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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1889)
SPECIAL NOTICES. No nrtrcrtlscntrntfl Ijo taken Tor cnlumtiM nflcr 12iIO p. in. Cnsli In mlvnncc. AdrertteemcntA under this hend I0c ntg p r tine for tno first Insertion , 7 cents for each nub- geqnent Insertion , and tl.W ) per Una per month. Ho advertisement tnxen for less than 2T > cents the ilrat Insertion. Beven words will 1x3 counted to the line ; they must ran consecutively and must bo paid In ADVANCE. All edv rtlso- Jnonts must bo handed in before KT : o'clock p. w. , nnd under no circumstances will they b taken or discontinued by tell/phono. _ Parties advertising In thesn columns and hav ing their answer- ) addressed In care of Tim BKR drill please ink for a check to cnnblo them to get llieir letters , us none will be dullvorcd except on tirescntrxtlon of chock. All answers to adver tisements should be enclotenln | envelopes. All advertisements in these columns nro pnb- llslud In both mornlnp and evening edition * of XIIK Drr , the circulation of which augrcgatos rooro than IP. 000 papers dally , nna Rives the ad vertisers the Deneflt. not only of the city circu lation of Tin : IIRK , but also of Council Illutrs. J.lncoln and other cities and towns throughout this flection of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Artvortttlng for these columns will bo taken n tne above conditions , M the following busl- ets houses , who are ai ihorlzcd agents forl'llH JTBK tpeclal notices , and will quote the BOJIIO rates as can be had at the main olllco. _ South TenthS ItASB & Kimv. Stationers and Printers , 113 Bouth ibthHtreat. S IlTl'AUNSWOUTII , riiarmt tlst , 2115 Cum- Ing Street. WJ.IIl'ailEa , Pharmacist. 024 North ICth . Street , * _ _ _ G no. Vf. I'AHR , Pharmacist , 1809 Bt , Mary's Aveuuo. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION wanted by a mlddTo need lady to work In small fatally. Inquire 1801 "Webster st. 810-'J AMIDDIiE ngnd lady of'culture ana refine ment would llko n position as housekeeper or companion for an Invalid ; can speak Oor- man. Address , A .10 , The Hee. 781-8 * \\TANTED Situation as porter by colored TT man ; 3 years'experience. Address A 33 lice Olllco. 804-8t , WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED-Agents , li.TtBouth llth St. . for quick soiling article. Needed In every -f houfo. B71-U * \\7"ANTED Two or three good upholteiors : good wages ; steady worK. Wolf Jc Co. , 552 nnd M4 Grand nvo , Knnsnj City , Mo. US' ' ) 10 I TANTIJD , A peed lithographing solicitor T T who has an established trade In this sec tion to work Omaha trado. Straight salary und permanent place. Address A 40 Boo olllce. HX ! 'YYT'ANTED Sontf nnd dance man. banjo T T player ; also "serio-comic lady. Inquire Columbia hall , Q and 27th tits. . South Omaha. K30-SJ WANTED Immediately , ono good second band baker , will pay good wages to good sober young man and glvu sto'idy shop. En quire nt Henry Fttchman's I'earl street bakoiy , Blotix City , la. 8,118 * WANTED Experienced man to do local nnd general work on a weekly newspaper. lleforencoM required as to capability , honesty nnd sobriety. Address , stating wages , A 30 care Omaha Bee. 8.1' ) U G OOD Dread baker at once , Spencoi's link ory , 1718 Nicholas St. "V\7 ANTED Man or lady of good address to Tt solicit ; good wages all summer to right one. Ellis , tftl Bheely block. Bir > bt WANTED Proas bricklayers at Dundee Place at ( We ) Ilfty cents per hour ; none but Hood hands wanted. I. T. Shannon. 814 Sta WANTED Salesman familiar with grocer or drug timlo of this section. Part salary , part commission. Address. A 38. Hoe ollice. 7UO W ANTED Young man ot good habits for light steady w ork. Room 17 , 2JJ N Ifith. 7119 bt ' WEEKLY Representative wanted In $2' every community. Hoods stuplo and sail on Iglit. Absolutely now ; household necessity. No canvassing. Elite Mfg. Co. , Pullman build- jrr tug , Chicago. 111. _ 7W WANTED-Agents to sell the Pinlcss clothes line ; the only line ever Invented that holds the clothes without pins ; a perfect success ; Jintent recently Issued ; sold only by agents to whom the exclusive right Is given ; on receipt ot 40 cents wo will send a sample line by mall ; also Circulars , price list and terms to agents ; soctiro your territory nt once. Address Worcester Pinions Clothes Line Co , , 17 Hermou st. , Wor cester , Muss. 7559 * WANTED Agents Puzzle watch charm ; most taking novelty out ; exact Imitation of "Pigs In Clover. " size of nickel , gold plated. Bnmplo 15c , two -V.c. . doz. 31 ; stumps taken. > tayner it Co. , Providence. R. 1. 751 J4r / ANTED Man nnd wife for small hotel , /T / man to cook and woman to wait ou table. 60. Mrs Hregq. 31 Uj B 15th. 7lpJ5 \\TANTED The Grand Union Tea Co. , of T Omaha , wants a representative In every town or city within .JOO miles of Omaha. Must be thoroughly acquainted and reliable. Either lady or gentleman can till this position and make fair wages. Address W. 1C. Duval , plannger. 748-12 ANTED-A llrst class Ice cream maker , W apply Harry Hall , Hloux City , la. 71)7 ) Ut WANTED Rockmen. tlomakers.gradors and tracklayers for Washington territory ; etoady won : and good wages. At Al blight's JLabor Agency , 1120 Kuinam st. CM ist. TOI.CO. . 1301 AGENTS wanted on salary , 175 per montn , and expenses paid , any active man or wo- tnan to sell our goods by sample and llvo at tiomo. Salary paid promptly and expenses In advance. I 'nil particulars ttnd sample case free.Vn mean just what wo say. Address Btnndurd Silverware Co. , Boston , Mass. _ W "ANTED Agents ; mnglc cigar llgntor ; o\ery ; smoker buys ; lights In wind or rain : lasts u llfutlmo ; sample I5e , two for2. > c , dozen si , by mull ; stamps taken. Stayncr & Co. , i'rovldence R. I. _ 179-m22 * "VirANTED Kiiprgotlemeii nnd women every- TT where for a genteel , inonoy-maklng busf. BOSS , tno weekly profit guaranteed easier than ( CO monthly otherwise. Experience absolutely nnnccessary. I'ormumont position and exclus ive territory assured. KJ samples free. Write for paillcttlars. Address with stamp , Merrill .Mfg. Co. . II M chlcftgo _ 714-ml.'J CJALESMEN Wo wlshafowmon tosnll our KJ goods by sample to wholesale and retail trade. Lttrgo&t imtmif'rs In our lino. Enclose 8-ccut stanij ) . Wages ! ! per day. Permanent position. No postals answered. Money ad- ranced forwnge ? , advertising , etc. Centennial 21 Hii'f'g Co. . Cincinnati , O. _ 514 TPI/ANTED-Mcn to solicit ; must deposit W3 Vi and give security for money collected. Palary 75to { 100 per month. Call on or ad- drc s Goo , P. Cllnc , 511 First National bank. 470 'WANTED FEMALE HELP. \ \ , T ANTED Housekeeper , waltress.lanndi ess TT and dishwasher for Wlsner , Neb. ; wait- ronsim for Maiming and Gairol. Iowa. Fremont tuid Aillngton , Neb. , farts all ) > .vld ; 4 cooks private famine's ' , * > wook2 ; waitresses , fiweek ; also clinmbennalds , dlshwttshors , waitresses , niw > o girls. 30 girls geneial work. Omaha Kmp. N Ultll. E53 ht "lsrANTKD First-class dining room girl and T chambermaid at once ; good wages. Apply Bt City llolel , cor. lUth and 11 unify. KH lut TTITANTED tnllnross ; exporlouccd liana. _ V > JCalI tonco. _ HID I'aiimm st. bjn a "IXT'AN'lED-Girl to cook and geneial house- i > woik , ( Unman preferred , unqulro 4W N. g3ii u. BIQtf WANTED-A girl for general housework. 143'IH.Uth. ' B47 W Atonce.good cojkand laundress " M"F. . W. Oray.attt Douglas. tn.s for general housework. Small family. No boarders. Keoji two ' * vrrtSE girl wantvd , good wages ; call at jL\ome.i.'l Douglas at. M'a ' ' ' " ' " \ \ 3IS _ _ _ ElirANTlH ) Oood Gerninn or Swedish girl for general hotiiou ork 17 8. luth st , f'M Ciood , competent girls lor Olllces' fMiillles at Fort Nlobrura und Fort Robin- . . . . , 2 Utimlruisos , | | s ana tl'l ' ; rompet nt second end eirls ; nur o glrU ; lady cook , 110 ; young Inly for olllce woi k ; girls for Kearney. Coliuu- titi ) < , Boutrlco. riattuniouth , and ftJ for good plnrc'S In and out of city , lu private famlllos. tin ? . Uri'iia. 311KB. IMh. Mjb ; \\f ANTED Waist flnlahura , oua nmclilno W wotker , 1519 Howard ! M. A. Wallace. _ ANTED First-class wain fcuher. Mrs Aiuon , cOti EigUlh ave. , Council lllulTs. IU ! b l f n ir.O Two ladles to take order * for our VV illu tr led we lcly paper , on salary ; or commission , I' , r , Colllar , 1.1TJ Capitol aye. _ irAN'TKU A cl'l for gjnoral ttousevvore IU B aa vtli. cw : - waiter In a restaurant ( a girl WANTiD-A ) immediately. J. A. Wlchter- nan & Co 1UM Can itol av . 872-0 * V\rANTKD A good nurse jrirl ; end who also V > can do second wirk and plain sowing , lood wages paid , Apply at No , KVt B. 20th st , Tyi fl DI7ES3MAKIC. TNJAOiMF.NTS : to do drcumiKlng i n fam Jltlllcs solicited. Miss Sturdy..tllT Ixavenwortn 201 m SJ * _ MlfcS M. Shine fashlonanlo dressmaking. moderate prices ; outline and lUtlng also lone. 317 N. ICth. MO 01 * _ MISCEULANEOUS WANTg AHTnTT IbTessriTakoMlind lades"wshlne to do their own dressmaking to call and nventlgato the Adami-Taylor system , the only one that draiu the entire garment on the lln- ng. Heqtilrcs no rootling ; Urossinaklng In connection with school. Miss M. i ; . hynch , l : > )5 ) Douglas St. , room 13. ST8-U * \\7ANTKD-lloard and two unfurnlihod rooms In a private family fora lady and two children. References exchanged. Address A8'i , lleoolllcc. 7M ! 8 WANTHD Anyone nnilctcd with any pri vate or chronic blood tllso.iso to cnllon the National Uomody ( > o. , UU Dodgost. nnd In vestigate their treatment for private disorder : . WAN7ED-TO RENT. WANTF.D Furnished cottage 4 ord looms for summer months party without chil dren. Address A37 lloo. WO 10 WANTIH ) to rent by famllv of two , an un furnished cottage In good condition con- UilnlngOor 7 rooms ; must have terms and lo cation to receive any attention. Address U lift , lleo. SS3 FOR RENT HOUSES. ? OH RENT 7-room house. sultabio"foF I J famlllp.s. In rear ot 1021 8 18th st. xca lot IpOlt BENT Basement of large house free to man and wlfo who will tae charge of nnd keen the house In good order. Apply , 1MM California. 8SJ WOH HUNT New room nouso. 20th nnd 4 ? Saltier , Iloyd's addition ; city water * . Ku- quire Samuel Hums , inittFarnam. 8119 FOH HUNT 11-room house , all modern con- Tonlouces , class ordor. GOT N. 20th st. Ki3 bt T71OK HUNT 8rxm housecentrally ; located ; JLJ modern Improvements. J. F. llarton , 281(1 ( Capitol avo. 81IM3 * 14 KOOM honso , llrst-class in all respects , for -1 boarding and rooms ; rent ? ! - " > , now paying S10J over lent , furniture J2.WK ) . W cash ; also 11 room brick boarding nouso. rent 8s ) ( nirnlturo $ iV > , ' ca h , bal. easy. Coopeiatlvo Land nnd Lot Co. , K05 N. Kth st. 8IWI FOH KKNT A good G-room cottage , newly papered , KB S. Ihth St. ; city water , well mid cistern. Apply on promises. 7WJ 8f T710H ItKST Fiat of six rooms ; furniture for -L sale ; good location ; lease given to right party. Address A 11 Hco. CM lot EOK RENT An eleven-room house. 22K > Cali fornia St. 71SMW ITIOlt HUNT Nice , comfortable homo , llrst- JJ class nulnhborliood , all modern conven iences , close to c.xr line , moderate lent. Inquire of ( Jeo. N. Hicks , Barker block. 77ii-'J POK KKNT Elegant resldonco In Ilnnicom I'lace. inquire Geo. N. Hicks , Darker block. 777-0 TjlOR RENT 2 splendid llati In brick block , JL1 pnch II rooms , 7 closets , private halls , all modern conveniences , well located , &J7perrao : T. 0. llrunncr , room 1. Ware block. , JO 9 WOH UKNT New house of 0 rooms ; water i ? anu gas ; east front ; good location. Apply to Jas. Stockdalo , It. 19 , Arlington blk. ( illl I710R HENT Largo basement under the Lange J- block , 13th and Jackson , 200 square ft lloor ; 2 storage collarswill bo llttcd for tenant on ono year's lease ; elevator if desired ; rent low ; steam heat when needed , K.F.CooklC07 Farnam ftVi 7 * FOR RENT Cottagns , 5 rooms , 22B ! Charles st. and 1521U 15th st. Inquire at room " 1- , Sheely block. 4H NICUIiY fmnlshed fi-room cottage ror rent. Inqulio ot J. M. French , 612Paxtou building. 00381 : TJUR ) URNT Neat house cor 2 < ith JU and Woolworth avo. Inquire of G. JJ. Tzschuck , Uee olllco. M2 TT10R RKNT-A Hat ID the Her building : 7 JL ? rooms , steam heat , gas nnd bath. Apply to X C. Itaymer , hardware , 10th and Jackson. 511 O NICE 7-room cottages ; good cellars , cisterns. J well , good barn ; convenient to school and chuicn ; fcOiwr month for the summer. Apply nt cue. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l bank , IT1OII RF.NT 1'ino 7-room Hat ; all modern JL1 conveniences ; centrally located ; JcKi per month to good party. L. & 8. Rental ngoncy , loom 310 Shcely block. tui TCIOll RENT My Farnam st. residence com- JQ pletely furnished , with first-class servants , If desired , for four or nvo months ; family go- In } , ' away. R. C. Patterson , 318 S. 18th st. 22.2 FOR HENT Ono ton-room nnd one eight- room house , all modern conveniences , llest pai t of city and within 5 minutes walk ot post- olllco. Nathan Sheltou , 1501 I'arnam st. 943 WOll RENT Ileautlful Broom nouso with JL1 modern Improvements , splendid location. Apply at once , 0. F. Harrison , Mer. Nat. ll'k.SOB SOB FOR RENT Good houses at J.V ) . $10r.l0.jr$20. uudtl- per month. If you wlsn to rent call and see me. D. V. Sholes , 210 1st Nat'l Hank. 7M > TjlOR RENT U room brick dwelling , all con- JU venlences. 210 N. 19th st. 007 FOR RENT ROOMS-FURNISHED- N 1CELY FURNISHED-Rooms for rent at 102 ! ! Douglas it , 3rd lloor , rent low. Ml FOR HENT Elegantly furnished largo sit ting room , dining room , halls , kitchen , pan try , three largo bed rooms with batli and four largo closets , wash roor" and attic , will take board with family ns part pay if desired. Call atlUlHS. 31th. B 8t TT1OR RENT With or without boaid , ulcoly JU furnished front room , suitaolo for three contlemen. 10 3 Dodge bt. Ml-9 FOR RENT Two newly { mulshed rooms for gents : best table board. 1D15 Capitol uve. S70-14t rpo RENT Furnished room , gas and bath -LlUstllnt. UlOS.Uthst. M9-8 * FO K RENT A nice largo front room well furnished , only six blocks from P. O. , with board If dcsliod. Not a Hat. Addicsh A-21-Beo oHIce. K22-12 "IjlURNISHED looms In good location , with JU modem convcntoncoH and on car lino. 2220 Lcavonwortli. 779-121- FOR RENT Two nicely tmmsnea st.front rooms ; boaid if desired. CW ( N. nth st. 17IOR RENT Nicely MrnHhed front bed room JL ? in cottane , St ) per month , 400 William street. TO NICELY furnished south fi ont room. Every couvcnlnco. 2210 Douglas st. 077 "I710R RENT A pleasant loom , only fl minutes JL' walk fiom business center , nil modern con veniences , coy St. Mary's nvo. and 2uth or flao S. 20111. brick residence. ul T7IURNI8HED rooms by day or month , witn JU or without board at lowest rates. Central House , Broadway , near water works. Council HluiiH. 001 St RENT Fomo nicely furnished rooms. _ 1T1OR RENT-- Handsome tarnished looms with JU all modern lmproveiitenta.22UJ Dodge. Ula Ht " OR REXT-S rooms. 1712 Jackson street. t 7 PUHNISHEDortiufurnUhcdrooms for rent In Park Terrace , odposlto Hauscpm park ; all niodein conv nleiicos. Inquire i : Nichol.-bthjind Leaven worth. 472 CJUlTof 3 fnrnlshcd roonia , modern conven- Dicncos , 3 blocks from P.O. ; private family. A. o pc. Jr. . Iril3 Douglas. 475 l 67t HKNT-Fiont rooms at 182l.Farnam. FURNISHED rooms by day , week , or month. bt.Clalr hot lLcorUth and Dodge. 478 URN1SHED rooms , single or on suite , bath and steam ; for gent ? only. 1519 Howard. 479 FRONT roonif , f I upward ] , ou car line ; 1J1Q N mn. 418 XTICEI furnished rooms with board. Hot- JLX eieucoa exchanged. 2-WJ Ht. Mary's aye. 3d7 _ _ _ > OOMS anil board , 1912 Chicago. I 4'M-mS7 * "OOM3 andbounl. 1010 Webster et. KKNT-lioom 1021 Howard. O NICE south ft out room * with every conven- MPHCO ; u'.ephouoln lioiuu. IWd C&pltol av , [ 2f/j _ _ I , A 110 1' front room with bed-room adjoining. 'ImmUomely ' furntahed , gan and Heated by steam , with use ot bath room , In ono of the bHiuUouiost roJlJoacM in the rity , without bunco. IniiUlro u. w , cor , lUtlt and Lanvamrorth. TTnmNISHKT ) rooms with first-class board tit JU aiU Douglas at. 371 IQt _ _ ELEGANTLY furnished rooms centrally lo cated with or without board , price reason- nblo. OH 8.13th. _ iil7m23 ; T710II 11KNT Furnished rooms slcglo or en JJ Bulte. 1003 Dottglax. 713 OOM AUh or w Ithout board. 1812 Dodtsfl , 7\UKN18I1ED \ rooms , 113 3 SOlb. stnear Dodge. J 421 afi * FORRENT ROOrnaUNFURN laHjD 4 Oil Cunfurnlshod fooms for housekeeping tor man and wife. 3l N Kth st. I7 10 * T/OH HUNT Suite of 4 rooms unfurnished , JU with all modern Improvements , bath room , closet , etc. , hot nnd colu water , gas fixtures , to family without children. Reference required , 704 north 17th st. 1'rlce JZo. CTS "IflOUH rooms , M. 1S13 S. 15th , near Uorcas. TTtORRK NT A handsome suite of tnroo un- -U furnished rooms with bathroom and closet * , at 1300 Sherman avo. BS3 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES- TT10R KKNT Nice store room on Cumlng st. , Jv with place ta llvo In the rear. IJO per month. U. 7Mlnirl9on. Merchants Nat , llann. 8QU-U T HAVK for rent two stoie rooms. Just va- JL en ted ; have been occupied as hardware AUrt Implement stores for the last four years ; no better location In the city for any kind of busi ness. For s.ilo by Nightingale liros. , Loup City , Neb. 'M 12 17IOK UKNT S lloors 2u'x0 each , In brick bulld JL ! ing , with elevator , cloo to express olllce. cheap rent. Just the thing for wholesaling , good location. Apply to Oeo. fioyu , 1108 Fnruam st. > OR UKNT Store 22x00 ; 1113 Jackson st. 17 Knqulre 1114 Jackson. 4fl in'AILhRS attention-Tne storeroom , KXV. Howard M , will bo for rent Mav Ist.L.a : S. Rental agency , room BIO Shcely block. 5. ' > 1 TT1OR RIINTStore and living rooms on Cum- J.1 ing street ; nlsoliouso on Cass st. Harris It. K. & h. Co. . Room 411 1st Nat bank. ,814 OR KF.NT-'l ho 4 story brick building wither or without power , now occupied by The lloo Publishing Co. . till ! Farnam st. The building 1ms a lire proof cemented basement , complete steam heating fixtures water on all the Hoots , gas. etc. Apply at the olllco ot Tno Ueo. Uia E407 with basement , Ramgo bulg. In quire Frank ,1. Ramge. OKI FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. TjAOR RENT Use of ICnabo piano for an hour Jt ? or moro per day , by the month ; ibcatlon and room strictly llrst class. Terms very reasona ble. Address XOJ , lleo olllco. ' 377 RENTAL AGENCIES. FOR HENT When you wish to rent n house , store or office call ou us. 11. U. Cole , room 0 , Continental blk , 474 PF YOU want to rent your house call on Ilnr- L rls , R. K. & I , . Co , , room III , 1st Nat'l. bank. 48 : GIF i:0. : J. PAUL , If03 Farnaui St. , houses , stores , etc. , for lent. 48o IF YOU want to buy , sell , lent or exchange , call on or address U. .1. Sternsdonr , rooms 317 and 31S , First National bank building. 481 V\7 12 give special attention to renting nnd t > collecting rents ; list wltli us. II. 12. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. 4bl ( MISCELLANEOUS. JANBlKa 23cpar dozen , one week , at 1918 S. llth st. 70 > 12 ? rpIN Roollng. spouting , glitters , valleys and JL shoot iron work send for 12. Sa\nge.practlcal tinsmith , 4J23 Cuiulug st. ; good w ork nnd cheap. 10 * bt IANSliS : 15 cents adozon , geraniums r > ' ) cants a dozen , from Hooge i : Jensen , cor ! ! 0th and Bristol , North Omaha. K > 8 * rpIII2 banjo taught as an art by Gco 1150Gol - JL lonbecK. Apply at Hee ollice. 1150 " \7"OU that are suirerlne from private dlsor- L dors will find the National Remedy at 1111 Dodgost. , where you can get bcleutillc treat ment and a cure guaranteed. 211 HSONNENSriIEIN has moved to417S 13th , Iluy and sell second hand lurnlture nnd stoves ; bottles bought and sold. IS'i-m''l ' of Knabo piano for rent ono hour or USE per day , by the month ; location and room strictly llrst class. Terms \eryreasona- ble. Address X 4li. Heo olllce. 317 > KIVAT12 course In fencing , boxing or fancy i club swinging , $10. Address T U , lleo ollice. 29 mil * take horses to pasture at Gilmoro. Price $2 pormo , I ) . A. Voung.Gllmore.Neb. Otc-ml7t LOST. WILL the person who took n black umbrella from Mrs. Harker's during her parlor fair plase return same to Bank of Commerce. * STRAYED Largo grey mare mule , 4 years oldwith sore ou left sldo of neck. Return to Dorcas nnd tith st. and get reward. 834,8 * LOST I.Ignt bay mare , weight 1100. 9 joars old. Return to 3Uth and Maple and get re ward. John Carroll. 8.19-sj or stolen from 3019 Hurt st . STRAYED set roan pony , twelve years old , two white hind feet , had halter. C. 12. Mc- Laln. Reward for return. FOUND. rpAKEN UP Sorrel horse. Apply cor. Wool JL worth n\o. nnd 25th st. and pay expenses. J T. Coatsworth. MO-8J PERSONAL. THEATHERS cleaned and curled : hats pressed Jtt und bleached , at F. M , Schadell. 218 N. Kith. STORAGE. ; TORAGE ' at low rates at 1121 Fnrnam st ; S' Omaha Auction and Storage. 484 T 1RACICAGE. storage , lowest rates.V. . M. llualnniin , 1311 Leaveuworth. 4SU BRANCH x CO. , storage , tJll Howard. 490 CLAIRVOYANT DR. NANNIE \ ' . WARREN. clatrvoyantmed- leal and business medium. Female diseases a specialty. 119 N. Itithst. , rooms 2 and 3. 491 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRIT ! NO SHORTHAND and typo writing. Omaha bus- Oluess college , cor. Capitol ave. i ; 10th. Stan- tlaul methods taught byO C. Ewlng ot San 1 ranclsco. the best teacher on the Facile coast. Mmiban'.s revised of VJ u specialty ; new plan ; bluckoonrd illustration ; day and evening classes ; call or write for terms , CI7 ! niHK Standard Shorthand School , having pur- JLchased Yalentlne's Shorthand InstitutePax- ton block. Is now the largest , best equipped , exclusive shorthand school In tlio west. 125 graduates In good situations , Tim school Is in charge ot Mr , R. A , Smith , a verb itiui report er and teacher ot many years practical expe rience , assisted by n corps of elllclent teachers. I'su Romlngtou typewriters. Shorthand sup plies tor sale Send for circulars , 70S \X7JIITTLKSISY'S snorthand school , 24 Bur- V > ker block. 3 month's course , JM.423m' 423-m' . 7t WANTED TO BUY. V\7 ANTED Cnivea for ranch. Parties In city T > having same for sale call on J. W. Lynn , ror. N. 21th and Plukuoy stor add , lock box b2o Omaha. Nob. 845 10" " \\7ANTED To buy good commercial paper. T > It. 0. Patterson , 318 S. 15th st. 4t \\7ANTED-Tobuy little plncn on S. llth VV worth $ . ' ,000 lo { 2,500. 0. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat , bank. 7HU-11 "IS7 ANTED Furnlturo , carpets , stoves ana TT household goods of all kinds , Omaha Auction .V Storage Co. , 1121 Fariiam. 493 " FORf SALE--rVllSCELLANiOUsT Y 1 ENTLEMAN'S driving horse for sale and VJ topped Columbia buggy , all In first-class shape. Will sell cheap , a * owner Is leaving city. Inquire at Gue's stable , Kith anu Cans. 755 9 * OART nnd harness for sale ; also 3 : yds home- made rag carpet , KHiN. 27th. tUH-m FOR BALE-Oood buggy horse , perfectly gentle , weight 1040 Iba , Ittfl Park ve. 797 10 * FOR SALE Horse and buggy. Inquire A. lloape , 1313 Douglas ut. 615 ml I FOR riALE A full leather ton carriage , large and roomy , lu llrst-claiu order , cost * 10J ono year a o ; will Bell U for 1176. Apply ut 2215 Webster st. 7f4 T/\IltST-CLAS3 \ piano , walnut rase ; no finer In- JL' strument m city ; used only U months ; at bargain for few days ; easy terms It desired. Addresi X 71 , Bee. 615 Bt A KINK Cabinet Grand rosewood case up right piano for * lu.5' : ' > ; cost when new HOJ : only u * d one year ; must bo xqld at once ; will ulr time on part of It if dejtrej . Address V to , cur * Utnah * B , fTlOn SAM ? Draft horspt. bURpr horses and -U small delivery mulos. i Woods' Sale Stable. 1510 California. . 490q _ _ TjlOll SALE 1 work tm , wagon and liar- J. ness complete , vary cheap for cash , 019 Paitoublk. JJ < 849 _ _ Poll SALE-3.XO tons Ice. Adam Rodor Blair. Nob. KB mist _ TJIOIl SALE "Miller" , hack , good as now. In J-1 nrstclnsicondltlonjrttti only six months ; very cheap ; on easy tcnns If desired. Also hack harness. Adnres A 13 Hon. < W9-10i IDLANI"futtrantea k Trust Co. , 1505 Far- nam. Complete abstracts furnished fe titles to real estate examined , perfected & guaranteed. jtt 4B7 _ _ ABSTRACTS Llnahau Jfc Mahonay , room 508 Paxton bloclr. 493 _ OMAHA Abstract Company , 151 ! ) Farnam st. Most complete and cuofnlly prepared sot ot abstract books nnd plats ot all real property In the city ot Omaha and Djuglas county. 4't9 MO NEVTO LOAN. MONEY to loan on real estate security , at lowest rates. Before negotiating loans see Wallace , Crelghton big. , loth and Douglas. 800 KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. : loans ot lito $1,000 ; get our rates before borrowing and save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any approved socnrlty , without publicity ; notes bought : for new loan , renewal of old and low est rates call R SOJSSheeloy blk 16th i Howard st WO COO to lonti on first mortgage. Q. fi. Thomp $ I son , 212 Sliooloy block. 70J LOWEST rates on choice city loans In omnha , Council llluirs , or Lincoln. Central Loan and TriM Co. , 120) ) Fnrnam st. ti7.-l J /"AITY Financial ngoncy will loan you money V 6n horses , furniture , jewelry or securities of any kind , lJo-3 Howard St. , corner S. 13th st , 23J m IU _ _ _ , special money ; apply nt once. C. F. $ Harrison , Merchants' Nnt'l bunk. iltio MONEY to loan on short time. Secured paper bought , r. E. Alexander , 1VH Farnam st. 1)41 ) J 2 ; _ _ O F. HARRISON loans money , lowest rates. . fil7 ONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co . real estate and loan agents , ir > > 5 Farnam st. [ > ' " TRIMLDINO loans. D. V. Sholos , 210 First Na- JLJtloual bank. 13 SEE Sholes , room 210 , First Nnt'l bank , before making your loans. S1J MONEY to loan : cash on hand ; no delay. J. W. Squire. Kill Farnam ct. . First National bane building. ( U3 MONEY to loan lu largo sums at the lowest rates ; no delay. R. C , Patterson , 31S S. llith. fiU8 _ MONEY ! money ! money ! to loan on horses , wagons , mules , houshold goods , pianos , or gans , diamonds , etc. , at lowest rates. The llrst organized loan olllco lu the city. Will make loans for thirty to three hundred and nl\ty-llve days , which can bo paid In part or whole , at any time , thus lowering the prin cipal nnd Interest Call and see us when you want money , and wo can nsilst you promptly and to your advantage without removal ot property or publicity. Money always on hand and no delay In mak ing loans. C. F. Reed A : Co , 1111) ) South lIth St. . over lllngham iV faous commission house. 321m2j IOANS made on real estate and mortgages Jbought. Lewis S. Reed A , Co. , R 13 Board of Trade. 51U fl T ONEY to Loan We njro ready for applica- J-'l lions for loans In ampunta from JJJO to $10- 000 on Improved Omaha 'or Douglas county real estate. 1 till to rate- * . Loans promptly closed. Good votes will bo purchased by us. Call upon us qr write. Thn McCaguo Investment Co. ' 5JO DON'T borrow money , on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , or collaterals until you see C. II. Jacobs. 410 I'irst Nhtlonal bank building. , . f.21 TDIIILADELIMIIA MorbagoTrustco. . tur- -L ulbh cheap eastern inancy to borrowers : purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans at their western olllce. .George W.I' . Coatt-s , room 7 , Board ot 'irado. 5il ONLY to Loan lone-t rates. Loans closed M promptly II. 12. Cole.R.O.Coutlnentnl block. 1 5UJ \\7 ANTED Klrit-olas-iinililw loins. Lowest i rate-i. Call and MHJ us. .Mutual Iiuest- meut Co.R. I. llirsor blkullth & Furu im. uJ. " > "O E. COLE , loan agent , GOO B ITILDING loans a specialty. W. JI. Harris , lloom 20 , Freuzer lllock. opposlde P. _ ( > . ' Moitir. Loan Co. will makoyoua N'EBUAtiKA loan on household goods , horses , wagons , land contracts , line Jewelry , or securities of any kind , without publicity , at reasonable r.itea. lloom 7. Rowley Illoc'c , South Omaha. Itooms 518-51'J , Paxton lllock , Omaha , Neb. fiO-J MONEY loaned for30,0) or 9J days on any kind ot chattel sesurltv ; reasonable interest " est ; business coulldential. J. J. Wllkluson,1417 Fainam st. GUI \ \ / ANTED Applications for loans on unimproved - ' ? proved lots well located. Odell llros. & Co. , S12 So. 10th st. 88.5 G W. PECK , loans money on Omaha real estate Ilulldlng loans a sueclalty. R 4 , Frenzerb Ik .91111118 $ BO YOU want money ? If so , don't borrow before getting my rates , which uio the low est on any sum from $10 up to 810.0JJ. 1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or gans , horses , mules , wagons , warehouse re ceipts , houses , leases , etcIn any the lowest possible rates , without publicity or re moval of property. Loans can be mudo for ono to sis months and you can pay n part at any time , reducing both principal and Interest. If you owe a balance on your furniture or horses , or have a loan ou them , 1 will take it up and carry It for you as long as yon desire. It you need money you v UI find It to your ad vantage to see mo before borrowing. H. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnell building. 16th and Huruey. GOO I CAN make a few loans on llrst-class chattel securities at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter , room 10 , Harker blk. 507 Gl'ER CENT money to loan Cash on hand. W. M. Harris , R 20 , Frenzer block , opp. P.O. COS H.E , COLE , loan agent. $ 8 i J To loan on farms and city property. $ Goo. J. Paul , 1009 Farnam bt. 509 MONEY to loan onlmproved propeity at llrst hands. No application sent away for ap proval. Security and titles examined free of charge to bonowors. Lombard Investment Company , 309 S. 13th st. 510 PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange The fairest , quietest and most liberal money exchange in the city ; money loaned without delay or puhlU Ity , In any amount , large or small , ut tno InwcHt rates or interest , on any available se curity : loans may be paid at any time or renewed at original rates. O. Bouscaren , Mgr. , room 6fl'/i , Barker block , 15th and Fainam. 511 SPECIAL fund of 110,000 to loan nt reduced rates ou furniture , hor&od and wagons. City Loan Co. , IIS S mil St. G12 PFOPLE'S Financial totchange Largo and small loans for long ami short time , nt low est rates of Intel est , on real estate mortgage notes , chattels of all kliuU , diamonds , watches nnd Jew elry. Don't fall tacall if you want fair mid chenu accominodinlbns. o. Bouscareu , Mgr. , room My , Barker DlK , 15th and Furnam. M ONEY loaned on unlnmrovod Inside Omaha real estate. U. W. PucK.K. 4 , Fren/oi block. { . oio-tnist BUILDING loans. Llnatiaii i Mahoney. 010 F. HARRISON loans money , lowest rates. filT $500.000 to loan at 0 per cent. Ltnahan & Ma- honey , Room 00. Paxton block. 510 MONEY to loan on furnlturo , horses , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security , J , W. Robblus , 11.20(1 ( , Bhoely blk , 15th nnd Howard. 618 MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with- out delay , and purchase goods , commercial paper nnd mortgage notes. S. A. Sicilian , cor. 13th and Farnam. Sit GOOD notes , Miort or long time , unsecured or with mortgage , bought any wnore In Neb. or In. Quick loana , city or farm. Call or write W. L.Belby. R. 13.I'd. . Trade. 803 EASTERN trim funds to loan ou improved real estate In Omnlm-largo loans preferred , B. B. Blsbee , First National bauK building. 1 AH A Chattel Loan Co. , room 42. Barker block. Um2i _ IO ) TO M.OOD on Improved city property ! Vcaubetmld In monthly Installments ; debt cancelled In ciiBo of death ; will loan N ) to M per cant ot cash valuation. M. 1C. & T. Trust Co , , First Natlona Ibanlc building , 02-ml5 _ T7UUST mortgage loans at low rates andMio JU delay. D. V , Sholes , 210 First National bank. 613 NUU'KOVED and Improved property ; loans made promptly ; money on hauu. F , II , Klchardton , s w cor Ifith and Douglas. 89Q T > tniniNO r.o.VNd-we win buy lot , or pay JLJiacumbrancoonyourlot an < i bullil for you ; small cash payment , bitlanco In easy monthly payments ; in case Of death wo cancel the entire - tire Indebtedness. M. K. AT. Trust Co. . First National bank building. 853-ml5 BUILDING LOANS At * per cent not , no nd- dltlonnl eharaoi for commissions or attor neys' fees. W. 1) . Molklo , first Nat. bans bids. M ONEY to loan. Harris It. K. It Loan Co. , room 411 , First National bank. 615 OUSI N ES C H A NOES _ TNTF.NOINO to milt"buslneTs in Omaha I of- J-for my stock of drugs and fixture * at a bar gain. would sell either stock or tlxtures sop.v lately. Oeo. lloeder , cor. U'thand Hai-noy. | sail it _ _ FOH SAW' Moat market complete ; can bo hnudled for little casl ) . Call at room 4 , AVlthnoll blk. 8.V ) _ IJIdH S A business in the live- JL1 llest city In the sta'o , low rent , will take IK-st class driving rig , some cash , balance time. Cook & . 81pe , South Omaha , Neb , _ Siailo * H aAl.K Oratn ana lumber business. Aildiciis A 13 lleo. 740-11 * _ EOH'SATiE First class restaurant nnd bar , long loaso. Address A Ul. Hco olllce. 8JJ-13 _ * > UKSTAUItANTS. 2 confectlonorlos. i cigar < - > store , 1 food store ami other business chances. Co-operative Land nnd Lot Co. , 205 N. JOtll St. 811M ) _ T710UHKS hotel , 7108 IGth st-A good business J.1 for snlo w 1th a small capital. Inquire at the above hotel. 811 la * _ WANTUU-A now furnlturo store at Friend Neb. RtmSJr _ HOT12L for sale ; now , good location , doing Rood business lor sale at a bargain. pa > - iiicnt not necessary. I'roiont proprietor In tends changing business on account ot III health of his wife. Address llee olllco , Lincoln , Nob. SAM ! or trade Ono of the best located JL ? restaurants In the city ; outllt now and com- pleto.r'W. J. II. i\-HU3. : llarbar Illk. ! tjl WANTF.D soil j Interest In aoll estab lished business : purchaser to take an no- tlvopartat salaiy. A llrst class opportunity for tlio right man. Address Ai' . lleo. ( MMO * ADItiraaiSTwlth cash looking for n good location , will do well to address H. K. Capps. C'ulbortson ' , Neb , , or Htust * Co. , HastIngs - Ings , Neb. 2 < 7lil S _ CB3.000 to J j,00'j wanted to put Into a good busi- P ness ; llrst class security nnd good rate .of interest paid for short or long time. Or Will take p.irtnor. For particulars address U 43 , Boo olllce. 1U QJAI.OON for sale in one of the best business Oconters In Ho.ison for selling , 1 must leave the city. Address V 16 lloo. 4l5.g ! 7 * FOR EXCHANGE. N12W 2-seatod fine carriage or top ouggy for mortgage city or county warrants , or any good unsecured notes.W.L.Selbylt U U'd Trade 487 N1CU roaulenco lot cor. SJrdaml Cnss to oxphange for \\nro house property worth SSOOO to JK > ,000. t. F. Harrison. Merchants Nat. bank. 78i3-ll A FF\V second moitgagos for horses or mer chandise. H. 12. L'ole , hoaclquartors for bar gains and easy terms. Room 0 , Continental blk. 7MI ( ) Tjioil KXCHANOF.-A good business la JL1 Omaha stsck nnd Matures about JIOH ) for 'i to 'i will take good city property ; balance cash. Address , A is , lloo oHico. Ci'i 10 T W ] 1,1 , uado a good 100 acre farm , located J-south of the Republican river , mortga goil to Atchlson Loan Co. for $7"0 , for a largo tamily horse and can lago , must bo n Ilrat class HIT. C. A. Starr. lJi ) > nirnam st. 73 H " WANT12U To trade for house and lot In good location ; will assume light Incum- biance. Address A3 lleo olllce. < > Oil I2XOIIANOHKlghtv acres of the llnest timber land In Wisconsin , clear of encum brance. What have you to oiler , ' G. .1 'Sterns- dorll , looms 317 and J1S , First National bank. r > ai FOR KXCHANOl-Dakota : , Hand county What have you to oiler for n good farm hero , slightly eii'umberedDakota hinds nro rising inmo audits destlnv cannot bo dis puted. Will take vacant lots or lmpro\ed pro perty and assume some encumbrance. O. J. Stprnsdorir , rooms 317 aud.118 Fir t National bank building. KM Foil KXCHANGH-ror desirable residence property in Omaha , any or all of following ; 40 choice Inside residence lots m Hastings. U'O lots in Lincoln , MO acres line farming land , Lancaster county , Fine resilience proportv , Lincoln. Coed ! lental property , Lincoln. Choice family residence , corner , Los Angele ? . A neat residence property in lianscom place. Also , some good mortgage notos. Address , giving location and price of prop- crty , o. E. U. , care U'Uim Iron Co. , 1217 Lea ; on- worth. 531 FOfTsALE 2EAU ESTATE WALLACK , Crelghton block , luth and Doug las. Lot I. block A , Bedford , fronting on 30th and Uristol street , uavlng and street cars this sea son , easy terms , J1.4U ) . Lot 4 , block 15 , Bedford place , a State st front , JUOO. Lots 3 and 4. block : . ' . Dollonu's addition , each M fiont on 1,0th st. block from motor line , on very easy terms , each Jl.OOO. Lot 15 , block 4 , Thornburg , beautiful building pile , $ liOO. ( 1 wo line east fronts in Carthage , each $1,000. Lots 21 and : . - , ' . block 11 , Orchnul Hill. 100x130. corner , on Lowe uvo , city water , your own teims , both $1.T < VI , Hamilton street lot. Orchard Hill , only $1,000. Monmouth Park , the most attractive addition as to view , hcalthfuluuss , easy ot access , and future development about Omaha , lots ? oOJ to Jl.OlW. Wallace , Crelghtou block. 8(17 11 FOR SALE Corner lot and now bouse , city water , Hoyd's addition , $1,200. Uargatn. Cu- qulre Sam'l Hums , 1318 Farnam. 43 9 XlKlAnfs-IJargalns ! S. W. cor. 19th and California sts. , with 3 houses , very cheap. Neat 7-room house end half lot on Daven port St. , near hlgn school , $5,00) ) ; easy terms. Oood lot on llaruey St. , cast ol 21th St. , a bargain. F.legant residence lot , 2Gth nvo near St.Mary's ave , very cheap. il-rooin house and half lot , 8.12th st. , cheapen on monthly payments. Oood resilience lot on 29th ave , bet. Douglas ami Dodge , iM.ftiiO. 3 lots on S. 13th St. . very cheap. 110 lots in Carthage , Omaha's best suburb , on ten years' time to parties who will build houses. Ilrcnnan &Co , , lioom 3 , Chamber of Commerce , Money to loan In all parts ot the city. 853 J 7 WORTHY1 of your attention. Now being completed on nth St. . north of Leaven- worth st. two houses convei tnt to business , very roomy , grate , mantel , furnuco , gas. bath , toilet , 2 water closets , stationary wash tubs , hot and cold water , live bedrooms , 10 closets ; only $ . " > .r > 01 on terms to suit. Telephone 227 or c W. T. Seaman. Omaha's largest variety of wag- ons , carriages , etc. , east side ICth st , north of i Nicholas st , d3l oiler on corner near the Milton SPECIAL Rogers' property , West Farnam st. . till June 1st. C. F. Harrison , Merchant Nut. bank. 787 SKZ THlS-Full lot In Hillside. No. 1. .l to iViO IOSH than adjolug property , for 10 days ; address X 05. Boo. &il-t0 FOR SALE Ino most pleasant ami best loca ted little home In town , suitable for a man v 1th a small family who wants something very choice and not too expansive. Has naver been put on the market before and will undoubtedly bu sold soon. H will pay you tu Investigate this promptly. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat , B'k. AM ) I havelO,000 acres of choice farming I Elands in eastern and middle Nebraskawhich I will sell at from 11 to 112 per acre. Will make special price for the whole 10,000 acres If taken in u lump. Oeo. H. Peterson. 1412 H 13th St. , 04H mil FOR SALE Or exchange for Omaha proper ty , HD acres. Dutiable for platting : will make 400 lots.all clear ; big money lu It for someone ono who can push this ; located just outside the city limits o : Council llluirs , limnlro lieorge J , bternsdorlf , rooms 317 and 31H , First National bank building. 5.3d BALE 31 acres , corner Thirteenth and FOR North streets. Desirable for platting. C. Good , Good block. Dei Molnes , la. 2J'lmi ' bargaln-LoTif.IJloniTTo"Or SPECIAL , one-third car.h , balance to suit ; south front and good elevation. A H , Bee olllco. ttSMl OB SALE Nine-room nouse , barn and lot in Hanscom place ; also 2honker and lots in Bunny tilde. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat' ) bank , KM Q2.r40 ( feet building front in lota , block 7\ PSouth Omaha ; lot IW feet deep ; none for sate In the block less than I12S nor root. Don't lot thU bargain slip. L street viaduct will soon be completed. 1) , D. Bweatou , Baritor blk.OmaUii , ERY FINE B-room r ld nca In llauucou Place not far from Dark. All modem Im provements including gaa , bath , hot and cold water , solentlld furnace , &c. Price t3,000. O , F. Harrison , Merchants Nat. bank , 7H7 "VTOCABH payment , W Dor mouth , lucludlng J- > Interest , will buy nice o-rooui , 1'4-story bousp , convenient to cable and horse cam. II. ii. Cole , headquarters for bargains and easy terms. Itoow 0 , Continental block. V6M , FOR BAIR-On OMy payments , 15 , ? and 8 roomed house * , small cash payment down , nnd balance monthly payments. J. H , John son , 518 and 519 I'lixtoq block. _ BOTHWELI- future metropolis of Wy oming , 4 railroads , coal , In the center ot the Wyoming oil belt , it ) lots at MO each. They won't last long. II. H , Cole , headquarters for gains nnd easy terms. K. 0 , Continental. 758 7 _ HE. COLE Will Trade-Choice , finely 1m- proved forms In western Nebraska , light ly Incumberod , to trade for Omaha property , Improved or unimproved , Clear lot , 20th and Vlnton , for house In west ern part of the city preferred. 9-room house and full lot , clear , for vacant Inside resldonco lot. II. E. Cole , headquarters for bargains ana easy terms. Room 6 , Continental block. 7&3-14 T710HBAtiK-Ril,78 acres , sec. fi. tp , 12. r. JU fiw. , Hamilton county , Nob. House , stabln , 300 acres fenced , living water. Price * 0,0 W. F. 1C. Atkins , owner. Railroad bldg , Denver , Ool. fiJ9 1710R SALK Fine house of 0 rooms , furnace , JU b uli , hot and cold water , ga , bower , paved fttroot , motor line one block , cnblo two blocks , horse cars by door , barn for 3 horses , etc. , etc. Built by owner for homo and now occupied by him , JiJ.OHO ; f 1,150 cash. tJBUO In real estate , bal ance nt tl and S per c nt , Fine largn lot on 9. Kith st. . 01x157 , good Vroom h ouse , fruit trees , etc ; north ot Martha st , , J 1,000. For sale , the finest corner , cast front , ou 8. 10th si , . liWxHI. For choice property worth the money see M. A. Upton Company. Itlin & Farnnm . 817 "l\rE have bargains In land nnd Improved T > fat ms In all parts of the country that can not bo excelled. Wo soil nnd exchange for Omaha nud Council HUUH property. Wo want to buy about .M lots In Omalm , Insldo the Holt line , in one or two tracts. Excelsior Land and Real Estate Co. , 310 8. nth St. , Omnlm. h24 EAST Iront lot on Georgia avo. overlook ing Omaha and Council Binds , $ l.soo for a few days. C. F. Harrison , Meichants Nat. bank. 7N1 11 _ EOR SALE The llnost resldonco slto In West Omaha ; just south of Fnrnam onitlth street ; n corner ! UoxlB7 with 187 feet frontage on paved street and Joining the handsome resl donco ot Klrkondall on the east , and Brady , Eassounnd Martin on the south ; poifoct gem and garden spot , for an elegant homo. Hariiovnuil 21st streets. lll.\H17 , on pavement within three blocks of the court house : room for seven line houses \\or.ldrentas lapld- ly as completed. A splendid permanent luest - meut , Farnam nnd 22d streets , GQxVB , with now throe-Mory brick store bulldlnp , rentoi * to good permanent tenants. Routal receipts $1,2 X ) per year. Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage 01 feet to alloy ; good business property. Farnam street , between 3Stn and 3Sth , front age 4S or 9'ixlM to alley , south front , 1 block from pavement and street c.ira. Park avenue , opposite Hanscom park , 50x150 , prlco W.OOO ; easy ( onus. Paddock place , trackage , C0xll2. JJ.OiX ) ; easy ICth street south ot Vlnton st , lot tor sale or trade formdso. or good farm laud. S. A. Sicilian. UJl Farnain st. _ 527. TjVJIl HALR Academy of Music building and JU two business Iot4 , Grand Island , Nebraska , ground 14x1,1 ! foot , building brick , two stories high nnd stone basements , all in good repair ; ternls easy ; price JI8.KH. Enqulioof Thompson Bros. . Grand Island , Nebraska. 701mI2 * I7IOR SALE 7-room house , city water , gas , JU bain. Bhndo trees , etc. , lot ilxl20 reel on Capitol ave near the High school. Must bo sold at onco. It Is worth JIO.OOD ; can bo sold. If taken at once , for $7W , f.1,500 cash , balance 1 nud 2 year.s. The ground nlono Is worth the money. O.TOreon. _ _ 3JOSJ5th st , _ CBS _ CHOICE pleco of residence property cor. 23rd and Ca&s forw arehoiido or trackage property , \\orthelshtto ten thousand dollars. C. F. Harrison risen , Merchants' Nat , bank. _ 230 "TT10R SALE Four-room hottsj , new largo lot , JU east front , collar , well , ( lummy train twlco dally ; will take horse and buggy In trado. Ad dress , H. L. Parsons. Papllllon. Neb. 651-9 PARK. , BLMIS Beautiful residence Sites. Finest In the city. Wo nro now ready to show and otlor for sale the choicest residence sites in the cltv of Oninlin , located In "Doinlii Paik , " comprising the sixty ncros bounded by 32d St. , on the east , : wth or Pleasant st. on the west , Hamilton st , ou the north , and Cumlni ; st. on the south. This park has been pKnned. and Is being laid out by Mr. Alfred R. Egerton ( one of the best landscape artists ot Now York ) , Into ' 4 , 'j , } } and acio lots , and several acres arc laid out into small pai ks. ornamental gi omuls , ami lakes fed by natural springs. The plans Include a per- lect system of giadtn , paving , j-oworngewater electric lighting , etc. , and an expenditure ot at least S1PO.OOO for such improvements This choice property is located within the l' miles radius ( u little north by west ) from the P03tolllco. It lies east of the reservoir nnd of the elegant residences of Dr. Mercer nud E. W , Nash , and a llttlo north of cant of proposed res idence of Guy 0. Barton und of Bishop O'Con nor's lesldenca and Ac.idoiuy of Sacred Heart. Reasonable pi Ices and terms will b given to those who will build residences tostlng $5,000 and upwards. For further particulars apply at ollico of The Hemls Park Co. . rooms l"i and 10 Continental block , 15th and Douglas sts. OMAHA 1 have a number of good SOUTH various additions that must bo sold at once and can be bought at pileos that will snltjou. G.J. Storusclorir , looms 317 and313 First National bunkjniildlng. G20 _ rpHE cosiest home In Omaha , 0 rooms , larga A closets , city water , gas and sewer , botli cable and horse cars. Price ? 1,100. Terms WOO to $509 cash , balance very easy. II. E. Cole , headquarters for bnicalns and easy terms. Room 8 , Continental Block. 3V ) FOR SALE or exchange-Improved stock farm of NXlacres Incnstern Nebraska , near market ; also now l > room house with all con veniences in desirable residence portion of Oma ha. Andrew Bevlns , attorney , 42J and 12.1 Paxton - ton block , Omaha , Neb. 630 /IOR SALE South and east corner 03x155 , in FL. neighborhood ot the Milton Rogers property. West Farnam struet. very sigliily This is choice property In a cholcn neighbor hood and will bo sold cheap. It will pay you to Investigate the locality and this particular pleco of ground. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' National bank. BtS5 FOR SALh On easy terms. 5. 7 and 8 roomed houses , with small cash payment down ana balance monthly. J. II. Johnson , 513 and 51'1 THE REALTY MARKET. TNSCRUMHNT3 placed on rooord during JLyoitordixv. 12 A Ilenson and wlfo to E J Jeltroy , 14 lots in llrlggs Place , wd $21,000 GG Wallace ot al to G A Ltlldqulst , lot S , blk 4 , Hawthorn , wd 3,500 II A Truman to F E Ilallard , lot H , blk 10 , Jerome ParK , q c d G Miles i : Thompson to F Kelmer * , lot C , blk 0 , Walnut I Illl , wd GOO W L Solby and wife to J F lllchhart , lot 7 , Solhy's sub. w d . . 700 J Altmlield to T F Hall , s Vt lot 4 , blk 1U7 , Omalm , w cl 12,500 J T Dillon and wife to The Goto City Icu Co. pt lots U and 7. blk U , McCnguea add , wd 3,500 L Schroeder , tiustee , to Wm Fltzpatrlck , lot 22. blk 14. Drown Park , w d 300 South Omaha. Laud Co to J II Smith , lot fl , blk I , i-outh Omaha , w d CJO M F Roys and wife to H u Coon , lot 11 , blk II. Bedford I'lace , w d 2,203 M A Elliott ft al to J 11 llryant , lot 10 , bile 10. Bhuiraindudd , wd DoD J Yore and wlfo toT F Kennedy , w / lot 16 , blk 4 , South Omaha park. wd. . . . 240 J J O'Ronrko and wlfo to A Keofe , lot 4 , blk I. Hnrr place , w d 3DO II btanbt rry to FD Brown , part lot 1 , Hartlott add , w d 6,000 Omaha Real Kstnto & Trust company to J Williams , lot II. Gelse's add. w d 4,000 E A Benson und wlfo to I W Brown , lots 18. 19 and -V. blk 2 , end lot 9 , blk 3 , Brlgg'H place , wd . . . . . 7,000 N O llrown nnd wlfo to J I'l-'awcott , part lots I and2. Coburu'ssub , wd 5,000 The Brlgg's Place Building association to EEFox , lot 4. oik II , Brigg's place , q ° ' ' ' ' K K rex toO Is'lVel'ter , Iot3 , bl'k'il. ilrigg's place , wd . . . 3,000 C 0 House ! and wife to A Book , a Ya w 3,14 , 12. wet. 1,000 J L MrCagno and wlfo to J II Evans , lots 5 , 0 and 7 , blk it. Went Cumlng add , w d. 075 K T Muxv.cH and wlfo to L Quick , e .20 ft lot7 , Wont Illll. wii 2,503 Omaha lltul Estate ami Trust Co to W W Salisbury , lots 0 and 7 , blk I , Biiuir tiers Ac llimelmugh's Highland Park add.wtl 3W T M Street anil husband to T Person , lot 14 , second add to West Side , w d . . . . 350 The South Omaha Land Co to H Trenkle. lot 9 , blk IU. South Oainha. w d 275 The South Omnlm Land Co to L Gibson , lot 12 , blk W.Houtn Omaha , wd . . . . 1,200 A Hutloy and wlfo to A Drlirkoru , lot 10 , blk 7 , YanCump'H add , wd C25 J FlaulBBii to J L Black , o H lot 4 , blk 0 , Belvoderi' , w d 1.000 Twenty-eight transfers. , 170,170 nulliiiiR I'ormlts. The following permit * were Ismod by Hullding lusnootor WuiUoek yoslorday j \V. M. Ousitman. twp-story brick store , Howuid , ue r Fifteenth street , , ,15,000 Cojtullor Htieot 1'resbyterlan society. one-Htory framu church , Fifth nud Williams Htreot * . . , , . . . , , . . , 7,000 Itov. JJ. MllIlgUD , two-story brick flat , Tweuty-jfixUi btreetnearbt , Mary's ' ave nue , , . , . . . 10,003 First M. E. church , brick church building , Twentieth and Davenport tioat 75,003 Denny ft O'lianlan , two oue-and-one- half story frumu dwelllpt ; * , 'XUlrty- fourth and Kraklnottreets . , . . 2,009 B F Ringer , ono story frume dwelling , Boyd. neur Thirty-fourth btreet , , l.OfO K. A , McKathrou. ( wo- tory frame dvv l > Hug , Km met , uearTweuty-fourtnutreet 2,50 , Klgat permltJ , , , . . , . , , , , . , ; i Snrnnnmtt" 511811'0185IJ I8 ° 8o- iJuIOLOieSIJ change , llio , ICInrkOt. The Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAil AtlD SURGEON U ill ! ) Treating with the Grwltit fflttjnJSOCCES ! Clironio , Ncryons anfl Private Diseases , trf NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lot ! Munhood , Pilling Memory , Exhausting Drain.TerrlbU Dreams , Head nnd Uack Ache and nil tne effect ! kadinq to curly decvy anjpeihspi Consumption ol Inianlty , treated scientifically by new method * wilt tievfr.fjfllnfi tUCMII. * 1T SYPHILIS and Ml bad Blood and Skin DIM eaies permanently cured. * # -KlDNEY ndURINARYoompl lnttOItet , Gonorrhoea , Strlcture , Vnrlcocele and * U ilbraiet of the Uenlto-Urin ty Orvani ttittd promptly without Injury to Stomach , Kldneyi or oilier Organ * . * f No experiment ! . Age and experience lra portant. Conrultatlon free and tacretl. OS-Send 4 centi pottage for Celebrated Works 0 Chronic , Nervous ami Delicate Dueuei , A9-Tho ccmttmrlittnK Maitlaee itml for Dr. Clarke's ciltbrated guMe Male and Female , eack IS centt , both 15 centi ( stamm ) , Coniult tpe old Doctor. A friendly letter orcallmay tavefuttiresufTtr. ina and thime , and add golden yean to life. OS-Hook "Life's ( Secret ) Erron , " socinu ( tamp > ) . MeJIcinl rnd writing ! sent e\ery here , secure from expoiur Houri,8to8. Sundays 9 to n , Addreu P. D. CLARKE , Nl. D. , . 180 So. Clark St. CHICAGO , ILL * Soliool Ilontl I'rocltimntlon. By tllrtvtlon of the Itoird. of IMucntlon of the t heel tllfltrlct of Omnha , lu tha county of Donglasln the st p of Nebraska , notlco Is here by gixcn to the quiilim-d electors ot said school tllstilct that a special election will bo hold lirdaj , Sluy \ \ IMI. nt which thofollow Inn tiuov tlon nnd proposition will bo Mibmltted to a vote of theolccton of said s-hool district , to- wit- Shall consent and authority bo given to the Hoard ot Kdncatlon of the school dlstilct ot Omaha , lu the county of Douglas , in the tttato ot Nobrnsta. to Issue the bonds of said school district tu tlto sum of t\\o htiudiod and twenty- live thousand dollars ( fc.3 iUM ) ' 1 ho said bonds to bo two hundred twenty-live In number ot the denomination of one thousand dollars ( t 1,000) ) each , dated July 1st , ISMi , and to boar Interest at the rate of llvo per cent per iinmim , payable semi annually , principal to beeoino duo lu twenty years from the date thereof und pitncl- V > l and Interest to be payable at Ivountzu Bros. , uankois. New Yoik. The piocoeds arising from the Bale of said bonds to be used in the purchase of .school niton for said dlstilct , thooiortlon of school buildings nud making needed Improvements ns follow st I or the purchase of a Rite In the vicinity of Twenty-fourth and l/othrop Hts. at $ VM > t a situ In thu vicinity ot Ft. Omaha at J..WO , a Mite lu the vicinity of Olbson at U.M ) , a slto In tin ) vi cinity ot Dnpont 1 Into nt f\WO \ , additional ground adjoining the Illckoiy school Hlto at Mr > * > , additional ground adjoining the Hiutmilil school slto at nn estimated cost of jiin.iKX ) , for tin-purpose of v > ro\ldlng letalnlng walls mid permiinent sidewalks about and upon the Leav- enworth school grounds , the rarnam school grounds and the High .school grounds nt an estimated lost of SIJ.iVO ; for the puiposeof erecting school buildings , an eight-room build ing ou the Long .school slto ut an estimated cost of JJO.OJO. an eight-loom building on the Frank- lln school site at un estimated cost of f.U,000 ! , nn eight-room building on the \ \ est Omaha .school hlto at on estimated tint of $ . ! 0,0 ) . a twelve loom building on the Hickory HChool situ nt an I'silnuxted test of 'l-,0 X ) , a sixteen- room building on the Ilattmauti heel slto titan estlmutea cost of Joil.tKiO. All votes "yes" on sild proposition will bo re- gut tied nnd considered as nulhorlzlng the ls u- unco of saltl nonds , and .ill votes "no" hliall bo icganlod and lousldoreil as against Issuing mild bonds. Also the following intention and proposition lu like manner w ill be submitted : Shall consent and nuthoi Ily bo given to tha boaid of education of the school district of Omaha , lu the county or Douglas , In tno state of belliaskn , to isatiotho bonds of said school din- trlct In the sum of only-lire thousand dollars ( bonds to bo soNenty-IUo In number of the denomination of one thousand dollars rtl.UM ) filch , dated on. ittlj 1 , IKS-I , mli ) to boar iiiteiestnt the rnto of f > per irnt per itnnnui , payable semi annually , to become duo lu twenty \iars from date thereof , and prin cipal and inti'iest to bo p.iyable at ICounUo Bios' . , bankers , Now Yoik. Tlio piocrctls nilslng liom the cnlo of said bonds to be used 111 electing an addition to the Hlgn School building on the High hchool giounds t.i an estimated coat of $7f > .ll w. All votes "VPS" on s ild proposition will bo rogaidcdand considered as iuithoil7.ini the Is- suunce of said bonds , und all votes "no" shall bo tcc.mlo 1 aw agalnsf Issuing s.ild bonds. And the polling places for said election blmll be as follouH : IN THE F1IIST WAKD. First District At 705 South Tenth st. Second Dlstilct At 10I.S Sent i Tenth st. Tliiitl District At the ( 'enter bthool building at corner of llth nnd Center sts. IN THU SISCONII W\UD. Klrst District At the llaitiimn school build ing on Sixteenth f > t. near Williams st. Second District -At the Citstellar school building at the corner of lllghtconth and Cnstol- larsts. IN TIIK Tlllltl ) WAIIIl. First District At Dodge school building , cor * nir of Dodge and Kloventh sts. So end Dlstrlct-At 1011 Hiiuioy st. IN llll ! FDUIUII WAIIIl. First District At the High school building. Second District . \ t the LeaveiiHorth school building corner of Lea\cnworth and Seven teenth sts IN TIIK rilTII WAIIIl. Tlrst District At Ht. Barnabas school build ing , 181''C.illfoinlast. hetond District At the I nke school building , coiner ot Nineteenth and Luke sts. IN 1IIK hl.VTIl WAItl ) . I'liRt Dlstilct At the Long school building , at the corner of Twenty-sixth and Franklin sts. Second District -Attho Uartoga school build , Ing , at Iho corner of Twenty-fourth and Com mercial Hts. IN TUP. HIIVKNTII WAHD. First District At the Pai 1C school building , corner of Woolworth ave. and South Twenty- ii Second District At the Dupont school build , ing corner of Jlnrtba and South Tweuty-nlulh StH. IN TIIK EIOIITH WAIln. First District -At the I/.ard school bulldlus at the corner ot Twentieth and I/.ard Hts. Secodd District- the Webster school build ing , coiner of Webster st. and 'l'\vcnty-oluhtu ave. IN TIIK NINTH WAIII ) . rirst District At thu I'lunam school building at Twenty-ninth and Karuain sts. Becond'DIstrlU the Walnut Hill school building on Hamilton st. near Hitiokn-st. By order of the Board of Kdncatltm of the school dlstilct of Omaha , In the county ol Douglas , In the slate of Nebraska. In witness whcreot I have Iteieunto sot my hand and caused Iho seal of said school board to bo ullixed thlsith day of M.ty. ll y. 11 , . H.I HiiMivT. UI.UIKK. Atttest : President. J , B. I'n'iiit , Secretaiy. mSdlOt Tnlct-n Up. Bay pony , weight 70J. white stilt ) In faea Owner can have uamo by paying thaiges. V JI. Mullen , 1803 Cumlng st. ttS4inl-B-16-ZS * involution , The firm of Palmer Klchman & Co , , live stock" Commission Merchant ) * have this day dlsolved by mutual consent. All moneys due said firm must bo paid nt oncu tu Pulmer Bhinchard 4 Cu . succors , and ad bills ugulnHt said linn pre sented to said Palmer Blanchurd & Co. Signed J.B. Hl.ANCMAitl ) . tn-S-d-3-t N. P. RlUHUAN , Your Business by mine : our Chroma and Iliisincss Cards , Adterllilng Novelties &c. . printed to order. Samples and prices by mall , ( tu Ilusluuss men only ) to cts. Addicss , RICE BROTHERS , 710 North 40th St. , Philadelphia , Pa. DEAF NESS CURED cbllrclorcrconc IT l.pnM TUBUIAR CAR CUSHIONSI n liliiitn.ConttiiillonoiiilMiiiletieira. C furtfttlci H lf. AdJ itUr and I * < Biirecti wlitrenll olber rtlutillci r.iu HolDu LV t _ OOX , Mna llro d .r. r r.l4lhIV > Varli. \VIUTI 1.1 ILLl > T U VUUK a rUUUff , Mill HO iUlXTi PBNNVUOfAI. WAl'unS am tuccuufully uted montldy by over 10,000 Ladles. AroBaft. Xfftctualand fteatant l [ x-rl > oxbyinalloratdrugeUts. SfnUd 'artlovlari 2 portage tarnp . AddrnM I Tmt KUHUA Cuiwicui Co. , Dvrcorr , llioa. Forf.ale and by mall by Goodman Dr\ \ i Comiiuny , Oinnhn. VASSAR COLLEGE , lIIASIirf ATIONS for admliilon to VAHaAIl COL LKUUwlllbe held In tUli rttr durlartbcllrit rek of June. Api'llcnuU for eiiuilotttlon ibould ootlf k PriideatHielare MAYl'J'.ti. BAJ.A.nt.E JJOOh. AT ONUfl , Utlu