Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1889, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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Foraldtont EfTorta to Win Trndo in
Sllkn nnd ninok Goods. '
Colored surnhs , 87jc , 65c nnd ( We. sold
everywhere nt 660 to $1. Colored gros
grain Bilks , 75 nnd 860 , worth 81 to $1.50.
To oloso n line of colored satins , 2c n
yd. , worth 60c. Figured China silks ,
110 and C5c , worth 75c nnd $1.2.5. Plain
China ellks nt 60c , worth OOc. Dlnck
fillies nt 65 , 75 nnd 85c to 91.50 , for goods
worth 81 to 92.60. Dlnck sntln rhndnmcs ,
91 , 91.15 nnd 91.1(5 ( , ruinous prices.
Colored Bilk plushes , < 15c to closo. In
rcnl French honrloUns , RB well ns silk
finish nnd silk wraps , wo nro cutting
down the prices to effect snlcs.
A line of beiges in tnn nnd light grey
nt 7ic n ynrd. A hnndsomejlno of sum
mer suitings in chocks nnd stripes 15c n
ynrd , worth i5c. 'Ul-lnch line wool
chocks in lending shndes J0c ! n ynrd ,
worth ! J7c. : ! 0-lnch Honriottns in now
Bhndcs 29c ; compuro these with any
thing under GOc a ynrd. Superb 40-Inch
Henriettas nt15c , worth 05c. llonl
40-inch Foulo cloth , grey nnd tnn.15c ,
never Bold less than 75c. , Finest wool
French clmllics 65c , cost-75o to Import.
Real Krlttitintines SOo n ynrd. Beat
French Henriettas in all shades , supe
rior in make nnd flnisb , 76c , 85c and
$1.15 ; less than Import cost. French
novelty combination suitings at
( special nnd most attractive prices.
Vnlcnclcnnos laces Ic , 3c , 6c and lOc ;
mnchlno made linen , Torchon laces , 6c
for 12 yards , Real linen torchons , fie.
7c , 8c and lOc for live yaras. Medici
laces lOc per yard , worth IHc. Oriental
laces , 16c , worth lioe. Spanish , Chantilly -
tilly and tancy silk laces at special
prices. Silk Ilouncings in Guipure ,
Chantilly , French and Spanish , also
Oriental nnd Valenciennes Hounclngs.
Cambric edgings , Ic per yard , worth 5c ;
nt 5c worth lOc , at llc ) worth 2oc. Swiss
and cnmbric llouncings at 40 per cent
under vnluo. A most extraordinary sale.
This week's big sale on shoos. Men's
dress shoos only $1.50 , worth $2.60 ;
ladies' line kid shoes , nil solid , $2.00 ,
worth $11.00 ; Indies' line kid Oxford ties
$1.00 worth $1.60 ; children's fine dongoln
shoos sixes 2 to (1 ( flOc ; children's don-
gola Hhoes , sixes 5 to 8 , 76nnd85c , worth
$1.25 ; our tan goat Oxford ties at $1.50 ,
worth $2.60 ; best patent tip Oxford ties ,
this week , $1.25 , worth $2.00. Don't miss
the shoe sale if you want splendid bar
Dry Goods and Carpets.
Hnbson'tj Choice.
Thomhs Ilobson was a carrier at
Cambridge , England , and owning
horses , ho used to lot them to students.
Ho was a very humane man , and- made
a rule ihat every horse should have a
regular tiino in which to rest , and no
matter how much a student might
want to hire a particular horse , ho
couldn't pot him if it wore his time to
rest. So it was "Hobsoa's choice. Take
what you can got , or go without. "
"HobsonV has been the choice of
treatment for the victim of private
blood diseases , dose with mercury ana
potash , ( that never euro ) or go without.
Write or call on The National Remedy
Co. , 1414 Dodge St. , Omahn. Nob. , for
particulars of their marvelous remedy ,
Syphilitic. It has never failed to cure
in a single instance *
"Moore the Grocer" sells the most
and llnost berries in the market , and
always at the
Only 47 Mourn to Now York Via ttio
AValmsli ,
With corresponding fast time to all
points east and south. An elegant train
with reclining chair cars and Pullman
bulTot sleeping car leaves Omaha daily
at 4:15 : p.m. One way and round trip
tickets are now on sale to Liverpool ,
London , Paris and all parts of Europe
via all lines at lowest rates. For further
information or tickets call at the Wa-
bnsh ticket oflico , 1502 Farnam street ,
Omaha ,
Pianos tn Rent.
A good upright piano to rent , $5 per
month. A. Hospo , jr. , 161U Douglas st.
Canon Citv coal. $7 per ton.
Nebraska Fuel Co. , 214 South 13th St
Special IniliiccinontN In Ocean Tickets
Special excursions to Paris. Franco ,
sailing from Now York on May 1 , Juno
6 , and July 10. For further information
inquire at C. M. & St. P. ticket olllco ,
1501 Farnam St. . Barker block.
Via Omnlia and Council BluffH.
Short line to Ch' icago and the oast.
Finest dining cars til the world.
Through sleeping cars to Chicago.
The route of the first "Golden Gate
Special. "
Everything first-clans. <
First-class people patronize first-class
Ticket agents everywhere in the west
Eoll tickets over the Chicago , Milwau
kee & St. Paul railway.
Ticket olllco 1501 Farnam at. F. A.
_ Nash , General Agent.
For Sale.
Light-weight Snyder top buggy ;
boon run about six months ; carmine
running gear ; perfect condition.
S. P. Mojtsu.
llnptil TranBlr ,
On and after Sunday , May 12th , the
"only" Chicago & Northwestern will
put on a through train , Omaha to Chicago
cage , that discounts any train over run
between the two cities. Just listen to
this : Leave Omana at 8:45 : p. in.
( through cars , no change at Council
Bluffs ) , arrive at Chicago 12 o'clock the
next noon. Running time , fourteen and
one-half hours. The equipment of this
train is as line as the time is fast.
Don't think the afternoon vestibule
train is to bo discontinued on account
of. the extra llyor , for it isn't. This fast
and popular train , with its vestibule
sleepers , diners and free reclining chair
cars will leave solid from the Union
Pacific depot , Omaha , at 2:45 : p. in ,
dally , ; and arriveat Chicago 7 o'clock
next morning. The 0:15 : morning train
on the now schedule will remain un
changed. W. N. BAHCOCK ,
General Western Agent.
Ticket ollico , 1401 Farnam street.
Special Auction ,
Monday , 10 n. in. , at our salesroom , wo
will hold a special sala of bric-u-brao ,
fine furniture , etc. Our regular Tues
day sale will not take place next wool : .
Omaha Auction & Storage Co.
The A. O. II. society will hold their
annual ball Monday evening , May 13.
.at Cunningham hall , "cor. lath and
Jackson sta. The committee in charge
of arrangements nro some of our most
prominent citizens nnd nro , jleavlnt'
nothing undone to make this event one
of the grandest Omaha has experienced
for Bonio. The society -is one of the
finest in the oily , ana its mombeship
comprises many of our most prominent
citizens. Good inusio is engaged for the
occasion nnd a general good time is ox-
The Monarch Vapor Stoves. WK
DlOKKV & CO. , H03 Douglas fit.
Special Sato cm Mondny.
200 At ) ? checked napkins reduced to
20cdoz : 10 in wide glass chocked tow-
qllng , 60 yard ; 100 doz I all-linen Gor
man nankins nt $1 doz. This is the best
nankin for 91 you can buy in Omaha.
All-linen crashbleached or unbleached ,
at Sc , Gc , 8c and lOo yard ; glass-chocked
linen for aprons , 27 In nnd 30 in wide ;
yard wide grey dross linen at 15c , 20o
and 2-5c yard ; figured linen lawn , lighter
or dark colors : IndiA linen at 5c yard.
See the bargains wo offer in white dress
( roods'at lOc , 12c } , 15c and 18c yard.
Wo have got the assortment and .you
can make a bettor sploctlon in white
dross goods In our store than anywhere
else in the city and at lower prices.
Our stock of table linens is' second to
none in this city. Ladies who.nro
posted inform us that they can do bet
tor at Ilaydon's than anywhere else.
Our Turkey red damask at 47c , our
bleached nt 6J ( < 5 nnd Toe , nnd our
cream at 85c , GOo and 05c , are values
you dqn't find outside of Ilaydon's , ' Our
15c cream col'd , and 15c turkey rod , are
also cheap. Just roc'd another lot of
those extra size towels nt 2oc each ; our
towels at 1-Je , loc and lc ! ) are cheap ;
bargains in setts table cloth with nap
kins to match in various sizes and colors ;
lunch cloths of every description ; white
bed spreads at $1.00 worth $1.50. Wo
are the headquarters in sateens ; every
lady admits that our patterns are the
prettiest and selection the largest. In
ginghams our assortment and prices
load at Sc yd up. On Monday 200 pieces
of zophor clobh , striped , plaids or plain
colors , only 7c yd. Mosquito nettings
in all colors. Our domestic counter is
crowded every day ; here is whore you
can buy muslins , shirtings , etc. , cheaper
at retail than wholesale. Don't fail to
attend the lace curtain sale on Monday
on fourth floor ; on this Moor you will
also nnd carpets , wall paper , baby car
riages , etc.
Dry Goods and Garnets.
Omaha Division Biznnr.
The lady friends of Omaha Division
No. 12 , U. R. K. of P. , will give a ba
zaar and festival at Goodrich hall May
22 to 25 inclusive. Music , dancing and
refreshments each evening. Admis
sion 25 cents , including dancing.
The finely illustrated lectures of Mr.
Ragan should not bo forgotten. The
course of three lectures only $1.60.
Hard Wood.
Twelve and slxtoon-inch hard wood.
MOUNT & GUIFFIN , 213 S. 14th st.
StrinirH For All IiiHtnuiieritH
at Molnborg's , 1514 and 1510 Dodge st.
To the Art Inhibitors
Who intend to exhibit their pictures at
the Western Art association jrnllory
May 16 , and wish them nicely framed ,
wo will give a special discount of 20 per
contort our regular retail price until
that date. Sc ? the now designs and
extra low prices. A. Hosi'K , an. ,
1513 Douglas st.
fine , and makes you enjoy everything
you oat.
A young team , now harness and new
wagon for sale cheap at the Pioneer
stables , 413 S. 13th St. , Monday. A.
For Sale Hand made brick in any
quantity. Henry Rittcr and Bcndorf
Co. , manufacturers , olllco 818 N. 20th st.
Fine Chlckerliii * IMnno Only $125
at Moinborg's , 1514 and 1516 Dodge st.
Auction ol' .
Monday , 10 a. m. , at salesroom , 1121
Farnam. Elegant bronzes , lamps , um
brella stands , lire screens , andirons ,
etc. Omaha Auction & Storage Co.
It Bents Oklahoma.
CIIAMIIBULAIK , South Dakota , May
12. [ Special to THK BKK. ] The
rush hero still continues , and faith
in the future of Chamberlain grows
daily. The certainty of the opening of
the Sioux reservation is now generally
acknowlcdgod/and this is the gate to
the new promised land. Itoal estate
values are rapidly advancing. The rush
for lots in the Lincoln park addition is
a marked feature of present develop
If You AVnnt n Pine Piano
at a great bargain call at Meinberg's
music store , 1514 and 1510 Dodge st.
Ragan illustrated lectures on Mon
day , Tuesday and Wednesday. Don't
forget them.
If you never have tried "THE ONE
MINUTE" coffee pot , you should , nnd
then you will have the most delicious
cup of coffee you over drank , and only
use ONE-HALF the quantity of coffee ,
because you use "PULVERIZED COF
FEE. " "Moore the Grocer" sells them ,
and the Best Powdered Coffee also.
Don't forgot the place.
C. B Moore & Co. ,
Cash Grocers ,
1515 Dodge , Omaha.
Elegant pineapples at Moore's for 35c.
Visit to the Stru 111:0 IlctiiUents of
Pltonlrn Inland.
When the clipper ship C. Schopp ,
which has iust tied up at Race street
wharf , was boating down in the trade
winds in the dreary waste of the South
Pacillc ocean , on her way from San
Francisco to Philadelphia , Captain
Gates was much surprised to find on
coming on deck one morning a boat
load of stalwart men approaching his
vessel , says the Philadelphia Record.
An island was scon a short distance off
the starboard bow , and on tlio boat get
ting within hailing distance an aged
and decrepit man in the bow shouted :
"I am Thursday October Christian , gov
ernor of Pltcairn Island. "
Ho said that the population of Pitcairn -
cairn consisted of 115 men , women and
children. Captain Gates ordered the
yards aback , and in a few minutes
eighteen men were on the ship's deck ,
all of whom bore evidence of English
ancestry. They wore extremely re
ligious , and hold exclusively the teach
ings of the Seventh Day Adventists , the
result of the work of a missionary , who
was wrecked there years ago while
bound from San Francisco to China.
The governor stated that ho was the
grandson of one of the mutineers who ,
in 1789 , sot adrift the olllcors of the
English warship Bounty , nnd then bore
away for the island of Otaholto. nnd
had lived for years there before being
discovered. They were afterward ar
rested and sent to England for trial.
The governor said that the use of to-
.bacco and liquors was entirely unknown-
among the people of Pltcairn , nnd that
the little colony were in need of dross
goods , particularly for the women , as
nearly all of the latter wore dressed in
men's clothes secured from passing ves
sels' . A supply of clothing was given
and an abundance of fruit and provis
ions was sent on board the ship in ex
Dr. E. Holovtschlnor , German physi
cian , has moved from 18lh and Jackson
sts. to Sheely's block , 15th and Howard
6t8. , room 210.
liMfr * < V . .
Compare Goods nnd Prices.
Marvelous bargains in kitchen uten
Mouse trap Ic ,
Lemon squeezer 5c.
Rolling pins 5c.
Dairy pan Ic.
Wash bowl 6e.
Slop jar 25c.
Chopping bowl Sc.
Scrub brush 8c.
Rico root scrub 6c.
Chopping knife 6c.
Mixing bowls 6c.
Salt collor Ic.
3 ft. step-ladder 45e , worth 75c.
4 ft. step-ladder 55c , worth $1.00.
0 ft. step-ladder OSc , Worth $1.25. f
Milk crock 6c.
Coffee pot lOc.
Ice tongs lOc.
Ice axe and pick 15c.
Knife tray 6c.
Garden trowel Gc.
Egg beater 6c.
2 boxes tncks 5c.
12 knives and forks 39c.
Soup dish 6c.
Sauce dishes tc.
Vegetable dish lOc.
Combination coat and hat rack lOc.
12 English cups and saucers 35cworth
Rock tea sot 16c , worth floe.
Decorated china calls and poppers lOc.
Fine spittoon 15c.
Wash bowl and pitcher 60c.
Engraved goblets 5c , worth 2.C.
Night lamps complete lOc.
Metal oil stove 76e , worth $1.60.
Decorated paper palls 0c.
No. 8 wash boiler , copper bottom , 95c.
7-pln hat rack 6c.
It pays to keep posted on our low
High art gilt wall paper at bargain
prices. IIAYDEN BROS. ,
Dry Goods and Carpets.
The finest asparagus in the city at
Magnificent modern Piano $1O ( )
at Moinborg's , 1514 and 1510 Dodge st.
Aftor'thoroughly testing Dr. Sicilian's
Anaesthetic for over u week , and being
entirely satisfied and convinced that by
Us use teeth can positively bo extracted
without pain and without any bad ef
fects whatever following. Wo have
purchased the right to use or soil the
same throughout the state of Nebraska.
DllS. BlLLUIOS & SlIUllltADUN' .
After demonstrating to the entire sat
isfaction of Dr. A. Salisbury , of Platts-
mouth , and Dr. Kilmer , of Lincoln , wo
have sold thorn the exclusive right to
use the anaesthetic in those cities.
'Groat BarcaiiiB In Pianos
at Mcinborg's , loll and 1510 Dodge st.
* >
The Ragan illustrated lecture course ,
three lectures , $1.50.
When cleaning house dotf't forget
"Moore's Best Soap. " Not only the
best , but the cheapest.
C. B. Mooitu & Co. ,
Cash Grocers.
How the "Wonderful Animals arc
Kept in Practice.
Crossing the yard one" comes in full
view 'of Jim Stewart , a colored trusty ,
who has charge of the penitentiary
pack , says the Little Rock Gazette.
Hero are live bloodhounds the white
bitch Nellie and four dark-colored dogs
that outrival any fellers or any walls
in the matter of restraining convicts
from running away. Out at the camp
at Palarm the other Sunday u convict
jumped and managed to got a clear two
liours' start before his absence was
noted. He swam the creek , and , by
diligent running , had covered nine
miles or more in the two hours. Two
men followed him the guard of the
gang to which ho belonged and the dog
man ana four dogs. Ho was tracked ,
overtaken and brought back. Next day
ho was wearing a heavy iron spur , some
thing that will prevent any display of
aerillty as long as it is worn. But with
the spur on the convict could not chop
wood. The spur was removed , and the
convict told , while the howling of the
hounds interrupted the words , that ho
'could take another run if ho wanted
to. " You lot a man swing an axe every
day , eating a pound and a half of bread
and meat at a meal , and turn him loose ,
and it takes a pretty good horse to keep
up with him. Wit'n an hour's start ho
will bo gone oighl or nine miles before
you can catch him. The man who said
that was fully alive to the value of his
dogs , his bloodhounds , or man trailers ,
as some folks might call them. And
now the dogs are to go through their
Usual daily run , for bloodhounds , like
pointers and setters , need to bo con
stantly kept in practice. At The Walls
and at each one of the camps the dogs
nro given a daily run , longer or shorter ,
harder or easier , as circumstances dic
tate. In the present instance ) a trusty
is started out from in front of the hos
pital building. Ho darts off around
the corncrib , goes down along the gar
den fence , climbs the fcnco , jumps the
ditch on the other side and makes sun
dry devious windings in the immciibo
field called a garden , going round three
sides and coming back to the hnybarn ,
climbs up a post and stands in a posi
tion of safety. Meanwhile Jim Stewart ,
n lithe young follow , wearing a slouched
hat , whoso band is fnntasticnllp adorned
with metal buttons , is holding four dogs
in leash with one hand and keeping the
bitch , Nellie , back with the other. At
the proper moment Nellie is loosed and
the leash slipped from the other four ,
nnd as Stewart winds his horn away go
the dogs , Nellie in the load. Nellie has
seen the fugitive go down by the corncrib -
crib , and follows apparently by
sight. Almost before you know
it the whole pack is bunched nt
the fence , nnd in an instant Nellie is
up and over a plank and tearing down
the garden. Her nose is first down ,
then up , and never held paticularly
close to the ground. A few foot from
the fence she strikes the scent , follows
it through the turnip patch , turns back
where it doubles , nnd keeps on till she
comes swinging down underneath the
south wall , and then noses closely along
till she is on the homo trail. Within
IIvo minutes from the time that the
trusty had climbed into his perch of
safety Nolliu has him treed and is barkIng -
Ing ut him with nil her might. The
other dogs got a little confused in the
turnip patch , but. rallied admirably ,
going back on the * back track till the
live trail was struck , and soon com
ing into the hnybarn. It is all Interest
ing enough to look at , but the way the
hounds bay as they give cry isn't very
reassuring to the man who is being
chased. Few of the dogs are given to
biting , though some of them will bite
anybody when they got excited on the
run ; but it isn't the dog's tooth that the
fugitive convict dreads ; it Is the nose
that can follow a man through almost
any tangle of underbrush or wood. For
a second run the dogs follow on the
trail of the trusty around the work
shop , the cell-house , behind the wagon-
shop and across the yard. The scent
doesn't lie BO well on the hard macadam
of the yard , and is , moreover , confused
with that of the other trails ; but the
dogs keep at it and soon coino up to
whore the trusty in safely ensconced hi
the burn ,
The Inco our tain snlo of this season
will begin Monday morning at 9 sharp ,
at Haydon's , on 16th street.
Wo have iust 'received ' from a largo
importing llouso ; 460 pairs of Netting
ham Inco curtMns. These curtains
were sold to us nt.'n loss to the manufac
turer , but they1 shall bo your gain.
They are the boat value Hayden Bros ,
over offered in Omaha. Lace curtains
at $1.25 , $1.35 , 91,40 , $1.60. 31,00,91.05 ,
91.75 , $2.00. $2.25 , $2.60 , up to $12.00 a
pair , With each pair wo will give you
a polo with brass trimmings , free , on
Monday only. Wo have also in this lot
some cheap low priced curtains , in fact
the "lowest prices over offered. On
Monday wo will offer you cream or white
lace curtains at lOc each. No poles with
this curtain at lOo. Bettor ones at 2oc
and Doe onch. Wo have about 50 pieces
on hand of Nottingham lace curtain
not by the yard at 7c , 8c , lOc , 12Jc , ISo.
18c , 20c and 25c yard , less than half
thnir value. Chenille table covers and
curtains at a bargain. Oriental silk
curtains worth $12.00 , reduced to $8.50.
Just opened CO pieces of pongee drapery ,
n very good imitation of silk , and sold
all around us at 25c , our price Monday
will bo 15e a yard. Colored scrim and
fancy draperies of every description at
reduced prices on Monday. Bargains
in window shades that you'lind only on
Monday , and only at Ilaydon's. 0 feet
long Holland shades mounted on spring
rollers complete 4 colors to select from
to close , 29o each. Come early to got
first choice. Lace curtain sale begins
at I ) a. m. Wo are showing some very
pretty carpets. All wo ask is for you
to see them and compare prices , and
you will bo convinced that it will pay
you to buy your carpets at Hnyden's
For fine gilt wall paper at low prices wo
boat them all.
Dry Goods and Curpcts.
Moore & Co. ,
1515 Dodge , Omaha , have bargains to
oiler in second hand delivery wagons ,
tea , spice and coffee cans and coffee mill.
Mimic For tiio Million
at Mcinborg's , 1514 and 1510 Dodge st.
F. BAUHKT11 At Co. ,
Will make you a stylish suit for the
sumo price that other tailors charge
for clothes that look like ready mado.
Every garment manufactured in
Omaha by first class workmen. Culling
and filling by Frank Bonham , late with
Ilclin & Thompson.
SUITS- FROM $25 TO10. .
115 N. 16th St.
Open evenings.
The Small nut Sumptuous Apartment
in Which She Kccolvos Friends
Mrs. William B. A star's reception
room is a snug , small , sumptuous apart
ment that looks out on Fifth avenue
through nslngle window , cased in ebony
wood , and smothered in hangings of
turquois blue silk mid indigo tinlcd lace ,
says ti Now York letter. The walls are
hung in turquois eilk , with a ooconitive
dado and a canvas-painted ceiling , and
the ebony finish oi iho woodwork is as
beautifully polished as a piece of onyx.
In the center of tlio parquetry lloor is
an odd design of small Persian rugs , in
laid , as it were , in a field of garnet
toiry. Precious rugs drape the small
divans , and superb specimens of needle
paintings are shown in the chair cover-
coverings. Thu most attractive article
of furniture is a small upright piano of
light mahogany , beautifully embel
lished with panels of carved silver ,
symbollic of music and bong.
Figures of cupid and busts of child
ren fill the corners of the room with
beauty , and as the visitor enters she
passes under Iho glossy green branches
of a small palm tree thai slands on a
pedestal of polished green marble. All
the ornaments nro of Dresden china ,
and the fantastic beauty and grace of
the figures , the variety of design , and
brilliancy of color produces an effect
both novel and agreeable. On the
walls hang brackets , baskets and pock
ets of the llowory porcelain , and about
the metal cabinet , along the edges of
small stands , and fairly crowding the
piano shelf are shepherds and bhop-
herdesses , troubadours , peasant girls ,
and cnurt figures , no Iwo alike , and
each outrivaling the other in gnycty
and color. Another feature of this
room ib the splendid artificial ( lowers
a variety of decoration , by the way ,
that Mrs. Astor is fond of.
Violets , lillics , lilacs , feverfews , hyn-
cynlhs , buttercups anil 11 little wilder
ness of field ( lowers nro knotted together
in clustering bouquets and freight the
wheelbarrows , vases and judiniorcs of
Dresden china , while in the slender
Will purchase a firss class
tailor made suit ; made in the
latest style ; trimmings and
workmanship first class ; cut
aud fit guaranteed.
Will purchase a pair of pants
made to order exactly as you
may wish them.
Why pay higher prices ? we
guarantee the goods , the fit
and style ; what more can you
expect for your money ? J
In addition to our large as
sortment atithe above prices ,
we have some finer grades , if
you desire them. In these
you'll find us below all others
we are leaders in low prices
as is well known.
Further , we make up all our
work at home.
London Tailors
313 & 15tt Street Omaba.
Open until Nine o'clock.
forms of crystal nnd jeweled ware are
roses , asters , jnponicas nnd magnolias
of such A remarkable composition ns to
ohallnngo detection in n tlowor show
without the assistance of touch or smell.
The linen blossoms were brought from
Franco last summon , and the sum paid
for them would hnvo procured n nice
supply ol out flowers for nn ontlro sen-
sou. All the hangings about the room
nro made of rich blue silk canvas ,
Jiandsomoly worked in silver threads.
The family crest , done on n field of
scarlet and white in silk , silver and
gold , nnd mounted in banner form , is
the glory of an east corner.
Mrs. W. W. Aster's callers nro di
rected to n little Pomolnn room , fin
ished in black wood nnd richly hung
with crimson , the silk twill covering
not only the walls and windows , but
paneling the doors and draping furniture -
turo , table nnd mantle-shelf. Tlio color
is that Warm , blood-rod that inakos n
plain fuco pretty and a pretty face glo
rious. By moans of n largo and bonutl-
fully embroidered screen the room can
bo provided with n snuggery , and It Is
hero that the lovely young mistress
sees an intimate friend who has not a
moment to stop and a word to say. Tlio
fireplace has a delightful profusion of
brasses , nnd among the furniture is n
little toto-n-toto table spread with a
dainty china service , where the re
freshing cup of vanilla , cocoa , or sweet
chocolate Is brewed with jeweled lin
gers and discussed with fragments of
Four Hundred reputation.
Lots in Collier Place $800 to $1,200 ,
one-tenth cash , balance ono to live
years. Call or write for plat.
MCCAUUK , opp. P. O.
4 A QEPfiC QfHTQ t
$20 & $25.
Nicoll's have these goods *
in 8 colors and seven
They're imported serges
the best sort and have no
fi equal for summer wear
Nicoll imports these ser-
ges , cases full at a time
* and their price f
I $20 & $25 |
9 9
la suit make them popular I
f with dressy men
1409 Douglas Sired , Omaha
now John II. Drnpor Conduct * n Bnlo
of Old Mnfltcrs.
John II. Draper is , by the way , ono of
the very few successors wo hnvo to the
witty nuctionoorsol the generation cone
before us , says n writer in n Now York
paper. When ho porches himself in hia
arm-chair , florid nnd handsome , nnd
with his line tloxlblo volco commences
to do business , you may bo sure thnt the
fun will soon begin , Ho has n word for
every one , and a repartee for every oc
casion. A man who had eaten too much
dinner groaned when a beautiful little
Corot was knocked down for 8125.
"Tlioro , " snld the auctioneer , solemnly ,
"you hear Corel's ghost , don't you ? " A
drunken man , who had wandered in and
fallen asleep in a remote chair , fell
ever on the lloor just as a strong Michel
wont nt $05. "The price made him
faint , " wus Iho auctioneer's comment.
When n brilllnnt Vlbort , n cardinal ,
nil in rod under n. red umbrella , wnlU |
ing in n sunlit garden , was put up ,
and ono of the millionco went up
to oxnmino it on the easel , the auc
tioneer said : "You've often painted It
that way yourself. " A Montlcolll ho
described as n peed "all the week pict
ure. " You could call it what you
wanted , nnd turn it n now wny every
day out of the seven , nnd give In n now
title. Any ono who knows Montlcolh's
nbsinthosquo fantasies of color , will ap
preciate the description. ' When n ten
tative bidder offered a raise of $1 on n
Corot , and a good ono , the auctioneer
inudo it $2.60. The bidder protested
that ho had only made the tlguro $1.
"All right , " said the auctioneer , "I'm
lending you $1.00 to preserve your self-
respect. " When tlio sale ended , the
auctioneer gravely thanked his nu-
dlenco , forgave them for their coldness
on the ground that ho did not blame
them for being shy of picture sales now
adays , and sent them oil with the vale
dictory , "God help the old masters. "
Alaska Refrigerators. War. LYLK
; Y & Co. , 1403 Douglas St.
for Kroo Illustrated I'niii jihlot uiul Onta-
loguo or
lucltul Ing
Jenness Miller Specialties ,
Soml Stamp to
MRS. S. W. 1'IKE ,
7I > Madison St. . ChlcnRO. Ills ,
Adams Co , , Neb , jj
Division Point and Terminus
of Mo , Pacific Railway ,
MAT 15th , 1889.
Trntn lenvcs Hastings nt 12:20) :
p. m. Free fnre. Snlo com
mences nt 1:8O : p. m. '
Jlny in , 1" , nnil If. Ssitimlnjr Mntliicc.
OorKOousSiicctnculnr Triumph , TIIR
Rewritten , nrrmipod nnd produced under tUt
nmimgoinent ot CHAKI.KS II. YAUI.
70 1'KOl'LK ON THE STAtiK !
OO HAI.Ijr.TI O I'ltKMllillS !
Tlio Greatest of Spectacles with n Ornml Ilnl
lets Ji. " 5 I'rcBh iinil J'rotty Socoiulcs IXi.
Dazzling Costiimos nnd Scenery. Tlio Uv
Coc.kutoo lliillet. Tlio 1'olicemeu nud the rilrts.
The Dunca of tlio Nations ,
Don't Kail to Take tlio Children. '
Hegulur prices , seatH go on snlo Wednesday.
WEEK. OF ITIOi\I > A\ ' MAY 13.
Constellation of Novoltli-sll *
MAZIE , The Princess
From IlliuloHnnl THK TALMIST. j
Yourllfon bnro fnct to tier. Without tnoncr 01
irlci1 she tulls tlio forttuio of nil UdlG * w ho rome to
{ liuMuHeafilR "cnk. t < OI.OMO.NS TlC.Ml'LL ! U fln <
Ishnl nnorrnilr Torln'ppctlon. '
Kililny , Mujr Ktli-l.HilH's' Souvenir DAT. i
] { T ryIiuljr iittunrtliiK AttcriiiHin or lAaM will bq
iireni-iitccl wltli A IIKAUTlKUIi IIOOUKT OK WAX
KLOWKUH. S > tun1uy , ClllI.DltliN'ri DAY. AU
School Children ncliltt lltocl InenlB ! mul Mutco foj
Ten Cents , ( loud Attractions In nil imrts of llioliouia
Uuo Dliuo AilinltS to All.
Engagement Limited to Three Nijrhts nnd Saturday Mntinoo , commencing J #
Return of the Greatest of Spectacles , \rastly Enlarged and Infinitely Grander ,
Glorious Spectacular Triumph. The
CIIAS. H. YALE , Manager , WITH
70 - - PEOPLE ENGAGED - - 70
GRAND ) Dramatic Cast of I FAMOUS
The Only Spectacular Novelty of the Seasonj
35 BALLETS , i 26-Tons of Scenery-26 { SPBMAMMS 4
The - Greatest - Mechanical - and - Panoramic - Effects ? *
The Trnnscendentally Glorious Nntionnl Marchl Miles ' , Bonfanti , Eloise and ' ,
Chiadol "Tho Policemen and the Flirts ! " "The Live Cockntoo '
Ballet ! " "The Ballot of Nations ! "
To see the antics of "Los Fioro's Caron , ' ' "Tho Topsy-Turvoy Troupe , "
"A Carriage Ride and Its Mishaps , " nnd
E rl2,000 $ , Transformation Scene ! KS Ten Great Comedians !
Regular prices. Scats go on sale Wednesday morning.
The New Tropic
Gasoline Stove.
With hot blast Tubular Generator. Immense
ly increased capacity. Patent Folding Oven. '
Shelf and Removable Cartridge Packing in
StandpipeNo more clogged standpipes.
More scientific improvements than all other vapor stoves
bined. Thousands in successful operation. Call at my store and see
the stove in use.
2407 Cuming Street , near
, Saunders. .
Sole agent for Siberia Hardwood Re
frigerators , Tropic Vapor Stoves and
Perfection Asbestos Lined Russia Iron -
Fined Ovens.
The only oven on the market
that does not allow the fumes and
impurities of the gasoline to .pass into
the baking.
John Hussie
2407 Ouming Street.
Our Hot Ila t Tubu lar ISurnvr. Our Pulculert Ilunioviibio Curlrlifgo for stand
This cut shows exactly how the hot air is drawn up the IlyieinovlntfthenraMmitatlmttniuorHtnnilnint ,
center of the burner to mingle with the llamcs. The of caitrltlgo I expofod. nml U tnn l i ea ly loji'io ? i i ? Io ° V 'l ' ena
! <
. " tU'
rtpalreil. No otlu-r Btovo ImB tliln vulimblu ' " " ' > " <
action is bim liar to that of a blow pipe , to intensify the A Nut . lit bottom of Btaml iilpo. foatur -
II . I.eulliiT wuHlier or K'utkot.
bent. f. l'iicked
D l'lio for Biwolluu leading from the tauk.