6 THE OMAHA DAILY BBBh 3T11TOAY MAY 10. 18SO. THE. DAILY BEE. COTTNanTBLTJFFS. OFKICK. NO 12 I'KAUIj BTIUSIiT. Delivered by enrrlcr In Anr Parl of ho City n Twenty Cents 1'erWcek. II. W. T1I.TON. . . MANAOKK. ' TKLEI'lKXNKSt HrpiNrps Orriot No. . NlOUT KIMTOII , NO.2) ) . MlfiNTtONl N. Y.Plumblnj ? Co. Arrangements nro being mnde to put Clmutaiuiun season tlckolB on ftulo In the city next week. The bl-wrckty shoot for , thc bniltro of tlio Council HliilTs Killo club will take place at the range this afternoon , Methodist social thl * evening at the rest * tlcnco of P. II. Oreutt , on Oakland avonuo. Everybody cordially Invited. The Mueller Music company will furnish n flno piano for use during the coming session of the Uhnutiiunua assembly. RSpccIal convocnllon Star Chapter , No. 4" , K. A. M. , this morning at 8 p. in. , for work In the I * . M. dcfroo. lly order of the M. K. II. P. Several demurrers worn heard In the ( list- trlct court yesterday , nml another lot of civil chestnuts were entombed. No Jury cases will come up for trial this week. The council , at a Into hour last nlnht , awarded the contract for constructing three bridges over Indian Creek , at Second , Fourth and Seventh avenues , to the Mil- . lirldgo and Iron company for ? 74OCO. , TiieFuibavcnusrV. K. . 9 ! " .r < ? u Iw flioa articles of Incorporation with tlio county I'O- corder. The Incorporates arc D. L. Hur- court , A. H. Illghsmitli , A. Mitchell , John Stockdiilo , S. S. St. John and C. U. Howard. The report of thu llbrat-lan shows that 2,5118 volumes wcro taken from the uubllo library during the month of Anrtl , and that during that time ! ) , lbO persons visited tlio library. There are a.OSO registered book takers. The Forcshcimcr-Stowart ham caao still holds full bwny In the district court , and probably will for the remainder of the week. The petit Jurors , except those sitting on the case , wcro yesterday discharged until Satur day morning. Lust evening the third of the Kagnn course of Illustrated lectures WUH given u delighted audience. His subject was Uclglum and Holland. The next nnd closlt > R lecture will bo May 17th. at which tirao ' 'Plcturcsquo Ireland" will bo shown up with all its beauty , A fanner's horse took a lively spin on Lower Broadway , yesterday afternoon. In attempting to turn the corner at Seventh street the animal stumbled and fell , thu re sult being iUlte ) disastrous. The wagon was unlnjuro.l , but the horuo was badly cut and bruised. Messrs. Cory & Conover have moved tnoir insurance olllco to the room on Pearl street recently occupied by the Milwaukee railway company as an. up-town ticket ofllce. The room has been repainted and rcpapcrcd , and is ono of the finest ofllccs in the city. A. 13. Walker will occupy the office with thorn. D. D. Hobb was arrested yesterday on the charge of larceny , and lodged in the county Jail to await an examination this morning. Ho is charged with stealing n lot of tobacco from A. Goldstein , a Lower I3rbaa\vay grocer. KoUb chums that ho paid for the tobacco , and loft the money on the show case. case.Last Last evening the Uurllnpton oflleials hero received a telegram from Chicago , stating that the Brotherhood of Railroad Conductors would leave that city for Denver to-morrow morning In three trains , each consisting of nine sleepers , ono chair car and ono baggngo car. They will arrive in Onmlm at C o'clock Sunday morning. About 1 o'clock yesterday morning , light ning struck the wires of the Electric Motor company , and entered the power house , in juring two dynamos considerably. It put a stop to all inotivu power , leaving three trains "dead" on the track. The darmic.o was re paired In about half au hour , uncl thu trains resumed running. Extensive changes nnd improvements have Just been completed at the "Oyster Bay" restaurant by Charles P. Helslor. The ac commodations of the place have been moro than doubled , and , us at present fitted up , is ono of the llnesl eating houses to bo found anywhere. Heisler is progressive , and be lieves In Improving as extensively and us rap idly as his business will warrant. CjTwo drunks contributed liberally in police court yesterday morning. James Covnlt was charged with insulting ladies by whistling as they passed the barber shop , on Upper Broadway , where ho is employed. It devel oped that ho was not thu party doing the whittling , and the defendant was discharged , tlio court holding that the ladies wore un doubtedly rather suporsensitlvo. A false alarm of flro was turned in nt 9:15 o'clock last evening from box 23 , on Upper Broadway. A son of W. H. Lynehard saw n light caused by u person carrying a lamp across a yard , and ran down to No. 4 hose house and gave the alarm. The department tunica out in good shape , but found no oc casion for their services. An alarm during tlio afternoon was caused by u crossing of the tire alarm wires. The iir t annual lull of the Council Bluffs Hewing association will bo given at Masonic temple , this evening , and there will doubt less bo one of the largest assemblages of thu season on the door. The association deserves - serves well at the hands of the public , and the largo sale of tickets indicates that liberal patronage will not bo withheld. Dalboy's orchestra will furnish music for the oocas- ion , which promi-jos to bo most enjoyable. AVANT12D. Two K.xci-tiifjo Ijiidw. Boys , llftoon to eighteen years of ago , wall ucoiibtomod to riding on liorsc- linulc ; weight not to exceed ninety pounds. Apply to Henry Mj-ors , trainer ivt Union park. Council Bluffs Lodpc No. 270 ( Loynl ) A. O. U.V. . , moots in U. A. K. hall every Friday evening nt 8 o'clock. Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s loiin olllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinilb , and all other articles of value , without removal. All business strictly confi dential. _ I'crNmml I'nrncrnphfi. Mrs. John Camp , of Bushnoll , 111. , U the guest of W. II. Murblo and family , of this city. city.Hon. Hon. C. P. Loofbourow , cx-Judgo of the district court , lias removed his family to Kiilt Lake City , where they go for the benefit of Mrs. Loof bourow's health. They expect to remain n year or two , and may possibly locate tl.cro permanently , T. S. Love , La Crossot J. D. Voungraon , Dc.s Molncs ; F , K. Howland , Pcorm ; L. U. Hosobrook , OttumwaV. ; . E. Forrest , Mln- ncapolln , and W. S. Lewis , Malvorn , were registered at the Ogden yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. John Clark returned .yes terday morning from a month's visit with relatives and friends In Utah. They report a most onjoyublo tlmo and speak very highly of tlio grand scenery of that section , W. C. Brown , of Burlington , superinten dent of the Iowa lines of tuo "Q , and .1. W , Davenport , of Creston , assistant-division freight and passenger agent , wore in the city last ovenlnu. Tlioy wuro In conference with a commltlco of citUeus during the evening , rogardlug the adoption of special rates for the Juno tournament , Mr. Brown talked very favorably , and the cum rait too is well BtUUlku with tlio outlook , J. G. Tipton , ronl estate , f > 27 B'dway S. B. Wudnworth & Co. loan money. To'iuorrow'a Klyors nt Union I'nrU.g The following entries hnvo been received for to-morrow's races nt Union driving pnrk : Trotting Uosrtster Haco William Butts , ch g , Captain Asbby ; William Llmotmrgur , K g1m Ituy ; I > , H , Vaujjnan , b g , Prairie Boy. 1'uoiiiK Houitfttar Kaco F. R. Gould , b g. Mufk'ln * ; Lucius WelUjbg , Billy , W. H. Wcud. h * , Hownr-li J. L. Paxton , b p , W. K. Jtlloy ; 0. K William. , bik g , Oranfur W ; Dennis Cunnlnvham , g g , Borer. Tlioso race * will bo hotly coutustud , una will bo very interesting. THE ELECTRIC MOTOR LINE , It Promlson to Insure a Flvo-Oont Rnto Between the Oltios. REVIVAL OF THE "CON" GAME. A Hose llnnno I "or tlio Went Side- Till ) Sheriff Waiting For nil Atl- inlnlstrntor I'orflonnls nnil Ocncrnl Notes , Tlio New Motor Ijlnc. Tlio ordinance granting the right of way through certain streets of the Consolidated Street Hallway company to Council Bluffs and Omaha has finally passed , and the next move In to xccura tlio right of way across the Union Pacific bridge. The ordinance pro vides that work must bo commenced within six mqnths , and n line from the bridge-up Ninth avenue to Fourth street , thence to Broadway , must bo completed within ono year. The projectors of the rend arc conll- dent that the Union Pacific company will readily agree upon terms , and that work will bo commenced considerably inside the speci fied time. The principal benefit to bo derived from the now line Is a IVcent faro between the two cities , and it is claimed that this will never bo secured until there is another competing lino. The prospects for n now line are now much brighter than was the prospect for the Broadway bridge and the present electric line two years nco. and it seems to bo the general opinion of thu leading business men of ( ho city that the line will be built. * r-- " Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything ol value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; 'tvir ' and honorable dealing. A. A. C\ark \ & Co. , olllco cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. A Plucked Vcnlnnt. A young follow by the name of Chcatom' hailing from North Plattc , Neb. , was In the city yesterday , en route to his homo in Chlllicotho , Mo. , mm ho had n httlo exper ience that will leave an unpleasant memory of Council Bluffs in his mind for many a day. Ho was waiting to take the Wnbash train south , and dropped on a bench In Bay- less park for a short rest before continuing his Journey. Ho was approached by n rather good looking man , who proved to bo ' "an extensive stock dealer. " Of course It was a "con" man , but the verdant youth from Chlllicotho had never heard of such beincrs , and ho listened with mouth , cars and eyes wide open , to the won derful talcs told by tits companion of his largo farms , herds of cattle and horses and other worldly possessions. ItJIltmlly trans pired , ns it invariably doos. that the rich cat tle king was temporarily mmnclally embar- rns cd , and was in need ol a few dollars in ready cash. The Missouri innocent swallowed the bait without wink ing , and was intensely pleased nt the opportunity to do so great a man n finan cial favor. He handed over u * 10 bill , and the recipient asked him to walk over to the Bcno-Shugart block , so that ho could get it changed , as ho "only needed S4.50. " Arriv ing at the building , the stranger , who pn : o the name of Martin , vanished up the Pearl street .stairway. Chcatcm waited a full half hour , when ho concluded to go up and see what was keep ing his new friend. Ho entered the law olllce of FiicUlnger Bros. , and inquired if Mr. Martin was there. He was not. and had not been there. Thij story was told and the pilgrim was informed that ho had been con- tidcnccd. He was sent out to find the police , and wit them on the track of the aliened stockman. Ho did not have money enough to got home , and ho was exceedingly homesick - sick when ho realized the truth. Ho "didn't think that sucn n nice man would &tcal , " but he found out his mistake , and was u sadder and wiser young man when ha walked out of the city with his big bundle of experience. For 5120.00 The if. Y. Plumbing Co. will put a lead service pipe nnd hydrant in your yard ; also 60 feet extra hoso. Call at once at 111 Main street. Notice ! I have removed my barber shop from No. 13 North Main street to No. 8 Pearl street , wlierc I am bettor prepared than over before to give satisfaction to my customers. FIUTZ BEHNIIAUDI. A "West Side HOHO Houso. The city council has acquiesced in the do- mandx of the citi/.ens of the west end , and has instructed the finance committee to pur chase n lot for the erection of a now hose house on Broadway , between Twenty-first and Twenty-third streets. As Alderman ICnephcr , chairman of this committee , is strongly in favor of getting the building erected as soon as possible , it is quite proba ble that work on the new structure will bo commenced In two weeks. The plan Is to re- inovo the small hook and ladder truck and the single reel to the new hou.se , nnd pur chase u chemical engine for tno central flro station , where those apparatus are now stationed. Said Chief Walters yesterday : "A good chemical engine is all that is needed at No. H , ns wo have all the hose reels that could bo used to advantage. A hose cart costb about fSOO , and 1,000 feet of hose for it would cost 1,000 , swelling the total cost to $ lbOO. A good chemical engine costs from $1,700 to $1,000 , nnd it is provided with u lot of ladders , which are al ways carried with it , so that it is well equipped for work , cither on the first or second lloor of a building. A chemical would extinguish 50 per cent of the fires in this city without any trouble whatever. It docs not cost as much as it used to to run thorn nnd keep them In order. A while- ago they had to bo recharged every time they were used , whether much or little of the chemicals wcro used , but now that Is done away with , greatly lessoning the oxponso. The city has needed a chemical engine for a long time , but the way has not been quite clear for its purchase , without , flrat disposing of some of the apparatus now in use. The demand for a now house in thu western part of the city opens a place for it , and loaves a vacancy in the heart of the city that can only be filled with a chemical. The fire committee seems to bo in favor of it , and u majority of thu members of tno council are also predisposed in Its favor. " Checks I > osr. Lost , three checks , ono signed by FTnrry Birklnblne , for $1(1.25 ( ; another signed by BraeUott & Ctivin , forG ; and another signed by R. P. Ollicor , for & 7.GO ; all throe payable to II. W. Til- ton , or IXMiA' BKK. Finder will please return to BKK office. Payment on chocks is stopped. Have our wngon call for your tolled clothes. Ctihcndo Laundrv Co. , Notice tlio beautiful finish given col- Inni , culls and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. Watching unit John Jay Trainoy lias tint responded to the order of Judge Carson to pay over the money received bj him ns administrator of the Tralcey estate. The amount was about $3- 700 , and as the time ix up , and no money ap pears. It Hccms that Mr. Tralney deems It safer to uy on tuo Omaha sldo of the river , A friend of Trainoy's , acting apparently in his interest , interviewed Sherlft O'Neil the other day. "Can not Mr. Trainoy come over to the Bluffs to sco bin family 1" "Certainly , " remarked the kind-hearted oftlclnl. "He can wire over for that purpose. " "Yos , but if ho comes over ho will bo ur- rcstodl" "Ah , that's a thiiiR to bo settled when the tlmo comes , Only curry one horse ut a time. " It uupearoj to the inquirer that there was considurublo doubt about the safety of Tralney if IIP returned to Iowa soil. U Is understood that a commitment is Issued , and that if Mr. Tralney can bo caught ho will bo arrested for contempt of court , in net obeying the order to turn ovrrthe funds. Mr. TrtUncy'i bon-.Uinen are liable tobeunod or get into trouble , unless thnt gentleman y. , Ah. . . . arranges the matter of his uncle's estate In BOtno satisfactory manner to the court , and at an early date. Dr. C. C. IIiizon , dentist , Opera house block. John Bono & Co. have rocol vod the following goods for the Chatitauqua fair , in response to circulars sent to their jobbers. These goods nro dis played in their store windows. Call nnd BOO them. .Icwolrv from Pfalzor Bros } . & Co. , Philadelphia. Suit and extra pants and hat and a coat to match , from Whltton , Burdptt & Young , of Boston , Mass. 1 flno mantle bronze clock and statue from Marshall , Field & Co. , Chicago. Horn stitched table cloth napKins , sldoboard.scarf dresser , scarf and towels from O'JaiTo and Pinku-s , Now York. 1 full dress , satin lined suit of cloth ing , from Hart , Schnffor & Marx , Chicago , III. 1 drujt for live dollars from Bold ing Brothers & Co. , Chicago. 1. O. O. K. Members of Council Bluffs Robckah de gree lodge , No. 9 , wishing to visit the Ho- bckn degree lodges of Omaha , are requested to meet nt I. O. O. F. hull promptly at 7 o'clock u. in. A11 are requested to go. A WOMAN WITH GRIT. . Holding Her Cabin Against Frontier llufllniiR with the Aid of Her Dog. "Talk about women going out to do the homestead act at Oklahoma , ' ] said a Thcspain on tlfC Ilialto , with a lower register s.neor , to a Nvw York World Voporlar , "there goes a demure light of the drama who has been through moro pioneer perils than half the men who como back east with scalps and fairy talcs , " Just then the demure member walked placidly by. Largo thoughtful eyes , bearing extremely quiet , regular features and a queenly figure , and all belonged to the actress May Frances Stetson. And the Thespian rattled ahead with his story. You would never dream that the heroine of his talesof border perils and hairbreadth escapes nnd frontier mis eries could be embodied in' such a dig nified and gentle frame. "Tell you how it was. She hails from Maine and wont out to Dakota to cap ture ono of the homestead bargains olTorod there. That was in-1880. about the beginning of summer. She had been through some preliminary train ing for the stage , but hadn't money enough to keep on with her studiesniul she took a fancy to try the rapjd transit road wealth 'claim' in to throuch a the west. Experience'1 ! No ; nothing but grit , a Russian bloodhound and a five- barrelled revolver. That was her stock in trade. She located her 100 acres about twelve miles from Fargo rolling laiui , surrounding by leagues of vaving prairie. "Sho began by moving n log cabin there to live in. Then she contracted to teach n school , the llrst in that be nighted region. It was six miles from her cabin , and this distance she walked twice a day , the prairie grass for over three miles being neck high and the primeval snake acting as her only es cort. cort."Meanwhile "Meanwhile , Flo that's the blood hound hold the fort at the cabin , and the cabin never got away while Flo was in command. Ono evening about dusk. Miss Stetson heard one of Flo's peculiar and ominous growls. The dog never growls except when there was business on hand. So her mistress responded and found three villianous looking Sioux Indians at the rear of the cabin. They wore the worse for fire-wator and asked for food as a blulT. This was her lirst introduction to the copper-colored gentry. "As she started for some meat and a revolver the Indians drew their knives and entered. The odds were heavy and their purpose was clear. As th" loader advanced with knife raised , she lot him have it in the heart and ho dropped. Flo got her cue and fastened on number two's throat with deadly grip. Number throe took to'tho woods. She buried tlio redskin next day and kept on with her school. Flo saved her life several times after that once when a tramp pulled n razor in return for a breakfast , taking Miss Stetson off her guard. Ho managed to make n nasty cut in her arm'before Flo got her lines , but when she did it was all over for the tramp in ono act. She had a man all ready.for the undertaker before fore she loft his throat. "A third time Miss Stetson had left Flo in charge of the cabin and gone galloping over the prairies , five miles away , for some oil. Evening had nearly set in. She had scarcely started on her way back when one of those beastly but brilliant prairie storms came on. Chain lightning spans tlio skies nnd from its forks drop great balls of electric lire. You think it's the bombardment of Sum- tor. Then follow rain in torrents and darkness heavy and dense as lead. She lost her way and entered a gulch. Tlio waters rose and rose , and death seemed certain when Flo's baric was noard like an angel's voice. The dog had made up her inimd that something , yas wrong , and stopped i > laying _ sentinel tong enough to save her mistress the third time. Locating the voice of distress , she soon brought relief from a belated party on the road. "Miss Stetson and the hound wont through the entire Dakota bill-o'-faro , including Indians , washouts , starvation and prairie fires. Twice Flo was shot and nor mistress nursed her back to sluiDO again. But Miss Stetson made her point. She hung to it like grim death till she made tlio land pay , sold out at a good figure and started cast again with money enough to go ahead with her dramatic studies under Hud son and Emerson at Boston. "And Flo ? Well , the poor hound was loft with people in Chicago who didn't fancy her unconventional way of run ning the neighborhood , and they shot her while sho- was fast asleep. They knotv no thin IT could kill her if she were awake. It almost broke Miss Stetson's heart. She never forgave those Chicago cage cowards for murdering her life- preserver. " STRUGGLE OF THE SEXES. Interesting Statistics In the Birth of I Joy a and CJIrlw. In 1880 there were 50,000,000of people in this country , and about 882,000 moro males than females , says the Philadel phia Times. That was only because more mains wore born , the females live the longest of the contonnnrians 1,409 wore men and 2,007 were women. The boys start out nearly a million ahead and arc in the majority until the six teenth year , when the girls are a llttlo more numerous. Sweet sixteen is a nu merous ago , anyhow. After that , lirst one and then the other is in the major ity , the girls gradually gaining alter thirty-six and leaving the men far behind - hind nttor seventy-live. To balance this longevity of the females , in almost every state a few moro boys are born ; not many more , but almost always a few. It is astonishing to BOO whore the census glve.s thousands and hunorods of thousands of boys and girls under ono year old , there nro , with one or two ex ceptions , always a few hundred more boys , and ovly iv few hundred moro. In only six of tno forty-nino states and territories are mure girls born , and in those states they are very slightly in excess from eleven to eighty. These exceptions nro' iArizona , Dolownro , Florida , Louisiana Montana , nnd North Carolina. The Tjint that the females are in the majority in all the original thirteen states 'but Delaware and North Cnroliliii1 especially in Mnssaehusaotts and Now England , has created the impression that there is something in the climate or In the people - plo that produce * imoro women than men. This is a pbfojUar but egregious error. In Mnssadhussotts there were in 1880 , 4:17 : moro boys than girls under ono year of ace. TJio males are in the minority in almost all the eastern states because many of the young men go west. All over the west there is an ex cess of men , nnd those who are not for eigners have been withdrawn from the states farther east. In the new states and territories this is most noticeable. In Idaho , for in stance , there nro twice as many males ns fomalcs , but the male infants are only n llttlo in excess of the females. The west is drawing heavily on the manhood of the cast. From this all the old states have suffered. Massachu setts scorns to have lost moro than any. There are parts of northern Ohio which nro portions of Now England removed. Massachusetts shows the loss nnd Ohio dhows the gain. Another curious fact Is , that while all over the country moro boys than girls nro born , in cities and towns there are moro girls. Between the ages of tlvo and seventeen Inclusive there are 4,080 moro girls than boys in Now York county , 1,708 in Kings county , 2,75 ! ! moro in the city of Baltimore moro , 1,018 moro in Sullolk county , Mas- sachussetts ( Boston ) , 2,009 , moro in Cook county ( Chicago ) , Illinois ; 2,131 moro in the city of St. Louis , 1,971 moro in Philadelphia county and 2,6:13 , : moro in the imrtRh of Orleans. All those cities except Now Orleans are irt states where more boys than girls are born. In Georgia there are 137 counties.and in all but 20 of them there are more boys than girls. These 2i ( counties include the 11 largo towns and cities. Strange that not ono of the cities should bo loft out. Stranger still , the excess of girls is about in proportion tion to population. Savannah loads oil with 62S moro girls than boys ; Atlanta , 885 ; Augusta , 304 ; Mncon , 164 ; Colum bus , 131 ; Cartersvillo , 123 ; Rome , 50 ; Athens , 60 ; Albany , 10 ; Griflln , 11 , and Amcricus 7. Savannah , though she has n some what smaller population than Atlanta , has a larger excess of girls. This seems to bo peculiar to old cities. It is so with Baltimore , Now Orleans nnd Now York. The excess is greater in Now Orleans than anywhere else. Is this apccluiarityof the French'The facts present a question worth studying. Are there fewer men in the cities than in the country ? SPECIAL NOT1CE.S. " ToTt SALE-Or l-rade-l'lnno No. 1 , ( now ) organ , Imrnens. sowlntr machine , liorso nnd wagon. Address No.5i3 llroatlwny , room 1. W ANTED A peed dining room i-lrl imme diately at the Honiti rostuurant , 3.17 Ilroad- way. ANY one wantlm ? nnc'chanca to manufacture can secure bnlldlnK.T > owcr , etc. , at a bargain by addressing .Main atroet Meat .Market. J"CE Out ) tons for Bale. Lnnzendorfer & Jiitrolihehii. . Main street Meat Market. Rr.Ali Estate bought and sola. None but bargains accepted. Houses for sale on monthly payments- Warranty deed slven. By C. Il.JmUl , ixxi Uroadway , Council Hluirs. TjKHIuNT A tine dairy faim of 133 acres. J- half a mile froiu tlio city limits ; a part of It can be cultivated it desired ; Ko < 5d house and barn ; water supplied by a windmill. Horace Evcrott. i F I OH SALE Mr residence. Inquire John (3. Woodward , 012 Fourth avenue. TT1OH KENT Largo double ollic.o over Frank JLevin's cigar store , WK liroadway. Jmiulro of Frank Levin. GB. & , . JAGQUEMIN&GO , , (6 ( Jewelers , Railroad Watch Inspectors For Union Tacillc , Chlcaco A : Northwestern , Chicago. ItocK Island A ; 1'aclllc , Chicago , Hur- llniton& Quincy , Kansas City & St. Joe rail- roads. No. 27 Main St. , Council IllufTf , In. SUMMER IS COMING ! Wlmt is Needed Is n Good GAS STOVE FOR COOKING ! A SPLENDID LINK OF GAS STOVES ! Just received and on exhibition at the gas com pany's olllce. Unenuclled for convenience. Absolute safety. No odor , and above all , eco nomical if properly tibod ( 'all and examine them whether you Intend put chasing or not. NO. 28 PEARL ST. THIS CHECK Is good on prcsntiitSon for $1.00 on each pair of panta bought of the London Tailor. Good for Thirty Days. O : 0 , * i W hiO hiP. 7 ? , n P.- .5 . I. * H o O es < ei i NEW CURIOSITY SHOP LJT/TS INOS.I5&I8 TRANSFER CO Cor.IOih.Avc . 2l9Farnham M " " u / \ ft. ! uHt fVM > n Fourth St. UlderlstMWllSTflVFr ? 1 & TelNpJ3BJel.NigWg : ( Vgfi. S ORTOA/J / ciitfT'd . t&aiigk KvifR M 1 U/v FINEST AND LARGEST DISPLAY OF EVERETT , FISCHER , AND HARDMAN PIANOS ! Our exhibit being over \vo now oltor our solcc tctl s > tock nt a discount ot 10 per cent from our regular prices , for the next : ,0 days. MUELLER MUSIC COMPANY , No. 33 Main St. , : : Council Bluffs , la. 1IAVI-VO BOUOBIT THK STOCK OF HOOTS AM SHOES OF TBIE LATE . . M. J'IIILI,1I > AT A I am determined to fivc the public llic hciiclll of my . 1 quote lu'dtty ( lie lollcnviii ; ; BUKT & MEAHtS' JMen's Flue Shoes , 85 , I'oriucr p * ict , ! t . J. S. TUItNKSi'S Men's Slaml-SexveU Shoes , 5 , frrmor price , 87..5O. E. C. liUKT'S Liullco' French Kid. turned , ill $5 , 'ormo price , S" . E. C. ISUKT'S Cur Kid nt S't , former price , § 5. I. FILES , 413 Broadway. IRTrSSZELIL , SIZES FROM Especially Adapted for 25 TO 300 HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT- Bpecltlcatlons and estimates f imiihfcert for complto steam p'nnts. Itrpulatlon , Durability fu i auteca. Can show letters from users where Kuel Hconoiuv is oqiiil with Corliss Non-UoiiUouilii E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalog ae. No. 61O Pearl Street , Council BluTj GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. 3SFO. 33O B3E&OADWAY. TELEPHONE HO. 260 F. J. BREZEE , Taxidermist and Naturalist. "rermanently located at No. II North Sixth Street , onnoslto post- olllco , ou miitor line , Council Ilhirn. : Jowa. Illrds anil animals mounted naturally and In the be4t method ot the art. Warranted to preset vo for yoats. Foreign birds supplied n ehort notice. Highest price paid for owls and hawks of nil kinds. 1'crsons sundlng order * sburud of perfect satlsfuctlo n. 1'nr clrosblni ; a specialty \Vrlu for paulculars , R. Rlca'sHanUI ' Snnrt , Tlioonly perfect alnlomlnal support for clilN dicn and amilttt. Sncccsstully curua tlio WOHHT CASKS UK IIUUNIA. Ail > lro u LADIES OF OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS AHK1NV1TBU TO U.t J J. AT .Mrs.C.LGILLETT'S . ' 'I'llmnf1 ' ) ! ] And UPS her fine line of Hair ( jooils. HlNKST HAIU OIltfAMIJNTd III the city. WlgH , lleiirdsotc. , for Kent orH.un. Gluth and Oylo and Myor.3 Urca. a 1'nlntx , llalr DresjInK. lite. No , uo niiiiu st , , Orduru by mall rocolvo prompt at tcutbm. . D.H.McOAHELO & CO. , Hidesjalln , PeltsJool S Puts , Hlfhost market price * . Prompt rcturni. No.SW nnU Bii Muln ut. , Coiiucll Illuue , lo\va. The Most Modern Novolltlos In PAPER HANGINGS. ANI ) ArtisliG Decorations ! AT PETER C , MILLER'S. ' Nos. 11 and 13 Pearl St. TIIOS. UrriCKii. w. H. M. I'us KV , OFFICER & BANKERS. Corner Main and liroadway , COUNCHJ , ItbL'PPS , JOU'A. Dealers In foralcn tuil domestic . Collection * made * uj lutevtu paid on : aoa - poslu , ESTABLISHED I8 ° 8o CnrnrnrAQT I ISSM * bUTO WireSIf chongo | , Ills , J ClnrkSt. The Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON It tll ! Treating with th Gmlett SKILL and SUCCESS \i ym.-r.v.i Chronic , Ncryons anfl Priyatc Diseases , ' JPS-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loit Manhood. Falling Memory , Exhauitlnit Dralni , Tcrrlbl * Dreamt , Hod and Dack Acne nd * 11 the cfTtcll ( cadlna to early demy * ml pcihaps Coniumptlon 01 lni nlty , trttted idcntlficUr/ new nethodt with ncrer.fjllinz incctM. A9-BYt > HILI3 Di ! Mlb d Blood and BklnDll. entci nerminently curtd. V-KlDNEY nd URINARYcompUlMi.QUet , Qonorrhoei , Strlcture , Varlcocel * nJ nil Ji ! in &f ( he Qenlto.Urin ry Orgtnt curedjprom.lly without Injury toStomich , Klclney > or o-.herOrg M. nr No experiments , Ace and experience lm port nt. Connultttlon free nd sacred. OB-Sen J 4 cents pottage for Celebrated Work * oa Chronic , Nervout and Delicate Diitxei. aS-Tho f contempUtlnc MtiritRe xnd for Dr. Clarke's celebrated cuMc Male and Female , each 15 centi , both ? ctnt ( ttamm ) . Conjult the old Doctor , A friendly letter orcllm y lave rutur iurTer > Ing nnd thame , and add golden J e r to life. 49llook "Lire's ( Secret ) Errort , " 50 ctnti ( itampi ) . Mtdlcint nndwrltlngt ( tnt everywhere , itecuie from cxpoiur * . Houn,8lo8. Sut , < lay oto 11. AJJicit F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 100 So. Clark St. CHICAGO , ILL * NKHVOIIS , CHUONIC nn < 1 I'ltlVATII D1SKASK3 Ot MKN nnilVOMK.N mccositullv trcuteJ. YOUNG MEN SiiirorliiR from the rfrcct * of yimllilul fnlllos nrlnilli Cfi'tloii" , or nni troubluil with Wi'iikno" , Ncrrom iljlllty , l.o < of Mciniirr , le ) < | ) ntlrnuy , Avi-rslon to Nirk't ) , Utilnoy TioillileMir nny ill iMi'u nt thnion | . to-Urinary Uruiinn , din hcie Mini n info niul i i > eeily iur . Charuoi rcaiionabU1 , vnpoclally to the pour. MIDDLE-AGED MEN Then- lira ninny troiililcil with tno froqin'rit oracun tloiisul the blaililvr , ottcn nicnmii.inli'il liy a slight . . . - iKRcniiatlon , niiu wciikcnliii ; of tlio K stem In n imtiiner the tmtlcnt cannot iiccunnt for. i cxumlnlnu tlio urlnnry tlcpoMU u ropy aoillmvnt will otton tiu foiitut , nnd &otnoilmi'i intruder of albu- inen will npm-ur nr Iho color l > o " 1 a tlilu , inllklili hue , uiriilii vlmniiliiu t < t n itnrk or lorplil nppi'tirnvco. There nro manr men vrhotllu ot thin tlinicuily , Ixnor- nnl of llio C.IIIRP. wlili'h IR thu occoinl Hiuo of BUDI- nsl wfiiknco. Thi ! iloctnr Mill pnitriintt'tt tt porfuct ( lira 111 nil Mirh cii'on.niul a linnllUr ronturntlon of tlicKimlto-iirlnnry orirnii" . ( . oiiMiH.ntlim frco. Send iNcunt KtHiup lor "Youiii : Mnn'n Krlcml , ur UuUlo to Wedlock , " lri > to nil. AililrpM DB. SPIN.NEY & CO. Main and 12tti St. , Kuiistis City , Mo. ils vuper. THE BilLVAr TIME TH8LES , OMAHA. P mi i P'm "Dally Exeunt Sunday. tSimday only. COUNCIL CHICAGO , HOOK ISLAND & PACIFIC. Leave. I Arrive. A No.2 fi ; ! ii. in.A No. 1 7:00 11. in. O No.0:00a. : m. No.n 5:50p. ui. A No. 4 , . . . Ulil ; a. m.'A ' No. U 0-T : > u. m. CHICAGO , IIIJHLINCTON * QUINOV. A No. 4. . . . . 11:51 : a. in. A No.6 ; HKu. m. A No. II . . . ' 0f,5 : n. ni.iA No.j : O\Vtn.ia. : \ Kxcept Saturday. rllxcepc Monday. rMilfiArirk ' " "TIMVKsTl'IlN No. 8 U.Mfla. m.'No. ' 7 li:4"ia : , ra. No.H 4:15p.m.No , ; i UIKla.m. ; No.4 ( ) : IOD , m. No.6 0:11 : p. m. A11 Trains Dally. CHICAHO. .MII\VAUKIR.tST. { PAUL. A No.iJ UMOa.m.A No. 1 : nu a. m. A No.4 . , . .7OJp. m. A No.il 7:10p.in. : " ' WTV , SiJl ; , , , 2Kl'H Ar. COUNOl4 | No. 2 No. 1 . No. 10. No. W , A .N , ° ; , li , 4l'l : P- " ' A No. 7 12:00 : in. A dully : It dally except aturilay : Ooxcepc biu.day : 1) exuwjit Monday ; fast nill. : : llio tlmo KivHii anoro IK for Transfer. < hero being from live to ton minute * iiotwvon'JYans- r and local depots. ONLY ! A POSITIVE * " 'LOBT" ftilllVO MANHOODf - . , _ _ ' a " l < ! NERVOtIB DKBILITTl rjYim ! Wjaknen of Do < ly ud MlnitiEW.tU XX Saa 5.r ! ? fflSa j FOR i MEATS , FISH , 80UP8 , GRAVIES , Sauoe. . ic. l'uilllrtlirc'lrflliicl < l r l.rllr. llurni'iKltclro.MvK'olIc Iltlt , ' t only ono In llmwbrl.1 Kinirutlnz ' .onllimct , Hl . . . . o , Hoiwr. HtMoviB TO 180 , CHICAW.