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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1889)
8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE5 THURSDAY , MAY 9. ' 1880. THE CITY. The revenue collections yesterday ninountctllo SO , 102.87. The water for the various watering troughs nnd fountains in the city was turned on yesterday. The case ngalnstCharlcs Wostcrffard , Uio gnrbngo man arrested for perjury , will bo heard on Friday. The Ladles' Aid Bocloty of the Fifth etroot school , give a lawn festival l < ri- day ovonuiK at Fifth and Hickory. John Caldwell was arrested last nljjht for the larceny of a clock from Mrs. Schulz , at the corner of Eleventh and Howard. The four oval parks on Capitol nvo- nuo , between Twentieth and Eighteenth streets , have been curbed nnd tilled , and the first grass is already making its appearance on the surface. , T. W , Allen , of Atchtson , Kan. , has written to ask Chief Scavoy to look out for his BOH , ntreu thirteen , and a boy named Ed Malllngor , aged four teen. who ran away from Atcluson on Monday. Bornish , McDonald and Troman , the throe boys arrested for breaking into u Union 'I'acWcfroiuht car , have boon placed under bonds of00 to appear for trial at the district court. It is not likely that the trial of Dr. Kelley , formerly of this city , now of Norfolk , accused of malpractice at the latter place will bo reached during the term of court which Is * .w being hold nt Madison , and which will adjourn In a few days. A lloral treat of rare and beautiful orchids , for lovers of the beautiful in nature , at Promenade concor , Exposi tion hall , Thursday , Friday and Satur day evenings , May I ) , 10 nnd 11. Worth many times the price of admission. Dr. G. AV. Bryant , a colored orator of St. Louis , will deliver an historical lecture , "The Wild Man of Borneo , " to-night at the A. M. E. church. IIo will appear in the dress of King Palawan , a costume 0110 hundred and forty-live years old. Personal I'araRraplis. I ) . Knlin , of Iowa City , is nt the Pnxton. Al Swenringon , of Ucadwood , is in the city. city.E. . C. Harris , of Norfolk , Is at Uio Mil- lard. I ) . W. Stapp , of Dos Moincs , is a Mlllnrd guest. II. D. Armstrong , of Jackson , is at the Millnnl. George L. Hole , of Hartford , Conn. , is at Uio Pnxton. M. Miller , editor of tlie Carroll ( la. ) Hor- alO , Is In the city. Ned Hooker , of San Francisco , is regis tered nt the Puxton. Mrs. Frances Summer , of the Now York Etching club , is in the citv. General Hrooko will loft last evening on the Union Pacific for Choyennc. Superintendent .lames has gone east on a leave of absence of thrco woclts. Miss Lizzie Konncnborfe' , from Saa Fran cisco , is visiting nor sister , Mrs. T. Ulatli. at 2534 Chicago street. Hov. A. W. Lamar , who is a guest at the Barker , has penn to Memphis to attend a convention of Baptist ministers. Charles McMuhon , of the Hector Sc Wil- liolmy Hardware company , has gene to Ogilen , to bo absent three months. Mr. anil Mrs. Simon Fisher have returned from their wedding tour , nud mo stopping nt the residence of Max Meyer , Tweuty-tourth and Harnoy streets. New Church The First M. E. church people yesterday Becured a permit for the construction of the now M. E. church at the corner of Daven port and Twentieth streets to cost $75,000. Work ou the structure will bo commenced at once. The C/'astellar Presbyterian society also secured a permit for a 57,000 church building. Cool , Sparkling Water. The Inspector of plumbing and the super intendent of waterworks will , to-dny locate the now granite drinking fountains to bo furnished by the waterworks company to the city. Those fountains are said to bo qiilto elo gant-nirairs , for the use of individuals nnd not animals. They will bo of granite , sub Btantially and artistically made , nnd will bo supplied with fresh water .ind ice. Tney will bo loc.ited upon the principal business corners of the city. for Ills Itrotlicr , The case of Herman Bush vs William Hush Is before Justice ICroeger. The for mer wants the latter bound over to Uccp the peaco. Ho says that while passing William's house in company with his wife and son , his brother , who was lyiuc in wait for him with n shotgun , opened Jiro on him and discharged two shots with murderous Intent. William admits that ho did shoot , but says ho dis charged the gun into the air merely to scare Ills brother , who was sneaking up to throw a dead chicken in Ins well. The arguments of the opposing attorneys will bo heard this morning. For a disordered jivcr try Beeclmtn's Pills- A Cut In I'olicu Salaries. On Tuesday evening the council , in pass ing the appropriation ordinance1 , cut down the salary of police captains from $103 to ? 80 pur month. This was " * ono nnd or the im pression that the board of tire and police had no authority to inurc-iso the p.iy of the police ofllcors. The amended charter , however - over , provides that "each police ofllcor shall bo paid n sum not to exceed $ 100 par month , the amount to bo fixed by the lire imd police commission , " Tlio amount deducted will probably bo added in the next appropriation ordinance. _ Gelling Aoqiuxintnil. Secretary Nason is endeavoring to extend the acquaintance of the board of trade , nnd for this purpose is addressing notes of in- nuiry to loading citi/ons in every town throughout Nebraska ami the hiiriounding states , from which the following extracts r.remnde : "If you have in your city an organization known us a board of trade , you will confer a favor by furnishing mo with the names of the president and secretary. If there uro other trade associations please Include Uio 11:11110 : of each , us also these of the president and secretary. " Koiillos have already been received to a number of the Inquiries. The old , old story is plainly but aplly lold in a few words by Mossrs. H. 1) . and O. W. Brown , of Polmllo , Kontuoky.ns follows : "Chamberlain's Gou < ; lt Itomedy has given the best satisfaction of any cough medicine wo over had in the house. You will please ship us three dozen bottles of the 60 cents size. " Sold by all druggists. Cut-Off Imko ViinlHliInt ; . Cut-Off Jnlto was never known to bo as low ns It Is at prose nt. From the soutnorn approach preach to the island , where a roud was graded last summon , to a point sovornl blocks ubovo the Star boat house , the bed of the lake is dry eiiouifh to walk on and Byron HeoO , who owns the hike , lias sot a surveyor to work marking out lots ! o > ' sale whore the favorite haunts of the fishermen wcro only lust year. The bridge rrcrtcd about twelve month * ( IRQ is tin almost useless viaduct , The crafts of the fishermen and boatmen arc moored on dry land nnd would now hold water like a slovo. As n consequence , some of the boatmen are complaining of hard times. Only two mile * of the lulcq Is la this condition , however , there being eight or ton miles of It loft for those who ouiov aquatic pleasures , _ Ailvloo to.Motlior * . Mrs. Window' * Soothing Syrup should ul- ways bo used for children teething , It < 0tuei the child , softens the gums , allays all cures wind colic , mid Is the best remfi A FLOU12NT1M3 JIOMANO1S. An Irate Fntlier-lii Iiaw Will Go Gun- nliiff fora IlrtHlifnl Benedict. Near Florence there Is a wealthy old pi oneer named Jim Thlrtle , who is la n very angry condition of mind. On Monday , April 80 , Ids fnvorlto daughter , Anna , was married to a follow whom Jim calls n "Schlcswlsbolstcinor low Dutchman named John II. Johnson , alias Johnnson , " who was afraid to nsk for the paternal consent to the union. The other members of the family had been apprised of the nuptials. The mar * rlago took place In a colored man's cabin about half a mile from the girl's homo , where thrco nccrocfl are keeping bachelors' hall. It wan followed by a lively charivari. When two days later Uio father learned of the marriage , ho did not oxclalm , "God bless you , my children. " On the contrary , his inncungo has anything but the ring of n bonlson in it , Thlrtlo thought a great deal of his daughter nnd would have boon delighted to give her a good wedding nnd n start In life , oven if she did marry his Into hired hand. "But , " ho says , "tho man who is too sneaking to marry an English man's daughter without asking parental consent , and who will run oil to a colored man's cabin to have the knot tied , hasn't sand enough to bo a non-ln-huv of mine , nnd If I can set my eyes on him once 1 will fill his hide so full ot bird shot that his carcass won't hold sand. " When Johunson went to got the marriage license ho guvo the naino of Johnson , and the minister employed to marry the couple refused to perform the ceremony until Johaneoti secured n now license with his correct name. _ Lost. "I don't know where , I can't tell when , I don't see how bomothlng of great value to mo , and for the return of which I shall bo truly thankful , viz. : n Rood appetite. " Found. "Health and strength , pure blood , an appotilo like u wolf , regular digestioniiU by taking that popular and peculiar medicine , Hood's Sarsaparilln. I want everybody totrvit this season. " It is sold by all druggists. Ono hun dred do-jOS one dollar. A HOCUS IJ How It Is AlIcKOil One Was Scoured For a Ilccil. Charles L , Blazler , n real estate dealer , was arrested yesterday on a warrant sworn out by Alex Lilicncron before Justice. Dunn on a charge of larceny ns bailee. Blnzicr was arrested by Detectives D. P. O'Connell nnd Casey. The plaintiff states that Blazicr disposed of one horse , set of harness , buggy and two wagons , which be longed to the plaintiff , and which wci j en trusted to the defendant for safe keeping. The property disposed of is vnlucd nt $425. Lllicncron followed up the case with addi tional charges against Blazer. Ho claims on August 10 , 3858 , Blnzier induced him self and wife to sign a paper which hu ( Blazicr ) represented entitled him to ten years lease of two lots owned by the plaintiffs on Fourteenth nnd Dorcas streets. In addition to this ho claims that Blarior induced him to mortgage the lots for ? ! , 000 with the understanding that ho ( Blazicr ) would constructa dwelling thereon and divide the proceeds from the rental equally. In doing tills , Lilicncron states that Blazicr novcr'intimntcd that ho ( Binzler ) was in tiny way interested In the property. The two lots , however , wore mortgaged by Blazior to the Mechanics & Traders' bank upon which ho realized $1,151. Ho in turn gave the bank a deed to tno property in question. The mortgaged was filed here August ! 20 , IbSS , nnd the deed was filed two days after. This is the property for which Lilicncron claims bo smncd a ten years' lease to Blazicr , but the document proves to bo a deed to the property. The prisoner was arraigned before Justice Dunn. His case continued to May IS , nt 0 n. m. On the first charge ho was re leased on bail in the sum of 4SOO , which was furnished by the Mechanics' and Trad ers' bunk. Blnzior is married and resides on Hamilton street between Thirty-eighth and Thirty- ninth street , To a reporter , Blazler stated that the allegations made by Lilicn cron , were untrue , that ho did not take any undue ad vantage of him ; that ho had re peatedly loaned him money , and at present hold his paper for over SI , 000. Hois of ttio opinion that at the trial lie con clear himself of the charges. Upon his release upon the first charge" was re-arrested on n charge of obtaining money under fnlrfe pretenses. This grew out of the alleged acquirement of deeds to the lots m question , which ho disposed of to the bank. IIo was put under additional bonds of $ dOO with the same security. Toe * Eaton O1V. Several years ntro I was called to see a col ored woman who had n malignant form of cancer on her foot. The cancer grew worse under the prescribed treatment , nnd the toes and one side of the foot were at length eaten entirely away. 'I ho p.itient could not have survived much longer , but I commenced the use of Swift's Specific , and it cured her sound nnd well. That was tlireo years ago , and there has been no return of the disease. I have also used S. S. S. in many other cases with the best results , and have cured n great many cases of rheumatism with it which had resisted all other treatment. I regard Swift's Specific a most excellent medicine for blood diseases , as its tendency is to drive out the poison. WM. E. STAOO , M. D. Matherville , Miss. , March 0 , ISiO. FASTER THAN I3VER. G. F. Train Allowing His Physical Mnuliinery to ICtin Down. Gcorpo P. Bcmis says that ho thinks George Francis Train has broken his fast because of the fact that , on Sunday , ho sucked an oraniro and drank a cup of coffee to give him strength to stand on his feet long enough to deliver a lecture. "I don't remember , " continued Mr. Ucmis , "that Train over before attempu.11 to starve himself. However , ho has always been very peculiar in his mode of eating , and often lives weeks at a time on one mcnl a day. In the spring ho has frequently , -when feeling bilious , fasted two or three days Instead of taking medicine. 1 presume this annual custom and the publication in the newspa pers started him Into the test of his fasting powers and ho actually wont through llHcon day * without eating anything. " Tram has kept IJumis advised by sending him clippings from the newspapers. In one of these appears a statement to the olTcct that or. Prida.v last , Uio faster had crown so weal ; that while taking a Turkish baih tie fainted and was unconscious for a long time. THE PADDOOU OPENING , A Great Time In Store i'or tlio Drum mers , Thoflno now Paddock hotel of Beatrice will bo opened Friday evening with a grand ball nnd bannuot glvon by the Traveling Men's Social club of that city. Handsomely printed invitations have boon issnocl which will be freely distributed among the mem bers of the fraternity and tlioir friends. II. M. Chase , chairman of the invitation coinmltteo writes : "Tho ccuimittco on invitations fearing that no nip onn may bo overlooked , wish to say ' that'tho Invitation is extended to all travel ing men and it is earnestly hoped that the traveling men will tool that ttioy nro cordi ally invited without the formality of a card. The inoinborH of the club nro making every effort to have the affair n grand success' " There it no doubt Of its success , 7n < j names of the gentlemen m ehiU'cO uro a suf ficient guaranty. The .hotel Is spoken of as one of the finest in the state , good musla has been secured from Omaha and the following competent com mittees will attend to the rest of It : Arrangements J. M. Berkley , J , A. Forbca , A. J. Conloo ; invitation H. M. Chase , 0. S. Fossolman , W. J , Shultz ; re- ccution-li. Bncon , B. Malnzer , O. H. Phil lips , J. A. Forbes , P. W. ' .Vcenoy ; lloor L. W. Willis , F. H. Myers , II. Bacon , U. M. ( 'haso , 0. S. Fosseltnan , O , W. Miller. For Kick Hcmlnclio Use Hereford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. MV. . Gruy. Cave Spring , Ga. , sayss "I have U3C.1 it , with per/cut success in ha bitual sick headucUo.0 CONTINENTAL CLOTHING HOUSE , Something of Interest to Close Buyers ; Look in our Show Windows and see tlie Samples , , Special Bargain Sale of Men's Cheviot and Cassimere Suits. A f \ C\C\ * 1CJ.UU. . . We will offer on Tuesday , May ; th , 500 suits of Men's Cheviot and Cassimere Suits at the astonishing low price of $10.00. These arc suits which have been manufactured to sell for $15 and $18 , but we arc overstocked on them and have decided to make a grand clearance sale of several styles in cluding such well known makes as the Sawyer goods that arc sold by Jobbers for more money than we retail them for. As to quality of goods and character of trimmings and making , we can only say that they are in harmony with all goods that arc sold at at the Continental. In all sixes , 34 to 44. Samples of the cloth or sample suits sent to any address free of charge. ROY s' ' DFPARTMFlfT THF TARPF T 'sTOPK ' THF TOWF T PRIPF OulvJ l/LlM\llUJui > JL III& JurUuiuvJl vjluvlL IfiJu JUu tfi Juu 1 I luljJuji The public cannot attach too much importance to these two facts. A large stock is always necessary to a large business and a large business can only be built up on-a low price basis. Our success is based on these facts. In proof of this statement , we will show in the Boys' Department this week , a line of 250 Boys' Short Pant Suits , in two popular shades of mixed cheviots , strictly all wool and the most popular styles we have shown this season. Thoroughly well made and trimmings unequalled , at the popular price of $4.50 per suit. Ages 4 to 14. The goods cannot be duplicated and buyers will do well to make an early selection. BOYS' THREE-PIECE SUITS , SHORT PANTS. We will offer 50 suits of the above style in a choice mixed Cassimere goods ( always sold in our stock for $9 and $10 , ) at the extraordinary low price of $7.00 , coat , vest and knee pant. We carry a full line of Three Piece Suits and will offer this special line at $7.00 , knowing that it is one of the best values we have ever offered. Sizes 10 to i6 years. We will send packages containing suits or clothing , furnishing1 goods , cloths nnd woolens of nil kinds kept In our establishment , to nny address in Nebraska , lown , Kansas , Dakota , Colorado op Wyoming , C. O. D. , giving buyers the privilege of examining goods before pay ! ng for them. By this arrangement people living in distant towns can obtain every advantage of seeing any article of merchandise in ourstoek at their own towns , examining the same before paying for them , and if/not perfect ly satisfactory , returning goods to us at our expense. Money for all amounts exceeding $1O may be returned at our expense. Try this arrangement. For years we have sent goods all over the United States in this manner by express with the most satisfactory results. You take no risks. Examine the goods , and return them at our expense if they do not please you. A , . . , Corner I5th and Douglas Streets , Omaha. Neb. OMAHA , BOSTON , NEW YORK , DBS MOINES. Largest Clothing House West of the Mississippi River , MAJOR ANDERSON. Hero ol' tlic Scrap-Honk Imbroglio Still Hunt iijrii Viutlivi. The Anilorsou'-Kouho controversy has somc'.vlmt subsided potulin ? the trial for dis turbing the iJO.ico anil lighting to bo hold iu JuJgo Ucrkn's court next Monday. Anderson failed to inalto his appenr.inco yesterday , cither nt the board's rooms erin in any public place whereho is wont to bo found. Commissioners Mount and Turner were the only members of the board to bo found. They had llttlo to say. What they did say indicated that Ander son was causing all Una disturbance on his own responsibility. None of the other commissioners have us yet given the matter any attention. They give evidence ol nn in clination to ilvc ; the sa ro all the latitude ho desires , evidently to see how far ho nuy go in his nfforts to discover somotning uamae- ing nijaint the county cleric. Thus far , however - over , the sale of two mortcairo liles is all that has come to light. Some people say that so long as Kocho replaced the liles without expense , ho committed no irregularity , while others hold the contrary , that ho did. The cry of extravagance In buyinc sta tionery , it is claimed , amounts to nothing unless n showing can bo imulo. County Auditor Evans Is now abstracting the ex penditures of former years to compare them with the $7,115 spent since Koclie went into oflluc. All the oflleials who use stationery say they don't consider this amount exces sive. sive.Thoro There are more ofllccs now than formerly , the business is heavier , and of necessity a great deal more stationery must , ho required , " 1'hrco years ugo , when 1 came into the board , " said Chairman Mount , "ovory olllcer ordered his own supplies , anil the business in that rospcct was verv loosely conducted. Wo iltmily passed a resolution placing tlio responsibility in the hands of the county clerk , so that when anyone wants btationery he must inuko a requisition for it. All orders , however , must bo signed by some member of the board and then countersigned by the clorU. " In looking over a number of these orders , the auditor has discovered some roeUIoss work , but nothing that would over have attracted attention or been brought up only through a squabble such as Anderson Is now creating. This alleged irregularity lies in the inser tion of additional supplies , after an order had been signed. An investigation of the county clerk is talked of but as yet no one has taken steps to prefer charges ugainst him. him.Anderson Anderson called on County Attor ney Muhoney with reference to the matter but these gentlemen simply talked over what might be done. Mnhonoy in- lormcd bun that ho could proceed either for mally or informally , but to make the work otTective Anderson should prefer charges and go into the case formally. Otherwise , the county would iiavo no power to compel the attendance of witnesses , or place them under oath. Kocho was around yesterday summoning such witnesses ns ho wants at the trial toprovo whom the book in question belongs to , It is expected that the board meeting Saturday will bo a lively and interesting session. Mr. Kocho says ho is prepared to meet any charges alfocting his management of his ofllcp. "There Is only one thing Anderson can accuse mo of and that Is being away twlco dissipating , and if ho undertake1) to try mo for such an otTenso thcro nro others in the court house equally guilty and subject to the same treatment. Ho can't nmlto fish of one and llcsh of another. Had I desired to steal the money received for those two books , do jou suppose thelrdiipllcaK'vould bo Ijoro owjVhon SlOiWtU wanted the t'Ccofd hd gut , 1 had no use for it then , nor for three months after wards , The duplicate Is Just as good us the original , made from the same kind of paper and wortli the same amount of money. " William Schwarick , a clerk in the county treasurer's olllco , who has been employed about the court house n number of years and U familiar with all the olllccs , Buys that mortgage files have been sold to outside parties several times before and no complaints - plaints have over been raised. thu Forts. Secretary of War Proctor , MaJor-General Schoflold , MaJor-General Crook , Adjutant- General Drum , Coloacl Barr , Lieutenants Bchollold and Uliss , on their tour of Inspec tion ol our forts , are uow at They will aftcnvaras visit Fort Klicy , Den ver anil Fort Logan , Fort Cheyenne , Kus- isell anil Fort Omahu , ruachini ? hero nbput- tlio llith inst. They will urobably roinain hero ono day. limy will then RO to St. Paul anil Fort 'Suclling. This will bo General Drum's last trip , as within two weeks ho goes upon the retired list. Tlio ollicers of this department think tlio secretary will not consider the question of tlio location of Fort Omaha until after his return. There is n move beinir mailo by the o Dicers of the Ninth cavalry , to raise funds to erect a monument over the grave of the Kite General - oral Hatch , whoso remains arc interred ut Fort Lcavciuvorth. Pears' soap secures ) a beautiful com plexion. The Iluiinint ; Time to Chicago to be ISciliicod Two Hour' . Considerable rivalry exists in western rail road circles as to the new time card , which goes into effect on all the western lines Sun day next. The Unrlington has created an eruption by announcing that it will put in its fast train from Omaha to Ciiicago in II hours nnd ! ! 5 minutes. This will put the Burling ton in at Chicago at 13 o'clock ( noon ) , while the other linu had figured on arriving at " p. m. , or two bouis later. General Manager Iloldroge states that the new card will bo as follows : livening train leavlnsr Omaha daily nt ' . ) : - . " > p. m. , arriving in Chicago at 12 m. the next day. Afternoon train leaving Omaha at 3:15 : p. in. , and arriving at Chicago at 7 a. m. the next morning. Westbound arrive here at 9:45 : a. in. , and depart at 1.0 : I'm. m. Kvening train leave hero about 7:13 : p. m. The fast Hcrvlco will bo maintained be tween Chicago and Denver as boforo. Tlio fact that the Burlington was putting on faster trains prompted action on tlio part of connecting lines at Council HlulTs and this morning the -operatnm department of the Northwestern in a telegram received in this city announced that that , road would make the run in 14 hours and ! i."i minutes , the same ns the Burlington and would also meet nny faster time established. Tills means that all the Iowa lines will cut down the time between Omaha and Chicago two hours. _ _ _ _ _ Union I'nuillo KIIIIH lo Klonx City. A telegram has been received nt Union Pacific headquarters conveying the informa tion that the directors of the Chicago & Northwestern had conllrmed the leuso of the Sioux City nnd Norfolk branch , and tlio road is now a portion of the Union Pacific system. The preliminaries were entered into between the ofllclals of the two companies some tiruu ugo , but the deal met with opposition from certain directors of the Northwestern. After u lengthy conference ut Chicago , the terms , us formerly published in Tin : lir.i : , were agreed upon. The Union Puclllc will run one train n day , each way , and inuko direct connections with trains at .Sioux City. The .leal also means that the Union Paclllo will enter the union depot project nt that plnco on a pro rain scah' , The operating department of the road has been Instructed to includu tlio train schedule for Sioux City in the now card that is to take effect Sunday next. On that data trains will bo run to Sioux City. It 8 iTnst Trip. The Golden Gntttcpccml on the Union Pa cific wont out yesterday , on its last trans continental tour. It will arrive hero from San Francisco , May 11 , und will then bo abandoned , 'I ho patronage to-day was as heavy us on any preceding trip. Unon the ictiromt'iit of the Golden Guto the service will bo made daily. The Klkhorii Declines , Concerning tlio action of the citizens of Nlnbrara in appealing to the attornoy-gon- cral of this state in un offoi t to compel the Klkhorn or the Milwaukee company to build extensions to that place , an uttactio of the general manager's oflico of the Hlkhorn suld : "The Klkhorn will not build to Nio- brara. This lias already been passed upon , Our line runs through Vullentinu , only three miles from Nlobraru , und business would nok warrant the construction of a thrco-mllo branch. " _ jiiarcnKed in I'or Con t , A trip over the Holt line to Portal shows a decided Improvement in several weeks. Now dwellings are brol K up in every direction along the line. The travel is now from three to four times as great as it was last fall. It is steadily increasing. Within ten days it has increased 15 per cent. t ! Nr. . Yarrtmnster Highsmith's assistant at Council HlulTs has been d schargod , and it is reported that the force of Vnrdmaster Mc Coy , in this city , will soon experience a cutting down. Notes. , Fred Nash , of the Milwaukee road , has re turned from the cast. J. C. Stubbs , general traflle manager , and Iliehard Gray , general freight agent , or the Southern Pacific , are in Ouiaha , en route to St. Louis. . -r - _ _ Pozoni's Complexion Powder produces a boft and beautiful bldn ; it combines every element of beauty and purity. Coal tar for sale by the sintrlo barrel or in car load lots. Address Sioux CITY GAS LKIIIT Co. , Sioux City , la. HIS PIUV.YTK KUS1NESS. It Impels .Mr. Kfcr.stcnd to Abandon Public Position. The term of oflicc of W. .1. Kierstcad ns a member of the board of public works will ex pire on the ISth of July. Ho was asked if ho would seek rcappointmont. "No , " said he , "I will not. I could be reappointed - appointed if I desired , but I have deter mined to withdraw from politics. On the 1st of January 1 was taken into the linn of Dewey & Stone us a paitner , nnd find that in managing the business of the honso I have my hands full. The business yields mo an annual income of SS.OOO , so why should 1 meddle with polities. No , I don't want the place againlmyseif , but have asked the mayor to appoint instead my friend , W. II. Alexan der , who is in every way fitted for the posi tion , and this Mr. Broatch has promised to do. W. II. Alexander was seen and nskud about his candidacy. Ho said that Miyr : Broatch had once u'slicd him if ho won hi ac cept the nppointment if made , nnd that ho thought ho would , but that curtain things Just what hu wouldn't say would have to bo iixe.l beloru hu would accept. Ho said that hu had beun ( riven to understand that the other members of the board were satis fied that ho should bo appointed and that his selection would bo satisfactory to a majorltv ot the members of the city council , but that hu didn't euro to talk much about it as ho know ot at least lift.v candidates for the ofllcu nnd as soon as they heard that HOIIIO ono had been selected they would set up u howl. For this reason nothing had hereto fore been said about the matter. Absolutely Pure. Thin powder never varies , A marvel of purity Btroiiutli and wholoaoineiiesa. .Moru economlcul than the ordinary Kinds , und cannot bo sold In competition with the multitudes of low cost , ihortweluhtaluinorphoapnute powders. Bold onlr In cam. Uoval Jlakluu I'ondcr Co-i 133 DRS. BETTS & BETTS 1108 r.viiNAM SIIUET : , OMAHA , Nun. ( Opposite 1'nxton Hotel. ) Office hours , U a. m. to Up. m. Sundays , 10 a. m. to 1 ] > m. . -pei liillats In Chronic , Nervous , Skin and Blood OHoascs. Consnltutlon nt onlco or by mnll free. Modlcliifs sent by mull or express , Boairnly Ifackeil , free fiom observation. ( Juiirantous to cure ( illicitly , sufelv nnd permanently. MTJDWnilCI nUDlT II'V Spi-rmutorrlKpn. serai- nbKVUUb IJhrjlJjlll imn,03so3.NlRhtimls. : tlona 1'hyHlcnl Decay , Hrlslug from lmllncru- tlon , KxceiH or Indulgence , producing Sluop- lesMieHd , | ) i > Hpondcncy , I'lmplo.s on tlio faco. aversion to soi ioty , cnslly discouraged. Inclc of confidence , dull , unfit for Htndy or business , and finds life n. burden , snfuly , permHiicntlv nnd privately cured. Consult lira , lletts it Uetts , riunnin M. , Oimihu , Nob. Bloid and Skin Disease ? . results , completely eradicated without the aid ot Jfnrcnrv. Kcrnfnls , , rover Sores , lllotclies. Ulcers , I'/ilns in the Head nnd Hones , Syphilitic Sore Throat. Mouth mid Tomjue , Ca- tnirh.c. . permanently cured uhere others IIUVD failed. Irtilnnu ITmilQliir nnl1 Hlailtler Complaints , MlllCy. UrlllflTy iMinmi. mm nit. too fro- lueiit Hiirnlnn r Illondv Urine , L'rlne ' hlgn col Died or with milky sediment on Maudlng , \\cnk Hiiplc , ( lonnnrrlmu , ( Jleut , Cystitis. Ac. , Promptly nsnlSufuly I'nrutl , Charges lleasona- roovnl compli'toltlumt ratting , fiuiisjc or dlliitiitlnn. CurMj'irerted nt homo bv patient ulthoul aninmontbimlnor umirivniKu. To Yonng , Hun and Miflillc-Agcfl Men , A < J11DPTIIDD [ 'I'l'o ' uwfnl oiieri ? of i-mljr A uUlilj UUJib Virc , which urliiKa organic wiMkncHs , ilcMinylnirbotli inlnil und builv , with nil Its tiio.nU'il Illh , prrinunuiitlycuicil. FIDO DUT'TO ' Atiri'hstiiosovnonayu Impaired UfiU. DDllO theniM-lvi'M by ImpiojuT Indnl- uuncus aiKl Holltury habit. ) , which rnln both l ) ( l > and mlii'l , nnllttlna them for buslnuss , Btiuly or iiiiurliiK' " . MAiiniKii Mus. orthosoenturliiKon that Imp- I > y lift * , awuro of vhyaicul debility , ijulckly us oni succnss IH bn cd upon fuels. Klr t 1'rnctlral Kxpe- rli-iuo. rii'ccind I.very cnnInnspiirltillystudied , thus hliutliiK iiriKlit. Tlilid JlodlclneH nm prn- paled In our litbuiiilory oxuotly to HtiH uicli tiifco. tnnsiiiip tiniciire < without Injury. tilnd ) U ot-ntb postiiKo for rulebiutod works on I'nronlr , Nrrur.ii und Idlcito ) ( : llsu.t > > cii. 'J'hiinmindmuii'd , 11f A filundly let lor or call iniiv fcavii you futino nurfiini ; and hhainu , arid add Koldon jearu to life. f'No letti-rH nn- ewcieil mill ss utcompiiaiod by i cents In btainp * . Addrvmt on nil on mis. Birri's & KITWS : , li'is I'anmni B' 'rat. ' Omahu , N b. Tlio I'ulillo HID nut ii'M'nin > - nnuru Ih'it liy taa pii'xciit ineil eli 'it < o < iUuu lul'r ' itiiulmlfol lie loltut Iliut IH iiiml U tlirotruiw.iy in Hie emit nln w.mletl i linimU > iiiie < te I wl'h t > il > conni inr ! uivetu ieu < | crt In Mmnthi < W.IMH , tniU tliti mill. I'uiij ' , un fun nil i 'litru niujn of Hie Ilinml Jiivn. lint ii | > lii ) imru'j o Jnm nn I w \ uiisn.n rntnri- I > IM'iii. HI cJ ci'iui'iiicuil | o hu unit nliuut < > Hi- ; HAlir 1111 , < * i I i' iliu ciiiftmi ! of cuiiiiuon col * Ii'ii i nly liuiliiit. Hiiinrti nunilit'l ' when i ten urn j u lor Ibo inliiu i rown 1 l < jul I < 'iitr u < Vri.p my. Ask Your Urooor for MtC'OHi ) , UMADV X C" ) . , Wholesale Gro < : ei'i. - _ - Oinaha , Net | /nUCVunl | llurluirru-oul > ! ti * easily. imlcU mlJIlU I lyand hiifolycuioil bvUuuriMtACan vulci , Kvernlcanus cured in aiivea iho a. iotd fl.Wner box , ulldrucutntg , orbvicall from \ < t > . untMfuCo.u \ wuust , rs.V , S till Uluctionv. I say , Ilrown , old boy , have yousecnthls ndvertlscm"iit of Surlng nnd Summer Suits ? j.ct us go around to-ni orrow , and liavu n. look nt them. Smith had ono of their $25 suits last fall , and It AMIS ns good a lit and style ns any S-W cuttoin inndo. Ol' , ! ' . , ( " . Wlwr'sNij-iVB JIM.NT , ii Kimranteed Bptsclllc for llj aterla , JHzzl IIWM , ConvuNlons , 1'itn , Nor * onn NeiirallA ( Ileadathe , Nor 'ops i'lostnttlon I'aiised by the iihecif .iluoliol i.r tobaci o , Wnkufillnmi , Mental Depression , iV < ftcnliiKof the llruln ui.-iiililiiK in Insanity and lending to mliierv , dec.iy nnd death. I'reinnlnre Old Afje. lI'irrennesK , | , OSHO I'ov.-er in oni r sev , invomniarv l.osso'i unit Ppermalorrhii'ti caused by ov.-r exertion o tlio Drain , miltui'iiMior over nuUilt'enro , Titcli hex contains on" month's treatment , M a box , or six boxes for H , , , ont by mall pr < > j > .ilil on r - ( elpl of prlcu. WE GUAHA-NTEE SIX BOXES To eiironny cam.Vltli ciuc'i oi.lor re > eived liv ns lor Mix boxes , iircomii.inied with 45 , y will send the purcim-u-i1 our willlen Kunruaieo to ru- fund tlio inniioy If the troiitinnnt ( low i not olfcct ncnre. ( iiiaramens Ixsued only bv fjoodmun DriiKOu. , DniKttihtH.tJoli * Ao'eniK. UK ) 1'j.rniiin hticet ilmnlia el > . MSHVOL'H. r HKii.Nir nn < l I'UIVATH DI.SHASKi ot MI.N PH. : WUAIK.S iurui.iiluilr liGMUl. YOUNG MEN KuniTlnc from thii rlfccu of youthful foWM it Inilli ercllmm , or urn Irouiiluil | | Weiikne" , Nt oi' liiiuli ll/i < iof Mi'iiinry , liuiioinluncy | , * vir i"iit' > J-oelely , Uiliie > Tioulic | or BIIJT dltuu/u ill tlio l.i-nl- lo I rin r > Ur.-Hii4.ian hum Mini fe nil I ) ' ( ) IT ) t ur O iirci's rcnu'inal'le. ' oiiudully to Iliu | ij..r MIDDLE-AGED MEN J hi r. ! lire iii.i iy liu.ihluilwltli too fiecnieni oni. ua Don * nt me luiiiiiiiT , uHun ii.ruiup.mlcil liy n > Hulit Il"lr"'lf ! ' ( "rll r"l' ' uiiiHlliin.KHil we'iU'iiliuof tlio > y lein In llm ii milliner pntlunt cumiui iiciwiiil for On cjriimmiii , ! tlie urliiury ilnpoilU it rup ) > citliii > iut r in nlliin lui Iniinil , iui'1 roinilluu'i imrllrlf * or Hlbu * inriini.l uiii-nr | | or the iHor hu ol H Ililn. imlklilt line , iivuin iliiiiiKina ion diirV or torpl.l npiimimi- . * iifflf "m"v " " : " . wll ° dlu uf llll ! ( dlille.i ty. tenor- tin oftlidi inn : wlildi ID thonuviinl tlmta ol mnol- , I kii..i. . . . ' . . mi wi 'lli.j .loitor vrlll iriiir.iiitei > u perfect ure In itll Biifh , uii4 a ho.ill'rrttori ll"iiof urir.ury 1'oiiKultiitlon fr'ii , ti nil B3a. SPINNEY & CO , I Main niul l th St. .IC'iuuau rjity. : , ! .