Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Thousands of people visited tlie famous "McShane Barn , " on Thurs
s day , Friday and Saturday. At times the throng ; became so great. that it All Gable Gar
was frequently necessary to close the great door until those inside had been
New Style 75o SIR UCTORS
ALL SHAPES , supplied and were ready to depart and make room for other eager customers.
"With an increased force of salesmen it is hoped that all will receive prompt at Have Received Orders to
tention this week. It will be well'however , to attend early in the day , to be Stop Their Trains
sure of this. Hundreds of those who "have been there" freely state that the old At Mane's ' Barn.
barn contains the
Here are a few ot the Bargains the great crowd got today , and you can get them tonight and tomorrow and as long as they last.
MEN'S $6.00 SACK SUITS , made from niiscJ dnrk patterns 8 2 60 MEN'S ' $20,00 SUITS , 25 . styles , at $10,00
EN'S . , mtulo from check cheviot 3 60
S7.CO SUITS u grayish pattern
This line includes silk mixed
splendid tailor-mado Suits ; superb
EN'S" 58.60 SUITS , miulo from neat nnd stylish cheviots , nt 4 25 Large purchases from the great Lindauer Bros. ' failure and the windup - satin lined cheviot Suits ; elegant satin faced four-button cutaway
MEN'S $10.00 All Wool Grny nnd Brown CASSIMERE SUITS 5 00 Suits in Cray and brown , and line English worsted dress Suits , in
of Simeon Farwell & Co. enable us to offer the following . .
MEN'S $12.00 WHIPCORD WORSTED SUITS , wear like iron 6 00t up blaclallat ( $10.00.
MEN'S 812.00 ASSABET BLUE FLANNEL SUITS , guaranteed strictly all Gent's British Half Hose at fie Gent's 25c Cloth Covered Cuffs , per box fie iMEN'S ' $22,50 SUITS made from fine imported worsted small cleoX 11,25
wool tttid fust color G 00 Gent's 125e English Hulf Hose , in solid and fancy colors 12jc 'Gent's loc Cloth Covered Collars , per box < ic , ,
MEN'S 31 l.CO Black Plaid Diagonal WORSTED SUITS at 7 oo' ' Gent's $1.00 French Percale Shirts , collars attached , Gent's Men's and loc Wire Boys' Spring Straw Hats Sleeve , all Holders styles , in line braids , 6c MEN'S ' $25,00 Edinburgh Diagonal ( Mot SUITS 12,50
MEN'S $1&.00 BANNOCKBUKN CHEVIOT SUITS , regular ' GcnVs fc-.OO conuino ALL LINEN Shirts 81 00 fancy tips and leather sweats 80c The latest and nobbiest style in the market.
ironsides to wear , a variety of patterns " CO Men'sSOc Hickory Work Shirts 25u Men's 70'c Crush Hats , everybody wears them Soc
. . . . Mcifs $1.00 Fancy Flannel Shirts , beautiful patterns. 60c Boys' $1.50 Jacket and Pant Suits , neat patterns 75c MEN'S ' Soft
$28,00 Finisn French
MEN'S SJO.CO FITCIIBUKG WORSTED SUITS , in small brown stripe. g 00 Men's Summer Coats and Vests , nice patterns 75o , Worsted SUITS , in sacK and fracK ' 14,00
MEN'S $17.00 Velvet Finished CASSIMERE SUITS , dark and blue colors Men's Odd Vests , summer weight lOc '
§ d plaid patterns S 50 Underwear 80c Men's 20c Black Silk Bows 5c MEN'S $30,00 English Worsted Prince Albert DRESS SUITS 15,00
y'g i t Si PES afg 'Jrg
Corner I5th and Dodge Streets , across from Postoffice.
o O'CLOCK : IE5.
Thieves broke into Henry Poulor's
house at Tenth and Bancroft and stole
a ladies gold watch.
The bullet shot into Sergeant John-
eon's arm by Pawnbroker Sam Snyder
about two months ago , was removed yes
terday by a physician.
D. E. Armstrong , of Albion , who has
boon favored with an appointment in
the mail service , was started on his
first run yesterday morning.
George Smith , charged with obtain
ing money under false pretenses , was
arraiguod'boforo Justice Wade yester
day , and tlio case was dismissed.
Coroner Drexel resurrected the body
of Mrs. Sarah Milholon , yesterday
at Prospect Hill , and sent it to Spring-
Hold , Illinois , for final burial. The lady
died about one year ago.
The Knights of Labor Land and
Building association filed amended arti
cles of incorporation yesterday with the
county clerk. The amendment is the
etriking out of one of the clauses.
While W. S. Adair , who lives at
Eighth and Castollar. was driving
across the railroad trade at Shooley ,
his horse took fright and threw him
out. Fortunately no hones were broken ,
tut ho was badly bruised and cut.
O. T. Bawdcn , who lives at 103 North
'Thirteen , has sworn out a warrant for
the arrest of a man named Paul , who
lives with a woman next door to him
and whom ho charges with cruelty to
an infant child. Bawdcn says Dial the
Iwo arc unmarried.
i'crsoiml I'arn raplis.
Mian Nellie Kosowator has returned from
Now York , wlicro slio has finished tier third
year In the Cooper Art school.
C. J. SmnUwood , trnin dispatcher of the
Chicago. St. I'uul , Minneapolis & Oaiahn ,
returned with his fumlly from \Vortlilngton ,
Minn. , yesterday morning.
John H. Jlronson , of Rapid City. S. I ) . ,
proprietor of the finest hotel in tiiu now
Into , a p roui incut republican politician , ami
a man whoso Oinutm friends uro unnumbered ,
is In the i-.lty.
Low May , president of the Nebraska state
fish commission , 1ms ROIIO to' Philadelphia to
attend the annual convention of the Ameri
can FiBhorles society , which Is to bu hold tha
15th mid 10th of this month , nml In which ho
i Will represent the ntatu organization. *
GCOPKO * > V. Urowbtcr , "tho gentleman
from Ululno county , " Is in" town. Ho Is ono
of the veteran publishers and printers of
Horth Nobruskii. Twenty years ago ho
"soldiered" for "phal take * " on the news
papers of Omaha , mid managed between
limes to acquire a farm. After many trials
and tribulations ho 1ms rnauhcil the top
round of prosperity , frltigoU with public
favor ,
Following arc the trmrrmjfo licenses Issued
yesterday la the county cojrt :
.Niunc mid Afro.
( Thomas Urcnnim , South Omalin . ' . ' 9
I Urldgct McOllvo , Oilinlm . . . .U'l '
i Ernest T. Stlmor , Omaha . JJ3
I Alice Uobcrls , Omnlia . 18
Iloat In
The Nebraska fas ! Fuel company has llled
.With tlie board of public words , a plat show-
ini ; thn btreots and alleys upon which ) t do-
* lrcB to lay its mains.
' hi company's plant Is located on the cor-
Her of Indian u and Hickory streets and from
ilioro It Is proponed , nccordlns to the plat , to
run Its umlns through nearly every alKv as
ta.r west as Twentieth street ai'd nortli as
Jturns Nichols.
The object of the company Is to heat build-
ln.G and to supply pas for wokliu ; purposes.
Humors run riot in the blood at this
Benson. Hood's Sarsaprilla o.xpols every
Impurity and vitalizes find nuriulici xho
Mayor IH-oiUcli Says Ho Will Attempt
to Secure If ,
There is a deep feeling of indignation in
the community over the discovery of the sale
of arocipo for the manufacture of milk.
Speaking on this subject a man of family
said :
"A creator fraud could not be perpetrated.
The United States laws protect us in 'tho
quality of butter which wo arc disposed to
buy , but the city does not protect us
In the milk wo are required to drink.
I have tried six milk men , and civen them
all no. I know I was receiving only watered
milk and la ono instance iho mixture I re
ceived was such an macscHbablo compound
of white liquid and slnna that ono morning.
In the presence of the milkman , I throw
pitcher and all into the street and tnld the
frightened vender never again to enter my
promises. Two milk inspectors 'in
the city , bah I If they were
not inspectors of meat , also ,
there might bo some hopa of their doing
some peed in the way of securing good milk ,
but how can they do it. They cannot see
every butcher aud milk dealer la Omaha in
ono day. licsidcs , each of these men Is en
gaged in private business of his own , which
of course , takes up some of his timo.
"Now , I want to toll you that It requires
a scientific man in tlieso days
to inspect milk. Farr and Hick-
stein know no moro about science
than I do. They test milk by Himply dipping
a bulb Into it. If the milk Is thick , the bulb
will not sink In it , any moro than it would In
a thick puddle. Hut you would not call pud
dle milk , would you I And yoi , men
are paid for this kind of milk Inspection. It
Is this Inspection which has allowed the
palming oK on us of rotten , unwholesome
stun' which has almost ruined thu health of
my babies. "
Tliu ingredients composing the recipe are
as follows ; lit carbonate of soda , clyccr-
Ino , salt iiotrc , line salt , brown sugar ,
genuine milk and water. The chief refused ,
for ample reasons , to' disclose the quantities
of each ingredient. Ha added , however , that
two ounces of the Unit-named articles , mixed
with two gallon : * of milk and two gallons of
water would mnko four gallons of a coun
terfeit which would deceive oven a practiced
Mayor Hroach was seen yesterday with
reference to the bogus milk recipe published
above. Ills honor was in no pleasant mood
bccuuso the facts relating to the fraud , as
published in TUB HUB had caused him a
great deal of annoyance ,
"I .1:1 : going to settle the matter , " ho said ,
"but I cannot do everything nt once. "
"How do you propose to settle Itl"
"Well , 1 can't tttute Just at present , but
you may rust assured that iho evils com
plained of will bo removed before lonp. At
present I could only refer In a general way
to an ordinance which may bo introduced ,
but the features of which must bo developed
later. I have written u loiter to ono of the
milk Inspectors iislcini ; him why ho has not
reported as ha required to do. "
"To whom mut hu report I"
"Ho must report to the board of health.1
-"Once u monthl"
"No , ho is expected to report every week. "
"How long s-.nco he reported I"
"Oli , ho hasn't ' reported for weeks and
weeks , ant ! I haven't heard from him yet.
Ho may , however , have called to oo mo
white I have been away , but , If ho has , I
haven't heard of it. "
"Which of Iho Inupcctorr. do you refer to ! "
"Hickstoin. "
"I am going to see that he compiles with
Ills instructions , or Know why. "
"IJouH tlm other inspector , Farr , report as
"Vies. "
lOii'lod In SuioUe.
A placard . .tacked upon the door of the
Gotham cigar toro on Fifteenth street near
Fnrnum , and bearing the words , "Closed
Under Mortgage , " wan suOlciont explanation
of the closed doors nr-j Closely drawn blinds
that greeted the seeker utter ; thp weed.
Last Saturday a Mr. Harhurger , of Wor-
thelmeo & HhilTer , ci ar manufacturers In
Now Yovk City and mono efforts to collect
payment on a iwto of ICdward luilin'8
for { 545 , r.ltliou.ih thu unto tvlll not bo duo
uiilll July , Ho did nvt Bucuerd with Mr.
ICiilin and finally offered the note , it Is said ,
at u discount. A number of Kalm's credi
tors hearing of this , became suspicious aud
asked him to protect them. This ho did by
Rivmg a first mortgage on the stock to the
First National bank for $1,800 , and other
mortgages to his friends , Moso Hois , of
Hradford , Pa. , for $2,000 , aud to Julius El-
linger , of Now York , for $3,000.
The stock will bo sold to pay the debts.
IEin I'orsonal Kvpzi-icnco.
L. T. Harrington , ox-sheriff of Chautauqua
county , Now York , writes :
1 am glad to say , from a long personal ex
perience with AI.I.COCK'S Ponous PJ < ASTIK : ! < ,
that 1 am uble to endorse all the good things
th at have over been said about them , aud
supplement these by saying that I frankly
bcllevo their value cannot bo estimated.
Their breadth of usefulness is unlimited ,
and for prompt and sure relief to almost
every ache and pain that flesh is heir to , no
other remedy , in my opinion , cither external
or internal equals them in certainty and
rapidity. 1 have used them at one lime for
rheumatism , another for backache , again for
bronchitis , always with the saino result a
speedy cure.
Fining a Woman's I > . ; fcnilcr.
While George and Albert Palmer were in
a beastly state of intoxication Monday night
it is claimed they made a general nuisance of
themselves in the vicinity of Nineteenth
and Pierco. They tried to pick a quarrel
with every man , and Insulted every lady
they metand finally knocked a woman down.
Mr. E. Woldvino witnessed the last outrage -
rage and rallantly came to the rescue and
Knocked both brothers out In short metro.
Ho gave Albert a terrible beating and from
the frightful condition of the fellow's ' face
ho conic ! not have fared were at the hands of
Kullivun. The patrol wagon was called and
both the Palmers , Woldvino and Charles
lirowman , who hapoonbd to bo a spectator
wore arrested and taken to the lock-up. On
arraignment George Palmer , who struck the
woman was lined 10 and costs : Albert Pal
mer was lined V-JI5 , the chivalrous Woldvino
was assessed $ lf > and Urownmun was dis
[ Atlanta Constitution , March 17 , 1SS9.J
Animal 1'olnon.
The fearful lacreaso In mortality , result
ing from the bites ot rabid animals is alarm
ing , and the fact that there have been fatal
results from the bites of animals which had
exhibited no , signs of rubies , adds to the
alarm. The case In Walton county , Ga , , is
an instance. The poison was communicated
by the bite of an ordinary house cat , which
had never nccmed to bo mad. The reporter
heard yesterday of n rcmnrknblo case of a
lady who was poisoned by fondling and kiss
ing a poodle dog. The do' , ' hud distemper
and died of It and the lady's blood was
poisoned to a degree that her body was
broken out In great ulcers and sores from
head to foot. From a beautiful and healthy
woman she soon wasted to a mcro skeleton ,
MI He ring great agony. No treatment bene
fit ! ed her until on the 'JSth of February niin
commenced to laico Swift's Specific ( S. S.
S. ) which tit once begun to force out the
poison , ana she U now getting well rapidly.
Tlio Hoc llvarywlierc.
J. W. Hell , the Tenth street druggist received
ceived a letter from a friend la London ,
England , Inquiring as to his chances for
going Into prolltablo uuslneis la Omaha
The writer stated that ho had obtained Mr.
Dell's address by rending the want columns
.of TIIK MIK. This Is but u straw that shows
the territory covered by TUB HEK.
liut thin IK not nil. Mr. Hell has just re
turned from an extended tour to points
south , and says Tun HII : : Is the only paper
that was circulated in that territory. It was
also the only paper ho observed on sale at the
newsstands. At Now Orleans he got Tin :
HKI : as regular as at his business establish
ment la this city.
A valuable span of mules belonging to
James Wltalon , a grader of Florence , were
killed Muiuluy night by lightning during the
starm. The mules were In a tent near the
\vatcnvorlis plunu 4
Some IntcrcHtliif * Features About
Their Enlargement.
Mr. Hall , the local manager of the water
works , says that the new plant nt Florence
is to be opened for use July 10. The capacity
of the engines now in use is 10,1100,000 gallons
per day , while that of the Florence plant
will bo 30,000,000 gallons for the same timo.
As the latter quantity far exceeds the needs
of the city , only 15,000,000 gallons will bo
provided for.
The capacity of the now settling basins is
100,003,000 gallons , and the system is
so arranged as to furnish the
people with perfectly clear water ,
which cannot bo done by the limited capac
ity of the present plant. The old works will
continue In use the same as over. The res
ervoir at Walnut Hill is not , as. many people
suppose , the reservoir where the water for
the entire city is stored , but is part of what
is known as the combined direct and gravity
pressure system. The direct prc.isurflcomes
from the pumps In the waterworks near the
Union Pacific shops and forces the water di
rectly Into the mains. The reservoir at
Walnut Hill simply augments this force and
gives it greater regularity by the con
tinual pressure of a volume of water into
the mains. It is the only satisfactory sysj
torn in use , but still Is very rare owing to
absence of elevated places near most great
cities. This reservoir will also continue in
use as a governor for the water pressure.
The now plant at Florence will cost $1,2. > 0- ,
000 , and it is thought will meet the wants of
Omaha for an indefinite period.
Ford Ilrcatlica Frcoly Now.
John King , alias "Shorty Lacy , " the
young follow under indictment for illegal
voting , undertook to nluy false with his
bondsman. Patrick Ford , the officers and
everybody else. As a result ho now lan
guishes in the county Jail. Uy order of the
court , ho should have appeared before Clerk
Moores last Saturday morning and filed a
ronewnl of his bond to appear when wanted
nt the next term of court , but ho failed to
show up. Consequently Mr. Ford forfeited
all claims as security and started out to
make a search , Ho looked around Saturday
and Sunday for him but could find him In no
place. The Third ward politician was much
worried lest ho should ho compelled to make
good the ? 200. IJut luck favored him last
evening. While Deputy Sheriff Lou Grebe
was at the depot ho spied King getting ready
to lenvo for Council Bluff * on the first
train and arrested him. Ho was turned over
to Joe Miller at the county ] uil.
This powder never varies. A marvelftf purity
btreiiytu and whole.someness. iioro economical
than the ordinary KlmiH , and cannot bo Hold In
competition with the multitude * of low cost.
bhortYVoluutalumor phospna'.u ponulera. Sold
only in cun * . H rai lluklnt ; Powder Co12 < J
\VaiUtreet New Vork.
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Inconiorated by tha U-slslaturo in HM" . to
Educational and Charitable purposes , and Its
franchise made a purt of the presout State Con
stitution , la IBTSi , by an overwhelming popular
'jVsMAMMOTH DRAWINGS take plnco Seml-
Aimiuilly ( Juno and December ) nnd Its O HANI )
each of the other ten mouths of the year , und
are all drawn In public , at the Academy of
W lisle , New Orleans , La.
for Integrlti/ Jta Drawlmjn and
Prompt raj/mcnt of 1'rizcs.
We do hereby certify that wo supervise tlio
arrangements for nil tlio Monthly ana Seml-An-
nual liiawlnusof the J.onlMuna btato lottery
Company , and In peron managu and control
tno Drawings themselves , and that thu same
uro conducted with honesty , fairness , nnd In
good faith toward all parties , nnd wo nnthorlzo
tlio company to use this certlllcato , with fac
similes of our signatures attached , In Its adror-
We , the undersigned Hanks and Ilnnkers.wlll
pay all I'rlzun drawn In the Louisiana Stnto
Lotteries which may 1)0 presented nt our coun
ters :
R. M. WALMSLEV , Prcs. Louisiana Nnt.Ilanfc
PIKHRK LANAMX , I'res. State Nut. Itank.
A. IIALDWIN , I'res Now Orleans Nat. Hank
CARL KOIIN , I'res Union National Hank.
At the Academy of Music , Now Or
leans , Tuesday , May 14th ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000
100,000 Tickets nt Twenty Dollars each
Halves , 810 ; Quarters , $5 ; Tenths , $2
Twentieths , $1.
i PHIX.K OK eitm.W ) is . tinoono
i I'Rixi : OK KO.IKX ) i . iiw.ono
1 I'RISSH OK Ml. " 00 la . UOX >
1 riti/.i : OK : KOOJIB .
2 I'Hl/JiS OK ID.itOOiS .
f. PH1/.KS OK fi.10.JlH. . . . .
2/i / I'RI/.ES OK l , ( lln . .
JIXI J'UI/,1'8 ( ) ! ' Hklure . . . HIOJ ) (
MX ) I'RI/.KS OK : Knro ) . . . . . n. < )00 )
600 I'UIKRS OK awnro . JOO.UK )
ArrllOXIMATION l'HI/lH : ,
100 Prizes of jx ) are . - . . 8 60,000
100 1'rlzi'H of IWOnre . IHi.OU )
1001'nzesof i-Vlnrn . W.OUO )
TT.IIMI.S'.U. 1-ltlKKH ,
nun PrlzfR ot Hill nro . JWJO
WJl'rizofiof flOjuru . W.WO
am Prizes , amounting to . JI.O.'il.WO
NOTKTickets drawing Capital Prizes are not
entitled tott-rmliml prizes.
ftfl'iw CI.UH RA'I any further Informa-
Ion ilnslreil. wrltu legibly to the nnderalKiied
clearly htutlniryour resilience , with Hlute , ( Oun
ty , h'trect and NIIIIIIKT. Miire rapid return mall
delivery u 111 bo u tiivd by ymir enclosing uu
envelope benrlni : your full address.
Address M. A. DAl.'PIII.V. Ne\vOil inn , La.
r .M. A. DAUPHIN , Washington , | ) . c.
lly ordinary lettercontalnlngMonoy Order
Issued by all Kxprvss ( onipnnleM , Nuw Vork
Kxrhange , Draft or Noto. VVo pay
harass on Currency ient to us by ix- :
l > ruisn in sums of S5 or ovur.
Addrsss Regis. oeJ : Letters Containing Cur
rency to
Nuw Urleun * , Lu ,
C ? f7 I\/I C" I\/I PJ C7 O That th'j payment
n n , Ivl t , Ivl t > c. n or the v\uv \ u
( Jl'AIIANTJ ii : > II ) ' Klll'll ' .S'AIIONM' 1U.SKS of
New OileuiiK mid the tlcLcts lire nl nod by thu
PreblOent of mi Institution liosu chaiteivil
right < aru ri'cosulr.eil In hlahnst roitrtx ; there
fore. Ufwaru ofill ImU.uliiii * or anonymous
ONlMlOLLAJt In thu prl < eof the xiunllest part
or friction of u ticket Itfrit'HU II V US In utiy
ilruwlnir. Anything In our na
b i.ii one dollar i a Mvniilio ,
I say , Ilrown. old boy , have you seen this
advertisement of Spring and Summer
Suits ? itet us RO around to-m arrow , and
have a look at them , Smith Imd ono of
their $ -j Milts last fall , and It was as good
u fit and i.ty lo as any $50 custom made.
Max Hoyer-Sstablishei IBCG-Adolph Heyar
Guiicral A onts < < > r
and JAS , W , SHRR
Story & Clark and Slioiiinpr-Bell ( fans ,
Write for C taiojjiiu.
. General and HERVOUE lIZEILITVi
/ JYTTO TR W akne . of Body.nd Minds t.llli
\J U EbJCJ ofErronorEicmoilnOldorYoucr.
Hotutl. Xtkl n4MIKII ( > fullr llrl r > 4. lloir ! .lirt > . " <
Hcr < * lbr > iljiKIMIMtl.Om > ni : < li\44 fillIo ( H'lur. '
ll > 4iillllill O.MII.J IIU K TUUTMm-ltxrllll la % d.j'
in li.llfiom 4 ! 'lull , r > rrll li , , ud lor l Cnltli.
Voi rinMrllrtktn nwk. r < ill irU tl . inJ t > ro r. nilld
Uoiitfi I , , , , mini IK\1 \ HltKKl CO. , jiutMtt ! , B r.
'o.HlTflyrurcil lulllli ( } lfv | lr.
lliirne' < ilrflri : > .M > iarllc IItil
Trtt .fikrnhlnl , ( l > j/iinl * .dllio
cltly an lri | | IH Hurl 1 ifi'iivuttlnt-
t ( > illnuniis ) ' ' W.I-wl li'lfi
ret fill. | ) ur.O > (0.
'A\0l4l f | lH * .
lit IT l > l n m im ' lit nrmi r | MJ' j > f ( IT } 'ttll'Mit'tt |
SODHN M1NF.IIAT. PASTIf.f.n. Which wora
awarded tlichtulitslilHtltietliin by a medlniljnry
at tlie International Exhibition at llrussels.hiiVM
proved to bo a llrst-class remedial nguiit In all
Catarrhs of the organs of respiration and dices *
BtHTlKN nNKUAj , PASITI.LKS are pro.
scribed by physicians In diseases of the lung *
mid cheht nniriiHthma. The benefit derived from
tlR-Ir use Is unsurpassed , and oven Inthemostj
chronic cases they hoothe , oase. and stlmulato.
ble to all slmlliir preparations , because they ara
a natnrnl remedy , an unadulterated product ot
IliuHpi-liiL'H , fontalnliiK In uu unillinlnlsln'il do <
Ereo ot nil sanative principles of these sprlnt'3.
pared exclusively tinder the suporvla.
Ion and control of W. STOKLTS5INU. M. I ) , ,
1C. 1C. Sanitary Councillor.
quailed as a solvent In coughs and catanhn.ovcn ]
In the most chronic cases. Their BUCC H Is utj-
lorromcdy In whooping-cough and dlplithnrla ;
In tlie former they lesion tli'n pamxyxiu of tha
attack , whtlo preventing Iho latter disease , \vhlclj
cannot take hold in a throat not ulfocted b
rrea ed value from the fact ot liavliiK a very
favorable Inlltienco upon the orpins ufdlges.
be kept In every homo. All mothers iiro rncom-
nu-iuled to uru their children ilnrlnt ; the cold
he.iNon to allow a pastille nlnwly to melt. In thclc
montliHWlillu nut on errands or lining to ncnool.
Kll-\ : MINEKAL PASTII.KS nr for sala
at nearly nil dnigglHts at fi'ie ' u box. Shonlil youe
druggist not keep them , kindly uddrttss the
Soden Mineral Springs Company'
( Limited )
10 Codnr Street. New York.
HKN nnUViilH.N nufctsi fully ImatoJ.
i"J ' : > I.Jl"i * ' ' "fMrl"'f. , , HoKIMiwU'iii'jr , ATcnlon to
Tu W .V ? u'l ' ' , " " ) ' ' " ' " ' I' ; " r nnr dlwato nl Urn limil-
r ss'A
iifcw , .
iin.l'.V.V ' ? , ru. yttt"r.tfoubloij wllli lee iri'iiiiMit evaciiB
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