Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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PrlcoB Fullocl to Decline In Goiiao-
quonco of Hnlno.
An Uncnny Feeling In Speculative
llogN What In DoInK In Ijlvo
Stock Corn Follows the
lllso InVlicnt ,
CHICAGO , May 8. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Hni.l The rnlns tlml the formers Imvo
been praying for fell upon the Rpring wheat
districts back of St. Paul yesterday and last
nlplit , but tlfo decline that was to occur In
prices has not yol materialized. On the con
trary , the course of prices was upward , nna
nil bccmiRO of the activity in the cash wheat
innrkcttuml a popular disbelief In asufllclcncy
of rain fall. The mornlim dlspatchca brought
the news Unit inoro than thirty boat loads
bud been worked In New York yesterday ,
nnd si little while afterward It was stated
that fourteen more had 'been worked this
morning. This was subsequently modlllcd
to "eight loads worked and six working. "
Now York was buying wheat hero alt day ,
however , ana the sudden Increase in busi
ness from that quarter toward the close
started the market up with a rush , the bullet
obtaining that arrangements had been made
for the moving out of a larger quantity of
wheat than had been staled or oven pre
dicted , There Is plenty of available tonmico
on the Vtluntlo seaboard , mid ocean rates
are now easy. Shippers ilnd themselves able
to command about their terms , and holders
nro quite willing to suit their goods. Alto
gether the occasion seems ripe for a
good export movement. Cables wcro gen
erally weaker , but that docs not Mways sig
nify n foreign willingness to take wheat on
favorable terms. The most conspicuous
feature of the domestic wheat trade is the
largo and steady out movement of wheat.
The receipts wore very light everywhere , ex
cept at Minneapolis , and the arrivals there
merely represent u transfer of country ele
vator stocks owned by vlio millers to their
city warehouses. Everywhere else , at
primary points , receipts are far smaller than
shipments , and clearances from seaboard
joints are moderate. The Hour trade has n
bolter tone , and domestic consumptive de
mands nro likely lo prove a very Important
consideration for the remainder of the old
crop ycur. The market opened about where
it left off yesterday , near futures showing
Bomo. weakness , however , at the sturt ,
Loean mid Schwartz Dupco tried to buy a
lllllc May , but bcforo they could get what
they wanted , the price w s run up from
around 82a to SGJSe , Juno going to 81c. This
Blurted a mi ml advance In July , winch
Jumped from 78HC , near the opening , to
7lkc. ) At and around 70c , Hutchlnson , Ucutn ,
Ciulahy. and , in fact , nil the local ' -high
rollers , " were sellers. This broke the mur-
kct back KC , and during the bettor part of
session it hesitated around TSJtfe. Several
times u brcaic seemed Imminent and the
local crowd cot "loaded" Unit way. The ox-
pccliillons ot a break proved delusive , for
about a quarter before 1 o'clock the market
started up again and did not stop until 79 'c
was touched , n sheer ascent of over Ic. The
close was 7 ! ) © Tlc , a not gain of 1'40
on the day. After the early bulge , May
wheat sold back to 84c , and Juno to SJJj'c :
but these months were carried up by the
boom In July , May t-'oing to S-'iJfo und June
to 8i ! c. It was exceedingly difllcuit to trade
in May or June In u satisfactory way. The
anxious traders had no show for bargains at
any staga of the proceedings. Late news
from the northwest denoted a sudden change
in weather conditions. Yesterday tuny wore
.f-iifrylng eggs on hot winds ; " to-day it Is cold
and raw after the rain ; and snow is reported
at some of the northerly points. Theru were
more buying orders for northwestern ac
count , to-day , then have been sent any day
in many weeks. St. Louis was also a good
buyer , presumably on bug and drouth re
ports from the winter wheat points.
The local crowd got. decidedly the worst of
the deal to-day.
The continued heavy shipments and excel
lent demand for expert and homo use have
had a generally hardening effect on prices ,
and to-day's firmness was duo to these
causes and lo the resulting endeavors of the
shorts to stop their loss. The quantity of
No. 2 in store hero , exclusive of whlto corn ,
is now down to 1,500,000 bushels. Reference
to the quantity cleared from the Atlantic
porls , heading these remarks , shows con-
Bidcrablo increase. There was very little
for sale when it was wanted , and the shorts ,
by tholr efforts to cover , advanced the
market on themselves. The opening prices
were about } a over the closing llgures of the
day boforo. and the Ilrst quotations wore the
lowest of the day. Outside domestic markets
wcro lirin in sympathy with Chicago , and
the market hero was hclned by the strength
In wheat. The market ruled firm all day ,
and was at ils best at the closo. . .Prices ad
vanced along the whole line , and in the end
showed n gain upon yesterday's closing
Jlpurca of from Jto Ic per bushel.
Oats fully recovered the loss of yesterday ,
ruling irregularly strong to ? ff@ijO ! higher.
Trading was only moderate and chlolly local
in its character , with some operators buying ,
who sold previously , and shorts generally
desiring to cover. May sold up to 235 c ,
with a later firm tone , and there was fair
business in Juno atl3 ! @ ' Mc , with July at jtf
( ft c premium. No. 2 , to go In store , sold
J.jO better at ' 3o , and trading m cash lots
was ch'ifly by sample.
In provisions the feeling Is still bullish.
Hog receipts , so far this weok. have fallen
short of expectations and , with bettor prices
at the slock yards , Iho side of higher markels
has gained ground. In connection with the
hog movement , the Impression ulso appears
to bo spreading that the Armour and Cudahy
inlluenco is now with the long Interest. The
uartlcb named and tholr immediate follow
ing , it is alleged , succeeded in securing n
largo amount of property on the last break ,
and are in a position to make tholr power
felt. In the speculative trade an uneasy
etato of affairs at all events prevails , and to
day's changes in pncus .resulted in a sharp
advance all around. Based on yesterday's
closings the actual appreciation established
in pork amounted to 23j30e ( | ! , and in lard und
short ribs , to 5c.
CniCAtio , May 8. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Hnis.l CATTI.K. Uuyora were slow lo
open Iho market ; they had fairly liberal or
ders , but were loth to show tholr handcar
ing sellers would ask stronger prices than
tholr Instructions permitted them to pay.
Hence the early trade dragged steady at
nbout yesterday's llguros , but worKed
firmer as the day passed , closing with an ac
tive movement and the supply cleared.
Handy weight steers , averages ol 115U to
13501is \ or thcrciibouls , for some time past
Bold readiest und to tbo best advantage ,
whllo heavy hooves , particularly 1450 to 1000
ibs averages , were moro or less neglected ,
sellers granting concessions generally. Cows
and heifeis made fair figures , but bulls
moved with indifferent demand. About
forty cars of Texans arrived , and they sold
strong , as will bo noted by the sales found
bolow. The stockcr and feeder trade , while
developing no largo volume of business , car
ried a healthy and strong tono. Choice to
extra beeves , fJ.00(34.85 ( ; medium to good
steers , 1UM to 1500 Ibs. f3.001.15 ! 1300 to
1850 Ibs , ) .M4.00 ) ; 050 to lliOU Ibs , W.30
@ ! 1,70 ; Btockers and feeders , $3.&Ov,3.liO ;
cows , bulls and mixed , rJ.OO U.UO ; bulk ,
$2.403.SO ; Texas steers , tJ.05 ( < ff3.70.
II ooa ' 1 hero was a good general demand
and the market ruled active wul strong ,
with occasional sales of prime heavy at So
higher. Late transactions in Iho Uurllnglon
Bti'd Hock Island divisions showed weakness ,
but the northwest held up strong to the
finish. Packers paid a ran pro of (1.00 to { 4.70 ,
mostly around $ lGX ! < g4.07 > . Mixed hoga
sold principally around (4.70 for choice ,
ranging frptu (1.00 to M.7' ' , Eastern ship
pers filled their orders for heavy at M.OiXfa
4.72K , paying (4.75 in several Instances for
prime top * . Light hogs sold mainly around
14.70 for sorts of 1EO Ibs down , and $4.75 ©
4.50 for selections of 85 Ibs down , Light-
light , trashy and sltlpjiy grades dragged at
Nr.w YoiiK , May 8. fSpocli l TelCRram
to TUB I3r.r. . | STOCKS There wa * consider
able irregularity and some slrength apparent
nr the opening of the slock market this morn
ing. A few of the moro active shares started
out % to ? per cent higher. Except in
Atehlson , St. Paul , Heading and a few oth
ers , the list was dull and the early fluctua
tions were narrow. Heading showed weak
ness , selling % under yesterday's close
to 42K. Atehlson first showed weak-
nc fl , touching 43Jf , but rallied to 44'nt the
end of the hour. St. Paul was firm from the
opening and moved up from GGJ to G7' . In
the hour to 13 o'clock there was extreme
dullness for nearly all the stocks , wltn good
activity and strength In St. Paul and Atehl
son , the latter moving up } { further to 44 %
Heading regained part of its early loss , and
Chicago Gas and Oregon Improvement be
came active and firmer. At noon the mar
ket was firm , with prices generally boiler
than at the opening. There Was little feu-
lure lo stocks in the attcrnoon , not fore
shadowed early. The mosl active sleeks to
close wcro Atclilson and Si. Paul. The for
mer lost Its strength and its early advance
and closed % per cent lower for the day at
43 % . St. Paul was bought to the close , and
after touching IJ7' , closed at 07 % or K over
last night. Chicago Gas fell back from 50j/
to 4'J1 , but still showed a gam for Iho day of
Jf. Loulsvlllo and Union Pacific closed %
heller. LaKe Shore % higher at lOilj/ ! , and
Northwestern and Hock Island were steady
at yesterday's ' prices. Pullman gained n
point to 100. The tolal sales wcro 100,345
The following were Iho closing quotations :
II. 8. 4s ropulnr. liriU'Nortnuru ' 1'nclflc. . 2rt
U. S. 4s coupons .IVJUI doprefcired ( KJi
I ! . 8. 4'fsreKiilnr ' lill'i 0 .V N. W 107'j
II. S. l'n ' coupons , inn do preferred -
1'aclllciHot 'Hi. . . .KI N.Y.l'entrnl 107
Central Tactile. . 1)0 )
' ' ' ' '
iV Alton . . .IBS UockWnmi ! ! . . . . . . fi'i
ChleuKo.llurllngtou C. . Jl. &St.l > C7M
t'8 ' tloprnfurreil l)7i ( ) !
! > . . I , . .V W. SU'uul&Umnha. . 34
Illinois Central . lllii doprorerred lilJ !
I. , II. As W. . H ItJ.iIon IMclllc ( II- .
Kansas it Texas . . . l'MV..St. . Ii. As 1' 144
I.nko Shore 104 ? . iloproforred JM'
Allclilgan Central. . H7 Western Union toy
MlsKourll'aclllc. . . . ? ; :
Mo.snv Easy at 2@2K per cent.
cent. .
STUHLINO Exciuvoc Quiet and steady
sixty-day bills , $4.87.
CHICAGO , May 8. 1:15 : p. in. close
strong nnd higher ; cash , 83 o ; Juno 83 } c ;
July , 7'J 11-lOc.
Corn Firmer ; cash , 35 , ' c ; June , SS e ;
July , 30c.
Oats Higlicr ; cash , 23 o ; Juno 24c ;
July , 24 > fTc.
Hyc He.
Barley Nothing doing.
Prlino Timothy $1.33.
Whisky 81.02.
Pork Stronger and higher ; cash , $12.05 ;
Juno , $12.05 ; July , S12.15.
Lard Firmer ; cash , $0.9 X ; June , ? 0.95 ;
July , $7.00.
Flour Firm and unchanged ; winter
wheat , t2.00 < 4.90 ; spring wheat , $ I.30@5.75 ;
rye Hour , ? 2.40 ( 2.UO.
Dry Suit Meats Shoulders , $5.2505.50 ;
short clear , $0.2o@i.37 ( } ; short ribs , S0.05
WO. 10.
Huttor-Wcaker ; creamery , ll@18c ; dairy ,
Chceso Quiet : full cream Cheddars , Oj < J@ : Hats , OJfC'7 } o Youni : Americas , 7B8c. (
Eg s Steady ; Iresh , 12il2.J4e. (
Hides Unchanged ; ho.ivy and light qraon
salted , fiife ; sailed dull , 4'fc ' ; green salted
calf , Oc ; dry flint , 7o ; dry salted , 7c ;
dry calf , 7i ( > Sc ; deacons , 25o each.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
4c ; No. 2 , 3 > c ; cake , 4 } < fe.
Kccolpts. Shipments.
Flour 12,000 11,000
Wheat 10,000 ! ) H,000
Corn 105,000 30li,000
Oats 144.000 252,1)00 )
Now York , May 8. Wheat Receipts.
; exports , 47,000 ; spot strong and
higher ; No. 2 red,84i8Ui'c ( m store ; 85J Qfl
SSJfonlloat ; 80@SO < o f. o. b. ; No 3 rod ,
78o ; options moderately active , strong and
higher ; May , S4' c.
Corn Receipts , 18,000 ; exports , 105,000 ;
suet fairly active und stronger ; No. 2 , 44ig (
44 } c in elevator ; 44ij@4)0 ! alloat ; ungruded
mixed , 41@45e ; options stronger anil tnoro
Oats Receipts , 34,000 ; exports , 500 ; spot
firm and fairly active ; options active and
stronger ; May , 2J ! ) < o ; July , 2U % < i ; spot ,
No. 2 , white , 34 > * fiioc ( ; : ; mixed western , 2SX
@ 32c.
Coffee Options opened steady and closed
baruly steady 1V 20 points down ; sales.
25,250bags ; May , 510.05@li.70 ( ; July ,
@ 1G.'J5 ; spot Kin , not rjuoted.
Petroleum Quiet but steady ; united closed
ERKS Quiet ana weaker ; western , 11@
Pork Stronger ; new , $13.23 ( < 613.r)0.
Lard Higher and strong ; western steam ,
$7.20 ; May , J7.27.
Butter Easier ; western 0@20c.
Cheese Higher ; western , none hero.
Minneapolis , May 8. Sample wheat
llrmor ; receipts , 148 cars ; shipments ,
78 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , May , U7e ;
July , OSc ; on track , 90@'J7c ; No. I north
ern , May , bSJtfc ; July , 8Sc ; on trade ,
UOigOlc ; No. 2 northern , May and July ,
78e ; on track , 78ii7'Jc. (
St. IjonlH , May 8. Wheat Higher ; cash ,
78o ; July , 75l c.
Corn HIclier ; c.ish , 32eMay ; , 32J e.
Oats Higher ; cash , 24J c ; May , 4)/c. )
Pork Strong at $12.25.
Lard Mounnnlly higher nt fO.75.
Whisky Steady at tl.02.
Milwaukee , May 8. Wheat Firm ;
cash , 782 0 ; July , 79'.fe. '
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 34c.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 , white , 27(327'ic. ( ;
Hyo Firm ; No. l,45c.
D Barley Nominal ; No. 2 , 52@5c.
Provisions Firm ; pork , $11.03) ) .
Olnuliiiintl , May 8. Wheat Scarce but
firm ; No. 2 rod , 83@37c.
Corn Dull ; No. 2 mixed. Sfl c.
Oats Stronger ; No. 2 inixud , 27c.
Whlslcy Steady at § 1.02.
KaiiNUH Clly. May 8. Wheat Qulot ;
No. 2 red , 70o ; August , 02o bid ; No. 2 soft ,
cash , 77c ; August , IHJo bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 2casli , 20 } c bid ; July ,
2iiJ < olltl ; No. 2 white , cash , 27o bid ; July ,
2i > Kc asked.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 21c asked.
Clilonco , May 8. The Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Kofcipta , 10,000 ; strong on llghtand
weak on heavy : beeves , f4.00ifi4.35 ( ; steers ,
ji.iO@4.15 ; ! ; stockers and feeders , $ J.50@3.00 ;
cows , bulls and mixed , $ J.OO ( < 3.30 ; Texas
steers , $2.05iJ3.70. (
Hogs Receipts , 17,000 ; market strong ;
mixed , M.r.5 ( | 4.75Jii'avy ; , $1.50 4.75 ; light ;
Sheep Receipts , 7OOJ ; slow and 10@15o
lower ; natives , ftl.OOC'N.fe.'i : westerns , W.OO
4.70 ; Tcxnus , $ lambs , $4.00JS (
KIUIBIIM City , May 8. Cattle Receipts ,
3,000 ; shipments , 2,00'J ' ; strong nnd active ;
uhotco corn-fed , ? 3.S5a)4.10 ( ) ; common to me
dium , l.5 ! ! ( < l4.7.'i ; stocltcr nnd feeding
steers , ? 2.25 ( < f2.00j cows. * l.h5@3.00.
Hogs Receipts i'600 ' ; shipments , 2,400 ;
market strong and higher ; common to cholco ,
National Htonk VariU , Knit St.
IjotilH , May 3.- Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ;
shipment ) * . 1,100 : market strotur ; cholco
heavy native steers , $3.901.50 : fair to good ,
* 3.10@4.00 ; stockorsand fi > cdorH$2.10@3.tO : ;
rangers , corn-fod , J2.yO(33.Wt'russ-fud2.00 ( ;
( ay.oo.
llogs-KeucfpU , 0,100 ; shipments , 400 ;
nmrkct ktrong ; cliolco heavy und butchers'
selections , ? 4.V54.05 ! ; paoklni ; , f4.40M4.50 ;
light RnvdOB , $4.0 ( < j4.CO.
Hloujt Oily , May 8. Cattle Receipts ,
1,800 ; shipments : 672 ; market stoauyi fat
stoers. W.OOQU.VO ; stookors , fJ.40Q2.90 ;
feeders , 12.50(1(3.00 ; oannurs and bulls , f 1.00
@ 1.75 ; veal calves , f3OOCoJI.OO.
Hogs Receipt * , 1,000 ; market higher ;
light und mixed , f l.3''K@4.40 ; neuvy , * 4.33
\Vednostlay. May 8 , 16S9.
TUo buyers wantea iljjht cutilo , and ucslr-
able beeves of that class sold quite readily at
troncr price * . The demand for heavy cattle
, vas light , no one apparently wanting them
leporu from eastern markels on that kind
of caltlo were bad , so lhat there was 110 en
couragement oven for the shippers to take
told of them. Then , too , Iho quality of
many of the heavy cattle was not ouch as to
make them very desirable. Those which
sold went nt barely steady prices. The bulk
of the beef and shipping steers sold nt (3.50ft (
i.SO , and some corn-fed Texos at (3.G5 < 33.7s.
The supply of butchers' stock continues light
and prices remain about the same. Dcsir-
able fut cows and hflfers nro In demand and
sell readily on arrival. The coxvs wont nt n
range of (2.15W3.25 and bulls at , (1.0003.00.
rhero were a few more northern feeders or
iloekers , but not natives enough to really
cst the market. The demand Is pretty fair
and It 1s no trouble nt all to dispose of any-
hlne desirable. A few very desirable feed
ers sold at (3.30.
IlOgR ,
The hog market was active at an advance
of 5c. The market opened with the buyers
offering (1,40 for good heavy and light
mixed loads and It was only ns It became
evident that the supply would fall short of
the demand lhat the market took a sudden
upward Jump. Boston was a liberal buyer
of heavy hogs , wh'ch ' sold mostly a' ( I.4U@
1.45 , and Iho light hog buyers wcro offering
? 4.50 for Yorkers , but were unable to got
them oven at that price.
There were no sheep hero to make n mar-
< nl , but owing lo Iho oversupply and slow
and lower markets nt eastern points the feelIng -
Ing hero would naturally be lower. Still the
lomand Is good and that fact helps to keep
the prices up. _ ' _
Catllo 1,803
Hogs . . 3,500
Prevailing Prices.
The following is iilablu of pricai paid in
this market for the gr.idoj of stock men
tioned :
Pnmostoers , 1300 to 1530 Ibs.(3.70 'W4.00
Good steers , 1250 to 1 50 Ibs. . . 3.IJO ( . )
Good steers , 1050 to 1300 Ibs. . . 3.5' ' ) ( y.3.70
Ordinary to fair cows l.SM ( ' . { 2.40
Fair to good cow. ? 2.40 ( i 2. < JO
Good to choice cows 2.00 ( rfil.00
Choice to fancy cowsheifers. . D.OO frW.20
Falrto good bulls 2.00 ( < W,50
Good to choice bulls 3.50 ( < i3.00
Light stockers and feeders. . . . 2.70 ( M-ll ( >
Good feeders , ' .Kit ) to 1109 Ibs. . 2.1)0 ) ( uU.30
Fair to choice light hogs 4.40 ( $4.50
Fair lo choice he.ivy hogs 4.-IO ( i$4.i > 0
Fair to choice mixed hogs 4.40 (154.41 (
Fair to medium native sheep. . 4.00 ( ; l.5 !
Good to choice nalivo sheep. . . 4.5'J M4.75
Fair to choice western shosp. . 3.5) @l.75
Shorn sheep 3.00 ( $4.00
Ili-prcHcntallvo Sulcs.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
30. . . . . . . . 804 ( 'UO 18 1153 $3.02
I ! ) . . . 10011 3.30 54 1178 a.J2V (
12. . 1133 3.30 17 linn 3.C2 > 5
1. . . 1120 3.30 21 1254 3.1
21. . . 10UO 3.40 5'3 1222 3.i5 (
U7. ) 3.40 11 12112 3. ( > 5
21. . . 1025 342' * 20 117 ! ) 8.05
23. . , 11114 3.45 17 1422 3.70
' .150 3 50 30 1331 3.70
0. 1070 3.50 13 1271 ! 3.70
18. llfcO 3.f.5 . 10 1319 3.70
23. 101(1 ( 3.55 85 1301 3.72K
14. 1073 3.57)4 ) M 1430 3.75
42. 1127 3.57 40 14 ( > fi 3.75
17. 1103 3.0' ' ) 41 1339 3.75
Jl. 1243 303 51 12M5 3.75
Hi. 11.VJ 3.00 20 1308 3.75
15. 11(12 ( 3.00 19 1105 3.SO
10. 10S1 3.00 43 1408 3.80
1005 3.110
1. . . 1120 2 25 3 .1173 3.00
1. . . 1020 2.40 3 ,1077 8.00
2..r,0 1 ,1300 8.00
. 700 2.50 0 .1223 8.10
7. . . 1C04 2.55 1 ,1500 , 8.10
15. . . 1IS1 2.55 5. . 800 8.25
10. . . 1042 2.85 .1240 3.25
1. .1270 1.90 .1735 2.50
1. .1000 2.0(1 ( .14 CO H.OO
1. .MHO 2.00 .1470 y.oo
I. .1000 2.10
3. . . 940 3.CO 11 918 : uo
23. . . 8SO 3.30 1 1150 : i,30
0. . . 372 2.25 1 150 4.00
1. . . 190 4.00
. . 500 2.70 23 090 2.75
. .1500 3.00
20. , . .1372 11.05 21 1337 3.70
OS. . . .1381 3.70
OS.No. noas.
No. Av. Stifr. Pr. No. Av. Shk , Pr.
05. . 233 120 81.87'f ' 02. . . .200 bO $4.40
05. . .201 4.37'tf ' 03. . . .273 80 4.40
65. . .239 80 4.40 08. . .210 100 4.40
0.3. . .2Vi 120 4.40 05 250 1(50 ( 4.40
71. . 4.40 5' ) . . . . 823 ICO 4.40
53. . SO 4.4UC ! 5S..253 120 4.40
01. . .288 100 4.40 73. 240 4.40
' .239 200 4.40 74. . 40 4.40
5s ! . .272 NX ) 4.40 75. . 80 4.4'JM
fi'J. . .809 80 4.40 51. . 2sO 4.4 %
05. . .20' ! 40 4.40 77. . .217
( H . .271 100 4.40 5(1. ( . , .321
02. . .2:9 bO 4.40 00. . . 297
71. . .222 120 4.40 01 . . .233
50. . iSil 40 4.40 . . .227 ICO
75. . .247 120 4.40 . . .215 80 4.45
GO. . W ) 4.40 ' 272 120 4.45
70. . .258 40 4.40 ! . ! - ' I 100 4.45
07. . .273 80 4.40 07. . . .213 4.45
03. . .231 4.40 01. . . .233 80 4.45
00. . .2'J3 ICO 4.40 223 120 4.45
01. . , .202 SO 4.40 ' ' ' 4.45
03. . .2(53 ( 100 4.40 . . . 271 80 4.45
00. . , .250 200 4.40 . ,2'2 * 4.45
51. . .293 200 4.40 57. . ' 100 4.45
07. . .271 80 4.10 01. . ! . 5u3 40 4.47K
I. . .255 100 4.40 07. . , .271 4.47'i
51. . .28 J 4.40 50..253 4.50
Ilvo htoulc Notes.
N. 13. Hcrffcren , of WuUoo , wus In looking
over the market.
\V. H. Ticlincr ami O. Tanner catno In from
Bcatrlco with uattlu.
J. F. IColloy , Hcimbllcnii City , was herewith
with cattle ami hogs.
Charlie Welch , P.ipilllon , came in with
A Johnson , of Friend , was In with a load
of cattlo.
II. K. Cnloy , Wallace , wa3 on the marltot
with lioirs.
J. V. Pugsloy , of Mondamln , la. , was over
with cattle.
V. Jennings , a heavy shipper , was over
from the UlulTs with a car of cattlo.
F , Ho by , Grand Island , marketed two loads
of cattlo.
H. II. Hoblnson , superintendent of the
Hay State Live Stock Co. , Kimbiill , Nob. ,
was at the yards.
J. F. Horryinan , Cordova , catne m with
two loads of hogs.
The Leonard Park Land & Cattle Co. , had
four cars of westerns ou the market , fed by
N. U. HorgK'ren , Wahoo.
Captain I. Qnyart brought In a load of
corn-fed Texans from Talnmgo this morn-
H. C. Dawson , Endicott , was a visitor at
the yards.
F. McGlvorin , president of the First Na
tional bank of Stanton , Nob. , was n visitor
at the yards.
C. W. McCotnb , of Wllsonvlllo , was on the
market with a load of cattle and OHO of hogs.
Hoelus had n representative on the market
In the person of August Arrions , who brought
in u car of hogs.
J. C. Gribble , of Dakota City , brought In a
fine lot of cattle this inornlnR ; they brought
AS' . J. Uurger , of Donlphan , marketed two
good loads of cattlo.
Charles Pitman , Sprague , marketed throe
cars of cuttle.
Mr. Adams.of the flrm of Wilcox & Adams ,
O'Neill , cauie down with a car of hogs.
II. WooarutT , of Ulysses , was on the mar
ket with cattle and hogs.
Silver City was represented by C. W.
Swartz , who came in with two cars of cattlo.
A. H. Hankey. Alda , was iu with two loads
of cattlo.
George Sims , of Hall & Sims , came over
from Portsmouth , la. , with three loads of
cattle ,
J. A. Amsborry , of Mason City , was on the
market with cattle and hogs.
Rankin liros. , Cambridge , marketed two
loads of cuttlo.
II. Walvlno , of Goohncr , shipped In hogs
which brought the top price , M.50.
J. P. Hoagland , Nollgb , was In looking
after the sale of three car * of cattlo.
Produce , KrnlM'Etc.
Produce Is nrrlvlng freolV , 'nnd prices for
sprint ? vegetables nro lowering dally. Butter ,
eggs nnd cheese nro woaKer. , with n declin
ing tendency. Hides aro.loyver nnd market
very dull.
Btmnit Table dairy , 14(5lCc ( ; packers'
stock , 710c. { Creamery prints , fancy. 23
( # 23o ; choice , 18@20c ; solid packed , 18 ®
Eons Strictly fresh , 10 ( < M2c ,
CiifiE&E Young Ainorlcn. full cream , 12c ;
twin flats , 12c ; oft grades , 8@lOo ; Vnn Ros-
Rent Edam , $11.50 porclozeil ; sap sago , lOc ;
brick , 15c ; limburgcr , 12c : , domestic Swiss ,
14c ; skims , 4SCo ; cheese Bafcs.bronzomedal ,
No. 8 , $2.75.
POULTIIY Live hens per dozen , M.75Q
4.00 : roosters , ? 3.00@3.25 ; turkeys , 10@llo
per Ib.
AITLES Choice , $3.25(38.50 ( ; common , 11.75
STiiAWimimiES Per case , 24 qts , 12.00 ®
4.00.GUANOES Fancy Washington navels. $5.00
( B5.25 ; Riverside , $3.003.25 ( ; fancy paper
rind St. Michaels , $3.75r$4.25 ; fancy Dunrto
Mediterranean sweets , $2,75S3.25 ( ; fancy
bright mountains , $2.25@2.75 ; Los Angeles
( choice ) , $2.2502.50.
COCOA.VUTS Choice Runtans , per 100,14.50 ;
less than 100 , $5.00.
BANANAS According to slzcof bunch , $1,50
E'AIILY VEor.TAin.r.s Lettuce , per dozen
liendu , 25@30e ; radishes , per dozen bunches.
UKftlBc ; green onions. 12W15c ( ; parsley , 25@
DOc ; soup bunches , 35(3)40c ( ) ; beets , 55 ( r > 0e ;
carrots , 50Q55o : turnips , ,60@55o ; oyster
plant , 3i5o' ( ) ( : celery , S5c@Jl.00 ; cauliflower.
$1.7502.25 ; cucumbers. SO@GOu ; green
jwas , bu boxes , $2.00@2,25 ; string beans , ' <
bu box , $1.50ji ( > l.i5 ; tomatoes , . ' < ( bu , $1.75 ®
3.UO : asparagus , per Ib , B@lOc ; pie plant ,
per Ib , 3@5o ; new potatoes , per Ib , 2Jtf@3c ;
cabbage , 2Jf Jf.'ic.
Fitr.sii FISH White flsh , frozen , per Ib ,
7c ; iterrings , frozen , per Ib , Be ; trout , fresh
caught , per Ib , DC ; whlto perch , fresh caught ,
per Ib , 7c : buffalo , fresh caught , per Ib , 7c ;
pickerel , fresh caught , pelIb , 8c ; black bass ,
fresh caught , per Ib , lie.
Bmxs Choice hand picked navy , $2.25 ;
choice hand picked medium , $2.00 ; cholco
hand picked country , $1.75@1.UO ; clean coun
try , 11.50(11)1.05. ( )
POTATOES Choice , sacked , per bu , 25@30c.
VB\L Choice , medium size , 7@Sc ; choice ,
heavy , 4@0c.
HIDIS : , PEI.TS , T.M.I.OW , ETC Green salted
hides , 4C'5c ; dry salted hides , Oc ; dry flint
hides , 7c ; calf hides , 5@5Ue ; damaged hides
2o less : sheep pelts , green , each 25iil.UO ;
sheep pelts , dry , per Ib , U@12c ; wool , aver
age. 14i18o ( ; tallow , No. 1 , 3J @ 4c ; tallow ,
No. 2 , 2' @ 3o ; grouse , white , 84c { ;
grcasp , yellow , 2@2 > < c.
Al-ri.i : BtiTTEit 7e.
CiDEit-Bbls , $5 ; hf bbls , $3.
BUTTcniNK 14f15c per Ib.
MAPLE SIKIAII I2) c 15c per Ib.
HONEY 10i17c ( per Ib.
PitESEitviis 9'f@30c per Ib.
JELLIES ' Qi-to per Ib.
BEESWAX No. 1 , 18@20c.
BLOCK TIN Eng. Ref'g , small pig , 28c ;
bar , 29c.
Coi'i'isu Planished boiler sizes , JUc ; cold
rolled , 80c ; sheathing , 30c ; pitts. 30c ; Hats ,
cent discount.
quality , per Ib , lOJ e ; No. 24to , 2" . B quality ,
S e. For less than bundle mid } c per Ib.
Roonxd ( Best Charcoal. ) 1C , 14x20 , 112
sheets , $5.75 ; IX , 14x20 , 112 sheets , S7.UO ; 1C.
20x27 , 112 sheets , $11.00 ; IX , 2ux23 , 112
sheets , $13.50. t
SIIEIST Iitox No. 20 , $3.40 ; No. 27. $3.50.
Soi.DEit Iloyt Metal Co'f half and half in
1 Ib cases , per Ib , lOc ; commercial half and
half , 15c ; No. 1 in bars , Ho.
TIN PI.VTU ( Best Charcoal ) 1C , 10x14 ,
225 sheets. Sri.50 ; IX , 10x14 , 225 sheets , ? S.25 ;
1C , 12x12. 225 nlieets. $0.50 ; 1A , 12x12 , 225
sheets. JS.25 ; 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets , f50 ! ! ; IX.
14x20 , 112 sheets , $3.25 ; ' IXX , 14x20 , 112
sheets , S10 ; IXXX , 11x20,112 sheets , $11.75 ;
1C , 2x23 , 112 sheets , $13,20 ; IX , 2x23 112
sheets , 17 ; IXX , 2x23 , 11 ? sheets. $20.50.
COKE 1C , KM , 225 shcoW , $0 ; llxC , 14x20 ,
112 shoots , ti : 1C , 10x20 , 125 sheets , $0.50 ;
steel nails , $2.20 ; steel wire nails , $2.05.
inch , 2l'iv G G 24 inch , 20o ; II A F , % ,
25c ; J R F , / , 27c , G. ? f , Me.
Con > ET JKANS Androscoggin , 7J c ; Kear-
sage , "J c ; Rockport , OJfc ; Concstoga , 0 > < Jc ;
TICKS Oakland , A. 7 > < c ; International ,
YY.Sc ; Shetuekct , S , S' u ; Wnrren , No. 870 ,
lOc ; Berwick , BA , ISc : Acme , lie ! ; York , 33-
inch , 12J c ; York , 83-Inch. 13' < o ; Swift
River , 80 ; Thorndiko OO , SUc ; ThonuUtte
EF. Sj e : Thorndiko 120 , i o Thorndiko
XX , 15c ; Corais No. 5 , 9 > o ; Cordls No. 4 ,
JJr.NiMS Amoskcag , 9oz , lOJ o ; Evorolt , 7
oz , 18)4c ; York , 7 oz , 13 } < c ; Haymaker , 8 } o ;
J.ifTiv.v , XX. HKo : Jairroy , XXX , 12Ko ;
Beaver Creek , AA. 12e ; Beaver Creek , BB ,
He ; Beaver Creek , CO , lOc.
KEXTUCKV JEANS Memorial , lEe- ; Dakota ,
ISe ; Durham , 27 o ; Hercules , 18c ; Leam
ington , 2. o ; ( Jottawold , 27 e ; Melville ,
CitAoii Stevoaa' B , 5fc ; Stevens' B ,
bleached , 7y , Slovens' A , 7c ; Stevens' A ,
bleached , 80. atovons' P , 7 , ' c ; Stevens' P ,
American A , bcamlcss , (17.25 ;
Union Square paper , discount , 35 per cent ;
Mikado Square p.tpcr , discount , 85 per cent.
CANNED Fiturrs Apples , pur gal , $2.15 :
blackberries , 2 Ib , 75c ; blueberries , 2 Ib. 75c ;
blueberries , 2 Ib , $1.50 ; cherries , red , 2 Ib ,
OSc ; cherries , white , 2 Ib , $1.55 ; prcs. figs , 1
Ib , $2.'JO ; gooseberries. 2 Ib , il.10 ; pineapples ,
2 Ib , $2,73 ; pine apples , 2 Ib , $2.50 j pine-
anples , 2 Ib , (2.25 ; pineapples , 2 Ib , $1.CO ;
strawberries , 2 ID , SI 15 ; strawberries , prcs. ,
U Ib , $2.00 ; raspberries , 2 Ib (10 ( y syrup ) ,
$1.20 ; peaches , It. & R. , extra yellow , 3 Ib ,
$3.00 ; R. & R. , yellow , sugared. 8 Ib , J800 ;
ICcnnett imperial yellow , 8 Ib , $1.90 ; Credit's
.standard , 3 Ib , $1.75 ; Monitor seconds , 3 Ib ,
$1.35 ; Atlantic , 3 Ib , $1.30 ; Booth's pies , 3
Ib , $1.10 ; Grecht's , 81b , Sl.OO ; Myers' , 0 Ib ,
CANNED FISH Brook troul , 3 Ib , $2.50 ; sal
mon irout , ' . ! Ib , $2.85clums ; , 1 lbl. 23 ; clams ,
2 Ib , * 2.00 ; clam chowder , 31b , $2.25 ; devilled
crabs , 1 Ib , ? 2.23 ; devilled crabs. 2 Ib , W.50 ;
codfish balls , 2 Ib , $1.75 ; caviar , M Ib , (2.25 ;
cols , 1 Ib , $3.25 ; lobsters , 1 Ib. $2.00 ; lobsters ,
lib , (1.90 ; lobsters , devilled , J < f Ib , $225 ;
mackerel , 1 Ib , $1,00 ; makercl mustard sauce ,
3 Ib , $2.90 ; mackerel tomato sauco.3 Ib , $ . ' .90 ;
maclierel tomato Banco , , ' ! lu , $8.40 ; mackerel
mustard sauce , 3 Ib , (3.40 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 85c ;
oysters , 2 Ib , $1.50 ; salmon , C. R. , 1 Ib , $2.10 ;
salmon , C , R. 2 Ib , $3.10 ; salmon , Alaska , 1
Ib , 31.85 ; salmon , Alaska , "Ib , $2.'JJ ; shrimps ,
1 Ib , $2.05.
CANDLES Star , Ss. 1C oz , per Ib , 9o ; Star ,
8s , 14 oz , per Ib , Oc : Stearlo , wax , 10 oz , Os ,
per Ib , lie ; Stearic , wax , 14 oz. Os , per Ib ,
lie ; half boxes , > /u extra.
CANIIV OK@12Ku per Ib.
CHOCOLATE AND Cocoxr-2Ii39c ( per Ib.
German chlckory red , be.
Mocha , 2.3c : Java , fancy Mandchltng , 27c ;
Java , good interior , 3-o.g ) , <
COKDAOI : ANiiTwixii-rManllla rope basis
K in , 17o : Sisal rope.vaSKo ; Good's Now
Process rope , 9 > c ; cotton rope , > / , % and \ <
in , lOc : cotton twine , line 4-ply , Bibb , 22o ;
do medium , 20c ; do coare 16c ; hemp twine ,
No. 105 , 82o ; llax twine. .No. 18 , 2l > e ; cotton
inoiis. 8 Ib. per doz , ( I.'SO : caudlewlck , 23o ;
sail iwino. B. 8-ply , 22e.- ' ' '
DuiEi ) FUUITS Per iu1 , apricots , 14@17o.
Apjilcs , Mich. , 4 e : star , Oo : oldens ,
80. Peac
unpeeled ,
Lake ,
runts. , .
peel , 83c. Lemon peel , 14e. Fnrd dates , lOo.
Figs , UWlOe. Raisins , uialaga bunch , doho-
sas , 5.00 per box ; vulenelas , jer ) Ib , 7o ; Col.
G. it S. , $2.40 per box. Dried grapes , 5c.
Blackberries , 6Jfc. Pitted cherries. 17o.
Pilled plums , Kllc. Raspberries , 21c.
roni , llKo ; vermiceli , llj o ; rice ,
sago and tapioca , 0@7c.
FISH Salt Dried codflsh , OK@SKo hali
but , 12o ; scaled herring , 25o per box ho ) .
herring , dom. 60c ; Hamburg spiced herring ,
( l.X1.10 ( ) : imp. hoi. herring , 70c@1.00 ;
uiaokorol , hlf bbls. No. 1 , (13.60 ; lariso fam
ily , (12.60 per 100 Ibs : whlto fish , No. 1,17.25 ;
family , ( ; 1.50 ; trout , S5.25 ; salmon , (8.60 ; an-
hovles , It' Ib pulls , 60o.
NUTS Almonds , 1018o ; Brazils , Oo ; fil
berts , I''o ; pecans. lUc ; walnuts , ISc ; pea
nuts cocks , 80 ; rousted , lOc.
OiLS-Keroscne PY , lOtfc ) W W , IScj
headlight , 14c ; salad oil , 3.So@7,00 per
PICKI.KS Medium , Toor bbl , (5.00 ; small ,
(0.00 ; gherkins , (7.00.
WiMri'ixo PAi'KK Straw , per Ib , 1 , ' @
2 > jo ; rag. S' c ; maullln B , Oc ; No. 1 , PC.
SALT Dairy , 140 2-lb pkps , PJ.70 ; do 100
3-lb pkgs , (2. ( ! do Co ft-lb pkgs. (2,60 ; do 23
10-lb pkps , (2.40 ; Ashton , bu bags , 60.1b , 85c ;
do 4 bu bagi , 224-lb , (3.40 ; do M S A , 60-lb
baps , 65o ; loose , per bbl , (1.33.
SEEDS Bird , 4 > 4' < aJc. (
SU.IODA I jf ( < t2 fo per Ib.
STAIICII B o$7o per Ib.
STOVB 101.1811 $2.00(35.87 ( per gross.
SI-ICES Whole , per Ib Allspice , 12c ;
Cassia China , lOc ; cloves , X.anzlbnr , 25o ;
nulmogs , No. 1 , 70o ; pcpiier , 20c.
SUOAUS Granulated , 9'J)4'c ' ) ; confection
ers A , Oc ; standard , extra C , 8 < @ 8tfc ; :
yellow C , 8 0 ; powdered , 0 ; < @l fe ; cut
loaf , 1010' c ; cubes , 0 < ( MJfc.
Svntii-s Per gal , 27@40a ; N. O. molasses
35 < 4c.
VINEOAH Per gal , 13@20o.
Dry Goods.
COTTOX FIANNEI.S 10 per cent trade dls-
counu Unbleached LL , 6 0 : CO , CJfc ; SS ,
7Wo ; EE , 8fc : GO , O'fc : XX , lOKo ; OO
llV/o / ; NN , 12i o ; AA , 14o ; DO , 15Xc ; TT
CH'c : XY , ISo ; BB , lOc ; bleached , 20. 8J o
f,0 , 13Xc. Brown and slnlo , 50 , Oc ; OJ , 13 > Jo
90. Klc ; 70 , 12 0.
CAHI-ET WAHIBibb , white , lOe ; colored ,
22 c.
c.BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty ,
12 0' Boone , 14c ; B , cased. $0.60.
PniXTs Solid colors Allanlle , Oo ; Slate ,
Oe. Berlin oil , C ! c ; Garner oil. 07c.
Pm.NTs Pink and Robes Allen , Oc ; Klver
point , fi } o ; Steel River , 0 > e ; Richmond ,
0 > e ; Pacific , 7c.
PKINTS Dress Charter Oak , 6tfc } ; Ham-
npo , 4o ; Lodi , fiifc ; AlU-n , Oc ; Kiclimoml , Cc ;
Windsor , 0 > c' ; Eddystono , 0 > ie ; Pncinc ,
0 > e. .
I'niXT.s Indigo Blue St. Ledger , 5 e ;
Arnold , OJ c ; American , O' c ; Arnold C ,
long cloth , DC ; Arnold B , long elolh , 10' c ;
Arnold , Gold Seal , Hike ; Stcifel A , 12e ;
Windsor , Gold Tickel , 10 > < jc ; Arnold A. 12e.
GINOIIAM Plunket cheeks , tP4c ; Whllton-
Ion , 0 ! < c ; Yoric , 7' c ; isormimcii dress , HC ;
Renfrew dress , S > i@12'-c ' ; Whitlcnloii,7Hc ;
Calculta , 7'jc.
CtMiiuic.s Slater , 5e ; Woods , 5c ; Stand
ard , 6c ; Peacock , 5c.
Ui.KvniKi ) SIIKETINO Ellerton , 7 > c ;
Housekeeper , SJiJc ; New Candidalc , 8)40 ) ;
Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , OJjc : Besl Yet ,
44 , ( JJ4o ; Butlercloth , OO , 4'4C ; Cabot , 7)jc ) ;
l-'arowcll half bleached , b , ' < ie ; Fruit of Loom ,
SJje ; Green G , Oe ; Hope , 7Vc ; King Phillip
cambric , lOo : Lonsdnlo cambric , lOe ; LOIIH-
dale , SKc ; New York Mills , lOe ; Pciipcroll ,
42 In. JO c ; Pepperoll 40 in , \ \ % cPepper \ -
ell , 0-4 , l4Kc ; Popiorell , 8-4 , 20c : Pcnpercll ,
0-4 , 22c ; Pepperoll , 10-1. 24e ; Canton , 4.1 ,
S.fc ; Canton. 4-1 , ll fe ; Triumph , Oc ; Wam-
sutta , lie : Valley , 5c.
BHOWN SHEETIXO Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7J4"c ;
Atlantic II , 4-4 , 7e ; Atlanlie D. 4-4 , O&o ; At
lantic P. 4-1 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-1. tic ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 4c ; Crown XXX , 4-1 , O e ; Hoosier
LL. 4-4. Oe ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 c ; Law
rence LL. 4-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 6c ;
Pepperoll E , 40-in. 7 } < fe ; Pcnpcrcll , 8-1 , 17c ;
Pepperell , 0-4 , 21c ; Pcpperell , 10-4 , 22o ;
Utisa C , 4-4. 4 4--c ; Wachuselt , 4-4 , 7 c ; Au
rora H , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora B , 4-4 , OJife.
FLANNELS , Pmn Haftfiinen,20c ; Goshen ,
e ; Clear Lake , 30Vtfc ; Iron Mountain ,
The English Mctnl Market.
Nr.\v Yoitit , May 8. The metal market
publishes the following cablegrams :
LONDON Tix The weaker tendency noted
last Friday , has been oven moro pronounced ,
this weeit , Monday's market being again 5s
lower at . 91 for cash and ' 92 forward. A
further decline of 1C@153 on early 'change
and 5s in the afternoon , brought the closing
figures , on Tuesday , to 00 7s Od and 91 2s
Od. Even this was not low enough , as dur
ing the next forenoon the price got down
12s Gdi ( < ! l53 more , but closed for the day at a
recovery to 90 5s nnd 91. These quotations
wcro improved 5s , yesterday ; but this morn
ing there was a fresh decline of 10s , and
closing quotations are down to 89 17s Oil
cash , i'OO 12s Od for the three month's prompt.
CoiTEit. The conflicting rumors have to
n large extent checked transactions , but
prices have been , on the whole , fairly steady ,
although very uncertain throughout. The
price for G. M. C. stood on Monday 15s be
low lust week's close , at W7 103 ; but casli
bars advanced 5s , mid forward prompts 7s
OdOQISaGd on Tuesday. A now "reaction to
i'UT lUd was noted on AVednesduy's lirst
'change , but a very slight demand for futures
improved thcsi > to 38 63 ; which movement
was reversed yesterday , when the market
was firmest in the morning at a 5stv l5s advance
vance , closing back to .i.33'and 33 5d. Not-
wlthstandingrcports that the combination has
been abandoned , the market opened steady
to-day , and advanced to 3'Js ' 5d forward nt
the close.
ANTIMONY Stands without further chan o
ut 40 for Hallett's.
SI-ELTEK Has cased of a little , Sileslan
being now quoted ill ? 10s@ 17 15s.
ENGLISH Pie IUON Went back again three
pence on Tuesday to 3Ss 'Jd ; since when no
change has been reported from Middlcsboio.
HE&SI.MEU Pia Continues to tie quoted nt
West Coast ports , 50s Od for mixed numbers.
Snr.L RAILS Are still under nc'.ivo de
mand , but unchanged In price nt 4 12s Cu@
4 15s f. o. b. for heavy sections.
OLD RAILS Rather less active , and in
some cases quoted lower : T's 02 GUi < G7s Od ,
D. H. 703 ( 75s , f. i. f. , N. Y.
SciiAi1 luox Quiet and unchanged at 45sS )
50s fo. b.
GLAUGOW Scotch warrants Again shows
less firmness and has In fact made n rather
marked decline on the week. The opening
was fairly steady on Monday nnd Tuesday ,
but the market beo.tmo heavy later in the
latter day ; closing nt 43s 9d , or flvcponco
lower than the preceding Friday. Prices
weto again weak on Wednesday , ruling two
pence higher In the early dcalingsbnt closing
down to 43s 7d ; and yesterday they ilat-
lened out a penny or two more , but closed
better nt 43s 8d. To-day the market lias
been Ilrmer au'ain , advancing this afternoon
to 4 Is.
Makers' quotations nro forColtness , along
side , Glasgow , 553 Ou : Gart&horrio , along
side , Glasgow , 52s 3d ; Summerlee , alongside ,
Glasgow , 51s Od : Langloan , alongside , Glas
gow , 64s 0,1 ; Carnbroe , alongside , Glasgow ,
lJs ( ; Glcnsarnock , alongside , Ardrossan , 51s
( Id ; Egllnton , alongside , Ardrossan , 45s , Dal.
mellington , alongside , Ardrossan , 45s Od ;
Lighterage , Ardrossan to Glasgow , Is ton.
LiVKiti'ooi , , Friday , May 3 , ISM ) . TIN
PLATES. Market dull and quiet. Charcoal
tin plates , plates. Meln grade , 17s 3d@17s
4K'l ' ; Allaway grade. 15s H di$15.s ( 3d ; Terno
plates , Dean grade , 14s 201 and I ! ! ! > @ 13s8d ;
Torno plates , Denn grade , 20s 28d nnd 20sn ( >
20s 3d ; coke tin plates , B. V. grade , 13s 3d.
SixoAi-oitE , Thursday , May 2 , 1689. TIN.
92 10s cost and freight to Now York.
nncl ClionilcalH.
ACID Sulphuric , per Ib , 2c ; citric , per Ib ,
50e ; oxalic , perlb , 12c ; tanaric , powdered ,
per Hi , 50o.
ALUM Per Ib , 3 > c.
AMMONIA Carbonate , nor Ib , 15c.
AituowuooT Bormundu , per Ib , 40c.
BALSAM Copaiba , per Ib , OSc.
BOHAX Holined , per Ib , liie.
CALOMEL Am , per Ib , b'Jo.
OAHHIA BUDS -Per Ib , li-c.
CiiLolioi'onxi Per Ib , 47o.
COHUOHIVH SuiiMMtTi : Per Ib , 72c.
CniiAM TAKTAH Pure , per Ib , 42c.
EXTIIACT Lonwooi ) Bulk , per Ib , lOc.
GUCEIIIXE Bulk , per Ib , 2Se.
GUM AHAIIIC Select , , per Ib , Sl.OO.
Assroi.TiDA Per Ib , 18e.
CAMI-IIOU Perlb , Sic.
Oi-iL'M Per Ib , $3.25.
IODIXB Rcsublhnatcd , jier oz. (3.EO.
LEAVES Buchu , short , per Ib , I5c , senna ,
Alex , per Ib , 83e.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
O5 feoiilhlUlli Struct , Omaltu
AgrlcUUtirnl ImplomontB.
l , 1'AltKEU ,
DcalcrlQ Airicnllnral Implements , Waps
iuceto * . Jones itrcet , between Pth and
lutli. Omabt , .NobtMK * .
Agricnlt1 IiDplemcnts , Wagons , Carriages
nagglcs.clo. Wholcolp. Omnhiv , NeMa'Ua.
y , onuxDoiw A MAitny co.
Wholesale Detlcni In
Agricnltnral Iraplenients , WagonsB Bnggies
lftVt,10i and M7Jon Mrect. Omaha.
MOLINE , MJLliUllffJt : S1OVDA1W CO. ,
uanufactureri and jobber * In
Wagons , Baggies , Raies , Hews Etc ;
Cor. Mb and Tacltto itrcots , Omaha.
. . _ ArtlstB1 Mntorlola.
A. 110SP t Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
U13 Douflai ilraet Omaha , Nebraska.
Doots and Shoos.
IP. V. MOUSE JiCO. . ,
Jobbers of Boots and Snoes ,
1101,110) , 11U6 DouHlii rtreet , Omaha , Manufactory ,
Kumnior street , llinton ,
Coal , Coke nnd Llmo.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
. ! youth 1,1th itrcctOmah , Nebraska.
SliipiiesofCoaladCoKe ,
ill South 13th St.Omnlin , .Vcb.
Co m m\s \ a lonjnn d S torn.Bg
Storage and Cominission Merchants ,
Epcclaltlei lliutor , ejrKR , rhro o , poultry , earn * .
Ill'llduiml urcet Oiimliu. Xi-b.
Dry Goods and Notions.
Dry Goods , Fnrnisning Goods and Notions
1103 and 1101 DouRlai. cor , llth itroetOmaha , Neb.
Importers 2nd Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
fionu' furnlshlnc goods. Corner 1Mb. and llarney
itreoti , Omnh.1 , Nebraska.
Importers and jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
JITBoutu IMIi street.
Fur nltu o.
Wliolesale Dealers in Furniture
Furimm street , Omiilm , Nebraska.
Furniture ,
Cnmha Nohrnika.
Wliolesale Groceries and Provisions ,
705,707,7U-J nnd 711 South lUth St. , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers'
13th nna i/cnveinvortb streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
toy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Sprints , vrnuon stock , hardware , lumber , etc. 1203
nnd 1511 llarnoy street , Omaha.
Wliolesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals , flicot Iron. etc. Agent * for Howe scaloa.
Miami powder nnd l.ymau barbed wire ,
Bnild rs1 Hardware and Scale ReuairSliop ,
Mechanics' tools and IlurTalo unules. 1105 Uouiihu
street , Omnhtt. Neb.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
ItOBOrteil and American 1'nrtlnnd cemont. Bte44
geatlcr Ullwnukuu tiTduiullaoomenlitQA
yulncy whlto llmo.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood carpets nnil purquet tlonrlnp. iith a
streets , Omiiba , eb. _
( OSfAHA 'L mtWER CO. ,
AllKinds of Building Material at Wholesale ,
ISth Btruot and Union i'aeltlo Track , Omaha ,
Dealer in lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasb ,
Doora , Etc. Yards- Cornet 7th and Douglas , Corner
lUth and DouKlun ;
Lumber , Limu Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner Cth mid Douitlas bt > . , Omuliu.
C. N. DIET'/ .
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th anil California Street * , Omaha , Nebraska.
fflllllnory and Notions.
/ . OHERFEL'DER A c'oT ,
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
Mi , 210 uud 212 feonth lltli utreot
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
_ _ tW and (06 Booth 10th street. Omaha.
Jobber ! of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
Strut lurnlihlnv KuoJ. ohlMren't cnrrlaiiei , eV .
2UJ Firuaui sueoi. On Bba.Wi .
_ Oils. _
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle create , etc. , Omalia. A. II. Illihii | > , Manager.
Pop or.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nice utiick or printing , wrapping an-1 wrlllng
p per. bjicoml mtentluii HIVC'II tn mr loml orauri.
S T iSSr'3UKMbrll.liV < * IHI'llHKD
/ > 7 - * 'rr'usJ tittiHicatiT&sttspticsflBr
" fo".li"lkv' ! H'i' . '
it , , .
( lctlrle. < > > V 7l/dr ! MI/uru" La1 * > * kVirl'"r .
/ < / < l > < > l < ir.
J Ulkira UJ , Ullr.llli tjllitiunr,1i | , | | ( cmt
PXL'I ad a pr or > L'uwiil f & . tad up. Kbr lc irl-er
" ' " *
5 C -
T. E. GILPiK ! ,
Room os Tratlort *
l , Jones A Co.
Bolcsalo Maiiiifactiircrs of Bois& ? Slicca
r IloJlon Itubbcr S)7 ) CV > , IKil. 1101 dn > l 1M |
llntnej Bltvcl , Oinftlm ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
Norlh KIiI | > tr Hh
MannfactnrcrsofQalyaalzcd Iron Cornlco
Window-ran ami mrliOlc Htjlchtt. John KponoUr ,
proprietor. 1 * ninl 110 i-oulli 10th ittceu
Offloo Fixtures.
UanK , Office and Saloon Fixlnres ,
Wnnlloi , Sliielioantd. llonk O rp , Drup FlJUircn , W l |
Cop * , I'nrllllonn. IUIIInii < , OoHiit > * rii , H > > rr nil Wlnfl
Coolcrn. Mirror * . Klo1 Knclorj mul onlf * , ITS ) nnd 113
foiilh lithBt. : . Umtlm. Telciiluino Hi ) .
Pnpor Doxoo.
JOHX L. 1I7LA7/ : ,
rroprielor Omalia Paper Box Factorr ,
Not. 1317 nlJ 131U DonglM direct , Ouitihn , Nob.
Sash , Doors , Eto.
jr. A. nisitnow .t co. ,
Wliolonlc nufncturcr of
, Doon , Blinis and Mouldinp ,
llrnnch , 12th nnil linn ) xlrpnt Onmliiv , Neb.
Maiiufctiircrs of Sasli , Dooi , Blinds ,
Mouhllne' , work nnil Intrrlnr linnl wooil IlllUh.
N. K. corner fill nnd I.orm-nuc rili tlncta ,
OnniliD , Nob.
Stop m Flttl riBB Jpuni pg jet o.
Fnmps , Pipes and Engines ,
Btetm , w trr , rnllnnir nnil raining AuinillM. ML
tW. II' . ' ml VU Knniniii itroyt , OmMin.
17. S. IP/iVD ENO1NE .t PUMP CO. ,
Sleara and f aid1 Supplies ,
: I ; iil ( r nliiil mllln. (113 ( nnd t-2) .lotici Sl-Oro h .
U. F. UOH , actliitf AiKtmiior.
Engine ? , Boilers and General Machinery ,
BhccHron work , iitcnm pumtui , Inw inlllt. 11IH2II
l.cavomTurlli tuet'i , Orunln.
! lSlJ ! ° r'lSt. ' ' " "
S'l'KAM iro'/V/fN ,
Carter K. Son , rmp' . Munnf ctnrcr.i of ll kinds
Sleani BoifcK , Tanfa anil Sheet Iron Wo *
Works Soulli auth unil 11. & M. cro liiit. Tel. 1415
Wrought and Cast Iron Bni ding Wort ,
Engine * , bran work , general foiimlrjr , runclilne and
blucKauilUi noih. Olllco mul weris , U. 1' . llT-
and litli truct , Omalia. _
Manufaclnrers of Wire and Iroii Railings
Desk rail * , window Kuunl . llonvr stands , nlre
elc. 1K1 North lltli etrcot , Omalia.
OMAHA SAFE it/fay H'OR/fN ,
Hanl'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vault * . Jail \vnrk. Iron Bbutti > ra nnil tire escape * . '
U , Andrccn , prop'r. Cor. lltli ami Jackson Hit. i
Of Omalia , Limilei.
John K. Uoyil , tiiipurlBtoiulcnt.
Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ' ,
The Itcst llouto from Oiniiliu nnd Council
iiiuirs to
Clilfugo , AND Milwaukee ,
SI. J'uui , MiniiciipoHs , Ccdnr Ilaplds ,
Hock Island. Frceport , Uockford ,
Clliilun , Diihmiuc , D.ivcnport ,
ii'in : ( , Madison , Juncs > lllc ,
liuloit , AVinonii , LiiCrossc ,
And uli ether Important points Uai > t , Nortlicait infl
Kor through tickets , call 1111 Ilia tlckot nent nt 1SOI
KiinMiu utroL't , In llurliur IKoc'i , or at Union 1'uclUO
i'ujlnian Slcepcru nnd the llnost Dlnlni ; Cars In Ui
wurlit am run on the main Una of tlm Chlfiiuo , Mil *
waukiju .V ht. I'nul llallwar. nncl every attention II
paid ti pitiacnKorn bjr courteous oiuployos Ox taa
co in pan )
U , .Mil. I , Kll , General Mnnnccr.
J. r TUCKKIl. AailslttntUenural Mnnn or.
A. V. U. CAHI'UNl'KU , Uencral l'ug < uncer anil
Tk'knt Ajont.
tilSO. It IlllAH-iroUD.Asslstanl Concrairaseonfer
nnd Ticket Auent ,
T. J. CIiAKK , Oenonil guporlntondent.
Pure Old Eye Whiskey ,
The wldo ponulnrliy or Ilili mperli brnnd rim
tempted otlur ilralcrn to piece upon Iho market
Infi'ilor WlilsWcj , under n t-Unllnr imn.o , Intended
luili-cHvu tliu puliltc. Tliti New Ymlc Comt of An-
peHlH lias declared our lirand , tinHI All YlAND
t'l.UII. tntiau tradfinailc rntltlcil to Ihu protec
tion of the law < * eu ileelslon In Calm , licit & Co. t' .
Ja-ob Oiitlrrlialk. FfU. II , IRS ! ) , nnil wo now RTO |
notice that wo shall lininntly jircwiciilc any person
or Hi in. In nny part of tliu Unfti-il HtaU-s , yvliunhall
lie eullly of uny infrliiKcinent of tlili trnita mark.
CAHN , . BEtT & CO. ,
BOI.K | | ioi'inr.Tons or TIIK
niuryluml CMiib" Olil Ityu Wlilikor ,
( Successora to John U. Jacob * . )
Undertakers and Embalmer
At the olilstunil 1107 I'nrnam St. Orclors by
tuk'grapli solicited und iiroiniil'y ' attended.
ulvphoiin to No. " ! .
Ciipltnl . ? IOO,000
SurpluB.ini ) . iHt , 18 ! ) . SU.OOfl
OI'Tlt. I. Its AND DIltC
I1HSHV W , VATK1 * , 1'ruHlilunt.
1.13W1S . HUKI ) , Vlio 1'rusldfnt.
A.I : TOI/.AI-IN ; ,
W. V.4IOH8B.
J.N. U. 1'ATItlOI
W. U B. 1 1 UC I IKS , Cashier
Cciinur l"ti ! und Kiirnalu Bts ,
I.OIIlldll , IIllKlllIMl.
Amsterdam ,
'rrnnrnct n Kanenil hnnklnK Uu > lnun. Socnrlllei
lioutilit M : | tuld on commliilun. rurcUn oxclinuitci.
"oiiiBiiirtl.ilund tiiiMj.iT'ii luttt'iiuf ciuJIt ,
Uid iHlor bun1 , nil uliicKi ( i < utol uii roinml )
Dlnn In Ixjndun iintl on i'll Onitliiontni Uuurnei Ot
of ItnllAny , statu. City unl C'oriiorn-