Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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    tr iaMa KA-KftK-tiira" * * * * * MaMW4NMU. -
Result of Yesterday's Western As-
ooclatlon Gnmos ,
Open Inn of tlio Ch I en KO JJIoycIo Tour *
nnnicnt Knapp In tlio liond
Other TuiT nml lln-
moml Notes.
Standing of tlio Ilnll Clubt.
Following la the standing of tlio Western
association up to and including yesterday's '
games :
Played. Won. lost. Per Ct ,
StPnul 15 13 2 .807
Omalm 15 10 C .007
Denver 1 7 0 .633
Sioux City 14 7 7 .WO
St. Joseph 13 0 7 .402
Minneapolis. . . 15 5 10 .333
JM Mollies..15 5 10 .333
Mlhraukeo 17 4 13 .335
Ios Molncs 1O , Mllwnnkaa 2.
MILWAUKEE , May 13. MlUvfiukeo was de
feated by DCS Molnoa , to-day. Emmorko's
pitching was the feature , The locals were
unable to hit him. Connell niado a homo
run , Score :
An. it. ntr. BII. ro. A. n.
Poorman , of. . . 0 0 0
Lowe , If S 0 0
Morrlssey , lb. . 9 1 1
Klrby , as 1
Button. lib 3
Hassamacr , rf. 1
Alberts , 3b 1S 3 0
Crossloy , e. . . . S a i
Freeman , ) > , . . . 3 1 0
Itiloy , p 000
Totals. ar s 3 a C4 is a
AH. n. nil. sn. ro. A. it.
Patton , ss. . . . , 4 2 0 1 3 0
Muskrey , rf. . 0 1 0 0
Pholan , 2b. . . 333 1 8 3 0
Smith , lb 0 11 0 0
Whltcloy , of. 3I o a o o
Conncll , 3b. . . I 0
Cody , rf ,
Traniey , c. .
Emmorko , p.
{ gTotals 29 10 101 27 11 1
Milwaukee . . . 2
DcsMoIucs. . . . 10
Earned runs Milwaukee 3 , DCS Moincs 0.
BOSH on , balls Lowe , Alberts 2 , Crossley
3 , Riley , *
Patton , Phelon , Whltoloy , Cody 8 , Traffloy ,
Struck out By Freeman , 1 ; by Riley , 3 ;
by Emmerko 5.
Two-baso hits Button.
Homo runs Connull.
Double plays Morrisscy to Freeman , Sutton -
ton to ICirby.
Passed balls Crossloy 1.
Wild pitches Hiloy 3.
Stolen bases Poorman 2 , Lowe , Alberts 3 ,
Patton 2 , Pholan 3 , Smith.
Umpire Hurley.
Time 2 hours.
St. Paul to. .Minneapolis 2.
ST. PAUL , May 13. St. Paul defeated
Mlnncapoljs again to-day. Mitchell was
pounded hard and received miserable sup
port. Score :
AII. it. mi. sii. ro. A. E.
Hawcs , lb. . .
Murphy , in. ,
Pickctt , as. . 1 1 0 3 4
Carroll , rf. . 0 2 0 0 1
Rfillly , 3b. . . 0 0 3 1
Werrlukib. ! 5
Trodway , If , 5 3 ,4 .0 0 0
Farmer , c. . 3 1 3,0 8
Maine * , p . . 5 0 2 0 1 2
Totals 41 10 17 o 27 15 4
AII. n. mi. sii. ro. A. E.
Miller , 3b 1 3
West , in 1 1
Hanrahan , ss. . 4 0 20 4 0
Turner , rf. . . . 4 0 0 0 0 0
Daly , If 4
Honglc.Sb. . . . 4II
Mlnnclmn , lb. II 0 5 0
Mitchell , p. . . . 4 100 3 0
Jantzcn , c 1 1 0 0 11 C I
Totals . Kl 2 8 2 27 17 7
11V IN.NIN03.
St. Paul . 0 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 2 10
Minneapolis . . . 0 2
Earned runs St. Paul 8.
Two-baso hits Hawes , Murphy , Wcrrlck ,
Homo run Tredway.
Bases stolen Uy Murphy , neilly , Tred
way , Hanrahan , MInnchan.
Double plays Pickctt , Werrick and
Hawcs , (3) ( ) ; Mitclull , Miller nnd Hengle ,
Dailoy , Jantzcn and Hanrahan.
Bases on balls Oil Maines 8 , oft Mitchell
I Struck out By Malncs 0 , by Mitchell 9.
Passed balls Farmer 3.
Loft on bases St. Paul S , Minneapolis 8.
First base on errors St. Paul 3 , Minneap
olis 3.
Balk Mitchell.
Timn 1:50.
Umpire Forco.
The National Liontrne.
PHILADELPHIA , May 18. Result of to-day's
pamo :
Philadelphia . 0 0030000001-4
Chicago . 3 0000000000 3
Base hits Philadelphia 13 , Chicago 7.
Errors Philadelphia 8 , Chicago 5. Pitchers
Bufllngton and Dwyer , Umpire McQtmid.
WASHINGTON , May 13 , Rusult of to-day's
pamo :
Washington . 0 0438000 4 13
ladlanaiwlls . . . ,0 3000503 1 H
Base hits Washington 15 , Iiidlanapolis 18.
Errors Washington 3 , Indianapolis 0.
Pitchers Heuly and Whitney. Umpire
Baruum ,
BOSTON , May 18. Result of to-day's game :
Boston . 3 7
Pittsburg . 0 5
Base hits Boston 9 , Pittsburg 9. Errors-
Boston 8 , Piitsburg 5. Pitchers Clurkson
and Stalcy. Umpire Fcssondcn and Curry.
NKW YOUK , May 18. Result of to-day's
cramo :
New York . 34 0010000 7
Cleveland , . 0 1031030 * 8
Base hits Now York 4. Cleveland 8. Er
rors Now York 7 , Cleveland 8. Pitchers
I Ilatflold and Bakoly. Umpire Lynch.
American AHsoolatlon.
CINCINNATI , May 13. There was no gatno
totday , ou.uccount of rain ,
Y , May 13. Result of to-dny's '
Kama ;
Kansas City. . . .3 9
Columbus . 3 OOP 00040 7
LOUISVILLE , May 1:1. : Result of to-day's
gauio :
Athletic . 0 000010 1
Louisville . 0 3
Game called at the end of the seventh in-
nlnff on account of rain.
ST. Louis , May 13. The tlaHluioro St.
Louis game was postponed on account of
_ _ _ _ _
Tlio Intor-Stato League.
Bi'itiKoriELU , May 13. The game hers was
postponed on account of rain.
Lioulivlllo Rae OH.
LOUIIVILLE , May 13. Tbo traoK was
uuddy , Summary !
All ages , one and one-slxtcoulh miles
| ) &dgo won , Unlucky second , Stoney Mont
gomery third. Time 1:50 ,
Two-year-old colts , tlvo furloncs Penn
von. Uncle Bob second , Starter Culdwcll
-lilrd. Time 1:04. :
All , cno nd one-eighth wile * Fninlnu
won , Madeline ' second , Rccluso third. Time
All age * , ono mile Drookful wort , Chand
ler second. Jaklo Toms third. ' 1 imo 1GI. :
Seven furlongs , three-year-olds Bravo
won , Castaway second , Brlpllglit third.
Time 1 :36. :
Vnlunblo Horses Sold.
CiitVP.iANJ > , May 13. At ft sale of horses
belonging to W. J. Gordon , of this city , to
day , nt the dlonvlllo track , the following
were the most important disposed of : The
black goldlnif , Guy , record 2'12 , to H. G.
Stephens , of Cleveland , for 139,750 ; Leon-
tine , to J. I. Case , of Raclno.Wls. , for 61,300 ;
Mombrlno Sparkle , record 2:17 : , to E. M.
Clough , of Minneapolis , for &I.P50 ; Daisy G ,
to W. S. Bristol , Kncmo , WIs. , for frtlO , and
Mlnnlo S , to J. 1. Cose , of Itiiclnc , Wis. , for
? 1,000.
J. D. Crelghton , of Omaha , bought Ncttlo
H , ( record 2:20 } ) n gray mare by Richmond ,
dam by Co Poland's Gray Euglc , for $500.
A Colt Seriously Injured.
J W. Guest's bay colt , Huron , sustained
probably permanent Injuries whllo en route
to Louisville , last night. Ho broke loose In
tno car and kicked himself in a frightful
manner. Hoforo leaving Nashville Guest re
fused 712,500 for the colt.
Death of Czar.
Czar , the phenomenal three-year-old run
ning colt , owned by Theodora Winters , of
California , nnd valued at $23,000. died of
pneumonia at Union Park , Council Bluffs.
yesterday morning. Ho was the winner of
thu California derby.
A Wnr On Hooktimkors.
LOUISVILLE , May 1.1. President Clark , of
the Louisville Jockey club , to-day telegraphed -
graphed President Pn'lmor , of the Book
makers' association , to appear hero tomorrow
row nnd show can 30 why the association
should not bo ruled off for endeavoring to
prevent bookmakers from going on the track ,
and for other causes. This is understood to
mean that Colonel Clark finds himself in a
sufllciently strong position to force the fight
ing nnd bring the bookmakers to terms. If
the association Is ruled oft hero it will , of
coursa. bo driven from all tracks under the
control of the turf congress.
A Unod Mntlhoo Card. *
There will boa racing matlnoo at Union
pnrlc , Council Bluffs , Saturday afternoon ,
May 18. The principal event of the occasion
will bo Nat Brown's celebrated pacer , U
Bet , and running mate , Jnclc-Go-Easy , in a
trial to boat their record , for a purse of $500.
There 'will also bo a trot , 2:35 : class , for a
purse of $100 , and a pacing race , 2:35 class ,
for a similar stake. A running nice , half-
dash , and a match rauo for $1,000.
1'lattsmimtlt'n Clmltenuo Accepted.
EXKTEK , Neb. , May 13. To the Sporting
Editor of THE BEE : In Sunday's BKE wo
noticed a challenge from the Plattsmouth
croquet club to play a scries of games for the
championship of the state. Knowing that
wo have tbo best club in the western part of
the state this challenge comes to us when
wo are looking for fresh fields to conquer.
Wo'thereforo accept said challenge and are
prepared to mnko arrangements for the pro
posed games at any time.Al.EX
The Chicago Ulcjrclc Rncrs.
CHICAGO , May 13. | Special Telegram to
THE URB. | The races at the Exposition , to
day , opened with an attendance of 10,000 pco-
plo , which , owing to a drizzling rain , was far
above the expectations of the management.
Great interest was manifested by the Chicago
cage people in the races. Every heat was
finished amid the greatest excitement and
cheering. Pixloy , of Omaha , won the ono-
uiilo handicap for the boys. Other races are
to bo rua by heats and will not bo decided
before Wednesday or Thursday. The score
of the professionals is as folows :
Miles. Laps
Knapp . 123 5
Reading . 123 5
Morgan . 123 5
Prince . 123 5
Shock . 123 0
Nellson . 33 0
Temple . ' , 47 0
Knapp finished first , with Prince a close
second. In the last lap Morgan took a
header and throw Reading. Both were hurt
pretty badly.
Notes and Comments.
Kansas City has concluded to release
Minneapolis is negotiating with Chicago
for Larry Dwyor.
Nic-hols and Coonoy will be Omaha's bat
tery nt St. Joe , this afternoon.
Cleveland carried oft the honors in both
fielding and batting in the Denver games.
On May 21 , 22 and 23 the St. Joes wiJi bo
hero , and ou the 24tb , 25th and 20th the Don-
St. Paul continues to forgo ahead , and will
soon bo on "Easy street , " unless somebody
steps in and beads her off.
"Spud" Farrish has
n very healthy respect
for Grand Island's pets. They knocked the
long fireman's pets out iu two games with
hiirdly an effort.
If Omaha will now only take two games
out of the three with St. Joe , everybody will
bo satisfied , and If they take three straight ,
all will bo forgiven.
The Omuh\s : play in St. Joe to-morrow ,
Wednesday nndThursday , nnd a party of
local fans went down last night to witness
the initial slaughter.
In the two Denver games the Omahns
made but fourteen hits , with a total of six
teen , whllo Dave Howe's men made twenty-
one. with a total of thirty. The Ornabas
niado three errors and the Denvors seven.
The Omahas will ronch homo
next Friday morning , and on Saturday moot
the warriors from Sioux City for their flrst
game this season. A big excursion train of
corn buskers will bo down to witness Sun
day's gamo. '
A Bon of Emory htorrH Arrested on
Tlmt Cliariie.
NBW YOIIK , May 13. Detective * from the
district attorney's ' .ofllce , to-i'ay , arrested
George M. Storrs , son of Emory Storrs , of
Chicago , on a charco 01 blackmail preferred
by hi wife , Eileen Storrs , who is said to
have received a scurrilous letter from Storrs ,
dated Chicago , February 31. An Indictment
was found against Storrs. While ho was
waiting to plead , papers in divorce proceed
ings were served upon him. Desertion and
cruelty are the causes alleged , Storrs was
committed to thu Tombs prison in default of
$1,000 bond. -
A Fireman Roasted to Death ,
DENVKK , Cole , , May 13. | Special Tele
gram to THH BKK. ] An accident occurred ,
on the South Park railroad , thirty-five miles
from Denver , this morning , an engine and
seven freight cars bolng derailed by collision
with a rock. Bon Hodges , n brakeman , had
a log broken. Charles Lappmo , a fireman ,
was pinned against the tire box and roasted
an hour before death. Ho was conscious to
the last. Ho told his comrades that be
blamed uono of them. Ho prayed calmly
und disposed of his property. Tbo 175 in his
pocket bo wanted devoted to bis funeral ox-
pensos. Of 110,000 deposited in San Fran
cisco , bo left 11,500 to one brother , and the
remainder to another. Ho asked that Father
Curr , of Denver , preach his tuneral sermon ,
and ho passed nwuy like u hero. His body Is
here , but will bo sent to San Francisco.
Rteninalilp Arrivals.
At Glasgow The SUto'of Nevada , from
Now York.
At Philadelphia TIso Ohio , from Liver
pool ,
At Hamburg The California , from Now
At Now York The Sorvla , from Liver
pool , and the Ethiopia , from Glasgow.
Thi Wuruhlp Charleston.
SAN FitANciscp , May 13. Th0 .warship
Charleston arrived hero to-night , from Santa
Barbara. The builders decided to return
with the cruiser to redress the slides of the
starboard high pressure engine before giving
, her a second trial.
The Nitviit It'll ' Pa IMO * ,
Loxnox , Ma.v 13. Too naval bill passed
tbo committee Iu comuiciu to-day ,
A Dubuque Ohuroh Colobratoa Its
Two MOD Killed Whllo Under tlio Influence -
fluonco of Liquor A Daring
Iloliborjr An Acciden
tal H hoot IIIR.
A Church's yetnl-Contcnulnl.
Dunt'quK , la. , May 13 , [ Special Telegram
to TUB .Ibn.J The FJrst ConRrogatlonal
church of this city is celebrating Us semi
centennial. The exorcises began yesterday
and closed with 'a splendid banquet to-iilght.
Every former pastor of. tlio church now
living is present , one coining .from San
Francisco and ono from Massachusetts to
Join in the celebration. When this church
was started there were but two other Con
gregational churches in what was thun the
territory nf lo\Va , and it had but soveu
members. Now it Is ono of the strongest In
the northwest. .
Tlio Supreme Court.
* DBS Moi.vns , la. , May 13 , [ Special Tele
gram to Tiir. Bnn.J The supreme court filed
the following decisions to-day :
Lucy A. Luce , appellant , vs George P.
Moorhoad ct al. , Harrison district ; supple
mental opinion on rehearing ; affirmed.
M. Cassldy , appellant , vs C. T. Woodward ;
Sioux district ; reversed.
E. S. Hoslglcu vs J. W. Van Wagomon ot
al. , appellants ; Lyons district ; afllrmcd.
1C. Zimmerman vs Merchants nnd Bankers -
ors insurance company , appellants ; Dela
ware district ; afllrtncd.
Susan Jones vs Gcorgo BUimonstoln , ap
pellant , William Singlcman , appellee , Ellen
V. Uolsman. executrix and appellee ; Wash
ington district ; modified and afllrmod.
Theo and Mary Day vs Haw kayo Insur
ance company , appellant ; Mahaska'dlstrlct ;
A. B. Harris vs Chlckasaw county , appel
lant ; Chlcknsnw district ; affirmed.
. C. P. Luce & Co. vs George G. Curtis and
Ultta Curtis , appellants , and'A. L. Harvey ,
appellee ; Harrison district ; nfUrtneJ.
Daring Robbery at Itoclcford.
MASON CITV , la. , May 13. [ Special Tel
egram to TUB BEB.I A daring robbery is
reported from Hoclcford. Charles Pipin on
Saturday sold $3,000 worth of fltcors. On
Saturday night two burglars broke into his
residence , and going into the bed-room in
wnlch they thought the money would bo
found , chloroformed the hired man , but only
succeeded in. getting $50. Another hired
man was awakoncd and the burglars were
driven , from the house. . The chloroformed
man is yet in a precarious condition. There
Is no clue to the perpetrators of the crime.
Blddlnc for the Ilcndqimrtcrs.
Dia MOINES , la. , May 13. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BBB.J A delegation of loading
business men start to-night for Denver to
try and secure the location * of. the head
quarters of the order of railway conductors
hero. This building , whiph is to cost some
$300,000 , and is to bo located in some Iowa
city , is the prize for which several are striv
ing. The DCS Moincs delegation represents
the commercial cxchango , and will make a
bold bid for the structure , backed by DCS
Molnes' central location , and fifteen rail
roads. . _
A Jealous Husband.
DBS MOINUS , la. , May 13. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BBBJ A special from Marshall-
town says : This morning A. W. Dicksonhad
C. Boveridgo , the photographer , arrested for
assault with intent to kill. It seems that
last Saturday Beyoridgo returned from Den
ver to'find Diclrsoh' In thi . 'ho'ue with his
wife. Bovoridgej > ropned'thobao"k ; door and
then entered thpvfrojit'i < 3oorttqfl pounLled
Dlckson up pretty .badly--'Dlelcson . denies
criminal intimacy with Mrs.Bov"eridgo ; , but
Bovoridge says ho has evidence of his wife's
guilt. , ' " *
Crimes In AVeaternMowa.
ATLANTIC , la. , May 13. [ SpecialTelegram
to Tun BEK-1 John Bishoplias been ipdictcd
for embezzlement. Ho was a clerk for J. C.
Yotzor & Co. ' *
The home of Lyman Wright was entered
by a burglar ou Saturday night and $5 la
money taken.
On the same night the railway deoots at
Brayton and Exira , Audubon county , woro'
searched by burglars , but no money was
found. _
A Bootlegger- Trouble.
MASON CITV , la. , May 13. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB BEB. | Fred Dolfa , who has
boon conducting the "bootlegging" business
on a largo scale in this and neighboring
towns , was caught up by a United States
marshal and taken to Dubuque , whore ho
was bound over. Other arrests of the same
nature may soon follow.
Both Killed While Drunk.
DBS MOINES , Ia. , May 13. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] John Forrester , near
Alta Vista , lay down on the track , Saturday ,
while drunk , and was run over and killed.
On the same day , and in the same plnco , and
while in the same condition , William Nolan's
team ran away , throw him out and broke his
neck. _
An Accidental Shooting. *
OTTCMWA , In. , May 13. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BED. ] Whllo shooting at a ,
mark .yesterday , with a solf-cocking pistol ,
lion Danobrink accidentally shot John
Smith , aged seventeen , in the neck , the ball
ranging backward and downward. Jtwas
extracted from thu back , near tlio shoulder
Riotous Villagers Fired on and Sovcn
MUNICH , May 13 , A desperate affray took
place at Elsonu to-day arising out of a dis
pute over claims to private lauds. A largo
number of villagers took part in the fight ;
the gendarmes finally Interfered and en
deavored to restore order , when the villagers
Joined forces and attacked them.Tho gendarmes -
darmos then fired into the crowd , killing
seven persons , _
Another Uow-Iuipondlntr ,
CHICAGO , May 13. [ Special Telegram to
THK BKK. ] A row is in prospect between
the Union Pacific , Burlington and Rock
Island , over the establishment by too first
of a dining car sorvica between Omaha and
Denver. The Burlington and Rock Island
will both also put on the dining cars , it Is
claimed , at a great loss. Tbo move of the
Union I'acitlc nas engendered much bad
United Brethren Disagree.
VOKK. Po. , May 13. When the United
brethren convention assembled , this mornIng -
Ing , the board of bishops I ssucd a proclama
tion that a now confession of faith and a re
vised constitution had boea adopted and was
now m full forco. Those who objected to Us
adoption , on Saturday , under the leadership
of Bishop Wright , seceded from the con
vention and organized a separata conference ,
which will bo In session for a weotc.
Mind Header Bishop is dead.
President and Mrs. Harrison have re
turned to Washington from a cruise in
Chesapeake bay ,
Hilled by a Bollor Explosion.
CLEVELAND , May 18. Two men were
killed and four others hurt by the explosion ,
of a boiler at a saw-mill near Payne. O. , to
Hatch Acquitted.
DuttVKit , Msy 13. The trial of a W.
llntcn , of Boston , charged with the murder
of his undo , Henry Hatch , was concluded at
Burlington , Colo. , to-ulght'tho Jury bringing
in H verdict of acquittal.
AH dpot'cash buyora is known to all woolen mills and nunufaotarors. Wo are
rpqeh'lug ; .daily samples from importers'and manufacturers offering for ready cash
largo quantities of goods far below the market value rather than sell them on
custonlary termsA months or longer. Spot cash will work miracles and Wo
have qtps'e'd out several large lota at prices incredibly low and are able to offer
extraordinary values.
The. most of the late purchases are very choice goods from some of the best
manufacturers in the country ; wo do not mention names of the woolens or the
manufacturers. How easy it is for a house to give things a name .and call this a
Fitchburg , that a Sawyer , etc , etc. Wo use no deception ; don't toll you any
stories but simply offer you FIRST CLASS GOODS , THOROUGHLY
DARES TO NAME. And we back up tlio quality of all. goods wo are offering -
ing by our iron clad guarantee : IF GOODS ARE NOT AS REPRESEN
If you have not yet traded with us and don't know us ask your neighbors or
your friends about us. You will find among them many that have traded with
us. Ask them how we are selling goods ; ask them if our goods did not always
give entire satisfaction in ever particular , and above all ask them about our way
of doing business.
Among the new bargains we ara opening now we-mention.
Good Blue Flannel Sack Suits , color warranted indigo blue , with good trimming
and well made , with eyelets for G. A. R. buttons , at $5.75. The usual retail
price for this suit is $8.5O.
Very fine Blue Flannel Suits , all wool and indigo blue , with excellent lining
and made up in G. A. R. ttyle at $7.75. Other houses would give this same
flannel a high sounding name and sell the suit * for $12 , but we guarantee it to be
as good a blue flannel as there is mad gin this country.
Those elegant silk faced Cheviot Suits we are offering at $1O.5O are exciting
the admiration of all customers. They have not yet been duplicated by any house.
InMen's Furnishings we offer this week special drives in light weight Under
wear and fine fancy Flannel Shirts. Wo have an immense variety at prices -which
no other house will .make.
Samples of goods and rule's for measuring sent on application , and mail orders
promptly attended to.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
Subject of rfi $ . Osborno's Sermon nt
Trinity j iurcti Imst Night.
The annual cjc/nferenca of the Woman's
nuxllliary of the ! 'Episcopal diocese of Ne
braska was opericd last night with a sermon
by Rov. Louis S Cfsborne , of Trinity church ,
Chicago. lo .
i. 3 t
. -There was n largo .attendance , urincloully
of ladies. ' The mtislo Was exceptionally'pood '
nnd the serviqo was'--ono of great Interest
throughout *
jSlr , Onborno la a most eloquent preacher ,
as his sermon last night attested. His sub
ject was "Foreign Missions. " Ho adminis
tered a most scathing rebuke to the cheap
humorists and writers for sensational jour
nals and all others who make this feature of
Christian work the butt of their ridicule.
"When via boast , " said ho' "of our super
ior station In life , it would bo well to uauso
and ask ourselves the question , 'Who uro
wel' If the apostles had not loft their own
shores and gone forth into the world to
preach the gospel , wo might bo to-day upon
the sumo level as the heathen the missionary
societies are endeavoring to save. "
One of the objections many people urged
against giving to foreign missions was tnat
there Is plenty of missionary work to bo done
in this country , but in his twelve years' experience -
porionco ho bad found that a majority of the
people making use.of this argument were as
equally unwilling lo gIVe towards domestic
missions. In any event the heathen of foreign
lands should bo saved us well as those at
homo. God does not love Omaha , or Ne
braska , or the United States alone , but all
nations and all people. The command of
God to "Go yo out Into all the world and
preach the gospel to every creature , " caa
not bo ignored by Christian people. The
gospel must bo preached to all nations before -
fore the end shall bo. God . ordained
it , nnd how can ' ono opposed to the work of
foreign mlsslona'ry societies kneel nnd say ,
"Thy kingdom coraol"
In conclusion , ho said that all ho asked
was for these before him to think upon these
things , to study tholr bible , to use their
reason , and show tholr love of God
by holpmc other nations to shuro in It.
"And now , " said Ho , "all f ask , women of
the Auxiliary or Nebraska , Is that you do
your duty in planting this missionary seed
In fertile ground. Organize a crusade ugamst
all who duro to defy tbo armies of the living
God and Jeer at the work bolng done for
Him. Toll them that God aid not love
Omaha alone , but the whole world , and guvo
His only begotten Son that wo might bo
saved. And at the last , when wo roach the
realms above , may we bo greeted with love
by some ransomed soul whom wo had helped
to savo. "
The services to-day will bo Holy Com
munion nt 10:80 : , with another address by
Mr.'Ogborno. At8 p. m. , business meeting
of the auxllliary ; at 8 p. m. , annual meeting
of tbo diocesan branch of St. Andrews'
brotherhood , with addresses. To this ser
vice all young men iu the city are cordially
Tlio PrlcoVnp A Trlflo High , Houoo
an IntortstliiB Butt.
Dr. M. O. Rickettsj a loading colored man
of this city , on efpd .Jack Woods' saloon
yesterday and tha , pytondcr refused to soil
him a glass of booifcfor loss than $1 a glass.
Tbo doctor wa4highly / Indignant over
'this ' treatment , Vtfilch ha declares Is a
violation of tho1 felvif rights clause of the
constitution of the United States. The doc
tor repaired to ± het' police court , and after
consultation with tbo county attorney , swore
out a warrant for the arrest of Woods ,
charging him with violating not only ( ho
statutes of the nimi , but the constitution of
the United StatftXyTha provision in tno
statutes covorluK woses provides for a
penalty of a lln fn > m * 35 to (200 for
refusing a color * ; ! QJerson the use of a
"placo of amuseniorft , " and the doctor has
therefore specified iu bis complaint that a
saloon is a place of amusement. In the war
rant the plaintiff aleges | that "John L.
.Wood , being the proprietor of a ealoon , and
said saloon being a place of amusement , did ,
wilfully and unlawfully , deny ono M. O.
Rtckotts , without reason applicable to all
persons aliko. the enjoyment of the accom
modations , aQvantOBOS facllHIes and privil
eges of said public llguor saloon by refusing
to sell said M. O. Itickctts a glass of beer ,
except for the price at $1 per glass , to bo
paid for ia advance , said requirement to pay
11 for each gluss of txer not being u requirement -
ment exacted of all persons. "
Tuo'caso is tbo lirst of the kind ever triad
In the state , and promises to attract con
siderable attention.
of OUier Days.
Judge Lyons , for eighteen years on the supreme -
promo beuch at Madison , Wis. , was a visitor
at the district court yesterday. Ho is the
guest of his niece , Mrs. Dr. Patty , and while
hero is calling on several old Wisconsin
friends. Judge Wakoloy. Judge Lake , Col
onel C. S. Chase and ho practiced law in the
satao court thirty years ago. He was elected
to the district Judgeship at Racine. Ho
served in the army during the war aud later
wont to the supreme bench.
" finished business * ' said IIP
"Wo up our , ,
' 'two weeks ago , and will have nothing more
to keep us closely confined until next fall. 1
had not been out of the city slnco last Au
gust , nnd concluded to make my relatives , of
whom I think the world , a short visit. I
was very much surprised nt tbo size and
beauty of Omaha and finding so many old
friends hero. It is hard to say when I will
got ready to return homo. "
Saturday night , Judges Wakeloy , Doano ,
Lake. Colonel Chuso and one or txvo others
met Judge Lyon at Dr. Patty's house , where
they sat until n mto hour reviving scenes
and incidents of the old days.
Tlio Railway AVeijjhlnRService.
Information having been received from
Kansas City to the effect that nt a recent
mooting of the managers of the Trans-Mis
souri association , the Jurisdiction of the
Western ftailwnv Weighing association and
inspection bureau was extended to include
business to and from Colorado and Utah
points. Superintendent Carman will at an
early date visit Denver , Pueblo , Trinidad ,
Salt Lake aud Ogdeu to arrange the service.
Army Orders.
Leave of absence for ono month , to take
effect about Juno 10 , 18S9. has been granted
Second Lieutenant Edmund S. Wright ,
Ninth cavalry ( Fort Du Chosne. Utah ) , with
permission to apply at headquarters division
of the Missouri for an extension of ono
The commanding officer Fort Washaklo ,
Wyo. , has been detailed to act \vith the
chairman of the board of county commis
sioners and the Indian agent of the Shoshone
agency , W.vo. , In selecting the site for the
proposed bridge to bo constructed across the
Ulg Wind river or. the Wind Uiver Indian
reservation , Wyo.
AlllictloiiH Never Gomo Alono.
Yestordry Jay Uiall received a telegram -
gram from W. 13. Huwley , of Connoaut ,
Ohio , informing him of the death of the
lattor's daughter , Cecil , aged three years.
Mr. Hawley is well known in this city , and
is nt present connected with the-oil syndi
cate in Wyoming , of which Mr. Ulall is tbo
Afflictions seem to have visited him very
severely in the last few months. Last Jan
uary , passed through Omaha on his way to
Ohio In response to u telegram announcing
the Illness of his wlfo. Ho reached her bed
side an hour before she died. Since that
time , Mr. Hawley has oontracted diphtheria ,
which was unfortunately communicated to
his liltlo daughter , whoso death is the con-
soqucnco of this terrible disease.
Ucllfjlous Sports.
The Young Men's Christian association
has established nu "open air gymnasium and
tennis court" on the grounds of the old skat
ing rink at Twentieth and Harnoy streets.
The ground is almost as smooth as a table
and U is intended that it shall bo the finest
court m the city. There will bo four tenuls
courts and single aud double pennants will
bo put up. The courts will bo open to the
lady friends of the members cvory day till 1
o'clock during the season. Twice a week
there will bo "ladles' day. " Parallel and
horizontal bars and a track around the courts
complete the grounds , which will bo pro
vided with a shower bath.
More Wntcr Mnlns ,
Work has bconrionimoncod on the Leaven-
worth atroot walbr main wct of Pleasant
street. The now main will bo laid to the
.Uc-lt Line , a dlstanco of eight blocks. A
trench was also started at Thirtieth and
Dodge streets , where water mains will bo
extended on the latter street up to Thirty-
third , a distance of thrco blocks. Squads of
workman are also busy at Fifteenth and
Williams and Twenty-fifth and Cassias ,
where the mains will each bo oxtondoU onu
Veteran * In Chui'h.
In accordance with the usual custom of at
tending rollious service the Sunday prnced-
ing Memorial day , the Grand Army of the
Republic has accepted Doun Gardner's Invi
tation to ylsit Trinity- cathedral Sunday
evening , May 20. The church will bo beauti
fully decorated and appropriate muslo will
bo rendered. Major T. B. Clnrkson , of the
Grand Army , will act a master of cere
l nnll Wnlz McatH a Horrible anil
I.ilnfill Doiitli.
Tgnall Walz was crushed to death , yester
day aflernoon , at a o'clock , by being run
ever by a cable car , at Thirteenth and Dodno
street. The car which mangled him was
number 03.
Walz was n tailor by trade , and was in the
employ of John Rasgorshck , 203 South Thir
teenth street. Ho was thirty-one years of
ago and roomed at 1205 Jackson street.
Shortly before 8 o'clock , Walz , in company
with Julius Schrlmor and Rudolph Leh-
raann , boarded the cable at Twentieth nnd
Charles streets , to go to the Union Pacific
ticket ofllco , which is located on Thirteenth
street. When they got to Thirteenth a nd
Dodge , his companions alighted from the
ouposito side to that from which Walzjurnpod.
Walz would not wait until tlio car stopped ,
but jumped backwards and fell directly
across tno adjoining track , upon
which car No. 03 was approachlncr. Hoforo
it could bo stopped ho was undor"its wheels.
Walz died eight minutes after ho was run
over. His remains were taken to Drexel &
Maul's undertaking establishment , whore an
inquest was held. The result of the inquest
was that Walz met with his death by his own
carelessness. Ho was n member of the
Llcderkrnnz society , and also belonged to the
tailors' union. The tailors hold n mooting ,
last night , and decided to civo Walz an ap
propriate burial , to-morrow afternoon.
J. 13. Craviu , conductor , and .lonn Cahill ,
pripman of the car which killed Walz , were
arrested for criminal carelessness. Each
furnished bonds in the sum of $3,000 for ap
pearance in police court , Thursday uftor-
noon. P. A. Tucker and D. II. Goodrich , of
the cable company , wont on their bonds.
Dlml on tlio Hond.
C. C. Mitchell , traveling representative for
the Tnvlor-Tliompsoa Spice company , of
South Water street. Chicago , died between
It and 12 o'clock Sunday night at the Mur
ray hotel of heart disease. Ho had been sub
ject to attacks of palpitation for several
years , but the ono which seUed him Sunday
morning bafllcd mudlcul skill. The deceased
was a popular member of the Traveling-
men's Protective association , well known
nnd hud a great many friends throughout
the west. Ho stood high in the ranks of
Knights Templar as a member of Apolo
cnunnandry , Chicago , and will bo buried
under the auspices of that order. Tolcurams
were sent to his employers nnd answered In
structlng Coroner Drexel to see Frank
White , manager of their house , and request
him to escort the remains to Chicago. Mr ,
White will probably loiwo for that city to
day. The Omaha Knights have also
Interested themselves nnd are aiding In mule-
Ing arrangements for the funeral ,
Sunday liquor nnd Pcr.Jury.
Chief Soavoy has ordered Captain Cor-
much to swear out warrants for the arrest of
Herman Meyer , IO.M South Thirteenth street ;
Kammeror , 1320 Pierce street , for
selling liquors on Sunday.
He has also ordered the captain to have
Charles SuhrooU und Jerry Uuck arrested
on the uhargo of committing porjurv In their
testimony in bohulf of A. M , IJlalr in hi * re
cent trial for selling liquor on Sunday ,
AV.intaIotior ] ! and Hlstur.
William Randolph , a young man of eigh
teen , writes from Churdnn , la. , to find his
mother , * iator and brother who cume to
Omaha seven years UKO , nnd from whom lib
hai heard nothing olnca.
North on Thirtieth.
The board of public works has granted a
permit to the Omaha Street Railway com
pany to extend > ta tracks from Sprugtio to
Commercial street on Thirtieth.
' Positively cured b
CARTER'S these L'ttlo 1MJ1.1.
They olio rellPvo Jls )
trcsa fro'/t / Dyspcpala , In
ITTLE dlsotion and Too Hearty
IVER Eating , A perfect remedy -
ody forlMuIacss , Nausea ,
PILLS. Dronglneas , Dad Tust
In the Sleuth , Coated
Tongue , r&ln ! o tue Klde ,
regulate tlio Jlowcls , Purely Vegetable.
Managers ,
Omaha , Neb ,
Buy , Sell and Exchange Real
Estate and Personal Proper
ty of every description. Have
the largest list of property
of any firm in the city. If
you have anything to sell or
exchange , come and sec us.
We enumerate a few special
bargains which it will pay
you to investigate.
If you Imvo n lot In north part of city , cloixr
or nearly no , wo can glvo you n nice home lit
r ° r 1U "Uiisomil)1 ° lucmu-
Anlce comfortable homo In Omaha , to ex
change foru farm In Nebraska or Jown 1A.
A number ot 5-room cottage * In llroivn
ram. South Omaha , ror sale reauonablo. All
rented nitit more piylng fntciust on luvost-
A l.L'sO-acro ranch , Mtunted In the best pnrt
of Colorado ; Wx ) fiend of oattlo , or which SUU
nro steers I. a and : ) jvars old ; 70 head of jtood-
Mzvd brood innrca. and 3 y Clydesdale Btal-
lions , Wtll take pixrt pay In good nloar eastern
Nebraska laud orOmaua property. as.
11.0.10,00(1 ( acre * of cho'co wheat land In south-
cm Dakota , for sale on long time. a.
A hotel in a cooil toun on the H. it M. fn Col-
orndo. Hero I * nil no opening for a practical
man with a aiuull capital _ loa.
A line business property In ono of the boat
towns tn Kansas. 101.
A sloe * of drugs and store building in Iowa
to cxchango for land.-UW.
A halt Interest In nconl mini In Dakota ; will
be sold cheap. fJT.
13 acres utmr South Omaha ; will bo suitable
for pluttluit Iu a foxv years ; In the mean tlnio It
can be used for dairy purposes , there being llv-
lim water upon the place : or ft can bo iifod for
" veBotablo farm ; wo can giro a good deal In
tills * 1UI
A half section ot highly Improved land In
South Dakota. 3 mllus from goo.l railroad
toivn , to exchange for house nnd lot In Omaha.
For a few days wo can oiler a great bargain
In the following pieces of property : Anb-rooin
house on 21st St. , in Mlllurd Place ( IMO ) ; 38W
feet on Fnrnain at corner of yrth ( 11) ) ; an
8-ioom house on OtU at. . Just oil 9t. Slary's
avo. , nil modern Improvements ; owner needs
money to uulld with and will Hell nt a bed-rock
prlco ; como nud lot us show you the property. I !
No. 307-hot 7 block av ) , South Omaha. This
is a very desliabla lot and will bo sold choan.
Come soon If you e.xpoct t get It.
No. 909-filxKB feet on llth street Just north of
Nicholas for Halo at u bargain. This piece of
property is situated In a part of the city which
Is tecmuiK with lite and will bo remifrcd' for
Vjllnes KlrP ° 1)M ) 'nayerjr ' short time. Price
K.Ui ! ) > ; half cash , Imlanc.e In one , two and three
years ,
No. r.70 We huvoa number of good lots , all
clear. In one of the best towns iu Nebraska
which wo can exchange for land and assume
some encnmbarance. This Is the snappiest
snap that has budded rills spring. "
No. 217 A n-rooin house in Omaha Vlow. 1'or
a few days wo can. owing to the short bank ac
count ofn certain party , oirer nn especially i are
bargain Intuits piece of property , if you nro
Inclined to Invest n that part of the city. Just
remember that delays aw ( laugprui
, > " a firoom coltugo ia
/vr ; : ;
& ( aklwell'H additional a prlco HO low
as to Insure a customer in a short tlmo. Who
is tlio lucky manic
No. ftSl-A good house and lot In MoumouUi
Park which \ vevill Hell cheap or exchange for
other good-proporty. Do not glancu at the man
nnd nay : "ohi too far out. " j , t us lull you
Homathlng Monmontli I'ark will have clt
water , KUH anil Btn-ot cars this summon NiHv
iHtliutlmotoliiiy , limn Koltlmj mo lienollt of
tliocoil.aln advance which Is eon to tukopluco
. N" 010-Aii 8-room liouso In that fine addlt-
ion. Idlowlld. Wo will make amnoliocly happy
v-lth this ploco ot property if tlivywlll conla
No. 6iO A 4-rooin unuai-A house on u bcatitl-
fiil lot In Miithmvs b'ub. of Albrights Oholca
lOiith Omalm , Wo uro pwpuiod tootTcr oiiccfal
InducuiiiuiitHoiithla ,
No. IK1KI acres of land In Stauton county.
1'or Halo or cxctiunyu for other good proiwrty.
No. ISM , A awck of furniture IUK ! Imnhyiiro
for ntl rouBouable. Will BHO sell Mtora tuilld-
IIILroufilunco and barn. Some good reftl datata
will bo taken In part paymojit. To omo one
wishing to go into business in u Ilvu tovrn we
can tlvu a good dual.
No , iw. fltO acres Improva.i land in Itawlma
county. ICan. nearly clflivr. to tradef for n S
clJiinrllso or Hvo Block.
. No. 103. v JO acre of improy nd land In KWISM
Tor llvury stock , morolinudisH or live stocic.
N" . ini. Aatocltof furnltiueto oxclmnify for
catt ) or horses.
HOUHO.S and lots in all parts of Omnhn , for
> ale on nasy tvrms or exohniiijo for other prgp-
It you hve anythlns to sell ; If you wish to
imy anything ; ir you want tomuko any kind of
.rady. coinu to uVe Imro nlnmt fitWaaViiw
SSfM fiS8 " * .
Three stocks of merchandise , two of dry
d notion * , nnd ono oi dothlng. to
Room 14 , Chamber of Commerce