Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : T4SESDAY , MAY 14 , 1889 ;
Vlelblo Supply of Whont Shows
Heavy Reductions.
Ibotit n Btnml'Orrnctwcon the Dulls
nnil Hcnrs Ifolilcrs Itcllcvo
'Jliclr AVhcnt Will Go Up
Cattle Quiet.
CntcAoo.MaylO. ( Special Telegram toTiin
3BR.1 The wheat market opened weak this
ftnornlng , with the boars In a largo majority ,
ami apparently In full control. July wheat
f blotted at78J < c , nnd sold off to 7SJ c , Just Jfc
flower than Saturday. May was Slo bid , and
June rangedC2J c@c. Now York and
St. Louis did not net In the least strong , not
even flrni , though the former reported a re
duction of nearly HOJ.OOO bushels In stocks ,
und from 250,000 to 501,000 bushels more In
process of loading upon stcauiors. The ma
jority of the cables inclined to softness and
the general rain throughout the whole Ohio
valley served to Intensify the bearish specu
lative sentiment most decidedly. Altogether ,
it looked ai though the boars were going to
have smooth sailing , yet the market turned
up after a little while and hold steady at nn
nlniost cntlro recovery to the level of Satur
day's closing. An soon ns returns began
coming In from the centers of accumulation
It became clour that the vlslblo supply would
show heavy reductions. The total decrease
\vas 1,425,000 bushels , against 2,040,000 bush
els n year ago. This brings the total down
to "JIb50,82U bushoifl , against 29.271,810 bushels -
els a year ago , und 41.400,5:10 : bushels two
years ago. Chicago stocks are now down to
11,011,000 bushels , with New York 4,781,000
bushels , and Minneapolis 5,815.000 bushels.
Later In the day the WUCK'B exports were
posted. In wheat and Hour they equalled
1,080,000 bushels , against 1.513,000 bushels
for the corresponding week last year. The
heavy movement of cash wheat and Us rapid
consuuiDlivo absorption and disappcuranco
Imparted a firmness to this branch of the
market which could not fall to produce nn
effect on the speculative end of the deal , The
Wheat that now remains on hand Is wanted
by the cxKrtors | and millers. Of this tlicro
can bo no shadow of doubt. A heavy pre
mium Is being paid ftfr good wheat , a sala of
25,000 bushels ot cholco hard wheat by a
local holder to a Rochester miller , nt
lOo over the May prlco being ono of the Items
reported. The shipping movement from hero
nnd every otncr market denotes nn actlvo
milling demand , and holders are everywhere
sturdily adhering to their positions. Tlio
now crop situation may bo doubtful , but
there Is a degree of certainty nbout the old
crop situation that makes holders believe
their properly will bo in increasing demand
until the next crop becomes available. The
operations In the pit were on a moderate
ncalo , though , later in the tlay , interest re
vived and values hardened appreciably.
Hutclimson and Lthn wcro good buyers
early , and steady purchases by Uvcrmgham
\vcroroniarkeilasonooftlio quiet features
uf the market. Offerings wcro not heavy
nftcr ttio hour , but the market got heavy
B0"cral times. Tlio prlco of July worked
down from 79J6c to 7Sj ! f < i > 78Ke , about noon ;
but It started up again and touched
"t'JMo just before tlio boll tapped ,
closing at that point , Identically \\hcro it
did Saturday. For n bear day this could not
bo considered wholly satisfactory to that
clement. May ranged at , and
closed at S-lc. Juno ranged nt S2 % < < JS3Xe ,
und left off at 63c.
Heavy receipts , and 400 cars of corn grad
ing No. 2 , was moro than the market could
stand up under. The opening was weak at
from ) < c to ifc below the closing prices of
Saturday. The rains were favorable to the
recently planted corn , and the weak feeling
prevailing in the wheat market was an ad
ditional cause of the depression. Export
clearances from the scaboaid were fair , und
Kow York reported u good demand and the
buying thcro to-day of considerable quant- !
. tics by foroipn shippers. A decrease was
announced intlio visible supply of 829,000
bushels , which gave holders some little en
couragement , but the estimated receipts for
to-morrow of 740 cuts nbout offsetth'i former
item of intelligence. The present stock
of corn in Chicago is 1,039,985
bushels , nnd the stock in Now York U 103,104
bushels. There was n , slight rally In sym
pathy with the closing firmness in wheat ,
nnd the wind-up was at the best prices of
the day , and substantially at thu satno price
they rested on Saturday.
Oats wcro quiet and uneventful in all
particulars , with only a modornto specula
tive business , at prices averaging slightly
easier.- The opening was weaker , on account
of the moist condition of the weather , und
whllo subsequent mild buying orders induced
n slight strengthening , tlio market was ex
ceedingly narrow. May hesitated around
l2K@22 ! < c , wltli Juno at 22 @ 23e , while
there was n moderate trade in July
nt 2lo ! nnd a point each way , with deferred
deliveries weak. With Increased receipts
nud largo estimates for to-morrow , little
buying suppoit appeared. No. 3 regular was
nbout the sauio ns May. Withdrawals from
etoro were largo , aggregating 187,400 bush
els , and the decrease in the visible supply
was unimportant.
Provisions were a little slow. Cudahy was
n fair buyer , carlv , of short ribs , but with
the general trade a decided disinclination
was shown to do moro than a limited scalp
ing business. The uneasiness felt over the
' position of Cudahy and Armour toward the
market has chocked for the tlmo
being all speculation. Operators nro wait
ing some development tbat would lot
Bomo light In on tno situation nnd consequently
quently deem It prudent to hold to a conservative
vative line In the meantime. To-day the
feeling was depressed at thu opening by tbo
largo run of hogs reported at the stock
yards , but the weakness witnessed failed to
occasion any scare or bring out much prop
erty. Offerings. In fact , were well under
expectations and the decline suffered was
moro than recovered subsequently. Prices
all around , however , averaged some easier
than Saturday , though short ribs closed un
changed to 2)tfo ) higher , lard 2'c higher , and
jiork only 2 } { ( < i5o lower. For cash delivery ,
lard brought O.U2V , and 10 pound * green
bums 8f@0c.
Cilia * ao. May 13. [ Special Telegram to
TUB llnD.l CATTi.n. The supply was
exclusive , still there was good demand und
u 1 airly actlvo trade , which enabled sellers
to work oft most of tlio arrivals at flguroa
not moro than 10 cents below last week's
quotations , though the closing sulos show a
doollnoof 15 cents. Included in the receipts
wcro about ninety cars of Texans , but tbo.v
were closed out at concessions of only 5 and
10 cents. Sales of good , cholco , ripe , native ,
Jicavy beeves were mainly between $3.SO\.cZ \
4.10 ; handy , smooth , fat , little steers , $3.700
aOO ; common to medium grades of killing
btcors , light to heavy weights , fJ.25 to $3.75 ;
Texas stcors , (2.75 to ! 2.1 for ffrnsscrs nud
$3.40 to $3.00 for fed. Stock cattle In poor
demand at J.J.25 to $2.83 Xor. light grauo ,
und $3.00 to J3.40 for nffractlvo , stylish
feeders. Choice to extra beeves , tl.00 { 4.40 ;
medium to good steers , 11)50 to 15X ( ) Ibs. ,
KJ.7W34.IO ; l"0i ) to 1U50 IDs. . * 3.50 < < i3.70 : 051
to 1201) ) Ibs. , fi ! 40tu > 3.05. Stockers and feed
era. JJ.50Q3.00. Cows , bulls nnd mixed ,
tl.bO ( < < : : i.5U ; bulk , * a.40 ( < { 3.00. Texas steers ,
Hogs Considering the liberal supply am !
inclement weather , the market was more
satisfactory than the sellers , under the clr
cuuistuuco , had reason to expect , thougl
they were forced to accept a decline of 5@10c
but they cleared most of the supply , whlct
was u ulg fcaturo of the day's trade. Salei
ran from fl.Wutl.U'JK for heavy and mixed
Principally around fJ.oS ( < 44.57 } { and J4.1X
for good to choice lots , Including such prnm
droves us Marsh selects for his Providence
It. I. , trade and Kent , sorts for his liontoi
customers. Light sorts sold at f4 ( J5@4.7l
for 'J10 pounds down , und M.G7K ( < $ 1.75 fa :
168 pouitdft down , accord rug to closeness o
the o t. ,
NEW YOUR , May 13. ( Special Telograu
to TUB HUK.I STOCKS At the opening o
thu stock market this morning there was n <
flurry , hardly a fair interest , ud scared ;
a ohnneo In prices from the close oj last
week. Animation was confined to very few
stocks , and for thirty minutes fluctuations
wcro Inslgnlleant ( , but with an upward ten
dency. Uoforo the end of the hour thcro
was a good upward movement , with Hock
Island and Chicago Gas In the load. With
strength came an Increase In business , nnd
the best prices touched wore sustained. Uo
fore 12 o'clock the Interest In the Grangers
became qulto marked , nnd good advances
wcro recorded. Uurllngton and Northwest
ern gained 1 percent each ; Missouri Pacific
nnd Atchlson advanced Jf per cent each ;
Uock Island , St. Paul , and Now England
moved up % per cent each. The gain In
Chicago Gas trusts was 1 per cant to 52 } { .
The remain Jer of the list was featureless ,
and nt mid-day the market was dull , with
the advances sustained. There was even
moro strength In stocks after noon , nnd the
grangers continued to lead in strength and
nctlvlt.v. There was good buying by Chicagoans -
cagoans nnd considerable covering by the
abort * . Hurllngton touched 03 , nn ndvanco
of IK Pcr cent , and closed n point higher nt
liSJtf ; Hock Island closed 1' per cent higher
to 00 , closing nt 05 % . Other calns fur the
day were Delaware & Hudson , 1 per cent ;
Chicago Gas , Now England , and Heading , %
percent each ; Northeastern , % per cent ,
nud St. Paul 1 per cent , with preferred 'J
per cent higher , nt 110. The total sales were
200,171 shares , Including : i2,10J St , Paul , 12-
800 Northxvestern , 24,20'J Oregon Transconti
nental , and 11,700 Heading.
The following wcro the cloilni ; quotation ? :
t ) . 8. 4s regular. 12.l < iiNoitli rn 1'ixclflc SiU
U.H.4scoupous . .WHi do prof iu red fi"i !
U. H. I's regular. lOtiy'C. ' Astf. W
U. H.I'Js coupons..107Ji tin preferred . . . .HO
I'nclllciisot 'itj . . . .1S1 N.Y.hmtral 107 ! {
Central I'aclllc. . . . 3i
' ' " ' ' ' ' '
Chicago & Alton. . .137 Koc'k'lslami. . . . . . . M4 !
CliIcnRo.llurllngtnn 0. , M. A-St.I' as
_ iloproferred 110
1) . . U A : \ \ ' . . . . 1.18i ? St.l'aill.VUmaha . J14K
IllinoisCnntrnl. . .llliii iloiirefcrreil Uii !
T. , II.AS w H 'uilon ' I'aclllc . . . . nm
Knnsixn AcToxas . . 12'i\V..St. L. .V 1 * ll'ii
l.uknSlioro 1 : i > l itopref-Tred . . . .28 = ;
Michigan Central. . h7Ur Western Union tu ;
Mosnr Easy nt l
I'm.MI : MBHCAXTIU ! PAI'BII 3J @ 5J per
STBin.iNa ExciMNon Dull , but steady ;
sixty-day bills , M.87 ; dcmnnil , fl.SSJ .
Cinc-voo , May 13. 1:15 p. in. close Wheat
htglior ; cnsli. cVIc ; .luno S3c ; July , T9)/c. )
Corn stendy ; cash , 34 , ' c : July , 31 15-lOc.
Outs Steady ; cash , xia ; Juno , 'J3c ;
July , 23j < c.
Kyo 41V c.
Unrlov Nothing doing.
Prinio Timothy ? 1. S.
Flax 81.53.
Whisky $1.03.
Pork Firmer ; cash , $11.92&11.95 ; July ,
LarJ About steady ; cash , ? tJ.9i ) ; June ,
' 02)tf ) < ? J > J 5 ; July , 0.9T > ir@7.00.
Flour Unclmnccd ; winter wheat. 82.00 ®
4.90 ; spring wheat , f 1.30@.1i,75 ; rye , 32.4.r
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , f5.2j@5.iO ! :
shorfclear , 5 < 5.2o@G.37 > i : short ribs , $0.00j §
Uu tier Dull : creamery , 13W@lSc ; dairy ,
Oneeso Firm ; full croatn Cheddars ,
0g9Ht'Httts ( ; , OJ @ 10c ; Younit Americas , Sc.
Elks Steady ; western , 18 ( U : c.
Hides Unubannod ; heavy mid light uraon
Baited , S' ' c ; salted dull , 4)40 ) ; green suited
calf , Oo ; dry Hint , 7c ; ilry salted , 7c ;
dry calf , 7(7bu ( ; deacons , 'Joo each
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
4c ; No. 2 , S' u ; c.xke , l > c.
Kcceipts. Shipments.
Flour . 10.1MO 15.00a
Wheat . SOUOI4OU , ( )
Corn . 211,000 -ir > 3,000
Oats . 12--.000 3-17,000
Noxv York , May 13. Wheat Receipts ,
8,000 ; exports , IM.OiK ) ; spot quiet and llrin-
er ; No. 3 red. 84 0 in store ; JsiVijiJs" ( > o
alloat ; &Ui@Sl ) o 1. o. b. ; No. 3 red , 7'Jc ' ;
options 'moderately active , closing steady ;
May , 84-tfc.
Corn Receipts , 157,000 ; exports , 121,000 ;
snot llr in : No. 2 , 4oc in elevator ; 4 ! > o
alloat ; No. 2 , white , -ICc : ungraded mixeJ ,
42 ( < ? 4.c ; options quiet and lower.
Oats Receipts , 23,000 ; exports , 93,000 ; spot
stronger , but quiet ; options dull , lower anil
weaic ; May , 2Uc ; July , 23 c ; . spot , No. 2 ,
white , a" % ( ® 3r > c ; mixed western , 80@34c.
Coffee Ontions barely stcudv and lower ;
sales , 21,750 bags ; May , SUi.liSC Ki 70 ; July ,
? 1S.70@1I.75 ( ! ; spot Rio , dull ; fair cargoes.
Petroleum Quiet bgt steady ; United
closed at 83Ke.
EttKS Easier ; western , 13) c.
Pork Dull ; now , S13.25o ( > 13.50.
Lard Firm ; western steam , J7.30 ; May ,
Uuttor Quiet and weak ; western , 9@17c.
Cheese Strong.
JMItineapolis , May 13. Samolo wheat
higher ; receipts , 10i ) cars : shipments , 72
cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , May , 09o ; July ,
on track , ? 1.00 ; No. 1 northern , May , on
track , 92c ; July , 91c ; No. 2 northern , May ,
tile ; July , SlJ a ; on track , bOc.
St. liOtiiR , May 13. Wheat Lower ; cash ,
77c ; May , 77tfc.
Corn Lower ; cash , 31 ( 320 ; May ,
Oats Lower ; cash , 2Jc ; May , SS fc.
Pork Quiet at M3.03.
Lard Nominal nt fJ ( 05.
Whl ky Steady at $1.03.
Butter Quiet and easy ; creamery , 13@
15c ; dairy , 12@13c. "
Clnclniititl , May 13. Wheat In moder
ate demand ; No. 2 rod , 89 90c.
Corn Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 'M @V o.
Oats Firmer ; No. 3 mixed , 27/4igC7 / ( > aC.
Whisky Steady at Sl.Oi
KiiiiHa.n City , May 13. AVheat-Qulot ;
No. 2 , cash , 71u ; No. 2 , soft , 7dc asked :
July and August ; 07o > askedf
Corn Steady ; No , 2 , cash , iSc ! ; No. 2 ,
white , cash , Syj o asked.
Oats No. " , cash , 19 o asked.
LilVK bl'UUK.
City , May 13. Cattle Receipts ,
2.300 ; shipments , - ; light weight fat
steers firm ; heavy , steady ; cows and fat
heifers , steady to strong ; good to choice
corn-fed , * 3.b5@l.lO ; common to medium ,
f3.2.r > @ 3.7. > ; stockcra and feeding steers llr in
at $3.2503.00 ; cows , * 1.75@3.00.
Hogs Receipts , 4,100 ; shipments , 2,400 ;
market weaker nnd Co lower ; common to
choice , fJ.20@4.45.
Bloux City , May 13. Cattle Receipts ,
07 ; shipments , 39 ; market steady : fut
steers , $3.00 ( < J3.bOi stackers , $3.SO'2S.b5 ! ;
feeders , fJ.40Qi2.90 ; canners and bulls , $1.00
@ 1.75 ; veal calves , JJ.OOC < i4.00.
Hogs Receipts , l.GOJ ; market Bo lower ;
light and mixed , $ l.35@4.43 ; heavy ,
Nixtlnnnl Htook VnriN , Knst St.
iMitla , May 13. Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ;
shipments , 100 ; market strong ; choice
heavy native steers , f3.90jg4.40 ; fair to irood ,
J3.104.00 ; stockorsand feeders , $2.20 ! < ttt.25 ;
ranguts , corn-fed , JJ.80@3.r > 8 ; grass-fed , $1.90
@ 2.oO.
logs-rRocoipts. 5,000 ; shipments , 1,500 ;
market lower ; choice heavy and butchers'
selections , fi.50@4.55 ; packing , $4.30 ( < $4.45 ;
light grades , $4.40@4 50.
Oliloamt , May 13. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 14,500 ; market active
and r > ( "t10o ! lower ; beeves , $4.00 4.40 ; Btoors ,
&l.40t.4.10 ( ; Btockers and' feeders , $ j.50Gj
U.OO ; cows , bulls and mixed , tl.60i J.5U ;
Texas cattle , fl.bO.jrJ3.75. .
Hogs Receipts , 23,000 ; market 5@10c
lower ; mixed , $4.50@4.70 ; heavy , f4.40M
4.C5 ; light , $4.65(144.85 ( ; skips , f3.50@4.50.
Sheep Receipts , 3,00) ; market strong and
I lOo higher : natives , $4.00@5,00 ; westerns ,
W.r,0-35.0J ; Texmis , M.25@3.05 ; lambs , { 4.1HJ
( ! i5.b5.
Cat lib.
Monday. May 18 , 1689.
The receipts of cattle wcro light , and UK
trudmi ; was soon over , abeut everything do-
Blrablo changing hands In the morning. Hot !
puckers mid shippers were frca buyers , atu
thu prices nalit wcro strong , though uot
quotably higher , The later reports frbtr
other markets were not cjulto so favorable
and It Is u question whether the cattle xvouk
have brought so much later iu the day
There were some very good cuttle of theii
weights , and tlieru was ono bunch gooi
enough to bring (3.90 , but the bcof and ship
plug Btcora Bold mostly at t300@3.bO
Jiutchcrs slock was la light supply and ttu
market llrui at formor.nuotutlons. The co'u-i
I * oW at tJ.256J3.20 , and tuo few bulls at IJ.'i )
@ 2.50. Some heifers sold at * 3.00@8.2 , " > .
NntlVo Mockers nnd feeders were very
scarce , but there were a few northern stock1
ers oh sale. What there wns here sold nt n
ran go of | 2.CO@3.30.
The receipts of hogs were very light , and ,
as It frequently happens , when the run Is so
light , the market was In worse condition
than when the offerings are much heavier.
The market opened with the buyers paying
H.8o@4.n7K , and nbout halt the hogs had
been sold when tbo market weakened still
moro , the buyers offering only tl.80@4.32K.
As salesmen wcro hardly prepared to make
so much of a reduction , the market was slow
and druggy , and the noon hour arrived be
fore the nons wcro cleared. In the end the
buyers cleared the yards , paying $4.35@
4.87 } { for almost everything.
Two double decks of cholro 119-lb. shorn
westerns wcro received and sold ntfl.OO.
The market was 11 rm and the demand good.
Anything In the way of desirable mutton *
soils very readily , nnd the urlcos paid are
such that no ono can'afford to ship by boro.
Cattle 1,003
Hog * 1,000
Sheep 343
Prevailing I'rlocs.
The following is ntiblo of'prlcss pild In
this market for the gr.iljj of stosk men
tioned :
Prune steers , 180Dto 1503 Ibs.$3.80 < ,7).00 ) (
Good steer * , 12" 0 to 1450 Ibs. . . 3.70 ( < t3. ! > 0
Good steers. 1050 to 133J lU3. . . 3.5'J ' @J.SO
Ordinary to fair cows 2.0) ( ( $ ) . 10
Fair to good cows 2.40 ( itii 00
Good to choice eows ,2.liJ fetJI.00
Choleo to funcv eowjheifers. . 3.00
Fairto good bulls 2.03 ( .12,50
Good to choice bulls 3nO ( V(3.00 (
Lignt stackers and fcedars- . 2.70 ( if 1.00
Good feeder * , 950 to 1103 Ibs. . 3.0J ( ) 1.35
Fair to choice light hoga 4.33
Fair to cholco ho.ivy ho s 4.35
Fairto choice mixed hogs 4.35
Fair to medium native sheep. . 35) J54.25
Good to choice native sheep. . . 4.0 J ( (1)4.50 )
Fair to choice western aheap , . 3.25 @ 4.0) )
Shorn shcop 3.00 C ! 4.00
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 1340 $3.50 14. . 1H37 $3.70
7 10 M 3.50 43. . 12Ji ( H.70
41 1071 ! 3 55 til ) . . lima 3.70
20 11117 3.57K 15. 1135 3.70
43 1115 3.1.0 42 11IU 3.75
17 11115 17 . .1313 373
12 10d7 ! l I ! . ) is im : 3.75
8 iinu lit 12'Vt J1.75
2.2 , 1104 72 . . . .J4.140T 3.SO
18 , 1117 3'J UV > 3 3.80
17 12tJ3 111 13'JO 3.00
10 .1318 370
co n s.
. 725 j 1180 285
.1050 250 . . . .1170 2/.IO
.1155 2.,0 1170 800
1. 2.80 HUM ! 3.00
1. ! ll40 2.8J 10. 3.20
11. . 'Jll ' 2.S5
10. . 31S 2.00 bO 415 3.00
44. . 431 2.M ) 32 710 II.IO
20. 3.00 4 bb2 3.30
1 . 1503 2.25 1. .11190 2.35
1 . 1200 2.3 > 1. 2.5'J '
in : in : us.
520 3.00 2 503 3.25
130J 3.00
2 . 1300 3.25
3 . 123 4..VJ
Ijlvc Mode Notes.
Hogs loxvcr.
Sheep market ilrm.
Desirable- cattle stronger.
P. J. Murphy , of Rogers , xvas a visitor.
C. J. Furor , Fulrflcld , marketed a car of
Skinner & Kuvan , of Morse Bluffs , mar
keted hogs.
James Miller , Axtell , had a load of hogs on
the market.
William Wallace xvas over from Coin , la. ,
xvith cattle.
J. T. Goodcll xvas in from Huda xvith
load of cattle.
T. M. Hoxvle , of Schuylcr , marketed a
load of cattle.
C. F. 13cntly brought in three loads of cat
tle from Sehuyler.
Evans & Hloxvett , Fremont , marketed txvo
double deck loads of sheen.
W. A. Ifeemin came doxvn from Cedar
Rapids xvith a car of cattle.
Mitchcll-Innls Bros. , of Sehuyler , mar
keted txvo good loads of cattle.
Audrexv Kirk , of Maple River Junction ,
la. , XXMH looking ox-cr the yards.
M. McBrldo came in to look alter the sale
of txvo cars of cuttlo from lienton.
Paul Clark , cashier of the Red Oak , la. ,
National Dunk , xvas a visitor at the yards.
Pierson D. Smith , of St. Edxvards , mar
keted six loads of cattle of his oxvn feeding.
Peterson & Nicholson , hud a line lot of
stock cattle hero from Uonuinnton. They
brought $3 10.
J. W. Coxvan , of Murray ; J. II. Atkinson ,
of Hellovue , nnd E.W. lianks , of Shot ton ,
were looking over tlio yards.
Ijcap Krotit tlio Clouds.
HOUSTOX , Tex. , May 13. Prof. St. Clalr.
the icronaut , in attempting to give his leap
from the clouds at the fair grounds park last
ex'ening , lost his grip on the parachute and
foil 300 feet to the earth. Nearly every bone
in his body xvas broken.o .
Censured the Mliilnc Company.
POTTSVII.LK , Pa. , May 13. The coroner's
Jury in the case of the ton men who xvero
killed ou Thursday evening in the shaft of
the Caska William colliery at Ulir Vein , has
rendered u decision censuring the Alliance
Coal und Mining company tor neglecting to
have sufoty gates in compliance xvith the
mining luxv of 1SS5.
Two Hninll Uoyn Drowned.
CiiooKSTON , Minn , , May 13. Androxv and
Ole Erickson , brothers , a'gcd eight and ten ,
xvoro droxvncd In the river Saturday , Their
father nearly lost his life In trying to rescue
Forecast of the Oomlns Statehood
Wlio Will Irnw tlio lllchor Polltlnl
Prizes ? The Prevalence of
Chnrmlna Unnnlmftjt To-
Klcctliu [ (
llnlnn On me nttlic night Time.
Huuos , S. D. , May U [ Special to Tin ?
BEK. ] It is the rain of this week wo nro
tickling oursclvei over. From ono to two
inches foil all over the state , except in two
or tnrco of the central counties. Crops were
Just ready for It , yet none were suffering.
Since the rains the air has boon cool , keepIng -
Ing the earth In Just the right condition xo
bring the wheat forward , nnd to cause it to
fully stool out before gaining much height.
Corn planting Is progressing satisfactorily.
In the south half of the state it Is nearly
completed ; In the remainder It will bo dona
by the close of this week. It will bo one-
quarter larger planting than ever boforo.
Queer how things jwlttlcal run , some
times. At first thought , the improsslon
would couio that the leading politicians
would seek scats In the constitutional con
vention. The fact is , nearly nil of them nro
keeping out of it. Perhaps saving them
selves for higher offices or moro durable
ones. Judges Carson , of the UlucK Hills ,
nnd Kcllnm , of Chamberlain , were
elected two of the three supremo.
judges lu 1 55 , mid have been
mimed for tho'convention. . So has Judge
Kdgcrton , of Mitchell , 0110 of the very fore
most lawyers of tno state , If not the lender
of the bar. Ho was president of the convention
vontion of lisSo. These will bo the tin co
ablest members of thn coming convention.
Editors Humphrey , of Fuulktou , William
son , of Flntidruu , nnd Caldwcll , of Sioux
Falls , compose the trio of Fubors , who will
sit lu that body all not only good men , like
all their craft , but aggressive , nnd with nn
all-nroUn'd knowledge that will make tliciu
valuable members. ' 1 here Is only ono rase
of father and son being delegates- Judge
Edgcrton , of Mitchell , .ind his son , of Yank-
ton , being the parties referred to. Very
few of the members of the body of 18S5 , will
bo in that ol next July. All the nominees
me of very fair ability.
In not more than three of the twenty-live
districts will lliero oo any party contest for
the delegates. You know 13111 Springer's
omnibus bill allots t'iroo dulogntos to each
district , but forbids all electors voting for
more than two delegates thus making every
free American citlron only two-thirds of a
citizen nt next Tuesday's election. As the
republicans huvo the majority ou u full
vote in till of the districts , they nominate two
delegates and the ilomooruta uomii.ate the
third. Thus there is no opposition to either
bet of nominees , exeoptlng . in the three dis-
tricts referred to , Tliu o ipoiitlon la the
result of fact ion : il lights in the dominant
party. So it is almost a ilcr.i ceitahity that
there will be titty republic. ami twenty-live
of the opposition elected ott.t io i Hli. In ono
district the tnohibitioulsti " avc nominated
two iru'n for dclirutcs , bujjj icro " is u very
slim uliunco for their election.
Ono of thu mr.rkcil sintrulnrltlus of the
conventions is of Picrrobuing unable to
get : i representative In
r.-.nveiittun. It is in : i district composed of
lour counties , two of whicli united tiamst ,
this aspirant for the tirid tooic the
two dolomites. The third nomination , by the
democrats , was Wells , fiomttic thini county ,
so there will not be a iMbpito from the
whole of Unities county. ' "Aberdeen will bo
represented by Stvoupi1 , lUvdlluld by Slur-
ling , Union by Hold and Cooper , \Vntortown
bv Clout'h , Sioux Falls .by Calilwull mid
Wright , MUcho.l D.V 1'dgortcfu and Ynnkton
bv hid son , Vui million by Jolly , FnullUon by
Humphrey , Flandruu 'liv ' Williamson , Chaiu-
bcrlnln by , Gettysburg by Whitloclc ,
Iroquois by Motion. 15ut Pierre got Uft.
' .Micro is music in the air for some moro
democrats. Governor Multctte , 'Messrs.
Pettlcrow and Moo Iv and Trcanurer liallcv
have ffono to Washington. Their errand
was not gien out , but wo continue ) to have
several doiiiocrati hi our land oiliecs , a
democratic United States marsh : ; ! and sur
veyor-general , and thooillLO of United Stains
dHtrict attorney is It is supposed
the quartette huvo gone to inquire il it 13 not
about time that bcrno moro chnnjrcs worn
made in the federal olllces.
It la pretty w ll cetlli'il hero that H. H.
Sullivan , ol Pluukinton , will bo siirvovor-
general ; Asststmit-lJislrii't-Aitoiiioy Mur
phy will Vo promoted to tlio head of the o.lko
cud Attorney J. 13. Kelley. of Huron , will bo
made assistant.
liy the lit bt of next week the survey for the
now tallroud from Gettysburg to Forest Cny
will bo Completed , and tlio line will bo im
mediately nut under contract for giudlng ,
lipinsruud iroutne. Hv .Inly 4 it will bo fin
ished nud the cars lunning legularly six
teen mllns. Iho cotnpanv who owns the
Forest City slto have one of thu finest locu
tions on thu upper Missouri for a city. Tnuy
are recei vine : the lumber to build a $10,000
hotel and will make other valuable improve
ments nt once. A telegraph line is to bo
built from Foiest City to Gettysburg within
thirty dayo.
Tlmr 1 Iretl
AHlicts nearly every one in the spring.
The bystoin huvitiff become neoustomed
to the bruuiiiff anof winter , id weak
ened ny the warm days of the changing1
boiison , and foadily yields to ntUicks of
diboase. Hood's Ssirs.iparilla is just the
incdiciho needed. It tones and builds
up every part of the body , and also ex
pels all impurities from the blood. Try
it this season.
cy Frustrated.
LoifDO.N , May 13. A conspiracy has been
discovered among military ollieera in St.
Petersburg , and n large number have been
arrested. In their possession were found'
papers which proved they intended to nt-
tomptto assassinate the czar. ' Uombs were
also found. _
Died on tlio Street.
NRW YOUK. May 13. W. II. ChntHold , of
thu linn of Chatlluld & Ward , of Cincinnati.
dealers In paucr bags , was taken suddenly ill
on the street to-day , and died before medical
aid could reach him. Ills death was caused
by Lcart failure.
Advice tu Mother * .
Mrs. Wlnslow's SoothliiS'Syrup should al
ways boused for children-toothing. It soothes
the child , coftuiis the gums , allays nil pain ,
cures wind co'lu. ' and is UHojtiost remedy for
dlurrhwu. 25enn ts a
Killed by n Kallf/ic / Wall.
NEW YOUK , Ivlay la. T vo worltmon wcro
killed una the foromaif'df the gang was
thought to have been filially injured by the
falling of the wall of an oJd high stoop house
that is being torn aown Jo make room for a
iiew building. * j'
0. J
For Blllowand Nenroui Dliorderi. luehasWInd and Pain In the Stomach , Sick Headache , Glddineil , Fat-
neit. and Swelllna alter Meals , Dizziness and Drowsineti , Cold Chilli , rluihingi ol Heal. Lou ol Appetite ,
Shorlnes * ol Breath. Coitlvenesi , Scum , Blplchat on the Slln. Dliturbed Sleep. Frialttlul Dreams , and all
Nervoua and Trembling Sentalloni. 4c. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TV/ENIY MINUTES.
TliU U no Dctloii. Every sufferer la oarneutlr Invited to try ouo JJox ot theaa rillfl , aud tuoy will l > o
acknowledged to bo < > Hondrrful Mnttrtne.
DEEOIIAJJ'S I'lLLS , taken as dlrectod , will quickly rettare frmiilet complete health. For a
they ACT LIKE MAGIC : aHP dote * will work wonders upon the Vltol Orqini : Slrengthenlna tbo
muscular Sulem ; rcetnrliiR lone-lost Complexion : bringing back tlio keen edge ol appetite , aud
arousing wltu tbo ROSEBUD OF HEALTH tbo wholey1ty > ( titl merguot tbo human frame. Tboso
nro " facts H admUtod by tbousands ln nil claason ofsociety i and ono of the best guarantees to tbo
, , , , ' I , nt. Ileleni , inriuiire , nsan.
f , Jf"Wl ' gftientttu. B. F. ALLEN & CO. , 365 and 387 Canal St. , New York , Bole ASents for
tbo United States , ulto ( Ifour [ druggUt does not keep them , )
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
5O5 South I thlStreet , Oiunlia
Chicago , Ills , 1 ClnrkSt.
The Regular Old-Established
It ill ! ) Treating with IhaGroatMt
Chronic , Nervons and Private Diseases ,
' Iff NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lot ! Manhood ,
Filling : Memory , Exh u tlop Drains , Terrible
Drcami , Head and Hack Acne and all the cITecll
! CAIIDK | to early dccuy andpeih > p * Coniumptlonot
InianUy , treated tcicnllhully by new methods with
never-fining fmccest.
aVPHILISand ell bad Blood and Skin Dll-
catea permanently cured.
A3-KIDNBYand URINARY complaints , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Vnrlcocele nnd all dkciuei
of the Qcclto-Unn ry Organs cured promptly wHhoul
Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or o-her Oig"ns.
OS" No experiments. Age and experience Im *
portnnt. Consultation free and aacred.
BB-Send 4 cents posijfce for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous encl Dcllcnte Uiseaxs.
S-Those contemplating Maitince end for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Ferrule , each
is cents , both 35 cents ( stamps ) . Corsult the old
Doctcr. A friendly Utter orcallmay savefutirrnuflrer.
ini { arid tliame , and add golden years to life. ffB"Uoo <
"Life's ( SecretErrors ) , " v ntsitampj ) . MedlclM
Anti wiillngs sent e\er > herc , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sur.dsysg to u Adiliest
F. D. CLARKE , M. D.t
135 So. Clark St. . CWICAflO , ILL *
liOS STII'.IKT , Oxmti , NISB.
( .Upposlta Paxton lloteU
OITlcelio.irs , Oa. m. tohp. m. Bunaays , 10 .
ni. to Ip m.
, -perl ill-its In Ohtonlc , Nervous , Skin and
Blood UUoiKes. , . , ,
SWCoiisnUatlon nt ollce ! or by moll freo.
Mfiilclncs s'titiby mall or express , socurolj
puck-il li-to fioni oljscratlon. . Cuarantcet to
euro ( iiililclxhafulv anil tirfi'iutin-ntly.
. ' . soml-
MfUt/flTICl TirnfT
NfariYUUO llriDlLlll nal I.o-Jse-.NIEhtiiaH. :
sionn I'hyMcal Uoi'nv , nrl-iliiB from Inulscro-
lion , 'lix'c i or lurtulKonce. jirotliiclni ; Sleep-
lessii'iu. -pmilrnc.v , I'lrapltM on tlio fRfe.
averalon to o 'lety , ' 'Hilly tllr > couriigefl. IncK ot
coullilsiice , dull , unlit for or bua'.nen.uml
flnils Ufa n Inud-n. Mif'ly. purmancutly and
nrlviitoly cured. { 'ouMtlt lir.s. itBtts it IJetU ,
Mi Kmnamht. , Om.xlia. Neb.
Bled ] ami Skin DtoiBeisas nrbffls
riisullii , coiiipletolv cradlcnteil without the aid
ot Mnrcurv. Her fnli. Kryslpolus , Fever Mores ,
IllntcnoH. Ulcers , 1'uins in tholleail and Hones , \ 1
ByphilltkSoroTliront. . Mouth and Tongue , fa-
tiu-rli. .Vc. pcrtnanently cured xxhero others
have lull ( ! . ,
rirlnnu ITnilliniT linl1 Hladdor Complaints.
K1Q111V , UHliary ruimui. nimuiu , too fro-
intent [ lurnln- nloody Urlno. Urine hlsn col
ored or xvith" milky sediment ou ttamllng ,
XX'eak Hack , Gonnorrhoca , Gleot , Cystitis , c. ,
1'romptly nndSafcly Curo.1 , Charges Hensomi-
mox-al ( ompletc , without cutting , entitle or
dilatation. Ourcsellected at lioino bv patient
without a momentbtinlnor utmox-nnce.
To Yonni Men and Mifluie-Apu Men ,
A CI1DD TTIDI ? The nwfnl eltocti of fitrly
fl uUllLi llLJlttl Vice , xx bleb urinps orfianlc
weakness , destroying uoth mind and bodv , with
all luareailed Ills , permansntly cured.
IlDO DDTTHJ Adi CMS tnoiioxvnonnTo Impaired
UKO , DDllu theniHclves by Improper indul-
nnd iiollury Imb.n , xvhlch ruin both
ortv and mind , unfitting them for business ,
study or marriage. ,
MAHIIIKD MEN. or those entering on that hap
py life , axvnre of physical debility , quickly aa
la lneil ( upon facts , first 1'ractlcal Expo-
rlence. Becond Kvcry case is especially studied ,
thiiHHtiu ting aright. Third Medicines are pro-
parrd In our laboratory exactly to Milt oich
cuf > u. tntia airectlnijcurja xvlUiout Injury.
Pff Send 0 cents postage for celebrated works
on Chronic , Ni-rvotxs and Uel'eato ' DlseiiHes.
TliousuliclB cured. f4f A friendly letter or call
may gave you futuio 8Uircrin and sliaine , and
Rdil golddti years to life. Cw'No letters an-
nx01 or ! nnlcsii uccompumod by 4 cents in stamps.
Addres al , ori. &
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H03 1'aruani Srtpot. Qtnuha. Nab.
_ _ micceasf uily uwxi monthly by over 10,000
! J " Ijadli-s , Are Safe. Kffcctualanil Pleatant
> J 81 piTDozbymall.oratdniRKlDta. Sealed
Particular * 2 postage stampn. Address
TOE Crjiuiu , CniutcAi , Co. , DifrnoiT , Uica.
For Hale und by mail by Goodman Dr u
Company , Omaha.
] Arrests discharges from the urinary or
Igans In cither sex InIS Iiouru.
I U Is Btiporior to copaiba , cubebs , or
9 injections , and free from all baa smell
J or other Inconveniences.
ICarw le . 'wblch Iwir the nime . . .
IbUcklettcra.wlUKmtwhicli none an
DR. HORSr.'l tI.KTIIO.H10.
KFTIC KM.T pn.lttKlr lirrr
fliiiiKraiTiHM , EI iiiu.u , 1.1 y.
LU , KIDVCT and riliauillnir
vclironlu dlvean rior tiothi-oxrs
Cnntrilni J In lOOilecrrteibf
Klectrlcltjr. CIHHMFEI ; iba
f r it , , p.ctco vurr i , CURK OF
KNERiTIVl ! fL KNi8BTln |
Agrlculturnl ImplomontB.
DcalerluAgricnllnrallniplonicnts , Wagons
Cvrltctt and t > nnl . Jonts ntn-ct , between Wh nnd
luth , Omalifi.Nflirt m.
Agricnlt' ' Implements , Wagons , Carriages
nucglo.cto. Wholonlo. Omnliy Nebr .
\Yholerala Denier * In
Agricnltnral Implements , WagonsS Bnggies
Hl.lCBK ) nitarJone ? lreet , Omithk.
Manufaeturon nnd jobticrt In
Wagons , Bnggies , Ra'ies , Plows Etc ,
Cor. 9th and Pacific ttrocUi , Omahtv.
Artlats' MntorlnlB.
A. J10SPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs ,
1113 Douitlai itrael Omnha , > brn kn.
Doots and Shoos.
W. V. MOUSE , t CO. ,
JoWcrs of Boots nndSte ,
1101 , lion , I1U6 DoiiBlriK utrrrt , Onuln. Mnnnfactorr ,
( jumiiior street , llmlon.
Conl , Cokp nnd Ulmo.
JoMcrs of Hard and Soft Coal ,
100 South 13th ttrrct , Omnha , NobrnnX * .
of Coal a d Co\e ! ,
Mlh IStli bUOmnhn , Neb.
Storage and Cominhsion Merchants ,
Ppcclaltlei llmtpr. ppi'i" . chco'O , imultrr , cam * .
lll'llimiml : Hrect Ornnlia.Neb.
Notion B.
Dry Goods , Fiirflisning Goods and Notions
1103 and 1101 Douglas , cor. llth street , Omnhn , Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
n ntV furnlxblnir goods. Corner llth nnd Uarner
itreote , Oinahn , Nebraska.
Importer * nnil Jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
817 Bouth litli street.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture
Knrnnni ctroct , Omahn , Nobraikft.
Furniture ,
Cmnha Ncbrnika.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions.
7Ki,7U7nUnnaTll8o th 10th itOmnhaNob.
MeCORl ) , JtRADY A CO. ,
13th ami irfmverinorth etrccts , Omnha , Nebraska.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs. WHROII Ftnrk , hardware , lumber , cto. 1X > 3
anil 1211 llarnoy elrcet.Onnha.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals. Micrt Iron. etc. .Agents for llowo scales.
Miami | > olurani ! Ionian burbocl nlru ,
Build rs' ' Halwarc aad Scale Repair Shop.
Mechanics' tools nnd IlufTalo nr.ilca. HOJ Douflai
strest. Onmlm. Nub.
. ,
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported and American Portland cement. Btat *
aztnt tct Milwaukee
Qulncy wlilto lime. _
Dealer in Hardwood Lnmber ,
Wood curpoti and purquot lloorinj. ( 9th a
Atructn , , reb.
AllKiims of Boilfliog Wai at Wholesale ,
lEth Etrcet nnil Unlun I'ltcllloTrHck.Umnlia ,
Dealer in Lumber , Latli , Lime , Sasli ,
Doors , Etc , Yards-Cornci Tth neil Uoceltts. Corner
I'JUi ' hud iloUKlua ;
Lnmter , Limb1 Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner Ctb and Douulrm tilt , Omuba.
c. i
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmber ,
13th and California Slrcoln , Omaha , Nebraska.
. Mllllnory and N Uons. _
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
_ gB.lUuud ! il2 houth lltli itreot _
_ NoTlona. _
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
4iO and < 05 Honth 10th street. Omaha.
H. HARDY & CO. ,
Jobber * of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
( arnlihlng Rood , children's carrllios ,
8UIU y riiaiu trcei ,
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ail urcase , eto , Omaha. A. II. lllilioi | , Managef
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Cnrrr a nice stock of printing , wrapplnv nnd writing
paper. Upeolal attentlun given to car loail orders.
u. B. rspcsiToay , OMAHA , NEB.
Capital 8100,00) )
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1880 6iUJ : (
IIKNKY W. YATCS. 1'ruHlilent.
LKW1H S. Uiii : : ) , Vice rrejUU'Ut ,
A. K TOUXAl.Irl ,
W. V. 110USI2. '
JOHN 8. COljf.lNS ,
JN. 11. 1'A'i'ltlCK.
W. II 8. IIUOIIKS , Cnshlnr
Corner 12th ami 1'armra Sts.
A Ocni-rul lluukluu'
T. K
Room 03 Trader * ' IlullilliiCi
Boots and Shoos.
SnccfHan to lte 1Jonci A Co.
Wholesale MaiiufaclorcK of BootsS Slices
Agcott lor Ikislon llubbrr PhP Co. Itm. 1101 m11M
lUmor einpt , OniktiKNolit i .
Lager Beer Brewers ,
15J1 North KlKhtccith trot , Omkhn , tr K
Hann'actnrcrsofGalyanlzei Iron Cornice
Wlndow-cnr nclmrl llonl lili. John Kp n < tcr ,
proprietor. KHaml llut-oilh tOthitreeU
Office Fixtures.
Lank , Offlce and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mnntlci. t < lilol > onnl . Hoot , ranps , linif future * , Wall
CKfc' , 1'nrilllonn. llnllliiei.Coiiiitrrt. . llcrrnml Win *
Conlom , Mrror , Klo' Knrtiir ; MU ! onlre , 17W and 17SI
Bouth lniiflt..Uin : lm. yelt'pliono 1181.
_ PoporjioxoB.
Proprielor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
NOJ. 1117 mild 1.119 Douglas otrcct' , Omtihii , Neb.
, Elo.
r. A. itsnno\r \ t co. ,
\Vlio ! nlo manufnctnrars of
Sash , Doors , Bliails anil Monlflings ,
nrnuch * ; ricc , 12th nnd linnt ctrrft Omaha , Neh.
7JO/KY CO. ,
Mannfictnrcps of Sasli , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding. t > tnlr-nork nnil Ititprlor tmnl woo > l tlnlih.
N.H. corner bill nmt Ix-nvcnnr rih slrccte ,
Umiilia , .Nol > .
Stonm Fillings , Puinpa , Etc.
r/UivJTt ( 'EA/fir / i'H A.\ \ HK.I'TINU oo
Pniniis , Pipss and Engines ,
Steam , walor , rnlhiHr nnd tnlnliiK nupplles , eta
im.ltfiandU ! ! Innmm Mrvet , Oiimlin.
tS. . W1XD VKO1NE it. ' PUMP CO. , '
Steam anil Waten SnuDlios ,
wind mllli. IUS nnd 13) ) Jonm St , Omaha ,
O. K. Hois , aitiiiK AiHiiHuor.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery.
BhL'ol-lron work , fleam pumps , mw mills. 121S-131I
l.ciucnivoilli stit'ut , Onmlm.
Iron Works.
_ _ j
STEAM itiiiLnii woifks ,
Cnrtcr A. bon , I'rop'R Slanufnirtnrer * of nil klmt
Slcani BoilcK , Tanh ani Sheet Iron Wo *
\Viirktl' < iiithaitli nnd II. \ SI cronilnij. Tel. 1111
Wrought and Cast Iron But ( ting Worfc
i , lirnks work , KOtioral fonndrr , rnncnlno und
Itli work , onlco nml wnrJtn , U. 1 * . llr.
nnd ITtli utroct , Oumlia.
Maiinfactnrers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk rnlln. nlmlow Ktmrds. ( lemur MnndK. w
etc.U \ t < ortU II til Btrcot , Oinlilm.
rniAUA AFn A J7Jc5iV WORKS ,
Manf'rs ' of Fire anil Burglar Proif Safes ,
Vir.ilK Jnll wnik. Iron xliutti'rs and II ro cscnpos.
G. Atulrccn , prop'r. Cor. lltli nndJntksouBn.
sruL'K'AltDS \ CO. ,
Of Onlia , Limitci
John F. lluy > 1Suierlctumlant. |
-Til -
Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ' ,
The Host Kouto from Onmliii and Council
Clitcngo , AND Mlhvniikco ,
SI. Paul , Minneapolis , Ccrtnr linplds ,
Hock Island , Frceporl , IlocKfonl ,
Clinton , Diibiuiuc , Datcnport ,
LIgiii , Mailisoi : , .Tftiiesxillc ,
Iluloit , Winona , La Crosse , <
And all other Important points Eiint , Nortlienst nnd
1'ortliroiuli tlcielj. call oil the ticket n cnt nt IMl
( timnm street. In lliirkur llioct.or nt Union I'nclllo
l' ' trot.
I'ullnian Slrcpi'r. nnd the llno't Plnlnir Cnr In th
\\urliluruin-iuntliuniiln llnu of tlru CblurKO , .Mil-
wnuLcc A , n. i'nirl Itnl.way. nnil every Hticntlori !
IIHUI to pnssL'ilKcrs by courtcorm omployiii of lb *
H. .Mll.l.ISU.Uanornl Maniitcr.
J K. TUUKKK , Asilnlnnt Ueimrnl Mnnncer.
A. V. II. UAlll'KN don.r.-il ( 1'usjcngor ana
TloVnt Affont.
C1C > K III'AKi'OUU. As l3tant Goncrixll'asnoniior
nnd Ticket Auent.
MK.N nnil WOMKN BiicccBsfullr treutuJ.
SulIerlnK trom the uffocls of roiitlifiil follies or Inrllt
cri'IUiiu , or nru trontiloil wlllr XVciiltnotn , Norvotli
Hul'lllty ' , Ixwaof .Memory , lienioiiiloncy. | Avunlnnla
t-oclcty , Klilnoy Troubli'cur nny illsuiuu of tliu ( Jenl
to-Urinary Ortiunri , tun I'cru llnil u oafu nndieoaj \
< ur * OlmrKUS ri'timinntilu , c-Kiit'clully to thu poi/r.
Tlaro Hro ninny troubloit ultli too frequent ovucua
llona of tire b.nililur , ollun nicoiiiiriinleil by u Hlliillt
tmurtliiK or biirnliiK Bvimalloii , anil no.ikunlnK uf the
tynteinInnmiuincrtho imtlcnt taiinol uccoiint for.
On HxnmlnhiK tlio urtnnry ileio | li n roijr | runllmunt
Hill otton liu found , unit ooinctlinai imrUclm nt nllni'
men will nii | > uur or tlio color ho oi n ililn , mllkltti
InuMiunln cirnniflni ; ton ilnrk or torplil upunarHoco.
'I here nro inanr men who dlr < of thin dintculty , lunor-
anloj the iniiio which IK the seoon 1 ntn o of Hunrl-
nnl wcakrrcm. The doctor will urmriuiteon per'dcl
fiiro In till Kiich inoit.rinil n honlthy reittorntlori of
thoKenlto iirlnnry oruiinn. Conirgltntlon freo. Hciul
2-ci-nt tiimii for "Vounvlnn' Krlend.or Ouliloto
Wi'dlooH , " Iroo to nil. A'l 1r
Main and lUth St. .ICatiHas City , Mo. '
i tills tmpor.
Health is Wealth
* IE.NT , UKUarantteU Hpcclllc for HyBterl.i , DUil
ntiis. ConruUlnas , i'lta , Nurvoim NuuralxJii
llcadachu , Norvons I'rostratlon CUIIHOI ! by the
imoor alcohol < , r tobacco.ViikofiilntfHH , Mental
UeprosMloli. Kofii'iiUi of the llraln ruritillliiK In
Inxanlty ami loading t" nilsury. ncciy unit
death , I'roirmttiraOlil An < f > Hiurminr-Ks , Loss of
I'ower in oiD.ur sex. Involuntary ] , O < H < M nnd
Hponnniorihd'ii canned by ovuroxcillon ot
tlio ijinin. Half iiOiiNu or ov > t indiilfunco. Knelt
box ixintutiiH on" nio'ith'8 trcutiiiont , 41 nbori
or six boxoi fort ) , tout by yiull iiropalrl on iu-
cnlpt of pried.
Tociinianj1 c ati.VHJi oncli ( inter roceivcil b/
UH for six boxo.i. acconioanloil with $ * > , wo will
tend the purchaser our willten Ktiaiantua to refund -
fund thu inonoy If the truatiuunt doo.i not utruct
a cure. OuuiMiitceH Issued only by ( Joodiiuin
UniKCo. , DiiiBKlBttf , Bolo Ab'oniH. 1110 Kuril im
Htreet O'linliu ub.
CM tort.
uiurihiKxl , itc I Ifl l nifu tulrmMo
c < iMiiiliiliii full | > urllcuUr > fur lioinu tunfjto u
'pttOFt F/O ' FOWLER , Moodus , Conn.
IKUoaruora rJfc , Ouica a : ruirlca fr i ; i j iu
biuiauit guloUf uua Urf&iir iraa' ) l 4