Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1889, Image 1
THE O D WHITELAW REID IS IN PARIS Enthusiastic Boooptlon of the Now Minister to Franco. MINISTER , YET A JOURNALIST. To Honor ttin Memory or Thlors-- Homo HcflcctloiiH SiiKCCHtcd Ity the Nature or the HnbncripcrH to the Fund. A Union or Discordant Klein on ts. " \C \ Mrf0hi ; IRQ liu Jamct Oonton IttntuU. ] I'Aius , May 12. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tun Bun.1 The Trans-Atlantic company's ntcamshlp Ln Bourgognc , arrived at Havre , yesterday at 1 o'clock , having on board Whltclaw Held mid family , consisting of his wife and two children , with their governess and thrco servants. By per mission of the company , Frank C. Big gins , the special envoy from the members of tbo American colony at Paris was taken out to meet La Bourgogno In the pilot's boat nnd present a letter of welcome to the new minister. Mr. Hold expressed his approbation of the cordial reception extended him by his coun trymen , nhd was especially Interested In making Inquiries as to whether any now ap pointments had been made , or If any devel opments lu the Samoa question had taken place during his voyage. Arriving In Parts , nt the Gare St. Laza- quc , the scene , ns Jthu special Havre train steamed Into the station , was remarkable for the largo number of Americans nnd French men of distinction who stood waiting to take the new minister's hand. At ho descended from the compartment to the platform , ho was at once distinguished and recognized. After greeting his relatives , Mr. Ueid held n brief reception on the platform. Among the first to greet him was Gcorgo Smnllcy ; M. Vlgucau , first secretary to the legation , representing Minister McLano ; Dr. Evans ; Consul-general Rathbonc ; M. Blanco , of the Trans-Atlantic company ; Dr. J. A. Tanner , medical ofllcor of the United States commission ; Mr. Burnett , attache of the legation , nnd Augustus Jay , second sec retary of the legation. Mr. Vlgncuu delivered a letter from Mr. McLano , the contents of which were nn ex pression of regret that illness prevented him from coming in person to meet him nt the station and offering his private carriage to convoy the minister and family to the Hotel Maurice. Leaving the station by the private en trance , Mrs. Reid , accompanied by Mrs. Mills , was driven to the hotel in an open victoria , followed by a closed hmdau , con taining tUo minister , his two children , and Mr. Ogden Mills. The largo apartment on the first floor , vacated by Prince and Prin cess Radziwlll , yesterday , were in readiness for the minister and his family and were profusely decorated with hyacinths and a/allan in artistic baskets , suspended by pink ribbons. Luncheon was about to bo served when tbo Herald correspondent called upon the minis ter. The Interview was brief and cordial. When asked about the voyage , bo said they could not huvo had n moro delightful trip : the weather was lovely and the ben calm. "I was not at nil 111 ; was pleased with my re ception and urn very glad to bo In Paris. " "Is it your intention to remain hero dur ing the summer months ] " "Practically , yes. I am looking also for a residence. My brothnr-in-lnw came from Londpn to look Into the matter for mo and I shall go to-morrow morning to see what ho lias selected. It shall bo decided as soon as possible. When hoj weather begins I will taUo a country house accessible to Paris , where my family can enjoy the country and I can also attend official duties. "But1 he suld in conclusion : "Notwithstanding my now appointment , I consider myself a jour nalist. I do not feel as If I nm separated from the press by any means. " Mrs. Hold was attired in mourning cos tume of black clothes , with tight fitting Jacket trimmed with crape. Her blonde hair * was almost concealed beneath n block bon net , r I in mod with the same material. At 0 o'clock Mrs. Hold and Mrs. Mills drove to the Bols do Boulogne , and later the minis ter's family dined. The committee constituted at the sucgcs- _ tlon of the party nntlonalo , for the purpose o'f the erection at Purls of a statue to com memorate M. Thlors , hnn already received support from n number of politicians. The motives of these gentlemen do not , how ever , oall proceed from the same surco. The promoters of the subscrip tion intended to honor not only the memory of M. Thicrs. They wished not only to show their respect for the "llberatcur du torritoiro , " the dofcnde'r of parliamentary Institutions , and ono of the founders of the republic of Franco , but they also considered the present moment oppor tune for reminding France of the inodorato conservative ujlioy pursued by Theirs to which the now republic owed its yearn of order , qujut and responsibility. Certainly the adherence of M. Jules Simon , an old political friend of Thicrs , was duo to this sentiment. That Jules Ferry was also among the first subscribers deserves special notice , as the policy pursued by his party whllo in pojver was very frequently opposed to that of Thicrs. In religious mutters mong others , the con tradiction Is strikingly manifest. Tillers Yns nn enemy of religious persecution. "To touch religion , " ho used to say , "is the greatest error a government can commit. In my opinion a government has no right to offend the religious conviction of no matter how small n number of people. The hoinhth of philosophy docs no consist in thinking ono thing or another. To oppress protestanls 1& us bad as to oppress Catholics , mid any government that tries to make cap ital out of tbo convictions of any religious party Is ! by such action , unworthy In the eyes of philosophy. " Thlors would not have , therefore , sup ported the policy of article 7 of the decrees against religious orders , secularizing the hospitals. Hu would aot have approved of the concessions made to the rudlcals by the opportunists , for did ha uot say that the republic will bo conservative or will not exlstlj Ferry , In hU letter of acceptance , says that in the policy of Theirs , there are lessons from which the republicans ought to derive the benefit. This admission is equivalent to saying that he and his friends have followed the wrong path , and thcro is still time to re trace their steps. A moro unexpected subscriber Is Mr , Yve Guyot , the present minuter of public works , and formerly editor of Lo Latoino , the well known member of the radical party. All the Ideas professed by Guyot were strenuouslj opposed by Thlors , including the separation of church and state und , tbo establishment ol n income tax , and In fact all the projKnet ine vjrM tliat wa UtUW the oiturrumue of .ho radicals , Yves Guyot , thouch very far from being a disciple of Thicrs , yet sub scribes to the statue. He explains that it Is not to the Ideas nor to the policy of Thlers that ho desires to do honor , but to the chain- pfon of the republic at that time. On May 10 , If many moro subscriptions of this kind como In , accompanied by reser vations and restrictions , the demonstration got up on the strength of the Thlers theory will bear but n very confused political itg- nlftcanco. It will , however , have the effect of repairing n great wrong. Statute abound In Purls , some of them being erected to the honor of Individuals who had but little claim to the me ory nnd veneration of pos terity , nnd yet Thlers , one of theme mo ft eminent statesman of whom Franco can boast , and ono who rendered his country such brilliant ser vice has not been similarly honored. Per haps the motive for this delay may bo traced to the fear of exciting the anger of the revo lutionary party , which has never forlllven Thlers for putting down the insurrection of the Commune , but in spite of this faction it Is high time that Paris and Franco had paid Its debt of gratitude. MOHE NEWS FUOS1 APIA. Everything Qtiiot Pending the Deols- ion of lho IJorlln Cnnrorcnco. ICopj/rlo'il / ' IKsS liu New Ymk Afoctntcil PreM.l AHA , Samoa , April 27. ( via San Friin- clsco ) Nearly all the survivors of the wrecked German war ships have gene to Sydney , and ( Vl American sailors who com posed the crows of the Trenton nnd Vnnda- liu nro watting for a steamer to take them to San Francisco. The Trenton and Vnndalia have not changed much during the lust month. Both vessels nro complete wrecks. A considerable quantity of clothing and pro visions were saved from the Trenton after the storm , nnd nil the machine guns on the spar wore tanen ashore. The work of re moving her heavy battery occupied four weeks , King Mataufa sending many of his men to their aid. The guns and carriages weighed over n hundred tons , but their re moval did not seem to lighten the Trenton In the least. Admiral Kimbcrly will endeavor to also rctnovo the Vamlalla's battery. Half a dorcn native divers have worked faithfully on her everyday , nnd hundreds of dollars' worth of stores have been saved by them. When the Nlpsld was haulud to the reef It was found she hud been damaged consid erably , the engines nnd boilers being sprung , tbo rudder and smokestack gene nnd ( several inches of her keel scraped away the cnllro length of the ves sel. Temporary repairs were made with the intention of sending the vessels to Auckland. Some .of the oftlccrs made ob jection to her going to sea , and declared her unsafe. Tno lulmlrnl arranged with a tramp steamer to convey the Nlpsiu to Auckland , ana then sent the Nlpslc out for a trial trip. A sharp squall came up as she was going out of the harbor , and in a short time the tem porary rudder gave wuv , leaving the Nipsio adnlt without any steering apparatus. By the piompt. use of sails she was swung around with her head towards the sea , when she steamed at full speed to u position off the reef. The trump steumer went out and towed her bauk in the harbor. Tha admiral will send her to Auckland as soon us another rudder can bo uiuJo and proved secure. The most important political event which has occurred here was the Issuance , by Ad miral Kiinborly , on April 17 , of a proclama tion advising the natives to put an end to the war. The admiral strongly urges that lighting cease and that the people reunite for the good of tholr country. Ho stated that he had pre pared n paper that could bo signed by both parties who desired to obtain peace and es tablish order. He had the proclamation translated into the Samoan language nnd distributed all over the island. Captain Farquhar , of the Trenton , was sent to lay the inattnr before Tumaseso and to request him to distribute the circulars among his men. Tumasese received the delegation very courteously uud replied that he , too , desired to sco the war cloved , and prom > iscd to distribute the oirculais. Ho said ho would reply to Admiral Kimberly In writing later. Admiral Kimberly otated to the Associated press correspondent that ho had issued the proclamation after confer ences with Mataafu , nnd because lie felt something must be done at once to assist the natives in establishing peace. He had inter viewed the German and British consuls , but found they could do nothing to assist him , so ho determined to issue the pro clamation entirely upon his own respon sibility. The admiral believed the present conditions favorable , and hoped that the proclamation would sooner or later have the effect of drawing the parties together. Ho said that thcro Is nothing in his notices that cither party can object to , nnd the paper , which ho has prepared to bo signed , Is to bo used only in the event of the natives agree ing1 upon Bomo plan of action. Ills desire was to assist the Ber'ln confer ence by bringing about such a condition of affairs that a government could bo formed in Samoa immediately upon ( bo conclusion of the conference. Ho had advised Mataafa to remain perfectly quiet. On April S3 the Admiral received a letter from Tnmascso. the latter signing himself as "King of Samoa. " He declined to make any overtures for peace at present , though ho said ho desired to have the war brought to a close , and would like to see the same rendition in Samoa as in the the latter part of 1SS7. This was Just after Malictoa had been deposed by the Germans , and Tumuseso installed. Tninuscse also offered to forgive Mataafa and all his men If they would throw down their arms. Ho also stated he would not consider tiny proposition of peace until the conclusion of the Berlin confer ence. Mataafa nnd Tamascso afterwards agreed upon utemporary truce , and promised Admiral Kimberly that they would do noth ing to alter the peaceable state of affairs until after the Berlin conference adjourned. Notwithstanding the precautions against the sale of liquor , the naval officers had moro or less trouble with drunken sailors who had boon able in some way to secure liquor. On various occasions several of them have been scvoruly punished. Not moro than one-third ot the bodies of the victims of the storm have boon recovered , and It Is supposed the greater number wcro either washed out to sen or are fastened in tbo coral reefs. TESTING TUB UHAItliB3TON. Her oniocrs Moro Than Hntisflcd With Her Hhowln ? . SANTA BAHUAIIA , Cal. , May 12 , The cruiser Charleston loft this port yesterday morning. She steamed south for sixty mile * , nnd then turning north again went ahead under a full head of steam , muking an average speed of eighteen and one-quarter knots , with u development of S , 600 horse power and 107 revolutions of her engines. Thin record was maintained for u period of seventeen minutes. This establishes the fact that us the Charleston stands she Is ono of the fastest modern lighting machines afloat , not only of her typo , but inclusive ef the entire class of cruisers either here or In foreign navies. U ho starboard high pressure slide wljich developed some hard spots in the steel on the trip oulwsrd from San Francisco , and which it was hoped had been eliminated , compelled the starboard engine to lower its speed , and the highest development of- steam for four continuous hour * was therefore in do Impossible. The naval officers are unanimous In tholr conlldenco und pride in the new shin , und the vioiv is held that she will easily attain moro than 19 knots \vhou permitted to employ her full power. A Murderer Sentenced. = BIIOKEX 13ow , Neb. , May 13. ( Special to TUB BEE.1 Pierce , who was found guilty of murder In the second degree , has been sentenced to the penitentiary for twelve years. Ex Senator Pastor Dcnd. , ROME , N , Y. , Muy 18. Hon. Henry A. Foster died In this city last night in bis ninetieth year. Ho was senior United States senator , having boon appointed In 1814 , ono year before Slinou Cameron , of Pcnnsyl- vanl . BECOMING , MONEY LOANERS , Nebraska Farmers Charged With Lending Luoro. "YOU HAD BETTER-PRINT THAT. " "It Will Ho News to Them" Ex-Sena tor \VyckTlilnkn It n Flue Fairy Tnlc , nml Very i'rotty. WASHINGTON HuiiBvu , TUB OMAHA HER , ) 513 FouiiTBRNTit STIIBET , > WASHINGTON , D. O. , May 13. ) The subject of farm mortgages , as treated by Interviews used In Tun BF.B specials , a week ago to-night , has attracted much com ment hero and in the east. Ex-Sonator Van wyck was , to-night , asked what ho had to say of It. Hosnld : "It appears that Nebraska farmers are becoming extensive money lonnors. You had better print that ; It will bo the first Intimation to them of that financial con dition , but why start such n story 1" "Representative Dorsoy soya ho knows many farmers who , years ago , paid 3 per cent n month , who are now loaning money in the western part of that state at 8 and 0 per cent n year. " "Yes , that may exist In Dodge county , the homo of Mr. Dorsey , where ho has probably Inspired the people with some of his energy , taci and financial ability , but I doubt If any other portion of the state is so fortunate. Certainly there are millions loaned in the eastern as well as wcstorn parts of the state , but it is foreign capital , much of it from Great Britain , but iiiora from the money centers of the cast. The great bulk of the products of the state go cast In payment of premiums for life and 11 ro Insurance , for in terest on mortgages , city , precinct and county bonds and for railroad transportation then como back , and littered through the' form of new mortgages Docomo 'available for the people. " " \\yint is the meaning of this doubt or dis trust about western mortgages ! " "Only the periodical cry of 'wolf , ' n scare ; a threat. When Interest was reduced In Ne braska , eastern loancrs said no money would come , but It came moro abundantly. Corpo rations aid If agitation docs not cease , no moro roads will bo built , but they wcro , anil now if the roads can not 11 x rates as their avarice dictates , train service will bo les sened and the public discommoded. Young man. did you over sco u pratrlo , and a west ern farmer In his home ! Then you know , so does every money leaner , that a farm mortgage In Nebraska Is bettor than a gov ernment bond. The security Is as good and the interest hlher. " "Aro mortgages being paid rapidly ? " "Possibly not In monoy. They are gen erally and cheerfully renewed. The loancrs don't want them paid. They know the mortgages are on the basis of a third of the value of the land , and If they owned the land could not realize 2 per cent. They much prefer the other man to walk the floor , do the work and pay the interest. You must realize that when corn Is sold at a small margin beyond the actual cost of produc tion , and fat cattle scarcely return the value of the corn fed , that farmers can not pay the principal of tno mortgages. Yet there is no safer security than farm mortgages in Iso- braska. A combination sort of Jay Gould may operate with barren lauds in states where such exist , and make the mortgages beautiful In appearance , but in the end they may prove worthless. So a syndicate may Issue debenture bonds on mortgages of doubtful vaJuo or in excess of value , but an eastern man who has a legitimate farm mort gage need not lay 'awako of nights.1" SLKErv WASHINGTON. At no time during tbo past two years has Washington appeared so completely deserted as to-day. The city resembled a typical win ter resort In sutoimer time , with President Harrison , his family and most of the cabinet oftlccrs out of the city and with but few vis itors in sight. The regular residents are away for the season , and the streets are al most deserted , the churches slimly attended , and the hotels as quiet as graveyards. The only rival tbo business part uf the city has in the way of dullness Is the capital building , where three or four policemen are lounging alone. This will bo a dull week. On Wednes day some of the cabinet officers and the most prominent men in congress who arc here , to gether with nearly all the distinguished visit ors , will go to Baltimore to attend the greatest picnic"over given in this country. It will bo tnnderea by General Agnes , proprietor of the Baltimore American , at bis summer res idence , to Frank Thompson , the vice-presi dent of the Pennsylvania railway company. The president is considering his Invitation to attend. Alter this week , however , it will bo much livelier , politically speaking. Now that the office-seekers have thinned out , the president and bis eight counsellors intend to get down to business , and changes are ex pected to take place rapidly in the offices which huvo not been filled , and the reorgan ization which this administration desire to bdntr about in the publio service will be begun In earnest. It will be much more interesting in Washington during the hot months than now. Early in Juno the presi dent and Mrs. Harrison hope to spend tboir Sundays in the mountains of West Virginia , Mrs. Harrison will be thcro a largo part of her timeThcro will bo a suspension of social duties throughout the city. The rec reation the president will have and the absence of so many office-seekers will glvo him pbysftAl strength and opportunity to roll up his sleeves and bring about the changes which ho has been wanting. There are probably not two dozen senators and representatives in Washington. Those hero confine themselves largely to the dis cussion of what Is to take place in the early days of the next house of representatives. It is conceded on every hand that the presi dent will call congress together in extraordi nary sessiiTn in October. Thcro are sixteen contested elections , bnt It is manifest to every ono that unlrss an entirely "now and radical sot of rules is adopted nothing can bo dona with the contests , and months of precious time will bu wasted by filibustering democrats. The most serious question that has over confronted the lower house of con gress will bo the adoption of its now rules. HOPE FOIl MISSOUJU. It may bo n strange announcement , but a good many of the western senators , who have been keeping close tally of political affairs in Missouri , are confidently expecting that stutu to go republican at the next election. John U. Jayucs , of Sednlla , is ono of the wealthiest and most effective young republicans in Missouri. Ho is here , and says tlio tight between the Governor Francis and Senator Vest factions has split tbo democratic party in twain , and with sweep ing strides tariff protectionists are taking in the mate , Mr. Jayncs says that if the state ticket cun not bo elected , the republicans can undoubtedly como in us a compromise , even though they have not a clear working majority In the legislature , and secure Sen ator Vest's seat. TUB 1UVA11HS. Ex-Secretary Bayard , witn his five daugh ters , will bid Washington adieu , this week , and go to their suburban residence , High land Terrace , near Wilmington , Del. Secre tary IJaynrd and his family have been popu lar In Washington society , and society Is wagglug lU tongue about the coming mar- riuijo of Miss Miw Mnry Willing Clyuer , of this city , to the ex-aucretury. PA'.YKPK DILI- . Major Cordon W. Ulile , ( Pawnee Dill ) who cut such aIguro out in Oklahoma , ro- coiilly , U moving around among the few visitors In the city , and says that he Intends to go back into the new Eldorado , take up a quarter section of land and remain there. Ho thinks Oklahoma will bo very rapidly de veloped , and that tbo three territories from which the tour states are to bo made , this fall , will surprise tbo people In their de velopment , OAK VIEW , The first of next mouth , Mrs. Harvey Llndsloy and her three , tilnughtcrs , take possession of Oak "Vlorf , Mr. Cleveland's summer homo , The pinto looks beautiful now , ana every stranger Who takes a drive around the national capital goes thcro thcso days. It is but n little more than n half hour's drivo. " There are aono of Mrs. Cleve land's ' pots remaining except her cows and two or thrco cats. UASTT snrrLEns. Interior department officials fcr.r that the invasions being made upon th'o Sioux- Indian reservation In Dakota will Interfere se riously with the negotiations being made by the commission for the rcllnnulshmcnt of the title to thcso lands and their opening to settlement. Undoubtedly the hasty settlers nro doing themselves violence by tholr pres ent action. PLEADING FOK SWAIX. Friends of Judge Advocate-General Swain , of the army , are trying to induce President Harrison to have the remainder of his sentence sot aside , that ho may bo rc- Htorcd to his position. Hut It is said that they are meeting with very little encourage- menu MISCELLANEOUS. Ex-Senator Harlan , of Iowa , is hero to bid his daughter , Mrs. Robert Lincoln , good-bvo. Minister Lincoln and bin family , who ar rived at Wormloy's on Friday , are to leave to-night , on route for England. Miss Carrie P. Church , of Nebraska , has been appointed to a 600 clerkship in the land office. A. , T. Hcevo , of Iowa , was appointed , n few days since , to the position of chlof of the seed division of the agricultural aopartmcnt , and will enter upon his duties on the ilrst proximo. Miss Annie MoHao , of Iowa , has been promoted meted from n $000 to a 8900 position in the ofllco of the sixth auditor. First Lieutenant C. W. Rowoll , Second Infantry - fantry , station at Fort Omaha , is nt 153 P street , northwest. His duty was to conduct Chaplain J. Vaughan Lewis , of tbo army , to the government Insane asylum. Chaplain Lewis is well known la this city , having been for many years rector of St. John's church , this city. His recent trouble has caused his many friends hero much anxiety. i Puiuir S. HEATH. THE CLEARANCE HECOHD. The Financial Transactions of the Past Week. BOSTON , Mass. , May 13. [ Special Telegram gram to THE Bnn.J The following table , compiled from dispatches to the Post from the managers of the leading clearing-houses of the United States , shows the gross ex changes for the week ended May 11 , 1339 , with rates per coat of increase or decrease as compared with the amounts for the cor responding week In Not Included In totals ; no clearing houses at thuso points lust year. Partly estimated. REV. DIl. RUrsGIE DEAD. For Eighteen Ycnrs .Rector of Christ Church , Sr. Jos end. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , May 12. [ Special Tele gram to THE BBB.J The Ilev. Dr. James Iluncio , for eighteen years rector of Christ Episcopal cburch , died at 3:30 : o'clock this morning , after a protracted Illness. Ho will bo burled Wednesday afternoon under tlio altar of Christ church. Ho was twice offered the bish oprio of Indiana , and upon the death of Bishop Robertson'two ' years ago , was of fered the bishopric f Missouri. These ho declined. Ho was the most popular minister in the city and kept himself constantly poor by gifts to the not always deserving needy. Ho leaves four children. His oldest daughter wus married , in 1888 , to Elliot Marshall , member of a leading family In Bolhain. N. Y. Dr. Iluncio was born in 1834 , in County Louth , Ireland , and was educated at Trinity College , Dublin. The standing- tbo Epis copal church , In this city , is due entirely to his labors. Ho gave out of bis own salary $10,000 towards the imposing church edifice. The burial will be conducted by Bishop Tuttle , of Missouri , and about fifty Episco pal clergymen will attend. The remains will lie in state in the church on JVcdnesduy. BIX IttiEP. The Troops Fire on the German Allno Strikers. BEIIMN , May 12. About midnight , last night , some ouo sot fire to the oil factory at Licrenield , which' was consumed. The Mulkllm and Dulsbcrg miners have Joined In the strike. At Schlesenl ? a number of pit men attacked tholr foreman with daggers nnd ho' had to flee for his life. A body of in fantry arrived hero atiln'oloek.this mornlnir , and the rioters took refuge bohlnd a railway embankment nnd the troops. Throe times the rioters were called upon to dis pense , out they refused ' to obey. The sol diers then fired into , 'tho crowd , killing six persons , ono of them1 f four-year-old child , A woman was also wounded. After the fir ing , the mob dispersed , . The district bristles with troops. The mlne , owners hold a meet ing at Essen , whlclrwu * attended by govern ment oOlclals , 'and feaolveJ to rulso the wages of the miners. 'bat they firmly declined to concede eight hour a day's labor. A Darin z JewVrjr Hohhsry. PUEIILO , Colo. , M y 12. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEB. ] One of the most during robberies that over occurred In the little town of Sal id a took place yesterday. Mr. L. Cornwall , a jeweler at that pfiico , had occa sion to visit tht adjoining town of Monarch ou business. He left his Jeweler , a man named Strauss , in charge of the establish ment. Durlne Cornwall's absence JUtrauss packed ) ,500 worth of Jewelry in his valise und slid quietly out of the burg on a freight train. Mr. Cornwall und ofllcers arrived in Pueblo to-day , having tracked him thus fur. Strauss is trying to make his escape In an easterly direction , and .u largo number of ofllcers nro after him. Ho cumo hero from St. Louis and ha4 worked in most of tbo principal cities of tbo wnst. - ? ' . ! " - A Sensational Arrest. New Biiu.NBWiyK , N.J.May , ; 12. Detec tives , this afternoon , arrested M. H. Hen- drlckson , general freight and passenger agent of the lUaritan River railroad , and lodged him In Jall.ln thia iiy. He U charged with the murder of GeorifO Kesslnger. who was killed , lastSunday , in a riot at Savor- villo. The charge was preferred by Edwin Furinan , whose lauds Heodrlckson aud his men trespassed upon to lay track. TCiE KEYA PAI1A VIGILANTES Governor Thayor'a Address to the Oitlzons of the County , SPEECHES FROM SOME ANTI'S. An Aged Imdy CointuitB Snloldo Items About the Crops A Ilrnvo "Woman Fearfully llurncil Push nnd Enterprise. PiilUntr nn End to Cattle Stealing. SriUNaviEvr , Nob. , May 13. [ Special to Tun BCB. ] As per announcement , Gov ernor Thayer nddrossod the people of ICeyu Paha county , nt tills point. Owing to the fact that the date of his visit was not announced until Tuesday evening , it was not ns exten sively advertised as it should have been , still he was greeted by quite a largo audi ence. The morning was damp and chilly , and It was thought host to hold the meeting In doors , but a few minutes af'.cr the doors of Wakcman's hull ( the largest room in town ) wore opened it was densely packed , and It was found to be entirely Inadequate to ac commodate the people who wore anxious to hear the governor ; the crowd was requested to ropalr to the street in f rogt of the Fremont - mont house , on the porch of which n pint- form was placed for the speaker. The mootIng - Ing was culled order by Hon. A. J. Hum- ham , and County Judge J. B. Farnsworth was elected chairman. At the suggestion ot the governor , volunteers were called on testate state the grievances and causes which led to the organization of the Farmers' Protective association , or vigilance committee , In this county. The Ilrst speaker was R. A. Clop- ton , a prominent member of the committee , who assorted that the organization was called Into existence by n conspiracy against the life of Mr. L. Taylor , a cattleman who hud lost stock nnd afterwards recovered thorn. Ho claimed that plots had been laid in the very hotel In front of which howas speaking , against Mr. Taylor's life , and had been overheard by outside parties , who at once , decided on organizing for the purpose of protecting the lives and property of the honest farmers and cattlemen. After Mr. Clopton had llnlsed his remarks , calls were made for O. V. Kenaston , who bus been acting as attorney for the alleged rustlers or cattle thieves. Mr. Kenaston said ho did not wish to deny the statements of Mr. Clopton , but teen the ground that the methods pursued by tbo vigilance commit tee were not the proper ones to remedy the evils or redress the wrongs complained of. Ho Insisted that the parties suspected of committing the crimes should bo turned over to the law nnd regularly tried for ihcir of fenses , and punished if found guilty. Mr. .Kenaston was followed by Hon. A. J. Burn- , ham , who gave a brief history of the early organization of tho. vigilance committee in that county five years ago , and endeavored to show that this organization was the only way In which the farmers could protect their property from the ruvagcs of the gang of thieves and rustlers that then , as now , in fested this county. Ho adverted to the trouble and ill-feeling between neighbors that the organization of the protective asso ciation had caused. Ho referred to the accounts of the troubles in this county , published by TUB OMAHA BCB and the press generally. Ho produced Trie Bnul of April 20 , and read therofroin the nllklavlt of H. G. Stewart , before. Justice Thomas , of Sprlngviow , and then read another aflldavlt made before himself by the same party , de claring that the first affidavit was inado under threats by the vigilantes and was un true. Ho said ho had boon Informed thatstill another allldavit had been made by Stn\vart , declaring that the second ono was false and the first ono true. Ho called upon Squire Tiffany , then present , bcforo whom the lost afliilavlt was said to have been made , to know if his in formation was correct , and was answered in the affirmative by that gentleman. His speech was a fair and apparently honest of "untl"-side of the presentation the - ques tion. tion.J. N. Tiffany , justice of the peace for his precinct , juadc a few remarks , detailing the circumstances under which the last aflldavit was made by Stewart , and giving it us his opinion that the first und last allklavits were true. It having been intimated by Mr. Tiffany nnd some of tbe other speakers that Mr. Stewart had been paid by Mrs. C. M. Clay for making tbo nflldavit before Justice Ross , that lady was called to the platform , and simply remarked : "I am hero to say that I never paid Horace Stewart any money for making an aflldavit for me. " O. P. Billings , of the Nordcn Borenlis , then made a few remarks In vindication of the course of the vigilantes , nnd giving a brief account of the stealing and recovery of the Quoy mure at Norden. As it was now after 13 o'clock , at the sug gestion of the governor the crowd adjourned for dinner , with tbo understanding that they wcro to assemble again In ono hour to hear the governor's remarks and the remedies ho would suggest. At about 110 : ! u. m. the meeting was again ( tilled to order by Chairman Farnsworth , who introduced the governor. Governor TUayer began by referring to his early experience in this state as a com mander of United States troops , and his service on the frontier in lighting hostile Indians. Ho referred to the remarkable growth und development of thut part of the state , that had occurred plnco the time he first know it , and the surprising progress and rapid strides the state had. made In a few years , nil of which had been brought about by the untiring energy und enterprise of tbo curly settlers and hardy pioneers. Ho spoke of the improved farms und prosperous towns and cities which greeted his eyes everywhere on his travels through this part of the stato. Ho said that horse and cattle thlovcs and vigilance committees were no new things in his experience. Horse und cattle thieves wcro incident to every now country , and always plied tUelr nefarious vocation on the frontier. He had no language to express his utter detestation of these pests. Ho was opposed to vigilance committees , but ho despised horse und cattle thieves , and was sorry thut he could not suggest some adequate means for the prompt nnd effectual sup pression of this detestable business. He , would , however , make u suggestion of a rsmedy. The matter rested with the people , and it they would follow his advice , cuttle thiovinir would cease ut once and forever , lie urged tno people to let by-goncs bo bygones genes , proclaim amnesty to those who had been driven from the county , und allow them to return if they wished on promise of good behavior , with the assurance thut so long as they conducted themselves as good citiinns and honest men they would not bu disturbed. Ho urged the people to forgot tholr grievances * ances and wrongs , und try to live hereafter In peace and harmony , nnd if cattle wcro stolen In the future the fhleves must abide by consequences and take their chances. Ho stated thut he had no soldiers to send hero ; nlthoiich , if it were absolutely necessary to protect the bottlers , it might he managed , und ho would endeavor to see that it was done. His address was frequently applauded by the members of the committee present and their sympathisers , uud seemed to eve satis faction U > that , class which is mainly composed - ' posed of our best cltl/.ens. The chairman asked all those who were in favor of follow ing the governor's advice to manifest it by saying "aye , " and the opposed "no , " and thcro was not a slnglo dissenting voice. Two prominent democratic incmoers of the com mittee remarked that Goycrnor Thayer was their f bo ice for governor should ho see proper to try for that ofllco again. Bo ended a day which wjU long be remembered by tbo citizens of ICeya Paba county. Enterprise At Plutts-inontli. PLATTHMOUTU , Neb. , May 13. [ Special to THE BEB , ] This city has lately been seized with the spirit of enterprise auil energy und ns n result an undeniable boom has struck the town. An Industry of Incalculable worth to the town has Just boon secured , and a company under the name of the Opcrman Electric Lamp manufactory has boon organ ized , with n capital stock ot * : > 0,000 , two- thirds paid up. The company's place of busi ness will bo nt Plattsmouth nnd Its object Is to manufacture Incandescent lamps nnd to furnish olcctna ] > ewer to other concerns. Most of the stock was .subscribed for In this oily. The board of directors are : Hon. J. M. Patterson , Frank Carruth , O. H. Ballon , E. L , Oimnnun , Dr. T. P. Livingston , Hon. J. R Riley and Wllllixm L. Browno. The following are the oftlcers : J. M. Patterson , president ; O. H. Ballon , vice-president ; R L. Oporniun , treasurer , nnd William L. Browne , secretary. The site for the plant was donated to the company by O. H. Hal- lou nnd Is situated on the Rttchio place In northwest part of town. The erection of the necessary bulldhigs will bo begun nt ouco , the contract bolng already lot. A contract was also closed with the Taylor manufactur ing company for the steam machinery for the plant , Including one lOO-hor.-to power and ono Bovunty-horso power ongliio and two nmoty-horso power boilers and pumps. Owing to the location of this industry the directors of the Plattsmouth Street Rail way company intend equipping their line with electric motors and to that end have closed a contract with the Upraguo Hlcctrlo Motor company for putting In its plant nnd to substitute the electric car nystom for the present horse cars , Including the laying of nn additional two and one-half mllcsof truck and the running of four cars. This will glvo regular und frequent rapid transit to all parts of the town und will make the base ball park , fair grounds , IJullou's hike und Oak Hill ccmotry much moro easy of access. A Croauiery nt LOIIB Pine. Loxo Pixi : , Nob. , May 1'J. [ Special to Tin : Bni.1 The farmers nnd business men of Long Pine met ut the opera house yester day to discuss the advisability of building nnd operating a co-operative creamery. The meeting was an enthusiastic one. Mr. I. M. Moore , a prominent farmer , was elected president , and J. P. Hau.smirst , editor of the Long Pine Journal , secretary. It was an nounced that 700 cows could bo rolled on to commence with , nnd many of the farmers promised to increase their herds. Tim meet ing adjourned to meet Wednesday , May 3i. A committee was appointed by the president to correspond with experienced creamury men , and. If possible , find some man of ex perience who would put in some capital nnd tuko charge of thu business. Splendid Grnln nnd Fr-ult Pro.snuuta EnoAii , Neb. , May 12. fSpcciul to Tun BUB. | Wo have had moro ruin In this vicin ity this spring tbun has been known for years. The result of so miTch rain is giving crops und fruit u remarkable impetus. Wheat , oats uud barley never looked so promising. Corn is all planted nnd many fields uio looking ! lno. Fruit trees look re markably promising. Everywhere cherry trees , ilium trees und appio trees are loaded to thruoor four times their capacity to nm- turo. At least one-third moro ground is being cultivated this year than was culti vated lust your , and altogether the outlook Is very promising. Ilurncd nnd Neglected. UKADIUA , Nob. , May 12. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BKK.J Last Tuesday the house of T. Fitch , n farmer six miles southwest of hero , was burned. While the fire was raging at its highest Mrs. Robocoa Fitch , mother of Mr. Fitch , aged sixty-three , braved the flames to siiva nn Infant child , whos.e life was at their mercy. In perform ing the heroic deed Mrs. Fitch was horribly burned about the head , shoulders nnd arms. Little was done for the poor old wonmn until to-day , when a physician was called. Her head and face are ourned to a crisp und in places the llesh is dropping from the bones. Her sufferings have boon torrlblo nnd the doctor pronounces her Injuries fatal. Grand Island Plays Hall. GRAND ISIAND , Nob. , May 13. fSpeoiul Telegram to Tni : BEI : . ] The homo tcata de feated Spud Farrlsh's Omaha aggregation again , to-day. The ground was very muddy , and the umpire's decisions were slinky , but impartial. The score : Grand Island. . .0 J 0 1 0 3 S 0 7 14 Omaha . 1 1 0000000 U Batteries Hughes und Ready ; Gamp und McNey. Errors Omaha 1. Grand Island 3. Earned Runs Grand Island 3. An Old Imdy's Suicide. LOUISVIM.H , Nob. , May 12. [ Special to TUB BKK.J Mrs. Sarah Slovens has been residing at the residence of her daughter , Mrs. J. W. Triflln , for several weeks past. This ufternoon , Mrs. Griflln wus horrified to discover her mother in the kitchen cutting her throat with the butchnr knife. She en- dcuvorcd to stay the old lady's hand , but \vns too late. The suicldo accomplished her purpose , severing tbo artery und jugular vein , and dying in a few minutes. Mrs. Stevens wat about seventy-three years old , and temporarily insane. Alirnliani Thlrsscn Dead. JANSCX , Nob. , May 13. [ Special to TUB Bcc.J Abraham Thiessen , who may be said to have devoted his life to the promotion of silk culture In Nebraska , died near this place of heart disease last week. Many of his numerous friends believe that if ho had been successful In his efforts to induce'.lie legislature to subsldi/o the enterprise ho would huvo built up u most valuable ir.dus. try in thu stato. Ho was about seventy years of ago and a 14'isslun by birth. Crete'H Now Improvements. CKUTK , Nob. , May 12.Special ( to TUB Bnn.j--Crote Is on the eve of a healthy boom. A number ot eastern capitalists have been hero nnd made some extennlvc invest ments. A table cutlery factory company has already beer orgnni/ud nn < l actual opor- utlons will commence next month. Other Industries uro favorably spoken of. The city waterworks nro umlor contract und will bo completed in tbo near future. Crops in Hrmvn County. LON PJNE. Nob. , M.iy J2. [ Special Tolc- gram to Tin : BIE. : I The farmers in this vicinity urn feeling confident of good crops. A largo ncreugn of small grain bus been sown , und never looked better. Com IK be ing planted and muny contmnpl.itc sowing coin for fodder. Valuable Idmostono I , ATKINSON , Nob. , May 12. [ Special to Tim Bra : . ] An apparently inexhaustible supply of limestone of n superior quality 1m been discovered on n farm , some fifteen miles nortnwest of this plneo. The owner is tak ing stops toward opening up und developing the quarry , THE COMMUTER IN CHICAGO. I'roctor Hnys Omnhn I'oopto Are Ii- vldml on the Fort Question. CHICAGO , May 12. Secretary of War Proc tor , General SchoilcM and others returned to the city to-day from a tour of Inspection of the western military noils made during the past week , "As n result of my visit to Fort Omaha , " said the sesrotary , ' ! huvo a number of paliurs and documents bearing on the estab lishment of the new reservation ut that point. The new fort and reservation for which an auproprintion already exists , will , of course , bo located at or near Omaha , nnd the question is , shall it bo within the limits of the city or In the vicinity , Tha people of Omaha are about cguully divided ou this question. " "Whatwill Hie depurttr.imt do In tl e mat- terl" ho was asked. Ho rupllod : "I can't say yet , nor do I know when it will bo settled. Probably not fur some lima yet , or until I have bud time to examine nil tup paper * I have with inc.1 ' AN OCEAN STEAMER'S ' PERIC Londod With Cotton nnd Lard , nnfl In Flrvmoa MASTERED DY JETS OF STEAM. PnnloSirlokou Pnssenirer.i Driven From Their Stnto ItonniH My the Plcrao llont A Cool and Worthy Cnptnln. Threatened Without Wnrnlnar. , rCV > i > i/rlyM l ffibu Jainrt Gordon JlcninU.l LOS-PON , May 13. [ Now York Heraia Cable Special to TUB UEI : . ] On the ar rival of the Hamburg-American company's mull steamship Ruglu in Plymouth Sound , this afternoon , from Now York , on route to Cherbourg und Hamburg , Captuln R. Kar- lown reported that the ship had a narrow escape from balng burned to the water's edge. She loft Now York May 3 , with 103 passengers' for England , France and Ger many , and n largo general cargo for Ham burg , consisting principally of cotton uud lard. lard.All All went well and the ? .hlp had made u fins passage until 8 o'clock on the evening of May S , when , m latitude 47 dog 10 mln north , longitude ! U dog west , without any previous warning whatever , Humes Issued from the ventilators of the afterhold. The o Ulcers mid crow were for n moment dumbfounded , as no smell had been detected nnd there wus no previous Indication of a conflagra tion , which must have been smouldering before tGo ship loft Now York. The passen gers became panic-stricken , for It appeared curtain that the crow could not master tha llamos. Tliu captain , however , ordered nil hands to the pumps , und the hatches wcra taken off , when instantly a body of llumo rose into the air , showing the cxtcnslva character of the lire. Realising the danger of exposing the flra to the air , Captain ICurlowa shouted , "Bat- ton down the hutches , " and the men , ut great risk , performed the task , many of them being seriously scorched. It was impossible to ascertain the scat of the flro. The captain , with n few oxperlj or.cod men , went ou the main deck ana opened the iron bulkhead door. A volume of Uro belched forth , scorching the face und hands of the captain nnd others ; but they rushed forward nnd fastened the doors again , thus confining the conflagration to thu nftcr hold. They ut once repaired to the upper deck , nnd , bolus having bat'ii cut In the hatches , the pumps were set to work uud immense quantities of water poured Into tha burning hold. It was all to no purpose , and for half an hour the lire seemed Increasing in fury and the terrillo heut could bo felt through tha Iron deck. The cublns of tlio nuln deck were Hooded , nnd the passengers had to fly to the upper deck. In the course of time tha ship had a nasty list to port , which , of course , increased tbo dlfllculty of extinguish. Ing the flumes. Captain Knrlowa , anticipating the worst , ordered nil the bouts provisioned and got ready for launching. About nn hour and a hulf after the outbreak , .por.t a.ud stnrboard , after life boats being provisioned , were low ered. There was a nasty beam sea running uttho time. Two or three sailors attempted to Jump into the life boat but Captain Knr- lown drew a revolver and threatened to blow out the bruins of the first who did so with out permission. The ilre seemed to have gained complete ; mastery , hut the captain decided to try Uio effect of stoara on the flumes , at the sumo time directing Chief Engineer J. Jangk to put the engine at full speed ahead , with a view of muking Plymouth , even if the ll'ro could not be subdued. The hose was at tached , nnd , in place ot water , steam was pumped Into the burning hold. For a time it seemed as If the tire wus fiercer than ever , but in two hours the steam had an appreci able effect. When this wus observed , a cheer went up from the passcugorn , and thoworc _ ! was continued. Au hour later the flro was so subdued us to allow the hatches to be re moved , finding bales of cotton still smoulder ing. ing.Tho The captain resolved to throw them over ? board , dangerous and difllcult ns this would bo. The process of hauling the burning bales out by means of grappling Irons was very slow , but , after further pumping In 'of steam and working of the hoso. some of tha sailors descended Into the hold and hooked bales onto the stoain winch. As the bales came Into the optn _ air , It was seen that tha lire in them was subdued. The liny was got under shortly after mid night. - A LETTISH FIIOM UUOLANI ) . The Writer Advises the Cultivation of Flax. WASHINGTON , May 13. Last week Prof. \Ylllutts , the assistant secretary of agricul ture. had under consideration a latter frmn Ireland , which ho thlnkn inuy ofTur a solu tion of the economic problem : WhutshhlL luke the pluco of wheat on furma can no longer bo raised iituprolltl Thq wntor , who has been familiur with llai growing uiTA linen manufacturing smcu 1&1D , nays in his Interesting communication : "Tlioro are only two establishments wc.iv Ing , ono at VYubHcr , Mass. , and the other nt Apul''ton , Win. , tlio littler doing but little. and neither weuvhig anything liner thai ! onnh. There is nothiiu ; in the climate OF soil conflicting with the assertion thut Just ns good Max und linen may bo produced in every state In tbo American ; union us in nny country , Germany now HpliiH and weaver , the llncst linen , nud sba has no essentially different climate from America. Mauy tilings become suocessful in America from the facility with which tha pp.oplu take up ami adopt hnprovad processes and appliances , uod this may jio the salva tion of the linen industry , of thu Importance of which there is no question. There is every reason whv the American farmers should produce 1,01X1,000 acres of ! tnx or seed and iibro over und above what is now produced , which would give 13- OOO.OvX ) to 15,000U'JO bushels of sued worth as many million dollars nnd , MOOOQ tons of flux straw , worth $ * > , ( XVjOiK , ) , und from which lUj.UiMJ tons of flux fibres would ba obtained , worth f 1UOUOOKX ( ) . Once estab lished , American Invention would , as In all other industries , soon build up an Industry to consume this raw material , " Prof. VYtllctts has Informed the scndov mat the bubjcct of his letter would bd curnnstty considered by the department , which would lend its aid to'uny effort to lpj crcaso or diversify the agricultural indus tries cf the country. Tiio Wrutlirr Indications , ' For Nebraska : Warmer ; fair ; wladi shifting to southerly , For Iowa : Fair , except local showers la oxtrcmu southeastern portion ; slightly warmer ; northerly winds , becoming vurlubloj For Dakota ; Pair ; warmer in southern porv tlon : cooler In northern portion ; souther ] ? winds , becoming variable. Ktcnmtdiip Arrivals , At New YorkLa NormandlRfrom IIuvre | the Edam , from Auisteidatn , At HavreLa .Mourgoyue.froui New Yorly