THE OMAHA DAILY MAY 10 , 1880 THE CITY. The regular monthly meeting1 of the bonrd of directors of the Y. M. C. A. will bo hold this ovoninp. Tom Ruby , supposed to bo ono of the thieves who have boon robbing tbo Union Pacific shops , is the guest of Jailer Ilnnoy. Officer Ilinchov picked up n purse containing n Binixll amount of money on Fnrnnm street. It vvas turned over to Chief Sonvoy , The great war song concert will DO opoixsd by Oonorul J. C. Cowin with a. Btlrring address , Friday night at the Grand oporn , house. The horse car company Is laying track on Sixteenth street from Fnrnam to Capitol avcmio , connecting the Far- niim street with the Saunders street lino. ,7.H. Urunor , county superintendent of instruction , has issued u programme of the Douglas County Teachers' asso ciation , which will bo in session Satur day , May y } nt the court house. Of the 2,000 dot : tags prepared for this season , City Cleric Southard has sold only I'M tags. The dogs that do not wear tugs are numerous , and the police will soon begin using guns on thorn. Caspar E. Yost and the Omaha Re publican company commenced suit yes terday before Justice Morrison to re cover $185 from Thomas Cotter. The indebtedness is alleged to bo duo on a promissory noto. County Treasurer Uolln yesterday Bent out notices to people who arc in- .dcbtcd to the county for poor farm lots which were purchased two years ago. There is now about S.50,000 duo on notes for the lots , and they will have to bo paid by May lit. An inmiito of the Douglascounty poor farm calls attention to the fact that the institution * is very poorly supplied with reading matter , ami suggests that citi zens will confer u favor by sanding old papers , books or magazines to the poor farm. I'crfiniuil I'nrnurnnlifl. C. B. ICysor , of Lincoln , Is in the city. A. F. Putnam , of Detroit , Is In the city. J. K. Urinltcr , of Chicago , is in the city. J. W. Love , the Fremont banker , Is in the city. city.W. W. J. Mclntyre , of Salt Lake , Is at the Mlllurd. J. P. Tracoy , of Kniknkoo 111. , Is nt the Mlllnrd. F. E. , of Fort Doapo , la. , is nt the Milhinl. \V. C. Allyn , of LexlnRton , Nob. , is n Paxton - ton guest. A. H. Swan , the Wyoming cattle king , Is in the city. Gcorgo M. Ulnkcalco of' Lexington , Nob. , is in the city. Mrs. W. II. Foster , of Geneva , 111. , is nt the Paxtoti. G. Newton Cook , of Elmir.1 , N. Y. , is at the Paxton , Julius Hosmuson , n Columbus merchant , is nt the Millnrd. Dan Stieedy , the Parson Davicsof Denver , is nt the Pax to 11. lion. It S. , member of the senate , of Scward , is in the city. EJTho Swedish Ladies National Concert company , are ut the Millurd. O. G. Wulrnth of Pittsburp paid bis old Tried , Chief Seavoy , n brief visit yesterday. E. C. Harris , superintendent of the east ern division of the Elldiorn , is at the Mil- lard. lard.L. L. K. McCeymonds and wife , Misses 13. and M. MuCcymondsnnd John McCoymonds , of Cleveland , are at the Millard. Mrs. Dr. Webb has gene on a visit to Spo- kun.o Falls , W , T. She was tendered a re ception by ludy friends before leaving. "Welcome Homo. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Fisner , who have just returned from their wedding tour , will . lie tendered a reception ana banquet by their numerous friends. to the JHR. . Sheriff Coburu will take James Thomas , Dan Hlco , George Cronm and Godfricd JJcrlo bailer to the penitentiary to-day. Thomas has boasted that bo will escape If ho. has to kill the ofllccrs , but extra precau tions will bo taken to prevent him from ex ecuting bis threat. Cnptnlu Woods' present. Captain Woods , clerk of the police court , yesterday received nn inkstand of a very bandsomo design from Henri Maryea , a Frenchman , who was in Omaha some time ngo , and was shown a favor by the captain. The dosigi | of the present is nn old oaken bucket nuulo of bronzo. sot in a xvoll , the frnmo of which Is of handsomely carved walnut , suspended by n sliver rope. The present cnuio dlrrct f ronl Parie. A Mist nice. Mr. A , J. Hnyno , 1703 Center street , writes to Chief Soavoy complaining of a house near by in which drunken orgies aro'hold every night by dissolute men and women. Ofllcer Mostyn was detailed to investigate tbo charges , and reports that Mr. Hayno must bo mistaken , as the place Is quiet. The base ment of the house Is occupied l > y a grader , and the men who como to the place are in the Grader's employ. Tliutj is Money. Mrs. ICnto Shoots' elegant French clock which cost f IB , was stolen by ono John Cald woll. Ho was arrested and sentenced to twenty-five days in the county Jail , six on the thin diet of broad and water. John esti mates that if ho could put in this tlmo at $ .3 piir'dny instead of passing it in Jail ho could liavo bought a clock worth as much as the 'stolon ono and liavo $35 besides. lie Bays : "I have hoard that tlmo Is money , but it isn't when it is stolon. " Doesn't Want Her Dnliy. Mrs. Merritt , who lives at 2011 Cumlng r.trcot , complains that an unmarried Gorman or Swede girl of twenty-two namea Tona Anderson , left her illegitimate four-months- old baby with her about ten weeks iigo , npreeing to pay her fJ.&O per week for the cnru of it. Tona ha * not only broken bar iirpinlso , but has nluo concealed her where abouts. She Is u blonde with two molus on Jior loft oheolc , Is short la stature and heavy- eel. Mrs. Morrltt says that u man who re cently tended bar on Vintou Is supposed to bo tlio father of the child. Olllolnl CliuiiRO. Eli Clayton has boon succeeded as goncral manager of the Iowa and Nebraska Insur ance company by M * . J. Hums , until rocontlj an adjuster of the City of London Insurance company. The reason given by ofllccrs of the com pany Is that Mr. Clayton , on account of his advanced age , was unable to fulfill the duties of the ofllcc. Mr. Clayton bas sold his stork 1 in the company to Mr. Hums , who will take iuiinodlato cliarco. Ha has now gone to OL- tumwa , la. , to bring his wife and daughter to-their now home. Mr. Hums Is nn old associate of Secretarj Goodwin , of the Iowa and Nebraska com pauy. Mall Houto ItoniH. The last remaining cvldonco of Cleveland' ! ndmlnlntration in the railway mall service In this division was sent on to Chicago yester day. The buudlq consisted of records und receipts whlsli the now clorlcs niu ngunts have no use for , After being exam- inoii nt the division oOlcu in Chicago , the document * \vill bo turned over to pajlbonrora tenderly borho to the ' department at Vi'iuli- ingtan und carefully laid uway hi the cold , sllbnt vaults. H. 0. Gardner , Alnsworth. and Q. C. Wil son , Sterling , uowly appointed route agent * , , were swora In yesterday , The former . takes a run between Ord and Grand Island , and tu latter between Columbus and Aehi- eon. ' Pozonl's Complexion Powder produces a soft and beautiful bkln ; it combine * very element of beauty und purity , A NOUfjR UED MAN. lie Aakn For Aflslstnnooto Ilia North ern Home. George Humphrey , the well-known Win- nobngo chief , Wft-No-Mo-Nekn , was at tbo county commissioners' room yesterday no- Jcltlne assistance. Ho is seventy-six years old , and had walked from a point In south ern Iowa , olghty-fivo miles distant , without a ccntto procurn fooa or lodging with. Ho s trying to reach the homo of his people , In Dakota county , and thought tbo commis sioners might do something towards fur nishing him transportation. Said ha : "I hnvo ftomo land up there and want to got my children fixed before I dlo , so that , hey will not want for anything. " Humphrey WAS ono of tbo chiefs who Iccdcd Council UlufTs to the government rorty-olfiht years ago. Ho spoke briefly of : ho matter to-day , saying : "At that tlmo the town consisted of two OR-houscs. The white men who came out said they wanted to borrow It for thirty years. They gave the Indians two drinks of whiskey each , seine provisions , promised thoin more when they wanted It , and that Is the way the reservation was secured. " The old follow uho stated that at the tlmo of the HlacK Hawk war. In which his father took part , bo was a big follow fourteen years old. "My father was n great fnond , then , to Governor Uodgo and General Stool , who had command nt Fort Pralrlo Du Chlcn , and jnvo thorn all the assistance ho could , " After ho had grown to bo a man , Chief Wn-no-ma-noka went to college , acquired a 'ood education , and took the nntno , Gcorgo Humphrey. An Imperative Necessity. What pure air is to nn unhealthy lo cality , what spring cleaning is to the neat housekeeper , no is" Hood's Sarsaparilla - rilla to everybody , at tnis season. The body needs to bo thoroughly ronovntod , the blood purified and vitalized , the germs of disease destroyed. Scrofula , salt rhoum.iuid all.othor blood disorders arc cured by Hood's Sarsuparilln , the most popular und successful spring medicine. A Fntoful Memento. Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo H. Leslie returned from the east Wednesday , where they had gone to assist In the identification of tbo rc- malns of Mrs. Leslie's cousin , Mr. Hufus A. Poverty , of Portsmouth , Now Hampshire , who , as wo announced a few days ago , was one of the unfortunate victims of tbo Into railway disaster at Hamilton , Canada. Mr. Povorly , after a two weeks' pleasant visit with his relatives nero , had gene on to Chicago , and , after visiting seine friends " there , loft on the ill-fated Grand Trunk train" for Now York , to enjoy the centennial fes tivities before returning boino. Ho had written friends in New York that he would meet them on Sunday evening. Not arriving , and noticing nn account of the accident in the Now York papers , Monday morning , Inquiries were sot on foot by tolo- irram , when the news was wired from Ham ilton that n shield , with the name of U. A. Poverly , : CO Hroadway , Now York , was found among the debris nt Hamilton. Loving friends hastened to the scene of the accident , but , alas , out of eighteen unfortunate - fortunate occupants of the sleeping car eleven were burned beyond recognition , most of them being ncadlcss and limbless. Mr. Poverty's relatives secured his watch chain , onyx charm with ills monogram , and a shield with his name engraved in full thereon , which is all that remained of his personal effects. Tbo engraved shield , which was the only evidence to niarlc the absolute certainty of the manner of his death , was purchased by Mr. Poverty , some , fifteen years ago , prior to bis departure on n trip to Europe , giving his then New York business address and it seems to have been a most providential thing that ho should hnvo worn It constantly all these years. * The eleven unidentified bodies were pub licly buried at Hamilton on Tuesday after noon. Have- you rheumatism1 ! Hnvo you diabetes ? Hnvo you Bright's disease ? riayo you any kidney trouble ? JIavo you gravel ? Have you any bladder dilllculty ? Have you dropsy ? Hnvo you dyspepsia ? IIuvo you nny skin or blood dlsoaso ? Are yourn victim of alcoholism ? Are you wonlc and debilitated ? If so , the Almighty has provided In the wntors of Excelsior Springs , Mo. , n pure frep remedy , that as n diuroticand tonic , will moro nearly prove infallible for your case than any other ngcncy you can llnd on earth. "Tho Elms,1' nt Excelsior Springs , is nowhere surpassed among tirst-dns , hotels. All charges very reasonable. Every comfort and convenience. Sur roundings attractive. Climate delight ful and healthful. Twenty-six miles fromKiumas City , Mo. , on tlio C. , M. & St. P. railroad. * Mortuary. The remains of Miss Katie Sullivan , who aloit last Tuesday , were intorod in the ceme tery of the Holy Sopulchro yesterday. The remains were first taken to St. Philo- mcna's cathedral , where solemn high mass was celebrated , Fathers F. McCarthy and S. F. Carroll , of this city , and Father Tigho , of New Jersey , officiating. The pall bearers were Jeremiah Mulviliill , James Swift , Thomas Fiynn , Ulclmrd Muleahoy and Jero- minh Linchan. The funeral was very largely attended , ncarty ono hundred carriages being In the cortege. Few deaths liavo taken place In this city which liu occasioned such wide-spread re gret among a largo circle of acquaintances as that of Miss Sullivan. She had lived nearly all her life in this city , was widely known , and the eharm of her presence and disposition was by every friend appreciated. Coming so soon after that of her fatlior , her death Is a blow upon both family and friends which is severely felt. QTho remains of Ellen F. Chambers Everett , who dlod Wednesday evening At her resi dence , 142. ) Howard street , were forwarded yesterday afternoon to Boonsboro , Md. , for burial , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ . I1OAUD OF PUBLIC WOUKH. Inltinl Steps Toward Completing the Work of Ijnylna Now Sldownlks. The board of public works nas taken the Initial steps to complete the work of laying sidewalks In the permanent sidewalk dis trict , established'by the council in Septem ber , 1SS7. The district comprised OOl.CSO superficial square feet. Of this amount there remains 217,8(0 ( square feet , of wblcn J. E. Hllcy ft Co. have the contract for the construction of 11B.OOO square feet , The board of public works bas condemned the remaining walks in the permanent district , and the matter has goao to tbo council com mittee on sidewalks. It will probably bo concurred , in and stone or artificial stone walks.will bo ordered. The condemned sec tions are located as follows : Ninth Street All of blocks 121 and 183 , lots I and 2 of block 1511 , lot 4 of block E , lot fi block G , lot 5 block H. Tenth Street Lots 4 and 5 block 101 , lot 1 block 11U , north 88 feet of lot 8 block 102 , lot t block 2 < M , soutn 8S foot of lot 8 block 203 , lot 4 block 204 , south 00 loot of lot 5 block 201. 201.Eleventh Eleventh Street North CO feet of lot 4 blouk 133. Twelfth Street South 44 feat and north 00 feet of lot 4 blodk 102 , and lots 1 and 8 block 150. Thirteenth Street South ( VI feet of lots 4 and G block 104 , lot 4 block 174. lots 1 and S block 1U3 , norta W5 foot lot 8 block 107 , north 44 feet lot 8 block 131. Fourteenth Street Lot 1 and 110 feet of lot 8 block 10.- , lot 8 Block 14S , lot 5 block 140 , lot 8 block 147. Fifteenth Street Lot 8 block 147. Sixteenth Street Lot 4 block 57. lot G block 15'J , lot 8 bloeit 140 , lots 1 and 8 block 140 , lots 4 and 5 block 147 , south tVJ foot lot 5 block ! i3'J , south CO feet of lot G block ! WO. Uodgo Street West 44 foot of lot 0 block 87 , lot 8 block S > S , lots 5 and 8 block 89 , lot 6 bloclt 00 , cast 22 feet of lot 0 block 0.1 , lots 1 and ! i und cast 22 feet of lot S block I0r , cast 22 feet lot 4 block 102 , lots 2 and 3 block 102 , middle 22 feet of lot a and east 44 feet of lot 4 block 1(10. ( Douglas Street Lot 0 block 100 , lot 4 block 121 , 100 feet of lot 1 block 121. Furnam Street Lot 7 block 117. Harney Street Lot 8 and east CO feet of lot 0 block 133 , lot 0 block 135 , lot 7 block IDS , lots it and 4 and cast f > 0 feet of lot 2 block 147 , lot 2 block 148 , west 44 feet lot block 150 , lot 4 and 22 feet of lot 3 block 151 , lot 1 block 152. Howard Street Lots G , C , 7 and 8 block 147 , lots 0 , 7 and S blocx 14S , lot G and cast 'ID feet lot 7 block 140 , lots 0 , 7 and S block 150 , lots 0 hud 8 block 1G3 , lot 3 block HV ) , lots 1 and 3 block 104 , lots 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 block 105 , lots 1 and 3 and west 22 feat of lot 2 block 100 , lot 4 and west 41 fejt of lot 3 block 107 , lots 1. 2 , 3 and 4 block 1CS , lots 1 , 2 and ! 3 block 109. Now ! In the Spring of the Year. During wintoi-jiinturo wisely arranges that we should live on foods containing much fat , or , us they tire known , hvdro- carbons , for the pus-pose of supplying hont to the body the chemical opera tion nocos nry to transform fat into is the exclusive work of the liver , and so during the time stated it is constantly congested. With the approach of warm weather our diet changes to muscle-producing food , and the work of the liver is much lessoned. In the majority of cases , however , it isiSSTunablo to completely throw ott the excess of bile , but remains congested , causing tlmti riiizy , tired feeling which many have in the spring months , when the weather becomes warm. warm.TThis is evidence of an unhealthy condition , and though people apprec iate the necessity of an alterative nt this period , the common idea is to take drastic pills and produce a cathartic ef fect , only to make matters 63T worse. The liver must bo unloaded , and its proper action restored before hot weather , if you wish to igiT preserve health , and if this distinct call of nature turo is unheeded serious results wil occur. occur.TTho blood will become loaded with bile and lithic acid , and as tgy every drop of vital lluid passes through the kidneys to bo purified , they soon break down und are unable to curry out the deadly poison. Warner's Safe Cure and Warner's Safe Pills have not only a Efg" specific action on the kidneysbut on the t T liver also. ( STThoy thin the thickened bile so that it will pass out through the ducts , enable the glands to unload themselves , act as a , solvent on all biliary acids and in a word , G3T fit these organs for the season's work , tgjr preventing blood poisoning , iiilliunmiition abscess , and all alTections to which they are so liable. iSSV As you valwo the blessings of health , do not allow the summer to approach preach without giving your system a "goncral house cleaning in the manner we have indicated. ( Qy''To be forewarned is to bo fore- tinned. " _ Wanted Hit Nelulilior'n Ijlne. Ira J.ickson's arrest caused by bis stealing several yards of rope from II. F. Pctrle. The complaining witness testified to what the rope was worth , although by standers differed from him , alleging that 2.1 cents was a high price for It. Hut as ho had stolen the article tha difference in the estimated value of i cut no figure , and ho was sentenced to twenty days , the first and last thrco on bread and water. I ) I hi ) . CHAPMAN In this city May 8 , 18S9 , Fro- UencK H. Chapman , aged forty-nine years. Funeral , May 10 , nt 2:30 : o'clock n. in. from northwest corner of Twenty-sixth und Sownrd ttrcots to Prospect Hill. CREAMDEIKIOUS DEIKIOUS EXTRACTS NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS t'c.l liy the United Str.te * riovtrnintnt. indorsed by the headi of the Great Universities and J'nhllc 1'ood inilyttii , n the blroneett. 1'uresl and most HcaUhfiil. Dr. Trice1 * Cream MaVInjf rimdcrilori nol contain Ainmoiila , I.lmcor Alum , Dr. Price' * Delicious Flavoring Kx- truclinnilla , I.cniuu , Orange , Almond , KOKC , etc. , do iut contain ToltououiiUlli or Chemicals. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , New York. Chicago. Bt. Louis. STRANG & CLARK STEAM HEATING CO , Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Appacatus and Supplies. Engines Boilers Steam Etc. , , Pumps , . AbsoButeEy Pure- Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholeiiomcnoss. Moro economical than the ordinary Kin in , anAcmmot bo gold la competition with the muUutulos of low cost , ghoriwelRhtnlumor piiospnato powders , sold only tn cni. lloyal nuking I'owdor Co120 Wnllstroet Now Vork In 188.11 contrnclwl lllootl 1'olfon of luil tjpc , luul waa treated with ncrcnry , potoih niul pareaparllla mlxtnrc cron \ \\oreonll the time. 1 tool : 7 small bottle * H.8.8. which cured 1110 uillrcly , nnil-iio efn ! ; of tlio dreadful dlccaso lias returned. J. C. NAMK , Jim. 10 , ' 89. llobbyvlllc , lud. lly lltllo nlcco had white swelling to tuch na cxtcrt that eliota con fined tn tlio hul for n lon llnic. Moro tlun SO I'leccd of lior.o cmno out of her lc # , cwl the doctors tald amputation wa tiio cnly icmptiy to ea\olicrlllo. Ircfu rdtlioopcrtlloa and put her on H.S.H. mid plio U now upm.iUictlvor.ndlnnar'ooU health as uny child. Jli3 ANNIH ( luneusa , Feb. 11 , ' 0. Columbus , On. Book on Blood Dlw-isci sent free. Swirr Hrncino Co. Drawer 3 , Atlanla , Oa. Aslt Your Xtototier for ttio JAMES According to lonr Needs. . .TAncEs MEANS si snon julighttndttjlish. ItfltsllKitn slorklriRr , und RKQUIKKS k MO "lUEAKJNCVXN"tM- Ing perfectly cn y the first time It Is worn. Jt will tatlsiy Uio roost . > " * * - * ' * * - - mLii J ( S3 SUOU la absolutely tha - ly shoo of Its price which liai CTCP been placed ex tensively on the market in which durability Is considered licforo mere ont- wnrd .appear- /ikftrthcJ me - auco. Jlcanr (2 shoe for Doy J. MEANS I : CO. , Ilooton. HncH of thuabavo Hhocu for Halo bv Morns & Wilcox andiGeo.S. Miller DISCOVERY. Only Gcnnlno System of Blcmiiry Training. 1'our Jlonkn J.curncil In emu reading. Itliml MiuiilrrinR cured. Every clillil anil nclult errently licnpflttcd. flroit inducements to Correspondence. Classes. PniFuectus , with opinions of Dr.AVni. A. Ilntn- nioiiilTtho , world faiVil Kpcchlitt In Mind IIIMMM * . " . Duh"rl "r M'iilont TlininiiMiiittliefreit J'Hjcliol. Rt I 111 Ititclclev , I > .lodiiorof the Christian TJtorair V. yl , Kirlmril I'roMor , tlio fiocntlst. Him .lHdBOttIliKon , Jitilnli I1.llcnjaiiiliinn < J 237 Fifth Avc. , N. Y- DRS. BEITS & BETTS 1K1& FAUNA M STiinr.T , OSIAIIA , Nun , ' .Opposite I'axton Hotel. ) Office ho-.u-g , Oa. m. toHp. m. Bundaya , 10 * . m. to 1 p ra. JpcclallstM In Chronic , Nervous , Ekln and niood LM ) 3 ! > 03. , , fay-Consultation at olllco or by mall free. Medicines ssnt uy mull or cxpips3. homuily pacKad fri'e lioin olisurvatlon. Cimrantcc.i to cure milcklv. bafelv and nunir.inently , nil J OMOsNleht ' IJinH- lena I'hyelcai Decay. arlsinK troni Indiscre on , Extesi or Jiululgence. producing Sleep lessness , Despondency , I'lmpiiw on the face. aversion toso-iety , easily disrourxKed. lack of conlldcuce. dull , unlit for htuly or busiuois.nnd llnds life n burden , sntfly. permanently and privately curAd. Consult Drs. [ lotto A : Hetta , * OS Hunamht. , Omaha , NoU. Bloifl and Skin Disease ? results , completelv 'cradlcntod without Uioaid of Jlnrcurv. Kcrofoia. ICryslpeliin , Kover Sores , lllotchus , Dicers , I'ainfl lu the Head and Hones , Syphilitic Sore Ttirout. Jlouth and Tongue. Co. turrli.c. . , permanently cured where otnera have fatted. 1/iilnmr TTninntiir tnd Illaddor Cimplttlnts , K1I1I1GV , Unn3ry I lntul. Uimrult , too fre. mieiit llurnlnn orlHoody Urine , Uriue hlgn col urc'il or with milky * sediment on standing , Weak Hack. OonnuniiHia. Gleet , Cystitis , & .C. , Promptly nndSufelyCurud , Charges Heasona- bin. _ Cirp1JTrrmmTll Ouaranteea per- ± JtbJ.O ± UiEbJU ! mancnt Curo. re moval complete , without cutting , caustic or dilatation. Cures ttt acted at homo bv patient without a momeiitsixrfnor unnovunce. To Yonni Mfin aM Miuulc-Agcil M , k OIIDD TTIDD 'J"110 awful eirccts of early fi Uulw uUfitl Vl'ye , "hleli orlngs organic weakness , de.strnylau.both mind and bodv , wltb ell itu dreaded 11U. poiniauently cured , flDO DVI rO Adr tnoso wno nara Impaired llttu , DDllO themHelveu by IrapiOper InduJ. L-ences and solltary'lliault' ) . which ruin both body and mind , untwlnf them for business , stud . . . . . MAIIIIIKII MEN. nr those enter ng on that Imp. Py life , aware of physical debility , quickly as "Stoa > OUR SUCCKSS Is based upon facto. Klrat I'ractlc&l Expe rience. Second l'.very cane is especially studied , thus starting uricht. Third Medicines ara pre pared in our laboratory exactly to suit each cose , tuns affecting cures without In ] ury. r-Wt'end ' U cents postage for celebratnd works on Chronic , Nerroua and Delia ate Diseases. Thousands cured. & & A friendly letter or call nmvsavo you futuie sulfeiini ; and uliume , and odd iroldeii years to life , tf No letters an. aw cml nnU'S-i ncc-omimmed by 4 cents lu btampa. Aadress , Vw. ° iiET'rS & HBTTS , HOD Farnum Svleet. Umahu , N b. PBNNY1UCVAI. WAVKUH ara micceuf ully u0 * ! monthly by over 10,000 Jjuiien. Aro&y , Kfftctualand yUavmt 1 p 'rboxtyymallorotilruKCl U. Staled urtlevlart 2 pontaga Unip . Addrewa Tnx JftTKUA CauticAb Oa , Ovraonr , Hicu. For ealo.und by nmll by Goodinun Dru Compasy , Omaha , BEFORE YOU BUY .Your Spring Suit or anything else in our line , ask yourself this question : la there a3 a rger or more reliable house than the Nebraska Clothing Company ? No city in the West has a larger nor bettor conducted establishment , and what is more , no city in the Union has a store that sells goods as cheap as wo do. We simply invite comparison of our goods and prices with those of any other house. Every day wo servo customers who are amazed at the low figures at which our goods are marked. The Cheviot suits we advertised last week * ara pronounced by Jovorybody to be the greatest bargain , and nothing over shown hero can approach thorn. The Sacks are nearly , all gone , but of Frocks we show a larger line than Last week , having received during the past few days several big lots , many of which are much finer than those advertised before The now ones are all witli fine silk facing , and make elegant fitting garments. In addition wo will ofTer to-morrow a lot of strictly all wool Cassitnoro Sack Suits at $1.50. This is the greatest all wool suit ever offered , and wo do not hesitate to pronounce it ahead of any suit for which other houses are asking $7.50 and more. It is of a stylish light check , well trimmed and madej and makes a handsome as well as a durable suit. We nre pleased to announce tlmb we have again a largo stock of those Hue English Corkscrew Suits nb $10.00 ami customers who hnve been waiting for these suits , can now be supplied This is the most extraordinary bar- win ever oflbred and the fact that the first big lot was sold in such a short time proves it. Those wo have now are if anything better lined and finer made than the first ones. As we made such a hib wibh those suits , we ink pride in having them made up well. Send for a sample of these suits , it will do you goo.l to see it. A visit to our new sho3 department will soon convince you that you have been paying right nlouc : too much money for your footwear , We will show you the finest Cal Shoe strictly handsewod welt , at § 3.90 which cosb you in regular shoe stores § 5.50 to St5.00Excellent Calf Sho2s , Gootlyear welt which is in good as Immlsewetl at 2.75. These are destined to be the most popular shoas in Omaha. ' They have neither pags , w\i < c tlireah nor. tacks inside to hurt the feat , and are as llexible as genuine handsawel shoes. Tlie identical shoa costs yo i in any other place from $ ± .00 to $4.50. We have them in congress and lace , all widths and sixes. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha. 1 say , Urown. old boy , have you seen this advertisement of Spring and Summer Suits ? ietusKO nrouud to-morrow , and hnvo a look nt tlu-in. Smith had ono of their I-u suits last fall , und it was as good a fit and s > ty lo as any $50 custom made. lias Meyar-SstabllshaJ 1855-Adolp'n SIXTEENTH - AND - FARNAM - STREETS Guncrnl A ; ; < : nl lor STBINWAY , Nu , KNABE , VOSE & SONS , BEHRBROS , , and JAS , W , SURR Story SClarK anfl SWiiEor-Eell Or Jans , SI'UCIAI1'lllUKS AND TEK.MS , Write for Cutalogud. Itoinnrkiiblc for powerful uympathotlc tone , plitibo ) action and absolute dura bility ; 80 yo'itrp' record the best gutirnn- teoof tlio oxcolloiicc of tl cso instru- tnonts. WOQDBRIDGEBROS , _ - _ - - , - . , , - - State Line. To ( ilusgowt lU'lfast , Dublin and Mvorpoiil From New York Every Tuesday , \ Cabin pasKUKe $ an to tu. nccortlliiK to location of dtatu room. Kxcurslcni t to t'A ) . - Bteeragu to and from Kurope'at Lowest Kates. AUBT1N IIALUWIN If CO. . Oen'l Au'ents. 51 llroudwiiy. Now VorJc. JOHN DIjKGKN , Qen'l U'esttrn Agent , 1SI llandoiph tit. , Chicago. JIAltltV U. MOOUKS , Agent , Unmlia , Itcduucd Cabin Kates to Glasgow Ex hibition. 2STO 20to6O DAYS. This is u disonso which has hcrotoforo Ballled all Medical Science. When Mercury , toilldo or I'otnsslum , Bnrsapa rlllu or Hot Sprlnna foil , wo Kimrnnteoa euro. Wo liavo a Kcmi'rtjr , unknown to anyone In the Woildout3idoof onrCompiiii ) ' , andouo tUntbus HBJVEBt FA2H..EO to euro tlio most obstinate cases. Ton days In recent ctites does tlio work. Itlsthe oldehronlo deep seated cases that wo oollclt. Wo hive cured hundreds who luive ueen abandoned by Physicians , and pronounced Incurable , and wa challenge the world to lirlujt us a case that wo will not euro lu less than sixty dayx. Slneo the history of mealclno a true BpeclQc for Syphilis bas boon sought Tor but never round until our SiEMKWY was discovered , and wo are Justlllo.t in saying it is thn only Itemeuy m tuo World tnnt will pos itively cure , bucause tlia latest Medical Works. pub'.lsned by the best known authorities , ijay there was never a true specific boforo. Our rem edy wilt euro wlii-n everythtns else has failed. Why waste your tlmo and money with patent medicines tint never had virtue , or doctor with physicians that cannot cure you , you that hare tried every thing iilso should como to us no wand K t permanent i ellef. you never can get It else- where. .Mark what wo say. in the oud yon must take our or NBVKR recover and you that have been allllctcd but a shoit time should by nil ino.iuH come to us now , not one In ten of now cases over Kct purmunently cured. Many cethelp and think they are free from the disease , but in one , two or tnreo yuars after It appears ssaln In a more horrible form. This is a blood Purifier and will Cure nny Skin or Blood Disease when Everything Else Fails. THE COOK REMEDY GO , Booms 18 and ID , Paxtou Block lit. n , r. WKST'S NEIIVE AND nn.iiN THKAT Ml.NT , n KUftWiiti-ed Hpnclllc for Hystcila , 7Jl7zl nef > a , ConriilKionH , Mts , Nervous Neuralgia llciul iclic , Ner/oiis 1'rostratlon caused by tha use of alcohol < , r tobacco. Wnkiifiilnuss , Mental Depression. BoflunliiK of the Itraln reuniting In Insanity and leadlnij to misery , oecay niid death , J'rcmivtiira Old AK < * . HiirruniifsH , lo .sof rower in outi-r sex , involuntary Losses and Npermatonlni-a caused by over-exertion of tuo brain. bairai iiRO or over imliilKwicn. I'.iich box contains on" month's treatment , tl a box , orBlx boxed Jorti , riant by malt prep.ild on i-a. celptof prleo. Wfc. GUARANTEE SIX DOXES Tocnroany case. With ouoti onier nyoivoil bv tm for Hix txiJtes , accompanied with f.1 , wo will send the purchaser our written ffimrnnteo to r . fund the money if thu treatment doe.s not Alfect acnre. ( luarnntecs Issued only by ( ioodman lru C" . , Di tiBKlsts , Hole ABOUW. 1110 Karnuin Btreet Omnha el ) . _ "COFFET Tlie 1'ubllc .iru not Kencnill ) ' ntrani Unit Itj tno prisont ini-iluHlH of cookliiK lullr gno-hnlf ul ha tonne Hint l iikuil In thrown awur HI thu xruii.icls Hiiilwiuteil riiumlnti oiiiiucle.t wlIU IhU cnmpmir liavenucet c > ( lel In mvlnu IM wuntu that the coin * imny ran fiirnlsh cdtTua iimdo of the llneitJarii. put up In mnall portulile jur nuil WAUliANTrn rKiit-KT- i.v I'uiiti iiinl uiiiiiiiiiii'oJ lo.liu niilr nliuut ONK- IIAl.r'rili : COST In the consumer nf r > mmn.m iof- Ii-H1 , Onlyhulllna nt r l iiouilnil wlinn prflimrliiK U lor lliu tukle. I'runn U < | iilJ Cuirou ( ; O.IIMIIX. | Ask Your Grocer ( or CJtOH'Jf JstOUJJJ C01WJSIS. McCOUl ) , JUtAUV Is CO. , Wholesale Grocers. - - Oinitlin , Neb KXAillN TIONSfor ddmliilou la VASSAK COI , J-KOr : will tie huld l < ) thlt city dtirlov Ihu lint nw\ of June. Applicant ! for i islntlou itoull uo'K A ji ; S'fftTrK ' ! % ft&.a' ' &ffL'Srnif * ? tsSswaff'-l' ' .MM N.W.COR , I3IH& DODGE SIB. , OMAHA. NEB. FOB TUB 7HEATME.VT OP All. APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES. Sect Facilities , Apparatus and Remedlesfor Successful Trratmcnt of every form of D'sease ' requiring MEDICAL or SURGICAL TREATMENT. NINETY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS.1 Bo.ird& Attendance. Best Accommodations in West. CCTWRITE FOR OincULARBon Deformities and - - - - - - - Brnces.Trus Tumoi Electri Eye.E DISEASES OF WOMEN i "KlIiVKMTKI.Y AlinKII A I.TIMJ-I jvoiiKl lii'lii > ( lco > HMt > ii'\T. ( STRICTIY PRIVATI. ) Only Reliable Medical Institute maklne a Specialty o f FRXVAXB DISEASES All Illooit Dlfcaiei luccrufnllj IrtnttJ. Slpliilllic Tolion rcmoTe < l from the iTHlcni without tnercurr. Srw Rftlorftll , * Triilinrol for I.on or VITAL I'OVTHU fnrllci utull. to tlilt ui mjjrbB treated at homoljcorrripoDdeDcc. . Allcommuolca. llonicoDllJentlil. MeJlclDcorlnitriirniutienllijin.llor i. one iierioniriotcrvlew preferrrd. Call and eoniult uior ten4 Mitorror rour nip. aa < 2 e irlll lend In | > laln ro | itr. our finny Tn MC&I FUEEI UIKHI I'thau , Httui | or UUUfi III mCrit NjrtouinlKHM.IwiKltoli'j.Kjljli. Illi ; Ul t and Varlcoc < l , llh queitlon Hit. tddrcn OMAHA. MEDICAL Be BUROIOAI. INBTITUXE. 13th and Dodge StrceU , OHA1IA , y ELECTRIC BELT W an. ELECTRO. OALVANI BODY BELT and 8uii > en or ) ( ir imr rH elto care tha follow. , , Inm All Illie/um. atlo Couiialnt | . llene/ ml ( ind Nerroui. ' UbK , Kl.liKiylJik. anki , TramlillnK I t on , Inaoiunlii , lflt II other , . ( * . . Kvtry tin Llll'fjnf liuier , of . uu , . . ini'll. in'i r ° < J > , ! " ' . " ' , " l < " > rwl" ' ' " > ii HuiBB Jin im1'Jit1 ,111 * b' "l" ' ' l'1 bo l clrl < ! current LoSr nn/'l"TEU b"P ' * " 'Or It In HI [ .IU4 . In tb uolr , and U worn onlj air to Un hour. J.Ilr. If von BRINK HIRES' ' ROOT BEER Tlii ; 1'nroNt nnU | J0 Drink It tlm Uurtil. OTO Ball0n > - < ] UAKANTI KI > . iff It niul ioiiij\'lll \ Not lie WHIiuiit It. Tin : o.\JLY" V\ui.\i3 BOM bjr o , K. muss ,