Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1889, Part II, Page 14, Image 14

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_ _ J3MAHA
No urtTcrtlseiiiontH will tie taken for
tlicnn column * nflor liltO : p. in.
Terms Cnsli In ndvnucc ,
Advertisement * tinder thU bend 10 c nt p t
Boo for too flrit Insertion , 7 cents ( or each nub'
eqncnt Insertion , and ) . > per Una per month.
Ho advertisement taken ( or lent than 25 cents
the first Intertton , Seven words will bo counted
to too line ; they muni run consecutively nnd
KUit be paid In ADVANCE. All advertise
ment * must 1)8 hndc'l m boforn 1Z:30 o'clock p.
. , nod under no circumstances will they b *
taken or discontinued by telephone.
r rtle advertl IUB In these columns and havIng -
Ing their answers addressed In care o ( THE HE
wfil plcADO sk ( or a clicck to enable them to set
their letters , as none will ba delivered except on
presentation of iliock. All answrs to auver-
liiomontn should be enclosenin enrolopes.
All advertisements In these columns nro pub
lished In both morning and evening editions of
TilKllKK , the circulation of which aggregates
more than 1H.OOJ pnpora dally , ana gives the ad
vertisers the DencOt. not only o ( the city circu
lation of TUP. HKK , but 'so ' of Council Illuffi.
Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
UilH section of the country.
Adrortlilng for these columns will bo tnfcen
n tne above conditions , at the following busl-
MCM houses , who nro ni tliorlrcd agents forTiia
IJ K special notices , and will quote the- sum *
rates ai tan bo had at the main olllce.
" OIIN W. iiBLL , PhnrmVcliMffiO Bouta Tenth
ASK * Rnnr. Stationery and Printers , 119
CII lith Htr.aU
. rAIlNSWOHTIl , Tharmtlist , 2118 Cum-
> Dg Street.
WJ. HUnHB8I'hiirmacl8t , 624 North ICth
GKO. WTPABR , I'harmaclst , 1809 Bt. Marj'i
LJ OTKL clerk desires n situation. Can fur-
JLJLntsh good references. Address A no , lice.
Hook like It-bents them all ; SO Illus
trations ; humorous , pathetic , fasclnntlug.
Ono ntfent made t < 7 In 4 days ; ono took lu orders
in ; l minutes In one ( > . A. K. post. Choose ter
ritory now ; " 4 attractive illustrations froa
with circulars and terms. N. U. Hamilton > V
Co , 1'ubUshvrs , 311) ) Superior at. , Cleveland , O ,
ANTED A shoamAkar , for a few weeks or
longer. Win. Tlllman , Uleuwood , la.
125-12 *
AGENTS Wanted For our new lust-selling
sclntllutlng iridescent signs. Outllt free ,
Hobtrt Slins tf Co. . Washington. 1) . C. 124-12 *
WANTED Experienced man stenographer
and book-keeper. Apply No. 611 S. 13th
fc. between 1 nnd 2 o'clock p. m. 077 f'- *
" \7l7ANTED-Two llrst-class painters ; none
TV others need apply. Cull nt 4218 Nicholas
it. . Walnut Hill. J. ( . ; Gladden. 10312 *
\ \ > ANTED Local and general agents to rep-
TY resent us in the Introduction und anlo of
the fastest selling article on the market. Terri
tory free ; exclusive control given : "COtotlOO
ferweekto good llvo men. Enclose 4 cents
postage for tree sample , terms nnd full partic
ulars. Address the Nichols Mtg Co. , Onnlaska ,
jVJg. 03412 *
"I717"ANTED Good salesman to sell ndvertls-
VV Ing cauls and novelties on commission di
rect from manufacturer. You can make (60 per
> week. Address Advertising Specialty Co. ,
Buffalo. NY. 037 10
WANTED Hy a largo nnd rellnblo cigar fac
tory , several traveling salesmen tnrough
Missouri nnd Nebraska to c.irry our special
brand , "Coiiitnander-ln-Chlef Win. Wnrnor , "
Havana 6c cigar , with privilege ot carrying our
full line on commission. Only those controlling
trndo among grocers , druggists and general
stores need npnly. Al references required. I.
Goldsmith & Hros. , 11 and 13 Dearborn st , Chi-
cago. 111. 113-12 *
AOENTS wanted to sell Harrison nnd Morton
running the world , or the great political
donkey puzzle. Send 12 cents for .sample in
fitamps. Address Robert Chnmpney , K2J Pnx-
ton block. Omaha. Neb. 114-11 *
TXT ANTED Experienced brick yard men can
TV tlnd steady employment by applying. Win.
Itadford. River Fulls. Wls. U28-16J
\ \ } ANTED A good lithographing solicitor
TV who has an established trade In this s c-
. tlon to work Omaha trade. Straight salary and
"permanent place. Address A 40 lleo olllco. tea
WANTED Salesman familiar with gr6cer
or drug trade of this section. I'nrt salary ,
part commission. Address , A 38 , Dec olllco ,
AOENTS-HlB money in it. Soils at sight.
Exclusive territory. Hours between 10 nnd
2 , room 10 Arlington block. 147-13 *
$ S5 WEEKLY Representative wanted in
every community. Goods staple and sell on
light. Absolutely new ; household necessity.
No canvassing. Elite Mfg. Co. , Pullman buildIng -
Ing , Chicago , III. 75(1 (
WANTED Agents Puzzle watch charm ;
most taking novelty out ; exact Imitation
ot "Pigs in Clover. " size of nickel , gold platod.
Sample loc. two 26c. doz. tl ; stumps taken.
Btayner & Co. . Providence. H. I 754 J4t
" \\7ANTED The Grand Union Ten Co. , of
VV Omaha , wants u representative In every
town or city within JJO miles of Omaha. Must
be thoroughly acquainted and reliable. Elthor
lady or gentleman can till this position und
make fair wages. Address W. K. Duval ,
Manager. 748-12
WANTED Rockmen , tlemakers.graders nnd
tracklayers for Washington territory ;
Uady wor * and good wages. At Albright's
. Labor Agency , 1120 Karnam st. 664
-Am. Dlst. Tel.Co. . 1U04 Douglas.
ANTED Man and wife on a farm ; woman
k V V must be a good cook.t35farm ; blacksmith.
BO. Mrs , llretra. 314V4 B 16th. 118 I3t
WANTED At once six first-class cornice
makers. John Kueneter , 108 So , mh at.
J l-.ia.14t
SALESM EN A good olferl Permanent situa
tion , tie to tlOl per month and expent > ei , or
large commission , to successful men to sell our
bardy nursery stock , plants and seeds. Previ
ous experience not essential. Arply , with ref
erence , to L. L. May Ac Co , NurserymenFlorists
> > nd Seedmen. St , I'aul , Minn. 120 12 *
W ANTED-Homo for a bright little girl of
12 ; also for u colored girl of 13. Mrs. Hregu ,
816th. IIP 12 *
WANTED A need milker un a dairy farm ;
also a 3d COOK , (26 , fare puld. Mrs. Hrega ,
" Uth st. 141-12J
WANTED Two eucrgetlu men for county
managers ; must have good address , de
posit tu nnd glv good reference. Uulnry flUO
per month. Call or address Davis Y Shahan ,
Uu llamuo block. Omaha , Neb. l > TJ.12t
TANTED At onto 11 man with stock of
. . ' clothing , or clothing and dry goods. Will
lake right mnnln napattner. Stock must be
pud for. For particulars nddrcss 1) . W. Bls-
ivorth , 405 Bo. Howard st. , Bloux City , la.
| _
A OKNTB wanted on salary , 176 per montn ,
itxund expenses paid , any active man or wo
man to ( ell our goods by bamplo and live at
home. Salary ualct promptly nnd expenses in
advance , Full partlculam and sample case
rrm ) . We mean Just what wo say. Address
Standard mivernure Co. , lioston , Mass.
KiU 111-10 *
miiglo cigar tighter ;
every imoktr buys ; llttht in wind or rain ;
lasts a lifetime ; sample ir > c , two for 2Sc , dozen
| l , bynmll ; stampi taken. Ktarner & Co. ,
11-oil - " " - *
> H. L 170-m22
W 'ANTED itnergctlc men nnd women every
where for a geuteol , money-making bnsl-
* IMS * , ibb weekly' profit guaranto'ed easYer than
MO monthly otherwise. Experience absolutely
unnecessary. Permament position and uxclua-
' Ive territory assured. (3 samples free. Write for
, particulars. Address with stump. Merrill Mfg.
* fa" 63 Chicago 714-miaj
SALESMEN We with a few men to s nil our
good * by sample to wholesale and retail
trade. Largett manut'ra In our line. Enclose
S-cent stamp. Wages (4 per day , Permanent
position. No portals answered. Money ad
vanced ( or wages , advertising , etc. Centennial
Man'f'n Co. , Cincinnati. O. isu
< TXT ANTED Men to solicit ; must deposit (24
VV nnd give security for money collected ,
B .lry f,6toIOO per month. Call on or ad
dress Geo. B. Cllur , 611 First National bank. 470
r- ' . . . . - . . .
WANTED At once , an experlenced 2d" girl
for the country , in a family of two. easy
. ' work und good home for the right person.
1 Mubtbe abln to furnish good reference ; wagon
i'.lpj per month. Address A 58 Ueo. 110-Ut
> J\tXrANTBl-Competent. ) willing girl for gen.
u TV ei-ul housework. Must ha\o references
ftt-Vni. L.O. Jones , 71H N. 2l t st. wa
Ui in "i i
llTANTHD-Youna girl to caio for small
- YV child. Inquire mocnpltol nve. 130-14 *
\\TANTBD llonspkeeper for Cheyenne. (20 ;
Tl competent cook for olllcers' families at Nlo-
- braraund Fort Robinson , 1 for an Institution.
, WO ; iji dining-room ulrls ; yomip lady not ntruld
tv ark to attend u counter : a comiiutent seeped -
, pod girls , U ; 4 women dUUwasners , 60 girls for
; general hoiuoncrk In uud out of cityMr a.
A girl for u-enoiRl housework nr
Bood nurs iHrl. CUBsotUat. wt
WANTED-Two ladles to follclt ) must boot
good address , deposit (16 for rnoncy col-
lotted. Pnlnry ti60 per day. Call on Davis &
bhnhnn. 140 llamge building. Omaha. 134-12 *
W ANTKD Mlddlo nged woman of exper
ience to cnro for bnbo nnd do housework ,
also competent cook for fnmlly of two. Refer
ences required. Inquire Sunday , May 12 , nfter
2 oclock , room laU'.nxton hotel. 103-12 *
Kit-Good girl for general housework.
WANT of F. D. Wead , room 3 N. I' , cor ,
Uth nnd Douglas. 06312 *
WANTED Yiiung lady copjist ; must wrlto
veil nnd state salary expected. Address
A49 HfO. 083 17t
GIRL lor light house work. Inquire AID So.
.tlnist , 139-12 *
\\7ANTED-A competent girl for general
V > housework , one who cnn cook , wash and
Iron whore second girl nnd man nro kept ; good
wngcs paid. Apply nt Oil Sout 120th st. 0.11
Dress makers nnd Hallos wishing
WANTED own dross cutting to call nnd
Investigate the Adains-Tnylor system , the only
one that drafts the entire garment on the lin
ing llcqulresno rcllttlnu. Dress making In
connection with school. MHs M. E. Lynch , 1615
Douglas st. , room 11. lltt-U *
WANTED Young Indy deslies room-mate ,
V > pleasant front roomconvonlentl.v located.
Modornto prlco. Address A 55 , lleo olllco.
ANTED 1st nnd 2nd girl same place ; nlco
Gorman 2nd girl In suburbs , if 1.60 week ;
3 cooks , private fnmlly , Ci WCOK ; 2 walttessen ,
(4 , board nnd room ; 2 wnltrossos , l. > ; I waitress
for Wisncr. fnro paid ; 4 laundry girls for hotel ;
3 chamber maids , 4 dish washers. 2nd r.nd
laundress , $4 , samopluco ; youngglil to nsslst
private fnmlly ; 30 ulrls gcncinl hnuioworl : .
Omaha employment bun nu , 110 N IGth st.
WANTED A girl for general hoU9cworlt.l207
N.17th. HC3 12
A COMPETENT girl for general housework
can procure good wages at 1135 H 2Jtn st.
Call Monday morning. _ 083 12J
TS - First-class waist llntshor. Mrs.
VV Ansou , Ml Fourth nvo. , Council UluIIs.
W ANTKD Good sewing machine operators
to learn glove making ; bring your own
machine. Apply Jas , Splcglo , 118 N Kith Ht.
"ANTED Good cxporloncod girl for coner-
_ nl house work , 22UI Douglas st. _ 018
G MIL wanted for goneriirhousowork ; must
be good cook and laundress. 2201 Webster.
" \XTAN 1'ED Atonce.good co.ikund Innn'lross
VV jMrs. F.V. . Gray , am DonnlnB.H RJ
\\7ANTED-A girl for general housework.
VV 1433 S. Oth. _ 847
"W7"ANTEO Nurse girl , 222i Fnrnnm ,
VT 3(5 (
WANTED Waist Ilnlshore , one machine
worker , l.'il'.i ' Howard. M. A. 'Wullnco.
_ K.7 12 " 1
A girl for general houses o'rK 143
south itli. ( HO
ENGAGEMENTS to do dreismiklng l n ( am
Hies solicited.Miss Sturdy.'JOn Lcnvenworth
201 m ; g
MlbS M. Shine fashionable dressmaking ,
moderate prices ; cutting nnd fitting also
done , 317 N. 10th. 500 31 *
I HAVE n cash customer for a nice little
bakery or restaurant doing a paying busi
ness. Mrs. Ilregn. 314i ! So. Ifith st. 140-13 *
WANTED A purchaser for n I12fl mortgage
on Kansas lands ; nlso Yi section Colorado
school land. E. H. Cessell. 000 So. 13th St. . 3d
floor. Omaha. 148-JT5 *
WANTED Any one nllllcted with any pri
vate or chronic blood disease to call on
the National Remedy Co. , 1414 Dodge st. and In
vestigate their treatment for private disorders.
TEA"MS"Wunted Illds are wanted for ha"uT-
Ing sand at Florence. Apply Monday to
dipt. Huger , chief engineer waterworks. 09412
WANTED Lady room mute with board J5
per week , also day bo.ird for ono or two
gentlemen in private family 1511 California st.
QUO 12 *
ROOM nnd board cheap for two in private
family. 2218 Hurt bt. 100-lBt
WANTED Hoard in private family by gen
tleman. Give terms. Address A 54. llee.
B 1OARU with desirable rooms , furnished or
unfmnlshed. Apply2414 Cass at. Kstij3'q
"DOAIIDEHS wanted at the Cozzens hotel at
JLJrcduced rates : the most pleasant location
in the city. M J Kranck , prop. 87U
"ITTANTED Gentleman nnd wife engaged
VV during the day desire furnished first Moor
front room ; prefer private home vtlth yard and
shade. Address A 1.0 lice. Ofifl 17 *
Two unfurnished rooms well located
cated wltn board , preferred. Address A
06 Hue. 06412t
WANTED Iloom and board with private
family by two young ladles , refeioncei.
Address A 48. llee. i)47 ) 12t
WANTED to rent by family of two , an un
furnished cottage In good condition con
taining 0 or 7 rooms ; must have terms and lo
cation to receive any attention. Address U 65 ,
llee. 22a
frwo houses to rent on North Suth street op-
JLposlte the Coliseum , by Excelsior Land Co. ,
310 Houth 16th street , Omaha. 071
T71OH UENT Several furnished houses for the
JL1 bummer. Alex Moore , 301 Shtely block.
120.12 $
ETIOlt KENT Nine room house , conveniences
JL1 and central location. Alex Moore. 301
Bheely block. 127-12 *
F OK : HUNT 3-room cottaea on car line 10.
Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. Ulth st.
NINE room house on Dodge st. , cable passes
the door ; hot nnd cold water , bntn rooms
and furnace rent f 10 Fredllorth
; per mouth. - llorth-
wlck , 213 S. 14th st. 143
OH HKNT Nine-room brick house , with or
without barn. Apply , 2120 llarney stOU613T
FOR RENT To family without children ,
nicely furnished seven-room house , from
June 1st to Fepr. 1st. References required. 2 ; 0
St. Mary's avenue. 046 12 *
OH KENT Furnished house , ten rooms ;
will rent part or all. Five blocks from P.
O. Address A 62 llee olllce. ObO 14t
TpOR HENT Nino-room liouce , modern con-
JL1 venleuces ; furniture for sale ; 2017 Leaven.
worth. mo 13 *
FOR HENT The lower story of house No. 207
S. 24ih ; 4-rooms , 3 closets and n large
kitchen ; hot. cold nnd cistern water ; sewer ,
gas nnd steam heat ; bath room , cellar and
large yard , 25 per montn. Inquire oil prem
ises. U7i (
TnOK HENT Nice , comfortable norao. Brut -
JL1 class neighborhood , all modern conven
iences , close to car line , moderate rent. Inquire
of Geo. N. Hicks , llurker block. 055 16
OH HENT Elegant residence in Hanscom
Place. Inquire ( joo. N. Hicks , Harker block.
055 15
fjlOR RENT 10-room house nnd bath , In ele
JL' gant repair , all modern conveniences , 20th
st. . near California , IJ5 per month. Itoom 2.
Contlnentulblouk. . BBS 12 *
OH RENT My residence , furnished , for 0
months from July l. tr. ) Jno. C. Jones.
FOR HENT-Houscs ; 175 , N. 22d , near Chi
cage , 12 rooms.
(60,31st , near Poppieton ave , , 10 rooms.
t. ' > 0 , Cupltol ave , . near 24th , 8 rooms ,
(45 , N. itith. near Pnul , 0 rooms.
(15. Capitol ave. , nenrSUt'.i , 10 rooms.
MO. N. aith and California. 10 rooms.
All .denliablo , modern houses. Inquire of
Netherton Hall , room 423 , First Nat bank bldg.
OOP 13
"ITIOH HENT-Now brick bouses. H roomswith
JL'every modeln convenience ; on cable line ;
only (40 per month , c. T. Taylor , cor. Uth and
G.ROOM cottage utK28 8 , 17th st.
82 $ 12
TOH RENT 8 room housecentrally ; locatedT
JL' modern Improvements , J , F. Ilarton , 2010
Capitol avi ) , 818-13 *
FOR RENT--An eleven-room house. 22H Cali
fornia st. 71H-1S *
TOOK llKhT Cotiagmi , 6 rooms. 8T88 diaries
-L st. nnd 162 < S 15th st. Inquire at room 212 ,
Bhtely block. 471
TjlOH HENT-A Hat in the Her building ; 7
J-J rooms , steam hoar , gas and bath. Apply
to A , C. Huyjuer , hardware , luth and Jackson.
O NICE7-room cottages ; good cellars , cisterns.
t well , good barn ; convenient to ichool and
ihurcn ; TJ ) per nvoutli ( or the summer. Apply
atone. 0. F , Harrison. Merchants' Nat'l bank ,
TJIOR RE.ST My Furnnm et. residence com-
JL1 pletely furnished , with flrst-clasi servants ,
It desired , for ( uur or tlvo mouths ; ( amity go-
Int' uHRy , H , C , Patterton , UI8 ti. IStU he Wi
TiXJH HKNT-Nrat 7 room house cor Mth
1 - * ? nnd Wool worth nvo. Inquire ot 0 , H.
no ten-room and one eight-
room house , nil modern conveniences. Ilest
part of rlty and within n mlnntcs wnlk of post-
| otllcp. NnthnnShelton , 1601 Fnrnam fit. 1143
"JTIOHTlir-Nr-Heautlful 8-room nouso with
JL' modern Improvements , splendid location.
Apply nt once , 0 , 1' . llnrrlson , Mer. Nat , Il'k.
"II1OH RENT Good housrs ntV > . (40f .l2.\fcUL
JL' nnd(12portnonth. If you wish to rent call and
see me. D. V. Sholes , 210 1st Nafl llnuk. .K )
FOH RENT 14 room brick dwelling , nil con
veniences. 210 N. 14th fit , - > 07
NICRLY FURNISIIED-Hooms for rent nt
1303 Douglas st , 3rd Iloor , rent low. 734
TPRONTroom to rent , CIS N. 14th st. ,
JL ? 889 12 *
ITlUHNISHEDroomto rent , 1B18 Chicago.
JL ! 1MI14 *
FOR HENT Fimilshod room , ns nnd bath.
010 So. 13th st. . 1st Hat. ns-13t
N1CKLY furnished front or back parlor , with
largo alcove , with modern conveniences ,
2:117 : Douglas. D8.S 12 *
TJTOH RENT First Iloor ot now resldonco. 3
J- rooms pintry , china closets , collar , otcuso
of bath room ; no .small children ; Hex 26'i.Clty.
n21 lit
_ _
A LARGE pontli front room , every convnn-
lenco , (1 ( blocks from P. O..2J1C Douglas st.
1 > OOMS and board. 1812 Chicago.
11 \ 4M-1H27 *
T.AHOF. pleasant front room newly fur-
JLJnlshed , nt N. W. cor. nth and Howard Bt.
067 13"
LARGE front room with largo closet , 1718
Dodge. U35 lot
I "JXW HENT A nicely furnished largo front
room , all modem conveniences ; for fin trier
particulars call at 2215 Dodge st. OIM2J
TT1URNSIIED room-2100 Kamam street.
- 031 * 13 *
T710R HENT Nicely furnished front room
JL' with boardall conveniences,1010 Capitol nvc.
fllOH RUNT Furnished rooms with or wlth-
JL' out board for families and single men at
reduced price for the summer months at the
Cozzens hotel. M .1 Irqncit , prop. bffl
TjllTUNlbllED front rooms 1810 Dodgo.
877 J8 *
"OOR RENT Two newly furnished rooms for
JL' gents ; best table board. 1015 Capitol ave.
FOR RENT A nlco Inrgo front room well
furnished , only six blocks from P. O. ,
with board if desired. Not a lint. Address
A-21-Heoomce. 822-12
TnUHNlSHED rooms in good location , with
-t- modern conveniences and on car lino. 2220
Lcnvonworth. 77M2r !
OR HENT Nicely furnished front bed room
in cottage , W per month , 400 William street.
NICELY furnished south front room. Every
conventnco. 2210 Douglns st. 077
TTJVR RENT A plonsant room , only fi minutes
JL' wnlk from business center , nil modern con
veniences , cor 8t. Mnry's nvo. nnd IMth or KM S.
20th. brick residence. (411 (
FRONT rooms , tl upwards , on car line ; 1319
Nlbth. 448
plURNlSHEI ) or unfurnished rooms for rent
JL ! In Park Terrace , odposito Hanscom park ;
all ciodcru conveniences. Inquire Lee &
Nlchol.tth and Lea yen worth. 472
SUIT of 2 furnished rooms , modern conven
iences , 3 blocks from P.O. ; private famllj.
A. llospe. Jr. . 1.M3 Douglas. 476
pAOR RENT Front rooms at 1821 Farnam.
FURNISHED rooms brday , week , or month.
St.Clalr hotel cor 13th aud Dodge. 478
TTIUHNISHED rooms , single or en suite , bath
JL' and steam ; for gents only. 1510 Howard.
T71OH HENT Front room , L-uv window , gas ,
JL' batn ; two gouts , or man and wife , (20. lied-
room , closet , tio. Single or un suite. 614 South
Hat . - *
TRIOR HENT Rooms in private family , fur-
JL' nlshed or unfurnished. Hoard if desired.
320 N. 20th bt. 122-12t
TJ'LEO ANTLY furnished rooms centralfyTo
JUcated with or without boara , price reason-
able. 6048.13th. ! llT-m85 *
NICELY furnished rooms with board. Ref
erences exchanged. 25J9 St. Mary's uvo.
ROOMS nnd board , 1010 Webster st.
782 m4t
KENT Room 1021 Howard.
FOR 005
2 NICE south front rooms with every conven
ience ; telephone in house. 1908 Capitol av.
LARGE front room with bed-room adjoining ,
handsomely furnished , gas and heated by
steam , with use of bath room , in one of the
handsomest residences in the city , without
board. Inquire u. w. cor. I'Jth and Leavcnworth.
' 225
TJTOR RENT Elegant furnished loom suitable
JL' ( or two gentlemen , on bathroom Iloor , with
board , lull Douglas st , 070 13 *
TTIOH. HENT 2 furnished rooms with gas" ;
JL' steam heat and bath room on same floor. { 10
per month each. 207 8. 24th st. 076
TJIOK HENT Furnished rooms ulnglo or en
JB suite. 1600 Dougln.- . 713
T > OOM with or without board. 1812 Dodge ,
Jti 035
TGTOR RENT Two nice unfurnished rooms.
JL ; cable and two lines of cars. Warner , 20th
and Cumlng. 084 13
A OH 6 unfurnished rooms for housekeeping
Ttior man and wife. 310 N 17th it. 347 171
"TOOK itENT Sulto of 4 rooms unfurnished ,
JL' with all modern Improvements , bath room.
closet , etc. , hot and cold water , gas flxtures. to
family without children. Reference required ,
7U4 north 17th at. 1'rlce t26. caa
"plOUH rooms , 10. M13 8. IBtli , near Dorcas.
TjlOH HENT Nice store room on Cumlng St. ,
JL ! with place to Hvo In the rear , tift per month.
C. K. Harrison. Merchants Nat , llank. jXi'J-13
I HAVE for rent two store rooms , just va
cated ; have been occupied ai hardware nnd
implement stores for the last four years ; no
better location in the city ( or any kind of busi
ness. For Bile by Nightingale llroH. , Loup City ,
Neb. 703 12
TTHm KENT 2 lloors 22x80 each , in brick builcT
JL' Ing , with elevator , close to exptegs olllce ,
cheap rout , just the thing for wholesaling , good
location. Apply to Ueo. lieyn , HUH Farnam st.
17OH HKNT Store 22x00 ; 1118 Jackson st.
JL1 Enquire 1114 Jackson. _ 481
T71OH HENT Store and living rooms on Cum-
JL ! ing street ; also house on Cass Bt , Harris 1L.
E. & L. Co. . Iloom 411 1st Nat , bank. Bit
TpO It JIENT The 4 story brick building with
X1 or without power , wow occupied by The lleo
Publishing Co. . U1U Farnam st. The building
has a lire proof cemented basement , complete
fitcam heating fixtures , water on all the lloort ,
guB , etc. Apply at the olllce of Tne Ueo. 015
TO HI ! 407 with basement , Hamge bldg. In"-
qulro Frank J. Hamge , 669
T71OH HENT-tJse of Knabe piano for an hour
JL' or more per day , by the month ; location nnd
room strictly first class. Term& very reaiona-
ble. Addreas X U2 , llee olllce. 377
OIt HENT Wnen youwUh to rent a house ,
. store or office call on us , 11. E. Cole , room 0 ,
Continental blk. _ 474
IF YOU want to rent your house call on Har
ris , H. K. & L. Co. , room 411 , 1st Nat'L bank.
[ \ 48J
_ _ _
GKO. J , PAUL , U09 Farnam Bt. , houses ,
stores , etc. . for rent. 485
IF YOU nant to buy. Bell , rent or exchange ,
call on or nddrcas G. J. Sternsdorlf , rooms
817 and 313. First National bank building. 4B4
WE give special attention to renting and
collecting rents : list wltli us. H. E. Cole.
room e. Continental block. 488
AUCTION SALlj By order of the district
court lots 20,21,22 , ulicl4 , Ilunscom place ,
on corner Poppieton ave and 2ttli B'.reet , with
the imprpemonts , will be sold at public auction
lit tne north door of the court house Saturday ,
May IH , at 10 o'clock. Terms of sale H cash
balance In 1,2 , 3 years. J , J. CurtU , guardian.
PAN8lib-2Jepar : dozen , ono week , at 1018 B.
llthiit. 705 12 ?
Mill E banjo taught as an art by Gee F. Gel-
JLjenbecK. Apply at lleo olllco. WO
7JHIYATE course In fencing , boxing or ( ancy
JL club evtlnulnt ; , till. Addrrca T 14 , lieu olllce.
"VOU that nro sufTerlnir rom private dlsor-
X dors will find the Nntioual llemcdy at 14H
DodgoSt.where you can.get { .dentine treatment -
ment and a euro minrautced , ' ' , 211
HPONNENBCHKINhMJwrrod to 417811111.
Iluy nnd sell second liand. furniture anci
stoves ; bottlog bought andVoldl 16C-in21
VVriLL take horses to pasture nt ( lllmore.
VV rrlcolJpermo , D. A.Viunc.Gllmore.Neb.
LOST , .
S THAYii-A sorrel colt , four. vears old. If
brought to the blue barn , icjh nnd Dodge
( tts. , a handsome rownrn wllf be given.
t - -5 IIW-M *
TOST Hunch of keys , "il4' < p ) " > . " on * " >
JLJpiato. llcwnrd for return tff this olllce.
l OST Medicine case containing 24 bottles of
JLJ small pills on 17th or Cnllfoinln. Howard
will bo paid by returning to Dr. Cluck , llarkcr
block. 1U7-12
sow with B
J-plgs , cropped loft car , 2 miles north of
I'lorenco. August Keiser. inll-lP-2.-3l-t
IKHSONAL Tea spoons , extra plato on sil
ver. 75 cents per net nt Aloody's china store ,
S02N. llitnat. ros-12
I"iHSONAI ; < Parties wishing cori'ospoiiilcnts
hi view of matrimony or nmtiscmont. en
close stamp. Address Mrs. J. J. Ensign , box
2X1 , Omnhn Nob. 84 12J
A NYONlfkiiowIng the whereabouts of'tjumcy
-tX A , ( lllmoro can learn something to their
advantage by addressing S. S. Price Jr. , room
411. First National bank. 121
I > KHSONAI. Hanging lamp , with tinted nnd
decorated shade , for JJ.7 at Moody's. 3i2 N.
ICth st. OilS-12
PEHSO.N AL-Don't fall to attend tno auction
sale of line bionzos nnd bric-a-brac at 1121
1'nrnnm at. oil Monday morning , 10 a , m , W > 12
D1VOKCES speedily , quickly If you dcslro n
divorce for nny cause , state pirtlculars ; nd-
vlro free , conlldentlal. Uoucrt White , attorney ,
145 llrondwny , Now York. _ VS-V > ) '
pKHSONAL A now line of beautiful glass-
JL wnro Just received at Moody's , UOi N. Kith st.
T > 13HSONALuso ot Knabo plnno for rent ono
JL hour or more per day , by the month ; loca
tion and room strictly llrst class Troms very
roasonnblo AdresRX4iS lloo olllce. 177
FEATHKHS cleaned and curled ; bnts pressed
anil bleached , at F. M , Schndell. 218 N. Itlth.
_ _ . 42J-m87
STOKAOK at low rates nt 1121 Fnrnnm st ;
Omaha Auction and Storage. 488
rriHACICAGK , storage , lowest rates. Vf. M.
JL Uiishman ill : ) Leavenvvorth. 489
HANCH * CO. , storage , 1211 Howard.
It. NANNIE V. WAHHEN , clnlrvoyantmed-
Icnl and business medium. Female diseases
u specialty. HUN. IBthst. , rooms 2 nnd 3. 4'J1
HE Omaha Short-Hand Institute , Hamge
block , Omnhn , opening Monday , May
under the mnmigQinent of a Thorough nndpruc-
tlcnl Btenoprapher. Pleasautcst nnd best ven-
tllntcd bvhool room in the west. Positions
found for graduates. Call br write for particu
lars' Terms , 410 pur montluin advance. Type
writing free. , , en VM J 10
( JIIOUTHAND and type wr"tlni. ) Omahabus-
Olness college , cor. Capitol ave. & Ifith. Stan
dard methods taught by C. 0. Ewlng ot San
Francisco , the best teacher ou the Puerto coast.
Munson's revised of 'ifl a specialty ; new plan ;
blackboard Illustration ; dayH und evening
classes ; call or write for terms. : _ OU7
fTMIE Standard Shorthand School , having pur-
JL chased Valentino's Shorthand. 1 nstltute. Paxton -
ton block , is now the largest , best equipped.
exclusive shorthand school ) In .the west. 125
graduates In good situations , Qpho Fcfiool is in
charge of Mr. H. A. Smith , n verbatim report
er und teacher of many years "practical expe
rience , assisted by n corps of efficient teachers.
Usu Hcmlngton typewriters , .Shorthand sup
plies for sale. Send for circular ? . 70S
WHITTLESKY'S snorthhnfl School , 21 Bar
ker block. 3 mouth's course , 120.
- . ' > .v 7- ' 42
V\ ANTED To pay cash for adot In north-
V > west part of city. Hutclilnson & Wend ,
1524 Douglas st , 943-12
I W ILL pay ca h for n good lot of household
> furniture. Address A 67 , Dee. 10217
WANTED To buy a standing desk not less
than 8 feet long , and rolling top desk r feet
long. Address Omaha Typo Foundry , 419 South
Eleventh st. 131-13
I WILL nay cash for jobs in merchandise ot
any kind ; notions etc. , etc. , preferred.
Address A 69 , Hoc. 10112 *
"ANTED To buy good commercial paper.
H. C. I'atterson. ill8 S. 15th st. 402
" \X7 ANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves ana
YV household goods of all kinds. Omaha
Auction i Storage Co. , 1121 Farnam. 493
EDAH block kindling cheap , delivered free.
J. A. Nauglo & Co. , 13th und Nicholas st.
Telephone 8 < ii > . QjQ 12t
OH SALE The furniture ot 7-roora llatT , cash ; a big bargain. Flat for
rent. 1322 Capitol ave. 149 14 *
IT10K SALE A 64-Inch Victor blcyclH. nlmoat
JL1 as good aa new. Address Morgan , P. O. box
2U7. 140-Uf
I HAVE some desirably located leal estate
and lit ty head of young horses and mares I de
sire to exchange for n itock ot furniture. D.
E. Bayre , York. Neb. 137-14
FOH SALE At very low price , machinery
complete for making jelly and jams , etc ,
Address A 68. Hoe. 100 12f
F ° R SALE A good sound horse , six years
old ; price 1160 ; 317 south Eleventh st.
105-12 +
GENTLE family horse for sale , weight 1,100
Ibs , , not afraid of.earn , 6 year old : prlco
(160. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. Itlth.
LIGHT weight Snyder top buggy , been run
about six months , Carmine running uvar ;
perfect condition. B. P. Morse. Wl 17
GOOD , sound , gentle hors ; drives double
nnd single ; cheap for a few days. Ituckoy *
Ilarn. 19th uud Barney , or address A 42. llee ,
A FINE Cabinet Ornnd rosewood case upright -
right piano ( or $194,60 ; cost when new (40) ) ;
only used ono year ; must be sold at once ; will
give time on part of UK desired. Address V
to , care Omuha lleo. U2jml8
T710K SALE 1 work team , wagon and liar-
JL1 ness complete , very cheap for cash , 610
Paxton blk. 849
FOR BALK 2,60 ] tons ice. Adam Jloder
Hlalr , Neb. t'.ti ' mlW
/1AHT and harness for sale ; also tU yds home-
V made rag carpet. lfl2iN.27th. 604-14T
TTIOR 6ALE A ful ! leather top carriage , largo
JU and roomy , in llrst-class ordqr , cost (40J ono
year ago ; will sell It for (175. Apply at 2216
Webster at. /r , 784
MIDLAND Guarantee le Trust Co. , 1605 For-
nam. Complete ubstracts'furnlsned le. titles
to real estate examined , perfected & guaranteed ,
' 497
/ \MAHA Abstract Company. 1519 Farnam st.
\-f Most complete and carefully prepared set of
abstract books and plats of alfrtal ! property In
the city ot Omaha and Douglas county. 499
A HSTHACTS Llnaban & Mahouey. room 600
-tt-Paxton block. > > f ? 408
T.OAN8 wanted onOmahajreal estate , three
JLJ nd lire years time , optional payments , fa
vorable term and rutci ; applications and titles
passed upon by us and loans closed promptly.
Kltnball , Champ k RyanRoom 0 , United States
Nat , bank building. 1205 Farnam street. Ou7jlO
ONEY to loan at low rates by Excelsior
Land Co. , 310 South 16th ttreet , Omaha.
. 071
ONEY to loan on real estate security , at
lowest rates. Hufore negotiating loans see
Wallace. Crelghton bit. , lith and Douglas. 88(1 (
EVSTONB "Mortgage Co. ; loans of 110 to
11,000 ; get our rates before borrowing and
save money ; loan on horsas , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought ; for new loan , renewal of old and low
est rates call H U08SheeIey blk 16th & Howard it
W to loan on short time. Secured paper
bought. F. E. Alexander , 1509 Furnam bt.
0 F. HARRISON loans money , lowest raws ,
, 617
T1 ONEY loaned on unimproved imilde Omnha
111 real estate. U. W , J'eck.H. 4 , Fruuzer block.
T OWKST rntcfc on choice city loans In nmnha ,
JUcouncll muff * , or Lincoln. Central Loan
and Trust Co. , 1HH Fnrnnm st , G72-13
djcno to loan on flrst mortgage. 0. IX Thomp-
y.son , 312 Shecley block. 700
, special money ! . apply nt once. O. F.
$ Harrison , Merchants' Nnt'l bank. 315
TYTONBY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. real oitato
j-'lnnd lonn agents , 1605 Farnnm nt. 623
VILDINO loans. D. V , Slioles , 210 First Na-
tlonnl bank. 61J
SKi ; CIO. First Nnt'l bank , before
making your loans. 61. )
MONEY to lonn ; cash on hand ; no delay. J.
W. Squire. 1210 Farnam ot , First National
bang bunding. 623
MONEY to loan In large sums nt the lowest
rnts ; no delay. 1C 0. Patterson , 318 S. ISth.
MoNTiYl money ! mpneyl to lonn on horses ,
wagons , mules , houshold goods , pianos , or
gans , diamonds , etc. , nt lowest rates.
The first organised loan olllco In the city.
Will make loans for thirty to three hundred
nnd sixty-live days , which can bo pild In part
or whole , nt nny time , thus lowering the prin
cipal nud interest. Call nnd sea us when you
wnnt money , and wo can asitlst you promptly
nud to your advantage without removal of
property or publicity.
Money always on nnml nnd nn delay In rank
ing loans. C. V. Heed * To , 31' ' ) South Uth st. ,
over lllnghnm & Sous commission houso.
LOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bought. Lowls S. Heed & Co. , R 13 Hoard of
Trade. 610
TV f ONEY to I/oun Wo nro ready for applica
nt Mlons for loans In amounts from MW to ( Id.-
Quo on Improved Omnhn or Douglas county real
estate. Full Information as to rate * . Loans
promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased
by us. Call upon us or writo. The McCaguo
Investment Co. 620
DON'T borrow moncr on furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , or collaterals until you see
C. U. Jacobs , 410 First National bank building.
"PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur-
JL nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers ;
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
at their western olllco. George W. P. Coates ,
room 7 , Hoard ot Trado. 621
MONEY to Loan Lowest rntos. Ixnns closed
promptly. H. E. Cole , H.OContinental block.
VtTANTED-Flrst-nlass Inildo loins. lowest
VV rates. Call nnd see us. Mutual Investment -
mont Co. . It. 1. Hnritor blk..l.-ith & Farnam. 526
HE. COLE , loan ngont
BUILDING lonns n spnclnlty. W. M. Harris ,
Uoom20 , Freuzer lllock. opposldo P. O.
_ . . Mortg. Loan Co. will mnko you n
lonn on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
line Jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , at reasonable rates.
Room 7 , Howie ? Hloc'i , South Omaha.
Rooms 618-510 , Paxtou lllocK , Omaha , Nob.
\TONEY loaned for 30 , 00 or 00 days on nny
J-'JLklnd ot chattel security ; reasonable inter
est ; business confidential. J. J. Wilklnsou,1417
Farnamst 604
DO YOU wnnt money ? If so , don't boriow
before getting my rates , which are the low
est on any sum from ill ) up to tlO.OJj.
1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans. Horses , mules , wagons , warehouse re
ceipts , houses , leases , etcIn anynmount.nt the
lowest possible tales , without publicity or removAl -
movAl of property.
Iioans can be made for one to six months nnd
you cnn pay a part nt any time , reducing both
principal and Interest. If you owe a balance
on your furniture or horses , or have a loan on
them , 1 will take It up and carry it for you as
long as you desire.
If you need money you will find It to your ad
vantage to see mo before borrowing.
H. F. .Musters , room 4 , Witlinoll building , 15th
and Harney. 600
I CAN make n few loans on first-class chattel
securities nt reasonable rates. W. K. Potter ,
room 10. Darker blk. 607
"VT ) ANTED Applications for loans on unun-
VV proved lots well located. Odoll Hros. &
Co.12So. ! ! Itlth st. 685
. loans moneyon Omalia real estate
Uulldlng loans n sneclalty , H 4 , Frnnzorb Ik
ft PEK CKNT money to loan Cash on hand.
U \v. M. Harris , II 20 , Frenzer block , opp. P. O.
* C08
TT E , COLE , loan agent.
8 $ * To loan on farms and city property.
$9 Ueo. J. Paul , 100y Farnam st. uOU
MONCY to loan on Improved property at flrst
hands. No application sent away ( or ap
proval. Security uud titles examined free of
charge to borrouers. Lombard Investment
Company , 309 S. 13th st. 010
PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange The fairest ,
quietest and most liberal money exchange
In the city ; money loaned without delay or
publicitv , in any amount , largo or small , at tno
lowest rates of interest , on any available se
curity ; loans may bo paid at any time or renewed
nt original ratci. O. llouscaren , Mgr. , room
67. llarkcr block , llith and Farnam. 611
PF.CIAL fund of * 10,000 to loan at reduced
rates on furniture , horses and wagons. City
Loan Co. . US S Utli st. ai2
R5JO.OO ) to loan at 0 per cent. Llnahnn & Mahoney -
honey , Iloom 600 , Paxton block , 610
EASTERN trust funds to loan on improved
real estate in Omnha.'largo loans preferred.
E. 8. Ulsbeo , First National banE building.
IVTONEY Loans negotiated at low rates wlth-
JLU-out uelay , and purchase goods , commerelal
paper nnd mortgage notes. S. A. Slomau , cor.
loth nnd 1'nrnam. 614
GOOD notes , short or long time , unsecured
or with mortgage , bought any wnera In Nob.
or la. Quick loans , city or farm. Cull or wrlto
W. L.Selby. H. * 3. H'd. Trade. Ma
MAHA Chattel Loan Co. , room 42 , Uarker
block.- 320-m25
B IUILD1NO loans. Linahan & Mauoney. 610
F. HARRISON loans money , lowest rates.
. 617
TJFOPLE'S Financial Exchange Lnrgo und
JL small loans for long and short time , nt low
est rates of interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
and jewelry. Don't ( nil to cull if you want ( air
nud cheat ) accommodations. 0. llouscaren ,
Mgr. , room 67. Darker bile , 15th and Farnam ,
TTNIMPKOVED and improved property ;
U loans made promptly ; money on burnt. F ,
M. Ulchardson , s w cor Uth and Douglas.
B UlLDINO LOANS-We will buy lot , or pay
incumtiranceonyour lot and build ( or you ;
small cash payment , balance In easy monthly
payments ; In case of death we cancel the en
tire indebtedness , M. it &T. Trust Co. , First
National bank bulldlmr. 852-ml5
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on nny approved security. J. W.
Itobblns , 11,200 , Shoely blk , 16th und Howard.
Atl.OOO TO 15.000 on improved city propsrty :
Vcanbepald in monthly installmenta ; debt
cancelled m case of death ; will loan 60 to GO per
cent of cash valuation. M. K. & T. Trust Co. ,
First Natlona Ibank building. < 62-ml5
"ClIHST mortgage loans at low rates and no
JU delay. D , V. Slioles , 210 First National bank.
BUILDING LOANB-At7 per cent net , no ad-
dltlonal charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W. 13. Melkle , First Nat. bans bldg ,
to loan. Harris R. E. & Loan Co. ,
MONEY 411. First National bunk , 615
OH BALE , or rent First-class hotel near
packing houses , South Omaha ; 27 rooms.
with good barroom ; well located und good
. W. A , Spencer , room U , Hustiman
Eropeny. VJ9
TjVJH SALE Very cheap , photograph gallery ,
JD reason for gelling , leaving town. Address
ACI , llee. _ _ 144-12 *
, buys fine hotel and livery , Elgin , Neb. ;
$ property free from Inciimbrance ; money to
unmade , bmithit Pnudock , Elgin. Neb. 07UJ10t
" \11TANTED-A pftrfner with 84,000 or 13,000 to
V > tuke half interest in the purchasing of the
lease and furniture of one of the best paring
hotels In Nebraska , located In one of the larg
est cities In the state. Tills is strictly a business
transaction. Address A 63 , the Hoe. QUO 12 ;
men with IM capital cnn secure
OAVAHLB of town positions , positively worth
over ( Juu a month ; no canvassing. Wesley. 16U5
Capitol ave. _ UT4 13t
CIOAR store. 2 confectioneries and Ice
cream stands , millinery stock in a small
town , 3 good hotels , and otner business chances
for sale on easy termi. Co-operatlv Land and
Lot Co. . 205 N , lull Bt. _ U4J-12
OH SALE-Hulf Intereit In a well paying
photograph gallery , one block from post-
olllce. Address A 47 , Hee. OIO-UJ
ANTED A new furniture stoie at Friend
Oil 8ALK-Meat market complete ; cun be
handled tor little caul ) . Call ut room 4 ,
Wltiiuell blk. K"
FOR SALE llntliersliop , Bchalrs , good busl-
_ ness , 61 H N. ICth st OKI 12'
TT1OR SALK Milk dairy , 38 cnw , route ,
JL ! horses , wagon , ovcrytlilntf complolo , plenty
of grnis , rows will pay for themselves this sum-
nipr. Addicss A 4(1. ( lice. OJO 1J *
FOR 8ALK-A first-class meat market In
Omaha , has peed paying trade , requires
(1WJ cash , or will trade for property. Address
A 43 , 1)00 ) OtllCO. SB
INTENDING to quit business In Omaha I of"
for my itock of drugs and fixtures at n bar-
gnln. Would sell eltner stock or fixtures sopn-
rntely. Geo. Hooder , cur. 12thand Hn.-noy.
FOR SALE First class rostnurnnt nnd bar ,
long lease. Address A 34 , Duo 011104.
TJUWHIIS hotel. 7108 Kith st-A good business
JL ? for sale with n small cnplUl. Inqitlrn nt the
nbove hotel. bll U *
HOTEL for finln ; now. goo.l location , doing
good nuslness , for sale nt n bnrgiilii. pay
ment not necessary. Present proprietor In
tends changing business on account o ( 111 health
of his wife. AddroM , lleo olllco , Lincoln , Nob.
TOH SALE or trade Oue of the best located
JL rostntirantsln thoclty ; outlltnow anil com.
pliito. H.OKI. J. II. Evans. Harbor Illfc. iUt
DRUGGIST with cash looking for a good
location , will do well to address I ! . 13.
Cnpps. uulbertson , Nob. , or Ilurst Ac Co. , Hast
ings. Nob. 247m Hit
fl > 3,000 to JV.OOJ wanted to put Into a good busl-
P ness ; llrstclnis security and good rate of
Interest paid for short or long time. Or will
take partner. For'particular * addrosi U 43 ,
lleoolllce. 142
for sale In ono of the best business
SALOON in Ituason for soiling ,
1 must leave the city , Address V la Hoe.
41C.-J7 t
OH KXCIlANaK-3,000 ncros of choice lands
In Cheyenne county , Kan. , tor cash or slocks
of general merchandise. Address Korndt llros. ,
lllrd City. Kan. 1UOO Hit
rpll KKK stocks of merchandise , two of dry
JL goods and notions , nnd one of clothing , to
tra.lo for land or city property. Ono-thlrd cash ,
balance will bo taitun In good real estate. Wes
tern Ueal Estate \ Meicnntllo Ex , room H ,
Chamber of Commerce 135
EXCHANGE A contractor wanted that will
furntihmntcilal and build a small house ,
nnd take n good house and lot lot on N. Ibth
bt. us pay. Addrena , C. II.V. . , 1110 Foinain 8t.
t ) & * IM
HOUSIC and lots 1 ! { miles from postolllco to
exchange for lot m Dundee place. Address
A SI. lleo olllce. 1)31 ) 17J
A HOOD square plnno tooxchanBu forahorso
or buggy. Co-Uperatlvo Land V Lot Co , , 'Ma
N. mthct. UH 13
OH KXCHANli-Wlmt have you to exchange -
change for a good brick hotel , furnished
complete and doing n good business In n town
of 4.UOO population on the II. .V M. railroad In
Nebraska Address James Turn num. Arcade
hotel , Omiilm , Neb. ICI1-K1"
TO EXCHANGE Hood square piano for
hoiae , buggy or furniture ; will pay some
Insh difference ; also cash nnd city lots or farm
nnd to trade for furniture , horses or buggies.
Co-openUho Land and Lot Co. , U05 N. Kit lint ,
NEW 2-seated One carriage or top Buggy for
mortgage city or couuty warrants , or any
good unsecured notes.W.L.SelbyK 1.1 U'd Trade
) To trndo for house and lot In
good locution ; will assume light Incum-
brance. Address A 2 live olllce. tl 2
Oil IIXCIIANOK- Eighty acies of the llnest
timberInnd In Wisconsin , clear of encum
brance. What havn you tooll r ? G. , -Stems- I -
dorir , rooms 317 and . ! 18. First National bnnk ,
T71OU KXCHANOK-Dakota. Hand county
JL ! What have you to otlor for a good larm
hero , ullghtly encumbered ? Dakota lands are
rising in value and its dcstlnv cannot bo dlR-
puteu. Will take vacant lots or improved pro
perty and assume some cncumbiaiico. U. J.
Btt-rnsdorir , rooms 317 nnd 318 First National
bank building. K6
TT1OH KXCIIANOK For desirable reilrtenco
JL ! property in Omaha , any or all of following ;
40choice Inside lesldonce lots m Hastings.
100 lots In Lincoln.
1140 acres tine ( arming land , Lancaster county ,
Fine residence property , Lincoln.
( ! oed rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family residence , corner , Los Angelep.
A neat residence property In Hanscom place.
Also , some good mortgage notes.
Address , giving location anil price of prop
erty , j. K. B. , care liauin Iron Co. , 1S17 Leaven-
worth. Kit
/CONTINUOUS sidewalk to Collier place. Get
V./prlcos and terms , McCague. 013
A'MES. .
Douglas County Abstracts ,
15071'arimm Street.
Those who want to buy n lot torn homo nt
low prices nnd easy terras .should
Come und See
the now addition Just ready ( or sale by us.
Every lot will make u
Dollghtful Homo ,
as the ground is high , dry and beautifully situ-
One Hundred Houses
nro already built and being built around this
addition , which Is Inside city limits , Is not In H
swamp , but as handsome a locution as there Is
in Omuha. A payment of
Fifteen Dollars
down , balance 810 a month. Is all required , nnd
on these easy terms we have Just bold out ono
addition , and have Just begun on a now ono.
Fifteen Dollars
down and easy monthly payments for such lots
as these , Is the cluince
Ot a Lifetime I
The sooner you can get one of those lots the
bettor for you and when you BOO the ground
Will He Surprised
that such lots , at sued prices and terms , sur
rounded by nouses und located as they nro can
be bought tor
Fifteen Dollars
down and balance on easy terms. Come and
see ( or yourself what wo offer you. Wo are not
afraid to t > how this property ; we know no
one else can offer you Its equal at our prices and
always on hand to show these lots. Don't bo
afraid to try and got a b ome.
Start Right
by coming to see this property and its advant
ages , in all ways , are ao evident that you will
Ames ,
1607 Furuam St.
850 gp
FOH SALE Fine house of 0 rooms , furnace ,
bath , hot and cold water , gas , newer , paved
street , motor line ono block , cable two blocks ,
horse cars by door , barn for 3 horses , etc. , eto.
Uuilt by owner ( or homo and now occupied by
him , ttf.000 ; $1,110 cash. t.,50J In real estate , bal
ance nt ll and 8 per rent.
Fine large lot onS. 15th St. , 0.1x157 , goodb-room
h ouse , fruit trees , etc , ; north of Martha st ,
For sale , the finest corner , east front , on 8.
10th st. , 132x144.
For choice property worth the money see M.
A. Upton Company , ICth & Farnam , 817
TjlOH acres , corner Thirteenth nnd
JL ! North streets. Desirable ( or platting. U.
Good , Good block , Des Moines , la. 240mi )
| 7HH BALE-Flne lot covered with trees , 0
JL' room cottage , hewer , water nnd gas on the
street , /t block doiu 3 st. car lines. Very choice
oaxt front lot ; t3,60J ; easy terms. Can discount
n little for cash. C. F. Harrison , Merchants
Nat bank. too
NOW come dawn to business ; TTe will Hell a
brick block of four stores and Hats , new
building , hot and cold water , bath , &c. &c. ,
irround bHxb8 ! a corner on one of the beststrcets
loading west frrfm loth ; all tuxes , special nnd
otherwise , paid ; property on street rapidly In
creasing in value ; building constructed with
jolco ( or third floor ; heavy walls ( or third story
when needed ; rents ( or ifl.W ) , which In a low
rental : we will sell ( or MJ.OOU , (19,5X1 cash ,
I4ouulnono year at 8 per cent , 112.600 In four
years at 0 per cent.
We will sell party a corner business lot at
right figure if ho will build five story brick
store on same , total cost to bo some ( W.UJO ;
wholesale firm will lease same for 6 to H years
and pay 9 per cent on cost. M , A. Upton Com
pany , Itlth und Furnutn. WJ 14
TJVMl BALE The finest residence site in West
JL ! Omaha ; just south of FarnumoniJJth street ;
a corner 166x187 with 1U7 feet irontaga on
paved street and joining the handsome resi
dence of Klrkendull on the east , and llrady ,
Eusuoii and Martin on the south ; b perfect gem
and garden spot for an elegant home.
Huroey ami 21st Htrerts. ! 4tx ! ( > 7 , on pavement
withintfiron blocks of the court liouso : room
for seven line housns that would runt us rapid
ly as completed. A splendid permanent invest-
in cut ,
Farnam and 22d streets. 60x133 , with now
three-story brick htoro bulldlnir , rentei * to good
permanent tenants. Hental receipt * (4,230 per
Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage 81
feet to alley ; good business property.
rarnutn street , bet ween 38th and 3Uth , front ,
age 44 or 05x1 'to alley , south ( rent , 1 block
from pavement and street cara.
Park avenue , opposite Hanscom park , 60x160 ,
price U.OOO ; easy terms.
Paddock place , trackage , 00x112 , (2,000 ; easy
terms ,
10th street south of Vlnton st , lot tor mle or
trade for mdt > e , or good farm land.
J ) . A.JJloman. IJUf Farnam st. $2T. $ _ "
rjWH"8ALE-Lot 25x110 In the very heart "of
JL' Omaha , v 1th 6 room house for 12,800 , O. F.
Ilurrlson , Merchant * Nat. bank , \lb
Y7UH SALK -Acaitomv of Music ImlMmir. nnd
JL ? tun business lots , Ornnd Island , Nebraska ,
pround ( Itl.U ( cot , building brlckJ.\ro storms
high nnd Mono basomonn , nil in good repiir ;
terms r.isy ; price H8AU. Enquire or Thompson
llro * ) . . Ornnd Island. Nebraska. 70linl2 *
"ijlOH BALK On roABonnble term * , a IIOIIKO
- Jnnd ? lot , nnd blacksmith shop , tools nmt
MocV. In Wllcox , Kearney county , Neb. C. C.
I'll num. _ 103-18T
TPOH SALE On long time nnd easy payment * ,
JU handsome , new , well millt housm of 8 , linml
10 rooms All coin enlonces ; good neighborhood t
imvcd fttrnrt * : street rars , nnd \ \ ltlilnulklnif
distance- P. 0. Nnlhnu Sliolton.lWV. rnrnam.
l J 0
SOUTH corner In Plnlnvlew , lt,2T > 0.
South corner In Orchard Hill. (8T 0 ,
South cornar In Windsor Ext , $1,000.
House nnd full lot , llnnscom Place , (3,500.
lliitchlnson * Wead , 1624 Douglns st. 059 13
MMlEfnctorlos within easy roach of Collier
1 plnco will employ n largo force of men. Se
euro a homo nnd enjoy life. Prlco of lots J-iOO
to ( l , ri. one-tenth cash. Send for plat Mo
Cague. opp. P. O. UJ1I
1i < 0lt 8ALU On easy pnymsnts , fi , 7 nnd 8
roomed homes , small cash piyment doun ,
nnd bnlnnru monthly pnyments , J. II. Jo'm *
son , 618 and 510 Paxton block. 28J
proved forms In western Nebraska , light
ly IncntnbonMl , to trade for Omaha property ,
Improved or unimproved.
Clear lot , 2Jth and Vlnton , for house in west
ern part of the city preferred.
0-ioomliouso anil full lot , clonr , for vacant
Inside residence lot.
H , U. Cole , headquarters for bargains ami
easy terms. Room 0 , Continental block , 76Mi
T710H SALE Nino-room house , tinrii nnd lot
JL' In Hanscom place ; also 2 houses mid lots m
Bunny Side. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nnt'l bank.
"I710H SALU Or exchange for Omaha proper-
JL1 ty , N acres , suitable for platting ; will
make 400 iotsall clear ; big money In It for someone
ono who can push this : located just outside the
city llmltK of Council Illutrs. Inquire ( leorgo J.
Stcrnsdorlf. rooms 317 and 31H , First National
bank building. KU
TTOH 8ALE-fiOx7H on N. B. corner P. nnd a h
JL' als S. Omnha , Hiiltnblo for store building
receiving the benefit of tlio Q street viaduct
Just helm ; built ; proonrty clear , but 111 henltu
compels ontier to sell. Price fi,7tXl , 0. F.
Harrison , Merchant's National bank. U" > J
T AN D I Imvol0,000 acres of choice farming
-IJlands In eastern and mlddlo Nebraska , which
1 will sell nt from * " > to t2 ! par acre. Will raako
r > poclal piico for the whole 10.0JJ acres If taken
In it lump. Goo. II. Petoison , 1412 S Uth st. ,
OH mil
FOll SALE-5I3.7B acres , soc , fi , tp , 12 , r.
Ow. . IlnmlHon county. Nob. House , stnbln ,
3'Klncrca ' loiued , living wntor. Priro (0,0 M , F.
K. Atkins , owner , Hnllrond bldg , Denver , Col ,
SNAP 1 3 good Orchard Hill lots , ono nnd two
blocks from Hamilton street , fee each ; MJO
to Jiw ) cnsh , balnnco live years nt H per cent.
rino S-i com house , modern conveniences.
newly papered nnd painted , on N 17th at. ,
lot 3 > xlN ) to alloy ; JI.O 0 , easy payments. M. A.
Upton Co. , 10th und Fainam. OOJ
rpHE llnest drive in the city is to Collier
JL Place. McCaguo. _ 073
AHAHOAIN IGO-acro farm 0 miles S.E. Long
Pine , UO ncros under plow , post nnd wire
fence around thu KXI nnd through the center ;
frame house , Ibx24 ; finished und painted frnmo
barn. 1(1x2.1 ( ; two good wells with Turblu wind
mill and lluckeyu pump ; nlcu grove of Ittrgo
cottouwood nud IKJX elder trues to the north
ami east of house. Mortgaged for tK ) , 8 per
cent ; f U)0 ) cash will buy. C. K. ( Hover , Prosl-
aeiit Hi own Co. llnnk. Long Pine , Nob.
117 12
BAHOAINS llargalusl S. W. cor. 19th nnd
California ts. , with 3 houses , very cheap.
Neat7-room house and half lot on Daven
port St. , near high school , 91,001 ; easy t-erma.
Good lot on llarney at , east o ! 21th St. , a
Elegant residence lot , 26th nvo nenr St.Mury's
live , very cheap.
6-room house and half lot , S. 12lh at. , cheapen
on monthly payments.
( jood residence lot on 21th ave , bet. Douglas
nnd Dodge , M.WM.
3 lots on S. l.lth st. . very cheap.
lf > 0 lots in Cnrthngo , Omaha's best subuib , on
ten years' time to parties who will build
houses. Ilicnnau &Co. , lioom : i , Chamber o
Commerce ,
Money to loan in all parts of tun city.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
$2ra > 10 feet building front in lot 3 , block 7iC
South Omaha ; lot I'O feet deep ; none for sale
In the block loss than t23 ! tier root. Don't lot
this bargain slip. L street viaduct will soon be
completed. D. D. Smeaton , Darker blk.nmaho.
( 12
_ _ _ _
WORTHY of your attention. Now belnjr.
completed onJth st , north of Leaven-
worth st. two houses convei ( nt to business ,
very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gas. bath ,
toilet , " water closets , stationary wash tubs ,
hot. nnd cold water , llvo bedrooms. 10 closets ;
only H.60J on terms to suit. Tolupnonu 227 or
W. T. Seaman. Omaha's largest variety ot wag-
ons , carriages , etc. , east side llith Bt , north oi
Nicholas st. rot
TTtOH SALE Full east front lot In Hanscom
JO Place. I1.7HO ; only ifOOO cash required. Ad
dress A 44 , Hoe. 032-12
S" END for plat of Collier place , nnd when
driving for recreation follow the motor Hut
poles on Ibth st. , and Amos' n\o. , und see the
wonderful improvements thut hnv taken
Place just around tno barracks , and remombei
that Collier place Is the key 10 the Hltuutlon.
iluy n lot now for the low price nnd at tno easy
terms they am being olierod. ami wo are sntlsi
tied. One-tenth cash , balance ono to fix e years.
McCague , opp , P. O. U73
rilllB motor line is built to Collier place. Tha
JL llelt line runs near Collier place. The F. E.
& M. V. H. H. stop all passenger trnlns tit < 'ol
Her place. The horse car line will noon renclj
Collier place. Host nddlllon In the city. Price
tl l to ( l, ( per lot , one-tenth casu , balance
one to llvo years , McCague , opp. P. O.
have bargains in land and unproved
farms In all parts of tno country that can
not be excelled. Wo sell nnd exchange foe
Duiaha and Council Illulrs property. We want
Lo buy about 20 lots In Omaha , inside the HelC
line. In one or two tracts. Excelsior Lund unit
Heal Estate Co. , 310 B. 15th St. , Omaha. 824
fi\OU \ SALE-Houso nnd half lot , 17I.S N. 20th.
J on cable uud cur linos. Inquire 021 N.2jth st.
014 12
'TMIE ' greatest bargains that ever were known
JL in lands and Improved farms In u'l states
West of Chicago is now offered by us. We sell
and exchange for Omann and Council ( Units
property ; sell houses and lots In Omaha and
Council ( Huffs ; rent houses ; make loans on
real estate , and a general Insurance busliiosa.
Excelsior Land & Iteal Estate Co , , 310 Soutti
16th street , Omuha. un
Heautiful resldonco Pitas.
, , Finest In the city.
We are now ready to show-andoirer for sal *
the choicest residence sites In the city of
Omaha , located In "llerals Pnrk , " comprlslnc
thu sixty acres bounded by : t2d st. , on the east !
Wth or Pleasant st. on the West , Hamilton at
on the north , und Cumlng st. on the south ,
This park has been planned , anil is belli c laid
out by Mr. Alfred H. iigorton ( one of the best
landscape artists o ( Now York ) , Into U , > . < A
and acre lots , and sevcrnl acres are laid out Into
small parks , ornamental grounds , nnd lakes fed
by natural springs. The plans Include a per-
feet system of grading , paving , pewerHgp.w.ttorl
electric lighting , etc. , and an expenditure of at
least flOi.iif)0 ) ) for such Improvements
This choice property IH located within the 1H
miles radius ( a little north by west ) fiom the
nostotflce. It lies ouet of the reservoir nudof the
elegant residences of Dr. Mercer nnd E. W ,
Nash , and a little north of east of proposed res
idence oHiny C. llarton and uf Illshoi ) O'Con-
nor'e residence nnd Academy of Sacred Heart.
Honsonablo prices und terms will bu given to
thosowho will build residences tostlng IJ.noa
nnd upwards. For .further particulars upply
atoincoof The llemls Park Co. . rooms 11 and
Id Continental block , 16tli und Douglas sts.
_ _ _ : M7 _
COUTH OMAHA-I have a number of good
Cllots In vnrloiis additions that must bo sold
nt once and can ba bought ut prices that will
? , "lt ° .u > . " J , ' , HternadorlT , rooms 317 nnd 318
First National bank building , _ 620
W EHAVKafew excellent bargains which
wo offer tor sale.
9 lot * In Hertford Place. 'Mots la linker Place ,
3J ° . .u.B.t.Jerol"e . . . Park , 3 lots In Hitchcock's
add. . J line residences In South Omumi. In
Moore's add. we hae a 10-room residence with
iiodern Improvements ; olfored at a bargain.
New 7-room liouso in Moore's add. Heviiral line
residence lots at a greut bargain Is now offered
? rfi ' AVf acrlllce ls "owoirered47xb9on
Cumlng uncj 21th street.
. . y Excelsior I ind k Heal Kslnto Co . 310
i. Uth st. , Omalia. u7j
qHE cosiest liome In Omaha , 0 rooms , larg
X < ; loHets. city water , gas nnd sewer , both.
'JJl&Vf i10 1 ? cari1' ' ' "COII.40J. TurmiHOO
o (600 cnsh , balnnco very easy. H. E. Cole.
lettdquarters for bargains nnd eay terms ,
loom 0 , Continental lllock. yvj
T71OH HALE or exchange- Improved stock
JL1 ( arm of w acres In eastern Nebraska , neae
murkot ; also now 12-roorn home with nil con-
venlentes In deslrabloresldonco portion of Oma-
ia. Andrew Hovliis. attorney , 4 and 12.1 Pax.
on block , Omuha , Neb. B %
' 8Ar'hn . eair r11"1B - 1 " ( ! roomed
X' houses , with Hinalf cash payment down nua
mlanco monthly. J. H. Johnson. 6ia ami 61
'nxton Dlocic.
bargaln-Ixt 3 , blockf \ ) . b
chBidlUll. one-thlril < anh. balance to suit ;
south front and good elevation. A U , lleo o'llcSl
_ OJMl _
VTIOE residence jnto ; . i'Jrd and Cai to
l'cll"r ' lu"ll")0Ir ) , ° l J'ty ' "ortit
, (10.UOX t. F. UurrUon , Menhanu
Sat. , 760-11