* t THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; FRIDAY. MAY 10 : 18S9. Il'.T.CLARKE'S ' LITTLE SCHEME Qotllny Blgnora to a Potttlon Under Fatoo Protonsoe. A CLEAN REAU ESTATE OOB. ( Tenrtiic Down Otnntin Air If.ilivlilttnl rroflt .X 'Warning to ihft Pco- fileVlmt Oenornl Crook Snltl. Hold tlit > Knrt. OMAHA , May 8. To the Editor of Tun UKR : 1 notice liy your paper thnt the secrO- Inryofwnr nnd Major General Schofteld , with ether | irmy officers , are to bo In Omalm On a tour of Inspection. I understand Hint they also Intend to visit Fort Onuha and tha llo below Hoilovuc , on which Henry T. Chirlto U trying to Imvo the new fort located. I take It thnt this U to bo the turning point bn the question whether the present fort ahull ho maintained or nlmndonod for n now o.ie. o.ie.Now t thlnki/lt li about lime for our ollU rciiB to nwnkon to the situation. Whnt will bo thu effect of abandoning the preicnt fort nnd moving down ton inlloi below town ) Docs any sane man suppose that the benefits' which Omtiha 1mA for ycnrn derived from social Intercourse nnd trafllc with army ofl- ! COM nnd troops will not bo mutorlnlly affected by the proposed change ! At present a drlvo from Port Oin ah u to the pontoftloo is miulo In u tow mlinitcs , practically nt no expense. Our Churches , our concert hnlls and social en tertainments are always liberally patronized by army people. Our retail stores nro visited by tliolr ladles nearly every day , and the common soldier walks Into town and spends his money when ho 1ms a day off. Will It bo eo when they Imvo to travel twenty-four miles brvek and forth between the opera House and new fort. How wilt they make this trlpl Henry T. Olarko tolls you that there will bo suburban trains to tmtc thorn In ami out of town every few minutes , night and day. Hurnbugl Who's going to pay tliolr faro back nnd forth even : If the round-trip costs but n qunrtorl VVIJVn subordinate officer , with nn Income of gl'JTu ' manth , couio to n concert with his family nnd pay out nn extra dollr.r every tlmo I Ho can't , afford It , arid ho will not do It moro than once a month. Oh , but they can pet passes 1 Will it pay any railroad to run trains from Omaha to the now fort , oven hourly , when nearly all the passengers nro dead-bonds ] "Oh , " replies Mr. Clarke , "wo nro going to build up n largo now town down there , and the people who will go to and como from Onmlm will make the suburban trains Day. " Precisely , Mr. Clarke I Thut Is why Omaha will bo seriously crippled by your scheme. You have ocen trying for moro than twenty years to bulia up a rival to , vn down there , and you have made us any amount of trouble with your brldgo schemes. I remember very well how Omaha was paralyzed ut ono time by Mr. Clarke's efforts to locate a bridge below hero. Suppose tlmt ho succeeds now In Ratlins that fort located on his land below Hellovuo , nnd ho plants several hundred houses on his suburban town , and then a bridge Is thrown across the river ten miles below Omaha , 'what will bo the effect ! A man does not have to look through a mlll-stouo to see that this now Fort Onmlm scheme cannot fall to do Incalculable damage to this city. And yet , I am told , moro than a hundred of our business men and bankora have boon Induced under false pretensions to sign Clarko's petition to locate the fort on his land. I say under false pretenses - tenses , and I moan Just what 1 sav. Mr. Clarke Is capable of Just such work. Ono of the business men who bad the nerve to refuse to sign his precious petition tolls mo that Clnrko represented ! that wo Imd only ono choice wo must either consent to the removal of the fort orloso It entirely. Ho assured this man tlmt General Sclioflola wus determined not to have another dollar ex pended In Improvements nt the present fort , 1 nnd was bent unon having the fort removed way out west If wo inndo any objection to locating It near Bollovuo. Clarke Is said to have shown a letter from Senator Mandor- son , marked confidential , to sustain his as sertion. The party said ho didn't take the trouble to read this letter , and probably no ono else did. If General Schoticld and the secretary of war have made up their minds to move the fort , what is the use of that pe tition , and why should they come to Omaha nt all I Clarke also claims that Qcnoral Brooke , the commander of this depart ment , Is heartily In favor of relocating the fort and wants It down near Bollovuo. 1 don't believe n word of it. It Is true that General Brooke has recommended tlio Clarke slto , but ho tins merely compiled with n duty Imposed upon himhy General M'.nderson's bill and designated what , In bli opinion , was the most available slto offered among competing locations.I have met many of our army ofllcors , but I have to BOO ouo yet who would not prefer to bavo the old fort remain Just where it Is. General Crook , ivho probably knows moro about the wants of the army hero than anybody , declared within the last three months in the prcsenco of a man I can name , thnt "tho scheme to remove the fort Is 'cussed' nonsense. " As a nltkou and property owner , I say It is worse than nonsense. Now York , Chicago , St. Louis and Kansas City are all trying to annex their suburban towns. They want to ccntralUo population under ono city government , nnd make the best showing when the consus-takor comes. Is It good policy for Omaha to scatter her population nnd invite the building of suburban towns that will cut Into her commerce and reduce her CPIISUS returns to the minimum. Mr. Editor I fool that I ewe it to myself and ray fellow citizens to protest against the roloca tinn of Fort Omaha , and I hope you will prt aont the real fnots of the case through ypur editorial columns. A t'lONCBit OK Stirp. Gon. Woodward , U. S. array , says of the results of chronic inalartnl poiboniiifr ; "Diaordor of the kidneys Iroquontly complicates the condition undur consideration. Scanty , moro or less nlbumiious ) urine is of ton observed nnd these cii.scs not infroquuntly termi nate In chronic Brlplit'a Disease , with . conllrniod albuminuria , oodoma or jjcn- orul niiiituircn. " What at Hrst Is rocoff- mend ns malaria is subsequently found to ho Dritfht'a Disoivso , whloh Warnor'a Snfo L'uro onros. _ Nn\v Corporal loan. Yesterday was a good day for articles of Inoorporutlon with the county clerk. The Omaha Motor Hallway company , with nn authorized capital stock of 51,200.000 , Hied Amended articles. The stock Is divided into 12,000 , iharcs , and it is provided that 50 par com of the capital shall bo imbsorihod and paid up within sixty days. The corporation Js , of course , orgaaliod fur the purpose ol operating street railways by electricity and cable upnrtituJ by steam , compressed air or any ether motive iwwer except steam. The nrtlelc * also name the streets upon which the company Is to run curs. The ofilcisrn are Samuel 1) , Mercer , prudent , and W. H. IMIllxrd , secretary. Another Incorporation Is that of the Al bright Land and I-ot company , with a phtca ol business In Omaha. Its capital stock Is $175,000. The company Is organized for nn existence of eleven years , for the nurpoto of trading In Noliruskii lands. Tim lucnrporu- tors are : W. O. Albright. Arthur U. Cooley , Arthur East , Elmer C. llrownleo ami Alex. O. Cliarlton. 7.llla AshbyUlod a bill of sale yesterday , with the county clerk , convoying over ono JMindrnd and fifty head of blooded horses , Inoludim ; Urge number of valuable stal lion * nnd marcs , cattle ami hogs nnd other chattels , on the X'latto Valley ranch , to the Pinlto Vul- lev lianch company. The consideration ' IB'IM.'JOO. ' It Is the same stock that was transferred to her about a year ago by C' , 10 , JMaync. The I'latto Valley flan eh companyto vrlifch Ml Asbby convnyud the btorlc , Is n ucw corporation , .vrhlcti tiled articles ut the tlmooflho trmikfcr. The capital stock of the new company Is $150,000 , divided Into 1,600 Ahnrus. Tha busluca * of the company will bo the purchnso. breeding and ruining of terd of horses , cattle and other live Meek. 1'bo corporation Is organlred for an existence ol llMy years. The Tncotporalors aud direc tor * nre C. H. Muyne , I ) . / . Ash by and J. I- . U 6cbiin' 1'UU act like tuvij'.c oo TUB soiiooii BUNDS. Treasurer ItimYi HiiRKcsts Thnt They Iio Floated a * BeAn ns I o mble. City Treasurer Hush Is urging the board of education to Ret Its 1300,000 bonds on the market fts wwn as pomlblo After the election , which will bo held next Saturday. The flrtt six months Of the year , says Mr. Hush , are much bettor for the disposal or bond * , nnd eipoclftlly of district school securities , thun any other time. One r6ann U that money U now casiof in the custom market ! ) , nnd an other In that nchtol bond * are much moro diniculttodlnpo edf than municipal seourl- tlo < s although they are almost Identical At far ns Omaha Is concerned. The trcwufcr states thnt the school paper Is at good ft lloaler ah the municipal bond , but thcro are a number of eastern states that will not buy the former , M their state laws hrohlblt the purchase of them. Vermont , wow Hamp shire And Maikucluuclta nro among such slates. CniiRlit by Ilcixuvoli. N. Hcnuvols Is a rather short , hcaryct , genteel-looking man of mltldla ago , with n full , round face , keen eyes and heavy dark mustache , neatly dressed , and of sunva na > dross. Ho spent last week In Omaha , representIng - Ing that ho was a special agent of the New York Mutual Life Insurance company , and that ho had run up hero from St. Louis on a llltto private speculation. Ho stopped ut the I'uxton , but rendezvoused princi pally at the Diamond pool room , and bccomlnc On caiy and familiar terms with Its many affable attaches and 1m- bltucA , ho played his money liberally on both baio hall nnd hores. Last Wednesday , n Week ORO , late in the afternoon , ho strolled Into the iMntnomi , and , Walking back to the cashldr's ofllco , said to Mr. White , the proprietor : "Here , Charlie , 1 dumped myself at the other room this afternoon and I want you to caslt n small check for me , " ut the same time handing In through thoopanlng In the screen the following check : No. 2127. Sr. Louis , Mo. , April 4 , 188'J. ' Laclcdo 13ank. Pay to the Hearer . N. Ueauvols . or order. . . . . The sum of . Two Hundred Dollars $200.00. Mcrim Hnos. & Co. The check was all properly certified with the bank's stamp and cashier's name , A. A. TcAtcs. nnd Mr. White , assured that It wus as good ns BO mucti money Itself , counted out the "long green" and handed It over to Mr. Hoauvais , who smiled , thanked him , nnd with the remark , "I ought to go broke for going over to the other house , " walked out. The next afternoon the cheek was sent over to the Omaha National bunk for col lection , and nothing moro was tlioucht of it. Saturday afternoon Mr. Ueauvols again appeared at the Diamond , and. Informing Mr. White that ho would require another small check cashed , ho produced one. the counterpart of the Ilrst , only it was for $300 , and handed It to the accommodating pronri- ctor. White cashed it without suspicion. Mr. Hoauvois telling him while ho couutcd out the money , that ho had insured the older Mr. Meyer's lifo In St. Louis for $25,000. Ho nonchalantly rolled up the bills handed out by Whlto and with n good-afternoon de parted. That night , ho returned to the pool room and cashed in SSO worth of pool tickets which ho had won that day and that was the last scon of htm at that resort. Wednesday morning , the Omaha Natloaal bank received notlllcatiou form the Lnclodo ban Ic , St. Louis , that the checks wore clover forgeries , nnd that steps should bo taken for the immediate arrest of the smooth gentle man who had circulated them. But Mr. Bcauvois know hli business , and , when searched for , of course , was found missing. Subsequent Investigation revealed that ho was Joined here Saturday evening by Mamie Varroll , the handsome contralto of the ICato Castloton company , who had come on that day from Denver , and together they had departed Sunday evening , presumably for Now York. Mr. White hasn't much to say about the affair , but the porter of the Diamond In formed the reporter that ho went up-stairs yesterday , after hearing front the bunk , nnd kicked himself nil over the room. Ho will communicate with the New York authorities nnd endeavor to locate the shrewd scoundrel , but entertains little hope of recovering his cherished slmoleons. Dyspepsia ami Torpid Liver. Nathaniel Hyatt , Insurance Department , Albany , N. Y. , writes : I have been n great sufferer from dyspep sia , water brash , acid stomach and constipa tion for the last fifteen months. Some time ago I rend in ono of Brandroth's Calendars the case of a gentleman In Albany who was cured of a similar affliction by using ALL- COOK'S PoiioL'3 PIASTERS. Knowing the gen tleman referred to , I purchased three ono I wore on the pit of the stomach and two on my right side. I were them a week , then took a bath nnd removed the plasters. I washed the places with cologne , rubbed them dry and then applied fresh AI.LUOOK'S Pon- ous PLASTKKS. I found my appotlto aud di gestion much Improved In two weeks ; in three weeks my bowels became regular , and , after using the plasters for four weeks , I tound myself entirely cured. Grnnlto S'omitalns. Tne now publlo drinking fountains donated by the waterworks company la the city are flvo in number , and will be very handsome designs. Two of them are already com pleted. They are of granite , and taper to a point six feet from the ground. An orna mental head has been sculptured on the front , and from the mouth water will Jlow into a pretty carved basin. On each side of the latter will hang a cup suspended by n light chain from a rosette carved In the rook. A faucet will bo used to turn the water off and on at the will of the thirsty pedestrian. To keep the water constantly lee cold an excavation will he made for along coil of water pipes , and in this Ice will bo placed daily. The following nro the places where the fountains aru to bo located : Fif teenth nnd Farnam , near Hoyd's opera house : Twenty.fourth and Cumlngs , near the drug store ; Sixteenth streotncar Jefferson square ; aud other pclnts not yet determined upon. Weeks' Uonlnl. F. 13. Weeks , regarding statements nub llshud iu certain morulng dailies , in refer ence to an alleged conversation between Postmaster Gallagher and him , with refer ence to the latter becoming the agent of the Uaudora Stona company , and that the count. ; commissioners could hetlxcd , says that these articles are absolutely false. Ho says he never had any convocation whatever with Mr. Gallagher upon the subject , and In fact doe * net know him. SOUTH OM < YHA NEWS. Klnntrlo Ijlulit Improvements. A special meeting of the South Omaha Klcctrlo Lluht company was hold yesterday forenoon In Secretary John A. Dno's ofllcc. It was decided to call a stock holder's moot ing to bo hold in the secretary's onlco , under tno Nebraska Savings bank. .Saturday even ing , to discuss the advisability of Increasing thn plant. Action will bo taken on fielllnn morn stock. Tim sucrotary will aialto his ilrjil. seml-ni'.nuul report. Notes A bun t the City. Ned Honker , after spending several months In Tularo rounty , California , has re turned and resumed hie position ut thu dock yards. G. W. Martin , un old friend of Dr. J. M. Glasgow , Is up from Auburn looking over the riolil for u business location. Ueprosontativcs of the Y. M. C. A. , of Omaha , are gcoklng a locution for base ball grounds in South Omaha. It I * the purpose of local lovers of bate bull to level off the bed of classic Lake Pavouka anil lay oft grounds there. All Interested are Invited w moot at O. II. Sc-bolkor'H nlysr store Mundav ovenlnp. when coutmitteps will bn appointed. Kd Woodriug was Ihuvl (20 by Judge King for Ills fun lu the Woodrlng-Sumnor family fracas. Ttio case ax lc v Mr. Suiauor Thorn u a boy at J , Ugpor'a. Adrian to Motlion. Mrs. Window's SootuluK Syrup should al > j ways bn used for children toothing. It soolhei the child , toftens tUo RUUU , allays all pain , uuru wjaJ calln , and U tha boil roMe-Jy for AUrrhw * . Ucon U a bovilo. RECORDS OF THE COURTS , Sovoml Opinions Romlorod By thb District Judged. AN IMPORTANT REALTY OAS . i\ Butt UrnwinR Out Otn SttO.fiOO lif- Itorcnoo in the Kcporis of A l > rMflers Kcilernl nnd County Courts. TttdlciM Opinions. The anouncomouUhalJuilges Wnkoloy and and Croft would hand down several decisions attracted a large number of attorney * Into court , Ono of the most elaborate , Interesting and important of the Judicial utterances this term , was road by Judge WakolojMn the Case- of Carolina M. Hunt against Valentino Llpp , lu which the title to lot 7 , block 77 , South Omaha , Is involved. The principal point raised it as to Whether verbal contracU for real estate nro binding. Llpp purchased tha properly from a man , hawed 1'ovorkvlio had a syndicate land contract , but failed to deliver it to Llpp. Subsequently , ho sold the same lot again to Carolina M. Hunt , nnd gave her the document. Attcr obtaining this deed Mrs. Hunt sold a portion of the land to Other parties. Llpu , of course , protected , and refused to glvo up possession. Hunt brought suit before a justice for forcible de tainer and won his suit , The case was ap pealed to the district and sulifonifl Courts , and the decision was sustalnud , Hunt then Instituted the suit hero referred to to quiet thb title. This time , however , the decision was against him because ( f the fact that the questions raised established now precedents. The opinion of the Jurist was very lengthy and elaborate. During Its reading Judge Wakoloy made a number of citations from authorities. Judge Graft opened the court and also read a number of decisions. They were based principally on small cases , and are Interest- lug only to the attorneys Interested and their clients. The question of compensation as mortga gee and agent came up In a case entitled Kborlca vs. Bradford , and was decided by Judge Wakeley for the defendant. Some years ago the plaintiff and his brother , who owned considerable real estate in this vicin ity it seems , after having placed n mortgage on the property in question , abandoned it. Ono of them absconded , and the ether went to his farm In Iowa. For years they paid no attention to the property. Bradford teen care of it , as though ho haa been the sole owner. Ho looked after the taxes , collected rents , and , as thu city grow , made such Im provements as greatly enhanced its value. After also paying off all debts for which the plaintiffs were responsible , the latter come and demand possession and refuse to com pensate him for his services. The court bold that from a humanitarian standpoint and on general principles , ho was entitled tent nt least 5 per cent , aud so ruled in his favor. In the case of McGough vs. McGough , the wife was grunted a decree of divorce from bed and board with alimony. Stilly against Housel , an action for eject ment tried before Judge Wakclcy throe times , was again decided in favor of defen dant. dant.Martin Martin P. Murphy has not given up his prosecution of the First Methodist church trustees yet. Ho was defeated In his appli cation for an Injunction against the letting of the contract to build the now church to Stevens & Son. ho now comes with another suit in which ho prays tha court to grant him compensation for his tlmo and talents in preparing and submitting a bid for the work to bo performed. Ho repeats nearly all the statements sot forth in his former pe tition , then adds that the church society in tended by its proposition , notwithstanding its agreement , to obtain his figures aud use them as a basis for other contractors , upon which to rest their ligures BO as tj secure the contract. Ho also assorts that it was tha intention of the defendants nt the time of their proposition to glvo the contract to another flrui , who are active members of the church. Ho wants Judg ment in the sum of $5,150. Charles I. Welsh has brought suit against the Nebraska and Iowa Insurance company for $1,700 damages sustained by him In a llro which destroyed his drug store at Whitney , Dawes county , November 23,18S8 , the insur ance for which has not been paid. On the grounds of cruelty , commenced very shortly after their marriage , Catharine O'Brien has brought suit to obtain n divorce from her husband , Edward O'Brien. She snys that within three days after the nuptial knot was tied her husband boasted of his , wayward lifo and boldly Informed her that It was his Intention to pursue the same. The wlfo has suffered very much from his treatment. James T. Barnacle , a plumber , has brought suit against P. H. Pullian at al. to recover S2G1.Q& , an amount claimed as duo for ma terial and labor. Mrs. Scholleld was before Judge Groft praying for a divorce from her husband on the grounds of non-support. ExDorionco Estabrook applied to tha dis trict court , yesterday , for an injunction re straining Samuel G. and Mary Stevenson from intermeddling or collecting rents in the Estabrook block , at 414 nnd 410 North Six teenth street. The plaintiff to the suit claims that on May 1 , 1884. ho leased the block to Samuel G. Stevenson for u period of ten years , with the proviso , however , that ho , at his election , could terminate the lease at tlia end of flvo years , upon giving.notlco In writ ing of his intention to do so aud paying to Stevenson the value of such Improvements as might In the meantime have boon placed upon the property. Arbitrators wcro to de termine the value of such Improvements. On January DO , last , notice of the expiration of the lease was served3 on Stevenson , The arbitrators wore appointed nnd in spected the improvements. Ono of them ap praised the value of improvements at $400. The ether , who was selected by Stevenson , placed the value at (31,000. The couldn't agree , and would not appoint a third. Ste venson will not give up the promises until tlio till,000 Is paid. Consequently the plaintiff asks the court to determine the matter. The In junction was granted by Judge Groff , who set the case for hearing May 0. The defendants in.tho case of Amelia E. Moffatt against Charles A. Thloinann aud Kittle Stemni filed un answer yesterday to the suit. Mrs. Moffatt , It will bo remem bered , sued to recover damages on account of tha death of her husband , who was thrown out into the cold white delirious with fever. Thiomaun had him taken to the old police station at the time without any clothes on , and Moffatt1 s doatti , It is alleged , resulted from the exposure. His wife recovered a Judgment in the circuit court for $1,000. An execution was Issued on the Judgment , and u levy wus made on two of Thlomann's lots In Bowery Hill addition , but before Mrs. Moffatt could get possession of the property , it is alleged that Thlo- maim transferred them to Katlo Stcuim. Mrs. Moffatt then sued thain jointly. The defendants claim that the property was con voyed to ICatlo Stomm before the rendition of the Judgment. They emphatically deny that ths mortgage was made after the be ginning of the suit , or that Thicmann Was uware that such an action for damages wquld bo instituted against him. They also assert that the mortgage was never given to defraud tha plaintiff ; that it was gtreti to secure ICatlo Stemm , who is a daughter of Thicmann , for an actual and bona fide in debtedness. Judge Wakcly Issued a temporary restraining ing- order , yesterday , lu an Injunction suit of Warren Switzler and Loronro V , Morse against the board of public works and the city , enjoining the board from grading or changing the grndo of St. Mary's avenue , between Twenty-sixth and Twenty seventh streets. The case was set for hearing May IS , The plaintiffs also asked that the board ho restrained from letting , tno contract for the grading , but the court Issued the order in such n way that It docs not Interfere with1 the contract. County Court. A Judgmcut for $144.03 was given the plaintiff in the oasa of E. E. Alvorson against W. M. Anderson , in the county court yes terday. Jullnnna Haafko brought , action against August Bartels to recover ft ) < J9 , alleged to bo duo for board for himself-and wife. ' The Ilrst of half u dozen move suits Insti tuted by Douglas county aguhut various uiti- ion * fur the maintenance of pauper relatives in county institutions , was tried by Judge Shields unil dismissed. MorrU Sullivan , whoso slstor-ia-law hut been nn Inmate T \t , the county house for h long time , figural ns defendant. Cc s thhn two days after Mto' received nollco that proceedings hnd bocy < ttmmohced against the lady was removed .from the Institution. .ludgo Shields heltl'Htial ' p.irtlos would b6 hold responsible , only after thej hnd been given notlcb by the Itoaw of commisatotiM-s to the effect Ho held that Hid tlmo1 intervening between Rorrlnif Sullivan NVlUu fiilch notion ftmt the departure of hi * relative from the poor farm Was too short , The TfiMilt of thl case cs- tabllshot the course thill must henceforth ho pursued , It tho.vdesiro lo rollovo.tho county of hporlldh of the cxponso Incurred far the support Of paupers. They must give nnllco , nnd After receiving' ' 'tt ' llio patty or parties can b6 held liable. , _ United tetHtcn Court. At 2 o'clock ' yesterday afternoon , T. 1C. Sutton , master In chancery , sold at public solo n prlst mill and other property located In Wlysics , liutlcr county , to satisfy n docrcd entered January 2.18SS , in the case of Oc0r ro W. Harris against EdwntM Coo | > cr et nl. The property was npprnlsciMit f 7,500 , nnd was sold for two-thirds of Its Value. Judge Dundy has pone to Falls City for it fax * days. The grand Jury \vlll bo cbnvfcnfid hcxt Monday. AVondnuutscc'rt The ease ngnlnat Peter WdodmanBce , charged With keeping his saloon open after midnight and entertaining members 6t tlio City council on the night of the fireman's ball , Was heard by , luigo ) Borka ycslorday afternoon. Councilman Pat Ford Wns the only one df Mr. Woodinnnseo'h distinguished but belated customers who was called upon to glvo evidence. Ho tcstlllcd that no drinks wcro sold after midnight. The Jury In the case , nfter being out two hours , failed to agree and was discharged. The case , by consent of the attorneys , was loft to Judge Hbrka , who will decide upon it at 2 O'clock this afternoon. William Roberta , M. D. F. R. C. P. : " Pregnancy is a fruitful cause of BriRht's Disease. The rolntivo proportion tion of ciwes between the ngesof 20 ixud 45 ttro 80 womoii to every 100 men , while jiftor this period the mortality falls to 69 women to every 100 inon. " Women , during iiropminoy , nro cspodinlly liable to contract Icidnoy disonso , which If neglected will terminate in Brlghl's Disease. Keep the kidneys active and maintain a healthy How of urine by the frequent use of Warner's Safe "Cure during the period of pregnancy. It will keep the kidneys healthy and active. Fined For Selling Liiquor on Sumlny- Whlsky Reformers Vaughn nnd Hudson were in police court again yesterday after noon ngainstD. P. Blair , charged with sell ing whisky on Sunday at his saloon , at the corner of Third and Pine streets. It was shown that Vaughn and Hudson disguised themselves aslaborlng ) men and went to the house of an old Scotchman , who lived near Blair's place , and Induced him to go with them and help them to got something to drink. They scctircd a pint of whisky nnd two bottles of beer. The jury was out on the case from 0 o'clock until after 10 o'clock last night , when a verdict of guilty was returned. Judge Borka assessed a line of $100 and costs. i Cancer ( > l'tlio , Tongue. For three or four years I had an eating sore on my tongue th'at made a considerable hole in it. I bocamo-ularmed at Its progress , nnd went to Atlanta for treatment. The re sult wus that I commenced the use of Swift's specitlc , and the sore was soon gonewithout a trace of it loft. A. Lewis. Thomaston , Go. , March 14. 1S39. In 1837 I gave you n testimonial showing that S. S. S. had cured tno of rheumatism of twelve years' standing , and I take pleasure in snying'that I have never had any return of the disease. As a tonic In the spring S. S. S. is a splendid inedieiab. J. H. M. MAIITIK. Jackson , Miss. , March 11 , 1SS9. Foul IMny .Suspected. John Coolidge , who works for Hugh McCarthy , at South Omaha , has boon miss ing since Sunday , and fears are entertained , that ho has been foully dealt with. Ho had sold n horse to James O'Connor , and taken a moitgago on the boast for part payment. O'Connor took the horse to Sarpy county , and on Sunday Coolidge started out to col lect the balance duo him , and has not boon heard from since that time. Ho loft a sum of money and a lot of personal property at his boarding place , which makes It'plain that ho intended to return. Agony Is Courted By persons who , attacked by a mild form of rheumatism , neglect to seek prompt relief. Subsequent torture is prevented by an Im mediate resort to Hosteller's Stomach Bit ters. Slight exposure , an occasional draught , will beget this painful malady , whore there is a prodisposion to it in the blood. It Is not difficult to arrest the trouble at the outset , but well nigh Impossible ) to eradicate it when matured. No evidence in relation to this superb blood depuroat Is moro positive than tliat which establishes its oulcucy as a pre ventive and remedy for rheumatism. Not only Is it thorough , but safe , which the vege table and mineral poisons , often taken as curatives of the disease , are not. Besides expelling the rheumatic virus from tun sys tem , It overcomes fever and ague , billlous ness , constipation and dyspepsia. A. Kuroieiic KxploHion. The wife of Lieutenant Joe Lank , of No. 3 , hook nnd ladder , met with a severe accident at B o'clock , yesterday afternoon , at her homo , near the corner of Nineteenth and Hnrnoy streets. She used kcrosono to start n lire , causing an explosion , in which she was badly bnrncd about tha face and nook. The lire department was called out. but wus not required to do nny work , as the flames caused by the explosion were extinguished before the arrival of the firemen. The old , old story is plainly but aptly told in a few words by Messrs. II. D. and G. W. Brown , of Pellvillo , Kentucky , us follows "Chamberlain's : Cough Remedy has given the best satisfaction of any cough medicine \yo over had in the houso. You will please ship us throe dozen bottles of tlio CO cents size. " Sold by all druggists. Licenses. Following are the marriage licenses issued yesterday in the county court : Name and Residence. Ago. ( John K. Dodge , Normal , 111 . 83 ( Jessie S. Kennedy , Omaha . 23 j Adam Lon , Omaha' . 23 I Minnie liuho , Omahui . 23 Faults of digestion cause disorders of the liver , and the whole system be comes deranged.l 'Dr. ' J. II. McLean's Snrsnpurillii perfects "the process of di gestion and assimilation , and thus makes pure blood. , j- Follow Itoynl liihtiuilo Brltluli Archi tect H. OMAHA , May 0.- + TUtha Editor of Tun BBH ; As a subscribof-'la your valued Jour nal , will you favor JTIJO with a reply to the folio wing question ; What is the moaning of the letters P. U. I. aTA. . , attached to the name of un architects. < - -4 - Use Angostura Bitters to stimulate the appetite and-Mcoop the digestive organs in order. Dr. J O. B. Siegort & Sons , solo manufacturers. At all drug- cists. A Horse Killed. A team on ono of the Sounders street cars became unmanagablo yesterday evening aud ran away. In turning from Saundcrs street to O aid well ono of the horses fell and was killed. _ Thnt hacking coug hcanbo so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. Wo guarantee it , For sale by ( Joodman Drug Co , Drug * aud CliuinlonlH. for tlio Heroes. Secretary Piper , of the board of education , has Instructed the principals of the various city schools to request their pupils to suouro as many ( lowers us possible for the Decora tion day services , in which the school chil dren will participate. DON'T ' LAY IT ON MY COFFIN , A Widow's Pnthotlo Appeal to the Ponolon Agent. HARRISON'S DEMOCRATIC WAYS No nngn * Arlnlocrrtcy About Him Some Atlvltio to Yonttkt nk tlio Corcoran GnUcry > ConmilRstnhot1 Tnhnter Touched , WAsiilS'flTON , May 0. [ C6h-cM > ondcnc6 of Tlifc Uf.B.1 President Ilatrlsoh Will b6 aMteil to spoiiil sotno oflils days tilts suim \norntnhun\lhg loilgoonlho Cheat river , In tlio mountains ot \\cst Virginia. There Is good llshlngln that region , and n quietude Which no onicc-seoker can disturb. The altitude Is higher than nt Deer park Or Oak land. , - Commissioner Tanner runs across somd heartrending cases now nnd then in looking over pension applications. It Is not gener ally known , but It Is true , that ho examines inoro Cases personally , Originally than any examiner In his ofllco. Last Sunday ho was In his room nt thd Kbbltt. going through his personal mall ) when he ran across n letter from a woman , It was massive , and as ho thumbed down the corrifirs nnd saw thr-ro Were eleven tmecsvrlttcn In n closO'llno ' hand , his heart sank within him nnd ho Involuntarily exclaimed - claimed , "Oh , Lord , I can never read ihlsi" Then ho looked for the signature , and as ho did so ho toad this closing paragraph : "If the government Intends to give mo anything In return for my husband , a father of several little children , please , Mr. Tanner , have it given now , nnd not lay it upon my coflln. " The commissioner paused , scratched Ins head , nnd wrote on the lirstpago : "Head. " The words went to his heart. They touched the fountain of his sympathies. It speaking of It afterwards ho said : "After I got through with my mall I took up this letter and read it from beginning to cud. I said to myself that this woman be lieves what she writes. No ono could put such words together without an honest pur pose. While reading the letter ono of my examiners came Into my room , and I gave It to him with directions tlmt ho. look It up In the morning nnd report. By 10 o'clock I had a syllabus of the case on my desk and at 11 o'clock n pension was granted to her. She ought to huvo been given the pension two years before , mid doubtless would linvo re ceived It had the case been examined. There nre thousands of these cases on file in the odlce now. The crime lies in the delay. It is robbery not to take up and dispose Dt them. " # Kvcry conceivable scheme has been worked to have the president nnd the cabi net photographed in a groupe. Personal friends of the chief executive nnd 'members of the cabinet have solicited it as a personal favor to photographers , but all overtures have bccu refused. General Harrison and Mr. Wanamakor are especially averse to having tnoir photographs displayed in public places. Real estate men who have talked to United Slates Treasurer Huston say they intend to find lu him a shrewd and success ful investor. Mr. Huston has confined him self almost exclusively to banking and man ufacturing at home , but ho owns largo farms and considerable business and residence property , and has excellent Judgment wherr it comes to ground work. Ho intends to buy n residence , and to try to gat ahead In real csta'o investments. There is considerable money being made in suburban property iu Washington. The treasurer In no sense inclines toward stock speculation. He never roads the finan cial reports , and Is not Interested in the bond market. President Harrison's democratic ways con tinue to astonish especially the people of the cast whenever they como to Washington. Western men are used to seeing their most prominent characters Intermingling with the common herd on all occasions , but the Yan kee Is amazed to sec the president put on n slouch ' hat , and smoking a cigar , stroll down th'o most frequented thorough faro of the cap ital , elbowing against lieoplo of all climes nnd conditions. The most popular social strouo tha presi dent has made was delivered on Kastor Mon day , when ho called out the Marino baud to nmuso the children who rolled eggs in the grounds to the south of the White House , nnd when ho went down himself with baby Mclvco to see llio amusement of the little ones. It is strnngo that ether presidents have never thought of such things. President Harrison reminds old citizens hero very much of President Grant , socially and personally speaking. Tha two men wcro always simple In their habits , ana unassuming In their per sonal character. It will bo easy for Presi dent Harrison to get the same hold on the people who come in contact with him that President Grant had. The last time Presi dent Giant was at the capital , a few mouths before ho wus taken to his bed with his fatal sickness , ho rode up to the cnpltol on a three cent bob-tall car , and alone wandered around the corridors of the House of Repre sentatives , never making himself known , As he wont to the senate ho was recognized by an old friend in that body , and they walked up to the south cntranco to the senate chamber , General Grant told the senator that ho wanted to see some ono in the senate , and modestly stepping back to the great old clock which stands in a niche immediately in front of tlio senate chamber , ho reclined against the wall for some time , waiting the outcoming of his fricud. His slouch hat was drawn down over Ins eyes , and ho silently puffed a cigar. Ho was recognized by but n few of his old acquaintances , none of whom spoke to him , not having seen him for so long that they doubted his ability to recognize them. * * Ex-Senator Palmer , who soon sails as our minister to Spain , oxpcets to return to the United States and remain a year or fifteen months. Ho will bo welcomed back by every ono who knows him personally. Whlio ho was passing down newspaper row bidding his friends good-bye , ho stopped at the bureau of TUB BEE , and when ho said "Adieu , senior , " ho added , seriously : Lot nio soo. A year from next September will be about eighteen months. Make it in round figures fifteen months , and you may expect to sea mo back In the United States. I would pathor grub sago brush on my farm near Detroit , and eat corn ponu in my log cabin , than live in the castles In Sualn and make salums to her king. I pro.iumo Spain will offer mo some amusement for u few months ; but after that my duties , although not naturally onerous , will bo irksome , and I will want to got back , If * for no ether rea son , to cure a taint of homesickness. " Moro than a d07cn active young republi cans who imvo como hero from Indiana dur ing the past fortnight to secure appointments have been advised by old heads from that stuto to go homo , enter Into the reorganiza tion of the party there , and take tlieirturn In the new deal. With General Harrison , ex-Governor Porter ter , Colonel John C. Now , Hon. W. H. Cal kins , UcnoralShaekolford , Attorney-General Miller , Mr. E. W. Hollord. Hon. J. N- Huston and John I. Dllle , who have DOOII given places and taken out of the state , and probably a dozen moro well-known republican organizers and work ers who will get otlico and leave Indiana , the reorganization for 1800 will bo an abso lutely now set of men , United States Treasurer Huston will make a light for tha legislature next year , with u view to succeeding Senator Voorhecs. Gov ernor Hovoy announced when ha was in the campaign last year that ho would never ask for his ofllco again , and ho could not run twice In succession if ha desired to , and hence there will bo an opening In the govern orship for Attorney-General Mlchener in the next gubernatorial campaign. It is expected that the young men , iu Ohio known in vul gar parlance as ' * ttio kids , " will Jump to the front and control the conventions and elec tions. Undoubtedly the astute young republi cans of Indiana who have political aspira tions would do better financially and In avcry I other particular to stay at homo and gat into J tha now organization than they would to tuka federal appointment * . The moil desperate struggle U to bu inado to vlect a majority of i the legislature next year. , „ i A concerted effort will probably bi > by art students of Washington who hare had f ccoss to the Uorcoran art Rallery. ftgolnst thb nrbitnry nnrt senseless tullnRs or the board of managers of llio institution , ThA film of the philanlhKml it , William Corcoran , the foumlCr of the Riultrr , wus to Bid * lu nents nnd to do nil In his power to advancA the study of art In the cnpllal of the coun * try. With this end in vlow ho always gavd easy access to tha gallery to these wishing to copy the pictures feathered thercs and seemed to Do ns much i > loncd to hnvo repro ductions of the cosily works ho had col lectcd. IcaVo the building , AS hb did to place new pieces on the walls. . H Was not Jiosslblo that h& Mild nhticl pate that upon hisTlcath the board or mana gers should adopt another policy ami thai Ins gallery would bccdmo lo n largo extent closed to students. It has never boon con sldcred advisable that students should makd copies ot originals equal In sire to the \i\c- \ \ lures copied , for which reason the ru6 ! has always prevailed thftt lhrc6-oliHhs ! Of the original Is the maximum size. This ruling interferes but little with the work of nrUsts ( but within the past several weeks the maim * tors of thO Cori-orall gallery have reduced the ftlzobf pictures xvhfch may bo made to ono-hnlf thatoforlRlnals , which prhctlcally cuts off one-third Of the worhs there fronl being reproduced nt all , as no proper concep tion of the studies coilld bo had from such tiny cauvasseS ns comp'linncO with this ruld Would make , nnd thodlsaplielntmbnt caliscd thereby can bo understood when It Is ithoxvn that rmiatcurs nru hot Pn.ua ! to sucdossfullj * attempting the Irtrgdr and nioro dtnluiilt p'lu- turcs thnt adorn the walls. The only excuse given by thb managers for their ruling is thnt there Is danger Of sohlUU tlpl.VIhg desirable cobles tlmt they may In llnid coinpelo as parts .of other collcctlohs With thb orlglhnls nt the gallery , nnd that they may In tlmo be passed off ns thb prliU hhK Besides Ihls restriction they haVd llniitnl the tUihibor of copies nh artist may mnko in n year , to four , ntld haVddonti what ever possible Within their power to discour age nny copying nt nil. Just how the art students can protest suc cessfully ngamst these unjust rulings has not yet boon decided uiwn , but if there la any way possible to have them revoked 110 effort will bo spared to accomplish It. * Tha chief of the bureau of navigation of the navy department has given nn order to have electric lights put on the new war ships , Mlantonomoh , Monadnock , Petrol and Vesuvius , for which congrcs ? has ap propriated $55UOO. This Improvement In fitting up of our ships , " said ono of the most prominent of llcors of the department , "can hardly bo ap preciated by those unfamiliar xvlth the old man-of-war. I can recall the grease lamps which were the only means of lighting used in our navy at ono time. I have gone on thu berth- dock where they were burning and so fetid was the atmosphere I could hardly stand the stench. When the sailors would turn In these lamps would bo blown out , and then they would smoke for an hour or moro , nnd when battened down at sea the condition of the berth-dock was horrible , and its effect Was easily shown on the men , They were piped up at 0 o'clock , clvon ten minutes to do up their beddlug and begin scrubbing down docks , nnd the consequence was that they nil had swelled heads and felt ugly , nnd before fore the morning was over wo invariably had half n dozen lights , and some of them pretty tough ones. too. "Now all this Is changed. Wo don't have ono fight in the navy whore wo had n hun dred twenty ycaos ago , and it is simply the result of treating sailors like human beings , giving them n decent place to sleep in and attending to their comforts. "Tho berth dock Is now well ventilated , and the electric lights do not contribute to fouling the air. Jack Is called up at 0 o'clock as of old , but Instead of having ton minutes to got to work in , half an hour Is allowed , and in tlmt time ho is served with coffee and biscuit , has sufficient tune to uut his bedding up and gees on deck feeling rational and like a manalways good-naturedan j does his work with a will. Oh , the modern improvements are n great thing for the navy. " Piiuiiv S. Hr.ATn. A LOUD AND LURID CALL n klhistor to hlJOOt Comfort Into n Fastidious Flook. OF CANolbAt fes A Permanent JobnVid Po6rPAyOlinr nnteccl tlio 9lhhVlio rlllfl tno Hill of 8pc6H16htlons llio { taunt lUglitu Ueso'rveil. Hear Yr-i A ) V < * lntcd nt ( Iio Imrtl. The following detailed plans nhd specifica tions for a minister have been issued bV llio spiritual cCntorntlon of Pleasant Glenn , Nob.lt Is edmmblldcdtd llio ildvbul con sideration of the Salvation armyi The people of Ploasnnl Ulcen' , In general congress assembled , Irrespective of creed , nationality or political preference , have do- Cldod td build for themselves a inueh-hcodoil hoxi.sd of worship , which , wllh Us shire point. Ing toward that pmeo whuro nil tnolr liupos hro cenlori'd , slunvs llio BthtrlRoM from nfnr thai thb people imvo nt last secured n sholtbr froln the storm. But the possession of n commodious liotisa Of worship does not nil the cittli-o bill of wnhts of thd | idoplo of Pleasant Glenn. Thole wants are many mid varied , thcirsuperltltlvij want being a shepherd to lend their llttlo Jlock through this dark vnlo to the glorious heights beyond. But knowing thnt the wants of the people nro many nnd manifold , somu of them , nt , least , not always being actuated by Christian principles , n committee has been appointed to determine Upon the following nunllllca- tlona necessary to bo possessed by each and every applicant dc&lrous of ministering to our spiritual wellfara : The committee , after n long and careful consideration of the matter , nnd , like our sainted forefathers , appealing to thu Supreme Judge of the universe for the rectitude of our intentions , do not forth tha fallowing quallllcntlons , the possession of which Will bo un open sesmno to thu hearts of our pee ple. QUALIFICATIONS. Ho must bo u man of wide , deep and varied understanding , able to tell n Greek root from 1k rutabago , and second , to know a man by the cut of his Jib. Ho must bo n Hercules In strength , an Apollo iu form , n Tullyraud in bearing and a Chesterfield In deportment. Ho must bo us vilso as Solomon , as patient ns Job and as meek as Moses. Ho must bo somewhat of nn oculist , so that ho can bo able to extract the mote from the eye of the wayward sister and pluck the beam from tha optics of the misguided brother. * Ho must bo a good singer , with a volco ranging from F below the staff to O nbovo. Ho must possess such great humility that when smitten on ono cheek ho will whirl around as if on n pivot , presenting his ether to his adversary. Ha must possess suoh larponos.s of heart that when asked for his coat ho will ask the ono making the request If ho does not wlsti his shirt also . Ho must bo over ready to throw open his doors to the entire community , nnd allow the young pcopla ovary chanca to extract tha juice from the festive gum. Ho must bo a financier ublo to cope with tha great problem how to make the weekly collections moro than sufllca for lodging , food and raiment , and should the collection at any time fall below f 1. 37 ha should submit without a murmur and curtail his expenses accordingly. Snould nny person dooming himself the happy possessor of these qualifications desire to make an application , It will bo con sidered by the committee , and if his oxamlna- tfon proves satisfactory he will bo engaged lor an indefinite porlod. JAMRS L. EVEHTON , Ono of the Committee. Fair white Bright © lea-F e < I Soft healthful skin. il l i ! "PEARS'-Tlia Great English Comptoxkni SOftP.-Sold Everywhere. " 4 i For Sale bji SI. H. ULISS , Omaha , Nebraska. . IMPORTERS JOBBERS TIM PLATE 6-1 ; FISHIHQ METALS , TACKLE , NAILS , SPORTIHU HOUSE GOODS , FURNISHIHB LAMPS , CDODS , GLASSWARE ! > s IB , 20 , 22 , 24 , 26 , 28 , 30 AND 32 LAKE STREET , CHICAGO , ILL GWIN & DUNMIRE , Kuceeasor.i to J. J. llardnn , SportingGoodsHeadquarters 1O1 S. IBtli St. , Corner Dodge Street , Omaha. Guns , Ammunition , Fishing Tackle , Lawn Tennis , Hasc Ball , General Athlctio and SportlnaQooda. All kinds or repair's. Send for Catalogue. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Hardware and Cutlery , Blcchanicit'loolt , FituJtronto Builder * ' ( Jnvli anl : ltu/ful 1405 Douglas St. , Omaha. ETCHINGS , KMEEBON , ENGRAVINGS , HALLBT ds DA VIB , ABTIST SUPPLIES , K IMBAI.L , MOULDINGS , I'lAlJOSAND FRAMES , SHBIET MUS1O. 1513 DODEltt SL . ! > ! lV J