Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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John Shubort's Death Caused by
Hydrophobia ,
All the Symptoms oftlio Tcrrlblo DIs-
cano Mntflfoat Themselves
In the Blest Pro
nounced Form.
Died of Hydrophobia.
Some physicians say there Is no such thine
ns rabies. Standard nnd generally accepted
medical authorities , however , bold differ
ently. The former's theory is that persons
supposed to bo afflicted with madness caused
from dog bites , become so through fear , nnd
simulate nn attack. Dr. Hlodcctt dpscrlbcs
hydrophobia as a pronounced neurosis , In
flicted by n specific poison from rabid ani
mals. It manifest * Itself chiefly on the ner
vous ccttors. Later there l < t an Increased
Irritability In general , and dually physical
exaltation. This la nil fully shown In the
case of John Shubort , who died late lust
night , at the house of William Potty , on
Ohio near Twenty-sixth street.
Sixty days ago ho was bitten in the loft
linnd by a pup , which , within two hours ,
nave symptoms of having rabies. His sister-
in-law noticed the dog lying on the carpet ,
performing nil the jerky , twitching move
ments peculiar to a mad dog's ' action. She
said to him :
'John , tlmt pup Is no good : ho is sick.
You had better throw him out. " ,
Shortly afterwards tbo animal was Killed.
As a refutation of tlio viowa of these who
deny tlio oxlstcnco of rabies , and attribute the
chief cause to fear , Sbubcrt's family dcclaro
that ho entirely forpot the Incident until
taken sick about last Wednesday , when Ur.
Lord was called in , nnd after observing the
patient's condition nnd investigating the
Dosslbio cause , pronounced the disease mi
unuiistakoablo and well marked cnso of hy
When llrst taken sick Shubort could not
oat his dinner. On attempting to swallow
ho felt such crent distress that tbo utmost
terror seized him. Ho wont home , went to
bed and steadily grow worso.
Yesterday a rcix > rtcr for THE
BISK visited Pottys house , nnd
was permitted to look nt thounfortuuatosuf-
ferar. Ho was then under the Inlluonco of
morphine , nnd was conseiiuontly resting
comparatively easv , lylnp on his side , with
his face towards the wall , legs drawn up ,
nnd barking and spitting very much as u dog
docs. When spoken to by tlio reporter , ho
turned ever on his back , growled a few words
crossly in HohcmUn , resumed his former
position , nud continued to baric. Now and
then ho hold short conversations with him
self , but they were perfectly 'unintelligible.
Dr. Lord tried tn inQuco the -patient
to take n 3'rink of water , but nt
Si ht. of the fluid ho would almost go into
npabins , strike out with his hands , look wild ,
anil refuse 10 touch It. Ho had not oaten a
mouthful or drank a drop slnco llrstaffcotcd.
The fact that attempts at swallowinir caused
all his distress is an exciting factor * In the
cnso , ax , after much persuasion , the physi
cian was unaula to got a dose of mcdlcinu
down his throat.
Whoa not kept under the Influence of
opiates , the poor follow would become a
raving maniac , and had a special dcsiro to
assault nnd kill anybody ho know , bdt
Bhowcd Indifference .to nud was sullen
towards strangers.
Ho had a constant nnd raging ,
scorned to bo consuming with thirst , asked
for .something to drink , though it was im
possible for him to swallow anything. He
wns nblo to take the glass in his hands and
look at the water , but on bringing it to his
lips , bis bond at once turned awny. An ef
fort to force him to drink would throw him
into n violent spasm.
Shubert came to this country from Bohe
mia four years ago. Ho wns thirty years old ,
liad a wife and ono child , had been nr. indus
trious man at his trade , that of wood carv
ing. .Ho worked in Grays planing mill.
'Slnco Shubort's sickness began , the dis
covery has been made that his brother-in-
law , Mike Parkcno , who died at St. Joseph's
hospital , from a supposed attack of pleurisy ,
was bitten by the same uog a few days pre
vious. While the physicians who attended
Purkeno appear to have made a diagnosis of
his case , It is learned now that the symptoms
manifested by him were the same , in many
rospccts , ns those of Shubert , only in a less
violent form. Ho was taken ill on Monday ,
removed from his homo , 1709 South Four
teenth street , to the hospital , on Tuesday ,
and that night died.
It is also learned that a child of Suubort's
sister was bitten by the pup. in the foot , and
now the mother is in n state of mental
ogouy , lost her llttlo ono goes the same way.
The DontiHtH.
DBS MOINRS , la. . May 10. ( Special Tele
gram to Tnn BEE. ] The exercises of the
State Dental association closed with the
forenoon's session , the tirao of which was
ilovotcd chiefly to clinical operations. Dr. E.
Jj. Brooks , of Vlnton , conducted the opera
tion of tilling with tin nnd non-cohesivo gold ,
Jllling a molar proximal cavity , using the
Ilorbst method of rotary motion and hand-
pressure. Dr. W. P. Dickinson , of Du-
Jjuquc , was engaged m lllliug a compound
cavity with cervical border with Indium
pold , using the hand-mallet. Dr. T. B.
Week eave a successful demonstration of
extracting n nerve from a tooth through elec
tricity. The closing paper was read by
Pr. W. G. Clark , of Cedar Kaplds , on "Don-
tal Education. " Ho urged the necessity of
educating the masses to the Importance of
rood dental work , and propounded the quer
ies whether the newspapers and magazines
might not bo utilized us u moans of dissemi
nating Information on tlio subject ; whether
children might not bo reached through the
publlo schools , and teachers through the nor
mal institutions.
Honorary members wcro elected as fol
lows ! J. Foster , Flogg ; W. . X. Suddorth ,
Philadelphia ; J. Uoblnson , Michigan ; T.V. .
J3rophy , Chicago ; L. D. Hedge , Arkansas
City , Kan. ; Dr. Jonison and J.W.Brady ,
Tno next session will bo held In Bubuquo ,
The Supreme Court.
DBS MOIKF.K , In. , May 10. [ Special Telegram -
egram to THE HKn.l The supreme court filed
the following decisions here to-day :
George W. and Jennie Ituynor vs Joseph
nnd Laura Unynor , appellants ; Taylor dis
trict ; affirmed.
KatoSplttmillor , appellant , vs Wm. Fisher ,
ndminlstrntor , etc. ; Dc&Moinus district ; af
John Thomas , appellant , vs Hannah O ,
JMuDouald nnd J. II. Houglund ; Cedur Hupids
upenor court : reversed.
George Coudrny , appellant , vs Julius Stifol ,
et al- Clark district ; reversed.
Rachel Marriage , appellant , vs Calvin
Woodraff ; Muhuska district afllrmod ,
William H. Wnlto , appellant , vs F. O.
Adams , administrator ; Dos Molues diutrict ;
Danlol Huslmoll , appellant , vs A. Wliitlock ,
Ct al. ; Van Huron district ; nfllnr.ed.
A TorriUo Hall Htorm.
MAHMUU.TQWX , Iu. , May 10. | Special
{ Telegram to Tim UBS. | The worst hall
ptorm of yeura Rtruok the southwest part of
{ Marshall county yesterday , with a torrlllo
rain fall. Hundreds of windows were shat
tered , trees stripped of fruit , vegetation
seriously dnmaKOd and Holds washed out.
The hai ! lay In drilti two or ihroo hoars.
Killed Hy dm Car * .
HOONK , In. , May It ) . ISpci-lul Telegram to
TIIR UBS. ! John S wanton , , a well-known
nridpopular Swede of this place , was killed
liytho cars at Jo.ffcrson lo-duy. His body
Svas brought hero for burial this aftcruoou.
An Uiifortiiiinto J-'nmlly.
The police last nlflit had churgo of ac un-
btual trio In Fred llosuy , wife and child ,
johoy U blind , hU wlfo is Insauu , and the
thlld a flloVly Infant but a few wecUs old.
The unfortunate family was taken from the
lOftpltnl , Soon after reaching1 tlio jail Mrs.
iosey Uecarao violent , and m her delirium
: auio near killing her child. The pollcu wcro
louipolled to ovoipowor .ho woman und take
Uo child from her , The iufutit WHS imt to
St. Pniil in , Milwaukee rt.
ST. I'Affci May'10. St. Paul won another
one-sided game from Milwaukee to-day. The
feature was the halting of Pickott ; who
made n single every time ho was at bat.
Score !
An. n. nit. sit. ro. A.
Poormnn , rf 5 1 3 0 0
St , Paul 4 1 13
Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 1 04 0 G
Uuns earned St. Paul S.
Two bnso hits Hawcs , Poormnn , Morrissey
rissoy , Button , Mills.
Homo runs Kollly (2) ( ) , Werrlck.
Bases stolen By Hawcs , Murphy , Pick
ott (2) ( ) , Carroll , Itoilly. Worrick , Farmer ,
Trod way , Sowdors (3) ( ) , Poorman.
Double plays Plckett , Worrick and
Hawes ; ICcas , Mills and Morrlssey ; Sutton
nnd Morrissey : Hassatnacr nnd Herr ; Keas ,
Werrlck nnd Morrmoy.
liases on balls Oil Sowdors 2. off Kcas 0.
Struck out Uy Sowdors 7 , by ICeas 4.
Passed balls runner and Mills.
Wild pitches Sowdors. Kcas.
Left on bases St. Paul 7 , Milwaukee 0.
First base on errors St. Paul 4 , Mil
waukee 'J.
Ualk Sowdors.
Time 1 hour and 45 minutes.
Umpire Force.
.Postponed Gnnios.
Dns MOINKS , May 10. Tlio DCS Molnes-
Minnc&polis gumo was postponed on account
of rain.
DEXvnit , May 10. Tbo Deiivor-Omaha
gatno was postponed on account of snow and
The National tionctic.
Ct.cvBi.ANn , May 10. Result of to-day's
game :
Cleveland 0 10000003 4
Indianapolis. . . . ! 0000301 * 5
Base hits Cleveland 10 , Indianapolis 0.
Errors Cleveland 3 , Indianapolis 2. Pitch
ers Grubor and Boylo. Uniuiro Burnum.
PHILADELPHIA , May 10. Result of to-day's
game :
Philadelphia 0 00000-0
Washington 0 8
Base hits Philadelphia 4 , Washington 0.
Errors Philadelphia 2 , Washington 1. Pitch
ers Glcason and Fcarson. Umpire Mc-
In the seventh inning n terrible windstorm
arose , preventing further play.
CiiiCAGoMay 10. Itesuit of to-day's game :
Chicago 0 532 0 10
Pittsburg 0 0 0 U 0 "S
Base hits Chicaao 10 , Pittsburg 4 , Er
rors Chicago 3 , Pittsburg 4. Pitchers
Gumbert nnd Staloy. Umpire Lynch.
Game called on account of rain.
BOSTON , May 10. Uesult of to-dav's game :
Boston 0 32000000 5
Now York 0 1050100 * 7
Base bits Boston 7 , Now York 14. Errors
Boston 4 New York 2. Pitchers llad-
bourne and Kcofe. Umpires Curry nnd
American Association.
CINCINNATI , May 10. Result of to-day's
game ;
Cincinnati 1 3000100 * 10
Athletic 0 000 00000 0
KANSAS CITV , May 10. Uesult of to-day's
game :
Kansas Ctty..0 3
Baltimore 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 * 4
LouiriVti.Lii , May 10. Result of to-day's '
game :
Brooklyn 10102000 * 10
Louisville 0 00000232 G
ST. Louis , May 10. Result of to-day's
guuiti :
St. Louis 1 413400 3-1C
Columbus 1 5
Tlio liiter-Statn
EVANSVIU.E , May 10. Result of to-day's
game : Evunsville , U ; Qulncy , 0.
PKOKIA , May 10. Result otto-day's gatno :
Peoria . 1 1015210 1 12
Burlington . 0 0031800 13
DAVENi'OHT. May 10. Result of to-day's
garna :
Davenport . 3 100000 4
Springtield . 0 100000 1
Game culled at thu end of thu seventh in
ning on account of rain.
Nashville Races.
NASIIVILI.K , Tenn. , May 10. The weather
was hot , the truck good and the attendance
fair. Summary :
Six furlongs- Orderly won , California
second , Leo Urigel third. Time 1:17 } .
Nine-sixteenths of umilo Qwondolin won ,
Lllllo Kenney second , Pete Holland third.
Timo-57 .
Nine-sixteenths of a mile Schoolmaster
won , Fcstus second , Echo third. Time
1:04. :
1:04.Five furlongs Paulina won , Lucy How
ard second , Llttlo Boas third. Time 1:01. :
Ono milo und seventy yards Hurry Glenn
won , Lcla May second , Aristl third. Time
I :4liK. :
Five furlongs Rlloy won , Forever second ,
Timothy third. Time 1 :03Jtf. :
After the first race to-day General Jack
son , one of the Judges , announced their
II n ul decision in the mutter of the McLaughlin -
lin episode yesterday. IIu stated that after
investigation it was found that Terra Cotta
, vu pulled under instructions from the pro
prietors of the stublo to allow Santulono
( Terra Cotta's running mute ) to win if ho
could in accordance with the racing rules und
customs , and this , coupled with thu previous
good character of Jockey MuLaughlln , and
the further evidence that tlioro wus no inten
tion of fraud on the part of MoLuughlin , led
the Judges to ducluru McLuughlln und Terra
Cotta reinstated , nnd to exonerate tlio pro
prietors of the Chicago stable from all blame.
Lotmvii.i.K , May 10. The weather was
beautiful , the attendance good , and tno
traolt very dusty. Summary :
Two-year-olds , one-half mile L II won ,
Habblt second , Kola. Valla third. Time
Three-fourths of a milo In an exciting
llnlsh Benedict nnd Valuable ran a dead
heat , Laura Davidson third. Time 1:15 : % ,
Two-year olds , Illllcs , five furlongs Fairy
Queen won , Flyaway second , Daisy F third.
Time 1:01. :
Maiden , all age * , seven-eighths of a milo
Josie M won , Copporllcld tiucond , May Laps
third. Time l : ; l/ .
Two-year-olds , half > nile--Graco Eli won ,
Silence second , Fast Time third. Tlaio 50.
lUi/mioiiK , Md. , May 10. The Plmllco
meeting closed to-duy. The weather wus
warm und the traoK splendid. Summary :
Five furlongs Fannie J won , Tennosscau
second , Insight third. TlniB l:0. : if.
Ono mil * The Bourbon won , Joe Lee second
end , Tom Hood third. Time I ; 4J.
Onenuloand a quarter Buddhist won ,
Jnphet second. Time 3:17 : } . , ' .
One mllu-'BcsH won , Uofunso second ,
Uou * third. Tluie 1 H3W.
Throe-fourths of a uiilo laijo won , Al
Reed second , Kama third. Time 1:17. :
The KnKllHh Turf.
Losuoir , May 10. ThU was the ilr t day
cf the Kemptou park spring mooting.
The race for the Kemptou park great jublleo
stakes , handicap , 3,000 ptilnois. for three-
year-olds nnd upwards , ono milo , wm won
by General Byrnes' throo-yonr-old chestnut
colt , Amphlon.
Men Glvo Their Opinions
Adjourned Till .July. .
NEW YOIIK , May 10. Alter listening to
tlio views of railroad presidents for tlio past
four days , the senate committee investigating
the working of the Intor-stato commerce law
tills morning settled itself to hear tbo opin
ions of some representative business men of
this city. The first witness was President
Charles Smith , of thn chamber of commerce.
Mr. Smith referred to the fact that railroad
building In India nud about the Black
sea ports was being pushed rapidly ,
nnd greatly feared that under the present
conditions It would not bo long before Amer
ica lost what llttlo export trade It had. Ho
advocated the carrying of nn occasional
shipment of grain by the railroads nt less
than cost when this might bo necessary. In
regard to competition with English steam
ship lines Mr. Smith thought tlioro was
small hope of successful competition , un
less , as Is the cnso with the English , Frctioh
and Gcrmnn lines , the American lines receive -
coivo u subsidy from the government.
, i. W. Herrlck , chairman of the Intor-stato
commerce commission of the produce ex
change , succeeded Mr. Smith. Ho prefaced -
faced his testimony by saying that
ho differed materially from the opin
ions held by the previous witness.
The inter-state law , ho said , wus a good ono
In many respects , and the position of mer
chants under it wns better than while poolIng -
Ing wns in voguo. Ono bad thing about the
law , however , was that the penalties for violation
lation were not severe enough. There wns a
tendency , too , to discriminate against .sea
board points m favor of foreign exports.
Without the Erlo canal rates would not bo ns
regular ns thov aro. "Tho c.inal nets as a
regulator , " said ho , "nnd In my opinion wo
should not restrict Canadian roads for that
same reason. Wo need them ns n regulator ,
but they should bo under the same govern
mental control as our own. "
The committee then called upon John D.
ICIermnn to glvo his views upon the subject
of pooling. Ho said : "I do not think that
the time has arrived for any change. Until
the intor-stato law has been longer in force ,
and until the railroads obey it and the people
Imvo an opportunity to Judge how It works ,
they are not ready for new legislation. 1 nm
inclined to believe thnt It would have boon
bettor to have allowed the sys
tem of pooling to remain unacr
conditions which would prohibit unjust dis
criminations and rates. Yet , I do not con
tend that pooling was by any means legal.
The object of the pool is to get good rates
nnd keep them. That seems all right , nnd
the roads should bo allowed to make a fair
profit , ttnd it scorns to bo the aim of the
tntor-stato law to give the roads all the ad
vantages of n pool without allowing any re
bates and unfair discrimination. "
At 1 o'clock the committee adjourned until
July 5 , when they will moot in Boston.
D. E. Carey , of Auourn , N. Y. , suicided in
a Detroit hotel , yesterday.
Yesterday was the warmest day of the sea
son at Plttsburp , Pa.
Now Castle , Pa. , reports a terrific hall and
thunder storm.
There wns a ? GO,000 flro at Lordsburg , N.
M. , yesterday.
The Southern Baptist convention began its
thirty-fourth session at Memphis , Tonn. ,
Tn a flro at Cincinnati , yesterday , ton flro
men were overcome by the smoko.
The Cao Manufacturing company estab
lishment at Columbus , O. , was damaged by
lire to the extent of § 75,000 , last night.
The weather was Intensely warm In New
"Vork , yesterday , followed by a tremendous
gale m the evening.
Notes About the City.
J. L. Phillips , of Battle Creek , Mich. ,
who is taking an extended tour through the
west , Is visiting niece nnd nephew , Mr. and
Mrs. Wyman , Albright , nnd his nephew , C.
L. Porter , of the Union Pacific , , d ajiot force ,
G. Reuthor is confined to his room with
Charles Carson , bill cleric at the stock
yards chute , has gene to Ohio to visit
W. J. Hiyely has been arrested for violat
ing the gnrbnuo ordinance , and John Adams ,
a vug , was given two days in jail by Judge
The social held Thursday evening at the
residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles J. Ander
son , AlDright , by the Methodist Episcopal
congregation , drew a crowd of friends that
filled that delightful home. The musical und
literary programme was carried out , the
pieces being well rendered.
W. H. Creary , a cattle buyer for Swift &
Co. , is sick with qulnzy , and is confined to
his room.
M. Randall loft Friday ovonlng for Red
Oak , la. , to reuiuiu till Monday , on profes
sional business.
Mrs. Davis is dangcrougly ill at her homo
in Albright.
E. B. Smith , of PlumCrcelf , is the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Carley.
Dr. Stover will arrive from Chicago next
week and will open an olllco in the Hardy
Mrs. W. Randall has gene to Oakland , la. ,
to visit friends.
G. F. VerchofT , chief clerk in Charles
Singer's , will leave Saturday evening with
his mother for Salt Luke City , to join bis
father , who is in busionss In that city.
J. V. Emmett Is on the sick list.
Curl Hullatn nnd Roth Hart , of Omaha ,
have taken positions in Charles Singer's
Charles Cuminlnes will start for Phila
delphia on private business the first of the
A Pointer
As every render of this paper knows ,
it has bucomo ono of the line arts to
write ( iltriictivo and iiitcrostiii" ' iid-
vortisomonta especiullv mcdicnl ones.
Now it soGins to us thnt iffor instance ,
the world-wide advertisers of Wurnor'a
Safe Remedies would adopt a style
whereby they could work in a startling
story of , snv wolves , wo believe the
immense sale of their tnedicinoH could
bo still moro largely increased. Wo
pivo thorn the benefit of the idea at any
event. Lot it commence like this :
Patter ! Patter ! Patter !
There it is again. It is not fifty yards
from where it last halted. The stups
arc too light for these of an Indian. A
Grizzly would mob. upon its victim with
a rour'of dofiunco and anger. A panther
would hurl himself through thirty foot
of space with a scream to unnerve the
hardest hunter. "Wolves , " whispers
the hunter , as a howl suddenly bursts
upon hla car.
Wolves ! the gaunt grizzly wolves of
the foot-hills thin und poor and hun
gry and savage the legs tireless the
mouth full of teeth which can crack the
shoulder-hone of a bulTalo. Ho can see
their durk forms Hitting from point to
point the patter of their feet upon the
parched grass proves that ho is sur
rounded yet no more in danger , and
no moro otTcctually surrounded than
ho who trilled with the symptoms of
kidney disease. And you , reader , know
whether or not you nro a victim to its
insidious oncroiichmont , If your hack
nones , if your eyesight isailing , if
your appetite in llcklo , if your urine is
not clear and of a pale straw color , do
not hesltnto on the prairie of danger ,
but flue to the nearest haven of safety ,
and resort to the only known cure for
Kidney and liver troubles , Warner's
Safe Cure. It is a duty you owe , not
only to youroolf , but to your family and
society nt large.
Delays are dangerous.
Had the traveler not boon overtaken
in the night , and unarmed , the tvolves
would have had no terrors for him. Wo
warn you just now in broad daylight ,
before the wolves of disease sink their
poisoned fangs deeply into your flesh
und the night of death settles down
upon you , to stop your oars to prejudice
and bigotry , and to lly to safety through
the menus wo huvo pointed out ,
The Intor-Sfcato Commission Will
Abaqrli1 Hvorythluff.
Antntnl Mooting of O. , D. & Q. Now
Hulls For thofJ. P. Why OlmiiRos
llavo Been Made In the Snntn
Fo Jinny Items.
Kxtcmilnr * tlio'Commission's Powers.
CIUOAOO. May 10. 1 Special Telegram to
Tim BRI : . ] It Is the opinion of ono of the
shrewdest railroad men Iu Chicago that the
Intor-stato commission will assume jurisdic
tion of state as well ns intor-stnto trafllc.
Incidentally ho thinks nil action rolutlvo to
trafllc by state railroad commissioners can bo
declared Illegal. Said ho today ! "Judge
Cooley Is simply adopting a circuitous
method of assuming jurisdiction ever state
trafllc. Ho told mo once that ho boltoved
the commission had Jurisdiction ever state
ns well ns Intor-stnto traffic , and It looks as
though ho wns preparing to nssumo jurisdic
tion. You remember that In the recent free
pass hearing In Washington , the Now
York Central people said they did
not submit a list of passes given by them be-
causa they had glvon none for transporta
tion outside of Now York stato. They did
not thuiK the commission would nssumo con
trol of stutc tratllc , but Judco Cooley ordered
a complete list of the stale passes sent In ,
That order was n virtual assumption of au
thority over state trafllc. If the judno moans
It , and can hold his ground , It will take all
power of fixing rates , etc. , from the
commissioners of the different states. Judge
Gary , of the St. Paul road , nnd many ether
good lawyers , believe , oven now , that nny
trafllc legislation of the railroad commis
sioners Is illegal. There will bo no question
about this If the Intor-stato commerce com
mission assume control of state trafllc. "
Secures Finn Termliml Facilities.
ST. Louis , May 10. The Chicago , Burling
ton & Qulncy railway has at lust secured the
finest terminal facilities possessed by nny
rend entering the city. For sovornl years
Burlington agents have boon buying up quietly
such property as wus noudod and regarded as
valuable. The property contains 4H ( ) acres ,
nnd it extends from Hall strcot east to the
river , embracing the cntlro river front. High
oniclals of the Burlington company stated ,
this ovonlng , tlmt this move of the company
meant the construction of a bridge across the
Missouri river south of St. Charles , and the
bulling of an Independent line to the com
pany's property.
A Material Reduction.
ST. Louis , May 10. At a meeting of the
Transcontinental association , to-day , a rate
of $1 per 100 pounds in car loads was estab
lished on canned fruits und salmon from nil
Pacific coast points to all Missouri river
points and St. Louis nnd Chicago. This Is n
reduction of 20 cents per 100 pounds.
Tlio Burlingtonnomcinls and Their
Past. Policy.
The stockholders of the Chicago , Burling
ton and Quincy wjUl hold their annual meeting - ,
ing nt Chicago , Wednesday. It is thought
that a lively tlmqwill result owing to the
financial condition of the road , as compared
with that of preceding years. That the usual
declaration , announcing a dividend , will not
bo made , is generally known. It is stated ,
however , that General Manager Stone has ,
iu part , restored the losses resulting from
the great strike precipitated by him , und that
ho will make a shbwlng which will bu favor
able to his chancds forgoing retained In his
present position.l l , .
Another report is that Stone will bo lot out
and that Vico-Pvesdont ( Peasloy will suc
ceed him. This , however , has but few be
lievers , although tliero are some railroad
men in Omaha who would not bo surprised
should this follow. These who have looked
Into the issue which will bo raised at the
mooting , and who understand the drift of
the sentiment of the stockholders of that
system , nro of the opinion that the present
administration will bo cnllod on to make a
clear explanation of the depression In Bur
lington stocks and finances. It is thought
that Perkins and Peasloy will bo ro-olectod
without much opposition , together with the
present directorate.
ljoolclii < * TownrtlH Omnhn.
J. A. Brown , of the Northwestern road ,
was In Omaha yesterday. He ulso repre-
rents the Dakota Quarry and Mining com
pany , which has a branch known as the
Buffalo Gap Sandstone company. From the
quarry the company will build a railroad
four miles in length to connect with the Fre
mont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley , so that
Omaha can bo supplied with the sandstone.
Heretofore the company has been dealing
directly with Chicago and Kansas City.
The board's recent excursion party induced
the company to cot into Omaha when it
passed through ButTalo Gap.
JlondqunrtcrH In Omnlm.
The Order of Railway Conductors will
meet at Denver In annual session Tuesday
next. The membership of the order now
numbers 10,000. At this meeting a strong
light will bo made for the location of the
headquarters of tno order. The brotherhood
has decided to construct u mammoth build
ing , costing $250,000 , to bo used as a head
quarters. At present , Cedar Ruplds has the
largest grip on the building proposed , but a
strong movement is on foot to locito : it in
Omaha. Hurry Gllmorc , now roadmastcr of
the Missouri Pacific , und a veteran con
ductor , said : "Wo will make u null
for Omaha and our chances are good. I
am sure that most all the trans-Missouri
conductors will favor Omaha. If'this can
bo brought about , we will add another flower
to Omaha's laurels. Thcro Is not u bettor
location to bo found. Here wo would Imvo
good and immediate rental , nnd that moans
a great deal. Our chances are good , and wo
will go tlmro prepared for its issue. Wo
will also endeavor to have the uoxt annual
meeting hold hero. "
Will Liny Now Track.
Thirty cars loaded with stcol rails wcro
received by the Union Pacific yesterJay. The
now rails are of the sovonty-ilvo-pound
standard , the heaviest manufactured , and
will rcpluco the sixty-pound rails now In use
on the mam line and suburban truck between
Two'ity-fourth strodtund South Omaha. A
requisite nu m Lie r of angle bars for the
new rail WHS also received. The latter is a
10-inch strip of OS-pound weight , with six
bolts. The present , uuglo bar now in use is
'M inches , with fouV bolU. The bar. it is
thought , will result in less rail breaking
the short bar joint/being regarded as a rail-
weakening instrument , und from which a
largo percentage ' of the accidents from
broken rails Imvo resulted.
The rails now hi use on the main line at
the above point. Will bo used in tno con
struction of terminal trucks iu connection
with the now union depot.
Snnta l''o OluuijfCfi.
Speaking of the rtfsfVnatlon of Vice-Pros- !
dent Smith of the Saritu Fo , and ox oniclul
of that road who ls.'ii ) Omaha at present ,
eald : "Smith is ntit capable , licnco his ros-
'ignation. Ho could 'not fill the general man
agership of the Chctftlptmko Ohio , general
freight agency of the Burlington BO as to
' Positively cured by
these L'ttlo IMIIs.
They also relieve Dis
tress iro'A Dyspepsia , Indigestion -
ITTLE digestion and Too Heart }
Eating. A perfect rcni-
cdyforDlzzluesa , Nausea ,
PILLS. DrowglneiH , Had Ta.sU-
la the Mouth , Coated
jfUB , rain In the Side ,
TOUI'Il ) MVKR , They
regulate too Bowcla. inircly Vegetable.
plvo satisfaction when ho was In these posi
tions. Hut tlio deal moi\ns Urn abolition of
the tttlo find olllco of third vice-
president. I havfl received Informn.
tlou thnt cnnnot bo doubted tlmt A.
A. Koblnson , second vlco-prcsldont , will bo
inado llrst vice-president , nnd tlmt J. P.
Goililnrd , third vlco president will bo made
second , nnd the position of third vlco-prcsl-
dent nbollshcd. _ _ _ _
Mnll ArrnnKomcntft.
Under the now tlmo-card to tnko effect on
the Union Pacific , the mall cnrs will bo run
as follows ! Westward on No. 1 , leaving
Omaha nt 8:15 : p. in , , nrrlvlntf at Ogdoo at
0 s-15 a. in. , the second day.
Eastbound on No. 4 , leave Ogdcn at S a. in. ,
arrlvo tn Omaha nt 8:45 : p. in. , the second
evening , connecting with the Burlington &
Northwestern fust train for Chicago , nrriv-
Ing at the latter pladc at 12 in.
Mall for Cheyenne nnd way points will bo
carried on Nos. 3 tind 3 as follows :
No. 3 westbound , leave Otnahaat 8:23 : a ,
in. , arrlvo at Choycnno at 3 a. ni.
No. 2 , leave Cheyenne nt 10:00 : a.-tn. , ar
rlvo at ! t0 ! a. iiu
Hcport Untrue.
It was reported to-day that the St. Paul ft
Omaha httd concluded to extend Its line from
HnrtliiRton to Ynnkton nnd that the Wclls-
FarRO Express company hud boon notified of
the sntiio. Superintendent Jnynoa pro
nounced the report unfounded and stated
the conoral manager of the Omaha had but
recently so Informed htm.
Aunlu Postponed.
The Union Pacific has ngatn postponed the
running of trains to Sioux City to May 19.
On thnt date both passenger nnd freight
trains will bo nut on.
For Senator in South Dakotn.
YANKTOX , Dak. , May 10. [ Special to Tun
Unn. ] Frank I'oltlgrow , of Sioux Fulls , Is
laying the pipes for tbo United .Slutcs sena-
torslilp uml has enlisted the nctlvo support
of a number of newspaper men and others.
HU success means the defeat of Hon. A. J.
Kdgcrton , who wus elected by a pretended
legislature that assembled at Huron wtion
the Btato government was not put Into opera
tion , In 1SS5 or 1SSO. Moody and Edgorton
were then elected , nnd many thought they
would bo the llrst senators when the state
was admitted , but PcttlKrow Is after Edger-
ton's scalp , nnd many Influential citizens in
the Ulack Hills nnd elsewhere are working
for the defeat of Moody. South Dakota
covers a large area , and brains are not lackIng -
Ing to top the senatorial tongues ; so com
binations may bo formed that will relegate
the whole trio ana substitute younger , more
progressive and more representative men.
South Dakota has material that will com
pare favorably with the brainiest men from
the older states , if n legislature can bo
elected with honesty enough to rise above
rings and corrupt combinations , to utilize It.
The btnamslilp Pales Overdue.
SAN FIIANCISCO , May 10. The steamship
City of Now York arrived , to-day , from
Hongkong nnd Yokohama bringing advices
to April 24. Japanese papers of April 20
state that fears are expressed at Clico Fee ,
China , for thu safety of the United States
steamship Pales , which wintered at Tien
tsin , nnd , when the port opened In the spring ,
left for Chco Foo. Though long overdue ,
nothing has been soon of the Pales by nny
vessels that made the trip Detween the two
ports up to the 20th ult.
Secured an Injunction.
James F. Fitch and a party of gentlemen
from Ulalr appeared in the district court
yesterday morning , and Mr. Fitch caused an
injunction to bo issued to restrain certain
parties from trespassing upon u quarter sec
tion of land now used as a race course by
Herman people.
the Company.
New YOIIK , May 10 , Judco Barrett in the
supreme court , to-day , gave a Judgment dis
solving the Electric Sugar Ilollnmj ; com
pany. S. Burnhuui Moffatt was appointed
receiver of the flrrn.
It Gosts Less
On tbo question of real economy IIooJ'H Saraapa-
rllln l no far alien 1 of oilier preparations ns to pluco
them entire ! ] ' out oftlio race ni competitors Hero
are facts In regard to this pouular incillclnc. cnsllr
susceptible of conclusive proof :
TUKII Mono thun any ether competing preparation ,
because It is more hl bly concentrated and contains
moro rcul medicinal vnluc.
2. IT COSTS THE .lomiEii MOIIE , its n consequence
of tbo liict Jiut BtHtol. 3.
Hood's Sarsnparllln.
COSTS THE HETAH. Diii'iiniHT MOIIK. for ilio amo
reason aa can o.ilily bo learned by linnlry. llonco
the < lcsro | orsomo retailers to soil their own prepara
tion ! ! , whlc'licosttboni lc , and for which they tiettbo
samn price , tliux milking moro money , lint
4. u COSTS TUK CuNHUMKii liKsa tli,111 any other
medicine , becuuao of Its concentrated strength , and
the quantity In eacli bottle , nnd hccauto Is tlio only
of nlilchcon truly bo S'lld , " 10U DOSES OVK DOU.AU , '
On this platform HooJ'a Surdiiparllln stands ulnolu-
tola booond tbo approach of competitors. Tlioyeopy
ur methods of advertising , tboy uio our Iin ) < uaje ,
should bo mild , prompt ,
and pleasant , with no
griping or purgative cf-
tods' It should also In
cite the liver to action ,
aid digestion , and ro-
Ucvo tlio kidneys. LIK'O
nothing also ,
Palno'a Celery
Compound Is a
perfect laxative ,
and cures consti
pation where nil
ether remedies
"As a gentle laxative , Talne's Celery Com-
'pound li surely without a peer. I tUUils I ougat
to know , Hlnco I have tried remedy after reme
dy for about llvo or Bit yeare and Jiavo found
nothing thatcaualsltln my casoofcostlvoncns , "
J. II. JENKINS , Tcacucr , Cloyd'a Crock , Tenn.
Lait nltfht n largo anil enthusiastic nufll-
once frreotod tbo first of the grent war con
certs , for the benefit of the First M. E.
church , at tbo Grniul-Opora house. In ovor.y
respect , the entertainment was ono of the
flnost over given In tills tilty.
The Swedish Lady octetto appeared for
the second tlmo In concert In Omaha , at
\ \ aihliiRton hall , last evening , before n much
larger aiullcnco than the ono that greeted
thorn Thursday night. The excellent pro-
gramma was so superbly rendered that
every number received a merited cncoro.
All of the selections were well sung , nnd
moro particularly Is this trno of a serenade
entitled "lly the Sonshoro , " which , In Itself ,
was a rare musical treat.
Air. I'holnn , In his Impontonntlons , pleased
the nudlonco greatly.
A Wnywnril Girl.
Mrs , Mary Stromberg , of Manning , la. ,
was In the city , yesterday afternoon , loolclnir
for her daughter , Ida , who ran away from
homo some two months ago , and has been In
Omaha slnco that time. Mrs. Stromborg
fears that lior daughter is lending a llfo of
sluimo. Soon nftor the girl cnmo to Omnlm
her mother beard that she was about to bo
married to a colored man named Frank
Dunn. Mrs. ytromborg cauio hero nt once
nnd found Dunn , who wns working n ? a porter
ter In Ollvo Itranch'a bagnio. The ilusltv
lover rnfuscd to toll where bis fair liinmo-
rnta was living. Mrs. Stromberg went homo ,
but returned ngnln , yesterday , to imilto another
ether search for her erring daughter. Ser
geant Sluivart , of the pollco force , found the
girl working for a family near the high
school. She refused tn entertain n proposi
tion to return home , anil declared her Inten
tion to marry Dunn. As the girl is of ago ,
the | Kllco declined to talco any action m tlio
matter. Mrs. Stromberg returned home , last
night , leaving her daughter in the city.
Tlio old , old story is nlninly but nptly
told in n few words by Mnssrs. II. L ) . tuul
G. W. Brown , of Pollvillo , Kentuckyis :
follows : "CliiunborliUu's Cough Homotly
has given the best satisfaction of tiny
cough medicine wo ever Imd in the
house. You will plonso ship us three
dozen bott'.os of the 50 cents size. " Sold
by all druggists.
Tlio MlllUa.
Speaking of the f 1,740 appropriated by
congress for the equipment of the milltin of
this state , n prominent member of the Na
tional Guards said Jycstorday that the sum
would urovo but a drop In the bucket. The
Nebraska mllltla , ho assorts , is poorly oouip-
pcd , nnd it will take several times $4,000 to
purchase necessary accoutrements.
The ( Jrcighton Guards have so fur hnd no
return from their request to the governor to
bo honorably discharged. The commissioned
oftlcers will forward their resignations within
a few days.
The V. M. O. A.
The monthly meeting of the Young Men's
Christian association wns hold last night.
The only business done was the discussion
of alterations of the bath rooms of the gym-
mislum. An adjournment was then taken
until May 31 , when Secretary Jonnor will
have returned from Philadelphia.
Monday night tbo annual oloution of direc
tors of the association will take place. Five
directors will be elected to fill vacancies for
that number whoso terms have expired.
Two cnomios Hood's
grout Sarsap-
nrilla and impure blood. The hitter is
utterly defeated by the peculiar medi
cine. _
JK'scrtctl Her Roy.
A nine-year-old boy named Harry Love
was picked up nt the union depot last night
and sent to the police station. His story is
that his mother , who lives at Grand Island ,
hns been hero visiting for several days.
Yesterday Bho sent tlio boy out lo raisn
some money by begging. When ho returned
she had gene home.
they steal our headline * , but tboyilo not.TnBV CAN
NOT , copyreproducoour preparation , Hood's Sarsa
url lla.
First , HicAL'SJtlTC03T3TOO MUCH to do U prollt
fcecond , TIIK COMIUVATIO.V , PnoroiiTiov ANI >
PltoCESS In preparing Hnod < SarBiparlllti tire pccu-
Haj In Itself , nnd competitors o innot Und the secret
uyvrlilch Ililt modlclno nocuro * IU real merit , and
In conicquonco of wblch It cuVcts remarkable cures
nbercotbcr prcp.mitioiis lull.
A Point For You
When yon buy jniir iirlnu medicine , you want tbo
beat. Ask for Hood' * S.irpatllla , anil Insist upon
bavliiKlt. Do not let any iirKUincnt or persuasion
Inlliionco you to buy wliat 5011 do not want. Do-u ro
tomtit tbo 1 leal spring medicine. Hood's Sarsaparlll t.
"I/ist xprliu I irns complutely f.tttKod out. My
stiuiiKtb left mo and 1 foil Kick und miserable all
tlie tlmo , so that 1 could liardly nltenit to my bust
lien. 1 procured one bottle of Hood'A Sirf.ipiirllli : ,
uiul Itcutt'd 1110. " H. C. iSlinoiiU , Udltor Knturprlso.
llollovuu , .Mich
"Aood'KSnrsnpitrllla H tint rboapnut medicine I
can buy. " I'.H. KlUliKL , llullovlllc , 111.
Sold by nil drticelsts. $1 ; MX for U. I'ropared only Sold by nil drupiflsts. fU lx for & . Prepared enl
by C. I. HOOD A CO. , Lowell , Mass. by C. 1.11UOD , t CO. , LoiTcll , Mnag.
100 Doses Ouo 9 > oUur 100 One Dollar
Tnstnntly Ktopa tbo most excruciating piilni ; nn\vr falls to Rive east to thn stilTrrer.
For Sl'HAINB. flllUISKS , DACK.\Ulli : , TAIN IN Till : CHliST Olt SIDHS. IlKADAOniJ ,
TOOTAOI1K , or any other external I1 tfwappllratlons.rubbo Ion by hand , act llkomnKlc , caus
ing the pain to Instantly Kton. For CONGESTIONS. I.NHIAMMATIONri. HIIF.UMATJSJI. NKU-
and repeated application at o necc.nnry. All 1NIT.HNAI , 1'AINA. niAHHIunA. nYHn.VTKUV.
lloved Instantly , and qui'kly cured by taking Inwardly ao to no drops Iu hilt n tumbler of water ,
Mcpiitsa Homo : Sold by .
'Tnlno'B Celery Comppund Is prompt and
pleasant. Asa laxative It leaves little to bode <
Elred. I have great confidence In lla inertia. "
ALDKIIT f.wmnn , Attoclatt L'dltor ,
Journal of rcJaaogy , Athens , Ohio ,
"For two or three yearn I suffered Intensely
every nlgut with severe pntus la iny bowels ,
which were habitually coiiHtlpatod. My bowcla
nro now regular , and I have had no return ct
these pallia since using oce uottle ol
Celery Compound
F. 0. HriciNKV , Druggist , Havana , Ala.
Moral : Use ralnc's Celery Compound and stop
mining the Intestinal tract with liareii purga
tive pills. H.oa Six lor | 5.H ( ) . Druggist *
\ , niciJAHDsnH & Co. , IlurllngUm , Vt ,
I O//JTC IJelnff town J/iclnM foutl are lltMn'j ,
\UflUlC.t \ > UapFyaiuUfcarl/ ) it un iuataL
ITI-IE wTA.vr > A.Kao 01
"Pure" and Silver Gloss ! And Corn
Omaha , Neb ,
, Sell and Exchange Real
Estate and Personal Proper
ty of every description. Have
the largest list of property
of any firm in the city. If
you have anything- sell or
exchange , come and see us.
We enumerate a few special
bargains which it will pay
you to investigate.
If you have a lot In north part of city , clearer
or neatly so , wo can glvo you a nici ) homo In
Huiliilck Park for It. llcaiouublo Incma-
brance SXt.
A nlcu voinfortablo homo In Omnlm , to ex-
chungo for a furiii In Nebrasku or town W.
A number of 5-room COUIKOH : Iu Drown
I'nrK , South O.iinlia , for siilo rimj-onable. All
rented and more pnylus Intel cat on Invest
ment 17.
A l.-'ifl-acro ranch , situated In the host pnrt
of Coloiailo : MO head of rnttlo , of which 2UO
uru atoera I. a ami II yours old ; Til hontl of ood.
Hlzed brood nian.s , uuil 3 " Clydesdulo htal-
Will tuko pat l p.iy liiKood clear onstam .
xku Kind or Omaha propeity. 2J3.
o.s of choice liuiil In south
ern Dakota , for snlu on lout ? time. a SI.
A hotel m u good town on the 11. & M. In CoU
orado. Hero la a line opening for u practical
inun with nsmnll capital. 11JJ.
A line business property In ono of the best
towns lit Kansas. 131.
A stocK of drugs and store building In Iowa
toexohangu for land. I'M.
A half inturoHt In a coal tnlnn in Dakota ; will
bo sold cheap. 1 7.
15 acres ueur South Omaha ; will be sultabla
for pliittlm ; In a few yearn ; In the moan time It
ran be nicd for dairy purpose tlioro being Hv-
Inn water upon thu pUce : or It can ba uaoil tor
n vegotiiblii farmo ; cnn glvuugoo.l deal In
A half section of highly Improved land In
Pouth Dnkntu. U miles Irom u ° o-l railroad
toivn , to exchange for house and lot In Umaha.
Kor a few days \vo can oITor n great bargain
In thu following plucoi of property : An8-rootn
house on lwt at. , in .Mtlliird I'laco OM'J ' ) ; 381J 1
foot on Parnain nt corner of jrrth ( 11) ) ; an
f-room on aitli St. . just oir St. Mary's
nvo. , nil modern improvements : owner noedn
nioiioy to uulld with nnd will sell nt n lied-ronk
prlco ; come ami lot us show yoii the property.
No. 3)7 ) Lot 7 block 350 , South Oniulm. Thii
is iv very desirable lot nnd will ba sold chuap.
Come nnon It you ojtpect to got It.
No. UO'.i filxliM feet on lltli Htrout Jnit north of
NIchnliiH formilo at bargain. This pluro of
property Is Hltuiited In a part of the city which
Is teuiniiiK with llfo and will be ri'qulred fur
business purposes In u vexy ahoit time. 1'rlca
JJ,0 > ; hulf caHh , balance In ono , two and three
years ,
No. fi7B We have a number of good lotvtrtT1
clear. In ono of the best towns in Nebraska
which we cnn exchange for land nnil nsstima
some encuwbfranco. ThU Is the smumloat
htiup Unit lin.-i budded t -
No. : ; 17 A fi-room house In Omaha View. Kor
n fewduys wo can , owing to the short bank ac
count of a curtain party , oirir nn especially rare
bnrgntnlnlhls pleco of property. Jf yon are
Inclined to Invest in tlmt p.irt of the city Just
i ( member that delays urn dangerous.
.JK1 TJM-Wo hiivn limed n 5 room -cottage In
illlhitd&Culdwoll'H addition at n price so low
IIH to IIHIIIO a customer In H nhort time. Who
Is the lurlcr wan ?
No. rvvj A good lionso nnd lot In Monnionth
1'atk which wo wlllacll cheap or oxcluuigo for
olln-r good property. Do not gl.inco at thu limp
midday : "Oh ! too far out. " I , t tit loll you
something Monmonth I'ark will have Ht
wilier , gasundstivet cara thU summor. Now
IH tlio tiuiotu buy , Hum gottlnx tim lienollt of
the cm tain advance which Is soon to take plu < " l
in tnNjirot/ortv.
No filU AnV-rooin Iu that line uddlt-
lon , Idlewlln. Wo will innko somebody happy
with this piece or property Ifthoywlll como
nnd Mi ns.
No. OW Aroom siinnre lioimo on a bcnntl-
fnl lot In MathewH Kuli. of Albrights Cliolco
Honth Omaha. Wo are prepared to oiler Bpoelnl
Inducements on tills ,
No. iSO-ji'i ) acrosof land In Htnnton county.
tor HMO oTVx'liaiigu for other good propeity.
No. 1114. A svock of fnrnltiiro nnd hardware
for Kiilo loasonuhlu. Will also Bull Htorn Uulld.
Ing. nisldimuo nnd barn , Some good real ustate
will bu taken In part payment. To HOIUO oua
wlihlng to go Into buolncaa Iu a llvo town we
ran glvo ngood deal.
No. ly.l. OlO acres Improved land In Jlawling
county , Kan. , nearly clour , to trudo for mur-
chaiidlie or llvo stqck.
No. I W , utx ) acres of Improved land in Knnaaa
for livery stock , merchandise or live stock.
Nn. 181. A otoclc of f uriilturo to cxrlmiiL-e for
cattle or horses.
Houses und lots in all parts of Omalm for
nlo on easy terms or exchunKU for oilier prop
If you Imvo anything to sell ; If you wlili to
buy anytliln t It you uant to make any kmdof
llado. count to UK. Wo Imvo about W ) UKcntu
c.iUei d all over the west und can make trades
nnd eiretthules where others would fail , Ite-
niumber the place.
Room 14 , Chamfef of Commerce