Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1889, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : .MONDAY , MAY 13 1889 CAN A MAN EARN A MILLION ? An Intoroatlnff Discussion of a Great Social Problem. If Artntn Unit Delved Until This Tlmo Ho Wouldn't Tnko Ilnnk With tlio Plutocrats of tlio United Btntcs. How Million * Arc Mndc. W. D. Rodlngton of Sidney N. Y. , dis cusses the question "Can n mnn earn n million ? " in the following letter nd- drcssod to the Editor ot the Journal of United Labor : History shows that men Imvo started poor in free America , the homo of the oppressed , nnd at the ngo of 40 years been nulo to enumerate their wealth not only by the million , but by many times a million. Thcso men have , no doubt Ic- gnlly accumulated their enormous wealth so far as legality is con furred by the laws of our country , but not lionoBtly. The Loulsann lottery schema has boon declared Illegal by the laws of most of the other States ; yet , by a careful study of the workings of this scheme , wo only find the true methods by which men are suddenly thrust into possession of fabu lous riches , viz , : speculation. If ten boys , with ten marbles each , go out to play that most innocent of boyhood's games , and ono boy , by either his skill or good fortune , secures the 10 marbles from each of the other nlno , ho has 100 marbles , and the others linvo none. Are not the nine robbed that tlio ono may Imvo their possessions ? In the Bamo manner as the wealth of ono in creases that of a proportionate number decreases. No matter in what manlier It IB gained , whether bv speculation nl bonds , mortgages , lands or stocks ; wether by interest , gambling , bets or lotteries , it is the same. The condition is not changed , thu method is altered. Should a million dollars bo inherited , it does not obliterate the fact that a mil lion dollars cannot bo.honestly made in one generation , nor ten , even though each generation extend over a period of 100 years. Could Adam have lived until the pres ent day , and earned two dollars per day for every day in the year , never spend ing a cent for anything , his total earn ings would not have amounted to as much as the wealth of Warner Miller , Now York's Republican candidate for Governor hist fall , whose wealth is esti mated nt { 5,000,000 , and whose age docs not much exceed half a century. And yet , according to the laws of the Stuto of Now York , and thu United States , Warner Miller has legally acquired his wealth , and , us the world goes , is an honest man. Fifty years ngo there wore but few millionaires in this country. To-tiny they are so common that in a enumer ation of the wealthy men of our land only the names of those worth from live 16 ono hundred and ton millions were considered worthy of mention. How many long years of html unceas ing toil , even at good wages ; how many deprivations , how many heartaches to obtain honestly the possession of a mill ion dollars , /cw can realize , and no toiler will over know , for time is ton short for him over to reach thu goal. Most worklngmmi and women have no time to give the matter n thought , and consequently dp not comprehend the enormity of a million in round numbers. To illustrate : Could a man have boon born in the year ono , and at the present time have reach oil the good old age of 1880 years , and have been able to have labored untiringly and unceasingly during the long period of his existence , not stopping on Sunday , Christinas , Now Year's , Washington's Birthday , St. Patrink'fi , Decoration. Fourth of July , Labor or oven circus days , toiling on , and on , like a muro machine , fur nishing his own lubrication , 805 days in nycar'for 1889 years , receiving as a compensation for his labor the moat liberal sum of $2 per day , or $7i0 ! per year , and provided ho had remained a bachelor all his life , never paying outn cent for strawberries or ice cream for hip girl , or a cent for the support of himself or family ; suppose so great had boon his economy , that his only cloth ing had boon the ilglcaf of the Garden of Kdon , his only shelter the blue vault r of heaven , his only bed the green ver dure of mother earth ; suppose ho had never spent u cent for marbles , jackknives - knives or gingerbread in his boyhood ; for railroad stocks , church pews or lager ' "boor in his manhood ; or.for fast horses , steam yachts or Pullman palace cars in his old ago ; supposing ho had to his credit every cent ho had ever earned , without interest , ho would then have the stupendous sum of $1,5178,070 , which in these , , times would hardly furnish him a seat in the Now York Stock Ex- chnngo. If it has been clearly shown that n man living 1880 years , with all the ad vantages enumerated , can acquire but $1,878,070 , is it to bo wondered at that the average mnn , whoso allotcd life time is but seventy years , cannot honestly become a millionaire1 ; 'Suppose the mun of our own time be gins work at the ago of 14 years as a wngo-oarncr ull per day receiving no pay for Sunday work , ho would receive 83i3 per year. Supposing at the ago of 20 years ho was enabled as a railway lo comotive engineer to earn $3.60 per day , every day , for the balance of his 70 years' lifutimq , ho would have earned at tho.timo of his promotion $313. per year for six years , which would aggregate a sum of $1,878 ; during the next 50 years he would earn $03b75 , which , added to the 81,878 previously earned , would at the ngo of 70 years place him In possess ion of $ C.r ,7fj3. This sum would purchase a scat in Congress , or enable him to make a trip around the world if ho was economical. Ho would in country places , bo considered well-to-do ; but not rich , as the world now goes. This sum is all n mnn can honestly earn in a lifetime uudcr the most favorable conditions , and still ho has not acquired the tenth part of a single million , But huro Is another realistic problem to bolve , which cannot bo overlooked nnd which still further re duces his chances of becoming worth million. At the moment tie begins to earn his own living ho becomes depend ent upon his own resources. Wo have soon that his yearly earnings for the (1m six years are 8313 per ynar ; out ol this ho must pay : For 1 pnh-R of shoos ( It. of L. liibol ) . . $ 0 00 For suit of clotuos ( Sumlny ) , . , . 15 00 For suit of clotlios ( workday ) 6 00 For 2 Imts ( K. or L. label ) 500 For mulerwonr anil other necessities. , 12 CO For board , 02 weeks itta , . , . . 160 00 Total ! $203 00 Lonyl'iR ' Inilnnuo. . . , , , . , , , , . , Ill 00 This for six years would net , $000. By ho time he Is 20 years of ago ho sees a chance of promotion to the rank of locomotive - motive 'engineer ut highest possible wngos , nnd at the same time assumes the duties of a man of a family. In the % duo course of time ho has a wife and three children dependent upon him for support. At $35.0 his ttunual income , should ho work every ono of the 305 days , would amount to $1,277.60. At the least calculation he must expend for- Itcnt . . . * 5 00 Fuel . CO 00 I'rovlMom . SI" 00 ClothlnR . 110 00 Incidentals . v" . SO 00 Total . * M5 00 This would lonvo him tvbnlanco nt the end of each year of $742.50. which multi plied bv GO would produce $ ,17,145 , to which may bo nddcd the $078 previously earned , and ho would then , at the ngo of 70 voars , have a surplus of $37,823 to maintain himself and family the remain ing days of their natural lives , provid ing there had been no sickness and no otnor expenses than those enumerated , which would bo Impossible , and that ho had received no Interest on his money honestly earned and economically ox- ponded. If ho had saved and laid by nt : ompound interest & > 00 per year for 60 cars ho would then only bo worth )145.000 ) , and only a few thousand more ban one-tenth part of $1.000,000. This statement , compared to that of a man with a much larger family and iiucli smaller income , is sulllcicnt to llspol any hopes the latter might chor- sh of over honestly becoming a man of nillions. To make ono millionaire requires the ib-toluto pauperism of 161 men and their nmilics , even on the basis of our lighost estimate. Pozonl's Complexion Powder produces a soft and beautiful skin ; it combines every clement of beauty and purity. FRESCOED HIS FRIEND , Ami Gets Sitsil Kor the Joke , \Yhlch May Cost Him $ li - ( ) ( ) . Frederick Schultv. suns August Michele o recover on damages sustained in a novel way , says a St. Paul dispatcli to the Now York World : Michel is pro- > rioter of a St. Paul hostelry , at which Schullz put up on the night of July 8 ast. Michel and Schult/ wore old-time ricnds. Tlie mutual good-will had lover boon disrupted in any way. After .ho usual good-night Schultz wont into iho room assigned him , crawled into jed was soon alcop. Downstairs , where Slichel was distributing linuids to his customers at the bar , all was hilarity. Michel , taking advantage of the frame of mind his customers wore in , left the jar in charge of an attendant , and , se curing pots of red and black paint 'rom ' his woodshed , proceeded upstairs , o the room occupied by Schultz , who was fast asleep. Removing the quilts from hisslcop- ng guest. Michel painted his friend's body from head to foot with spots , black ind road alternately , in the most ap proved Stoux Indian stylo. Schultz vas smeared with paint and was unable o defend himself. Michel's work did not stop here. Ho wanted a suitable wind-up ; so , opening the door wide , invited the public to come in and gaze at his handiwork. Juito a cn5wd assembled in the frescoed nan's room , and had more fun over the matter than anybody. They laughed at ind guyed Mr. Schultin a fiendish nanner. as ho said. Finally they lot lim enjoy his appearance alone. Then 10 went to work to rcinove the obnox- ous substance from his body , which was tot the work of a few minutes. By rea- on of all the circumstances Schultz 1 claims that ho has been damaged to the extent , of $2,500. Ho wants that amount and ho wants it bad. Hcceham'9 Pills uct like maRie on a weak stomach. Slntrclng Pics. Our renders often see in the market reports quotations of singeing pigs and may have noticed that they always sell higher than other grades , say the Iowa Homestead. "Singers'1 form about 1 per cent of the receipts in Chicago and are long , finebonedpigs , not very fat , but of choice quality and well bred , weighing from liiO to 200 iwunds. They are usou to make choice cuts , Mich as StalTord8hIrcsDlrminghamsand Wilko- shires , for the foreign trndo. The hair , instead of being scalded off , is "singed" by a machine made especially for the purpose , which makes the moat firmer. Those pigs come from Iowa , Missouri and Nebraska , and always command a premium over other grades. The de mand for this grade of moat is another evidence of the protest of the human stomach against too much grease. Cnnnot Spare tlio Tlmo. Nelson II. linker , district attorney of WestctiestcrCo. , Now York , writes : I Imvo received ninny letters In rorerenco to my testimonial , lately published , com- moiutitiR AI.I.COCK'S Ponous PLASTRIIS. 1 cannot , ppnro tlio time to answer thorn In writing , therefore would npnln sny , through the press , thnt I Imvo round AU.COCK'S Pon- ors PLASTKUS Invnlunbla as chest protectors and shields agiitnst coughs and colds. Fur thermore , I have found Ai.i.cocic's PLASTHIIS uticiiunlcd for pains In side , back nnd chest. Jlnmlliiii ; Olandcrod Morses. Farmers do not realize Iho extreme danger there is in handling a horse at tacked with glanders , sayu the Montana Live Stock Journal. It should never bo done" without close fitting gloves on the and gocgles or other glasses on the eyes. The reason is thnt the discharge from the nostrils of a glanderod horse contain a spccillo poison which , should it fall on any cut in the human llesh , era a sere , or a tender and delicate surface of the inner eyelids , is very likely to reproduce the disease. 'Should you or any of your friends bo troubled withaporsistantcough or cold , do not bo alarmed , as it can bo easily and speedily cured. A fair trial of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will scon satisfy you of the fact. No cold , how ever so severe , can long withstand its effect. It does not dry up a cold , but loosens and relieves it. It loaves the system in a natural and hen ! thy condi tion. For'salo by all druggists. The Care of Gather daily , washing the soiled ones , nnd if to bo used within two or three days , place them in a cool room. If you wish to keep them longer than this , or "sot" a lien with them , put them into a basket , in which first place about two inches of bran , packing them closely with the largo end down , says the Ne braska City Wyandotte Herald. The philosophy is this : The air-cell in the larger end of the egg enlarges when the egg is laid away. If the butt end is up , the evaporation of moisture ' is grcalorand the pressure of air'through the open pores at the on'd rapidly in creases the size of the buoblo. If the butt end is down , the weight of the liquid contents pressing down on the bubble hinders the entrance of air , al lowing only a very slow and gradual increase in the size of the air coll. Sprinkle coal ashes on the iloors of your poultry houscsthoy prevent damp ness. Mothers give Angostura Bitters to their children to stop colic and loose ness of the bowels. Dr. J. G. B. Siogert & Sons , sole manufacturers. At all druggists. Fair white hands. Bright clear complexion Soft healthful sldn. " PEARS'-Tto Great English Complexion SMP.-Sold EvBiynrtiere. " For Sale lt\i \ Jlf. H. BLISS , Omaha , Nebraska. . IMPORTERS JOBBERS HARDWARE " ? ' * * * " ' * "n ; i. . - * , . ttH4 ? i u 3 * ! J.1' ' ' t * * "s ' ; iT Sff&f&frtpi * TIN PIATE FISHING METAtS , TACKLE , HAILS , SPORTING HOUSE GOODS , FURNISHING LAMPS , GOODS , GLASSWARE 18 , 20 , 22 , 24 , 26 , 28 , 30 AND 32 LAKE STREET , CHICAGO , ILL. GWIN & DUNMIRE , Successors to J. J. Hardnn , SportingQoodsHeadquarters 1O1 S. 13th St. , Corner Dodge Street , Omaha. Guns , Ammunition ? ! Fishing Tackle , Lawn Tennis , Base Ball , General Athldtia and Sporting goods. All kinds of repairs. Send for Catalogue. ETCHINGS , EMERSON , ENGRAVINGS , ' HALLET & DAVIS , ARTIST SUPPLIES , KIMBALL , MOULDINGS , * PIANOS AND ORGANS. FRAMES , 'J * SHEET MUSIO. 1513 Danglas SL Omaha , Nebraska , Go's Clothing We are not asking you to purchase from us , until you have compared the prices and quality our goods with those of other dealers and convince yourselves that in dealing with us , you are saving money. This week we offer in MEN'S FROCK -Infancy stripe 1 cheviots. . . . " . ; ; at $ O 76 -A. trroy salt and popper Cheviot j , , ' at O OO -A oinimmon brown molten cutaway ? ' . . * . at 14 60 - ollvo molten cutaway ' . , j } iAn i * at 14 60 -A sheep's ( jroy imported molten ? ? : at 17 00 A black and white chock cutaway . " ? ! . at 17 6 A blue V/ldo Wale ohovlot , not bound \a. \ . % at 17 60 An olotrant blue Wide Wale Cheviot ! | , . ( , at 20 00 Brown and black stripe imported "Irish frlozo" . . . . , / . . . ' . . . . .at 18 OO f Brown mixed , erroy and slate , pmhoad casslinoro , at 1O 6O PR ING OVERCOATS. In SPRING OVERCOATS we can offer an unsurpassed assortment at exceedingly low prices. All goocjs GUARANTEED to give entire satisfaction , and as repre sented , or money refunded. Mail orders solicited , and will receive our prompt attention. , ARrlculturnl Implements. _ ' VllVHCHlLL'l'A ItKKlt , DBalerhAgrlcnllniallDiDlcmcnts.faps . Cxrltgot and bnrclf. Jnnco lrrrt , between Pth and luili. LP CO. . Agricnlt1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages llugglct.cto. Wholcjulc. Onmliit. Nebt K . PAHLIN , OHEXDUltF , t MAliTlff CO. \Vholc < nlo Dcnlcn ID Agricultural Implements , WagonsS Bnggies COl. im , tttl ami OT Jono trcot. Omnha. _ MOL1KU , MIUiUUlfA 81ODUA1W CO. , Manufacturer * iui < t jobberi In Wagons , Buggies , Ra'ces , flow Etc , Cor. Wh and Pacltto street * , Omati * . Artlota' Mntorlnln. -I. 110SPJ1 , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 Douglas itrocV Omnha , Nobriukn. Boots nnd Shoos. Hr. V. MORSE , t (70. , Jofes of Boats f lid Slices , 1101 , lUn , lUVl Donitlnii ttrorl , Omitm. Manufactory , Mimtuor Mrui'U Huston. Conl , Coke nnd Lltno. OMAHA COAL , COKE , t LIME CO. , Jotes or Hard and Son Goal , JUOjjoulli IStli streetOin.ilm , Ne KEltRASKA FUEL CO. , Ships of Coal ad ( Me , 2 South 1.1th SL.Oinalia. .Vffh. ' o mnnilagionjandStor [ a gi 1UDDELL A R1D1)ELL Storaoro and Commission Merchants , Specialties IIinter , cttaf. cliruM1 , imnltry. cnin * . linilnniinl i-trcpt Onmlin.Xcb. Dry Oootla nnd Notions. M. n. SMITH A CO. , Dry Goods , Fiirnisning Gowis and Notions 1102 anil 1104 Don ttlivi. cor. lltli street , Omahn , Nob. KILPATKWK-KOCa DRY GOODS CO. , Dnporters and JoDners in Dry GoodsNotions , fltnti' lurnlshlnir good * . Corner llth and lloruer itrcoU , Onialm , NolimJlm. ' A CO. , Importers nnd Jolifcn o ( Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , 817 Ikiutli 15th ( treat. DEWEI * & STOKE , Wliolesale Dealers in Furniture Knrnam ctreet , Oroalm. Koliraika. GllAULES SUIVE1UCK. , Furniture , Cmaha Nebrnika. Crocorlos. PAXTON' , OALLAfHlEn A CO. 'Wliolcsalo Groceries and Provisions , 705 , ,01 , "M and 711 South 10th it. , Qpialia , Nob. AfcG'OKD , nnADY A CO. , Wholesale Grocers' 13th and ixavenworth street ! , Omnhii , Kcbraska. Hardware W. J. JiROATCII. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Bprlnua , rrnKon Btoclr , hardwnru , lumbrr , etc. 1303 und 1211 llarnoy slrcot.Oinalia. LEE , CLARKE , AKDREESEff HARD WARE COMPANY. Wliolesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Uotalt. heot Iron. etc. ABCIIIH fop Howe scales. Mlatul powvlurunil I.yinuu barbed \rlic , A TA YI.OR. Build rs1 Hardware aid icac ? ! Repair Shop , Uechanlcs' tool : nnd I'.niraln urnlcs. 1(06 OuUKlu' mruct , Oraulit. Neb , Lumber. JOUK A. WAKEFinLV , Wliolesale Liimucr , Etc , and American 1'ortlimd cguicat. Bialo want tcr Ullwnnkvc tiTilnxullooemont ana Qulnoj wUUollinu. C1IAS R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Linnlicr , Wool carpeti run ! parquet lloorlng. nth a jtruets , Umntin , l\ob. 02IMJ//1 LUMBER CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wnolesaie , 16th Street "llC Ur.lon 1'ucinc 'rruck.Umaba , LOUlH I3RADFORD , Dealer in Linnlier.Latlh . , Lime , Sssn , Xoor , Bvo , Yards-Cornei 7th nnd Uouglaii. Corner 1'Jlh and Duuciaii FRED \V. \ QJMY. LMter , Limt ; Cement , Etc , , Etc , Corner Utb and Douclat an. , Omahn. C. N. DIET'/ ! . Dealer in All Rinds of Luinlier. JJIU and California falruuu , Omaha , Ncbraikn. Milllnory and Not Ion o. L OmiRrELDER A CO. , Importers & Joblicrs in Millinery & Notions JW , 2IU aud ; 1J Sou Hi 1Kb itreot Notions. J. T. ROI1TNSON NOTION CO. , Wnolesale Notions and Furnisliing'GooiIs , id ) and < 05 BoBth 10th Xri'ct.'Omalia. | ' Toys. H. HARDY A CO. , Jobbun of , _ Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , XurnlihlnK xoud , children' ! carrlajiei , UM rcrnuui ivreei , _ ' CONSOLIDATE'D TAN'K LIKE co. , Wliolesale Refined and Liiliricating Oils , Ail ! uroaio , etc , Onmba. A. II. lllihop , ilananer , Papor. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nlco > tork of prlntluK , wrapping nnd wrltluf l < av > er. Hpeclal attnnttori Klren to car load orderi. 'I lie I'ubllo are nut generally uwnru that br no prvnent in < > thid fit vioKln Hilly oiio-half of ) IH corri'o tint | i iiftKl li thru n nvuv in thu urmi.uU and wiiitrd , CliuuiItU . 'OniiDcto. ! with thin coin panr have luni'ueileii In tarliiy Dili waitu no that ihu coin- pany run iuriil > ttoii7i ! > u ni 'lii of the dn t .lava , put upln iinall portaOloJan und MTAUIIANTCII r siirtrr i.r rijiir. and uiiKrnntPol to hu oulr about ONI ! HALF Till' COS ! ' t-i | in ponntiiinir lit ruiniiinn tul le e , Only tinllli'd ' whirr If nuoilc'il whim proiui'liu It lortlie tnblfCrnwn llqiM ; CoITuu Cuiniiiinf. MCUOUD , JJHADY & CO. , Wholesale Grouars , - - Oiiialiu , Neb * " I'onlllrtlrrurCdlnnOdaTlbyllr. KarnoVr-lrrlru-MuaDrtla lUU , only one In tli.i world KiperntliiK . cuntlliuout KliitrioiCilaamtto l.v "curre > , holemtlric. IMwerful. Hur blo. Comfortable , anil Klfertlm. Avudl fraudi. o > frU,0iiicuriH. ( Hrn < l > lninplf > rn < mplilcl. . Ki.r.o itio IIHI.TH rnu ] Mfr.XHii * . DR. HOHNE , REMOVED TO 1 80 WADASH AYE. , CHICAGO. KnMCY-'uulall | urlnarrtroiiDle * < 1'nulck ' MLUlkllyuiul Haf < 3lycuruaiiy)0"l'UltAC.u [ ( ) > ulei , Hnvorulcuse cured In seven clays , Boli tl.JUpcr box , all Jruc.lBtj , or by mull from Do urftilf.Co. in WhltoBt , N.V. tuliairiictions Boots and Shoos. KIRKSNDALL , JONES A CO. , BaectHon to ltoo.1 , Jonct A Co. Wholesale MannlUctoreK of Boots & Slicci r I'oMon ' llnbbrr Shoe Co , 1103. 1101 nd 11(1 ( llarnor Slrtot , Omaha , Nebiatka. Drowors. STOW ! A 1LER , Leger Beer Brewers , 1U1 North KlRhtceath Urcst , Omaha , . Cornloo. EAOLE CORN WE WORKS , MannfactnrersoFGalyauized Iron Cornice Wlndow-cap and mrtallc HTllRhl ! . John Kpenoter. proprietor. lUHand llubouth IMIutrooU Offloo Fixtures. ' MANVFACTmtlNO CO. Manufacturers ot IM , Office and Saloon llxtnrcs. llantle * . Milpboants. llooK Ca o > , Dntr Vtxturcn , Wall'.U.iii liter * , llecrand Win * CiMlpM. Mlrron , Kla1 Tai lorj and nnlco , 1730 and 1TM Houth I.Uh St. , Omahn. Tolvphono llJi. Pnpor Boxes. JOHN L. WILKin , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , Nca. 1317 ) kdd 1319 Douglas Mrcol , Omaha , Neb. "Sash , Doors M. A. DianRon" A co. , \TholMalo uianufncturrr < of Saso , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , llranch'/ace. 12th and Itnnl i-ircot Omaha. Neb. HORN MANUVAC'nrRlNQ CO. , Mainifcturers : of Sasli , Doors , Blinds , Moulding * , Mnlr viiirX nnd Interior hant wood tliilab. N.K , corniT Sth and I.ravenWf rtU tlrvets , Omaha , Krb. Stoom Fltilnga , Pumpo , E c. T/.1. Pnmps , Pipes and Engines , Steam , water , railway and mining nupplle * , et , ,117 ! and let I I'linmn tirvct , Omnha. 17. S. WIND ENGINE A PUMP CO. , Steam-anil Wale ' Supplies , JIaiU1awind mills. I > H nnd 121 Jonei 8U , Omaha. O. ! ' . ItcKS , actlnMuuiiEor. . n Rd\rN \ ELL A CO , Engines , Boilers and General M&cliiiiery & ; Bhci't-lron work , rtcam punipi , saw mills. 1214-1211 . l.unrcnwortli itrcel , Omaha. Iron Works. STEAM IfjILEH WORKS , Carter A Son , l'riCs. ) | Miuuiliicturers of all klndi Slcain Boilcpj , Ta'ito ' an I Slieet Iron Wo Wurka youth .Mill undll. _ A l.crimliijr. . Tol. HIS PAXTONAVIERLJNO IRON WORKS , Wronglit and Cast Iron Bui ding Work , Engine ? . bras- * work , general fouiulry , niarhlnoanA * blacksmith rork. Oillto nnd worls , U. 1 * . lljr. and IHhctiout , Omaha , OMAHA WIRE A IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire aud Iron Railings Desk rails , window cuards. flower stnnd * , etc. ia North lull tticot , Uuiaha. O-1M II A SAFE A IRW WORKS , Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Saes ! , jail work , Iron ulinttora ami lira ntc-opei * U. AnJrotn , prop'r. Cor. luh and Jackuon BIB. SOUTH OMAHA . UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Oiiialia , Limitel , John ! ' . Uoyil , yiipurlctundent. I - THli CHICAGO SHORT LIKE OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y , The Host Itutito from Oinalin nnd Council ItlulTs to TWO THAINS I1A1I.Y OMAHA AN1 COUNCIL HI.U1-TS Clilcngo , AND Miliraukco , St. Paul , Mluncuiiolls , Cedar Itavldg ] Knuk iHluud , Frcoporf , Itockfonl , Clinton , Duliiiqiic , Duvcniiort , Kli'lii , Maillsoi : , JaiuvsUllo , HololtVlnona , La ( 'rossc , And nil ether tmpoimnt iDlnti East , Northeait no * KoiHIiciMt , For throiishtlckela , call nu the tlckut a ont nt 1501 rnrnuiiiBtruut , In UarLur Uloct.or ut Union 1'ucino Hi pot. 1'ulliiian Flcepors nnd the finest Dlnlim Car * In tha wurnl nroriin on the miln Una of ilia UiloiKo , Alii. itaukoo A hi. 1'aul llullwiij , mill uvcry uttuiillun li p.tltt to i'uacntur ' ; lij cuurluoui omployai of tui company. It. IMII.I./.H. Ucnornl Mr.nauor. J. ! ' . TUfKlilt. AnlHnnt ( ienural MnniKcr. A. V. It. OAlll'KNl'KU , Ueuural l'aa uiigar and Ticket Ai.ont. tilC > i : IH-AKrolU ) , AtllslHiit GonoralPassenZM nnrt Ticket Agent. T. J. Cl'AUK , Oenerul Superintendent. NUHVOHS , CHRONIC nnd PKIVATH l)19lASUd ! Ol MKN and \VO.\1IJN lucccatfullr tiuuUiJ. YOUNG MEN HnrrcrlnK from the ctferts ot yonllifiil folllc ! or India cri'tloiia , or aru IrunMod with \ViMiXne ! , Nurvoul Dublllty , 1.0m uf Meinorr , DuHpondcnuy , ArtTiliui to boclct } ' , Uldney Troiiblt'S or any dl'euiu of tlio ( lenl * Io-Ullii rOr > : anii. inn huru Mini u nfu nnd 8pou1/ rnr * . Clmrvoa ruannnablu , < > i > picliilly to the poor. MIDDLE-AGED .MEN 'llicru uro many troubled wltli lee frciiiunt etucua HOIIH of the b'mliler , often acconipanli'd by a fllulil rninrlliiu or bnrnhu lunsatlon , nnd wuitkvnlnK of thi Kytiuin in a innnncr thu patient rannol accuinit for , Uu uxuiiilnlni : the uilnary dopokltt u rnpr iio.lliiiuiil lll olli'n bufiiiiiid.jind toiiiotlinus parlluluKiil nlbu. men will nppnnr or thu color boot a Ililn , liillklitl him , IIJJIUM ciiantilnu ton dark or torpid iipuuarun'-e. Tlicru urc inonv IIIIMI who illn of I'.iU illillciilty , Unor- lint of the i HURU. which IB the sjcon I itaic * ) 11 ! nuiul * nal wi'nknt'Hfl. The doclor will ( 'narantouuporfoct turn In ( ill mich CII OB , and u henllliy luntorallonof the uenlto urinary iiruana. 1'onKtiltiiUon free. Hflncl . ' cent miinip Inr "Vounu' Man'H Krliuid , or lluldu tg Wcillnck , " lieu tnit'l. ' . SPIITOEY & co > . Main and 12lh St. , KUIIHHH City , Mo. IVMention tliti paper. Heainr eaii in. K , C. WF.ST'B NKUVK AND llruiN TI-.IUT HCNT , AKiinrantnetl niipuino for Ilynterlii , JMzzt nct-D , IVmvnlfilonR , fits , Nervous Nu-ir.-Uil lleartaclio. NnrvoiiH J'rostrnttcm caused bvtti * uncut lUcxjhol or tnlmc" ( > , Wiikoruliii'.sg , Mental DoprcKHlnu , FoTi < ulni : nf tlui llintn resulting Jn humility ami lumllnu Vi mlncry , iiucuy and ( Icnth. I'rumiiture Old Aec , llurrainesH , losa ot i'ouerineithur sex. invomiiury J.OI-MVI and Bporinntorrluna cau'JCil by over-exertion ol tne nnim. Bairnt > i'.Kcor over iniliil cnco , K.tch box contains ono month's trcntment , II ft box , or six lioxo * torVt , Edit by mall prepaid < > n ro- relptof jirlco. WJ2 GUARANTEE SIX J3OXI2S To cuiuunr unit. Wltli eir.h orcerrwcivud by us for MX boxijH. nccotmmnlori with U , wo will send the pnrulmHeronr urltton gtmra.iluci to ru- fiiml tin.-money If the troulmunt does not effect a cure. Umiruntees Isnucci only by ( jomlinaa Unit'Co. , IiuiKit > ts , .Solo AKCUU. mo 1'arzvam Btrcrt Omaha ob. . . . y * l * 4r * | nrau c I > MIIE. AUUTC.M Toe } ' ! ' ! " " > i C'liuuicii , Co. , Dmuon , ilicu. For sale and by mall \ > y Gpodniii-i Dr v Comimnv. uiuiihu. - ' -1