, K7 < 3 * err--ft * . THE OMAHA DAILY , EE ; FRIDAY , MAY 10 1889. THE DAILY BEE. KVKttY MOIIN1NO. TKRM8 OP Cntty ( Morning Killtlon ) Including SUNDAT JlKrOnn Year . ! For Rlx Month * . . . . . 00 ror Tlireo Monthfl . . . . . . 860 TII OMAHA SnunAT Hrr mallod to nr Rdilrrgi , Ona Year . . . . . 300 Vfr.tKi.v IIES , Ono Yfcar. . . . * > On AH A Ornrr.Nos.tiH nnd 018 FAnic&M BTHBRT. , CIIICAOO Ornns. f : ItooRBfir IIUIMM wi. I Hinr YOIIK orricis. HOOMS II AND 16 TinnuNK ' linn.mwo. WAKIIINOTON Orrios , No. H3 FooiiiKKNin BTUBBT. COItUIHrONUKNCIt. All communications relating to newi ana efll- torlM mutter should I * addressed to the Kmion , . , , All buMnosi latter * ami remittance * nhonlab * ddroModto Tim 11KB Ftnii.ifliiimi COMPANY. OMAHA. DrofU , checks an < \ postonice orders to lw mnde payable to the order of the corapanr. Tie Bee Punishing Company , Proprietors , E. ROSEVVATEU , Editor. TIIK Bwnrn Statement of Circulation. Etatoof Nebraska , I. . County ot Joiila3 ( , f " " flccrce n.Tr.srlmck , necretnrr of The Hee rub- llshliiRComnany , does nolnmmr swear that the actual clrculntlon of TIIK DAILV HKB fortho Week cndlCK May < . 1883. was BS follow * ! Eundny. April M Mondav. April 9 Tuesday. Aprils ) Wntnctdnr. May 1 Tmirmlnv.Mnyy . ' Friday. Jlny a . JS-'J ; ! tjaturilny. May 1 . , . . . . .1U ( Avcrugo . 18.WU OUOItQK II. TZSCHUCK. Sworn to before mo nnd subscrlbod to In my presence tnla Uh day of .May. A. 1) . )8i. ) Soul. N. P. I'lJlU Notary Public. Elatoot Nebraska , I County of Douglas. I3- OuorRo It. Trscnuck. bolnjt duly sworn , do- YIOMMJ and snya that lie Is nocreUry of the Uco I'uhllRhlng company , that the actual nvaraco tlnllv circulation ot TIIK DAII.T Ilitr. for the month of April. 18W , 18.7O ropios ; for May. 188 $ . ] , iai copies : for Juno. 18SN , la.sn copies ; for JulV. 181W , 18K13 ( ceples ; for August , la-W , 18.183 copies : for September , 1KM. 18,151 copies ; for October. 1888. lft.uM copies ; for November , 1833. IB.flEU copies : for December. 188S , 18.211 copies ; for January , 1889 , 1P,5T copies : for February , JE6P. IS.Mfl copies : for Mnrch. 1RMI , K8SI copies. or.ui < nK n. . Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my presence this 18th day pt April , A. D. , 1839. N. P. rilu Notary Public. GKNKHAI. SciioriKLD tinfl. Secretary ofVur Proctor will bo in Omahn Satur day. Mr. IlenryT. Clarke is already in the city witli a map of Bcllovuo. IF YOU want to know tlic mnn who liavo the inside for the most important federal positions in this state , take up TIIK Bias's legislative blacklist for the last tlu-oo sessions. Du. Po\vnrT , RUKVKS , the medical quack whom Tun Bun hooted out of Omahtv last spring , has been driven out of Helena , Mont. Roovcs is one of the most brazen charlatans in the profession. NICIJUASICA CITV is needlessly wrathy. Omuha is not responsible for the fabricators caters who jump at conclusions. There is ample territory to supply both stock markets , and room for both to prow and prosper. now superintendent of construc tion of the county hospital might well add to his recommendations to the county commissioners that a number of iron tie-rods bo inserted down the back- hone of certain obstreperous and hot headed momhors. THE imported plumbers must have boon favorably impressed with Omaha hospitality. It is tv metropolitan weak ness. The rivalry of the local frater nity to entertain their eastern fjucsts was a specimen of rare generosity. They came , they saw , and were con quered , and after "viewing the land scape ) o'er , " were sent on their way 'rejoicing , with passage paid and a sur plus in their pockets. Their bills were not questioned. STATISTICS of the past week's move ment of hogs is commended to the seri ous consideration of the managers of the South Omaha market. Omaha is the only city which records a reduction compared with the same period last year. This condition is not creditable to the management. It shows that there is something radically wrong , and measures should bo adopted at once to place the market on a level with its competitors east and south. TUB rains Unit have prevailed during the past few days throughout the north west removed the dangers that were threatening growing crops from the prolonged absence of rain , and reports from Minnesota and Dakota represent n great improvement in the conditions find prospect. Nebraska was also suffer ing from want of moisture , but there is no further cause of complaint , the rain fall of the past forty-eight hours having extended throughout the state and boon Bulllcient to supply all the molsturo immediately - mediately required. PUUSUANT to a resolution of the Illi. nois legislature , the pcnlto'ntiary authorities of that state h.ive submitted reports as to the feasibility of manufac turing twine in the prisons. They Hhow that it can bo do'no , and the coal of manufacture will not exceed one and ono-halt cent par pound. This is a novel expedient for attnoKlng the twin * tnmt , and while it is not expected thai anything will bo done by the legislature ture nt the present session , ponlton tlary-mailo twine may become an 1111 nois product in the not fur future. Tlu farmers of that stuto generally ani heartily approve the plan. As AVAS to bo expected the report o the intpcctor appointed tooxnminn lut < the agricultural departments of thi schools and colleges receiving govern ment aid is far from being encouraging With few exceptions the colleges of tin various states to which the govornmon has contributed viiluablo land grunts fo the purpose of teaching farmer's sou the principles of agriculture , havafalloi far short of their duties. They huv drifted away from their original design They fall to educate for the farms , am their tendency Is to discourage youni men from the pursuit of agriculture , b their moagro facilities and lack of in torcat in the study of agriculture. Th attention of Secretary Husk has hoe attracted to this abuse of the bounty c the government. It is more than likel that the new secretary of agriculture wi force these institutions to comply mot strictly with their- obligations to tli government , and make the iigrlcuHur ; colleges something bettor than a so berth for supornnuated politicians. AN EASTERN PKOTBST. The business men ot the east nro manifesting nn oven stronger interest than these of the west in the question ot curtailing , or shutting off altogether , the competition of Canadian with American railroads. This subject Is now being investigated by u senate com- mlttoo , of which Senator Cullom U chairman , and the expressions ot opin ion by the mercantile communities are therefore tlmoly. Ono of those ha9 re cently come from the board of trade ot Portland , Maine , which passed a reso lution protesting against the enactment ot any legislation "which will deprive our citizens of the facilities .for trans portation of brpnd-stuffs and manufac tures now offered by our great com mercial highways through Canadannd between the Atlantic seaboard and the west. " It also protests against any amendment of existing laws for the purpose ot throwing obstacles In the way of such transportation , and against the withdrawal of the privilege of carrying merchandise of the United Stales in bond through Canada , as now practiced , and against any action which will tend to obstruct or destroy compe tition in the transportation of such merchandise , thereby build ing up monopolies to the detriment of the cities nnd commercial interests now receiving the benefits of free and unobstructed transportation to and from the west over Canadian rail roads. It is not at all questionable that this view will bo very generally acquiesced in by the producers and shippers of the west , and that they will join hands with the mercantile and manufacturing in terests of the cast in resisting any at tempt by legislation or govern mental action to do away with Canadian rail road competition. There is no patriotIsm - Ism in the question. It is a purely practical matter , and as such involves an annual saving in the cot of trans portation to the people of the east and wcst.amountlng to a vast sum which they are not willing to sacrifice in the interest of a few American roads that are largely owned by foreign capital. As to requiring the foreign corpora tions which do business In the United States to conform to our laws , and sub mit to the same regulations that are imposed upon our own roads , such a policy ap'poars to bo very generally re garded as being just and neces sary. It would obviously be a great mistake to permit alien corporations to enter our territory and carry on their business free from any of the restrictive regulations to which American railroads must submit , but it does not appear that tlio enforcement of this policy need involve any serious in terference with the competition which is claimed to bo so bcnoiicial to the pro ducers and consumers of tha country. So far as the senate committee has proceeded with its investigation , it has obtained little encouragement for the plan of cutting olt the Canadian compe tition , while the opinions given to the secretary of the treasury regarding the dutiable character of Canadian-built cars used in the transportation ot mer chandise between points in Canada and the "United States were uniformly in opposition to tl&a proposed duty. It was said by the representatives ot American roads who expressed their views to the secretary that cars built in Canada have been admitted free ot duty for twenty years , and that any change in practice would ro'sult in great damage " to domestic interests. It is qulto probable - able that the secretary of the treasury will obtain other and different opinions , but it is hardly to bo supposed that ho will adopt the policy of subjoctipg Cana dian-built cars to a duty. The whole question is of immediate and far-reach ing importance , and the conclusions of the senate committee will bo awaited with great and general interest. . A DISCOUItAQIXO ItRSULT. The advocates of coramorcial union with Canada were not given uny en couragement by the parliament which adjourned last wook. Early in the ses sion the loader of the opposition to the protective , system made a vigorous as sault upon the policy , but nil efforts to secure uny modification of it ended in a complete failure. The fact was clearly ( li&closod that the Canadian manufac turers fear oven a mild form of reciproc ity , nnd thnt they are always ready to obey a note of alarm sounded by Pre mier Maudonald. The opposition to the government is strong : , nnd its loaders are able and aggressive. Tlio minis terial party lost some of its strength , ita majority in parliament having boon reduced. Rut it was still ample to carry through every measure it desired nnd to keep intact the policy that stands as barrier against commercial union or any form of trade reciprocity with tlio United States. How long the now dominant party can rotaiu power may depend - pond somewhat upon the lifetime of Sir John A. Mucdpimld , who appears to bo n strong and capable leader. Mr. ErustusViman , who is ono of the most nrdant and hopeful ad vocates of commercial union , said be fore the semite committee In Now York that Canada cannot stay as she is , that Him must cither become an independ ent republic or join with the United Stales , "Tho hopes of a great party , ' said Mr. Wlimn , "rest entirely upon ono old man. After the death of Sir John Mncdonuld will comodeluge. " J3ui this view may be too optimistic. Doubt' less tlio loss of this great loader would ' very materially weaken Uio party in power , but it must bo 'granted that that r party reals upon principles and sontl 9 ments which appeal powerfully to the 1 majority of the Canadian people , and which would continue in fprco without " the championship of Sir" John Mac- 1r donald. There is n feeling of national 1F pridij and independence among the F Canadian people which was notinspirod wholly by that veteran statesman B though ho has perhaps done more thai : (1f ( uny other to stimulate and strengthen (1y > it. Tbo idea of commercial union will y the Unltod States is repugnant to mos of the people of Canada because il woul 0 necessitate u surrender , in some do ° . greo , of tlio commercial indepondonc ' of tlio Dominion , and because it i thought to involve the possibility , however over remote , of political uulou and th complete domination of tlio weaker by luo stronger power. These nnd other objections to nny such radical ohnngo In the relations ot Canada with the United States , as has boon proposed , have boon repeatedly nnd vigorously urged by Canadian statesmen , and it Is not to bo doubled that they arc so firm ly rooted in the popular mind as not to bo easily or speedily romovod. A fair nnd equitable arrangement for trade- reciprocity between tlio two countries would , in all probability , bo to the ad vantage ot both , but the outlook for ef fecting such nn arrangement can not nt present bo regarded as flattering. ; 1S TO TI1K CITY HALL. \Vo do not propose to take part in the controversy over the city hall plans , which is mainly carried on by parties who made the lighten the Myers plans and delayed the construction ot the nlty hall throe years. The Myers plans wore good enough , nnd It the building had boon erected with reasonable dili gence in compliance therewith , Omaha would now have all her city ofllclals located In a substantial and fire proof building. Now tliat the Myers plans have boon abandoned , wo want to see the now plans adopted with the least possible jangle , nnd wo hope to see work on the building begun within the next sfxty days. The short est out with this end in view will com mend itself to all citizens not directly interested in the competition between architects and builders. There is nothing to bo gained by a perpetual wrangle over plans. What ttie mayor and council should do is to adopt a plan which a majority of the council doom the most excellent. This choice should bo made impartially with the solo purpose of giving Omaha a publicbulldlngin harmony with the sur roundings , commodious and thoroughly fireproof. No time should bo lost by the council in ratifying its choice and inviting bids from competent and re sponsible bidders. The location of the city hall has boon settled , the people have given the council authority to construct an elegant building , and have voted them authority to issue the bonds necessary for its erection. The man date of the people should bo carried out without needless delay. There has boon time enough wasted already , and our citizens have a right to expect that all further filibustering shall cease. A COMHITTISIS representing the American forestry congress has just laid before President Ilarrison a me morial urging him to exert his ef forts in-the enactment of laws to pre serve the timber on the public lands. The spoliation of our forests by timber thieves has become a scandal in the land office. Millions of acres of timber lands on the public domain have baen despoiled by corporations , great and small , without oven the payment to the government of the small amount nec essary to obtain the foe simple of the land. Other valuable timber lands have boon sold at prices that would no cover the cost of surveying them , and which were abandoned us worthless the moment the purchasers stripped thorn' of their wealth. The indilloronco of the govormont to stop this wholesale robbery was taken advantage of time and again. In the timber regions the public conscience has boon greatly de moralized thereby and when prosecu tion of the offenders was finally at tempted by the land olllco it was almost impossible to secure conviction. The commissioners of the public land ofllco 'have repeatedly exposed these frauds and called loudly upon congress to change the system of land laws and management which permitted this un blushing theft. Their appeals , however - over , have failed to bring relief , and it behooves President Harrison to add his voice to theirs in calling upon congress to reform this great abuse. TITK board of health has taken a rad ical now departure. An order has been issued to the board of public works directing that body to compel all own ers of houses on lots adjacent to the drainage sewers to connect their prom ises therewith. The object the board of health has in view is to improve the sanitary condition of the city by doing away with surface drainage. If this change can bo brought about , it will doubtless materially reduce the death- rate , cut down the doctors' bills , and prove a bonanza to tlio plumbers. But there muy be several obstacles to over come. In the first place , wo doubt whether the board of health nas any authority under existing ordi nances and charter provisions to issue orders to the board of public works. .In tiio next place' , it is doubt ful whether the board of public works could compel property owners to build sewer connections. It is possible * that such an order might bo sustained as a police nnd health regulation , but the chances are that it would bo resisted through the courts. RKOAUDIXO the statement that the chief obstacle in the way of manufac turing tin plate in this country is the difficulty of separating the tin from the mica , which has not yet boon over come , the Kapld City Journal says it is erroneous. It states that the school of mines at that place has practically and successfully demonstrated that the sep aration may not only bo made , but that it may bo made by a comparatively sim ple and comparatively inexpensive pro cess. It is partly to determine the practicability of separating the tin and inicit that the Chicago capitalists who contemplate establishing the tin plate manufacture are going to the Black Hills , and if they find this difficulty al ready solved it may bo only a vorj Hhort time until the manufacture of tin pinto in this country is started on u large bculo. . IT ia still fresh in mind how certain prominent business men ot Buffalo , connected with the Standard oil trust , wore convicted of conspiring to ruin a local oil company which hold out against that combination. The climax , after two yours of litigation , in the case has now boon reached. The men convicted were 'lot off with a simple fine of two hundred and fifty a oil an o each , while the persecuted company was forced iut6 brnnkruptoy through the machinations ol the Standard oil trust. The ovldonco In the case showed that these 'raoh ' were guilty ol nn at tempt to set fir.p to the local company's works , nnd tho'.light fine imposed reads Ilk a Irnvoslv oi justice. The grip of the Standard oil octopus paralyzes oven the arm of the law. Tnosre enthusiasts who imaglno that a navy can bo built in a day , are res pectfully dialed to the difficulties at tending the construction of armored ships by our government. An appro priation was made throe years ngo for the building of the Texas , and nt this date the hull ot the great iron vessel has hardly boon begun. The con struction , however , has not been un- nocossarlly delayed. The selection ot a plan by competition among naval designers , the preparation of the dry docks for her reception , the awarding ot the contract for her machinery , and lastly , the provisions made for her armament , have consumed time. It is highly probable that several years more must elapse before the Texas is ready to go into active service. IT will bo a matter of gratification to residents in the southwest part ot the city to know that rapid street car facili ties are to bo provided to and from the business district. For n number ot years tv largo population in that"30011011 has had to put up with the slow-going horse car. A mint of money awaits the company first to provide quick means ot transit to nnd from Hanscom park. HISKMAN OuLiiicitS , the wealthy Now Yorker , is spoken of in certain quarters as the probable successor of the late William H. Barnum at the head of the .democratic national com mittee. This arrangement , however , would leave Rainbow Chaser Brice out in the woods. No Flics on Itrottiei * Jonathan. Kew York Sun. Our country need not fear that Its Inok of a costly and crushing military establishment f the old world pattern denotes Inok of real dofonslvo strength. Ccrcuioulns conducted nnd controlled by nu organization of ultlzons , with national nnd state co-oporatlou , brought together n line body of drilled and equipped roops , nnd also enough other marohinp organizations to swell that force to n great army. And thcso were only typos of millions n reserve , on whoso prompt services In au emergency the government can rely If it only has n good supply of weapons nnd equip ments ready. An Ensy Solution of the Problem. riiUdiMithla Inquirer. The south is full of men who talk by the hour of solvlng'tho negro problem. It isnlso full of men who discourse by the week of the glorious constitution. But wo notice that none of these eloquent gentlemen have yet hit upon the constitutional solution of .ho problem In which they nro BO deeply In terested. This solution Is merely to enforce the principle underlying all our laws , which teaches that nil men are free mid equal. A Prohibition Paradox. Chicago Times. Ono of the most contradictory things la politics is prohibition. In Kansas , for in stance , In 1SSO , nrior to the passage of the prohibitory amendment , the number of'vcx- stamps issued to that state by the govern ment was 1,800. Last year the number was 3,100. Only in Election Times. Chicago Times. A Missouri paper savs it is no uncommon sight In Kansas for boys to bo taken homo drunk in wagons. Kansas prohibition doesn't very well except in election times. THE 1NUUSTK1A.L ) Firemen on the Philadelphia & Roauing railroad will not bo allowed to run engines , and will bo examined at the end of six months for promotion to engineers. If the fireman shall succeed In Ins examinations ho will receive a certificate , and if ho does not ho must Uro cightoon months moro before ho can take another examination. Twenty-seven iron furnaces in the Mahon- ing valley have reduced the WBROS of their employes 10 per cent. Reductions in wages , disclaiming of employes nnd shut-downs are common throughout Pennsylvania. The boss niasous and Journeymen brick layers of Now York city , at a recent con ference , fixed the scale of wages tor the ensuing - suing year at $4.05 a day. The limits of work nro nine hours lor flvo days of the week and eight on Saturday. Carpenters employed by tho'citylgovorn- incut of Chicago , now get the union rate of wages , 35 cents per hour for a working day of eight hours. The London Ironmonger reports a preference - once for American tools in the English , Aus tralian and Now Zealand markets. Thousands of labororsat Panama ar'o idle on account of ttio suspension of work on Uio canal , and business is paralyzed. Tlio employes of the New York titaata Zcitung have received a dividend of 10 per cent on their earnings lor the year 1SSS. Sotno women In England malto good salaries by manufacturing the dainty silk and lace lamp shades now so popular. A dealer in London who glories in the royal patronage , pays ono woman $200 a month for the shades she makes. A labor movement is spreading rapidly throughout Cicnnuny. In Great Britain thcro are 203 tin plate mills , employing 11)0,000. England's 7OOOTlour mills can make 51- 000.000 barrels pcr" 'ear. The country con sumes 80 per cei t of this amount , a great deal of which come * from America and Hun. . gary. . 8TATI5 AND XKUR1TORX' . N Irniilca Jottlnu * . Hushvillo Is giviuK'prohibition a trial. The vlllago blaakbmlth ofVllber mourm the loss of $100 worth of tools. Hastings Bijjhsora union depot to matct the complexion of , tbP now court house. Wednesday's ' rain wus worth thousands ol dollars to farmero hereabouts. Every drop washed away u frown from agricultural browa. , jj During the wind storm a few days ago t Junluta lady became so frightened that slu died in a ill. It was a sad blow to thi family. The onglncorlB annual report of public improvements provomonts in Nebraska City shows a tola of (100,000 expended In fostering a Bold growth last year. The April report of poitoRlco business in Nebraska City shows an Increase of't ! pot cent In the number of piocon handled the previous month. Kearney is beginning to howl for a nov donot. Every day the town discovers seine thing lacking to complete hur happiness , am she is not at all backward about asltltif for It. Six windmills wore blown down In the vl chilly of Harvard. Monday. Ths sauio u'al trilled with the Lincoln city co'iiicll ' for : uioment , and pasaud away , screaming am mutilated. The Ulysses Dispatch says that Dr. Hall ono of the Philadelphia couching party run down by ( i freight trnin , Inst Friday , Is a brother ot Arthur Halo , of VTly.ssM. Ir. Hnlo was not injured. , Polo Urlilgcmnn , a Konrnoy thug , caressed Bill Ilobons with n poker , cutting a man of the local canal on his scalp. I'oto' * Inlon * ' .Ions wcro considered suMVlcntly artistic to ivnrrant n trinl In the district court , IConrnoy papers boast that the proposed end to the Ulfick Hills Is practically ns * iurod , Omaha and cixntorn capitulltts have .groctl to put $100,000 Into the enterprise on andltion thnt Kearney puts up n bonus ot .73,000 . , nil the offer was promptly accepted. "uch enterprise and grit takes the modal. Vork utters a wall of woo against inado * .uoto train torvlco In that vicinity. The pirlt of reform and retrenchment whlch.por- ndos the Uurllngton strikes York In a ton * er spot , nnd peace ami contentment hnvo akon flight. This chnngo convince * the rcMdonts "thnt there Is something radically , vrong with the operating dopartmonU" A gang of six migratory toughs leaped fem the brake beams of n train at Kxotor , md proceeded to tto the town without Invl- ation. After replenishing with boor , bologna nut broad , they entered a clothing store anil ccured ttio latest styln spring suits In ox- for n stout blulT. Such unblemished crvo could not pass without publlo rccog- Itlon. The authorities waited ut > on thorn nil tendered them quarters In the city Jail. The Columbus Tolccram lifts dropped Into , he starry realms or romance , of thrilling ocal Interest In twelve chapters. The oroino Is a widow of forty , neither fair nor 'at , but formerly forlorn nnd possessed of ) loomlng ncrcs. She advertised for n inrtncr , and nn Illinois sucker Jumped nt the lianco. Result , n brief courtship at long rnugo , an nftcctlonato meeting , marriiigo , anil a matured row over the property. The widow's daughter claimed a share of the lomcstoiul. Hero Is where the Illlnolsan Isplayed diplomatic "fine work. " For a rifling cash consideration ho induced mother mil daughter to confide the ilocil In him , mid no is now' lord and master of the lands ' "nnd 11 thi ) hereditaments thorcunto belonging. " It was In the suburbs of a Nebraska town. Monuments of the "dear departed" rose above the mounds of fresh and grass-topped human clay. A funornl procession had'Just deposited the Inanimate form of n local port In a two by six. The melancholy BOX- on piled his shovel vigorously , and the cold jlods rattlfd a wlord ronuiom on the box beneath. The acono nml sound overcame .ho tender feelings of the chief mourner. With n wild , piercing cry of anguish ho dropped on Old Mould's shoulders nnd wept " .remulously. The Roxton , generous man , .ittcrcil words of consolation and good cheer , )0intod out the futility of tears , and llnally nuuccd the mourner to depart from the sni } icono. Ho went , taking with him a ton- dollar bill , the corner ot which stuck out of ho gravo-dlggors vest pocket. Uakntii Points. Aberdeen figures n directory population of ' ,000. ,000.Work Work has commenced on the foundation of Dcadwood's city hall. The Tontine trust has $1,000,030 to dls ributo for good collateral in Watortown. Dakota has W.000,000 in her treasury nnd .mcounted millions in her hills and valleys. An agent of an Omahalsyndleato is looking around Ynnkton for a location to Invest $75- 00 in a hotol. One hundred Iowa capitalists are booked for an excursion to Wutcrtown to sample the real estate In that vicinity. Monday's storm was something of a hurri cane nt UufTalo. Considerable damage was done in town and country. An agent of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy system Is in the Hills for the purpose of examining into and reporting upon the min eral resources oC the Hnls to his company. His report will dc term in 3 how much the company will invest in giving the Hills rail road facilities. The proposed development of the tin in dustry of the lilack Hills by a Chicago syn dicate excites considerable enthusiasm in that region , 'iho value nnd quantity of the mineral has been thoroughly demonstrated , and capital is the ono essential lacking to | ) lnco the Black Hills in the front rank of tin : > roduciui { countries. The opening of the Sionx reservation will witness a remarkable railroad race across .ho territory. The Northwestern and Mil waukee will build westward as soon as per mission is given. Both roads are concen trating material at their Missouri river ter- nint Pierre nnd Chamberlain and are making every preparation for a rush through , ho laird of Sitting Bull. Koumlnbout thu Mountain * ) . Salt Lake Is enjoying a building boom of argo dimensions. Large quantities of asbestos has been dis covered in the mines near Dinmuud City , Mont. Butto. Mont. , Is practically out of debt. Her underground wealth yields an average of20l,000a ) week. Lonsdalo , the adventurous lord , who scoured the far north in the interest of sci ence , has returned to civilization and Ta- COIIlil. Utah has decided to build a capital. The cost is not to exceed 83,000,000. A premium of $500 is offered to the best plan , compe tition to close November 1 , 1SSU. The owners of the Lost California Mine , eight miles from Shasta , are taking out f 1,000 a day- Seine of thu best puyinu nro looks like stone coal and has to bo worked dry. dry.Tho The authorities of Denver have decided to clean out the burnt district of the town. The Job is a mighty One. No city In the country equals Denver in flaunting vice nnO open wickedness. Chicago or Now York have nothing to compara with Hollldiiy street. The Makabs are tlio only Indian tnbo on the coast that have saved their land and ac cumulated money. Ncah Bay , the second best harbor on the coast , is on their roscrva- -lion. They own three sealing schooners and Tun the only store in the whole country. During the scaling season most of the bucks go ns hunters , getting from S3 to ! $5 for each skin. skin.San San Francisco is confronted with the problem of chocking the bloody work os tlio c.ib.'c Juggernaut. Tlio number of pcoplo killed by the cars , recently , forco.i the au thorities to protect the lives of the people. An.ordcr has been issued instructing the compcnics to plnco wire guards around the wheels , and prohibiting ttio USD of detached cars after sixty days. The influx of settlers Into Washington ter ritory is Immense , niul ovary town Is enjoy ing a boom. A real estate craze , similar to that which swamped southern California two yearn ago , is on , and the greatest spouu- Ifitlvo activity prevails. It is an epidemic which will soon collapse and crush thousands of tondcrfcct. Tlio man who unloads promptly will eomo out ahoad. Got * $1,740 , WASHINGTON , May 0. Tlio war depart ment has completed snd published the allot ments of $100,000 appropriated by congress for the equipment of the militia. The allot ments uro based on the number of represen tatives In congress , and will give Illinois SJO.SSslJ , Iowa Sl'-VUO , Minnesota ftJ.OH , Ne braska $1,740 , and Wisconsin 510,111. The regulations provide that roiiuistlon for mili tia supplies must bo made by the govornnrs of the states and territories direct to the sec retary of war. " Hirnllpox on tlio WRatcrnlnnd , NEW YOIIK , May 0. The Htoamshlp Wost- arnlnml , which arrived from Antwerp yes terday , had a case of smallpox among the stecrugo passongors. The patient Is a girl six years old. She waa isolated from the rest of the passengers and was transferred on Jior arrival to the hospital on North Brother's island. The steerage piuscngors will bo vaccinated and the ship fumigated and cleansed to-day. She will then bo al lowed to go to her dock. A Youthful Criminal Confesses. GAI.KSA , 111. , May 0. [ Spoclal Telegram to TUB HUB. | Supervisor William Skcna has obtained a confession from his sixteen. year-old son Jonathan , the "murderer ol Prof ? H. T , Mnchett , of Hanovor. The con fcssion was made in the Jail In the prmcncc of several witnesses. Excitement over the dreadful crime Is still high , but It U behoved that the prisoner's extreme youth will sava him from mob law. * _ 1 > > Sucuond AliaoomliiP Tuto. LOUISVIM.K , May 9. At the democratic Btnto convention , yu&tordny , to nominate can. dldutes for state treasurer , Stephen O Sharii , who was appointed to succeed the fugitivi ) Tate , wa nominated. SECRETARYGAHBERATWORK , The Sutherland --Mnnntng Onno Under Oonaldorntlou. REDUCTION IN HATES EXPECTED. The Decision Will tVfToot Goal nml Iilvo Stook TnrlfTrt Cnptttro of tlio Gyp ys' Darling * ( Irnndnm WnltlnftlYmra Dcntli. LINCOLN uunnxn op THE OMAHA U . I , 1023 l STRRRT , } L.ts-coix. May 0.1 Secretary 0arbor , of tlio stnto board of transportation , Is nt work on nn opinion on the Sutherlaml'Mannlnif complaints , hoard at Toltauia , several days ngo , unit It will bo romly for the notion of tlio board within a fortnight , The secretary wisely l < oops his own counsel us to what his llndmg * will bo. It was agreed between ihu aocrotiirloa that this duty ? hould fall to Mr. Onrbor. and li ROCS without saying that the publto will await his action with solicitous interest. It will bo kept In inltul that the Undln a In these complaints ofTcct the freight rates on nonl mid llvo stock on every railroad doing business In the state. Reductions arc conn * ilontly oxpoctod. Mr. Oarbor Is preparing his opinion with grcut care , and ho evinces a dctormlnation to gut to the bottom of all the facts. The prognostication is freely made that a modest lltllo order of reduction K nt baud. , The District Court. The Jury found Joseph mid Mtohaol llrcn- non guilty of assault and battery , and Judge Field this morning sentenced thorn to llvo days each In tlio county Jail , txnd further or dered coiumltinout until n line of * llU nnd cost of prosecution had boon paid. These gentlemen were put on trial on the charge of assault with Intent to Idll. In passing the sentence , the court said ho thought the ver dict under the testimony a proper one , but that the assault was pm-ticlarly aggravating. The lironnons uro wiser if not bettor men. Tbis morning a rather peculiar case of grand larceny was on trinl , which resulted In u verdict against the defendant , ono 1'otor Cline , the viilno of the proportv bolng llxod by them nt ? TO. In March , 1833. two young men named Qunlman came from Llololt , Wis. , to grow up with Lincoln , Tluiy each had a vallso containing their clothing , ot- cotorns. to the value of ? 90 ; they had n room nt the Washington hotel , nnd from this room the vnlisos were taken by persons unknown. On information Detective Pound went to the house of Mr. Houston , the man recently found dead on the Uurllngton tracks , and found the vallsos In his cellar with somn clothing hi thorn. This de fendant wus suspected , but Oillccr Pound was not able to looato him until n short time ago , when ho tooit him into custody in Omaha , The de fense was that Cline know nothing of the stealing of the property. Ho had mot n man named Brannnu and a stranger , each with a valise in his hand , nnd nt the request of Brminun lie had gone to the Houston house , whore Urunnan saiil ho wanted to leave their valljcs. In the evening again ho went with them , anil saw them tuko the valsos | out of tlio room where they were loft. Tnoy wont down into the collar , as they snid , to change their clothing , and he followed them there , and saw them tearing a coat out of one of the valises. That was all ho knew about the matter. Ho got nouo of the property , and did not know it was stolen. The Jury , however - over , thought otherwise , and was found guilty , but sentence was reserved. .Tiulgo Chapman was busy trying equity cases in the second court , but they were un important. Wns It Buried Alive ? The workmen engaged in excavating for paving in the alley between Ninth nnd Tenth , on p and N streets , this nftornoon unearthed the dead body of nn Infant , about n foot from the walk ot the bagnio kept by Lydla Stuart , on Soutn Ninth street. It was badly decomposed , and the stench was so bad tbat it was dumped into a wagon nnd carted away as soon as possible. Two of the workmen - men , who examined the body , arc of the opinion that it was buried alive. The burial of the body so near a disreputable dive leads to the opinion that its mother is an inmatn of tbo house. The discovery creates a great deal of talk on the streets , nnd it is alto- getner probable the matter will bo investi gated. Those Wayward Girls. One of Sheriff Mcliuk's deputies succeeded in overtaking the band of gypsies and the two run-away girls , Hattie darn and Francis Ponnlngton , last evening , six miles eastof Hickman. The girls kicked vigor ously against returning to the city , asserting that they knew what they were doing , and were responsible for their QWJI acts. Having exhausted reason nnd p.itioiico , however , the olllcor proceeded to take them into custody , and , during the melee that followed , the gypsies mounted ponms they had hitched near their camping rtlaco and made n run for it. The girls , finding protests and strugcles useless , got Into the deputy's "carryall , " and were landed in the county Jail at a Into hour , last night , and they were still there at 2 o'clock to-day. The wugon , team and camping outfit of the gypsies , deserted when they mounted their ponies , can bo had at the sheriff's headquarter * , after they luivo answered to. the courts for kidnaping the two wayward cirls , a charge , it is under stood , the parents have made against them. The gypsies have not ns yet showed up , but it is thought they will , for their outfit Is said to bo quite valuable. It is quite probabln thnt Hnttlo nnd Francis wilt bo soul to Uio w stnto InduUrlnl school. M l lI llonth of Ornndmn WnlllncAtril. I Old "Grnmlma'1 Wnltlngford , ono of the 1 oldest Mituom iri Lincoln nnd Lancaster comities died nt her rosldonco , nt the corner of Seventeenth nnd Cherry streets , nt 3 o'clock this morning. Hho was strlokon with paralysis u few ilnya IIRO , but know no suf- forlng during the last ot her days of earth , It. J. Wiilllngforil loontod seven miles south of Lincoln long before there WAR any thought ot n city here , nnd with Ills frobil wlfo , the deceased , curved out n bountiful homo nnd laid up competency for tnolr old * ago. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnlllngford Used to do their shop ping nt ts'obrnnUn City , tnnhlng their trips to thnt place twice n roar with nn ox team , when thov made nil their needed purchases for six lonir months , The fun or A ! norvlcot will bo hold nt the family rosldonco nt 10 o'clook ' to-morrow morning. Deceased wnt slxty-flvo yonrs of ago nnd widely known nml respected. Indeed , Orniidmn WnlliiiRforil was known nlmustjill over Lnocnstor t5ounly. Now Notaries I'ubllo. The governor , to-day , appointed the follow ] lug notaries public : D. T , Hnydon , Nebraska City , Oleo county ; T , F. Wniuor , Stamford , Harlnu county ; E. I ) . Oldhnm , Purdrem , Ulnlno county ; Fred . Tuttle , Kearney , UufTalo county ; Ulohnrd U. llyorion , Broken How. Ouster county ; Omar W. Oreono , IConrnoy , HutTalo county ; Oscar \V. Kowlor , Uedlngton , Cheyenne county ; Joslah L. Par- rotto , IConrnoy , HulTiUo county ; Charles U. Hrlco , Omahn , Douglas county s . ( aniosT. l.oJIUls , Grixnd Ishuid , Hall county. tsf City NOMR nnd Emsloy ICoarns nnd Mrs. Sarah Edgar were mnrried nt St. Paul's ' church nt a o'clock this afternoon. The groom Is fifty- ono years of ngo , and the bndo forty-four. Mrs. ICcnrns had the honor of being matron nt the hospital for the Insane , but resigned to bceomis wife No. 4. Commissioner Stoan went to Hastings n day or two ngo to look over the hospital for the iueurnblo insane. He returned homo to day nnd says ho Is qulto well pleased with what ho BUW. The followlpc case was filed for trlnl In the Bnpromo court to-days . .1V. . Umlford vs The County of Dixoii ; error from Dijon county. IiOtiUH TKA. Tons orCelc'stlnl Dried Hay Unloaded on tlio United States. Nr.w Yonit , May 0. [ Special Tologrnm to TIIK 13cB.JTho Herald says : The uoto of warning to American ten drinkers sounded by United States Consul Crowoll , who is sta tioned ut Amoy , Chlnn , has caused consider able excitement among the trndo hi this city. Yesterday n number of dealers and Import ers said that the very poorest tea raised in China is foisted upon the American public. Tons of tea loaves are consumed inthls | coun try thnt are no better than hay , and fre quently not ns good , nnd an Immense quan tity of the stuff that Is used Tor tea is posi tively injurious on account of the poisonous materials used in coloring It. Russell & Co. , who nro perhaps the largest purchasers of tea in China , and who have an ofllco Iu Wall street , in a circular recently sent out from their Amoy house to their cor respondents , confirm fully what the consul says. The total production of this grade of tea this year was something Hlco three mil lion pounds , every ounce of which llnds Its way into the teapots of the people of the United States and n largo quantity of the crop spoken of by Consul Crowell was dis posed of by auction yesterday at from \yt \ to 15 cents a pounds. Representatives of the largest importing house in the trade which handles fully onc-sovonth of the entire lea that comes to the country said that n lot of Amoy Oolong bought in Airfoy for their nc count was declared by experts to be too poor to Mass custom house inspection , nnd was re sold. The purchasers took chances , shipped to tlio United States , and It was admitted and is now on .the market , and is worthless trash. _ The Ijlcctrlc Sugar Company. New Yonit , May 9. Judge Uarrett in Uio ' supreme court to-day , granted the attorney- general permission to bring suit In the name of the people of the state of Now York against the Electric Sugar Hollning company , for a dissolution of the corporation , the an nulment of Us existence , enjoining the cor poration from acting further and the ap pointment of a receiver of its property. Ti | > ] iccnnao Veterans , WASHINGTON" , May 9. An association of veterans of 1S10 , composed of seventy mom- b'crs of the Tippccanoo club , who assisted in the election of President William Henry Harrison , to-day called at the white house in a body ( or the purpose of paying their respects to the president. Strikers Beaton. PITTSUUHO , May 9. Peace reigned about the Allegheny steel works nt Duqucsuo to day. The great plant was In operation in nearly every department nnd while the strikers do not concede their defeat , the strike Is regarded as a failure. Killed by i ho CUM. AKOKA , Minn. , May 9. Peter Hanson , aged fourteen , was instantly killed yester day by n Northern Pacific passenger train , which cut off the top of his head and ouo leg. \ Cnngrcsfininn I-inlrd Itouovorlnc ; . WASHINGTON , May 9. Representative , Laird , of Nebraska , who has boon ill -lor' several months , nnd was part of the time in a critical condition , is recovering. V ART needle-work and valuable embroideries are frequently ruined , or their beauty much impaired by washing them with ordinary soap , which is too rank for such delicate articles. A simple , and the proper method is to make suds of hot water and Ivouv SOAI > , and allow to cool till lukewarm , This solution , while very effective , is perfectly harmless. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps , each represented to be "just as good at llm' ' Ivqry11" they ARE NOT , but like all counterfeits , lack.the peculiar and rernarkalj ! . ; qualities of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it Copyright IBM , by I'roctcr 4 < UmU .