Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1889, Page 7, Image 7
OMAHA DAILY BEM MONDAY , MAY 13. 1889 , .7 SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA No ntivcrtlflcntcntH will bo tnkcn Tor flirnn coltimnn nflcr 12:110 p. in. Terms Cnnli In tulvnncc. Advertteementii nnfler thl * head 10 c nti per line for tnaflnt Insertion , 7 cents for each mib- wqucnt Insertion , and I1//0 per Una per month. Ko advertisement taken for les * than 25 cents tt ilrst Injertlon. Seven word * will be counted to the line : they must run .consecutively and Bust bo paid In ADVANCK. All ( utrvrtlse- jnonts muat b * hnde < l in bornrn 12:7(1 : ( o'clock p. . , and tinder no circumstances will they b * taken or discontinued by teltfitione. Partle * advertlilna In these column * and bar- tna their answers addressed In cm a of Tut : Ben rill please osk for n chock to entitle them to get their letters , a * nnno will b dellverodexcenton presentation of check. All answer * to adrer- lisomentn should be enclosoaln ) envelope * . All advertisements In these column * sropnb- llMied In both mornlnp and evening editions of VlitillKK. the circulation of which aggregates Bioro than lPWpnper dally , nna gives th ad vertisers the Donelll , not only of the city circu lation of TIIK HKK , but also of Council Muffs. Lincoln Hnd other cltlos and towns throughout Hit" section at the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these columns will bo taken n tno above conditions , at the following bust- esu houses , who are at thorlzcd agents for TUB 2m R special notices , and will quote the cam * pates as can be bad at the mala offlco. Vharmaciati KO Bonth Tenth Btreet. /1IIA8K Sc F.OnV. Stattoncn and Printers , 113 \J South 10th Street. 811. FAHN8WOHTH. Pharmi lst , Z115 Cum- ing Street. J. II Ua I IRS , Pharmacist. 621 North IGth . Street. Gitorw. PAHH , Pharmacist , 1809 St. Maryi Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. HOTEL clerk deslros n situation.4 Can fur nish good referenced. Address A 60 , I loo. 112-Ut WANTED-NIALE HELP. COHTOHAL "SVIClurg" nnd Hls Panir"No Hook like It beats thorn all ; 3uO illus trations : humorous , pathetic , fascinating. Ono ngpnt made H7 In I days ; ono took 1U orders in 30 minutes In ouo ( I. A. U. post. Choose ter ritory now ; 34 attractive Illustrations free with circulars nnd terms. N. U. Hamilton ACe Co .Publishers , 310 Superior it. , Cleveland , O. WANTKD Jlan to raonago an olllco ; salary f7r > per month. Hoferenco and $ * capital required. Address ) I. J. Hes.t , lleatrlco. Neb. 78 11 * WANTED-A smart , active In tclllgent of llco boy. Apply to Drs. lletts ft Melts , 1403 Farnam st. OI4-11J WANTED Good salesman to neil advertis ing cards und novelties on commission di rect from mnnurncturcr. You can make $50 per week , Addrnis Advertising Specialty Co. , Buirnlo , N V. OJ7 10 \STANTED Experienced brick yard men can TT llml steady employment by applying. Win. Jladford , Hlvor Falls , Wls. 02MOJ " \\f ANTED A good llthosraphlng solicitor T T who has nn established trade In this sec tion to work Omaha trade. Straight salary and permanent place. Address A 40 llco olllce. MS3 WANTED Salesman familiar with grocer or drug trade ot this suction. Pnrt salary , part commission. Address , A 38 , Hoe ofllco. AGENTS-lllgmonoy lu it. Sells nt sight. Exclusive territory. Hours between 10 and S , room 10 Arlington block. 147-131 CJiT ) WEEKLY HopresontAtlve wanted In P every community. Goods staple and sell on plght. Absolutely new ; household necessity. Mo canvassing. Elite Mfg. Co. , Pullman build ing , Chicago , 111. TM WANTED Agents Puzzle watcn charm ; most taking novelty out ; exact imitation of "Pliirt in Clover. " size of nickel , gold plated. Bnmpluluc , two 2Tic. doz , fl ; stumps taken. Btaynur & Co. . Providence. 11.1. 754 J4t WANTED Itocktnon. tlemakers.grtidcrs nnd tracklayers for Washington turrltoiy ; nteady wor and good wages. At Albright's Xobor Agency , ll'-M iarnam.sf. But BOl'S- . Disc , Tcl.Co. , 1304 Douglas. 471 WANTED At once six first-class cornice maters. John Epcnotor , im Bo. 12th st. - WANTKD At once n man with stock of clothing , or clothing and dry goods. Will take right man In as partner. Stock must bo paid for. For particulars address D. W. Els- yorth , 40J So. Howard St. , Sioux City. la. A GENTS wanted on salary. (75 per montn , XXand expenses paid , nny active man or wo man to sell our goods by sample and llvo at home. Salary nald promptly and expenses in Advance. Full partlculais and sample c&ao free. We mean just what wo say. Address Standard Silverware Co. , Boston , Mans. K,0m-19 " \7\7ANTEiD-Agents ; magic cigar lighter ; TT every smoker buys ; lights In wind or rain ; lasts n lifetime ; sample 15c , two forti'ic , doron I. by mall ; stamps taken. Staynor & Co. , J > rovldonco 1U1. 179-m22- ) Kuorgotlomon and women every- whotufor aguutool , money-making busi ness , goo weekly prolli guax-auteod easier than 100 monthly otherwise. Experience absolutely nuncce.isary. Pormamont position nnd exclus ive teirltory assured. pJsampIcsfreo. Wrltofor particulars. Address with stamo. Merrill Mfg. Co. . U C.1 Chicago 7H-mlSj SALESMEN We wish a few men to B nit our goods by sample to wholesale and retail trade. Largest mnmit'rs In our lino. Encloio S-cent stamp , Wages 13 per day , Permanent position. No portals answered. Jlonoy ad- Tanced for wngus. advertUnrg , etc. Centouulnl llan'f'i : Co. . LTnclnnatl. O. _ M4 WANTED Men to solicit ; must deposit 124 nnd give security for money collected. Ealary t ; & to f 100 per mont h. Cull ou or ad dress Geo. S. Cllne.Cll First National bank. 470 WANTED--FEMALE HELP. " " " " ANTKD-UIrl for general "housework" 2315 Hurt st. 053 11 "f A I ) V and gentlemen agents wanted at. H39 JUS. 14th st ror quick selling article needed In every family. Ub7 lit i ; ANTED A clean glrlf or kitchen work ; T must understand cooking ; 'JU S. llth st. WANTHO Colored woman to do genera liousowoiMUtCass st. ssatl * \X7"ANTKD A girl for general housework V T and ono for up-stalrs work , at UK ) S. 301' ; tW5U _ _ WANTKD At once , an experienced M girl for the country , lu a family of two , easy sjrork and good homo for the right person. JIUht bo able to ftuuish good roforonro ; wages 113 per mouth. Afldresji A.50 llco. llo-Mi "IXT'ANTKD Competent , willing girl for gen. V > urul housework. Must have references W ra. L. O. Jones. 718 N. Slst st. m 13 - Kill to care for small WANTUD-Youug - - Cnpltol avo. lJe-14 * WANTED A girl for ( jnnnralhousewoikor good nurse girl. Sliaaithst. :4 : _ ( * W ANTKD-Mlddle aceil woman of exper ience to cure for bane and do housework , also competent cook for family of two. liefer- encoi roiiulied. Inquire Sunday , May 1attur 8 oulock , room 103 Paxton hotol. lady copyist ; must writn null and state salary expected. Addicts Hoo. OU8 17t WANTF.D A competent girl for general housework , one ulio ran c < iok , wash aud Iron where second girl and man aru kept ; good wages paid. Apply at Oil South ZOth st , 031 iTANTKD-Flrst-clasa waist Unlsher. Mrs. * Auson , 01 Fourth are. . Council Illuffs. \\nnt < > < l for general housework ; must GlltLnnt bo good co and laundress. 304 Webster , W5S I'KD At oncegood cook and laundress Mr * . T. W. Gray. &C4 Douglas. ! ! M fXrANTKD A girl for general fcousowork V14U S.Jtlu ) H47 VVANTEDNurso girl , 2S5 Fornam. W 345 _ TATANTKD A. SSI 7nu5nwxl"bousew on Io VY , outl > Vth. C40 DRESSW1AKIO. to do drenmaklns i n fam tile * solicitedMlsi StunlyO)17 ) Leavouwortn M. SUma fashlonaola dreosmaking , moderate prices ; cutting and lUtliur also done , UI7 N. IQlh. MIISCELLANEOUS WANTS. HAYH a CttAh customer for a nice little bakery or restaurant doing a paving buil- nes-i. airs. Urega. 3U'j So. 16th st. HO-13 * " ANTKD A purchaser for a 1134 ciortsafro oa Kansas lands ; also H section Colorado chool land. E. Jl. Uesscll. tKW So. 13tb t 3d floor. Omaha. 14 80fS * ANTliD-Auyoue.BtlUot. d wltn any prl- YY v to or chronic blood dlttaas to the National Hemedy Co. , 1414 Dodge st , anil in- vB tlg to thiir truatwtst for prlW auorUtn. ru BOARDING. TJOOM'and boanl cheap for two in prlvat JLv family. 2318 Hurt st. tXM8t ( _ OAHO wltlTdeslraljto rooms , furnlshoITor tmfnrnlshod. Aimlysil t C ss gt. eM ta a "nOAKDF.HS wantedl t The Cozzcns hotel at JJreduccd rates ; the most pleasant location In the city. M J Franck. prop. . 87 WANTE13-TO"RENT. ANTKIontleman and wife eniraiod during the day desire furnished first lloor front room ; prefer private homo with yard and shade. Address A10 llco WU 17' WANTP.D to rent by family of two , an un furnished cottage In Rood condition coni talnlugOor 7 rooms ; must nave terms niH lo cation to receive any attention. Address U & \ lice. Sf ) I FOR RENT HOUSES. fpWO houses to rant on North Suth street op- JL poslto the Collsoum , by Kxcelslor Land Co : , 310 South 15th street. omalui. 71 TTKMt HUNT 3-room cottfttrri on car line 111 J-1 Cb'optrativo Land & Lot Cm , 205 N.-lfith st. 133-13 NINH room house on Iod o St. , cable passes the door ; hoLaud cold water , batii looms and furnace ; rent * 10 per month. Frodllorth - wick. 813 8. lull t. 143 TilOH HUNT Nino-room brick house , with or JtJ without barn. Apply , 2128 Ilnrnoy stPCfl PCfl ISt 17IOH HUNT My residence , furnished , for B Jt ? months from July 1 , Cor. 30th and Califor nia sts. Dr. Jno. C. Jones. Olit 11 * . . . ItKNT 3room house , hard and soft water. $10. to small family , reference iu- quired , cor , 15th and Paclllc. It. E. Copion. * * u * _ _ _ _ _ \ HOOM bnuse and outside kttchon.S K cur 10th -'aud Paclllc. Inquire Mrs. O'Wliolau 11078 10th 8Jt 11 * T10H RUNT Furnished house , ten rooms ; - will t cut part or all. 1'lvo blocks from P. O. Address Ar > 2 Uoo olllco. U50 lit FOll KENT Nine-room hou o , modern con- vcnlcucoa ; tutulturo for sale ; 2017 l.eavcu- worth. 050 13 * T7IOK IinNT Tlie lower story of house No. 207 J-1 B , * Mth ; 4-rooniB , 3 closets and a latgo kitchen ; hot , cold and cistern water ; soner. pas and steam heat ; bath room , collar nnd nr o yard. KUper montu. Incjulro on prom- : ca. 070 T31011 UKNT Nlco , comfortable nome , nr t - J- class neighborhood , all modern conven iences , close to car line , modorixto rent. Inquire of deo. N. Hicks , Darker block. 055 li > Foil HKNT Blrcnnt rostdonco In Hanscom Placo. Inquire Ueo. N. Hicks , llarker block. tG'i 13 1T10H IlKNT-Uousos ! 17 : . , N. U , near OH- -i. cage , Uroums. - tuH.ilstt near Vopplolon ave. , 11) rooms. t-'tO , Capltnl avo. , near 24'h , 8 rooms. $4r , N. lutb. nonr Paul , o rooms. M.r ) , Capitol two. . nnarSOth , 10 rooms , too. N.Ulth and California , 10 rooms. All dcslrnbln , modern houses. Inquire ot Nothertou Hull , room 4 ) , First Nat bank bldg. VOO 13 710K UP.NT New brick houBos. 11 roomswith - every modern convnulunce : on cable lluo ; only 1(0 ( per mouth. C. T. Taylor , cor. 14th and Douglas. l u TT10H IlKNT 8 room housocontrally ; located ; J- ' modern improvements. J. F. Ilarton , ' 'fllU Capitol nvo. bls-li * FOK IinNT An eleven-room house. 2215 Call- fornla st. 71P-1M 71OH HEM' Cottagns , C rooms , 2T20 Charles - st. and IK ; S luth st. Inquire at room " 1- , Sheoly block. - IT ) FOU KCNT-A flat In the Her building ; 7 rooms , steam hoat. gas and bath. Apply to A. C. Kaymor , hardware , luth and Jackson. 511 NICB7room cottagesgood ; collars.cisterns , J neil , good barn ; convenient to school nnd churcniJOp ; r month for the summer. Apply atone. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bank , WU TjlOll HK.VT My Farnam st. residence com- JL1 piotely furnished , with llrst-class servants , i ( doslred , for four or llvo months ; family go- liiB nwuv. K. 0. Patterson , : II8 8. IHh Ht. XI IOU KENT Neat liouso cor tth nnd Woolnorth nve. Inquire of 0 , U. a"zschuck. Ueo olllce. MJ FOH HUNT One ton-room and ono eight- room house , all modern convcnloncos. Best part of city nnd within r > mlnnteb walk of post- ollicn. Nathan Shelton , liVll furnnia st. til'J I710K HlINr-noauUftil 8-room nouso with J-1 modern improvements , sploudld location. Apply at once , O. F. Hiurlson , Mcr. Nat. ll'k.S68 S68 FOH HKNT Good housoa attul ) . HO , JC , IJ.-.SJO. undjl- per month. If you wish torentcall and see me. I ) . V. Bholes , 2101st Nafl liauk. Tb'J "triOlt HENT 14 room brick dwelling , all con- -i ? venleuces. 21U N. 19th st. o07 FOR RENT ROOMS-FURNISHED- NJCRLY FDHNISHED-ltooms for rent at 1.XU Douglas st , Urd lloor , rent low. 7J1 FUONT room to rent , 015 N. 14th st. 589 12 I71UUNISHED room to rent , 181B Chicago. JU iron ; FOH RENT Furnished room , gas aud bath. 010 So. 13th St. , 1st Hat. llb-rit LLAlton ftouth front < room , every convon- leilce , 0 blocks from P. 0."JIG Douglas st. 017 BOOMS and board , 1812 Chicago. _ A1IQK pleasant front room newly fur- il 1 at N.V . cor. IHth and Howard st. Or > 7 13 * Altai ; front room with largo closet , 1718 J Dodge. ffB Ibt 1UHNSHED room-SlOO Farnara street. 903 13 * FOll IIBNT Nicely furnl&hed front room with boardall courenldnces,191i ( Capitol ave. TfilOU UKNT Vurnlsbed rooms with or M 1th- JU out board for faiulllei and finale men at reduced price for the aummor months at tha Cozens liotel. M J KraucK , prop. 680 LAHOH south front room with -window A awnings , the use of gas , bain , etc. , at 1813 0 race St. Otci 11J ItHNT One nlcoly furnished room with alcove ntBOS St. Mary's aye. 0011 LilOR HKNT Largo furnished front bed room L1 for 1 or 2 gents. 11U Douglas. 874 11 * "imuUNlSHKD front rooms 1610 Dodgo. Dodgo.B77J8 B77J8 * QlOll RKNT Two newly furnished rooms for I. g uts ; best table board , 1C15 Capitol avo. TJ10U HKNT Nicely furnished front bed room J ? in cottage , $ o per month , 400 William sti cot. ' NICKLV furnished south front room. Every convr Douglas at. U77 It HKNT A pleasant room , only 0 minutes J. walk from buslnens uonlnr , all modern con- Yenlenccs. corBt. Mary's ave. anil auth or USJ S. 20th , brick jrxtdenio. ; : cot TTU10NT roouii. tl upward ) , on car line ; Uio JU N 18th. 41ti T71UHN18HRII or uhfnrnUhed rooms for rent X' in Purk Torraro , odposito Hanscom park ; all modern conventencei , Inuulre Jx > ic Nichol.SSthandL avenwortli , * 473 SUIT of a furnished rooms , modern convcn . _ lncos l , 3 blocks from P. O. ; private family , A. lUMpo. jr. . 15U Doiulas. 4S CAOH KENT Front room * at 1S-1 Farnain. 47Y FUHNISHKD rooms or day. week , or month. cit.Clalr hoial cor 13th and Dodge. 478 171U11N1SH1UJ room * , sliule or on uuiie , bath , JU and steam ; for gents only. 151' Howard. 470 TrrLKOANTCYturuTshod rooms centrally. . JHcatfil with \rltliout bo&rd , price reasonable - able , en 8. l.'th. ' JI7.m35 NICBLY furctshod rooms with boaTd. Hef. eroncos xohaa ( ; d. S-'M St , Mary's avo. avo.OT7 TJ OOM3 and board , 1810 Webster K. _ _ taHt _ F Oll HKNT Uoom 1031 Howard. SKH N1CI { south front roms wltlrerery conven * ' ' i hoiua. 13M Capitol av , T AIIO K front room with Ijod-room adjoining , JLJhaiidsom ly fuinlshnd. ga und heated by ste&in , with use of bath room , In ono of the handsomest rosldencoi In the city , without board , lunulre u. w. cor , 19th and Leavenwortli. CWIt HKNT-Elugant furnlaHed fOOi'i suitable JU for two gantiemvn , on bathroom lloor , with board , lau Douglas st , 070 m " 17WH HENT 3 furnbhdd rooms with gas ; JL1 steam heat and bath room on same Hoar. IK per month each. 07SiUthi > t. 075 FOR HKNT Furnished room * slnglo or en suite. 1U Dou la . 713 T > OOM vrltU or without board. 1813 Dod a. FOR RENT nOOWS UNFURNISHED T71OU nr.NT Two nice unfurnished rooms , JJ c bl and t wo lines ot curs. Warner , 20th and Cumlng. V84 13 JjlOll U15NT 7-rooms , S311 Cumlnff nt. 9.21 IJlOIl HUNT Urfurnlshodi two rooms , sum- JL1 mor kitchen and clotet , 30M St. Mary's nv. 884 lit 4011 fi nnfurnlshod rooms for honsekoonlng _ lor man and wife. fllBN 17th it. 1U7 171. _ HUNT Sulto of 4 rooms unfurnished , 1 with all modern Improvement * , bath room , rloset , etc. . hot nnd cold wntcr , gns Qxtures. to 'amlly without children. Hcfercnco required , in north nth st. 1'rlce tZS. 6TO TjlOUH rooms , to , isi3 S. 15th , near Dorcni. FOR RJENT-STDRE8 ( AND OFFICE5. 171OH JIKNT Nice store room on Cnmtng at. , JL' vlth place to llvo In tbo roar , tJ5 per month. J. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat. Home. W.I-1.1 Oil Itr.NT-a lloors a'xM each , In brlcfe build- lug , with elevator , cloao to express olHco. cheap rout , Just the thing for wholesaling , good location. Apply to Qeo. llovn , HU3 Tarnam st. Oil HUNT-Storo 23x00 ; 1118 Jackson st. Knqulro 1114 Jackson. 431 "IPOU HUNT Store nnd living rooms on Cum- JL Ing street : nlso house on Cnss st , Harris It. K. & b. Co. . lloom 111 1st Nat , bank. 8U TTIOU llENT The 4 story brick bnlldiug with Jor without power , nowooiuplod by-Tno lloo I'ulillshlug Co. . OH ; Farnam si. The building lias a Hi o proof cemented brupmont , complete steam heating fixtures water on all the lloors , 309. etc. Apply at the olllco ot Tno lloo. 01.1 S 10UK 407 with basnmcnt , Kamge bldg. Inquire - quire 1'rnnk J. Itaiugo. 050 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. TTlOli KENT Use of Knube plnno for an hour JL1 or moro per day , by the mouth ; location atid room strictly llrit class. Terms very ronsona- tile. Address X Oi. Bee . T710H HKNT When you wish to rent a hous , JL' store or office call on us , H. K. Cole , room 0 , Continental blk- , 471 IF YOU want to rent your house call on Har ris , U. It. & L. Co. , room 411 , 1st Nat'l. bank. 48 * GKO. .1. PAUL , 1C03 Farnam st , houses , stores , etc. . for rent. 485 TF YOU want to buy. soil , rent or exchange , .L call on or address O.J. StornsdorlT , rooms 317 and 31 * . First National bank building. 481 V\7 E give special attention to renting and TT collecting rents ; list with us. H , K.Colo , room c. Continental block. 4BB " MISCELLANEOUS. UCTION SALK-By order of the district court lots 30,31,33 , bis 14. Hauscom place , on corner Poppleton ave nnd 2Kb s'root. with the lmproemonts , will be sold at public auction ut the north door of the court nouseSatuidiiy , Jl ay is , at 10 o'clock Terms of sale JJ cash balance lu 1,3 , 3 jesxrs. J.J.Curtis , guardian. TIHK banjo taught as an art by Ooo F. Gel- lenhecK. Apply at lloo olllce. 050 I > KIVATK course In fencing , boxing or fancy club swinging , $10. Address T14 , lleo olllco. 29 m4 ! * YOU that are suffering from private dlsor- dorswlll Und the National Hotnedy at 14H Dodge st. , where you can get scloutlllo treat ment and a cure guaranteed. 311 SONN'ENSCIIinN hasmoved tc.417 S 13th. Huy and soil .second hand furniture and stoves ; bottles bought and sold. 150-ui31 w ILL take horses to pasture at Gllmoro. Price ! per mo. 1) , A. YoungGllmori\Nel ) . LOST. LOST Metlcan doir , small tuft of hair on end of tall ; return to211 N.lStn st.atul gut reward. 015 11 LOST A Newfoundland dog . ahout . . . . 0 . months . ' " ' JLJold ; llheral reward will bo paid If returned to 220211o\vaid 878 11 STHAYED A sorrel colt , four years old. If urouKhtto the blue uarn. Kith and Dodge sts. , a haudsume rowara will bo given. 108-14 * FOUND. . , , . j OUND bnrrol mare , one wlte hind foot , ? while stripe In face. Ownerlcanhr.veby prov- InKproporty and paying charges , at Iluckoyo Hum. S. lUth st. 001 lit _ rpAKEN UP-Illack and white BOW with 8 JLplR.s , cropped loft ear , 2 miles north of Florence. August Reiser. inlMB-23-jl-8 $ PERSONA- . _ ' rTYONE'knowlnB the whereabout ? of Qumcy A. Gllmoro ran learn something to their advantage by addressing S. S. Price Jr. , room 411 , First National baulc. f 121 "PERSONAL Preserve this Short speeches , .1 ( mays , compositions , letters , petltlons.'oto. , compo'ied and \\rltteu. Itosolutlons for lodges ami societies elegantly executed. Letteilnglu old English and German scrip and all kinds of line writing. Call or address , 171.1 Lake st. OOMlj TTV1VOKCES speedily , quickly If you dcslro n J-Allvoico ( or auy cause , state particulars ; ad * vlco free , confidential. Hobert White , attorney , H5 Hroadwny , New Yoik. Si37-irj 33EHSONAIj use ot Knabo piano for rent ono hour or more per day , by the month ; loca tion and room strictly llrst class Troins very reasonable AdressX4tt lleo olllce. 177 "IJIEATHEHB cleaned and curled : hats pressed JU and bleached , at F. M , Schadell. 218 N. ICtli. 430-m'- STORAGE. S' TOHAGR ' at low. rates at 1131 Farnam st ; Omaha Auction and Storage. 4W rpKACKAQR , storago" lowest rates. W. M. Xllushman 1J11 Le vonwortli. 489 1DKANOH * CO. , storage , 1311 Howard. CLAIRVOYANT DH. NANNIK . WAIHIHN , clalrvoynnt.mod. leal and business medium , 1'emalo diseases a specialty. 11UN. 10th St. , rooms U and 3. 4'J1 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITINa rniiU Omaha Short-Hand Institute , Itanigo JL block , Omaha , opening Monday , M ay Mtli.ia under the nmuagouieut of u thorough and prac tical stenographer. I'loasautest and best reu- tllatod stlirx ) ! room lu the west. 1'o.sitlous found for graduates. Call or write for particu lars' Xeiifls , tlO per month In advance. Typewriting - writing free. . OOJ J 10 BIIOUTI1AND and type writing. Omaha bus- Iness college , tor. Capitol ave. & 16th. Stau * datd methods taught by 0. 0. Kwlne or San 1'rauclDCo , the host teacher on the Pucnc coast. Munton's revised of 'nil u specialty ; now plan ; bUrkuoard Illustration ; day and evening clauses ; call or write for terms. 097 niHU Standard Shorthand School , haying pur- J.mased Valentino's Shorthand InstitutePax- ton bloelc , Is now tha largeat , best ociulpped , oxcluslvo shorthand school lu the west. I'M graduates In good situations. The school Is In charge ol Mr. It. A. Smith , a verbatim report er und toacMer of many years practical expe rience , assisted by a corps of ofllclent teachers. Usn llemlngtou typowntors. Shorthand suu- pltei for sale. Send for circulars. 708 WHITTLESKY'S snorthaud hchool. 81 liar- ter uloclc. 11 month's course , tM.423U137 423-U137 * WANTED TO BUY. pay cash fora cood'lot of "household iirnlture. Address A & 7 , lleo. 10U 17 -To buy little place on S. 1HU worth I.WO to J2.nOQ. 0. F. Harrlnon , Merchants Nat. bank. 786-11 1717 ANTED To buy a standing desk not less V V than u feet long , and rolling top desk 5 feet long. Address Omaha Typo Foundry , 111) Soiul Klevantli st. 131-13 WANTBD To buy good commercial papor. H. U l'att r ou , J18 s. iStb st. 4tc ! WANTBl > Furniture , carpets , stores ana bouso&old goods of all kinds. Oinuha Auction \ Storage Co. , 1121 Faruam. 4U ) FOR SALE--MISQELLAN iOUS. FOll BALK The furniture ot 7-room Hat ; prlca&HO. cash ; a big bargain. Flat for root. USi Capitol ave. IJ'J l TJIOIt SALIC 10 per rent mortgage. 11,0:0. : on JJ rual entatu w ortU I < , WO. W. L. frelbr , room 1 % Hoard of Trade. l W 11 TJVIH SALE Horse and buggy together or JC neparate ; horse gentle. 11. Bchoti. Wii S. llthw , 8,511 * THUH Horse and butftfy. Inquire A , JO Hospe , 1213 Doiielaa tt. CIS mil I7KJU SAMi-A W-lnch Victor bicycle , almost Jas good as now. Aduresa 11 organ , P. O , box 2dT. Ho-lit T IIAVKsome desirably located leal o tate -land fifty head of young horses and uiare-i I do- slra to exchange for a itock ot furntturo. 1 > . K. Snyre , York , Neb. W-U T .TOUT weight Bnydjr ( op bugfty , been nm JLJabout six months. Jtormtne running gear ; perfect condition. B. Tr.jjlorse. Wl 17 Al'INB Cabinet Ornd ro owool case utT right piano for tlUMi cost whsa now * IO i s only used ono yearj murt bo sold at once ! will Blvetlraoon parlot r tf desired. Address V X5. care Omaha lleo. lUlmIS T710II 8ALK t wort team , wagon and liar- J.1 ness complete , vnJT ichonp for cash , 619 1'axtoubllc. | _ 819 Fen SALK-2ro3 tdfta1' Ice. Adam Ilodor lllalr , Nob. ' B3i mist 'it i / 1AUT and harness f < > tBft1o ; also 32 yd home- V made rag corpnt. if jN. i7th. ! 80M4 * " 171011 SALK A full lanther ton carriage , large JL ; and roomy , in llrst-clafls order , cost WOO ono year ajto ; will sell 1C for $175. Apply nt 3315 Webster st , 784 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. lIHjAND Guarantee & Trust Co. , IKK Tar- imin. Complete abstracts furuUned \ titles to real estate examinediiortoctcd & guaranteed. OMAHA Abstract Company , 1SU ) Famamst. Most complete and carefully prepared sot ot abstract books and plats ot nil real property In the city ot Omaha and Douglas county. 4ir.i A IISTUACTS LInalian & Mahoney , room KM -a-l'axton block. 493 MONEY TO LOAfT TOAN3 wanted on Omaha real estate , thrco J-Janil llvo years time , optional paymontB , fa vorable term and rates ; applications ami titles passed upon by us and loans closed promptly. Klmball , Chnmn Ic Hynn.ltoom U. United States Nat , bank building , 1JB Farnam street. WTjlO C1T1 Financial agency will loan you money on horsci , furniture , Jewelry or seourltlna ot any kind. IJOd Howard at. , corner 8. 1.1th st. KM m 11 ; MONlM'tolonn at low rates by Kxrolslor Land Co. , 31U South IRtli ttrcot , Omajm. 071 to loan ou real estate security , at - lowest rates , Heforo negotiating loans see Wallace , Crelghton big. , 15th and Douglas. 860 KYSTONE Mortgage Co. ; loans of 110 to (1,000 ; got our rates before borrowing and save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any approved security , without publicity ; notes bought ; tor now loin , renewal of old and low est rates call H S08Shoeley blk 16th Sc How nrd st 8UO MONEY to loan on short time. Secured paper bought , F. K. Alexander , Km Furimm st. 041 J 3 * c. F. HAHHISON loans money , lowest rates. . 617 TV1ONEY loaned on unimproved inside Omaha J.TJL real estate. G. W. 4 , Frouzor block. OlO-mlSt L OWKST rates on choice city loans In omaha. Council Hluffs or Lincoln. Central Loan nnd Trust Co. . 1305 Farnam st. C73-13 $000 to loan on first mortgage. G. E. Thomp- son. 313 Sheoley block. TOO $1fiOO special money ; apply nt ouce. C. K Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bank. 1M5 MONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co , real estate nnd loan agents , 1505 Farnam st. K3 T3UILDING loans. D. V. Sholes , 310 First Na- JDtlonal bank. D13 SKRSholcs , room 310 , First Nat'l bank , before making your loans. S1J MONEY to loan ; cnsh.on hand ; no dolay. J. W. Squire , 131 ! ) Farnam Bt. . First National bang building. i. 533 MONEY to lonn inlarpq sums at the lowest rates ; no dolay. H.,0.1'attorson , , 318 S. loth. MoNCYl monoyl money ! to loan ou horses , wagons , mules , hotishbld goods , pianos , or gans , diamonds , etc. , at lowest rates. The llrst organized loanplllco In the city. Will make loans for thirty to throe hundred and slxty-nvo days , which cun be paid In pan or whole , nt any time , thus lowering the prin cipal aud interest. Cali.-and see us when you want money , ando pan assist you promptly and to your advantage -without removal ot property or publicity. o Money always on hand j nd no delay In mnk ing loans. C. F. Hoed \ ro , 310 South 13th St. , over lllngham & Sons commission house. q 334 m3j LOANS made on real estate und mortgages bought. Lewis S. Hood & Co. , H 13 Hoard of Trade. fr Oil ) " fONEY to Loan Wo'iire ready for nppllca- I'Atlons for loans In amounts from WOO to $10- Ouo on improved Omaha ot Douglas county real ( estate.- Full Informatlon'-ns to rates. Loans promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased by us. Call upon us or write. The.McCaguo Investment Co. C30 DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , or collaterals until you -see C. I ) . Jacobs , 410 First National bank building. HILADBLPHlA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur- nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers ; purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans nt their western olllcoj George W. P. Coates , room 7 , Hoard of Trade. B3I MONEY to Loan Lowest rates. Loans closed promptly. ! ! . E. Cole , It. 0 , Continental block. 50. ) WANTED rirst-clnss inatdo loins. Lowest rates. Call and see us , Mutual Invost- input Co. . H. 1. llarker blk.,1 Jih & Farnam. 525 HE. COLE , loan agent , t 600 BUILDING loans a specialty. W. M. Harris , Uoom 0 , Fienzor illock , opposldo P. O. 501 NEBHA3ICA Mortg. Loan Co. Mill make you a loan on household goods , horses , wagonu , land contracts , line Jewelry , or securities ot any kind , without publicity , at reasonable rates. Hoom 7 , Howley Illock , South Omaha , llooms 618-610,1'axton lilocK. Omaha , Neb. 60J MONEY loaned for OT , CO or 00 days on any kind ot chattel security ; reasonable Inter est ; business confidential. J. J.Wllklnson,1417 1'ainam st. 601 DO YOU want money ? If so , don't borrow before getting ray rates , which are the low est on any sum from (10 up to tlQ.W ) . I make loans on household goods , pianos , or gans , horses , mules , wagons , warehouse re ceipts , houses , leases , etcin any amountat tbo Ion est possible rates , without publicity or re moval of property. Loans cuu bo made for one to six months and you can pay a part at any time , reducing both principal nnd Interest. If you owe a * balance on your furniture or horses , or have a loan on them , 1 will take it up and carry it for you as long as you desire. If you need money you will find it to your ad vantage to see ma before borrowing. 11. F. Musters , room 4 , Withnell building , 15th nnd Hurney. 600 I CAN make a few loans on first-class chattel necurltles at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter , room 10 , Darker blk. 507 'XT , ANTED Applications for loans on unim- TT proved lots well located. Odell llroj. & Co.)12So. : ) lOtlist. 883 GW , PECK loans money on Omaha real estate Uutldlng loans a specialty. H 4 , Frenzorb Ik .tlllmlBt 6 PER CENT money to loan Cash on hand. W. M. Harris. U 20 , Frenzer block , opp. P. O. E. COLE , loan agypt. d ? J 8 * * To loan nn farms and city property. tpJ Oeo. J. Paul , loot ) Vjinfam st. ww MONEY to loan onlniprhved property at flr t hands. No application sent away for ap proval. Security and titles examined free ot charge to borrowers. nLombard Investment Company , ituo 3.13th st.J 610 PEOPLE'S Flnanclal'Excnange The fairest , quietest and most llbpral money exchange In the city ; money loaned without delay or publicity. In any amouotnarge ; or small , nt tno lowest rates of Interest , , on any available se ' curity ; loans may be paid at any time or renewed at original rate * . O.'Aouscaron , jjgr. , room 67 , Darker block , IStlifeud Farnam. 611 SPECIAL fund of tltAub to loan at reduced rates on furniture. hurWus and wagons. City Loan " Co. . 119 U ltu ! ) at. t _ 613 $ 15JO.UM I to loan at 6 p cent. Ltnahan * Mahoney - honey : , Hoom Mi , Pafpn bloce. 610 EABTEHN trust fundutU loan on improved real tvitato la Omaha ; large loans preferred. B. & llisbee , First National bauE bulldlui ; . 295-nmj T\f ONKY I-oatia negotiated at low rates with * JJAout uelay , and purchase goods , commercial paper and mortgage notes. S. A. Blomau , cor. lath and rarnnm. ' 6fl abort or long time , unsecured or with mortgage , bought anywner * In Neb. or Ja. Quick lonu , city or farm. Cell or write W. L. Bolby , Jl. A B'd. Trade. 80S > UILDlNd loans. Llnahan & Hahoney. * 610 OMAHA Chattel Loan Co. , room 42. Harkar block. ' o.V , IIAUHISOK loans money , lowest rates , . C17 PFOPLK'S Financial Kxchango Large and small loans for long and short time , at low est rates ot Interest , on real estate mortgage notes , chattels of all kinds , diamond * , watches aud jewelry. Don't fall to call If you want fair aud choan accommodations. O. Houscareu , Mgr. , room 67 , Uarkei olt , Uth and Vamaiu , 611 TTN1MPKOVKD ami Improved property : Urloans made promptly ; money on hixmi. F , M. Hlchardson , s w cor 15th and Douglas.8vO 8vO DILDINO LOANsJ-Wc i will buy lot , or nay Incumnranceonyour lot am build for you : small cash payment , balance In easy monthly paymenti ; in cose of death wo cancel the en tire Inilobtodnoss. M. K. AT. Trust Co. . First National b ntc building. _ S.Vi-ml5 MONKY to lonn on furniture , none * , wagons , etc. , or on any Approved security. .1. W. Itobblns. 11.300 , Shoely blk , 15th and Howard. 518 _ OH.COO TO000 on Improved city property : Vcanbopald In monthly Installments ; deut cancelled in rvtisoof death ; will lonn M to GO nor cent of cash valuation. M. 1C. & T. Trust Co , , First Nat lena Ibauk building. FII1ST mortgage loans at low rates and no delay. 1) . V. Shales , 310 First National bank. 613 _ BUILDING LOAN8-A17 percent net , no ml. dltlonnl charges for commissions or attor neys' fees. W. li. Molklo , First Nat. batiK bldg. ' 053 _ _ M ONBY to loan. Harris 11. K. A Lonn Co. , .room 411 , First National bank. f > 15 _ OU SINESSTCHANCES EOH SALK , or rent First-class hotel near packing nouses. South Omaha ; " 7 rooms. ultn tsood Inrroom ; veil located nnd good property. W. A. Spencer , room 3 , llushmnu block. DM ) _ _ _ 'liUllt 1U dnyii we oiler our tea ami colt re Htoro JL1 for siilo ; half cash , balnuco trmlc. Stock In Rood order. goods bought direct from Importer. A good locution ; finest decorated ton store la the west : trade on the Increase ; rent low. This Is n good opening fur business ; the only store of the kind In the city ; population , 13.0W ) . Terms , halt cash , bnlanco trailu. Present own ers going Into wholcsalo tea trade. Address San rrunclsco Tea and Colloo Co. , Hustings , Neb. t'JO-llt ' _ HOTKIi for rent .Just built ; will compare with any house this sldo Omaha ; all mod * orn Improvements : present proprietor must change business on account ot ill health of his wife. Address box 312 , Bthuylor , Nob. IP promptly taken. JJ.OOO will secure cash business ( monopoly ) , absolutely doubling capital five times llrst year. Those ready to talk business. Aodroas A 31. this ofllco. H88 ll . TT10H BAIjK Grain ana lumber business. J3 Address A13 lloo. , 740-11 * $ S,000 buys flno hotel nnd livery , Elgin , Neb , ; property free from Incumbrauco ; money to t > o made. Smith & Pnudock , Elgin , Nob. 078 jlOt men with fc' > 0 capital can secure V/'easy out of town positions , positively worth over $300 a month ; no canvassing , Wesley , 1503 Capitol nve. H74 nt ITIOH SALE Half interest in a well paying JO photograuh gnllory. one block from post- ofllce. Address A 47. Hoc. 9IO-13J WANTED A new furniture store at Friend Nob. KtimSJt FOH SALK Meat market complete ; can bo handled for little cnsb. Call at room 4 , Wltlmell blk. 850 , SALE Ou easy payments 13-room Hat , nicely furnished , near pnstofllco ; party leaving city ; a snap for some ono. Inquire J. J. Wilkinson. 1417 Faruom st. 1)49 ) T71OU SALK A first-class moat market In JL ? Omaha , has good paying trade , requires 81,500 cash , or will trade for property. Address A 43 , lleo ollice. Uia INTENDING to quit business In Omaha I of- for my stock of drugs and Uxtures at a bar gain. Would sell either stock or'llxturcs sepa rately. Goo. Hoedur , cor. 13th and Hartley. 80114T FOH SALE First class restaurant and bar , long lease. Address A 31. lice olllce. 830-13 _ T710HIIKS hotel , 710 S 10th st A good business JL1 for sale \vltU a small capital. Inquire at the above hotel. 81113 * HOTEL for sale ; new , good location , doing good business , for sale at n bargain , pay ment not necessary. Present proprietor In tends changing business on account ot lit health of his wife. Address , Hoc olllce , Lincoln , Nob. 783 "J710U SALK or trade Ono of the bo t located -L1 restaurants in the city ; outfit now and com plete. 13,000. J. U. Kvana , Harber lilt. 323 ADHUGGIST with cash looking for n good location , will do well to address K. E. Capps , culbertsoii , Nob. , or Hurst Sc Co. , Ilast- Ings. Nob. 347m 33 * 03,000 to SVOOO wanted to put into a good busi- T ness ; first class security and good rate of Interest paid for short or long tune. Or will take partner. For particulars address U43 , lleo olllce. 143 SALOON for sale In one of the host business centers In Omuhachoap. Heasou for selling , I muat leave the city. Address V18 lloo. 4U.-i.jT1 FOR EXCHANGE. OH EXCHANGE 3.000 acres of choice lands in Cheyenne county , Kan. , for cash or blocks of general merchandise. Address Kerndt Bros. , Hlrd City. Kan. 1000 18t rpllHEE stocks ot merchandise , two ot dry JL goods aud notions , and one of clothing , to trade for land or city property. One-third cash , balance Nvlll bo taken In good real estate. Wes tern Heal Estate & Mercantile Ex , room 14 , Chamber of Commerce. 135 HOUSE and lots 154 miles from postoOlco to oxrhango for lot in Dundee place. Address A 01 , Heo ollice. 031 17J TT1011 EXCHANGE What have you to ox- JL1 change for a good brick hotel , furnished complete and doing n good business in n town of 4.UOO population on the 11. & M. railroad In Nebraska/ Address James Tummou. Aicado hotel. Omaha , Nab. Kll-13 * "VTEW 2-soated flue carriage or top DUggy for JLi mortgage city or county warrants , or any good unsecured notes.W.L.Solby.11 U U'd Trade _ _ 487 ANTED To trade for house and lot In good location ; will assume light incum- branco. Address A " [ lea olllce. 623 FOll EXCHANGE- Eighty acres of the finest timber land lu Wisconsin , clear ot encum brance. What have yon to oirer ? G.J'Sterns- dorlT , rooms 317 and JIB , First National bank , 62)1 _ OR KXCHANGK-Dnkota , Hand county What have you to olfor for a good farm here , slightly encumbered Dakota lands are rising in value , and its dostlnv cannot bo dlR- putod. Will tnko vucant lots or Improved pro- assume some encumbrance. O. J , Sortynnd , rooms 317 and 318 First National bank building. 5.M T710H EXCHANGE For desirable residence -C property In Omaha , any or all of following ; 40 choice inside residence lots in Hastings. 100 lots In Lincoln , ( HO litres line tnrmlng land. Lancaster county , Fine residence property. Lincoln. Good ion till property , Lincoln. Choice family rtislilence , corner , Los Angela ? . A neat residence property in Hanscom place. Also , some good mortgage notes. Address , giving location nnd price of prop erty , u. K. U. , cure li'ium Iran Co. , 1217 Leaven- worth. Ml FOR SALE-SEAL ESTATE /CONTINUOUS eldewnlk to Collier place. Get V-/prlces and terms. McCJgue. 073 Douglas County Abstracts. 1507 Karnam Btreet. Those who want to buy a lot for a homo at low prices and easy termn should Come and Koo the now addition just ready for sale by us , livery \UllmuKe a Delightful Home. as the ground Is high , dry aad beautifully Min uted. One Hundred Houses are already built und being built around this addition , wlilcn Is Inside city limits , is not In n swamp , but as handsome a location as there la in Omaha. A payment ot i. Fifteen Dollars down , balance 110 a month , Is all required , and on those easy teims we have just sold out ono addition , ana have just began on a new one. Fifteen Dollars down nnd easy monthly payments for such lots as these , is the chuuco Of a Lifetime ! The sooner yon can get ono of these lots the better for yon and when you eoo the ground you Will He Surprised that such lots , at such prices and terms , sur rounded by Houses aud located as t liny are can b bought tor Fifteen Dollar * down nnd balance on ensy terms , Oonie and sen for yourself what wo oiler you. Wo ai e not afraid to show this properly ; we know no one else can oU'er you its equal ut our prices and terms. Conveyances always on hand to show these lots. Don't bo utrald to try and get a home , blurt High' by coining to see thla property and lu advant ages , lu all wujs , nre 40 evident that you will bay. Ames , 1507 FuiauuiSt 0V ! 0 POIl SALK Pine house of U room * , furnace , bath , hut and cold water , gas , newer , pavoa street , motor line OHO block , cable two blocks , horse cars by door , barn for 'J horsot. ate. , etc , lluilt by owner for home and now occupied by him , tj.000 ; 11.150 cash. S3.VX ) In real estate , bal ance at 0 and H per cent. Flue large lot on S. lilh at. , 01x157 , good ft-room bouse , fruit trees , eto , ; north ot Martha st , , , . For sale , the finest corner , out front , on 8. 10th U. uL'xlU. Ifot ttjolM property worth ( be JHOO T sea U. A. Upton Co p < iuy , KtU & f arouta. BIT FOll SALK 11 acres comer Thirteenth and North stroats. Desirable for plMtlnc. 0. Good. Good block , Dei Maine * , la. 243mil ITIOH 8ALK-Flno lot covered with trees. 8 -L room cottage , sewer , water and cas on the street , V { block fromSnt. oar lines. Very choice east front lot ; t\50Jl easy terms. Can discount n little for cash. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat , bunk. ra "MOW come down to buslndssj Vfo will sell a JL > brick block of tour st.tros and Hat * , now building , hot and cola water , bath , Aco. . , uround Ssxssi a corner on ono of the best streets loading west from 10th : all taxes , special and othern Iso , paid ; property ou street rapldlr In creasing In value ; building constructed with jolco for third lloor ; hnavy walls for third story when needed ; rents for 11,000 , which Is a low rental ; wo will sell for MXOOO , J1WSM cash , f 4,001) in one year at 8 per cent , (12.000 In four years at fl per cent. Wo will sell party n corner business lot at right figure If ho will build five story brlcfc store ou samp , total cost to bo some tOO.000 ; wholesale llrm will lease same for ft to 8 years and pay 9 per cent on cost. JL A. Upton Com- l > any , loth aud Pnniam. Vi9 14 TTIOlMSALK Iiolhncst residence Mto In West JL Omaha ; Just south ot rnrmmonlWth street ; n corner 105x187 with 187 feet frontage on paved street and joining the uaud nno resi dence ot Ktrkoudall on the east , and llrndy , Bassotl and Martin on the south ; u perfect gem and Burden spot for an elegant homo. llarnpy and 21st streets 141x107 , on pavement within tfirrn blocks of the court houses room for seven fine houses that would rent as rapid ly as completed. A splendid pormauout invest- tuont , Farnam and Kd strots. BOrlTJ , with now three-story brick store building , rentoi * to peed permanent tenants , Hcntal receipts iJl.ajO per Sixteenth street ne'ar Nlcliolas , froutago AI foot to alloy ; good business pioportv. Fanmin street , between 3Sth and : > 3th. front- nRo4'orU"Xl3Jtoalloy ) , gouth front , 1 block from pavement and street cirs. Park aveuuo , opposite Hanscom park , (0x150 , pried K.OilO ; easy terms. Paddock place , trackage , CGxllI. 12,000 : easy terms , IGth street south of Vlntdn st , lot for sale or trade formdso. or good farm land. _ 8. A. Sloman. l.lOl Farnam St. f 27. WOU SALi-Iot : SixHO In the' very heart ot JL ! Omaha , 1thBroom house for IJ.SOO. O F. Harrison , Merchants Nat , liauk. Poll TTIOH SA'hR Aoaaemy of Music bulldiui ; aud JD two business lots. ( Jrand Island , Nebraska , ground44xlK foot , building bilck , two stones nigh and stone basements , all In good repair ; terms easy ; nrlco I18 , ( K ) . Kun.ulra ot Thompson Hros. . Qraud Island. Nebraska. TOlmU' TT10K SALK On reasonable terms , a houao -E and lot , and blacksmith shop , tools and Mock. . In Wllcox , Kearney county , Neb. O. C. Firuura. 103-lBt TCTOK SALK On long time and easy payments. -U handsome , now. well unlit houses of 8 , Hand 10 rooms. All conveniences ; good neighborhood ; paved streets i stri-et cars , nnd within walking distance of P. O. Nathan Sholton.lSO.'i 1'arnam. 1C3 J 0 OUTH corner In Plainvlew , Jl.ffiO. South corner lu Orchard Hill. fH50. South corner In Windsor Kxt , JI.OOJ. House and full lot , Hanscom Placo. t,500. Hutclilnson & Woad , 1Kt ! Douglas st. OSS 13 rpHE factories within easy roach ot Collier JL pluco will employ n largo force of men. Se cure n homo and enjoy life. Price of lots SSOJ to Jl.Sfti. uno-toutlucnsh. Send fur plat. Mc- Caguo. opp. P. O. om F OH SALE On easy paymsnts , 5 , 7 and M roomad houses , small cash payment down , and balance monthly payment * , J. H. John son. 618 ami f 19 1'axton block. 380 HE.COI.KW111 Trado-Cholco. finely 1m- proved forms In western Nebraska , light ly Incumberi d. to trade for .Omaha property. Improved or unimproved. Clear lot. 30th aud Vlnton. for house lu west ern part of the city preferred. 0-rooin house ami full lot , clear , for vacant Inside residence lot. H. E. Cole , headquarters for bargains and oasv terms. Hoom B. GontlnonUl block. 75J-14 FOH SALK Nine-room nouse. barn nnd lot lu Hanscom place ; also 3houses and lots in Bunny Side. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat'l bank. FOH SALE-Or exchange for Omaha proper ty , HO acres , suitable for platting : will make 400 lots.all clear ; big money lu It for someone ono who can push this ; located just outside the city limits o * Council mulls. Inquire Oeorgo J. Stornndorir , rooms 317 and 31H , First National bank building. _ Mcl SALE-COx78 on N. E. coiner I' , and 25th FOH sts S. Omaha , suitable for stoto building rocehlngtho benefit of the ( ) street viaduct Just belni'built ; property clear , but lit health compels owner to sell. Price $3,700 , 0. F. Harrison. Merchant's National bank. C.VJ T AND IhnvelO.OOOncros ot choice farming JUlands In eastern and middle Nebraskawhich I will sell at from 8"i to $13 per aero. Will inako special price for the whole 10.000 acres if taken in u lump. Geo. H. Peterson. 1413 S 13th st. , 043 mil T71OR SALE-41.70 acres , soc. fi , tp. 13. r. JU a w. , Hamilton county. Nob. House , stabln , 3no acres fenced , living water. Price JO.OJO. F. K. Atkins , owner , Hnllroad bldg , Denver. Col. SNAP 1 n good Orchard Hill lots , one and two blocks from Hamilton street , fTOJ each : f30U to & 00 cash , balance live years at a per cent. Flue 8-room house , modern conveniences , newly papered nnd painted , on N. 17th at. , lot noxlft ) to alloy : $ lOJo , easy paymenti. M. A. Upton Co. , 10th and Fainam. 001 rnilE ilnost drive in the city Is to Collier JL Place. McCaguo. OTJ OAHGAINS-Oargalnsl S. W. cor. 10th and JJCallfornla sts. . with ; i houses , very cheap. Neuti-room houao cud halt lot on Daven port St. , near hlgli school , $ " > , OU ) ; ensy terms. Good lot ou Hdrnoy St. , east ol 21th Ht. , a bargain. * KleKanc'rcnldenro lot , 20th ave near St.itary's nvo , very cheap. 0-room house and half lot , S. 12th St. , cheapen on monthly payments. Good residence lot on 23th ave , bet. Douglas nnd Dodge , $ .1.501) ) . 3 lots on 3.13th st. , very cheap. 1M lota In Carthage , Omaha's best suburb , ou ten years' time to parties who will build houses. Hrennan fc Co. , Hoom it , Chamber of Commerce. Money to loan in all parts of the city. 85.1 J7 WOHTHY of your attention. Now being completed on "JtH st , , north of Leaven- worth st. two houses convet tnt to business , very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gas. bath , toilet , Z water closets , stationary wash tubs , hot and cold wator. llvo bedrooms. 10 closets ; only > .GQ3 on terms to suit. Telephone U27 or W.T. Seaman. Omaha's largest variety of wag ons , carriages , etc. , east side llith st , north of Nicholas st. Ml FOH SALE Full east front lot In Hunscom Pluco. J1.700 ; only J X ) cash required. Ad dress A 41. lloo. OJ2-12 C < END for plat of Collier place , and \vhen O driving for recreation follow the motor Hue poles on 10th st , . and Amos' avo. , nnd see the \\ondorfui Improvements that havn token piaco Just around tno barracks , and lemomber that Collier place Is the key 10 the situation. Huy a lot now ( or the low pi Ice nnd at tno easy terms they aru being olTored , and wo are satis- lied. Olio-tenth cash , balance one to ( he yoais , McCaguo , opp..P. O. OTJ MlllE motor line Is built to Collier place. The JL lielt Hue runs near Collier place. The 1' . E , & M. V. H , H. stop nil pasnongor trains ni Col lier place. The horse car line will noon reach Collier place. Host addition In the city. Price JSDOto 11.200 per lot , one-tenth rasn , bnlanca one to llvo years , McCague , opp. P. O. 073 WE have bargains in land and impiovcd farms In all parts of tne country that can not bo excelled. Wo sell and exchange ( or Omaha and Council lllulfH prouurty. Wo want to buy about 2U lots In Omaha. Innldo the Hult line , lu ono or two tracts. Exrelulor Land and Heal Estate Co , , 310 S. 16th St. , Omaha. 824 rTUIE greatest bargains that ever were known JL In lands and Improved farms In till states west of Chicago U now oirorod by us. We sull nnd exchange for Omaha and Council lllud * propel ty ; nell homo * anil lots In Omaha and Council lllutfs ; rent houses ; make loans on rual estate , and a general Insurance Inutiicm. Excelsior Land & Heal Katatu Co , , U10 HoutU 15th street , Omaha. 071 WALLACE , Crolccbtoa block , IMh and Doug las. Lot I. block A , Hodford , fronting on ,10th and Ilditol Htrout , uavlug und street uira thu sou- son , easy terms , II.41M. Lot 4 , block 10 , Uedtord place , a State st front , Lots 3 and 4 , block * , Dellone'a addition , each M front on 3Uth st. block from motor line , ou yery easy terms , eaeli ll.iKX ) . Lot 15 , block 4 , Thornbnrg , beautiful building slto. 1KW , Two line east donU in Carthage , each D.OOn. Lots21 and ! , block o , Orchaid Hill. KXJxl.10 , corner , ou r/wo nve , city water , your own tc-rma , both II.7W , Hamilton street lot , Orchard Hill , only 11,000. Monmouth Park , the must attractlvo addition as to view , healthtulntsi , easy of access , and future development about OmfchH , lots 8800 to 11,01X1. Wallaio , Crelghtou block. 807 U rpllE cosiest home In Omaha , B rooms , larga jLLloacti , city water , gas and sew r , both cable ami liorso cars. Price 11.40) . Term * UOO to * MO cash , balance very easy. H. B. Cole , hend'iuartors for bargains and tmir terina , Hoom 8 , Continental lllocic. WO FOH SALE or vxcbange-Improred Block farm orBOOucreslnetslorn Nebraska , near market ; also now 12-room liouio with all con. venlixicei In desirable residence portion of Oaia ha , Andrew Jlevlna , attorney , IS and 421 Par hm block. Omaha , Neb. 630 nu > U HALlt On easy terras. ( . T and 8 roomed X' lioiuea , with B mall cosh payment down and balance montlily , J. H. Johnson , 619 and 61) 1'axton Dloce. 287 SOUTH OMAHA-1 have a number of good _ loti in various add Ulan * that mu t be sold at once and can be bought at prices that will ntt you , o.J. SUrnidorcr , rooms ; 317 and 'JU Flrit National tank bulWlua. 6M Bt MW TAUK. lleautlful residence Pltoi. , . Hnest In the cltr. U e ar now ready to show-and orrer for sal tne choicest residence sites in the city ot .hnilia , locAted In "Hcmls Park.1 comiirlMnit th" lxtv acrc bounded byai st. , on the east TSth or Pleasant st. on the w t , Hamilton st. on the north , and Cutnlng nt , on the south. Tills park has beou planned , and Is being laid outby7lr. * Airr d H. Kiwrton ( one o ( thobMt andscapoartliUof Now Yorki , Into t ( , S , 14 nnd acre lou , ami sorornl acrs are laU\ out Into small parks ornamental grounds , and lakes fed > y natural springs. The plans Include a pcr- loct ystent of grading , pAvIng , sowersgftMtcr electric lighting , rtc. , and an exponillture ot at east JIKM'W for such Improvements Tills choice property is located within the U < miles radius in little north by west ) from the > ostolllcc. H lies east of the reservoir and ot the logant rvsldeiirw of Dr. M rc r and It W , s ash. and a little north ot east ot proposed r . dene * of ( JuyC. Ilarton and ot lllshon O'Con nor's residence Anil Academy of Snored Heart. teasoiiable prices and terms will bo glvon to hose u ho will Imlld rosUlonc < > < costing tsuoa nud upwards. For further particulars apply atonicoof Tlio Hcmls Park Co. . roomi H and IdCoutluental bloct , loth and Douglas sts. sts.3S7 . \\7KHAVKRfow excellent bargains whlcd f i wo olfor tor salo. ! lots In I led ford Place , t lots lu Daker Place. 2 lots at Jerome Park , U lots In Hltchcock'i Kid. , : i line resldeuciis In South Omutia. In Moore s add. wo have a 10-room resilience wltb nodorn tmpmvcmonts ; ortored at a bargain , S'ew 7-room liouso lu Moora's add , BevprBlllni residence lots at a great bargain is now oiraied for salo. At a HacrlDce Is now odcred 47xH'J 01 Cumlng and 2tth atroot. Ily Hxcelalor Land & Heal Estate Co , 3H S. loth st. , Omaha. W71 ESTAOLISKED IS5I ( 180 So. ch0ngo | , Ills. 1 ClnrkOt , Ilio Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON liitlll Treating with thaGroatett SKILL and SUCCESS Chronic , Neryons anil Private Diseases , NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lott Manhood. Falling Memory , Eahiustlnp Drain * , Terrlbl * QreamsH d and Back Ache n < ] ll the cflftctt eading to tarty iltcuy and pcihipi Consumption 01 Insanity , treated icluitlfically by new nethodt wltb icver-faniiui tuccrsi , 8YPHIL18 and nil bad Blood and Skin Dli. eaiea permanently cured. 'CVKIDNEYand URINARY compUlnti , Qleet , Gonorrhoea , Strlctu ra , Varlcocele and all dbeuei if the aentto.Urlrury Organt cUTtdproinpUy without njury to Stomach. Kidney * or olhtr Organt. Mr * No experiment ! . Ago and experience lm < portant. Consultation free anil aacrcd , * B- Send 4 centi po Ug ( or Celebrated Works oa ohronlc , Nervous and Delicate Dlieaiei. fltS-Thosc contempUtinc Mairiaee lend for Dr. Clarke's celebrated tuil'e ' Male and Female , each IS cenu , both a } centi ( ilamps ) . Contult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save Cuturr sutler * njt and ihame , and add golden 5 ear * to life. AtHlook 'Life's ( Secret ) Errori , " 50 cents ( ttampi ) . Medicine. Knd wiitinRi sent ever ) where , tecure from exposure. Hou ,8to8 , Sundays 9 10 la. AJilren F. D. CLARKE , M. D. . 186 So , Clark St , . CHICAGO. ILL * NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital &Kl,003 ) ) Surplus Jnn. 1st , 1889 52,000 OFF1CKH3 A DIKKCTOIU : I1BNIIY W. YATES , P i , . . snt. LEWIS S. HEED , Vice President. A.K. TOUKALlrf , W.V. MOKSK , JOHN 8. COLLINS , n. O.CIIBHING , J.N. H. PATltlCIC. W. H. S. HUGHES. Onshter THE IRON BANK , Corner 13th and Faiuain Sts. A General Unnklng HualuessTransactol. WANTED Issued by Cities , Counties , School Districts , Water Com panies , &c. We ore In the market for the purchase of round amounts of such bonds. Correspondence solicited. t " N. W. HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers , 113-117 Monroe Street , CHICAGO. 56 Devonnhlro Slront. BOSTON. flSSUCDBY STATES , BONDS J COUNTIES , CITIES. 1 SCHOOL OISIB1CTS , UC. * BOUGHT AND SOLD. Wo deal In Land 'Warrant * nnd Scrip , Applicable to Ciorvrniiient iJnd , and Tranuct a 1 llunklnir . Correspoiulcnro Kollcltrd. S. A. KEAN SCO. , BANKERS. 100 VMSHINGTON STREET , CHICAGO , U 118 nnOADWHY. NCW YORK. SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank. 5O5 6oulltl3tli Street , - Omaliu THE nULVAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA.