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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; , WEDNESDAY. MAY 8. 1889. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS. All Over the Country They Opened Soft nnd Lower. THE CASH MARKET HARDENS. Jnlj AVlicnt Holding Up In Unfavorable ) llcnortu From AVIu- tcr AVIirnt Districts Pork Held Considerably Higher. CHICAGO pnonuoB MAUK.KTS. CHICAGO , May 7. [ Spcclnl Telegram to TUB Hnn.j--Tlio signal ncrvlco bti'lotln ' , this morning , pave Information of general light rnlns throughout the northwest , but not enough , us yet , to do much gooil , As Pills- burg wired , Inter In the day , "Our low barometer Is bringing us moro wind than water. " Private advices mentioned rain at iniuiy points In Dakota nnd Minnesota , but very few suiting orders accompanied these dispatches. Usually this Is the fault iound with bull news about the crops , they seldom bring buying orders. Hut In tins cue ; It Is the bears who are cautious.They report rain , but do not act as though they thought llicro had been ruin enough. Nevertheless , the local market , and , for that matter , the markets till over the country opened soft and lower. July wheat started In at 73 c , and sotd off to Ti c. This was JGJitfc below yesterday's ' closing range. The crowd was disposed to help the decline along , but the market was supported , and , In the ner vous state existing , caution WAS the governing sentiment. It did not take much buying to start prices up again , and values soon got back to nearly where they were yesterday , especially long futures. May and Juno were strong on the undorstiindlng that buyers were standing around ready to tnko everything In sight nt the slightest evidence on the part of holders to treat with thorn. As the day were away the cash etui ol the market continued to harden , whllo late futures remained about stationary. The closing quotation for May was Sc ; ) ; for June , 62 > c , and for July , 7S > V@ Mc. As com pared with yesterday , this shows a gain of * 4o in Muy , J o In Juno and a loss of lc In li July. After llrst decline , July worked up to J t S,3fc ( , which point was reached several limes _ } i during the session. Most of the business done was below ? SJ e , however , and It was not on n largo scale. In fact it was exceedIngly - Ingly light In volume most of the morning. The oycs of tlm traders were lifted to tlm okics , ns it were , and If the expectations of rain are not vcrillcd to n creator extent than they have been , so fur , operators will begin to take to their "cyclone cellars. " The un- favorablu crop and weather news Is not con- flned to the northwest. Thn winter wheat districts nro sending out bad reports oft drouth nnd of discolored wheat Holds. This t discoloration may bo the result of dry weather , or bugs , or both. Continued ft heavy shipments and tinner feeling in | J foreign markets , with dry weather generally prevailing , were in favor of the strength hero , nnd the decrease of 'i.VJ.OOO bushels In the quantity on ocean passage also contributed to support the market. There was no activity , however , in the speculative branch of business , which was principally of n local scalping character. Inspection re turns now show n continued improvement In grading , an will iipiicar from a reference to tlm quantities given above. Thu market ruled steadily firm all day , with occasional eymutomsof uneasiness among the shorts , but not decided enough to advance uriccs much. At the close the market was Iroui } 4 to J o higher than It closed yesterday. Onts were less active than yesterday , al though n fair to aggrceat o business was re corded. The feeling was easier in the main , especially in now crop delivery , which sold , 34 ( ' > 'ifc lower. A prominent operator who i'bcen buying recently was , to-day , n sel ler and the reports of rain in tlm northwest helped to depress prices. May sold down to S'-JJ-iXTij'jaXc , und July touched iUj c , after opening steady at 23)fc , though there was n final htnull improvement from bottom prices. Considerable Muy was sold in exchange for July nt-ftc premium for the latter. The re ceipts were liberal and the estimates for to morrow , only moderate , while the outward movement continues largo with moro than I:0,000 ! bushels withdrawn from store during the past two days. Oats to go to store bold ut 22Jf c , or about KC lower. lu provisions , yesterday's advance move ment wcs continued. Fortunately for the bull Interest , the receipts of hogs fell con- biderably short ot the number predicted , imd , as thcru was no particular desire to sell , the product ruled higlior , without creat ing any particular stir. The upward move ment was nlso remarkably steady , and at the adjournment pork showed a net appreciation tor the day of "Oc , lard of 5@T 'c and short ribs of lOc. CHICAGO IjlVE SXOOll. CHICAGO. May 7. [ Special Telegram to THE Hnis.1 CATTLE. Business was slow , and , whllo a few choice light cattle sold at strong prices , heavy and common cattle were very slow of anlc , and , In some cases , were quoted lower. A decline in the London cattle market , yesterday , cijual to $7.00(39.00 ( per head , dampened the ardor of exporters. The general demand for heavy cattle was very weak , and there were also many thin and common cattle sold Cu)10o ( ) lower ; and , nt a lato. hour , thcro were many lots which could not bo sold at lOc decline. Choice to extra beeves , $4.15C < J4.50 ; medium to good steers , 11150 to 1500 Ibs , * U.80@4.10 ; 1200 to iy.M ) Ibs , f..lW ) ( < ] 3.110 ; 050 to 1200 Ibs , KMO y.W ) ; slackers and feeders , * 2.50 ( < g . ii.lJO ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.7jjU ( ) > ; bulk , $3.40(5(3.00 ( ; Texas grass steers , fJ.COQ $3.26 ; corn-fed , { 3.00 ( < J3.05. HOGS Trade developed both activity and strength to-day , the pens being cleared at an early hour , at llgures Go and lOo higher than the quotations current yesterday. Of lute light hogs have not varied much In prlco , while heavy nnd medium weights were moro or less neglected and lower. To-day the up turn was principally with heavy nnd desir- nblo mixed. The northwest division sales ehoW stronger advance than in any other di vision of the yards , Hurllngton being the lowest. In a general way , heavy hogs nnd good mixed commanded Sound lOo more than wmlJ have been obtained yesterday , while light sorts sold witli barely 5 cents improve ment. Sales of sings nnd culls were at $ ' . ' .50 to JM.OO ; roimh io fair packing grades , M.o.'i to $ l. ( > 5 , mostly nt $ J.I > 0 ; good to choice paek- ing qualities f-l. 05 to'JH' , and shipping shapes of heavy and butchers' , M.OT > to M.70. Light mixed , $1.115 to $4.WJ ; heavy mixed , Jl.ilO to f4.l7K ( ; York light sorts , or avoragen around 170 or ISO Ibs , $4.75 to ? l.hO ; and . , strong weight , light or angular shapes , ol ) > S20 Ibs , down to M.70 , Packers competed j with eastern shippers for some of the best * hoes on sule and paid , In many cases , outside prices. FINANCIAL. New VOIIK , May 7. [ Special Telegrati to TUB HKH. | STOCKS Operations in stock' were" quito nctivo the llrst half hour tlili morning. This did not result In any altar ) turn in values , however , and prices for i llmo kout within narrow limits. There \va : not that general strength In the list noticei ut the eloso Monday. London prices caim Irregular and prices hero'ro rugged , will only J * or ? difference from last night. Tin two leading stocks were Atchlson and NIM Knu'liuul. The principal artlou during tin hour was an advance of U' per cent lu Man ! toba to 103 , 1 In Atchlson to 49 > , and I li New England to 45. Northern PaciJlo , pre forroj * pld % higher and Oregon Trunscon tlntmtal J { per cent better , whllo JLoulsvlll & Niuuvlllo lost l'cr Mlt- : Chicago Qu was tiovlcctod and O rangers were dull am little changed , The hour to 13 o'clock wa very dull , while the tlrm tone continued. SI Paul , Missouri Paciilo , and Heading wor were active than cnrly , the la t named yieU Ing slightly , At nootx prices were , on th \vlmo ! , a ' . -ilk' bettor than at the opening The closing hours of the session In stock \v * ic-irUcil by weakness , with ! ut iu a fo\V CCUlT.los. Tito b'.sl price of the day were those recorded before noon , nnd nt the closn nearly nil the ncttvo shares showed moro or less loss from the closing figures Monday. Hurllngton gold oft to 0"X , n not loss of } { per cent. New England wns sold frocly , losing nearly all the early nil- vance , closing but } f per cent better for the day at 4Atchlson went overboard nnd closed at 44M , or I per cent net loss. The other losses for the day wore % each In Louisville nnd Hock Island and ; Y per cent in Union Pacific and Heading. The total sa'.os were 210,790 nharcs. The following were the clotlng quotations : t ) . R.4s regular. 1KI' < Northern 1'RclHc. Vfl' ' { U. H. 4s coupons . .IM'il do preferred irt'l U.H.414S regular HK ; . ' < 0. .t N. W 1 7 ? < U.N.4SH ! coupons. 1W do preferred I3 PaclrtcB-ior Ml Kl N.Y.Uentrnl 10fl' < Ontml I'aclnc Mi l'.U. VK . . . . . 4 ClilcaioVAlton . . .132 Itock Island M Chicago , Hurllngton O.i M. ASU * ! 'i dopreferred IUO'4 I ) . . I\\V. . . . . . . tui : , St.Paul.Iomnha ! , llllnoKCcntriil . .11 ! 4 dopreferrcil Kl I. , II. , VW 8' ' } ITiilon 1'aclllo . . . . ni ! , Kntfas.V'rexax . . li',4 ' W..8t. It. .V V ! . ' > l.nko Shore ' ' doprof.irred 2S ? ; Michigan CV.itral Western Union JIlflMoiirll'aolllc. . . . 7J MONISV Easy nt2 (33 ( per cent. PIIIMB iMr.iiUANTiu : PAi'Bii 3 fJ5 ( f per cent , STKiii.iNoExciiixoR Dull , steady nnd un changed ; sixty-day bills , $1.87 ; demand , PUODUUIO .MAUKI3T3. Ciiic. no , May 7. 1:00 : p. in. close Wheat firmer ; cash , We ; Juno b'JJ o ; July , 73 7-10c. Corn Steady ; cash , 34Kc ; June , 34c ; July , ysj c. Oats Steady ; cash , 22 c ; Juno 23 1 ICc ; July , 23 5-100. Uyo-41e. Hnrle.v Nothing doing. Prime Timothy tl.IKl. Flux fl.M. Whisky 81.03. Pork-Firm ; cash , $11.80 ; July , * 11.00. Lard Steady ; cash , Kl.srjf ; July , ? ! . ! . Flour Steady and unchanged ; winter wheat , $ i.004.)0 ) ; spring wheat , $ l.iO&5.75 : ; rye Hour , $ 'J.40rt2.00. ( Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , fr > .25@5.DO : short clear , J0.23Q0.37U ; short ribs , ? 5.)5 ) ( SU.OO. Uuttcr-Lower ; creamery , 12k\lSc ; dairy , 10@17c. CficUso Dull : full eheddars nnd Hats , 7@7 } c : Vounir Americas , 7@7Jfc. KgRS Unsettled ; fresli , ll@12o. Hides Unchanged ; heavy and light graen suited , GJjfe ; salted dull , 4jfe ; green salted calf , Cc ; dry Hint , 7c ; dry salted , 7c ; dry calf , 7ffl > jc ; deacons , 25o each Tallow Uncltnnged ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4c ; No. 2 , 3 > fo ; cake , 4 , ' < fc. lccclpts. Shipments. Flour . 17,000 17,000 Wheat . 13,000 71,000 Corn . 218,000 3ir,000 Oats . 249,000 83i,000 Now York. "May 7. Wheat Receipts. - ; exports , 4,01)0 , ) ; spot market moro nctivo and steady ; No. 2 red , S3o in store ; 8JK@S4o nlloat ; SlJfljJSS&c f. o. b. ; un graded red , S3J4V'Jl > c ; options dull and irregular ; May , bile. Corn Receipts , 83,000 ; exports , CS.OOO ; snot market stronger and In good demand ; No. 2 , 43 d4y o In elevator ; 44f@14 > o afloat ; No. ! i , 4'J' e ; ungraded mixed , 41 ( f4IJic ; steamer mixed , 43i ( 13' < ie ; options quiet. Oats Receipts , 01,000 ; exports , 1.000 ; spot market llrm and in good demand : options quiet and lower ; May , 29c ; July , 29c ; spot , No. 2 , .white , 34Xg ( te ; mixed western , 2S @i2c. ! ColTco Options barely steady nnd 10(7120 ( points down ; sales , yti)05 bags ; May , $ li.7 ( < i @li.SO ( ; July , $ UUG@17.05 ; spot Rio , steady ; fair cargoes , ? 1S.75. Petroleum Firm and quiet ; united closed Eggs In good demand ; western , Hc. Pork Quiet. Lard Stronger butquiot ; western steam , 7.3 ; May , S7.24 asked. Uutter Dull and weaker ; western 9@21c. Cheese Scarce and strong. Milnncaiiolif , May 7. Sample wheat steady ; receipts , 113 cars : shipments , 72 cars. Closing ! No. 1 hard , May , 97c ; July , 9Sc ; on track. l)0 ) ® ! > So ; No. 1 north ern , May , 8S } e ; July , 8UJ < fc ; on track , 8DJWc ( ) ; No. a northern , May , 77c ; July , 7Sc ; on track , 7879c. St. IjouiH , May 7. Wheat Lower ; cash , 77@77J.fc ; May , 't'lfc. Corn Steady ; cash , 31 J c ; May , Oats Firm ; cash , 23c ; May , 2 Pork Firmer nt ? 12.2.ri. LardIMominnlly strong nt fO.CO. Whisky Steady at $1.02. Uutter Lower ; creamery , 17@l c ; dairy , , May 7. Wheat Steady ; casti , 77Xc ; July , 7S c. Corn- Steady ; No. a , 33J ( a34c. Oats Steady ; No. 2 , white , 27 > < jC. Rye Firm ; No. l-14Jfc. Uarlcy Firm ; No. B , 57@57i c. Provisiona Firm ; pork , Sll.b7K- Cincinnati , May 7. Wheat Scarce but firm ; No. 2 red , S3c. Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 37c. Oats Quiet but llrm ; No. 2 mixed , 20 ® Whisky Steady ntSl.02. Kaiisnn City , May 7. Wheat Steady ; No. 2 red , cash,70Xc ; No. 2 soft , cash , 70o ; July , Olc asked. Corn Stronger ; No. 2 cash , 30 c bid ; No. 2 mixed , 27o asked ; No. 2 white , cash , 20o asked. Oata No. 3 , cash , 20c. STOCK. Clilcnco , May 7. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 0,000 ; market slow nnd easy ; beeves , J4.15@4.50 ; steers , f3.40@4.10 ; stackers and feeders , f2.fiO@3.GO ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , $1.70@3.40 ; Texas steers , . . Hogs Receipts , 12,000 ; market higher ; mixed , * 4.r,5@4.75 ; heavy , $4.GOi ( 4.70 ; light , ? I.CO ( < i4.S5 ; skips , U > 0@1.40. Shecji Kecoipls , 7.00J ; market weak but steady ; natives , $3. 00 J { ! ) . 00 ; stoekers , $3.li5 : . " .IO ; westerns , $ : ( .4WJ4.SO ; Texans. $2.55 § I.S5 ; lambs , $4.00 ( 5.i50. KnuHnn City , May 7. Cattle -Receipts , 4,000 ; shipments , 90'J ; markol ( inn and higher : corn -fed , 'I.OOQ4.1U ; stackers and feeding steers , t2.00Cl2.CO ; cows , fl.75-ri.OO. ( : Hogs Receipts 11,000 ; shipmcnls. 400 ; market tinner nnd higher : good to choice , J4.43feJ4.50c ; common to medium , $4 2it ! 4.40. National Stock Y.mli , ICant St. IjoiilH , May 7. Cattle Rocolpts , 2,400 ; shipments , 100 ; market hither ; choice heavy native steers , $3.90ti l.r > ( ) ; fair to good , UO@I.OU ; Btockors and feodern.J.2li@.t.-J5 ; rangers , corn-fed , $ 'J.t > OCc. 3.GO , grass-fed , W.OO 02..iO. Hoga Receipts , 5,100 ; shipments , 1,300 ; market strong ; choice ho.tvy nnd butchers' selections , f 4 .13(31.05 ( ; packing , M.40@4.50 ; light grades , fl.60@l.(10. ( . , . . . Hogs Uocoipts , 1,001) ) ; market stronger ; light nnd mixed , $4.35@4.50 ; heavy , $4.37K OSIAUiX IjlVK UTOUiC. Cut tin. Tuesday , May 7 , 18S9. The demand was the best for light and Udy little c.ittlo which sold stronger , while oUier grades went at about stonily prices. The p.ickcrii and shippers bouglitquito freely ami the market was fairly active. A bunch of cattle was weighed uuat-1.10 which was n part of the bunch gold lu the country last \veoU , some nl [ which were weighed up yea- tcrday. The bulk of the steers sold at $3.X ( ) ( ii.vK ; ) . There were no especially now foa- lures in the market for butchers' stock.whlch wns In light nuppl.v and good damantt and sold ut llrm price * , The cows sold at n ranfO of f2.00@3.23 , but mostly nt $2.70 < < ? 3.00. A fuw stocltcrc and feeders uhangoil hundt > , but there were not onpugh good ni- lives on Bale to cut much tlguro In the trade. Some pretty decent little stackers brought Hoys. .There wu an Improvement In thu demand for hogs nnd prices advanced a shade to 5c. C'halcolight lings uncl butchers' weights sold ut $4.40 and the packers bought the heavy nnd mixed loads readily at S4.UJ ; < (3 ( 4.H7 > . An early clearance wus cltcctcd , the hogs being all sold and weighed up before noon. _ _ 'Hhf | i. The flm.-'lon remains unchanged so fur as tUU tuuikui U coDcurtied , Thuro were two load * of light lambs only fair , nnd two loads of good nattvo NobrasKft Bhecp. The demand continues good with the supply short nnd the packers say they nro willing to pay such p Ices that no one can afford to ship by here. The sheep which averaged 81 pounds sold at f I.CO. ' _ rtccolpts. Cattle . 2,100 Hog * . 3,200 Sheep. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4CO Provnlllnjf Prloci. , The following It nt.iblo of prioai paid In this market for the grades of stock men tioned : Pnmestccrs , 1300 to 1530 Ibs. . .83.70 ( $4.00 Good steers , 1250 to 1450 Ibs. . . 3.70 ( < * .3.90 Good steers. 1050 to 1300 Ibs. . . 3.50 © 3.70 Ordinary to fair cows . 1.90 ( ( 2.40 Fair to good cows . 2.40 ( V43.CO Good to choice cows . 2.00 Cholco to fancy co vvs , heifers . . a.OO ( tf 3.20 Fair to good bulls . 2.00 SO Good to choicobulls . 3.W ) ftt3.00 Llghi stoekers and feeders. . . . 2.70 ( i : i.OO Good feeders , 950 to 1100 Ibs. . 3.00 M3.30 Fair to choice light hogs . 4.35 @ 4.40 Fair to choice he.ivy hogs . 4.35 ( ( § 4.40 Fair to choice mixed hogs . 4.30 4.37 * Fair to medium native sheep , . 4.00 ( yl.i5 ; ; Good to choice natlvo sliccp. . . 4.5J (7t4.75 Fair to choice western sheop. . 3.5'J ' @l.75 Shorn sheep . 3.00 ( n4.00 ! Ki'rCKcnt\tlvo | Snlus. STRUU : . No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 7 1171 $3.25 22 .1115 $3.05 8 102'J .3'J 85 120 ! 8 05 5 1153 8.40 71 .12(15 ( 8.05 20 11 111 ! 1.40 r,2 , IU'5 ' 8.05 1125 8.43 " 0. . . . 1292 3.05 053 3.4b 40 . .14J2 ( 3.03 so 1031 3.45 Jill 1U21 3.07J4 23 1)44 ) 8.45 18 MIS 370 18 lllli 3.5' ) 65. 1310 8.70 17 1107 11.50 1. 1120 3.70 0 1115 3.50 18. 1353 3.70 7 UH 8.50 18.M. . i o , 3.70 in 1350 3.50 10 1870 8.70 is 1100 3.55 1(1 ( 1251 8.75 10 12IM 3.55 18 12J-J 3.75 11 1010 3.55 10 12)0 : ) 3.75 20 1113 8.55 19. HI ; i 3.75 20S ) 114S 8.00 19. iosi ; 3.75 ' 12 5 3.00 17. 1327 3.75 iii ! ! ! ! ! ! HSU 3 CO 33. 1423 8.77K ! i 1182 3.C.O 1415 3.77K 21 112. } 8.00 19 MOO 3.80 20 1115 3.00 00 1830 3.H5 10 HL'O 3.C5 10 .1137 3.00 COWS. . 8SI 2.00 12 . 933 2.85 .1220 2.25 1 . 010 2.b5 . 875 2.25 1 .105(1 ( 2.90 .1213 2.40 3 .1243 2.90 .11SO 2.50 10 .1180 2 95 0. . 951S 2.55 8 .1110 2.1)5 ) 2. .113) 2.03 1 . 700 8.00 0 .lOlri 2.70 1 . 1030 8.00 20. . 848 2.70 8 .1220 8.10 5. .1121 2.70 11 . 9'JJ 3.20 .111X1 2.75 5 . S02 3.20 . 921 2.SO 1 1030 3.25 .10S-I 2,80 HULLS. .13.10 1.95 1. .2060 2.50 .1200 2.00 1. .1120 2.50 .13J5 3.0 , ) 1. 1050 2 00 .120(5 ( 2.10 1. .1800 2.00 .1525 2.10 2. .1075 2.00 .1050 2.15 1. .11150 2.0) .1010 2.25 3. .1330 2.75 3.S. .1 00 2.40 S. .1705 2.75 .1390 2.50 1. .2230 2.90 HTOCKKUS. 0 CRT 2.03 III 700 3.05 2 705 ! I.K ( ) 14 717 a.10 a 040 a.oo i sao rcr.Dr.U3. 2 CSO 3.10 a 013 JI.15 cvxxnns. 1 070 1.05 ' . ) S03 1.05 CALVES 2 105 4.00 a 117 4.60 ISO 2.00 0 757 3.15 020 2.50 STAQS. 1100 2.75 IIOOS. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 39. , 40 § 1.80 48. . . 323 $4.35 03. . .2.T3 . 120 4. iK OS. . . .350 80 4.35 ( it. . .259 120 4.32 J * 57. . . .270 80 4.35 OS. . .218 40 4.32 J < f 74. . . .20 4.85 09. . .240 SO 4.33)4 ) 47. . . .275 4.35 01. . .2S7 60 of. . .214 - 4.87K 09. . .202 SO 14. . .cOJ 105. . .357 320 51. . .23-2 4.37K 28. . .827 100 i.i5 : 53. . .317 100 4.87 < f 15. . .310 4.35 03. . .280 100 4.37if 0 . . .230 120 4.35 CO. . .2)8 ) 4.37 09. . .249 120 4.a"i 51. . 80 59. . .201 200 4.35 02. . - 437 69. . .2SG 120 ' 0-i. . .239 40 07. . .245 80 4'.35 139. . .235 40 4.37J * 70. . .232 SO ' 75. . .235 120 4.37 (17. ( . .243 80 4.'n3 37. . .212 4.40 30. . .314 40 4.85 40. . .197 4.40 38. . .810 4.33 00. . .271 100 4.40 03. . 257 120 4.85 29. . .209 4.40 05. . .250 4.35 20. . .205 4.40 71. . .345 80 4.33 35" SOli 4.40 53. . .200 4.35 73. . .233 120 4.40 71. . .239 80 4.35 75. . .2./J 120 4.40 71.Mi. ( . . .24S 4.35 52. . .312 83 4.40 07. . .271 40 4.35 00. . SO 4.40 50. . .290 4.35 lincl'Cattlo. Showing the highest and lowest prices paid for beef and shipping steers on the days indicated during tno past three years. Sales of cattle in less than car load lots not in cluded. A TII1IEE YEA11& ' COVl'AWSOX. | April 1KS3. | April Ib87. I Aiirll IKt-a. IVO | HtOClC NutCH. A better hog market. Liuht cattle stronger. A few sheep on sale. Cercsco was represented by J. H. Ken ncdy , who came in with cattlo. Arthur J. Smith was lu from Craig with a car of hogs. William Hays shipped In cattle nnd hogs from Valparaiso. W. U. Pratt , of Arapahoc , was in with cattlo. L , \V. Dcnton , Waterloo , put In an appear ance with cattle. J , D. Uownor , Lexington , brought in cat tlo. tlo.Ed Ed Klnsolln , Panama , la. , was in with a car of cattlo. L. H. Pulmstcr , Wilber , marketed live cars of cattle. Henry Wehrmau , of Nelson , sold three cars of cattle. A. J. Miner , Nelson , marketed two loads of hogs. F. H. Parks , of Huncroft. was on the mar ket with n load each of cnttlo and hogs. A. C. Stowolf , Cedar liaplds , was on the market with cattlo. H. F. Morgan of Falls City , was in with his llrtt shipment of cattle to this market. II. A. Nolto , a regular Klkhorn shipper , was on the market witli cattlo. J. I3uck , a regular shipper from Crete , was on the inaruct with cuttle and hogs. John Moss , cattle buyer for G. H. Hammond mend & Co. , has returned from a visit to Chicago. W. C. Swurtz , Silver City , catno in with four cars of cattlo. OMAHA WHOLiKSAhE MAUKKT3. I'rntltioe , KrulH , Etc , Produce is arriving freely , nnd prices for spring vegetables are lowering daily. Huttor. eggs nnd cheese nro weaner , with a declin ing tendency. Hides nro lower and market very dull. Uurruit Table dairy , 14@10c ; Hackers' Hlock , 7 ( < J10c. Creamery prints , fancy , 23 (82.10 ( ! choice , 18@iOc : ! solid packed , . ICoos Strictly fresh , 10@12c. CiirtKsB Young America , full cream , 13c ; twin Hats , ! 2c ; off grades , 8@10c ; Van Ilos oui UJuui. f 11.00 peraozeuj sap sago , lUo ; brick , 15o ; HmburgcrvtSct domestic Swiss , per Ib. Afi'LES Cholco , f&2aSf3.50j common , 11.75 (32.25. ( UTJ xi STiiAWiir.nRins Per case , 84 qt , $3.000 4.00. 4.00.OIIAXORS Fancy Wasdilncton navels. $5.00 ( $5.25 ; Hlvcrsldo , f3.00fc3.25 ; fancy paper rind St. Michaels , W.751 M ; fancy Duarte Mediterranean sweets , f2.75(5ie3.25 ( ; fancy bright mountnms , $2.352.75 ; Los Angeles ( Cholco ) , i3.35$2.50 ( ( , i CocoANtm Cholcp llualans , per 100JI.50 ! less than 100 , .00. " ' ' ' IU.SANAS Acconllnc to size of bunch , { 1,50 © 3.50. EAIILT Vr.or.TAiif.fta Lettuce , per dozen hondn , 25@30c ; radishes , per dozen bunches. 10$15c ( ; green onions. I3v < ei5o ; parsley , 35 ( < 5 80o ; soup bunches , 33(31400 ( ! beets , 53fiOOc ( ; carrots , 50@55e : tumlps , 5035c ; oyster plant. SOfrtSSo' celery , S5cgl.Ki ( ( : i-nuliflowcr , tl.75@3.25 ; cucumbers. 50@iXoJ ) green peas , bu boxes , $3.00@3,25 ; string be.xns , > * bu box , $ l9Qfl.75 ; tomatoes , M bu , f l.75rj ( 3.00 : usparagus , per Ib , 5@10c ; plo plant , per Ib , 8@5o ; now potatoes , per Ib , 2Jsf@3c ; cabbage , 2Jr3c FIUSII : FISH Whlto fish , frozen , per Ib , 7c ; herrings , frozen , per Ib , 5c ; trout , fresh caught , per Ib. 9owhlto ; perch , fresh caught , per Ib , 7c : buffalo , fresh caught , per Ib , 7c : pickerel , fresh caught , po:1 Ib , So ; black bass , fresli caught , per Ib , lie. IJi'ASs Choice hand picked navy , $2.25 ; choice luuid picked medium , $2.00 ; choice hand picKcd country , $1.75(181.90 ( ; clean coun try , * 1.50T ( < ! 1.05. POTATOI : Cholco. sacked , per bu , 25@ , " > 0c. Vi\i. : Choice , medium size , 7Q8o ; choice , heavy , 4SOc. ( Ilini ! ! " , PKLTS , TAM.OW. KTC Green salted hides , 4i 5o ; dry salted hides , Cc ; dry Hint hides , 7o ; calf hides , 5i5Uo ( ; damaged hides So less : sheep pelts , green , each 25iil.OO ; sheep polls , dry , per Ib , 9 ( i2c | ; wool , aver age , 14i18c ( ; tallow , No. 1 , 8K@lc ; tallow , No. 2 , 2' (38o ( ; grease , white , greasp , ynllow , 2@2 > c. Ari'i.i : Utnruii 7c. CIDKII Bbls , $5 : hf bbls , M. HL'TTKIIIXi : 14rOl5c ( per 11) . M ti'Li : 12)h ) ( < t'15c ' per Ib. llosiiv 10y17o per Ib. PIICSIHVIS : : 9Ufi ? ! 0c iior Ib. Jii.i.ns : ! > KUAle ( per lu. X No. 1 , lSg30c. ( ULOCI : Tix Enp. Hcf'g , small pig , 23c ; bar , 29c. CoiU'KU Planished bailer sizes , 3Jc ; cold rolled , 80c ; sheathing , 80c ; pills. 80c ; Hats , iOc. UALV\NIZRH SiicKTluux Junlnta , CO ncr cent discount. 1'ATCXT PlANISH Kl ) IllOX No , 21 to 27 , A quality , per Ib. 10 > c ; No. 24 to 2 r.H < ] utility , ) c. For loss than bundle add J c per Ib. HOOFINII ( Host Charcoal. ) 1C , 14x20 , 112 sheets , S5.75 ; IX , 14x20 , 112 shoots , ? 7.UO ; 1C. 30x2f , 112 sheets , 811.00 ; IX , 2ux23 , 112 sheets , ? I3.50. SiitihT IHO.V No. 20 , $3.40 ; No. 27. J3.50. SOLDHJI Hoyt Metal Co'f half mid half in 1 Ib cases , per Ib , 10c ; commercial half and half , 15c ; No. I in bars , 14c. Tix Pi.vrr. ( Uest Charcoal ) 1C , 10x14 , 2i'i snoots. $0.50 ; IX , 10x14 , 225 sheets , 58 23 ; 1C , 12x12 , 225 sheets , { 4550 ; 1A , 12x12 , 225 sheets. S8.23 ; 1C , 14x2.1 , 112 sheets , $5.59 ; IX. 14x20 , 112 sheets , $3.25 ; IXX , 14x20 , 112 sheets , $10 : IXXX , 14x20 , 112 sheets , $11.75 ; 1C , 2r23 , 112 sheetsS13.20 , , ; IX , 2x28 112 sheets , $17 ; IXX , ! ! x3s'm , sheets. $20.00. Com 1C. 101 23.1 slil'ots $ , ! IlxC , 11x29 Vrf * l I : A VJ I WT , < WWtf iJlltliiT , V ' : rtV iIrtB. / , 11 t'J ! ! sheets , S ! : ICV'lOxCO , li5 ! shuuts , S'J.50 ; steel imils i , W. ' 0 ; stool wire nails , W.C5. SHROEDER' ' & DEAH , GRAIN , Basement 'Fir's ! National Bank , : i t reel , - Omalm Cities , Counties School District , Water Com panies , & .c. We nrc in the market for the purchase of round ainotiiits of such bonds. Correspondence solicited. H. W. KARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers , 115-117 Monroe Street , CHICAGO. 06 Dovonshlro Stront , BOSTON. NATIONAL BANK U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , N3B. Capital . 5-100,003 Surplus Jnn . 1 st , 1SS9 . 5i > ,000 OKFIi'KHSNI ) DIKECTOItS : IIKNUY . YATKS , President. LEWIS 8. UKKD. Vice I'resjlilant. A.K. TOUZALIN , W. V. MOHSK. JOHN 8. COr.LINB , H.C.OUSHINQ. J. N" 11. PJL'fltlCK. W.H.S. HUGHKS , Cashier THE IRON BANK , Corner 1-th and Farnam Sta. A General nankin Uuslns'urasajta I. n fl U n O leBUEDDYOTATIB , f | | | IMV J COUNTIES. CITIES , n 1 1 II 1 1 A 1 KIOOI .IIITIICTS. tie , W * sf II ftsf M . BOUGHT AND SOLD. Wo < ! ( ! In I.nnd ATnrrniili onil Rrrl | > , Arrllc blo to HnTcrntni'iit Ijkiul , and Tranuct Itnnklnc Corrcspoiiilcnce Solicited. S. A. KEAH 8 CD. , BANKERS , 100 WASHINGTON STRECX , CHICAGO , ILL , IU MOftDWAV. NtW YORK. MAM ESTABLISHED 185 ( ( 180 So. Chicago , Ills. ( ClarkSt Tbe Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Is still Treating with this Grwleit SKILL and SOGCESS Chronic , Neryons and Pilyate Biseases , -NERVOUS DHD1L1TY , Lett M.nhooci , Falling Memory , Exhauitlnp Dralni , Terrible Dreami , Head and Buck Ache anil all the cflect ! lc din to early decuy and fcihapi Consumption or Iniamty , tre ttU clcntlhcxlly by new raethods with ncver-failina luccrns. f SYPHILIS and Ml bad Blood and Skin Dll. caie * permanently cured. t.-f KIDNEYand URINARYomplalnU.Qleet , Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varlcocele and all dittaict of the Oenlto-Urinary Organt cured promptly without Injuiy to Stomach , KUncji or o'.her Orc n . air No cipcrlmcnti. ARC anil experience Im. portant. Consultation free end aacred. J a Send 4 cents pottage for Celebrated Worka oo Chronic , Nervous nd Delicate Uiieaxi. /SS Thoie contemplalinf ; Mairiage end for Dr. Clarke's celebrated Riildc Male and Female , etch 15 cents , both 35 ccnti ( slamn ) . Coniult the old Doctor. A friendly letter i.rcnll may save future uner > in and nharae , and add golden yean to life. X9llook "Llfc'n ( Secret ) Errors , " joctnu ( tamp > ) . Medicine nnd writings sent eter > whcrc , secure from exposure. Hours , 0 to 8. Sundays 9 In n , Address F. D. CLARICE , M. D.v IBG So , Clqrk St. CHICAGO. ILL * DRS. BETTS & BETTS 1103 TAIINAM BTUKKT , OMAHA , Nun. u ! 'uxton Hotel. ) Officu lioury , D a. in. to Hp. m. Sundays. 10 * ni. to 1 p m. ciie.'lullsts In Chronic , Norroni , Skin and Dlood Diseases. 8" < 7"foiiHUltnt.on nt olllco or by mall freo. Meulclnos sent by mail or express , ha uivly packetl. frJo troin observation. ClU'irnntcea to cura ( inlckly. s-nfclv an.l nermanuntlv. Ut"DvntT(3 " ( TlDntlTnVSpwiniitorrmpn. semi. KbnVUlJti UbljlLlll rnin.oyjos.NiilitKiiils. Ions , I'liysical IJeoay. nrlsltiK from Indiscre tion. Kxc9 or Indulgence , producing faleop- Ics.sn2 s , Dt iouilrucy , I'linpleH on the face , aversion to so"lety. easily Ulf.cour.igcd , Inclc ot conlldence , dull , uaUt tor ntuly : or bualness.nnd fliuls lifo n. burden , t-ately. permnncntly nnd privately cured. Consult lirs. Delta A : lletts , m KnrnBm St. , Omaha , Net ) . Blood and Skin DiscasB ssS'S.jAfijSRS ' rusults. complotelv crmUcatetl wltbout the aid of Mr-rcurv. Scrofula , Kryslpclnn , Fever Sores , Illntclic' , Olccrs , I'alns lu the Head und Hones , Syphilitic Sore Throat. Mouth and Tongue. Ca- titrrh.c. . . permanently cured where others have fulled. f/iiinnu ITniinnnnnd nladdcr Complalntg , alflnSV. Urilldly l'.ilntul. Ullll-ult , too fro- ilticnt Uurnlu. , ' or Kloody Urine. Urine hlfjn col ored or with" milky sediment on standing , Wt'ak Hack , nonnorrhiuo. Gleet , Cystitis. &c. , I'lomptly nndStvfely Cured , Churpca Keasona- movnl complete , without cutting , caustic or dilatation. Cures ellccted at homo hv patient without n moments pain or imnoviince. To Yoniiff Men and Middle-Aged Men , A tflTDDnlTDD Thu nwful cITects of early li uUilD UUllD Vice , which urings orgunlu weuknt'ss. do.stiovlnjhoth mind nnd boilv , with nil Its dreaded Ills , permanently cured. flDC ! EFT'TO ' AUre.H uiosu M no uayo Impaired UfllJ. UDilO themn'hvs by Improper Indul gences nnd solitary habit ) , which ruin both bodv mid mind , unllttlng them for business , Btmly or marrlaKO. . . . . . M AitniRU > Iix. : or these entering on that Imp- py life , aware ot physical dobllity , quickly as B1SIS ° - OUJl SUCCESS Is based upon facts. First T'rnctlcal Expe- rleuco. Second Every case Is espucittlly studied , Unit starting urlglit. Third Medicines are pre pared lu our Inoorntory exactly to suit each ens * , thus affecting cures without Injury. tSTVelid 0 cents postage for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous and Dclleato Diseases. Thousands cured , f T A friendly letter or call may save you futuio sulrerlnir. and shame , nnd add golden years to life. tsy No letters an swered unless accompanied by 4 cents in stamps. Addresso l on . onET.rg & KK 1103 Farnam Srloot. Omaha , eb. IMPORTERS JOBBERS TIN PLATE METALS , NAILS , HOUSE FURKISHINQ GOODS , 18 , 20 , 22 , 24 , 26 , 28 , 30 AND 32 LAKE STREET , CHICAGO , ILL. STRAM CLARK STEAM HEATING GO , Steam atfd Hot Water Heating and Ventilating i 'Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Hardware and Cutlery , loolt , FlnaBronxa Bitllilirs' Qo lt an-2 Bitfalo 1405 Douglas St. . Omaha. ETCHINGS , EMERSON , ENGRAVINGS , HALLET & : DAVIS , ARTIST SUPPLIES , KIMBALL , MOULDINGS , PIANOS A.ND ORGANS. FRAMES , SHEET MUSIC. 1513 Douglas St , Omaha , Agrloulturnl Implements. CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealerln Aplcnllnial Implements , Wagons Carriage. nd hn 1 . Jones ( < ! . between Vth smd lutli. Umttin. Stbrni * . /A7.VOB/l A .VBIXMLF1 CO. , Agricnlt1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages c. Wholesale. OnuOm , Nebrsus. . . PARLIN , ORENDORF , MARTIN CO. \Vholc l Donlonla Agricultural Implements , WagoasS Buggies POI..gU < M nml W7Jonoi street , Omaha. MOL1NE , MILliURX . .1SI ODD A RD CO7 Uanufiicliitors and jobborg In Wagons , Buggies , Rates , Flows Elc , Cor.Pth HDil 1'acinc Urcots , Omnlin. Artlota' Mntorlnlo. A. HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs , 1113 DotiglAi ilrcel Onmh * , Nebriukn. Boots and Shoos. llr. V. MORSE A TO. , Jokers of Boots nid Shoes , < 1101,110EI , 11U6 DnunUn ttrfrt , Ornnhft. Mono factory , Bummer Btroot , llcxlon. Opal , Coke find Lima. OMAHA COAL , COKE A LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Son Coal , KUfoutU HUli street , Omnlia , Nabrmk * . NEBRASKA FUEL co. , Snip s of Coal a d Coke , ail South 13th Et..Oini > b . Xeb. RIDDELL .t R1DDELL , . Storage and Coiiiinnsioii Mcrclianls , Specialties Iluitor , tgar , rhroso. poultry , game. llPlliiwnnl ttruct Onntlm. Nob. Dry Goods and Notions. M. E. SMITH ACO. . , Dry Goods , Furiiisiiing Goods and Notions 11IH and 1101 Doimlni. cor. lltli streetOiniiliii , N b. K1LPATRWK-KOCHDRY GOODS CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions , ( i nt * furnishing jjoodj. Corner Hlh and Uarucr trt'OlB , Omahn , Nebraska. JiELIN , THOMPSON & CO. , Importers and jobber * of Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , 11T Bouth 15th street. Furniture. DEWEY A STOKE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture FnrnftDi Mret't , Omaha , Nebrnik * . CHARLES SHIVER1CK , Furniture , Cmnhu Crocorlofl. PAXTOtr , OALLAitHER A CO. Wholesale Groceries and Provisions. 7U5. iVT , 7l and 711 South 10th lU , Otnsha , Neb. 'McCOTlD , IfRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers' 13th ana i-cnvenworth streets , Omaha , Nebraska. Hardware ir. J. UROATCH. Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , BprlDRB , nagon stuck , uardn-are , lumber , etc. 1203 and 1211 Harnoy Btroot , Onmha. LEE , CLARKE , ANDUEESEN HARDWARE - WARE COMPANY. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Uotnls , nhoet Iron. eto. Aeentu for llowo scale * . 31 lam I pOKilcrnnd Lyumn barbed wire * IJIMEUAUail ATAYLOR. . Build rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' tools nnd Ilutruln icntcs. HUi Uouglaj trcot , rjinatm. Noli. Lumber. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumlier , Etc , Iaeeort a and Arn.rlcan I'ortlnnd earnest. BtcM tMntfcrUtlwaukva Hydrauliccement nd Qulnc'y wliito lime. ' CHAS R. L.EE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood carpcti nnd parquetllnorltiR. Oth and Douglaa Jtruels , Omnba , Nob. OSTAltA LUMlTER CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale , IttD ( Street and Union 1't-clflc TractOmaha , LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Linnher , Lath , Lime , Sash , Door. . Klc. Yards-Cornet 7th and Douglas. Corner JOtb and DouirJa.i FRED W. GRAY. Lumber , Limy Cement , Etc , , Etc , Corner 6tu and Douglas Ht . Omaha. C. AT. DIE'fX. Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , 13lh anil California Streets , Omaha , Nebraska. Nlllllnory and Notions. / . OUERFELDER & CO. , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions at ) , 21U and 2U South lltli struct. Notions. J. T. ROUINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , _ tOJ and Ut bimth 10th Urce Toys. " H. HA RDY & CO. , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , Beoio furnishing Rood , clillrtr.n's carriage. , ! . ai/J funum Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINK CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Alia greaie. le. , Omaha. A. II. Uliliop. Mantgcr , PaporT CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a Dice tlock of prlntliik' , wrnpplna und rltln | paper. Hpeelal attention glrun tu tar loud order * . 1fh WF&K llPPU'i'irfrlnirrrrnithotf ' I IB WCAn M& Niiti < i.r > < > utiifui rr I BJ 111 Ea 1 ' < ' " ' rly dK > . Ktt irmnliuod. < ! * . 1 will M iiiT vnlimlilf Irivtlui iMaltili roiilalnlnu f" " | . * itlfii ) r > fur home cure , me or ClpROFF\'c''FOWLER \ ' , MooUue , Conn. l ° " Hiroofh errors or E III HII V VlUUn , ttd v > 'utlttVr. r L. iiiAiiLi r-tiftaljr iffinnj by the ner peilpn-DuireRernede | b ad lor our new llUiitfsteU Irra * tl > . > Unlut ticrcrVarlCO * role turnl without I'tlntrcptritlnn. Deelon-Dupre Cllnlquo , lulnincnt BL , Jio n..i sfinUCVai > ( laUurlnrirytroutlci easily , quick MLUlLi ly anil safely curud. byUOirn/llAC'ati fculoi. SeverolcuBus cured tn Muveu ilayi. 8oUl tl.WJper box , alldrugsUti , or by mall from Uo uraMf Co. lia WJnto ul , N.V. full illrucllonn " " 11 TiltrnirtCiTllKIMii'i knire l" 'klrr . KK.ntHUXlKl.B.D , IbU W b < U > UlV. , Cbll'tbli , JLU Boots nnd Shoos. K1RKSNDALL , JONES A CO. , Rurrcitort to Ileol , Jon s A Co. Wliolcsalc Mannfactnrcn of BootsS Slices Agent , for lloslon Khce Co , 1102. 1101 tnd UN ll rn r Btrtet. Om hn. Mcbr U . Browora. STORK A 1LER , Lager Beer Brewers , 11 North KlRhlcfolh > Uc U Om h . Cornlop. EAQL E COlTxiriE WORKS , Mann'actnrcrsofGalya'iizeil ' Iron Cornice Um-coi'S niul niotnlle rvtl gliti. Jolm Kticiiclcr. proprietor. lOHnnil llut-'iutli lOthstrael. _ _ Offloo ' " ' s iM.itoNDs' 'MA N UFA CTUR ixa co. Manufacturers of IM , Ofllcc anfl SaloonTtxte Unnllo , SMohimMii. nook C ps , limn H t rci > , WAI ! n p , l'attltUini. Unlllnk' , Oiuiitop.llcorniul Win * Coolers , Mirror * . WtoKBrt iry nml onirollOUnnilltSJ HoullHJtbHt..Om > liit. TcU-pliono 1UI. Pnpor Boxes. JOtlX L. WlLKtK , Propriclor Omalia Paper Box Faclory , No * . 1317 iJ 1319 Doiisldit itrrct , Omnhn , Ncl > . Sash , " jir. A. msiiRo\r \ A co. , Whol i > alfl m nufnclurcrs of Sasli , Bool's , Bliafls and Monlflinss , llr one h > jC\cv , irth nnil Iinnl street OmKlia. Xcb. MANUFACTURING CO. , Mannfactnrcrs of Sasli , Boors , Blinds , MouMlncs rliilr-nnrk nml Interior tisnl nooil llnlth. N.K. corner 8th nnil - atrxtMn , Uniaha , Nvli. STllAXli A CLAHK STKAM IIKATIA'U 00 Pninps , Pipes anil Envies , Steam , watrr , rnllwnr nml mining Mipullei , eta , KU , IU2 amim hirimm moot. Onialin. 17. S. WIND ENGINE PUMP CO. , Steam anil Wale1 * Supplies , wind mill * . VIS nnd Ml Jones Bt Omaha. U. V. Hots , acting /iinniiKer. Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , IlietHrou work , ntcnm punip , n\v mills. l.cntenwotlli itirut , Umalia. Iron Works. STEAM noium WORKS , Carter A bun , Prop > . Miiiiiifnctuicr of nil kinds Steam Boiler ; Ta'ifa ' and Sheet Iron Work \Vurk Sotitli ajtli anil U. A M. croialni ; . Tel. 1115 PAXTOX& VIERLINO UtON WORKS' Wrought and Cast Iron Bni ding Wort Knclncn. brnm work , xcnernl foundry , mnrhlnc oul blacKSDiltli work. Ollico nml wurku , U. 1 * . lljr. nna litli Blrool , Uiuaha. O f lII l WIRE A IRON WORKS , Mannfactnrers of Wire and Iroa Railings' Ue k rallK. nlnclongnnrili ! . ilower slnnilv nlroaliini. tc. laKurthUitliBtrtct. Omaha. OMAJlSAFE lRON WORKS , Hanl'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proif Safes , Jnll woik , Iron alinttora and ( Irn e cupo > U * Aiidroeu. prop'r. Cor. HtU atid Jaekeun Bis. SOUTH OMAHA . UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , ,0 } \ \ S mi TH lTl-I CHICAGO SHORT LIB OK THK Chicago , 'MiIv/aukee / & t , Paul R'y. The Best Route from Omnlin nnd Coimcll HlulTs to EAST- TWO TIIAINS I > AHV liUTWKKN OMAHA AND COU.NCII. III.UI' Chicago , AND- Milwnukco , 81. 1'atil , Minneapolis , Cedar Itiutlrts , ' Itock Isliiud , Frecport , Itocltfonl , Clinton , Dnbiiquc , Vnvcnport , Elgin , Madison , JnncsUlIe , liclolt , > VInonn , Ln Crossc , Aod nil other Iraporlnut tnln SCast , Kortlicutt naff huuthcntt. For thruncb tickets , call nn tlio ticket nzentntlMl Fnrimin nlrccl. In llnrkur lllocor nt Union 1'ailtlo Drpnt. I'nllmaii Sleepern nnd the tlnc't Dlnlni ; Curs In tlis ) wurlil nrurun on the m.iln line ot tlio tlilciuo. Mil * > raukce A Kl. I'aiil Itnllnuy. nml ovorjr nUcntlon I * pHld to pnjsciiKcra lij courtauus uuijilorcs of th cuwnnnr. U. MII.LliltUencrnl ilnniMjcr. J. K. TUCKllK. Assistant Uenornl Munnccr. A. V , 11. UAlil'UNXlSll , Ucucrtl Tussengar nn Tlcknt Ai ; nt. ( ilEO. K. 11KAKKOHD , Assistant ( lancratl'uieDItf und Ticket Acent. T. J. CIjAKK , General Superintendent. "IIOCTOIC C. M. Jordan I.nlo of the UnlvorHlty of Now York ( .lly nni | I low rd I 'nlvcralt y.wabh. Inuton , I ) . C IIAH OKKICI'S No. U 10 anil till Kaluga HutlilhifTf rritterntli and liar Kts. , Omiiha , No ! ' . all curahlo cuso mo treated with mil rene. ASTII'M , J VHI'KI'StA , DKAP. MHH. : KIIKUMATISM , AM < Nr.uvouH AND SKIM DlhKthFB. CATAIIIIII fuiiKii. CONHUI.TATION nt ollico or hy mall , II. Olllcti houiM-Uto 11 u. in.ito4 ! j ) . in. , 7 to 8 p. m . Sunday olllce hours from 0 a. m. . to 1 n. ni. ManydlBeasm are treated successfully by Dr. Jordon throuu'ii the malls.und It Is thus poisiula for thosn uuahle to innkii n journey to obtain HUCCIUMI'Dlj , IIUSITJ'AL THKATMItNT A'i1 T"'ml'forfimtfk' ' on Ulsensos of Nose , 'I' .roat. M. M. llnmlln. I'hicnlxliiH. Co. H. A Orchnnl , Cnrjiet Joaler. John S-'helhy , Uruevr. John IlliHh , ( jIlyTreimircr luc 1,1-iuor Ilnbll , I'liMlllnilf ( ! nred by AdmliilHiorliiic l r. llnluciT { oldru Hpeninr. Hciuibe ulvcn na cup of coiroi or In artl cles ot food , \\ltlioiit thu Icnowludifo ° t tha' pa > lent ; It In iilihciltiuily hnrmiens , and will ef fect u iicriiiimi'iit ami oputilycitri ; . whether tha pullont Is a moi'.iT.Ua drlukor or nil alcohol wreck. IT NKVUlt I'AII.fl. Over IOO.OQO drunkards Imvu licyii mndotuinpcratu mvii wlio have taUrn ( loldrn Spcrlllc In Ihelr coiroo witli- out tlmlr knorth'diic , and today boliovii they quit ilrlnkln ; ; nt lh"la iivvn ucc.'ird. 4) ) puiia book of partlciilitrs fivin Knlin A : Co , nuentu JMIi iilKlHou liiHHts , IHh nml Cumlng ttteot , Omalm. Nil ) : ( .Vtincll llluffH , lo'.v.i : A > jeiit < , A. FoHteri ; llro ME 770SLI ) C'JOET TO EHOW : IV , Tlio wnrlA otiKlit I' ) know \iliat K , 8. Hta3 done for me In the euro olu nialljrnaiitCnr.cfr , nlilcli vus eo hail c * lo ho c'iulicrcd : ! Inciiri. l > ! o liy llio iilijtlrlonr ) tu CUcitjiOvlicru L \\ciitiolio trcatul.Or.o of my ncllilors ( ; ocr.t ttfiuirnt In rcurd to , mid 1 Ill-Ban lulhi'll. : [ I > ; ot rilicffroinlliciirstfuiv doc * ; Ihu [ KiUont ( jrmlually forctdout of my rjitcui. and I KJOU cured foiKid nnd wt" ' " I" "uvv lnj'H.H.B. nnd I hud 110 tl 'ii of rcluin of Ihv dtciilcl ( : dUcutc. Mn . ANN Au KMi , Kiel ) . , Dec. 30 , 'SS. fitnd for boo'ie on Illtxx ) I ) > cac ninl Canccri , mailed frtc. , , TiiKBwirrKi'/oinoC'o. * - * * Uranvr3.Atlaula.Ua. , PCNNVIIOVAI < WAI'KKB am \ RUcceuully utod niiiathly I ) ) ' over 10,000 Uullo * . Aru.S'a/e , Effectual and I'leaiant xTlioxbymall.nrat.lriiirKlits. Ktaled . Iiculari 'J fuflAge Btoniiid. A TUB 1'J/iuuii Cintuicii , Co. , DiiraoiT , Li'ni'nt't' ii'iil by mull V < y Cioiid ; uiin Oinitini ,