will
T7K > n 3 A LR Lot * 10 minutes walk from sh ops
K or V. 0. , on terms to ult purchaser ,
monthly , quarterly or Annual payments ,
ft ft. on uass near 2nd , n bargain.
tW ft , cor , on Davenport , at grade , 8 blocks
from cable , r.vooii.
Oorneraith and Oodgn. bargain.
A , ID and CO acra tracks suitable for subdivld *
flood city n'nd farm property for trade.
A neat 6- room cottage will bo built on east
front Saunders St. , nna soli ! at very low terms.
J. H. Kvans. Harfcor lilocg. 1(0-15 ( _ , _
lOTALK Nine-room nonso. barn and ot
L1 In llanscom placet also 2 houses and lots m
Bunny Sldo. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat'l bunk.
' _ _ _ _ „
TIKJif'flAIiK < H acres , corner Thirteenth and
-L1 North streets. DeMrnblo for platting. 0.
Good. Good block , Dos Molnos. la. SMdmil
JTIOU SALK-FlniTlot covered with trees , n
JL.1 room cottago. aewer , wnter nud ga on the
street , 14 block from3st , cur linos. vary choice
coat front lot ; * " > ,60J ; easy terms. Cun discount
n little for cash. 0. F. Harrison , Merchants
Nat. bank. _ _ UV )
TJUMt SALK Flno hoiisu of u rooms , furnace.
JL' bath , hot and cold wntor , gas , sewer , pared
itreot , motor line one block , cable two blocks ,
liorsB cars br door , barn for 3 horses etc. , ctn.
limit by owner for home and now occupied by
him , ? 1.000 ; f 1,150 cash. W.GUO In real estate , bal
ance at 0 and $ per rent.
Fine lar o lot on 8. nth it. , 61x157 , goodft-room
li ouso , fruit trees , etc , : north of Martha st , ,
For sale , the finest corner , cast front , on 9.
10th st. . I.uxl44.
for choice property worth the money see M.
A , Upton Company. IQth.t I'arnam. 817
NOW come down to business : Wo will sell a
brick block of four stores and Hats , new
building , hot nnd coin water , bnth , Ac , Ac. ,
trround K3x88 ! a corner on onoof the beststroet *
loaning west from inth ; all tnxos. spoclnl and
otherwise , paid ; property on etceot rapidly In
creasing in value : building constructed wit *
Jolco for third lloor ; heavy walls for third story
when needed ; rent' * for 11,000.Uilch Is n low
rental ; wo will sell for H3.0W , (10,500 cnsh ,
J4.000 In one year at 8 per cent , tlsi.DOJ In four
) ears at 0 percent.
We will soli party a corner business lot at
right llguro If ho 111 build flvo story brick
store on sumo , total cost to bo nonio HO.lKM ;
wholesnlo linn will lease name forfi to H years
and pay n per cent on cost. M. A. Upton Com-
pauy , lilth nud Fiinimn. KM 14
TTToil SALK The finest residence slto lu West
JU OmahaJust ; south of FnrnnmonBlth street ;
a corner ItttxlBf with 187 feet frontage on
pared Htroot nnd joining the hiindsoiuo rest-
( lonco of ICIrkendall on the onst , and Ilrndy ,
Eassonand Martin on the xonth ; M'erfoct gem
nnd nardcn ni > ot for an iiloRant homo.
llnrnoy and 21st ntreeti , 141x107 , on pnvomont
within tfiroiblocks of the court house : room
for seven line housoa that wonld rent as rapid
ly as completed. A splendid permanent Invest
Fnrimm and CM streets. 50x1 U , with new
throe-story brick ntoro bnlldlnjr , rcntoi' to good
permanent tenants. Iteiitnl receipts Jl.-OO per
Sixteenth street n ar Nicholas , frontage 01
feet to alley ; Rood business property.
Fnrnam Htrcet. between astn and aath , front
age 45 or U3xl.U to alley , south front , 1 block
from pavement and street cars.
Park avenue , opposite Hanscom park , 00x150 ,
prlco5ftX ) ; oasylorms.
Paddock place , trackage , C0xl)2. ) 12,000 ; easy
terms ,
10th street south of VInton st , lot tor sale or
trade formdso. or good farm land.
8. A. Sloman. 1.M1 Farimin Ht. K7. !
FOR SAIiW Acanemy of Mu io butlilmi ? and
two busluass lots , U rand Island , Nobnxska ,
KrouniI4lxUJ foot , bulldlDg brick , two storms
nlchnnd stone basements , all In good repair ;
terms easy ; price 818 , W. Bnqulra of Thompson
llros. . grand Island , Nebraska. TOlmU *
[ 710U SALK On reasonable terms , a house
-J-1 and lot. and blacksmith shop , tools nnd
stoci. . In Wllcor , Kearney couuty , Neb. C. U
Fnrnum. 103-lDT
"fjiOll 8AM3 On long time nnd easy payments ,
JLJ handsome , now. well oullt houses of 8 , Hand
SOUTH corner In Plalnvlsw , 81.250.
South corner In Orchard Hill , W.O.
South corner In Windsor Kxt , $1,000.
House and full lot , llanscom Place , $2COO.
lllitcnlnaou St Wend. 1634 Douglas st. OSS 13
tories within easy reach of Collier
1- place will employ a largo force of men. Se
cure n homo nnd onjoyllfo. Price of lots $300
to * ! , : > , one-tenth casli. Bond for plat , Mc-
Cague. opp. I * . U. < i l
H "K. COLB Will Trade-Choice , lliioly 1m-
provea forms lu western Nebraska , light
ly Incumborod. to trade for Omaha property ,
Improved or unimproved.
Clear lot , 20th and VInton , for house In west
ern part of the city preferred.
11- room house nnd full lot , clear , for vacant
Inside residence lot.
H. E. Cole , headquarters for bargains and
oisv terms. Itoom 8. Continental block. 753-11
/CONTINUOUS sidewalk to Collier place , act
Wprlcea and terms. McCngue. 97l !
I HE finest drive in the city is to Collier
Place. McCaguo. 73
F BALE Or exchange for Omaha proper-
i ? ty ; , N ) acres , suitable for platting : will
mnko 400 lots.all clear ; big money In It for some
one who can push this ; located just outside the
city limits of Council Bluffs. Inquire George J.
BtornsdorlT , rooms 317 and 31R , First National
bank bulldlng. _ 62tt
"I71OR SALE 00x78 on N. B. corner 1' . nnd 25th
JL ? sts S. Omaha , suitable for store building
receiving the bonetlt of the q street viaduct
just being built ; property clear , but ill health
compels owner to sell. Price $2,700 , O. F.
Harrison , Merchant's National bank. 050
SNAP I ; i good Orchard Hill lots , ono nnd two
blocks from Hamilton street , STOj each : $3JO
to S4001 ash , balance five years nt 8 per cent.
Flno K room house , modern conveniences ,
newly papered and painted , on N. 17th st. ,
lot 3oxltfo to alloy ; $ I.OjO , easy payments. M. A.
Upton Co. , 16th nnd Farnam. 00.1
IJIOR SALE Lot 2'ixUO In the very heart oT
JS Omaha , with 6 room IIOUHO for W.tiOO. 0. F.
Harrison , Morchftutu Nat. bank. P50
BAHOAINS-nargains ! S. W. cor. 19th nnd
Cnllfornln sts. , with J houses , very cheap.
Nent7-room house and half lot on Davon-
pott st. , near hlgn school , J'j.OJJ ; easy terms.
Good lot on Harnoy st , east ol2lthst. , a
Elegant rcsldenco lot , 2fith ave near St.Mary's
ave , very cheap.
8-room house and half lot , S. 12th at. , cheap
ou monthly payments.
Good residence lot on 23th ave , bet , Douglaa
and Dodge , S-l.MO.
3 lots on S. 13th st. , very cheap.
150 lots In Carthage , Omaha's boat suburb , on
ten years' time to parties who will build
iousos. llrcnnan & Co. , Room 3 , Chamber of
Money to loan In nil parts of tno city.
. 853 J7
WORTHY of your attention. Now being
completed on'Jill St. . nort i of Leavon-
worth st. two houses convei tut to business ,
very roomy , grate , mantel , furnics , gas. bath ,
toilet , 2 water closets , ( stationary wash tubs ,
hot and cold water , live boclrooms , 10 closets S
only 8W9J on terms to suit. Telephone 227 or
W. T. Seaman. Omaha's largest variety of wag
ons , carriages , etc. , east sldo 10th at , north of
Nicholas st. 6.11
FDR SALE Full east front lot. In Hauscom
Place , $ l.700f only SOW cash roqulrod. Ad
dress A 4 , llee. U.12-ia
SEND for plat of ( jolllnr place , and when
driving for rocroatlon follow the motor Una
poles on luth st. . and Amos' avo. , and BOO the
wonderful Improvements that have taken
piaco just around tno barracks , and remembur
that Collier place Is the key to the situation.
Buy a lot now for the low price nnd at tno easy
terms they am being offered , ana wo nro satis
fied. Ono-tenth cash , balance ono to flvo yours.
McCaguo. opp. P. O. 07J
motor line Is built to Collier place. The
JL Bolt line runs near Collier place. 'Iho F. E.
& M. V. U. It. stop nil passenger trains ut Col
lier place. The horse car line will soon reach
Collier place. Beat addition In the city. Prlco
Jiuoto II,3JO per lot , one-tenth casn , balance
one to IITO years , McCague. opp. P. O. 97ii !
WE have bargains in land and improved
farms In all part ? of tno country that can
not be oxcelled. Wo Hell and exchange for
Oraabaund Council Rlutn property. Wo want
to buy about 2J lots In Omaha , Insltlo the Belt
line , in one or two tracts. Kxolslor Laud and
Heal Estate Co. . 310 B. mil Ht. . Omaha. Kit
reatest bargains that over were known
in lands and improved farms In all states
went of Chicago is now offered by us. We soil
and exchange for Omaha and Council Bluffs
property : Hell houses and lots In Omaha and
Council lIlufTii ; rent houses ; make loans on
real estate , and general Ins ir-tuce business.
Excelsior Land Se Heel Estutj Co , , 310 Bouth
15th street. Omaha. U71
CJOUTH OMAHA I have a number ot good
Cilots In various addition * that must b sold
at onca and can be bought at prices that will
Milt jou. G.J , aternauorll , rooms J17 and 318
First National bank building. KM
B IsMIS PAUK. . . . .
Beautiful residence flitos.
fluent in the city ,
We are now ready to show and direr forunla
tno choicest residence sites in the city of
Omaha , located In "Hernia Park , " comprising
the sixty acres bounded by 32d St. , on the east ,
.18th or Pleasant st. on the west. Hamilton et.
on the north , and Onintng tt. on the south ,
ThU park has been planned , and is being laid
out by > lr , Alfred It. Kpcrton ( one of the bust
landscape nrtUU or No w 1'ork ) . into ! { , X , VJ
and acre ) ot . anil several acres are laid out into
small parks , ornamental grounds , and lakes fed
by natural spring * . 'Die plant include a per.
loct vyvtein ot grading , pavlujf , sewerage.wator
electric llghtluK , etc. . and an expenditure of at
least tiw.aui for such improvements
Thl * choice property U located within the IW
inllri ) radius ( a llttl * north by west ) from tno
postolllco. It lies eut of th reservoir and of ttie
vloguut roMldencea ot Dr. Mercer and K. Vf ,
Ntt.iu , and a little north of east of proposed res
idence otUuyC , Darton and of HUhop O'Oon-
nor'a restdeure and Academy ot Hucred Heart.
Heasonablepricaaand tormii will be given to
those who trill bnild residence * costing W.OOO
and upwards , For further particulars apply
at ofUce of Tb nemls frk Co. . roomi 15 ud
It CoutlaenttU block , U > tU anu
* C - e- <
Foil SALU or exchange-Improved stocK
f arm otHXlacrMlu eastern Nebraska
market : also new 12-roora house wltn nu cod.
venlencos In desirable roMdence portion of Omit *
ti . Andrew llevln * . attorney , \st \ and 4iJ Pax
" Ion hlofk. Omaha , Web. _ sno
AND-l HaT liiWil ( acre ot choice farming
landsln eastern and middle Nobrasknwhkh
I will soil at from H to 113 par acre. Will rank ?
special prlco for the whole 10.000 a v * If taken
in n lump. doo. II , Peterson , 1413 S Ittth st-
OH mil
iih cosiest homo in umaha , 0 room % larga
JLUoiots. city water , pas and * w r. both
cable and horse cars. I1rlcoi.40j. Tonnn .w3
lo KM ) c.-Mh. balance very cosy. H. K , Cole ,
Headquarters for bMTtalns and ea y tonns ,
Uoom n. Continental llloct. XM
\V llAVifa few excellent bargains whlcn
i v o olTor lor cale ,
n lots In llNlford Placo. 1 tots la Ilakcr Place.
J lota at Jerome Park , .llot.t in llltchcock'4
add. , U tine rosldoncan In South Omaoa. In
Moore's ndrt. no have n 10 room rc ldonco with
nodern improvomontsi-olTdred at n bargain ,
Now 7-rooin homo In Moore's add. Sovural fin *
residence lots at a great bargain li now olTored
for sale. At a sacrifice Is now oitorod 47xS > on
Cnmlnc and 24th tn > ct. *
llr KxcelMor I xnd & Heal Estate Co. , 310
IMh st , , Omaha. U71
1 NSTltUMKNTi ) placed on record durlufi
J. yosterdav.
T J Clirlstonson nnd wlfo to A McCromo.
lot 0 , M K 7. Summit plnco , wd. . . . .I 8,009
J Kyer and wife to J J Anderson , pt ot
lots 11 and 12 , blk 7. Patrick's id ? add ,
nod l
JJ Anderson to F Levy , nart of lots 11
and 12 , blk 7 , Patrick's 2d ndd. w d acOO
F U Crulc to J W Crntfj. und tw o-fif ths of
lota , blk 1' ' , Hanscom place , wdi , 1 , 00
M V Solomon and husband to T Thedcus ,
lots 1 and 20 , blk 5 , Solomon's add , w d. 900
G llctiemon ot alto HA Menrs , lot ill.
Harlem I.nne , wd , . . . . . . . . . . . 300
I W Evans , commissioner , ioT llronnau ,
lot 22 , blk I , llnmnan pluco , dot'd 1,535
0 K Iteitorand wIfe to PA Parker , pt ot
lots 8 and l > , blk tf , A S Patrick's ndd ,
w d 0,000
T Hand nnd wife to W F Chlttlck. lot 11 ,
blk 1,1 , Jotter's ndd to South Oniiiha ,
w il 3,000
Mrs A Pny to.l W Steele , pt lots 5 and 0 ,
blk 4. South Omaha , w d WO
HHanscntoJ P P ti > ison , letters testa
mentary in regard to will of H Him-
O Kopsaml husband to FHelniots , n if
loll , blk It , DrcxM'ssul ) . wd 1,700
Omaha Estate & Trust Co to A
Erickson , Hlot lf > , Washington square ,
wd ; 850
C 1' Miller and wlfo to G W Loomls , a ! 4
lot7blkU , K YBinlth'n add , wil. . . . . . . . . 4,000
W llensou nnd wife to (1 M Cooper , 48 lots
In North Omaha ndd. wd 18,206
H W Snydernnd'wlfe to J W Gardner , lot
0 , blk 1. Oxford place , w d . , . , 700
J F Paulson and wlfo to E L Jaynes , lot 7 ,
blk 4 , Wm Hagodoin'tinad , w d 350
li L Thomas to F W Taylor , lot 7 , blk 8 ,
Hanscom place , wd 3,300
JM MoMnhonto P Ford , lot5 , Ford's
Saratoga nda. tic d TOO
A K Thomas to CTurnor. part lots 11 nud
12. blk it , ICountze & Hutu's and , w d . . . 2,500
J C Wlswvll nnd ulfe to J M Abraham , w
H s w5 and oK e 0-10-10 , wd 12,200
A Carrlgnn to M Peterson , lot 3 * , blk 3 ,
Missouri Ave Park add , wd 375
J JorUnscd to J Thomas , lot 11 , oik 4 ,
Hopes ft Hill's add , w a 8,000
M Mori Hon. treasurer , to J llookwalter ,
lotil , blk 4 , Mount Dpuglas add , w d. . < . 350
H Loy til J , lot u , blk 7 ,
Summit add , w d 1,000
O V Parker nnd M it e to G K and J Darker ,
lots 17 and 1H , blk 443 , and lot 7 , blk 48 ! ) ,
Grauduow.wd , 330
0 transfer * $58G26
The following permit * were tssuad by
Building Inspector Wlutlock yostorJay
uoing the most Issued nny day this your :
William Irving , cottage , North Twenty-
ninth find Oak $ 800
J. D. Thomas , brick addition to dwelling ,
70S Webster COO
Jlrs. runny Coon , two-story irnmo build
ing , Orchard Hill , llarkor uiid Thirty- ,
uexonth 2,230
Mrs. Fanny Coon , ouo and ouo-ualf-itory !
frame dwolllng , llai kor and Thirty-sev
enth . . . 3,000
Mrs Kanny Coon , cottago. Darker nnd
Tulrty-ne\cutli. . . . 2,000
Mrs. Pauny Coon , cottage. Darker and
Thirty-seventh C.OOO
8. Hllllckc , cottngo , QnrUeld and Tlilr-
toontli 700
Louis lattlrnold , olllco nud stable , Saunders >
dors , south of soctlnn line aa. 500
W W Dnytoii , cottage , Cupltol nnd Forty-
fourth < 1,00
Mrs. llnnnuh J. Pox , cottage , Capitol
and Forty-fourth . . . . 1,500
C. K. Shaw , UuvBtory frame dwelling ,
Ilrigg'H place , Capitol nnd Forty-slxtn. 2,600
O.K. Shaw , tno story fraino dwelling ,
Ilrlge s place , Capitol und Forty-sixth. . 5,600 !
A.H. Atwood , txvo story frumo an citing ,
DouglBS nnd Forty-fourth 2.0UO
George S. Wock , cottage , Ames , near
' 1 ( Hi ty-fotirtn 1.000
M. F. Hols , two-story frame dwolllne , llir-
nev near Twenty-fourth 6,030
H. W Hcddlng. cottage , fcrankllu , near >
Thlrty-flfthf. WOO
Minor permits HUO
Twenty permits , aggregating 858.513
. . ,
Boudfi Attendtnce. Best Accommoditioni in Wnt ,
CO-WRITE VOB OIROULAnSon DeformltiM and ,
Bracas , Trunei , Glut Feet , Curvaturci of Spine. l'lle .
Tumor * . Oanetr , Catarrh , BroncblUt , Ichilatloa , '
Electricity , Paralyiii , Epllepiy , Kidney , Bladdtr ,
Eye , Ear , Bkln and Hlood and all BuiKical Optratlou.
nonK.v Di'iiixiicoiimeHi'XT. ( STRICTIT rOIVATt. )
Ooly Reliable Medical IciUtuta making a Bfeiialty ef
AllBloodDlieaiei luceriifalltreated. . SjplilHtU Pofioa.
removed froralhvirittBi wltbout merearr. IT * r
Tr..l nl for to. , ot YITAL rOHKU. fttltei > ntbl to T
uimiybetreAUdat hometjr eorreipondenee. Alleoumaiift.
tloDieouOdcntlAl. UedlelaeiorliiitrumentMefilbjnftllorex *
i > reiiieeurelriaakfl'l.Dom | ' rki tolmlleatteoDtGiiliorfeodir.
Un perionarialerrlev preferred. Call and coniull uioneDd
fcUtorr of roar e . . uul | | l Mad la plala wrapper , cor
Onntf Tn MCU FREEl Upon lrrltal < , uptelalor
PUylIII fflCN | fienouDlieaieJ.Ilui'OUner.H/Bk.
Illu Uloel an J Varlweel , with qo.illoo IUU Addreia
Utb and Ooig , BticoU , OHJ.1IA , KBB.
? XX sT7aix > xnwc ox .ir.
F1TK5TXU tl'U. I . Ull. lirBOTB > FK . I , 1IM ,
and fiaipaowr ;
can tb follow.
atlo Oouiijlolnt , .
col nd Nartoui'
OMK\tu \ rli- >
Boaa , Xr ra tiling I
( lag , jDaonuU. . "
Kir. Dla < HUM + Tfa I
Kellonloyouth ec MarrTed 14f , 4l VtM M pirUl *
BIO the Womb or caalt | organ- . .
Tbli ii tli * LiTrrr ndl tiT rr ImprottmtDtaiTM
mad * , Dd la auinrlor to | 1 otliri. Jtmi barer ot fja
KlMtrlo B lt xfBU Uu t tku b * ill ! TJ > 1
Oweo Bait. It dlf atl liom a.11 otljari. u U U WTttM
MLT , n < 1 o * 6al , Tollatcior ( r b lt , HwUICVM
UC * llaUI 4i r lklk/Wa t > t < Ur. Jli l WItftinm
50 t Ifjrtto b7oua W t * U U v .1"1 W * * 5
bcKt 1r , udT noru PDU ! to Ua bourn d llIf J
111 uuiU * IkU Ull oa 111 tujr w > otlnr. To atow
U > * KWTI Oorr * xi > m " * * " . . 8/'c
aulo Bait ? and ipplUocei BIU ae-4 r It. 4
C Ht l TUiJ 55ir rtU nirtaj * Trial. f
te. for lllia Ud aphl
( XMtagt * our ' li p
tVr aTalr .rbrO M'L tT IJIIWItlsjile
LKuUaa U& r pir. ) Il ' < > M a > T iviaUtb.l
100 North fM < JrYtw , § T , LOUll.