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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE I ; EIGHTEENTH YEAR OMAHA , TUESDAY MAY 14 , 1889. NUMBER 333 \ THE BEST PICTURE MARKET Chicago Tjotulatlio United States in Art Patronage. PICTURES FOR NEXT SEPTEMBER Hnllowcll CluxmliiR Specimens of American Art In Pnrls For the Ensuing Fall Ex- pnflltloti TTio Liberal Exhibition Directors. ICVipj/rtfj/it / JfiSJ by Jamti Oonlou lltnnett , ] PAms , May in. [ Now York HonUd Cable Snociol to Tun HER. ] Miss Hallowoll , of Chicago , Is In Purls arranging and selecting- pictures tor the art gallery of the annual exposition - position , which opens In Chicago next Sep tember. It Is needless to say that Miss Hal- lowoll's slay In Paris Is of great Importance to American artists , and it may bo that our prominent French and English artists may ulso bo contributors this year to the best picture market in the United State * . I called upon Miss Hallowoll yesterday , at the Hotel Dahlia ot 'D'Alblon , mid she said , when asked what she thought about this year's salon : "I miss very much several painters whom 1 consider our strongest American artists ; Mr. Mclchors , for Instance , Is not exhibiting this year , and his exhibition painting will bo too late uUcr the close to send to America. I have asked him to paint something specially for our exhibition. I am sorry , too , that Jules Stewart has nothing. Ills work has always been most acceptable. " "What have you found In the salon that you like best from Ajnnrlcan artists. ' 'Henry Blsblng's 'Duns la Prnlrlo , ' a painting I consider the best ot the 'American artists ; and , next to that , I have selected "Walter MncEvortt' 'Eh ! eh ! Ics outrcs allona joucr. ' It Is also a Hollandalso subject and portrays a character without making a carl- caturo of It. " . "Havo you selected others ! " "Yes. I have one of Gcorgo Hitchcock's , Dana's ' ' Relnhart's Harrison's , Brldgeuian's , , , Llacon's ' Charles Clifford ' , Knight's , Dyer's , Miss Koto and Miss Eunnr Greatorcx'B , Btoroy's ' , Howe's , and , In fact , all the best American pictures. " "How about French and English urtlstsl" " \Vo have never asked for foreign palnt- IngB yet , but I am looking about for some now. Perhaps you know that foreign paint ings can bo taken over for nn American ex hibition for six mouths withont uaying duty , and If they arc Hold or retained longer than that period onu must puy duty , or , if not , the painting can bo eturncd with out any tax. The stockholders of the Chicago cage exposition pay nil picture- expanses of any that uro accepted , and the artist whoso picture IB selected and sent lias no oxponnc whatever. " "And how are sales ? " ' I think that Chicago is really the greatest picture market la the United States. Of all the paintings that came from hero last year , with perhaps one or two exceptions , every one waft sold and brought , a good price. The artist pays no commissions , ana there arc no Intermediate- agents between the artist and the purchaser of the exposition committee. I would , lilco very much to have several French and English paintings , and I am sura ofa ready sale for thoui.buttl have dona noth ing about It as yet. Daman 13ouverat's 'lire- tonnes au Parlor' Is uiy choice of the French school. I have not yet chosen any English paintings , but may in a few days. " Wliltolnw Hold's Visitors. [ Cnpj/rlflM JSS3 l > u James Gordon nennrtt. ] PAIHS , M'ly ' 18. [ New York Herald Cable : Specml to TIIn BBC. ] Minister White-law Reid cpoilt most of the day yesterday visit ing the hotels anil looking about generally for legation quarters. In the afternoon ho and Mrs. Hold received Mr. and Miss McLano , nnd dined in the evening \vith Mrs. H. K Bishop. Among tlToso who called upon the minister and his family was Consul- General and Mr > > . Hathbono , Miss Mac- condry , Mr. G. W. Smallcy , Mr. Robert M. Hooper , Mr. Gcorgo E. Whitney , Colonel Wicktjam Hoffman , Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Joy , Mr. nnd Mrs. G. P. A. Ilonly ami Miss Jlealy , Mrs. Emily Crawford and Hov. Dr. John Morgan. The Samoiin ContVronoij. LCbpyrfplit 1SS3 tut Jimt * ( lenten llcnnctt.l UIUMN , April 1 ! ) . fNow York Herald Cable Special to Tuc.lJKE.J The commit tee appointed at the second mooting of the conference for the purpose of regulating for eign control at Sumon , moots .for the llrst tlrao to-uiorrow. It consists of Sir Edward Malct , the chairman ; Kasson , nnd Baton Holstcin. Germany Is disposed to bo con. cillatory In the matter of punishment foi Matoafa , as ho can scarcely bo hold rcsponsi. bio after Prince Bismarck's reproof of April 10 , which fixes the responsibility on ICnappo. If the report of the committee Is accepted at the next conference mooting the whole matter tor will bo settled. JUDG13TEURY JHJATKN. He MiiHt Alildu hy the Decision In Knvor ol't-arah'n S.on. WABJIINOTON , May 13. The supreme cour' ' to-day affirmed the Judgment of the Unitei States circuit court for the northern dlstrlc of California In the cuso of David S. Terrj appellant , vs. F. W. S.iaron , executer , etc This Is the suit brought by Sarah Althd Hill-Terry. The court holds that In the orlgi nal cases , the citizenship of th ? parties belli ) n different states , and the object of thu suit the cancolallon of the forged Instrument being cno of iho oldest heads of cqultj Jurisdiction , the case presented was ono o : prlma facie Jurisdiction , and if there wen any errors In the original decision the ; must bo presented on appeal from the do that cape , and can not bo considerei In tlils case , which is un appeal from the dc olston reviewing the action In the name o the executor of the deco'isod , Sharon , urn that tha objections urged to the decree o the rovlvor arc frivolous. Opinion by Justice Miller. * Troops on the Trail. TDCSO.V , Ariz. , May 13 < After suourlni the booty , Saturday , the robbers who ut tacked Paymaster Wham's party made thol escape , going south. Ono' troop of cavulr ; went from Fort Grant Saturday utght , am one was sent -from Fort Thoinua Sunda ; morning ; also a posse of thirty trulncd In dlan scouts. Three of the wounded troou could not bo moved from the scene of action their wounds being so serious. It is though that five , at least , of the wouilded will die Large parties from all parts of the terntor ; udjauont to Wllcox have gone In pursuit .0 the robbers. Ttio ViHlulo Kiipuly. CHICAGO , Mu.v 13. The visible supply fo Iho weak ending May 4 , us compiled o , the sdcrotary of the Chicago board of trade ISM follows ) Bushel ! Wheat , . < i K Corn. . , . , . , * . 11 , S4OC Outs ' > . . . , t. . . . 0,705OC , , Kyo. . . , 1,814,01 HAVE TO SIT OS THE The Cook County (111. ( ) Innann Asylum Shamefully Overcrowded. . CHICAGO , May 13. The hearing of the appli cation for the rclcnso of Dora Willard , an In mate of tbo Cook county Insane asylum , was begun In thu county court this morning. Mrs. Shcdd , of the Women's Protective as sociation , testified that the asylum was over crowded ; that there was not enough scats for the patients , who wcro compelled to sit on the floor ; that the county was paying 0 cents per pound for hops' snouts , which were being fed to the patients ; there was mt'ch drunkenness In the institution , nnd there had been some cuscs of scurvy. Dr. Clcrnan the present superintendent , had Im proved the condition of affairs. Mrs. Dr. Hunt , of the asylum medical taff , testified that there were 1,000 patients n the institution , which Is calculated to ac commodate GOO nt tha outside , and. the number jf attendants wus much too limited. Evl- lenco was Introduced to the effect that ho patients were fed on pigs 'heads for nn ontlro year , with potatoes for vegetables inco n week. There was no service , nnd he patients fought for the potatoes with the csult that the weak got none , and that over Uly of the inmates became afflicted with the scurvy. Ono of the medical staff testified hat In ono ward there are thirty-eight vlo- cnt patients , with only nmo rooms , an over- igo of four In each room. It was nbso- utoly necessary to have only ono or two In some of the rooms , so that live persons were crowded into others. Thcso rooms are G } x 0 fo t In-slzo. The beds nro two and ono- lalf feet wide , but Ir. many cases two mtlents nro forced to sleep in them. Under such circumstances , with Insufficient attend ance , the patients would climb over the cots and fight , nnd the attendant was frequently called six or eight times In a slnglo night to go to the patient ? , who were attempting to commit murder or suicide. This state of nf- aim was reported to the members of the county board ogaln and again , but nothing vas done to remedy itMuch other revolt- ng testimony was brought in. The board of county commissioners this afternoon passed n resolution naming u committee of promi nent eitUens to recommend a suitable person a succeed the present superintendent , Dr. Clcrnan , whoso management has been so se verely commented on recently. NO AGUEE.HKNT. the American Copper Men Back Attain From France. NEW YOUK , May in. Many prominent copper operators from this city nnd Boston were on hand to day when the steamship Scrvia arrived to learn the result of the European conference between the American mine representatives and the defunct French syndicate people. Mr. Haggin , who is solo owner of the Anaconda mine , said , with em- ihasis , that his trip had been woductlvo of no good. "Wo wcro unable to boino to any igrcemect , " s'ald ho , "nnd have como back to throw our metal on the Inarket for what it will bring. " Ho would not talk further. Colonel Livermore was moro communica tive , and said the Frenchmen seemed ready and willing to enter Into uny agreement to irevont n panic. Ho gave nn outline of the .orm offered by the Americans , who pro- losed that the banks should take a certain number of years In which to market their copper ; the minus should reduce production a certain per cent until the tanks' metal was disposed of , and that there should ho a minl- mnm pnco agreed upon. Representatives of the HIo Tintio mine wanted the American miners to agree" to restrict the export of copper , but they wor'd ' not do so. The Americans insisted upon equal terms , but did not usk ar. immediate reply. They came away without reaching uny definite con clusion. When told what Haggln bad said about throwing his metal upon the market , Livermore replied : "Wo may have all como loiuo prepared to do it , but I don't ' think wo will Just now. Settlement Is not a hopeless question. " THE SIOUX RESERVATION. A Colony From Devil's Imke All Heady to Move. PIEHHE , Dak. , May 18. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE BEE. ] Nols Nelson , a man from the Devil's Lake country , in North Da kota , arrived in Pierre , to-day , and has gone on to the Sioux reservation to look lip loca tions for some GOO families from that region , whom , ho claims , have sent him hero for this purpose , and ho lias the credentials to that effect. He has made arrangements with the Ferryboat company for reduced rates for crossing the colony and claims they will start Just as soon as the opening of the reservation is reasonably assured. From the facts that the crops In that coun try have been blasted by frosts two seasons , it induces the people to seek new homes on th6'Sioux reservation. Bishop Hare , of Sioux Falls , arrived in tuo city , last night , fresh from a visit to all the Indian agencies and mission schools on the reservation , up the Missouri river. Ho spoke very encouraglng- ingly of tbo sentiment of the Sioux being favorable to sicnlng the treaty , and regard- lug the outlook as the very best , as ho had taken pains to inquire Into the matter at each point visited. His opinion carries great weight , as ho Is known to bo Intimately in the confidence of all the Sioux tribes. PALS 13 REPORTS DENIED. Nn Ono Given PornilHSlou to Settle on Sioux Imud. CiuMiinui.AiK , Dak. , May 13. [ Special Telegram to THE HER. ] The reports that are bolng sent out by correspondents at different times that settlers are moving on and taking claims on the great Sioux reservation , by permission Of the Interior department , Is Indignantly received by Dakota peoplo. Secretary Noble denies giving permission to do so. Major W. W. Anderson , Indian agent at the Crow Creek und Lower Brule ugulK'ies , was In the city last night , and said that ho would eject anyone from the reser vation that wont on with the intention of settling. People who have hud any deal ings with the Indians surely know that nothing works them up so against thu bill as to have the settlers begin taking up land before tha commissioners hud treated with thotn. There nro no people moving on the reservation nt this point , and It Is not be- Iioved that they are at any other points. It Is supposed to bo the work of some near sighted boomers. THE OHlXr.SK IAW IS VALID. The Supreme Court Affirms the Do- olalou of iho California Tribunal. WASHINGTON , May 13. The supreme court to-day affirmed the validity of the law exclud Ing Chinese laborers , known us the .Scott exclusion act. It ufllrms the Judgment ol the California supreme court , Congress has power to ubrogato u treaty , and In support of that vluw cited authorities on the subject holding that the propriety of such action ii not a matter for Judicial cognizance , but is a matter for the political dopaitment. Con gress , It says , has power to exclude allcui whoso presence U seemed inimical to out Interests. Heavy Ruuliy Drain In Pierre. Piitituu , Dak. , May 13. ( Special Telegran to TUB BEB.J The Northwestern Land as soclalion to-day closed a dea ) transfcrrrin ; to a ( syndicate , composed of Hon. Burtlet Tripp , Chief Justice F. U. Hale , a bunker o Scotland , and other capitalists of Yorktowu 612,000 worth of realty. Thin is the thin heavy deal by the syndicate , nnd the twenty fourth deal made by the syndicate In south eastern Dakota lately , all transfers having been away up in the thousands of dollars. Increased Krclght Tronic. CHICAGO , May 18 , [ Special Telegram V. the first time two month THE I5irl--For jn the cast bound shipments show un Increase Last week's shipments , except live .stock amounted to11UJ5 tons , a-jamst SCSI tons th previous week , and 40,443 tenser the corrcs poudlDg woe * o ! 1US& COULD BE HAPPY WITHOUT IT Secretary Noble Dooon't Llko Olvll Sorvloo Intorforonoo. BUTLER IS JUST BEGINNING. The General Says thn War Will Vet Warmer Public 1'rintcr Palmnr In Charue Bloux Intruders. WASHINGTON BcnnAtr , TUB OMAHA. BBB , 513 FOUIITEBMTUSTHBItT , WASHINGTON , D. C. , May'l3. 1 There continues to bo strife over the qucs- lon of extending the civil service law to em- > race the census bureau. The proposition is unpopular In all branches of the public ser vice , except in the building where the civil crvico commissioners are located. Score- ? oblo said to-day that ho did not know vhcthortho census bureau would be in- ludcd In the civil service or not , and that ho vas naturally loath to sco that amount of mtronago thrown away. Ho had not refer- cd the question to the president , and did not > olovo ! Superintendent Porter would do so. Secretary Noble said ho Intended to go right ihoad and make appointments for the census mrcuu without any regard to the civil ser vice law , unless ho was requested to stop. lo believed that the appointments now icing made were based upon the very best irinclplo , that of fitness , and that there was 10 necessity for the civil service law inter fering. The civil service commission an nounced that It can supply all the positions n the census bureau , as there are thousands more eligible than there arc places. 11UTLEU IN WAll I'AIXT. General Bon Butler continues to wear his var paint , despite the fact that Admiral , 'orter has retired from the field of buttle. The general says : "I have not commenced , 'ot going down the river , ns It were , to got some moro ammunition. Porter's abuse didn't disturb mo in the least , I am used to such things. I have been us badly abused as any man In the country ; eloquent rascals lave called mo everything they could think of , except 'a damn reel , ' b it some one may do that at any time. " PAI.MEIl IN CUA110E. Public Printer Palmer learned to-day what it Is to have control of 2,500 positions and to have about ton thousand persons who iVunt to fill them actively engaged n seeking him. His immouso es- -ablishment was thronged all morning md afternoon by ofllco-scokcrs , and its desk wus heaped up with applications in written form , wnilo ho was dizzy listening a verbal statements as to the qualities of , ho applicants. Ho took formal and ub'so- ute control this morning , nnd was intro duced to the employes. Benedict bada him good-byo , took a carriage and droVc away lot to return , much to the gratification of ho hundreds of employes and the people in Washington generally. There are a number of vacant positions in the ofQco and a lot nero should bo made immediately. There vill probably bo half n dozon'of the fifty or seventy-fivo principal employes retained. Many of them should DO dismissed at once , ns a vacancy would bo much bettor for the lublio service than their presence. Mr. ? almor has not yet selected a chief clerk or any of his assistants , but says ho will do so very soon. FOIUKEH BUYS A LOT. The announcement in an evening paper that Governor Foraker , of Ohio , hft-1 bought a couple of lots on K street , between North 3apitol and First streets , northeast , at a cost of $4,000 , sot the tongues of the gossips wag ing. It was reported that ho intended to .mild a residence , and make preparations for hero * bo Senator Sherman's coming to suc cessor. It is ascertained , however , that the property Is not such as Governor Foraker would occupy under uny circumstances. It Is in the vicinity of the government printing ofllcc , in an unattractive neighborhood , and ' was taken to secure him against loss on account of a debt for which ha was responsi ble. THE NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT. A very determined effort will bo made to secure the national encampment , of the Grand Army nf the Republic In Washington next year. Tno hotel association of this city will hojd a meeting this weak and submit a written proposition as to rates and capacity for entertainment. It is believed that the veterans will visit the national capital when they attend their meeting next year. WAllSUD OFF SIOUX IAND3. Again attention is directed by Secretary Noble to the fact that intruders on the Sioux reservation in Nebraska and Dakota will bo l > ut off the lands , and that they are Injuring the chances of success on the part of the commissioners designated to secure the con sent of the Indians for ouening the reserva tion to settlement. The course of THE BEE In this respect Is indorsed by the interior de partment. Secretary Proctor and Darty , who visited Omaha , returned to-night. It was expected that they would spend several days between Chicago and the east after visiting St. Paul , and finally stop at West Point , after which Hie secretary intended to go up to his homo Vermont for a few days , arriving hero about the t2d. It Is.uot known at the department what has occurred to change the plans thus , but It Is feared that the secretary is not well. The first assistant sacretary of tha inter ior has considered the case of M. L. Townsend - send vs Uriah.PowoU on the appeal of the latter from a decision from the commis sioner of the general land office , holding for cancellation his timber culture entry for the northeast quarter of section 20 , township 15 north , range 10 west. Grand Island land dis trict , Nebraska , made May 13 , 1873. The claimant had failed to plant trees to the ex tent required by the law , and the first as sistant secretary , not finding proof contrary to tbo commissioner's decision , affirmed the same. Representative Council has endorsed for appointment as fourth class cost musters In his district as follows : Ellen Jordan , Dubois ; John Simmons , Stella ; A. R. McDonald , Lib erty ; Joseph D : White , PIckoIl ; F. M. Sha- nott. Crab Orchard ; Amos Tefft , Avoca. Dr. W. H. Peck , of Duvcnport , Iowa , Is hero * to attend the annual meeting , of tbo American Surgical association which con venes to-morrow. The postofllco at Shlloh , Hamilton county. Neb. , has been discontinued. The mull will go to Aurora. AIIMV oiiDnns. By direction of the acting secretary of war , Captain Louis S. Tcsson , assistant sur geon. is relieved from duty at Watorvllet ar senal , West Troy , New York , and will pro ceed to Fort Slunoy , Nebraska , nnd report In person to the commanding officer of that post for duty , und by letter to the commanding general , department of the Platto. The superintendent of the recruiting ser vice will cause thirty recruits to bo assigned to the Seventh Infantry and forwarded under proper charge to such point or points in the department of the Platte as the commanding general of thu department shall designate. 1'Kiiuv S. HEATH. Nnluort Skins. ST. Louis , May 13. Adam Nolbert , the republican Bcrgeant-at-aruis of the lower house ot the municipal assembly of this city , Indicted last Friday for aiding In Iho fraud ulent nutuinllzlng of a largo number of for nlgnura previous to thn late city election , lint loft the city. Julius Lonmun , a member ol the IIOUBO of delegates , also u republican , ulio was Indicted at the same time and foi the same crime , is under bonds. Hhot Ills WITo. DEN VEH , Colo. May 18. Fred Medley , proprietor of the Pueblo house , thin after noon , whllu under tlu influence of liquor , shot and killed bis wife because she refuset to girv him. uviiey for beer , A "LiONO" Chicago Police Say 'ih w Toronto Uo porter Sent Onu&iFAko. CmcAoo , May 13. ItipocM Telegram to TUB BBC. ] The whorcabonU ol Dr. Cronln are still unknown , nnd the mithorltlos arc as much nt sea In the matter ns they were n vcok ago. The polled had nothing but the story told by Woodruff about the mysterious runk , to work on , and their researches In hat direction are , o far , very unsatisfac- ory. They have followed every clue which his story seemed to suggest , and are no nearer the solution Of the problem now than vhcn ho first recited tbo talo. That there is much truth in what lid says the pollco admit , as they have corroborated several of ils statements , ' That their failure to locate ho"body , which ho soys was in the trunk , or find the men who ho says accompanied him , only serves to make the matter moro mysterious. The story of Charles Long hat ho saw Cronlu In Toronto and talked with him , and then that ho niys- oriously disappeared frnm that place , Is characterized by 'tho pollco as very fishy. . .oatr , they say , "got In his work" on the Chicago papers nnd then telegraphed Sun- lay nleht that Cronin had disappeared. The convenient disappearance saved .Long from ho embarrassing position ot not being nblo to point out Cronln to Chicago detectives should they visit Toronto. Captain Shaack s still Inclined to connect Cronln with the iVoodruff story , but admits that the clue is a poor one. Woodruff was brought before a Justice to day and held to the criminal court in ? l,500 ball on the charge of horse stealing. A ro- lorter asked him if ho would add nnytlnng- to his story told Friday flight , nnd ho re plied : "No ; there Is plenty more to It , nnd I could tell It nil , but It would do no good , nnd . don't Intend to do it. I have already said oo much. It will all V.omo out soon , and then you will sco I've boon telling the truth. " Captain Schaack Is fully convinced that .ho corpse supposed to bo connected with the Cronln case , for which his men have been dragging the Lincoln park pond , was burled loncath the waters Of Lake Michigan. Young Woodruff was to-day bound over to : ho criminal court on the charg > . < of borso stealing. This afternoon ho was shown a number of photographs , among which was ono of Cronin. This ho either would not or could not point out. Woodruff's , or Black , ns ho sometimes calls himself , statement ; hut ho received money from his father , J. Black , of San Francisco , last Tuesday , was verified to-night by the records of the ex- iress company. This evening Black made a < positive statement that ho ' 'knows Cronin is alive , but is unable or unwilling to'say how 10 knows it. He says bojhas not told all ho mows about the trunk- and will not until his 'athcr and brother arnvo to bail him out. The court of Foresters , w which Cronin belonged in Chicago , voted' ' to-night $100 to lid in the scorch for him/n'nd passed a reso- ution calling on the other miinols courts to co-opcruto. J Patrick McGarry , who was sent to Toronto > y Dr.'Cronln's friends , wired to-night , from that city. , oa follows : } "Tho proprietor and clorkon duty do not recognize Cronln's pioturo as stopping it the Rossln housa last week. Ils uatna is not ' } registered at ill. No signatures repamblo Cronln's. pho reported intcrviowdld not toke placo. L < eng is on the Empire tiawspapor. I have engaged the best detectives and lawyers. Publish In morning's papers. * ' " f PAT McGAitKY. Toronto Pollco lliivc'nt Seen Cronin. TpiioxTo , May 13. IHiqJnlfco authorities placed no credence in tJitfit6rios.pJJUejres- [ enco of Cronin , ' the misairrOhvcago uoci&tj ! hare last week , and do novnow. i Dr. Cronln Say It. NEW Yonic % May 13. Tfio fallowing was received in this city to-night : PHILADELPHIA , May 13. Referring to the statement , said to bavo been made by Dr. Cronin , that ho loft Chicago bccauso the Clan-nu-Gael society lia4 : decided his life should bo taken , permit mo to state that Dr. Cronin never made such an assertion. The Clan-nd-Gaol society is not a murder society. There was no enmity between the 21an-uo-Gacl ana Dr. CrQuln. On tha con trary , Dr. Cronin was ono of the most valued members of the society. ( Signed ) LUKE DILLON. " The signer is a permanent member of the Clan-na-Gael In Philadelphia. THE CURSE OfcjOHIOAOO. A Preacher So Charabterizes Her Sun day Ball OamcR. CHICAGO. May 18. | Social Telegram to THIS BEE. ] The Uev. Mr. Leach , of the Paulina , street church , , preached a very strong sermon , last night , denunciatory of , ho practice of Sunday 'base ball playing. So warm did Mr , Loach "grow over his sub- ect that ho said that 'tho ' ball playing on Sunday was the cursa of/Chicago ; that those who attended or participated in Sunday base jail games were takinkHBo first steps to ward drunkard's ' gravjsi. Little boys , ho said , preferred iho Sunday call game to the Sunday school , and they lied to their parents when they said that , tboy wcro at Sunday school , when they weroVeall.vat a ball gamu. The sermon was discussed by the ministers at the general weekly meeting , this after noon. All condemned Sunday base ball playing as strongly as , Mr. Loach , but no two agreed on a plan.toptop ball playing on Sunday or make it 'so that the Sunday schools would bo mpro'attractive than the fascinating ball field. The Hey. J. Wicgricn , presiding elder nf the Swedish district , recognized the ovll of"ball playing- but was skeptical about remedies. Ho feared that if iho ball games wero'prohibited on Sunday , a great many young men would drift Into saloons , and of the two ho chose the lessor evil. * A NEBRASKA. WOMAN KILLED. Bird. Wagner , of Cliadron , Thrown From a Dummy Hi Seattle , W. T. SBATTLE , W. T. , May 1'J. As the dummy came down Second Btreqt hill , yesterday , the brake refused to worK'und the car obtained a great'momentum , and Jin making the turn Into Pine street the passengers on the loft sldo were thrown off.ji inonp them were Mr. and Mrs. William Wagner , of Cliadron , Nob. , with two children. Mrs. Wagner struck on her head , nhfl was killed. Her oldest child , Almo , agod"1 twelve , received a severe scalp wound , Tpe other child , and husband escaped uninjured. Several other passengers were injured -but none fatally. The Cheapest FhftiRht Route. CHICAGO , May 13t iS ecial Telegram to TUB BEE.J It is said i that a well known western general frolgh 'agent ' said to-day : "The central traffic and. trunk lines are behind - hind the times In freight matters , lot alone the matter of rates. Th'oy do not compete In time with the lake ondirill linos. Take the last cargo the Btoamfififp Owega brought from Buffalo , for Insuvhuo. The frolght wus brought by rail fronvNew York to Buffalo , theuco to Chicago by lake and the freight was delivered In foun days and onu hour. The all-rail lines wpufd hava tuken live days , und probably six , to bring the BUUIO freight hero. As the sanio ttma Is made going east and the eatno lake and rail lines charge a loss r//o than the rail Utoa , it isn't hard to tell of the through export why they uro doing ; tyost port business. ' * ? . _ The Witatufr lu'dioatfons. For Nebraska -Fair , followed Tuesday night by showerfnnd - cooler weathei Wednesday morning } eaaWrly winds. For Iowa Fair , pfecceded in eastern per tlon by light shower ? ; cooo.r ) In northwest ern uortum ; warmer In southeastern portion tion ; variable winds. For Dakota Lbjut showers , preceded bj fair In eastern and central portions during the day ; cooler Ih southern portion , wuriuui in noiilieru portion ; easterly winds. HAPPENINGS IN NEBRASKA , i Madison's Exoltomont Over tbo Kelley Shooting Case. FIRES , SUICIDES AND THEFTS. Temperance Fights In Two Towns An Important Coal Discovery Vigilance Committee The Crop ProwpcotH. The Or. Kelley Shooting- . MADISON , Neb. , May 18. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bnc. ] The evidence In the case of the State vs. Soullor and Born is all In , with the exception of one or two witnesses. The defense will commence no mo time to morrow morning. It is generally believed that the defense will be an alibi. There was lathing that was now in the evidence wrought out by the stnto to-day , most of It ending to corroborate the witnesses of the shooting. A strong effort was made by the defense , on cross-examination of some of the state witnesses , to pl co before the Jury the fact that Dr. Kelley had seduced a sister of one of the defendants and caused her death jy n surgical operation , nnd after her death , lad circulated the report that the dead girl md been pregnant with a negro ! hld. ! Under the rulings of the court iho evidence was excluded , but by contiuu- ) us questioning nnd offers of testimony the .ho jury nnd audicnco seemed to have gath ered full Information of the facts. It Is un derstood ( that the state will rest without putting Kelley on the stand as a witness and nucli dissatisfaction exists by reason of this fact , as it Is openly charged that the prose cuting attorney desires to shield him from the cross-examination to which ho would bo iubcctodand.whlch ] would haven bearing on ils own case which comes up hereafter. The : aso will probably reach the Jury about Wednesday , nnd the arguments and result are looked forward to with great anxiety by joth sldos , as all parties Interested are doop- y in earnest , nnd much bitterness continu ally crops out In court. The case Is rapidly lecoinlug the only subject of conversation icro. The Whisky Flclit In Valparaiso. VAI.PAUAISO , Nob. . May 13. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BDE. | At a meeting of the own board , last Saturday evening , a petition vas presented by Mr. Tigho , asking for a li cense to run n saloon. The petition contained .hlrty-clght names , including two of the town trustees nnd Mr. Tlcho's own name , certifying that the petitioner is of good moral character , mid so forth. It was mot by a re monstrance from the temperance people ; In substance , first , that there is not the requi site number of freeholders represented on the petition , holding that some of the signers are not freeholders ; second , that Mr. Tigho ms been violating the Slocumb law. The ward mot again this evening to decide the natter , and 13. H. 13. Weber , who had been a Wahoo and looked up the records , brought up a list of eight or ten names of the signers who were not freeholders. Mr. Tigho , sco- ng that the fight was to bo in earnest , and : hat the temperance people had plenty of ev idence agc.lnst him , withdrew his petition , thus ending the' llrst skirmish between the whisky men , with four out of the live town trustees on their side , and temperance men of Valparaiso. * . . . Alter Hors3tlilovO9. . iMay 14. " I jranatoTnn BEE. ] In view of the fact bhat this section of Douglas" county has been infested with a gang of horsothlevcs , the citizens and farmers of this vicinity met in mass mooting , at Dierbach's hall , Saturday , and organized for the purpose of ridding this locality , at least , of the aforesaid gen try. The organization , as perfected , is as follows : President , T. I. Robert vice-presi dent , William Korner ; treasurer , P. Ho- ficldt ; captain , J. A. Fry ; lieutenants , A. Calleloy. H. A. Nolto and John Ham. The association starts out under very flattering circumstances , nnd will called "Tho Elkhorn - horn Farmer's Vigilance Association. " The association will meet Monday , the Sfltli , when they will bo prepared to tnko now members and discuss wavs nnd means. A coraial invitation is extended to farmers and citizens , generally , to tnuko the associa tion , what Is bound to bo , a success. Alt ini tiation fco of $3 is charged. The I-ilccnse War in Ciilbortson. CuMinnxsoN , Neb , , May 13. [ Special to THE BCB.J The hearing of the remonstrators - tors against granting J. W. Wray a license to sell intoxicating liquors , in the village of Culbertson , has ended in the board of vil lage trustees , deciding in favor of granting the coveted privilege of dealing out "red eye. " The anti-license people have appealed from the decision of the board to the district court , and ttio chances are that the town may go dry for a year. During the progress of the trial before the council , it was discov ered that , in order to secure the requisite number of petitioners for licences , a cheap lot had been subdivided nnd deeded to non-freeholders. The excitement has died down , only to bo renewed , no doubt , when tbo case comes up in the district court , in Juno. _ Tramp Car-Breakers Caught , DAKOTA CITV , Neb. , May 23. [ Special Tel egram to Tun HHB. ] Tramps burglarized two cars of merchandise at this place this morning , destroying and stealing over $500 worth of goods. One of them , giving his name as Joe Smith , was caught in the act and placed In Jull to wait the appearance of Judge Barnes , of Norfolk , and Captain Aus tin of St. Paul , who will arrive In the morn ing and investigate the matter to-morrow. An interesting time is expected , as they have u gang of them located who have been in the same business at all stations of the Omaha lino. Blnza in liontiino BcATitiCB , Ncu. , May IS. [ Special to TUB BHK. ] A fire , at 2 o'clock this morning , started in Hawkln's barber shop , In the base ment at the corner of Fourth nnd Court streets , from the bath room heater. Water was turned in on the floor above , occupied by P. B , Sprague , druggist , and W. S. Cole , jeweler. The 11 ro damage was nominal , but water injured the Jewelry and drug Blocks nearly * 1,500 ; all fully Insured. Hastings' Publishing Interests. HASTINGS , Nob. , May 13. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. | An Omaha delegation , consisting of O , P. Kothacker , S. P. Hounds and W. H. Vaughan , are working over the property of the late Gazette-Journal hero , to-day , with u view of purchasing it. They consulted the board of trade and offered to start the manufacturing , department In oper ation aguln , employing a force of sixty , if they could secure a 115,000 loan for one year. The publication of a paper Is not considered necessary ut present. The matter Is btlll pending , Crops in Bherldftn Count ) ' . HAT Si'iUNos , Neb. , May ID. [ Special to THE UBK. | The farmers in this vicinity are busy planting corn , of which there will bo a larger acreage planted than last year. The prospects for a good yjold of wheat and oats were never bcttei at ttilb season of the year , ( ho acreage being double that sown last sea son. There has boon plenty of rain since early spring , and everybody U encouraged with the outlook. A Udikoliiinn liixly Oca'd , BEXKII.MAN , Neb. , May 13. [ Special ' . ' 'ol egram to TUB HKE.J The funeral of Mi , f D , McClune took pluco"hq < 3 to-day , She was sick but twenty-four hours , and loaves n husband and four small children , the old- osl only six years , and the youngest n new born babe. Stuart HnHii Urlilcc. STUAJIT , Nob. , May 13. [ Spsclal to TUB BEE. ] Your correspondent from Nlobrarn in Sunday's BKB Is in error when ho says the only bridge cast of Fort Nlobrara across the Nlobrnra river is nt that city. A flno combination bridge spans tbo river directly north of this place and In the center of the body of land that will bo opened to settle- incut should the Sioux sign iho bill. Crops never looked better In this section as a re sult of abundant rains. She 1)1(1 Not liovo Him. IlAiiVAiii ) , Nob. , May 13. A young man named James McCullough , living with Joseph Galer , n farmer eight miles south west of this city , committed tmlcMo by rut- Ling his throat with a penknife yesterday. Tim cause of the net was unreciprocated af fection for n married daughter of Mr. Galor , who has been separated from her husband temporarily , but has recently returned to her llrst lovo. _ Nebraska A. O. V. W. Mootlnir. lUsTisas , Nob. , May in. [ Special Tele- jrnm to TUB Bun.l A largo number of delegates arrived hero to-day to attend the third biennial session of the Nebraska A. O. U. W. A full attendance of MO is ox- iccted. A spirited contest Is developing for .ho office of grand recorder , with about u dozen candidates in the Hold. All the grand officers are hero and deeply Involved In the ircllmlnary work. fiuloldo Hocaitio of Despondency. CI.AV CBXTKH , Nob. , Miiy 13. [ Special Tel egram to Tin : Bui : . ] James McCullough , it farm laborer working two miles west of hero , committed sutcldo yesterday morning by cutting his throat with a common pocket knlfo. Ho died In half an hour. Despond ency from 111 health Is given as the cause. AVnntH to Kill Ills AVI To. NmnusKA CITV , No"b. , May 13. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Uii.J : An old man lamed Hush Anderson asked to bo locked up jccauso his mind has become unbalanced and 10 can not resist the temptation to kill his old wife , whom ho married only three days ago. Ho will bo sent to the asylum. Con ! Discovered at KIIHMMOII. EMUKSOX , Neb. , May 13. [ Special to Tun 3ii.l The railroad company , In boring an irtcsinn well at this place , lias struck a good vein of coal , which is of more value to this > lace than several artesian wells. .Elopers' in Nebraska City. NBIIIIASKA CITV , May 13. [ Special Tele- rram to THE 13BE.1 Henry Schneider nnd Sliss Shnrmnn are an eloping couplu from Clarinda , Iu. , and wcro married hero to day. CHECKMATING VlbLA.HI > . Oregon Railway & Navigation Co. Stockholders Awake. New YOUK , May 13. An injunction was to-day issued by Justice Harnell , of the su- iremo court , on the application ot Elijah Smith and Edward H. . Hell , stockholders In the Oregon Hallway & Navigation company , restraining , until further 'hearing , the pro posed issue of new stock by the Oregon 'Transcontinental company- and also restrain ing any pledge ot wiy disposition by that compauyof. its holdings of liaihvay & Navi- patio , company shares. The plaintiffs ' tiffs state the authorized capital1 stoctc of the Oregon Transcontinental is * $50,000,000 , " of which only $40OJO,000 have heretofore been issued. Friday lust the ' board of directors , at a mooting in' Portland , putsed a resolution directing that the re maining $10,000.000 bo issued at once and a dividend of 0 pur cent guaranteed upon it , nnd that $112,000,000 of Oregon Uailway & Navigation stock , hold by the Oroifou Trans continental , should bo hypothecated to secure the payment of the dividend. Seven directors only , out of seventeen , were present at the meeting. Five of them are employes oGKho Northern Pacific railway , nnd they voted for and passed u resolution ugainst , the opposition of the other two. The plaintiffs believe that the Oregon Transcontinental has no right to give such preference to any portion of the stocit. They further charge that the resolution was passed under in structions from Henry Villard , who desired to place the stock where ho coulu control its proxies and increase the amount of Northern Pacific shares now hold by the Oregon Trans continental , to enable him by that means to control the next Northern Pacific election. A ONE-SIDKl ) A1WA1K. Buddon Collapse of the "Sours I'or- trnit Company , " of St. .Joseph. " ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , May 13. ( Special Tele gram to Tun HKE.J About sx months ago a man giving his name as H , Humphrey Savage came to this town und introduced himself to U. Sours , a local photographer. Ho suggested to Sours the advisability of starting a portrait company i : > St. Joe , and upon considering the matter Sours thought It a good scheme. The company was started under the name of the ' 'Sours Portrait Company - pany , " and was entirely under the charge of Savage , as Sours Imd reducedhis , prices in the gallery at that time and was tiopt busy through tholnciciisci of business. The orders were sent to Jamestown , N. Y. , for execu tion and tho.woik gave general satisfaction , but Savage did not turn in the money collected. Sours paid out money for bills right along , but did not notice until a few woelcs ago that the con cern was not making money. He told Savage that ho would have to raise some money , as ho ( Sours ) had paid ont enough. Savugo told him that ho had a brother In Nevada who would advance him money , and was given $ CO to make the trip. He loft town about three weeks ago and has net been seen since. Since his departure Sours has discovered that Savniro hud made away with about $2,000. and has learned other thills abgut him that do not tend to establish hih reputa tion us anything but a boat. Ho has left many debts behind him In St. Joseph , and not long nu'o u lurgo board bill from Lincoln , Neb. , was put In the hands of u local attorney for collection. Nothing U known of his whereabouts. VKTOI5B T1113 JMA'lON HIM , . Governor Hill Snytt It Is Cuinljcrnome and Unconstitutional , AI.DAXV , N. Y , , May 13. Governor HIH , to-day , vetoed the Saxton electoral reform bill on the grounds that its requirements that none but ofllcially printed ballots shall ho voted , and that uach ticket .shall contain the names of nil the candidates of all tha parties and combinations pretending to bop.ullua , are cumbersome and unconstitutional ItooHCJVcIt TukcH the Oath , WASiiLNOrox , May 13. Thcodoro Roosevelt velt , of Now York , who was recently ap pointed civil snrvlue commissioner , took the prescribed oath of ofllcu this morning. The commission -now hub its full legal quota of ineuiburt ; , a circumstance which has n6t existed for uoaio time pust. As now con stituted the commission consists of Charlnn I < ymun. of Connecticut ; Hugh H. Thompson , of South Carolina , and Thcodcro Itoosoyult , of New York. Charlet J yiuuii was elected jircHidcnt. * > , . KuiUm-tim' * Kalr CyHOO ) , , May tp. ( Spoclil Tclcgrarfi to TniyUiE.-A ] Burlington official claimed , to-day7tUat ttio April atutcmcnt of that company would huvr ( in uatonUhinglncreiuie iu nut earnings. Ho alto said that hu looked for no change in iho present staff of oftlccre as a result ol YvcJucsOoy'a annual meeting. Mr0. Qninos aota Judgrmont Foi Over $50OOOO. BUT FORTUNE SMILES TOO LATE. Her Most Kortiuinto IAHK > itcr-ln- IM\V OotH AH the Golden l u- cntH Knit of a Colo- brat cd Cnso. Awarded $ < * > 07HK > Dnmaucit. AVASinsoTo.v , May 13. The United Statot supreme court , to-day , In nn opinion by Jus tice Hradloy , awarded the executors of the will of Myra Clark Galnos the sum of tft)7,000 ) against the city of Now Orleans , for the use of property sold by the city , but recovered by Mrs. Galncs niter long litiga tion. The Judgment of the lower court , awarding the executors $1,300,000 for the use ot the unimproved property sold by the city , was not concurred iu. This has probably been the most Iniercst- intr , the hardest contested nnd tno most pro longed case known to the Judicial history of this country. The first suit in the case was brought by Mrs. Gnlnos , ( then the wile of General Whitney ) In 1S3I , nnd since that time de cision has followed decision In regard to It , rim first suit sought to recover what was known us the Evarlsto Blanc tract , in Now Orleans. Blanc bought the tract for about Mr > 00 , from the executors of General Daniel LJlark , a prominent citl/en of Now Orleans. Hu sold it and some other hind to the city of Now Orleans. The grounds on which MM. dallies set up her chums were that she was the child of Gen eral Clark by n secret nuirrlngo between Itiui and ZtilliUQ Carriers , mid that General Clark had loft n later will than the one under which the property was sold. This secret marrmga formed the axis oil which the liti gation revolved , and the case was fought with bitterness by both sides. It was not until a fuw years before the war that Mrs. Galncs was declared to bo the legitimate child as well as the lawful heir of General Clark. E on then the city of Now Orleans did not surrender , nnd tiflor the war Mrs. Games was compelled to brine suit for damages. In ibSl the circuit court of the United States for the Louisiana district gave a judgment in her favor for M.i&'M'iflT , and it is on an nppcnl from this udgmcnt that the case to-day was decided , i'ho present case , it is generally conceded , exhausts all the resources of the law , nnd la regarded as n final settlement of the litiga tion Mrs. Gaincs is dead , and so. It is be lieved , are all her immediate relatives , ex cept her daughter-in-law , HutUo J. Whitney , whoso name us administratrix of the estate of Mrs. Gaincs , stands on tie ! court docket. NINETY THOUSAND MEN OUT. rho German Strike Spreading An other Collision With the Troops. BiiiiLix , May 13. The utrlko at Dortmund .s spreading. The strikers nro assembling at. ; ho pits mid parading the streets and menac ing the employes of the waterworks which supply the district. The pit workers at Margarothu have expressed n willingness to resume work on condition that they bo pro tected from the strikers. The minors in Essen have struck. This raises the total number of men who havo' now quit to 10,000. Thn strikers tried to prevent the opening sf , the AltcnaaisQ nnd Sprockhcovof pits. The hussars dispersed them-and made many arrests. Ainan named Ilinnas. whoso brother was killed in the riot at Schlcswlg , suddenly bo- caine insane to-day and killed a friend , named Blolchort , with n Imtchot. * The colliers at Wuldonburg , Silesia , havo- gone on a Ktriko. Sixty striking miners of the Prince Ho- gent's colliery , nt Bochum , decided to re sume work to-aay , but were prevented from doing so by their fellow workmen , who drove them away from the pits with howls and curses. The military wcro summoned , iml on their arrival a sharp light took place t > ntwccn the soldiers nnd the strikers , tha 4 bitter being finally dispersed. MAI > AVITH JISAhOUSY. A Memphis Man Kills HlH Young \ViCo and Then SiiicidcH. MEMi'iiib , Tenn. , May 18. George Ward , aged twenty-eight , employed as engineer at the Memphis gas works , this afternoon , shot nnd killed his young wife , aged olqhtoon , nnd then killed himself. The causa was Jealousy. The murdered woman was bis first cousin. Ward courted his wife for six years , but never could gain the consent of her mother to their union , which resulted four months ago in a runaway marriao. Ward nas exhibited symptoms of Jealousy recently , although ho bus been married only four months. On coming homo to dinner he repaired to his wlfo'b chamber and asked her for a kiss. Shu , however , noticing un expression of wlldncss about him. left the room , sn.vlng she would kiss him later. Ho followed her into the hall nnd emptied t'.irco ' shots from a revolver Into her back nnd shoulders. Having committed thu frightful deed , ho run to a room fifty feet away and there shot himself through the head. Miss Ward attempted to prevent the husband from shooting hU wife , nnd was shot at while tlitm engaged. Shu bravely sprang In front of thu murderer nnd exclaimed : "Kill mo und spare my sister , " hut bar efforts were useless. o MlHtook Him Koia Ri'i'.iNfU'ij'.M ) , Muss. , May 13. Jatnet Bcobo Smith , local editor of the IlapuDlIcan , was shot nnd instantly killed this morning by hio brothor-ln-law , Ho.val B. Sturtovunt , who mlbtook him for a burglar , Early this morning burglars cntorod tha house , and young Sturtevnnt was arouncd from las sloop by thu servants , who had been awakened by the noUu made by tha burglars Ho looked out of the window nnd and saw a mr.n li the yard , and , sel/lni ; his gun , went Into the hall , 'in the meantime Mr. and Mrs. Smith were iirmisod and baa stopped out of their room Into tha hall. Youny Sturtnvant , not knoivlilg His brother- in-law was In the house , und supposing him self the only man In tha pluct : , ut once firod. Sturtovunt dhtliunjccl the contents of hln gun fully at Smith , who died without uttering a sound. Smith had been connected with the Henub- llcun.aiiu'o his graduation frotn Harvard , la IbS-'l , ami leaves n widow and and an mfuat daughter , Ho was we.ll knoxyn hero und very popular. No bli'ine Is attached to _ _ Homliorr. MantiHt Convention. MnMriijrf , Trim. , May 13. The third day' * session of tun Southern Baptist convention wus ticvotcul to rcpor'.n of committees and spocvhci. Dr. Hobl > s , of Mississippi , royort- Ing on foreign affairs , uuld gieat ciYortn were being niudo to ovangcll/a ihut portion of the nittlcn s population. Tite matter was dis cussed at length , and thrl homo mission. bo , i rd wus directed to examine carefully Into the expediency of opening stations In tha ter ritories oT Now Mexico and Arizona. A Now Ifallroud. Si'iiiNoniii.n , 111. ! May 18. The secretary of State to-day Itsued a llcynao ol incorpora tion to the Wabash Eistcrn Railway com- piny , of Illinois , with u cvpltal of 112,000,000 , , to construct u railroad frum the eaiteru boundary ofVn : > llllon county ut u point con necting with the Wabash , ( St. I-xniU &Pficlflo and to extend westerly to tha Mltsjiulnp ! river at or noarcast ; also from Do- cutur to the MUtluslppl at or near East 8U Login ; iilso from Cuiuuyo to fCniuifuum iind AltauouU